#i didn't say WHICH 20th september lol
The heavenly yard blog infomine, part 7: More Albums and Events, Collaborations, Cloture of Yellow, then, a Break! (to do more work)
Mothy is pretty busy in this set, primarily working on making his songs and videos as well as attending events, so we don't get as much concept and idea discussion, but we do finally get him releasing Cloture of Yellow!
4 March 2010 ~ 26 August 2010
---March 2010---
-mothy announces that he'll be uploading "Last Revolver" to NicoNico.
-mothy releases Last Revolver to NicoNico. He talks about it a little bit--he actually made the song in September of last year, but it was much longer than even Moonlit Bear at the time so he's spent a lot of time cutting the song down to size.
-Naturally, Ichika did all the work on the PV this time around.
-mothy announces his participation in VOCALOID PARADISE 3. He's going to be selling Prelude to Forest there.
-he's also working on a new album that'll have his recent song releases on it.
---April 2010---
-mothy thanks everyone who came to the VOCALOID PARADISE event (apparently it was his first Kansai event)
-mothy will be releasing his new album, Evils Forest, at the next event.
-He also announces that he'll be releasing a new song, "Wendy" for the "Haiten Girl 2" CD.
-The Daughter of Evil musical performs tomorrow. The Classical version of Servant of Evil has also released.
-mothy makes the official announcement that he's going to VOCALOID MASTER 12 alongside twinkledisc (SignalP's doujin thingy). He'll be selling Evils Forest there. He makes clear that some of the new album songs will also get videos in the future, as well as the fact that the album booklet itself will have more content than his previous album releases.
-mothy's going to have Regret Message on the VOCALOGENESIS album.
-He answers one or two questions about the distribution of his new album.
-mothy uploads the video for Heartbeat Clocktower onto NicoNico (and specifies it's a re-arrangement of the one he uploaded onto Piapro before).
---May 2010---
-Tomorrow is VOCALOID MASTER 12. Mothy will be in the same space as Twinkledisc, and he'll be selling content alongside SignalP, Ichika, and Tamura. He lists off a few behavioral requests for anyone going to attend (ex, don't take photos of the booth) and a few other minor things people can expect.
-He thanks people for watching Heartbeat Clocktower.
-Someone asks him if he really intends to retire after the Seven Deadly Sins series is finished. Mothy is just "what lol I didn't say that" (this is HILARIOUS).
-VOCALOID MASTER 12 is over. Mothy's been getting so much attention he's had trouble responding to everyone, so he's sorry about that. He's also selling Evils Forest on consignment at D-Stage now.
-He can't give a lot of details yet but he's gonna be hard at work on the series still.
-he talks a bit about the VOCALOGENESIS album. Someone's made an MMD for all the songs on it, including Regret Message, and the album has also topped the charts at Oricon.
-That doesn't mean he's a millionaire or anything. He doesn't even have a girlfriend!
-He's got some work he'd trying to finish by the end of May, and hopes to start making videos in June.
---June 2010---
-mothy announces he'll be at VOCALOID MASTER 13 (this time by himself it looks like). He doesn't have anything new to release there, but he does intend to have something for Comiket later on down the line.
-Unfortunately, despite lots of requests he isn't going to be reprinting Evils Theater. It's all available for digital purchase still, but as an independent producer it's a bit complicated for him to get another physical run of an album that's a year old by now.
---July 2010---
-mothy's going to be participating in the Supernova 3 album with his new song Desert Bluebird (which he intends to upload a video of very soon)
-mothy uploads Desert Bluebird's PV.
-mothy thanks everyone for watching Desert Bluebird. He's switching to a new video editing software, so he's hoping to make more dynamic videos with it. However, it apparently makes the video quality unnecessarily high, so he's concerned some people might not be able to play them. He'll work on fixing that.
-He says the song is inspired by the "Blue Bird" fairytale (I'm not familiar with it but it looks like it might be a French story?), and has some influence from a Wii game he was playing before making it (some kind of…tank RPG??? I think?). He likes the change of pace, making more of a Sci Fi after so many Medieval style songs.
-Tomorrow is VOCALOID MASTER 13. He gives a brief rundown of what he's selling there (again, nothing new). He doesn't expect it to be as crowded, but he'll also be there by himself so he might be busy anyway.
-Mothy thanks everyone for coming to the event, shares his impressions of it a little.
-He makes oblique hints at a book (and I think we all know which one) which has gotten pre-orders on Amazon, but he can't give details just yet.
-Unfortunately he doesn't know what's going on with the Gemini CD for the stage play.
-He doesn't have time to make a new album for summer Comiket, but he will be selling some CD-Rs that he'll be burning himself.
-He'll be uploading videos for Lunacy of Duke Venomania and Twiright Prank very soon.
-mothy gives official upload dates for Lunacy and Prank.
-Lunacy has been uploaded to NicoNico!
-Mothy finally announces his new novel, Cloture of Yellow!!!! Oh, also Venomania's hit 100000 views. He'll talk about it some other time.
-He includes the publisher summary of the book, as well as purchase details (again, it was already getting pre-ordered on Amazon). There is a fanbooklet that's included with purchase at select locations.
-mothy finally talks about his new novel in more detail. He answers questions first, such as where it'll be sold, the format it's written in, if it's a standalone (he says he wants to make a sequel but it depends on how well this one sells), what's in the booklet (mostly creator commentary stuff--I don't think there's anything that isn't included with the VG re-release), etc.
-He talks about the contents a little, clarifying that while it is based on the simple plot he provided for the writers of the stage play, it's different in a lot of ways (such as character names). He's added a lot of things and characters that never showed up in the songs. However, despite all the changes, it does still adhere to the plot of the songs--nothing outright contradicts the earlier work, that is.
---August 2010---
-mothy is going to be participating in the DEBUTANTE5 album with his new song "Flames of Yellow Phosphorous". The song is a collaboration with JounetsuP--apparently they've been wanting to collaborate for a long time now.
-He answers questions. He won't be selling the novel at Comiket since it's an officially published work, so that'll still be Evils Forest and the hand-made CD.
-Also apparently there are some issues with the Daughter of Evil pinups included in Cloture of Yellow? But it won't delay the novel's release or anything.
3rd Page 1
-Twiright Prank has been released on NicoNico!
Page 2
-mothy confirms that the pinup issue has been sorted out and there will be no complications with Cloture's release. I guess there was some kind of copyright dispute? In any case it's been taken care of.
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-Evil Food Eater Conchita will be released on the VOCALOANTHEMS CD by Exit Tunes. Apparently Exit Tunes will have done a lot of remastering for the VOCALOID parts of the song, so mothy's not sure how it will sound by comparison. Additionally, another, separate remastering of Conchita's song will be on the hand-made CD that mothy is releasing at Comiket (I think this is the Evil Food Eater Conchita CD).
-mothy talks about the novel some more. More sales info, and then contents (primarily the characters this time around). He gives a basic rundown of who everyone is, with name and place in the story. No spoilers. He does note that Elluka might seem a bit of a forced entry, but that's because they weren't selling Elluka at the time the original song came out. He goes on to list Gumillia, Gast, and Keel as additions to the story that hadn't debuted elsewhere, and he applied VOCALOIDS onto them retroactively (so--they might not have originally been the VOCALOID that he turned them into, but their characters already existed previously).
6th Page 1
-Evils Forest will be available online on KarenT
Page 2
-Cloture of Yellow now has its own website (the site has since folded, unfortunately)
-mothy gives some more information on promotional events and goodies for the book, though he reminds people that this is just his personal blog and so it might be better to ask questions to his publisher or the retailer they're planning to buy from, as he doesn't know everything.
-More info on Summer Comiket. He is indeed going to be selling the Evil Food Eater revision CD (which has Evil Food Eater with Meiko's vocals revised as well as any other songs that are not on his other albums), as well as Evils Forest.
-These include the old Clockwork Lullaby demo he made with Len instead of Rin.
-Debutante5 is also being sold there, but not by him.
-Cloture of Yellow releases today!
-mothy answers some questions on Venomania and Twiright Prank. Apparently some people recognized a sound effect at the beginning of Venomania from Umineko no Naku Koro Ni--this is news to him, as he hasn't played Umineko and just took the sound from a collection of free sound effects.
-He confirms that Twiright is deliberately mispelled for reasons of having a double meaning. 1. "Twi"=twist "right"=correct, normal, etc. 2. R=Rin, L=Len, and it was Len that shared his snack, not Rin.
-Flames of Yellow Phosphorous has been uploaded to NicoNico.
-Summer Comiket wrapup. Mothy thanks everyone for attending. He ran out of the Conchita CDs really quickly, so apologizes for that. Apparently due to the logistical issues in making them, he doesn't intend to do any more hand-burned CDs. He doesn't intend to make more of those CDs, but he'll come up with a way for people to get the music on it some other way.
-mothy also intends to take a break from attending events as a producer for the time being. He was so busy with the events and writing the novel that he ran out of songs to upload. He wants to shut himself up and take a good look at how he's going to work on his projects going forward. Though, he'll probably still go to events as a member of the general public.
-…That being said, he is participating in the ECHO charity CD. Despite the uplifting theme of the charity, his song is going to be depressing, apparently.
-Servant of Evil has hit 2 million views!
-Daughter of White has hit 50000 views!
-Little announcements. Riliane and Allen are getting their own avatars with the online game TinierMe, Dwango is releasing Evils Forest ringtones, and the Vocaloanthems crossfade has been released (the revised Evil Food Eater Conchita is on it).
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bluerighthand · 5 years
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Hi guys!
I live! For various reasons, it’s been a few months since I’ve posted any writing or been active on here - for anyone still interested in my stuff you are an absolute gem and I love you and I’m sorry for being so awful and inactive. 
But - I took a break, went to the other side of the world to escape my problems (literally), and now I’m back home for a week! Although to avoid spoilers until I’ve caught up on the new season I won’t be on tumblr for a bit. But I will be lurking on the alfie/tommy discord if anyone wants to chat (or be spammed with travel pics!), I’ve missed you guys <3
Chapter 7 of Growing Up A Shelby will now not be posted on Friday 20th September because I am a mess but it will be posted soon :)
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theartificialdane · 6 years
Hey honey I want to apologise on behalf of all of us for driving you to this point. I'm really sorry that we took you to the point where you didn't enjoy it anymore and you felt like you owed us. I hope you're feeling better soon though. Again man I'm so sorry
This is all the way back from when I took a hiatus, and I’m pretty sure I responded in a post, but first of all: Thank you so much for thinking of me - second of all: 
I’ve been chronically ill since I was 14. It goes up, and it goes down. Right now I’m on some new meds, and I have a doctor who’s incredible at listening to me (I honest to god sobbed the first time I visited him after returning to Denmark because he did not only understand me he also genuinely listened)
I started a new job september 20th, and I use about 2-3 hours each day commuting, but I haven’t felt this good in literal years. I don’t need to nap, I haven't puked from pain at all, I can walk distances and I haven’t felt like crying because of pain in months. This is very very new, and I’m beyond thankful for the extra energy it has given me.
Phyiscal pain is something I use a lot of mental energy on, so when I’m done with my full-time job (which in Denmark is thankfully only 37 hours a week) and my other hobbies (I cosplay (lol) and is the founder and editor of a cosplay magazine, I bookblog (lol) and I’m politically active) I have had no energy left for my last hobby, which is writing. 
I haven’t been fully gone for the last 5-6 months, and I have been writing, but it’s mostly just been dribbles for friends since Tumblr isn’t always the kindest, and I know that what I find intersting right now (Violet and Sutan, lol once again, haha) isn’t something all of you enjoy.
This has turned into a crazy long update on how I’m doing, but this is a long winded way of saying that I’m surprisingly good right now, and that I’m excited to share the 10+ pages I have already written of the new Andromeda series, which I’m really really enjoying.
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