#i didn't trim the post on purpose
prosopagn0sis-a · 1 year
raging daddy issues and where do they come from
let me preface by saying: erik hahn aka wulf stalker is not a character that belongs to me, but i do write him ocassionally as a part of fate's threads, and he is deeply connected both to fate's and prometheus' backstory in their original lore. he was created and developed by my friend and became an adoptive father of the silly little blorbo you see me writing today. erik was based on a clone lore from eve online and his first ever appearance was in a ttrpg based on fallout (we later switched to neuroshima and then adapted our characters to other systems). i have the permission for writing him and developing his story.
erik had a hive mind with all other eriks up to the point of the cloning machine breaking. they shared views, opinions and memories — their most important one being meeting the fate and taking care of her since she was seven years old. the original and very first wulf stalker was collecting teddy bears alongside heads of his enemies... and had a ghoul-ish body due to fallout-inspired radiation, but later on another wulf killed him and took care of fate. essentially, they were the same person, but they knew they couldn't coexist in the same universe. wulfs hunted other wulfs, basically, and the whole character started as a psychopath.
so now you see: erik hahn is not a good father by default.
through the years of taking care of his daughter he tried the best to his abilities to be a decent parent, but failed on so many levels that at the age of fifteen fate sees their relationship as a transaction more than anything even remotely familial, progressively losing the sense of being a family but still believing they're allies. it's easy, he provides for her, and she takes care of everything else. but she wasn't taught to do everything else by erik, no; she had to learn every skill all by herself (except for strictly military-related abilities like combat or marksmanship).
so we have a seven year old freshly rescued from abusive household and an adult who cannot make himself an espresso without burning the whole kitchen. the seven year old is a genius and picks up on the adult's inability to function and starts taking care of every chore possible — cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, budgeting, planning, everything. it started simple, then became more and more advanced. erik starting off as mercenary was traveling a lot, so fate lacked any socializing with people her age, but also claimed she doesn't need it and wulf believed her and let her chose to be a loner as much as she wanted to. he gave her free hand on most subjects and topics, only deepening the psychopathy of her as a whole.
wulf stalker did fund face blindness research and provided money and housing during his travels, but that was it. literally. everything else was in fate's hands and she gladly took care of it.
i don't know if you understand, so let me summarize. a grown ass man is unable of taking care of himself, so a seven yeard old girl starts doing this for him and continues that for at least ten more years.
but fate's also a genius, so erik utilizes her intelligence during his missions and operations, desensitizing her to themes of violence, gore and murder while continously training her to eventually do what he does best. a child, and then a teenager, raised around mercenaries and military because wulf stalker didn't know better. but that is not an excuse.
erik never provided much emotional support nor physical contact. never taught fate actually useful life skills that aren't connected to killing, like driving a car for example. erik brought a child to military bases so the only socialization fate has ever gotten were grown men ready to take a bullet and feed lead whoever was on the opposite side of the battlefield. these were her only companions. this is why her relationship with men is so complicated and based on sexualizing herself.
after fate's kidnapping episode, wulf literally caged her inside safehouses and military bases and never left her unsupervised, but he's almost never present, so she's left without the only person she truly trusts with her safety in armed strangers' hands. in all verses except for the resident evil one, her abduction was random and not tied to erik's line of work.
to  sum  it  all  up:  erik  had  no  idea  how  to  raise  a  child,  never  put  effort  into  educating  himself  on  that  matter  and  oftentimes  avoided  his  responsibilities  by  leaving  fate  under  stragers'  supervision  in  secluded  and  well  guarded  areas  while  also  continously  training  her  in  his  line  of  work  to  have  a  cunning  and  intelligent  helper  filling  in  the  gaps  in  his  skillset,  at  the  same  time  being  completely  dependent  on  the  girl's  general  life  abilities  and  expecting  for  her  to  take  care  of  everything  besides  making  money.
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bella-goths-wife · 8 months
How reader could manipulate the bowers gang boys
Again, please enjoy my attempts at being deep writer while being sick and sad
I do not intend to romanticise or encourage any of the following warnings, my writing is solely for entertainment and informational purposes. I do not support or condone any and all abuse and I do not believe in any of the various themes I write about.
Henry bowers:
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As we've established in previous posts, Henry craves to be taken care of
His mother was the only person who cared about him until his dad scared her off, and now he has no one
His dad couldn't give less of a shit about him, and while he sees the boys as his brothers, he'd never discuss thoughts and feelings with them because he was their leader and he can't seem weak
But you, you were so gentle and kind to those around you
Sure, you looked cold and sometimes you'd act like an arrogant bitch
But he saw how you acted with Beverly, before he made you his
You knew she struggled, so you'd make her an extra lunch and offer her a shoulder to cry on
Something about watching those interactions made Henry's skin crawl with an ugly jealousy which he mistook for anger and disgust
That's why he was so intent on hurting you the day he and the boys followed you after school, so he could take out his frustrations
But then he and the other boys saw you dancing, and he knew you'd be perfect
The way you could manipulate Henry is by really playing into the caregiver role
Make his lunches, write him little notes on them, offer to trim his hair, cook his dinners, offer to do his laundry and take care of his wounds after fights
Really act like you care about Henry, make him believe that you can be relied on
Make Henry believe that you are the one person in the world who cares about him and you'll be in for a world of surprises
As time goes on Henry will reveal more about himself, in his own gruff and verbally abusive fashion
But there will be a gentleness that's unlocked within him, it's minuscule when looking at it through the societal norms but if you view it as someone who has experienced his abuse for months, the change can be unexpected
If you do something wrong, as long as it's only minor (like burning his food slightly or not responding the first time he speaks), he'll turn a blind eye to it for the first time it happens instead of yelling and hurting you
And if he does decide to 'punish' you, he'll clean up your wounds instead of making you work through it and he'll make sure to avoid body parts that are vital to your ballet dancing
He'll also become more affectionate in his own way
He'll hold you at night in a way that used to be rough and only a precaution in case you tried to do something while he slept, but now his hold is less bruising and held more adoration then before
If you want to manipulate Henry, then the best way to do this is to voice your opinion while he holds you
It's really the only time he'd listen, so you'd have to make sure you do it correctly and you don't overuse it because he would eventually catch on
But if you wanted something to change within the group, your best chance is to mention it during this time
For example, if you didn't want to be around Patrick for too long, all you'd have to say to Henry is "Patrick makes me uncomfortable sometimes when he touches me"
And suddenly, your around Patrick by yourself less and less by Henry's command
Another route you could take is to cause conflict within the group, for example
You could say something like "Patrick's been quite demanding lately, he told me not to make you lunch tomorrow and to make it for him instead"
This will plant seeds of doubt in Henry's mind and will cause problems amongst the boys
The only side effect to this manipulation is a very needy, clingy and possessive Henry who feels the need to have you around 24/7 since you take such good care of him
Patrick Hockstetter:
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Patrick is a sociopath, it's very clear to see and if he were born ten years later he would be labelled as dangerous to society
So his manipulation would be extremely hard, but everyone has their blindspots
And Patrick's is that he craves sexual attention and validation
Patrick has been sleeping with girls since he was fifteen, and sometimes he thinks it's the only thing that makes other people seem real to him
He's engaged in sexual relations with you, but never with your consent
And while he enjoys the pleasure and control he gains from the interaction, he knows that he would prefer it if you were an active participant who enjoyed the experience with him
A way you could manipulate Patrick is if you started to act enthusiastic to sleep with him
You'd have to force yourself and you'd have to be a good actress, but if you acted enthusiastically about having sex with Patrick and sharing that part of yourself willingly with him it would definitely lower his guard
As I've mentioned before in previous posts, after having any sexual interactions with you he will be kinder to you for a few weeks afterwards
This means that If you wanted to make it so he was being nicer to you then you could initiate sex with him for your own benefit
This would grant you many rewards such as gifts he stole from the mall, defending you against the other boys when they get too rough and he's even able to get you out of some of the punishments the other boys set out for you
Another route you could take Patrick's manipulation is to withdraw from sex completely
For weeks you'd be enthusiastic and initiating sex with Patrick until he does something that makes you upset
Once he does this, you stop acting happy about having sex with him and you stop participating
You can't outright stop having sex with him unfortunately as he will just force you to
But If you withdraw from sex go from someone who was enthusiastic and excited to someone who just lays there and takes it while you dissociate from the situation, it's gonna give Patrick a case of whiplash
He'll try and enjoy the sex even though your withdraw but he just can't anymore, not when he's experienced you at your fullest
So he'll subconsciously start to gain back your attention
This would be an opportunity to try and gain more out of Patrick
Request things that you'd get smacked for before
Ask for things like alone time, cigarettes, friends and they'll all be granted as long as you just have sex with Patrick with the same passion as before
If you want to cause problems with the group through your manipulation of Patrick, start sleeping with one of the other boys with enthusiasm while denying Patrick and you'll have a fist fight in no time
Victor Criss:
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Vic is extremely possessive of you
You are his and he is yours, he has stated this to you many times
This possessiveness has always been encouraged by his silent resentment of Henry and the other boys
All of his nice and pretty things were always taken from him
When he was younger, belch would steal his toys and break them
When he was a pre teen, Henry would steal his lunches and snacks from home
And when he was a teenager, Patrick would steal any girl that vic found pretty before sleeping with her and leaving her broken hearted
Vic held so much resent in for those instances, but they formed dark bruises on his heart from the memories
All you have to do is press down on those bruises and reignite the sting he felt from them
You could act very affectionate with him behind closed doors and act like the two of you are just passionate lovers
Be affectionate with him and make him more vulnerable and susceptible to your manipulative behaviour
Once he's comfortable, reinforce his thoughts of how you are his and his only
Make sure he knows that you believe that you are his as well
This will encourage to him to take your requests more seriously and to even grant the very few he can
It also reassures you that he's less likely to punish you if you act like his perfect little toy
•But if you wanted to go down the route of manipulating the boys against each other, then your best bet is to pit him against Henry
Drop into conversations that you wish you could spend more time with him, but Henry just won’t let you
Describe all the horrible things Henry does to you and exaggerate it before adding “if it was just you and me, you’d never do anything like this to me”
All those feelings of resentment that vic repressed for years will boil over
At first it will start off as small arguments but it will quickly develop
If you continuously use these methods of manipulation on vic for months and then try to provoke Henry into acting cruel to you and punishing you in front of vic, then make vic watch the cruelty being inflicted on you and watch his possessive and protective behaviour bubble to the surface
There would be a bloody fight which would end up with one of them dead, and you better pray that it’s Henry who looses
You know what they say
If you want to kill a snake, remove the head
Belch Huggins:
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As I’ve said in my other posts, belch is absolutely desperate for your approval
He’s craved it ever since the first time you granted him a compliment
Even if it was more of an observation of a compliment, to him it felt like a goddess had finally given him a purpose
You may think that’s enough to be able to manipulate belch, but unfortunately you weren’t the first person to figure this out
Henry has always been observant over belch, belch is physically stronger and if he were smarter he could probably overtake Henry as the group leader
So Henry definitely noticed how much belch lit up after you praised or complimented him
And he saw this as something that could be a threat
So he decided to use it against you before you figured out a plan
He told belch that in order to gain your approval, he would have to follow Henry’s instructions no matter how cruel or violent they were
Henry reassured him that even if you insulted belch or yelled at him for following Henry’s instructions, but it was all for your own good
And eventually you’d thank belch for helping you figure out what you wanted
At least that’s what Henry told him
So no matter how guilty belch may feel, Henry has manipulated him so much that he truly does believe the abuse is gonna help you
But one way you could manipulate belch is through similar methods as vic or Henry
Overpower him with your affection and compliments
Make him feel loved and wanted with your words and actions
But only do this obviously in private with him
Only give him your affections and approval subtly
Think about secret lovers affection, like touching pinkies with your hands spread out or his hand on your knee under the table
These actions will make his as giddy as a teenager in love
He truly will believe that you and him are in love
While you give him the affection and approval that he craves, make small requests like
“I really wish I could smoke again, do you think you could give me one of your cigarettes”
Now there is a small chance that he’ll allow it if he’s blissed out on your touch, but if he denies you then immediately stop all the affection that your giving him and push him away
This will cause him to backpedal and give in to your request as long as you continue to touch him
This only works for minor requests though, for major requests you’ll need to scare him
For example, if you wanted some time to spend with Beverly then you’d have to ask him and when he Denies you then simply threaten him with harming yourself or not eating
This will send his protective side into overdrive and you can have this man on his knees begging for forgiveness if you play your cards right
A way to manipulate him against the rest of the group is to prove yourself as the only person who cares about him and loves him before planting the seeds of doubt in his mind
Drop little comments like “Patrick was wrong about you, your not stupid” or “vic says your too violent, but I don’t think that’s true���
He’ll start to second guess his friends and he’ll start to come to you more with his problems
But the best move to make is to make it so after all those months of manipulating belch against the rest of his friends, have him watch as Henry is unnecessarily cruel to you
And then go crying into belchs arms in private and demand to know why he didn’t help you or defend you
Drop in a “I thought you loved me” and you’ll have undone all of Henry’s manipulation in seconds
You could convince belch to take you away from the rest of the boys and to run away with you so you could be together forever
Hopefully you’ll be able to sneak away from belch at some point because he now trusts you
And even if you don’t, being stuck with belch is the lesser of two evils
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chigirisprincess · 1 year
Flowers Never Bend with Rainfall⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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— Wriothesley
⊹ Details. 18+ minors dni, fem! reader, mentions of reader wearing a corset, gown and earrings, arranged marriage, original characters; reader has an unnamed family and older sister, nobility and high society's conventions, allusions to gendered familial roles, sfw. ⊹ Run time. 1.3k ⊹ Note. I have had such brainworms for this man since seeing him for the first time. I had to write something but didn't want to get too ahead of myself since we know nothing of him yet sooo I decided to start a new series of drabbles that will follow this plotline, reader, and Wriothesley. You can find it under the tag # flowers never bend and it will eventually be posted to my ao3 as a cohesive story <3
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Your sister beams as she gives your appearance another once over. It's the fifth time in the past ten minutes that she’s turned to you with scrutiny in her eyes, adjusting a strand of your hair or smoothing out the crisp neckline of your dress– you must be perfection. Today you’re meeting him, the man your parents sold you to when you were no more than six years old. He had been a boy then too and just as much of an unwilling participant in the whole affair as you had. Perhaps it was cruel to blame him for your misfortunes. At least the two of you had been given the courtesy of a meeting, a single chance to rectify the will of your parents before they made plans to force the two of you down the aisle.
The day after her eighteenth birthday, your older sister had been married. A gaggle of small children soon followed. They made quite the army of troublemakers but she continued to grow round with one every few years because they were just so cute when they were little. She fancied herself a matchmaker and believed that she knew everything there was to know when it came to matters of the heart. But, what did marriage have to do with the heart when it was nothing more than a political arrangement? Your father had made thousands of those in his lifetime and he’d do thousands more by the time by the time his earthly body was returned to the waves.
There was nothing special or romantic about standing in the middle of the lobby at the Hotel Debord being primped and preened over like a porcelain doll. The seafoam-coloured walls make the contents of your stomach curdle uncomfortably though your favourite gown as a child had once been spun off the very same shade. Today you wore pink taffeta topped off with a lace-trimmed neckline and a little white bow placed carefully at your décolletage. It as though your childhood bedroom threw up on your seamstress and out came this dress.
“Did you know that your fiancé is a Duke?” your sister whispers as she ushers you over to one of the plush chairs, “That mean’s he comes from a very wealthy family, mhm, and is a very well respected man.”
The whale-boned corset beneath your dress keeps your spine straight as you sit and still your sister makes a point of pressing your shoulders back before taking her own seat, “Does he have a name?” You ask, placing one delicately gloved hand over the other.
A myriad of people file in and out of the hobby with what appears to be a purpose. You can’t but watch with curious eyes and the childish hope of discerning him from the crowd before he’s able to spot you. Like a flower, you’d wilt beneath his gaze and learn nothing more than the facade people like you and he were taught to wear like a second skin. Instead, you’re met with swishing skirts that ooze refinement and galloping pups in gaudy costumes. There is little to be gained from people watching carbon copies that chased the latest trends as if that would appease their archon.
“Wriothesley,” Your sister states as if the answer should be obvious to you.
The name hardly strikes a chord of recognition within you, you may have heard it in passing years ago but no new memories surface as you search for an inkling of familiarity. It was futile, your days within the court were limited as you much preferred the solace of your family's countryside estate. The quiet was nice. With no nightmare-inducing machinations to tower over you. The servants were friendly too and even with the tendrils of gossip that filled their quarters, they never seemed to judge you too harshly for having the privilege to shirk societal expectations.
“Does he have a surname?” Focusing your eyes on the ornate glass chandeliers that swing with each gentle breeze pushed in through the ever-revolving doors, you quell your growing need for some tangible information into a dismissive interest, “Or shall I just be known as the lady duke?”
Your sister's gaze is sharp as is how quickly she turns her head to face you, “Come now, you know it is inappropriate to make such comments,” She smiles at a passing stranger, and they smile back, “He is a good man, that much I know.”
Despite the sunny disposition that is quick to replace her annoyed expression, you can feel your sister’s ire simmering within her gaze. Light splinters from the artfully crafted crystalline chunks and dances along the slick tiled ground. The sight of it makes you dizzy but you enjoy the head rush as you settle your focus onto the reflective floor. A gloved and idle hand comes up to twirl the dangly earrings that weigh heavy on your lobes, smoothing your thumb against the drop pearl.
“How can you be certain that he is a good man if you do not even know his family’s name?”
It’s difficult to stifle the giggle that rises to your lips when she glares at you. You found in that moment that it was good she had not been blessed with a cryo vision because it would pale in comparison to the chill that settled over the table.
“If you were so curious perhaps you should have asked father,” she gritted out, “I am just here to ensure that you do not embarrass yourself in front of Wriothesley.”
“How kind of you dear sister,” you grin the way she hates, showing her all of your teeth, “Surely I could not know how to talk to a man at my advanced age of twenty-two without your steadfast guidance.”
“It is a wonder why Mother and father chose you for the duke and not I,” your sister muttered beneath her breath, hoping you did not hear her.
Green was an ugly shade on your sister but you supposed it couldn’t be helped. It was human nature and adults were far more like children than they liked to believe, coveting toys that didn’t belong to them.
Though, her ego would balloon to be ten times the size of her body should you ever dare to admit that you wished your parents had chosen her for their political gain and not you. You weren’t well suited for the things you supposed this Wriothesley would expect of you. Most days you spent more time with your nose buried in long-forgotten tomes than you did in etiquette lessons. Those were important, your mother once said, a man of such status had much social responsibility and as his wife, so would you.��
“What time did Father say we may expect his grace to grace us with his presence?”
If the two of you were at home, she might have snarled at you, “I do not find you amusing!”
A well-dressed man carrying a shiny silver platter approached the table. If he heard your bickering, he chose not to comment on it, “Your tea has arrived, ladies.”
“Sir, I fear you are mistaken” you stated, your voice growing timid as he began to unload the contents of the tray into your table, “We did not order any tea.”
“No, but he did.”
The “he” in question was an imposing man who hovered behind the waiter. Neither of you had noticed but your sister began to smile demure at him the moment she took notice of his presence. The first thing you noticed was the glinting silver handcuffs that hung off his belt like a warning and then the metal-clad fingerless gloves. The chains and chunks of alloy made the deep red tie he wore look silly and out of place but his keen, pale eyes made you shrink in your seat as they slid over your visage.
“May I present to you his grace, the Duke Wriothesley.”
So this was the man your family intended for you to marry.
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© all content belongs to dearbraus. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.  
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slvtforfiction · 8 months
NSFW Alphabet
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☆ Sapnap X Reader
☆ Smut
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I've lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
Masterlist | Pinned Post
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(What their like after sex)
Would definitely try to make you as comfortable as possible after sex because he believes it's very important (Because it is!!) So if you wanted him to run you a bath or just cuddle instead he would definitely do it but he would definitely clean you up after and then give you some clothes along with a lot of praise.
Body part:
(Your favourite body part on him and his favourite body part on you)
Your favourite body part on him is definitely his hands because he's very skilled with them and they are extremely attractive.
His favourite body part on you is probably your ass,he is definitely an ass man.
(Anything to do with cum,basically)
He doesn't mind making a mess as long as it's easy to clean up so if he isn't wearing a condom he will most likely try to cum on your back or stomach depending on what position your in.
If he makes a mess he makes sure to clean it up instead of you because he was the one that made the mess.
He loves seeing you covered in his cum especially when you give him head,before he cums he pulls out just so he can cum in your face.
Dirty secret:
(Pretty self explanatory,a dirty secret of theirs)
He jacked off to one of your streams before.
You purposely tried to tease him once but he never noticed.
(How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's definitely experienced now that he's been with you but his first time with you he had only watched porn and didn't know much so you taught him even though you had never had sex yourself.
Favourite position:
(This goes without saying)
Considering that he is an ass man he loves doggy style but he would also love missionary because he loves hearing your angelic moans for him and your face as he fucks you.
(are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Sapnap thinks that for it to be enjoyable that sometimes you have to be a bit silly in the moment to enjoy yourself more with the right person.
Your first time together he was wanting reassurance but at the same time while he was learning he was shedding some light to the serious mood by his jokes.
(how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps his hair,down there,very maintained and trimmed but rarely shaves.
He doesn't mind if you have any hair,down there,because he doesn't think it's a big deal.
(how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If he's had a bad day he might fuck his anger out through you by going rough during sex but other times he is usually slow and sensual wanting to hold onto the moment more.
Jack off:
(Masturbation head canon)
He rarely masturbates except from when he's extremely horny and your no where near him.
If your just out at the shops then he would most likely wait for you as he palms himself trying not to be in as much pain from his boner.
(One or more of their kinks)
Into bdsm but more of the bondage side and slightly less of the discipline side.
He loves to degrade and praise you at the same time (e.g "look at my pretty little slut")
If you two live in different states or are in different states for business etc. he would try virtual sex and it then becomes one of his kinks.
He is an ass guy so he likes anal play because he gets to look at your ass so much.
He also like orgasm control knowing that you can't cum or orgasm without his permission makes his thoughts go wild.
He loves overstimulation because he loves to feel you wriggle underneath him from it.
(Favourite places to do the do)
You guys haven't done the deed in many places because of him living with George and clay.
But when you go to your apartment instead you've done it virtually everywhere,the sofa,the countertop,the bathroom,gaming desk,everywhere imaginable.
But his favourite place was the bed because it's just very simple and you can do it at his house too.
He also loves when he railed you on top of your gaming desk,you made sure that you monitors and etc were secured before you did it and it turned out to be a great experience for both of you.
(What turns them on,gets them going)
His turn ons are mainly him teasing you or you teasing him but he gets turned on by quite a lot.
His main turn on was when he caught you touching yourself and just stood there and watched before railing the fuck out of you.
(Something they wouldn't do,turn offs)
His turn offs would definitely be pretty based like he would hate the idea of you pissing on him or him pissing on you.
He would hate age play,watching you have sex with someone else etc.
(preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He would prefer giving but loves your head,he thinks it's the best head he's ever going to feel and is in pure ecstasy whenever you give him head.
He would love to give you head though because he loves hearing you and he lovessss feeling your thighs clamp arohnd his head as they shake because he knows he's doing a good job.
(are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends what time of mood he is in,like I said earlier if he's in a bad mood and if he is you better be prepared because he will go so fast that you can't move but if he's in a good mode and just horny he would be slow and sensual.
(their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He hates quickies because he prefers to tease you until your begging and at that point he would take you home and actually fuck you rather than a quickie.
(are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He doesn't mind the risk and sometimes you even fuck with saps door unlocked just for the risk of George and clay walking in.
He would definitely be scared of them walking in though but he loves feeling the anxiety coursing through him which slowly turns to great sex because he gets an adrenaline rush making his stamina extreme high.
(how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has a high stamina,he could go for hours without stopping and would make you cum so many times before he even thinks about cumming once.
You record of rounds was 8 rounds in one night and sap will constantly bring it up and try to beat the record if your up for it.
(do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He definitely owns toys because he loves teasing you with them,he particularly loves thrusting in and out of you whilst a vibrator is overstimulating your clit.
He did let you peg him once but decided he hated it and didn't try it again.
(how much they like to tease)
He loves teasing you if your out or even just at home because he knows he has power over you and can make you fold instantly and make you so horny.
He hates you teasing him though,if you start to tease him and he gets hard so help you god your gonna need this👩‍🦽.
(how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
He can be load if he wants to be and quiet if he needs to be.
If someone is in the other room he will humiliate you by making you moan loud asf but he will be silent.
But if your alone he would probably give out a few moans.
He definitely moans if he's bottoming.
Wild card:
(a random headcanon)
He's definitely ate you out whilst you were streaming and you've definitely given him head whilst he was streaming.
If sapnap does give you head whilst your streaming if he's horny he's probably jacking off.
(let's see what's going on under those clothes)
He packing atleast 8 inches almost 9 when he is hard.He is extremely tall over your figure even though he's about only 6ft.His hands are your favourite body part of his because oh how they can leave bruises if he wants them too.
(How high is his sex drive?)
His sex drive is fairly high and you end up doing it atleast 2 times a week maybe even once a day,usually 5 times a week though.
If your not in the mood he respects that though and just masturbates instead.
Z = Zzz:
(how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
They fall asleep after making sure your comfortable,making sure you enjoyed what happened and made sure he didn't push any boundaries.
After you pass out and he knows you're okay and not in pain he cuddles up with you and falls asleep.
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The Arcana HCs: How the M6 like to fluster you
The very late sequel to this post:
How MC likes to fluster the M6
When I tell you this man is SHAMELESS
Does he fluster easily? Yes. However, being horny on main is his default mode. His own flusteredness will not stop him
Grand, romantic displays of affection. He will write an entire play to perform in the community theatre just to proclaim his love for you from on stage
Any chance to sing a romantic duet, he's pulling you with him. It doesn't matter if it's in public. It doesn't matter if you have the singing voice of an angry hippopotamus
Oh no, he bit his tongue while the two of you were snacking at the food stalls in the market place! Kiss it better?
Oh no, he's getting heartburn from all the street food! Here, help him open his shirt so you can check his chest
Physically incapable of passing a flower seller without buying you one
And then presenting it with the most dramatic flourish and flowery speech he can come up with in the moment
So many suggestive nicknames. So. Many.
What a tease this sly magician is
They've memorized every single one of your weaknesses, and they love to exploit them
Sensitive scalp? He'll chat with a friend, arm around your shoulders as his trimmed nails drag their way up the back of your head
Holding your hand becomes feather light touches of their fingertips swirling around your palm and inner wrist
He's leaning in to whisper something in your ear, and oh! There's a gentle kiss being pressed to the pulse point below it just before he turns back to what he was doing
Locking their ankles with yours under the table when you're seated across from them
Sneaky compliments. The kind that you wouldn't pick up on if you didn't know that teasing, lazily cat-like face he makes so well
Speaking of facial expressions - they will fix you with the most dreamy, adoring, seductive face for minutes on end. In any and every situation
Regularly uses your bond to let you know exactly how you make him feel
Oh, she loooves to see you blush
Very forward in her advances. If she sees you talking to someone, she'll take your hand and press kisses to each fingertip until your breath hitches
Which will make you pause in conversation, which is her opening to steal your attention
Loves feeding you. At dinner parties, offering you a forkful from her plate or sip from her glass and savoring the indirect kiss
In more casual settings, holding pieces of fruit and cheese against your lips so she can brush her knuckles across them
Constantly helping you fix your clothes, jewelry, or hair as an excuse to touch you
Heaping you with detailed and genuine praise in every setting. She can go on and on about your strengths for hours
Will happily trace your facial features with her fingertips while you talk to her
"What am I doing? Oh nothing, just admiring the realms' most exquisite work of living art."
She adores you. And as previously stated, she adores your blush
It took a while for him to think of trying, to be honest. Usually you're the one flustering him by simply showing affection
That is, until he caught sight of you blushing as he changed his shirt one evening and thought it wasn't a bad look on you
He didn't like his body before, but if showing a little skin and muscle is all it takes to make you flush, it's an easy sacrifice
Would NEVER attempt any of the following tactics in public, for the woods only:
Removing his shirt for dirty tasks, such as wood chopping, boulder lifting, and (on one occasion) uprooting a small infected tree stump with his bare hands
Carrying you like you weigh nothing whenever you say you're tired
If you're cold, very shyly pulling you into his lap and wrapping you up in his arms and cloak
You liked that flower? He's planting a row of them outside the window
He loves you so much, he will even hold your hand in public if it makes you smile
Most of the time she flusters you it's not on purpose. She won't realize until you're already blushing and fumbling
Which, let's be clear, she does appreciate
Portia is a force of nature who puts everything she is into loving and supporting and adoring her partner
She will defend your honor and proclaim all your accomplishments with 0 hesitation
She also loves to read. She likes reading mysteries, but you'll also find that she likes reading spicier stories as well
She likes bringing said stories home and reading them out loud to you
She likes using them as inspiration for when she's on a trip without you and wants to send you a particularly raunchy love letter
She likes convincing you to reenact said stories and love letters with her
And she REALLY likes making subtle references to them in conversation at a friend's house, just to watch the heat travel up your face to your ears
You're her favorite character to dream about
He likes making you blush. It's a fantastic ego boost and it suits you
But planning ahead isn't his strong suit. If he manages to fluster you, it's because he saw an opportunity, and he seized it
So. Many. Dirty. Jokes.
At first it might feel like it's in poor taste. It's not the most romantic way to woo someone
However, there is a reason he threw the best parties. When it comes to fun, exciting, and pleasurable things, he is creative
You are going to hear innuendos that should not make as much sense as they do
You are going to hear references and suggestions that will make you stop and wonder, "how would that even work?"
And figuring out the answers to that question will make you flush every time
It doesn't help that he's a generally handsy person. He will take advantage of any and every excuse for physical contact in public
Will make an inappropriate noise every time you skewer something to grill it over the campfire. It's his signature joke
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mindless-existence1 · 28 days
Request- "Toji fushiguro and an older male reader in an Aladdin au with gags and bondage please? In the fic, Toji is a street rat who always manages to evade the palace guards. The reason is that the guard captain, the reader, has a deal where Toji has to be his bondage slave every night if he wants to escape his men."
MasterList Link
Authors note: Reader is older than Toji but not in a weird creepy old man way and is described to be male. Reader is a slightly hard dom that uses toys, as you read from the request is pretty kinky so read at your own discretion. Also sorry is this is out of character for him but in my mind he's a brat that needs tamed.
Warnings: Includes bondage, gags, multiple orgasams, overstimulation, degration, dry orgasams, crying during sex, and a slight call to being a sex slave but it's not very prominent.
Toji could feel the air rushing past his ears and the pounding of his heart hitting his rib cage. None of that mattered to him as he ran as fast as he could make his feet go down through market. Normally he didn't have to work this hard to get away from the guards so that must mean you were in a pissier mood them normal.
As he turned a corner he heard you bark out orders for your men to follow. Tojo could only make out a few of the words, they were muffled from the blood rushing to his ears. Before he could even catch his breath your huge build came around the corner and you were met face to face with the thief.
"Well hello dear captain what brings you out this way?" Toji panted after almost every word but still had a undertone of confidence. Though he found the confidence wavering when your stern gaze didn't falter. "Don't you just like pissing me off?"
Toji put on a weak grin he knew you could see through. "We wouldn't have any fun if I didnt." He teases. You take a step forward, your face mere inches from Toji's. "Do you know how often I put my ass on the line for you? And you still want to be a brat?"
You take another step forward causing Toji to back into a wall. "Tonight come dressed in that pretty jewel you stole. I want to see you get ruined while wearing your best." While speaking you bring your hand up and grab his hair, it was rougher than you'd normally be out in the open but neither of you cared.
Toji felt so small underneath your frame, he wasn't small by any means but he still somehow felt so little when your gaze was on him. He weakly nodded his head as best he could and let out a quiet "Yes sir."
Without another word you release your hold on his hair and walk out of the alley. Toji hears you yell out to your guards about how you lost him and you should all head back to your posts.
With a deep breath Toji looks down at the necklace he took from some merchant, he threw it in the air and caught it on the way down. His original plan was to sell it but it has an even better purpose now.
~~~~~~~~~Time skip to later that day~~~~~~~~~
Toji was wearing his normal ragged clothes, he never worries about what he is wearing anymore when you rip off his clothes seconds after he walks through the door. But tonight he had on something special, the bright purple gem accessorized with a gold trim was hanging around his neck. It truly was a pricy steal on his part, but the risk was worth it knowing what was in store for tonight.
He knocked on the front door and after just one knock it was swung open and he was rushed inside. "What did I say about using the front door brat?" You asked with a harsh tone. Toji grinned "Maybe you'll have to punish me?" His voice was silky smooth and practically dripped from his lips.
"You'll regret saying that by the end of the night. Now go to the room and take off everything except for that pretty necklace. You better be on the bed when i get in there" Your voice was stern and sent a shock of arousel straight to Tojis groin.
He nodded and made a move to walk past you but before he could he felt you pull at the back of the necklace. With a small choke he stopped walking, he turned around confused. "Use your words slut." Toji gulped and stammered out a weak "Yes sir" before turning back around to go to the room.
By the time he made it to the bedroom his dick was practically leaking precum. He took off his shirt first and whined when he pulled off his pants and underwear. Your heavy footsteps coming down the hall filled his ears so he scampered to get on the bed.
When you opened the door you were presented with Tojis body on full display. Even though compared to you he was small he was very built himself. All the running and working out he does is doing amazing work on his body you guys barley fit on the bed .
You don't make a move to walk over to him, instead you make your way over to a well know cabinet. After a minute of rummaging around you pull out a handful of cloths from deep within the drawer. Toji swallow a lump in his throat as he feels his cock ache for any form of stimulation, he has to resist touching himself. Knowing he's already in trouble tonight so better not add onto that.
His muscles tense when you stalk your way over to the bed. You lay down the smaller cloths on the edge and keep two longer red ones in your hand. "You know what to do you whore, don't pretend you dont." You bite out, lust infesting your words. "Yes sir." A shiver is sent down his back as he lifts his arms above his head so his wrists are up against the headrest.
His legs spread wider till its almost painful. Toji felt so vulnerable and exposed, but he knew covering himself would just worsen any punishment you had in mind. "Good slut." You said under your breath and moved to tie his wrists and legs. Toji had to bite back a whine at your words.
The bondage was tighter than normal and Toji could tell he would have bruises in the morning. He couldn't bring himself to be ashamed at the fact the thought of being bruised by you excited him.
You took your right hand and grabbed the smaller cloths you had set down earlier. After folding them up you brought them to Toji's mouth. "Open." Is all you said and when he followed your instruction you shoved the gags into his mouth.
He gaged and let out a "mmph!" When the cloth hit the back of his throat. Before he do anything else another cloth was wrapped around his face, covering his mouth from veiw. You quickly tied it off behind his head and grabbed the final gag.
You tied off the end leaving him panting as best he could behind the three layer of gags, it took him a minute to get used to breathing through his nose. "Since you've been bad today you have to come twice before I fuck you. Understand?" You practically growled into his ear, your hot breath made him can't up his hips.
A muffled whine of protest came from behind the gags but anything he tried to say was too incoherent to be understood. Two times? Were you going insane? Twice before you even really started? Oh Toji knew he was going to be dead by the end of the night.
He subconsciously pulled at the restraints causing you to smirk to yourself. "You wanted this right?" You ask teasingly as you bring your large hand toward his aching cock. "You were acting so naughty earlier, you must have wanted to be treated like the slut you are."
Your deep voice paired with the warm hand around his dick was making Toji slowly lose his mind. "Should I even bother sucking you off? I mean I don't think you deserve it. You hardly even deserve my hand street rat." You bite out the words, emphasizing the last two.
Toji chokes on a moan yhat catches in his throat at your words. Everything is so dry but so so good, the only thing wetting his dick was his precum. "I would have you spit on my hand for me but looks like your mouth is too preoccupied." You tease him and her him let out a whimper into the cloth. "You have to come like this first, then you can get my mouth after that."
Toji bends forward towards his core as best he can, it's too much but way to little. He can't come like this! But your hand won't let up its rough pace on his dick and all he can do is take it.
When he starts to feel his orgasam build up it burns. "Phhheess" is all the you hear when he speaks into the gag. It's desperate and begging. "What was that? Couldn't understand you." You mock him, twisting your hand on his tip the way that makes him go crazy. He moans loudly into the gag and arches his back at the feeling.
"You want to come? Is that it?" You ask teasingly, knowing what he wanted. He nodded his head wildly. "You can come but know I won't stop." He nodded again, not truly processing the words. He came with a broken moan into the gag, the come ran down your hand that slowed its pace on his leaking dick.
In his post orgasmic state he didn't realize you were bending down to be face to face with his cock. You licked from the base to he red tip, effectively jolting him out of his lucid state. "Nnnn tpphh mchhh" He cried out as you started to take him into your mouth, your tounge caressing each vein. After a second of playing with him you lifted your head, your hand jerking him while you spoke.
"Too much? Thought you wanted this?" You asked, voice gruff. Toji weakly nodded his head and bit back the tears threating to leak from his eyes. It was all in vane when you took him back into your mouth, it was too warm and too tight. He let out a sob into the gags.
You brought your head up and sucked on his sensitive tip, that's all it took for him to come in your mouth. The gags could hardly muffle the moans that ripped from his chest. He looked down and watched as it leaked from the corners of your mouth, it was making him a mess but he couldn't care less.
The necklace, now sticking to his sweaty chest, was glistening. Toji saw it out of the corner of his eye, he hoped you thought he looked good like this.
His whole body untensed when he felt you take your mouth off his spent dick. He was having trouble breathing through the gags but he was panting heavily. "Did you prep yourself before coming here?" You asked while getting off the bed to take off your clothes.
Toji nodded and shifted his hips, his slightly falcid cock lay between his thighs. He watched you take off your shirt and pants, he could see the tent in your underwear. He felt a small ping of pride at the idea that he caused that.
"Guess you are good for something then." Your voice gruff as you got back on the bed after pulling off your underwear. No matter how many times Toji saw you naked he always was mesmerized. Working as the Captain of the guards really made you bulked up.
Toji watched as you grabbed lube (idk if they had lube back in Aladin's time but we are going to say they did) and rubbed it over your thick cock. He saw you slowly pump your growing erection as your other hand slipped under his ass.
He whined into the gag when he felt you slip in two fingers. He tried bending his legs but the binds kept him fully exposed to you. He added two more fingers after a minute of fingering. His dick was now fully hard again, almost against his will. He felt far too sensitive but at the same time he needed you to fuck him or he might lose his mind.
He tried begging for more but all the came out was a muffled mess that made you laugh. "So desperate." You chuckled onto his ear. With a final pump of your hand you lined yourself up with Toji's stretched hole. With a swift rough thrust you pushed yourself fully inside. The moan ripped from Toji's throat was loud even from under the gags.
The tears that stopped falling a minute ago came back and were streaming down his face at your fast pace. He didn't get a time to breath before you were thrusting deep into him, hitting his prostate every time. He choked on his moans when your hand started pumping his cock at a pace that matched your hips. The necklace was bouncing up and down on his chest from your rough pace.
As he neared his orgasam, and knew you were nearing yours, he felt all the stimulation become too much. The orgasam building inside him felt different. He felt too spent, with a high pitched whine he realized he'd be shooting blanks. The thought of coming dry almost scared him, but excitement overpowered that fear.
He was begging you to slow down or something but all that you heard you muffled moaning. Tears streamed down his face, wetting the cloth gag not far under his eyes. His hips thrust upward into your hand, his actions defieing what he was begging you for. Your hand was so warm and so tight it was too much bit it felt too good to stop.
His orgasam was ripped out of him and it burned when nothing came out. Not a drop of come leaked out of his abused tip. He felt you empty inside him and slow down your pace till you came to a full stop. He sobbed into the gag at the feeling of liquid fire course through his veins at the feeling of overstimulation die down.
He muscle in his body went limp, his arms hanging limplyfrom the ropes. His body felt sore all over, so spent. He felt you pull out and start to untie the binds on his legs. As you did so Toji looked down at the necklace, he was really looking forward to tomorrow. Maybe he should steal something even more pricy and see what you do to him then.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
if not for you ! daniel r. x ofc (måneskin member! ofc) // toto w.
"there'll be no spring if not for this love of mine"
summary: posts and tweets exchanged between lester and others during the baku race weekend as she babysat toto and tilly wolff's children. OR chaos ensues in the paddock and the hospitalities as the wolff kids and an asshole ex-lover (is he really?) made their presence known to almost anyone
content warning: character-centric, mentions of questionable man, appearance of characters not yet shown in the series colour me your colour, toto wolff being canonically fashionable, use of explicit language, faceclaims used for the kids, danny is full on babygirl in the instagram comment section. f1 drivers being messy.
note: sorry for the awol guys, i was walking my fish. tomorrow is the start of the canadian gp 2023 and i am sad that i am not there. maybe next year when i have the money? or maybe when i work for pr. who knows. since i'm not there, i'm just celebrating and writing this.
ALSO!! should i do a blurb or something relating to lester babysitting the paddock kids- like the wolff kids? i've started on it but...
enjoy xx
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[first image dialogue: i don't normally look at the time because i dress faster than this. i even dress ren and tia for less than seven minutes and they're always dressed nicely for their music classes]
[second image: if they're dressed ten minutes after, that's not my doing; toto dresses them and he struggles a lot. he mostly gets them ready if he's taking them to work or if i'm off to a meeting in milton keynes]
[third image: we've made a lot of trips to ralph lauren and tommy hilfiger because he thinks that he can just mix and match the clothes that we got there for the bunch. said it's a "capsule wardrobe." that's what happens when you're married to a fashion expert, i suppose.]
[fourth image: you'll be able to know if he dresses them once you see the jumper/dress shorts/trousers combo or the dress/jumper combo. you'll know he did the preparing if tia's hair is put in place with a hair clip. she loves it when her papa puts in barrettes in her thin hair.]
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tagged tillywolff, mercedesamgf1, redbullracing
view 32142 more comments
carlossainzjr ay, i didn't know they were running a barber shop! i need a haircut
tillywolff i don't recall buying that toy set for them 🧐
charles_leclerc maman said to get it for them so it can remind them of their mamé pascale
tillywolff thank you so much for taking care of ren and tia! i've been told they enjoyed being with their zia lori. maybe you can take care for adelmo next time? liked by loressandro
loressandro i will definitely set up a playroom for the next time!
landonorris thank you so much tillywolff for the best hairstylist ever 😇 i got the best trim in the grid right now and no one can outdo it
mercedesamgf1 boss is asking who's responsible for allowing one of the wolff puppies drink red bull? just asking for research purposes 😊
charles_leclerc maxverstappen1
lewishamilton maxverstappen1
user1 LMFAOOOO not lewis and charles snitching on their in-law 😭
charles_leclerc user1 i need to be in toto's good graces again.
maxverstappen1 it's a red bull water bottle 💀 stop trying to push me back at the starting level mf charles_leclerc
user2 those kids are so toto coded 🥰
user3 if you can survive lando, you can survive the wolff kids 🙌 liked by loressandro
danielricciardo if you can survive the wolff kids, you can survive our kids 😘 liked by loressandro
thomasraggi_ yeah but try surviving her kids 💀
ykaaar you're about to have the BEST years of your life, danny
ethaneskin alessandro-ricciardo kids bout to treat the tracks like mario kart deluxe 🤡
loressandro guys please... this is the only man who's willing to put up with me. stop scaring him away
danielricciardo i'm not scared, i am challenged 😎
landonorris danielricciardo mental health wise? bc same.
danielricciardo when are we having our little ricciardo??
loressandro depends if your swimmers are still working in few months or years. also if you stop laughing at your own nephews and nieces, dickhead
danielricciardo got it ma'am. anything just to have your kids <3
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bunnytalksf1 · 3 months
McLaren are fastest. So why do they keep losing out?
The general consensus for the duration of the triple header (since Monaco, for some people, who aruged that Piastri's fastest sectors proved that he could have taken pole with an "ideal" lap). For the purposes of this post I'm going to count Barcelona as the first race they were fastest.
So, what unravelled them? For the most part, it's Norris. He just can't seem to shake up under pressure, and it's costing them results bigtime. He started on pole in Barcelona, and a stupid, overly defensive move that pushed Verstappen onto the grass cost him two places when George Russell jumped down the outside and kamikaze'd his way into the lead. This was Norris' fault, he drove desperately, and made a very difficult job for himself to catch up later in the race, and ultimately couldn't do it. The gap to Verstappen was still two seconds, in the end.
I don't want to stoop to the lows of the stuff I'm seeing online about Norris, but what I will say is this: he seems to really struggle under pressure. This isn't just when he's in a championship fight, it was making the difference in the stint of races last year where McLaren had a competitive car. Qatar, where Piastri won the sprint, Lando had issues with track limits. The inability to keep cool under pressure really affects him in quali, and he tends to underdeliver. He's not a Leclerc, or a Verstappen in quali, where they push and push. I can handle a mediocre qualifier. His racecraft is more than enough to make up for it, and his overtakes are usually smooth and calculated.
Then we go to Austria. Verstappen is making the difference this whole weekend and starts the sprint from pole, Norris from P2. The McLaren is faster and by lap five, Norris was brave and lunged down the inside, but he got worse traction. He came from very far back, and his acceleration out of the corner was sub-optimal, allowing Verstappen AND Piastri to collect him in the next corner where he also ran wide. And then after that he got stuck behind Piastri, who is typically slower in race trim, and Verstappen checked out, losing the win. I do think in the sprint it was less of a indicator of Norris' lack of quality and more so an indicator of the quality of the racers around him in PIA and VER.
Same order for the GP. Norris started P2. Honestly, I turned the race off as Verstappen checked out and my ferrari heart couldn't handle the race after charles' lap one contact (lol, if only i knew about today!!) and then my friend turned around and showed me the george russell graphic, so I didn't watch this live. Clumsy racing from both VER and NOR cost both of their races, VER moving under braking and NOR with divebombs that were never going to work or stick.
The issue for me in Austria is that the damage to Norris' car was manageable to go back out and fight for points, which he sorely needed. He made the call to retire, as far as I'm aware. If I'm correct, he did have to pit twice regardless though, so I'm not sure if that was an influence. The decision to DNF cost them valuable points (even if the max was only two or four, he should've gone back out) and extended Verstappen's lead.
Now we go to Silverstone.
Honestly. A brilliant race. You can argue that Norris and Piastri both underdelivered slightly in quali, but Mercedes were rapid, and Hamilton (at Silverstone, at least, lol) and GR are phenomenal qualifiers. P3 for Norris, P5 for Piastri (after they screwed him with timings on his last Q3 run).
Here's where I'm going to criticise McLaren. Both Lando and Oscar did a phenomenal job today. By the time it was time to pit for inters, Lando and Oscar were P1 and P2, after mistakes from both Mercedes drivers. They then pitted Lando for inters from the lead and left Oscar out, and he lost position to both Mercs, Verstappen and Sainz. Working up to the last stint on slicks, oscar managed to pull back past Sainz, but Norris led the race.
Hamilton pit first, and went to the soft, with twelve laps left to go. The McLaren pit wall had already put Piastri onto the mediums at this stage and the team had all the data, and a new set of mediums. They then asked Norris which tyre he thought was best, and went on a used soft to "cover Hamilton". This, as most of the pundits have already pointed out, was the wrong call, and probably lost McLaren the race win. Norris blamed himself in the post-race media, but it's much less a driver issue here than it has been in previous race weekends.
McLaren has a long standing issue where they seem to over-rely on driver feedback rather than the data that they collect, which is frustrating to look at. The internet at large can be incredibly cruel, and its trendy to hate on Norris right now. Whilst I don't like him, nor rate him as highly as I do LEC/VER/HAM, he's definitely earnt his place on this grid and he's got some very good racecraft. Onto my point: Sochi 21 was NOT HIS FAULT. Controversial opinion, I'm aware. But as a team, you don't trust your drivers, particularly when your driver is a 20-year-old under immense pressure for his first race win in F1. The team had the data, it shouldn't have been a discussion. Pit for inters, pit for wets. Yes, Norris' attitude was awful, but Verstappen is similar with his engineer, and I can't blame him when he wanted it that badly. The team needs to take unequivocal responsibilty for its strategy, and rely less on dialogue with their drivers. They don't have the data. And today was a prime example of that.
Norris would have won today on the mediums. Piastri also could've been in the hunt had they double-stacked. But this is a problem that has existed for a long time and needs to be changed fundementally: the team has the data. Make the strategy decisions, and let them drive. It doesn't always cause them problems, but neither driver is used to fighting at the front and they need their team to lean on. That's the point of a strategy department.
Although Andrea Stella acknowledged much of this, so hopefully the only way is up?
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wolfchans · 1 year
your gifs are always so nice! may i ask but how did you make the blending effect in your bangchan set (the pretty green one)
hi! sorry it took me so long but i had class </3
i don't save my psds unless i'm working for several days on something, so i'll be making the gif from scratch again!
we want to achieve a blending like this, from this post on my chan birthday countdown here
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i'll put the steps under the cut bc it's going to be very image heavy! if something isn't clear just let me know <3
okay! so you need to make two gifs obviously, they need to have the exact same amount of frames (to avoid having to trim the gif on the timeline)
you don't have to color to perfection bc we're just going to put a b&w gradient map over both of them, the thing i did was enhance the darks in my gifs before putting the b&w layer so it would look the best. when you have everything done and ready to go, you convert everything to smart object
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now i'd like to recommend using gifs that have more darks than lights, simply bc it's easier to blend things in dark backgrounds. in this case i didn't think too much and had to fight a little on how to blend bc nothing was working so it's just a really handy suggestion that'll save you lots of headaches <3
okay enough babbling, we pick the gif that's going to be in color first. in my case i picked the gif on the left, i added a green/black gradient map over it
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now we go to the other canvas with the other gif and hit right click on the smart object and then click on duplicate layer, in the options that show where you want to duplicate it, you pick the option for the canvas that has our green gif and then click OK
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now the layers on the main canvas should look like this (i changed the names of the layers for organization purposes so don't mind that)
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now we start the blending! we select the gif on top and in the drop down menu that currently has "Normal" as the setting we change it to "Lighten". Your canvas should look like this right now
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we're almost there! for this part i played with the positions of the gifs, i sent the bottom gif a little more up on the canvas so the top gif didn't cover it too much, and i moved the top gif a little more to the bottom too so the darkest part of it would fit more accurately with the green gif
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now we "erase" the parts of the gifs that we don't want to be showing. i clicked first on the top gif and then went to the little icon here to enable a layer mask, next to the layer of your gif should be the white box like this, you need to enable the layer mask for both gifs bc we'll be erasing from booth!
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with a black brush set to hardness 0% we paint black the parts of the gif we want to erase
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if you "erase" too much of the gif, just change the color from black to white and paint again and the gif will be back to normal, this is how my canvas looks now that i erased bits from both gifs
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this is how my layers panel ended up looking like for reference
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and once you deem it okay, it's all done! ready to add text and other little things to make it more interesting or just to save it as it is <3
the key to a good blend is to play well with the darks tbh and use layer masks bc they help A LOT, also not picking too bright gifs bc you'll have to work extra to find the right settings, just play around and find what looks the best tbh
i hope this helped? if anything wasn't clear enough, just let me know!
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Okay obviously any movie adaptation of a book is going to be trimmed down. I get why they didn't spend time on certain things like Nora and Alex's dating history and Ellen's PowerPoint. It makes sense with the way movie beats work to show them getting outed immediately after they reconcile instead of having the extra act of them writing more emails acknowledging their love and fake dating Nora and June to try and take some heat off and Henry coming out to Phillip. Some changes like Henry's surname being different and having a king instead of a queen I know were about not offending the irl royal family and while I'm not exactly a fan of the monarchy I don't really care that much. Pez just being "Percy"? Kinda sad but again, I don't really care. I even understand cutting things like Bea's struggles with addiction, Catherine's depression and detatchment from her children, and Richards being the one who outed them with Raphael Luna as the triple agent - they have value to the story and I wish we could have seen them, but from a filmmaking perspective I can see how they would take up a lot of time to properly include. There were a lot of things I loved about this movie, which I'm adding to the bottom of this post so as not to be a total downer. Overall I think it was a good movie and a relatively faithful adaptation. But also there are some changes I am less a fan of.
So, my biggest issues with the RWRB movie:
Amy being trans is never mentioned? It's literally one line in the book could it not be one line in the movie? (At least they didn't cast a cis actress, so presumably the character is still trans, but we could have said that. She could have at least worn a pin that would not have been hard)
Bea is younger than Henry 🤨 What even was the purpose of this change?
Look I'm not even gonna talk about June we've all talked about June plenty already
Alex already knows he's bi? His idiot crisis is a huge thing! It establishes so much about both his and Nora's characters! Was it really so important to reduce things by five minutes that we couldn't get a quick "wait I like guys???" "congrats you are literally the last to know"
Nora being bi is never mentioned?? I get that without June you'd have Pez focus his affections on Nora but having a thing with a guy doesn't make her straight! She could have at least said something when Alex came out to her! (Also without June you lose the poly undertones of Nora June and Pez which I at least thought was pretty important)
Just gonna reiterate, because the more I'm thinking about it now the more upset it's making me - They erased Nora's bisexuality and Amy's transgenderism and June doesn't exist? Congrats you've killed all the story's queer women
Ellen and Oscar are supposed to be DIVORCED that was IMPORTANT
No inspiring Alex speech to the crowd while they're waiting on Texas - this moment could have been so much more active than standing in the hall waiting and hoping
Alex gives his coming out speech BEFORE they get permission from the crown?? That doesn't even make sense! One, he never talked to Henry about it, and two, the white house would never have risked international relations by letting him do something like that without the king's permission
Getting permission from the crown was way too easy. In the book Catherine literally had to blackmail Queen Mary into letting them come out. You're telling me the king just went, "Are you SURE Henry are you REALLY SURE okay fine"? It way takes down the tension of the climax and also kind of invalidates all of Henry's fear that he's been struggling with the whole movie. It would be way more powerful for him to stand up for himself against a grandparent who was outright against him rather than one who just wasn't really thrilled about it
Why was Henry fully dressed jacket and all after their first time did Alex not reciprocate or what
That being said, things I loved about the RWRB movie:
"And I thought Alexander Gabriel Claremont Diaz was a mouthful" - "He is"
"History, huh?" in the V&A (I'm sad this wasn't in the emails because it means no wider HH movement from the public, but it was really sweet how they did it)
Visibly obvious red-rimmed eyes from both Henry and Alex (though Henry more) throughout most of the third act - just a little detail that I appreciated
Alex's conversation with Henry about being a person in politics who looks like him when his dad didn't have that growing up
Henry full on swimming away so fast when Alex tried to tell him he loved him, no mosquito excuse in sight. This was just really fucking funny I don't know why
Exchanging the necklace for the ring - works really well, great excuse for him not to add the ring to the necklace (for those who don't know, they tried this first but the lump was really obvious and it screwed up the costume so they had to figure out a different way to do it)
Henry continuously playing the piano throughout the movie
"She's not a republican, is she?"
Literally everything Zahra Bankston does and says she is perfect I love her
Mike Holleran is just as irrelevant in the movie as he is in the book. I continue to find this hilarious
Henry differentiating between the persona of HRH Prince Henry and the person he is to himself, specifically the fact that he defines his true self as Henry Fox
The equerry vs butler argument, purely because before we watched the movie I was giving a recap to my dad of the important characters and described Shaan as "basically Henry's personal butler" when he didn't know what I meant by equerry. I'm sorry Shaan I didn't mean it
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Hi, Ichika updated the information about the use of her art. Is it Hi, Ichika updated the information about the use of her art. Is it possible that you could translate it so that more people have access to it? Although I know that she has every right to place restrictions regarding its use, it makes me wonder how much it will affect the visibility of the series outside of Japan (speaking specifically about posting the illustrations online, not editing or coloring).
Ah, I see, she added details in her profcard.
She says unauthorized use of her art is completely prohibited. She specifically lists processing, coloring, or otherwise altering her art and uploading it onto the web as the type of use that is prohibited (though she is not limiting it to those things).
The only exception is that people are allowed to make icons out of the art that she has specifically uploaded onto her X (twitter) account, but she clarifies that this would be for personal accounts only, and that the only alteration they are allowed to do is clipping/trimming the art. And then she asks that people refrain from doing so if they have any radical or problematic statements (I'm assuming here she means that she doesn't want her art associated with any inflammatory accounts, but I could potentially be misreading this last bit).
At the end of the blurb, I'm not totally sure I'm interpreting it correctly, but I think she says to just follow general rules when posting her work as a citation for reference purposes.
As for the "visibility" of Evillious, I know I said in an earlier response that this probably applied to official Evillious content too, but my point was less "Ichika is personally cracking down on this" and more "this was already technically piracy and that didn't stop anyone". What Ichika is talking about is the rights she has to her own private work. Evillious as a series is not dependent upon taking that work and reposting it everywhere. She is not making Evillious coloring sheets for fans to disseminate. She is sharing her own sketches and fan art publicly where anyone can see it.
So, I don't think it's going to affect Evillious' visibility at all. And if it does--well, that's not her problem.
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sullustangin · 7 months
Fluffy February Day 23: Dance
A/N: I am officially now caught up, with Reward being posted earlier today and Sacrifice and Partners being posted yesterday.
Time: 25 ATC, 6 months post Eva and Theron getting married.
This is part of that yet-to be-fully-written fic about the galactic celebration for the end of the Eternal Empire/Fleet that Lana planned, because she didn't get the coronation for Eva that she wanted. The first part was prompted by @commanderlurker back in 2021. Then I commissioned @caffeinatedrogue to illustrate the outfits for the gala...
And now I'm about another 2000 words into this venture, but y'all are getting the most relevant 924 for Fluffy February 2024.
“Oh, no.”
At some course in between the main and dessert (Eva forgot how much cheese and more wine had pass through her hands and/or paid an extended visit), Theron said something that sounded more sad than snarky, for once.
“What?” she purred over the rim of her wine glass.
“Are you still –”
“No.  Not that.” 
Eva finally looked over at Theron and then followed his gaze to –
And Satele.  She’d shown up.  She’d actually shown up, and in her old Jedi robes – not the recent ones.  The ones with the gold trim, her hair neatly braided.  She actually looked like she was here to politely celebrate and mingle, as if she hadn’t disappeared.
Eva realized she hadn’t said anything to Theron, again. 
But based on his expression, Theron wasn’t think of that right now.  “…I worked security at one of these things, years ago.  Before I knew who he was.”  Theron shifted in his seat and took a big swallow of his glass of wine before continuing.  “It was really, really sad then.  When I found out everything… it hit me like a sack of rocks later.”
Eva shifted closer in her seat toward him, so he could keep his voice low.
“He asked her to dance.  One more time, for old time’s sake.”
Almost in pantomime, Eva saw the same thing playing out again.
“She refused him.  He told her he understood, that he wasn’t going to try to start something or win an argument.  He just wanted to celebrate with someone ….”
Theron’s hesitance won Eva’s attention again.  There was some dull and dead outrage there, some sort of frustration.  But mostly, Theron just looked sad.  “Someone who survived the war like he did.  Someone, who saw it all, like he did.  He wanted to dance with his friend.”
Theron carefully, deliberately met her gaze, as if concerned his emotions would spill all over the table and interrupt dinner.  His hand found hers. 
And there was Jace, reaching one more time, and having nothing in his hands.  Not even his old friend.
Satele had already turned and found a convenient floor-to-ceiling window, disappearing behind the curtain.  Eva knew she was a good enough slicer to escape out the window.   So did Theron.  They didn’t move to stop her.
Time to dance, Eva decided, with one last glug of wine.
“Colonel Malcom.”
His heart in some strange place between his boots and his throat, he turned, already correcting the speaker, “That’s Supreme Commander –”
Jace stopped himself.  Eva.  Theron’s wife.  The Commander of the Alliance.
He felt himself come off the high wire that Satele always put him on.  If she wasn’t a Jedi, he’d wonder if it was on purpose.  He knew it wasn’t, but that didn’t stop him from feeling that way, all the ways, he did about her.    “I haven’t been Colonel since Alderaan.”
“And you’d have to be what, twenty-seven years younger now in order to take me out to dinner?” came the quick-as-a-whip answer.
And suddenly, he was back in that room with Brom and that absolutely audacious smuggler –
Jace’s brain stalled as he realized --
“I knew I’d met you before,” Jace managed say, staring at her.  “It…it just wasn’t at Keylander.”
Eva smiled, mischievous and high-spirited, looking more like she did at 23(ish?) than she did now at 30 (Jace had sent a Jawagram, like he did for Theron). 
And then, a moment of absolute, abject panic.  “Does Theron know that you --?”
“We’ve been joking about that dinner offer for ten years.  On and off,” she replied, waggling her hand in reference to the years lost in carbonite.  As if it was joke, and it didn’t mean so much to them –
Eva rolled on, as ever, ebullient and the absolute life of the party.  “So, obviously, I’m going home with Theron tonight, and I’ve already had dinner.  What say we have a dance?” 
Jace felt his mouth drop open, slightly, but only for a second.  “I – it’s not necessary.”
…as smart as he knew he could be, it was only now that Jace realized she had seen Satele and felt bad for him and –
Probably, so had Theron.  Jace cast a look over at the table where Eva and Theron had been sitting. 
…there wasn’t an empty seat beside Eva’s.  Theron was still there, talking to the woman who had sat at Eva’s left, Lana Beniko.
…he hadn’t chased after her.  He hadn’t left Eva behind.
….good for him.  Good for them.
“Oh, come on, Colonel.  One dance between old friends.”  Then Eva let a pause come between them, just long enough to make him look at her and that really pretty dress.  “Your feet will thank you for my friendship with Lenn of House Teraan.”
That name clicked, in a bad way, for Jace.  “He… you know he didn’t survive the Eternal Fleet barrage on Alderaan.”
Undeterred, Eva straightened up, and suddenly, she was every bit … not the Voidhound, not a queen or empress, but someone who certainly demanded that sort of reverence: the Captain.   “We’ll toast to absent friends later.  The living can dance.”
As if by magic (or on cue, knowing her), the band struck up some ubiquitous waltz that everyone had danced to before, and Jace picked up the first step, and off they spun.
Jace supposed, twelve years after he’d turned her down for dinner and six months after she’d married his son, he and Eva were old friends.
And after a few wars, that was hard to find. 
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tabbyclaw · 3 months
I gave myself a home haircut at 2 AM and it was the best decision I've made in a while.
Look, it's my blog and I get to post a clickbait-y title sometimes, as a treat. I also get to talk about myself sometimes, also as a treat, but I don't have any interest in making a regular thing of it. But this haircut actually happened two months ago and I'm still super happy about it, so it gets a blog entry that sort of turns into a tortured analogy at the end.
My hair has always been A Problem. I was blessed with the kind of thick, curly hair that makes strangers come up behind you in the salon and tell you how jealous they are. I was not, however, blessed with the kind of patience and willingness that maintaining thick, curly hair requires. Especially when it's also dry and brittle. (Was that related to the lack of maintenance? It can't have helped, at the very least.) When it's long it's a sad mess of frizz and it's heavy enough to fall into my face constantly, but when it's short and not pulled down by its own weight it turns into a dandelion clock without careful styling. So a sad mess of frizz it's been for the last couple decades, down to not quite the small of my back because that's where it gives up the ghost on its own, because that at least I can pull back and get it out of the way and out of my sight. Well, except the bits at my temples that are an eternal scraggly halo of broken hairs because I have the audacity to sleep on my sides, and the little bit at the nape of my neck that I buzz every once in a while to get rid of some of the volume without being too noticeable and to get a little more cool air on my neck. I'll be honest and say that most days until recently it didn't even get properly combed, just finger-combed as briefly as possible in between the braid I slept in and the severe twist I wore during the day, because anything more than that would be trying to sort through the tangles and breakage and just cause more frizz and more frustration. Washing it was done as rarely as possible, again because of the tangles and breakage, and the whole process took over an hour and then several more to dry. (This wasn't the worst thing, because I've had multiple stylists tell me that I should only wash my hair about once a week, but there were many times when it was... a lot longer than that in between them.) Basically, I hated it on multiple axes, but if I did something different then it might be absolutely awful, and even if it came out okay I'd have to get used to it, and while I was getting used to it people at work would comment on it and remind me that I was still getting used to it and make it harder for me to do so (because I have a public-facing job and the public doesn't mind its own business), so I knew it wasn't going to be worth trying. Until the day after my birthday, when I finally said screw it and rode into battle.
Any part that was mostly fuzz and tangles and breakage was gone. Last six inches or so? Hacked off with all-purpose scissors, and who cares if it's uneven at the ends because it curls up enough that no one will ever actually notice. Scraggly temples? #2 trimmer blade, same as the back, and let's sweep around the sides to join those temples to the back while we're at it. Any part of my hair that was more trouble than it was worth ended up in the bathroom trash can, or in the corners of the room where I'm still trying to sweep it all up. It took over an hour -- don't worry; my sleep schedule was already complete nonsense before this -- and by the end of it I had probably about half the hair I had before I started, and that hair already looked healthier without its worst parts. I ended up with a style that's in the undercut family but is more of a horseshoe shape of buzz cut around the bulk of my hair, which is still pretty long even after the drastic trim. And the next day the only regret I had was that I should have done it when someone else was awake to tell me if I'd missed any spots because now I was going to have to haul the trimmer out all over again.
The lack of regret is something I really want to lean on while I'm talking about this, because it's so common to look at someone who's done something radical with their hair and go, "Oh, they're Going Through It." And I don't want to suggest that I'm not in a constant state of lowkey Going Through It, but it's the lack of quite as much It to be Going Through that made me do something radical with my hair. I've been wanting to find some way to deal with it for ages, but I was held back by that fear of being noticed and judged by people I don't care about and also that feeling of 'why bother because I know it won't be any better.' And then the antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication started working their magic and gave me the ability to say, "You know what? It's going to be fine. It's going to look fine and who cares if someone else thinks it doesn't, and even if it's not the best thing ever it can't be worse than what I have now." And it does, in fact, look very cool, and the only people who've said anything about it are coworkers who've been universally positive about it.
And then something really neat happened. Because the worst of my hair is gone, suddenly I have the patience and willingness to maintain the rest of it. Combing it out (and adding a little product if necessary for the dryness) is no longer an exercise in misery, which means it's easy to integrate into my daily routine. And having an immediate and visible result for the smaller amount of work it requires means that I'm motivated to stick with it and keep it looking and feeling nice. And that's where the tortured analogy comes in, because that's just the way taking care of yourself -- or anything else -- works. You have to find the thing that makes you want to do it, or at least not mind it enough to stop you, and sometimes that means giving yourself less to do. So cut those corners where you can, figuratively or literally, and let the lack of them improve what's left.
It's possible I'm not making any sense here. In fact, it's likely. But I'm 41 years old and I like my hair for the first time in my adult life, and that deserves a celebration.
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 27 days
Going through my documents to trim them down a bit, both by saving my writing to my computer and also posting it online if I feel like it's enough to share. I found this bit for a dnd oc, from a campaign that's no longer running, so I thought I might drop it here, no context!
Herb was designed to be a sheltered kid, so you could say their first experience with someone dying left a little bit of an impact.
Of course I don't have any ideas. 
I'm not a doctor. 
I'm not an experienced magician. 
Just someone fresh out of college.
It's natural that I wouldn't know what to do during something like this. 
So then why...
As the man draws his final breath, you feel everything inside you still. No longer did you feel the anxious panic of a life in danger, a soul in need, and the urge to help. Instead, everything deadened with the bard lying in front of you, dull and heavy. Were you more aware, you would have noticed that everyone around you had fallen silent with his death rattle. Unaware, you still heard nothing but thunderous silence beating against your eardrums. You wouldn't notice at first when the silence outside you was broken.
You let your arm that was against his chest fall to your side as your world numbs you, dimly feel your grip on your bloodied dagger loosen. You had held onto it in case you needed to use it again, to make more cuts. Or, failing that, you had at least kept it out because it would need cleaned first. 
You wouldn't remember to clean it until well after this, when the crusty dagger would have sat in its sheath for the better half of the night, cursing you silently for your failures. 
You didn't even know the man. Barely an hour ago, he was no more than some performer in the background- a charming musician to be sure. But just someone to filter in and out of your life inconsequentially. 
The voices you now could hear behind you were more of the same. Just faces in the crowd, at the stalls, in the plaza…
In the amphitheater. 
They, too, had done their best, in their own ways. But none of you had known what to do. 
None of you were doctors, or clerics. 
Not even the town doctor had known what to do. 
It was natural that you couldn't have done more. 
It was natural, and yet... At the arrival of a new, yet familiar, voice, you finally come to, enough to be aware of your surroundings. The bookseller. You listen as he speaks, and although many words slip in and out of your head enough of them stick for you that when the group livens up again, you know what purpose moves them. 
You move back as the Goliath takes the coat given by the bookseller, watching through deadened eyes as the fabric is draped reverently over, and gently wrapped around the body.  Slowly, mechanically, you move to gather up your belongings, storing your dirtied knife in its sheath, returning your books to your bag. You hesitate a little as you reach for your newest acquisition, remembering how in your desperation, you had skimmed its steamy pages on the offchance there was some sort of helpful note or message written in it. You had already read your book of lore front to back, and even if it had contained any mention of this condition it was doubtful it'd have anything useful for the circumstances and limited resources. 
You felt a pang of mortification, reflecting on how you thought even for a second that a romance novel could have held any clues. That you had even taken the time to look when a man lay before you, dying every second you wasted. 
Even so, it wouldn't have made a difference if you hadn't looked. It just would have meant that you were a little less thorough than you could possibly be.
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rosemary-crane · 6 months
Pt. 1 of my (very belated) chaotic corset making process
so way back when in August 2023, I finally got the motivation to make a corset for historical costume purposes, which I’ve been wanting to do for several years now. Most(and not just more) specifically, I wanted a corset that would have been considered fashionable in ~1875-80, especially in 1879, had an elegant silhouette, and was historically accurate.
There’s this one person on Etsy- ateliersylph- and they’ve got a ton of patterns taken from extant antique corsets they own, as well as some other fun sewing things like corset hooks, so I scrawled through their antique pattern offerings to find something that got as close to my specifications as possible. Unfortunately, there isn’t a corset that they dated to specifically the years I was looking for, but Ref P looked close to what I wanted: it had the curvy silhouette, wasn’t too curvy for my liking but still wasn’t too small proportionally for my hips, extended to ~just below the hip, spoon front-opening busk, was versatile enough to be used for more than just one decade in the Victorian era, and didn't support to only under the nipple. The spoon busk meant that it had to have been made in/after 1873, as that was when that style of busk was invented, and it fell out of fashion by the Edwardian era, so it should probably have been made between 1873- around 1900, and more likely closer to 1873 than 1900. It also didn’t have garters tabs attached to it, which became a thing closer to the Edwardian era. Thus, this was the closest pattern they had for what I was looking for, even without them having a date for Ref P’s original corset. I chose the pdf file option instead of a paper pattern to save money.
I also decided to go with a white-greige-light blue color scheme, so I got some white lace and bias binding and coutil, greige lace and cotton sateen(because silk would be even more expensive), and blue silk thread and ribbons for the back lacing, flossing, and decoration. I won’t lie, Bernadette banner’s adventures in ✨the joys of corset making✨ /s definitely inspired my choice of velvet ribbon threaded through lace as trim. Between the 3 commercially available options for boning nowadays, I (1) didn’t want to use plastic so synthetic whalebone was off the table, and (2) getting a smooth edge on the cut ends of steel boning was much simpler and cheaper than spiral steel boning, which needs caps and a cap-setting tool. However, Like A Fool, I didn’t remember that maybe, just MAYBE, I should have waited until I was able to print out the properly-sized pattern and measure to see what size bones I needed(because there are two different widths used, Apparently) before just purchasing a size that I thought was right, but. ://// so that was fun and not something I realized until I had gotten to the point of actually sewing the bone channels on all the panels, but I’ll come back to that later in another post. I also decided that because I couldn’t see the spoon busks in comparison to my body irl, it would be safer to buy a straight busk and just bend it for the curve, and that I was also going to use small-ass floral metal stamps on the busk loops because busks with decorative patterns on the loops were all sold out online to my knowledge :| this all happened over the course of a week where I was looking up materials online and debating whether spending all that money was worth it, until I said fuck it, I’m gonna make it, and bought everything, which took until ~late August/early September to all arrive. So, to pass the time, I searched up all the YouTube tutorials I had watched before of historical costubers making their own corsets for tips and watched them all again, and also went through ateliersylph’s blog posts for instructions and other resources, most of which are in French so get a google translator if u can’t read it like me lol. I finally got the pattern printed out after like, a week or 2, so after that, I was cutting and pasting it together irl, making mockups, etc. until everything else arrived. :D
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sparatus · 9 months
Aephis meets Sephira pls 🥺💕
wip game
hi sorry work happened ANYWAY so i lied, because i was recalling file names off the top of my head at work when i made the post, the file is actually named aephis WINS sephira which is much more fun imo
anyhorse!! this one's a challenge fill, prompt was in the beginning and this is going back to a backstory fun fact that im stupid fond of. we're visiting axilus's parents when they were young, back when aephis was a whore carefree young NCO and sephira was working towards her master's degree. aephis's friends make a bet with him about whether or not he can get the ice queen in engineering to sleep with him, and he loves a challenge, but oops instructions unclear caught feelings and forgot the bet entirely, and oops she might be falling for him too
special for u here is extra long snip (cause the context is needed)
Aephis Madelivio, by all accounts and purposes, was the ideal turian, the kind put in every romance schlock vid to be admired and panted after, turian and xeno alike. He was tall, muscular, and sported the classic turian romance hero frame of broad shoulders, trim waist, rugged claws, and sturdy legs and feet. His plates were a ruddy maroon, his crest was attractively long, and the clan tattoos striping his face in white were elegant and complimentary without hiding too much of his handsome visage. He was top of his class in every flavor of combat available, and was doing quite well in the tactical testing, too, thank you very much. He was loud and boisterous to the point it might almost be irritating, but so friendly and charming and genuine about it the annoyance never lasted. His parents were both from well-known clans, the Madelivios of Shaal and the Sparatuses of Tiirtias, and even more famous names before them, giving him the kind of pedigree that didn't sound real until you noticed the sand-scattering length of his toes and the xepöa'vach on his back and keel. He was, checklist-perfect, a model young drake any turian worth their teeth would kill to be seen on the arm of.
And, most insufferably of all, he damn well knew it, and walked around with the swagger in his step to prove it.
Not that he let it go to his head. No, of course not, he was modest, too. Being humble on top of everything else was even more swoon-worthy, after all, and he had pretty girls to woo and handsome boys to flatter. No time for being unappealing. Especially when they were between ground missions. There was only so much time in the day cycle their superiors could make filler for, special officer’s training or no, and, well, what else was he supposed to do?
“No way,” Salvirian blustered, flaring out his mandibles. “You can’t get anybody on board, nobody’s that good.”
Okay, maybe he was a little immodest. Nobody was perfect, so sue him. Besides, bragging about it with his gaggle of friends was different from going around telling anybody who would listen.
Aephis purred, tapping his chin with one talon. Salvirian wasn’t that bad-looking himself, silver plates with a striking darker patch in the middle of his face, but the yellow-green tattoos didn’t do him any favors. He also just sucked in bed, Aephis knew from experience, and judging by the scuttlebutt around the ship, he wasn’t just the unlucky one. “I didn’t say anybody,” he argued. “I said anybody who’s into drakes. I’m an equal-opportunity bisexual, but not everyone here is. I’m not a dick, I’m not gonna try to go after a lesbian.”
Agnianus snorted into her reconstituted meat product in sauce. “Thanks for your consideration.” She poked at a somewhat suspicious lump that immediately fell apart into mix dust and heaved a long-suffering sigh. “Iunno, Sal, I think he could do it. He already pulled Dardaion, and she bit the last dude who hit on her.”
“Dardaion doesn’t count, that was after they sparred to a draw and wrestled a bit,” Salvirian huffed. “That wasn’t his charm, that was his fighting skill.”
“No, no, that counts,” Tanidonis argued, already holding out his rations to Agnianus in trade. “We're just talking about ability to pull anybody who might be interested, not specifically how it happens. Just because Dardaion doesn't wanna fuck you doesn't make her magically unavailable, Sal."
Salvirian’s throat flushed, and he pulled his head down in his cowl. Agnianus swapped trays quickly, then huffed. “I have an idea," she said. “I heard some of the engineers talking about one of theirs who's, like, total ice queen. Threw a wrench at somebody for disturbing her work with flirting and just went right back to her math. If you can tap that, you can tap anybody.”
Aephis raised a brow plate, but Tanidonis just scoffed. “Yeah, I heard them, too. Flaucius is just pissy she turned him down. He sounded like a prick, all, ‘ohhh, I was sooo nice to her, I was her only friiieeend, but she was still so meeeaaan to meee.’ Fucking pathetic. Like, I learned I’m not entitled to a hot girl’s attention just ‘cause I’m nice to her when I was ten. Y’know, when I realized girls were pretty and not made of cooties and violence, and my dad had a talk with me about dating like a normal parent.”
Aephis snorted and clicked his mandibles. "Nah, girls are definitely still made of violence,” he countered. "That's the hot part. Remember the Dardaion part of this conversation?”
"That's also why you're all straight or bi drakes who follow around a lesbian,” Agnianus added sagely, taking a drink from her canteen. “Turians are matriarchal by nature, and our gender-equal society is proof we're civilized and more than our base natures. It's, like, science. Anyway, I still think that Actinus hen is a solid test of Aephis's appeal as a drake. She did still definitely throw a wrench at a guy, that's irrelevant to Flaucius being an entitled bag of dicks.”
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