#i do feel kinda silly because it feels like i'm walking back some sort of big story thing
kerra-and-company · 2 years
Random ramblings about changes in my storyline below the cut, because I've been trying to rework this with my original ideas in a way I like it and I've finally decided to just switch things around.
Rhi, Tev, Ia, and Sindri are all next-gen sylvari kids that I have. Sindri is Rel and Trahearne's son, and the other three are Kerra/Canach/Nisha's kids.
The problem with that is simply that for all of them to exist right now, that timeline's really really tight, and that's a lot of kids to pop into existence right when you're finally on the tail end of a whole bunch of important life events. The romantic partners in question do indeed reach points where they want kids, but in terms of the trio in particular, I can't make that timeline make sense in my brain. I just don't realistically think it'd happen.
I really enjoy all of these kids (both their personalities and designs) and I do want them all to exist, but they officially no longer all exist in the same timeline. Rhi and Sindri are in the main timeline (where Kerra is commander), and Tev and Ia exist in my secondary timeline (where Cyp is commander).
This does change some story stuff around (in part with reworking how main canon!Cyp meets the squad), but I like this better overall.
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paddockletters · 2 years
I'm sick of it | jude bellingham
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request: yes / can you write one about bellingham where they argue all the time and she’s so exhausted about that so she cries and he confort her please? summary: You and Jude are tired of arguing all the time, but he realises he's been a jerk so he tries to sort things out with you. pairing: jude bellingham x reader warnings: angst, fluff words count: 1.4 k author's note: kinda short but i hope you like it! just to let you know again, english is not my first language so pardon me if there are mistakes —feel free to tell me—
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The last few weeks have been rough for you, Jude, and indeed for your relationship.
It hasn't been the best because of some small or silly reasons—for you, it’s not that silly, but for Jude, it is—you end up fighting, even over things that aren't worth arguing about.
One of those many arguments was over the fact that he had been hanging out with his friends lately. It wasn’t that it annoyed you at first because, of course, he has every right to do so, but you barely saw him at night when he came home just for dinner or to sleep.
You were upset because he wasn’t able to spend time with you; he was always out.
"Jude, you're never here; you never spend time with me. I don't even know when you're going out," you told him in annoyance. You were tired of the same old thing.
"Damn, you are so needy. I just want some time off..."
"I can't believe it, Jude. I'm not asking you to be with me all the time; I'm just asking us to spend time together like we used to. Watch movies, go out to dinner, but clearly, I don't see that you're interested. That's it. Honestly, I'm sick of it."
“Yeah, and so am I, and I think I want to stay away from you.”
“Oh, so now you don't want me around anymore?”
"Come on, I didn't say that."
"Jude, you just said that. You know I love you. I left my family, I left my friends, I left college to come here with you. You don't know how lonely I feel sometimes. I try to distract myself with online classes, even going out with the girls, but I also want to be with you. I want us to go back to the way we used to be," you said with tears.
"I didn't force you to come here." You couldn't believe what he had said; it hurt you to hear him say that.
"You know what? Forget it. I don't want to argue anymore and say something I didn't mean and might regret," you said as you walked out of your room and into the living room.
This fight led to the silent treatment, which has been the worst thing and a nightmare for both of you because you are both so proud. But certainly, you had reason to be angry after everything Jude said to you. You know that you can't escape conflict and that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. However, you and Jude were an imperfect couple that fit together perfectly; he treats you great, and you know that from time to time, you might disagree on some things, but it never escalated to a major level. You always fixed it very quickly.
You used to wait a few days to calm down and talk about the problem so that you could try to figure out what the matter was and how you could fix it. Despite the fight, Jude still tucks you in bed when you sleep, and you cook breakfast in the morning for both of you. Maybe you don't show your love with words but with actions.
From Jude's point of view, it had been hard for him to understand that somehow you were right and he was acting selfishly. While he hadn't spoken to you, it was to give you time because he knew you needed it after that big fight. He was also tired of fighting with you, so this time he wanted to fix things, fix what he said, and knew he shouldn't have acted that way. He was sorry because, yes, you had left many things in your country to follow him because he had asked you to. He was sure that he wanted, and in fact, he wants to continue enjoying achievements and defeats with you by his side.
Days after the fight, Jude arrived at your shared flat after training, ready to fix the situation because he didn’t want to lose you. As he walked in, the first thing he did was head to the living room to see if you were there, like you usually are watching a TV show or even a movie. However, you weren't there, which made him frown.
He headed to the small office, thinking maybe you were in an online class, but no, you weren’t there either. He quickly went to the door of your room and heard you sobbing, so he entered the room to find you under the blanket, your body moving because of your crying.
When you heard that he had entered the room, you tried to stop crying, but you were still sobbing a little.
"Baby..." you heard Jude coming closer.
"Hey, are you okay? Please don't cry; I don't like seeing or hearing you cry." Those words, instead of calming you down, made you cry even more.
"Go away," you said between cries, hiding more under the blanket.
"Baby, please, let's talk. I want us to work out whatever it is that's going on with us." You felt the mattress sink next to you.
Jude, seeing that you weren't responding, decided to start talking.
"Well, I apologize for how I have been acting and everything I said because I really understand that I acted like a dick to you when you didn't deserve it after everything you have done for me. I want you to know that I am very grateful to you. I think sometimes a discussion is necessary to understand each other and to make sure that we are communicating well, that we are expressing how we feel, and I didn’t take that into account in our last discussion, and I'm sorry for that.
"I want us to understand each other because that's what it's all about. We are in a relationship where we have to grow and learn. And I know that relationships are not easy, but they need some work on both sides, so I assure you that I will do my best."
By that time, you had stopped crying.
"Jude... I'm sorry too because I know we've been arguing about silly things that I sometimes start, but I'm really hurt by what you said. I want to fix this too. We should have the confidence to say what bothers us or what we disagree with without fighting. Like you said, that's what a relationship is all about: teamwork.
We have to do everything we can so that this argument doesn't happen again, and of course, fix and talk about what's wrong. Just like you, I will also do my part to avoid having fights. I love you, and I missed you, baby," you told him while hugging him and hiding your face in his neck. You immediately smelled his perfume, which calmed you down and gave you peace.
"I love you too," he kissed you on the head, and you felt him smile. "What do you say we go out to dinner tonight at that restaurant you love so much?"
"When we get home, we can watch a movie," you murmured into his neck.
"Or maybe something else to make up, you know," he told you as he smiled cheekily.
"Judeeee." You gave him a little punch in the abdomen.
"Babe, we have to recover lost time because you don't know how much I missed you— not kissing you, not hugging you, not touching you. I think there's no better way to recover lost time than making love," he said to you as he turned you around so he was on top of you and started kissing your neck.
"Jude..." you said as you moaned softly.
"I love you, baby. You really are the best thing that ever happened to me," he said as he looked into your eyes.
"You made me go from emotional to horny. I hate you," you told him as you pouted.
"You know you love me. But well, you better take a shower; we have dinner." With that, you got up to head to the bathroom and felt a playful slap.
"Bellingham, stop or I'll get mad again."
"Don't act like you don't like it. I know you missed it just as much as I missed you and your ass," he said as he laughed, and you closed your bathroom door.
He was impossible, but you loved him like that, and you were happy you could fix things.
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dreorig · 1 year
Can you see what I see?
You and Eddie have been friends for a while now, but you never told him about your schizophrenia as you thought that was unnecessary — until you saw Eddie talking to an alien head attached to his shoulder.
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Content/Warnings: eddie brock x male reader | mainly comedy | talk about hallucinations | the slightest mention of prejudice | some violent words. you know, it's venom | not really fluff but kinda. not sure how to label this | nsfw language | suggestive content
Word count: 1.5k
Notes: i'm on the schizophrenic spectrum and this is self indulgent, sorry not sorry. sometimes i see things that you're not supposed to see and i just fuck with it, which made me think that i wouldn't really freak out seeing venom. and now we're here. there's no smut or anything but eddie's a bottom i gotta say (i feel it in my heart). it's mostly silly because we might face the horrors™ but we stay silly. enjoy heheh :)
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You had decided to visit a new friend of yours (possibly a crush?), Eddie Brock. It's not like you had anything better to do.
Approaching his door, you just pushed it open, knowing such formalities as knocking on the door were inexistent between you both already. Right away you saw Eddie sitting on the couch, playing what was undoubtedly Yakuza — handsome and with a good taste in games, of course you wanted to kiss him each time you caught yourself staring at him. Oh, he also had a weird alien-looking head popping out of his shoulder talking about a delicious brain it had eaten once. You just shrugged.
"Hi, Eddie!" you closed the door behind you, walking towards the kitchen in hope of finding a clean glass because you were thirsty as hell. "Dear God, this house is a mess! Mine's probably worse, though."
Hey, you found the glass!
"Y/N, what are you doing here?!" Eddie asked with a very alarmed voice, following you.
"Eat him!" you heard the head shout.
"Stop that already! He's my friend! I'm not eating him!"
You stared in confusion as you saw Eddie arguing with the head. You leaned against the wall, rather bored, waiting for it to go away. You sipped your water instead of saying anything, perhaps that cold water was just what you needed. Eddie didn't need to get dragged into the mess that was your mind. Just a little bit and the hallucination would go away.
Eddie suddenly stopped saying anything, unlike the head, and looked at you in some sort of shock, which was cool because it looked like you were finally slipping back into reality and seeing what Eddie was really doing and saying.
Wait— shit, if Eddie was staring at you like that then maybe you said something without noticing? It was okay, you could just play it cool. You smiled and raised your cup, "What? Can't a guy drink his friend's water?"
"You… you're not scared?" Eddie asked, looking like he had seen a ghost.
Oh, okay, you definitely muttered something about your hallucination without noticing. What good would it do trying to gaslight him into believing you said nothing now? You should just say the truth.
"Nah, not really. Years ago I would be but it's just a part of my everyday life now. Nothing to worry about. Sorry if I scared you."
"Y/N, I don't—"
"You? Scary? He's funny, Eddie. I told you to not eat him."
You began, completely ignoring Eddie and looking at the head, "Look,— can't believe I'm arguing with an alien head that is not even real— most people are just normal with normal minds and normal thoughts, like Eddie. What normal person wouldn't be alarmed if I suddenly said I'm seeing a freaking alien head attached to him out of the blue? It's not even like I'm a cool dude with abilities that let me talk to ghosts like Norman or anything, you're just another hallucination."
Now imagine how confused poor Eddie was. Hallucinations? Normal people? Eddie being a normal person? Who even was Norman? He wanted to understand what was going on but with you and Venom arguing it was almost impossible.
"I'm real! And I'm not an alien!" the head shouted, sounding very insulted. "I take it back, let's eat him!"
Eddie has had enough, so he tried his best to just whisper, "Venom, would you just shut up for once and let us talk?!'
"Fine, but keep it in mind that if he offends me again I'll rip him apart and eat his brain with chopsticks!"
You stuck your tongue out to the alien as childish as you could and it did the same — why was its tongue so long?!
Eddie just sighed as Venom finally disappeared. He was really confused. What were you talking about? Were you an agent? Perhaps you had your own symbiote? Could be the only reasons why you weren't scared at all. He got closer to you, putting his hands on your shoulders and looking into your eyes.
"Y/N, you're not scared of what you saw, right?"
"And you've seen it before?"
"Then you know what it is, right?"
"Duhh, of course. Another hallucination of mine."
"You have hallucinations?"
"Yeah," you chucked. "Every now and then. It's not a symptom that affects me too much, though."
"Symptom?" he tilted his head. "Of what?"
"Oh well, I haven't told you but I have schizophrenia. Before you say anything, I swear that I'm not violent or a threat and that's just some really hurtful prejudice people still have against us that—"
"Y/N," Eddie released your shoulders to hold your hands. "Right now, I'm the last person who could say anything. And honestly, It's not something that bothers me in the slightest."
"Hah, he's insane just like you, Eddie!"
You put a hand on your hip, pointing a finger to nowhere specific, "Hey, you! I don't know where you are but don't you talk about Eddie like that!"
"Ah, so…" Eddie cracked an embarrassed smile. "I'm afraid he's kind of right, I'm not the most sane person at all. And that's why I was so shocked when you opened the door."
"He? What," your eyes widened. "Dude, so you really heard that voice, too?! And I'm just not hallucinating you arguing with that head?!"
"I did, yes. Now you understand my surprise in seeing you? I know what I'm going to tell you sounds like a very crazy story but you gotta believe me."
"Man, haven't I just told you I'm a schizo? Nothing sounds crazy to me. Spit it out because now I'm hella curious."
Eddie hardly knew how to behave. You were the first person to see him talking to his symbiote without thinking he was completely insane and screaming or paralysing after seeing Venom himself. In fact, you looked like a child who was very excited to hear what cool story his parents had to tell him this time.
"What you saw is a symbiote, his name is Venom and we're… kind of bonded. You see, he needs a host and that's how I ended up in this position. I won't hurt you— hell, I'd never. You just can't tell this to anyone, please."
"That's so cool, dude!" You grinned wide. "You don't sweat it, my mouth is sealed! Do you mind if I ask you a few things?"
"It's the least I could do." He chuckled. "Go on."
"You control the symbiote?"
"Not exactly? It's more of a mutual work. Although he takes control over me sometimes, this stubborn creature."
"You're just too soft, Eddie! I gotta do everything myself!"
Only then you remembered the symbiote could talk. You asked, "Hey, Venom, would you mind showing up? Please?" 
"Ohh, then Eddie says the same I did and now you suddenly think I'm real? Don't feel like doing so."
"Oh, c'mon! Pretty please? I wanna apologise."
Within seconds Eddie was completely enveloped by the tall and imposing symbiote, who crossed his arms. "You better."
You were beaming with happiness. What a magnificent day. When would you be able to look at a symbiote so closely again?
"Venom, buddy, you're amazing! Truly! I'm sorry for calling you an alien and doubting your existence. You must understand I'm a little out of touch with reality sometimes and I thought you were part of this mess. Now I'm very aware of who you are, though. Are we okay?" you offered Venom a hand shake.
Instead of shaking your hand, he picked you up and hugged you tight. "Hah, I like you, little man! No wonder why Eddie wants you to kiss him."
As if you weren't already happy enough. You smirked, "He does?"
"He does!"
Eddie could advocate for himself but he was so embarrassed that now he preferred being in full Venom mode, this way you wouldn't see his clearly red face.
"Venom, would you mind letting me see Eddie again? Please? I need his help with something."
"More like he needs your help."
Venom let go of you, then just like he had appeared, he disappeared and Eddie was the one in front of you again. He looked so cute with his flustered face that for a moment all you could think about was how even cuter he would look bouncing on your cock.
"Hi, Eddie. Heard you wanted me to kiss you," you took a step closer, having your face just a few inches away from his.
"I- I mean… perhaps? Maybe. I do, yes. Only if you want," Eddie avoided your gaze when he mumbled.
You held his waist and gently pushed him against the island, making Eddie gasp softly when his back hit the cold marble of the countertop.
"Oh, I do. I want to kiss your hands, your forehead, your cheeks, your neck and, last but not least, your lips. I want to kiss you everywhere. And do a few more things other than that if you allow me to."
Eddie felt his hands shake in anticipation as he wrapped them around your neck and closed his eyes. "Fuck, yes, please."
You chuckled before finally leaning in to kiss Eddie.
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hi Franky :)) I love your writing and headcanons sm you're a huge inspiration to me I hope one day I can write as smoothly as you do! I've never been sure how to ask or request anything but I was wondering how you think the strawhats would react to being called babygirl by a male significant other? I was thinking about this yesterday and it cracked me up and I wanted your take too if possible! You dont have to of course and either way hope u take care and have a nice rest of your day or night!!
Oh thank you! that's very sweet of you <3 such lovely compliments aaah and I'm sure your stuff is good too so shhhhh, have confidence! and these were fun to do so I hope you enjoy!
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He sort of tilts his head and gives you a look, not sure what you mean by that but also not really that bothered.
Just decides you are in a silly mood and laughs loudly and calls you a baby girl also.
Now he thinks it’s your thing and always calls you baby girl. 
Everyone is confused it’s become the go-to for you and Luffy to shout at one another.
If she could crush you in the palm of her hand she would.
You can see the vein in her forehead and hear how she grinds her teeth.
Trust me, if anyone is the baby girl here it’s going to be you.
Doesn’t hesitate in kicking your ass.
Just thinks your silly and chuckles, and goes about her business like you’d say nothing.
If you try it again she gives you this grin over her book, one that promised she was about to make you the baby girl unless you drop it.
And you do because Robin will end you.
“What?” He says, not sure he heard you and he blinks.
“I said, come here, baby girl.” You said again and he huffs, cheeks going pink as he considers why you called him that in the first place.
But he doesn't mind it, he feels cute and precious and just goes along with it.
Will kick your fucking ass.
You will call him it once and get away with it.
After that prepare to have your head beaten with a very expensive leather shoe or launched over the side of the ship with a grumble of I’ll show you who’s a baby girl, shithead.
Not phased, just laughs and sips his tea, looking at you as you repeat it and he nods. “Perhaps I am, do you want to see my panties? YOHOHOHO.” And completely turns it on you and now you have no idea what to say or how to react.
He looks at you confused, arms crossed over his chest as he tilts his head slightly.
Was that some kinda human thing? Was it some kinda ‘young people saying’ or was it both?
Either way, he just ignores it and gives a good-natured laugh and slaps you on the back, telling you to go play with someone else.
“Did shitty cook tell you to say that?” He asks with a sneer on his face as he stands up from where he’d been napping, cracking his neck, and flexing his fingers.
“What? No?” You said and he’s already done listening to you, walking past you, enraged and you just hear the kitchen door slamming open and all manner of screaming and shouting and things breaking.
He looks at you, flips his shades up, and squints.
“Babygirl?” He repeats and you nod.
He hmmms about it for a moment before letting his shades sit back on his nose, turning to his work, and laughs. “Yeah alright, I can dig that.” And now you are confused about how this middle-aged man can be so chill about it.
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sortofanobsession · 6 months
omg I’m so glad you’re alive and I hope you’re feeling better. Can’t wait to read your Ted lasso writing again<3
Author's Note: ask and you shall receive...
Content warning: injury, hospital, surgery, anxiety, fear, cussing (it's Roy so duh) Crying.
Paring: Roy/Jamie
Ted Lasso Masterlist
No Show Roy-o
Jamie paced the locker room. The team just watching him. 
Everyone's eyes snap to the door when someone starts to open it but they are disappointed when Ted and Beard walk in. The two coaches look at each other and then the team before heading into the office. 
"Okay, something is wrong," Ted says as he sets his backpack down. 
"Clearly," Beard replies. 
Ted watches the team through the window and notices all the attention on Tartt. Well, then he knew where to start.
"What's wrong, Jamie?" Ted asks as he approaches the striker. 
"Roy didn't show for training this morning and he isn't here yet."
"Has he ever missed before?" 
"The man actually lives to wake me up at 4 am to order me around," Jamie states. "No, he never misses. Not without a text at least."
"Did you call him?"
"I'm not daft," Jamie huffs. "Several times. No answer. Now it goes to voicemail."
"Some of us tried too," Isaac says. "Nothing."
"Keeley hasn't been able to ring him either," Jamie says. "Should I call his sister?"
"You have his sister's number?"
"For emergencies, and Phoebe," Jamie admits. 
"Hold on, you have contact with Roy's niece?" Ted asks. "She's what? 8?"
"That's really the important part to you now?" Jamie asks.
"Kinda, odd friendship there," Ted admits. 
"She insists I'm Roy's best friend, and Roy says it's for emergencies. She has a very different definition of emergencies, like you said, she's 8."
"Okay, fine," Ted says. He could let that go for now.  
"Do you think this counts as an emergency?" Jamie asks. 
"Let's see if he is doesn’t show, not just later than normal," Ted says. 
But when time comes to head out to the pitch and Roy still isn't there Jamie cracks and texts Roy's sister. She texts him back that she'll check his place. And that gives Jamie some reassurance as he begins training. He gives Ted his phone in case she or Roy calls. Ted initially thought it was silly, but about an hour in she does call. She tells Ted that Roy wasn't there and the fact he isn't answering for her is unusual. Roy would never ignore a call from her or Phoebe. But she also insists that Roy can handle himself. And she'll let them know if she hears anything. And that makes Ted a bit nervous. They were just about to take a break when Phoebe called Jamie. She is crying and Ted actually does call Jamie over for this one. And Jamie, still in his kit, drags Ted inside. Changes only his boots while still on the phone and whispers to Ted to get what he needs. 
"Where are we going?" Ted asks but does as Jamie says because something feels very wrong here. 
"The fucking hospital," Jamie hisses, not to be mean but more so Phoebe doesn't hear. 
"Oh, that's bad, yeah, let's go." Ted nods and follows Jamie’s lead. 
"We're on the way Phoebe, just stay there." 
Phoebe runs over and hugs Jamie when she sees him.
"Hey, Phoe," Jamie says and despite the fact she is 8 years old, Jamie hauls her up into his arms for a hug. And Ted is almost envious of how easy that seemed for him. But Ted is still very confused. "You remember Coach Ted?" Jamie asks her. She nods as Jamie sets her down. 
"Hi Phoebe," Ted says. "Are you okay?" Ted asks. 
She shrugs and looks over. Ted sees a doctor he had met before, but she looked out of place in street clothes. 
"Hey, Doc." Jamie hugs her. "What happened?"
"Still trying to sort that out," she says.
"You're Roy's sister?" Ted finally asks. 
"Oh sorry, yeah, Coach Lasso, Doc. Doc, Coach Lasso."
"Thanks Jamie," Ted says at the less than helpful introduction but Jamie is already being pulled away to the waiting area by Phoebe. 
"How much did Jamie tell you?" 
"Absolutely nothing," Ted admits. 
She shakes her head. "Right, Roy was brought in about a half hour ago. A friend of mine on shift recognized him and called me. They think he was hit by a car but we have no idea."
"Oh wow, I am so sorry, that-" Ted starts to say but she stops him.
"Thank you, he's in surgery now, I assume you will want to let Ms. Welton know. He might be out for a while."
"Yeah, right, good calls must run in the family," he says. 
"Something like that," she says before going to check on Phoebe. 
She leans in and whispers to Jamie that Roy is in surgery and it's a waiting game now. 
Ted calls Rebecca and Beard, then Keeley. Keeley is there in less than twenty minutes.
"Keeley?" Jamie asks when he sees her. She hugs Phoebe and then him. 
"Ted called," she says and smacks his arm. 
"What was that for?"
"You didn't call me!"
"I was busy with her," Jamie says, gesturing to Phoebe. Thankfully she had her headphones on and was curled up in a chair. 
"Fine, that is an acceptable excuse. Here," she hands him a bag. "I ran by Nelson Road and got your stuff. Sam had made sure it was packed up. They're all pretty worried."
"They aren't the only ones," Jamie glances at Phoebe. 
"Does Ted know?" 
She glances out the window to where Ted was clearly on the phone with Rebecca or Higgins.
"Know what?"
"About you and Roy?" She says.
"Nah, didn't know if I should tell him. We haven't talked about it."
"Well, I think this might genuinely blow your cover."
"Hasn't yet," Jamie says.
"Jamie, I know you. You're managing right now because of Phoebe, but the minute you see him, you-"
"I know," Jamie seems to deflate. "I am trying so hard but-" 
"Oh babe," she hugs him and grimaces. "I love you, Jamie but do us all a favor and change. I'll stay with her."
"Yeah, right, okay," Jamie says as he heads to the toilets to change. 
"Where's Jamie?" Ted asks when he gets back.
"Changing out of his kit, Ted there is something I need to tell you, the boys might get mad, but Jamie is going to need someone and as much as he tries to hide it he is terrified."
"Okay, lay it on me," Ted says.
"Roy and Jamie have been secretly dating since just after international break."
"Wow," Ted says. "That's…new information." He admits. "Does explain why he has Roy's sister in his phone. And why he was so worried when Roy didn't show up for training." 
"They were keeping it a secret because well, for a lot of reasons, but I believe that ship might have sailed based on the fact Jamie didn't even change out of his kit."
"Did change his boots," Ted says.
"Probably not easy to drive in," she says.
"Probably," Ted agrees. 
"Please don't make a big deal out of it, Jamie wasn't going to say anything because he wasn't sure if Roy would want him to, but Jamie brought you for a reason. He brought you because he trusts you and Roy trusts you. And I know you won't hold this against them."
"Heck no, I'm glad they have each other, just surprised is all. You think Jamie is just a ticking time bomb in this one?"
"Definitely," Keeley nods. "And I'm not sure what will set him off."
"Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep this between us unless something happens."
"Thank you, Ted." 
Keeley heads back to work after they promise to keep her in the loop. Roy's sister comes back a bit later to tell them that Roy was out of surgery but it would be a bit before anyone could see him.
"You should be at training," is the first thing out of Roy Kent's mouth when they walk in. He glares at Jamie. 
"Uncle Roy!" Phoebe rushes over and hugs him as best as she can.
"Hi, Phoebe," he says before looking at Jamie. 
"You really think I would stay at training after they called me?" Jamie challenges.
"Yes, not much you can do here," Roy says.
"How hard did that car hit you?” Jamie narrows his gaze at him. “Because clearly your brain is rattled, old man." 
"How you feeling, Roy?" Ted asks to get the two to quit being so grumpy.
"Like I got hit by a car," Roy states.
"You did," Phoebe sniffles. 
"I'm okay, kid," he says. Earning a scoff from Jamie. Roy glares at him. "You should-"
"Oh, Jamie Tartt's not going anywhere," Ted assures him. "Rebecca already knows you'll be out for a while, and sorry boys, but the cats out of the bag on this one."
"You told him," Roy glares at Jamie again.
"I did not," Jamie looks just as shocked. 
"Keeley told me," Ted says. "Because she was worried Jamie was handling it too well."
"Of course she was," Jamie complains. 
"You did cry, like a lot earlier," Phoebe says. 
"Thanks for that, Phoe," Jamie says, his tone less than amused at being called out by a literal child.
"Phoebe, why don't you help me find your mom and call Keeley," Ted says. 
She seems to weigh her options.
"And stop by the vending machines," Ted adds.
"Okay," she hugs her uncle again before following Ted out. Roy looks over at Jamie and can tell he really is hanging in by a thread.
"I'm fine," Roy says. And Jamie doesn't even say anything, just crawls in the bed beside Roy. Roy grunts but manages to shift a bit to make them both fit. "Better?" Roy asks once Jamie is practically molded into his side. 
"Yes, much," Jamie says and he buried his face in Roy's shoulder. 
"Why am I not surprised?" Roy's sister says when she walks in. 
"Not my idea," Roy says.
"Not complainin' though, yeah?" Jamie counters.
"Tear his stitches and I'm banning you myself, Tartt," she says.
"Ouch, Doc," Jamie says. "But fair."
She hums as she sets to checking his vitals. 
“Pain?” She asks.
He grunts.
“Roy,” she starts but Jamie beats her to it. 
“It's either now or you have to admit it when Phoebe gets back,” Jamie says. And whether it is because he's right or that Jamie's so close to losing it Roy knows he needs to answer. 
“Fine, 6.”
“Right,” his sister says.
She makes a few notes.
It was quiet again when she left. 
“Are you mad?” Jamie asks.
“That I got hit by a fucking car?” Roy counters. That seemed like an obvious question. Of fucking course he was. He could have died. His mind circles back as Jamie shifts. 
“That people know,” Jamie corrects. “About us.”
Roy considers it as best he can with painkillers in his system. And he really doesn't fucking care because Jamie is there with him and despite how he was acting before he was glad he was there. It had been terrifying to think he might die when he has people that need him. 
“No,” Roy finally answered. “Needed you here, and if that's the fucking cost. Fine.”
“Good, because I think the team knew something was up, but that might have been because I couldn't sit still.”
“When have you ever fucking sat still?” Roy posits.
“This was worse,” Jamie tells him. “I'm sure Will is going to be pissed at the state of my boots. Pacing constantly on a hard surface.”
“Well get you new fucking boots,” Roy assures.
“Least of my worries, love,” Jamie admits, carefully shifting so he can see Roy's face. “Scared the shit out of me when I couldn't- you weren't answering. No one could find you. You never-”
“Fuck,” Roy says because Jamie has tears streaming down his face and he hates when that happens. He hates that it's because of him, even if he had no say in what happened to him. Despite the ache it causes Roy reaches up and brushes as many of those tears away as he can without risking his stitches. “I'm-”
“Don't!” Jamie starts to pull away. The striker knew what he was about to say. Jamie vehemently shakes his head, causing Roy's hand to have to fall back to the bed. “You are not fucking fine, Roy,” Jamie states, and it was clear what little hold Jamie had on his feelings was slipping. “Because I’m not! Phoebe isn’t either. You nearly died! I can't…do you think I want to do any of this shit without you? Because I fucking don't.”
“Not fucking asking you to,” Roy says, and it probably comes out more aggressive than he intended because Jamie was no longer tucked against his side. The footballer was on his feet, having wound himself up to pacing again. And Roy's chest always gets tight when Jamie does that shit. He needs Jamie to be okay. But he knows he probably said that wrong when Jamie glares at him. 
“You didn't fucking have to,” Jamie retorts. And that's fair. 
“Fucking hell,” Roy grumbles, attempting to sit up so he can better track Jamie's movement. 
“Don’t do that,” Jamie grumbles as he moves back to help him. “Hurt yourself and your sister will boot me.”
“Then quit fucking pacing,” Roy tugs at Jamie's arm until he sits on the edge of the bed. Roy sighs, ignoring the ache in his ribs as he does. 
“I'm not fucking dying, Tartt. Fucking doctors made sure of it.”
“Barely,” Jamie says.
“But they fucking did, and that's fucking that.”
Jamie scoffs but doesn't bother arguing. He was anxious and still thinking about how much worse things could have been, and how much could still go wrong.
“Look at me, Tartt,” Roy demands. Jamie does. “I know this is a fucking mess, but I will be fucking fine. You know why?” Jamie shrugs. “Because you lot won't stop until I am. You, my sister and Ted fucking Lasso, are all fucking determined. Throw in Keeley and that fucking team. I probably won't get a fucking quiet moment til I'm back at the dog track. So fucking do it.”
“Are you telling me to take care of you?” Jamie asks. 
“Going to fucking do it anyway, yeah?”
“Of course,” Jamie nods. “What do you need me to do?”
“You're here, so things are already fucking better,” Roy states. That has warmth spreading through Jamie's chest because Roy has less filter than most, but it would appear he has even less now. And it's oddly sweet.
“Yeah, I'm here,” Jamie says as he shifts to prop his knee up on the bed and takes Roy's hand in his. The fact Roy seems to relax even more has Jamie smiling for what feels like the first time all day. “And you heard the gaffer, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me.”
“Good, going to need help with the kid,” Roy says. “She is going to be impossible to get rid of.”
“Don't lie Kent, you love every second of it. You love that kid.”
“Not the only fucking one,” Roy states. 
“That loves Phoebe? Of course not, she's adorable and-”
Roy squeezes his hand. 
“That I love, you fucking muppet. Sometimes I wonder why but fucking hell, Tartt. I fucking love you.”
Jamie grins. “Fucking love you too, you prick.”
Roy tugs him until Jamie lays back down beside him. There is a knock at the door. Jamie goes to get up but Roy doesn't let him. 
“Well aren't you two adorable,” Ted says as he and Phoebe come in. 
“Fuck off, Lasso,” Roy grunts.
“Uncle Roy,” Phoebe starts.
“I know, kid,” Roy says. 
“Your mum probably knows where his wallet is more than he does,” Jamie says.
“Could probably finally cash out that tab I've heard about,” Ted adds.
“Oi, don't give her fucking ideas.”
“That's two,” Ted states. 
“Fucking hell,” Roy mutters, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back against the pillows. 
“Three,” Phoebe giggles. 
“I got you,” Jamie quietly tells Roy. Jamie grabs his wallet from his locker and tosses it to Phoebe. Phoebe gives him a look. “He's been through it, so I'll take the hit for him.” Jamie grins. Phoebe just shrugs and takes three quid from him.
“Now he owes you,” Phoebe says, setting his wallet on the table by his phone, which he had set aside to focus on Roy when he initially crawled into the bed. 
Roy glares at him, but it doesn't bother the striker. 
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
I Make You Laugh The Most (Blue Lock)
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Hi hello I'm so incredibly soft for these two holy-
Hi eveyone! Welcome back to "Squiggily's brain is on Blue Lock Mode"- in which I write tons of it because I can :P This little ol' fic was a gift for a friend (you know who you are :3) that I decided to post because why not? Have some more Bachisagi I say! I hope y'all like it! :D
CW: Blue Lock Second Selection Spoilers!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
@myreygn @cupcake-spice13
Summary: Bachira overhears Isagi laughing- which is great. However, he wasn't the one who made him laugh. Not so great.
“Pfft- no you dihihihidn’t!”
Bachira perked up at the melodious sound, heart racing in his chest as he turned to look. Isagi’s laugh was so wonderful- deep and warm, punctured with silly noises and snorts. Anytime he heard it, it filled him with glee.
Right now, however, he felt a pinch of defeat alongside it.
“We did! Reo was LIVID. He looked like a titan from Attack On Titan!” Chigiri grinned as he retold a story to Isagi about his former teammates, sending the brunette into a fit of endless giggles. They were coming back from the baths it seemed, Chigiri’s hair was wet and Isagi was flushed from the heat. “He’s so expressive!”
“Pfft- not AOT!” Isagi shoved him lightly as they turned the corner into their shared room. “Man, you should have gotten a picture!”
The rest of their conversation was lost, but the sting in Bachira’s chest remained. He leaned against the wall, a slight pout on his lips as he replayed the lovely sound again and again in his mind.
“...Hm.” Rin hummed from behind him, making Bachira blink.
“Never thought I’d see the day you’d be jealous.” The taller boy shrugged, fighting down a yawn and almost missing Bachira’s wide eyed stare. “It’s not like those two are a thing. Pretty boy’s head over heels for the buff hero dude, yeah? Or was it the lazy one?”
“I-me-what-” Bachira was in a rare state of stupefaction. “That’s not it at all!”
“Kay.” Rin turned to go, making his way towards the workout room- likely for yoga. Bachira found himself following.
“It’s just- Isagi and I: I’ve always made him laugh, you know? Me! Like- don’t get me wrong, Missy’s great, and he can be funny in a sort of dry- when you least expect it kinda way you know? I don’t know- I haven’t seen Isagi in forever and I miss him-Whaa!” Bachira yelped as he tripped, falling face first into a pile of yoga mats. Rin only blinked before slowly pulling one out from the brooding dribbler.
“If it bothers you that bad, why not go make him laugh, then?” Rin suggested, tugging off his shirt and tossing it aside.
“He’s not on my team yet, Rin-Rin!” Bachira whined against the mats, unfazed when the shirt landed over his face. “It’s not the same! Plus, he’s still thinking about Reo’s titan face- whatever that means- it’s not my victory if ChiChi’s thing’s still rent free in his head!”
“Gonna have to change that.” Rin mumbled so quietly that Bachira almost didn’t catch it. “Look, I’m doing my cooldown. Either grab a mat and shut up or go complain to someone else.” Rin gave him one last look before taking his spot in the corner of the gym. Bachira stared for a moment before standing up, grabbing his mat and dragging it over beside him.
He napped the entire time.
“If it bothers you that bad, why not go make him laugh, then?”
Bachira didn’t think the words would stick like they did, haunting his mind relentlessly as he watched Isagi grab dinner. Maybe Rin had a point- maybe he DID need to make him laugh to fix this bothersome jealousy. He didn’t like how it lingered, coating his insides and making him feel all sorts of broody.
“Is this seat taken?” Isagi smiled as he walked up, two trays in hand. There was no rule saying you had to eat with your teammates- currently Aryu was interrogating Chigiri on his haircare routine while Nagi was half-slumped against him, slowly eating his rice like a drugged sloth.
“Yep- that one’s the monster’s seat.” Bachira kicked a heel up on the seat across from him, stealing it away. “But the one beside me’s available.”
“Thank you.” Isagi grinned as he slid in, sliding the extra tray his way. The dribbler was so caught up in his thoughts he hadn’t even realized he forgot to eat. “I didn’t know what you wanted, so I used some points and got us steak. Hope that’s okay.”
Anything is okay with you. Bachira almost said out loud. Instead, he grinned, stabbing a fork into Isagi’s food and holding it up, waving it before him. “Say ahhhh~”
“Bachira- I told you before, I can feed myself.” Isagi dodged a few times, a grin pulling on his lips as they fell back into their old game. Finally, he gave in, letting the other shove the fork into his mouth. “One day I’m gonna be so spoiled from you doing that I’ll forget how to hold a fork.”
“I’ll gladly feed you, Isagirin~” He winked, delighted in the blush painting Isagi’s face. No giggles though. The pinch returned. “How’s the team going?”
“It’s hell.” Isagi laughed, shaking his head. “Barou’s a neat freak, Nagi’s lazy, and Chigiri’s ever the princess.” His voice was fond though as he cut into his meal, chewing slowly. “But I like it. It’s a fun kind of chaos, yeah?” He smiled at Bachira, almost missing the dimming of his mood. “You’d fit right in.”
That perked him up almost immediately. Bachira smiled as Isagi went on sharing his adventures of their time apart, pride and sorrow touching his voice nearly as much as the giggles he let out recounting the great “King’s Bad Hair Day” incident. It was so, so nice to see him smiling and laughing.
And yet…and yet… “Bachira? You seem sad.” Isagi blinked, tilting his head curiously at the other. Bachira blinked, not even realizing he was letting it show. “You okay?”
“Yeah…yeah! I’m great!” Bachira put on his brightest grin. “I’m okay, really.”
Isagi narrowed his eyes, suspicious. Then he reached out and stabbed Bachira’s steak, bringing a piece up. “Say ahhhh~” He quoted, easily shoving it in his mouth with how surprised Bachira looked. “After tomorrow- we’ll be back together. I promise you; I’m bringing you home.”
Bachira pretended the sudden wetness in his eyes was from how hot the meat was burning on his tongue.
Isagi was a man of his word. Well-kinda.
No he didn’t necessarily WIN, but they were once again together. Bachira was reeling from it all still; the final shot that sealed the deal, the nervousness he felt when it was time to pick someone. Then the tearful glee he felt when Rin called out Isagi’s name.
That was a few days ago and yet it still felt so new whenever he was with Isagi. Isagi, who didn’t have to retreat to a different room at the end of the day. Isagi, who could now play soccer beside him instead of against.
He couldn’t be happier.
“We made it this far, I can’t believe it.” Isagi sighed against his pillows, tired after a long day of drills and exercise. “It got scary for a moment there.” “Yeah- it’s still scary when you think about it. Look what happened to Kunigami.” Bachira stretched out beside him, staring up at the ceiling as the past few days hit him. “Is Chi-Chi okay?”
“Heartbroken, but he won’t admit it.” Isagi smiled a little sad at the mention of their former teammates. “I think I heard him crying the other night.” Isagi’s hand found his, squeezing it tightly. “Selfish as it is to say…I’m glad it wasn’t us. One wrong move against the wrong team and that would have been you and me.”
“Mm…” Bachira hummed, squeezing it back. “Chigiri’s tough though. He’ll be okay.”
“He’s no fragile princess, that’s for sure.” Isagi nodded. “Sorry, I killed the vibe.”
“Don’t be- I can bring it back.” Bachira, eager to lift the mood, raised his hands, wiggling his fingers. “I don’t know about you, but I’m in the mood for a good chuckle!”
“Are you now? Bring it on, bumblebee!” Isagi grinned, sitting up with his own claws. His eyes danced with challenge only for him, something Bachira missed for quite some time. There was a moment of silence as they watched each other before-
“GOTCHA!” Bachira cried, lunging and grabbing Isagi’s waist, pulling him into the sheets. Pillows and limbs flew as they wrestled in the bed, each trying to get the other hand. Isagi was already laughing, Bachira hadn’t even tickled him yet! He tried to pin him but instantly shot his arms back with a squeal when Bachira’s own kneaded the spot along the center of his ribs. “Gotcha now!”
“Ahehahahhahhahah! Bahahhahaha-Bahhahahhahchirahhahahahahahha!” Isagi cackled, doubling over in a fit of giggles as he tried gently pushing his boyfriend's hands away. It didn’t take long before the dribbler had him on his back against the bed, one hand on his ribs while the other pushed up his sweatshirt so he could drill into his belly. “Pleahhahahahhahase, it tihiihihihihihickles!”
“I know!” Bachira grinned, chest puffing with pride as Isagi flailed beneath him, cackling in glee. “That’s why I’m tickling you, Isagirin~” He leaned in so he was nose to nose with him, fingers dancing along his waist and sides. “I wanna make you laugh so much you explode!”
“Yohohohohoou ahahahahreahhahahday doohohooohoh thahahhahahat! Gehahahhaahhahahaha, Bahahahhachirahahahhahahaha!” Isagi’s nose was scrunched as he laughed, turning his face away to hide it as he weakly pawed at Bachira’s shoulders. “Iihihihihihim alhahhhahahhays lahahahhahaughing with you!”
“Really? You really mean that?” Bachira stopped his tickles flopping closer so he was once again nose to nose with Isagi. “I really make you laugh the most?”
“Ohohoof course you do!...Are you okay? You seem rather hung up on it.” Isagi was still smiling, but there was an unmistakable touch of concern in his gaze.
Bachira felt himself freeze. He’d been caught. “Well…maybe.” He flopped down so his face was against Isagi’s chest, cuddling close. Somehow it was easier to say these things to his beating heart than to his eyes. “I don’t know- I’ve been really…bothered lately. Whenever I hear you laugh, I get really happy; but I also get frustrated because for a while it wasn't me making you laugh like that, you know?” The dribbler sighed through his nose, feeling weirdly embarrassed. “Sounds kinda dumb, huh? Being jealous because someone else makes you laugh?”
“Hm.” Isagi made a noise of thought, his hand stroking Bachira’s hair. “I don’t think so, no. If anything- it’s kinda cute.” He grinned, deeply amused by the flush spreading over Bachira’s ears. “First you get real with me and now you’re blushing! Who are you and what have you done with my Bachira?”
“Shush! I’m still me!” Bachira sat up, pinching Isagi’s nose until the other was giggling like crazy. “But…you really don’t think anything less of me because of it?”
“On the contrary. I think I’ve just fallen harder for you.” Isagi’s eyes were warm, his voice genuine. Bachira felt his eyes sting again- goodness why was he so weepy lately? “I mean- I’d probably disapprove if you went on and shaved Chigiri’s head in his sleep over it.”
Bachira tittered, snapped right out of his tears. That’s the thing he loved most about Isagi- he always seemed to know what he needed. “Are you kidding? Missy would kill me if I did that! We’d have a murder in Blue Lock!”
“Best not get caught then- or find a way to blame someone else.” Isagi giggled with him, pulling him down into his chest before kissing him softly. “I’d take the fall for you.”
“No way- I lost you once; I’m not losing you again.” Bachira grabbed onto his sweatshirt. “You’re mine now.”
“And I yours.”
Thanks for reading!
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kikokeya · 1 year
Lucky Wednesday
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1,660
Warnings: Fluff
Summary: You fell for Bucky Barnes as he dined in the restaurant you work at - Izzy's. You decide to call him up to ask him out on a date as it leads to everything you've ever imagined it to be and more.
A/N: This is the Bucky apology fic that I've been writing after publishing my 'Hello, I'm Back' Announcement and Update Post. I hope you guys enjoy it because I certainly do. I love how sweet I portrayed Bucky to be and it is slightly canon to what happened in TFATWS. Here's to me wishing this can actually happen so that I can manifest shifting and have a normal relationship with James Bucky Barnes. The 'Steve Rogers Bday 4th of July' fic will have to wait, I'm so sorry but it's past 12am my time and I'm tired so I'm going to retire. Goodnight :))
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"Hello, can I speak to James Barnes? O-oh, hey, how are you doing uh...I feel kinda silly doing this but uh, this is Y/N, the waitress from Izzy's. You know the one w- well the only waitress." You picked up the phone after your shift ended at 10 and called Bucky's number after saving it that one time from when he called about a delivery.
Well, that's at least what happened yesterday after you finished your shift at 10 like you always do. For some reason, you actually had the guts to pick up the phone and call him. At least that was better than telling it to him in person and embarrassing yourself knowing how red your cheeks would have gotten from the feeling of being flustered.
Ever since Bucky walked into Izzy's and you laid eyes on him, you couldn't help but feel a sort of luring attraction about him. Something was telling you that this man had gone through a lot and indeed he has since you recently came into contact with Sam Wilson - The Falcon as he entered Izzy's and asked if Bucky had entered here. One thing led to another from Sam wanting to know the whereabouts of Bucky's location to you wanting to learn everything you can about Bucky before asking him out on a date.
So that's how you knew what you needed to know about Bucky as Sam gave you a pep talk to ask him out while warning you about how he's a "grumpy and lonely staring machine".
You felt bad for the man honestly after all he's been through. Most people would probably have a hard time trying to see past the wrongs that Bucky did but you were able to accept him as he is instead of holding him accountable for what he did.
Anyways, jumping back to the present moment where you were still working and trying to pass the time by putting your head in the game as you served your customers while cleaning up the bar as well. A few hours passed before you know it and because there wasn't anyone left in Izzy's, you decided to close up early and clean up the restaurant before calling for a pizza delivery.
You headed into the back of the house restaurant passing through a 'Noren Curtain' which separates it from the rest of the restaurant where the customers dine as you changed into something presentable and did your hair up into a loose bun with your hair feelers framing your face.
You heard the bell hanging on the front door go off as you peeked your head out from behind the Noren Curtain before landing your eyes on Bucky as you smiled at him and headed out.
"Hey- wow... that's like the most adorably old-fashioned thing anyone has done." You greeted him before seeing the bouquet of flowers and chuckling softly to yourself as you made a comment about it before taking the flowers from him, "Thank you Bucky."
You smelled the flowers and placed them in a vase on the bar where Bucky would usually sit.
"Just grab a seat and I'll be done in a few. I'm just cleaning up the place and setting it for whoever's opening tomorrow." You continue to clean the tables before bringing whatever needed to be brought back behind the Noren Curtain as Bucky nodded and sat down by the bar.
Just then there was a knock on the door as you told Bucky to get it, "Bucky, do you think you can get that please?"
Bucky got up from his seat and went to the door as he opened it and collected a box of pizzas, "Hey um did you order pizzas by any chance?"
"Yep, I did, just place them on the bar." You came back out with beers in your hands before placing them on the bar as well as you opened two - one for yourself and one for Bucky before placing it in front of him.
The date went as normally as it could with you joking about how old Bucky is since you found out about it from Sam. You did tell Bucky that Sam was looking for him to which his expression turned from a smile to a frown. You apologised for ruining the mood not sure if he was trying to avoid Sam in general or just upset with him altogether.
You described the date to yourself as perfect however as it went from beers and pizzas to a game night as you kept games on the shelf for when the shifts got a little too boring.
You were both playing Battleship which is a favourite game of yours as you exchanged conversations along the way while getting to know one another. Bucky did however have to drink the remainder of the 3rd beer bottle he had as you won the game before you called it quits since it was getting pretty late already. You kept the game and cleared out the pizza box as well as the beer bottles before wiping down the bar counter.
You took your things from the room hidden behind the Noren Curtain as you came back out and found Bucky waiting for you with cash in his hand as you tilted your head unsure of what his intentions were with the cash in his hand.
"Oh it's for the pizza and the beer earlier on-" Bucky read the expression on your face and assumed what you were questioning about in your thoughts as you cut him off.
"That's fine. it's okay, really, you don't have to pay for it."
Bucky nods and walks towards you as he places the cash in your bag pocket before looking at you as your faces were close to one another, "Keep it, I insist."
You nodded and smiled at Bucky as you went to take the flowers he gave you earlier on. He left the shop first waiting outside for you as you turned off the lights and walked out of Izzy's before locking up the restaurant.
Bucky offered his hand for you to take as you wrapped an arm around his arm. He asked for your address as you told him where you lived before he proceeded to walk you back home. You both talked more about each other as giggles and chuckles were shared between the two of you.
After some time, the two of you approached your front door after taking the lift up to your level in the building. You opened your front door before turning around to face Bucky as he took your hand in his and kissed it. You smiled feeling really happy about how the date went and blushed a little.
"Thank you for tonight, Y/N. I really appreciate it. I would like to have a second date with you but it's just- everything's just uh- j-just uh..." Bucky trailed off as he felt your hand touching his arm and making its way higher up as he got distracted from what he was saying.
You nod and tried to comfort him with your touching as you explained to him, "I understand. Everything's messy right now and I would love to have that second date with you as well but if you need some time then I'm okay with that."
You smile at Bucky before tiptoeing and kissing his cheek as you balanced yourself from holding onto his arm. As you pulled back, however, he pulled you in for a gentle kiss that left you melting into it as you've been wanting to do that after your second bottle of beer seeing as your alcohol tolerance isn't that high to begin with.
You pulled away from the kiss slowly while blushing and looking flustered while slightly tipsy as you smiled sheepishly before yawning.
"Alright doll, let's get you into bed then..." Bucky chuckled as he picked you up and walked into your apartment before shutting the front door with his leg.
You held on to Bucky with your bag still slung around you and flowers still in your hands as you gently buried and nuzzled your face into his neck before closing your eyes and falling asleep.
Bucky carried you into your room before placing you down gently onto your bed as he carefully and cautiously removed your sachel without waking you up as he placed it on the ground next to your bedside table. He took the flowers still in the grasp of your palm as he went to find a vase or any holder to put it in before filling it up with water so the flowers last longer.
Bucky came back into your room to turn the fan on for you as he looked between you and the fan to see if its noise would wake you up before discovering how much of a dead sleeper you are. He smiled and chuckled softly to himself before removing your shoes and placing them on the floor as he tucked you in under your blanket which you snuggled into and held on to it while stirring slightly.
Bucky kissed your head before taking your shoes and placing them by your main door. He noticed a pair of fluffy slippers and smiled as he took the slippers and went back into your room placing them by the side of your bed for you. He took your phone from your sachel before keying his number into it and putting a cute name for himself in your contacts as he plugged it into the cable and left it on your nightstand.
Bucky kissed your head once more before leaving your apartment as he sighed. He knows that you're an ordinary civilian and you're practically too perfect for him but he'll keep to his word on calling you for that second date the moment he figures out how to solve whatever he's going through in life.
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
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wrote this to try and compensate for the kinda dark ficlet I posted earlier. sorry guys
How they met | Lewis Signed to Ferrari | Winter break | a lil backstory | Dior Fashion Show afterparty
Daniel is laying on Charles’ couch when Lewis asks him to come over. He'd been staying with Charles, opting to stay where he was comfortable while Lewis sorted out the apartment. 
He'd rather not be in Lewis' space when he ultimately decided that this was all too much for some guy he just met.
He entered the elevator, swallowing thickly so his ears would pop while it went steadily higher to the penthouse. He'd been there before, Lewis' place was lovely. Grand. Daniel felt humbled.
The door opened and Daniel blinked to see Lewis waiting in the entry way. He looked soft and cozy. He smiled, stepping into the gilded lift and pressing a button some floors down.
“Hey.” Daniel said, feeling silly. Lewis grinned and pulled him in for a quick kiss. 
Lewis looked him up and down, Daniel was beautiful, their dates so far had been exactly what he'd been hoping for. He was excited to see his reaction.
Daniel flicked at his cuticle nervously, unsure what was happening. Normally he had an idea, when he got to Lewis' building. They'd gone out a few times and Daniel wasn't afraid to admit that he'd been eager to fall into bed with Lewis. 
That was what he thought this whole thing would have been anyway.
But Lewis had been more than he anticipated, overwhelming almost. Daniel didn't expect to catch feelings, especially not so quickly. He wasn't in love or anything but he definitely felt butterflies when it came to Lewis.
The doors opened and Lewis grabbed his hand, pulling Daniel out of the small space behind him. The hallway was short, quiet. Only 3 doors lined this corridor.
Lewis went to the third and slipped a key into the lock. He watched Daniel's face as they entered the space. It was smaller than Lewis had been hoping for– a one bed one bath– but it was the first unit available when he'd checked. Another driver had lived here and recently moved out. Lewis had it renovated. 
Daniel walked around in a daze, touching the marble countertop delicately, taking in the cozy furniture and then the view.
“Do you like it?” Lewis asked when Daniel bit his lip.
“I thought you were joking.” Daniel mumbled, looking at Lewis with wide eyes. “I– this is too much Lewis.” Daniel whispered. He felt floored, unmoored. That this space was supposed to be his. Because the guy he was seeing wanted to date him. Wanted him so much he was willing to do all of this. Daniel didn't feel like he deserved it.
Lewis placed the keys in his palm and curled Daniel's fingers over it. Daniel felt the ridges on the warmed metal press into his skin. It felt heavy. Almost oppressive.
What did this mean? Did he owe Lewis now? Was this where the dynamic would change?
The look in his eyes must have clues Lewis into his fear because suddenly he was cupping Daniel's face.
“Nothing has to change. I promise I'm not going to like Lord this over your head and force you to do anything you don't want.” Dark brown eyes searched honey, waiting patiently for Daniel's breathing to normalize. He nodded.
“I just want to take care of you. I like you and I want you, I want you with me.”
“What does that mean? What does this mean?” Daniel's voice was only a little shaky.
Lewis shrugged, “whatever you want it to. Do you need a car?”
Daniel looked around the flat again, he could see the bedroom off to the side and turned back to look out on the patio. He looked back to Lewis' content face, watching his reaction keenly.
So far he'd been able to take Lewis at his word. He'd been very open and honest about everything. Daniel felt he could maybe do the same. 
This was surely an experience of a lifetime, and clearly Lewis was willing to do whatever to make him happy. Daniel supposed he could follow this journey and see where it went. And when it eventually ended, at least he'd have had a good time.
“Actually, can I get a vespa?”
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the-uraniumverse · 1 month
Hi it's me again..
I made the oc so here you go Uraniumverse treat him nice he's shy 😭
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Lucas Deniel. Born February 3rd, Aquarius : The 'silent nature'. Favorite ride, The high swings.
Born in Strasbourg, France - Lucas at a very young age had to leave his home country due to complications with his mother and father. Leaving the country of France with his mother to Saskatchewan and all his friends behind, the boy began to develop a more quiet nature not understanding many social cues or canadian exclusive slang said in Uranium city focusing on his studies instead. When he joined Saint Cassian Chamber High school, he imagined another year of simple classes and building his intellectual mind until the choir flyer caught his eye. Deciding to join, playing musical instruments for the choir on the side, he finally began to develop some people he could call his friends.
Lucas Deniel, The 'quietest boy in town'
Relations with the Saint cassian choir 🙀
Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg : He doesn't really like her (for obvious reasons..) but tolerates her because she did help teach him to play some instruments and he respects that. Sometimes he kinda just stares at her like '😕' though
Noel Gruber : They'd bond over France low key. Lucas would tell him facts and stuff about France and Noel would read him poems he wrote about France. Lucas would adore the poems, maybe find some a bit angsty but he likes that about Noel, They are definitely friends. In another universe where everyone is happy and alive they'd probably move to France together as roomies, maybe date? I'm unsure. (Their ship/relationship name would be silentpassion though because its cute and makes sense)
Mischa Bachinski : He listens to his raps and sometimes and gives him advice on his YouTube comments + some rap ideas he thinks people would like. Definitely watched Rupals Drag race with him at some point (probably at the fall fair tbh). Lucas likes Mischa to an extent but not like a best friend more like friends who have a sort of want to go back home, something they both relate to
Ricky potts : Both don't talk, instead they have staring contests. Need I say more? Anyway he'd probably like Ricky but be iffy about Zolar (he didn't have THAT much Internet exposure). He'd probably help Ricky put realistic space facts/pictures into Zolar because I fear Lucas is a big nerd (I'm projecting) and on occasion when confidence is built he writes notes to express his thoughts and regrets it after because he's embarrassed from not being used to talking
Constance Blackwood : I feel like he'd be a regular at the Blackwood cafe just for the cupcakes. When he moved to Uranium he probably found a love for specifically chocolate cupcakes and eats one when he has the chance. Or they both probably take nature walks with eachother like quiet music walks and sit by like a river.
Jane Doe/Penny Lamb : When he meets Jane he'd kinda be like '😟...😨' and be scared. Not because she's like.. A doll but because of the fact she can remove her head. He'd find that scary as shit. Though slowly he'd (overtime) grow to like her after the fact he learned Jane doesn't usually do that and would play with her doll. Unlike Jane, with Penny, Lucas more so is neutral about her but defends her the best he can when people bully her (he's trying!!!)
Uhh also he has situational mutism which is why he doesn't talk often. He still has the ability just is way to nervous. He doesn't have a catchphrase because yk.. 😔 anyway I hope you guys like this little french dude I'm sorry for yapping 🙏 (i WILL do it again and come back)
he’s trying his best 🫶
i really like him lowkey, very silly dude !!
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
Because I notice so many love readings and everyone seems to want that ... Forget that loll
A reading on your enemy (ies)
+channeled messages.
1. 2. 3.
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* y'all gotta say something if this resonates😂
Group 1
Ok so to compare to SpongeBob I guess, you guys defend something , and this person often does or just has or will walk away or leave in order to continue to plot or just look back and dwell on something and or the past/what just happened.
Seems like this person does want something and I'm guessing it's either yours or someone you know/care about. They think it will bring them success of some sort. This person has once or many times or I suppose maybe in the future will, try to do something , they think their slick, and they're creating bullshit and sort of wreaking havok more or less. In some way this person operates they're actually trying to compensate for something. Physically, mentally, whatever. Something they don't have at least no enough of. They lack. Ok. LOL . So this person views you as someone who has something of value but you aren't good or skilled enough to have it and you only have it so that someone who is "capable " can come and take it and use it to it's highest potential. You guys don't get offended this person is delusional. It's yours and it matches you not them. People like this have huge egos and they need to lie to themselves other wise WHAT would they do? Seriously what would they do with themselves. They wouldnt have an excuse to fuck shit up anymore. They need to be delusional about it so that they can do it. God knows why . They see something you have that is yours and they want to believe that it belongs to them because you being you make them feel bad about themselves. Lowkey they might be broke or something like that some type of poverty it could be spiritual, mental, creative, money, whatever. It kinda seems like this person is around to keep you grateful, to highlight you having a sort of kind soul and good heart and things. And also to both show to you and or other people how in control spirit is. Especially when it comes to what happens involving you and your life. Maybe to show that you're guided and intuitive possibly. There are definitely some things you do not know and are not supposed to.
Group 2
Getting some mad lazy town vibes not gonna lie. But I guess it is the theme in a way cause of the picture. Well this person or people seem to come up with a lot of "bright" ideas and or they do magic. Seems like they send stuff your way. Could be tricks and traps and things that are disguised or hidden. I have to say it. This reading is silly. This person is goofy. A lot of this stuff seems to go right over your head and you left unaffected because it's so far off from your energy. Either or both, you don't see eachother in person or you seem to avoid confronting eachother. More likely this person is scared to confront you without a mask on , face to face. You might not know what they do or the full gravity of the situation.or they just seem to get away some how. But in a way some of you do know especially if this is them doing magic. You know but you have no proof right.honestly this person is super insignificant and your life and or you are coming off super vibrant. Ok literally lazy town duh but this person trips over their own traps. Like they'll set a trap and then walk on the same trap ten minutes later. So silly. What. Do not even worry about this goober. You and your things , everything important is protected. Possibly by an entity. Or just a strong person spirit or not maybe you have a fricking camera in your room I don't know. You are protected nonetheless.
Group 3
This person or people , seem to come at you damn near if not just full force mega strong energy I'm guessing for a lot of you that is just raw anger. It could be any energy though. And you are just minding your business. Like some of you. everybody has flaws why would they expect anyone on earth that is alive to be perfect. The hell. And then yeah I see y'all more or less being negatively affected by this bs. Drama. You guys might be younger or less experienced at something but this person almost is like a bully like why are they choosing to come at you like damn.their words seem to kind of cut. Like, y'all are all chill more or less and you guys should just stay in your own energy and try to stay unaffected by this as much as you can. You could also say something about being treated like this if you can and want to. Also you could totally try to kill them with kindness and be sweet/innocent whatever according to what energy they're coming at you with. Don't be scared of an ending because of this situation and or person. For a lot of you I feel like someone around would /will be understanding if you told them what's up , though. Every boss has a boss too. Unless you're dealing with an owner of a company or someone who cannot be controlled somehow. Then I don't know what to tell you.
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excelsi-or · 1 year
summoned (pt. 1)
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hi everyone! it's been a g e s, but we're back! i've been travelling since about May, and definitely thought editing this story wasn't going to take as long as it did. anywho, this is the demon fic that i teased a while back. kinda different from anything else i've put out before. it's inspired by Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, definitely a book worth reading if you haven't yet. let me know what you all think :)
pairing: lee jihoon (woozi) x fem OC/fem reader
w.c. 2.5k (i'm not sure what i'd classify this as tbh. silly, maybe?)
"You want what?"
"A venti and medium–" The rest of what Jeonghan says gets garbled as he speaks. Not from lack of phone connection, but just because she has no idea what he's going on about.
As she stands in line, her eyes skim over the menu in a vain attempt to find anything similar to what she'd heard Jeonghan say. When she reaches the front of the line, she's still clueless.
So, she tries to sound out the garble in the hopes that this barista can translate.
"Venti and me–I mean, grande, fructi paemoni–nope, pomegranate?"
Before she can see if the man has been able to understand anything she said, she feels all the air sucked out of her lungs. Sound disappears and she thinks she's passed out. When she gasps for air, she looks around to get her bearings.
Time seems to have slowed, not stopped.
Her brow furrows, as she tries to gauge if she's had some sort of early life stroke. On a whim, she turns, about to walk out of the place. But she jumps back at the man dressed in a suit now present in front of her. He has dark hair with an undercut, his hair silky. His skin is fair; his body toned, at least based on the way he fills out the suit. But it's his eyes that catch her attention. They're black, seemingly catching no light.
And then he opens his mouth to speak, and she notices the sharpness of his canines.
"Hello, human. Thank you for summoning me." The man's tone is flat, as if he's tired of giving this speech. "I am not a genie. If you ask anything of me, you must give me your soul in exchange."
The furrow in her brow deepens. "Soul? So, you're not a vampire."
If the blackness of his eyes could get blacker, they do. "I am a demon. You have summoned me."
"You're a what?" She juts her thumb back in the direction of the barista. "I was ordering a drink. I wasn't summoning anything. I was literally about to leave, because I thought I was having a stroke!" She lets out a long breath to reign in her hysteria. "I didn't summon you."
The demon looks confused. When she blinks, there's suddenly a piece of paper in his hand. He recites her name, the time, the date; all of which she agrees is correct. Then the demon recites what she said and she holds a hand up to stop him.
"I did not say–what did you say I said?"
"Veni ad me, fructus daemonium."
"I definitely didn't say that. I said something like venti and medium--grande, fuck, Jeonghan oppa's order. I think he wanted some pomegranate fruit something."
The demon stares in disbelief. "So, you didn't summon me."
"God, no. Wait, can I say 'God' in front of you?" She shakes her head, likely stopping herself from rambling than deciding whether 'God' is appropriate in front of a demon. "Regardless, I didn't summon you. And I don't need to trade my soul for anything."
The demon huffs. His dark eyes go over her once and then to a pocket watch. "Look, I have a--what do you humans call it--a quota of sorts. A quota that needs to be filled this millennium."
"Human, I have a quota to fill. A certain number of souls to collect. And it has been a very slow start this millennium." The demon snorts. "Fewer young souls are being given up and He prefers the young ones."
"Sorry, Mr. Demon, I really did not mean to call on you or summon you or whatever." She looks back at the café, where one woman has finally put her cup down and a man has finished pressing the period key on his keyboard. "Have you slowed time for everyone? I don't want to be late for my creative meeting."
The demon tilts his head. "There's nothing you want that you would trade your soul for?"
"No, not really."
"A lover who can't be yours, oodles of money," the demon's perfect brows furrow, blinking a couple times, "fame, eternal youth?"
"I'm… pretty content right now." She swears his eyes turn green; she takes a step back. "Seriously, Mr. Demon, there's nothing I want to trade for my soul."
"Call me…" It's his turn to look around the café for inspiration. His eyes catch sight of the barista's name tag. "Call me Jihoon."
"Uh… you can't just leave?"
The demon's expression deadpans. She thought the expression he'd greeted her with was his deadpan expression. This is a bit more horrifying. "I can't just go back to Him and say 'oh, she dialled the wrong number'."
"I can't just have you following me around," she protests. "Won't you ruin my chances of getting into Heaven or something? Being reborn or whatever happens when you die?"
This makes the demon–Jihoon–chuckle. "If you believe in any of those things, human, then I would assume you assume that the beings or forces that control those things are always watching."
"I… don't know if I understand what that means, but whatever. Mr. Demon, you can't–"
A guttural voice replaces Jihoon's bored tone, and he glows red. "Don't tell me what to do, human."
Another step back.
The two of them stare each other down. She knows that a demon probably doesn't need to blink, and she'll lose whatever stare down this is. And he's told her he won't leave.
"Okay. Fine. Stay. But, Jihoon," she winces at the name, doesn't suit his demon image, "you better be visible to everyone. I'm not going to let you con me into giving you my soul to stop people thinking I'm crazy."
Jihoon blinks in surprise. He hadn't thought of that. "Fine, human. I'll be visible."
"And you can't wear the suit. I only have one friend who wears a suit and he's a lawyer. You're probably not going to go off and finish a law degree."
Jihoon's eyes narrow, and now, she's sure they turn green. "Then, what," he pauses, "do you expect," pause, "me to wear?" This silky voice is more threatening than that demon voice he'd used before.
She tries to brush it off by breaking eye contact. There's a guy in the corner of the café that catches her eye. The man is dressed in a denim jacket with a hoodie underneath, plain jeans, and Converse. She nods at the stranger.
"I'm a demon, not a… a college student." If demons could spit venom, this one would.
"Well, I'm also not a college student, Mr. Demon, but that's what guys I know wear."
In a blink, he's dressed in a red hoodie, black denim and black Converse. "Any other requests?"
Best not to push her luck. "No."
Suddenly, she feels a burst of air go through her lungs and the familiar thrum of the café fills her ears again. It's almost too loud now. She turns to the barista and he's reciting her order.
"I think you're asking for a venti and grande very berry hibiscus?"
She waves her phone over the card reader. "Sure."
This barista, non-demon Jihoon smiles at her. "Great. And the name?"
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When she arrives on time to her creative meeting, she slides the drinks across the table to Jeonghan and Seungcheol. She collapses into the seat next to Jeonghan, who addresses the problem she’d nearly forgotten on her rush over.
“Who’s the new guy?” he asks.
She grimaces and looks over at Jihoon standing by the door. The demon stands with his arms crossed over his chest, clearly unhappy to be here.
“That’s,” she clears her throat, “Jihoon. He’s…” She studies the demon, who isn’t inclined to help her come up with a lie. Jeonghan, Seungcheol, and Hansol all wait for her to fill in the connection. “He’s my friend that’s visiting. One of my brother’s friends… that came to the city.” This lie eases the knot in her chest, but why is he here? “He doesn’t know the city very well yet, so I… I said that I would take him on a tour after the meeting.”
Her three friends take a second to process this information, before Seungcheol breaks out into a smile. He leans forward on his elbows, so he can look past Hansol at Jihoon. “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Seungcheol. This is Hansol. That’s Jeonghan.”
Hansol, who is sat across from her, waves in Jihoon’s direction. When he makes eye contact with her, she notices the very slight furrow in his brow.
She shakes her head in response to his unasked question.
Jeonghan doesn’t notice the exchange; if he does, he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he begins the meeting and jumps right into the collaborative contract that she and Hansol are working on. They’re collaborating on a large mural in the city, and the city has just provided feedback on the loose design.
Seungcheol, Hansol’s manager, jots down notes for Hansol.
“So, they want less colour? Why did they choose Hansol then?” Seungcheol shakes his head as he writes.
“They want three colours only,” Jeonghan explains. “Preferably the primary colours in their colour palette.”
“My line work can’t be coloured in with three colours,” she says. “There are skin tones.”
Hansol raises his hand and turns his sketchbook towards the group. He tends to multitask during meetings, which is why Seungcheol takes his notes. “I can just adjust my design. We might not be able to do 3 colours only, because I still want the depth to come through. But I agree, we should keep the skin tones. The whole point of the mural is diversity, and that should be real.”
She looks to Jeonghan. “Can you get them to compromise on skin tone and maybe 6 colours instead of 3?”
Jeonghan makes a note of it in his notebook and then moves onto the next slide.
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By the time the meeting ends, Jihoon has his eyes closed, arms still crossed, as he leans against the wall.
“Is he okay?” Jeonghan asks as they collect their things together.
“Uhm, yes, I think so.” She slings her tote bag over her shoulder. “We’ll redo the thumbnails, so that they can choose which set they prefer.”
“They were asking for an earlier deadline, but I told them that would be unlikely with all the things they asked you and Hansol to change.”
Hansol finishes chatting with Seungcheol and motions with his head towards the door. “I’ll walk you home.”
“Oh, that’s–” Hansol’s eyes dart to Jihoon, and she understands the offer. “Right. Sure, okay. That’d be great.”
She wonders if she can just leave Jihoon behind. Do demons actually sleep?
When she meets Hansol at the door, she asks him how his comic is coming along. She says nothing to Jihoon and they walk right out of the room.
Hansol shrugs, glancing at Jihoon, but saying nothing about it. “Seungkwan said he doesn’t like where the story is going.”
“Yeah, but that’s because you’re making it dark,” she snorts. She readjusts her bag. “And you know how Seungkwan is about dark stuff.”
Hansol nods. He presses the call button for the elevator. “I guess that’s true.”
She knows what Hansol’s thinking. “He’ll catch up.”
Sure enough, Jihoon saunters their way.
Hansol reaches for her hand and gives it a squeeze. The elevator door slides open and she squeezes Hansol’s hand back twice.
One initial squeeze asks if you’re okay.
One back means yes; two means unsure; a tight squeeze is no.
Hansol frowns at her, but she can’t explain. While Jihoon hasn’t seemed particularly threatening, he’s still a demon.
Periodically on their walk to the subway, she glances back at Jihoon. The demon keeps his distance, but always seems to have her in his sightline.
When they reach the turnstiles, this is the first time she waits for Jihoon to catch up.
“You need a ticket,” she tells him.
Jihoon nods, refraining from rolling his eyes. “I have it sorted.”
She assumes he’ll do some blinky magic that the turnstile will miss. That is, until she and Hansol have passed through, and suddenly the guard manning the booth comes running around. The two of them turn and see a man holding Jihoon by the arm.
“Sir, you need to pay to get in here.”
The red glow begins to pulsate around Jihoon, so she quickly intervenes. “Sorry, he’s a friend of mine that’s visiting. I think he got confused.” She glances at Jihoon, whose gaze is just as steely. 
Okay, earthly solutions only. Her mind runs as quickly as possible.
“Can I pay you for his admission? We’re only going a few stops.”
The guard glares at Jihoon, but when he turns to her, his expression softens. When she smiles, his face relaxes further. “I’ll let the others know. Where are you getting off?”
When he stalks back to his booth, eyeing Jihoon, she tugs once on Jihoon’s denim jacket. It’s warm to the touch. “Come on, Demon. We gotta go.”
Jihoon’s head snaps down to look at her. “Either put a ‘mister’ in front of that or call me Jihoon.”
She pauses to consider her response. Provoke the demon or let it be.
“Jihoon, when you tell me you have things sorted, please, keep it sorted.”
Jihoon looks as if he’s about to argue, but she cuts him off. Her voice is low, so only he can hear. “If you wanted to take my soul, you would have taken it from me already. So, either I need to willingly give it to you or you need to kill me.”
Jihoon’s expression hardens, but he pulls away.
“Now, come on.”
She catches Hansol’s arm and drags him after her.
“Do you have a boyfriend I don’t know about?” Hansol frowns.
“He is not my boyfriend.”
Hansol checks over his shoulder. The icy stare isn’t directed at him, so he wonders if she’s aware of the look. “Can he hear me?”
“Assume yes.”
“Can you tell me what’s going on?”
“Even if I could explain, you wouldn’t believe me.”
He scoffs. “Do you realize who you’re talking to?”
“That’s how unbelievable it is.”
Hansol lifts an eyebrow, his hand reaching for a bar as the train lurches forward. “Well, now I’m more intrigued.”
“When I figure out how to tell you, I will.”
Hansol catches her fingers and gives her hand one squeeze.
She lets out a breath and squeezes back once.
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part 2
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gege-wondering-around · 3 months
Hello lovely person! I liked the question so much I am sending it back!
Do you have any favorite quotes? why do you like them?
And, if you feel like they are incomplete or missing a bit, how would you complete them and why?
As always, no pressure or rush and whatever you do manage today I hope you manage something for yourself!
Hi there @dontcallpanic, forgive me for taking so long to answer but i had to dig through my memory (which is filled with holes and poor, fading things) to get to the quotes...
So, let's get started!
and I have some little categories too!
From... tiktok trends (I know, sounds silly, but I do love them)
I know love/gentleness exist, cause I exist and I'm full of it
I mean, this makes me able to believe love (or anything good) exist. Among all the cruelty, brutality, pain and sorrow of this world, there's still hope cause I believe and I know I have it in me, I can carry (and I do carry) love, gentleness, care, affection and so much more and it reminds, at the end of the day, even if there's pain, there's still something good among all of it.
to be loved is to be changed
I firmly believe this cause I've seen it times and times over, in my relationships and in other's, I saw it happening and I was also one of the reason it happened (for my exes, loved them deeply and still care for them despite all). But. I've seen it in good and bad faith, I've seen my friend's ex go the miles to 'ruin her life' and manipulate her into get back together. Yet, he claimed it was always done because of love...
Love can change you, but you both have to be in love to make the change good (cause it will happen anyway, whatever you like it or not, you'll change)
I'll peel oranges for you - I peeled my oranges today
This is two pieces, 'before' and 'after'.
I love this so much cause cause the first one, is when love fill in the blanks for you, when you don't need to do something cause someone you love will take care of it for you. And they do it with such a tenderness, like it's some sort of privilege to 'peel oranges for you' because they get to do something for you and they know the gesture might be little, but it's surely appreciated.
the 'after' is the same when you break up. You have to learn how to 'peel the oranges' cause no one is there to do it for you. cause you like them peeled the way they did and you don't really want anyone to replace their gesture. so you learn, you learn how to 'peel the oranges.'
Jupiter was supposed to be a star, but failed...
Kinda sad, I admit. but let me 'complete it' before explaining it.
...yet it's fascinating
this reminds me of when you wanna be something, but you end up not fitting in yet it doesn't mean you failed completely. maybe you now know where to go, maybe you understood how wonderful you are without having to do anything different, and you just need to find your people.
failing doesn't mean being a failure. it means it's not for you (maybe) but you are still an amazing, fascinating person.
From... Tv shows/films
my mercy prevail over my wrath
The walking dead
it reminds me, any time someone do me wrong, to let it go and have mercy. to chose my battles wisely and the fool have it their way if it means i keep my peace. and if you have watched the show, it was the last string breaking, letting out everything and telling the world, 'I might've won to my people, but I've lost to myself.'
not all monsters do monstrous things
teen wolf
this just says it all. whatever is a monster, maybe it isn't...
From... books
we accept the love we think we deserve
the perks of being a wallflower
shutters my heart, cause it's so damn true. it talks to me deeply as I've always 'pointed low' (?)... I don't accept compliments, i believe the bas stuff people say about me, i don't believe I'm a good person cause I've been 'bad' to 2 people and all the other 20 means nothing... cause hate prevails over love, cause it's what i think i deserve, and the little love i let myself have is so small i starve on it...
From... says
o la va, o la spacca
it literally means, 'or it goes, or it breaks'
i say this all the time cause it's either a success or not (i say this every time i hand in a text in school) but i think about this any time i take any kind of risk.
or it goes, or it breaks... no other way
pace amen
I don't think I've heard anyone else say this as much as i do, maybe it's just something i made up but I'll still put it in.
it means, 'peace amen'.
anytime something doesn't go right, or it fails, or it doesn't even sail to begin with, i say this cause it doesn't really matter. it's futile to me cause i kinda knew it was a failure from the start.
my italian teacher 'hated' me because anytime i got a lower grate than my usual and she'd ask me about it, i always said pace amen, cause i didn't really care, i still passed but with a lower grade.
or when i didn't (and still don't) have any plans for the future for myself, and she'd try to make me see all the infinite possibilities and stuff i already knew i couldn't do it, and then she'd say "you can't think so lowly of yourself" or "you're gonna fail like this" I'd always say pace amen
cause to me, it doesn't really matter...
grades are never deserved. I've seen people cheat in all possible ways and never get caught, and even when i busted my ass studying, i somehow got a lower grade then them... so it doesn't matter
my future... well i don't care, for as long as I'm alive and at peace with myself, enjoying my time, i don't care about what job i end up doing.
to me, this 'pace amen' means be at peace with myself and the consequences of everything I do or say. to me, it's complete acceptance of my way of being...
From... 'the last days of Juda Iscariot' by Stephen Adly Guirgis
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I wanna read this book (which is a theater play script) so bad! it's all so real, like this is how it was...
I'm not religious but religion fascinates me so much...
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this is all I've got from my scrappy memory so I hope it was somehow interesting and not boring!
thank you so much for ask @dontcallpanic, you're sich a ray of joy in my rainy days, always so joyful and amazing, you're truly wonderful! 🩵🫂
hope to hear more from you anytime you want, have a wonderful day and wish you amazing things 💗🫂
and please, forgive any typos...😅
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Alright take two.
Spoilers for the sun and moon show episode
the sun and moon episode RUIN Sun TRAPPED Moon in VRCHAT LOLOLOLOL See link above
It's late and EVERYTHING is funny
(Trigger Warning Below Cut for: discussions of violence [Bloodmoon, Jigsaw], discussions of mental health [Sun], swearing, [because I'm incorrigible])
I'll be honest I do NOT like the name Jigsaw. I just simply do not like it. It's just not clicking with me for some reason. It sounds like the name is still up in the air in the show as well, but I hope I settled with it real quick if it does become the canon name for this dude.
I couldn't tell you WHY. It's just not sitting with me yet, which is bothering me because it's such a silly reason to dislike the appearance of a character. Especially since I REALLY like this guy.
yeah ya'll are right. Moon's concern for Sun's wellbeing is endearing
More of a gripe with Security Breach, but they missed an opportunity to call the game Glampire. I mean, come on. It's right there!
I try very hard not to be someone who nips about stuff on the show but the 'watch to the end to see...' is... really annoying. I've had to click off a couple videos because I was just... I dunno, they struck me the wrong way? Like, I'm already watching the episode? I want to watch the episode? I don't want to watch the episode when that thing pops up, makes me feel like I'm being told my attention span is not long enough or something. It feels kinda... insulting? But it feels dumb to call it that. It's just something I'm perturbed by. :/ I feel like I saw someone else mention this somewhere, maybe here or in the comments of a vid. So I hope it's not just a me thing.
I wonder why they started doing that? Maybe people were only watching so far into the videos? I'd be genuinely interested in seeing the analytics of the channel. I know that's not an option lol, but I just like data and looking at data. Correlating it to decisions and stuff. ANYWAY
I've also never understood peoples, like, people point out the cameras a lot as being shorter than normal or taller than normal or shakier and ascribing that to being a character when it just always felt like camera work to me. Cause, you know, it's VR CHAT, they gotta work with what they got.
But I did kind of understand this episode, because all I could imagine as Moon was walking through the Arcade back area was Ruin/Jigsaw/'whatever their name is when it's cemented in the future' doing that goofy, like, long legged cartoon walk where someone's sneakin' around in like tom and jerry or loony toons.
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or Sims 4 because this is the closest gif I could find lol
They make me genuinely nervous when they TALK it's so GOOD
Like, my heart clenches up you know what I mean?
This guy is so. They're SO interesting to me. They're
They remind me of Bloodmoon. But only a little bit. In, like, a similar but opposite way.
so Bloodmoon, like I've said before, was built for killing. It was weaved into their code from the get-go to be violent. But they also enjoyed it, killing people was something they relished in.
This guy also seems to enjoy killing people, but unlike Bloodmoon, if they are to be believed, they are a fusion between Sun and Moon. As far as we know Sun and Moon were not programmed with any sort of penchant for violence. There was Killcode, but Killcode was a virus before he gained sentience, and if New Moon is anything to base off of, those violence urges were not hard coded into him. And if the AI is to be believed the only two folks in this particular robot are Sun and Moon.
Which seems to me like wherever this want for torture came from, they developed it on their own. Whether that be because of the events of the Ruin DLC or what, I don't know but I'm super excited to see all that unfold.
They also seem to enjoy it differently. Bloodmoon killed his victims, violently. They seemed to enjoy the viscera and gore of murdering people more than the lead up. After all they liked blood.
This guy is much more patient, all the way down to how they speak. They enjoy causing PAIN. It's a game to them, because it's fun. Their enjoyment comes from the torment before the kill. It's why he describes what he's going to do to Moon, I don't even think they mention killing at all, THAT'S what he enjoys.
"Moon suggest a different game! Moon suggest a different game!" Lol
"Rock a bye baby *doge w/dolphin sounds*" Had me crying.
As Jigsaw was following Moon back out of the arcade, they'd pass into a more shaded area and his eyes glowed which was Really cool and also Really unsettling.
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"We can make them count as limbs" fuck me he's so unsettling
" I don't owe you anything."
"Yes you do! You owe me a game!" Pouty face. (:(
Should have suggested, like, a vocal rendition of Rush E or The Diva Dance from The Fifth Element or something.
I guess... they're robots though. So maybe notes like that wouldn't affect them. Might have set them on fire thought maybe?
Moon's performance was very nice! It really is a good song for his character. It takes a lot of confidence to sing in front of ANY type of audience.
Jigsaw really takes everything in stride. Moon insults him and he doesn't even respond at all.
The lil' nose boop.
The little head bonk.
"I'm yOU remember?"
I was wrong there are something's he does not take in stride
LOVE him. He is shooting way up on my list of characters I look forward to seeing in episodes.
"Well I'm still standing here!" "And I'm way better than I ever was." LOL
You know I can see no cons of creating a portal gun. I think that would be highly beneficial and there would be no terrible outcomes that ignite from the building of a piece of machinery that allows instantaneous travel between two designated locations via breaking the very fabric of space time. Not a single bad thing could come from making something
Yeah okay never mind
(Sorry I gotta poke a leettle bit of fun at the guy who decided making the Newton Star was a good idea thinking making another high-tech piece of equipment is a good idea. I'll make fun of the satellite too, probably, when it comes around don't ya'll worry)
"Ohhhh NOOOoooo DOn't LEEaave ME MOOOnnn PLEEEeaase." As Moon just turns around and walks away
Followed immediately by a fucking jump scare Jesus Christ
But it worked right? It fucking worked, it lulled me into a false sense of security. Like, this guy who was threatening Moon's limbs not seven minutes earlier went into goofy silly clown mode and I fell for it sooooo, like. It worked.
It sounds like this was the first time Moon actually said anything about his trip to another dimension to Sun. So this is being dropped onto Sun with almost no warning.
Sun learned Moon would be gone for a week, and immediately went 'can we hang out?'
He very much needs some support right now. We're, what, a week post-hallucination episode? He needs his support group with him right now, it is a critical point, but he's too afraid to ask for it straight up so instead he's asking around it so to speak.
Instead of asking Moon to stay or telling him what the problem is, he's asking if Moon will play a game with him instead. Hang out. Be in his presence.
There are so many reasons this could be. Perhaps he would feel selfish asking Moon to hold off on completing this satellite to stay with him, especially if he's not comfortable with telling Moon WHY just yet, because if he doesn't offer a reasonable explanation then there's no justification for Moon staying, at least in Sun's eyes. It could be embarrassment over the issues, maybe he feels like he's blowing it out of proportion. Maybe he feels like he's asked or taken too much support already, and outright asking for more will end in not having any support at all.
Any number of things. It's easier to ask now when he knows Moon is 'not busy', maybe even more likely to say yes. And he's grasping for it too, "any random game" he just doesn't want to be alone because he just found out he's going to be alone very suddenly in a time when he should not really be alone at all, whether he knows that or not. He certainly doesn't want to be.
I see people often say that 'the worst thing someone can tell you is no'. They generally mean it in a positive way? I guess? I think Sun is at that point where, yes, one of the worst things you could say to him is no. So even an unenthusiastic 'I don't REALLY want to hang out with you' yes is better than a 'no'. Because a no means he'll be alone for sure, while a unenthused yes still means he won't be alone. Does this make sense? It feels clunky, did I explain this right?
Yeah the demeanor change from after asking Moon about the satellite, to finding out he has to leave for it, to finding out he's not leaving right away, to finding out Moon is going to hang out with him despite not sounding enthusiastic about it (because at least its something, you know?) was a trip.
I know Moon's probably stressed right now too, but the 'isn't there something you wanted to drag me along with' was unnecessarily hurtful.
I feel like we're slowly leaning back into past cycles with these two. Like, Moon not telling Sun about something big and important like that. Sun pushing down problems into something else. We'll see. It's just hints at it for now.
Sorry for the downer boo boo ending to the post ;-;
Maybe the next one will be a bit cheerier?
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leyleythecannibal · 10 months
"Threesome" [A TCOAAL fanfic]
Contents: Incest, Sex, Gore, Necrophilia
*The morning after, Andrew wakes up later than Ashley. He walks into the kitchen and silently sits next to his sister that has a mug in her hand. They sit in silence for a few minutes, and finally Ashley speaks*
Ashley: *Hands Andrew the mug* You look like you could use some coffee.
Andrew: Oh, thanks. *Grabs the mug and takes a sip*
*He grabs his sister's arm and looks at her scar*
Andrew: How are your wounds doing?
Ashley: I love them! Hopefully they'll leave permanent scars, especially the heart. *Takes a sip from the mug*
Andrew: They probably will, they're really deep.
*He looks away in shame because of what he's done to his sister's body*
Andrew: So uhh... About last night...
Ashley: *Hands him the mug* What about it?
Andrew: *Takes a sip* What do you mean what about it? I'm your brother, I'm supposed to protect you and look at what I did instead...
Ashley: You protect me already Andy. And a brother is also supposed to take care of his sister, which you've done, that was the best time I've had in a long time... A really really long time... *Takes a sip, finishing the coffee and lays her head on Andrew's shoulder*
Andrew: I guess you're right... *Lays his head on Ashley's*
Ashley: You don't give yourself enough credit for how amazing you are Andy. You've been so nice to me and took care of me my whole life, I can never repay you for that. I love you more than anyone in this world...
Andrew: You are the same to me, no matter what you do, I can never stay mad at you. I just love you, so so much...
*They both raise their heads and look at eachother's eyes*
Andrew: But you're also the worst thing in my life...
Ashley: I know. But that's part of the reason why you love me, isn't it?
*Andrew hugs Ashley and lays on his back, laying ashley on him and they silently make out for a few minutes*
Ashley(panting): Wait here for a second.
*Ashley quickly leaves the room. Andrew, confused, sees the razor they used last night on the kitchen counter and gets a grim feeling again. But soon after, Ashley comes back with her arms behind her*
Andrew: What is that?
Ashley: Guess!
Andrew(chuckling): How am I supposed to guess? Just tell me.
Ashley: Come on, it's a surprise. Guess!
Andrew: Okay, okay! Hmm... Is it a fleshlight that you got me as an early birthday present? *laughs*
Ashley: Well, sort of...
*Ashley pulls out Mrs. Graves' head. As Andrew makes a panicked sound*
Andrew: Ashley what the fuck is that?!
Ashley: It's mom, silly! Oh wait, did you want the body instead..?
Andrew(angry): Well then why did you say sort of- Wait...
*Ashley grins and throws the head at him. Andrew catches it and looks at its lifeless eyes before Ashley pushes him bact to kiss him, making him drop the head. After making out for a few minutes Andrew pushes his sister away and looks in her eyes*
Andrew: Ashley...
*Ashley lays beside her brother and unzips his pants and grabs his already hard cock*
Ashley: I guess mom really got you horny, huh~? *Starts stroking his dick and kissing him as he grabs her ass*
Andrew: Ash- ley- s- top...
*Ashley stops to listen to him*
Andrew: Why did you bring mom's head here?
Ashley: You'll see soon enough Andy~
*Ashley turns on the couch to start sucking Andrew's cock. Andrew, with his sisters ass just in front of him, lowers her pants and pushes a finger in her asshole*
Andrew: Ashley... Are you sure it's ahh... okay to do this?
Ashley(with mouth full): Ish ohkay, dohn't wowwy.
*After a bit, Ashley stands up and grabs Mrs. Graves' head from the floor*
Ashley: You were wondering about this, right?
Andrew: Yes... It's kinda disturbing...
Ashley: Get ready then~
*Ashley get on her knees next to the bed. She gently kisses her brother cock, then kisses the head in the lips before pushing it on Andrews cock, making it enter through the throat and out of the mouth*
Andrew: Ashley?! What are you doing!?
Ashley: Shh! Shut up, trust me for once idiot! Wow your dick's so big its coming out of the mouth...
*Ashley moves the head up and down, stroking her brother's cock. Getting aroused by the sight of Andrew's cock going in and out of the head's mouth, she starts making out with the head, practically giving her brother a blowjob as his tip goes in and out of her mouth*
Andrew: Ashley ahh... This is- this is so fucked up... Mhh~
*Andrew, despite that, starts moving his hips up and down quickly*
Andrew: Ashley this...this is insane... You would love it if you could feel this! Ahh~ F-Feeling your warm mouth on the tip while the rest of it is inside the cold severed head...is a feeling out of this mhh~ O-Out of this world..!  I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum Ashley!
*Andrew cums in his sister's mouth with such force that it tickles the back of Ashley's throat as she keeps as much of his cum in her mouth. When he finishes, Ashley gets up and kisses him, sharing his own cum with him. They kiss for a long time after swallowing*
Ashley(panting): So, did you like my surprise~?
Andrew(panting): I loved it...
Ashley: *Grabs the head* Wanna give mom a kiss for that~?
*Andrew grabs the head and kisses it for a minute*
Andrew: Goodbye, mom~
*Ashley takes the head and tosses it before laying on her brother. They tell eachother sweet nothings about how much they love eachother as they slowly fall asleep...*
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carmsgarms · 6 months
hi! I've seen you talking about your Astarion origin - I was debating playing one, but I've not done an origin yet. Is there comparatively a lot less voice lines? Because I feel like not being able to talk to him in camp etc, you'd loose HOURS of his content. Is it like using him to talk to NPC's, which you can kinda do on a different run, and he's just missing from camp?
I also struggle to see him as any kind of leader, especially in act 1 & 2, bless him 🤣 but that's another issue.
so, tl; dr, your results may vary but I am having more fun doing other origin stories. If you want to really dive into his inner turmoil, and if you're interested in seeing other characters have unique dialogs with him, at least give act 1 a shot and see how you feel. But I really missed not being able to just walk up to him in camp and hear him being a silly little guy who always has something to say.
long answer with some mild spoilers -
I'm going to be so honest, I didn't enjoy it. But I think it was my own fault. Him not being any kind of leader or having the ability to make his own decisions makes role-playing him hard, and you /do/ lose out on a big chunk of his voice lines and Neil's physical mocap acting. A lot of the physical movements you see are the standard tav reactions to things.
You can hear his overworld dialogs (("don't touch me" "ooh what's in here")) more often and some little quips that usually only tav would say, like some general observations about whats going on ((things like "well it looks like we have to do x to accomplish y" and those do have a fun little bit of Astarion flourish to them). There are some interesting astarion-only cutscenes (you actually do get to see him having nightmares about Cazzy in act 1) and you /do/ get some fun dialog choices that are unique to him as well as some unique responses from other characters, but I feel like you really lose out on seeing his growth in response to someone else's leadership.
I did enjoy act 1. I feel like I got the most unique options from it because you can choose when and how (and to whom) to reveal that you're a vampire spawn. Act 2 is where I started to feel like I was losing touch, especially because he doesn't have any sort of strong reaction with Araj besides being like "ew no."
Granted, I made a lot of choices that I don't think Astarion would make (like saving the grove and generally being a good person) because I wanted to romance Karlach and Halsin. I origianlly was romancing Gale and I kinda wish I had stuck with that route but I REALLY wanted my bloodbear moment. I think it would be more fun to do an evil run, or at least do your best to roleplay him and make choices you think he would make. Every choice I made felt wrong trying to make him nice. I think if I go back and be just a touch more evil it would be more enjoyable.
I have a lot of opinions about doing the Astarion origin run, but as I'm going through my evil durge run and seeing how many things you can do differently, I might give it another shot at some point. I am really enjoying my evil durge and my Karlach origin run (it's easy when you can just always pick the good and nice options lol)
Also! thanks so much for asking!! let me know if you have any other questions! I'm happy to continue to infodump about what my origin playthrough was like ^^
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squidthechaotickid · 1 year
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Made a lmk sona/oc finally >:] Their name is Void and they r so very silly 2 me <33
Dropping their backstory + info under the readmore
Okay so. Mk was having a nice time in his apartment, having a wonderful dream bc he was asleep, when he was woken up by a sudden CRASH. He woke up, looked at the weird shadow clone of himself, took a deep breath, and decided to lay back down for a few minutes. Meanwhile the shadow clone is still messing wt his stuff.
Finally, he gets up, drags the clone down to Pigsy's, and calls Monkie King. The clone kinda just sits there while Mk and Monkie King (who was there in like 5 seconds) start debating what to do. Monkie King suggests getting Macaque (who's name the clone repeats) and Mk agrees (much to Pigsy's dismay, but hey, it's either that or let the weird clone hang around.)
Wukong went off to find Macaque while Mk started to mess around with the clone. It kept repeating random words and copying several of his actions. Piggy thought he should leave it alone but Mk ignored him.
After like 20 minutes, Macaque, already knowing abt the clone (he saw it while shadow traveling and thought it was weird,) came in with Wukong and was basically like "I have no clue what that is but it's definitely some sort of shadow thing. Mk did you accidentally make a shadow clone bc that's my thing usually not Wukong's.
Mk confirmed he didn't, and they started to debate what it was. Somehow, Macaque and Wukong started fighting, and Mk tried to calm things down. The more upset Mk got, the more agitated the clone got, with only Pigsy noticing. He only managed to get their attention after the clone began to screech, before dipping into the shadows and disappearing.
Everyone began to panic, except Macaque, who quickly followed and found the clone close by, outside in an alley. He tried to bring it back inside but it instead began to fight, summoning its own shadow version of Mk's staff.
The others rushed out at the noise, and the fight began. The clone kept targeting Monkie King and Macaque, while completely avoiding Mk. Finally, the fight ends after the clone dips into the shadows one too many times, and begins to "dissolve." They leave, leaving the gang to wonder what that even was.
After several months and other, more pressing issues (aka multiple demon attacks,) they mostly forgot about the clone. Until, one day, a kid looking oddly like Mk walks into Pigsy's. They introduce themself as Void, Mk's shadow. They explained that they weren't exactly sure what they were, just that they were born from the shadows, and was specifically connected to Mk, as they could feel certain bits of what he felt. (Both physical pain and emotional pain)
They explained that they had spent months watching and learning from the world, teaching themself to speak and changing their appearance so they were no longer a clone, and instead their own person. They apologized for the previous fight, stating that Mk getting upset had filtered to them, and they didn't know how to cope with the sudden emotion, as they'd never felt anything like it, being born literally an hour before.
Mk was ecstatic, and decided to drag them around town so they could experience it outside of the shadows, also inviting Mei. The trip went mostly okay, though Void did have to stop the trip early because they were getting overwhelmed by the new sensations. They became friends with the others, and Void now shows up every once in a while to help or just to visit.
Other facts, now that I'm done wt the backstory lmao.
They can't shadow travel for long or often. It's kinda like a drop of water in the sea; they're a shadow, and if they stay too long, the shadows will consume them and make them a part of it yet again.
that's why they started to dissolve after the traveling too many times during the fight.
That being said, they still have to every once in a while. They'll feel sick if they don't.
While the sun doesn't harm them, it will make them feel exhausted after a bit.
They feel everything Mk feels, though not as extreme, and they can usually tell which are his and which are theirs.
That being said, when Mk had the whole thing with his monkie form? They couldn't control their own form, it was terrifying. They were lucky they were alone in a forest outside the city at the time, because they were completely out of it.
They based their look off of various things they found in the city, such as clothes they saw in stores or colors they saw that looked nice. They kept Mk's headband and based their hair partially on Macaque and Wukong's.
They can't change their base form in any way Mk can't. They ended out wearing a binder, just like Mk does.
They don't know what a gender is.
They have an identity crisis every other week.
They keep trying to separate themself from Mk, but demons keep mistaking the two and it really doesn't help the identity thing.
When they were first learning to speak, they stuttered over words and spoke formal. As they got used to speaking, they became more leaned back and used more slang.
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