#i didn't notice sorryyyyyy
gladlypants · 9 months
Helloo! Unfortunately the links to these poses on curseforge are broken, could you upload the files to google drive if it's no trouble? :) https://gladlypants.tumblr.com/post/701187893653356544/my-maxis-match-cas-and-in-game-poses-for-adults
Heyo! Sorry it took so long to get this done. I updated and resubmitted these to CurseForge but here's a Google Drive folder link just in case.
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the-brucest-fan · 3 months
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That's when he realized. King Boo only wanted him, and he wouldn't stop until he got the green-clad plumber. Luigi was afraid, he didn't know what would happen once he went through the portal, what he could find there, but if that was the only chance to keep Mario and everyone else safe, he was willing to take it.
“Mario! You have to let me go!”
“WHAT?!”, Mario said in astonishment.
“I know what to do, you gotta trust me”, Luigi said, determination filling his eyes.
“I do trust you! But I don't trust him”, Mario replied, his eyes briefly pointing to the vortex where the royal Boo had entered.
“It is me who he wants. If I don't do this, he'll destroy everything!”, replied the green-clad plumber.
Mario stared at his little brother, hesitant. Luigi's eyes said it all: he was willing to jump into the portal and there was no way he would change his mind.
Well, neither do Mario.
“I know, but I... I don't wanna lose you again”, Mario's eyes were filled with fear. The fear he didn't feel during his time being trapped in a painting, he was feeling it now. He had been separated from Luigi again for what he felt was an eternity, and now he was about to play a stunt that could possibly cost him his life, and Mario just couldn't bear losing his brother. Luigi's life was literally on his hand. “I'm sorry”, he said firmly, “but I'm not gonna let you go.”
Luigi felt Mario's grip tighten around his wrist. If there was something Mario was really good at, was being stubborn. The younger plumber knew words would never convince Mario to let him go, so without him noticing, Luigi slowly detached the flashlight from the Poltergust...
“I know.”
He pressed the button and the Strobulb did his job: the sudden flash stunned Mario right away, instinctively using his left hand to cover his eyes.
“NO!”, he screamed when he realized what he had done. Horrorized, with tears in his eyes and with DK holding him into place so he wouldn't go after him, Mario saw his brother being sucked by the portal.
“I'm sorryyyyyy!”, cried Luigi.
And with that, the green-clad plumber disappeared along with the portal.
This is the first Luigi I draw in months and I just had to draw him in an angsty scenario, haha 😅
It's actually from and idea that popped in my head about a potential Luigi's Mansion movie, and of course our beloved green bean had to sacrifice himself to save everyone (but don't worry, we all know he wins at the end 😉)
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
Friends? Never. Pt.1 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
New fic alert? Can you tell I've got a thing for the enemies to lovers trope? Sorryyyyyy. I have loads of ideas for so many stories but this one made me too excited :D I can’t tell if the writing in this is ass but i’m just setting things up hold out hope for me people…
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Ellie opens the door of her new home only to see you, her least favourite person in Jackson, standing at her door with your suitcase in hand.
"No no no no no no no." You say as you immediately start walking away from her. You keep walking until you see Maria walking towards you.
"Don't even start-" She already knows what you're going to say.
"I am not fucking living with her Maria."
"Didn't I tell you not to start? You're wasting your breath anyway, this is the only way we can accommodate all the new arrivals."
"Why do you hate me?" You groan and she spins you around immediately marching you back to your new home.
"I don't, but you and Ellie are a pain in my ass, maybe make the most of it and try and get along hm?" She keeps you held firmly at the front door as she knocks three times.
"Back for more alrea-" Ellie pauses as she sees Maria standing there with a stern look on her face, she pushes you through the door and smiles.
"Enjoy setting up!" She calls over her shoulder and you're sure you hear her laugh.
"Fuck my life." You push past Ellie, bumping her hard enough that she stumbles slightly. You storm off upstairs to find your room huffing at your new reality.
You're unpacking all your belongings when you notice her standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. "Are you just gonna keep staring at me like a creep?"
"Are you gay?"
"Pardon?" You scoff at her bluntness but your heart was beating a mile a minute, you knew it wasn't a big deal, she's a lesbian herself, but for some reason you still found coming out to people so difficult. Your parents hadn't taken it well which is how you found yourself living on your own... well, with Ellie. You breathe in and regain your composure, turning to her and flashing a coy smirk. "Why do you want to know Williams? Got a little crush on me?"
"Ha! You wish. Just wondered seeing as you're nineteen and have never once even held a guys hand."
"Didn't realise you paid so much attention to me, should I be worried I have a stalker?" She rolls her eyes at you obviously avoiding her question. "Why does it matter?"
"It doesn't, just trying to figure out if I should be worried about you getting a crush on me and going all crazy."
You walk over to her until there's only inches between you. "You're so arrogant." You bump her in the shoulder and she stumbles as you walk past her towards the kitchen. "You're also not my type... at all." You call over her shoulder missing the look of bewilderment on her face.
"Wait... so you are?" Ellie calls as she follows you to the kitchen. She's close behind you as you march away until you stop dead in your tracks causing her to bump into you.
"If you must know Ellie, yes I am."
"Oh." Ellie felt her heart clench a little for you as she knows how unaccepting your parents are, that's why you stopped being friends all those years ago after all.
You had met Ellie on the first day she arrived in Jackson, she looked tired and a little gaunt but you still felt butterflies in your stomach when you laid eyes on her for the first time. You remember seeing her walk in and hand a gun she kept in the back of her jeans to Maria, you were gobsmacked because she looked the same age as you and you couldn't imagine holding, let alone using, a gun. You had been born in Jackson, only ever leaving to go on patrol in the last couple years so 14 year old you found the girl all the more intriguing. You had watched her from a distance as Joel spoke to your dad, you still remember the feeling of your stomach dropping when she looked up to see you spying on her. You hadn't spoken to her until later that evening when Joel and her had come to yours for dinner. It was awkward at first but when she saw your record player and limited vinyl collection, the ice thawed quickly, you became inseparable until your parents started taking an issue with your friendship with her, you never understood why they stopped you seeing her and stopped seeing Joel until two years ago when you told them you were a lesbian. Ellie had always known that they were homophobic but it still hurt when they stopped you seeing her, she saw red any time she was near you because she was so hurt that you could cut her out of your life just like that and within a couple months you were bitter rivals that couldn't share a nice word with the other. Her hatred for you was so overwhelming that it forced her to stop being so awkward around people because she was so focused on throwing as many insults your way as possible that her nerves when speaking to others dissipated.
Now, as you stand in the kitchen staring at her leaning on the doorframe you felt a pang of guilt for how you had treated her although it quickly disappeared the second she opened her beautiful mouth.
"Well er... you're not my type either so don't get any ideas." You laugh at the awkwardness of her statement knowing why she suddenly lost confidence in herself.
"Thanks for the clarification." You roll your eyes before busying yourself getting a glass of water, it was the middle of summer so all the moving and unpacking was making you feel severely dehydrated. Ellie watched as you gulped down the water, noting how a couple drops fall down onto your white tank top. She dragged her eyes away from you and cleared her throat.
"Well now we've established the feelings mutual we can go back to never speaking again. Or are you going to bother me constantly with small talk?"
"Oh believe me you have nothing to worry about on my end." You refill the glass again and walk over to her. "And if I'm remembering correctly you're the one that came and spoke to me, so I could ask you the same thing, no?" You jab a finger into her chest as you speak emphasising your point. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to go wash this finger of your germs and finish unpacking." You push past her once again and she scoffs as you walk away back upstairs without looking back at her.
You continue unpacking methodically until everything is put away neatly and your decorations are in their new designated homes. As you collapse onto the bed picking up the book you were reading at the moment from your bedside table you breathe a sigh of relief at the breeze making its way through your open window. Your shared cabin was right on the outskirts of Jackson so your view was the beautiful woods that lined the north west section of the wall, as you looked at the greenery that was reflecting glittering spots of sunlight you reminisced on the times you and Ellie had spent in the woods when you were friends. You're interrupted from your thoughts by the growling of your stomach that prompts you to sneak back to the kitchen.
"Fuck's sake." You mutter under your breath as you walk into the kitchen only to be greeted by Ellie leaning on the counter savaging a bowl of cereal.
"You know you're spilling more of that down your shirt than you're getting in your mouth right?" Ellie looks down at her t-shirt only to see that you were correct when you said she was spilling milk down herself, she huffs and continues eating, this time being more careful as she brings the bowl right to her mouth.
"I thought I made it clear I didn't want to talk to you and yet... here you are talking to me." She mumbles through a mouthful of cereal. You roll your eyes and open the fridge only to see the leftovers you had put in there earlier were gone. You take a deep breath before spinning to give Ellie the dirtiest of looks.
"Are you fucking kidding me? That's the only food I had until I go out tomorrow. Why would you eat it?"
"Oh was that yours? My bad I got hungry earlier, it was really good though you gotta make me some more of that sometime." She smiles sweetly and your face twists into a scowl as you feel the rage boiling inside of you.
"Only we live here Ellie, if you're going to steal my food you could at least own it." You walk away and just before you leave the kitchen empty handed you turn back slightly. "Pussy." You go to walk away until you feel a hand enclose around your arm yanking you backwards. She pushes you up against the wall and leans her body weight on you so you can't move, relishing in your struggle.
"Say that again bitch, I dare you." Her eyes are dark and cold only mirroring yours, a devilish grin appears on your face as you lean in closer to her.
"You're a pussy Williams... and you don't scare me." You push her off with all your strength and rush away from her before slamming your door so hard you're shocked it doesn't come off the hinges. You pace around your room muttering and cursing Ellie before you stop, realising you actually have to live with her for the foreseeable future, every time you looked at her all you could think of is the screaming matches you endured with your parents when they banned you from seeing her and the look of defeat on her face as you ignored her for the first time when she came over to you while you were out with your parents, the nausea you were feeling only grew as the memory of when you came out to your parents flashes through your mind as it does multiple times throughout the day. You grab your book and begin reading once again trying to rid yourself of all these memories that Ellie was bringing up. As you finally feel the nausea calming there are three forceful knocks on your door that you ignore reflexively.
"You gonna open the door or what?" Ellie's voice is muffled but clear enough to make out what she's saying.
"No. Fuck off Ellie!" Ellie rolls her eyes before knocking harder this time and she doesn't stop, she continuously bangs on your door until you throw your book down in frustration to storm over to the source of your irritation. As you yank the door open you're greeted by a smirking Ellie. "WHAT? What could you possibly want? You eat my food, you piss me off, you pin me against a fucking wall, what do you want now Ellie?"
Ellie is taken aback by your harsh tone, typically it had a hint of playfulness to it but now you just sounded angry. She gulped before regaining her standoffish demeanour. "Calm down sweetie."
You scoff and go to slam the door in her face but her hand stops you and pushes the door back so hard you stumble backwards with it, you huff and walk away dropping down onto your bed once again.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure whatever. You're gonna do what you want anyway." She stuffs her hands into her front pockets and walks in as she looks at all the decorations in your room before plopping down on your bed sitting directly on your feet. You snatch them away with a huff as you grit your teeth and curl up to put as much distance between you two.
"What... do you want Williams?"
"Nothing really. Just wanted to see your room. It's very... you."
"Mm and I'm sure yours looks like a squatters pit." You smile smugly at her as she rolls her eyes, your face drops as she turns and eyes the book on your bedside table with a smirk.
"You read romance?" She stifles a laugh poorly.
"Yes and what? Can you even read?" She chuckles and you mumble under your breath "idiot"
"Wow you really are a virgin aren't you?" You eyes flash up at her as your eyebrows knit together and your face turns to a grimace.
"Why do you assume I'm a virgin because I read romance? Maybe I just enjoy it."
"Ha! Right. I'm assuming you're a virgin because only virgins read romance books." You kick at her and she grabs your sock-covered foot stopping you in your tracks.
"Oh my god Ellie can you go away!"
"No no, not just yet. My curiosity is piqued about this book now." Before you can stop her she's reaching for the book and standing up while flicking through some pages.
"Wait, No Ellie don't." She holds it above your head as you stand, you try and snatch it from her once but it's too far out of your reach, panic takes over as she opens it above her head and begins reading aloud. "Ellie fucking stop!"
"Why? It's just a romance book right? Nothing too... inappropriate." Your cheeks heat and the familiar rage comes back in full force, you look down at her feet and stomp on the left one as hard as you can, she yelps and drops her arms which allows you to grab the book from her grasp and you immediately rush out of your room and into the bathroom, locking the door behind you with a triumphant smile.
"Ow you bitch!" You hear Ellie call after you. As you eye the bathtub you decide now is the perfect time to relax in the tub so you can escape Ellie for awhile and read your book in peace.
You stay in the bath until the sun has completely set and the room is bathed in a silvery glow from the moonlight, you guess you were in there for at least an hour but as you start to shiver from the cooling water you decide to finally leave your refuge. As you climb out of the bath you're horrified when you realise your towel is still in your room.
"Fuck fuck fuck." You had to walk past Ellie's room to get to yours but ultimately you decide you'd have to risk it, you unlock the door and peak out into the hallway to see its empty, you edge the door open and begin quickly creeping to your room, you're almost there but as you go to walk past Ellie's room she walks out at the exact same time walking straight into your naked form.
"AGH OH MY GOD!" Your hands immediately attempt to cover your dignity but its an almost failed attempt as you notice her looking you up and down. "DON'T FUCKING LOOK!" You scream as you run past her to your room so quickly your feet slip a little. You hear her cackling in the hallway as you lean with your back against the door in utter disbelief. "No no noooo that did not just happen." You mumble to yourself as you run a hand over your face.
You try to put the embarrassment past you as you settle into bed before passing out from the sheer exhaustion of the day.
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ticklishprincey · 5 months
Tiger Stripes
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Hehe I'm so glad you enjoy what I put out! This was @lanie-lee-llama reblog of my Helluva Boss Headcannons (screenshotted because I didn't wanna forget about it) and I just couldn't pass this up, for now I'll just do Blitzo buttttt don't be surprised if there's a Moxxie one directly after. (I really hope you like it, I've never done a self-insert fic before so please don't hit also my laptop refuses to do the cross over the o I'm so sorryyyyyy) Warnings: Tickling (obv), insecure reader, implied body dysmorphia, reader is referred to as kid but it's just a nickname not serious Summary: Reader is insecure about how their body looks. Blitzo notices and convinces them their body is amazing. You had been standing in front of your mirror all day, looking at your reflection in disgust and disdain. Your brain ran a mile a minute, pointing out every possible flaw in your body, and despite your various attempts, tears burned your eyes like pin pricks and threatened to spill. You sucked in your stomach as much as you could, still not satisfied with the results. You let out a sigh, sitting down onto your bed and hugging your knees to your chest. "Kid?"  A knock on your bedroom door stirred you from your thoughts. You quickly rubbed your eyes, grabbing an old sweatshirt and slipping it on before answering the door, an over-enthused smile plastered on your face. "Hey, Blitz! What's up?" You had hoped that your boss wouldn't pay attention to your tear-stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes, but you were mistaken. The usual sarcastic and shit-eating grin was replaced with that rare look of concern he saved for you. He reached out and gently touched your cheek, wiping away a stray tear in a rare showcase of affection. "What's goin on, kid?" "Nothing." You responded quickly, too quickly, even. The larger imp rolled his eyes, taking your hand and pulling you into the room, sitting on your bed and patting the spot next to him. You sat reluctantly. "Don't bullshit me, kid. What's on your mind?" You sighed, then proceeded to explain how you had been feeling, how you were unhappy with your body. He listened silently, nodding in understanding. When you had finished, he pulled you into his arms and held you close. "Don't talk about yourself like that. You're amazing, got that?" You rolled your eyes at the sentiment. Blitzo noticed this and squeezed your sides teasingly. "What was that? Don't you sass me, remember who's in charge here." A small squeak escapes your lips, a wobbly smile crossing your features in anticipation for his next move. He grinned and scribbled his nails into your tummy. "What was that? Was that a squeak I heard? Don't tell me someone's ticklish?" You shake your head, fighting back the laughter bubbling in your throat to no avail. You pushed half-heartedly at his hands. "Wahahait Blihitz!!!" "Wait for what? I'm already tickling!"
His hands move to poke and prod at your hips, causing you to squeal and squirm in his arms, laughter pouring out freely now. "Ooooo, that's a bad spot, huh? Too bad!" Your face grows red at the teasing, pushing at his hands. You would never admit it, but you liked these moments with Blitzo. You felt his hands pull up your shirt slightly, tracing lightly over the stretch marks of which you were so insecure about earlier. "I don't understand why you don't like these. They're like tiger stripes." A snort slips through your lips at that, causing your hands to immediately cover your mouth in embarrassment, your blush increasing tenfold. Blitzo simply laughs and continues his tracing. "That was cute! Can I hear it again?" He blows a raspberry over your belly button, rewarded by your squealing and bubbly, bright laughter, a stark contrast to your earlier anxiety and stress. He lets up, holding you close and rubbing your back gently as your laughter dies down into soft, happy hiccups. "Feeling better, kiddo?" You nod your head as Blitzo chuckles, continuing to rub your back as you slowly begin to fall asleep in his arms. Maybe he was right, your body was pretty amazing. ALL NSFW/KINK PLEASE DNI!!!
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
I shall return the dramatic gasp given to bat—
You don't follow me
I am wounded
I'm sorryyyyyy
I didn't notice ;-;
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karamatsuboy-aj · 6 months
Azul x male y/n (angst) below
I got bored and used the wheel of names warning ⚠️ mentioned of getting beaten up by y/n enjoy
(a/n everything was chosen by the wheel of names)
Azul pov
I watched y/n working he was being slow which is weird he always work hard and fast I wonder if he's ok"y/n are you ok?"he jolted looking at me and smiled weakly "yeah I'm good don't worry azul sir"he looked away looking tired "maybe you should rest y/n" I offered him my couch to nap on he nodded and went to lay down I was worry about him something seems off an hour later I went to check on y/n and see him crying having a nightmare "y/n!?!"I ran over and shaked him awake worry about him "mmmm"y/n jolted awake yelling "no!!"I stepped back for a second he looked around confused "y/n?"I stepped close to him putting my hand on his shoulder he looked at me shaking i hugged him tightly"what happened?"i asked y/n hugged back and broke down crying more holding onto me tightly "i-i'm sorryyyyyy~"he cried I rubbed his back gently "why are you sorry?"I mumbles softly he cried more babbling about something I looked up seeing Asher Floyd and Jade looking in and I just now noticed Asher had a black eye y/n cried and I could make out"I got angry at him and hurt him"I easily put two and two together y/n probably hit Asher by accident "hey I'm sure he isn't made at you"I said softly y/n looked at me desperately "b-but I beat him up for no good reason i-i just-"he cried more after a good ten minutes of him crying y/n passed out drained I put him down gently and kissed his cheek before walking out "Asher care to explain?" Asher looked away his cowlick dropping "me and y/n were talking and he looked stressed so I asked him a question and he kinda lost control he didn't mean too he's just over worked"I looked worried at Asher that's what someone would say about a abusive partner "Asher you know that sounds bad right?"he looked at me desperately "I know but you know I'm telling the truth y/n has been holding in his emotions and I was worried he may overblot and...."jade looked like he just got something "you made him made to let out his emotions so he wouldn't overblot right?"asher nodded shyly I sighed"ok I'll deal with y/n jade Floyd you two take care of Asher and make sure to tell you about this"Asher looked pale"not yuu"he mumbled Floyd picked up Asher"got it boss"
Y/n pov
I woke up to Azul looking at me "y/n dear Asher made you lose control on purpose"I sit up"what!?!"he put his hand on mine"love Asher was afraid you might overblot he thinks that if you bottle up your emotions you'll overblot"I sighed and looked at him"is that how it works?"Azul looked at me"no officially but he might be on to something"he kissed me softly"look dear after Asher is patched up and you're feeling better we can all talk this out ok??"I smiled softly and nodded azul always know how to make me feel better he laid next to me "we'll do it tomorrow ok?"i nodded cuddling him as we both went back to sleep
The end???
(A/N sorry if it's not classified as angst but I tried I hope you like it if you have any requests leave it in the comments)
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sharkbait77 · 3 years
Congratulations Lex!!! You deserve 400 more!!!
Oh the prompts #1 are so fun, could I request 38. "You broke me" with Frankie that ends on a happy note please? Thank you darling ❤️❤️❤️
OHHHHHHH MY GOD the floodgates that opened with this ask, I swear lol Thank you so much sweet Nonnie!! ♥️♥️ You really, truly inspired me with this one and I had so much fun with it! I could have kept going or gone further in depth, but I kept it as minimal as I could while also giving some detail. It really just got away from meeeeee. Reader is fairly neutral I think, but I marked it as fem reader just to be safe. It also didn't come out as angsty I don't think? So I'm really sorry, but I hope you enjoy! Also, idk if anyone's noticed but I'm being super lazy with the titles, sorryyyyyy
You Broke Me (Frankie Morales x f!Reader)
Rating: M
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, drunk!Frankie, language, mention of food
W/C: 3.6k (FORGIVE ME such a simple prompt became my biggest inspo)
Masterlist || Taglist || AO3
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What Frankie loves most about you is your smile – or rather, the way your whole face lights up when you do. It reaches your eyes, makes them shimmer more than the sun hitting the ocean waves. And the little wrinkles that form in the corners of your eyes and your mouth when you laugh at a good joke; he’s lost count of how many times he’s wished to place little kisses to them. Don’t even get him started on your laugh. A sound so heavenly the gods themselves must have created specifically for you, for him to hear.
What Frankie hates most about it, though, is that he’s not the one making you laugh and smile every day.
You’ve been dating this guy, Alex, for two months – a fucking eternity, it seems like. And he always makes you laugh. While Frankie should be satisfied that someone makes you that happy, he just can’t stand the fact that it isn’t him. Sure, he still makes you laugh whenever you hang out with the group, and he revels in it, but it isn’t the same. He wants to be yours and he wants you to be his. You work so well together anyway, so why couldn’t it have been him?
Frankie watches you – with him – through the window as you say your goodbyes. He must have said something really funny, seeing as how Frankie can practically hear your laugh through the glass and above the noise of the bar. Or maybe it’s just in his mind, since he’s put the sound to memory. Frankie takes a big gulp from his beer when you lean up to give him a farewell kiss. Why couldn’t it have been him?
“Fish, let’s go play pool,” Pope says, trying to realign his train of thought from you to something else.
“No, I’m cool here,” Frankie says with a small smile, gesturing to his beer and signaling that he wants to just sit and drink.
“You sure?” Pope asks and Frankie only nods. “Alright, well… We’ll be over there, okay?”
Frankie nods again and watches Pope walk away, shaking his head to Benny and Will who were standing at the pool table. Frankie doesn’t miss the look of disappointment on their faces.
“Hey,” you call out once you reach the table where Frankie sits alone. “Where are they?”
“Playing,” he says and nods in the direction of the other three surrounding the pool table.
“Oh,” you smile and wave at them, shaking your head when they beckon you over.
“You don’t wanna go play?” Frankie asks.
“Nah, I’d rather sit here with you.”
You remove your purse and jacket, throw them across the back of your chair, and sit down, reaching for the pitcher of beer and an empty glass before pouring yourself some to drink. You notice Frankie’s silence, usually normal for him when everyone’s together, but he’s never this quiet with just you.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You nudge his arm and he looks at you, pouting slightly and shaking his head to say nothing is wrong. “Yeah, I’m calling bullshit. C’mon Frankie, I’m a very intuitive person; I can see when my best friend is down in the dumps.”
And there’s that fucking word: ‘friend’. Frankie takes a silent, deep breath and brings his beer mug to his mouth.
“Nothing,” he says and takes a swig of beer. “I guess I’m just tired. Work this week was rough.”
That wasn’t exactly a lie; he did have trouble focusing when all he could think about was you.
“Alright, well…” You exhale and lean back in your seat, taking a drink from your mug. “You don’t have to talk to me about it, but talk to somebody, okay?” You grab Frankie’s arm and it takes everything in him to not reach out and grab your hand, to hold it in his. So he just nods. “Hey, what are you doing this Friday after work?”
“Nothing,” he says after a minute of thinking. “What’s up?”
“Well, Alex wants me to meet his parents and I have no idea what I should wear. I just need a guy’s opinion.”
“Wow… The parents,” Frankie’s eyebrows meet his hairline, but he tries his best to act happy for you. “Sounds like it’s getting serious.”
“I dunno, I mean… We’re having fun, but I didn’t think it was there already. We’ll see where it goes, I guess,” you shrug. “So, whaddya say? Will you help me?”
“Oh,” Frankie sighs. “Sure. Why not?”
“Yay!” You lean over to hug him. “Thank you, Frankie.”
Does it suck? Fuck yeah, it does. It’s downright pathetic, but Frankie has learned to appreciate these small graces. He’s always been the one you go to for opinions on anything, but even more so when you started dating Alex. It boggles Frankie’s mind, why his opinion on your relationship with someone else would matter so much, but then again he would do anything if it meant hanging out with you.
~ ~ ~
Meeting Alex’s parents went surprisingly well, you connected with them on many topics and you got to learn more about Alex, even went through the baby album together, to Alex’s embarrassment. It was textbook in the sense that this was the perfect way to further your relationship, but something inside of you was telling you it just wasn’t right. It was going just as well as you could hope with the one you’re dating, but you couldn’t help but feel it wasn’t with the right person.
A few days later, you got a phone call from Alex asking to meet at the cafe. You said yes of course, but something in his voice told you it wasn’t just a regular coffee date. It was that intuition of yours telling you that something was up. So now, here you sit with a steaming hot latte in front of you, body full of nerves as you see Alex walk up to the cafe and through the door.
“Hey,” you say and he smiles, bending over to kiss you on the cheek as if you were old friends. A very odd greeting for the two of you.
“Thanks for meeting me here,” he says as he takes a seat.
“Yeah, no problem,” you reply. He shifts in his chair and starts twiddling his fingers in front of him. He doesn’t even bother to order a coffee. “Is...everything alright? Something seems off,” you ask after some time passes.
“Yeah… Listen, I don’t think this is gonna work out,” he says plainly. So plainly that the execution of it takes you more by surprise than the fact he just ended the relationship.
“Oh… A-alright,” you sigh and nod. “Can I ask why?”
“Well… I mean, you’re great and I had a really fun time hanging out with you. Probably the best time I’ve had with someone, but… It just didn’t…” He hesitates.
“It didn’t click,” you finish for him.
“You felt it?” He looks at you surprised, like he didn’t think it was a possibility of you feeling the same way. You had felt the same way since the beginning, but thought it was just new relationship jitters. It can’t be pure coincidence that he, too, feels like the pair of you just aren’t meant to be.
“Yeah, I mean I thought maybe if I ignored it, it would go away. Obviously, I was wrong,” you say with a lighthearted chuckle.
“Are we cool?”
“Yeah, yeah of course,” you nod. “No hard feelings at all. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”
“Okay, well… Take care,” Alex says and shares a half smile – likely out of pity – before standing and walking out of the cafe.
You sit there in wonder; you just got broken up with and yet you feel...nothing. No sadness, no remorse or thoughts of ‘What could I have done better?’. As you drink the rest of your coffee and ponder the reasons why you don’t have the urge to run to your apartment, throw some sweats on, and eat a tub of ice cream, you pull out your phone and the first person you think to text is Frankie. And that’s when it hits you.
Frankie. You like Frankie. That’s why you don’t care that this relationship ended, that’s why with any little thing you did to impress Alex you first got the stamp of approval from Frankie; not because you needed a guy’s opinion, but because you only cared about what Frankie thought. Deep down, you were trying to impress him, not the person you were dating.
It was like you removed a pair of blue tinted sunglasses from your face and could now finally see all the vibrant colors around you. With this newfound information, you’re unsure of what exactly to do. You definitely want to tell Frankie how you feel, but it needs to be the right time. When it is, you don’t know that either.
~ ~ ~
Turns out, ‘the right time’ should always be sooner rather than later. You came to discover that once you felt your heart shatter at the image of Frankie walking through the bar doors with someone wrapped on his arm. Admittedly, if you were still dating Alex you may have been happy to see Frankie on a date, maybe just slightly jealous, but now that little, green monster of envy is tightly strapped to your back.
You decide to call it a night early. Now you feel like throwing on a pair of sweats and eating ice cream, but you won’t let yourself do that. It’s not Frankie’s fault you didn’t tell him about your feelings. You weren’t even sure he felt the same for you, so there really shouldn’t be any reason for you to be upset.
“Hey,” Frankie nods in your direction as he approaches you and his date takes a seat – your seat – at the table. “You okay?” He must have seen the look on your face change.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” you lie. “I’m actually pretty tired, I think I might head home.”
“Are you sure?” He asks.
“Yeah,” you nod and plaster the best smile on your face that you can. “You seem happy, Frankie,” you say softly. “Are you happy?”
“Yeah, I mean… Yeah,” he shrugs, looking over at his date, but the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Looks like we’re both happy now.”
“Yeah, well…” You lower your head. You were planning on telling him you and Alex broke up, but now it seems pointless. “I guess I better head out. I’ll talk to you later, Frankie.”
You leave the bar and speed walk to your car. You hate that you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around Frankie now. If it weren’t for your discovered feelings for him, you probably would have stayed at the bar and had a good time, but now seeing him with another woman, making her laugh now instead of you, makes your heart ache.
Once you get home, the emotions of it all slam into you harder than oncoming traffic, so true to your own word, you throw on your comfiest sweats and a ratty tee and grab the pint of ice cream from your freezer. A chick flick and a half later, your phone starts to vibrate and you look to see that Benny is calling you.
“What’s up, Ben?” You ask.
“Hey Peach,” he greets. “Listen, uh… We need your help.”
“What’s going on?”
“Frankie’s wasted and we’re getting worried.”
“Just cut him off and tell him it’s time to go home,” you reply with a chuckle.
“We tried, but he won’t listen to us. We were hoping you could come and try to calm him down.”
“Because he’ll listen to me, right,” you scoff.
“Please Peach, I wouldn’t have called unless I was desperate and I’m pretty fuckin’ desperate,” Benny says and you know he’s right, and that it must be pretty serious.
“Okay, alright. I’ll be there soon, just get him outside in the fresh air and give him some water.”
“Thanks Peach. See you soon.”
~ ~ ~
A quick drive later and you make it back to the bar. You changed out of your sweats into leggings to make yourself a little more presentable. When you drive up to the parking lot, you see the guys standing at the front and Frankie sitting on the bench there. Thankfully, they followed your advice and hopefully it allowed Frankie to sober up some. You park quickly and shut off the car and Benny comes around to meet you.
“Is he okay?” You ask.
“Yeah, we gave him water, but he wouldn’t stop asking for you.”
“For me?” You ask, shocked. “Where’s his date?”
“Dunno, she went home, I guess. I don’t think it worked out.”
You hum your understanding, but it still seems strange to you. He brings a date then sends her home? What changed in the time you last saw Frankie till now? You pat Benny on the shoulder and walk over to the others, nodding your hello to Will and Pope before kneeling down in front of Frankie, who’s got his head hanging and his forearms resting on his thighs.
“Frankie?” You call out and he lifts his head to look at you.
“Hey!” He exclaims happily, the goofy grin on his face enough to make you smile as well. “Hey, it’s Peach!” He slurs.
“Yeah, Fish, I’m here,” you chuckle. “I’m here to take you home and get you in bed, okay?”
“No! I don’t wanna go home,” he shakes his head vigorously and you reach out to grab his face with your hands to stop him before he throws up.
“Okay, okay,” you smile once he looks at you again. “Wanna go to my place? We can watch dumb, scary movies and I can make you a grilled cheese. I know you like those,” you try to convince, keeping your tone light and calm, as if you were talking to a child.
“Mmm…” He closes his eyes and smiles, as if he’s imagining the taste of a grilled cheese. “Fiiine, why not?” He says.
You giggle and stand up, bending over to help him up. Benny tries to step in, but you stop him and tell him it’s probably best if you do it by yourself. You walk a swaying Frankie over to your car, propping him up on the side while you open the passenger door. Once you maneuver him inside, you buckle his seatbelt for him and give him some Tylenol, followed by water, then finally a trash can.
“Here,” you say, placing the bin in his lap. “If you feel like you need to throw up while I’m driving, let me know and I’ll pull over, okay? Your water is right here in the cup holder.”
“Mmph,” he mumbles and shuts his eyes.
“You okay?”
“You broke me,” he says quietly.
It catches you off guard; what the hell does that mean? As confused as you are and want to ask for more explanation, you decide to leave it alone. No use trying to have that conversation when he’s so drunk.
“Just relax, okay? I’ll go tell the guys you said bye,” you say and he doesn’t respond, only stays still with his eyes closed and breathes deeply.
Once you say your goodbyes to Benny, Will, and Pope, wishing them a good rest of the night and safe drive home, you get back in your car and start driving off, playing some of Frankie’s favorite, gentle rock music. Luckily, you only need to stop once along the way for Frankie to expel the alcohol in his stomach. You make it home and quickly head to his side to help him out.
“Okay, here we go, we’re home now,” you say softly and gently reach to help him out of the car.
“You broke me,” he says again, definitely more clear than the last time, when you thought maybe you heard wrong, but obviously you didn’t.
“What do you mean, I ‘broke you’? You can’t break steel,” you jest in an attempt to lighten his mood.
“No,” he whines. Clearly, you weren’t catching his drift, but this wasn’t the right time to unpack any of that.
By the time you get him settled on the couch, quickly grabbing a spare pillow and blanket from your closet, he’s too tired to eat anything. So you just grab a trash can and water bottle for him to reach easily, in case he needs them, and walk back over to him, already with eyes closed, and you give him the pillow to hug and throw the blanket on top of him.
“Frankie,” you whisper and he grunts. “I’m leaving water right here and a trash can, okay? If you puke on my rug or my couch, you’re going to pay for the cleaners to get it out.”
He moans in response, letting you know it’s time to just let him rest for now. Without thinking, you lean in and place a soft kiss on his forehead. It felt like such a natural impulse to you that you didn’t even think twice about it, but before you could even apologize for it, you realize that Frankie is already out cold.
~ ~ ~
In the morning, you wake up before Frankie, not surprising, and even though you try your best to stay as quiet as possible, the little noise you do make in the kitchen is enough to wake Frankie up. He shuffles into the area slowly, rubbing his eyes momentarily before squinting in your direction. You giggle, the sight of him picture perfect, with his flushed cheeks, pouty lips, and messy curls.
“Good morning,” you say. “I was just about to make coffee and some eggs, you want some?”
“Ugh, no, thank you,” he replies gruffly, scrunching up his face to show his displeasure.
“Well, alright, but you need to eat something, I’ll make some toast to start,” you say and he sighs.
“Okay, fine,” he says sarcastically and you roll your eyes, smiling as you head to the toaster. “Thank you. Not just for the toast, but… For last night. I wasn’t horribly embarrassing, was I?” He asks while he takes a seat at your small dining table.
“No, not at all,” you smile. “You were pretty out of it. Hey, what happened to your date?”
“Oh,” Frankie groans, but it’s all that he needs to say to tell you that it didn’t work out. “She made a really crude joke and I told her it wasn’t gonna work out.”
“Wow,” you chuckle. “Right then and there?”
“Yeah, well,” he shrugs. “It just didn’t feel right in the first place. Not even sure why I brought her to the bar.”
You nod your understanding, thanking whatever maker that it didn’t work out between them, but you wonder if you should even bring up your feelings to him at all right now. There’s also the small remark he said twice to you last night that you haven’t been able to stop thinking about, but you’re not sure if you should ask.
“What’s on your mind, Peach?” He asks and you snap back to reality; obviously he knew that something was troubling you.
“Nothing, Fish,” you smile.
“Bullshit,” he laughs. “I see that look on your face. Just tell me,” he says and stands up to join you in the kitchen.
“Well…” You hesitate. Based on your reaction, instead of continuing to shrug it off, you know Frankie is expecting you to open up about something, but you hope he doesn’t get scared off.
“Alright, okay. Last night you said that I ‘broke you’. Twice,” you finally say and Frankie’s flushed cheeks turn white while his eyes go wide. “What did you mean by that?”
“U-uh… I said that?” He responds nervously. You nod slowly, waiting for him to give you an actual answer instead of just chuckling at the floor.
“Frankie,” you call out and he looks at you again.
“O-okay, fine… Peach, I don’t exactly know how to tell you this,” he pauses and takes a small step forward, enough for your heart to leap into your throat. “I… Basically, I meant it like ‘you broke me from wanting anyone else’. ’Cause I...”
“Frankie, do you… Have feelings for me?” You ask and the air surrounding you two goes still and quiet, aside from your breathing.
“Yeah. I do,” he replies softly and suddenly you feel like you’re in middle school, quickly becoming shy and giddy from hearing that your crush likes you too. “But I know you’re with Alex and I don’t wanna come between that, so if you wanna stop hanging out I totally understand, and-”
“Frankie,” you giggle, reaching out to hold his hand to stop his anxious rant. “Alex broke up with me last week.”
“Really?” He asks, failing at hiding his grin from growing. “I mean, I’m sorry – why didn’t you say anything?”
“Well, I planned on telling you last night, but then you showed up with a date. I just figured we missed our chance, but…” You look down at your joined hands, slowly rubbing his skin with your thumb and he twitches slightly.
“Wait, what do you mean? Do you…?” He points at himself, asking the silent question to which you merely nod and he exhales a shocked breath. “Wow, okay,” he chuckles.
“Yeah, it pretty much hit me when I realized I wasn’t upset when Alex broke up with me. That and you were the first person I wanted to call immediately after,” you chuckle. Frankie’s grip on your hand tightens some and you look up at him.
“Okay,” he smiles and you can see his brain processing this information at a million miles per second, so you just patiently wait for him to speak again. “So… What happens now?”
“First, I need to feed you so your hangover doesn’t kill you all day,” you say and he chuckles softly, shaking his head. “Then, I guess we’ll see where this goes, if you’d like?”
“Yeah,” he smiles, twining your fingers through his. “That sounds great.”
Tags: @the-ginger-hedge-witch @asta-lily @honeymandos @pascalpanic @aliwritesfic @mandocrasis @hnt-escape @winter-fox-queen @sarahjkl82-blog @pedrocentric @astoryisaloveaffair @amandalovess @foli-vora @lucrezia-thoughts @chasingdreamer @quica-quica-quica @mishasminion360 @wardenparker @fan-of-encouragement @javierpinme @writeforfandoms @ew-erin @you-got-me-starry-eyed @beskarboobs @andiesturgss @maryfanson @princessxkenobi @castleamc @magpie-to-the-morning @horton-hears-a-honk @radiowallet @stevie75 @honestly-shite @bison-writes @amneris21 @disgruntledspacedad @eri16 @tintinn16 @mylovelycomandante @lowlights
Frankie Morales Tags: @dobbyjen @rebel-fanfare @quietpainter @grogusmum @tenderwhat @marvelousmermaid @iwantadecentblogname
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min-arya · 4 years
Plushie | drabble
Pairing: jungkook x reader
Genre: fluff
Note: I got this idea while i was watching bts sabotaging bt21...but mostly jungkook. Idk if this is trash but idc lmao. I just wanna post something. Anyway, thanks for supporting mee!! Send in your requests so I can fill up my masterlist! I adore y'all!!
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"Baby, I'm sorryyyyyy." Jungkook whined at you as you continued to ignore him.
It was his fault though. You were just telling him that lunch was ready, but he yelled at you, saying you'll make him lose the game and that you're so clingy. And also, you're embarrassing him to his teammates.
So as a payback, you ignored him. You were scrolling mindlessly through your phone while hugging a really cute Cooky plushie. Jungkook keeps tapping your shoulder asking for affection after they have just lost the game. "Please cuddle with meee~" he whine into your ear while trying to get your weight closer to him. He was also trying to remove the plushie out of your grasp. Why? He's starting to get jealous.
You got distracted a bit by a news on your phone, something about a new make up product release by your favorite brand that's why you didn't notice Jungkook holding the plushie as if it had committed a crime.
When you finally noticed the empty spot on your chest, you moved your head towards Jungkook's direction to see him about to do his thing with plushies where he squeeze them too much that the cottons inside move to the other parts. You immediately jumped on him trying to get the plushie, "No!" you yelled. Jungkook stretched his arm, still holding the plushie away from you while trying to hold you to keep you from falling. "Hey, give it to me! Ugh, you're so immature! telling me that I'm annoying and clingy, well, looks who's about to destroy a cute plushie just because I'm igno—"
You were cut off by Jungkook's lips on yours. You tried to pull away but he tightened his grip on your waist. After a few good minutes, he pulled away. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again." He said, looking into your eyes. He lets go of the plushie so he can wrap both of his arms around you. He rolled you to his side, his head buried at the crook of your neck, whispering his apologies. His hot breath tickles your neck, as you ran your fingers through his brown locks.
You knew Jungkook always speaks before he thinks when he is stressed. So, you sighed, "It's okay. I forgive you." You kissed his head, as you continued to stroke his hair, while cuddling warmly on the bed.
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jiracheer · 2 years
Your name change scared me 😭 I thought you left this site but it's good that you didn't! Do you still take requests?
I'M SORRYYYYYY I DIDN'T THINK ANYONE WOULD NOTICE SKKGSJKNLDFNH I don't think I could ever rlly leave Tumblr, I'm emotionally attached to it 💔
U kno what tho, that's such a good question 🤔 I haven't rlly written anything in a hot second, and I've moved on from my old fandoms and have latched onto Pokemon 😅 So we'll see if I'll take requests again!
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
Someone mentioned tom holland here and let me tell you, as far as I know he is genuelly a good guy and should have more fans, that's my british crush from now on (if he did something wrong or whatever please tell me bc I don't know lmao)
Just saw that I wrote genuinely kinda wrong lmao sorryyyyyy didn't notice before
It's all good, typos are just part of life.
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