#i didn't mention it but i also just really like paimon and aether's relationship!
genshin-silliness · 3 months
I like seeing other people's takes on Lumine and Aether's personality, so here's mine-
(keep in mind that these are completely self-indulgent interpretations and not based on any canon whatsoever) (<- okay maybe that's a lie, I did somewhat base their personalities on a few pieces of birthday art, that's pretty much it though)
-I see Lumine as being slightly older than Aether, but not by much. But even so, she still acts as his older sister of sorts.
-She's super high energy and extroverted, and is typically the one to do most of the talking while they're traveling worlds. She's also an incredibly kind and compassionate person, who is overall easy to get along with.
-She would be the mc to willingly help around Teyvat because she's enjoys helping people!
-She adores her brother with all her heart (obviously) thinking he's the cutest thing in the world. ("Look at my baby brother!!" "We're the same age though..?")
-Despite her sweet and sugary girl-next-door energy, if you mess with her brother or her friends she will NOT hesitate to fuck you up. And she can be scary when in combat mode.
-She gets really uneasy whenever her brother isn't around (which isn't often since he almost always stays close to her) and starts thinking of every worst case scenario.
-I feel like most people see her as this strict and stern and girlboss, and I like that take too! I personally just see her as just a really nice girl who'll kick your ass if provoked lol.
-I also unironically think she would get along with Paimon (that and silently swoons over how adorable she can be)
-Aether is pretty much the exact opposite of Lumine lol
-He's quiet, reserved, and overall doesn't enjoy talking to people aside from his sister. This mostly stems from the fact that he some issues with trusting people.
-Typically he'll stand behind his sister as she does the talking (if anyone asks about it Lumine just goes: "oh he's just shy!")
-He's the mc who's honestly just trying to get his sister and get the hell out lol (though he always gets caught up in side quests somehow) (*cough* paimon *cough*)
-He's not much of a talker. Like at all. He only speaks if he really needs to at the moment, or if he's with someone he considers trustworthy and as a friend. And it takes a little while for someone to gain his trust like that.
-However, he's not a mean person by any means, and truly cares for those he's close to. And he wouldn't wish any sort of ill will onto anyone (unless he doesn't like them or they've tried to hurt him in the past)
-He is somewhat clingy, always staying close to his sister. Although he's antisocial, he doesn't like the feeling of being alone since he's so used to his sister being with him :(
It's also worth noting that I do see Aether as the one having to travel Teyvat to find his sister, and Lumine as the abyss sibling for three reasons:
I'm in love with abyss Lumine.
I find Aether to be more of a compelling mc than Lumine. Not because I dislike peppy characters by any means, I just find an mc with more selfish tendencies a lot more interesting. With Lumine, of course she's gonna help people, it's in her nature! With Aether however, he'll only help someone if he gets something in return that he needs, such as information on where to find his sibling. And the only other reason is because Paimon always drags him into this shit unwillingly (I do see him becoming a little more willing to help on his own terms as the story progresses).
The overarching question of why Lumine, a sweet, compassionate girl, would join the abyss. With Aether, I feel as though with his personality, you could kind of see it. But with Lumine? It's completely out of character for her! It provokes a lot of questions!! What happened to make her choose this??
As you can see, I kind of look at things through a story writing lense most of the time. Like I said, this is honestly just me being self indulgent.
I did kind of base Aether's personality on his dead expression in most chibi official art. I love him so much.
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Tickle Party | ScarAether
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A/N: Finally last commission! Thank you very much to @ticklystuff for his kind, kind support! Also thank you so much to all of you who comissioned something from me!
I hope you enjoy this very much! I apologize in advance if these baby boys are a bit ooc sfjsjsd, but I truly hope you like it!
Summary: Scaramouche meditates about his current life in the most relaxing place ever: the Serenetea Pot. What could possibly go wrong?
Words: 2.5k
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Scaramouche couldn't deny that this Serenitea Pot was perfect for meditation. It was strangely quiet and the sound of the birds was very relaxing. He always ended up falling asleep by the end of his meditation (sometimes even before finishing it), enjoying dreamless naps that made him feel revitalized and full of energy at waking up. He really liked it there.
There were also times when he didn't like it so much, though, for example when Aether invited his little friends over. More often than not, the Serenitea Pot would have a guest from Teyvat and, much to Scaramouche dismay, Aether knew a lot of people. Some of those times it was just too noisy; the chit-chatting and the sound of laughter always made him feel a bit overwhelmed and uncomfortable… however, Scaramouche had slowly learned to put up with them, he even joined in some talks when that forest ranger visited the pot, but in general, he preferred when it was only him, Aether and that little whiny fairy.  
It was still a little weird for him- living with someone else again after so long made something tighten in his chest, a bit of fear settling in his bones, an uncomfortable feeling he tried to ignore as best he could, reminding himself that he was only staying in that pot at Nahida's request since she wanted him to socialize a little more and, in her own words, 'who better to socialize with than Aether and Paimon!'.
After a few days, he couldn't deny he had also learned to like Aether and Paimon’s company, and perhaps he liked Aether's a bit too much. Scaramouche had noticed that Aether made him feel a fluttery feeling in his chest and tickles inside his stomach, a sensation that he liked to call morning sickness, since he always felt them whenever he saw Aether first thing in the morning with his bright face a bit swollen after sleeping, his cheeks flushed and warm, and his beautiful golden hair down and messy after just waking up. 
Scaramouche couldn't exactly place when exactly he had fallen for the traveler, he actually had to go through a lot of thinking trying to put a name to his feelings and when he could finally call it 'love', he just couldn't face Aether in a few days. He thought his feelings had changed like this gradually, the more he started to know Aether and cohabitate with him. Aether was like the sun: he was warm, bright and always knew how to reach out for Scaramouche, bringing light to all those dark places Scaramouche desperately tried to hide. 
Aether had always been kind to him, although a bit wary and cautious at the beginning, he never showed hostility towards Scaramouche, especially not after he was invited to live with him; and not to mention, Scaramouche had seen many beautiful people during his long time in earth, but Aether… he was simply breathtaking. 
How was it that Aether felt the same way for him was still a mystery for Scaramouche. He knew he was not the easiest person out there, and he often enjoyed picking up fights with Aether himself and Paimon. He didn't know when to shut his mouth and the poison that dripped from his words was lethal, but somehow, Aether had seen something no one had ever seen in Scaramouche's personality and that was enough to have him loving him back. 
Scaramouche thought Nahida would be very happy to know that his relationship with Aether was going better than either of them expected.
He also enjoyed the freedom of that little Pot. They let him do his thing as they did their own. Aether would casually invite him to walk around this strange space he called home, sometimes along with Paimon, some other times just the two of them. He liked to walk with just Aether the most, his warm hand intertwined with Scaramouche's felt nice and if a blush spread across his cheeks every time Aether touched him, he would act as if he didn't even notice. 
It was weird to live with someone else again, but he thought it was even weirder to be in a romantic relationship with someone. He would never admit he felt nice, being tenderly loved by Aether, but he often felt a strange urge to cry whenever they were close. Sometimes it was a little overwhelming. During those times, he enjoyed meditating. It helped him calm down and think, a bit too much sometimes, like today.
He sighed heavily and then took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of flowers from Aether's garden, he could hear him watering his plants, the smell of wet earth was comforting somehow. Paimon's voice was also audible from where he was, although it seemed more like a whisper, and when he heard Aether laugh, something in his chest jumped with excitement, unbalancing him from his pose momentarily.
Scaramouche tightly shut his eyes and tried to control his breathing again, focusing not on Aether's voice and laughter, but on the air that caressed his face, the sounds of the leaves, the faint sound of water and the chirping of birds… the chirping of birds… the chirping of- what?! 
Scaramouche opened his eyes and looked at his left shoulder; there a little, fat bird was singing as if its life depended on it. Scaramouche's eyebrow twitched and he moved his shoulder, trying to make the bird fly away, but its wings simply fluttered as it took its spot back, closer to Scaramouche's neck. 
"Go away!" He growled, his hand trying to shove the creature off, but it came right back to him, this time nuzzling against his neck. 
Scaramouche couldn't bite back a squeal as the soft feathers brushed his skin and a faint blush covered his cheeks. He tried to grab the bird, but it fluttered closer to him and Scaramouche scrunched his shoulders as its wings kept tickling him. 
"Stop! What do you want? Go away!" He knew he must look so stupid trying to fight off a stupid bird that was making him flinch and squeal as its feathers kept brushing against his neck and ear. "I'm s-serious! F-Fuhucking s-stohop!" 
Scaramouche batted at it again and the bird moved from his shoulder, but it quickly moved back to his neck, nuzzling here and there as it tried to avoid getting hit by his hands. Was this creature tickling him on purpose?! 
"Stahahap!" Scaramouche giggled, blushing as the bird used his beak to poke his cheek and behind his ear. "Whahat ahahare y-you dohohoing?! Stohohop!" More unrestrained giggles poured out of him as he tried to hide his neck from the bird, but no matter what he did, the creature would find a way to tickle his neck more. 
What was worse, the chirping was continuous and high-pitched, as if the little bird was laughing along with Scaramouche, and that made him feel even more embarrassed about this whole situation. 
"I'm seheherious! If y-you dohohon't stohohop Ihihihi'll- nohohoho!" To his dismay, yet another bird had joined the first one and now both kept pressing themselves against his sensitive neck, poking at his cheeks and ears and even his knees. 
Why was this happening?! He was well aware that birds seemed to like following him often, sitting on his hat or shoulders, but they would always leave when he batted his hand at them, neither had ever done something like this before! He really needed to keep quiet, otherwise Aether would hear and Scaramouche couldn't bear the embarrassment, but it tickled so bad! 
"Plehehease! You'll mahahake me loohohok bahahad! I'll kihihill you- ahahaha!" The more he threatened them, the more they seemed to tickle him and Scaramouche simply couldn't contain his giggles anymore. His meditation was ruined and he could only sit there on the grass giggling and squealing as he tried to cover himself from these birds' playful attack. 
 "I-I wohohon't kihihill y-you! S-Sohoho stahahap ahahalrea-"
Scaramouche gasped. It was Aether! He turned to look at the traveler and he opened his mouth to try to excuse himself, but a flutter of wings tickling his ears had him giggling brightly as his blush deepened.
"What's this?" Aether asked with a bright smile. "Birds are tickling my boyfriend to tears?"
His boyfriend!
Scaramouche wanted to disappear. This simply couldn't be happening. He shook his head, trying to hold back his giggles but a bird was sneaking under his jacket and he laughed, trying to pull it out. 
"Thehey're not! Thehey're n-not, it's juhuhust- agh! Stahahap!" 
Scaramouche couldn't see because his eyes were tightly shit as he laughed, but he would've been glad because Aether was looking at him with so much love and tenderness in his eyes, Scaramouche would definitely hide his head in the earth like an ostrich.
"I'm hurt that I was not invited to this tickle party," Aether said with a little pout on his lips, something that Scaramouche also missed out. "Mind if I join?"
Scaramouche gasped again and he quickly raised his head up to look at Aether. "N-Nohoho! Thihis is nohot a-ahaha- AHAHA! Ahahahetheher!" 
Scaramouche fell back against the soft grass, shrieking with laughter as he felt Aether's fingers gently digging into his ribs, clawing against the sensitive spot as he giggled playfully. 
Something that came with a relationship was the fact that Scaramouche couldn't hide his ticklishness from Aether. He didn't know the traveler was so touchy in the first place, if he knew, he would've been more careful around him. It happened that one day they were cuddling, breathing the same oxygen, (something Scaramouche had never done and would deny he enjoyed), bodies flush against each other. Aether's hand gently rubbing up and down Scaramouche's back had darted a bit too far towards his side and the squeal that left his mouth was enough to have Aether's fingers tickling him viciously, trying to find his weakest spots. 
"Plehehehease!” Scaramouche laughed, arching his back off the ground and trying to push Aether’s hands off him, but he simply got incapacitated whenever Aether tickled him and that day was no exception. “Stahahahap!”
Aether whined above him, his fingers vibrating against Scaramouche’s lower ribs, making him throw his head back with loud cackles. “How is it that you let birds tickle you but not me, Scara? Isn’t that just mean?”
Scaramouche shook his head, still feeling soft feathers swiping across his ears. “Thahat’s nohohot ihihit!” He cackled, shrieking embarrassingly loud when he felt Aether’s fingers moving to his hips, Scaramouche’s legs jerked upwards, one of his knees hitting Aether on the side.
Aether whined again, “you don’t let me tickle you and now you hit me? You are being way too mean today, Wanderer,” Aether said with a smirk on his lips. 
Aether stopped and Scaramouche tried to roll on his stomach to escape, but before he could even move, he felt Aether’s hands on his knees, pushing his legs down so Aether could sit over them, straddling him and starting the tickling on Scaramouche’s hips all over again. 
“You ahahahare mehehean!” Scaramouche laughed, desperately trying to push Aether’s hads off his hips. “STAHAHOHOP! I’m dyhihing!”
“Huh, you weren’t dying when the birds were tickling you, but now you are?”
That little-! The birds have already left, Scaramouche didn’t know exactly when, but he was left with this crazy tickle monster trying to tickle all that laughter out of him. He was so not used to laughing so hard, the mere sound made him want to crawl out of his skin, no matter how much Aether insisted on saying that it was the most wonderful sound he had ever heard.
That was impossible because Aether's laughter was simply the most wonderful sound ever. Scaramouche was sure of that.
“I swehehehar I’ll gehehet you bahahack!” He tried, but that only made Aether start squeezing his thighs and Scaramouche shrieked with loud laughter. “NOHOHOT THEHEHERE, plehehehease!” 
“I don’t think I will be stopping soon,” Aether said, trying to hold back a smile as he squeezed that soft muscle in Scaramouche’s thighs that had him cackling hysterically. “Why do you treat me like this? I am your boyfriend! You should treat me nicely!”
“YOU AHAHARE NAHAHAT NIHIHICE!” He laughed, raising himself in a sitting position, his hands reaching out to squeeze at Aether’s sides. He heard the traveler’s nervous giggles, but this lasted for barely two seconds before Scaramouche felt fingers wiggling under his arms. He immediately pulled his arms back, clamping them to his sides, trapping Aether’s wiggling fingers as he fell back down on his back.
“OKAHAHAY! OHOHOKAY!” Scaramouche begged, feeling Aether’s fingers wiggling and digging under his arms. He tried to squirm, but he was laughing so hard he was sure his laughter could be heard from outside the pot and the heat he was feeling across his whole face spread to his neck. 
“‘Okay, okay’? ‘Okay, okay’, you’ll be nice? ‘Okay, okay’, you’ll let me tickle you whenever I want? ‘Okay, okay’, you love me a lot?”
Scaramouche nodded weakly before throwing his head back with desperate laughter. “AHAHALL OF THEHEHEM! Plehehease!”
Aether giggled before his fingers stopped, but the traveler kept them right under the wanderer’s arms, just nestling into the warm, jumpy skin as Scaramouche giggled himself silly. 
“Plehehease, stahahap!”
“I am not doing anything, am I?” Aether teased and Scaramouche opened his teary eyes to look at him. 
Ah, Aether looked gorgeous. He was blushing too, the skin of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose sun kissed, making it look adorably pink. He was also smiling so brightly, showing Scaramouche how much fun he was having wrecking him with playful tickles. His pretty golden eyes were twinkling like actual gold, happiness and mischief filling them up. 
“You ahare a threat,” Scaramouche said, but there was no malice in his words. “Lehehet goho!” He giggled, shaking a little. 
Aether did pull his hands out from under Scaramouche’s arms, but Scaramouche held his breath when his lover leaned down, their noses almost pressing together. 
“I love you too,” he said, causing Scaramouche’s heart to jump in his chest. “Even though you don’t invite me to your tickle parties,” he pouted and Scaramouche could only whine, covering his eyes with his hands. 
“You won’t let me forget about this, right?”
Aether giggled and Scaramouche laughed when his ribs were under attack again. “Never ever! And I also won’t forget you just said I can tickle you whenever I want!”
“I dihihidn’t sahahay thahat- AHAHAHA!”
Well, it was worth it if he got to hear Aether laughing as well, after all, Aether was also painfully ticklish, and Scaramouche knew he wouldn’t mind a little revenge... that after he finished a second round of intense tickling to his most sensitive spots.
"Oh, are you meditating?" 
Scaramouche shook his head, "I just finished."
Aether smiled and he quickly sat beside him, arms gently touching and fingers shyly intertwining together. Scaramouche truly loved this. He wanted to stay like that forever, until the end of times. 
"Scara, look," Aether whispered, pointing at a couple of birds pecking around them. "Do you think… they want to tickle you?"
Scaramouche felt a heavy blush spreading across his cheeks as he turned to look at Aether with wide eyes. Aether started giggling like a kid and he quickly got up, running away from the wanderer.
"Come back here! You'll see who's going to get tickled!" 
Ah, yes, he absolutely loved this. 
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thoughts on how the Inazuma Archon quest went [4]
Lumi and Kaeya prep for their travel to Inazuma, and are waiting for Beidou's intel. They talk to their old friends in Liyue, they visit Zhongli one last time, and I always saw this as a little tense in terms of goodbyes.
I mean, Lumine just recently learned about Aether's position in the Abyss Order, and she's currently grappling with that and the thought that the Raiden Shogun might be the Unknown God (i mean, Paimon made a brief connection, i don't doubt that she's been thinking about it.) Lumine feels like the sort of person who always maintains a cheery disposition no matter what if she can help it, but Kaeya and Zhongli know. They can feel it.
My personal headcanon is that Zhongli offers them words of ease before they leave to ask Katheryne about their intel. I already have written abt this in personal stuff, but I will share any mini fics I write later on (probably will put it on AO3 eventually, but it's also optional. i just really like these idiots and am considering sharing some of the writing i've already done for them lmao).
Anyway, Kaeya and Lumi have to go to Inazuma!!! (and subsequently suffer in an electric HELL)
Thoma, upon arrival: well if it isn't the Traveler from afar and-- Thoma: Kaeya: Lumine: ? Paimon: ?? Thoma: aaaaaaaaaaanyway. proceeds to yap
the entire intro quest to Inazuma was kinda interesting since it touched on how blatantly fucked up the Ritou situation was to outlanders. Lumine also throwing shade at Zhongli's relationship with Mora made me giggle.
I also liked the part where we got to reflect on Mondstadt and Liyue by reminding that one Werner guy about the places he'd come from. I feel like Kaeya would be the one to really get into him about Mondstadt, and Lumine handles Liyue incredibly well.
Unfortunately, the intro quest to Inazuma also holds one of the things I disliked most about Inazuma; and that is the almost cruel refusal to help when Thoma inevitably asks Lumine for assistance. In the actual game, the way the responses are short and incredibly stiff made me genuinely feel... gross? Like it doesn't feel like something Lumine specifically would say (I can't vouch for Aether players, but I'm sure there have been times where the dialogue options have been off for them, too.) I don't hate the dialogue options we got, especially if people perceive her or Aether as more reluctant and unwilling—my main issue has always been that we never had the option to react ever so slightly differently; even if it was just a way to rephrase a refusal.
So, in my interpretation of Inazuma, I opted for a more hesitant reluctance when Thoma inevitably asks for Lumine's help (something that, I feel, makes FAR more sense, and falls in line with the rest of the Archon quests in Nations after).
Thoma: so... with your help... even the Vision Hunt Decree— Lumine: hold on. Lumine: ... I... didn't really offer to help with that, you know. Lumine: I'm in Inazuma to talk to the Raiden Shogun, after all... Thoma: ... Ah. Yes, of course. I'll do my best to set that up for you.
GAHHH I really should write more about Inazuma and reworking it into something I have more of an interest in. The potential of this story really haunts me, I was just so put off by the approach. I genuinely have envisioned many a discussion between Kaeya and Lumine about this reluctance—I'm of the sound mind that Kaeya's surprised by her reluctance, but at the same time they both know this is just a flimsy attempt to try and focus on meeting Raiden.
I just don't think she would deny it so quickly and coldly; it feels like she would find ways to compromise, rather than shut people down. Something I desperately wish we got, because it feels more compassionate than what we did get. (and not to mention that this is the ONLY time the Traveler shows such a vicious reluctance to helping people. Like in Sumeru, there was VERY little reluctance to help people from what I remember, and Fontaine??? FONTAINE??? Yeah.)
Like, for example, when she goes to Hiiragi Shinsuke, he quite notably points out "One other thing I heard about you is your great zeal for helping other people." It is constantly noted how the Traveler is willing to help others; even if she, herself, sees it as merely a normal and proper thing to do. AHGHH the characterization of the Traveler in Inazuma killed me guys.
Anyway, we all know that Lumine and Kaeya help out Chisato b/c ofc they would (something I feel like is brought up between her and Kaeya when discussing the reluctance to assist with the Decree), and they head off to Narukami Island.
Thoma: sorry about that other little "test" haha Lumi: riight... so, how'd we do? Thoma: I'm guessing you've always been skirting the rules from the very beginning, haven't you? Kaeya: yep. Lumi: yep. Paimon: yep.
also, again; we're learning about the selfishness of the Vision Hunt Decree, and I feel like Lumine hearing the voices of everyone's ambitions would likely be what starts her attempt to compromise. Also "a Vision symbolizes ambition, and not power" is so interesting. i'm kinda obsessed with it—also Lumine 1000% looking to Kaeya as she sort of has this realization, and her just being like "no, I have to at least compromise. I can't deny them assistance."
Ayaka: Traveler, lend us your power, and we can— Lumine: I must meet the Raiden Shogun. Lumine: that is, first and foremost, why I am here. Kaeya: ... Lumine: ... but... once that is done, I don't doubt that I could still help. Ayaka: Oh... Thoma: I told you.
THIS is how I wanted this conversation to go. A compromise; to meet the Raiden and then offer to help after. A completion of a goal and a promise to help. Because it never felt right to me that it was just so cold and harsh. Let there be compromise, plEASE. It still makes it such an interesting story, and it also shows so much more of the compassion that the Traveler has, and just makes it feel more connected when the Traveler meets and develops relationships with other characters in the game, whether NPC or Playable, canon or fanon.
Anyway, Ayaka still offers to get them to meet the Raiden Shogun, but she still has them do the three wishes thing; which completely breaks Lumine. After already showing willingness to help after, Lumine just accepts that she can't watch these people suffer—what if that was Kaeya? what if it was her brother? Show us the trepidation beginning to fade. Show us the wall cracking. Show us Lumine crumbling before she breaks, I'm begging.
I'll be continuing this later, again, dw! I do have a few other things I'm excited to touch on now that I've finally been able to put my disdain for Inazuma into words. Rereading this quest really has reminded me of how fascinating I found some of the points they brought up—like the Visions being physical representations of ambition and what life is like to lose your ambition and memory of it. It has so much potential, and I'm definitely wondering if I should write on it some...
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xiaotopia · 4 years
Longing For You
Pairing: Fem reader x Aether
Words: 10k+ I lost count
Genre: one-shot, platonic relationship, fuff, angst, slight crack if you squint
Cw // mentions of character death, blood
Hi! It's my first time writing on here and I just write what's on my mind I'm sorry if this is bad since english is not my first language ㅠㅠ I promise I will get better with my writing! Enjoy ^^
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That's what you are feeling. It's been 3 days you got stuck in this unknown land. You thought it was beautiful, it really was. But will you be ready to face what's in front of you?
You manage to survive with fruits like apples and cashews, at least that's what you thought the name was, because in your world they called it cashews. Even though it doesn't really give you enough nutritions, as long as you get to live you're okay with it. Heck there were almost nothing here. You wanted to explore the place more but there are monsters everywhere, and you- with no weapon, could only run and hide in hopes of not getting spotted by them. Will you ever survive?
Sighing, "just another day like this I guess"
you said before drifting to dreamland under a tree in a secluded area of the unknown land.
"She's still breathing"
"Paimon! What are you doing?!"
You could hear someone whispering- half screaming to be exact, at someone but you are more bothered at someone poking your arm with a stick. Groaning, you woke up and realized someone invaded your place. Ready to fight whoever that was, your actions suddenly come to a halt when you meet a pair of golden eyes and his tiny little companion. They were as shocked as you, well... I guess you are more shocked to see a floating kid beside the blonde boy.
Quickly, you hide behind a tree. Since you don't have any weapon to defend yourself what else can defend you other than a tree?
"w-who are you?! And why you can float?!"
you shrieked, the little floating kid crossed her arms and scoffed at your question. Why would she scoffed at you?
"excuse me young lady but we're the one who should ask you that!".
You just meet her now but god knows how much her high-pitched voice started to annoy you. The blonde boy beside her started to speak up before his companion could even say a word,
"I'm sorry she bothered you. I'm Aether, and this is my travel companion, Paimon. We found a group of hilichurls around here and we already fight them off before it could reach your campsite. May we know what is your name?" he asks as his pair golden orbs stares straight into you.
"Uh.. My name is y/n..."
He smiles, assuring you that they're safe and can be trusted, you slowly got out behind the tree when he stretches out his hand for a handshake. You grab his hand, reciprocating his action. "it's nice to meet you y/n".
"Aether c'mon please?"
"ugh fine"
It's been a month you had stayed in Monstadt, The Land of Freedom, and a month since your encounter with Aether and Paimon. She still annoys you though, but you're really grateful that she can keep the conversation going because it always turns awkward whenever you tried to initiate a conversation with people. You learned that Aether didn't come from this world too, separated from his sister by the unknown god and now is looking for her in Teyvat. Hopefully, you can go back home too.
You missed your family of course but you're also happy that there are people who willing to take care of you, especially Barbara. She treated you like her own sister, beside Jean. You learned everything here from Lisa and learned how to fight from the cavalry captain Knights of the Favonious, Kaeya. And Diluc? He's hot, but cold as ice at the same time and you went to the Tavern once, only to see him talking to a bard named Venti, about how the bard needs to stop drinking all of his dandelion wine before he runs out of it because of him.
Now, Aether is in front of you as you manage to persuade him to bring you to one of his adventures. He never let you tag along because he told you it's dangerous outside. Both of you are no vision holders, but he has the power of Anemo. It's still a mystery to you but he's an outlander so it would probably make sense why he can have such powers even without a vision blessed by the Archons.
"But! You only have to fight the hilichurls only while I take down those mitachurls, got it?" he says. Nodding your head aggressively, you started your journey with him as an adventurer.
"Let's go to Liyue!" Paimon says excitedly.
"That was close, thank you y/n"
Aether pants heavily, letting out a sigh of relief as you kick off the last hilichurl with your sword. Turning around to face him, you tell him it's nothing.
You three bumped into a hilichurl camp in the middle of the road of Bishui Plans. Unfortunately, those group of monsters noticed you before you three could even hide.
You were about to follow Paimon but Aether called you, you look at him as his face expressed shocked. You asked him what's wrong only him to point at your hips. You were confused so you look down where he's pointing at. Well now you're equally as shocked as him, if not because of the shining crystal blue orb hanging on your belt.
"What... I-I swear it wasn't there before?"
You whispered, questioning yourself because how did it get there? How did you even got a vision? What did you do? You know it's a vision because Lisa has taught you at the library back in Mondstadt. How? That was all in your mind.
You hear Paimon gasped, putting her hands on her mouth, "you got a vision! Let me see!". She flew to look at your vision before touching it to get a better look. "You got a cryo vision!" she exclaimed.
"Cryo? You mean I get the power of ice?" You question her. She nodded her, "Yes! Now you can help Aether to fight enemies!". Looking down at your feet, sighing. Aether asked you what's wrong and you simply said you don't know how to fight. Like actually fighting enemies with your own power, how to use it and how to handle it. What if you unintentionally hurt people around you? Aether chuckled at your response. You look up at him, tilting your head in confusion.
"Don't worry, I'll teach you"
"I wish kaeya was here"
"You don't like it when I teach you?!"
Chuckling at your friend, you said it's not that you don't like it when he teaches you. It's because "it would be easier if a cryo vision holder teaches me how to control the element", you says.
He let out a puff, while you were stroking Paimon's hair on your lap. She snores softly and you swear you could hear her mumbling sticky honey roast in her sleep. Giggling at her, you wonder how can she be cute and annoying at the same time. It's unfair you think. You turned your head to look at Aether and he was zoned out, as always.
"Mind telling me what's in your mind?"
You picked up his habits quite quickly, since you both attached to the hips all the time. You would notice he always does this when he's deep in thought. The same goes for him. You both can read each other like an open book.
He looks at you, smiling. Shaking his head and tells you he always thinks the same, about his sister. You smiled back at him, you assured him that you will meet her soon. And now, you both enjoy the calm breeze as you both watched the sun set over the blue horizon at the nearby cliff in Liyue.
"S-sticky honey roast... "
That's how you feel right now.
This guy just keeps pestering you for 20 minutes now. You got separated with Aether as he got something to do with Zhongli, the Wangsheng Parlor Funeral Consultant. Aether wanted to let Paimon stay with you but you said you're fine on your own and you would enjoy alone time in the time being while waiting for them.
But you didn't expect this.
"Can you stop following me now?"
"Why would I?"
Rolling your eyes, you bump into his shoulder, or Childe as he call himself.
"Oh don't be like that girlie-" " I have a name shut up" you sigh for the nth time. You need to avoid this man, because he's one of the Fatui, you don't want to involve yourself and Aether with them. That's why you've been running and avoiding him at all cost.
"Well you never tell me your name girlie-"
"It's y/n okay? Now go you're getting on my nerve..."
you mumbled the last sentence. He only chuckles at your reaction as he enjoys it. You were buying some street food from the food stall and before you could give your mora to the seller, someone beats you to pay for the food. You were not complaining though, you didn't thank him either.
"Okay then but can I ask you one last question, y/n?" he smiles widely while you only look at him, chewing your spicy fish cake, unamused. His question however, almost send you to you death as you were choking on your food.
"W-what did you say?!" "I want to get to know about you"
Aether is not going to like this...
As expected, he was mad. No, he was furious.
"Why did you talk to him?!"
"I tried not to talk to him Aether, he kept following me when I tried to avoid him! To the point he creeps me out..."
Aether sighs, rubbing his forehead as Paimon watched you two arguing. Was this the only time Paimon shuts her mouth? Excluding the time she's asleep. She knows when to silent herself because this time, Aether is different in Paimon's eyes.
"So.. Did you agree?" he questioned, not giving you a glance. You shake your head, "No, of course I didn't. He's dangerous and he could hurt us if he has the opportunity..." Which is true. Childe is a harbinger, and you, just a mortal from another world who just got dumped to Teyvat out of nowhere.
Aether engulfs you in a hug, which surprised you. You could feel your cheeks burning from the physical contact. His arm wraps around your shoulder while the other strokes your hair, calming you.
"I won't let that happen to you, Paimon and me. I won't let him hurt us, I will promise you that I will protect you both from any danger. I don't want to lose another friend..." he says and the last sentence sounds more like a whisper to you but you understand him.
You also promised to yourself that you will protect paimon and him. Because you love them.
"Well traveller, you're quite stronger than I thought"
"Stay away from him!"
You yelled at the harbinger, keeping yourself from falling as you struggled to stand up. Paimon tried her best to keep Aether awake while you were guarding them, ready to attack him anytime.
Childe let out a loud laugh, as if he was mocking you and your companion. Shaking his head, he came closer to you.
"You know what, you're lucky that you didn't fall for my tricks" he chuckles. You were getting antsy everytime he take a step closer to you, "no one is fool enough to fall for a harbinger, Tartaglia" you sneered.
He was about to attack you with his hydro sword but you managed to dodged it with your power and turning it into an ice. You both fight for a while and fortunately, Aether came to help you.
After hours of fighting, that's what you think, you feel drained out. Slumping on the floor, you take a glance at Aether he was panting hard, Paimon at his side to support him. And Childe, he looks better than both you and Aether combined but he's still in a good shape.
As you were trying to stand up, you saw a glimpse of a woman at the corner of your eye. You widen your eyes and tried to push Aether away as you saw the woman was about to attack him with her sharp ice.
You made a wall of ice to protect Aether and Paimon from her attacks. However, you didn't do it for you. You didn't protect yourself and got hit by the ice. The ice wall from you melts, so does Aether's world when he saw you, bleeding from your own element.
Childe was as shocked too, he thought you were a genuine person, he really do. Is this what it feels when you know someone personally got hurt? He can't imagine what Aether feels now.
You fell, you felt dizzy as you hit your head on the solid ground.
"Y/n!" Aether and Paimon yelled your name, but why do they sound like they're miles away?
"Y/n! Keep your eyes open! Don't you very dare to close your eyes!" Your friend screamed. Paimon is holding your hand while sobbing on you. "Y/n you can't leave us! Paimon still want to have fun with you!"
All you can do is cry. You don't want to leave them. You still haven't find your way back home, you can't. But you were losing so much blood and all you could do is remembering your moments with your friends.
Aether and Paimon.
Aether holds you on his lap, you could feel his tears falling on your cheek. He cups your cheek as he stares into your (e/c) orbs. To him, it resembles the stars on the night sky. He wish he could look at them like this before.
Not when you're dying.
He put his forehead on yours as he keeps repeating "please don't leave" to you. You promised him that you will protect him, but not stay with him. Did you regret it? Yes. You wish you could stay but you knew at the end, both of you will leave eventually.
But you didn't expect that you would leave them like this.
With all your might, you hover your hand over his that was on your cheek, rubbing it softly. "Promise me, we will meet someday, wether it be in our next life or in different universe, promise me we will meet again" you said, voice getting hoarse and staring to his golden eyes. You want to remember his eyes, his nose, his lips, his everything.
"Paimon doesn't want you to leave!" your little friend cried, you let out a loud sob as you pull her to your chest, soaking your bloody shirt with her tears. You three tried to cherish your last moment together, even though it was a tragic one, like now.
Aether tighten his hold on you, Paimon cries harder when she saw the colour of your vision starting to fade, knowing you couldn't make it.
"Paimon loves you, y/n", all you can do is cry, before your last breathe you hear Aether says "I promise you, we will meet again.. I love you"
Your vision faded, you fall into a deep sleep and everything turns dark.
"She's awake!"
"Call the doctor!"
You slowly opened your eyes, the bright light hurting your eyes, still adjusting to the surrounding. You could feel your tears were falling. Why did you cry? Then it hit you.
You were in the hospital.
You remember what happened, was that all just a dream? It feels real, way too real for your liking.
"Thank god, you're finally awake!" your mom sobs. Wait, your mom is here? You're finally back? You were supposed to be happy but why did you feel sad?
"H-how long did I... Sleep?" you asked, voice raspy as your throat lacks of hydration. Your mom gave you a glass of water and you gladly drink it, your throat still hurt.
"2 months now, you got hit by a car and the guy felt bad. He even insisted to pay for your bills", your mom says as she hold your hand. It's been a few minutes but you missed them. Aether and your little friend Paimon.
"Oh.." that's all you can say. You really don't know what to respond. You were happy that you're finally awake but you also missed people you met in Teyvat. Are they real or just your imagination?
"I forgot to tell you, the person who pays for your hospital bill will visit you. He always visits you when me and your dad is busy with work", you nodded your head, didn't have the energy to reply your mom back.
Suddenly, the door opens, revealing a tall man. You face him, only to widen your eyes as you were shocked to see the person in your dream.
It's been a month since you got discharged from the hospital and been recovering well. You still struggle to walk on your own though, but nothing serious. Ever since you met childe, you both got along very well, not like the one in your dream.
"So... What I dreamed of during my coma was real?" You asked him, walking through the flowery path as the cherry blossom falls on the ground beside him arms clinging to his.
"Yeah. In fact, I'm still the same Childe in your dream!"
"Yeah as you wish. The only same thing is you keep paying things for me.. And being annoying"
You remarked. He only laughs and told you the reason why he keeps doing that is that it's the only kind action he could do, even now. But in reality, he felt guilty. He
"By the way, I want you to meet an old friend of mine. You won't mind right?"
"What's the point of asking me if you're going to introduce your friend to me now?"
"Geez woman, you're still the same"
you could only laugh at him. To you, he's a good friend but no one could replace Aether. If you met Childe, there's a possibility of you to meet Aether and Paimon right?
"Oi blondie! We're here!" Childe yelled, getting you out from your deep thoughts. You look up only to meet a pair of golden eyes that you've missed so much.
It feels like the time has stopped. He walked towards you and slowly, engulfed you in a hug. You were stunned, you meet him. You both found each other. You hugged him back, tightly. You let out tears of joy, he was relieved he found you that he also cried.
"You didn't forget me don't you?" You hear a feminine voice behind Aether, only to find Paimon crossing her arms, just like when you meet her for the first time. But what amazes you that she's in a different form. She looks... Like you. A woman.
Your eyes got teary again and went straight to her, giving her a big hug which she reciprocated. "I miss you so much Paimon" you burried your head into her neck. Paimon was happy she could meet her.
Childe and Aether could only look both of you with adoration. Aether cleared his throat, without looking at the man beside him, eyes still on you. "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't find her"
The red haired man could only smile, "it's no problem. I couldn't face anyone after what happened in Teyvat. Think of this as my way to apologize". Aether couldn't answer, he only nodded his head to let him know he's listening.
You went to him only get a hug from you. You missed him so much. And you noticed Aether doesn't have his long braided hair anymore, which saddens you because you always play and braid his hair.
"I noticed that you finally got rid of your annoyingly long hair", you teased him. You hear him chuckled as he tightened his grip around you. "Can't let the annoyingly long hair distract people sweetie. People found it weird here"
"But I like it though..." you blushed at the pet name he gave you. You both just couldn't let go of each other now. He strokes your hair, enjoying each others presence. "I'm so glad that I found you", "me too, I'm glad you're here".
The other two friend only watched you two reunited again, hugging each other and won't let each other go because you missed each other so much that you both are afraid one of you vanished anytime. But it's real.
"Childe can we get some sticky honey roast?"
"Good grief, paimon.."
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