#i do apologise for this i dont control the brain
variousqueerthings · 2 years
its taking so much self control not to search for all the messy trap, BJ, and hawk fics (that I hope exist!). also that bridget jones video is amazing, its so easy to forget how awkward real life fighting actually is lol. Im picturing BJ as darcy and trap as cleaver. side note, I also read your hawk/lyle and it was honestly so good, well written and soo hot!
oh hai, I didn't see you there!
EDIT: So this is not what your ask is about and I'm sorry, I went on a post-finale watching tangent, I apologise for not being funny anymore, even though the original post was light-hearted. GFA spoilers
It's funny, because now I've seen the finale, I feel like I need to wallow for a bit in the version of the story in which BJ and Hawkeye never see each other again.
It's got that sweet, sweet bitterness to it.
It's also funny, both my flatmate and my partner -- although I will hazard not to put words in their mouths -- are, let's say, not fond of BJ, because, well... he does many a highly questionably thing in response to the Horrors, especially to Hawkeye, but to me at least that ending, it's very much offering a final understanding of that character that softens him just a tad (to me, my feelings).
He undoubtedly, unthinkingly, several times messes up with Hawkeye within those two hours alone (which is worse: bringing up babies to the guy who's just had a breakdown brought on by the death of a baby, or leaving without a note, possibly knowing some element of the way that Trapper left, if not the entire thing???)
And then when Hawkeye, in a particularly harrowing way, reaches out to him (what would you do if I were bleeding out in your arms -- paraphrased) he brushes it off, because he's steadily become more depressed and therefore self-centred in how he gets through it all, and has used Hawkeye to project more than been able to look at him directly, to absorb any of Hawkeye's pain on top of his own. And here's Hawkeye invoking the most terrible, final goodbye he can think of, and BJ runs away from it. It's terrible!
And then!
And then he does it!
He does the one thing that Hawkeye asked of him, in the way he could do it. He left him a note. He made it as big as possible. He said the only thing that really needed to be said in it: goodbye.
Is it enough? After all of that? Maybe that's not really what the question can be (after all, a better man is not what Hawkeye's ever asked for from him, and in many ways BJ's bitterness about being a replacement for Hawkeye's pain about Trapper is not unfounded either -- the projection goes both ways, even if one is more overtly aggressive).
But he did it.
It's funny too, I was saying around s10 that I was really missing the big gestures of s7 -- I have yet to confirm on this my second watch (and feel free to let me know if there is an example I've forgotten), but I don't think BJ ever does anything as big for Hawkeye as he does in s7ep2, that sort of declaration, it was gargantuan in its scale and continued to exist in metaphor in those faded, pink pieces of clothing BJ kept for most of the rest of the show. I confess I missed the moment they were no longer there, but I believe at least not throughout the entirety of Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.
And this was a gesture, it was the thing I'd been wondering about the absence of and missing, and hoping BJ might in some way find it in himself to return to -- to not be so blinded by what he thinks he needs (to keep his eyes firmly on home and Peggy and Erin), but to value what he's had here, to value Hawkeye enough to grant him that goodbye.
SO after all of that thinking about BJ and Trapper potentially meeting (and tbh I think once I'm past this initial stage of just... sitting with the finale for 5 to 100000 business days, I will go back to thinking about it, the scenario is fantastic), I am currently, as it turns out in reaction to that ending, far more focused on the importance of goodbyes.
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watmalik · 1 month
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It's mutual.
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Umm the usual assortment of lance allura and kuron for that ask thingy <33(can be all three or just one if you dont feel like it!!!) scurries away
Thank you for asking bestie ❤❤❤. Ngl my brain is baked these days so I'll be only one this time
three facts about them from my personal headcanons-
Huge ass nerd. Especially about classic lit but he's also this pic about it-
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2. Enters 'Shiro look-a-like Cosplay' competition specifically to do the Worst Most Awful impression of Shiro, he also got the scar on the wrong side through makeup (its a coping mechanism leave him alone) If he and Shiro had a better relationship (and Shiro stopped being a bitch about the clone thing) they both would enter that competition and Kuron will win while Shiro will get last and Kuron doesn't know whether to laugh or cry or curl up in a corner and die
3. Fighting for his life anytime he gets a headache or a migraine. Constantly swinging between "it's just a headache! Haggar's dead! It's just a headache! Haggar's dead! It's just-" And "I am going to die"
a reason they suck-
Babygirl I know you are going Through it but you got to stop going behind your teams back and yell at them, Lotor was so not worth it.
Also is just so focused on being The Leader he forgot being Team Member
a reason they are great-
He's just trying so much???!?! Like he is doomed no matter what happened and he didn't even know it but he was still trying his best and he fought and tried to survive till his very last breath 🥺🥺🥺🥺 my boy he deserved better
a reason I relate to them-
I kinda don't? Relatability of a character isn't really my priority as much as studying them in a microscope is. If I had to I guess our tendency to not communicate well and be a bit snappish when stressed? The feeling of not being in control about anything in your life? Otherwise I can't think of any
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character-
I still think about toxic yaoi Kuron/Lotor that would never work and destroy them both btw if you even care
But also like screw romance give him as many friends as he wants
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened-
Him getting to live
Him getting to live as his own person
Him getting to live as his own person in his own body
Him getting to live as his own person in his own body and not treated as Evil Shiro clone but a friend
Shiro fucking apologises to him (I know there are others who have done far FAR worse things to Kuron and Shiro has his own trauma and I like Shiro! But also listening to him being mean to my son no. 1 WHILE being mean about my tragic son no. 2 and all I could think of was, "Shut the fuck up forever actually bitch")
five people that character never fell in love with and why-
Again do I really have to answer this one?? Like can't we ignore all shipping fandom? Ugh fine
Haggar (for obvious reasons)
Zarkon (stated as above and in fact these two can be interchanged)
Sendak (sure Kuron hasn't actually met Sendak but he does have Shiro's memories and he sucks in all of them)
Iverson (because fuck him)
Slav (I don't hate Slav but I have to agree with people when they say that Slav and Shiro trigger each other's anxieties and trauma and this applies to Kuron as well)
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hirik0 · 7 months
Bad Reputation part 4
Ghost/Soap | NSFW: Mastrubastion
Soap apologised to all of the Privates and he is sure Ghost will hear about it. They haven't really talked about it, but Soap goes to their usall training session with Ghost. Ghost said he can improve his knives skill a bit more. When he walks in the area Ghost is already waiting for him.
"I heared from the Privates", Ghost says while pushing himself of the wall. Soap hears the approval in Ghost voice and he relaxes at this.
"Was training them with Gaz so why pushing it of", Soap answers taking the training knife Ghost is giving him. Waiting for Ghost to pull out a second one but Ghost doesn't.
"Do some tricks", Ghost simply says giving him his full attention. Soap is suddenly very self conscious, it feels like his skin is vibrating. He makes a fool out if himself fumbling with the training knife like he never held one before. Letting it drop to the floor, technically stapping and cutting himself and the more he fails the more nervous he got what let's to more mistakes.
"You can do better then that Johnny", Ghost comments his pitty attempts of doing tricks. Soap takes a deep breath chossing to do a lame beginner trick, throwing the knife in the air and catching it by the tip. He catches it ones, twice, three times in the row getting him more confident and relaxed, throwing it over his shoulder catching it, feeling confident with doing this.
"Stop", Ghost orders and he catches it one final time. As if he saw everything he needs to see by now and he dont sound like he really like Soaps poor attempts. Ghost takes the knife back and is giving him a coin instead. He looks at the coin waiting for instructions but Ghost is not giving him any. The only think he knows for sure is that Ghost probably don't want him to flip the coin.
"I don't know what to do", Soap admits when Ghost still haven't giving any instructions.
"Never played with coins?, Ghost asks, voice neutral before taking the coin in his hand. He places it between pointer and middel finger and in one smooth motion moves in between his ring and little pinkie and back. Soap takes the coin back trying to do the same. After several attempts he made it one way.
"You lag fine motoric in your fingers, Soap", Ghost says while taking the coin back. The frustration of the training are pressing against Soaps self-control.
"I don't", he disagrees sounding like a pouting child. Ghost just gives him a raised eyebrow for that, clearly waiting for more explanation.
"Never had anyone complain over what my fingers can do before", Soap simply says now really pouting.
"Could still get even better", Ghost simply says and Soap feels anger bubble up.
"Can't even know that", Soap snaps the frustration audible.
Ghost smirks at this before asking: "Want to show me?" He sees Soap ears turn red, blinking dumbfounded trying to say something but his mouth just opens and closes with out a sound. Letting Soap find a answer preparing what he wants to say next, he wants to rail Soap up. He knows he shouldn't, but its all thought about while being away was how to bring up this sexual tension between them. Not what he thought it would happen like this but well, he takes what he gets.
"So you are tell me I'm not good enough?", Soap finally answers the redbess spreading fto his face tand Ghost cant help thinking that its adorable.
"Maybe, who knows", Ghost simply answers shruging.
"You're full of shit, LT", Soap says getting a amused chuckel.
"Maybe I'm just more experienced, Soap", is the last thing he says before leaving the Gym. Soap needs a few minutes till his brain is sure he didn't misheard Ghost. Holly fucking shit did this really just happened? Does Ghost really wants him to show how skilled he is in that area? How does he even does that? He can't stop thinking about it on the way back to his room. When he enters his room he has somesort of a plan, its a stupid plan, its inappropriate but he doesn't care.
He gets the nearly empty lube bottel out of his nightstand before sitting down on the bed. He needs to plan this a bit, what he exactly wants to do and how to show Ghost. He stripes out of his shirt, socks and pants keeping the boxers on for now. He looks back at his phone and takes a start photo just him on his bed in boxers. He starts to slowly rub over his clothed dick, trying to come up with a fantasy. Thinking about what Ghost will do when he gets his texts and the photos. Honestly the feeling of this being forbidden turns him on even more. He's feels how he's getting hard thinking more about Ghost reaction, would Ghost use the pictures for his own pleasure? God he hopes so, he takes another picture when his dick is fully hard, still in his boxers outlines clearly visible, putting the phone on the nightstand for now.
He slowly pulls down his boxers stroking over his hard cock. He thinks about what Ghost would do to him, if it would be hard and fast or slow and patient. Ghost is a sniper and often on long solo missions he properly would be ridiculous patient just to fuck with him. He squeeze the rest of the lube out the bottel, warming it up. Slow and patient it is then, atleats at the beginning. While he warms up the lubes of his fingers he's looking for a good postion to finger himself. He lubes up his entrance being generous, imagine the fingers are Ghosts. He pushes the first finger in while still thinking of what Ghost would do. He closes his eyes and fantasy Ghost is apearing trying to start this with what they talked about in the gym. Finger flexibility and peopel not complaining, Soap chews on his lower lip. That's would mean Ghost would only give him the finger in his ass right, shit he never cum like this before, he did it to others, bit he can't never find the perfect angle when doing it to himself. Well games on now whith the next push in he adds another finger. He carefully stretches himself ignoring finding his prostate for now. While he still moves his fingers in and out he continues to fantasies. Making something up on his own always did more to him then watching porn he trys to figure out how Ghost would act in this situation. Would he be talkative or being his stonic self? Would he give praise or would he say mean things? Would he want him to beg or just knows what to do to destroy his partner? Soap starts to build his fantasy Ghost, giving rare praise when he thinks he should staying silence otherwise that and a mix of making Soap beg and just figuring it out by reading body language. And the mask would stay on, honestly he thinks Ghost would stay mostly clothed a totally nacked Soap infront of him. He rubs over his prostate a low moan leaving his mouth. Maybe if Ghost is generous his mouth is not covered, but besides this the clothes stay on. Soap is losing himself in the fantasy, rubing over his prostate with three finger by now.
"What did you say about your finger work?", fantasy Ghost is wispering in his ear, the Manchester accent a lot more prominent, the voice raspy and deeper as usal. A shiver is running down Soaps body, his breath coming in pants by now. Cum is running down his dick, but he totally ignores it, Ghost would not allow it, so he can't do it. Clever fingers doing all the right movements, fingering himself never felt so intense before. Fantasy Ghost is kissing over his shoulder bitting where shoulder meets the neck. He feels how his orgasm is slowly building up and he needs to claw the sheets with his free hand to not give in and stroke himself. He hears fantasy Ghost chuckel when he sees it.
"Trying so hard to be good aren't you Johnny?" Soap nods in the empty room, not trusting himself to nod moan to loudly for the thin walls if he opens his mouth. Sweat is running down his spine and he shifts on his knees a bit. When he twist his wrist a sertain way he has to cover his mouth with his free hand, shit this was good. Maybe Ghost is right and there are still thinks to learn. His cheeks are a nice shade of pink, he has to cover his mouth to muffel his noice and he still trys to hold out longer. Not wanting this to stop to soon. Heat is collecting in his lower abdomen and his legs are starting to shake, with the effort to keep going. His dick is constantly leaking cum, that starts to run down the shaft.
"Please", he wispers his begging in the room, he can't any longer. Ghost smirk against his shoulder. The hand that's still cover his mouth is running down his torso, setting his skin on fire where ever he barely touches himself. When he goes with his thumb over the tip of his dick its nearly over, but fantasy Ghost is still teasing him, just because he can. Tears are gather in Soaps eyes, while he teases himself further, smearing the cum over his tip, a high pitched wimper leaving him. The littel bit of blood that's not currently in his hard cock is causing a nice blush that's slowly spreading down to his chest.
"I think you deserve a littel reward", the husky voice of fantasy Ghost is wispering. Soap gets one down stroke of his dick before his orgasm is exploding. Bitting the inside of his cheek to stay silent, his legs shaking, thick ropes of cum covering his chest, mixing with the sweat film that's covering his whole body. He falls to the site on his pillow, trying to catch his breath, a tear running down his cheek while he slowly blinks his eyes open.
He reaches for the tissues getting both of his hands clean for now, using one arm to cover his eyes. Holy shit this was intense, he can't rember coming this hard by just himself ever. His heart is racing his lungs try to get all the air in that's possible. He graps his phone taking a photo with his face and the cum covered chest visible, the he starts to shiver the sweat layer cooling him down. Time to clean up and get in his sleeping clothes. A welcoming feeling of satisfaction is spreading through Soap while he's wiping the cum of his chest. He needs more fantasies like this, when the time allows it. He gets dressed in a clean pair of boxers and a old t-shirt, laying down on his bed opening the chat with Ghost. He's getting a bit nervous sending this to your CO is a good way to get into trouble.
🧼: 3 picutes
🧼: no problem with my finger flexibility 😉
He puts the phone away getting ready falling asleep.
Ghost got waken up by two phone notifications. He makes a annoyed sound surprisingly he was able to fall asleep. He lights up the screen getting blinded by the how bright it is. Soap sent 3 pictures and a text. He reads the notification of the text several times. He is convinced he's still sleeping because Soap surely would not do this, right? He unlocks the phone opening the app and fucking hell Soap did do it. He looks at the first two pictures, nothing to exiting, just Soap in his underwear with a visible erection coverd by his boxers, but the third? He clicks on it to make it bigger. The first think he notices is that tears ran down Soap face. His cheeks are red, so is his neck and chest. Ghost mouth runs dry. He looks up again seeing the pleased smile on Soaps face and that his usaly bright blue eyes are deep black oceans. He must have taken the picture right after his orgasm. Ghost is half hard by now and he looks down hissing when he sees the robes of cum, that are in such a contrast to the redish skin. No doubt Soap had a good time. He should tell Soap to delete the pictures and to never sent something like this ever again, he really should. But he doesn't he saves the picture of post orgasm Soap and fully hard Soap. Makes a special folder that's password secured, his cheeks are burning. Shame is washing over him, killing his erection instantly.
💀: need to show me next time.
He looks at what he sent back god what is he thinking and with what is he thinking not with his brain for sure.
💀: delete the pictures out of the chat
💀: talk tomorrow
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poly-star-trio · 1 year
i dont think weve talked much ab how th creep actually got 3 n 4 but there are earlier asks ab th creep still having some influence over 4 so. what if it made 4 go back t th old castle site where th big ol maw is. like 4 is just walking alone thru th woods t th old castle in th middle of th night in a daze w hazy, unfocused eyes
as for 3?? well!! that cld prolly b from meme guardian senses!!! bc 4 is 1. being mind controlled basically so thats setting off alarm bells and 2. heading straight back to the giant fleshpit that took him over like a month or so ago. while 3 prolly doesnt. know exactly why he needs t find 4 he knows smth fucked up is goin on w 4, enough t make him run outside of th internet graveyard in th middle of th night
also bonus points if 4 snaps out of it when 3 gets his attention RIGHT b4 he touches th meat creature n pulls away, but it grabs him anyway n 3, trying t pull 4 away so he doesnt get pulled in again, gets pulled in as well
wow that was long sorry
THIS IS SO AWESOME ACTUALLY . do not apologise for writing long paragraphs because they are always so cool
i really like this idea but the idea i had in my mind is that the creep wouldve been slowly taking over his body . maybe eating away at his brain or soemthing until it gets access . then boom mind control
and i think it was stated somewhere that 4 , in an undead state , wouldve just . taken 3 with him back to the old castle . but yknow what i like the idea of 3 sensing somethings wrong and rushing to help
maybe the creep did that on purpose ! maybe it was luring 3 in by sending signals thru 4
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borathae · 1 year
OK this is ☔️ anon again, i have submitted my plot thoughts on MV now i unleash my feral mind
FIRSR i have had jimin brain rot since face so i still find this lil toxic morally gray character terribly sexy and i am craving smut of his character
realistically, he’s burnt his bridges with everything character besides tae so that’s the only smut that could happen with him still WHICH I WILL STILL TAKE we r in a vmin drought sibi we deserve it 😁
HOWEVER i am a simple man that has been watching jikook stage moments and so i am thirsty for this idea h e a r m e o u t:
the gang is all real mad at jimin and tae obviously so when yoongi wants to punish them for their actions loyal jungkookie goes “i’ll help!” and yoongi wants to punish tae more because of the betrayal he helped with (im a whore for angst so id love a whole chapter of that too) SO jungkook takes on jimin and he’s very mad at jimin but jimin is very sexy so a little tension builds up like with tae and jungkook in the dungeon. OC wants to make sure jungkook is okay during this or some other reason she just winds up in the room right, but jimin mind controls OC to be horny turning on kook cause he gets horny for OC and sexy evil people (me too buddy) and they’re about to fuck in front of jimin whos realizing that they’re still new at this so he convinces him to unchain him so jk won’t unleash control on OC who’s like cockdrunk and out of it. so jungoo unties him but is like i’ll do you one better and goes hard dom on jimin for his punishment!!! like finally rough dominant MV!kook!!!! anyways OC is horny asf so jimin is like i’ll take care of her let me eat her out so you don’t hurt her, kinda manipulating him and taking control of the situation more so she sits on his face and is facing kook who’s railing jimin and really dommy so he’s like pulling her hair and grabbing her and being rough but still careful cause he’s so motivated by his hate for jimin to not hurt her but is kinda dumb for letting this threesome happen (it’s okay 🫶we can’t be good at everything baby) so they all cum and jungkook is so proud of himself and is running on an adrenaline high so he goes to fuck OC next, but jimin is exhausted after cumming that hard so he passed out which makes OC pass out being released from his control and jk is like o h n o wtf did i just do and it ends in yoonkook angst when yoongi gets involved because i’m a masochist 🤪
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FIRSR i have had jimin brain rot since face so i still find this lil toxic morally gray character terribly sexy and i am craving smut of his character
HONEY SAME nfandfn idk why I can't hate him, but I really can't afjdajsf he is so fandsfna
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justabunchofdragons · 2 years
HI i dont know anything about doctor who and also THERE ARE MULTIPLE DOCTORS??????????? but ummm who is your favorite doctor ? why? AND who is your least favorite doctor ? why ?
JGKFHFKDJ THESEUS ILY YEAH THERES MULTIPLE DOCTORS ok holdon im literally going to be so autistic about this dw is my specialisest interest ever maybe even above minecraft. we stay winning
SPOILERS AHEAD !!don't read if u wanna watch. but also i'll try not to say too many things that could ruin stuff. hopefully.
uhhhh ok i feel like i wanna explain the multiple doctors thing JKGJFKF how do u not know this.......,,, no matter! i will. explain >:] so there's one Person. the doctor ys? they are an alien from a planet very far away. it has two suns is very pretty. also its destroyed rn but thats a whole storyline i Don't want to get into. also their species (the timelords) treated them horribly so they have an attachment to earth and humans because we are :] nicer :]
um so because they can't keep one actor being the doctor like . forever. its going to have its 60th anniversary next year so like. they couldn't have stayed kgkgjfkfj. they give each one like 3 seasons roughly? and a few christmas specials etc etc and then the doctor regenerates into a new incarnation of themselves. they can't control Anything about this which is a uhhhhhh .genetic defect because the rest of the timelords Can. or could. they're sorta dead. lol. but because the show started 60 years ago + some of the older writers are a mix of racist and misogynistic, historically the doctor has been played by a bunch of white men. BUT . when the doctor regenerated on screen for the 12th time (going into the 13th incarnation) here we start winning . the first female doctor!!!!! the backlash was stupid misogynistic and literally so bad that ppl Stopped watching. also they complained that the writing was shitty which was kinda fair but also !! u can live a little. maybe shitty writing is how we stay grounded. i love my shitty little show with its bad special effects. gimme a tardis sound and ill go insane for a month im a simple guy. BUT ANYWAY first female doctor. (she's my favourite btw. and then after her its nine :])
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look at her. she's a lesbian (canon)
NO LIKE LITERALLY CANON !!!! she was in love with her companion yaz (yasmin khan literal beloved . she's the best) but they didn't do anything bc . time was running out and the doctor had been told Multiple times that she was going 2 die soon. and neither of them wanted to hurt themselves that badly but i am so sidetracked rn lemme just go agonise over whos my least favourite. holdon ill be back in 3-5 business days.
ok just kidding. maybe 12? i feel rly bad saying that bc he was so... theatric. like some of the biggest speeches came from him. like his episodes Stuck with me and bc he was played by an older looking guy compared to 10 and 11 he just. felt so cool. 12 was so cool actually i changed my mind. no i didn't. OUGH this is so hard ☹
i kiiiiinda wanna say 10. but maybe thats because of the recent mess surrounding him. i don't wanna get into it my brain is so fried from thinking about it all kgkgjfkfj. cries. um. least favourite is sooo subjective. i watched 10 seasons in a month? so they all felt Revolutionary to me i can't pick 😭 theyre amazing. but definitely 13 then 9 are my favourites
that was so long i apologise. in my defence u unlocked autism brain
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cubedmango · 3 years
sorry to ppl who are here for aa i promise ill be back just give me like another month
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just-a-fangirl13 · 4 years
Thoughts & Theories about MacGyver 5x10 [MacRiley]
This episode was absolutely INSANE. Im writing out my thoughts once and for all because I need to stop thinking about everything that happened (I highly doubt I will be able to but here's to trying)
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Straight off the bat, I was screaming *internally* and yelling at Mac when he showed the diamond to Bozer. I suspected it yesterday when we got the snippet of Murdoc saying the words DIAMOND and RING with extra emphasis..(everyone on twitter said I was jumping to conclusions.. I thought so too honestly) But damn I did NOT expect them to actually do that!
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Now here's why I am not mad about it anymore. [this is my interpretation you are free to disagree]
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Firstly, when Mac told Bozer he was going to propose he didnt say I’m doing it because I love Desi or I want to spend the rest of our lives together or because she’s the one (doesn't mean he doesnt care for her ofcourse)
He said “Ever since I lost my dad & Jack, I have been thinking about the bigger picture and a commitment to make things work is exactly what Desi and I need right now. A grand romantic gesture.” He wanted to propose for stability so he could finally be on the same page with her. They never really defined their relationship before and this was a way for Mac to final bring it together. A grand romantic gesture is usually something people use to win their partners back which is what Mac was trying to do I guess. It almost sounds like he has to do it so he doesn't lose her again 
(ill get to my second reason in the end)
Then ofcourse Bozer tells Riley about it so she can be prepared. Bozer is such a good friend. He is supportive of Mac AND wants to protect Riley. I love him for it! He really is doing everything to be the best friend he can to both of them. (Leannas death was so painful and I just want to hug him but thankfully Riley had that covered.)
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Next we get the BIG REVEAL. The moment all of us had been waiting for. 
The moment that SHOOK Angus MacGyver and CHANGED EVERYTHING!
Rileys Feelings!
“You want me to say it out loud? Fine. Yes I had feelings for Mac. There I said it. and yeah watching him and Desi together was breaking my heart so I moved out of his house. I should have said something to him a long time ago but I didn’t and now its over. ”
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I had the opposite of a HEART ATTACK! (my heart rate was through THE ROOF!)
I have to say they really really outdid themselves on this reveal. 
SIDE NOTE: If anyone comes for Riley and tries to call her a slut or a home wrecker? You will have me to deal with. Even after Murdoc played the clip of her confession she still tried to deny it and brush it off so it wouldn't complicate things for Mac and Desi. If Riley had wanted, she could have easily told Mac this to his face while he was dating Desi and then let things happen from there but she DIDNT. She kept that secret buried so deep she herself was in denial.
(also if anyone calls Mac a player or anything like that.. I will end you. He is doing his best to deal with everything that has happened to him and people keep giving him shit for it....)
Anyways, we see Mac’s expression & he is just confused and shocked and clearly not trying to think about it because it changed EVERYTHING for him. 
[Murdoc saying I THINK IM ON TEAM RILEY was a HUGE HIGHLIGHT for me! I love him so damn much!]
Desi took it really well too actually. If they keep going down this road of growth and maturity for her I think I could actually like her again. (Russ too when he apologised to Bozer) 
She didnt throw a hissy fit or say I knew it or look at Riley like she was the villain. She focused on the mission & I respect her for that.
(Riley does say, “the next thing you are going to hear on that recording-” and then gets cut off by Desi.. If this will come into play at some point later on or if it was just her trying to explain herself, remains to be seen.)
Then after the climax, we finally hear Riley say the words to Mac in real time and we get our FIRST MacRiley hug of the season! 
At this point I thought they would agree to be friends and make the friendzone thing clear BUT NOPE. (you have no idea how happy I am about it not going down like that!)
I was also a puddle on the floor. SO
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“Mac look-”
“You don’t have to say anything if you dont want to. Really.”
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“I want to. Last year in Germany. I realised I was starting to have feelings for you. Real feelings. I didnt want to make anything weird between you and Desi. I didnt want to mess up our work or our friendship so I decided to bury it. Until the feelings passed.”
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“Emotions aren’t a science. You can’t control them.”
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Gosh they are so perfect together! The way they look at each other and the HUG! OH MY GOD THE HUG! Its just perfection.
Now we also see this from Desi’s POV. Again no anger or jealousy from her. I think it was an understanding. She realised that she and Mac were never going to work.. maybe a little pain but honestly everything that went down with her and Mac was her fault too. The lack of trust and understanding was always a problem for them. Sure, things were going well but she didnt seem like she was ready for a commitment if im being honest. If Mac had proposed I think Desi would have said no.(again nothing wrong with that) 
She didnt want to label their relationship..they haven't said the words I love you to each other and I dont think they even live together. It really was way too sudden.(these are just things im assuming people define how well a relationship is going by.. I have no experience.)
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Then ofcourse we have what im calling the goodbye scene. Its the break up before the break up in my opinion.
Desi tells Mac that they should pretend the last 24 hours never happened (that might actually include Mac wanting to propose but make of it what you will..) and that they should have a clean slate. But its very clear from Mac’s face and Desi sees it too that he isnt 100% onboard with it. He cant forget about it.
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Which is when Desi says “Look Mac just do whatever you feel is right” and Mac looks confused.
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She then gives him a goodbye kiss. 
Look if you have ever watched any show/movie before where the characters are saying goodbye to each other or breaking each others hearts...THERE IS ALWAYS A KISS ON THE CHEEK. A final farewell of sorts. 
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That is what it seemed like to me. It was Desi telling Mac to do what he has to. Even if it inevitably leads to their break up.
Again real emotional maturity from Desi here!
Then we get the scene, Monica Macer (the show runner) tweeted about back in December.
Mac knocking on someones door. If im being honest? I thought it was Desi’s place and he was going to propose...
BUT it turned out to be Riley’s.
Mac clearly hasn't stopped thinking about what happened. I wouldnt either if my best friend who has put her life on the line for me and trusts me 100%, now has feelings for me? That would turn my world upside down too.
especially if I had feelings for her that I buried so deep that I never acknowledged them.
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Also this is my scenario for how their first kiss goes down just FYI.. (Mac showing up at Rileys doorstep and finally confessing his feelings and kissing her *probably won't happen that way now though, but I still love it*)
Mac hesitates for a second before finally knocking on her door.
“Mac? Everything okay?”
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“I can’t pretend like the last 24 hours didnt just happen. They did. So I gotta ask. Did it work?”
“Did what work?”
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“Hiding your emotions and letting it pass. Did they go away?”
and I proceeded to pass out. My brain just checked out...
Now initially in all my freaking out I thought Mac was asking Riley about his feelings. If HE buried them deep enough would he still be able to move on with Desi but then I rewatched it and I realised he was asking RILEY if her feelings were still there, if there was still a possibility of something ever happening. 
She never told him its all good now! my feelings are gone and it was a long time ago. She told him she buried it but he needed to know if a future with Riley was something tangible. 
So this was my second reason for not being annoyed about the proposal. The writers used it to show what a huge impact it would have on Mac. How much Rileys feelings would actually mean to him. the GAME CHANGER it would be.
A friend of mine said it was kinda funny and a little jarring but I liked it. (I could have done without the proposal) But I understand why they did it. They couldnt have Mac and Desi break up the same day Riley’s feelings came out because then people would hate Mac. They had to make him want to take the next step with Desi but then drop a bomb on him, that would make him question everything.
Again this is what I took away from it.
I do get that some people are not happy with this and some said it was too sudden *not like we’ve been waiting since season 1 or anything* but I think after 5x11 things will slow down again. Mac may break up with Desi only at the end of the season when he finally comes to terms with his feelings. (Some people are still cautious and I get it but after everything that just happened I find it hard to believe that Mac and Riley won't end up together after all.. not to mention the leaked script conversation between Mac and Riley from 5x15)
Now I dont know how the final scene ends.. they definitely dont get called away for their solo mission immediately after because Mac’s cheek injury is relatively healed in this stills, which means Riley does answer Mac’s question. She may try to avoid it or deflect but he is standing right there so...who knows.
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Next weeks episode is a MacRIley solo mission and lets just say things definitely are heating up a bit..*wink wink*
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Do you have any sly Cooper headcanons? I’ll apologise in advance if I’ve already asked you this. I have quite a few about Sly’s ancestors. And that Sly himself was fascinated with ballet for some reason.
this is. so good i am adopting this headcanon now
and boy if you want headcanons uhhh. yea i have a few :)
sly isnt a full raccoon!! ofc most of his ancestors had raccoon partners (or adopted other raccoons) but conner actually married a cat! i know it's a gameplay thing, but him having cat genes is what makes him particularly silent when he walks... and makes him fall on his feet
penelope and murray are super besties and often watch wrestling matches together
a lot of coopers actually managed to take down clockwerk! i'm not saying the majority of them, but a lot of time they actually managed to destroy him piece by piece. they simply didn't know about the hatechip, so after a few years he regenerated
conner is one of the few who managed to take him down! his battle with him is what made him decide to stop this thief thing and instead focus on his recently pregnant wife because, man. that shit hurt
about conner, he was... a difficult person to deal with. he was similar to sly, but even more extra - and unfortunately, his ego was WAY bigger than his son's
the gang he had with mcsweeny and moreau (aka dr.m) was one he made out of need. he needed a brain and a brawn and found them. they were mostly co-workers at first, and his ego is what really changed the dynamics. m replied to that with frustration, especially since conner had the tendency to do what he wanted without listening to plans, while mcsweeny answered to that with ironic remarks. mcsweeny and conner eventually ended up becoming really good pals - the kind who obviously love eachother but can't stop messing with one another -, while with m, well.
m told clockwerk where conner and rosa (his wife) were hiding and is also the one who told him about sly :)
about that, sly isn't the only cooper clockwerk spared. he's the first one who didn't have the thievious raccoonus with him, thus making clocky's reasoning of "i wanted to show everyone that without ur book ur nothing" actually make sense but. the cooper's biggest weakness is empathy. clockwerk knows the best way to destry a cooper without killing them is taking it on their loved ones and, while not often... sometimes he spared one of them a child, a brother, a wife, a grandfather. leave them to mourn and wish they were the ones who died
aaaand on a better note, about the cooper and the thievious raccoonus! it's not actually written in english!! from slythunkamen, they all used a secret alphabet. it's often updated and a lot of times the meaning of new words is translated here and there, but it's something every cooper learns alongside their first language since they're little. sly would've gotten the book when he was 8 years old because he could read, write and speak fluently that second language
he taught murray and bentley to read it too, and bentley taught penelope after sly 3
back to clockwerk, i follow the hc (that i saw is kinda shared in the fandom?) that for regenerating, sometimes, he just waits for someone to take over him and then slowly takes control of their mind until he "comes back to life" - and i saw somewhere a post in which someone talked about a cooper doing it! actually, again not many... but more than one tried to take over. some of them seeked power, some other thought this could've put an end to this... some did it just for curiosity
otto van cooper became clockwerk out of curiosity and is actually the "incarnation" of clockwerk sly fights at the end of the first game
about people incarnated in clockwerk!!! neyla. i liked the idea of her being a claww gang member's relative, and i dig the idea of her being arpeggio's adoptive daughter :^3c
...about that idk about the english dub, but in italian they dont really mention who's the leader of the claww gang and. we all agree it's arpeggio right?
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velvetsehun · 3 years
okay lets chat, one to one
so... im back (kind of? I think?)
my last PSA before i went off grid kind of told you what was up, and honestly i feel like ive repeated the same story to too many people over the last year that physically talking about it anymore hinders any progression ive made towards getting better and feeling like me again but we'll keep it clean.
I have spent the last near year grieving not only for the loss of a friend, but grieving the loss of myself; when i left there really wasnt much of me left to give anyone and the thought of writing was so far out of my brain that everything that i put to a document just felt like someone else was typing and i wasnt in control - it was a sad reality that i was living in but i didnt have anything left to give any of you aside from empty words.
It doesnt make up for the fact that i kinda pulled a classic fic writer and disappeared quicker than someones parents in a really badly written pre-2015 fanfic, especially going before things could properly get done, and while i dont apologise for taking my own time for things, i apologise for just leaving you all - you've all been too good to me through everything
damn you're all still TOO good to me even in my absence (i gained like 200 followers while i was gone, are you okay, we've never been formally introduced, we'll work on that okay)
I suppose you want to know where im going moving forward? and whats gonna happen to the things i started and never finished?
well to cut it short, ill be doing them in my own time and publishing them when i see fit and if i see fit; thats the best course of action for things related to fics personally
i also want to branch out a bit in terms of the groups i write for, and making the writings shorter (but its also me so not) and writing one shots; please put your pitch forks down, im not going buck wild, but i kinda want to try my hand at writing for other groups i like (NCT i am heavily looking at you)
I kinda just want to get into the swing of things in my own way and in my own time, and do the things that i find enjoyable, it might be a hard pill to swallow but i never was paid to do this - its never been a job (i did have a job and i got fired, it actually would make a hilarious one shot idea tbh), this is a hobby and my personal enjoyment and its time to start treating it like it was, and 2022 is the year to do that baby!
If you're interested in the plans i have or even still remember who i am after everything, stick around, my ask is open - lets chat
yours lovingly,
R <3
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thesacredtwink · 3 years
Before i get into the meat of this aks
Ok, now thats thats out of the way
Demise is so fucking irritatin???? Like???? Lord how does he talk so much and say abouslty nothing of value, at lease Ghirahim has spice and flavor???
Its my personal headcannon that Sky told him to shut up and take them to the fight, bc he was full of rage
Also in the Temple Groose wrapped Zelda up in a bunch of blankets and worked with young Impa to make both Link and Zelda some food bc they must be hungry after fighting the god pf evil
Impa is midly horrified at Groose non reaction to the world nearly ending
(I know theres a 'Fi's Farwell in this game and I do NOT want it, I dont want to see it. Nick, Nick is she going to leave me??? Fi nooooo, I dont wanna see you leave ;-;)
Also Demise's attacks aren't hard to deal with, they're all like incredibly annoying tho. Like stop running at me like that my controller refuses to calibrate properly and I cant skyward strike you prick!!
-Fi🔷 (who ISNT leaving)
AAAHHHH YEAH RIP TO ZELDA BUT ALSO HONEY YOU DONT NEED TO APOLOGIZE. LINK DOESNT BLAME YOU. (you can really see her identity crisis, and I think she's trying to convince herself as much as link that she is still the same person)
3) Groose DOES love Grannie, he really grew close to her in that time.
Yeah demise is. Demise is hrgggfg. He's not hard to beat? But he's frustrating in kinda the same way that Ghirahim is frustrating to fight.
And headcanon accepted. Groose put EVERYONE in blankets and made them food, including Impa. She's been through a lot too.
(I'm sorry, but Fi will leave you. But I swear its so good, you will need tissues, but it's good. It's happy and a little sad, and just absolutely perfect. But don't worry, if you think about it she has been with almost every link.)
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sunarintoes · 4 years
Boyfriend Headcanons
Includes: Sakusa, Komori, Shirabu, Atsumu
Warnings: none - just pure fluff :) oh wait some swearing!!
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✗ you have to be clean!! There’s no two ways about this. Of course you dont have to be super clean freak germaphobe!! (Extra points if you are because cleaning is his passion and he hates germs and he would love to share that with you)
✗ it takes a while for him to become affectionate, he has to ‘get used to your germs’ and all. When you are at home he will love to cuddle with you!! He particularly loves it when you are clean sitting in his lap while watching a movie! Because!! Then he can wrap his arms around you and rest his head on yours!
✗ one of his favourite dates is going shopping together... to the chemist. He likes having you with him as he looks through all the hygiene and sanitary items, often asks you ‘does this smell good’ because baby wants to be clean AND smell good. He will smell like a fresh bouquet if you so wish. Afterwards he’ll take you out to eat and pay for your food as a thank you.
✗ he’s in no way, shape or form fond of PDA. It makes him uncomfortable and he prefers to keep his private life, private. And you completely respect that!! The most he will go is the occasional hand holding or giving you his vbc jacket.
✗ he will make it clear he’s in a relationship though! He doesnt want his fan girls to continue coming on to him so he will tell them bluntly, it probably went something like this: ‘I am in a relationship with Yn. If you have a problem I dont care. Please stop trying to get in with me from here on out and dont touch Yn otherwise I’ll drown you in bleach.’ Wow isnt he just a charmer.
✗ he doesnt mind if you wear a face mask or not, but be prepared: he will refuse to kiss you until you’ve thoroughly washed your face. He does think your face is cute/pretty/handsome/etc so I think he’d prefer to see it.
✗ i don’t think hes one to be jealous or possessive but doesn’t like it if other people ‘contaminate you with germs’ so he’ll most likely stick around you to defend you from ‘germs’ so i guess he’s pretty protective. But not toxic protective!! He likes it when you come to his games and cheer for him!
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✗ Komori is the softest ever! He loves you and he loves affection!!!! Bb is kinda clingy but its okay because he’s adorable and you love his hugs! He loves snuggling with you - face to face, while the both of you talk about anything and everything!
✗ he definitely loves it when you come to his games and he always gives you his jacket to wear! After every game when he sees you waiting for him in the foyer he runs up and hugs you.
✗ he lives to see you smile! Komori really loves when you smile! Please smile for him! But don’t fake it! Fake smiles make him sad! If he ever sees you fake a smile (and he can always tell bcz of how much he loves your smile) he will always make time to speak with you or FaceTime you to ask you how you’re going and if you’re okay. He doesn’t like his bb being sad :’)
✗ Komori really likes cute cliche dates! Sometimes you tease him about it but you can’t deny that he always makes them special - even if they’ve been done a million times before. Picnic dates and star gazing dates are a must!
✗ when it comes to PDA, he’s not necessarily against or for it, hes just kinda like eh whatever works in the moment. However!! Holding hands everywhere is a must.
✗ I don’t see him as the type to get jealous and/or possessive. He gives vibes that are full of positivity, so I feel like in a relationship with him he’s very trusting and understanding. However, if someone is flirting with you and making you uncomfortable he will intervene. Unless!! You have it under control, if so then he’ll just come up and stand next to you with a passive aggressive smile directed at the dude. If you don’t have it under control, he will come up and put a hand on your shoulder to reassure you and then he will talk to the guy. He starts off by asking a random question like ‘how’s the weather’ or whatever, and this usually confuses the guy because ‘???? Who’s this dude and why’s he talking to me so friendly’ anywho, he chats the dude’s ears off and the dude ends up leaving.
✗ he cant cook but can make he finest 2min noodles. Eat his noodles. He’ll be happy.
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✗ aight here we are, piss hair - my second favourite Miya <3 jk
✗ being real, if youre gonna date atsumu you have to have to be able to take a joke. Please dont be offended. It’s just that he likes to joke around with you and 10/10 will point to something ugly and say ‘that’s you babe.’ He doesn’t do it to be mean!!! No!! He just sucks shit at expressing himself and therefore he teases you to show his affection verbally. He often says ‘I love ya’ to remind you because he knows words can hurt. He does his best to not be too mean :,) and if you ever look slightly sad because of something he said he will flick the switch and turn into a really loving bf. Hah simp.
✗ he wont admit it but he loves affection. Pda is a yes for him. Loves it when you sit in his lap or hold is hand or jump onto his back. He thinks you’re the cutest. You wear his jacket. Before and after games he gives you a sweet kiss on the lips, nothing steamy though thats for back home. He hugs you as a stress release. I know that sounds weird but he finds you to be so comforting and when he engulfs you in a hug and he can smell your shampoo/perfume he just feels really safe and loved and all round lucky to have you.
✗ Oh I know a lot of people have this hc about him only allowing you to cheer for him during his serves but I dont vibe with that. He likes it silent to concentrate so even if you were special (which you are) he doesnt want that game concentration interrupted, which you of course respect and understand. However as soon as his serves are up and its actual game time please cheer as loud as you want because he loves it when you cheer him and his boys team on!!
✗ mans is jealous, he doesnt like it when others get too comfy comfy with you. Like he knows you have other friends and he gets that but he does not! And I repeat - does not! Like it if they (esp opposite gender) get super touchy with you because in his head: ‘why get touchy with her/him/them when I’m literally right here???’ Oh yeah and he hates it when some weirdo is tryna chat you up, so to combat that he would definitely make his presence known. In scenario 1: ‘hey buddy can I have my girl/boy/sIo for a sec? Yeah thanks mate.’ Then he proceeds to kiss you harshly on the lips. Scenario 2: he walks up to the guy/girl/person and puts a hand on the both of yours shoulder. ‘She’s/he’s/they’re taken buddy, scram it.’ And the weirdo gets intimidated by that passive aggressive smile and the strong hand on his shoulder so they usually run away with a scowl right after they’re told.
✗ hes only soft for you behind closed doors sorry bb. Mans is a big simp. Even if he wont show it. I headcanon that he has a horse and knows how to ride it so sometimes he rides it to your house and calls you to come outside. You go outside and there he is, sitting on this large beast with a picnic basket, ‘hey babes wanna have a picnic?’ Ngl you’re surprised every time but go anyways. Omg imagine one day when youre at the picnic he’s all like ‘hey babes wanna see a trick?’ And youre like, ‘yeah sure’ so he gets on the horse and does idk something but then gets bucked off. Omg that shit would be hysterical. Brb gonna write a short scenario on this.
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✗ wow ok I love him so much
✗ ok ok so we know Shirabu is smart (example in the timeskip) so he often stays up really really late to work on assignments and to study which means he can get very tired and burnt out esp when he has to do volleyball on top of all that. This is where you come in, you often visit his dorms (Shiratorizawa has dorms so thats the base for shirabu) and when you visit his dorms you bring lots of food - healthy foods to get his brain working but also snack foods to help him relax and release some of that good ol’ serotonin.
✗ when he studies but also feels like cuddling you find yourself facing him while sitting in his lap. You gotta move though cause he’s still working so you end up just cuddling into him like a koala. When he doesnt have to write/is busy reading he will wrap his arms around you and place a kiss to your forehead. He loves you omg, thinks you’re the cutest thing ever. IN FACT his home screen is a picture of you asleep, cuddling him in his lap. The only reason you’re not his lock screen is bc he has a rep to keep up in the club and cant have brats like goshiki knowing he can be soft or tendou teasing him for being ‘simp.’
✗ like atsumu, you gotta be able to take a joke because mans is a salt stick and loves teasing/roasting you. Ofc you do it back. Sometimes you team up and tease Kawanishi together. Please save Kawanishi, he does not want to deal with either of you, bb is tired from volleyball.
✗ shirabu knows he may not be the ideal boyfriend - he’s hopelessly devoted to the volleyball club and studies the life out of himself, so he often finds himself apologising to you and feeling incredibly guilty that he may have to cancel your date every so often. You make sure to remind him that its okay, that you knew what you were getting into when you started dating him and that you admire that he’s so determined and such a hardworker and that you love him. Every time you tell him he almost cries, he loves you.
✗ to make up for lost dates he will invite you to his dorm, or he’ll go to yours and the both of you will spend the day cuddling and snacking on food while watching movies. For him this is like killing two birds with one stone because 1) he gets to relax and have some downtime and 2) he gets to spend that time with you and just being in your presence relaxes him so much. Hhhhh hes so precious omg i love him. Oh and he’ll make sure to tell you that he loves you - it took a while for him to say it because he wanted it to mean something.
✗ when it comes to pda he’s not the most comfortable about it, yknow he just prefers to keep that to himself. But!! Will 100% hold your hand if you ask. Sometimes you don’t even have to ask! He just really likes holding your hand.
✗ now is he jealous or possessive? Yes he is jealous, i cant describe why. He just gives those vibes. I think it’s because he has a lot of self doubt and insecurities about being a good boyfriend that he feels like someone could just sweep you away. He’s self aware so he knows it’s his insecurities talking so he does his best to not believe and act on them but sometimes when someone is deliberately flirting and knows you have a bf he will be big mad. Full on walks up to the guy with an intimidating aura and roasts him. Ngl you find it funny because he’s spitting out insults faster than you could say supercalifragi- something i forgot how to spell it lol.
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babyboy-ollie · 3 years
So... I'm not kinda new to the community of dxlg/ddlg/agere/agedre
So... like... I got into the "ddlg" community bc my therapist thought it would be a good idea to help me deal with my trauma. What he actually was introducing me to was agere/agedre. It wasn't a k!nk thing, just for trauma and sometimes I cant control it. (My brain. Kinda forces me into little space and I get super overwhelmed with adult stuff while I'm in little space)
Anyways I was introduced to "ddlg" (actually agedre/agere) when I was around 15ish so its been roughly 6 years
I do have a daddy but hes not really a "daddy dom" cause I dont like to be sexual in my little space (trauma related) but hes technically my dom when im big me
What does it mean?
Everything "ddlg" is NSFW and i get that and I try and respect blogs DNIs (alot of their acronyms I dont understand so its best to just not follow them)
My main blog is NSFW (mostly big me stuff) but I have a second blog thats SFW
Is there a way to follow SFW agere/agedre accounts with my SFW and not my NSFW?
I dont want to trigger or put minors in an unsafe environment
And some people tell me that you can't be AGERE/AGEDRE if you're in ddlg whatsoever so like my daddy just bc hes my daddy (whether dom or not) and I just don't understand I guess 😭😭😭😭🥺
I'm just here for an opinion or answers not to trigger or harm
I'm sorry if thats not okay 😞😖🥺
TW K!nk and s*x mentions
First off I want to say you don’t have to apologise for asking! We all have to learn somewhere and there’s no shame in not knowing!
For the sake of clarity I’m gonna define a few terms before continuing just to make sure we are all on the same page:
ddlg: An NSFW kink community for adults. Stands for Daddy Dom Little Girl and involves a BDSM power dynamic between a Dom and a Sub.
dxlg: A SFW non-sexual term. Stands for Daddy Little Girl and describes a relationship between a caregiver and a regressor. 
Agere: A SFW non-sexual community and coping mechanism. Stands for Age Regression, which is when a person reverts to an age younger than they actually are.
Agedre: A SFW non-sexual community. Stands for Age Dreaming which is an umbrella term for people with non-sexual child-like headspace or behaviour that doesn’t totally fit under regression.
Age(d)re: Another way to say “agere and/or agedre”.
With that out of the way, I wanna say that it is totally fine to be both ddlg and age(d)re permitted that you and your partner are adults and the two communities are separate! What it means is just what you have said, he is your dom when you are big and consenting and he is your caregiver when you are small. Your sex life and your regression are separate from one another and as such, his roles are separate from one another as well. 
As for the blogs, it’s good that you keep the NSFW and SFW separate! Just as the blogs are separate it is best to also keep who you follow separate. In other words, follow NSFW/non-agere or agedre blogs on your NSFW blog and use the SFW blog to follow agere or agedre blogs. It sounds like you are doing a great job at being careful to not trigger or harm anyone, but be sure you’re not accidentally cross tagging posts as it can be confusing to know which tags are safe and which aren’t! Here’s a link to a guide on cross tagging and how to avoid it
As for the DNIs, it is very common for a blog to say “DNI k!nk NSFW” or something similar. In general, this usually means that NSFW or kink blogs can not follow or interact with them. However, some people do not want a person following them if they are in kink at all, even if their blog is not related to kink. When in doubt it is best to ask the blog owner! 
DNIs often include a lot of acronyms which can be pretty confusing if you’ve never seen them before, so here are a few ones commonly found in DNIs!
MAP: Minor Attracted Person, another term for a p*dophile.
(NO)MAP: (Non-Offending) Minor Attracted Person, a p*dophile who has not acted on their urges.
P.E.A.R.: Pro-Expression Anti-Repression, another term for a p*dophile.
MIK: Minor in Kink, a person under 18 who participates in kink or BDSM.
NMIK: No Minor in Kink, this means a person does not want minors in kink interacting with their blog, commonly found in the bio of gear shops and regression shops alike
ALM: All Lives Matter, the opposition movement to Black Lives Matter.
If you find a DNI with an acronym you don’t recognise you can always ask the blog owner what it means! If you have any acronyms in mind that I didn’t answer feel free to send another ask or a message and I will do my best to help define it.
I hope I’ve answered your questions or helped to clear up some confusion! Anyone who says that you can not be a regressor if you are also ddlg is wrong. As long as you and your partner are consenting adults and you are not participating in kink while regressed then it is perfectly okay! Adult regressors are still adults and are allowed to have a sex life outside of their regression!
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msmarvelwrites · 4 years
The Winter Ghost - Part 6
Info: A Devastating car crash causes you to lose your memory and start over. The only thing left in the wreckage was the horrific nightmares which plagued your mind. If you knew what today would entail you would have just stayed in bed. But you didn't and because of that, everything you knew was about to change.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader 
Warnings: Angst, fluff, language. 
W/c: 1.9k ish 
A/n: I’m so sorry for this little baby chapter. I know its short, but I promise its sweet. Well, i mean, I dont really promise but I think it is... Thank you again to @cutie1365​ for editing this mess for me. 
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“What the hell happened!?” Bucky’s voice thundered as he stormed into the room. His face was a bright shade of red and his chest was heaving. You couldn't tell if he had just come from a workout or if he was really just that mad.
“How could you let this happen?” He spat at Nat. Obviously it was the latter. Natasha raised her hands in defence.
 “Buck, calm down. No one was hurt and-” 
        “No one was hurt!?” He all but screamed. “Look at her!” He pointed to your crumpled body on the couch. Your face flushed pink as you tried and failed to look less pathetic.
“So I ask again, how the hell could you let this happen?” He finished, almost fuming. You could physically see Natasha shrinking under Bucky's glare. 
         “Stop it!” You tried to make your voice as full as Buckys but it came out flat and small. “It’s my fault. Not Nat’s. And I’m fine,” You tried to steady your voice but a cough escaped your throat which didn't help your case. 
“Please, Bucky. I’m embarrassed enough as it is.” You finished, looking at his defeated face and quickly back to the floor. 
“Embarrassed?” He repeated under his breath, but ultimately dropped it. You were thankful, but watching Bucky’s solemn face made you wish you had kept your mouth shut. You had never seen him like this before. The confident man now looked small and broken. You watched as he shoved his hands in the front pockets of his blue jeans and hung his head. 
        “Anyways, take it from the top Shuri.” Steve cleared his throat and spoke up, cutting the tension like a nuke.
         “Right, so, ah… Y/n would have had contact with Wanda at some point. Do you remember a moment you felt yourself absorb her powers?” She asked you. You were still so preoccupied watching Bucky sulk in the corner; you didn't hear Shuri say your name. She cleared her throat and spoke again, “Y/n?” you tore your eyes off the Super Soldier and turned to the rest of the group. There was a familiar warm blush that crept back into your chest.
        “Sorry, sorry. I’m just a little out of it.” You started shaking your head to clear your thoughts, 
“Yes, um, I felt myself absorb Wanda's powers on our way to the garage. I know we've been practicing control, but I didn't think any of it really. ” You apologised again. You couldnt believe how stupid you had been. Guilt riddled your entire body, you felt terrible. T’Challa had invited you into his home. Shuri had used every resource to help you and this is how you repay them? 
“Why didn't you say something to me?” Wanda spoke up suddenly. Her voice was so little you almost didn't hear her. 
        “I- I don't know. It came on so fast but it left. I thought I had it under control.” You explain, feeling suddenly nauseous again. 
        “But that's exactly it, right? You so obviously don’t have it under control. And that's why Shuri and I think it’s best you stay here until you do.” Steve solded. You nodded your head in understanding. Natasha didn't speak up this time. She only kept her eyes on the floor. 
“I understand. I’m sorry.” You spoke quietly, a tear escaping and running down your cheek. 
“What happened was a terrible accident. But an accident nonetheless. Let's try to focus on what's important in these times of strife. Things can be fixed easily, but people, not so much.” T’Challa’s deep voice spoke, alerting you to his presence in the corner of the room. You weakly smiled and thanked him. 
“There’s been enough sadness today. We have a tradition here, that after days like this we come together. It’s what makes us strong. My friends have prepared a proper Wakandan feast. Tomorrow the problems will still be there but tonight, we eat.” T’Challa announced, smiling at the team. He and Shuri seemed to be the only ones. Hesitantly, Natasha and Wanda followed them out of the room. Steve got up, and almost left before turning back and taking a seat on the couch across from you. Bucky watched his friend carefully from the corner of the room. 
“Y/n, what did you mean when you said you remembered something?’” He asked sceptically. You looked up at him and noticed he seemed concerned rather than angry. Your nerves subsided, only momentarily as you spoke.
“When I woke up, I remembered being in a small cement room. It felt wet, and cold. Maybe underground? I was in so much pain. I don’t think I’ve ever felt pain like that before. I don't usually remember in so much detail, but it didn't feel like a vision. More like a memory. And I remember a name…” You started. Your heart pounded in your chest when you tried to say his name. 
“Zemo.” You finally choked out.
Bucky's head shot up suddenly as you spoke his name. Steve looked at his friend and back to you wide eyed. “Are you sure?” He pushed, looking at you sternly. You nodded your head. You were positive. It echoed through your thoughts ever since you opened your eyes. 
“Do you know him?” You questioned. Steve mirrored your answer and only nodded. 
“This is good, Y/n. You're starting to retain memories.” He began, getting up off the couch and heading towards the door. Before he left, he turned back to you, all sympathy had melted away from his face. 
“T’Challa is a good man. He won't say what needs to be said,” He looked at Bucky who glared at him, but you could tell he wasn't going to stop him from speaking. “What you did today was careless. Someone could have so easily been hurt, or worse.” You nodded your head again and signed. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” You spoke quietly. 
“Good. See you at dinner.” And with that, Steve spun back around and marched out the door leaving you and Bucky alone. You could physically feel how uncomfortable he was, standing in the corner of the room. He balanced back and forth on his feet until he finally spoke. 
“Can we talk?” He mumbled, beginning to cross the room. You patted the couch cushion beside you but he took the seat across from you.
“Are you okay?” He voiced gently. You looked up at him. His eyes were soft and full of sadness. 
        “Yes, I’m okay. Just a little bruised up. I heal fast, though. Thank you very much, Hydra.” You forced a chuckle, but Bucky wasn't smiling. His stormy grey eyes bore into yours causing your face to heat up. You picked at your fingernails, physically nervous. 
       “I was really scared, Y/n. When Steve told me what happened, I swear, I could have killed someone.” He signed as you watched his hands clenched into fists. He took a deep breath and relaxed again.
          “I thought. Oh, God I thought…” He paused, staring at you before he finally got up and crossed the small space between the couches. In one swift movement he took your hand and pulled you up into his strong arms. He held you there for what felt like forever. Your hands rested on his chest, your mind going into overdrive as the smell of his shower gel enveloped you. The crook of Bucky's neck rested on top of your head as he slowly ran his hands through your hair. One of his fingers caught a knot and pulled, causing a improtue moan to escape your mouth. You felt his body stiffen at the sound. 
       Gently he unraveled himself from you, but his hands stayed on either side of your face. You were both so close now you swear he could hear your heart beating. And, of course he could, ‘Thank you very much Hydra.’ He thought to himself, causing a small smile to form on his lips.
        Before you could stop yourself you balanced on your tiptoes as Bucky met you halfway, pulling you in close. In a breath, his lips crashed onto yours. The kiss started soft, but quickly became needy. He tasted like mint and nicotine and something you couldn't place. 
         “God, doll. You're fucking gorgeous.” He moaned, taking a break from your lips and kissing a trail down your neck. You tilted your head back slightly and allowed him more access.  
           In seconds you had melted into him as your hands reached up and wrapped around the back of his neck and tangled in his hair. He brought your lips back to his, dominating you in a way that made you feel like, given the chance, the man could wreck you without a second thought. You gave a handful of his hair a soft tug, pulling him deeper into the kiss. He let out an audible growl causing your heart to jump out of your chest. You could have died right there and been happy. Everything that had happened this morning faded away and all you knew was Bucky. Nothing else mattered in this moment but the way his tongue slowly traced your bottom lip causing you to moan in pure ecstasy. 
       Finally you both came up for air, gasping for breath. His forehead rested against yours as you both attempted to calm yourselves. Your chest heaved as you tried to comprehend what had just happened. Before either of you could speak the sound of someone clearing their throat startled you both apart. You both clumsily tried to unravel yourselves from each other.
       “Okay, wow. Didn't mean to interrupt…” Natasha smiled knowingly, resting on the doorframe. “Just came to letcha’ know dinner was ready - but I’ll tell em’ you're busy…”
        “Uh, sorry, Nat, we're coming. We were just- uh-” Bucky started, running his metal hand nervously through his hair. 
        “Oh I know exactly what you were doing, Sergeant. Please don't explain it to me, you perv.” Natasha grinned, turning on her heel and exiting the room with a perfect hair flip. 
        Bucky looked at you wide eyed. You honestly didn't have enough brain cells after that kiss to fully comprehend what had just happened. One metal finger lifted your chin up to meet his gaze. The intimacy in his eyes sent a shiver down your spine. 
        “I’m really glad you're okay, Y/n.” He spoke softly. His voice was raw and vulnerable and made your heart skip a beat. 
        “Me too.” You finally said. With that, he began towards the door. When he realised you weren't behind him he stopped, resting on the door frame where Nat had been moments ago. He reached out his right arm and gestured for you to follow. 
         “You comin’, Doll?” He asked, the familiar confident Bucky you knew was back. You smiled and nodded, practically dancing out of the room. 
         You were thankful for this little piece of happiness. It had felt like forever since you had felt this way. Despite everything, nothing could ruin this memory. Not even the ones that hid in the back of your mind, not yet strong enough to come to the surface. Or at least, that's what you thought...
A/n: Thank you so much for reading! I hoped you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Stay tuned for part 7! 
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love with bpd
This is gonna be a fun one for some context i have daddy issues and a whole list of other issues but lets begin, about 4 years ago i met a boy over a mutual friend, i had just gotten out of a relationship and my friend thought it would be a good idea for me to meet his friend, since he lives in another country “something to get my mind off things” boy was he wrong i dont know if it was my despreat need for validation or my bpd but in 2 weeks of talking i started getting butterflies ew im weird anyways the convos were nothing special and soon i would get obssesive after about 6 months and my friends screaming at me i finally blocked him...i had fucked up the next morning i woke up and started crying so hard i threw up and i did that for the next 7 months until i decided to unblock him at first it was nothing special i apologised blablabla i thought maybe if i could have him in my life at least just as friends id feel better and i did for a little, the convos were great better then the months prior and we started calling eachother best friends and that never sat right with me when i found out he had a crush on some other girl it was like my brain went out of control the rage the sadness and for what?  he didnt owe me anything and we spent next few months talking on the phone for hours till one day i found out he didnt talk to her anymore and fuck the happiness i felt and i thought this is it im telling him about my feelings and see what happens so i call him up at around 11pm i tell him and to my huge surprise he said he felt the same but we both agreed were not getting into relationship due to us not meeting yet(who did i think i was lmao) so then it started the jealousy and the possesiveness god its horrible cause ik were not together but i cant stop myself, the anger when he doesnt respond for hours the me checking his ig following its horrible inside my head and i hate it anways im supposed to be meeting him in a few months, but will i? idk its so unstabble i always get angry and we argue and we dont talk and then we do and its a never ending cycle i love him so much and i genuenly dont see a future without him and he makes me so happy but he also makes me so fucking sad the best way i could describe it is the son ifhy by tyler the creator.
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