#i didn't spend the entire night doing just this there are other drawings ill post them later
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would you perhaps like to play a game of logical chess?
#yes i did stay up way too late doing this and yes i did learn about lighting while painting a meme anyway#my art#ace attorney#ace attorney investigations#miles edgeworth#aa#aai#i didn't spend the entire night doing just this there are other drawings ill post them later#but right now i need to SLEEP i have CLASS TOMORROW FUCK !!!!
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For sure, he'd do something, considering his entire personality revolves around protecting his sister... yeah. It's also possible that Holst being "conveniently" ill during Edelgard's paralogue was his way of not supporting the Empire taking over Leicester lol. And yes, Nader does die during the battle...
Yes, needless to say between Almyra's aggressivity towards Fodlan and the Empire's military expeditions, there will still be a lot of conflicts. Edelgard might think that because the people of Almyra don't believe in the Goddess, she can foster a peaceful relationship with them only to realise that - Pikachu face - Fodlan's Throat is here for a reason. And while her army is busy "visiting" other countries (meaning there wouldn't be as many willing soldiers to protect her Empire), Almyra could catch wind of it and attack.
Oh, sorry, no I meant in Fire Emblem Heroes:
Like when you give her a blessing, or... whatever it is you can give your heroes, she mentions that her path is that of military rule.
There's a reason why she's so deadset on pursuing Dimitri. She knows he's loved by his subjects, and allowing him to live will only undermine her conquest. No matter how much the stans want to ridicule Dimitri for (rightly) assuming that she's not after his head, the fact is she's very clear about this through both her actions and her words. She wants the Kingdom to disappear and continues her invasion even after Rhea's death. Makes me think that her whole "What do you mean it's not enough to kill your foes?" isn't a genuine question at all, but a way to gauge Claude's exact stance on this. She's known for assessing the people she engages with (peacefully or not) even if she quite often ends up drawing the wrong conclusion.
Yeah, true. Although I'm bappy to think of a post-AM where Lysithea is cured and lives happily with Cyril while working with Hanneman (and/or Linhardt), that whole Crest-removing doesn't make much sense. How would that even work? You mean like if the true Edelgard ceased to exist once TWS' experiments on her started? I mean, I wouldn't put it past them to do something of this calibre. But it wouldn't be that difficult to indoctrinate and manipulate her into hating and wanting to do away with the Nabateans considering how young she was when it happened. Feel free to correct me if I'm missing something though!
True, but on the other hand, some people might want her to be punished for her deeds, and you can't exactly punish a woman trapped in the mind of a 10-year-old child. Well... you could, technically, but I doubt Dimitri would stand for that.
There's something that slightly bothers me about Hopes!Claude actually; we know from Houses that he acts as though he's not a hardworking student when he actually spends a lot of nights researching and studying during his year at Garreg Mach. So why didn't he do that during the two years that preceded the war? I understand that he must have been super busy with Alliance stuff, but even so, wouldn't he study Fodlan's history whenever he got time? Wouldn't he visit the monastery in 1181 (it would have been open this year around, right?) to conduct some research or ask someone to do that for him? Granted, it's not like he found all that much in Houses, but surely, as the leader of the Alliance, he'd have more leverage to uncover some of Fodlan's mysteries, no?
Nope, I checked, and it's both a JP and a localised thing! Here are both versions:
In Japanese, he says something like "Everyone (or we humans) is afraid of getting robbed, even if it's just their imagination (or a fantasy/in their heads). If we consider the point of view of the people of Faerghus(and people here doesn't just mean the nobles, but the commoners as well), they probably don't know what the Empire is up to."
(Hopefully, someone smarter can confirm or correct me, just in case.) I don't think Ferdinand's remark is acceptable in either version, but the localisation seems to, uh... try to downplay the Empire's actions by suggesting the Kingdom is probably exaggerating about their invaders? "We are so misunderstood :(, we don't mean to make these people suffer by taking over their lands through violence, we just want to take over their lands through violence even if it leads them to suffer (uwu?)." I'm assuming he's referring to the Empire's big and shiny reforms, but... we both have the same opinion on these lol.
Regarding Erwin, I think most people got upset about him not being behind the assassination of Claude's murder? And Ignatz and Raphael's paralogue doesn't paint him in the best light, was this ever addressed in Hopes? I don't remember... It's just a bit odd to think the Erwin we now know (someone very dedicated to the protection of his people even if it means looking like a weathervane) would turn a blind eye to what's been happening to merchants going to Riegan territory. He wouldn't mind stopping House Riegan from getting even wealthier, that's for sure, but since he did punish whoever was responsible (bar the 'mastermind') for what happened to the Duke and Raphael's parents, why does he allow this to continue in the Houses timeline? Anyway, it would have been interesting to see more political struggles in the Alliance (and even the Federation, I suppose... why was the plot about the three minor houses wanting to defect to the Kingdom relegated to side-quests? Ugh, the more I think about GW and what it could have been, the more frustrated I get...)
As for Matthias, I think Sylvain is like "Ohh, father is doing his best as well I see. Was he in good health?", which... might suggest that he's not as surprised as he is in the localisation? Which would make more sense considering, well... can you imagine if the Margrave responsible for keeping Sreng at bay didn't pull his weight? In any case, I really liked what they did with Matthias and I'm glad our Faerghus cuties got most of the best additions in Hopes.
Yeah, considering Sylvain's reaction towards him when he asks about... Miklan? ("Why do you even care? You're the one who left" or something like that) It's rather apparent that they bonded, if just a wee bit.
I'm having a really hard time fathoming how some people consider SB to be a righteous/heroic route or a route where we're the good guys. The route where:
You invade two independent nations under the pretence of "saving their citizens from oppression" (though I guess you can't be oppressed anymore if you're dead lol) even though Her Majestic Hypocrisy repeats a bunch of times that she's in for conquest and that she'd obliterate anyone who stands in her way.
The cast keeps victim-blaming the invaded parties for *checks note* defending their countries.
The death toll is the highest. You have to kill Ingrid, Rodrigue, Gustave and Sylvain. And you can also kill Ashe, Mercedes (btw, if she dies, the cutscene where Dimitri and Dedue grieve changes slightly, which is nice), Annette, Shamir, Ignatz, Raphael and Marianne (how does Margrave Edmund feel about Claude's alliance with the empire knowing his daughter was killed by its army?).
IIRC, this is the only route where you conscript merchants into the imperial army. No wonder the empire has the biggest army.
Based Rhea who, despite being hunted, still thinks about the safety of the continent first in the final chapter. It's hilarious how characters like Edespot or Clyde harp on about how Rhea is the big bad, and in the few scenes you have with her, she's just kind? Anyway. Rhea based.
In the C support conversation - which happens right after Felix got seriously injured and Sylvain got killed- there's this bit where Dimitri is like "I don't know if I can talk with like everything is normal, so many have died already" and Edespot's response is basically "yeah I don't see it that way. Let's agree to disagree". Also, I believe she wonders if she shouldn't just kill Clyde and Dimitri once they're out. Even though Clyde is her ally at the moment. You bet on the wrong lord, Clyde...
I probably forgot a few stuff, but... oh well.
To be honest,
The only things I like about Supreme Bullshit are :
Its ending! Supreme Leader and Barney (well, at least they throw a sword?) being sitting ducks while Rhea steals the show, and sacrifices herself in an epic shonen scene to get rid of the real threat, aka showing that unlike someone, she knows how to prioritize, and it ends up in an explosion. It matches the ending of the F-Zero anime (at 0.48!), Rhea/Falcon rushes to deal a blow (a Falcon punch and a Seiros strike I guess?) to their mortal enemy, there is a giant explosion, and both Rhea/Falcon fade away in a blinding light. Too bad the Supreme Bullshit BGM is eons away from "Searching to the Truth" :(
The reveal that Rhea kept the keys to the sekrit passages in the Imperial Palace - or Rhea knows more about Enbarr and its castle than the current Emperor and her aides...
Doro's paralogue being incredibly tone deaf about, uh, soldiers being "too busy" by the Mittelfrank troupe, that they can't basically protect the dancers/performers from bandits, when the paralogue happens in an area that is expressedly supposed to be full of soldiers!
If starts align in a certain way, it's the only route in Nopes where Clout dies!
Leopold! He's like Victarion Greyjoy, only if he was taken seriously. But we, as players, know better! Also he's a living retcon, from having a major cichol crest to gift to his son because he fought well (and not to, say, Big B or even Ferdie) a sacred weapon despite the route being all about muhritocracy!
Supreme Leader plans and plays with the cards she has in her hand - from trying to get good PR to get rid of people (Varley sr) by pitting them against her next target (the CoS)!
An entire game full of new Supreme Replies (tm)!
For shippers around, it has a Cathmir scene where everyone knows Shamir will prioritize Catherine's life over her allegeance! too bad this is a Supreme Leader route, so no, Shamir won't fucking try to kill her for blackmailing her and can even kill Catherine herself later on....
That's not a lot lol, and most of it are breadcrumbs because for the proper plot...
Yeah, it kinds of sucks.
Supreme Bullshit is even more tone deaf with the War and its realities than Tru Piss (and that's a feat!), Ferdie being completely, uh, off the mark about everything (invading lands and rekting people, and then saying those people's fears are only in their heads! Pal, one of the first missions in the SB exclusive chapters is to rout refugees??? + the nonsense about the Kingdom having more crested generals, when data shows the Empire has more crested peeps than the Kingdom!), Caspar being turned in the worst version of himself who dgaf anymore about protecting "innocents" and "justice", and, uh, everything with Monica.
Victim blaming is the norm with Fodlan games, but yeah, it really feels odd that suddenly, in the Zahras chapters, Dimitri's all "okay" when his closest friends either died or were grievly injured and the game proceeds as it does when, come on, why wouldn't Dimitri kill her the second they're out of the Zahras verse??
I really disliked how Supreme Bullshit yeeted Ionius from Adrestia, or how it didn't explore in more depth the Insurrection of the Seven, especially since we side with Leopold'n'Waldemar against Ludwig, who used to be allies! Also, as far as I remember, no one mentions anything about Arundel, why he ran away to the Kingdom with a young Supreme Leader and how he changed when he returned, or something?
If Ludwig is pushed by Supreme Leader, reciting her Dad's words, as the one who led the insurrection and the experiments on her, why the fuck no one else mentions them, as Leopold and Waldemar were on Aegir's side back then? They don't even mention "Arundel" participating, like, Volkhard sides against Ionius and hides his niece, but 3 months later, he returns and offers her as a guinea pig?
As is the norm with the Supreme Leader routes, the "truth" isn't what we're looking for, because we know Supreme Leader pushes a narrative she will follow to reach her goals, but where Tru Piss gave hints here and there about her narrative being, uh, rubish, we have no clues here, and Leopold prefers to flash his loincloth than giving us anything meaningful about that incident.
When you compare them to Matthias and Rodrigue (and Gilbert?) who often mention Lambert "back in the days", it's more and more obvious that... we're not supposed to ask questions in Supreme Bullshit, and just go with the flow.
And it ends with a high five.
I'd say it deviates less from Tru Piss than Golden Shower does from Verdant Winds, but it's an "expected disappointment".
That's why my only higlights are not plot relevant (save for the Captain Falcon - Rhea parallel) - because we know the plot will never deliver something meaningful in a Supreme Leader route.
#Thank you and likewise! Take as much time as you need (or feel like taking) :)#Or like... if you don't feel like answering anymore that's fine too of course!
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a while back people requested that i share some of my headcanons for certain bnha characters, so here's some of the characters that i did
Shota Aizawa

- he absolutely has at LEAST 3 cats, he spoils the heck out of them too. that's why he's always eating those gel packs... he spends too much on his cats.
- he really does love his class. and we all know honey??? u haven't expelled any of them. ur soft for them ok.
- he likes to sleep with his cats bc he gets lonely at night... he will not admit it, but he likes having someone/something there :)
- he has reuccuring nightmares about the usj attack and how he could have failed to save his students
- has a very low alcohol tolerance and often ends up getting dragged back to his apartment by mic or midnight when they go out whilst he rambles and whines the entire time
- he hates crying and tries his best to keep his emotions held in, he's only cried in front of a select few people
- he tries not to let others opinions on him rule his life and tends to block it out if someone hates him
- he doesn't know it, but he is the entirety of class 1-a's dad.
- he really likes tea, and dislikes sweets
- as you would expect, he takes his coffee black
Hanta Sero

- he really likes kpop! he stans multiple groups and really wants to attend a concert
- though he seems really chill on the outside, he's actually quite sensitive and has some self confidence issues
- he loves being around people and finds that he gets his energy from being around those he loves
- definitely into e-boy fashion, and he is open about it
- pierced his own ears at 3 am and called kaminari crying about how he screwed it up
- he actually likes to draw a lot in his free time, it's very relaxing. he puts on some nice low-fi music and draws for hours
- he hasn't had many crushes in his life and doesn't find romance to be a big issue currently, but he's open to anything
- accidentally taped his hamster to the ceiling in 2nd grade, he didn't mean to and cried for hours (the hamster was ok)
Nemuri Kayama

- she is a BRO, she likes to crack a cold one open with the boys on the weekends
- she is bisexual and thinks everyone is beautiful in their own unique ways
- most likely talks shit about her coworkers to her classes
- she thinks children are adorable and loves them, often scaring them with her enthusiasm
- very touchy, she loves hugs and will probably not pass up a chance to use you as an armrest if she has the chance
- she secretly worries about aizawa a lot and is scared that he lets the past effect him too much
- did you guys know she has a cat?!
- i like to think she and mic are like... EPIC bros, she loves to paint his nails and do his hair while gossiping with him (aizawa would NEVER let her do this to him lmao)
- she isn't a mom, but finds the idea of having her own children very nice, for now having a cat will suffice
- she enjoys trying to make all might flustered, she thinks his reactions to things are always very cute and funny (it's all in good fun!)
- she's the mom friend! though she may seem very sexual, which she undoubtedly is, she is also very caring and has a very nuturing motherly personality, she's a lot more than just fanservice !!!!!
Todoroki Shoto

- completely oblivious when it comes to love... he doesn't even understand his own crushes
- "of course you can borrow my credit card uraraka" *pulls out endeavors card which he sneakily took*
- would be the person to tell a child that their pet guinea pig didn't go to heaven and be confused when they start sobbing... like "what... don't be honest?"
- allows his friends to huddle up to his warm side when they are cold
- is confused when people show him copious amounts of love and affection
- he would beat up anyone if they tried to do ANYTHING bad to midoriya
- he wants more friends. he really is enjoying meeting new people and having some new friends at ua!
- he gives really good hugs, he doesn't try to hug you too tight, but he doesn't half ass it either, very nice and warm
- he hates his scar. like. a lot. he wants to cover it up so bad but it just doesn't work. he's afraid it'll make other people scared of him.
Shinsou Hitoshi
- loves patd! and fall out boy, a brendon urie STAN
- loves to kiss his kitties on the forehead but dreads human interaction
- he loves to squish his cats' toebeans... he takes pictures of them and posts them to his secret cat social media acc
- he is gay but doesn't know how to feel about it and/or come out, he's really nervous and doesn't trust people to accept him
- he doesn't smile often but when he does it's the cutest thing ever
- he secretly really likes deku and kaminari and is hesitant about accepting their friendship, but appreciates the gestures a lot
- he suffers with social anxiety and doesn't really know how to make friends very well??? like, in middle school people were total dickbags to him so he kinda just closed himself off and decided he was gonna like... not make friends, but now that there's nice people around him he just kind of- doesn't know how
- this is actually canon! but he feels guilty about having to manipulate people when he uses his quirk, during the 4th school briefs book he feels guilty when he overhears midoriya and ojiro talking about him using his quirk during the sports festival, and he's like "i wish ojiro would say something rude about me to show he's angry so i wouldn't have to feel so guilty about this" since ojiro showed no ill feelings towards him
Izuku Midoriya

- "hold on I'll go get a blanket!" *opens closet* *thousands of all might figurines tumble out*
- watches cat vine compilations until 2 am, than freaks out when he realizes it is 2 am
- very good with children!
- used to be very self conscious about his freckles bc of bakugou insulting them; hid them with concealer for a while until someone told him they were beautiful
- loves his momma so muchhh he would do anything for her, he likes to surprise her with small favors to see her happy
- does not understand the concept of letting people handle their own problems
- stays after to class to offer his teachers help
- he has a lot of self doubts and is still struggling to this day to come to terms with the fact that he is worthy of having one for all
- he wants to learn how to cook for his mom and friends
Kyoka Jirou
- she is a lesbian!!!!! she has a crush on momo but is completely convinced that it's unrequited
- struggled with judgmental kids in middle school because of her sexual identity and style
- gets very easily flustered by anyone complimenting her
- that one person sitting at the back of the bus with their earbuds blasting full volume
- was a GOD at guitar hero
- acts like she's fed up with kaminari's (which she can be sometimes), but truly he's one of the people she can trust the most. she secretly appreciates the way he hypes up her talents and how he really helps her through the day sometimes!
- she loves heroes so much... when she was a little girl and didn't know what to do she'd ask herself "what would my favorite heroes do!?"
- she also secretly buys hero merch but hides it in fear of her being seen as sappy
Amajiki Tamaki

- would have trouble standing up for himself but if he sees ANYONE messing with mirio he WILL throw hands
- likes to watch bob ross videos when hes feeling anxious
- he once went to a butterfly museum with his parents and cried out of joy when one landed on his nose
- leaves food out for strays in his neighborhood, ends up attracting an entire hoard of animals.
- he can paint very nicely, he began to paint after he discovered bob ross
- mirio then saw his paintings and showed the entire class to tamaki's dismay, but everyone absolutely LOVED them!!!
- every day he becomes more and more capable and sure of himself, he is still very anxious, but he's learning to open up and embrace his talents <3
- he really loves to listen to music and any time he's not around others he'll probably have earbuds in, gently swaying back and forth to whatever he has on
- nejire loves to try out new hairstyles on him, and strangely enough, tamaki lets her, he loves it when people play with his hair
Shirakumo Oboro

- shares one collective braincell with mic
- that one person that brings EVERYONE valentine treats on valentines day at school
- most likely plays ding dong ditch
- *draws stick figure* "ah yes. just like van goh" (he cannot draw)
- hates to see his friends (and even random strangers upset) and will go out of his way to do dumb things to make them smile
- probably played soccer
- he's a massive flirt and likes to believe he will become a stereotypical anime protagonist with a massive harem
- he really wants to see aizawa come out of his shell more and tries his best to encourage him to see the best in everything
- he has most likely worn a schoolgirl uniform to class once
- he's very affectionate and loves to hug his friends (even if they don't want hugs), it's his way of showing he likes people
Hizashi Yamada

- he lives off of caffeine. he is a teacher, pro hero, and radio show host, im honestly not sure how he does it
- gives out stickers when students get the correct answer in class and has class parties when they are well behaved for the semester
- just like everyone else, he has his own turmoil as well, he likes to stay busy because it prevents him from having a lot of time to dwell on the past
- he gives really good hugs, and loves to feel the touch of others, it's very comforting to him
- was probably pretty troublesome when he was very young while he learned to get control of his quirk
- overall a really happy and excitable guy, he loves being the center of attention and if he can make people happy by being what he is, that's awesome!
- he shows his appreciation for people in odd ways, but he always means good, even if his wild antics can be a bit stressful lol
- he likes to sing a lot and does it a bunch when he's alone, he can also play a lot of instruments
- he can be very serious if needed, he does often put on a persona when he's present mic
- when he's hizashi (out of hero persona) he's even more of a dork than usual, very goofy, awkward and pouty. a manchild.
OK so I reached my image limit, if u guys wanna see the rest I might post some more later PLUS feel free to request some in my asks, I don't really know how all that stuff works bc I'm kinda new to Tumblr but ILL FIGURE IT OUT
#midoriya izuku#izuku midoriya#midoriya headcanons#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#shota aizawa#aizawa#bnha headcanons#mha headcanons#shirakumo#shirakumo oboro#shouta aizawa#aizawa shouta#jirou kyouka#kyoka jiro#nemuri kayama#hizashi yamada#hanta sero#tamaki amakiji#hitoshi shinsou#midnight bnha#todoroki shōto
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