#i didnt hear if she said moral or loyal idk
akiwitch · 1 year
hi!! i'm sorry to hear you're having a bad night, i hope it improves for you soon!!
i'm not sure how much you've posted about thief and guard so far (i tried looking on your blog but the search function didnt turn up anything lol this webbed site is so functional), so could i ask for a little profile about the major characters :0? (understandable if you don't feel like doing it tho, since you said you're planning on doing character lineups sometime soon! :D)
Hi friend! It’s okay, it’ll pass!
I’ve posted a little bit but not a lot to keep myself from getting too invested but I think it’s too late now oops so here we go!! Warnings: no one has last names yet so if anyone has ideas give them to me pls. Also all of this might change idk
Age: twenties-ish? No one knows. Not even him!
Profession: Thief
Stefan can steal anything - for the right price. He is considered the absolute best of the best, second only to his mentor when she was in her prime. No one knows how he gets into the place he does. Some of the most heavily fortified magical vaults in the world.
The truth is, he’s extremely magic resistant. Maybe even immune. Leave him with a magical object for a few days and it’ll be drained dry until it can be re-enchanted.
He’s cunning, clever, thinks he’s very funny, quick on his feet, and has a fast and loose moral code. He seems brave, but mostly he’s an adrenaline junkie and a contradictory brat.
Basically…watch your wallet, but he’s a very entertaining friend. If he had friends.
Age: 28
Profession: Vault Guard
Henrik worked himself up from very humble, sheep herder origins to being captain of the guard in the great magical vault (it’ll have a cool name probably) where only the most dangerous magical artifacts are kept.
He’s honest to a fault, strong, capable, loyal, and extremely stubborn. Once he has his sights on something, he does not let go.
He’s also kind of a buzzkill grump.
Jani (and Beans)
Age: early 20s probably
Profession: relic hunter
Jani lost an arm years ago, but formed a weird symbiotic relationship with a slime she named Beans who can form an arm for her when she needs it (mind you, Beans is not going to be doing anything delicate. Mostly helping her swing across a chasm, hitting something real hard, grabbing something…basically a weapon)
She hunts relics to feed Beans cheap old junk (it eats a lichen that only forms on magical items) and to sell off whatever might be worth a penny or two.
She’s fun, flirty, smart, a bit ruthless, and cutthroat if she needs to be. If you want a drinking partner, she’s your girl.
Age: idk 25? Sure
Profession: relic hunter
She works with Jani to find relics to sell. She’s very interested in history and deeply fascinated with the formation of the rift (a giant crack that split the continent in two) and in the cataclysm that caused magical storms a hundred years earlier. She’s out to find the truth. And make some money.
She’s quieter than Jani, kind of a nerd, but even if she protests she’s always there to back her up, even if it’s in something as stupid as a bar fight. And while she may seem soft-spoken and nervous, do not play cards with her. She cheats.
That’s what I have so far! I think they should have a healer probably (maybe a cat man? I think that’d be funny?? He tends to your wounds then purrs to speed up healing? Maybe??)
Thank you for the ask~
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sixserpents · 4 years
Raven to Murphy: “now go do your job being Emori’s loyal anchor”
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darkelite020 · 3 years
Bad batch thoughts & predictions ep 3
I wanna start having written reactions somewhere and predictions cause itd be fun I think to see what actually ends up happening and remembering what I thought at the time so im dumping it here, youre welcome. (Feel free to discuss if you want) if you want to keep up with it im gonna be tagging these as #jay rambles about bb
- wrecker wanting omegas food but not taking it because of what hunter said and then wrecker tries to adapt to consider shes a kid more throughout the whole ep is so cute but also its interesting cause we know the clones werent raised gently like that so its wholesome that theyre trying their best. - the scanner tech is making for the inhibitor chips is so important. They didnt talk about it a lot but YO HEAR ME OUT: so wrecker clonked his head when they crashed which they showed on screen but its 100% a cover up for this whole thing thats gonna go down. I feel like because wrecker talked about his head hurting a lot its more than just a simple thing- yes getting hit in the head hurts but my man was shot by crosshair and he complained about that less as far as we know and its a huge coincidence that they are making the inhibitor chip scanner at the same time. What if him hitting his head messed with his inhibitor chip and later they are gonna use the scanner and figure that out- maybe wrecker starts getting tempted to do bad things like crosshair. Cause in clone wars when the clones also got their chips messed with a lot of them would like rub there head or hold their head like it hurt also.
- The whole argument that random people are better to fight with than the clones is... so dumb to me??? I love the clones so bias maybe but it is not smart imo. The whole "oh but they will want to fight" thing is better than the clones made to do it?? Like, yeah, morally thats a good thing, maybe dont have clones as like literal fucking slaves for your war, but lots of clones liked it aside from the fighting itself? Like nobody likes the bloodshed but that goes for normal people too, but think of clones like hardcase who 'was just doing things to have fun' and even 99 who *wanted* to be a soldier so badly and wanted to have a moment where he could prove like his usefulness as a soldier and stuff. I get the clones are expensive but they are just vastly better. Yes the clones can train people which is their plan but like people will always be less loyal than the clones and hnnggg
- crosshair you fuckin bimbo didnt talk about how the soldiers wanted to not go with their orders like legit if crosshair said "They didn't want to do the mission" SO MUCH wouldve been different and thats wild because we all know theyd take crosshairs word on it since crosshair proved himself already and is loyal to them so if crosshair said 'actually it went bad at first' like bro
- omega has an ability and still have no idea what it is but its gonna be crazy when we figure it out cause im sure its something theyve been slipping a little into each episode and when we figure it out we're all gonna sit here like "wow we are fucking blind"
- Echo with a flashlight makes me realize something and now I worry for that boi ;-; : my mans has only one hand (which yes we knew) but I was so concerned when he was looking for the dragon holding the flashlight cause like bitch if that thing attacked him he literally cant shoot it and im sure he still has moments maybe where he tries to use his other hand like out of reflex for things and ;-;
- - I mean technically hes been like that for a while now but he was like brainwashed for a lot of it and while probably not im still worried they are gonna have that come into play somehow
- very proud of omega for taking the mission into her own hands pop off sis
- - but also she literally called for help before they went and none of them came to help like bruh wtf what were you all doing like if shes using HUNTERS COMMS youd figure 'oh fuck hunter and omega are in trouble' like yes you got to fix the ship or something but hello??? save them first???
- crosshair looking at the tally on the wall HURTS ME THANKS DAVE
- wrecker making omegas room is the cutest shit and he even gave her lula BUT THATS GONNA HURT SO MUCH WORSE WHEN HE GOES BAD AND OH MY GOD
- bad batch more like sad batch
- kind of about the other two episodes a little but: legit worried for the end of the show because they already showed 66 and that was like the big ending for clone wars and that hurt a fuck ton, and they STARTED the show with that, so like.... what the fuck is the sad thing theyre gonna rip our hearts out with at the end? I think 66 was definitely an interesting way to start because we get a better look at what went down afterwards and also that way its not super repetitive with tcw but like... yeah idk where or when its gonna end and we all know they are gonna do some shit like that again when the show is over so im excited but also deeply concerned.
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