#i dissapoint my ancestors
pr1ncessar1 · 2 months
Parapara is so hard for a girl with no coordination, no rhythm and is stiffy when dancing
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connorsui · 5 months
I gotta be the most sensitive bitch out there for the way I be allowing myself to be talked down to....like ... i just know it will dissapoint my ancestors that none of their bad bitch genes past through the uterus wall to infect my anxiety driven ass🧍‍♀️
Like ...After the encounter I be saying the most disgusting shit known to man ....but put me with the person that started it all in the same room and you fucking bet im balling my eyes out...choking on my words ..stuttering ..trying to explain my self... 💀
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minglana · 1 year
alkshgsklfjsd i hate bureocracy
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crazybiaatch · 7 months
tfw you don't want to do ur school work bc it's so stressful it sends you into panic attacks but then if you don't do the school work the school will punish you and may even take away your ability to graduate (dramatic much?) so the thought of that causes you stress and you're just caught in a repeating stress cycle until you implode
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crowleychild · 7 months
A small Fili fanfic
He never wanted the throne. In his head, he wasn't really the heir to the throne of Erebor, future King Under the Mountain. That would always be Thorin.
Thorin, who had grown up in the Lonely Mountain, who had lost it all in Smaug's attack, who had sacrified more than it is fair to ask for. He was his King Under the Mountain.
He was only a warrior, ready to give his live for him.
And if he could not give it, he would offer his arm, sword and heart to make his uncle, the man who taught him everything, proud of Fili being a Son of Durin.
But he was also an elder brother.
He had been taking care of Kili since he was born. Since his father died and part of his responsibilities fell on him, since he knew his little brother would live with similar expectations to his. And he could not stop Kili from admiring Thorin like a lider- and like a father-, but as long as he could carry the full weight of their line, his brother would not know the loneliness that came with this.
Fili was silent, but quick in making desitions, always for the best of others.
He would die for Thorin.
He would die for Kili.
And like that came the day when he had to choose. When Thorin expected him to listen to the voices of his ancestors and would go to witness how they open the Door to access the Kingdom of Erebor, while his heart shouted that he should stay with his brother. That he was wounded, suffering, and he might not see him again...
And he found more strength than expected when he understood that expectations were worthless. When he understood that Erebor only was gold, emty corridors and cold saloons, while Kili was home, warmth and love.
And that if Thorin did not understand it, it would be worth dissapointing him for the fist time.
So, with the strength of all his ancestors, he pronunced his next words:
I belong with my brother.
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marsprincess889 · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: This is based solely on my research and the patterns that I saw. I can't promise that I'm gonna be sure in all the coorelations, but I'm going to attribute each nakshatra a goddess that I think fits it the closest. If you're dissapointed, to make up for it, I'm going to list some other deities in the end that I think also fit the nakshatra. Don't come for me if you think I'm wrong, be respectful in the comments if you think so and have fun 🤍
This was easy and almost immidiate. The associations between this goddess and Krittika are so apparent I didn't hesitate for a second. Look out for other deities similar to her in the end.
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Pantheon: Celtic (Irish)
Name meaning: "the exalted one", "strength"
Associations: fire, spring, poetry and inspiration, healing and herbalism, smithcraft, agriculture, cattle and sheep.
Symbols: Brigid's cross, holy wells, eternal flame.
Brigid is one of the most highly- revered and widely worshipped Celtic goddesses. She'a triple goddess, representing the maiden, the mother and the crone. As a Maiden, she rules over poetry, music and ispiration. As a Mother, she's presiding over healing. As a Crone, she's the goddess of fire and smithcraft.
Frequently depicted with fiery red hair, she is no simple goddess, also ruling over waters and serenity. She's a protector of women and children, presiding over childbirth and motherhood. Also frequengly depicted with lambs and sheep (krittika's yoni animal) and swans. She's closely connected to agriculture and farm animals.
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Brigid, also being connected to wells and rivers, has many landmarks in Ireland with a body of water. The most famous one is a well in Kildare, Ireland. Water from that well is said to have healing properties.
Her father was Dagda (good, great god), leader of the Irish tribe Tuatha Dé Danann ("people of goddess Danu"), which consisted of Irish deities who lived there before the ancestors of the modern Irish had arrived. Dagda was a wise man, an all-father and a Druid. Brigid married Bres, another member of that tribe and together they had three children. One of them, Ruadán, died and Brigid mourned him with profound and painful sadness. She's very devoted to protecting children and this might be a reason why.
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In honor of her, there's a sacred fire lit in Kildare and is guarded by the Sisters of St. Brigid. There has been a fire in Kildare since the time Brigid was worshipped. It has been put out several times, but has been re-lit and is still burning. This suggests that the worship of Brigid has endured as she she survived and was made a Catholic saint when Christianity came to Europe.
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I want to talk about why I chose her for Krittika while comparing her to very similar goddesses.
First one is the Roman Vesta. Virgins were chosen to keep the fire of vesta burning and it was said that if even one of them gave their virginity, the fire would burn out. In those instances when fire burned out by itself, the poor Vestal Virgins were to blame. Vesta is also the Roman Equivalent of the Greek Hestia, both being goddesses of the hearth, fire and home.
Krittika is the nakshatra that burns impurities through being precise and cutting away all that is not nessecary, hence a sharp object and a flame being its symbols. Bridging the signs of Aries and Taurus, it's often fiery and passionate but also feminine and nurturing.
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An Indian deity ruling over Krittika is Agni_ God of fire. An Indian goddess that is coorelated to Krittika (and also Purva Phalguni) is Tripura Sundari, meaning "the most beautiful in three worlds". This three world- triple goddess coorelation is apparent to me, besides the obvious fire associations, as well as nurturing, fertility and agriculture.
In the lunar mansion of Krittika, there's a constellation called the Pleiades, often called "the seven sisters". This is another confirmation of Krittika's very feminine nature, despite also representing the birth of the cosmic man and being very fiery and passionate in general.
Some other deities that I'd coorelate with Krittika:
Hestia- another virginal goddess of fire, also associated with home and hearth
Tripura Sundari- Indian goddess, "the most beautiful in the worlds"
Vesta- Roman goddess of fire and virgins
Bel- Celtic sun and fire god, also associated with healing, thunder and purification.
That's it! I hope you enjoyed reading about Brigid. This is a very condensed post but I said pretty much everything I wanted to say. I hope you understood Brigid's energy and made the coorelation between her and Krittika. If you're Krittika, even if you're not, COMMENT, like and reblog. Love u, take care ❤🔥
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poarkchop · 3 months
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I wanted to introduce my 2 new fave mlp oc's!! Batberry and his sister Berrybite!
They follow the vampire fruit bats across Equestria to keep them in check. It's rumored that their grandfather was a batpony, which gave their family the ability to communicate fluently with bats!
Batberry keeps a long record of where they've been and who they've met. He knows each vampire fruit bat by name and can tell them apart easily. Berrybite is still learning the ins and outs of the family trade. Their parents work on a little berry farm in one corner of Equestria, where they welcome fruit bats as they come and go.
When they arrived in Ponyville, Applejack was the first to greet them. Once Batberry explained their work, she was a bit dissapointed they hadn't arrived when the bats devoured Sweet Apple Acres. Batberry, of course, asked how they dealed with the bats, and was immediately entranced with the idea of batponies being a real possibility. While Applejack and Batberry met up with the rest of the mane 6 to talk more about this, the Cutie Mark Crusaders welcomed Berrybat with open hooves.
Berrybite is homeschooled by Batberry as they travel, but if they have the option, she joins the local school for class. Berrybite is actually super shy around new people, mainly because she stands out so much compared to everypony else (not that she'd ever change though). When she warms up to somepony, usually with a nudge from her brother, she becomes a bright and energetic little filly :D!! She's become pretty good friends with the CMC, though she's insistant that she doesn't need help figuring out her cutie mark, since it'll have to do with fruit bats anyway.
Also, their makeup is actually there from birth, and their clothes are passed down from generation to generation. Batberry also wears a cowboy hat to protect his eyes from the sun as they travel, and he lets Berrybite rest on his back or in a wagon. They both have strange unrecognizable accents that they've gotten from their lives on the road and are both usually quiet and reserved. Applejack cannot tell if Batberry is a colt or a mare. The batpony ancestor rumor sprouted out of nowhere, but when Berrybite met Granny Smith, she insisted it was true, and that their grandfather saved their farm when she was a filly.
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quadrant-x-readers · 8 months
vriska red/pitch vacillation? idk red/pitch has always been fascinating to me
oh boy. this'll be a doozy.
vriska isn't averse to foul play, especially in black relationships. she'll use every advantage she can get over you, and expects you to do the same.
…which is why you're going to need a safeword, concupiscent benefits or not. she takes your boundaries exactly as seriously as you do.
she'll probably make fun of you if you make a literal list of dos and donts and say something about how you should've spent that time becoming less of a weakling instead of giving yourself excuses to be one… but she'll follow it to the letter.
red moods are either indistinguishable (Just 8ecause you're my m8sprit doesn't mean I have to go soft.) or very distinguishable (Hi!!!!!!!! I missed you a whole lot, don't stay out for that long again!)
black moods are much the same. (Wow, you SUCK at this. Suck on my tongue instead, dork.) (Get off your high horse and fight me already!!!!!!!!)
she'll be pretty dissapointed if your ancestors didn't have any sort of connection, but it's not a deal-breaker. she'll be fucking ecstatic if they did, but she'll also try to model your relationship after theirs. pick your poison!
you will FLARP with her. this is not a choice. she's either on a team with you and fudging your stats for the better or going one-on-one with you and fudging them for the worse.
she likes to sleep near you. you're cute when you sleep, so what!
you're going to get more information on Alternian history than any schoolfeeder taught you, ESPECIALLY if you hate it/think it's boring.
overall a very volatile relationship with a very volatile person. invest in bandages and dice!
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fwoggys-second-chance · 6 months
Down feathers (Moon 10) Part 1.
Softstar aches as she climbs slowly up the Driftwood rock, she is still recovering from Icekit and Hailkits birth. But Ryestalker had come to her a few nights ago and told her about how much Gannetpaw had improved and grown these past few moons. She believed Gannetpaw to be ready to receive her warrior name. Two moons early. Softstar had seen the growth as well, and set up an assessment. Gannetpaw passed with flying colors.
She calls the clan to her. A bit dissapointed that Nessie still was not well enough to join them. She feared he would not recover.
"Gannetpaw please step forward." The young cat does so. "I, Softstar, leader of Littoralclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?" "Yes!" "Gannetpaw you will now be known as Gannetdown, in honor of your hard work and dedication."
Flamespots shouts her name the loudest.
As Gannetdown joins her clanmates again, a warrior now, she glances over at Corianderpaw. Her pelt warms up. She hopes he joins her soon.
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katandsquad · 2 years
So I never really Post anything on here but I have some thoughts i just cant let go.
I really really loved the Watchmaker of Filigree Street books. I really loved all 3 of them
For christmas I got The Kingdoms and The half life of Valery K
I enjoyed The Kingdoms, even though it wasnt as good and the book focused too much on a weird kinda stalky romance imo
But i still liked it and the premise of the book was interesting
Few days ago i started to read the half life of Valery K and boy. I read chapter 7 and to be honest I dont know how anyone was able to read further after that. I checked all the 1 and 2 Star reviews on goodreads and most of them either finished the book or dropped after like 30-40%
I didnt even manage to read 1/4 of the book
I really adore Natasha Pulleys writing and her ideas but the fuck did she think while writing this one?
I'm german, with polish ancestors (like great grand parents)
My grandparents lived through WW2
You cant make me like a character that has worked with/for fucking Josef Mengele
I felt absolutely sick when I read that name
I already didnt feel good after reading the title of the chapter, because i already knew where this was going to end.
You cant just mention the gruesome experiments that this Person did in such a casual way.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
And yes I know that Valery feels bad about it, but the way that scene is handled is poorly at best.
Shenkov telling him "you were only 19 and you were just following orders"
Alot of people """just followed orders"""" during WW2 but that doesnt make the shit they did any better
They are still guilty
And so is the main character of this book.
I feel so mad, sick and depressed because of this book.
I have never dropped a book/manga/comic because of it's questionable content before. I have read comics that made me feel bad but I was still able to finish them.
This book and specifically chapter 7 damaged me in some way. I had nightmares through the whole night.
I didn't dare to read the 5 and 4 Stars reviews on goodreads, but my sister did and i have one question
Are you people okay?
Most of the comments were something along the lines of "its such a good slow burn romance 😍"
Like excuse me??? ARE YOU PEOPLE OKAY???
This book feels like Natasha did barely any research on russian and german culture.
Didnt properly research anything regarding the cold war and ww2
I'm shocked and severely dissapointed in her and i'm not sure if i'm ever gonna touch a book of hers again.
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eugeene2hwed · 1 year
WYM “our dead ancestors are watching over us” I do not want my dad to see me drooling while drawing a fictional man’s private parts :/ I don’t want to dissapoint BOTH of my parents.
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fearlessplatinums · 5 days
wanting to drop out of law school vs not wanting to dissapoint all my female ancestors who were not afforded the same chances for education that i am
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raspberrylix · 2 months
picked up knb again, to let my eyes rest because since last post I may have accidentally played stardew for yoba knows how many hours and now while reading all I can think of is that I could be reading bllk rn
it's understandable, bllk is my current fixation, but that comes with a hurdle where I can't physically read it because I'm too excited about it but i don't want to fill this bllk need with fan content because I may have not spoiled everything and it would be nice to find that out on my own
and yet I can't
also woth this bllk and haikyuu phase or whatever I'm forgetting how basketball works, my ancestors would be so dissapointed
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isirumarin · 2 years
Rumarin x Isira
Ep.10 Heritage
Isira found Rumarin out in the courtyard. He had his legs crossed, was reading a book, and eating an apple. She walked up to him, hands held behind her back. Her silver hair flew about in the wind.
Rumarin cursed as the wind made him lose his place, pages fluttering wildly.
"Oh, hi Archmage Valfyren. Please don't tell on me. Urag said he'd tan and hang my hide for use as bookcovers if I damaged this book. I guess it's petty rare." He wiped snow flurries off the cover; Manninarco-King of Worms.
Isira ignored his teasing and pursed her lips briefly. "Yes, that explains part of the past of our ancestors." She said softly, her heart in her throat.
"Mainly about mine. The powerful one you know? You can call me Rumannimarco, king of um.... I'll think of something." He trailed off, seeing her dim expression. "You are already Archmage AND Dragonborn.. just let me have this one.."
"Rumarin, please, there are some things we need to talk about and they are very serious." She snapped.
She picked up his hand and squeezed it warmly. "Please." She whispered softly.
"Of course, anything." He said standing. "Those look good on you...I see you got some real ones from Phinis." She said, looking at his new and genuine dark purple, master grade conjuration robes.
"Um, yeah. You paid for them-is that alright?" He asked, already knowing the answer. She smiled at him and squeezed his hand again.
They garnered a few glances and stares from students and teachers alike. They were curious about the Archmage's 'special tutor' as some of them had taken to calling Rumarin.
Rumarin followed Isira into the Archmage's Quarters. She threw off her robes and let all of her ivory hair down. She looked like a beautiful wraith with her pale hair, skin, and pale golden silken slip. Rumarin stared curiously at her as he sat across from her at the fireplace.
"I'm Mannimarco's daughter." She finally said, flatly. "No jokes, just listen." He sat back in his seat realizing she was serious, and now he had to be.
"I have been in contact with a member of the Psijic order...and long story made short, that's how I found out. I wasn't going to tell anyone this information. Why would I? I felt confident the little ritual we did with the blood would be harmless. It would just show that we weren't any sort of kin..because, that would be impossible. I haven't figured out yet how I'M even possible. But it wasn't harmless, and now I have more questions and its just...so much.. to take in." She let her head fall back and she let her arm rest over her face, hiding it.
He wanted to tell a joke or three to lighten the mood, but he was a bit intimidated. He decided to shift the focus onto himself. "Soooo.. that means that I'm a decendant of Vanus Galerion. As far as I know, from my studies, neither of them took wives, and I don't think there are any writings about their personal affairs." Rumarin mused, interested. He smiled. "Isira...this is amazing. I mean, I don't have to tell you the magnitude of this discovery. I am dissapointed that I'm not a magical prodigy though...." He pouted his lips.
"Rumarin you don't apply yourself." She scoffed, feeling better that he didn't implode over the revelation.
"When can I start making Mannimarco jokes, because lets face it, its really good material." Rumarin asked with a sparkle in his now golden eyes.
Isiran giggled at him. "Only when we are utterly alone. Its very important for...my safety." She added trailing off.
"I wonder what they would think of us, you know, the Great Mage and the King of Worms' bloodlines coming together.." Rumarin mused. Isira scoffed at him with a smirk. "I'm not with child, you crabshit, and I don't plan on it anytime soon."
"Yes, but still, you know what I mean." He said, unphased. "I wonder if you look like him, I bet you do." Rumarin said looking at the scowling she-elf sitting across from him. Her silver eyes alight like a cat's in the dim room. "You look like you could kill me and bring me back with that stare alone."
"I'm never going to hear the end of this..." She murmured, pouring herself some spiced wine and offering him some.
"I have so many questions." He said firmly. "I say we go on a quest to try and find answers." Rumarin drank his cup in one go. Isira perked up. "Really? You would do that with me?"
"Of course." He replied confidently. "We can go to all the libraries...see Tamriel." He crossed his arms behind his head.
"About this Psijic...what's their part in this. What's their angle? Them giving you this knowledge...just screams hidden motive." He tented his hands under his broad chin, his pale eyes narrowing. "You could have gone on living your life without this knowledge and been none the wiser."
He was right. Isira had pondered this before, but she just felt that all knowledge was useful so she accepted it...and Quaranir had been useful in....other ways. She sighed. He could appear to her at anytime. He was a Psijic though, and she hoped he would be discreet and disinterested as was his custom. She didn't think he had any feelings for her anyway, it was just mechanical attraction after all.
"His name is Quaranir and we have a complicated relationship. What started out as collaboration to prevent mass destruction, ended up as practical carnal activity. That ceased the moment I met you, utterly, so you know." She said quietly, looking at the hem of her silken slip.
Rumarin said nothing for a moment then piped up light-heartedly. "I understand, Isira. It's not like I'm any different than you in that regard. I've had my share of carnal distractions. When you are as good looking as us, it can't be avoided." He smiled at her and she stifled her laugh.
'He is very empathetic.' She thought looking at his handsome face, endeared to him. She hoped there would be no fallout over Quaranir. The Psijic would show up at anytime to inquire about the chest. Isira had questions for him too. She hoped Rumarin wouldn't be a sore issue.
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noah-lee0 · 2 years
Doublepaws Day
Doublepaw batted at his mothers muzzle as she sniffed at his flank, annoyance making his ears prick. How overbearing! “Ma!” he scowled. She shrunk, but gave him a smile, licking his shoulder. “You’re twelve moons old now. I’m proud of you!” she said, turning towards where Yewstar was talking to Wolfclaw and Bear by the dead tree.
Nerves trickled through him as he watched the scene. Surely they were discussing whether his sister, Bear and himself were fit to be warriors. Doublepaw had trained incredibly hard for this moment. Though, bluepaw.. tiredness pulled at his eyes at the memory.
”Doublepaw, Doublepaw wake up.” Doublepaw blinked past the foggy haze and stretched, looking around, it was incredibly late. His sister stood over him, claws kneading the earth. She looked nervous. It was the day of their warrior ceremony, what was she thinking?
“I don’t think I’m going to be made a warrior!” she cried, flopping forward and into Doublepaws front feet. Soft sobs came from her wracked form. “Yewstar is really disappointed with my fishing skill! It’s something required for a warrior, but, it’s just so hard!”
Sympathy coursed through him as he washed his sisters head. While he couldn’t deny, she wasn’t the best at her duties, no cat deserved to worry like this. He could smell the anxiety coming from her. She didn’t want to be a dissapointment. Both their parents had big roles. Grazedapple, their mother, was the only remaining cat with herb knowledge. And their father was a senior warrior, next in line for deputy if Wolfclaw were to retire, or even, have kits. It was a lot of pressure.
He moved to the side, sleep pulling at his lithe form. “Get in my moss bed. We can just sleep together, I’ll give you a small training session in the morning, okay?” he muttered, laying his head down as she joined beside him.
So, Doublepaw was tired. Incredibly tired. As he watched yewstar dip his head, then leap on the dead tree, he looked to his sister. She was dripping wet. Their impromptu training session had done barely anything apart from getting them both wet.
“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the dead tree for a clan meeting!” Yewstar boomed out, and a few murrows came from the unsuspecting; Slopestep and bramblewhisker, who were near some bushes with the three kits, Larkkit, Laurelkit and Thunderkit.
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Doublepaw stalked forward and stood beside Grazedapple, while his sister weaved closer into the group. Yewstar allowed the cats to gather, and after giving bramblewhisker a nod, he turned to the gathered warriors.
”Wolfclaw, has your apprentice, Doublepaw, learned the skills of a warrior? Do they understand the importance of the warrior code?” Yewstar asked, gaze cool on the Silver Bengal she.
Wolfclaws head raised, a smile growing. “They have.” She said, tail flicking and brushing against the Tom beside her, Bear. Yewstar nodded and looked toward Doublepaw.
”I, Yewstar, leader of BurntClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.” His eyes flicked down, until he was gazing right at Doublepaw, tail flicking in a ‘come here’ motion.
Doublepaw stepped forward, heart racing as he watched Yewstars gaze. “Doublepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” The leader asked, gaze steady, though focused.
”I do.” Doublepaw meowed, rather quicker than he’d intended, which had earnt him a purr of amusement from his mother and Yewstar himself.
”Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Doublepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Doublefish. StarClan honors your Initative and compassion and we welcome you as a full warrior of BurntClan.”
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The leader leant down from the rock, then leapt.
The leader rested his head on Doublefishes head, and doublefish nudged forward, licking the leaders shoulder. Doublefish. He was doublefish. He was stunned- exhilarated. Happy. “That impromptu training session was incredibly kind.” Yewstar muttered at Doublefish, nodding before leaping back on the rock.
”Bluepaw!” Yewstar bellowed- and Doublefish could see her perk up, eyes wide. “You will not become a warrior today.” He could see her heart break. The way she flinched, and immediately looked towards her paws. “I believe you will be strong in the coming moons. But now is not your time.” Yewstar then looked to the clan, adressing them. “Clan dismissed.”
Doublefish immediately pushed past the warriors coming to congratulate him, nosing at his sister who was already trying to race out of camp. He didn’t want her to get sick again. She overworked herself and that’s what got her into this mess. ”Bluepaw..” he muttered.
She whipped around and hissed at him. “Leave me alone, Doublefish.” she rolled her eyes, and without a word, rushed out of camp.
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cityprix-moved · 2 years
man lewis hamilton really has me out here getting excited for a british event celebrating a british man hoping to hear the british anthem spiritually waving the british flag 😔
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