#i didn't even have to do that yet. the fucking access key to my new save. i was just trouble shooting
moe-broey · 4 months
Ohhhhhh I fucked up big time. Ohhhhhh I might not fucking recover. Oh man. Oh that fucking hurts really fucking bad.
I didn't realize. When you set an access key it's console-specific. So when I turned on mine for my new save. It overwrote my prev file save I deleted. My pug miis are gone. I should have redownloaded everyone before fucking around..... fuuuuckk man
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daydreaming-nerd · 6 months
OMG I need pregnant reader x bat boys
That first one was so good thank you for that!! 🩷🩷
Pregnant Reader x Bat Boys (drabble)
This is part 2 to You Want A Baby?
AN: Ahh this was so highly requested I'm sorry it took so long. Also i've never really done a drabble and this is defiantly too long but I wanted to feed y'all as best I could.
Warnings: Pregnancy (duh), child birth, talks of sex?, not proof read (sry after writing Young Love Old Money 5 last night my hands hurt)
Of course your mates got you pregnant on the first try. They were the three most powerful males in the Night Court.
The day you found out was like any other, you were quietly reading while Cassian and Azriel were in Windhaven and Rhys was busy doing paperwork.
The sickness had been building all day and at finally come to it's precipice.
After about an hour of throwing up you went to see Madja who confirmed you were indeed pregnant.
You wanted to run home and tell Rhys right away but it didn't seem fair to your other two mates
So you warded yourself to keep your scent hidden and waited till Azriel and Cassian got home.
You sat on the edge of the bed the waiting for the boys to come to bed, clad in nothing but my black silk nightgown (this one was a present from Rhys)
The boys stalked in and the picture of me sitting innocently on our shared bed had them taking their shirts off.
It wasn't uncommon for you all to release built up tension after a long hard day, especially when the boys had to deal with Devlon.
"Wait there's something I wanna show you first," you smile standing up.
"Something you want to show us?" Rhys laughed knowing that when it came to the bedroom it was often the other way around.
You couldn't keep from smirking as you let the ward around me drop, my scent filling the room.
They inhaled long and slow before their eyes snapped open.
"You're?" Azriel asked.
"Pregnant," you smile watching as a million emotions float across their faces.
A beat of silence passes and then...
"WOOO HOOO!" Cassian roared. "We did it brothers!" he boasted clapping each of them on the back.
All of them came over to me to give me sniff, as if your new scent was addicting. You had to crane your neck up to meet all their happy faces.
"How far along are you?" Rhys asked caressing my face.
"Not very, only 6 weeks," you. smile feeling their warm hands roam my body.
"Well you certainly smell good," Azriel smiles burying his nose in my hair.
"Really?" you ask.
"YES," they all said in unison.
Cassian's hands find the hem of the night gown and start to lift it up peering underneath curiously.
"Cassain if you even think about putting your dick anywhere near her right now I will fucking kill you," Rhys growls.
"I'm not I'm trying to see if she's showing yet," Cassian said, eyes squinting.
"Cass it's too early for her to be showing," Azriel laughed at his brothers antics.
"Well she defiantly is, take a look." Cassian smiled pulling me flush to him and lifting my nightgown more so his brothers could see.
Rhys and Azriel squinted their eyes, clearly trying to see what wasn't there as Cass slid a hand over my belly.
"Cassian darling I think that's just my dinner," you laugh.
"speaking of dinner did you eat enough?" Rhys asked.
and so it began.
Ever since the boys had found out all chaos had erupted.
At first they wanted you to stay in the townhouse at all times. Literally locking you up and throwing away the key
That idea took you a long time to talk them out of but eventually you did.
Then came Rhys arguing that you needed at least 5 wards. Which Cassian and Azriel objected to as they wanted full access to you AND the baby.
Evetually you all settled on one ward. Strong enough to keep threats at bay, but weak enough so Cass and Az could touch you and your bump whenever they liked.
Speaking of bump, Cassian was determined to do a bump update everyday.
The man was DYING to see you with a bump.
"You think the baby will have wings?" you asked innocently while we all laid in bed.
Every night it was a fight for who got to sleep next to you as you unfortunately had an odd number of mates.
"Of course it'll have wings, look at it's fathers," Azriel smirked rubbing a hand over your belly.
"I don't know I wasn't in my Illyrian form when it was conceived," Rhysand states, his words reverberation through me from where my head was perched on his chest.
"Pfft please, I already told you it's mine," Cassian boasted from behind Rhys, clearly being an instigator since he wasn't getting to sleep next to me tonight.
"Cassian," Azriel warns.
"I know , I know. We don't care who got her knocked up just so long as she IS knocked up," Cassian smirks.
"Okay but what if the baby doesn't have wings?" I ask once more.
"Then we'll fuck another one into you until you have one that does," Rhys smiled pressing a kiss to my brow
"Oh we're putting another one in her either way. I want a whole litter of children." Cassian divuldged.
"You want that princess?" Azriel asked rubbing lazy circles over my barley there bump.
"Yeah I think I do." I smile.
The boys were territorial when you were barley showing, but the second the numerous dresses Rhys bought you couldn't cover the bump that's when things got scary.
The shadows. The fucking shadows
They were fucking everywhere.
Azriel had been freaking out ever since your guys walk the other day.
You had been taking in the fresh air of spring when a unknowing passerby slammed into you nearly knocking you over.
"WATCH IT!" Azriel screamed in his face his grip on the mans shirt like a vice.
The poor shopkeeper just about wet himself before running off.
"Now was that really necessary?" you asked, crumbs falling out of your mouth from the 3rd chocolate croissant you had eaten that day.
"He nearly knocked down my pregnant mate, he's lucky I let him off with a warning," Azriel murmured clearly still pissed.
"You Illyrian babies," I roll my eyes finsishing off the croissant.
Azriel just sighed and dug his hand into the paper sack to pull out my 4th pastry.
Ever since then his shadows seemed to follow you everywhere.
If you dropped something? The shadows would pick it up.
If you had troubles walking? there was always a dark mass helping you to the bathroom for the 10th time that day.
Every time the baby kicked? The shadows swirled around you to make sure you were okay.
And boy did that baby kick...
Cassian was the first to feel it.
It was a rainy night at home, Cassian was sleeping next to your belly whispering sweet nothings to it when it happened. He nearly jumped out of his skin, and you nearly did too from the pain.
"Ahh!" you hissed in pain.
"Darling what is it? Are you hurt?" Rhys fussed, leaving his desk to be there in an instant.
"What did you do?" Azriel growled at Cassian who was still staring wide eyed at your bump.
"I'm fine he didn't do anything. The baby is just kicking." I grit out feeling another thump.
I blindly reach out and grab one of my mates hands and press it to my stomach.
I watched as the scarred hand flinched at the kick.
"Oh my god I can feel it," Azriel beamed, his eyes glassing over.
"Move I want to feel," Rhys ordered
Azriel was too hypotized to care.
"I am your High Lord, move" Rhys ordered once more and I swear the room shook.
"I'm getting kinda tired of that phrase too aren't you Cass?" Azriel rolled his eyes.
"Yeah she's our mate too," cassian grumbled.
They spent the night taking turns getting to feel the baby which became a nightly occurrence.
Out of all your mates Rhys was the most doting. He had an entire wing built onto the townhouse for the baby.
He even used his magic to enchant the ceiling of the nursery to look like the night sky so it would be starfall in there every night.
Rhys didn't like to admit it, but he loved baby shopping with you.
"Oh Rhys look at this one can we get it?" you smile holding up a little onesie.
"Yes darling of course," he chuckled in amusement, he had probably heard that phrase a million times.
Your eyes scanned the shop of onesies and cribs, you already nearly everything in the store. But the shop owner always made sure to let you know when there was a new shipment as she knew Rhys would buy his pregnant mate just about anything she asked for.
"Oh my god Rhys please the baby is going to need this," I shout holding up the bat plushy. "Please, please, please, pleaseeeee"
Rhys laughs walking over to me to take my hands in his.
"Darling how many times do I have to tell you? You can have whatever you want." he smiles placing a hand on my bump and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
Fae labor was no joke, there wasn't a single aspect that didn't hurt like hell.
Rhys didn't send Cassian or Azriel away on any missions in the weeks leading up to your due date so they could be there.
Your water broke when you were standing in the kitchen reaching for a glass on the top shelf.
The scream you let out is enough to have Cassian running in from the other room.
"What is it princess? Are you okay?" He asked kneeling down to where I sat on the floor.
"The baby is coming," I winced through the pain, taking Cassian's hand in mine and squeezing with all my might.
That was the good thing about having big, strong Illyrian's as mates. They were fucking durable.
"oh shit," Cassain murmered his eyes searching for some kind of answer of what to do. "RHYS! AZRIEL! THE BABY IS COMING!"
My other two mates winnowed there are lighting speed from where ever they were in the house.
It wasn't long until Rhys had me in his arms winnowing us all to Madja.
"Help her please," he pleaded, my cries of pain clearly affecting him.
Madja had Rhys bring me into the birthing suite and lay me down. I could see the worry on all my mates eyes as they watched me write in pain, sweat grazing my brow.
"How can we help?" Azriel pleaded.
"You can't, you must leave us to work," she said referring to the other healers already pressing cold towels to my face.
"Over my dead body do I leave her side right now," Cassian grumbled.
"Do you want her to die? You'll only be in the way general. Use your head." she argued ushering them out and locking the doors.
The hours in between the closing of the doors and finally giving birth were brutal, not only for yo but for your mates.
They sat outside the door and listened to your screams the entire time.
Azriel nearly ripped his hair out from the sounds of them.
They nearly jumped to their feet at the sound of a baby crying from inside.
But then they heard you a screaming again.
Any happiness died out.
After a few minutes they heard the baby crying again and your screams stopped.
15 minutes later Madja came out holding not one but two small bundles in her arms.
"congratulations, you are the proud fathers of two healthy baby boys," she beamed.
Rhys and Cassian took the twin boys in their arms, as Azriel was too scared to touch them at first.
"They have wings," Cassian beamed running his hand over the tiny wings.
"Is she?" Rhys asked Madja.
"The mother is perfectly healthy. She needs to nurse the babies, but she insisted that I bring them to you first." Madja smiled.
"can we see her?" Azriel asked.
"Of course you can," Madja said.
The boys carried the twin babies in to see you once more.
You reached out your hands for the one in Rhys arms, the oldest, by a few minutes. He gave him to you and thankfully he latched right away.
"You did so well mate," Azriel said placing a kiss on your forehead.
"How did you boys manage to put twins in me on the first try?" You rasped out, voice still horse.
"If you recall it was no small feat," Cassain smiled.
After feeding them both you slept soundly.
While Cassain and Rhys might've been the first to hold your sons, Azriel was the first one to fall asleep with them. One in each arm.
Taglist: @crystalferret202, @nickishadow139, @eerievixen, @why4anne, @loglady00, @heartless-tate, @callsigns-haze, @fxckmiup, @highladyivy, @highladyivy
Permanent taglist: @fides25
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abbythewritor · 1 year
"Specimen." Connor x Venom reader.
Tumblr media
Description: Y/n, a girl who's been alone her whole life, decides to change when an alien from the sky corrupts her body. Learning to cope with the symbiote named Venom, the two figure out a way to help put an end to disgusting humans who pick on the weak. But what happens when a certain Android detective is on her tail as if he was attracted to her all this time?
Warnings: Drama, blood, violence, stuff from the game, you know, the usual from Detroit become human.
Other things:
-I do not own Detroit Become Human; they belong to the owners and creators of the game.
-We will be following both Markus and Connors's side because the reader is with the deviants, while Connor, you know, does his cop duties, lol.
-Y/n is a human girl who is then corrupted by Venom; if you don't know who Venom is, then I recommend watching the movie about him, then that will sum it up for you.
-I really hope you like my second book, and I'm excited to share this all with you, so without further do, enjoy the prologue of my new book. :)
"How long has it been? You know....since the incident....?"
'Five years.....why?'
"No reason...I think it's funny...."
'Funny? Funny how? You were in a living hell, and you're telling me that situation is funny? You're truly are fucking weird brat...'
"Heh. Guess I am...five years ago today, I finally got my drunk ass dad to jail, and guess where that got me? Living in an abandoned house, now looking at a murder scene of a Mexican guy, where his robot is hiding in an addict....now looking back, this like I have right now is no fucking Island dream; it's paradise, am I right?"
'If this hell hole is your definition of paradise, I don't know what your vacation will be like. Do you dream about Mexicans being murdered every night? Because that's a weird kink to have.'
Your eyes rolled. "Yeah, of course I do; the blood of Mexicans aroused my blood." Venom popped out of your back. "Really?! Hah! Who knew-OUCH!" Throwing a sandwich at his head, you glared at him. "Do you really think that this was my kink?! You are truly disgusting." He let out a low growl before putting the whole sandwich, with the wrapper in his mouth, having no effect on eating something not edible. 'Can you blame me? You watch crime documentaries and celebrate when a murderer or a rapist is sentenced to death; I can't tell the difference between your fantasies or your interest, so I fucking apologize.'
Sighing, your elbows leaned more onto the railing. Eyes looked down to a house, which police cars surrounded. This house holds a special event with codes and keys of importance to Jerhico. North Sent you and Venom since if things could go south, you can grab the deviant with ease, preventing the police from being able to access the information.
You and your slimy friend have been on the rooftop for hours, getting nothing from the enemy but standing and complaining about the gruesome smell. With Venom eating all the sandwiches, snacks, and fuel you brought for this mission, it didn't take even ten minutes before another car pulled up to the crime scene, a rather old, yet grumpy man coming out of it.
Intrigued, your eyes followed him, watching the fat officer shake the man's head.
"Venom, let's listen in on those two.' "Copy, but don't blame me when they're talking dirty to each other. You can't get that shit out of your brain for a while." Confused, you didn't think of Venom's comment as he went back inside you, giving you hearing a 100% upgrade.
"Ah, for fuck sake, I thought I told you to stay in the car!" Confused, you looked around, your eyes soon landing on someone unfamiliar.
Eyes widened, you noticed an LED on the male, notifying you that it was an android. 'Why the fuck is the tin can working with the police?' sighing, your eyes stared at the android, looking around his body for any clues. You noticed his suit had writing on it, the letters reading RK 800 and cyber life. You weren't surprised that the police would hire an android, which makes them not as stupid as you realise.
"It's not a devient...this mission is going to be a lot harder with him on their side..."
"Yes, but we do know where the stray is...if we can get to him now, then we can just grab the fucker and flee back to jerhico, simple as that."
"It's not that simple."
"And why is that brat?"
"This android they hired is the best of the best, able to sense, see, and hear any human, robot, and android hundreds and maybe thousands of yards around him. He's able to track down evidence, previous situations, and many devients in just under ten minutes. If we try and get the devient out, he will know we are there, and this whole operation is blown."
"Well, I guess our time limit is ten minutes then, do you fucking know who I am? I was able to make us as silent as a mouse when it was just us breaking into Jericho, this will be a piece of cake." Sighing, you threw your empty burger wrapper behind you while hopping back to your feet. Stretching a bit, you continued to eye the crime scene below, watching as the three went inside the house, the android stopping momentarily.
"Tin can, oi! What are you standing there for?!" The android sensed something wrong as his head looked around the area. Seeing almost no one, his sensors were acting weirdly, as his eyes looked to the building you were standing on.
Venom, who quickly pulled up your cloak, covered yourself as he looked straight at you, the long black cloth blowing with the rainy-mixed win.
Smirking, you were fond of the looks of this robot, as he was not like any moddle you ever seen.
His hair was a dark brown, slicked back as the rain didn't mess it up, his skin a medium pale as beautiful, yet perfect dotted freckles painted his face.
The suit he wore from cyber life hugged ever inch of his body, his jacket blowing with the wind as well, his brown eyes digging into your mysterious soul. "Earth to fucking Connor!" Not getting anything when he scanned you, he turned to Hank and the officer, who were looking at him confusingly. "The hell is wrong with you? Looks like you saw a ghost or something.." Shaking his thoughts, Connor took a deep breath. "Apologize lieutenant, the air just suddenly changed. But, to add to your comment, Ghost's do not exist, I was just simply scanning the area." Weirded out by him more, Hank let out a scoff before turning. "Fucking androids...just...don't do anything stupid alright, we don't want the crime scene to be messed up-AH CHRIST THIS FUCKING STINKS!" A large, uncomfortable scent aroused throughout the house, multiple scents hitting the human's noses as both of them cringed with disgust. "We gotta call from the landlord around eight to tell it that the victim hadn't paid his rent back for a few months. So I thought he'd drop by to see what's going on. This smell, to be honest was worse before we opened the windows. So, have at it you two, the victim's name is Carlos Ortiz, who has a record of theft and assault."
Hank looked down at the victim, with great disgust as blood ran down the humans mouth. Multiple stab wounds were onto the mans stomach, leaving indents from his shirt. Connor, started investigating behind the two, as the old man's eyes glared to the officer slightly. "Did the neighbors hear anything or say anything about him?" The officer sighed. "According to them, he was kind of a loner. Stayed inside most of the time, and they hardly ever saw him.." Hank bended down to his level "Well, the state he's in Wentworth calling everybody out in the middle of the night. He coulda waited till morning. How long do ya think he's been here?" The officer shrugged. "Probably for a good three or four weeks. We'll know more when the coroner gets here. There's a kitchen knife over here, probably the murder weapon." Hank took something from the officers hands, Connor distracted which gave you a chance to get closer to the house.
Making sure the officers around the house didn't see you, you leaped crossed buildings, the trees to the victims yard as your silhouette shined in the clouded moonlight behind, your cloak still attached to your head.
Landing simply on the roof, your feet was light, so no loud thumping was heard at all.There was a hole in the middle of the roof, you walking simply closer to it as you were able to see the android, hank, and the whole investigation easily.
Kneeling down, you were making sure to be careful, as you just listened in to the convo that is going on right now. "Any signs of a break in?" Asked Hank. "Nope. The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside. All of the windows were boarded up. The killer must have gotten out the back way." 'You know, for humans without superpowers, their pretty stupid.' Nodding, you sighed. "Agreed, but, I wouldn't know the deviant was still here if I didn't have you...let's see if they can figure it out first, don't want to be unfair to them hmm?" 'Right, but we both know the Rk 800 is going to figure it out, right? He's a police android for fuck sake.' "Yeah, but, let's just hope he takes a bit of time going through the crime scene, I always wanted to watch one in real life, it just gets me excited." "Your fucking weird, you know that?" Chuckling, you adjusted your position, while now fully sitting onto the roof. "Guilty as charged." Looking more to the operation below, you saw the man, who seemed to be named Hank, holding the light up more to carlos, Connor, or the android, still was looking around, Piecing the evidence and everything together. "What do we know about his android?" "Not much, the neighbors confirmed he had one but it wasn't here when we arrived....I-I gotta get some air." As the officer left, you weren't surprised with how weak his nose was, as the smell of dead, rotting bodies was pretty brutal. Looking around some more, your eyes landed on the Wall, which had a writing of 'I AM ALIVE' written on it. Getting out a pad of paper, you scribbled it down, then writing a note that the android turned deviant, probably from the attacker. Looking up from the pad of paper, your eyes landed on the android, who looked at some red ice, then made his way to the murder weapon. Kneeling down to it, his fingers touched the blood, soon putting it to his mouth. Cringing from the sight, you had to look away before Venom popped out. 'The hell is he doing?! That's fucking disgusting! Even I won't eat 4 weeks old of blood!'
"Oi! What the fuck are ya doin'? That's fucking disgusting!" Hank told him, as Connor simply turned to the man. "I'm sorry, I'm analyzing the blood, I can check samples in real time. I should have warned you." Turning back to him, you were impressed with his response, as you wanted to Jot that down under this robots abilties. You could sense Hank was still disgusted, but slightly impressed as well as he began to back away. "Well-alright, but put no more fucking evidence in your mouth got it?" Connor nodded. "Got it." Hank scoffed. "Fucking hell, I can't believe this shit." As Hank walked away, connor continued to look around, from the living room, to the kitchen, to the hallway, he even looked out the back, trying to see if the devient walked out the back.
But to his surprise, he found no Foot prints at all, notifying he's still in the house.
'Three minutes left, we need to get to the robot. Now. ' Nodding, you quickly got up, trying your best to be quiet as Venom told you the way, you ending up in the attic just a couple steps away.
The room was full of manikins and other storage stuff, you of course seeing the devient hiding behind boxes, while of course holding a metal pipe into his hands.
Sighing, you hopped off the roof, landing in the attic with a slight thud, which alerted the deviant.
Scooting back instantly, his eyes widened when he met you, who was just standing their. "W-Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" Eyebrows furrowing, you could sense he was truly scared, and traumatized as dents, blue blood, and human blood were attached all over his body. He looked like hell, as the pipe that was in his hands shook with his body. Taking a step, you began to head towards him, in a calm yet caring manner. "Do not be afraid, I am not her to hurt you. I understand what you've been through, you were abused, correct?" Eyes widened with surprise, he held the pipe towards you, scooting back as you got closer. "H-How d-did you know t-that-" "I know all things-we know a lot of things. Carol Ortiz, hit you with the bat, almost ended your life as you just wanted to be free, wanted to be a better version of yourself. I know all the bad things he said to you, the brutal things he has done to you, you were only just trying to defend yourself." The deviants breath's became shakier, as you sensed more fear coming from him. "H-He was going to kill me...I-I d-didn't know what else to do-for the first time that night, I truly felt like myself, free, I couldn't let him do anything else to me..I-I didn't mean to kill him-" Smiling gently, you kneeled more to him, grasping the robots hands into yours. "I know..that's exactly why I'm here, to take you to a safer place." His eyes widened. "W-What do you mean by that? What could be safer, the humans hate me, how are you so willing to help?" "Because I know what your going through, androids and all humans alike deserve a better life, the weak and abused deserve to live freely without being in fear. I know your scared, and confused right now, but before the Humans find us, you need to come with me." Hesitant for a second, the android didn't know what to answer nor did he have time. You could sense someone else in the room instantly, as the RK 800 suddenly came into your view.
Eyes widened, you came in front of the deviant, Connor shooting his gun to you as Venom easily blocked it, pushing the android to a wall.
The Gunshot alerted hank, as he hurried to the attic stairs. "Connor! What is going on up there!?" Grabbing the deviants hand, he allowed you to lead the way, as both of you made a run for it towards the window. "IT'S HERE LUITENANT! HE'S ESCAPING WITH SOMEONE!" Hank let out a low growl, slightly cursing before sending more officers out side.
Connor bolted from the wall, heading to the window you hopped off of, before your eyes locked with his.
Stopping for a second, he got a slight glimpse of you, before your mouth formed a smirk, your hood still keeping your identity from being revealed.
"Who are you?! Why are you doing this?!" He asked, as the only response he heard was a giggle, your body fully turning to him with the deviant behind you. "The world needs to know the truth, and the cruelty humans bring. I am not who you think I am, but you, yourself will know the truth of freedom." Gritting his teeth, he saw you about to jump out of the window before he bolted, his arm reaching for your cloak.
But, before he could grab it, wind rushed in front of him, pushing connor back as you teleported away, taking the Deviant with you.
As his back slammed on the ground, his eyes instantly opened, him hopping back to his feet, his eyes and interface scanning for you.
You were gone.
Hank, who was outside witnessed the whole thing, his eyes winded with surprise as everything happened so fast.
Holding his watch up to his lips, he took a deep breath. "Tin can! Are you still there?! What the fuck happened? Do you have the suspect?!" It was silent for a second, as connor let out a slight curse, heading to the window.
No traces of you were found, as the remembrance of you and the deviant slipping through his fingers came through his mind, his LED turning a purple color. "I lost them Hank....."
"Someone took the deviant."
Thanks for reading the prologue, stay tuned for the first chapter, which will be uploaded Monday, July 3rd.
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fandomfucker · 1 year
Hey, can you write about reader (who's also a wrestler) forgetting damians birthday until rhea texts her and she gets sad and panicky and runs to a near target to get him a perfect gift and ends in a soft smut
18+ Warnings: smut!!- sub!Damian, dom!reader, bondage, no protection used
AN-I've never written smut before so please forgive me for the quality of this. hope you enjoy anyways though
Word count: 1,820
Rhea: Yo, you never got back to me are you coming to Damian's birthday dinner tonight?
Y/n: TONIGHT?????
Y/n: his birthday is today?????
Rhea: Yes?
Rhea: Did you forget???
Y/n: YES😭
I had been so insanely focused on my matches coming up I had entirely forgotten Damian's birthday. I hadn't even gotten him a present yet!
Before the panic completely set in, I stopped and took a deep breath. It'd be fine. Everything would be fine. I just had to go find something to give him.
Running around our shared house, I got dressed and ready, snatching my keys from the hook by the door as I raced outside to my car.
I sped down the road to Target, hoping I'd be able to find exactly what I wanted. I had been thinking about what I wanted to get Damian for months but never found the time to go get it.
Hurriedly parking, crooked as fuck I might add, I rushed inside, grabbed a cart, and made my way to the men's clothing section.
Damian needed some new shorts to wear around the house after he ripped the last ones messing around and trying to do the splits.
I finally found a couple of pairs that I thought he would like in his size before going to the home section.
Grabbing a cute little basket I found, I then ran around for the next 45 minutes getting his favorite candies and snacks, two books he's been wanting to read lately, and some other various little things I found that I thought he would like.
Trying to make my way back to the registers quicker, I took a detour through the toy section and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the WWE section.
Front and center on one of the shelves was a Damian Priest action figure.
Grinning wickedly, I picked it up, put it in my cart, and went on my way to checkout.
Back at the house, I ran around cleaning up and setting up Damian's birthday surprise, trying to get everything done and ready for him before he got home.
Two hours later there was a cake on the counter, balloons and streamers everywhere, and presents filled the space in front of the mantle.
Halfway through making a special birthday lunch for Damian, I heard the front door open.
"(Y/n)?" Damian yelled through the house to locate me.
I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind as I continued to make Damian's favorite meal.
"Smells good babe." His deep voice grasped in my ear as he kissed my neck. I could feel his chest rising and falling against my back as he took a deep breath.
I just hummed in response and moved my head to the side to allow him more access.
"Go ahead and take a shower, birthday boy. Lunch will be ready soon," I told him.
He squeezed my waist in response before kissing my cheek and walking away to our bathroom upstairs.
Adding the last finishing touches to our special meal, I set the table with all the silverware we'd need along with a fresh bouquet and a few candles for ambiance. I put all the food on the table just as Damian walked down the stairs.
All he had on was a Judgment Day T-shirt and some grey sweatpants which made me swallow thickly as I avoided eye contact and invited him to sit down.
He stared at the table and its contents in awe. "Wow, (Y/n). This...this is amazing. You really didn't have to do any of this. Thank you."
He held my hands in his much larger ones, making sure to hold my gaze so I'd know just how sincere he was being.
I stood up on my tiptoes and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before pulling away. "Alright, alright. Let's eat before it all gets cold."
Settling down to eat our lunch we chatted idly as we ate. Towards the end of lunch, I was engrossed in telling him a story of something that happened at work when I stopped mid-sentence.
I felt something moving up my leg that shouldn't have been there. Damian just raised an eyebrow at me, questioning me without words.
I just shook it off and continued telling my story before abruptly pausing again when I felt the thing move to my inner thigh.
Looking at Damian I caught a quick snippet of him smirking at me. It was his foot. His foot was going up the inside of my thigh.
"Damian," I spoke in a low warning.
"What?" He questioned with a look of innocence.
"Don't start something you can't finish, now," I told him.
He just grinned cheekily at me in response, "Oh, I'm sure I can finish."
I raised an eyebrow in mock skepticism. I stood up and walked around the table to Damian's side. I held out my hand, waiting for him to give me his own.
Once he placed his hand in mine I gently pulled making him stand up. Then I turned around, dragging his hand behind me as I took us to our bedroom.
I closed the door behind us before gently pushing Damian to lie down on the bed.
Climbing over him, I straddled his stomach as his hands met my hips. I leaned down and began to kiss his neck, leaving my mark as he closed his eyes in ecstasy.
Settling my full weight on his stomach I felt his body rise and fall beneath me with his rapid breaths. I continued to kiss his neck, slowly descending down his neck, leaving hickeys all the way.
Reaching the collar of his shirt I made my way back up his neck and kissed along his jaw.
Moving back a little bit to straddle his hips, I grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and began to pull it up and over his head.
I slipped off my own shirt, my lacey black bra showing off my breasts.
Damian's eyes widened as he groaned.
Grinning, I slipped off of him and walked over to the bottom drawer of our dresser. We used this drawer for our toys. Picking the handcuffs out of it, I returned to Damian.
I slowly stripped off every last piece of clothing as he watched, playing with my breasts as I watched him watch me.
I was soaked through my panties.
Now fully naked, I situated myself back on Damian's lower stomach, grinding slightly to let him feel just how wet he made me.
He groaned again, tightening his grip on my waist.
I grabbed both hands and drew them up and over his head, joking them at the wrist as I clicked the handcuffs into place. We had a rope always tied between the bedposts for this exact occasion so I went ahead and fastened his handcuffed wrists to the headboard, keeping his arms above his head.
"God, Y/n, come on." Damian pleaded.
I raised an eyebrow at him, "I suppose. But only because it's your birthday. However," I paused, letting the words thicken. "You'll have to beg first."
"Por favor, mami. Todo lo que tu digas," (Please, mommy. Anything you say,) he begged, still breathing heavily which only made his deep voice even more heavenly.
"Buen chico," (Good boy) I replied smiling.
I swung my left leg over his body so I was now next to him on the bed instead of on top. Carefully I pulled his pants and boxers down, him maneuvering his legs and hips to help me. His hard cock sprang free already leaking pre-cum.
I took his thick length in my hand, pumping it a few times before climbing back on top of Damian. "You ready, love?"
He nodded quickly, waiting for me to seat myself upon him.
With both knees on either side of Damian's hips, I grabbed his cock and lined it up with my entrance. Slowly, I spread my knees further apart as I sank down onto him until I reached the base.
I started bouncing on his dick making him moan with pleasure which only increased my pace. I put my hands on his muscular chest to steady myself as I fucked myself with him. I threw my head back in pleasure as Damian began to thrust up into me, meeting me pace for pace.
I scratched at Damian's chest as the familiar bundle of heat grew in my abdomen. Looking at Damian, I could tell that he was close too. 
"Come on Damian, harder." I urged Damian, which resulted in him slamming his hips up into me over and over again as I met every push-up with another push-down increasing the pressure.
I massage my clit with one hand, continuing to use the other to steady myself.
Seeing just how close to the edge Damian was, I moved my steadying hand up further on his body to play with his nipples. He closed his eyes and moaned loudly at the feeling. "Y/n!" He screamed my name as he came inside of me.
Hearing his deep voice scream-moan my name was just enough to push me over the edge. I came all over his cock, our liquids mixing together inside of me and spilling out onto his stomach and around the bed.
Slowly sitting myself up off of Damian, his now soft cock bounced out of me, spilling even more liquid between us.
Quickly releasing Damian from his constraints I flopped onto his body, ready to sleep until his birthday dinner with the Judgment Day later tonight.
We both lay there, me on top of him with my head on his sweaty chest while his arms were wrapped around my waist. We were both breathing heavily, tired from our excessive workout. 
"Happy birthday, mi amor. Te amo." (my love. I love you.) I breathed between gasps of air. I gave his chest a small kiss causing him to laugh before closing my eyes to take a quick nap before we had to get ready. 
He kissed the top of my head in response, "Good night, mami."
Small Bonus Scene:
"Alright, I saved the best one for you to open last. Go ahead." I informed Damian as I handed him a neatly wrapped package.
He looked at me suspiciously before ripping the paper open. Shocked at what he saw he let out a boisterous laugh that echoed around the room.
"What is it?" Rhea asked him curiously, moving her head around to get a look at what Damian held in his hands.
Ripping off the rest of the wrapping paper, Damian turned the present around for everyone else to see what it was as he giggled to himself.
It was the action figure of himself I'd gotten.
Just seeing the toy was enough to send everyone else in the room into their own fit of giggles. A loud boom sounded as Dominik fell out of his chair he laughed so hard, which just made the rest of us laugh even harder.
"Thank you, babe. I love it. I'll make sure he's at every show with me from now on." Damian addressed me. He tried to be serious but immediately broke out in giggles again as he spoke. 
Maybe forgetting his birthday wasn't so bad after all.
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ohkate · 8 days
My Spicy Vanilla- and AI Generated Gallavich Story, aka, why you shouldn't use AI to write.
So I've never used AI, but I've been curious because I see a lot of people posting about how bad it is to use these types of things. I kept thinking that maybe it wasn't so bad...I mean, what's the harm if it could help come up with a good title or a prompt or something? So I randomly googled 'sexy story generator' and found this gem of a site and put in a basic description of Ian and Mickey and asked it to write a smut story. Now... in order to access the full thing, I'd have to create an account which I'm not willing to do. But it gave me a short excerpt and I think it's honestly the *chef's kiss* of crack fic and I couldn't not post it.
Do NOT use fucking AI to write a story. You don't need to. Your writing is fine, even if it's not. Some of my stuff is shit and no one cares. And people will still tell me what a good job I'm doing even when I know they are like a parent putting up a crappy drawing their kid did on the fridge.
Seriously, this is hilarious and also horrifying.
My Spicy Vanilla
I, Mickey, never thought I'd be the kind of guy to gush about love and all that mushy stuff. But here I am, head over heels for my husband, Ian. And what makes it even more surprising is that I, the tough, street-smart dude, am a total bottom for this man.
When we met, I was sitting at the counter at the bar, sipping my beer, minding my own business, when this tall, gorgeous redhead walks in. His vibrant hair caught my eye immediately, like a flame igniting in a dark room. I watched as he scanned the crowd, his green eyes searching, and I felt this weird urge to stand out, to be noticed by him.
Little did I know, he was looking for a hookup, a quick fling to satisfy his carnal desires. And I, being the confident bad boy I am, thought I'd be the perfect candidate. I approached him, my blue eyes daring him to reject me. But he didn't. Instead, he smiled, and that smile was like a key unlocking something deep within me. Deep within my ass.
"Hey, stranger," I said, my voice low and raspy. "Buy you a drink?"
Ian's eyes lit up, and he accepted my offer, sliding onto the barstool next to me. We chatted for hours, and I learned that he was new in town, looking for a fresh start. His sweetness and charm had me hooked, and before I knew it, I was inviting him back to my place to fill that hole in both my heart and my butthole.
In the dimly lit hallway of my apartment building, we kissed passionately, our tongues dancing wildly. I could feel his hardness pressing against my thigh, and I knew he wanted me. But something in his touch, gentle yet demanding, made me pause. I realized I didn't want this to be just a one-night stand. I wanted more.
"Ian," I whispered between kisses, "I want you, but I want it to mean something."
He pulled back, his green eyes searching mine. "It can mean whatever you want it to, Mickey. I'm not looking for a quick fuck. I want to take my time with you."
His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I knew I had to have him. But on my terms.
"Then let's take it slow," I suggested, my voice hoarse with desire. "Let me show you how it feels to be wanted, to be worshipped."
I took his hand and led him into my apartment, dimming the lights to create a sensual ambiance. We kissed again, but this time, I was in control. I pushed him gently onto the couch, straddling his lap, my erection rubbing against his through our jeans.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Ian," I whispered, my breath hot against his ear. "Let me make you feel good."
With skilled fingers, I unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his smooth, pale skin. My hands traveled down his chest, tracing his defined abs, before unbuckling his belt. I wanted to tease him, to make him beg for my bottom ambrosia.
As I slid his jeans down his long legs, his thick cock sprang free, hard and straining towards me. I couldn't resist any longer. I took him into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the head, tasting his pre-cum. Ian moaned, his hands gripping the couch cushions, giving me silent stares of longing. The night held promises of fulfilled desire.
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timetoddddavis · 1 year
how would you suggest getting into ultraman? i see stuff you and others post/reblog and it looks cool, but it also seems, uh, all interconnected? and i dunno what a good jumping-on point is!
Hi!! Ok so Ultraman SEEMS really interconnected, and in some cases, it is! The first seven or so shows are all one continuity, and then Mebius shows up all the way in 2006 to be the capstone to that story.
It's also the case for "new gen" shows, those being Ultraman Ginga (2013) to Ultraman Decker (2022), where any Ultra from any era can kinda just show up for a few episodes!
But the extremely cool thing about Ultraman as a franchise is that even though these shows can call crossover, you REALLY don't have to have any extra knowledge to understand what's going on! In every case that I've seen, any reference to another show will be well explained, regardless of if you have any knowledge going in, or otherwise totally understandable. They work really hard to make Ultraman accessible for everyone, especially newcomers.
If you've watched any toku, I'm sure you've heard 'you can start anywhere, just pick one you like the vibe of!' and that's also true for Ultraman! Every show is a great place to jump in!!
For my personal picks, I should start by saying I've only watched one Showa Ultraman. Sorry Showa fans, I just haven't gotten there yet!! So these recs will be from recent series.
I think I would say Ultraman Orb is a great starting place. The overall story is one about the guy who is Ultraman, and the guy who is his nemesis, their very long journey towards self forgiveness and self empowerment, and the human woman who looks at a centuries long cosmic ballet of spite and hurt and says "no. you aren't nearly as scary as you think you are." I think it has a very accessible, relatable story!
My first was actually Ultraman Ginga, which is a VERY low budget, low key entry in the series. It's about being in highschool, and being friends, and also sometimes you are Ultraman. Ginga gets a bad rep in some circles that prefer more spectacle, but for me it was like, ok so this show was made for NO MONEY, but somehow even with very very little to work with, it got across the IDEAS of Ultraman so simply and so well that it hooked me on the whole franchise.
A third option would be Ultraman Mebius! "Davis you just said Mebius is a capstone to the first like 7 Showa Ultras" yes i know but Mebius is. So good. It's just bursting at the seams with love for the series, and totally understandable for a newcomer. It's the story of a very young alien coming to Earth with no knowledge or experience, and how he frankly fucks up?? But then about how he learns, and grows, and fucks up, and tries again, over and over.
Oh oh oh I would be remiss if I didn't say the current show, Ultraman Blazar, is not connected to any other show, and it's coming out Friday nights, and it's really good so far! It's all on the tsuburaya productions youtube, and simulcasts with both subs and a dub!
SO..... I hope that isn't too much information!! I could keep going, is the thing. Do you want more sympathy for the monsters? X! Do you want a story about fighting the stigma that you're inherently evil because of your birth? Geed! Do you want that same idea but made for no money and more about a found family? Mega Monster Battle! Do you like family shows? R/B! Do you want to watch one of the most influential pieces of Japanese pop culture from the last century? ULTRASEVEN. Do you just want to watch a movie? Revenge of Belial!
Have fun, and let me know if you find one that clicks with you!
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
Hi Crystal!
Just looked through your blog to see if I had missed any thoughts you shared on the album, but instead I saw you said you didn't post anything bc no one asked. So I came here to ask ☺️
What song surprised you most? What's your current top 3? What line(s) keeps rotating in your head? What stood out to you most on first listen? (Feel free to ignore the questions if you'd like to just ramble about the album in general. I just want to know your thoughts haha)
What did you end up thinking of the iHeartradio set list? I was surprised they didn't play Bad Omens and that Complete Mess was actually the only new song they played.
They really did look hot. Especially Ashton. I feel like it's always especially Ashton lmao.
I really appreciate you both looking for and asking my opinion! (And sorry for the delay in answering, omg this week has been a lot both IRL and in 5SOS-land 🫠)
Current Top 3 would have to be: Caramel, Bad Omens and... Moodswings? Either Moodswings or Red Line. (I should do the song sorter to see how I really feel I guess 😌) I don't know if any particular song surprised me but I think in general, I was pleasantly surprised at how much their lyricism has continued to evolve. There's so much symbolism and truly poetic imagery in this album, while still maintaining an accessibility that doesn't distract from the sometimes painful honesty of what's being talked about.
Which was another surprise for me: they talked so much about wanting this album to feel lighter and brighter than CALM, how they purposely wrote in major chords and keys, how that's what the world "needs" - and they accomplished that, this album is energetic and a delight... but also contains some of their saddest lyrics to date. 😅 I'm definitely not complaining, sad girl hours all day everyday, I actually love that juxtaposition, but that was funny to me.
Another pleasant surprise (for me anyways lmao) is how Ash-heavy this album feels - and I don't just mean how rhythm heavy it is or the fact that he actually gets lead vocals (that would've been enough though 😍) and is so audible in the group vocals. One of the things I've always loved about 5SOS is at least to me, I feel like they each have distinct songwriting/melodic voices and tendencies and so it's often apparent whose artistry is driving a song. And so to me, I hear a lot of Ash melodies and I see his large fingerprints all over some of these lyrics. Which makes me both happy and sad because like I said, this album is lowkey depressing as fuck but you know what, the man knows how to make beautiful art out of that darkness so 😌
I don't know if I'm ready to say it's my favorite album or their best album yet (historically I usually say YB is the fav and CALM is their best, for the record) but I am definitely very happy and very proud of what was accomplished here! 👏🏻👏🏻
iHeartRadio thoughts under the cut!
I really really loved the iHeart set! I saw them at Wango Tango (another iHeart event) and while I will never complain about seeing them live, their set there was... puzzling to say the least. Only 5 songs total and the only new song they did was Me Myself & I, which was only a few weeks old and had not received the radio exposure that Complete Mess had (and also a bit too mid-tempo for the set IMO).
I think they definitely made strides to correct those issues in the iHeart set and it was a dream! At a radio/festival show, the goals should be crowd engagement (which is why I think they mostly stuck to their best known songs) and giving a performance so memorable, no matter how many artists play, you're the one people go home remembering. For that reason, Teeth should always be in their festival set, even if people don't know it (and it seemed like a surprising amount did!), it slaps so hard, it's gonna be a moment whether you're a fan or not. I think they should also consider making Complete Mess a staple in that kind of set, it's also a great live moment and I think gives a good example of what kind of band they'd like to be seen as in this era. And I will never get over the fact we got No Shame/Easier/More at a radio show, that's nuts. It's what we (and More) deserve. 10/10.
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moon-mage · 2 months
Just some venting about being a working adult because I have no other outlet feel free to ignore! :3
these assholes had the NERVE to hire me and after that tell me the doctor will be out for a month so I wont be starting until a month later which I was like okay, sure! And my nice ass didn't see the red flag and was actually honestly excited to start this job and kill it but the first day I'm sitting there like a lump because no one had my passwords to access anything and there's no patients because the doctor is out. There's no use teaching me anything when there's not even patients and I cant access the systems....oh yeah and there was no desk for me to sit. I was the fourth hire and they had no space for me. Not even an extra laptop to use which is very common as an MA anyway. So like what The next day its so fucking busy no one has time to even break it all down for me. So I'm just following and smiling like wtf. Oh yeah and the trainer is not also the daughter of one of my mom's friends she's the most crabby and grouchy person EVEERRRRR. So shes just spending most of the time talking shit on the other MAs and low key quizzing me to see if I know my shit. Oh and I got my logins now. Day three is hell incarnated because they had my trainer going to another site so I'm with only one of the MAs that work there while two are there from another site and its OVERWHEMLING because they think because I have my logins that I know exactly what to say and do and I'm like whAT??? and I already have a perfectionist personality so even though I know this ain't my fault, I still feel like a failure for not grasping everything in DAY THREE. I literally had to excuse myself to go outside and cool off because I was PISSED. That's never happened in a NEW FUCKING JOB WHAT THE HELL. Fourth day is still as hectic and crazy with no fucking direction because the trainer was busy and yatta yatta...and I'm like....brah this ain't fucking SHIT. Then trainer is like 'yeah I have two weeks to train you' and I'm like...COOL. Considering you have yet to truly train me on DAY FOUR. I refuse to put my energy into an already established mess that seems to want to make itself messier. I have spent most of my career coming into messes and tidying them up and now....I don't wanna anymore. Fuck that. I don't have the patience for it anymore...but I guess that's what happens after going through a the most deep depressive episode of my entire life. At first I felt guilty like I can't handle it...but I actually sat down and evaluated this and went wait...IM NOT THE WRONG ONE HERE. IT'S THEM. THEY'RE FUCKED!!!!
im pissed I wasted valuable time and I'm pissed I was excited to work for them but there's nothing I can do but move on. I need money but I also need my fucking sanity...because I woke up dreading it...how do you wake up dreading the FOURTH DAY OF WORK? kjdsnkdsnkdskjndskn what the hell man. Working ain't fucking shit.
yatta yatta one door closes another one opens my I guess
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kaijime · 3 years
watch your mouth
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includes. osamu miya x f!reader
cw. corruption kink, virgin reader/first time, osamu wants to breed u <33, dubcon, kitchen sex? [it’s in his shop so?], fingering, pierced dick [prince albert piercing], vaginal penetration, size kink, praise kink, tummy bulge, breeding kink, slight dumbification, creampie, thigh slapping?
wc. 3k
a/n. my piece for @seita’s corrupt-a-virgin collab, thank you for letting me join!!
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osamu miya likes to think he follows a strict routine. he wakes up early, shows up for his job, works, and goes home, waiting for tomorrow to arrive and the cycle to repeat itself.
but ever since you've entered his restaurant, you've become a part of his routine.
he sits behind the kitchen counter, watching in admiration how you tend to the customers. he'd be lying if he said he wasn't staring at your ass, but it’s not a lie if he doesn't say it right?
"samu?" there's that nickname again, the one you deemed him ever since that interview for the part time job. "this customer says you forgot to give her a part of her order"
"no i didn't"
"yeah, look" you approach him with the receipt in hand, pointing to a small part of the inked writing. "see?"
he can't see. or at least he can't see the receipt. he's too focused on you, pressing up against him. he knows you're not at fault, but you couldn't be that innocent.
you couldn't be innocent enough to not know the things you were doing to him, the things you were making him feel, the urges that blossomed with every lingering look and longing touch you left on his body. you just couldn't be.
yet, even when his idiotic brother dropped by his shop and shamelessly started flirting with you, you, it seemed like you didn't catch onto what he was doing.
"what's the freakiest place you've ever had sex in?" the fake blond asked, and osamu would've stopped him, if he wasn't curious to hear the answer for himself. still, he doesn't drive his full attention away from the counters he's been wiping, seemingly focused on the simple task.
you chuckled awkwardly under your breath. "that's inappropriate, tsu-"
"c'mon, tell me" he bumps his elbow against yours "can't be that bad"
"no i-... i've never uhm..." osamu can tell you're stumbling and stuttering to find an answer, so he lends you a few helping words.
"'tsumu” he calls "will ya stop harrassin' my employees?"
"'m just talkin' to her samu, no need to make a big fuss" he downs the last of his food and leaves, supposedly in a sudden rush.
it doesn't seem like it’s been hours since then, but the moon hangs low, and the crickets sing outside the window in spite of the late hour. despite the passing of time, not a single word has been said between you and your boss about the conversation you had with his brother, and every minute that passes only seems to thicken the tension between the two of you.
"shit" you mumble, mostly to yourself. you didn’t expect him to shoot up from his place, bent down searching through the lower cabinets.
"watch yer mouth" he says, an evident frown on his face, where he would once smile at you and nod in greeting.
"sorry" you reply, lip pouting slightly while you cleaned off your finger with a paper towel "just got a papercut" the blood tints the paper red and you wince at the stinging sensation.
"here" he holds out his hand to examine yours, even though you already cleaned most of it off, there's still a slight trickle of blood. he wipes it out with the towel he always hangs on his shoulder.
as he cleans your hand, he can't help but think about how it'd look so pretty wrapped around his cock. it would certainly bring more relief than his fist after all this time he's spent thinking about you while stroking himself late at night.
it’s not the first time thoughts like these cloud osamu's mind, but this time he's a little less discreet about it. he stares at your hand like he wants to devour it, and you'd be a fool not to notice it.
"samu?" you call out to his faraway mind, and he snaps out of his thoughs, loosening his grip around your hand.
"right" he mumbles, clearing his throat "sorry"
"thank you" you almost whisper, if he wasn't so close to you, he probably wouldn't have heard it.
he turns and goes back to the cabinets, thinking about what you answered earlier. you'd never what? had sex? were you that uncorrupted?
it would make sense to him, and it would help ease the pain of seeing you let his brother flirt with you like he wasn't even there, but those are all selfish reasons he wants to believe, and he's too scared to ask.
apparently not scared enough.
“what were ya talkin’ about with my brother” he asks, nonchalant as ever, making your breath hitch as you turned around hesitantly.
“we were just chatting” you say, the slightest purse on your lips that tried to relieve the nervousness of the conversation.
“sorry about that” he apologizes. “he can be annoyin’ sometimes”
“oh no, he wasn’t” you lie, clenching around the table cloth you held in your hands. even if the talk had been going smoothly, you still felt on edge after the question his brother left you thinking about. “he was really friendly”
“really?” his hands find comfort in his pockets, and if you’d looked close enough, you would’ve seen the slight smirk in his lip, one that indicates how eager he is to hear what you had to say. “then why didn’ you answer his question?”
if only you knew how much it mattered to him, to know if you were a pretty untouched virgin or not. osamu miya likes to go for girls like you, college girls who look for a quick cashgrab as a part time employee, innocent little girls who unknowingly fall for his charms and next thing you know he’s ruining them with his cock.
but you feel different, you feel delicate. like a pretty piece of porcelain he might break if he continues to toy with you under his calloused hands. yet, he can’t help but think about how perfect he finds your body. perfectly ripe and ready to be filled to the brim with his seed, the perfect age to be plump and round with a child. his child.
“does it matter?”
oh, it does, especially when he pins you against the counter and grips your cheeks between his thumb and his index finger. “samu?” you ask, displaying that innocent look on your face he’d grown to hate.
“i told ya to watch yer mouth” his hands roam down your body until they grab at the back of your thighs. “now jump”
“samu i- i’ve never done anything like-“
“i said jump” hesitant with your actions, you jump and wrap your legs around his waist as he settles you on the shop counter, where he takes off your pants and runs a finger over your clothes slit.
“please” you grip his wrist and beg in hopes for him to stop, but he slaps it away, pinning them behind you with his other hand. he slides your panties down your legs and plays with your clit, circling the nub with his fingertips and watching as your expression changes from one of fear to pleasure.
“please what?” his breath shudders against your neck, where he nuzzles his head and finds comfort in your scent. he slowly inserts a finger into your hole, scanning your face and searching for any signs of discomfort, despite him practically forcing you into this position.
you’re not strong enough to answer him, too lost in the way his fingers feel inside you. you’d been too afraid to do anything by yourself, but god did it feel so good when you gave yourself up to him, slightly bucking your hips into his thrusting fingers and arching your back into his frame.
he’s fond of every little expression you make, the bite of your lips, the clench of your thighs around his hand, and the tilt of your head, willingly granting him access to the skin, all for him to mark, bite and suck. all for him to claim as his.
“d’ya like it?” he asks, putting another one of his fingers to use inside your tight walls, feeling them clench and suck his fingers back inside every time he was close to taking them out.
“yes! yes! i-i... mmh!” you can’t even finish the sentence, not only because you’re sobbing and clenching around his digits uncontrollably at the foreign yet pleasurable sensation, but also because his lips suddenly enclosed yours in a hungry kiss.
he didn’t even have to put up a fight with you, pleased to find you let him do whatever he wanted with your mouth. his tongue tangles with yours in a passionate clash of lips, until he pulls away at the feeling of your hips wildly bucking against his hand, a sign of your inevitable orgasm approaching.
“feels weird ‘samu! ‘s-‘samu please!” the implication of your sensations being new to you made his cock strained against his pants, threatening the thick fabric of his jeans to snap if he grew even harder. the tight knot in your stomach finally snaps when he curls his fingers, sending you into ecstasy as your vision blocked out and you moaned uncontrollably loud.
still, after everything, osamu hasn’t forgotten where he is, and he knows his shop isn’t a decent place to lose your virginity. so he puts you down with shaky legs and slips up your panties, catching you before your trembling thighs can treason you and make you fall.
“do ya have a car here?” he says, grabbing his keys from the counter and puts a hand on your hip, guiding you over to the door which he locks before he continues to walk to his car. the dim lighting of the parking made this the perfect spot, if he were to fuck you in his car, no one would see it. but he has self control, or at least he tells himself that.
“no, my friend usually picks me up” he hums an answer and opens the passenger door to his car.
“i live a few minutes from here” he explains “wanna come over?” he asks, fully aware that he’s taking a leap of faith and you could just refuse him. but that’s not the case, and he’s more than happy to see you hesitantly get in his car and put your bag in your lap, covering yourself as much as you can since he ‘forgot’ to give you back your shorts.
the short ride to his house is awkwardly silent, and terribly torturous. his hand had found home in your thigh, and it had only sent an ache between your legs like you’d never felt before, prompting a clench from your thighs every so often.
he wasn’t lying, he only lived ten minutes away from his shop, but the distance seemed so much longer when his lingering touch would leave you high with the need for more.
“you ready?” he asks, holding the door open for you again as he waits for you to take his hand and get out of his car. he’s quick with hoisting you up and wrapping your thighs against his hips, carrying you to his doorway and leading the way to his room. there, he gently placed you on the bed and stripped off his clothing, taking off the apron he should’ve taken off at the shop, his shirt, his pants and—
“eager?” he can see the wanting look in your eyes, he’d be a fool not to notice it. his voice only startles you out of your thoughts, enough to make you stand up and take off your shirt as well, now fully exposed to him if it weren’t for the bra covering up your tits. there’s only so much he can hold back, but right now, with those pretty puppy eyes you unintentionally give him, he just can’t help it when he takes off your bra and slightly suckles at your nipple, circling his tongue around your perky nub and watching your face warm up in embarrassment.
he takes you to his bed again, this time while he plants kisses all over your neck. he’s hungry with the way he nips and bites at the skin, leaving a trail of teeth marks that would need to be covered up in the morning. in the morning, because right now, you couldn’t be bothered to care about anything else other than the way he rutted against you.
his cock already seemed big when he hadn’t taken off his briefs, so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when he slipped them off and rubbed his tip against your clit, right?
he was huge, thick tip dripping precum, with a girth that looked too big to be real, pulsing against your pussy. he positions it against your drooling hole, using your slick to lube up his tip and feeling— metal?
you sit up, leaning against your elbows to see the prince albert piercing that runs along his tip, metal jewelry threatening to slip into your pussy, but you put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“i-it won’t fit!” you kick and shake your thighs around him, only for him to put your ankles together and fold your legs over his shoulder, pinning you down and slipping in the pierced head of his cock. you wince and gasp at the sudden stretch, silenced by his mouth clashing against yours, eagerly nipping at your bottom lip, desperate to drink in all your saccharine moans.
“good girl” he praises, slipping in inch by inch of his cock into your tight virgin walls “fuck- this tight little cunt is suckin’ me in, want ma cock princess? yeah? gonna stuff ya full of me ‘til ya can’t even speak, you’ll just be a dumb baby for me”
“hurts!” your words only drive him closer to shoving himself in one smooth thrust, but he holds back, he sees how much you struggle to take barely half of him, he wants to make this good for you to. he wants to make your first time your best time, the one you’ll remember and think about if you ever fuck another man. he wants to mold your insides to fit his cock perfectly, he wants to train you to be his perfect little girl who won’t find another way to get off if she doesn’t have his cock, he wants you to depend on him to always make you feel good.
“‘s ok princess” he leans down, folding you into a mating press as he kisses your neck and slips in the last of his cock, covered in a thin layer of white sheen. “my good girl, creamin’ around me” he mumbles against your ear while he starts a slow pace into your pussy, carefully rutting his hips into you, almost afraid he would break you. “so pretty”
“please!” you sob, tears stream down your face despite his carefulness, it would break his heart, but he can feel the way your own body betrays you, clenching around him and pulling him in for more of the delicious sensation of his cock dragging against your walls. “so big! c-can’t take it!”
“sure ya can, look” he puts a hand to your tummy, guiding you to do the same as he puts his hand over yours. there’s a small bulge, that appears and disappears whenever he thrusts in and out. “you’re takin’ it so well princess, keep yer hand right there” his other hand starts working tight circles against your clit, making you throw back your head at the sudden sensation.
“no! if you do that i-!”
“what are ya gonna do? cum? clench around my cock like yer doin’ right now every time i praise ya?” you fist the sheets to your sides, anything to relieve the aching between your legs and the tight knot that keeps forming in your stomach again.
“please don’t!” you desperately paw at his wrist, only to be slapped away and for him to increase the speed of his cock, rutting into your with more force. suddenly, the head of his piercing hits a different spot, one that left you gasping for air and arching your back against the mattress. “ah! right there- right there ‘samu!”
“yeah? you like it when i fuck ya right there?” he parrots, angling his hips at the same spot over and over, abusing it until he’s sloppily thrusting into you, on the verge of cumming and spilling all his load into you. “my pretty girl, moanin’ like a bitch in heat, all because i’m makin’ ya feel good”
“yes ‘samu! please please, please m-make me feel good! wanna cum, please!” fresh tears roll down your cheeks as you scream and beg for him, unwillingly rutting your hips against him as you cum around his cock, your high too much for your sensitive body as you whine uncontrollably when he doesn’t stop. you’re too overstimulated to say a word, gone too dumb on his cock to even realize that you’re babbling little nonsense words about how good you feel, and how much you want him.
“dumb lil’ thing” he says, giving one sharp, final thrust before he empties his load between your legs, deep inside you, careful not to move you too much in fear of his cum spilling out of your clenching hole.
he’s right, you are a dumb little thing, because as soon as he pulls out you’re desperately bucking your hips, blindly searching for him in hope he would fill up the sudden emptiness in your pussy, unintentionally spilling all his hard work between your thighs.
“no!” he grunts, slapping your thigh and grounding you to the mattress as you wince in pain, dark color blossoming at the skin where he’d placed the spank. “look what you’ve done, bad fuckin’ girl” he says, the sudden tone shift sends a tinge of fear all over your body, and you’re reduced to nothing but a kin to a stray puppy, a terrible look of guilt in your eyes, even if you don’t realize what you’ve done wrong.
“look at the mess you made” he mumbles, flipping you over and placing ass up “now i’m gonna have to fill ya up all over again”
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©️ kaijime 2021 | all content belongs to kaijime, do not modify or repost
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
A Frank Adler One Shot.
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Summary: It’s Frank’s wedding night… but you’re not quite ready to let him go just yet.
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, 18+) allusions to cheating…
Pairings:  Frank Adler x Reader
A/N: Just a little smutty one shot featuring everyone’s favourite Dirty Boat Daddy. Written for @onlyjamesbarnes 1.5k Follower Challenge. Prompt in bold. Congrats babe!!
Lyrics from Fall Out Boy- Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Frank Adler Master list // Main Masterlist
I'm gonna make you bend and break,
Say a prayer, but let the good times roll
In case God doesn't show…
Frank had always been powerless to resist you. He was a moth to your flame, but like always, you play with fire and you get burnt.
But now, you were the one burning, burning hotter than the sun.
With a groan, you ground your hips down as you leaned back, rolling and rocking down onto him. That face, sharp chiselled jawline covered by a slightly nearer than usual scruff looked back at you, his perfect profile silhouetted against the moonlight which drifted through the curtains of the hotel room.
How could something that wrong feel so fucking right?
And I want these words to make things right, But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life.
"Who does he think he is?"
If that's the worst you've got, better put your fingers back to the keys
He shouldn’t have let you in, but you knew he would as soon as he fired you the message with his room number. Your signature knock had sounded across the plush suite he was spending his last night as a ‘single’ man in, and like a sacrificial lamb welcoming its slaughter, he’d opened the door.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
“I wanted to see you.” You blinked up at him. He was still in his slacks and dress shirt, from the rehearsal you’d sat through, tie discarded, collar open. He cut a stark contrast to the boat greased and oil stained, salty air cured man you were used to.
He held the door open for you, stepping back and allowing you in. Without a word you walked over to the grand windows the space provided, offering a look at the shoreline outside and below. The view was breathtaking at night, the moonlight shining off the waves as they lapped at the shore, mere metres away from where tomorrow he would take his vows.
Through the reflection of the window behind you, you could see him just as his hands gripped at your waist. You turned on the ball of your foot, manicured fingers running up his chest from his strong pecs to his collarbones and over his shoulders to around his neck, your lips quickly on his. Your tongue slipped inside, tasting a hint of scotch, a half drunk glass of which sat on the small coffee table to the right. Frank moaned against your mouth while your fingers slipped through the neatly trimmed hair of his neck.
You pushed against him slightly with your body, the back of his legs hitting the chair besides the coffee table and he took a seat, breaking your kiss.
“This shouldn’t-“
“Shhh.” You shook your head. “Just give me tonight, please.”
He stared at you with lust blown eyes, different to the playful glint he normally possessed when he used to look at you, as you thought for a second about your next move, bottom lip already swollen from his kiss between your teeth.
You knew he was a goner.
"Y/N," he managed to croak out as you straddled his lap, seating yourself over his now hard cock, the rough fabric of his dark dress pants constraining him, giving you just enough teasing friction agasint your sensitive inner thighs. His large hands slid up your thighs and under your light coloured, flowy dress as you moved your lips over his again, giving him access to your ass, finger tips grazing the barely there material of your panties.
You ground down against him, your hips rolling in a circular motion as he growled into your mouth, squeezing your cheeks with his hands. You kicked off your sandals, making a thud as they hit the plush carpet. A sound that matched that of your heart. A heart that squeezed in your chest, as if someone had wound and elastic band around its middle knowing that tomorrow you’d watch him takes his vows.
And everything would change.
Frank broke away from your lips, to lick and nip at your jaw and down your neck, tongue rolling against your sternum. His face drilled between your breasts, inhaling your scent.
Your fingers found the buttons of his shirt and plucked them open skillfully, French manicured nails raking across his chest, causing him to shudder and groan. You reached for the buckle of his belt, undoing it with little trouble, lifting your hips slightly, showing a strength in your thighs as you lifted away from him, to undo his flies. You adjusted yourself, pushing up on your knees just a little to allow the room you needed to dip your hand just under his boxers waistline, gently gripping at his dick.
“No, not here.” He growled, teeth nipping at the shell of your ear. “I want you in the bed.”
The bed. Where he would spend his first night as a married man.
It was so wrong.
Yet you happily obliged.
It was a well practiced tango the pair of you had danced over the years, and now here you were, him keening underneath you with a desperation you’d come to know well.
You could feel his cock pulsing against your walls and it gave you the chills. You held the power and control as he struggled to keep his.
With a quick movement, Frank sat up, pulling you flush against his chest, the angle hitting you just at that pleasurable spot he always managed to hit within you. His head dropped, lips and teeth gently teasing your nipple, large hands splayed agains your spine as he lavished you with affection.
You started grinding down harder, looking for that clitoral stimulation you wanted and as you found it, he moaned deeply into your ear.
“I’m close, but I don’t wanna… not yet.” His words were a plea, a plea that he wasn’t ready to end, and you knew he didn’t simply mean tonight.
But it had to. There was no way around it.
One night and one more time, thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great
"He tastes like you only sweeter"
"Just...let...go," you purred against him.
"Oh fahk," he ground out as his feet planted firmly into the mattress and his hips thrust upward. It didn't take much, a few strong and hard drives and you were crying out his name, your head thrown back in ecstasy as you came around around him.
"Jesus, fahkk, I'm gonna fahking.... Oh fahk," he swore vehemently, his old Boston drawl thick as he drove hard into you for a final time, exploding his load deep into you, spraying your walls with ribbons of white cream.
The pair of you collapsed onto the bed, utterly spent. Frank kept you held to his chest as you both drew ragged, heaving breaths. After a moment, Frank pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, no words needed.
And you blinked back a solitary tear.
I'm looking forward to the future, but my eyesight is going bad.
And this crystal ball, it’s always cloudy except for when you look into the past
One night stand
Frank had fallen asleep with you in his arms, not quite ready to let you go. But you were long gone by the time he woke the next morning, the only evidence you’d been in his room was a scribbled note on the pad on the night stand.
“Here’s to the first day of the rest of your life.”
He’d folded the note up and slipped it into his breast pocket, not quite sure why. Maybe it would keep you close to him in those moments he needed to feel you, who knows.
Who knows why any of this had started in the first place.
He watched Mary walk down the aisle first, her bouquet in her hand had been dropped as she had leapt into his arms for a hug, laughing as she told him how excited she was. He’d kissed her cheek and placed her down and she stood by his side, watching as his bride and her father started towards him.
It was then Frank’s eyes had found yours as you watched him, and he swallowed, his chest contracting.
He could still feel your eyes on him and he couldn’t get the image of you bouncing on top of his cock out of his head. He blinked as someone said his name, and he looked at the officiant, clearing his throat.
“Sorry, little nervous.” He apologised, flashing a cheeky grin before he took a deep breath.
A couple of I-Dos later, he was told to kiss his wife. So he did.
And all he could taste was you.
Man and wife walked hand in hand down the aisle to applause, and at the end they stopped and the new Mrs Adler peered up at Frank, a soft smile on her face.
“You happy?”
“Of course.” He smiled back.
“Good, because choosing me to spend your life with, well, I actually think it’s the second best choice you’ve ever made in your life.”
Frank blinked as he heard the click of the photographer's camera. “Oh? The second? What was the first?”
“Letting me into your room last night.” You grinned, your hand sliding up his tux, the diamond studded band catching the sun, glinting in the bright light.
Frank grinned at you, before he arched his eyebrow. “Time will tell if it really was bad luck to see my wife the night before.”
“Didn’t feel like bad luck to me,” you smirked, you hand gently tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck as he dropped his head to kiss you, the cheers and applause once more chiming in your ears.
One night and one more time, thanks for the memories
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yarbz · 4 years
cowardly game of rival — n.jaemin ( f )
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 ━ as the girl’s football team captain, you were used to the endless derogatory taunts, the wolf-whistling, the attempts at romance being boys telling you what they thought of barcelona’s starting XII. na jaemin fell into all those catergories, a detestable flea in your hair. as sworn enemies, there was not even an inkling of romance, and you were convinced that your attraction to him was ONLY physical. weren’t you?
pairing ━ na jaemin x female!reader
word count ━ 6k
genres ━ fluff, rival!au, football!au, comedy, romance, very little of the football game is described in detail.
warnings ━ profanity, football terms, dirty jokes, y/n and jaemin are literally just cowards
( author's note! )
this one came to mind when i thought of how i love female footballers and decided that jaemin would be the idiot in question to chicken out of confessing to their crush by being an ass instead. i really hope you like it !! other notes are sissoko is the name of like three different players and a cracker is slang for a really good goal.
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A sport of creatively insane wits, fancy footwork and incoherent celebrations. Those were all the things you loved about it, along with the ridiculously cute uniform.
It provided you an escape from the man's world, a chance to carve out your own story, free from the shackles of stereotypes. At least, that's what you'd initially thought.
Unfortunately, the boy's football team made it their sole objective in life to demean you. As captain, you took on the strenuous task of refusing to resort to physical violence when a stupid comment about your short length was made or when boys assumed you couldn't tell your Sissoko's apart (you could, quite well actually).
You had taken it as a sign of war, and refused to comment on their pathetic sneers. You did, however, feel as if Na Jaemin made a blood pact or something to be a parasite towards you.
He stood at the cusp of six foot, towering over you like an evergreen beanstalk, cheshire-cat like smile taunting you. Chocolate colour tresses fell over his eyes in straight lines, shielding his forehead.
It's not like you paid attention to his visage, but even you had to admit in your spite that he was attractive. And horribly so.
Today started like every other, going to your locker before heading to your homeroom. Luckily, you'd managed to get there before the freshmen started to pile in. Being a senior had its positives along with its various faults, one of them being the early access you got to the school.
You jammed your key in the lock, flinging open the locker door, making quick work of exchanging your books. In your fast-paced stupor, you didn't notice the figure leaning behind the door. You slammed the door shut, nail catching an patch of skin, scraping it.
"If you wanted me to leave, you could've been less catty." The voice wheedled, throwing a withering glare in your direction. You rolled your eyes, annoyed, arms crossed across your chest.
"Jaemin." You sighed, rubbing your temples. "Why are you hiding behind my locker? Are you looking for a death wish?"
He sat up slowly, soothing his reddening nose, suddenly regaining his smile as he leaned closer towards your face. "If I was looking for a death wish, I'd eat whatever food you just stuffed in there."
"Fuck off. Don't see you making any gourmet meals."
"I'm the gourmet meal." He slithered, breath fanning your nose. From this distance, you could see the wonder swimming within his eyes, breath caught in your throat.
Damn, he was too fine.
You tore your gaze from his eyes, "And yet, I don't feel inclined to taste it." He jumped back in surprise, eyes widening, giving you an opening to dash. Chuffed that you left him speechless, you walked towards your next class, resisting the urge to turn back to revel in his awe-struck face.
Jaemin's eyebrow quirked in curiosity, crooked smirk hanging from his lips. He watched you stalk away, cursing underneath his breath softly. You carried a fiery aura around you, burning him with every snarky remark — even though it beat him bruised ghastly lavenders, he could bear to play with fire if it meant you would pay him attention.
You see, Jaemin did not hate you as per say. The 'hate' which you believed in was merely his inability to profess his affections towards you. For lack of a better word, he was a coward.
A dashingly handsome one, but a fragile, chicken-legged coward all the same.
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You'd made it to class in record time, ego bared boldly on your shoulders, attracting the curious eyes of your best friends Yangyang and Donghyuck. Both were terrorists in their own right, but you couldn't help loving them all the same. Sure, they came as a dreadful pair, but love had decided to shackle your heart to them.
"What's got you so happy? Jaemin finally drop dead?" Yangyang joked, shifting to make space for you. Headband strapped to the pinnacle of his forehead, he grinned at you from beneath the base of stretchy ebony material.
"No..not yet." You hummed, sad lilt to your tone.
"Awh, didn't kill him yet?" Donghyuck teased, nudging Yangyang in their laughter. "I think it must be love stopping you from committing the crime yourself." You shoved both, peals of laughter tickling your throat at their whines of pain.
"If you don't shut up, I'll be killing you two instead, never mind Jaemin." You snapped. "Love is what I feel when I score a cracker from the halfway line. Seeing Jaemin makes me want to jump out of the nearest window."
"Are you sure it's not just unresolved sexual tension? I, too get antsy when I haven't jacked off—"
"Finish that sentence and you'll have no arms."
"I'm flexible enough to suck myself off." Yangyang mused, "You'll never stop my libido."
"You're disgusting." You and Donghyuck said in sync, swatting his grabby hands from flying at your shoulders. Quite frankly, you didn't want to hear about his freakishly boneless limbs, or his untameable sex drive, nor hear anything about his genitals at all.
"Does that count as self—"
"Yes, it does. Please don't be telling people that I'm your friend, or that you can do that. It's not a little icebreaker."
Friendship with these two had crossed all sorts of personal boundaries you didn't know existed, and it was starting to decompose you, like a rotting piece of cabbage infested by slugs, yet still hanging on for the glimpse of sunlight to regenerate.
Okay, so you were being dramatic. But, that didn't explain their dire need to over share certain aspects of their lives with you.
"Doesn't change the topic at hand —Did you get my pun?" He asked, looking for Donghyuck's reaction.
"I did. Not going to comment on it before she breaks my arms. Just know I enjoyed it very much."
"If I wanted to mess around with Jaemin, I'd put my hand in a beehive. It'd sting less." You snarled, slamming down your books. They winced comically, faces alert as the teacher walked into the class.
Apart from football, you enjoyed learning — how to make things, break things, self defense, people skills, and education fell not too far from that. Classes like biology interested you greatly, which is why you found yourself fully immersed in the process of respiration.
Your mind drifted for a second, thinking back to what he'd said. Was it actually sexual tension? Did you actually bare an emotion other than loathing towards him? Then, you thought of that face and how you'd want to do nothing more than break his pretty little nose—
Yeah. There it was. You were normal after all.
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School had come to her daily dreadful end, and you were happily striding into the ladies' changing rooms for football training. Nobody had gotten here yet, luckily.
You glanced over into the full body mirror, tugging at your shorts until they fell just above the bump of your knee, pulling your sock midway at your calf. Lean abs shone underneath the dim light, and you proudly paraded around the room, happy to be alone.
A knock on the door came, and you swung the door open with a feverish excitement. "Who is it?"
"Didn't take me as a bra kinda girl. Was thinking more spandex or a binder." Jaemin seethed, hands on hips, azure jersey hanging off his lithe frame.
"You're insufferable. Why are you here?" You groaned, choosing to ignore his taunt at your breast size. His eyes crinkled into upside down crescents, wandering lower to the dip of your frilly black bra.
"To see my favourite girl, of course." He whistled, eyes still glued to your unmarked expanse of skin. "I think those need a new owner." He pointed towards your chest.
"Preferably one whose face I can stand to look at."
"I'm roaring with laughter." You snarked, voice dripping with sarcasm, making no attempt to cover yourself up. Jaemin was still staring, face flushed a flaming cerise. "You gonna keep staring or are you gonna leave me alone?"
"I'm not staring. Why are you staring at me?" He shot defensively. Your eyes narrowed at him, watching his cheeks darken with every lingering stare.
"You're in the girl's changing room, drooling over two lumps of fat on the body of a girl that you hate. The real inquisition here is your lack of sensibility to stop thirsting after anything with a vagina."
Jaemin stayed silent, eyes boring holes into your full lips, tongue instinctively darting out to wet his own nimble, chapped ones. Rolling your eyes, you lead him to the door, hand clasped against the door handle.
Then, you heard loud footsteps approaching the room, incoherent rambling increasing in clarity. You began to conjure up a plan, wondering how on Earth you'd be able to kick Jaemin out without the girls knowing.
With the shouts of the team gradually getting closer, you panicked, chucking Jaemin into a locker.
"Fine, I'll leave! Lemme out!" He squirmed, trying to come out of the metal confines.
"You can't leave now, they're literally outside. Do you want to be stomped to death by Nike Mercurials?" You hissed, closing the door over, much to his protests.
"Don't wanna die with the last image being your breasts."
"If you survive this, I'll gladly provide you a new image."
He shut up at that, and you straightened, reaching for your jersey in a false calmness. The girls burst in, squeals of various greetings being thrown across the room.
You smiled gently at them, encouraging them to get changed, joining in to laugh at their jokes. The topic kept shifting from manicures to new boots before finally settling on Na Jaemin.
"Cap'n, what's going on with you and Jaemin?" One of the girls asked, batting her eyelashes softly. "A boy on the football team told me that you guys are dating."
Dating..that devil? A sin punishable by death! You repelled all instinct to shudder in disgust, instead choosing to maintain a neutral expression.
"I am absolutely not dating Na Jaemin. He's a despicable little mongrel and I'd rather eat my shoe—"
"Mon bébé chérie, why do you curse me like this?" Jaemin squeezed from the locker, voice like a wounded puppy.
"Did you hear that? I think it was—"
"No! It's my Jaemin impression. Isn't it so good?" You spluttered, voice rising in volume. You were sure that your face was a painful beetroot, breathing crazily as you over-exerted yourself.
"Cap'n, it was so good I almost thought Jaemin was in here with us!" She gushed, hands clasped. "You guys would be so cute together. Even if you don't like him, I think he most definitely has feelings for you."
The rest of the girls joined in at this, shouts of 'you should take a chance!' resounding in the hollow room. You'd already ruled out that as a possibility, chalking it down to his uncontrollable thirst for being a pest. Na Jaemin was your rival, the utter bane of your existence, a rodent that fed on robbing your spirits dry of any positivity.
"He'll get a chance when pigs fly." You muttered, noticing their eyes staring at you inquisitively, as if they knew something you didn't. Awkwardly, you smiled at the girls, ushering them towards the door, scanning the hallway after the last one had skipped out.
Jaemin untangled himself from the locker, straightening his limbs, pulling at his calves in a stretch. You peered over your shoulder, frown deepening at him.
"Did you mean what you said?" Jaemin breathed, walking into your personal bubble. He was way too close. His breath tickled your forehead, eyes dark with something you couldn't decipher.
He felt his heart pound against his chest, resisting the urge to pick the stray hair in your eye to the side. You were looking at him with a confused expression, nose scrunched, eyebrows furrowed. You were going to be the death of him. Devastated, he broke eye contact, feeling all forms of fight seep from his bones.
"You don't like me." You whispered, wincing at the wobble in your voice. "Everyone's just saying that....right?"
"What do you want me to say?"
"No. I want you to say no."
"I can't do that."
"Well, you have to say no. I don't want to hear the rest of your sentence — keep us as just this." You softly yelled, pointing between the pair of you. "Don't change anything."
"Okay. I'll leave, but only because you want me to. But, before I go..you've gotta start being more observant." He sighed, ruffling your hair before making his way out.
"I’m plenty observant. Wouldn’t be a good player if I wasn’t.”
"I’ll see it when I believe it. Oh, and the thing you said about pigs flying..”
“What about it?”
“Renjun’s working on it.”
You laughed heartily, locking the door behind you. So, Jaemin did in fact think of you as his Aphrodite — all those nicknames were genuinely created out of affections. 'Mon bébé chérie' held a lot more emotional weight than it did twenty minutes ago, and you had to breathe before your eyes prickled with saltine tears.
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Fresh air hit you like a loaded delivery truck, Mother Nature delicately wiping the tears from your eyes, shaking you with a cold flourish, roaring your cheeks to life. The team had already started their warm-up drills, as opposed to the boys' football team who were cooling down from their jog.
You ran over, tightening your ponytail, shifting into 'Captain' mode. The coach pushed you into the circle, encouraging you to take the reins. "Team, we've been doing nothing but straight work. Let's make this session count before the match tomorrow." You shouted, feeling that familiar rush of adrenaline.
The team chanted back, settling into their positions for the first drill — a penalty shoot out. You stepped to the ball, striding back to gain a better angle, socks hugging your knees.
Giving yourself a five second countdown, you charged at the ball, foot pointed, kicking it with a passion that rivalled Lionel Messi. It rolled in the back of the net, flying past Hyejoo, who could barely even process it.
"Still got those fire feet, I see, Cap'n!"
"Lady Luck gave them to me for a reason." You boasted, smugness slapped all over your face.
From the corner of your eye, Jaemin snickered, winking at you when you turned to make eye contact. At least he had the audacity to keep up appearances in front of everyone, even if you had probably made everything awkward.
"My granny could kick better than that, babes!" He boomed from across the pitch, teasing smirk on his lips.
"Your granny lives in a retirement home and still calls on you 'Nana Banana'..it's not very nice to lie." You retorted, eyes narrowed, nearing his hunched form.
"Doesn't mean she can't kick your ass. Granny was a little Aguero back in the day."
"She can't if I'm the Manè, can she?"
"But I'm a Modric. I'll beat your ass, any day, any time." He grinned, leaning in to you. "In any way you want."
You heard blood pumping in your ears, your cheeks filling with immense heat. He grabbed your cheeks softly, grinning even wider when you flushed even warmer, a human sauna. Pushing a lock out of your eyes, he searched your eyes for any sense of rage, face softening at your lack of that emotion.
"Any..way..I want?" You mouthed silently, innuendo catching your attention again as you mulled over the words. "Na Jaemin, you're a dirty boy."
"I think you're the dirty girl." He hummed, saying the next sentence in an octave that made your head spin, quietly enough that only the two of you could hear. "Sauntering around in your little Victoria's Secret bra, cozying up to me without even batting an eyelash or covering up."
"These boobs are mine. I'm allowed to show them to anyone I want."
"So you admit to showing them to me? You admit that you were trying to put on a show for me?" He pressed, purposely craning his neck over you.
"I was trying to change. If you didn't come into the room like a little pervert, you'd never have gotten a visual of these."
"And yet I know how they look now. There's nothing that can erase that image."
"Fuck you, Na Jaemin."
"I think you meant to say fuck me, but I'll allow the slip-up just because I'm so nice." You squirmed under his predatory gaze, heat in your cheeks akin to a fever. "Better get back to training, Cap. Your team's got a match tomorrow."
You hissed at him weakly, choosing to walk away from his provocation, going back to the team, who were all smiling at you with a glint in their eye. By the looks on their faces, they'd definitely taken that exchange as a form of flirting.
Not that you were disputing it, of course.
The coach rounded the girls up, calling them to grab bibs. You relaxed, running over to take the last bib once you'd calmed down. Na Jaemin was a little toe-sucking, filthy mongrel who only knew how to charm his way out of everything — totally not your ideal type or anything.
His penance for being blunt coupled with that honeyed voice was what was throwing you off. Not your physical attraction to him. At least, you hoped so.
The shrill shriek of the whistle behind you shook you out of your mind, bringing your attention back to the practice game. With every shot at the goal, you could see Jaemin taunting you, making kissy faces.
After the first half, you weren't sure if it was real or if you were hallucinating — almost like a mirage, he was wearing that stupid little smirk and there was nothing more you wanted than to slap those lips clean off his face.
Soon enough, you clocked that it wasn't just an illusion, as he'd shifted to the opposite end of the pitch, the other boys from the football team watching from the stands.
They'd started jeering at every pass, exaggerating their reactions, commentary toeing the border of sexual harassment. You volleyed the ball on your foot, battering it into the stands, grinning widely as it hit one of the boys in the face, leaving his nose lopsided.
"If you're gonna be a sexist piece of shit, just fuck off. My team doesn't deserve to hear your brain-dead commentary, nor see your fuck face." You smiled, bite in your voice. "Kindly take the opinion that nobody asked for and shove it up your ass."
Jaemin's eyes twinkled with respect, breath caught in his throat at the dark look in your eyes. He felt his chest warm in adoration, heart doubling in size. "You heard the lady."
"Includes you too, Jaemin. Better get home before Granny Na starts missing her little boy."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Fuck off." You said playfully, recovering the ball. He waved you bye, lugging his bag over his shoulder, fixing the collar of his jersey. A beam touched your lips, face lighting up.
Jaemin smirked back at you, taking his leave. He dragged the remnants away with him, leaving the girl's football team alone in the cooling dwindle of Autumn light.
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"Nice shorts." A tug.
"Oh? Na Jaemin complimenting me?" You mused in surprise, arms folded across your chest.
"You didn't let me finish." Jaemin whispered, standing on the sidelines of the pitch, pulling at the hem of your shorts. "Ooh, I can see your stubble. Better bring out the razor."
Your jaw tightened, feeling that rush of annoyance fill your veins again. The nerve.
"More stubble than you'll ever grow on that chin."
"At least I'm not a human Sasquatch."
"I've got hair in the right places—" You started, catching the innuendo, glaring at Jaemin's raised eyebrows. "—I know what I meant. Don't be such a dirty boy."
"Say it again. Love the way it rolls off your tongue."
You gaped at him, whole body blowing a fuse, skin reddening at his tone. Sweltering heat danced atop each fingertip, each muscle, making you jolt. His gaze was still glued to your face, relishing the quickly dilating pupils in your eyes.
"—Would rather have you speechless after our first time, not for your championship final. When you win, I'll buy you fucking adorable ice cream with the little star sprinkles that you like."
"Going to ignore you on that first statement, but the second one sounds like a motive."
"Win the match, and I'll ask you out. Properly."
You saw his eyes flash with something passionate, flakes of gooey molasses swirling behind the irises. Before you opened your mouth to reply to him, he pleaded silently for you to just take it as it was. "Gimme a chance. Who knows you better than your enemy? Nobody."
"I mean..."
"Only you know that my grandma calls me those corny names or that I see her all the time."
"Or that you lose every game that's not football because you're too lazy to pay attention." You added.
"And I know that you broke a guy's jaw because he was bothering Yangyang." He continued. "And I also know that you know one thing I've never told anyone."
"Ooh, what's that?"
"That I like you."
You looked away from him sheepishly, goosebumps popping up on your skin, and whether it was from the cold or from his words, you didn't know. He was looking down at you tenderly, ruffling your bed of hair, pressing a small, wet kiss to your forehead as the whistle blew.
"Don't play with fire, Na."
"You're more like a carpet burn."
You sighed, defeated. "Fine. I'll give you an answer when we win. If you're playing me, I'll break your arms."
"Okay. Go get 'em, Lady Luck." He smiled, waving you off as you scurried onto the pitch, face glowing under the fluorescent lights. Jaemin felt his chest tighten with pride, jaw aching from all the strenuous smiling.
With that absurdly contented face, you reminded him of a cross between a kid at a carnival and a man about to kill another. Your hair gathered wildly atop your head, a wicked glare painting your face.
This was you at peace, he deduced. Even with the gruesome of expressions, you looked calm. The pitch was truly your home away from home.
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Two minutes into the second half saw you being carried off on a stretcher with a torn hamstring. You'd fallen to the grass, no sounds coming from your limp body. Jaemin swore he felt his heart plunge into his ass, and with a frantic flourish, he was coddling your head into his chest.
"Luck, don't die on me. I'm supposed to take you out for ice cream after this, and I stole Renjun's Baskin Robbins loyalty card to cut costs so if we don't go, I'll be getting beat up without having kissed your stupid face." He babbled, slapping your cheeks, scared that you'd genuinely lost your life.
You groaned, rolling slowly in the elastic. "Stop touching my face, I'll get acne." Mildly concussed, you soothed your throbbing headache, registering Jaemin's face looming over you. "Jaemin?"
"Oh, thank God. Thought I'd never see that unruly sparkle in your eyes again."
"Fuck off. My hamstring feels like a fried chicken mukbang and you're talking about my eyes."
"I can't cry before our first date. You'll think I'm a wimp."
"Already think that."
He hit your arm lightly, beaming at your focus on his face, meeting your eyes. You were glaring at him with a kissable pout on your lips, eyebrows furrowed — he wanted to pepper your face in balmy kisses.
The paramedic pushed him away, leading you to the ambulance. You flipped him off, yelling loudly as they wheeled you in, "Make sure you win! Won't forgive you if you don't."
The girl's football team had gathered around the door, all tight-lipped smiles and crumpled faces. They visibly brightened at your declaration, huddling together to recalibrate — the ref blew her whistle to call them back, summoning them back into position.
Yangyang and Donghyuck left the stands, rushing into the ambulance alongside you, closing the door behind them. Jaemin could faintly hear your loud curses, and sighed in relief, knowing that you'd be fine.
With two goals up, the team were at optimum working speed, playing loyally for your honour. Jaemin stood at the sidelines, holding your jacket in his hands as he recorded the match on his phone, wanting to send it to you later.
At 90 minutes, the girl's team had become the winner of the Division One Seoul Inter-district championship, and Jaemin was content. Not because it meant you'd go on that date with him, but because he could feel how much it meant to them.
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Everyone around him was cheering madly, chanting and spraying assorted drinks in each other's faces, an infectious joy lingering in his veins. Amongst all the commotion, he'd somehow been pushed into the middle of the team, feeling their gazes boring into his frame.
"You like Cap'n, right?" The brunette said, eyes bright.
"No. I don't like her. She's my rival." Jaemin lied pathetically, trying to escape their judgement.
"Why were you in the locker room then?"
"Damn. How do you know that?"
"Cap'n is horrible at lying, so she's always upfront. She also cannot do an impression so she never attempts it."
"Wow, you guys sure know your stuff. Bet she's glad to have a team like you. I know I'm feeling a little jealous."
"Cut the smooth talk. If you like Cap'n, just be straightforward. She's more innocent than she seems, and can get her heart broken easily."
"Got it." He nodded, "Well...ladies, I have to thank you for the advice."
"No problem, but if you break her heart.." They chorused, "We'll break that pretty little nose." Fifteen studded feet swung at his face, narrowly skimming the bridge of his nose.
He flinched, caught off guard, grin bared. "Now, I definitely got that message. I'll be going to check up on her, what do you want me to say?"
"We've already called her and shown her the trophy, so we have nothing left to say, you, however...take all the time you need."
"Since I have your blessing, am I allowed to—"
"Don't finish that sentence. Keep in your lane."
Jaemin promptly closed his mouth, and bid them a goodbye, dashing into his car towards the hospital, stopping at Baskin Robbins to buy the ice cream he promised. He hoped you’d at least be able to eat the sprinkles (the ones you liked were expensive, and if you didn’t eat them, he’d just wasted an extra 2,500 won.)
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In the hospital, you were now dressed in a medical gown, surrounded by the two idiots. It smelt like an experiment lab, and the spotless shades of ivory splashed on the walls made you feel a tad bit overwhelmed.
Your leg had already undergone the MRSI scan, and the nurses had told you that you’d definitely tore your hamstring, but surgery would fix it right up along with natural healing.
Of course, all those details lacked in comparison to your team finally winning the trophy you’d worked so hard towards — that excitement numbed the pain considerably.
“We thought you’d somehow died.” Yangyang confessed, grasping your hands in his clammy ones.
“You did.” Donghyuck sneered, pointing at him, continuing when he saw your face change in confusion. “Yang was convinced that you were invincible like Superman or something. He started blubbering about how you could definitely defeat the grim reaper in close contact and that should be enough to steal back your soul or whatever—”
“I’m just never going to ask questions again.”
“Jaemin was on the verge of a breakdown when he saw you fall. Never have I ever seen him run so fast towards a girl.” Donghyuck said, hand on chin in mock thought.
You blushed, remembering your promise about the ice cream and falling back into the bed in distress.
“What’s going on with you? I saw you two all friendly at the sidelines.” Yangyang murmured, eyes squinting in judgement. “Don’t tell me...you guys fucked before the game?”
Suddenly it was too hot in the room. You fanned yourself to cool down, slapping your own cheeks before pulling Yangyang’s ears. “Yeah, because I have the guts to just have my first time in a school setting.” You deadpanned.
“Naughty girl.” Both boys swooned, unable to note your sarcasm.
“Just because my leg is gone doesn’t mean I can’t harm you anymore. I’ll break your kneecaps.”
In the midst of your fight with your best friends, you spotted Jaemin opening the door, wearing that greasy smirk that made butterflies tickle your throat.
“I see a broken leg isn’t enough to stop you, is it?” Jaemin drawled from the door, hands behind his back. “Still threatening people?”
“It’s not threatening if they deserve it.” You mumbled, suddenly shy. Jaemin maintained his distance from you, arm outstretched, ice cream tub in hand. He was looking away from you, faint blush tinting his cheeks, lips squeezed in a puffy ‘o’.
“Not that I remembered or anything, but you did say something about liking these sprinkles.” He said, eyes darting around to focus on anything but you.
“I do...like these sprinkles..how did you know?”
“Everyone calls you star, and you’re cute. It’s your personality in an edible sugar shape.”
You rolled your eyes at his words, forgetting both Donghyuck and Yangyang were seated in the room. It felt like the two of you were just stuck in your own world, glaring at each other like a pair of lovers.
Unfortunately, that moment was cut short by your ungracious best friends, cooing annoyingly. They were squealing like little girls, incomprehensible screams of ‘our girl’s grown up!’ scraping your eardrums.
“Leave me alone!” You whined, face scrunched in discomfort, making futile attempts to push them away. “Jaemin...please get these two off me.”
“Asking your boyfriend to get rid of us? Already?” Yangyang hollered, one of Jaemin’s arms stopping him from jumping on you again.
“He’s not my boyfriend. As of now, he’s the only sensible one who isn’t mauling the girl with a broken leg, and that’s why I’m asking him for help.”
“Should I throw them out?”
“Yes —actually, do whatever. Let them go terrorise someone that isn’t me.”
“Your wish is my command.”
On that, Jaemin escorted both boys outside, shutting the door on them, cutting off the beginning to their long-winded rant with a smile. That left the two of you alone.
Oddly enough, the silence wasn’t stifling but rather a conversation of the mind — you were able to see what he wanted to say by looking into those mocha coloured eyes. You threw the ice cream tub in the bin, reaching for Jaemin’s hands shyly.
He’d sat down beside you on the bed, just staring at you like you were an abstract painting, a mosaic of a splendid array, unable to take his eyes off you. He took your hand warmly, running his fingers over your calloused knuckles, sharing his heat with you.
“Jaemin.” You yawned, head falling onto his shoulder. “I’m saying yes to your date. If I didn’t get injured, you could’ve taken me out today, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t say sorry. Being with you is enough for me, even if I do want to comment on your horrible tackles during the match.” Jaemin teased, grabbing your hand a little tighter.
“Haha...I’m dying of laughter.”
“Hey! None of that here.”
“Sorry. I’m just happy. My team won our first championship, which we’ve been trying to do for three years, and I feel on top of the world. All those years of boys being absolute dickheads to us about our abilities, trying to put us down have amounted to this moment. I’m at peace right now.”
“Don’t apologise. I should be sorry instead. It was easier to talk to you if I pretended I hated you. I shouldn’t have been like that.”
“I accept your apology. But..I think it was cute you couldn’t tell me you liked me! That’s so endearing.”
“Fuck off.”
“That’s my line! Well, you were always attractive to me, even when you were being a dickhead. Now that I think about it, you’re at your hottest when you’re being mean.”
“Is that so?” Jaemin mused, rolling onto his hands, dangling over you, lips eerily close to your own. “Do you want me to treat you mean, keep you keen?”
“Firstly, don’t ever say that again.” You stopped him, hand placed on his chest to push him away lightly. “Secondly, I’ve never had a boyfriend or my first kiss. That means no experience.” You slurred that last part, rushing the words so he wouldn’t be able to hear.
“Cap’n, you’re telling me that I’ll be your first?”
“Not if you don’t ask me out.”
Jaemin sat back beside you, looking up to the ceiling. This was the moment. He took a deep breath, standing up before you, hands rubbing his stomach softly to calm down.
“I wanted to do a real dramatic confession, but I rushed over here in fear that you wouldn’t be able to hit me again, so I’ll have to stick with my speech.” He cheesed, trying to ease himself of his nerves. You laughed, hissing in mock anger when he wore that stupid grin. “I like you. Like a lot. Sometimes, I come to school with a dirty scowl on my face, but then I see your face and start smiling like a love struck fool. You’re someone that I wouldn’t want to lose.”
“Jaemin, you little mongrel. Come here.” You waved him over, arms outstretched in a hug. “Even though I know your ego won’t let you ask me out properly, I would love to be your girlfriend. However, if my heart is broken..I’ll be stoning your car.”
“Thought you were gonna say that you’d break my face.”
“That too.”
He snuggled closer into you, peering up at you with shining eyes, not wanting to move too much to keep you comfortable. You grinned back at him, placing a soft kiss on his head, running a hand through his hair.
That familiar silence returned, and that’s how you fell asleep with Na Jaemin enveloped in your chest. Although you’d broken a leg, Lady Luck seemed to have twiddled her fingers to send you a ‘get well soon’ present, the ever cunning Na Jaemin.
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Five months later had you no longer hobbling around on crutches like a hobbit, but walking proud and tall. Jaemin drove you to school (using the excuse of carpooling) and helped you take your books to first period everyday — the alpha male in him winced seeing you attempt any ‘heavy lifting’, and he’d made it a routine.
“Can you fuck off? I can carry this.” You complained, pinching his side. “Just because I see a physio biweekly doesn’t mean I’m about as able-bodied as a monkey.”
“Got the hair to be a monkey.” He snorted.
“Look who’s talking, Mr.Sasquatch. Bigger feet than his prints, you little scoundrel.”
“Big feet means big—”
“Don’t finish that if you wanna keep the body part in question.”
“—heart. Dirty girl.”
You felt the honey pooling in your stomach, kissing his cheek in haste to escape his relentless teasing. He shut up at that, pulling you back to kiss you properly, attracting the attention of everyone in the hallway.
“Get to class.” He announced as he parted from you, enjoying your petulant face. You hit him softly, flipping him off from behind you, blowing him a kiss.
Ah, Na Jaemin. You still hated him. Just a little less this time.
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piracytheorist · 3 years
also to go on with your tangent about price for games (I got Village for 24.99) there is also the chance that they won't work on the software you have like for me Village and RE3 (and Unravel 2) don't work on my laptop as yet for one very key reason its five years old (I got it Jan 2017)
(you know how most computers do automatic updates? yeah my laptop wants to update to windows 11 but it just can't guys)
Yeah, I mean, a good gaming computer costs about 2000 dollars/euros, and that's just mostly covering the basics when it comes to high-requirement games. Village takes up a whole 28 gb on my SSD; you need plenty of hard disks of huge size to be able to have multiple games, and most professional gamers anyway have a different computer for gaming and a different for everything else, cause if you have your disk filled to the brim with games of multiple gbs, you literally can't spare any space for anything else. And in our times, we're talking SSD disks here, good luck running any big game on an HDD if you have any other program or game installed. So the mere cost of an SSD compared to a simple HDD is also something to consider.
Like, you need a good processor, a good RAM, a good graphics card, multiple good SSDs, good internet connection to be able to download the games cause apparently physical copies are too much now for video game companies, and I don't even know what else to be able to run a big game smoothly. And that shit takes money. If you don't have money, you compromise with what you have, and there's only so much low resolution and lag you can handle. I'm pretty sure if I didn't love Village to bits I'd have rage quited very early upon seeing the lag in the cutscenes.
And yeah, for some people, 2000 euros/dollars are nothing. I know a guy (who funnily enough works in game development) who makes six fucking thousand a month. I don't even make six hundred a month. With my current salary, I'd need three years in order to make enough to buy myself a good gaming computer. And that's not even counting any updates, buying new hardware when the previous becomes obsolete, or even buying the games themselves. And that's not even my priority - the things I'm buying once I get enough money are an electric piano (I'm a musician, I need a piano) and a bicycle (I can't afford or want a car so it's needed for any long distances).
And as you said, the worst thing about gaming hardware is that it becomes obsolete way too quickly. In the same computer that I have Village now on the lowest graphics and it's still struggling, the previous owner used to play Skyrim five years ago with the graphics all high up and had no issue with lagging. And the computer has been updated since then. Like, low graphics settings are supposed to work on low-requirement computers. When the lowest standard is 10 fucking gb of RAM, you're not making your game very accessible to poor people.
And with all that it's fucking annoying to say that owning or playing a game is a requirement for someone to love it. I feel that the original post I reblogged actually got that and was mostly joking, but I do know there are gatekeepers who think that way, and unfortunately they're part of the problem of gaming being only for rich people.
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bodyswapmischief · 5 years
Jiggalo In Trouble
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Well, I don't fucking know what to do. You see ... this isn't my body. This morning I was a hairy, obese, 50 year old man. Not, this muscled, latino, bad boy you see now.
You could say my life was pathetically tragic. I grew up in a time and place where I couldn't be myself. I was gay but, stayed deep in the closet. I even forced myself to marry a woman and have 3 beautiful children. I had a decent life and most days I was happy. But, I always knew I was lying to the ones I love. Yet, I knew the truth could never come out. I had to live the rest of my life playing a straight man.
But, there was always one thing on my bucket list. I wanted to have a sex with a man. Just once, and I could die happy. I tried many times, with gay dating apps, but I always chickened out at the last minute.
But, then the opportunity showed itself. I was selected by my boss to go to Las Vegas, for a work related convention. I would be the repsentive for this branch at some booths, panels, and meetings that were going to happen.
It didn't seem to stressful. Working for the company for so long, I knew I would be able to handle it. But, what I was really excited for was the possibilites. "Whatever happens in Vegas; stays in Vegas."
So, I get there and I work at the convention. It was okay. I met some cool people. I networked. But, the long days always left me tired. I had no time or energy to look for a fast one night stand. Or maybe that was just an excuse for me chickening out again. Outside of the convention, I just spent my time eating at th hotels buffet and watching TV in my hotel room.
As the paid trip was coming to an end, I had a free day all to myself. It started off the same. I went to the buffet and ate till I was full. Then I waddled back to my room. Looking through my suitcase, I saw my special clothes I packed. In case I did manage to get the courage to do a one stand, I pack some leather gear. I sighed disappointed in myself for chickening out.
But, a thought popped in my mind. I might not have the courage to have sex with a stranger. But, I could walk around the casino dressed up as a fat leather daddy. I put on the tight leather pants. I put on a plain white shirt and leather vest. I looked at the mirror and smiled. Finally, I could express myself. I put on the rest of my gear and sighed. My heart was racing. And then I opened my hotel room door.
No one was around so, I walked into the elevator. Through the sound of my heartbeat, I was screaming inside my mind. "What the FUCK am I doing." As the elevator went down people started getting in. I wanted to cry, I was so embarrassed. But, nobody said anything. No one laughed or said something mean. Some people even smiled at me. I began to relax. I began to feel happy and maybe even sexy.
It felt like the stars aligned. And maybe they did. I went to see some shows. I ate at the buffet. I got compliments from guys. I got some numbers and some invites to clubs. I even danced with some guys at a leather bar. But, I knew I wasn't going to take the next step. I was still scared. And, it was getting late. With beer in my stomach and altering my mind. I stopped at the slot machines and put a coin in, before going to my room. And, luck really was on my side. As the machine lit up, it announced I won the 20,000 dollar grand prize. I was still drunk. Staff and other people surrounded me. They were cheering and giving me balloons, a crown, and the check to collect my winnings when I was ready.
I got up, still tipsy, and stumbled a little bit. People laughed and cheered little bit. The staff slide the check into my vest pocket. "Don't worry I got him." A hot young man came to myside. He used his strength to help me stand. He had tattoos on his arms. He was wearing a tight shirt and pants. A gold chain hung from his neck.
Everyone dispersed as this Latin stud led me to the elevator. "Okay, Papi, what room are you in." To drunk I just handed him my key card. He lead me to my room and laid me on the bed. He started taking off my clothes. I don't fight back. In my drunk mind this is the fantasy I always wanted. "Okay big boy, it looks like your going to get luck again tonight."
I can't see over my giant stomach but, I could feel him take off my pants then underwear. Suddenly, I felt him push my fat pad and start sucking my dick. He started off slow and I moaned with pleasure. He kept sucking using his tongue to play with the head of my penis. My breathing became heavier and the pleasure starts to sober me up. I felt my dick about to burst with cum. I tried to warn him but he ignores me. And, I shoot my load into his mouth. I gasped in ecstasy.
Suddenly, I felt a dick in my mouth. My mouth is covered with semen, as the dick keep pulsating with cum. I swallowed what I could and then took it out of my mouth. Right in front of me was a familiar sight. I saw my penis surrounded by my fatty pelvic region. From this outside perspective I could see how fat I really was? I look down and saw that I'm in the young man's body. My dick was rock hard and my body was now lighter and stronger. Adrenalin rushed through my muscles. Tattoos covered the body.
My body finally started talking, "Like what you see?"
"What did you do to me ... to us?"
"You see I'm a juggalo and I saw you ... a man who needed to get lucky, if you know what I mean. And, after tonight's big win down stairs I know you have the money to pay me."
"But... but.... I'm in your body and you ..."
"Oh, I have a fetish. I like giving men the opportunity to be me. I mean look at you now you are stud. You are turned on just by being in that body. Just existing in that body is orgasmic for you. So, that makes sex so much better, at least for me. And, then experiencing new bodies is always fun. I haven't been in a person this fat in awhile. And your breast are so sensitive. Oh, and this tight asshole. What do you say do you want to fuck yourself, with my body."
My old body spreaded its legs, revealing its asshole. My dick was raging hard. I slowly inserted my long dark dick. It felt so good. I started going a little faster. I watch as the muscles in my caramel body flexed and relaxed. The whole experience was hot. I started touching my old body the way I knew I liked to be touched.
"Fuck this is so good. Faster, faster, faster." My old body cried out. Feeling the strength of the muscled body, I go full speed. Both of our bodies were sweating, panting, moaning. Then everything stopped, as we both cummed.
We laid side by side, a big smile on my face. My old fat body started kissing my buff chest and then up my neck. "Let me freshen up, and then it's my turn to fuck you." He whispered sexually.
I watched as he struggled to get to his feet and then as he waddled to the bathroom. I laid there exploring my new body. My dick already getting hard from my excitement.
Then, I heard the front room door open. A man with a gun walked in.
"Fuck Enrique! Cover up or something." My heart racing, I grabbed a blanket and put it over my naked body. "Good, now this is you last fucking chance. The boss wants his money and necklace back"
"You ... you ... I'm... um." I try to talk but I can't think straight. The man walked closer and grabbed me by the neck. He started choking me. I tried to fight back. But, then he grabs me by the balls. He starts squeezing them. The pain is intense, I lay still. "Good now talk or I ripped out your prized possessions." He says as he pulls out a blade.
Then from the corner of my eye, I saw my old body enter the room. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Ryan leave him alone. It's me Enrique. He has nothing to do with this."
The man on top of me looks over his shoulder. "Really!? Your in that fatass. I guess it suits you for being such a pig in the first place." He laughed. "So, where's the boss's money."
"Here, I have part of it here. This guy just won it big downstairs. And, with access to his memories, I have access to his bank accounts." Enrique smiles.
The man begins to aim his gun at Enrique. "What ... what are you doing. I ... I have the money." Enrique starts to panic.
"What is your name," the man motions to me. "Andrew," I nervously replied. The man turns his attention back at Enrique. "No you don't have the money. You have Andrew's money. The boss is fucking tired of your shit. God! I've been waiting to do this for so long," with that last word Enrique, in my body, was shot in the head. Blood splattered on the wall and was quickly pooling on the floor. I saw in shock as my old body laid thier lifeless. What the fuck was going to happen, now.
The man walks to me and I prepare for the worst. Instead, he just ripped the golden chain from my neck. "Well it looks like it your lucky day. You got an upgrade on your body.." He said, as he looked down at me. "Don't worry about your old life. There is no going back now. I'll make sure your wife and kids get what you saved in your bank and I'm pretty sure the boss will throw a little extra."
"S ... so your just going to let me go?," I asked.
"Yeah, why not? You didn't do anything wrong., besides cheating. But, we've all been there. Plus, that body has made a lot of enemies so, you won't exactly have a peaceful life. Don't get me wrong the boss will spread the word of what really happened to Enrique, but some people just really like seeing the actual body dead. So, take your winnings and find some small town to lay low and start a new life."
A new life, one that was in constant danger. This seemed more like a punishment, but in a way I guessed I deserved it. I could never go back to my old life. I knew at this point there was no use in protesting. "What about him I pointed to my dead body."
."Oh, he was a pig in life. Now he's being tortured as a fatass in hell. But, if you are talking about the body; well we have people who will take care of that. So, I recommend leaving as soon as possible."
The man patted me on the back and started to leave. "Good luck with your new life. But, if things get to out of hand for you or you are in desperate need for a job give me a call." He places a business card on the desk, before he leaves.
Now, I'm sitting here. Memories flood my mind. I saw every bad thing this body did. Using that necklace, the man took, to rob people of everything they owned, even killing people in the process. I looked at my hands, then my arms, and then my muscular torso. I had my dream body, but at what cost. I look at this memories with disgust, I knew that I wasn't capable of those acts. But, it didn't matter, the memories felt so real.
I hear a buzzing sound and snap back to reality. I start putting on Enriques clothes and feel a cell phone. It buzzes again. LAST WARNING: Destroy this phone and get out of there now!. I easily snap the phone in half and submerge the broken pieces into a nearby glass with water. I take the the business card and walked out of the room. I didn't know where I was going. I just knew Las Vegas was no longer safe for me. I need to get some where far and collect my thoughts about what the fuck happened.
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go--ask--alice · 4 years
Tumblr media
14 Days.
336 Hours.
20,160 Minutes.
That is how long it's been since I've spoken to my Joker. I don't know what happened.. I still don't know what the fuck is going on. We were suppose to temporarily move into this god forsaken townhouse together yet here I sit alone. It has taken me that long just to gather my thoughts enough to even write them down.
That morning two weeks ago started so normal. I woke up to find myself alone in bed which honestly isn't that abnormal in itself, J sometimes doesn't sleep and gets his best work done in the middle of the night. I did my usual morning routine hoping he would make an appearance as I stood in the shower under the scalding hot water. He loves to surprise me and join in for some early morning shower sex after a long night of insomnia. I had it set in my mind to give him a bit of a show since he hadn't appeared yet. I put on a modest yet cheeky outfit and set off to his office hoping to interrupt a phone call and tease him as he tried not to acknowledge me. It's a game I love to play with him and gets the most amazing reactions from him. But as I reached the wing his office resided in there was nothing. No Frost at the door, no yelling at incompetent goons over the phone, not even the soft sound of classical music that sometimes floats through the halls when he's deep in his plans.
All of a sudden this massive mansion felt empty, I knew in my gut that he wasn't here. There had been a handful of red flags recently that something bad was brewing but honestly I just expected him to ask me to cut him again. It's something we started doing last year to release some of his darker demons and as far as I knew it had been working. I try to let him come to me with the request rather than pushing. His madness is part of what I love about him and such a key ingredient in what makes him The Joker and I never want to change that.
After I took a few moments to collect myself I called J, maybe there was a perfectly normal reason for his absence? Maybe I had forgotten about a meeting and he left without me? We are rarely apart, even for a few hours, but it does happen.
9:32am no answer
9:39am no answer
9:56am no answer, not even voicemail
This wasn't like J. He may be a psychotic crime boss but he is still always available for me. Worse case scenario my missed called are answered by a text from Frost letting me know what's going on and oh boy was he next on my call list!
......Five missed calls later and I still didn't have any answers. I was ready to burn this place to the ground if someone didn't give me some information.
Finally at around 11am I got a text from Frost.
[Ms Alice, please be ready to leave for the townhouse at 2:30 this afternoon. Boss will explain later.]
My blood boiled as I read the text. It was so generic, so cold. I knew he was only following orders but I felt so betrayed by Johnny. He has become my one confidant in this crazy world I now reside in. He is the only other person who knows what it's like to be in the presence of The Joker's madness and not be a target of it.
I had no choice but to follow along and continue with the plan. My bags were already packed and in the trunk of my new and still barely driven Lambo Aventador. Apparently I would be driving myself seeing as both J and Frost were MIA.
I didn't even want to leave at this point. I felt like a child who has lost their parent in the department store. "If I just stay put they'll have to come back and find me right??" I didn't want to leave just incase J showed back up and I could get an explanation straight from him.
I spent the remaining time going over every red flag I've seen since before our wedding, anything to clue me in to what might be going on. It had almost seemed like J was apprehensive to come back from England, we both knew he needed to return and take care of business in Gotham but England had become a kind of safe house where all the everyday problems could be put on hold and his stress levels really did begin to mellow out in the last few weeks of our stay. From the moment we hit the tarmac here at home there was a noticable shift, the tension in his jaw was back and the twitch under his eye reappeared more quickly than I had anticipated.
I have learned that he lives his life as a series of distractions. Some good some bad but all carefully crafted to distract from the demons in his mind. He immediately began planning our wedding, looking into new properties to acquire, and most amusingly he began building and collecting model cars. If I ever need a good laugh I just like to stop and picture Johnny Frost, lethal weapon, standing in line at the hobby store with a basket full of paints and parts to replace the ones J had broken the night before!
I also thought back to his increased drug use. The coke has always been more of a last resort than recreational to help calm him but recently I know he's started using alot more often. It's a big part of the reason he hasn't been sleeping. I honestly attributed his more erratic behavior to the drugs and insomnia but maybe they were just side effects of a bigger problem? No matter what is going on he is always kind and gentle to me, a courtesy he does not extend to any other living soul. I have seen a level of violence I never thought possible in his presence, it's something I have started to become almost jaded by, but I will never doubt the evil that resides inside that beautiful damaged man. He has also recently taken to personally dealing with some of the lower level thugs in his employ, a task that has always been delegated to Frost or one of the other higher ranking bodyguards. I assume mainly so he has a constant supply of fresh meat for his experiments or even just target practice. I tend to not ask a lot of questions when it comes to the more violent aspects of his empire. If he does not explicitly involve me then I simply do not ask questions.
When the time was right I went down to the garage doors, my last bag in hand and expected to see my car in it's customary spot next to the Benz but it wasn't there. At this point I wasn't sure I could take much more of this bullshit and just began to cry. All the worry and frustration from the day just hit me like a ton of bricks and I didn't want to think anymore. I wanted my husband, I wanted to be clued into whatever the fuck was happening, and goddamn it if I had to leave I just wanted to get in my own car and drive away. After a few moments I wiped my eyes and grabbed my things before heading out the side door towards the front of the building. As I turned the corner a laugh bubbled up from me that sounded foreign and cold. There she was, my beautiful Ghost, J had teased me for naming my car but it's something I have done with every other junk car I ever drove so something as exceptional as this car deserved it too! She was running, her engine humming a low purr and the driver side door was open. This was starting to get even stranger.. I felt like I was in a movie and people were watching from behind the camera lens. That's when I spotted the blacked sedan, it's engine was also running and as I approached Ghost they flashed the high beams at me. It didn't feel like a trap or anything nefarious so I climbed in and slammed the door. My frustrating hitting record levels. On the screen the GPS was already programed for the townhouse. Just as I was about to put her into drive a text popped up on my screen, it was Frost.
[At the rear, head to the destination. -F]
My anger bubbled to the surface and in one swift move I rolled the window down and raised my middle finger as I hit the gas. My sharp black nails and wedding rings glittered in the winter sun, my rear wheels kicking up gravel as I pulled out onto the public road, the blacked out car following closely behind. I knew it was Frost behind the wheel but I had a terrible feeling in my stomach that J was in the backseat. Why was he doing this to me? All morning I had been trying to think of what may be wrong with him, now my thoughts turned to myself. Had I done something to cause this? Did I make a mistake or cross some line I wasn't aware of? From the moment we met it seemed I could do no wrong in J's eyes. Had he finally gotten tired of me? Did he think getting married was a mistake? Was this his way of getting rid of me? All these questions continued to race through my head the entire drive.
The townhouse is approximately 30 minutes outside of downtown Gotham, close enough to still feel metropolitan but far enough out to give the illusion of privacy. J had showed me the floor plan weeks ago as we planned for our extended stay. The building is a four story brownstone with an enclosed garden accessible only from our unit's kitchen. There are three other units on the block, all of which are owned by J, most are empty except for the far end that was occupied but I have no idea who actually lives there or if it's just a front for something else.
As I turned onto the block I hesitated, realizing I had no idea where to park. I never planned on driving here alone so the thought never crossed my mind. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Frost's black sedan take the corner alittle too fast and barrel past me. The back passenger window was rolled down a few inches just furthering my suspicion that J is in there too. I said fuck it and park right infront of the unit and storm out of the car. I stalked up the brick stairs and planted my heels at the front door. I had no key so someone needed to get out the fucking car and talk to me.
[Stay there, I have the keys. -F]
My phone buzzes with another useless text message. I stifle a sigh of annoyance as I see the door open and a visibly uncomfortable Frost make his way towards me. I've never seen him look so unsure of himself? My nerves flaired up again and he hands me a set of keys and a sealed envelope. My name is written in J's messy script and my heart thunders in my chest. I implored Frost for any information he can give and all I got was a nervous chuckle and a sidewards glance towards his car which was still idling halfway down the block. Before turning away he tapped the envelope clutched in my hands. "This is bullshit Ms Alice. Give it time." I didn't even have a chance to ask before he turned and quickly returned to the car. No use waiting for him to pull away, I unlocked the large wooden door and shuffled inside. As soon and the door clicked shut behind me I sunk to my knees and began to cry. All the tears I'd been saving up since this morning came pouring out, I let my emotions flow for several minutes until I saw J's letter discarded on the floor infront me. I took a moment to trace my name written in my loves scratchy script, almost as bad a doctor's, before tearing it open. Inside I found a short note. It was written in deep purple ink so I know it came from the stationary in his office at home.
"Darling, I need to be away for a while to deal with {multiple words scratched out} some sticky fingers at The Smile and Grin. {scribbles} I gave Frost the week off and now I need to handle some of the staff myself because someone’s dipping into my bourbon stash and I need to figure out who."
The whole thing was sloppy and disjointed, it looked rushed and made literally no sense at all. This was all so ridiculous.. The Joker is not a coward yet he couldn't come to me, his wife, and explain what ever the fuck was going on. I crumpled the letter and threw it across the room.
So here I am. It has been two weeks and still nothing. Thank God we had already hired a small staff for this place or I would be screwed.
This is all fucking worthless. When that clown finally shows his face back up here I'll give him a reason for that goddamn metal grill he's got.
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stylesgalaxy · 5 years
mastermind; chapter 14
Early update again lol! I'm just so exciteddddd! Anyway, enjoy this suuuuper long chapter lovely people!!! :)
The next day after our art history class (where we aced our quiz), Harry asks me a question that shakes me.
We were in the café like usual and there was a lull in the conversation as I finish my soup. Harry leans forward and bites his lip nervously.
"Aria," he says. I hum back in response. "You know my biggest secret, right?"
I pause and look up at him. I wasn't sure if he had a bigger secret but since he said this, I guess not.
"Your family? You don't talk about them much to other people."
"No. Not that. You're right, I don't, but Julia knows about my family. And Julia doesn't know... my biggest secret."
I frown. What was he—
"Oh," I say softly. "Is it, um, the thing you told me... about sometimes feeling like Julia isn't the one for you?"
Harry looks at me expressionless then nods. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable, I wonder why Harry would bring this up.
"So," he says suddenly, snapping out of his daze and leaning forward on his arms with a shit eating grin. "You know my biggest secret, what's your biggest secret?"
And that was what startled me. Just imagine the irony: the person who is the reason for my biggest secret, asking me what my biggest secret was.
I shake my head at him.
"Come on, Aria, please!" he begs.
"I can't," I say, feeling even more uncomfortable.
"I... I don't think you'd still want to be friends with me if you knew my biggest secret," I tell him honestly. That makes him even more curious but he can tell how much I don't like this conversation so he drops it.
I don't know why but this simple interaction bothered me. Harry was one of my closest friends and if Julia wasn't my best friend, he'd have the title. Over the past few months we'd gotten so close and we understand each other really well. If it wasn't him I was in love with, I would have trusted him completely by telling him my secret.
But I can't do anything that could compromise my friendship with him or Julia, and possibly their relationship.
"Aria?" Harry snaps me out of my thoughts.
"We have to go now, you're class starts soon," Harry says, packing his things up. Reluctantly, I pack up too. I really don't like my next class so I drag my feet the entire way there and whine.
"I think I'm just gonna go home," I tell Harry when we get to campus.
"What? No, you have class, let's go," he demands.
"Noooo, I don't want to. It's so boring and I could just go home and relax instead."
"Aria," Harry pins me with a serious look. "You're paying for an education, get the most out of it." I groan and rolls my eyes and start to complain again when he wraps a hand around my arm and pulls me with him. "Come on, I'll go with you."
"What?" I ask in confusion.
"I'll go with you to your class, that way you won't be bored 'cause I'm there, and you'll at least get your attendance marks."
I can't complain much with that so I follow Harry. He walks into the class with me and we sit at my usual spot. I pull out my laptop to get ready for note taking, while Harry takes his out to sort through his notes for his other classes and get organized. Both of us are type away silently next to each other while the professor talks, until I get distracted by the two girls sitting in the row in front of us, several seats down. They whisper amongst each other then one looks back to peek at Harry and then they look at each other and giggle.
I try not to pay them too much attention because 1. I already know Harry is taken, and 2. it's not by me. But my focus keeps shifting back to them.
"It's Louis the fifteenth," Harry mutters to me.
"Huh?" I glance at him.
He peeks over at my laptop screen and goes, "Louis the fifteenth, not sixteenth. Louis the sixteenth is a whole other mess in French history, don't think you're there just yet."
I correct the error in my notes and focus back on the lecture until I get bored again. When the professor starts showing us paintings from that time period, I open a new tab on my browser and search up a Sudoku game. A minute later, Harry snorts.
"You're hopeless," he chuckles lightly, shaking his head.
"It's educational, I'm learning something," I argue quietly. He shrugs a shoulder with a smirk.
When I start struggling in the game, he begins offering his help. We try to stay as quiet as possible to not draw attention to ourselves as he points to squares on my screen and tells me what numbers to put in. Unfortunately, we're not sneaky enough.
"You two in the back," the prof calls out. "What's all the talking about? Do you have an opinion you'd like to share with us?"
Harry and I stare at him blankly.
"Sorry, sir," I say quickly. "I was just trying to access the slides online but my Wi-Fi disconnected. My friend was just helping me get back—"
"Alright, alright, just pay attention," the old man who understands nothing about technology says. A guy behind us snorts because he can see we're clearly playing Sudoku and Harry and I bite our lips to not laugh.
The class ends soon and I leave happier than I was coming in. Harry and I head back to my place when we pass by a frozen yogurt shop.
"Hey, you want some frozen yogurt? I just remembered I have a gift card," I tell Harry. He agrees and we wait in the long line, chatting the whole time. We walk back to my house slowly because we knew as soon as we're inside we have to do work neither of us wanted that.
I unlock the apartment door and stumble in laughing at a story Harry was telling. We're taking our jackets off just as the door opens again and Julia walks in.
"Harry?" she asks.
"Hey, babe," Harry says to her, still smiling. Julia glances between us with a frown on her face, her frown only deepening when she notices the frozen yogurt cups in our hands. Harry leans in to hug her, but she stops him.
"Where were you?"
"I was with Aria," he explains. "Why, we didn't make any plans—right?"
"No, but my class ended a few hours ago and yours ends at noon today. I wanted to hang out but I couldn't find you anywhere!" she huffs, but doesn't raise her voice.
My gut wrenches and guilt washes over me.
"Oh, love, I'm so sorry. We don't usually hang out on Wednesdays... I went to the café with Aria like we always do, I would have invited you if—"
"Wait—what café? You guys go to a café together after your class?"
"Yeah! It's the really nice one called 'The Red Spoon', they have amazing food but the portions come huge so Aria and I go together so we can split it because there's so much we want to try..." Harry happily rambles on while I watch murder grow in Julia's eyes.
"Okay, but still," Julia interrupts him. "Where were you when she went to class? Because I checked the library and your usual study space and your house and you weren't there! Her class is at three and it's nearly five."
"I went to her lecture with her... She didn't want to go so I forced her to," Harry says sheepishly. "If—"
"And then you guys went and got frozen yogurt," Julia concludes.
"Jules, I'm sorry, I wouldn't have kept you waiting if I knew—"
"I texted you. Multiple times,' she deadpans. Harry frowns in confusion before pulling his phone out and sighing.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry. I didn't even check my phone," he rubs his face and looks at her apologetically.
"It's fine," Julia sighs, before glancing at me accusingly. Her glare makes my blood freeze and I gulp.
"Let's go now, you're fine with that right?' Harry offers. I whip to look at him, knowing he has a lot of work he wanted to get done based on everything he was organizing for himself during my class.
"Okay," Julia concedes. Harry grins and presses a kiss to her lips.
"Let me just use the restroom, really quickly, then we'll go," he says. She nods as he turns to head to the bathroom without glancing at me.
Once we hear the door close and lock click, Julia sets her gaze on me.
"When were you going to tell me you're hanging out with my boyfriend?" she hisses.
"W-what do you mean?" I stutter. "Harry and I hang out... you know that."
"I wasn't aware you two went on lunch dates together every week. I mean just yesterday I found out you have a class together and today I find out you spend time together and share meals. Not only that but he accompanies you to your classes as well. It's like you're glued to him!"
"Julia, no—" my throat closes up and fear washes over me. "It's not like that!"
"It is like that!" Julia hisses back. "I understood you and Harry hanging out more a few months ago, in fact I encouraged it! I thought this would be good for all three of us if you two got along but now you're just hogging him!"
"I'm not hogging! He came with me to my class, and I-I didn't—"
"I'm not sure I appreciate this friendship you two have together," she whispers firmly.
"What are you saying?" I ask in fear. Before she can respond, the door opens again and Harry steps out. Julia straightens up and I turn my back to them so Harry can't see my face.
"Ready?" Harry says to Julia. She grins and nods. "Okay, let's go."
They said their goodbyes to me and I lock the door behind them, resting my hand on the wall and dropping my head over it.
I'm fucked.
I did some work while anxiously waiting for Julia to return home. When she did, she silently opened the door. I glance up from the chair in the living room to see her hook her keys and wordlessly take her shoes and jacket off.
"Hey..." I say nervously. She straightens up.
"So what did you guys do?"
"Nothing. Just went for a movie and then got some dinner... Sucked his dick in the car."
My stomach coils but I don't let anything show on my face because I know she's watching me closely.
"Oh..." I'm unsure of how to respond. "Nice..."
"Why are you hanging around Harry all the time?" she asks bluntly.
"What—" I choke up again.
"Don't think I haven't noticed. I may seem dumb sometimes but I'm not stupid Aria. I see how well you two get along and I see the inside jokes you share between yourselves. Why are you doing this?"
"Julia, I don't understand what you're—"
"Is it because you want a boyfriend? You want one so bad that you won't bother finding your own, you just try to steal mine?"
"Okay, what?" I yell, standing up. "Where the fuck is this coming from?!"
"Shelley said—"
"Oh," I laugh. "Shelley said this? And you fucking believe her? You know she hates my guts, she'll say anything to turn you against me!"
"But it makes sense! You've never had a boyfriend before, you've never been any sort of relationship, so you try to take what's easy: my boyfriend," she quips condescendingly.
I stare at her, absolutely appalled. "I can't believe you."
"You... God, you're so fucking infuriating!" I scream. "I've never been in a relationship before? Ever wonder why that is?!" She blinks back at my sudden outburst. "Because I'm too busy working to keep yours together! I don't have time for myself! I just go to my classes, do my homework, work on your relationship, and go to work! While you get to spend daddy's money and then cuddle up to your boyfriend when you get tired from shopping!"
I feel bad as soon as the words leave my mouth, but I don't regret them.
"So that's how you really feel, huh?" she mutters.
"Yes. I mean, no! I don't care if you spend your dad's money, I don't care about anything you do! I just see it as unfair because sometimes I'm putting more work into your relationship than you are."
"So, what? You want Harry for half the time?"
"What the fuck? You're getting this completely wrong!"
"Do you want to cuddle up to Harry?"
I can feel my face burning. From embarrassment or from how ashamed I am of how true her statement is. But I mask it as anger.
"You're not listening to me!" I scream. "He's your boyfriend! How is he going to feel when he finds out that all those things you do and say for him that he loves came from me!"
"Don't you fucking dare tell him."
I turn around and exhale loudly. I want to throw something so badly. How can she be a genius and be so fucking stupid?
"I'm done, I'm not doing this anymore," I mutter, gathering my work and walking back to my room. "Since I'm such a bitch who's apparently trying to steal your boyfriend, you go figure out how you'll handle your relationship yourself."
"Wait, Aria—"
"No, Julia. It's about time you understand how much work goes into keeping a relationship. Maybe when you do, you'll realize how stupid you just sounded."
Julia and I don't talk to each for the next few days, unless it's absolutely necessary. I won't talk to her until she apologizes to me, and she won't talk to me because she has too much pride to be the first to say anything.
Harry isn't around enough to notice. With his birthday coming up, he's in contact with his father a lot to prepare. Mr. Styles was working hard to fix his relationship with his son, and apparently turning twenty-one was a bigger deal to them then it is for most people. He insisted on throwing a lavish party in a huge mansion where he was going to invite some of his buddies he hadn't seen in a long time and give Harry plenty opportunities to make connections. After ten o'clock, him and his guests will leave and Harry's friends will arrive so we can have a real party amongst ourselves.
My gift for Harry was already prepared and packaged. Before our fight, I got Julia a mug with the Power Rangers name on it in respective colours, because Harry said he used to secretly love the Power Rangers when he was younger. But I didn't want to be petty and take it back to hide, even though I refused to help her with her relationship anymore.
She came back home on the day of the party from the mall with a few bags in her hand so I assume she added to his gift.
"What, um, what are you wearing?" she asks me, peeking into my room.
"I bought a dress yesterday."
"Oh, nice, can I see it?"
I glare at her and she sighs heavily, "I'm sorry Aria, okay? The things I said were awful and I feel terrible. I know you've done a lot for me and I shouldn't have yelled at you. Please forgive me."
I watch her pleading face closely before nodding and smiling softly. "I forgive you."
I don't bother telling her how I really felt—like what she accused me of was completely unfair because I was in love with Harry and that made it harder for me to watch their relationship blossom.
That's just something that would create unnecessary drama and I didn't need that right now. Besides, I wanted my best friend back.
A few hours later I was in my underwear with my hair perfectly styled and makeup applied. I scramble to find my heels then slip into them after putting my dress on. It was a black, floor length dress with a halter top.
I step out of the room at the same time Julia does in her elegant, deep red, off the shoulder dress. We exchange excited looks and grab our last minute things before meeting Liam downstairs. He offered to drive us there and back so we can drink as we please.
The house he drops us off in front of is huge. It's quite literally a mansion and I have no idea how much it would have cost Mr. Styles to rent it. Liam helps Julia out of the car while I get out on my own, looking around in awe. It's quite early in the evening, the sun just setting. Everyone around us is old. Most are old men with beautiful young women attached to their arms. I gawk at a few of the ladies wondering how it's possibly to look so hot and walk so gracefully.
Feeling utterly shy in this sea of the rich and elite, I follow Julia inside, not moving an inch away from her until one of her father's business partners and close family friend spots her. She smiles widely and scurries to talk to him and his kind-looking wife, while I'm left on my own.
I look around the hall I'm in. It literally looks straight out of a movie. Everyone is dressed extravagantly, there's servers in uniforms handing out Champaign flutes and some coming around with hors d'oeuvres. A string quartet plays mellow music in the background. I hold my clutch tightly in my hand and look around. Fuck, not only did Harry's family look rich but they looked powerful. With all the people here just for his birthday. I was positive Harry didn't know nor care about more than half of these people, so I assumed most were here because of Mr. Styles. And he probably encouraged a lot of people to come to make it an even bigger event for Harry.
I don't want to look stupid, so I start walking around aimlessly, hoping Julia finds me soon and tells me what the hell I'm supposed to do here until ten o'clock when the rest of my friends come. I say sorry, nearly bumping into an old couple. The lady alone looked like she was wearing my entire college tuition.
"Oh, sorry," I apologize again to another woman I bump into near the grand staircase. She had blonde hair and twinkling blue eyes.
"Don't worry, hun, are you a friend of Harry's?" she asks with an Australian accent, smiling at me. Surprised that one of these people actually want to talk to me, I gape at her.
"Uh, yeah, you know him?" I stammer before slapping a palm to my forehead. Of course she knows Harry, this is his birthday party.
The woman laughs.
"Yeah, I'm actually engaged to marry his father. My name is Elizabeth," she stretches her hand out.
"Oh! I know you! He's told me about you," I say shaking her hand. Her eyebrow dips in confusion.
"He did? Oh and sorry, I didn't catch your name."
"Oh I'm so sorry," I flush realizing I completely forgot my manners. "My name is Aria."
Her face lights up. "Aria, huh? I know you, too! Harry's told us quite a lot about you."
"Really?" I ask in shock. Before I can ask her exactly what Harry said about me, a man walks up behind Elizabeth and puts a hand on her waist.
"Hello, love," he says to her, kissing her temple. His facial structure and those unmistakable green eyes give away his identity immediately. This was Harry's father. I start sweating and wondering why I was meeting Harry's family without Harry himself around.
"You'll never guess who I just met," Elizabeth says to Mr. Styles, her laugh sounding like a song. Mr. Styles pins me under his gaze, as if trying to figure out who I am. "This is Harry's friend, Aria."
His eyebrows shoot up.
"Aria, the artist?" he asks me, joyfully. I blink and gulp.
"Um, yes, sir, that would be me," I croak. I stick my hand out, not sure if I'm meant to shake his hand. He does, and laughs.
"About time we meet. Harry's been going on about you non-stop."
The fact that Harry speaks to his father and Elizabeth so much more than I thought almost surprises me as much as him talking about me.
"Has he, now?" I say tightly, still smiling.
"Oh, don't worry, it's all good things. Says you got him interested in art and art history," Mr. Styles shares.
"Right, yes. We do have our art history lecture together," I tell him.
"Are you keeping him in line, is he being a good student?" he inquires with his eyes narrowed. His face looks serious but his stance shows that he's joking about being strict.
"Believe it or not, it's actually him that's preventing me from slacking," I chuckle. They laugh and I start to feel at ease.
Elizabeth and Mr. Styles are a very easy-going and relaxed couple. I'm enjoying talking to them and listening to their anecdotes, when hisses and grumbling sound from above me. I tilt my head and look up to see Harry walking down the stairs, slapping away a pair of touchy hands that belong to a beautiful brunette.
"You look ridiculous, Harry! Button it up," she hisses at him.
"Leave me alone, Gem, it's my birthday I can do whatever I want," he retorts angrily before turning his head and meeting my gaze. His eyes widen and sweep me up and down before flicking behind me to his father and Elizabeth. He gulps and then smiles widely, jogging down quickly.
I struggle to regulate my breathing as he pins me with a stare. He's in a simple black suit and black dress shirt that's unbuttoned halfway like usual. His hair is swept back elegantly, with a few curls hanging down.
"Aria," he greets, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me forward to kiss my temple. "Thanks for coming," he grins and I feel lightheaded from how amazing his cologne smells. I'm shaken at how affectionate and touchy he's being. His hand lingers a touch longer than appropriate on my waist before he slides it away.
"Oh, um, no problem. Happy birthday," I tell him. He smirks.
"Thanks, you look absolutely beautiful," he boasts. My face burns, actually my entire body feels hot as I'm aware of Harry, his father, Elizabeth and his sister watching me get flustered with small smiles on their faces.
"You look good, too," I squeak. This makes them all laugh and I feel even more embarrassed. Harry chuckles and wraps his arm around my shoulder, rubbing it comfortingly. For a few seconds I can pretend like we're together and this is me formally meeting his family. He feels so good pressed next to me. We look so good. Everything is so good.
Harry drops his arm after a minute, awkwardly tucking it into his pants and I'm properly introduced to his sister. His father drags Harry away to meet some of his colleagues while I'm left with Gemma and Elizabeth.
We chat amongst ourselves a bit and I'm very relieved to learn neither of them are snobbish or condescending. They're very polite and inclusive in their conversation, Gemma being particularly funny. I don't notice a presence behind me until Elizabeth looks over my shoulder and her eyes light up again.
I look back to see Julia walking towards me with a smile. "I'm so sorry I left you, Aria, I didn't mean to—"
"Hey, it's okay! Don't worry about it," I assure her. She smiles in relief before greeting Elizabeth.
"Hey, it's so nice to see you, again!"
"You as well," Elizabeth responds. "Oh, um, this is Gemma, by the way. I don't believe you two met." Julia and Gemma shake hands and say a polite hello to each other. Gemma sends a questioning glance to Elizabeth. "Julia is Harry's girlfriend," she supplies.
Shock fills Gemma's face. "Oh! I thought—um," she looks at me slightly surprised with her finger about to point at me before she drops it and settles for smiling widely at Julia. I clear my throat and look down, but sneak a peek at Julia's face.
She noticed.
Elizabeth smoothly changes the subject and we all talk about something else. Julia chats with Gemma while Elizabeth and I make awkward eye contact, the tension still palpable. She gives me a small smile and blinks with both her eyes to assure me everything okay and I feel grateful for this woman. Still, I decide to remove myself from the conversation so Julia can get to know Gemma without feeling threatened by me or something.
"I see the refreshments table, I think I'm gonna go check it out," I announce. Julia beams at me in relief and nods, encouraging me to go before turning back to Gemma. I try not let my hurt show on my face as the only person I know here other than the birthday boy himself, is casting me away.
I walk over to the refreshments table, taking in the various treats. There's a lot of fancy food that I don't understand and in fear of eating something I won't like, I go with the safest option. It looks like some type of mini tart filled with tomato and what looks like mushroom. I reach out for it when a voice whispers behind me.
"I wouldn't eat that," Harry startles me. I jump nearly a foot in the air and clutch a hand to my heart as he laughs. "See that black thing in there? That's snail."
I pucker my face in disgust and turn away from it. Harry puts a gentle hand on my elbow and leads me away from the snail. He picks up various hors d'oeuvres and hands me one of each to try. We snack on the fancy food, that I must admit is really good. He shoves a puff pastry pesto chicken bite in my mouth before grabbing my hand and leading me down the table to the desserts. We basically ate an entire meal of just "bites".
Harry picks up one of the mini tarts that's decorated beautifully and brings up to my mouth. I take a small bite, but don't like the almond flavor so I shake my head at him. Harry shrugs and sticks his tongue out to shove it in his mouth before the cream drips.
"Thank God you guys came early," Harry says, grabbing a pink macaron. "I would have been so bored with all these old people."
Just as I open my mouth to respond, a loud boisterous laugh sounds behind us.
"Harry, my boy! There he is!"
Harry and I turn around to face yet another old man with a leggy woman at his side. Harry smiles at the man and swallows his macaron.
"Mr. Fields, how are you?" he asks politely, shaking his hand.
"It's Geoffrey to you now! You're a grown man!" Harry laughs politely in response. "Haven't seen you since before your mum—well..." he drifts off and Harry smiles awkwardly.
Scared shitless, I step forward and discreetly clutch his fingers between my own. Rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. He squeezes my fingers back.
"And who's this?" the man turns his beady eyes to me, his thick moustache crinkles as he smiles.
My eyes widen but thankfully another man appears. This one looks younger than Mr. Fields, about in his late thirties, and like he's more considerate.
"Harry, how are you, son? Hope ol' Geoff isn't bothering you too much," the man says. The two men banter back and forth while Harry smiles politely. Apparently the other man's name is Jordan.
The leggy blonde attached to Mr. Fields whispers something in his ear, and he politely excuses himself before they go, leaving us alone with this Jordan guy.
"Well, who's this?" he asks Harry excitedly, nodding at me. I tense up again.
"Oh, uh, this is my friend, Aria Collins," Harry replies. Our fingers slip from each other's before Jordan makes any assumptions. "She's a classmate of mine at university."
Jordan nods appreciatively before discussing profs and classes with Harry. Apparently him and many other successful business men graduated from our business program. He recalls his uni days while I blend in the background. I debate excusing myself to leave them alone, taking a careful step away from Harry but his hand reaches out and wraps itself around my wrist. The action is very subtle and he doesn't look away from Jordan at all. I stay rooted in my spot beside Harry.
"Wonderful, wonderful," he praises Harry, after discussing his classes and how well he's doing. "And how about yourself?" he looks at me. "Do you study business as well?"
I freeze, thinking maybe Harry will answer for me, but Harry just looks at me with a smile on his face.
"Um, no, I'm in the Fine Arts program," I tell him.
"Aria is a really talented artist," Harry supplies. My face turns red and I whip my head to look at him. He ignores the stares I send him, "She'll tell you she's not that good, but her work is really amazing. And she's very knowledgeable in her field."
"Really?" Jordan grins at me. "I don't know many artists, this is quite refreshing."
Feeling a little better about myself, I give him a small smile.
"So do you paint... or..." Jordan waves his hands.
"She can so much more than painting. She can do things I never knew could be done," Harry sneaks in, smirking. I nudge him and chuckle.
"I like to use various media, yes. I can paint, however I prefer watercoloring. And, um, lately, I've been interested in calligraphy and sculptures," I share. Jordan hangs to every word I say.
I quickly learn that Jordan knows about as much about art as Harry did when we started talking. So I fill him on definitions and techniques that I know. I throw in my opinion here and there, not even noticing that I pulled my hand away from Harry's.
Jordan is a very nice man and good listener. He isn't afraid to admit when he doesn't know what something means, which is very refreshing after being used to talking to people who want to seem like they know everything. Harry's father comes to join the conversation for a few minutes before whisking him away again.
I bite my lip nervously as Harry gives me an apologetic look. Not sure what to do now, I wring my hands together when Jordan speaks up again.
"Sorry, can you tell me more about this DIY movement?" he asks.
I happily dive back into conversation and tell him about hacking and do-it-yourself art.
Jordan and I chat until Mr. Styles announces its time for the birthday ceremony. He stands with Harry at a table in the front that has a giant four-tier cake and the rest of their family. I spot Julia close-by beside them. All of the guests including me watch as Gemma laughs and snaps a birthday party hat on Harry's head. Harry glares at her playfully and laughs too, not taking it off. The string quartet start playing the opening of "Happy Birthday" while the whole rooms sing it for Harry.
Harry is grinning wide and looking between his father, sister and all the people here for him. I'm so happy for him, I actually start tearing up.
"Make a wish, make a wish!" I can hear Gemma yelling. Harry closes his eyes to make his wish, before blowing all his candles out.
Elizabeth expertly pops a champagne bottle as Mr. Styles laughs. He ruffles the back of Harry's hair then pulls him in for a hug and presses a kiss to his head. My heart swells to see the affection between father and son and I just know Harry is getting emotional and happy too. He's too far for me to see, but he pulls away from his dad and smiles at him genuinely before turning to hug Gemma too (who pretends like she doesn't want him too, but "reluctantly" returns the embrace). There's another man beside Gemma that he hugs too. I didn't meet him but judging by how close he stands to Gemma, it's probably her fiancée.
Harry turns back over to his father's side and stretches his arms out to hug Elizabeth, too. She seems surprised but allows herself to be pulled in. Mr. Styles' smile matches my own as we gaze at Harry proudly.
I excuse myself and say my goodbye to Jordan before walking to Julia to stand next to her.
"That was amazing, wasn't it?" I say to her. She looks at me in surprise and smiles.
"Yeah, it was cute."
"I'm proud of him," I admit to her.
"Why? He just turned twenty-one," she chuckles. I glance at her in confusion before realizing that she doesn't understand Harry's family situation. I figured she would when she went to that dinner, but I guess not.
The cake gets cut and a few servers pass around slices to each guest. Julia and I devour ours in second, gushing about how delicious it is. Harry's father's guests start leaving at ten, as promised, but they don't all filter out fully until it's eleven. I saw some staff members carrying wrapped presents to back room (which Harry sneaked off to for a bit).
Julia and I can't help but talk about pretty outfits we've seen. She was telling me about some designer brand dress she saw a woman wearing when I spot Harry coming towards us.
"My family is leaving now, they just wanted to say bye," he tells us. I stay back while Julia goes ahead, not wanting to impose but Harry shakes his head at me and pulls my arm. "You, too!"
Julia is just finishing up saying her goodbyes when I arrive. I end up talking a little more with Elizabeth and Gemma (and meeting Gemma's fiancée, Michal).
"We need to see you again, and next time I want to see some of your art," Mr, Styles tells me. I laugh nervously while the others chuckle.
"Sure, but I'm going to admit they're not that great..." I reply. Instantly, Harry loudly yells, "Nonsense!" and we all laugh again.
They get into their respective cars and drive away. I follow Julia and Harry back inside. We go to the drinks table to get some alcohol before the real party starts. Julia loops her arm through Harry's as he leads us downstairs to a different room. It's darker here with party lights on. The music turns up as we scope the place. Already there are some of Harry's friends in there. Harry goes up to them and they gush about the extravagance of this place. I find the drinks table in this room and down another one.
Niall, Louis and Eleanor arrive with Zayn. Harry greats them enthusiastically, he narrows his eyes at Zayn but then laughs and pulls him in for a hug too. He's definitely had a lot to drink if he's being friendly with Zayn. I make eye contact with Zayn and widen my eyes at him in surprise, he shrugs back confused before making his way over.
"Shelley!" Julia screams in excitement beside me. I whip my head around to see Shelley and her girls coming towards us. She hugs Julia tightly. I can see they've gotten much closer than I remember them being. "Oh, bitch, is this that Viktor & Rolf perfume you were talking about?!" she exclaims, leaning in to sniff it again.
"Yes, oh my God, I'm obsessed with it!" Shelley shrieks. I roll my eyes and her gaze lands on me. "Oh, hey, Aria."
"Hey," I smile sweetly, inwardly cringing. She stretches her arms out and I go forward to hug her as well. I nearly choke at the crazy amount of perfume she put on, the overly rosy scent almost killing me. "Wow," I cough. "That is a really strong perfume."
"Do you want some? I have it with me," she offers.
"No, thank you," I pull back and go to stand next to Zayn who is shamelessly eyeing Shelley. I sigh and decide to introduce them. Just because I hate her doesn't mean Zayn should too. "Shelley, have you met my friend Zayn? Zayn, this is Shelley."
Shelley gazes at him hungrily. I turn to Julia who is deep in conversation with the other two girls. Deciding to go somewhere else before I become allergic to Shelley's Viktor & Rolf perfume, I head to the bar.
The bartender winks at me and holds his finger up before I can order.
"I think I know something you would like," he says in a deep voice. Smiling, I let him make a drink for me. He makes a mix of a bunch of drinks in a way I've never seen before. Adding fruity flavours before serving me a pink drink in a sangria cup. I take a sip of it, instantly loving it.
"Damn, you're good!" I say to him. He smirks and nods humbly. This drink it too good. Feeling a little woozy from the drink, I decide to tip him by kissing the bill so it has my lipstick on it before handing it to him. He chuckles and pockets it with a thank you.
I venture into the crowd, happy with a delicious drink and bump into Niall.
"Niall, that bartender is so good," I say to him. "He made a drink that's exactly what I like without me even saying anything!"
I drag Niall along with me and force him to get a drink. The bartender is just as flirty with him as he was with me, making Niall blush a little. He hands Niall a teal drink that he loves and we drunkenly try to find Louis to convince him to go too.
"Louis, Louis!" I call out to the brunette, before noticing my Irish companion is no longer with me. "Niall!" I look around for, spinning in a complete circle before bumping into Harry. "Harry!"
"You said a lot of names," Harry notes. I gulp and begin telling him about the bartender, urging him to come get a drink too.
"Wait!" I shout suddenly. "Let's do some shots!"
I pull Harry's arm and drag him towards the bar. "Niall!" I shout, finding him again. "Shots!" Niall nods and tries to coax Louis and Eleanor into joining us but they refuse.
When the three of us get to the bar, we find Julia, Shelley and Zayn there already.
"Jules! Ready for some shots?"
She grins excitedly before turning to Shelley who puckers her face and shakes her head in disgust. Julia's grin fades but Harry is quick to cheer her up.
"Yeah, let's do shots, baby! I want to do shots!" This is enough to convince Julia. I go to line up in front of the bar when someone tugs me towards a table that already has shot cups set up. The four of us crowd around the table and I don't notice people cheering us on. The birthday boy is with us so they all gather around to watch.
Someone counts us down and we start taking our shots. Julia is the first to tap out after a few. Harry holds out for a while he stops next (disappointing a lot of people). This leaves just Niall and I. I don't know how much I've taken but I see the speed in which Niall is downing his shots and know I can't keep up.
I slam my cup down and shake my head, backing away from the table. Niall cheers and gets hailed like a king while I stumble back to the bar. The cute bartender hands me a large cup of water. I know I'll need this so I drink a bit of it, but he forces me to take more. I drink more than half, before walking away on wobbly legs.
"Where's the b-bathroom, please," I ask one of the staff members dressed in a uniform. He points towards the bathrooms and I go that way.
"Aria?" Harry asks as he stumbles out of the men's room. "Are you okay?"
I trip over my feet and fall but he catches me in his arms. I grin up at his adorable, concerned face.
"You're cute," I say booping his nose. Harry's eyes widen and I giggle. "I-I need to use the bathroom..." I struggle to stand straight with his arms still around me and he helps me, unsteadily guiding me to the bathroom door. "Wait!" I shout, startling him.
"W-what is it?" he rasps.
"You can't go in here... it's the ladies room..."
"Oh, right," he looks around for a solution before saying, "I can just wait here."
"You don't have to wait," I slur. "S'okay. I'll be fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, go have fun with Julia..."
Harry looks at me unsurely before nodding. I step into the bathroom and come face to face with Shelley of all people. She reapplies her lipstick before looking at me.
"What are you looking at?" she scoffs.
"Well, stop."
"You know if you're gonna be rude to me I can un-set you up with Zayn."
Shelley looks at me in annoyance but doesn't say anything.
I push my way into a stall and lock the door to relieve myself. My bladder is extremely full. I think I won't be drinking anymore today.
After I leave and wash my hands, I hurry out of the bathroom before Shelley's perfume takes me out like mustard gas. Harry is no longer outside, not that I expected him to be. I expect him to be back at the party with Julia.
Feeling way better than I did a few minutes ago, I'm able to at least walk properly back to the party. I dance with some girls I recognize who invite me into their group. They seem nice and I'm happy we're all drunk enough to have the courage to do this. Maybe when we're sober we'll all remember this and hang out.
Niall comes up and introduces me to a girl he just met, I chat with her and she seems really cool so I discreetly slip in completely fake facts about Niall to get her interested in him. About ten minutes later she isn't paying attention to me because she's making heart eyes at Niall so much. I leave them be and happily wander around.
Louis and Eleanor are by the dessert table, sharing a snack. I watch Louis tease Eleanor as she sits in his lap, giggling. I frown at the cute couple and continue on. Zayn has his lips locked with Shelley as they dance together. This makes my frown deepen. Determined to get away from all my friends because they all have better love lives then me, I go deeper into the crowd to dance. Except, my eyes land on Julia as she grinds back on Harry before straightening up and looking at him strangely. I look up and see his gaze is focused on me. Feeling nervous, I turn away and move before Julia notices.
He'll never be mine.
Going straight to the bar, I order another one of the pink drinks the bartender made me. I thank him again for it and take a sip as I exit the party room. Shakily, I make my way up the stairs. The bright light hurts my eyes, its weird knowing I was here just a couple hours ago. I look around the giant hall all the guests were in when Harry cut his cake.
I mumble and step around the crew cleaning the area up to head up the other set of stairs on the other side of the room. The steps are covered in a red carpet, prevent me from slipping. I make it up the stairs and check out this new floor. Everything from the doors to the furniture is fancy in here. I see a door at the end and push into the room. It's a huge bedroom. Nothing in it to suggest someone lives there but there is a bed. I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed. The moonlight filters in from the open window, illuminating the room in a soft glow. The curtains billow as I fall back on the bed and let my eyes close.
I fall into a dreamless sleep before stirring awake at the sound of noise. Someone opens the door loudly and stumbles in. I lay paralyzed in fear until I heard the intruder speak.
"Harry?" I question sitting up. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"
"N-needed some timmme away from... the-the party," Harry mumbles. He looks like he's had a lot more to drink. I stand up and take in his disheveled appearance.
"Jesus, how much did you drink after I left?" he didn't seem this drunk before. I help Harry stand straight under the moonlight so I can see his face. His cheeks are tinted pink and I hold his face to keep him still so I can look at him. His pupils are extremely dilated. "Are you alright?"
"Mmmhmm," he hums. "Better now," he rasps, his eyes raking my face.
"What happened?"
"N-nothing... It just got... t-too loud and I wanted to be alone a little. Came up here and saw... you."
"Oh," I whisper in response. I pull my hands off his face slowly when he closes his eyes but his hands immediately reach up to grasp mine. His fingers splay over my smaller hands and hold them on his face. My heart beats a mile minute as I take in our closer distance. Harry steps even closer, so our chests touch.
"Thank you for your present," he says lowly. "I loved it, it was perfect," he smiles with his eyes closed.
My mind struggles to think of what he's talking about because he's so close to me.
"Oh," I say suddenly, remembering my gift.
The first time he ever saw me cry when he barged into my room, I tore up my ballerina cardboard model. I remember him trying to put the pieces back together to fix it, which made me love him more. Reminiscent of that, I built a nicer deer head one, a homage to the deer sculpture he helped me build. Hopefully he understands the implication and memory that go with it.
I framed my three calligraphy prints that I dropped that one time I bumped into him and Niall, too. 'No legacy is so rich as honesty', 'If music be the food of love, then play on' and 'You have witchcraft in your lips'. He had asked me if he could keep the last one, I said no and hurriedly grabbed it to go hand them in. But since I don't need them anymore, I framed all three for him. Along with a lengthy card explaining how grateful I am that we're friends and apologizing for trying so hard to push him away those first two years (and thanking him for giving me a chance, regardless).
My gift box was huge anyway (Liam said he didn't mind carrying it inside, but I can tell he was wondering what was in it), so I put in a small jar of my brownies as well.
"Um, you're welcome, I'm glad you liked them," I whisper, gulping.
"And thank you for the Power Rangers mug, it's cute," he chuckles. I frown.
"Oh, no, uh that was part of Julia's gift," I explain.
"Julia doesn't know I used to love the Power Rangers. I never told her," he says. My blood freezes. Oh shit. I didn't know that.
"M-maybe she did? You know she's really intuitive sometimes," I make up.
Harry chuckles again. "If she was that intuitive she wouldn't have gotten me socks for my twenty-first birthday."
I inwardly groan. What the fuck was she thinking?
Harry sucks in his bottom lip and opens his eyes, looking directly at me.
"You know... sometimes..." He releases his bottom lip, much pinker than it was before, and I find I can't look away from it. Harry's hands slide off mine to cup my face. Our foreheads touch and there isn't a single thought in my head that isn't Harry, Harry, Harry.
His touch, his scent, his pink lips, his hooded eyes... it's all so intoxicating and I want to get drunk off of it.
"Sometimes... what?" I drawl out slowly. My mind is all foggy and I feel lightheaded from his proximity.
"Sometimes I wonder..." Harry continues quietly, leaning in impossibly closer. "... what if it was you?" he asks in a small voice.
I conceal a small cry, "What?"
"Sometimes I wish it was you... not her..." his lips ghost over mine and I feel my body freeze up. He pulls away a little to look at me before pulling my face closer to his. He tilts his head as he leans in and I want to laugh and cry with how happy I am that this is finally happening again.
The next second is filled with deafening silence before everything goes wrong. For a quick second my eyes flit behind Harry to catch sight of a dark figure. My eyes widen but the person had already turned and left.
Before Harry's lips can touch mine, I push him away.
"Shit, Harry—we can't!" I say into my hands. A sob forces its way through me but as I try to collect myself. I secure my purse over my shoulder, sparing Harry one glance. He looks at the wall behind me, stunned. "I'm sorry," I don't know what I'm apologizing for exactly, but I quickly spit that out before heading for the door.
As I leave, a scent makes my blood run cold.
The distinct smell of a Viktor & Rolf perfume.
Sooooooooo... what did we think? SLKFJSDLF 
Some questions:
1. What did you think of Aria and Julia's fight?
2. What would you do if you were in Julia's position/how do you think you'd feel?
3. How do you think Harry/Aria is going to deal with the 'almost kiss'?
4. Should Aria tell Julia about it?
Thank you so much for reading and all your lovely comments <3
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mmm yanno what, there was this photo of calum going round in this really cute jacket, ill have to send you the photo if you haven't seen it (he's also wearing a turtle neck). but back to my point. stealing that jacket from him every now and then cause it looks super cute on you, but calum being SO fed up with you taking it, so he fucks you in it.
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(this is the image in case you haven't seen it) (also sorry ollie, i tried a masc reader and it kept coming out super funky)
when calum first bought the jacket, you were stunned at how attractive and professional he looked. you were used to the band shirts and skinny jeans, and suddenly its switch to suit jackets and leather boots, not that you're complaining. you just felt a bit out of his league, as you were still in t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans.
it started off as a joke, you were looking for a new job, and complaining about the lack of professional clothes in your closet, when cal offhandedly stated, “well you could just use mine.” he chuckled, going back to plucking out a new bassline, but you stood there, intrigued by the idea. while he wasn't paying attention, you moved to his side of the closet, pulling the jacket off the hanger, and shrugging it on over a plain white top and nice black jeans.
as you looked in the mirror, you smile widely, loving the outcome of your outfit. asking cal to borrow it, he nods, not looking up from his work. the following day, cal was in the studio before you even woke up, though he left a note wishing you luck on your interview. you got ready, throwing the jacket on to top it off, and rushed out the door, nervous but excited.
the interview was a success and you were established at your new office within the week. it had a more strict dress code, warranting a shopping spree, though you still continued to borrow his jacket. it seemed as though every time you did, something good happened; whether it was someone paying for your coffee, a presentation gone well, or getting kudos from the big boss himself.
after a couple months of his jacket going missing, calum was fed up. he knew you were borrowing it, though he never knew when, so multiple times he ended up with a different outfit than planned, all because of that fucking jacket. you walked into the house as he was grumbling, tossing your keys into the bowl by the door and calling out for him. stumbling into the bedroom while taking off your shoes, you failed to notice him standing at the end of the bed, with arms crossed and a frown on his face. when you looked up, you were startled at his disgruntled state.
“whats wrong cal? bad day at the studio?”
he replied grumpily, “what's wrong is that yet again, you're wearing my jacket babe. I love it when you wear my stuff, but NOT when I need it!” 
you were slightly offended, though you knew he was right, and that you should've asked. but after a long day, where your ‘lucky jacket’ didn't work, you weren't about to deal with calum’s pissy attitude.
“god calum, calm down, it's not that big of a deal. I won't borrow your shit anymore, but maybe Luke will let me borrow his jackets.”
immediately, you knew that was the wrong thing to say. granted, you wanted to piss him off, but not nearly to this level.
he slowly walked closer to you, mimicking you as you stepped backward, until you were against the wall with him looming over you. 
“wrong move sweetheart, I'm going to have to teach you a lesson.”
 he grabbed your chin, tilting your head up to trap your lips in a searing kiss, while running his free hand through your hair. you whimpered into the kiss, moving your hands as if to grab his shoulder, when he took both of yours in his, pinning them against the wall next to your head. suddenly, he stepped back, running his thumb against his lower lip as he looked at you.
“you're going to do as I say, without question. strip everything but the jacket.”
you went to protest, but with a hard glare, you silently did as told. taking off the jacket for a moment, you quickly stripped of everything, including your underwear, before sliding back into the soft, black fabric.
calum observed you, before walking behind you. as you were about to speak up, you felt his warm breath wash over your neck, causing a shiver to run up your spine. he chuckled lowly, before starting to sponge wet kisses along the column of your neck and move his hand along your stomach to your wetness. tilting your head to the side for more access, you whined when he stepped back, before he suddenly pushed on your back, bending you over the edge of the bed with your hands moving up to support your torso.
“if you’re so insistent on wearing my things, next time remember how well you were fucked in this. when your boss compliments you, I hope you think of how loud you were screaming my name.”
he ground himself against your entrance, relishing in your needy moans, before stepping back to quickly rid himself of clothing. he trailed a finger up your wetness, before quickly pumping it in, chuckling as you immediately started to unravel.
“cal, please. I need you. fuck me in your coat, make it so we both remember.” you groaned, head thrown back in pleasure.
moaning lowly, he retracted his hand, smearing the wetness on his hand along his length before lining himself up. as he pushed in, he bent over, mouthing along your neck as you took a moment to adjust. giving him the okay, he adjusted his stance before anchoring a hand on your hip and setting a brutal pace.
the coat was becoming stifling, the heat of the room and your body becoming too much in the best way. your head hung low as you rolled your hips to match his thrusts. the room echoed with the sounds of skin slapping against skin and the moans responding to each other.
tapping his bicep to get his attention, he came to a stop, mouth opening to ask if you were alright. you smirked before quickly pulling him onto the bed and rolling on top, before kneeling to line yourself up once more.
you sank down, moaning at the full feeling, setting a slower, but harder pace. calum gripped your hips with a bruising strength, encouraging you from below.
“you look so good baby, feel so good on me. so tight and warm, fucking made for me pretty girl. ride me, harder, cmon. i know you wanna cum.”
whining, you moved to lay against his chest, biting at the muscle along his shoulder. he shuddered at the feeling, planting his feet against the mattress to thrust up into you, his pace starting to stutter as you both drew near to your highs. cal shoved a hand between your torsos, rubbing at your clit. he groaned at the feeling of you clenching around him.
“are you close baby girl? you gotta cum for me. come on, show me how good I make you feel.”
his quiet encouragements tipped you over the edge, turning your face into the crook of his neck as you feel him release. he continues to thrust, riding out both of your orgasms.
you roll to the side, curling up under the crook of his arm, basking in the afterglow until you start giggling. you feel him shift, looking at you curiously until you answer his unspoken question,
“we can never wear this jacket again without being reminded of this being the only thing I'm wearing.”
calum huffs out a laugh, burying his face in your hair. he stayed quiet for a minute before mumbling, 
“that's not necessarily a bad thing..”
you know i started this as a smutty prompt but apparently, my ass only knows how to write fics so rip
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