#i didnt watch h2o as a kid but i do have a friend that was turned gay by it as well lmao. i meanwhile was gay-ified by alice from bakugon
tsurangaconundrum · 3 years
Hello Han! Not sure how you feel on cicada updates but I thought I’d give one anyway because cicadas are my buddies. They’re my little friends! So stupid so loud! Love em. Coincidently the epicenter of the brood happens to be near my birthplace, so my parents got to see some old friends to gossip about in the car and I got to see the the site of my first jesus bath. I’m not catholic anymore but I used to be so I’m pretty sure it doesn’t count as blasphemy when I say there was a statue of Mother Mary and oh boy shes a total milf <3. St. Pauls ok too i guess :///.
The cicada were SO FUCKING LOUD! It was like- have you ever been to a concert? Louder than that. If you haven’t, just put on your headphones to full volume and play rain sounds that’s kinda how it was. There were two different “types” of them, bigger ones with orange striped bellies and smaller ones with solid black bellies. From what I observed, they make different noises! The black ones have a more high pitches squeal, whereas the striped ones are more of a deep hum. Both sound like a chainsaw a little. Now, I’m not sure why this is, or even if it’s correct, the difference in song could be due to age or health or something. I thought maybe the black ones might grow + develop stripes as they reach the peak of their adulthood, but I was lucky enough to watch a nymph shed her skin and dry out, she came out with stripes. Neither sex is very smart, but from what I observed, males were more likely to be stuck on their backs on the ground. Though maybe males are just more common, don’t get me wrong there are a lot of females, but I def recorded more males. Then again, I had a meager sample size and totally coulda been letting one go then accidentally catching it again. (Naturally I did collect plenty of dead ones so once I get them sorted out maybe I’ll have a better answer.) Did I tell you about the blue/gray eyed variant? I saw some pics of them and was super excited to look for some, and I found two!! I also found quite a few with more orange eyes rather than the distinctive bright red but idk how much color variation there is with that, or how much of a difference it needs to be counted as a mutation. What I really need is to actually read some of the articles on them lol. I don’t make a great entomologist, but I had a lot of fun measuring and documenting them. Next time we’ll see them is 2038, and if I am still alive then (not suicidal just don’t wanna jinx it), I hope to return! Who knows, maybe by then I’ll actually know how to take proper notes.
And don’t worry, I’m already thinking about ways I can relate this incredible once every 17 years natural phenomenon to the cw’s supernatural. I mean, I’ve spent my downtime during the trip rereading all my fav fics, which, granted, isn’t all that different from normal, but it has reminded me how fun it is to give people weird biological traits. I honestly feel a little guilty learning new facts sometimes because I’m just gonna write weird shit with them, but there are literal academics and parents and like, members of society writing fic so I guess don’t go studying fish so close if you don’t want me to think about mermaids. H2O: just add water fundamentally changed me as a person (made me bisexual). Okay I’m gonna quit, apologies if this isn’t very entertaining as I hope I usually am, but wow!!!! CICADAS!!!!!!!! Anyway how have you been lately??????? Had any zany adventures? Stay safe!
dba!!!!!! my best friend dba!!! i have been to a concert (though not in in a few years) so i do know what you mean. i also have family in cicada country so they sent videos and the noise is mfing insane. very much glad to receive your data. honestly like, if you're taking data at all thats more than most people. you're a great entomologist to ME.
cicadas are actually not related to supernatural so much as they are a metaphor for supernatural fans, as we are so fucking loud, once we woke up from hibernation underground.
no zany adventures for me. unfortunately ive been doing finals and such lately, though i did wander through a botanical gardens for several hours a couple weeks ago.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
i meant white/western audiences are slow to understanding the subtext rather than asian fandoms, when i was a kid i remember most asian countries didnt even have "kiss scenes" in movies or dramas, for us the "subtext" was normal for straight couples too (I've seen a few white folks think cql is a story abt 2 straight friends). the issues with the poor production and it has shit production coz of the budget but the drama wasnt supposed to be a big hit. also like how u just made it the "idol drama"  as if most kdramas and cdramas arent full of idols. I mostly agree with ur cql fandom hate too but to me it seems like u sometimes just want to prove that cql is worse than it is just coz the fans it brought in. I dont blame u either, I've seen some shit metas and the cql fans who hate the novel and call the writer homophobic are also funny. What makes me irritated is that the amount of hate cql gets on here is equal to the amount of hate novel gets, when the drama made alot of things possible for asian LGBTQ audiences. This is the first drama that my gay asian friend (who isnt out) watched with his parents and got them to fall for all the ppl and support the couple. Novels have our imagination in them but dramas need to make a lot of ppl happy and also keep censorship at bay. for me personally cql seems like it made it possible for alot of closeted kids be comfortable talking abt a gay couple with their parents, as novels are limited to a fandom. (Like I've not read a single harry potter book but I've watched 4 of the movies 😚)
I'm not trying to attack u but I'm trying to tell u that just coz the drama brought in a shit ton of weirdos in the fandom it still helped alot more ppl than u can imagine...
Hi anon, 
One thing where we seem to be of a different opinion is that criticising cql as a work of fiction, or highlighting the political economic context surrounding it, in no way negates what it can mean for people. I personally consider that these are completely different matters. These things often have nothing to do with the inherent quality of a thing, or even how good “queer rep” it is--they are relative to people’s specific and personal experiences, or a particular moment in the media landscape. All the things she said holds special meaning to me because it was the first time I got to see two women kiss on tv and it felt revelatory. I vividly remember sitting cross-legged right in front of the tv and refusing to come eat until the end of the music videos--at a time when I could not articulate why I was so fascinated by it. I know that this song is still meaningful for a lot of queer people my age, even if many people hate it for being a straight gaze fantasy. Regardless of what it personally means to me, I’m not going to argue that the music video is a masterpiece, or be blind to the reason why the kiss was included in that music video. CQL is very meaningful to your gay closeted friend, and allowed him to discuss wangxian as a gay couple with his parents, and that’s absolutely great. But I personally think it’s a little bit far-fetched to suppose that the same couldn’t have been said of any other live adaptations of a danmei novel who didn’t shoehorn in a het romance: if the timing had been different, perhaps the first drama with romantic subtext between two male characters he would have seen with his parents would have been Guardians, or the incoming adaptation of TGCF. Hell, H2O was so popular that they might have just watched that one together as well, even if the subtext “romance” is between two side characters. 
Let me be clear as well that I am not trying to argue that MDZS is this groundbreaking piece of fiction wrt “gay rights” or queer representation in China that changes minds and sways public opinion. It’s one of many danmei novels--it just is one that has a lot of literary merit. I simply think it’s disingenuous when people in the western fandom claim that a subtext romance is better “representation” than a canon gay couple who get their happily ever after. CQL is more impactful because it is mainstream, but it does not mean the representation it offers is inherently better. It is also ridiculous sometimes because the hurdles faced by a danmei authors vs the government-backed media giants who benefit financially from putting out censored version of their stories is just..... not something that should be ignored in my opinion.
Asian audiences being more used to romance depicted through subtext does not, at least in my opinion, negate the power of heteronormativity or compulsory heteronormativity to influence readings of that subtext by a portion of the audience. Chinese people are absolutely creative and innovative in the ways in which they manage to circumvent censorship, but a webseries financed by a media giant is not going to be a transgressive attempt to pull the wool over the censors’ eyes--at the end of the day it needs to be a safe investment. 
You seem to suggest that I am hard on CQL for being an idol drama but do not bring the same criticisms to other idol dramas. I find this weird because it’s not like I’ve ever praised an idol drama, and I know I haven’t because I simply don’t think they are competent works of fiction (although sometimes the camera work and editing is at least competent, compared to cql where the production quality is kind of poor). The closest I’ve come to doing that is praising My Mister, which is not in any way an idol drama, but which I suppose features an idol (IU) in the cast. When I said the first jdrama I watched was Hana Yori Dango, that was not an endorsement of how good it was--because honestly it’s one hot mess barely held together by the chemistry between the two leads--it was just a statement of fact. 
I am very critical and judgemental, I’ll give you that, but I don’t think that equates to “hate”. Yes, most of my discussions of CQL sprout from existing discussions within the fandom. But most of my posts indirectly reference or respond to something I saw. What’s the difference between me addressing a common novel fanon and me addressing a common opinion on cql’s virtues? 
TLDR; a work of fiction being significant to people is something to recognise but it should not preclude being able to discuss that work critically, especially wrt how it executes its story since the inherent quality of the work as art has no direct correlation with its impact, be it on individuals or on a specific media landscape. Moreover, the impact of a work on queer people or on the social perception of queer people is not inherently proportional to how “good queer rep” it is: it has usually more to do with the context (ie people don’t remember Brokeback Mountain because it was the best movie with a gay love story ever made until then--there was more at play). 
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brelione · 4 years
The Surfer And The Siren
Chapter Two:The Blondes,The Dog and The Girl in the Woods.
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Chapter One
@kelsiejayy​ designed this mood board :) 
“Why is it always the blondes?”Richard asked.You shrugged,folding the snack bag closed. “They remind me of him.”You answered.Richard just nodded,pulling the strings of the bag tight. “Will you tell him stories about me when im gone?”Richard asked.You pouted. “You’ve still got a few more years,Rich.”You mumbled.He just chuckled. “Lets get going,weve got thirteen hours to go.”he locked the door as you walked out.You two got into his older car,driving down the bumpy roads to his house.You ran up the small grassy hill and up to the front porch,kneeling to pet Blue on his stomach.You then ran inside,jumping onto the couch and holding your favorite pillow to your chest.Richard let the dog in,going into the kitchen to show you that he had already set out your favorite cookies.ayou ate seven before you ran into the backyard to see how much taller the sunflowers had grown since the last time you had been over to the house.You rolled in the grass,lifting yourself into a tree and giggling loudly.
It felt like it had been a long time since you had even touched a tree.Probably because it had been.Richard placed his phone on the outdoor table,allowing your favorite songs to play.There was some Queen,some Disney,some instrumental and some early 2000’s music.You got down from the tree,telling him you were going to take Blue for a walk.Richard nodded,standing up.He wasnt as fast or energetic as he had been 60 years ago.He couldnt give you piggy back rides anymore or play soccer in the middle of the woods.It didnt really matter though.He was still good old Richard with his shitty jokes and his big grey hound.You grabbed Blue’s leash,clipping it to his collar.RIchard shouted to you to let you know that you could go without him.You ran down the street,racing the large dog all the way to figure eight.You ended up on the beach behind the kook mansions.You had watched as they had been built all those years ago,wondering what kind of rich straight white dudes were going to move in there.
You were unaware of the camera watching you from a tall tree,oblivious to the notification that was sent to Rafe Cameron’s phone.Blue leaned against you,laying down at your feet.You sat indian style,allowing the dog to rest in your lap. “Are you a handsome baby?”You grinned,tapping the dogs nose.He sneezed,moving upwards to look your chin.Rafe came up behind you,his eyes focusing on your hair.He hadnt been prepared or even thought about what he was going to say.He just didnt want to miss you. “Hello?”You called out,feeling someone looking at you.He inhaled sharply and his fists clenched. “Sorry,sorry-I didnt mean to scare you.”He spoke awkwardly.Blue sat up,staring him down and growling.You looked over your shoulder,grip tightening on Blue’s leash.That wasnt Ward.Ward was a normal person,he aged.You had watched him age. “Ward?”You asked,not calling off Blue.Rafe shook his head,not being able to form words.You dragged your fingers along the back of Blue’s neck to calm him.The dog leaned into your touch,slumping against you. 
“Um...Im Rafe-Rafe Cameron.My dad’s name is Ward,though.”He answered.You nodded,standing up and brushing the sand off of your clothing.He looked just like Ward when he was in his early twenties.Ward had always been a bit of the sketchy type but never too bad.He wore his long sleeve shirts rolled up to his elbows,socks and sandals and always had some sort of fancy watch clinging to his wrist.You had been to the Cameron’s dock countless times just to check if Ward Cameron was still alive and walking.You wrapped Blue’s leash around your wrist so he wouldnt go too far. “I like your hair.”He spoke,pointing to the blue curly mess.Your eyebrows fell over your eyes,Blue sensed the tension and licked your fingertips.He glanced up at the tree where the camera was hidden before looking back up at you. “Okay.”You mumbled,not wanting to continue the conversation.He didnt have good intentions.It felt like you were talking to Ward,In fact,you could remember Ward telling you the same thing.Rafe sucked in a big breath,looking down at Blue and trying to ease his mind.
 “Is this your dog?”He asked,gesturing towards the greyhound.You gulped,glancing around the beach for other people. “Friend’s dog.”You answered,your voice hitting him like a wave.He stumbled a bit,deciding to just sit down.His legs couldnt hold his weight and it seemed like his head was full of wet cotton.He felt exhausted and not just from running down the road.He nodded,hands in his lap. “I will see you around,Rafe Cameron.”You spoke softly,allowing the power to sink into the air.It was probably enough to enchant the boys inside houses across the whole neighborhood and more than enough to cause Rafe to fall forward with his eyes closed.You grinned,biting down on your lip and holding back a chuckle.Men were just too easy.You jogged back up the sand and to the street,seeing a boy asleep on his lawn.It only made your smile widen as you ran back to the cut,Blue panting as he sprinted with you.When you got to the cut you were a sweating and panting mess,laughing at the feeling of pain in your kneecaps.
You kept running,savoring the sore feeling at your ankles and heels as your feet smacked the cement.When you got back to Richard’s Blue had dragged himself up the stairs tiredly to drink some water.You went inside the house,leaving the door open for Blue and laying down on the couch.Your cheeks were flushed,your skin damp from sweat. “Did you have a good run?”Richard asked.You nodded,sitting up. “I didnt know that Ward Cameron had a son.”You frowned,pushing the blue hair from your face.Richard gulped,sitting down in his reclining chair. “You saw Ward Cameron?”He asked nervously.You shook your head. “Just his son.Strange looking boy...kind of like Ward with moist hair.I didnt tell him my name,just Blue’s.He’s asleep on the beach as of right now.”You explained.He nodded,opening a bag of skittles.You giggled. “God,do you remember back in 82’ when those things first got to the store?”You asked.He nodded. “How could I forget?I was trying to get you a bag but the buggers were sold out.The rich boys were mixing them with vodka and throwing up on the streets.”He let out a wheeze like laugh.You grinned at the memory,holding your pillow to your stomach.
 “The boy...JJ.Do you know him well?”You asked.Richard raised his eyebrows,shaking his head as he poured skittles into his palm.You sighed,leaning back. “He looks like him...I saw them while I was out today.JJ and Pope,I mean.They were with another boy and a girl.The other one….I forget what he’s called.He looks like an Adam,though.He’s very terrible at surfing,I had to rescue him during a storm.And the girl...she was diving near the caves to clean up trash that had sunk.I feel drawn to them like im supposed to be part of their group.It was that feeling I had when I saw you on the beach on the night we met...I knew it would lead to something good.”You tried your best to explain your feelings.He nodded,reclining in the chair and stretching out his sore legs. “I understand,(Y/N).But I dont know enough about these kids to let you go around them.Im not trying to control you,Im just concerned for your safety.You’ve seen it all before where your kind gets involved with the wrong human folk and winds up dead or trapped in a tank.You cant let that happen,I cant let that happen.I’ll learn as much as I can about them,okay?”He asked.
You sighed,watching as Blue slowly walked in and sat by the door. “I wouldve felt if he had bad intentions or anger,he didnt.When I was out for my swim they tried to find me again to make sure that i was okay.If they were bad they wouldnt have done that.”You mumbled.He nodded. “But they didnt know who you are and what you are.Maybe if they had they would act differently but I dont exactly want to find out.Let me learn about them first,alright?”He asked.You nodded as he turned on his television. “Netflix has new films this month,why dont you flip through them until you find something you’d like to watch?”He offered,leaning forward and handing you the warm black controller.You grinned,biting your bottom lip as you watched the preview for H2o Just Add Water. “Hey-hey Richard.”You laughed.He looked up at the television,holding back a laugh as his nostrils flared. “No-nope.”He shook his head.You laughed,looking through the episode titles before snorting. “Siren effect!”You giggled.He sighed,pinching the bridge of his nose. “If that is what you want to watch than go for it.”He grinned.
You shook your head,going back to the home page.You settled on a show called I Am Not Okay With THis.You werent really paying attention because you were too busy thinking about all the things you wanted to do in such little time. “It really sucks that we cant go into the woods like we used too.”You sighed.Richard frowned,nodding in understanding. “You know that its not safe for you out there alone.”He reminded you.It was dangerous for anyone to go out at night especially young girls.The Cut had some pretty dangerous places that became even more dangerous at night. “Do you think I could go if Blue came with me?”You asked.Blue’s ears perked up at his name,his mouth falling open in a dog smile.Richard nodded hesitantly. “Alright.Dont go too far and stay away from the graveyard.”He leaned back in his seat.You grinned,standing up.You didnt bother with the leash,hopping down the front steps excitedly with Blue right behind you.You didnt think you’d ever get used to the smell of grass and the feeling of dirt between your toes.Your hair got caught in a few branches but you couldnt care less.
You could see the faint green glow of fire flies a few feet away. “Why do I always have to get the firewood?They’re perfectly capable but no,no of course theyre just too high to do basic things.”A feminine voice ranted to herself.There was no way of telling exactly how far away it was but you assumed it was pretty close when the fireflies dispersed.Blue barked softly,a growl coming from her throat. “Hello?”The voice called upon hearing the noise.You huffed,silently thanking the gods that you wouldnt have to speak to yet another boy. “Hello.”You replied,finally seeing the owner of the voice.Her dark hair was tied into a fancy french braided bun that probably took years of her childhood to master.Her skin was the color of werther’s chewy caramels.She wore a white and black hoodie that was large and a bit baggy on her small frame along with a pair of light shorts.You knew she probably couldnt make out your features in the dark.That was one of the advantages you were grateful for.You had always been able to see close to perfectly in the dark which definitely helped with your insecurities when you knew for a fact that others couldnt.
 “Why are you in the middle of the woods?”She asked.You held onto Blue’s collar so he wouldnt lunge at the pretty girl. “The dog needed to pee,what about you?”You asked.She giggled,playing with her fingers nervously as her legs got a tingly feeling. “Oh-um-firewood.What’s your dogs name?”She asked.You slowly let go of the collar.Blue walked forward eagerly to sniff at the girls shorts,hands and shoes. “Blue.”You answered.She kneeled down to pet the large dog as he sat down in front of her,licking a slimy streak on the side of her face. “And what’s your name?”She asked,directing the question towards you.You grinned upon realising that this was her.This had to be a sign. “(Y/N).”You answered,watching as her face fell and her mouth fell agape.You were the girl JJ spoke so fondly of.She could absolutely agree with him about your voice.She had never heard one quite like yours with that weird accent.
You could probably make some really incredible ASMR if you wanted too. “Do you….by any chance have blue hair?”She asked.You smiled to yourself. “That would be me.”You confirmed.She blushed,biting her lip. “Im Kiara.I think you know my friends,JJ and Pope.”She muttered.You hummed,swatting a mosquito away from your face. “I met them briefly.”You told her,snapping your fingers by your side to get Blue to come back to you.You rubbed the back of his left ear,seeing Kiara stand up straight again.The original blue was missing part of his left ear after getting into a fight with a rat the size of a puppy.That was definitely in the top ten scariest moments of your life.You and Richard had been inside the house baking a cinnamon peach cake for his mother when she came home from a long day of work.You had started to smash up butter in a large bowl that you had actually made for them when you heard a mix of screams,hisses and whimpers coming from the backyard.
He had grabbed the broom,ready to break up a fight between two young children.You had both ran outside,screaming in shock at the sight in front of you.Blue had been shaking his head back and forth,trying to get the rat of of him.You had to tackle the poor dog,ripping the rat off and practically suffocating it.Richard had ran inside to grab one of his old dirty shirts,running it under the cool faucet water before running back outside and holding it to Blue’s damaged flesh.You had thrown the rat down the hill as adrenaline coursed through your veins.He had gotten the bleeding to stop,the red liquid had stained the already dying grass.You used your bandana to hold his ear down and bandaged.That had happened only a few months before you had lost your ring and became pretty much completely confined to the ocean.Since then Richard had tried his best to keep everything the same.When the first Blue died he was quick to find a similar looking grey hound from an animal shelter.He’d created a raft out of branches and grape vines and fitted sheets so he could float out to your cave.He put newspaper into plastic wrap so you could keep up with things going on in the land.He didnt go anywhere outside of North Carolina without telling you first.Pretty much his whole life revolved around you.
“Cool,cool.So are you visiting from somewhere?”She asked.You had gotten used to that question. “No,actually.I kind of just stay under the radar,you know?”You asked.She nodded. “So are you a kook or a pogue?”She asked.You shrugged,scratching your nose. “Um...I’d say its complicated.”You answered.She hummed. “Yeah,I get that.So where do you live?”She asked. “Between friends,I suppose.I should probably get this handsome baby home before he falls asleep.It was great meeting you though.”You grinned.She nodded. “Ill see you around,(Y/N).”She smiled.You walked back through the woods the same way you had came,eventually coming back out outside of Richard’s house.
You went through the back door,the dim kitchen light making you realize the scratches on your ankles.It brought a smile to your face.You felt like a normal teen girl for the time being and you knew you only had so long. “(Y/N)?Are you back?”Richard called from the living room. “Yep!”You shouted back before heading to the bathroom.You looked in the mirror,smiling at how dry your hair was.It was dry and hanging at your shoulders,not flowing in the water or getting pushed into your face by currents.The small slits behind your ear were covered with skin and you could move your feet in circles.You werent sure which part of your life you preferred.You turned on the faucet,staring at the water that flowed out of it.You turned it off,looking back up at the mirror angrily.Your sisters never had to deal with everything you had gone through.They were all dead anyways and only god knows how many others there were out there.Hell,there could be some walking around Outer Banks right now with their rings keeping them safe.The shit you would do to get your ring back was ridiculous.
At this point you might even kill for one. “Are you okay in there?”Richard shouted.You flicked the light off,coming out of the bathroom with your hand sin the pockets of your jeans. “Rich,I just met the girl.”You told him,standing in the doorway of the living room.He say up straight,placing his bag of skittles down. “What girl?”He asked.You sighed,sitting back down on the couch indian style. “The girl.The girl from the group I saw earlier today.Ive encountered all of them now,that cannot be a coincidence!”You exclaimed.He shrugged. “Well,lets not jump to conclusions now.You say the Maybank boy looks a lot like him,yeah?”He asked.You nodded. “Well then maybe he’s related to the fella.You still have your old photo albums in the caves?The ones I laminated for you?”He asked.You nodded,waiting for him to continue. “This might be jumping to conclusions but what if Jesse is related to him?”He asked.
You sighed,shaking your head. “No,no he never had any kids.”You answered.He grinned. “Yeah,he didnt.But that doesnt mean his older sister didnt.Linda,I think.Wasnt it something like that?”He asked.You gulped. “Linden.She died in 55’ though.I dont know if she ever had kids.How would we find that out?”You asked.His eyebrows knit together,the bags under his eyes seeming darker. “We have google now.Hand me my phone,please.”He requested.You grabbed his phone off the kitchen counter,looking at his screensaver.It was a picture of a sunset taken awfully close to your cave system.You remembered that sunset in particular because of how bright the pink and purple hues had been.You didnt remember him taking the photo though.You tossed it to him,the strange object falling into his lap. “Hey siri.”He spoke to his phone.A ding came from the device. “Show me all information on Linden Silslip.”He requested.A few articles came up so he handed the phone back to you for you to scroll through.It wasnt until you got to the very bottom that you found an article about “The Sea Monster of OBX” with and interview from Linden.You looked through the article,pressing down on Linden’s name.A whole page of information came up.You couldnt believe what you were seeing.
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kihyunshighnote · 6 years
85 Truth Tag
amazing and lovely @daisykookz tagged me
rule: answer these 85 questions
1. Drink- H2O
2. Call- Brother
3. Text- Mom
4. Song You Listened to- If You Do by Got7
5. Last Time You cried- after the got7 concert. the whole ordeal after the show made me so angry and upset. i cried for a good 10 minutes
6. Dated someone twice? I dont count what happened when i was 11. i’ll just say that much. but seriously never dated 1 person
7. kissed someone & regret it- never kissed anyone
8. Been cheated on- nope
9. Lost Someone special- yep
10. been depressed- I go back and forth on this alot. Technically and medically speaking No but i’ll spare you the details on this topic
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up- Nope. I’m a very boaring person
12. Black
13. White
14. Gray
15. Lavender
16. Made new friends? Yes, 1 irl and thankfully many online friends who i love very dearly
17. Fallen out of love- I dont think I’ve actually ever been in love
18. laugh until you cried- probably
19. found out someone was talking about you- i dont think so. not to my knowledge
20. met someone who changed you- yeah
21. found out who your friends were- yeah probably
22. kiss someone on your fb list- never kissed anyone and i check fb not frequently
23. How many people on fb do you know irl- my fb is mainly just consistant of my family so pretty much all of them
24. Have any pets? My cat and a rabbit
25. Do you want to change your middle name? if i did i dont know what i’d replace it with so i guess im stuck with it
26. What did you do for your last Birthday? Probably ate dinner out with my family and that was about it
27. What time did you wake up this morning? I had to work but i overslept til 9:12 this morning
28. What exactly were you doing at midnight yesterday? I was watching EXO interviews. 
29. What is something you can’t wait for? SEEING MONSTA X TOMORROW AND MY COUSIN TOO IN DALLAS
30. What are you listening to know- GOOD BOY BY GDRAGON & TAEYANG
31. Have you talked to a stranger named tom- Yeah. 
32. Something that gets on your nerves- The kids I watch sometimes can be bratty and to invasive on me and I can’t stan them anymore
33. Most visited website- Tumblr/Twitter
34. Hair Color- Dark Brown
35. Long or short hair- I have LONG HAIR. goes to my waist
36. Do You have a crush on someone- Nope. Really since i was 15 i hadn’t had a crush on anyone
37. What do you like about yourself? Really not much. My hair I guess
38. Want any piercings? 50/50 on this.  I have not had my ears pierced since i was 6 and i made my mom use a thumbtack to do it because i dont like earrings but when i see a photo of a singer i immediately look at their ears and think those look cool. so not really but im indecisive
39.  Blood type- O-
40. Nicknames- Katt
41. Relationship status- Single forever, but JB is currently my husband in my imaginary world
42. Zodiac- Aries
43. Pronouns- I literally do not care
44. Favorite tv show? I don’t watch tv that much but I guess a cartoon i liked watching but nobody has heard of is Chowder
45. Tattoos? I don’t have any but i know i want this..
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46. Righty or Lefty- Righty
47. Ever had surgery? only to get wisdom teeth out 
48. Piercings? none
49. Sports? break it down from age
4-8 soccer 9-10 fast and slow-pitch softball 10-11 Tennis 11-13/14 Volleyball
50. Vacation- Last 1 was Houston and tomorrow ill be in dallas for a few days
51. Shoes- I have the same pair of black converse since i was a jr in high school and i still wear them to this day 
52. Eating- I took some kids to a pizza place for lunch
53. Drinking- Aqua
54. I’m about to watch- a kpop music video from a group I like 10/10 most likely to happen
55. Waiting For- me to decide when i should eat food or not tonight
56. Want- more $$$ and see my online friends someday irl
57. Get married- maybe ,but i loose hope in that really
58. Career- something in politics but i kinda am just eh right now
59. Hugs or kisses- both are great
60. lips or eyes- eyes
61. shorter or taller- taller
62. older or younger- same age preferably but if not older
63. nice arms or stomach- stomach
64. hookup or relationship- RELATIONSHIP
65. Troublemaker or hesitant- hesitant
66. kiss a stranger- No
67. Had hard liquor- yep
68. lost glasses- I hadn’t worn glasses since middle school and even then the eye doctor said i didnt really need them so not really
69. Turned someone down- no. never been asked before
70. Sex on the 1st date?- Never happened but im a believer in waiting a bit before doing something like that
71. Broke Someones heart- probably
72. had heart broken- yeah but when i look back on it i’m glad
73. been arrested? Nah
74. Cried when someone died- yeah
75. Fallen for a friend- no
76. Youself- HELL NO
77. Miracles- Kinda
78. Love at 1st sight- No, I believe its just infatuation with someone
79. Santa- I dont know why i stopped i just remember 1 day my dad asked if we still believe and i just said no for some reason
80. Kiss on a 1st date- maybe. depends on how well i feel comfortable with the person
81. angels- yes. I believe i have a few guardian angels watching over me
82. Best friend name- I have 2. Jessi and Lauren
83. eye color- brown
84. favorite movie- Star Wars. specifically ep 4,6,7,and 2
85. favorite actor/actress- i dont really have one. Harrison Ford or Carrie Fisher i guess
im not gonna tag anyone in this long quiz about yourself unless you wanna kill a whole bunch of time by doing this tag feel free to do so
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