#i do NOT mean to diminish the work of the gif editors
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Content Warning: Abuse and Rape
 Tropes are not inherently bad. Often they are useful shorthand when working with a limited medium, such as a television show that only has so many minutes to spare. But tropes, like stereotypes, can become warped, used to repress and demoralize a group.
 The first one that probably comes to mind regarding Timeless and the movie is The Black Guy Dies First. This trope basically says if you’re black, then you’re expendable. But this is something for another discussion.
 What I want to talk about here is a trope that is just as harmful. This trope is the idea that rape and abuse are quick and easy ways to character build. It is often used without putting any actual effort into addressing the real ramifications that such actions would have on a character. It also says that if you want a female character to be strong and resilient, then rape is your go-to instead of the fifty million other ways strength and resilience could be earned.
 It basically reinforces the idea that a woman is the sum total of her body and that her strength is tied to her sex, literally and figuratively.
 And in the case of Jiya Marri, the trope that is meant to develop her character… does the exact opposite.
From the beginning, Jiya has been a love interest, yes. Anthony tells Rufus to take her with him to get tacos. Rufus asks her out on a date which goes badly between the first and second episode. Stranded is basically these two realizing how much they mean to each other after one of them almost dies, which is a standard romance cliché.
 But Jiya is never treated as a sexual object, by either Rufus or the camera. She’s not randomly and conveniently placed in skimpy clothing for Rufus to ogle. Her role isn’t to just stand there and be the girlfriend. She has her own plotline and shows herself to be both intelligent and a bad ass. She trolls the ever-loving hell out of the Rittenhouse agents when they take over Mason Industries, and it’s glorious.
 In season two, we get that awful joke about being able to hear everyone have sex, but beyond that, Jiya is still treated as a person rather than a sexual object. She has her plotline of being able to see the pastfuture. Then she is kidnapped, not because she’s the girlfriend, but because she’s a pilot and valuable. She leaves the note so the Team can get the Lifeboat back, but says Don’t Come because she’s willing to suffer living in the past to keep Rufus alive in the future.
 Then next we see her, Jiya is a physical badass, having learned how to defend herself in a very unforgiving past. Because, let’s be honest here, it’s 1886 to 1888. The fact that Jiya gets attacked is unfortunately unsurprising. She’s non-white female who is alone. To say that no one tried to take advantage of her would be unrealistic.
 But Jiya has the mindset of a 21st century woman who has already showed that she’ll fight back, at the very least with her brains. She would know the moment she got into town that she would be a target. But no matter how badass Jiya is, she can’t control her fate, but the writers could. They made the choice to go with the rape scenario. 
Instead, they could have shown her strength and resilience by her throwing out some pop culture reference of, for example, going all Pulp Fiction on them. That it was rough going, wasn’t pretty, but she owned their asses. She protected her friends, like Molly, because if you think some disease ridden wanna-be cowboys frightened her, then you don’t know her very well.
 This would be on track with Jiya’s characterization of someone who takes everything as Challenge Accepted. It would also tell us everything we need to know about her time in Chinatown in just as many words as it took for her to retreat and move away from Rufus.
 I am not attempting to distract from the fact that Jiya’s reactions as we saw them are in any way less legitimate. Retreating as she did is a reaction that many have to trauma and should be taken seriously. The problem here is that it’s not taken seriously. It’s only brought up in the one moment for ‘shock’ value and then forgotten about and ignored. It’s like the coworker who pops their head in the door and says ‘oh hey, btw, you’re fired’ and then disappears. It’s like WTF? Please elaborate on this.
 But there is no elaboration. There is no discussion. There is nothing.
 We get our Riya reunion and instead of being something celebrating the strength of their love, because, dude, their love is ironclad by this point, it’s all about a veiled allusion to rape which is then forgotten about for the rest of the movie.
 Jiya’s character is diminished because she is simply used as angst fodder and shock value, rather than having her character examined, rape or no rape. If they want to keep the rape, then the scene should have gone on longer and really addressed the issue. Turned it into an unflinching look at the past and present (as Timeless tended to do a lot of in season one). They should have given the plot point substance and not forgotten it. There should have been at least one small discussion between her and Rufus, or with Lucy, during the second half.
 Instead, Jiya is literally abused and tossed aside, physically and metaphorically.
 Now, I bet you think it couldn’t get any worse.
 Because the show runs a Causal Loop, not a Closed Loop, when Rufus comes back, he’ll come back to a Jiya who has been overwritten. She would never remember going to Chinatown, not have the scar, and go back to being her right age. This sounds great, except that the past five years Rufus would have been living with a completely different Jiya, one who went through that trauma. What happened to Jiya in Chinatown would have changed her, and now, they aren’t strangers, but it’s going to be a culture shock for both of them.
 To make matters worse, the movie tries to say it’s a Closed Loop even though that’s impossible. So, yay, Rufus comes back to the same Jiya he left… except that means the show is saying Jiya was always meant to go to Chinatown and be possibly raped. That she was literally made to suffer, that is her lot in life.
 The truth, well, it’s even worse than that, if you can believe it. The truth of the movie is that it’s a Causal Loop, but Lucy specifically goes back to make sure her Happily Ever After happens. This means sending Flynn on his self-destructive path, and sending Jiya’s on hers.
 Lucy could make sure that both of her friends never suffer... but, if the movie is to be believed, she sends them both on their paths of suffering to ensure her path to happiness stays intact. Lucy really is a credit to her ancestry... Huh.
Editor’s Note: Thank you to SallyX for their input on this delicate subject and letting me still a line from them.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Who Is Behind Republicans For The Rule Of Law
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-is-behind-republicans-for-the-rule-of-law/
Who Is Behind Republicans For The Rule Of Law
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A Viral Ad Released By The Group Says Republican Silence On The Mueller Report Is Deafening
Former GOP Governor Bill Weld: Trump And Barr Are Trashing The Rule Of Law | The Last Word | MSNBC
Republicans, your silence is deafening. Stand up for the rule of law.
Republicans for the Rule of Law
A new ad from the Republicans for the Rule of Law has been going viral on social media; you can see it above. Many people are retweeting it and adding instructions to listen with your sound turned all the way up, because this video is supposed to be all about silence. The spot, shot in black and white, features close-ups of Republican Ben senators Sasse, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, John Kennedy, Tim Scott. Theyre all looking straight ahead and saying nothing. You can hear a bit of static and the faint sound of a ticking clock.
A caption at the end reads, Republicans: Your silence is deafening. Our president attempted to obstruct justice. Stand up for the rule of law.
Todays Gop Bears No Resemblance To Party That Stood For The Rule Of Law
The BDN Opinion section operates independently and does not set newsroom policies or contribute to reporting or editing articles elsewhere in the newspaper or on;bangordailynews.com.
Frederic B. Hill of Arrowsic is a former foreign correspondent for The Baltimore Sun and conducted wargaming exercises on national security issues for the Department of State in both Republican and Democratic administrations.
The crisis in the Republican Party over the leadership role of Rep. Liz Cheney revolves around the big lie that Donald Trump won the 2020 election. But there is another, broader lie: the Republican party of 2021 is no longer conservative as it claims. It is reactionary, right-wing and on the verge of embracing authoritarianism.
One fact to set things straight: more than 60 court cases brought by Trump and his lawyers to claim election fraud were rejected by judges across the country, including the U.S. Supreme Court.
Secretaries of state, including Republican officials, found no fraud.
Yet Trump and his backers continued to undermine our democracy for months before, during and after the election as 3,000 Americans died almost daily from a pandemic that, as president, Trump did little to deter or diminish.
An impoverished vocabulary? The daily distortions of Fox News and repetitive labelling of unfavorable developments as fake news and cancel culture.
The Group Is Part Of A Larger Conservative Ngo That Calls For Increasing Legal Immigration & Expanding Free Trade
Republicans for the Rule of Law is part of a larger organization called Defending Democracy Together. That group, a coalition of Republicans and Conservatives, says it is opposed to the nativist tendencies in the modern Republican party. The group is in favor of free trade and legal immigration. The organizations mission statement says, in part:
Today, the Republican Party finds itself entertaining some of the same unsettling nativist and authoritarian impulses that characterized Europe throughout the 20th century. These ideals are antithetical to what it means to be a Republican, and what it means to be American.
Defending Democracy Together is a 501c4 advocacy organization created by lifelong conservatives and Republicans many of whom have served in Republican administrations and write for conservative publications. We are dedicated to defending Americas democratic norms, values, and institutions and fighting for consistent conservative principles like rule of law, free trade, and expanding legal immigration.
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Strategist Behind Republicans For The Rule Of Law And The Bulwark Launches New Communications Firm
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ –;Today, Sarah Longwell announced the formation and launch of Longwell Partners, Inc.;, a full-service communications firm based in Washington, D.C. Longwell is a former Partner and Senior Vice President at Berman and Company.
Longwell is joined in the new venture by Barry Rubin, Carson Putnam, Chris Herbert, and Ben Parker, as well as The Bulwark;Executive Editor Jonathan V. Last.;
Longwell is a Co-Founder, along with Bill Kristol, of the organization Defending Democracy Together and spokeswoman for its flagship project, Republicans for the Rule of Law. In addition to being Publisher of The Bulwark, she is also Chief Strategist for its parent organization, Republic Affairs , a 5013 nonprofit dedicated to strengthening our country’s core values and institutions.;
A long-time Republican strategist and former national board chair of the Log Cabin Republicans, Longwell launched her new firm to harness this unprecedented moment of political realignment and focus on solving some of the country’s most intractable problems such as immigration, erosion of core democratic values, and political polarization.
Longwell Partners CEO Sarah Longwell released the following statement regarding her new venture:;
Beginning January 1, 2020, Longwell Partners will be located at 925 15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005.;
Some Trumpists Turn Against Cheneys Successor
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Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, who entered the House as a centrist in 2014 but has recast her as a Trumpist with support of Trumps disinformation, has been endorsed by House GOP leader McCarthy as Cheneys successor.
But some Trumpists are already jabbing at Stefanik as a moderate in disguise. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas sent a memo to every Republican representative that Stefanik had cast a series of votes opposed to Trumpism.
We must avoid putting in charge Republicans who campaign as Republicans but then vote for and advance the Democrats agenda once sworn in that is, that we do not make the same mistakes that we did in 2017.
With all due respect to my friend, Elise Stefanik, let us contemplate the message Republican leadership is about to send by rushing to coronate a spokesperson whose voting record embodies much of what led to the 2018 ass-kicking we received by Democrats.
Members of the hard-right Freedom Caucus have privately expressed reluctance, if not opposition, about Stefaniks ascendancy.
The New York representative has sought to appease critics by promising that she would resign as Conference chair before casting a vote that differs from the majority of House Republicans. She told reporters on Tuesday, We have a great deal of support from the Freedom Caucus and others.
Freedom Caucus co-founder Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Trump have backed Stefanik.
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Trump Republicans And The Rule Of Law
To the editor:
Prior to the 2016 elections, Hillary Clinton had been before a Republican Congress numerous times on Benghazi and lost emails. Seven investigations later it was found there was no wrongdoing. The Republicans severely pilloried Hillary Clinton, all for political gain. They are still at it.
Yet, an intelligence community whistleblower claims that Trump broke the law by illegally asking the newly elected leader of Ukraine to provide dirt on Joe Bidens son so it could be used against Joe Biden, by Republicans, in the 2020 elections, threatening him with withholding budgeted congressional funds if he didnt.
First, Trump denied he pressured the Ukraine leader on getting dirt on Bidens son. Then on Sept. 22, he admitted that he did talk about Biden with the Ukrainian leader.; So here we have a sitting president, who in secret, had talks with a foreign entity, basically asking that entity to provide dirt on a political opponent to influence a political election here at home. Shades of Mueller Report and Russian meddling in American politics.;
Yet crickets from Republicans who were ready to hang Hillary Clinton about some missing emails now are so quiet on this Trump possible treasonous act that you can hear chickens lay eggs.;
James P. ChasseSt Agatha
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Republicans For The Rule Of Law Agreement
I hereby grant permission and authorize Defending Democracy Together, a 501 organization, its affiliated project Republicans for the Rule of Law, its assigns and licensees to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, distribute, and make use of my likeness, any and all video, and/or photographs I voluntarily submit for DDTS expressed use, as well as any voluntarily submitted recordings of my voice and/or any of my voluntarily submitted written or transcribed statements for any lawful purpose.
This authorization and release shall NOT extend to any other likeness, video, photographs, recordings of my voice, statements, or use of my name which I have not voluntarily submitted to DDT, regardless of medium and regardless of public availability.
I further understand and expressly grant DDT authorization to use any voluntarily submitted likeness, images, videos, recordings of my voice, statements, as well as my name, in the following manner:
Use in any reproduction, distribution, derivative works, display, and/or performance as DDT shall solely determine;
Use in any composite or modified forms and in any media, now known or later developed, including without limitation newspapers, television, radio, the World Wide Web, and/or social media;
Use for any purpose, in any language, throughout the world including, without limitation, for the purpose of education, advertising, and promotion; and
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Republicans Must Choose Between Trump And The Rule Of Law
The presidents actions Wednesday portend a choice for GOP officials: Is their greater loyalty to the president or to the publics right to know what hes done?
About the author: Conor Friedersdorf is a California-based staff writer at The Atlantic, where he focuses on politics and national affairs. He is the founding editor of The Best of Journalism, a newsletter devoted to exceptional nonfiction.
After Wednesday, elected officials in the Republican Party should have no doubt that Donald Trump will force them to choose in coming days, weeks, and months between loyalty to him and loyalty to the rule of law, between the publics right to the truth and Trumps efforts to hide it.
The president began the day with an extraordinary threat on Twitter: If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, he wrote, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!
It would be nakedly corrupt to hinge a Senate investigation on partisan game theory or retaliation rather than on the substance of the law and the public interest. Yet the tweet was quickly overshadowed by even bigger newsTrumps ouster of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
They Recently Posted An Embarrassing Video Of Lindsey Graham From The Clinton Era
New ad campaign calls on Republican leaders to condemn President Trump | KVUE
Sen. Graham says President Clinton should be removed from office for obstructing justice in 1999: “He is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the land. He encouraged people to lie for him. He lied. I think he obstructed justice.”
Republicans for the Rule of Law
On April 22, Republicans for the Rule of Law posted a video of Lindsey Graham talking about presidential misconduct. You can see that video above. The video shows Graham saying:
This is about a person out of control. He took the law, turned it upside down. Every time there was a crossroads, he put his personal and legal interest ahead of the nation. He is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the land. He encouraged people to lie for him. He lied. I think he obstructed justice. I think theres a convincing and compelling case that he has in fact engaged in conduct that it would be better for him to leave office than to stay in office.
of course, this clip is taken from a 1999 interview Graham gave to C-Span, and the president hes talking about is Bill Clinton, not Donald Trump. But some people take the video as a sign of Republican double standards and are saying that the clip is embarrassing for Lindsey Graham, who pushed hard for Bill Clinton to leave office but has supported President Trump.
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Trump Is Growing The Gops Antirule Of Law Wing
The American right has always been home to factions that demand law and order, while declaring themselves and not the federal government the arbiters of legality. The roots of this anarchic conservatism run deep into the foundation of the Republic. Andrew Jackson, who is hailed as a great democratizer by mainstream U.S. history, was a great champion of settlers who defied federal restrictions on their liberty to kill indigenous people and confiscate their lands. The South has, of course, always had a complicated relationship with the concept of federal sovereignty. And the Christian right, once it abandoned that whole render unto Caesar tripe, has insisted that Gods law comes before mans .
This tendency made itself felt during the Obama years through the armed standoff between right-wing militias and federal agents at Cliven Bundys ranch in Nevada. And it gained new institutional form through the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, a group of active law-enforcement officials who believe the U.S. Constitution gives local government primacy over the state and federal governments, at least on the subject of firearm regulations.
If somebody cheated in the Election, which the Democrats did, why wouldnt the Election be immediately overturned? How can a Country be run like this?
Donald J. Trump
One Pennsylvania Republican offered some insight into her colleagues motives in an interview with the :
Republicans For The Rule Of Law Is Financed By A Democrat
Just hours after Jeff Sessions resigned as attorney general last Wednesday at the presidents behest, #TheResistance found its newest target for destruction: Sessions interim replacement, Matthew Whitaker….NeverTrump conservatives are aiding Schiff and the media in their campaign to paralyze if not remove Whitaker. Commercials attacking the acting attorney general were aired on several Sunday morning political shows. The ads were sponsored by Republicans for the Rule of Law, a group founded earlier this year by Bill Kristol, the editor-at-large of The Weekly Standard. The groups primary role so far appears to be pimping for the Mueller probe, a political witch-hunt that Kristol and his fellow NeverTrumpers pray will lead to the impeachment and removal of the president. The Left and their NeverTrump footsoldiers fear Whitaker will thwart the special counsels investigation instead of rubber stamping Muellers ever-expanding investigation as Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has done over the past 18 months.
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Trump The Republican Party And The Rule Of Law By: Michael Klarman Kirkland & Ellis Professor Harvard Law School
A quick glance around the world these days can be frightening for defenders of the rule of law: thousands of officially sanctioned extrajudicial killings in the Philippines under President Rodrigo Duterte; lengthy prison sentences on fraudulent charges for two journalists reporting on ethnic cleansing of Rohingya in Myanmar; the officially orchestrated torture and dismemberment of;Washington Post;contributor Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul; the imprisonment of hundreds of opposition politicians and journalists by President Recep Erdogan in Turkey; government packing of the courts in Poland; the criminalization of immigrant aid groups and the forced closing of Central European University in Hungary.; The list goes on and on.; Surely, most Americans believe, such things could never happen in the United States.
Think again.; President Trump poses a greater threat to the rule of law than anything Americans have witnessed in generations. To be sure, the United States is not likely any time soon to see officially sanctioned killings of drug users without due process or mass incarcerations of journalists daring to criticize the government.; Yet, along a wide variety of dimensions, Trump shreds the rule of law.; The Republican Party, which has largely become a cult of Trump worshipersin the words of recently retired Republican senator Bob Corkerhas been mostly complicit.; Consider several examples.
Liberal Dark Money: Whos Behind That Bogus Gop Billboard
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Who is behind the so-called Republicans for the Rule of Law funding billboards and ads pushing U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner and other GOP senators to impeach President Trump?
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the group is a partner of Defend American Democracy, a liberal, dark money group thats spending a ton of money to pressuring Republicans to impeach the president.
Not only have they wrangled some Trump-hating Republicans like former U.S. Sen. Slade Gorton of, ahem, Washington state to front for them in campaigns against fellow Republicans, they are also using veterans in ads urging Republicans to impeach the president.
Defend American Democracy is a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the mother of all dark money groups funded by a former Clinton administration officials with more than $100 million in the bank.
The billboard on I-25 in Douglas County declares: Sen. Gardner, the witnesses must testify.
The first clue this isnt a legitimate Republican group, theyre not asking for the actual whistleblower to be a witness.;
They want to drag the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo in front of the Senate to testify under oath, as well as other top White House officials.;
Which just reinforces our notion that House Democrats never had enough evidence to impeach Trump in the first place, they just want to embarrass him and his administration, and steal the election.
Also Check: Why Are The Republicans So Evil
Do Republicans Value Democracy Or The Rule Of Law The Answer Is Clear But Theres Still Time To Fight Back
Newt Gingrich; John Roberts; Donald Trump
Even before the latest Supreme Court decisions approving hyper-partisan gerrymandering and effectively;allowing;the addition of a citizenship question to the census, experts have wondered aloud whether Republicans remain committed to democracy. Toward the end of a recent plenary;panel;on Supreme Court reform at the American Constitution Societys national convention, University of Chicago law professor Aziz Huq suggested, We dont really know how committed the Republican Party is to the project of democracy.
If the GOP still values the rule of law, then perhaps the danger to democracy will recede after President Trump leaves office. But if the GOP no longer cares about democracy, then our political system could be in peril. Democracy probably cannot survive, after all, if one of our two major political parties is indifferent to its fate.
Unfortunately, the answer to Huqs question is clear. The Republican Party is not at all committed to democracy, and GOP leaders and voters would happily tolerate alternative political arrangements. That is a worrisome claim, to be sure, but the evidence is indisputable. Republicans have abandoned any concerns they may have had for the integrity of our political system.
Thanks to gerrymandering, dark money and voter suppression, it will remain very difficult for Democrats to capture the levers of power. They will require wave elections to do so;
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t-baba · 7 years
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RubyMine: Code Insight for Ruby and Rails
This article was sponsored by JetBrains. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.
If you are developing in Ruby or Rails, you may have heard of RubyMine.
RubyMine is an IDE for Ruby and Rails developed by JetBrains. It’s been around for almost 10 years and has a huge user base. And yet, as we visit industry events and shows, we often get the question: “Okay, what does RubyMine do that a text editor can’t?”. By no means am I trying to diminish the value or usefulness of free code editors, but “let’s just say, there’s a lot!” is my usual response as I fire the IDE for a quick demo. In this post I’d like to tell you about the key thing that makes RubyMine stand out: Code Insight.
Code Insight includes things like smart code completion, code navigation, language-specific inspections with quick-fixes, smart notifications, and in-editor quick documentation. So many terms, but what do they do and why would you need them? Let me have your attention for five minutes before you switch back to your $EDITOR$ and get on with your work.
Automatic Code Completion
This feature doesn’t need any introduction as it exists in all the popular editors. However, RubyMine’s autocompletion is not limited to Ruby/Rails built-in keywords and text-based autocompletion. As the IDE indexes your whole project on each startup, it can autocomplete almost any relevant entity regardless of where it’s defined. You don’t need to open a file in a separate tab to autocomplete any declarations from it – RubyMine knows everything about your project already!
Say, you are creating a new table. RubyMine will suggest possible autocompletion options of relevant column types and properties as you’d expect:
But wouldn’t you like to have access to the columns later, when you are working on a model? Of course you would, and the IDE will do that for you the same way as it autocompletes all the built-in Rails stuff:
How about the ability to also autocomplete methods, earlier defined in the model, say, in controllers or other ruby files in your project? You got it:
The IDE won’t make autocomplete suggestions for column names where you are expecting to see methods defined in the given model, and vice versa. This is a very important feature that makes the RubyMine completion stand out from other editors.
You can work with your views in the same manner. I am not talking about just the basic HTML and ERB syntax suggestions, they are a given, but actually all the specified entities in your project:
Go to declaration (aka Go to definition)
When I talk with our customers, I always ask them what their favorite RubyMine feature is. The top reply of all time is “Go to declaration rocks!”. While I’d rather hear success stories about our GUI debugger or other advanced features, positive feedback is always good! But I got curious as to why this happened time and time again, so eventually I started comparing RubyMine’s Go to declaration with Go to definition that exists in some popular editors.
Without a doubt, the IDE proved to be far more reliable when navigating to declarations. Just use ⌘+Click | Ctrl+Click (or ⌘+B | Ctrl + B if you put your caret on the desired object) and jump to the definition you need:
Not only can you easily jump to a class, method, or any other entity declaration in your project, but you can also navigate to gems and their entities’ definitions. Need to rewrite a bit of Ruby on Rails to make your project better? Say no more:
I tried to find some plugins that could do the same for the code editors I’ve been checking out lately, but they haven’t helped much. If you know some, your suggestions in the comments would be much appreciated. But until then, I’m sticking with my story: Go to declaration alone should make you want to give RubyMine a shot!
Static Analysis
What I love about Atom is its solid syntax highlighting. It won’t let me miss a closing tag or end. I also discovered a great plugin that underlines all RuboCop offenses and even allows you to autocorrect offenses for the file. Kudos, Atom and the plugin creator, this is cool!
Continue reading %RubyMine: Code Insight for Ruby and Rails%
by Artem Sarkisov via SitePoint http://ift.tt/2CiJhjI
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