#i dint change much but yk……
pup-pee · 4 months
kon doodles ive been doing as i finish this episode :3
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
I know before people have brought up DCA Frankenstein au to me, the local Frankenstein enthusiast, and I need to let y'all know if that happened. Y/n would have to be a horrible terrible person. Or I'd just be to biased and they'd fall in love with The Frankenstein stand in instead and become one of the doomed characters. Also no Frankenstein x monster bc their relationship is so inherently familial it doesn't work. Do you see my dilemma
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qevillous · 1 year
hai hello i wanted to ask abt how u view shadow s5 and any hc's you have for them as sort of both individuals and as a group :3 go as in depth as you like im a sucker for long detailed explanations
OH MYG OD okay hey
shadow s5 as a dynamic is so interesting to me because its very similar yet very VERY different all the same because of exactly who gets changed.
so first on like individual levels heres how i take the shadows ahem clears throat (STINKS that we dont have canon aloarmy but okayyy hinodeya)
shadow rider is canonically a coward, hes nervous and self doubting. hes verrrry exaggerated in the manga so i like to exaggerate him in writing. i think hes more of an incompatible follower who cant get picked by anyone instead of a compatible loner who chose to be alone like normal rider.
shadow army has no canon interp so i interpet them similarly to how eging jr was flipped but in reverse. theyre less organized, they dint fuckin button their shirt right they wear their coat unzipped shitty tie shitty facepaint yk the deal. i also interpret them as more aggresively rebellious where normal army is more of a passive stickler. that basically means they’re more laid back and explicit. 
shadow aloha ALSO has no canon. so i interp him as a loooserrr LMAO very sarcastic but very pessimistic, where normal aloha is more of a sarcastic optimist. he comments on shit in the background like hes talkin to someone even tho nobody gives a fuck what he thinks and he doesn’t particularly care about his surroundings. overall just the loser in the corner of a party sitting down holding a drink instead of the main focus. 
shadow mask is silly. silly guy. they’re obviouslt exaggerated a LOT in the manga so i like to tone them down just a bit, acting more happy for the sake of being happy instead of high energy. that contrasts masks ideal of being cynical for the sake of being cynical. i think both are sarcastic but on shadow masks side xe doesn’t mean it, and they come off as insincere, explaining how their excitement at the battle felt like excessive overkill despite it not being so.
shadow skull is very similar to normal skull in expressiveness, but is different in awareness. i think shadow skull is very aware of his surroundings but not very emotionally empathetic. i think what he lacks in empathy is made up for in his directness. 
shadow s5 is interesting because it pretty much completely throws the social dynamic of s5. normal s5 is 1 extrovert 1 ambivert 3 introverts, and instead of shadow s5 being 4 extroverts 1 ambivert 1 introvert, shadow s5 is ACTUALLY 2 extroverts 3 introverts. which makes it even more interesting because of just how much more balanced it makes their social interactions split into duos.
for example shadow raimask is very chill since they both share a similar mindset, where shadow raimask is chaos because they have directly oppising mindsets. on the flip side shadow alomask is direct opposites, and normal alsomask is ALSO direct opposites but swapped over. i could talk about it for a while but i think i would start rambling like a crazy person. i like the idea of shadow s5 in a more casual light instead of the manga’s exaggerated one. it would give more insight to their personalities and interactions but we cant have Anything can we bcz hindodeya haaaates meeeeee.
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 10 days
hi bee. ik we dint talk much (which im working on CHANGING) but did yk you’re lovely and awesome
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how I feel when we talk (you’re the coolest)
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wags-confessions · 1 year
Hi, So Ive seen the noise about Isabel and the rumours and so far here’s what I gathered.
Before this, I wanna say that the gossip about Isabel & Erling is hard to find because everytime someone spills, it gets deleted. There was this gossip page who was spilling THE TEA about them and it got reported by TeamHaaland(the guy who’s in love with Erling and who think Erling gonna come tuck him in at night and say thanks for being a boot licker (Erling dint even follow the guy).
Also the sources of gossip are from Bryne , so the people who spills conceals their identity to not get problems. Bryne people love to spill but like in secret (yk gossiping). Plus it’s gossip, use your reason and know to take it with a grain of salt.
1) lunasaksgard
This account is a troll. They always got Isabel’s age wrong. And also always changed their identity, they were Emma Brunes then and then suddenly they were a man. However, I do think that there’s something that happened between Emma B. and Isabel, they picked Emma B. as a false identity for a reason. And I have screenshots of an emmabrunnes account commenting about Isabel. So yeah , Luna isn’t the real Emma B., but the real emma b must have had some beef with Isabel. After all, if you gon pick a random person to impersonate, you wanna make it credible.
2) Gold digging and clout chasing
There was rumours on Twitter and Tumblr about her being a gold digger, even outside of Luna Saksgard tweets.
What fuelled the gold digging and clout chasing allegations are the random fan accounts that started to pop on Ig and Tiktok.
Account 1&2: isabelhaugsengj on Instagram and Tiktok (run by the same person).
Account 3: Isabelhaugsengjohansen1 on Instagram.
Account 4: isabelhaugseng on Tiktok (I think it belongs to the owner of account 1&2, because on Instagram the owner said it was their Tiktok account then they switched to isabelhaugsengj on TT).
The fan accounts really stirred up suspicions because they a) had a LOT of pictures b) isabelhaugsengj was followed by Isabel’s mom’s dog account. c) followed a lot of Isabel’s friends.
The fan accounts claimed to have gathered the pics from internet, Isabel’s friends account and her old vsco that has now been deleted. How could they have gotten all these pictures from her vsco when her relationship with Erling was a secret at the time? You mean to tell me that they download a random girl’s entire vsco just in time before she went public? Also what’s weird is that some of these pictures are impossible to find on the Internet, Isabel’s friends don’t post a lot of pictures of her, they know to keep her private. This is where things get weird, Isabel’s friends know to keep her hidden. They rarely post her and they make sure to not tag her on Ig stories. Also Erling is obviously very adamant to keep the relationship private. So Isabel’s being Erling girlfriend would also know this and also make sure that people don’t pay much attention to their relationship.
So riddle me this, y’all friend’s relationship is supposed to be super private. Y’all obviously know this, since y’all don’t post her often and make sure to not tag her. YET y’all with PRIVATE ACCOUNTS, are all followed by a fan page who literally post tons of pictures of your friend and her bf, and who’s post often has a lot of comments about the relationship, bringing attention to it. Mind you these account always switch between public and private so the friends can see what the fanpages post. And the friends have private accounts so they have to see who follows them and then accept the follow. Like come on now. It’s proof to me that’s it’s either Isabel behind these fanpages or that Isabel is in contact with the fanpages and feeding them content. In both case, she’s trying to get more public attention. She can’t do it directly since Erling don’t want to do she go through the fanpage.
3) Isabel being mean,rude, a bully and racist and a cheater
Racist: This I can’t tell for sure. Would I be surprised? No. The rumour of her being racist isn’t unheard of , many of the people I talked to have said they heard the same things. I remember seeing screenshots of someone who claimed to be the actual Emma B. (Not Luna and has denied being Luna). « Emma B. » had said that Isabel and her friends used to hit girls in training and had bullied someone for being black and fat.
Mean/Rude: Same Emma B. said it. Now apart from Emma B., I know someone (G) who’s friend with Isabel’s friends. That friend we will call her V. V said that Isabel is rude asf and even commented on her weight . Mind you V is « friends » with Isabel and Isabel called the girl fat unprovoked. Also V isn’t even fat. The rumours about Isabel being rude and mean is literally the most consistent thing of it all. Wether it’s V or randoms, they all say the girl is mean.
As for the cheating, I was told this by someone who knows the side boo’d entourage. I don’t think someone would make this up about her for free especially since the one who said it was a guy. I don’t know why a guy would lie about his entourage dating a footballer’s gf. The guy who said this is also a guy from Bryne who’s around Isabel age. People from Bryne are gossipy asf and will lay out everyone’s business for free. So yeah, I don’t think he would lie about his friend messing with Isabel on the low. Also it tracks with her being a gold digger, if she only wants Erling money and fame, it’s not surprising she goes for another guy when she can.
4) Isabel’s family & friends
Now, from G & V, Isabel’s mom has been bragging about Isabel and Erling dating and his money. Also, she’s the one who puts Isabel in football , Isabel don’t really like football that much (Bryne is a football town so I think it’s likely her mom knew that it would help Isabel mingle with the folks. This like social climbing 101 but I can’t say for sure. Maybe she wanted Isabel to do like the other kids). They also said Isabel’s mom was way too happy about Jan Eide and Gabrielle.
Now her mom is married to Jan Eide (Gabrielle’s husband) dad. Jan Eide is her step brother not blood brother and Isabel’s mom married the dad in 2018. So the anon who say the families knows each other very well, we don’t know for sure. Also, gold digging people aren’t screaming it on the top of their lungs that they’re gold diggers, especially not to their targets.
As for her friends, I know some gonna say « why would her friend (V) gossip about her. Bryne is a gossipy ass town. These people gossip a lot, and brags a lot. If they sit on hot gossip they’ll spill. Also, remeber that Isabel treated V badly. It’s not out of reach that people who hangs with her gets tired and speaks. V & Isabel are friends but it don’t mean V likes her much (especially since Isabel body shamed her). Plus people have surface friendships all the time.
5) Thoughts
That’s just me, but I personally believe that the rumours are true but there’s also jealousy at okay. Two things can be true. Both jealous fan girls and people who just here for the tea are exposing rumours about Isabel.
I deffo believe the gold digger and mean allegations. The fanpages and V really solidified it for me. Think about it, she’s not a model, an influencer, or a very famous wag like Antonela (Messi’s dream girl who he’s been in love with since childhood) or Georgina (modern day rags to riches Cinderella-ish story. Gio who also is « wifey material » and a hustler (insta modeling, brand deals , Netflix). So truly, what’s there to be a fan of? If there was a fanpage for every pretty girlfriends then we would never see the end of it. She’s not of those girlfriends with an outstanding sense of style (no offense) or a very unique look (Zoe cristofeli and her tattoos) she’s pretty but don’t have outstanding features, you can find dozens of girls that look just like her (once again no offense). I don’t buy it that she has fans. I dmed the fanpages once and they couldn’t even tell why they were a fans. They said « I wanted a positive place for issie/Isabel). Like they didn’t even give another reason (ie: she’s pretty/she’s nice/I’m a Haaland fan). They even said they not really Haaland fans. So you telling me that people really are that interested in a girl who’s basically not known (Haaland hides her) and who don’t do anything? Come on now.
Jesus that was a long read — you really took some time for this
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rainsrecords · 3 years
yk sometimes u just think ur not yourself? that maybe ur just a nobody who can't express their feelings and maybe, u cld change a few things. cause that's what I feel rn. i wish i cld change a few things, i wish i dint talk so much, i wish i cld treat everyone better, i wish i wldnt be a problem, i wish i cld do something appreciable, i wish clothes fit me the way i wanted them to, i wish i cld get perfect grades, i wish i cld be what ppl perceived of me before, i wish i cld be my old self again, i wish i weren't a dissapointment sometimes, i wish i wldnt make my mother cry every time she saw my face, i wish i stopped being so fucking up in everybodys buisness, i wish i cld have someone feel like i love them, i wish i cld go on days without crying, i wish i cld hold back tears, i wish i wasnt so weak, i wish i were like the girl im always compared with, i wish i didnt break out so much, i wish i didnt have those weird dimples on the back of my body, i wish i cld be a nobody, i wish i didnt talk so much, i wish i didnt make everyone feel uncomfortable, i wish i cld talk to my old friends again, i wish i cld talk to my bestfriend from last year, i wish i didnt offend her as much as i do now, i wish i were normal. i just fucking wish i had a normal life. i wish i cld go on without feeling like i was going to fall down every step i took. i hate the way life is.
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shineekwa · 3 years
Hi haru....
I am so scared... I hate all of this i dont know what to do, I keep trying and keep failing I hate feeling numb. I told you ‘m numb to many emotions but now im numb to everything just...why... i ask what do i do to stop this... why do i keep failing... Im so scared that I won’t be anything when i grow up and ill be nothing... and you wont be  there well...you’re not but at that time I dont know how to explain this i wish there was a way to say alll of this without saying anything  I mean...shit why don’t i feel anything i hate this what do I do...help me.... Hey Haru... I dont know if you’re reading this but how did all of this happen so stupid...why did you believe her... but its okay yk im not feeling anything rn... its like every new feeling i feel it fades in under 15 minutes this is my 3rd time writing this cause 1st time i lost all the progress and the 2nd time i got so numb that well i dont even know Why do i keep failing...what do i do right now... Since the day you said “I dont even know you anymore” I lost myself.... I never felt anything for anyone after you left....it left me so numb i know what i hate and what i love but i dont know how to feel it... Hey haru, I dreamt of you ahaha pretty cliche right? i woke up in tears, but i dont know if they were of happiness or sadness it was soo i dint know im so scared.... so so so so so scared. I’ve changed so much...I feel like i hate myself again but i dont even feel that i dont know what it is... hey haru Youre not there to save me anymore and i hate how i am hey haru Im not capable of doing anything feels so stupid everything that happened where did it even come from bro... I don’t know if I’m gonna make it... Hey Haru...I just wanna see you once but I’m so hesitant of doing that cause i know if i do i wont be able to stop cryin....I think of you and just wish that youre happy... but i cant even know if youre happy...wish you trusted me sometimes.... but well i dont....i dont know i just feel frustrated in everything and even that comes from being numb i get angry and back so fast and well i feel tired all the time and so so numb i wish i could say i want/need you here... i dont know if that would change anything now..would i feel anything... i dont wanna die but i dont wanna llive like this...
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princessnijireiki · 7 years
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@j0ules @cumaeansibyl tbh like I’m burnt… the same bad “shame on you! shame on us!” finger wagging jokes delivered with a tongue in cheek grin, the same predictable knee-jerk award shifts that feel like appeasement with no (or barely nominal) change, knowing several people who’ve been blacklisted or who ought to face consequences for vile actions will be forgiven within five years à la oldman, penn, and gibson, while the people who took this moment to elevate themselves on a dais via the platform of others’ suffering wax poetic in over-long speeches & people who actually have their feet on the ground and rubber on the road aren’t worth being noted by vogue or e! online because they aren’t glamorous enough, they’re too ethnic or fat or old or “ugly,” or plain didn’t get an invite or didn’t show.
(long post.)
I don’t like how much of this movement has centered on rose mcgowan by dint of her being one of the loudest voices— because I think it drowns out other people with just as much to say, yk? it’s not that she’s not valid or whatever, it’s that others are still silenced or erased and it’s frustrating… but she tweeted about meryl streep’s hypocrisy in wearing all black and speaking against a man with a decades-long reputation of sexual assault who she was praising a few years ago. like… I’m not in a mood to be grateful for scraps people have been begging for for so long, that were only given out once the spotlight and public pressure was on. like it’s weird that the few women who did not wear black to the globes are facing harsher criticism than people who not only did nothing but wear black, but many who also are abusers, work with abusers, profit from abusers’ work, or push for forgiveness of abusers’ violence for sake of that work & profit.
and tbh, to dress in a certain way… to make clothing as a statement… it must be visual. it must land as a visual mark. when to that point about menswear, alexander skarsgård’s haircut is more of a change from past appearances than his suit & shirt are. zac efron would not be out of place on any red carpet.
even with the women’s fashion, like… personally I would struggle to pull together an all-black outfit from my current closet, because I don’t really wear much solid black, and certainly don’t have black formal wear. but I can solve that with a trip to walmart or ross, even on my budget, as a plus size woman, on short notice. it’s an extremely low-effort gesture. and since almost every design house has solid black, black/metallic, black and white, or black with accent color gowns available… and black shoes are likewise a staple… no one has to go to a huge amount of effort if they don’t care to. no one’s stylists were put in a lurch except for people needing formal wear in “unusual” sizes, and even then, it’s not that hard. there’s no serious investment of effort or risk to ~fashion credibility, it has cost people nothing to participate in what is largely a hollow gesture because it’s blatantly do-nothing, no-impact.
and what’s frustrating on top of that is that… when you can purchase and wear your activism, when all it requires is for you to show up— not to sound baby-boomer-ish, but it’s participation-trophy activism— the threshold is lowered, and active activist efforts feel mocked & cheapened, or camouflaged among mock-turtle trompe loeil gatsby-esque costume party antics of people who will move on to the next fad in wearable morality & justice by the time the oscars roll around. which is exhausting to even navigate. like I could care less about the moral fiber or whatever of millionaires & celebrities… I care that this is slapping a sticker on a surgical wound and calling it a bandaid before pretending everything is healed once the next big topic shakes up show biz, politics, or the space in between.
and I can’t help but be a little bitter about that.
especially when it truly only came about once hollywood’s money was under the microscope; because god forbid this same unified “solidarity,” even if superficial, was there for the chip program, tps & the dream act, blm, anti-dapl, for transwomen, or even for this topic of sexual harassment/abuse/discrimination to not be solely centered on women right now as victims of men right now— vs. predators of the past, preventing this in the future, and recognizing abuse of men and of children, as well, including abuses committed by women. it is a further narrowing of what already began (publicly) as a narrow focus, and feels self serving only to the extent that the impact of that focus is felt by the people attending the masquerade.
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