#i didn't even find out about the second incident until two weeks later
unknown-limes · 1 year
So my little brother is in the army, and so far in the past four months alone, he's gotten into three near-deadly situations that he probably shouldn't have walked away from, accidentally destroyed nearly a million dollars worth of equipment in two incidents, and briefly been a suspected terrorist on the basis that he DID walk away from those incidents
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ughgoaway · 1 year
How do you think the parent-teacher conference would go?
okay yes I have been thinking about this since i originally thought of this au
(Also, quick psa- these are never proofread, so if they are incoherent/ littered with spelling errors...shhh)
I can see matty getting the email through about parents evening and just PRAYING it's with you. Annie has two teachers (bc fuck having a class of 30 kids on your own are you mad) and he thought it might be with the other one. who is fine, she's an older woman and is very lovely... she's just not you
little does he know behind the scenes you had to kind of fudge things to get him for parents evening, your deputy head teacher comes up one day and tells you the plan for parents evening this year, he explains youre only getting half the class. so rather than doing it with your co-teacher, you'd do half and she'd do half. of course, you immediately ask, "Oh... okay, can I see my list?"
you read it and feel your heart drop, Annie wasn't on there. and you swear it's not just because you want an excuse to sit across from matty for 20 mins... you also genuinely love Annie and would love to talk about her and her progress.
you catch the other teacher in the staff room and have a quick chat, "Mrs Richards, do you think we could go over the parent's evening lists? I was just wondering if there's any students that you don't have that you might like?"
"Oh yes dear, let's have a look," she says, grabbing your list, "Ah yes, if it's okay with you, I'd quite like to see Jason's mum and dad. After the paper aeroplane incident last week, I think I need to have a proper discussion with them"
you scream internally, thankful you won't have to have that conversation, and that you might be able to snag Annie, "Oh yes, that's fine with me! why don't we swap for say... Annie Healy?" You say trying to play it off and act like you didn't already have a child in mind when you started this conversation.
luckily, Mrs Richards is completely oblivious to your crush (that you insist is not a crush) and says, "Of course dear, consider it done. I'll send all the emails tonight"
cut to actual parents evening and you are wearing your favourite dress. well, favourite appropriate dress. it's nothing much, floral and flowy, but it just works, and you love it.
and you totally did not try on every combination of dresses and shoes that you own to find the perfect one. at 3am.
you definitely did not do that because that would be insane...
anyway, you just finished your appointment with Lucy's parents, and it all went well. You did have to have a discussion about her habit of punching her male peers in... certain places, but it went down surprisingly well.
you completely forget who your next appointment is until you stick your head out of the door and see matty standing with a cig in the corner. for a good few seconds, you just stand and stare, enamoured by the glow of the cigarette lighting up his features. and the way his cheeks hollow as he takes a drag.
matty finally spots you and waves, dropping his cig and crushing it before rushing to meet you. you take a deep breath and straighten up, trying not to die from nerves before this meeting.
"matty! hi! come in, come in, " you say, waving him in. Neither of you notice the receptionist raising her eyebrows at you, calling him matty. she makes a mental note to talk (tease) to you about it later.
he comes in and sits down, and for the first 10 mins, it's a completely normal meeting. You discuss how Annie is doing, how she's interacting with her peers, and what progress she is making.
obviously, googly eyes are being thrown both ways, but you are both beautifully oblivious.
but soon somehow, you both get completely off topic.
"you've never seen true romance! oh love, that wounds me, " matty says, holding a hand to his chest in faux hurt.
you giggle lightly at his reaction, brushing over the pet name so you don't have a mental breakdown over it in front of him.
"I know! I know! it's been on my list for years but I've never got around to it, is it one of your favourites?"
matty then of course goes on a 5 minute rant about how amazing the film is and what it means to him, "I mean I wrote one of our most popular songs about it, as soon as I wrote it at 18 I knew it would be such an important song. to me. to the band. even to our non-existent fans at the time. well, our one fan, my dad"
you smile at him just in awe of his passion for that band, "Oh yeah, robbers, right?" You say shyly, trying not to show the intensity of the stalking you did.
matty just stops and looks at you, his face a mix of cockiness and pure adoration, "Yeah yeah, you been listening to my band?" he teases and pokes at your arm. Soon, his hand slips down and lightly rests on yours as you speak.
you just nod dumbly because how can you focus on what he just said whilst he's practically holding your hand?? thankfully, you catch yourself reasonably quickly and realise just nodding is not the appropriate reaction to what he just said.
you don't know what comes over you, maybe it's his hand on yours, the soft look in his eyes or the gentle smile on his face but you decide to just be honest.
"Honestly?" You say, and matty nods softly, eyes flittering around your face (perhaps even down to your lips) , "I didn't know who you were before, but now? I am a little bit obsessed. I listened to you on the drive-in this morning, " you say whilst avoiding eye contact.
"No way," he says, laughing to himself. He squeezes your hand to encourage your eyes up, and you give in and make eye contact, "what's your favourite song? you've got to tell me that"
"well i-" Of course, before you can finish, there's a harsh knock on the door. you both jump and separate hastily as you spring up and get it.
before you can say anything, the person behind the door starts talking, "Hi, we're Jackson's parents, are you miss y/n? I thought our appointment was at 6. it's 10 past, and I'm kind of in a rush"
you start stuttering out apologies, and matty is already behind you preparing to leave. He quickly grabs your hand and squeezes it as he brushes past.
you squeeze his to grab his attention, "paris. my favourite song is paris", you let go and usher the other parents in. they squeeze past a frozen matty, just standing and gazing at you.
soon you are closing the door to mattys shocked face, giving him one last grin before clicking it shut.
(paris is not my fav song, but it's matty's, so we gotta have a bit of romance)
blurb masterlist here!!
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frozrowan · 2 years
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My good omen
John Doe x reader
Warnings: Stalking, mild paranoia and swearing. I'll still keep story light hearted
English isn't my spoken langue so there my be some grammatical errors, but I have tried my best to check them. I will do part two when I have time. Reader is gender neutral in story and there will be not any physical describing what read do look like.
I hope you like my story✌💗
👁 When you did move in to Uncanny Valley and started to work at the gas station, you though you would live a normal peaceful life, get up early, go to work, come back home and repeat. Maybe start a new hobby? Until you began to notice small things chance in your home, things were moved while you were gone and personal stuff went missing, but they always retuned weirdly odd places, like you did find your dirty socks at fringe..."Really? have I been sleepwalking or something?"
Later at night you woke up at the loud noise coming outside of your building. Sound like a animal rummage at the trashcans. You switch the light on in the kitchen, hoping that would scare animal away, until you opened the door. You didn't even have time to open the door fully when you see it. Black figure with big yellow eyes stare back at you. Two seconds and it vanished at the darkness. You slammed the door quickly close, heart beating hard on your chest to sight what you just saw. No more sleep that night.
👁Feeling of being watch never leaves you. Watching over your shoulders once in while, checking doors and windows are locked properly. Still that feeling follows every where you go. Should you call a police, but you don't have evidence at your maybe imaginary stalker. Did paranoia run in your family? Just act normal and go about your day, maybe that incident with that "creature" just spooked you little too much, this will end. You hoped and it did for a while.
👁One misty morning you waited at the bus stop your ride to work. There wasn't people around any where, you wondered were you only human in this small city. A minute past by in complete silence, when you heard someone approach you. A person stopped beside you not too close of your personal circle, but still close. They have dark clothes on and hoodie over their head, hands in the pockets. Long black curly hair poke out of their hood, they had a slouching posture.
You were sure they eyed you every ten seconds. You kept your sight on front of you like you didn't even notice the person beside. They didn't spoke, so didn't you.
"This feeling is familiar...I can't see theirs face, but I'm sure I haven't seen this person anywhere in this town. Maybe they are not a local or they have moved in just recently. There are still young people in here, usually they walk in groups so if this person are friend with them I would have seen them somewhere." Your trail if thought cut short when a bus arrived at the stop. You hoped in and take a seat further away of back of bus, away of the stranger. There was luckily two people before you in the bus. Curiosity still took over you and you take a peek of the stranger.
They looked kind of feminine and the masculine at the same time. Their pale creamy skin looked quit flawless, if the dark circles doesn't count under theirs eyes...the eyes. Your breath stop for the moment when you had a memory rushing back of your mind, encounter with that creature couple days ago, their eyes are exact same yellow color.
"Is this just a coincidence.." Stanger scanned the seats to where to sit and when they did find a spot they take a final look at you. Yellow eyes drilled at your owns and small giggle leave their lips like they were humored at someting.
"Can person read others mind?"
👁It's been a week now when this new creepy incident happened with that stranger who you weirdly haven't seen anywhere anymore, like they didn't never existed. "Yeah maybe I have just imagine all in my head after all. I have had stress lately on moving here...so it's may explained everything. Still it's strange." you ruminate while filled last shelf of trade supplies and then moved to storage to get a mop and started to clean the floors. It was quiet day, quieter than yesterday, it was nice to have some days like these, but even when you felt peace in you waited to something to happened, not sure was it bad or good omen.
"Home finally!" you kicked your shoes of your feet and throwed your bag at the sofa. You take your home trip through the shop, you bayed some favorite goods to spoil yourself after you have taken a long shower. You walked in the kitchen having a good feeling you had, when bad smell hit our nose. "What the hell is rotting here, that smell wasn't here at morning..!" You stepped on something wet, slimy and red. "...Oi that's disgusting!! Where the hell did this came from?!" you did your best not to throw up while cleaning the kitchen floor from the unknown red goo. Lost appetite.
"So it was a bad omen"
👁Beep beep beep...
Alarm clock waked you up, you did switch the clock off and it was 7:00 am. You get up of the bed and walked to kitchen to make breakfast for yourself. "At least it's Friday, I don't have much of plans on weekend, still could go to explore the city, what I haven't had time to do yet after my move to Uncanny Valley." It was lonely sometimes when you don't know anyone in here. You take a look of clock and realised you have had lose track of time while you were deep in your thoughts "Oh shit! I should have be going times ago. I'll be late."
You ran at the bus stop, but the bus start to drive away before you manage to reach the stop, but the bus stops. "Oh thank you, I won't be late!" You climbed at bus, this time there were more people than usually. So much crowd made you little uncomfortable, but you did made your way bravely to empty seats. You put headphones on and started to listen to music.
👁Half of day had went normally. You had your lunch break, salad out of cold shelf, soda and potato chips. Phone on your hand scrolling on your social medias, you were again so couch up in your own world you didn't hear the door bell ring. "Hi......" "...........Hi?.......ummmm..exuse m-" "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't hear your were there, sorry. How can I help you..?" Front of you were standing familiar face.
Stranger you met week ago at the bus stop, they wore the same black hoodie like last time you saw them. Hair was maybe even more tangled than before. Now when they were closer you could see theirs hairs has red ends. But their yellow gaze was still so intimidating, its made your face heat up red. "What is your name?.." "Uuh...y/n, its read on my nametag" they let small gasp out of their mouth of your respond "Right, well that's nicest name I have ever heard....What your doing after work?" Your heart star to beat little waster of fear every sentences they said. "Plan to see a friend-s, I see my friends after work" your terrible liar, they probably can tell your lying. "Oh...that's sad, I tough maybe we could have hangout...You seem really nice person." they notably looking hurt. A guilt of lying peaked its head inside of you, they must be lonely like you are sometimes. Town ain't big, but if you even don't have smaller circle of people around you, you'll get super lonely, super fast. "Well...I'm busy today, but maybe some other time might be fine" you give stranger a weak smile. Their spirit rise up immediately of your invitation. "That would be really lovely!!" creepy, but oddly cute wide smile spread across theirs face. "I don't know your name yet?" you asked same time avoiding theirs now extended pupils.
"It's ̸͖̫̠̬̩̟͔̱̣̭̀̐̔͛͑̌̕͜ ̷̨̡̢̡̩̥̫̐́̒ͅ ̵̹̼͓͉͕̱̻̠̘̙̝̼̳̋̇̇̈́̉͐͌́̐̈́͘͘̚͜ ̴̡̛̥̗̯͇̝̲̎̿͂̓͌̈̊̂͒̎̌̈́̾͝ ̸̧̡͓̙͎̞̜̯̳̘̥̘̘͙̰̫̃͗̓ ̷̨̢̛̯̫͎̗͉̞̫̝̰̞̺͚̝̾̒̃͆͛͛̓͊̅̽͐̐͘͘ ̶̨̛͖̖͉̞̹͖̽͋͆̑̎̓̆͋͑͌ͅ ̴̛̦̗̹͎͇͔͍̣̮̪̝̝̆̋̉̈̉̏͋̏͂͠͝͠ ̶̛͚̜̼̝̲̒̈͗͌̏̄̒̑̐̆̂̒͊͝
but you can call me
John Doe"
👁 After your conversation with Doe he left the store soon after that. Rest of the day went normally like usual, you did finish your final task and then headed to home. Whole bus ride your were alone, no sight of John Doe, no one.
You got off the bus and walked your front door. Hand went in your jacket pocket to search keys..."Wait where's my keys? Fuck! I left it inside my apartment in this morning" While you were cursing to how to get inside, the door opens itself. You stared at John Doe wide eyes and he stared at you. "You are home!!" Doe sing out happily. "What you are doing my house? How you get in...I-" "Your window was open, you're so forgetful silly." "Was it, no way he's lying". "Don't just stand there come in!" Doe waived to you come in side. "Hey don't tell me to come in my own house!"
Everything was in place or maybe Doe haven't had time to rummage the whole apartment floor to ceiling. You try to think hardest how to kick Doe out of your home without much fighting. "See that was the window what was open." Doe pointed tying to convince you.
"I haven't opened it, also you're in my home without permission, I could just call the police on you..." "NO, DON'T!" You back of by sudden scream, what Doe notice and lowered his voice down. "I didn't mean to upset you. You said we could hangout later, so I wanted to surprise you."
You tried to read his facial expressions any sing of lying. You don't know Doe yet so you can't be sure if he is dangerous, but part of you really wanted to get know him better. "Doe looks odd for sure and his behavior is odder, but he seem really care about this. If things escalate to bad I can always to call police."
"Okay...uh I kind of liked the surprise, I left my keys at home in morning and thanks to you I'm not locked up outside anymore." "So can I stay?" Doe started to look exited again, you could see it from his eyes. "No it's really late and-" "But there's sooo dark and scary outside"
"Doe, don't manipulate. You broke into my apartment, that should have been scarier. But we can see tomorrow if that help, I promise." Doe was quiet for moment thinking what you said, then he give that wide smile again. "Fine! See you later then, love" And blink of your eye Doe was gone, like he had never stood front of you. That startled you and made you almost fall on the floor. "So that's how he can move around, he just teleport. And he came through the window, haha what a liar….did he call me a love?" you felt small sensation of warmth rise in your chest. "Don't let it go to your head y/n."
👁Uncanny Valley really have it's wonders, but what gives you even more wonders is John Doe, you know already that he's not human, what makes you little scared, but interested at the same time. You have heard people talk in gas station something about "regular guys" they look human, but ain't that, maybe Doe is one of them.
I think seeing Doe tomorrow isn't that bad idea, it's about the time make new friends, even they aren't human...
Maybe that's my good omen after all.
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neppednep · 4 months
Could I perhaps request first date headcanons for Sayaka and Homura, since the first Madoka and Mami headcanons were also first date it feels fitting
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First Date w/ Homura Akemi HCs
I will do Sayaka too, just figured I'd get this out since it's been done. I may do a version with the other Homura, I just didn't know how the hell that one would go to simping for her best friend to random bozo #28 without a backstory. Consider this one a prequel if that ever drops.
Sorry for the rambling at the beginning too. Doesn't actually get to the date until later on. Enjoy.
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》 It was a bit of a surprise to learn your class was getting a transfer student this late into the year. You would be lying if you said you really cared. You weren't exactly a social butterfly to begin with, so realistically a new student wouldn't affect you too much. 
》 However, you were pleasantly surprised when she came in to introduce herself. Her black hair was tied into two braids with her purple ribbons, and violet eyes were hidden behind a pair of red glasses. Cute was the first word that came to your mind. She apparently came after a long stay in the hospital and it certainly showed. She was shy and didn't seem to be the brightest when it came to academics.
》 After introductions, the teacher sat her next to you. You two exchanged glances, but nothing beyond that. Just like some generic anime scene, you had to share your textbook. It was a bit awkward at first, being so close but you quickly got over it. Judging by the red dusting her cheeks, you couldn't say the same for her though. After class ended, people quickly surrounded your combined desks and started yapping. Luckily for her though, the nurse's aide came by to pull her away. Your first meeting wasn't exactly anything special, but it wasn't horrible either.
》 Even with her desk being right next to yours, it took another week or two to actually speak to her again. You two were assigned to clean the classroom at the end of the school week. You've heard rumors of her… lacking physical abilities but actually seeing it for yourself was another thing. You felt kind of bad seeing her having so much trouble with cleaning and she insisted she could keep going. She didn't look like she was in great shape, looking like she was going to pass out any second. You politely called her stupid and told her to take a break.  She didn't argue, just putting her head down and leaving the room.
》 You got the work done a lot quicker than you did while having to worry about her, so you left with good time to spare to find her and let her know you're done.  When you did find her you were irked to say the least. Three girls around her were laughing at her and calling her names. Sure, Homura isn't perfect but she deserves more than that.
“Homura, is everything alright?” You question, obviously knowing exactly what was happening. You stare at the girls as you walk towards them before stopping next to Homura.
“There you are, L/N. We were just asking four eyes why she's standing around instead of cleaning. She gets more and more useless by the day.”
You have to hold back a few choice words that almost slip past your lips. Seriously, who even says four eyes anymore? If you're going to bully someone at least be good at it. This ain't Disney. Instead, you grab Homura’s hand and simply walk away. Well, that's what you would like to say. What you actually said was more like:
“I see…” You say with a slow nod as if in deep thought. “Your shoe is untied. Not surprising considering you're a failure who couldn't even tie a proper noo-”
Homura squeaks, squeezing your hand and practically dragging you away from the shocked girls.
》 That incident didn't really make you best friends or anything, but people did start somewhat leaving her alone after that. She started to hang out with you more too, instead of sitting alone at lunch she would come and sit with you and your friends. She didn’t speak often, but you still welcomed her with open arms.
》 It wasn't until one day, seemingly out of nowhere, she approached you with the nurses’ aide behind her, her face a deep red as she stopped in front of you. You were a bit worried at first, it wasn't unusual to see Homura with the pink haired girl due to her condition, so you thought something might have happened. After a little nudge from her friend, Homura stutters out a request, asking if you'd go on a date with her. You were a bit surprised at first, but looking back on it, it was possible most of the stuff you just attributed to her being shy could have been because of a crush. Either way, you accepted with a smile before she quickly scurried off, the pink haired girl offering you a smile and a quick thanks before following after her friend.
》 When the day finally came, you honestly didn't really know what to do. You don't really want to force her out of her comfort zone or push her too hard. After being in the hospital for so long, she hasn't got to experience much so something simple was good with her. It also didn't help that you weren't as familiar with her as you would've liked.
》 She wasn't much of a talker or one for physical activity, so that alone took out things like restaurants or games. You were thinking of a movie, it wouldn't be some awkward silence like a restaurant but there's still the problem of just sitting there, staring at a screen. Not your idea of a good time.
》 You eventually just decided to take her to the local aquarium. Miktihara was a big city on the coast, so it goes without saying it's aquarium was well known and pretty famous. She wouldn't feel forced to talk or anything and it would be her first time going to one, so hopefully it would be a good experience for her.
》 You picked her up at her house and were off. as expected she didn't really say much so you carried the conversation. It was a bit harder than expected. Her home life was non-existent, school wasn't the best, and she didn't really have too many hobbies. She did start talking about a few friends she made at school though, you were happy to hear she was branching out, but she was still a bit hesitant to go into too much detail.
》 Luckily things picked up when you got there. Homura was bamboozled! It was definitely worth it to see her eyes light up as the two of you walked around. Don't mean to brag or anything, but you went very far with her for a first date. You didn't know she was the type but you held hands while walking around.
》 The day wasn't exactly eventful but it was still fun nonetheless. You ended up buying her some plush she had her eye on before you left, it was slightly a scam with how much it was but she seemed happy enough with it, so it was worth the price. Her smile practically never leaving her face as the two of you walked back to her house. She was a lot more open by the end of it, talking pretty much the entire way back.
The two of you stood in front of her house, it's been a long day so you were fairly tired, not really wanting it to end. Judging by the fact Homura was still holding onto your hand, it’s safe to say she didn't either.
She reluctantly let go, turning to you, her cheeks a light shade of red. You were tempted to reach up and pinch them, but that would be pretty weird, so you resist. She breathes in before saying, “T- thank you, Y/N. We should, uh… Can we...?”
You wait for her to finish, but her eyes just shift around as if she's looking for what she wants to say. You can't help but laugh before nodding. “How does next Sunday sound?”
Her eyes widen but she quickly nods, thankful she wasn't the one that had to say it. “I'd like that.” She says with a soft smile.
You were a bit shocked as she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around you. She didn't give you much time to even process it before she let out a squeak and practically started sprinting to the door at a world record pace. You blink a few times, staring at the floor she just ran through before turning on your heel and walking away. You can tell things will definitely be more lively from now on.
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okay, so, spoiler alert: I actually haven't seen the season final bc I'm canadian. in canada we get rez dogs from disney +, and for some reason, s3 came out weeks later then it did in the states. so I'm only on the episode with cheese camping with the uncles (which was a sweet episode!), but, because I can't help myself, I've been snooping in the tags anyway for ppl's reactions. and, unfortunately, I found out about jackie/bear.
honestly, I'm usually not surprised by forced m/f romances when it comes to tv/movies just bc of how often they happen. but, this to me is more crushing - because unlike all the other times, I was given a bit of hope. that's what makes this so frustrating. one, because of the dynamics with jackie/bear vs jackie/elora which I'll get into in a second, but namely - because these are good writers. that's what makes this show so special; all the relationships are well built and organic (or organtic, as big would say) and are properly developed along with the show. you can really see how the characters care and fit in with each other, bc the writers have cared about them and the dynamics. which is why jackie/bear makes no sense, as does the complete drop-off of elora and jackie's dynamic.
while I'm gaming for more queer relationships, I'm actually not against a m/f couple if they're developed well (take 'the good place', for example) and the characters genuinely care for each other. so, my question is, given all this and how well the writers have done with all the other relationships -
if jackie was inevitably going to end up with bear, why does her story start with elora?
granted, it starts with the whole rez dogs gang and bear getting beat-up, but we don't actually start to see jackie as a character until she starts interacting with elora. we have so many moments, where you can see, how jackie pays specific attention to elora. from the very moment jackie approaches her, saying she 'knows' that her friends aren't seeking escape as badly as she is and, quite literally, shoots her shot by saying that if elora changes her mind, she knows where to find her. giving elora her knife, asking about daniel, confirming with elora after getting home that they were going to try again for california together, texting her after the incident at the youth program with willie-jack to say sorry and ask 'what are you up to?', and especially that moment when she steps aside to tell elora to be safe going to cali with the rez dogs and elora assuring her they'd be back, these extra two seconds where you see a longing look.. there was such specific tiny details that would give off how much, maybe, jackie really cared about elora. perhaps now, we could just say this was all a showing of jackie being lonely and wanting friends, but if that's the case, then why not do this with bear???
that's my problem with the bear thing - there was no build up. sure, they had their moments, like the potato dance and falling asleep on each other and whatnot, but, maybe this was just me, it didn't feel especially significant? starting with the potato dance, I thought they were just building the pathway for jackie to be enveloped into the group and that this was the way to make up for jackie and those other kids hurting bear; it honestly wasn't giving me anything else. and even bear wasn't reacting any which way to jackie in the beginning, besides with animosity and maybe some nervousness. they really just didn't like each other. and even as the show went on, that didn't change much; they clearly became friendlier (ie jackie texting bear about his mom), but going into s3, we didn't get those special moments between like we did with elora.
straight up, jackie didn't pay half the attention to bear as she did elora, (besides maybe singling him out to beat him up but even that was with others). jackie singles out elora specifically, and even when they return home, continues to stay by elora and be invested in her and a possible friendship/relationship, showing it was never really about her needing elora's as a get-away ride. jackie is open and almost soft with elora; with bear she's resistant and gruff, and even when the two groups are cool with each other, they seem to just get on each other's nerves, ie the scene in 'friday.' yeah sure 'opposites attract' or whatever, but if that's what you're going to do, then there has to be some merit to it when it comes to writing a story (also, I am so sick of the 'boy and girl are constantly arguing and seem to hate each other hahaha bet they're gunna be married in ten years' trope). whichever one you ship, the big thing is that if it was going to end in romance, why was it written this way? elora/jack seemed so intentional that even I fell for it, and bear/jackie seemed hastily chopped together without any emotional weight or appeal to it - and yet it played out in the exact opposite on screen.
there's no point to this post. I'm just confused. I feel a lot of disappointment bc it's almost like these writers know better, know how to write organic relationships, and then while they appeared to be building one, suddenly threw it away for another without much structure behind it.
someone make it make sense.
edit: ppl in the notes saying there was no confirmation of jackie/bear, so just to clear this up, I'm, again, going on what I've HEARD. and what I heard, was that there's a scene where the rez dogs + jackie are saying goodbyes to the adults - at some point, bear lifts up his hair, exposing two hickies on his neck, and then - either before or after, it was unclear - when jackie is hugging rita goodbye, rita playfully whispers to her to 'go easy on his [bear's] neck' while jackie looks a bit embarrassed. once more, this is just what I've heard has happened, from multiple different posts, and frankly even if they don't announce the relationship by having them kiss or something, it's clear enough as the audience what we're suppose to pick up on.
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siriannatan · 7 months
Undeniable Pull
I needed a break from my other fics. Kinf od a reset. So from between Solo Leveling and Death Mark, I ended here. I have no clue when the next chapter will happen but it may be just the Red Gate incident. After that, I might have more canon divergence.
Jin-Chul met many hunters in his career. Of all different ranks. From E ranks disappointed by their result to far too confident S ranks who seemed to be pulled to him for some unknown reason. He thought he was ready for any situation. But he was not ready for Sung Jin-Woo.
[may contain spoilers for anime-only fans]
"Looks like we suspected you for nothing," Jin-Chul felt Sung's hope leaving him as his assistant announced the reading of the device. He himself felt disappointed at it. Maybe it was just a hope for one normal S-rank hunter... There was something in this young man that had Jin-Chul feeling protective. Wanting to tell him to quit. 
But he pushed his thoughts down and remained professional. He could ignore his feelings. Not like he never did it before. Not like he would ever see him again. 
Or so he thought until about a week later he got a report.
"Manager... A moment if I could..." one of the agents approached his desk.
"What is it?" Jin-Chul asked, expecting S-ranks were bickering about recruits. Again.
"Eight people were killed in action inside a C-rank dungeon. A D and E-rank hunters were the only survivors. It was a private attack force, the two seem to have been hired to meet raid member requirements," the agent explained passing him a file on the incident. Attack forces hiring to fit requirements was common.
"Looks like they ran away. Isn't it a common occurrence?" he dared assume, already guessing what guild might have cleared the dungeon.
"No. They didn't run. They cleared the dungeon," now this got his attention. "The D-rank had high-class equipment so it's possible he finished the boss. But the Giant Arachnid Buryura shouldn't have been much of an issue to an organised and experienced party. So it's strange eight people died," the report continued.
"Don't beat around the bush and tell me if there's anything strange. You wouldn't come to me if there wasn't," Jin-Chul didn't need any more details. Some recklessness could have ended in this situation.
"Well... The other survivor was hunter Sung Jin-Woo from the double dungeon accident," the reply was more shocking than anything he could have come up with.
"Sung Jin-Woo?" the image of the young hunter in the hospital bed quickly came to his mind. "Seems suspicious but we shouldn't worry. He was already tested for a second awakening with a high-class device. Checking once will do," something in Jin-Chul was nagging him about the whole thing. Why was E-rank in a C-rank dungeon? Did the party need a porter and couldn't find anyone else? If so he'd be in the back and it wouldn't be a shock he survived. Especially with the boss being cleared. 
"I also want to think it's a coincidence. But... The among the party members who died is... hunter Hang Dong-Suk."
"Hwang... Hwang Dong-Su's older brother? In that case, I can't just ignore this," Jin-Chul decided. Dong-Su would likely be coming to Korea in this case. And likely wouldn't leave after just some paperwork to do with his brother's passing. Sung Jin-Woo and that D-rank were in grave danger. And the Association couldn't have an S-rank, even if contracted by a foreign guild, killing people out in the open. He hoped his intuition was wrong.
For now best he could do was keep the two hunters in mind in case Dong-Su was interested in them.
He fully expected next time he heard hunter Sung's name would have to do with that man. But it was a separate incident. Jin-Chul would never expect to get a report on an Association hunter going rogue. But once he did he made his way to the gate as quickly as possible. This could be a big mess. He should trust his feelings more. Kim Tae-Shik always gave out this worrying aura.
"How many minutes has it been since the dungeon got cleared?" he asked as soon as he arrived at the scene.
"About 40 minutes sir," the inspector overseeing the dungeon informed. Not enough time to investigate so he gave his team a limit to retrieve the bodies. It was the best they could do.
"Did the survivors clear the dungeon themselves?" 
"Yes sir, they were worried the monsters could have broken out if they waited too long," the inspector dutifully reported.
Good thinking even if it cut the investigation short. It was always better to clear the dungeon than let monsters escape. No matter the rank of the dungeon. He could barely believe his eyes when he looked at the surviving three hunters. If he wasn't filled in on who survived on his way here he would never recognise hunter Sung Jin-Woo. He really changed in the last few weeks. Was it even possible to change like that? No matter. He had a duty to fulfil.
"We meet again hunter," he greeted him. Maybe the first incident motivated him to work out more or something. He could not help but wonder. Good for him he guessed.
"Ah, you're from the monitoring division," some part of him was glad Sung recognised him despite their only meeting being very brief.
"Woo Jin-Chul, head of the monitoring division," he introduced himself to all three hunters. "It seems one of our employees caused huge harm here. We'll hand out official apologies after an investigation has been closed and the investigation division will handle the case instead of us. " All standard protocol made just in case. Jin-Chul never expected he'd have to use it. As he asked the hunters the questions he could not shake a feeling someone was watching him. But who here could have a stare so intense? 
He had to shelve it for the idea of a B-rank healer and C-rank mage beating a B-rank assassin. It seemed possible if Tea-Shik was tired from fighting the convicts and other hunters but still. Some paperwork needed the two at the office. 
"Hunter Sung Jin-Woo. I don't think you could have beaten Kim Tae-Shik. And I don't think it necessary to suspect you of re-awakening again. But I need to ask you to be careful," he might as well use the chance to warn him.
"What do you mean?" Sung was clearly puzzled. Did he have no clue who Hwang Dong-Suk was?
"When Hwang Dong-Suk's team got exterminated the only survivors were you and a D-rank. The problem is Hwang don-Suk's younger brother. S-rank with Scavenger guild in America. He might blame you two and seek revenge. What actually happened won't matter what really happened." Sung just nodded. He seemed to understand the gravity of the situation. Law could not stop an S-rank from getting his revenge. "If possible I'd suggest leaving the country," he added and bid the hunter a farewell.
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sunsetfell · 9 days
Heading West
As you go west, the features of the land become spread out. At least that's how it is when you start from my hometown in Denfield. You get to a quarry where the workers think nothing of driving an hour each day from home. Still, some, like Christine, don't like the drive at night in the dark. And Charlie once slammed on his brakes when a deer crossed in front of his car, and his four-year-old son in the back seat was flung forward, cracking a rib against the seatbelt. The boy ended up okay, though. The boy's mother, Sarah, even forgave Charlie, eventually.
Growing up in this country, it's etched in your brain that progress runs westward—following the Oregon trail or whatever. Like moving from Queens to Manhattan to a house in New Jersey where your kids have a backyard to get muddy in. Even starting in a town like Denfield—some 3,500 people surrounded by emptiness—the vast westward expanse still beckons, calling itself your manifest destiny.
So when I wanted to leave home, that's where I went. First working at the Turkey Hill, then pushing wheeled metal hoppers around at the quarry. I had no skill in that work. My boss Harper kept yelling at my mistakes. I didn't care. He hadn't fired me yet, and I was out west.
Charlie really wanted to get me pregnant, even though he had that kid already from Sarah. We met at the quarry and first hooked up at the quarry, beyond the drainage ditch where an abandoned wooden structure with a tarp gives privacy from the other workers who don't care anyway. And then the second time he was smiling and giggling and half-joking about how cool it would be if we made a kid right there behind the piles of stone. And next time it was like that too, but more serious. And then so serious it got scary.
I'd known Charlie's ex Sarah from the quarry, too—briefly, before Charlie started working there and she left the next day. We'd spoken meaningfully only once, late at night in the quarry office by the messy table strewn with invoices and work gloves that should have been put away in the shed. She told me how guilty she'd felt leaving Charlie—still felt, even. They'd even planned a wedding, but two months before, an outside force intervened. You see, Sarah had a woman, a friend she'd known since childhood and secretly adored until the friend's divorce, when things changed, and they grew closer in a way Sarah had only before dreamed about. Coincidentally, Sarah was trying to prepare her own wedding and finding it harder and harder. Until that fateful night in July when the friend showed up at the quarry and invited Sarah into her car, and the friend turned out to be wearing just a bathrobe, which inched further off her body as they talked. And that's when the friend confessed she was ready to fall into Sarah's arms and stay there for years and years and maybe forever, if it came too that.
Nothing is ever so simple. Two weeks later, the friend disappeared. Sarah called perhaps five times a day or more—the friend wouldn't answer. But Sarah couldn't go back to Charlie, she cried to me—not after she experienced what was possible.
Sometime during or maybe just after the fourth hookup with Charlie, and hearing him tell me for the tenth time how we'd make a baby and live by the quarry the rest of our lives, I decided I'd have to move west again, so I did. And there I was frying pancakes at a diner owned by a Greek family in Maple Hollow when, somehow, there was Charlie, again. I asked him how that was even possible and he said he's friends with the owners. Of course he was.
We worked side-by-side several days, no incident—he didn't even try anything funny. Then one evening in the kitchen he told me his son's mother had taken the kid, how he missed the kid so bad, but he was scared to go to court over it because he was behind on child support and they could put him in jail if she reported him. He said he wouldn't mind being in jail so much as his kid finding out he was in jail---that would break him.
"I don't understand why everyone always leaves me," he said, looking up at my face for an answer.
It was a moment I should have felt pity, I realized, but instead I wanted to flee even farther west---to a place where he wouldn't try to turn me into the next Sarah.
I called the front desk at the quarry and convinced them to give me Sarah's number from an old personnel file.
"I still have her pepper spray," I explained. "I need to return it." Pepper spray sounds feminine. They won't ask more questions.
"Sarah," I said when I got her on the phone. "I have a proposal for you."
It was a hot September afternoon when, at last, I spotted Sarah's ex-friend (and ex-brief-lover) at the Sheetz by the Turnpike where Sarah had told me I might find her. I leaned against the ketchup and mustard counter and waited for her to walk by with her hot dog.
"You look like you know how to change a tire," I said to her as her jeans brushed against mine while she leaned over for a napkin.
She smiled, and almost, I thought, winked at me, but didn't answer.
"Any chance you could help me with mine?" I persisted.
Outside, I pretended to just be learning her name was Sydney as we crouched on the ground by my beat up Camry and wrestled with the jack.
"There's something sticking to the wheel," Sydney said. "What'd you put gum on it?"
"Let me see," I said, as we both lay on our backs and tried to peer into the wheel from the inside.
Each time a car pulled through the parking lot, I wondered if this was the one—or whether he'd even show. How long could I keep Sydney lying with me under the this stinky car in the warm afternoon?
Then my phone buzzed, and I knew it was him.
"Where the hell are you?" Charlie's voice bellowed from across the parking lot. "You said meet you here for some 'emergency' and you don't even pick up your damn phone."
Sydney and I extracted ourselves, sweaty from exertion, our hair muddled. I pulled the left strap of my tank top back up, but the other still hung over my arm. The button on my shorts was undone. How had I managed that?
And then Charlie saw us, and he froze.
For a moment, Charlie seemed unable to speak—unable to assess the situation, unable to understand what he was seeing. Then he screamed:
"What the hell kind of shit is this?" he demanded.
It was a new side of Charlie, this forceful anger. If only he'd showed it back at the quarry, maybe I would have trusted he had the common sense not to murder me or something worse.
Sydney, who must have been equally shocked, scrambled to her feet and backed into the car.
"Charlie??" she yelled, as if she couldn't believe it was him. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Oh don't try to run away again," Charlie sneered. "You think every time I find a woman who wants to be with me, you can swoop in and make her yours? Oh, and you'll probably ditch this one in two weeks like you did the last one."
Sydney couldn't respond, so Charlie went on:
"You're not getting away with it this time. You're getting exactly what you deserve."
He started advancing toward Sydney with the grace and determination of a tank. I looked around the parking lot to see who was nearby. A dirty red pickup in the far corner that'd been there a while. A state trooper's car partially visible around the back—but I couldn't remember seeing the trooper inside. No human being besides us three was currently in sight. Just the roar of the Turnpike reminding us of the continuing, foolish existence of the human race.
Charlie took a step closer to Sydney. It was strange to see Sydney scared to run from this man, just frozen with her back to the car. Charlie was a big guy. Not athletic, but large. Sydney was muscular but thin and short. Charlie was just a few steps away now.
Then a little boy's voice called out from the side of the parking lot:
"Daddy don't do it." And the three of us turned east in unison.
It was Charlie's kid, of course—yes, of course it was—waddling toward us across the parking lot, face orange from the setting sun. Did his words sound awkward? Not quite as urgent as the situation seemed to demand? Likely no one but me would be listening so closely—likely no one but me was worried if they'd sound rehearsed.
And so Charlie fell to his knees.
I could describe the next 20 minutes of sobbing, the dark well of thoughts Charlie tapped into, confessions I couldn't believe, as the sun dipped below the hills and it became night around us. But what I really want to talk about is the other half of my plan. You see, I had to offer Sarah something for her to help me out—hell, she even brought her kid to deliver the fatal rhetorical blow.
And so it was during Charlie's sob-spree that Sarah stepped out from around the Sheetz. No one immediately reacted—myself because I had to play dumb, and everyone else because—well, it was not clear why. The emotion, I guess. Sarah walked slowly until she was standing in front of Sydney, who did not seem to recognize her---or even, really, to acknowledge her presence.
"Sydney," Sarah said.
Still, no reaction. We were the only ones left in the parking lot now. An 18 wheeler drove by but did not stop.
Sydney did not look up, but she spoke:
"I hoped, so many years, you'd find me."
"Find you?"
"I thought I had to hide from you after what I did to you and Charlie. Or maybe I worried you didn't really want me—that you just wanted an excuse to get out of a bad relationship. Proof that something else was possible."
"I thought we might meet in the woods or something—somewhere romantic. Of course, since it's you, we met in... some sort of scheme you or your friend concocted."
"She's not my friend," Sarah clarified.
"Of course I'm mad at you—furious—but I've been mad at you before, and I forgave you. And at least I can stop being mad you haven't found me yet."
Sarah was starting to cry. Sydney went on:
"Anyway, now it's me who needs an excuse. Not to get out, but to come home." She looked around at our pitiful gathering. "Let's go, Sarah."
They drove off, one behind the other. It was just me and Charlie in the parking lot. He'd stopped crying and was sort of sitting dejectedly on a parking barrier. I walked over to him.
"You won," he said. "I don't know what game you were playing, but you won it. Take whatever prize you want."
"Charlie," I said, "you really think I won?"
"Obviously," he responded.
"And you know if you ever try to pull any funny tricks on me again, I'll get you even worse, and there's nothing you can do about it?"
"Yeah..." he agreed, gazing into the sky to the west that still held a dark blue light from the now gone sunset.
"Then follow me," I said, stepping over to my car (which did not in fact have a bad tire). "I know a great spot we can go behind the quarry."
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peskygirl13 · 2 years
Imagine mc have two zorua/zoroark. One is normal and one is shiny. They might trolling ace and azul by disguising as them and there's chaos from them. Of course, mc might have that dark face if someone trying to take them away, in which they won't go alive
Slight spoilers for Chapter 6 for any English-only fans.
Nobody actually knew about your Zorua(s).
You caught your Zorua(s) at different times. The first Zorua you caught (a male you nicknamed Zorro) you got in Castelia City. The second one (a shiny female you nicknamed Rue) was given to you in Driftveil City by former Team Plasma members after she took a shine to you.
Both Zorua was cautious around people, so they often took your form when around new people. You could always tell which was which because your style was different each time you got them and they always kept their red or blue highlights.
Skip ahead to you getting sent to Twisted Wonderland, your Zorua(s) had been sent with you, and they both came to NRC looking like you, so people assumed that you were triplets.
When you figured out that there were no pokemon in this world, you decided to keep up the ruse. You just said that your siblings were mute, which is why they never spoke.
The only people who knew the truth were Crowley, Grim, and the Ramshackle ghosts.
Not even Ace and Deuce knew. You were very careful that nobody found out.
You did well for a good several months.
I mean, some beastmen did find their smell funny.
Others found it weird that your "siblings" had magic, but not you.
And you always got a kick out of it when some boys would flirt with Rue when she was disguised, not knowing that she was actually a monster like Grim.
And found it cute when Grim and Zorro fought over her back in the safety of your dorm.
But it all came to an end when the VDC camp took place at your dorm.
You had argued with Crowley about it in the privacy of his office later, trying to convince him to come up with an alternative and that it was unfair for Zorro and Rue to be in their disguises for longer than usual.
But he remained equally unmovable and unhelpful.
Your biggest concern was Rook.
The hunter had remained a thorn in your side for months now. Ever since the Savanaclaw incident.
He would not. Leave. You. Alone.
And now he was going to be living with you?!
From the get-go, you made the rules of Ramshackle very clear. Your room was off-limits. That was Zorro and Rue's safe space where they could de-transform whenever they wanted.
The boys did well with respecting this and, aside from a few close calls, everything went mostly smoothly.
Until the actual day of VDC.
Turns out, you should've been more afraid of Vil.
Vil's overblot was the worse one you and your team experienced. Between the fight and the exhaustion of having to keep their disguises on for four weeks straight, their illusions wore off once Vil was defeated.
Hugging your pokemon close to your chest, you told the group (and Malleus, who appeared early for VDC) everything.
They were surprised, obviously, but understood. Ace and Deuce were a little bitter that you didn't tell them, however.
While the boys performed, you met with Crowley (who was surprised to see Zorro and Rue out of their disguises) and told him when happened.
Knowing there was nothing either of you could do now, Crowley used the coverage of VDC to introduce your Zorua(s) to the world and explain that they were important creatures under the protection of Night Raven College and that you were their "keeper" of sorts.
The publicity of NRC skyrocketed, much to the joy of Crowley. (Will you pay us more, now?) And your pokemon were much happier now that they didn't need their disguises 24/7.
Some beastmen were kicking themselves for not being able to tell that Zorro and Rue weren't human, and the boys who flirted with Rue when she was disguised had to face the mockery of their peers for weeks, but all-in-all everything turned out pretty good.
Still, you couldn't help but worry, you wonder what will happen when your Zorua evolve?
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tokiloki · 3 years
@inky-page Tumblr ate your ask I'm sorry but here you go. ❤️
🌸Characters : Rindou Haitani, Baji and Sanzu Haruchiyo.
🏵️Warnings/note : Fem reader/Second point of view (you, your) /Slight cursing. /Brief mention of drugs in Sanzu's part/ fluff/ slight crack/generally astonished boyfriends./ An au where all the manga pain doesn't exist/Canon divergence.
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-Your boyfriend was shocked when he found out. And honestly, he didn't find out in the best of ways.
- He was just lounging on the sofa while you took a shower, lazily flicking from channel to channel while waiting for you to come out.Thats when he heard what was one of the most terrible noises in his life, coming from the shower.
- He ran in panic as he heard you screech an impressive number of curses, some he didn't recognise as his language. He barged into the bathroom calling out your name, only to see you struggling with the shampoo stuck in your eyes. Screaming at everyone and everything.
-He stood there for a hot minute, shocked at the number of different notes that flew from your mouth.
- Ignoring the situation, he simply leaned on the doorframe and asked about how many languages you spoke.
-You were going to kill him, no seriously because the shampoo in your eyes was doing wonders to your raging temper, only adding to the fuel.
"OOOH how interesting! How many languages do you speak Y/N darling? Do you attend classes or something?"
"You're right, you're right, stop staring at me like that calm down."
-Since that day onward, he asked you the most random questions to date.
"Y/N sweetheart, what do you call cocaine in (language)?"
"Babe I swear I never researched drug or gun names in my language courses, let me sleep it's 2 am."
"Y/N did the duolingo owl ever terrorise you into studying? Is that why you studied so many languages?"
"Haru shut the hell up before I go to sleep on the couch"
"You wouldn't"
"Keep talking and we'll see"
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-Honestly, you’re the one who told Rindou about your unique specialty , you admittedly actually hoped for some kind of astonishment, or amazement from your stoic boyfriend.
-Instead all you got from him was a cool shrug and a question of what languages you spoke, after that he just went back to scrolling absentmindedly on his phone.
-You knew Rindou wasn’t one for words, but still, it would’ve been nice if he showed a little enthusiasm -its not everyday someone speaking 4 languages appears. The thought crossed your mind before you could stop it.
Did he even care?
-It must’ve shown on your face because Rindou sighed, dropping his phone to the side and pulling you closer to his body, mumbling apologetic words, you squirmed, insisting you knew and that it didn’t hurt.
“Y/N I promise I care, you know how I am”
“Rin! No it’s alright, I know, don’t worry!”
-Your reaction didn’t satisfy him, even though you thought it did. In fact, you almost forgot the entirety of the tense incident, until a number of weeks later when it made it’s way back into your conversations.
-You two had been sitting on the couch, your head rested above his chest with his arm around your waist as you watched a boring movie. You were slowly slipping off into small bouts of sleep, eyes tired and head drowsy when you heard a quiet voice mumble.
“What’s wrong Rin”
*in foreign language* “I love you Y/N, you know that right?”
“I love you too Rin-”
-Your eyes flew open in shock, tilting your head up to meet his dimmed violet eyes staring at you. He rarely ever commented on his love for you, but that wasn’t what shocked you, this time, he had commented in one of the languages you had thought he wouldn’t even recall.
“Hold on” 
-You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, peering up at him again, his face was dusted with a light blush, one you could barely see in the dark room. He averted his gaze away, blush darkening as you stared up at him in shock. Finally you spoke.
“Since when...did you even learn...that?”
“A while ago dumbass”
“A while ago?”
“From when...from when you told me you could speak a bunch of languages, I just thought to take one up.”
-Rindou wouldn’t say anything else regarding it after that, resorting to intense focus on the movie onscreen, he wouldn’t tell you but the look of hurt that had flashed on your face when you told him had him sinking in guilt.
-He recalled the deep anxiety he found himself sinking into, thinking that you thought the worst of him. He wanted to show you that the 'I love you's' he murmured were truly heartfelt.
-Ran said he was being over dramatic, but Rindou had honestly found no other way to prove to himself and you that he cared for everything you did and said. The warmth that bloomed through his chest at your excited smile was worth every minute he had spent trying to learn a language to connect to you.
That night, Rindou was free of his worries, which had all been soothed by your smile.
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-Listen, he is proud of you. He thinks that you're deservedly the smart one in the relationship, maybe the one smart person he will sit and listen to all day.
-When he heard from a friend of yours that you spoke four languages he was genuinely amazed, exclaming to you later on just how amazing and impressive that was.
-You even slowly began to realise that he was picking up on common phrases you used, his eyes would gleam over with pride whenever you said a single word, instantly bookmarking it for another day.
-To someone else it might have seemed like Baji was the multilingual one, but no he was just hyping you up every minute he could.
-It actually ended up being helpful as you helped him with language studies, he thought your methods were better than the teachers anyways.
-Baji was always motivated to do better by you and his desire to keep his mother happy, so motivated he found himself studying voluntarily, shocking the Toman members so badly to the point that you actually received a frantic call from Mikey asking if you had drugged Baji.
-You regularly answered multiple random questions from him, most of them were things like 'alright how do you say you're beautiful?' only to repeat your words with a cheerful grin, making you laugh at his cheesy techniques.
-Baji, despite all his wholesome actions, was also the first person to ask you for every possible curse in every language you spoke, grinning enthusiastically as you nervously recited words you wished you didn't know.
-Actually Baji even learnt curses you didn't know existed, saying that he was "merely deepening his knowledge"
-But all in all, Baji loves you and all your 'random mumbo jumbo' as he calls it. He's never been so proud to love a girl before, and he apologises for all the random questions he cursed you with.
A/N : im sorry for how long this turned out. I got to Rindou and kinda got carried away, anyways first fic I hope you liked it! Reblogs and likes much appreciated 💖
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part VII
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, mention of blackmail, all characters are adults.
Words: 1864.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
You wanted to slap yourself. What the hell was wrong with you today? Why did you tell Peter that?!
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...” Completely baffled with you behavior, you were deeply ashamed, unable to look the guy in the eyes and wanting nothing but fall into the earth.
“Ah, I got it. It’s Steve, isn’t it?” All of a sudden, Peter let out an irritated sigh, rolling his eyes skywards and rubbing his neck. “Of course, who else would say such nonsense. Blackmail, really? Funny he didn’t call me a stalker or anything.”
“Listen, I didn’t mean it, I’m really-”
“It’s ok.” He closed the locker, slamming its door loudly and making you jump. “It’s not your fault. If I heard that from somebody, I’d be scared too.”
He spent a couple of seconds staring into the wall until he rubbed his neck again tiredly and huffed. It took him less than a minute to regain his composure, and you heard him murmuring, “What a freak.”
He didn't return to the corridor, heading to the sports hall for his PE class, instead moving to the bench in the locker room and motioning you to sit. Feeling terribly awkward, you hoped he wasn't going to do anything out of anger, even though he had every right to be upset at your stupid behavior.
"About what he said," Peter took a deep breath, "it's nothing like that. I don't dig up some nasty stuff in the web to blackmail people. I've never done it. The reason why Mr. I-am-better-than-you said that is because I've made him take me into his little bodyguard group when I heard him talking to Loki. You're nice, and I wanted to help. Of course, Steve started acting like I was some creep, so he refused, and I had to remind him that, technically, he had to report your issue to the administration, not play a hero. I said that if I go and tell the whole story to the dean, Steve's gonna be in trouble because he knew who thieves were and didn't report them."
It was a loud off your mind. Goodness. Rogers called this a blackmail? Really? Just because Peter pushed Steve into taking him into their group?
You were less and less sure Rogers was sane. You definitely had to be careful around him.
"I can't believe he called it a blackmail." You admitted quietly, and the guy sent you a tired smile. "Peter, I'm so, so sorry. It was so stupid of me."
"Nah, don't worry. I'd freak out too if I didn't know the whole story."
You knew your apologies weren't enough, but you hoped Peter didn't take it to heart - if you can take such an accusation easily, that is. Shit, shit, shit, why did you believe everything these guys were saying? You didn't even know them in the first place! Why on Earth did you go asking them their opinions on others if all of them were biased, and every guy could twist the truth the way he liked? You shouldn't have let their words affect you that much.
"Whatever. At least now you know what Rogers is like." Peter sent you a grim smile and got up, picking his bright yellow sackpack from the floor. "Shit, I gotta go if I don't wanna be late. Let's meet in a library later, alright?"
"O-of course." You hurriedly stood up and left the lockers room after him, turning to the library: your Lit class was cancelled, so you decided to go study right away. At this time, the library was usually full, and you felt safe there.
Your thoughts were all about the guys again even when you were staring at your laptop, trying to focus on Excel numbers. Why did you feel like the atmosphere between them was so dense? If they were at such terms with each other, why did they group together to help you? What, because all of them loved you so much? It was ridiculous. There was something else to it, and you didn't know. You had a feeling no one was going to tell you the truth until you figured it all out by yourself.
Weird. It was all so weird. Steve's plan, their behavior, the relationships between them, and your nagging feeling they all were hiding something. Was it them who were actually following you?
The thought scared you to the point you started shivering. Oh shit.
"Hi there," the guy appeared behind your back so suddenly you almost jumped, looking at him wide-eyed, "sorry, did I startle you?"
"H-hi Jake! No, it's ok, I was just... studying." Both of you were talking in hushed voices, knowing the librarian would kick you out immediately if she heard some noise. "How are you?"
"I'm great, how're you?" You could hear concern in his voice: he was one of Thor's friends you met yesterday, and although you spoke briefly, Thor definitely told him more about you. "You look a bit worried."
"Oh, it's Math, I didn't really understand the topic, and we're having an exam on Monday... guess I'll be studying the whole weekend." You gave him your best smile to reassure you were totally ok, and the guy relaxed a little, smiling at you, too.
"I'm sure you'll pass. Thor said you're very smart."
What, he said that to all of them? Was he simply boasting about his girlfriend to his friends or was there something more to it?
"You're too kind. Thank you."
His smile grew wider, and he landed on the next seat to yours, resting his hands on the table. Apparently, there was something he wanted to talk to you about, and you grew uneasy.
"Listen, about these incidents... Thor told us all about it, so if you see any freaks following you around, you can message any of us, and we'll come right away." Looking at his serious expression, his bushy brows furrowed, you hoped he eas being sincere with you: you had enough with people you could no longer trust. "And also... that kid, if he's giving you troubles or anything, just let me know, and I'll tell him to keep his hands to himself"
Oh, he was talking about Peter, wasn't he? He had probably seen that silly photo. Wow, you though, Peter was totally right about Instagram: it was the best news source in the academy.
Thanking him for his concern, you laughed a little, convincing him there was nothing serious except for the theft and promising to tell him if anything weird would be going on. While it should have made you feel safer, in fact, you only grew more frustrated with this situation. You wanted to forget about these freaks and just spend you day like any normal student would, but everywhere you went people were staring at you as if you had a horn; one boyfriend or the other was always close to protect you from some unknown danger, and although you believed they tried to help, you hated the feeling they were hiding something from you. Why did you have to be going through all this? Wasn't it really better to drop off school, spend a year working and then apply to a better place?
Thinking of the faces your parents would make once you returned home, you realized it wasn't. This school with all those creeps wasn't worse than home that never felt like a safe place you wanted to come back to. Besides, all money you saved up until now were only good for buying food and things like that: you'd never afford to rent a decent place unless you found a well-paid job. It meant staying with your parents, and it wouldn't be much better than here, just different. If you wanted to drop off, you had to find a good place to stay.
Well, you could at least try, right?
When Peter met you in the library, the two of you no longer talked about anything important, simply studying together to prepare for the exams next week. It didn't feel off: from time to time you met his gaze, and the both of you smiled. You were thankful he didn’t talk about Steve or other guys or that weirdo in the lockers room.
Once you returned home, you went straight to bed, completely exhausted. Luckily, you did much more than yesterday, so you could rest now, but then you thought of Thor kissing you and bit down the pillow, angry at yourself. Why did you keep thinking of him right now?
When you woke up the next morning, you felt like something was off: your body ached, your throat hurt, and your headache was only making it worse. Dammit, you caught a cold, probably. And that’s when it was finally the day to meet Steve, the guy you thought was a mastermind behind all these manipulations that were making you sick to the core. 
Anyway, it’s not like a mere cold would prevent you from doing everything you had planned. You left your bed and went to the bathroom, moving the dresser before again. 
Honestly, it felt terrible. It was definitely because of that flimsy dress you wore to school yesterday when the weather was becoming chilly. Argh. Watching your puffy eyes and swollen nose, you sneezed. Today you had to apply way more makeup to look decently.
Steve showed up earlier than either Thor or Peter: you had to skip your breakfast, hoping to buy something cheap in the cafeteria.
“Good morning.” He said with his everyday polite expression that soon shifted into a concerned one. “Are you alright?”
What, was it that bad? You did your absolute best to apply enough makeup and do your hair. Did you still look so sick?
“Good morning. Yes, I’m ok, just feeling a little sleepy.” You yawned on purpose, covering your mouth with your hand, and Steve’s face softened.
“Did you study all night?”
“Yep, exams are driving me a little crazy.”
“I understand. I also stayed late last night.”
Of course, the student council president studying all days long to be number one student in the academy. If you didn’t know of his twisted nature, you’d think he was the most typical nerd.
You spent most of the time either in silence or talking about studies, the academy, and everything related to it. Steve acted like a gentleman and a scholar, albeit a little too demonstratively. Walking with you as if he were a king of the place, he constantly replied to greetings of others, waved to his acquaintances and smiled. You felt so off you wanted to find Loki and walk with him: unlike Steve, he was considered unpleasant by the prevailing majority of students.
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” America golden boy asked you for the last time, and you forced yourself to smile.
“Of course. Thanks for coming, see you later, Steve.”
As he finally left you in peace, you almost fell down into your chair, your fever only getting worse despite the fact you took some painkillers. It was going to be a long day.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @goodgodimaweirdperson @frontmanash @freya-heya @yandematic @mariatietacapitu @d3monslust @maybesandohnos @ibeatuptwinks @mangobangi @nectav @whatever-happened-to-the-ducks
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
re: kr not having chim and buck talk about their conflict on screen, do you think this will be a storyline carried over to s6? because i felt like it was made clear in the show that things were not truly smoothed over.
Ngl, I find that to be an interesting takeaway.
If you (or anyone else) came to this conclusion based off of the firetruck convo from 5x18, IMO, that was done to 1) clue the audience in on the likelihood of L coming back in s6 and 2) give the impression that BL's drunken kiss doesn't mean they'll be involved in any way going forward. If you're referring to the lack of Buck + Chimney scenes after Madney's return to L.A, I think there were a few possible reasons behind that decision: 1. Not putting those two together alone or with Maddie helped the general audience (not fandom, who questions everything) to move further away from 5x04 with each passing week. If they weren't seeing Buck + Chimney, they weren't thinking about the status of their friendship. Their minds were occupied with Madney, Chim + Hen, Buddie, and BL, to some degree. 2. Chimney's return was not going to be about Buck - shocking, I know. He didn't end up at Buck's door when he left Boston. He went to see Hen. His best friend. Hen struggled with the paramedics Bobby brought in as Chim's temporary replacement until she decided to give Jonah a chance. 5B was about showing how seamlessly the OG besties fell back into old routines, showing how the 118 we're used to was slowly being brought back together (which would lead us to the group shot in the finale). 3. To go with the above, when Chim wasn't working alongside Hen (and establishing that they're each other's ride or die), his focus was on Maddie and Jee-Yun. Buck managed to be involved in this part of 5B even though he and Chim didn't share a face-to-face conversation, and his presence (if the audience was paying attention) was used to show that there are no hard feelings on either side as well as continue to portray Madney as a team even though they were broken up.
We had Lucy asking if Buck had heard from either Chim or Maddie when they were with Jee at the hospital, Buck babysitting his niece so Maddie could be with Chim after he nearly died, and Buck trying to make Chim see that he was still Maddie's top priority, the most important person in her life (besides their daughter) when he got the first text about Maddie during her first day back at dispatch while Buck was the second. As of right now, I don't see the events of 5x04 being mentioned again UNLESS it's for a "joke", like how the BL kiss [and Buck cheating] was written as a teasing moment between teammates and (going further back) Buck made punching motions while saying Eddie liked to work his anger out in the ring .  Do I think that's what going to happen? Not really, because I assume KR wants everyone to move the fuck on already. But the time for a heart-to-heart has come and gone so bringing up the incident a whole damn year later when it's been #confirmed they mended fences offscreen means the tone/vibe would not need to be confrontational/tense/whatever negative adjective you can think of.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Dystopia pt 8 (FINALE)
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Summary: You were an Amity born. You were taught to value kindness and harmony. But you also valued bravery and knowledge. After the test to see which faction best suited you, you were given the choice to either stay in your faction or leave. When you chose to leave your faction for another, your whole life changed and you wondered if it was the right decision. You pondered over it at first, all until you met him.
Theme: Divergent au, strangers to lovers
Genre: mild action [I tried], angst, fluff, slowburn
Warnings: mentions of blood and violence
WC: 3.6k
Pairing: Trainer!Jungkook x Initiate!FemReader
Tips: In this whole series, Y/N is a few years younger than JK. Those who were initiates like Y/N that just ended the Choosing Ceremony, are all the same age. None of these characters portray who the mentioned people are in real life whatsoever! It's just a fictional character!
a/n: Hello! Guess what? You made it to the end! I know this is a short series but I'm more than thankful if you have made it this far. Although it's quite short for a finale, I hope I didn't disappoint you too much! But anyways, here's the final part for this series :) Enjoyyy
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With hurried steps, all three of them quickly hollered their way through the facility in hopes that they would reach the dorms in time. Jungkook’s heart was beating so fast against his chest, unsure if he could even calm himself down knowing something bad had happened to you. That was the last thing he wanted. From the day he saw you a few weeks back, he knew he would like you.
He knew there was something about you that leaves him being all clammy and nervous despite his amazing skill at hiding his emotions. Jungkook never knew he would manage to get close to you, thinking it was impossible considering he was a trainer and you were an initiate.
However, it looks like fate has a different plan for you and him when he saw you training by yourself in the middle of the night. That was when he first got to have a close interaction with you.
Even though it was just him teaching you basic tips on how to improve your skills for each of the different skill sets, he still got to talk to you and also earn your trust after a while. And as the days gradually went by, it was needless to say that Jungkook had grown so fond of you and even had a crush on you.
Yes, a Dauntless Trainer having a crush on a Dauntless Initiate.
How cute.
Ultimately, it all goes downhill for him as he finally arrives at the shared dormitory, only to find the rest of the initiates crowding around at one spot. The minute Jungkook and Changkyun pushed through the crowd, their hearts stopped for a millisecond upon seeing what the fuss was about.
There you were, cradled in Hyunjae’s arms as Gahyeon was crying with her hands desperately pressing what looks to be a completely blood soaked towel against your throat.
Your throat has been slit, not too deep to kill you but just enough to render you voiceless.
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You were just turning around on your bed when you peeked your eyes open out of instinct, feeling as though you were being watched. Except, you weren’t expecting for it to be legit. Because the minute you opened your eyes, there was a hooded figure looming over you with a hand raised to their head level with what looks to be a knife from the Training Room.
Before your mind could react, your body seemed to move faster as your arms swiveled to a cross position over your face right when the person launched his attack to your head.
With the tip of its blade just barely missing your right eye socket.
You used all your energy to shove their hand away using your arms, only to kick their stomach harshly. They stumbled back a little before lunging back at you. However, you quickly rolled out of bed to your left, falling to the ground with a soft thud just as they plunged the blade into the mattress right where your chest would’ve been.
You rushed to your feet, making a break for it to the open toilet but your steps faltered when you felt a sharp stab to your calf.
“Ah! Fuck!” You loudly hissed to yourself.
The blade got pulled out of your leg harshly, only for you to flip around on the ground.
The person kneeled over you as they tried to stab you in the face again but you managed to grab their wrist with both hands. They were strong. A little too strong if you say so yourself. However, for some reason, you felt like you knew this person.
You were struggling. You were struggling hard to push their hand away. Mustering whatever strength you had left, you used all your power to push them back.
For a moment, you were glad that they nearly fell off you.
However, you weren’t mentally and physically ready for what he was about to do next. And that was for him to make one swift swing of his arm. It all happened so fast, you didn’t even realize what he did until you felt something wet trickle down your neck. You tried to curse at them but instead you were shocked when nothing came out of your mouth.
That wasn’t until one of your hands reached up for your throat and you felt it.
The open slit, the feeling of wet liquid, your nostrils filling with the strong smell of copper, and finally, bringing your fingers up to see your fingers coated in your own red crimson blood.
Your mouth hung agape as you tried to speak but there was nothing. Tears welled up in your eyes as the person got up and smirked down at you.
“Goodnight loser. I hope you rot in hell.”
They soon took off running, leaving you there helpless with no voice to scream for help, to tell people who did it. But of course, you weren’t stupid. Despite the lack of light, only an idiot couldn’t catch on easily. For there is only one person who calls you ‘Loser’ right from the start. Your doubts were confirmed the minute that nickname left their lips.
Dumb move Yeonjun.
Since you couldn’t scream for help, you slowly began to drag yourself across the room, leaving a long trail of blood behind your leg where you got stabbed only to reach the end of Gahyeon’s bed.
With one swift grasp, you managed to hold onto her shirt and that was enough to wake her.
It took her a second to realize what happened until she saw the trail of blood on the floor and your bleeding throat that you were desperately putting pressure on. She let out a shrilling scream before yelling for help from the others. Everyone began to panic at the gruesome scene, making Hyunjae cradle you while Yunho rushed out to get help.
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Jungkook carried you to the hospital wing, with Gahyeon, Hyunjae, Yunho and Changkyun tagging along. One of the nurses inspected your injury, seeing that you’ve lost quite a bit of blood. She mentioned that they had to give you some blood in order to save you and they have to be the same blood type as yours. After much inspection, it was clear that only Jungkook and Hyunjae shared the same blood type as you.
Both of them offered to donate some of their blood to you to save your life. While the two were being drawn of their blood, Changkyun went ahead and brought the other two back to their dormitory to rest. You were already laying there on the medical bed unconscious which means you couldn’t feel the way Gahyeon gently gave your blood coated hands a small squeeze.
“Please be okay, Y/N.” She whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. Yunho comforted the girl before they both left with Changkyun.
A few minutes later, the nurse managed to collect as much blood as you probably needed after losing them quite a bit. She placed a bandaid over the spots where she injected the tube in their arms. After she was done, she dismissed the two boys but Jungkook asked if he could stay.
She nodded, setting up the equipment so that the blood she collected from the two gentlemen could be transferred into your body through the IV in your hand.
Hyunjae left after caressing the top of your head, wishing you a speedy recovery.
The nurse went ahead and disinfected your wounds before suturing the open cuts and wrapping them with bandages. Once she was done, she excused herself, leaving you alone with Jungkook as the male went over to scoot his chair closer to your side. Jungkook carefully reaches for your hand that didn’t have the needle attached. He brings it up to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly.
“I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry this happened to you Y/N. You truly don’t deserve this…” Jungkook whispered as he stood up to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead.
He felt sorry. He felt sick. He felt confused. But more importantly, he felt furious at whoever did this to you. Of course he didn’t know who but you knew.
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You woke up to a sharp pain in your throat, feeling it get itchy like an unusual sore throat. The prickling pain in your right calf made your leg jolt as you shot your tired eyes open. The morning sun filled the room. You carefully looked around to find you alone in the room which looks to be the hospital wing.
Memories from last night suddenly came flashing into your mind like a tsunami, and yet, you still couldn’t wrap your mind around it.
Did that really happen?
Was it all a dream?
You almost didn’t want to believe it until your hands reached up to your throat and you felt the soft material of the bandage taped onto your neck. Of course, your stubbornness was trying to make you think otherwise so you opened your mouth to speak.
Truth be told, nothing comes out of your mouth. Absolutely nothing. Not even a sound.
Your thoughts were swirling, a million things running across your head at that very moment. From the incident last night to the final evaluation test you were supposed to have today. The test was supposed to determine your final results of your initiation. It was supposed to determine whether you get to stay in Dauntless or you get kicked out and become Factionless.
Of course, there are two ways of getting that second option. First is by failing Stage 3, and second is of course by not attending the final test at all.
How wonderful.
As your mind was swirling with these complications, you completely missed the figure that was making their way to you. It wasn’t until they were a few feet from you that you looked up only to lock eyes with Jungkook.
Immediately, a whole swarm of emotions came rushing through you as you began to cry. Jungkook rushed over to you, only to hush you.
“Shh… Shh… Don’t cry. It’s okay. I’m here. You’re fine. I’m here.” Jungkook cooed as he held you in his arms, feeling the way your arms wrapped around his waist tightly like you were afraid he might disappear if you let go. His heart swelled upon feeling his shirt get soaked from your tears.
Your silent cries only made his heart drop even more. Jungkook caressed the back of your head lovingly, making sure to give you small reassuring kisses to the side of your head as a way to hopefully calm you down.
You both stayed like that for a bit before he sang you a sweet song in your ear.
Jungkook felt your body relax in his touch, happy that his singing made you calmer. After a while, he pulled away slowly to look you in the eye. How is it possible that you are just sitting there crying your eyes out and yet you still looked beautiful? Or maybe it’s just him.
Who knows.
Nevertheless, he wipes your tears with his thumbs and soon smiles down at you.
“You’re so strong. You’re a strong girl Y/N. And I really admire you for that.” He whispered. You couldn’t help but crack a tiny smile when you felt him boop your nose with his own. You had so much to say to him. So much you wanted to share with him. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on your side today. Just then, Jungkook’s smile faltered and it made you curious.
You reached for his wrist where his hand was just cupping your face softly, to catch his attention. You silently asked him what’s wrong through your worried eyes, hoping he could read your mind.
Thankfully, he did.
“The final stage… It starts in 5 minutes. I talked to the leaders about your current condition. I tried my best to change their mind, Changkyun did try too… Unfortunately, the leaders made an agreement to… disqualify you, which means… y-you…” Jungkook paused as he struggled to convey the message to you but you already knew what it meant.
You violently shook your head at him. You had to redeem yourself. You didn’t plan for this to happen. You were forced to be in this damn medical bed out of your own will. Oh if only they saw who did this to you, would they gladly throw him to the Factionless.
“Decision has been made. Since you can’t physically be there, you’re immediately disqualified.” Jungkook said as you shook your head again. There must be something about the way you were staring at him because at that very moment, it was as though you sent him a message through telepathy.
“Wait a minute… For the final test, you don’t need to talk. You… just need to be physically there for the simulation.” Jungkook said in realization as your eyes lit up.
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“Does that mean… she’s immediately disqualified?” Gahyeon asked sadly, only for Hyunjae to nod.
“I mean, technically according to the rules, you are supposed to be here physically for the final test… So, I guess that’s true then…” Hyunjae said.
The rest of them who were gathered by the side of the hall where the final stage would take place, shared mostly the same emotions about you not being able to join them which would render you as Factionless by default even after all your hard work.
However, it looks like someone couldn’t care less about you not making it.
“Who cares? She doesn't belong in Dauntless anyway.” Yeonjun rolls his eyes as he walks to the front, leaning against one of the pillars. Your friends exchanged a few glances to one another, not feeling good about the way he said that. A few minutes passed, and they had just finished the test with the third person on the list. All the initiates were anxious as they waited for their turn. Soon enough, the Dauntless leader calls out the next name to be on stage.
With that, the room fell silent as the initiates looked at each other with deep frowns on their faces. A few beats of silences went by, not a single sign of you anywhere. Meanwhile, Yeonjun had that devilish smirk on his face as he felt satisfied with your lack of presence.
Unfortunately, just as the leader was about to call out the next person on the list, Jungkook’s voice echoed around the hall from the opposite end of where the initiates were gathered. That’s when Jungkook emerged through the double doors with you beside him.
He had one arm wrapped around your waist as you limped your way to the platform where the chair was waiting for you. Your friends cheered for your arrival as they shouted a string of goodlucks to you. Yeonjun growled, totally not expecting to find you still alive.
Maybe he didn’t cut you deep enough.
You immediately recognized the lady who was prepping the tools to put you into simulation, to be the same lady you met on your Initiation test.
After you sat down, Jungkook gave your waist a little squeeze before he smiled down at you and whispered, “Goodluck.”
He soon left your side as the lady asked you if you were ready. You gave her a small nod, letting her inject the needle into your neck right below your ear.
Once the serum had been injected into your system, it took effect right away, bringing you to your first simulation. It was the same simulations you went through during your Stage 2. They were all of your fears connecting one simulation to the other. You managed to remember what Jungkook taught you during the past few weeks and how to properly handle each situation like a fellow Dauntless.
The minute your last simulation ended, you woke up calmly only for the lady to smile.
“You did well.” She complimented you as she helped you sit up. Jungkook came to your side and very gently led you off the platform.
“Good job. Looks like my tips worked huh?” Jungkook asked, to which you smiled, feeling shy all of a sudden. He guided you to the side only for your friends to rush over to you.
“Sweetie! You’re okay! How are you?” Gahyeon asked as she hugged you, making you return her hug. You showed an ‘okay’ sign with your hand before Yunho ruffled your hair. “Of course you are, you’re a beast Y/N.” His comment made some of them laugh, including you. Just then, your eyes drifted to your left only to meet Yeonjun’s fiery eyes.
All you wanted to do was throw him in The Pit. The last thing you wanted was to see his competitive ass everyday from now on.
However, you weren’t going to kill him despite all the pain he’s caused you.
After letting you meet up with your friends, Jungkook brought you back to his penthouse to let you rest. He carefully laid you down on his bed, pulling his blanket up to your chest while you snuggled into his side with your head resting on his chest. Jungkook chuckled as he caressed your hair, tucking them behind your ear, making sure to let his fingers softly trace the side of your face as he did so.
“No matter what the results are, I’m never leaving your side. That, I can promise you.” Jungkook said softly as you tilted your head up to look at him. You wished you could speak. You wished you could verbally say this to him outloud. Unfortunately you couldn’t.
In the end, you opted for the saying ‘Actions speak louder than words’ and so, with that being said, you lifted your head up and used your left elbow to prop your body up on the mattress.
Jungkook watched you carefully as you slowly leaned in only to press your lips softly on his. Almost instantly, he wrapped one arm around your waist while the other allowed his fingers to tangle into your soft locks. You reached a hand up to cup his cheek, letting your thumb trace the scar he had on his left cheekbone. You felt him smile against your lips as he pulled away for a breath.
His eyes fluttered open to find your cute ones staring back at him. Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle as he gently massaged your scalp in a calming manner.
“If that is your way of telling me what I think it is, then I’ll be the one to confirm verbally that I feel the same way too…” Jungkook’s voice was smooth and sultry in your ears, it almost made you melt into a puddle. Almost.
So with one more kiss from him, your heart raced in your chest as he pulled away to let his lips hover over yours before he said the words you’ve been meaning to tell him.
“I love you Y/N.”
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6 months had passed, you ended up staying in Dauntless together with Gahyeon, Hyunjae and Yunho. Right after the final stage, you gave Jungkook the weapon Yeonjun used to attack you the night before the final stage. After investigating the weapon and finding evidence that confirms Yeonjun was indeed the attacker, he was immediately thrown out of Dauntless. Rendering him Factionless.
Yes, that jerk deserved it.
Yunho was given the role of a guard due to his unfortunate ranking but hey, at least he wasn’t Factionless.
Gahyeon was a trainer for Dauntless-born initiates while you and Hyunjae were trainers for faction transfers. Although, you only started becoming one after the 3rd month when you were starting to be able to talk again.
And how was your relationship with Jungkook, might I ask?
Well, just splendid.
Your relationship with him only grew stronger each day as he took care of you during the first few months when you still had difficulties to talk. He was always there for you when you needed someone to back you up in heated arguments.
Jungkook took you to visit your parents the day after the final stage. No doubt your parents got upset over what happened to their daughter, they were more than thankful that you were still alive and that Jungkook was there to keep you sane. As the months go by, Jungkook’s feelings for you bloomed.
Today was another day of training for you and your initiates where you managed to guide the new initiates along with Hyunjae’s help.
You were just standing off to the side, letting Hyunjae take over for the knife throwing session when you suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrapping itself around your waist. You giggled as you turned your head to find Jungkook’s face just mere inches away from yours.
“Not here, love… We’re in the middle of training.” You whispered, earning a soft chuckle from him before he peppered your cheek with kisses.
“Can’t I just give my beautiful girlfriend some loving kisses before I go to my meeting?” Jungkook teased, making you giggle.
“Aren’t you being needy?” You laughed.
“Only when I miss you…”
“We literally saw each other an hour ago, Kook.”
“I know.” Jungkook grinned cutely at you only for you to push his face away gently while you laughed.
“Hmm, needy indeed.”
“Hey…” He pouted at you. Of course your heart couldn’t bear to see his sad pout so you turned to face him completely. Reaching up with both hands to hold his face, you pressed your lips on his before pulling away to see his silly smile on his face.
“I love you.” You whispered as you felt him hug you.
“I love you more.”
That was the last thing you heard as Changkyun’s voice beckons your boyfriend over from a few feet behind Jungkook. “Come on lovebird, we gotta go… See you later Y/N.” Changkyun chuckled as he wiggled his index finger towards Jungkook. Your boyfriend gives you one last kiss before he jogs over to his older friend.
Maybe joining Dauntless wasn’t as bad as you thought after all.
a/n: Thank you for reading this series! Do check out my other fics if you're interested to read more of my writings! ❤️
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We Met Within This Screen [chapt. 6]
[Donnie x reader]
sfw, chapter 5 here
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Come on, save it, save it, Donnie chanted to himself later that night, at home and tucked away in his room trying to figure out how to neutralize the situation. He paced along his bed back and forth, phone in hand as he wracked his brain thinking about how he'd get her to let it go. He could tell her that she was...overtired? Go the stereotypical route and say it was just her eyes playing tricks on her? Try to play it off as human teenagers messing around on the roof?
She'd gone to bed already. He hated that he couldn't pursue the subject until morning, her morning, but by then, he'd be tired. When she woke, he slept. But he needed to get it resolved as quickly as possible, so he reckoned it was time to pull an all nighter. Luckily, that wasn't anything he wasn't used to.
He figured he'd get the preliminaries out of the way so he could get right to it when she eventually texted back.
"Good morning
I know you're not awake yet but I figured I'd get an early start today.
I want to know, what exactly did you see last night?"
He shut his phone off and set it down on the bed, fingers rubbing his temples. Depending on her answer, this would either be difficult, or near impossible.
The rest of his time was spent just waiting around for her to finally wake up, dodging all his brothers and trying to occupy himself with something. He was fiddling with the radio he kept on the floor next to his bed when his phone notified him of a message. Turning the volume up, some old-school rock played softly. He didn't always keep music on when he worked, which was what he was doing felt like, but something needed to fill the silence. It also made it feel more casual to have the radio on, for both himself and for whoever might stop by his room.
"Good morning to you too
That was...sudden??"
How nice it was to read those words coming from someone who wasn't his family. Not that they said it like that often anyway, but the small gesture hit differently.
"I'm just really curious about what you said you saw."
Curious? Not quite. More like dying to know, and not because he fancied himself some cryptid hunting.
"That's fair I guess
But don't laugh, ok?"
"I'd never, [y/n]"
They were big
But no like not the overweight kinf, not even just 'tall guy' kind of big
You know?"
Yeah, I aware. I'm 6'8" and have a giant shell on my back.
He was hoping she'd only seen one of them. Maybe it would have been easier, but, of course, that wasn't the case.
"I think there were two
Idk it just looked really weird, it was dark but the silhouette from the light made them look bulky, I don't know what it was"
Lips pursed tight, he looked up from his phone, and all of a sudden that music in the background was suffocating. He quickly reached over and shut it off. He needed to be able to divert all of his attention to one thing. Except, even though he should have been spazzing over her spotting them (even if just for a split second), a concern crept up in the back of his mind that made him scoff at himself. The need to know was too great.
His eyes fell on his scaled, three-fingered hand as he typed.
"Did it scare you?"
Perhaps it wasn't what he should have been focusing on. But he was. He knew she hadn't seen much, but what if she quipped that it was frightening, or gross, or…?
"I don't know, Bo
I guess it was kind of freaky
Uh, do you actually believe me? That I saw something?"
"'Freaky?'" he repeated to himself in a whisper, brow ridge furrowed. What was I expecting?
He had to shake himself of whatever was going on in his head at the moment, because there were more pressing matters at hand. Like what he was going to answer her question with. Theoretically, he could go two routes; one, invalidate the experience and try to walk on the line of telling her that it was not real without making her feel crazy. And then probably get mad at him. Or two, go along with it, if he didn't have the heart to do that to her. The answer was already here; he let out a deep sigh. Two, it is.
Nothing could make him want to make her feel that way, even if it meant he'd have to put in a little extra effort in fixing his mistake.
"I wouldn't doubt your judgement, [y/n]."
That makes me feel a lot better
You're a really good guy, Bo :)"
Freezing, he sat and stared at the screen before slowly taking the phone away from his face, lips moving, but no sound coming out. He had no idea what to say; all he could focus on was the fact that the girl he undeniably liked thought he was a good guy. And that, presumably, it meant she might have liked him as well. Big on the "might", he realized as the logical part of his mind took over once again. Regardless, he licked his lips and got to preparing a worthy response. He didn't want to come off as flustered as he felt. Donnie was aware he was not particularly suave—he took solace in the fact that she couldn't see his face or hear his voice. He contemplated on acting a bit more "cool guy" than he actually was, but wanted her to like him for him, not a facade. Which was a major contradiction to all that he had done up to that point, but the least he could do was be the person he was on the inside!
"You there?"
"Sorry, I got distracted…
You really think so?"
"That I think you're a great guy?"
"Totally. 100%"
His heart was going, he was stammering to himself, and a new feeling enveloped him. He was no stranger to the different emotions; he'd gotten familiar with many of them. Because though he didn't always show it, he had a lot of feelings. These, he felt most viscerally. But he had to get back on track. If he could push last night's incident under the rug, all would be well. More well than it already was, considering.
"Thank you, [y/n]
To be honest, I've never had a friend like you
So, do you want to talk more about what you saw? I know I'm switching tracks quickly, it's just very….interesting."
It was a jarring and awkward subject change, he knew that, but he desperately wanted to get it out of the way. The sooner, the better.
"I suppose
You seem pretty interested in it"
Maybe she wasn't hanging onto the experience like he'd thought she would. There were so many tales of people seeing inexplicable things and becoming enraptured by the experience that he guessed he should only expect the worst, but it appeared that she was not so obsessed. Crisis averted?
"Not too much, I was just wondering
We can forget about it."
"Oh, I'm not going to forget about it, Bo"
There it is, he thought, not surprised.
After thirty minutes of attempting to throw her off without coming off as suspicious himself, he had to take a breather, reorganize his mind. Only to come back and find that she had to go take care of things, and that she'd talk to him later. He'd done as much fixing as he could; at that point, it was as good as it was going to get. The thought of being looked for by his unknowing friend loomed about in the coming weeks as they did their patrols, when they would pass by her residence, and the times that he snuck off to stop by himself. Sometimes accompanied by Mikey, but he tried to keep it as solitary as possible. Soon, watching her on her balcony from that roof became part of his routine. He vaguely thought sometimes that watching her like that could be considered creepy, but that ship had already sailed.
For the third time in the last month he was there yet again, on the same roof, watching the same balcony, watching the same girl. Sometimes they texted, sometimes they didn't. The times he wasn't talking to her as he sat there were the times he daringly crossed the threshold onto the fire escape. There were only a few instances of that. But did he still feel out of his mind doing so? Yes. The window only looked into part of the living room and kitchen, but he felt scandalous to do it. Most of his time there was spent only with his shell against the wall next to the window, just out of sight. He could always hear her faint but noticeable footsteps coming and could easily vault the railing and climb up or drop down. She couldn't get past his keen hearing unless she knew to tread lightly.
Mikey was with him once again, this time out to look for scrap rather than patrol. He'd been buddied up with his younger brother more often ever since their talk that night in Donnie's room. They only stopped by because they were already out and had a viable excuse.
"Does she know about us? Like, me, Leo, Raph..." rambled Mikey, curious, as he practiced one of his new moves with his skateboard. He kicked up onto the ledge of the roof and skidded before hopping off, tucking the board under his arm. "You guys have been together like, what, two months? And she doesn't even know your name."
Fiddling with the strap reaching around his shoulder, Donnie replied matter-of-factly to hide the embarrassment that was ailing him at the thought, "Okay, for starters, we're not 'together'. And secondly, she hasn't mentioned voice chatting in a while."
"And?" He got back on his board, zooming by Donnie.
"My name? It just hasn't come up," Donnie shrugged.
"Call her, then!" Mikey smiled, still preoccupied with his board and trying out his new tricks. Donnie gave a light scoff and shook his head. His brother passed behind him where he sat leaned against the water tower.
"I don't want to just call her out of nowhere, Mikey, she might be asleep."
He also didn't want his brother there when he did.
"You gotta not be so shy!...oh, look, in the window. Right there. See? She's up," he quipped with a small smirk. The curtain was drawn, but the light had turned on at some point, and they could see her silhouette moving past. Donnie looked over his shoulder to say something but felt a hand slip into his pocket on the other side, stealing his phone right off of him. He was fast, but Mikey was faster in jumping into his board and gliding all the way to the other side of the roof with the fussy turtle hot on his trail.
"Mikey, quit it!" Donnie barked, lunging toward him for the phone.
"You'll thank me later!"
The two wrestled for the phone, Mikey holding it just out of reach as he tried to navigate the screen without dropping it.
"Come on," grunted Donnie as the tussle led them near the edge, where Mikey held it precariously over the alley below. His glasses were jostled off his face when a stray hand bumped them, causing them to fall amongst their feet. Squinting, he partially knelt down and searched for the pair while still looking at his brother and his phone, trying to stretch his arm long enough to snatch it. "Really?" he groaned, "just give me the phone!"
Donnie slung out his staff and used the other end to whack his wrist from underneath just as he pulled away from the edge, losing his grip on the phone. Mikey tried to catch it but it bounced off his hand, going right over the side of the roof and plummeting down into the alley.
Mikey froze. Donnie finally found his glasses.
Laughing nervously, Mikey turned back to him, "Whoops…"
When he didn't immediately find the phone on the ground, Donnie knew what happened. He looked over the edge, and there it was, sitting on the pavement in the alleyway. The building wasn't incredibly tall, but enough to do some major damage. He'd have to switch for one of his spares if he didn't want to deal with a busted-up screen.
"I don't need your 'help', Mikey, so leave it alone next time," Donnie said and gave him a narrow-eyed look, huffing as he leaped down to retrieve it.
Mikey may have been insistent, but he knew then it was time to stop. All he wanted to do was help. For his shy, flakey brother to come out of his shell (no pun intended). Donnie, at that time, had the biggest shot out of all of them for something unique and good. He hadn't yet worked out the logistics of how to bridge the gap between the two, but it was a calling of his to help him along.
Donnie watched for people from behind a corner before creeping out to get the phone, which was face down on the concrete. No doubt cracked to all hell if not completely shattered, though it did have a case.
But as he got closer, he heard a voice. From the phone.
He picked up the phone timidly and shot a glance up at the roof, where Mikey was peeking over the edge in apprehension. Without a word, Donnie activated the taser in his staff, pointing it at his brother and zapping it briefly. He flinched and retreated out of sight.
"Hello? Bo?" she asked again, tone riddled with confusion. "What was that?"
"Uh, yes—hol—hold on, please," stammered out donnie, flying around the corner and pressing flat against the wall as a group of laughing people passed by the alley. "Just one second," he said nervously. Above him, Mikey was rapidly motioning for him to get up there, eyes wide and body trying to stay low. Baffled, Donnie gestured back at him, mouthing at him to keep his pants on for one more minute while he made his way up.
"Hey, what's going on there?" she inquired, concerned.
A street cat abruptly skittered out from between his legs from the dumpster he stood next to, and he had to stifle a startled yelp. He hopped up onto the nearest fire escape, trying to control his breathing. "Hey, hello…[y/n]," he half-chuckled, distracted by working up the building one-armed as he kept as quiet as possible.
"What was all that? And who's 'Mikey'?"
There was suddenly a shout—Mikey's shout—and his stomach did a jump. He sputtered as fast as he could, "I'm sorry [y/n] but this really isn't a good time, and I mean it really isn't," he pulled himself up onto the roof, and there was Mikey, fending off men clad in black, "so I have to go, but—"
"Don, dude! I need help over here!" cried his brother, sliding out of the way as a sword was jabbed towards him. He countered with a harsh uppercut to the man's chin, sending him stumbling backwards. The blade fell to the concrete with a clank.
"'Don'? Bo, what the hell?! Who is with you? And—"
Donnie jumped into the battle, a mix of nine or ten armed men with swords other weapons, and Mikey trying to stave them off, swinging his chucks with nothing short of reckless abandon. But he still didn't hit himself with them.
Ending the call, he secured the phone in his pocket. He wailed the guy closest to him in the side of the head with the heavy staff, then kicked him in the chest. The man fell to the blow, and Mikey ducked underneath the length of Donnie's weapon just in time as the two came together. Stray bullets flew past them, some colliding with their shells as they spun around for protection.
"How was it?!" Mikey yelled over the clamor, breathless. Donnie sidestepped from the rapid hit he sent towards the human to his left.
"What are you talking about?!" Donnie loudly questioned, flummoxed of what could have been going on in his brain during a fight. "We're kind of in the middle of something here!"
"Your phone call!"
"Yeah, the hell's the talkin' about, Don?" a gruff voice cut through the jumble.
Both of the boys whirled around to see their older brothers there, weapons drawn.
"Oh, right. As soon as I saw those bad guys coming, I let them know," said Mikey casually to Donnie, throwing his fist into the face of the man coming up behind him. "You know, standard biz."
With the rest of the team there, the fight was over twice as fast. Some groaning in pain and some unconscious bodies littering the area, along with their weapons. Leo finished the last one and sheathed his swords, eyes on their tallest brother while Raph kept watch around them. Donnie swallowed as Leo approached him.
"Don, you said you were going out for scrap metal," Leo stated.
In the background, Mikey grabbed his skateboard and was going to try to kickflip over one of the knocked out guys, but Raph yanked the board from him, growling. He checked all of the men to make sure they were down and would stay down.
"We were...just on our way back?" Donnie answered. Nearby, there was a small pile of scrap he'd collected, though definitely not enough to justify being out that long.
"So you stopped at your friend's place?" Leo deadpanned, crossing his arms. "Didn't you think that this could get her in trouble, too? Her apartment's right there, dude!"
Mikey budded in and corrected him, "Ah, we stopped by [y/n]'s. And nah! It's all good."
Donnie's face twitched. "Of course I thought about it! That's why I've only come here three times since, and only thirty minute intervals!" he bit back, throwing his hands up. The rest of his brothers all looked at him and his specificity. "I'm not naive, Leo."
The leader pushed past the both of them, signalling that it was time to leave, and they followed. Not before Donnie got what little metal he had collected and put away his staff, tucking the stuff under his arm. Raph joined alongside Donnie as they ran. "What's with all the secret' stuff, Don? First, ya hide it to begin with, then, ya make out like you were done, and now you get jumped by Foot guys by her place when you shoulda been gettin' scrap!" he said. "How were we supposed to cover for ya if you're lyin' even after we let you off?"
"Technically, I did get some!" Donnie remarked. He held up a piece of the scrap for him to see, and Raph snorted. "But..."
Well, his question would be a little harder to answer.
Next block was the nearest manhole, where each turtle swiftly jumped in, knowing by heart (and years of wandering) most of the sewers and the way back home. In some tunnels was Mikey's telltale graffiti, but it was scattered throughout the place enough to not be a giant arrow to their hideout. In the last portion of the run was the tunnel they always slid down, and once they were actually home, Donnie knew what was coming. Master Splinter was already waiting for them by the time they arrived.
"Uh-oh," Mikey said upon seeing him, sinking behind his brothers. Raph pushed him back up front.
Dropping the scrap in his arms, Donnie squeaked, "That's not good." He quietly cursed how high pitched his voice became when he was nervous.
"Yeah…" Leo cleared his throat, looking down at his hands clasped in front of him. The situation had an awkward tension for everyone in it, save for Raph, who was immune to it by then and Splinter himself. "We took care of the soldiers," he added more seriously. "Got out of there before too much attention was drawn.
"The police may be able to handle them from here, but it will not make a dent in the Shredder's forces," explained Splinter, grave as he paced along the line of brothers. "He owns the city. Until I say so, there will be no venturing to the surface. You are all lucky to be unharmed."
"That ain't it," Raph piped up. "But they'll be bringin' the big guns, next time."
"Oh, I am well aware."
"Um...of which thing?" the nervous turtle questioned, exchanging glances to Raph and then Mikey.
Splinter raised his brows knowingly, and that was all it took for Donnie. The floodgates of his signature anxious chatter opened. He grabbed the edge of Mikey's shell and pulled him over into the spotlight with him, "I met someone over an online game and we started texting after a few weeks, and—and Leo found out and I said I would stop, but we never told you," he gestured toward their brother in blue, who refused to make eye contact, "so I told her that it was through and then Mikey somehow convinced me to go back on it," he sucked in a breath, and Mikey grinned uncomfortably, "and then we started talking again and I don't know why, but I went back there to her apartment building and it was just…stupid."
There was a cumbrous pause. Donnie was stiff as a board, Mikey couldn't look at any one thing too long, Leo stood in his polite but awkward stance, and Raph started to whistle.
As poised as ever, Splinter spoke. "I know."
All four pairs of eyes shot to their father.
They expressed their collective confusion at the same time, and Splinter chuckled. Donnie wanted nothing more than to be able to retreat into his shell, but that was physically impossible. "Nothing gets past me, especially not you and your nervous habits, Donatello. You are scratching that spot on your neck again, son."
Flinching, Donnie pulled his hand away. He'd be damned; Splinter was right.
But unbeknownst to them, there had been spectator of their fight on the roof that night.
shh do not think too deeply about this my children
a/n: haha plot device go brrrr
i need to finish this cursed fanfiction
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theji · 3 years
Things Yizhan Made Me Do
It's BXG Day today! 🐢💛
To commemorate the occasion, I thought of making a list of 13 out-of-character things that I've done since falling into the fandom. (OK I'm a bit late I meant to do this sooner, the day is ending soon in a couple of hours).
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1. Start a blog
And a public one, no less. I had a blog when I was in my teens but that was private, like a personal diary. My day job already involves writing so off-work I would usually like to indulge in mindless activities. Now, here I am, maintaining a Yizhan blog. I have not even used Tumblr prior to this but I'm enjoying it now, rambling about our fav boys. Writing is not a chore if it's about them.
2. Join a fandom
I joined a boy band fan club once upon a time, some 15 years ago, but I was never as invested in it as I am now with Yizhan. Back then it was just buying some merch, attending their concert/autograph sessions, listening to their songs. Apart from work, dog mum duties, personal relationships, other hobbies like kombucha brewing, most of my free time is now spent on the fandom. My Netflix account is crying. There is just so much to do and catch up on (I'm not complaining). I also enjoy interacting with and learning from other bloggers here. Antis are no fun and some industry news/developments/hate messages are upsetting but ultimately, you curate your own fandom experience. And I choose positivity and rationality.
3. Indulge in RPS
I don't ever 'ship'. What is 'ship'? 😆 I was always a dutiful audience, just enjoying whatever drama series and moving on after that. I started with CQL like most people and I didn't even notice/like GGDD until much later. Didn't even set out to 'ship' anyone but now I'm a self-professed turtle. SZD is SZD, and anyone can see something special between them if you keep an open mind. I wrote about my SZD reasons here previously. That said, GG & DD are individuals, each with their own successful careers. They come first, the ship comes second. That I'm very clear of.
4. Use Chinese apps
Gosh, my phone and tablet are now full of Chinese apps. I used to have only WeChat cos I needed it for work but now I have Weibo, Oasis, Douyin, WeTV, MangoTV, Youku, etc. Some of them are not even available in the app store so I had to find alternative sources to download them. haha..I even have paid membership for some of these apps. And now, browsing Weibo daily becomes a routine. If you wish, you can just get stuck browsing Weibo for a long long time. It's entertaining.
5. Read fan fic
I only started about 6 months ago but now I'm hooked and fics are largely the only thing I read these days, apart from news. But I only read Yizhan or WangXian fics (p.s. calling for fic recs of other pairings!) I know some might have different feelings about fan fics but to me, I really just see them as fiction, with characters (and sometimes traits) bearing similarities to GGDD. Similarly, I separate the platform from the incident so I have no problems going to A03 despite GG's incident. I just enjoy seeing the characters named XZ/WYB having happy endings in many different timelines and universes. While most of the fics I read are explicit (by design), I don't use them as tools to play out certain fantasies or to think of GGDD in a sexual manner. In fact, I really hate fics that have little substance and just go into the explicit parts without plot development. I like those with interesting premises too, like one I read recently where XZ is a serial killer and WYB is a police officer investigating the case but also in love with him. I do have plans to share my list of fav fan fics some time down the road so keep an eye out for it!
6. Willingly read Chinese
Yes, Chinese may be my mother tongue but I don't use it much in daily living unless I have to. I also find it tedious to read Chinese cos the characters are just so squashed together. If I have a choice, I will always pick English. But now, I read so much Chinese from my daily weibo browsing. I even read fan fics in Chinese! Who am I? On the plus side, I think my Chinese comprehension and translation skills improved. I also picked up some internet lingo used by Chinese netizens, which are pretty interesting like doi, 🐮🍺, 🖍. My all-time fav is yyds.
7. Act like a cougar
In real life, I have always maintained that younger men are childish. At least those I have encountered. But look at me now, fangirling over two younger men (I am closer in age to GG, but still..). I even jokingly call them my 'China Boyfriends'. I look at them very respectfully most of the time.
8. Buy merch
Seriously, once you start, you can't stop. At least that was what happened to me, although I'm still quite selective when it comes to supporting their endorsements. I usually go for consumables like food, cosmetics vs collectibles cos I'm more practical. Also, GG says to support their merch within reasonable means so that's what I'm doing. Just buying things that I'm interested to try and not because it has their faces or names slapped on it. In a way, this suits me cos I like trying new brands and stuff anyway.
9. Keeping a Yizhan archive
Photos, weblinks, videos, songs, fan fics list..my phone is full of these things now. I think my Yizhan photo gallery is only second to the folder with my dogs' pictures. But how can you resist when we are blessed with new pics of them almost every week?
10. Camp for livestreams
I'm lucky I live in the same time zone as the boys so I don't have to wake up in the wee hours of the morning just to watch something. But that's the thing, being in the same time zone sometimes make me feel like I HAVE to watch that thing live because, why not? Why wait? Not shy to admit that I once watched a live programme in the middle of work but I made sure I finished what needed to be done. I think so long as we don't let these livestream schedules run our lives, there's no harm in camping for them.
11. Watch c entertainment
I am one of those who used to pass over Chinese productions, simply because it's a Chinese production. Not in a scoffing manner but I'm just genuinely not interested in them nor the celebs. I was more of a US/UK production kind of person, occasionally Korean/Japanese. Now, I'm learning to enjoy them although I just watch those with GGDD in them. No energy to follow other Chinese celebs anyway. The other programme I'm contemplating watching even if it doesn't have them in it is Who's the Murderer (GG was only in one of the cases) cos I like the premise. On the flip side, now my sis and partner keep making fun of me cos to them, all I do now is "watch China shows". That is so not true. Or is it?
12. Write fan mail
I wrote a letter to GG once. A long-ass letter. I hope he read it. That's all I'm gonna say. 🙈 hahahahaha
13. Desire to visit China
China was never on my list of to-visit places. Just wasn't interested. I have been to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou a few times in the past for work but even then, I never felt the urge to revisit for leisure. Now, I wanna visit GG and DD's home town, visit Chongqing to see the graffiti wall with Bobii Zanbii on it, eat mala hotpot and try out their sauce recipe, attend BXG events, dine at the CQL restaurant... Watching TTXS also made me realise that there are many beautiful places in China with natural landscapes and all that. I used to be clouded by my disdain for the regime and some behaviour of its citizens but now, I recognise that the country is separate from the regime or a smaller group of poorly behaved citizens. China is a beautiful country and I would love to visit some day. I will fly over immediately on my own if someone gives me tix to ADLAD!!
Well, I hope some of these things resonate with you. Feel free to share the OOC things that Yizhan made you do.
Once again, Happy BXG Day! 🐢💛🐆🐇🐷🌶🦁🍑🐶🍍🛹🎋
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atalho-s · 3 years
Light Up The Dark
Part 3 | I am fused just in case I blow out
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pairing: bartender!tom x famous!reader
warnings: smut +18 miniors dni, swear words?, drinking, mention of anxiety crisis, let me know if anything else!
words: 4.3 k
a/n: english it’s not my first language, so i’m sorry for any mistake! If you want to be tagged in the next chapters let me know!!
PART 3 if you want to read part 2 click here!
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Y/n sat down with her coffee at a cafeteria table. She took a deep breath and opened her notebook, double-clicking the document and revealing the page she'd been trying to write for some time. It couldn't be happening again. It was already the third writer's block in a row and to say she was starting to get angry was an understatement.
It was becoming a constant problem and she didn't know what to do anymore. It was getting embarrassing how many times she had gone to her neighborhood coffee shop. Staying in her apartment alone was making her completely claustrophobic, which was ironic given her apartment was so big and spacious.
But what was making her so upset and with that lack of creativity? That's what she wanted to find out. Maybe it was the story, maybe it would be a sign that that story shouldn't be written.
She took a deep breath and rested her chin on her palm looking at the screen. She didn't want to give up on June, her character, so easy. She really want to finish this, had she already invested too much time in something that in the end would come to nothing? That didn't sound like her.
But if that were the only way, she would have no alternative, she would have to give up and maybe come back one day when her creativity shines again.
She felt her cell phone vibrate in her coat pocket and caught it looking that was Milla. She slid the screen and answered.
- Hi Mil... - she said a little discouraged.
- Hey Lovey! Why the sad voice? - Milla said and Y/n smirked.
- Just discouraged with the new book...
- Nothing yet? - Mila already knew about the extensive Y/n block’s creativity since she kept calling asking for tips on teas or candles that would bring inspiration (since Mil was an expert in these crazy things about spiritism and nature), which obviously didn't help.
- Nothing, actually I'm thinking about giving up this time...
- Hey Hey hey! No giving up, are you crazy? - Milla said and Y/n sighed. - You just need a little push, it will come back eventually.
- I don't know Mil... It seems that the inspiration went away for good.
- Since when did you lose your ideas? I remember that weeks ago you were all excited, you even wrote three wonderful chapters, maybe if you try to do the same thing you did in these weeks the ideas will come back... - Milla said and Y/n started to remember the weeks that passed. What had she done? Well, she had spent more at home as usual, a few days meeting with the director of the series based on her book, chatting a bit with Emma Brown, and the other day doing an interview for a famous magazine, but that was it. She hadn't done anything big...
Y/n thought some more. Emma Brown and her birthday party, after that day she had a flurry of ideas where she wouldn't stop writing, but then what happened to make everything suddenly stop? Well, there was an obvious incident... And by incident she meant: Tom. That waiter had really messed with her the two nights she had been with him. But she hadn't seen him since and she was super okay with it, it wasn't like she was thinking about him, his smell, his smile, the way he knew how to touch her... Ok, that was going too far.
But why since she saw him she started having her lack of ideas again? It wasn't possible. What if he was inspiring her in some way or another? Maybe the way he relaxed her and made her forget about everything made her creative.
- Y/n? Bestie? - Milla asked on the other end of the line. - Are you still there?
- Hi Mil! - Y/n said out of his thoughts. - Sorry, I went out of orbit for a few seconds.
- I noticed... What are you thinking about huh?
- Oh no big deal... Just... I have to prove a theory and if it works out I'll tell you.
- Theory? What theory? - Milla asked curiously.
- I have to go, but I'll call you later ok? - Y/n said and didn't wait for Milla to answer, hanging up the phone and hurriedly packing up her things.
She had to prove she wasn't going crazy. Maybe Tom really was her energy charge in some way, she had to prove if her creativity would come back. And if he was, she really wouldn't know what to do. She couldn't sleep with him every time her lack of ideas came up. But, she was desperate and despair brought drastic attitudes.
So she ran back to her apartment to change her clothes. To think that she had sworn to herself that she wouldn't go after him, was humiliating, but she didn't care at the moment. As soon she got home, she went straight to her closet, wanting to impress him, but at the same time she wanted him to think that she went there to get someone else, it would be less pathetic.
She spotted a white dress, one that she had never worn before, presumably because she didn't like to show too much of her body, but she decided to take a chance with it. She dressed, put on her high-heeled sandals and did her makeup (the basic one she knew how to do) and when it was almost 11pm she was heading towards the Seven Devils bar.
Arriving there, she saw the same security guard who had let her through, a friend of Tom's. She nodded to him and entered. The bar was a little more crowded, maybe because it was friday night. He felt butterflies in her stomach, what if someone recognized her? She doubted they would, but even though she wasn't doing anything wrong she hated being in the media. She took a deep breath and went deeper into the room. It was dark and the dance floor was open, crowded with people dancing and few people sitting at the table. Only the bar light was visible, where she immediately looked for someone with brown hair and a bar uniform, but she didn't saw him, just Sally, the other bartender. Maybe he has a day off?
She headed towards the bar to order a drink, leaning against the counter and looked around, no sign of him. Maybe she had gone there for nothing. Sally approached and Y/n smiled asking for a drink, she didn't want to ask about him because it would be too much and besides Sally didn't recognize her, or pretended not to, so it would be weird.
- Special night? - Y/n asked when she delivered her drink, indicating the number of people and why the dance floor was open.
- Yeah, we do it every friday, the bar ends up turning into a club. - Sally replied taking some glasses and turned to serve other customers.
She picked up her glass and headed out onto the dance floor. It wouldn't hurt for her to have a little fun. Weaving through the crowd, she started shyly dancing for a few long minutes alone, until a guy approached.
-Hey ...-he said smiling and stopped in front of her.
- Hey... - Y/n said suspiciously and looked around drinking her drink.
- I saw you're alone... Can I stay here? he asked and Y/n bit her lip thoughtfully. Well, Tom clearly wasn't there and what if his ideas didn't just depend on him? But of her hooking up with someone? Anyone...
- Of course! - she said smiling at last and he approached dancing with her while the lights flashed. He was handsome, had those piercing eyes that wouldn't stop watching her every move.
Another song started to play and Y/n started dancing more sensually. The boy came even closer placing his hand on her waist and she smiled, satisfied with her effect. Everything was going well until she glanced at the bar and found a pair of brown eyes staring at her.
Tom. So there he was, wearing his uniform, his hair pulled back as usual, he was gorgeous and with a shaker in one hand shaking furiously. He didn't take his eyes off hers which made her shiver.
He just looked away when he had to take care of the next customer, and Y/n looked at the guy in front of her, where she now had a hand on his shoulder. Who was she kidding? She wanted Tom... At least she would try to have him that night, because she was curious to test her theory with him.
- I'll be right back. - she said and the guy opened his arms disappointed as she walked away, taking the rest of her drink and heading towards the bar again.
She leaned against the counter and saw Tom saying goodbye to a customer looking at her from the corner of his eye. She approached her and grinned when he stopped in front of her.
- This is getting embarrassing darling... - he said wiping the counter with a towel.
- What are you talking about?- she asked raising an eyebrow.
- You coming here just to see me? Tsc tsc... pathetic - he said with a smirk and Y/n felt her stomach turn with anxiety as he looked up at her.
- And who said I came here for you? - She said trying to hide it.
- I don't know, maybe because you could have gone to any bar better than this one in the entire city, but you chose this one, strange isn't it? - He asked taking her glass and preparing another drink.
- Funny, I only came here because I liked the place last time... Besides I was even flirting with another guy seconds ago, so your theory doesn't make sense. - Y/n said ironically and did not take her eyes off his trying to be firm on her tone.
- Yeah, I know... But it's funny that you didn't take your eyes off me while dancing with him... - he said putting her glass, now full, back on the counter.
- I was just surprised to have seen you, since I had even forgotten that you worked here. - She said drinking a sip from her glass and he laughed ironically.
-Of course love ... Of course ...-he said tilting his head to the side and approached his face to hers leaning on the counter. Y/n stared at him a little lost in his scent coming in waves to her nose and she could now see his freckles up close, as well as the arrogant smile that never left his face.
- I bet you came here for another round, right? he said quietly, his breath hitting her face and she almost closed her eyes. -Getting dressed like that, dancing sensually while watching me...-he said biting his lip looking her face up and down and stopping at her lips. Y/n swallowed, ok he had an almost paranormal effect on her.
- I-I... - she stuttered and he smiled even more seeing her disconcerted. - I don't know what you're talking about. - Y/n said finally and walked away a little, wanting to get out of that situation. She wanted him, but she didn't want to give out so easily.
- Of course you don't know sweetheart, but I can remind you later. - He said, winking and then walking away, heading towards another customer who had arrived.
Y/n let out the air she didn't even know she was holding, tooking a big swig of her drink and set the glass on the counter heading back to the floor. Tom was very arrogant, but denying that she didn't like it was a lie.
She arrived on the floor and went back to dancing closer. The guy from before now was talking to another girl which made her a little sad, she wanted to have fun with Tom's face some more. She stayed there for a few minutes, until three people approached her, surrounding her.
- Hey... Aren't you the Y/n? - a girl said and Y/n wanted to hide for a moment.
- Erm... I am. - She said smiling.
- I saw you in an interview last week! I love your books! Take a picture with me? she asked taking her cell phone out of her pocket.
- Of course! - Y/n said and posed with the three people while they took pictures.
- Hey! You are Y/n aren't you? I saw you in Emma's birthday pictures! -a guy said right behind approaching too and some people around her start to look at her.
- It is true! I recognized her from somewhere! - another girl said also approaching and Y/n started to get a little scared. She didn't see the harm in taking pictures with some fans, but being buried by them was a nightmare.
- Take a picture with me? - another also said.
- Your books are terrible! - another one shouted laughing.
- I bet the next one will be even worse! 
- Who is this? Never heard of it!
- I bet it must be some actress wanting attention.
And when she saw she was surrounded by a crowd almost being suffocated, but more people kept surrounding her and filling her with questions about her book, or cursing her in some way, which started to make her sick and claustrophobic .
-Please, guys...-she started to speak, but her voice broke and was lost with the loud music and with the people talking loudly around her. For a moment she thought she was going to pass out. Until she felt someone putting a hand on her waist and guiding her out of the crowd hurriedly walking beside her.
The crowd started to follow them and Y/n just stared at her feet, still feeling her heart beat fast. The next thing she saw was this person pulling her to the side of the bar through a door and then closing it.
He looked around when the light was turned on and saw some boxes on the floor and shelves. She was in a warehouse and Tom was standing in front of her.
- You are okay?- he asked looking at her worriedly.
- I...- She closed her eyes for a few seconds and opened them again. - I'm fine, it was just a scare, thank you for saving me...
- It's ok darling... - he said approaching to check if she was really ok and Y/n felt dizzy, staggering a little and he held her by the waist preventing her from falling. - Whoa, I don't think you're okay, love.
- It's ok, it was just an anxiety attack with drinking... - she said putting her hand on her temples, feeling her vision rotate a little. - I just... I really want to leave.
- Okay, how about we walk slowly and I take you home? -He said still holding tight to her waist and she looked at him.
-O-ok...- she said nodding and they started walking slowly.
After passing through the warehouse, Tom opened another door that opened into the backyard of the bar, where he could see his car. He helped her in and sat down next to her.
- Tom? - Y/n asked when he started the car and starting to move.
- Huh? -he said turning his face towards her.
- Can you... Can you take me somewhere else? I don't want to go home... - she said feeling a little pathetic. But she didn't want to face her gigantic apartment right now, wanted to be with someone somewhere else who didn't remember what she'd just been through.
- Sure darling... - he said stopping at the red light. - Where you want to go?
- Could be your house? I mean, I don't want to take advantage or anything, I just... I need to calm down somewhere else... - She started to say hesitant.
- Hey, fine, no problem. -He said putting his hand in hers, that was on her lap, comforting her and she shook her head, seeing him to remove, putting back on the steering wheel. She wanted him to keep his hand there, but obviously she stay quiet, leaning her head against the window, trying to calm down.
After a few minutes they reached his building, where Tom parked and helped her to go out of the car. Y/n followed him to the front door and they took the elevator. She was still silent the whole time and he didn't want to say anything either, just glanced at her time to time, maybe checking her if she was okay and looking away afterwards.
They arrived at Tom's apartment and Y/n looked around. It was small but cozy. There was a living room with a small kitchen and a hallway leading to another door that appeared to be his bedroom.
- How about you stay in my room and I give you some clothes to make you more comfortable? -He said putting his hand on her back guiding her while she nodded.
They entered the room and Y/n sat on the edge of the bed. As Tom opened his closet, taking off his shoes and choosing a comfortable T-shirt and pants for her to wear. He approached her again putting the clothes beside her.
- Well, you can make yourself comfortable ok? I'll let you... - he start to said.
- Tom. - Y/n interrupted him. - Please stay here. - She said feeling her heart start beating fast and her breathing quicken. She thought back to the horrible comments and the crowd that had surrounded her. Maybe now pictures of her were all over the internet and it made her anxious again. She closed her eyes feeling tears wanting to flow. She opened them again and the tears finally spilled out, rolling down her cheeks.
- Hey, hey darling. It’s alright, I'm here. -he said getting down in front of her, putting a hand on her cheek wiping away some tears.
- Sorry, I just... That's ridiculous, sorry...
- Shh... - he said calming her and looking at her. - It's not ridiculous ok? You don't need to apologize for anything. -He said caressing her cheek.
- It's just... I keep thinking about those horrible comments and how my picture must be all over the place. - Y/n said wiping some tears that insisted on falling.
- Darling... You don't need to think about it, okay? Those people who said that are terrible, I don't want you to think about anything now how about that? - he said and Y/N looked at him.
- I wish I could turn off those thoughts. -she said sniffling a little, averting her eyes and Tom stroked her leg slowly comforting her. For a moment she felt her body shiver, but it was because Tom was touching her and not because of her crisis. He stopped pulling his hand away and Y/n looked at him. - Tom... Can you continue?
- What do you mean? - he asked confused looking into her eyes.
- Touching me... I mean, you were doing a good job distracting me. - She said smiling slightly and he smiled back.
- Sure…- he said getting down on his knees and taking her calf slowly and kissing her lightly, not taking his eyes off hers at any time. Y/n wanted to close her eyes, but at the same time wanted to look at him, so she decided to keep them open.
Tom took off his sandals slowly, and was kissing from her calf to her thigh, stroking lightly with his hand that held her, and she felt shivers down her spine. . He reached her inner thigh and took a small bite causing her to sigh and bite her lip in response. He lifted his head to look at her and smiled. Y/n not resisting, bent down kissing him with desire. He placed one of his hand on her face kissing her back while his other hand still rested on her thigh squeezing.
She kept kissing him until she felt she needed of air and they parted, out of breath. Tom touched his nose to hers lightly and Y/n closed his eyes feeling him.
- Tom... I want to feel you... - she said approaching her mouth again. - Make love with me? - she asked quietly and she could feel him smile against her mouth.
-Whatever you want sweetheart... - he said and stood up suddenly with hush, bringing her along  by her legs, making her gasp in surprise, putting her down on the bed and lying on top of her afterwards.
He went back to kiss her, exploring her mouth eagerly and she placed her hand on the back of her neck, pulling his hair. He paced his hands over her body and she hurriedly took his shirt off, running hers over his defined bare chest.
- I didn't tell you this before, but you look wonderful in that dress, teased me all night, but I confess I'd rather see you without... - He bit down lightly below her ear making her moan low, he raised the hem of her dress, stepping away and helping her get it off and throwing it aside.
Now he was kissing her collarbone, lowering the kisses to her breasts making her arch her back a little wanting to get even closer to his mouth. When she reliase he had removed her bra and smirked looking at her.
- I have to be honest...I missed that image. - he said and Y/n almost hid by the way he looked at her, it was like she was a sculpture, it was a look of admiration and desire. A look that made her forget the world.
He kissed her breasts and positioned himself between her legs, meanwhile taking off his pants, along with his boxers, while still paying attention to each of her nipples, sucking them making her moan low. He returned his kisses to her lips again kissing her more slowly this time, moving his hand to her panties and running his fingers slowly through the fabric, setting aside and feeling how pathetically wet she was for him. Y/n moaned against his lips again and he groaned pulling back a little.
-I love how you're always ready for me darling...-he said making his lips touch hers lightly and she could only moan in response as he made slow circles on her clit.
- Tom... - she said weakly and he smiled seeing how she was vulnerable for him. - Please, I need you inside me, now... - Y/n managed to said between moans, arching her waist against his hand.
- So demanding and desperate love ... - he said taking his hand of her making her protest with the lack of contact. - But I have to confess that you get even hotter that way. - He said stretching to get a condom in the drawer on the side of the bed and opened the package adjusting on his member right after. Y/n ran her hands on his arms, meanwhile, just admiring his body and how lucky she was. He looked back at her and smiled seeing that she was admired him with concentration. - Still with me darling?
She looked him in the eye again and nodded, kissing his neck then making him bite his lip. Tom took his cock closing his eyes and penetrated her slowly, so that she got used to his size. When he was fully inside her he turned to look at her closely and stroked her cheek lightly as if asking permission to move, which she readily agreed.
He started to move slowly, making her feel every piece of him by wich thrust he was doing, until he picked up a fast pace that made her moan with pleasure gripping his shoulders tightly and even scratchin him a little. He made her feel like she was flying and he penetrated her so deliciously it felt like a dream.
Tom took one of her legs and wrapped it around his waist, making him penetrate her even deeper, which made her almost combust. He was silent the entire time, as well as her, what could be heard were just the moans of the two that echoed through the room.
After what seemed like an eternity. Tom slowed his pace a little. Putting one of his hands on the side of Y/n's head, squeezing the sheet and the other on her leg, squeezing it willingly.
- Fuck Darling... I’m gonna come... - he said breathlessly lost in his pleasure.
- Tom... - Y/n could only said and he took his hand from her leg going to her clit again stimulating it with his fingers and increasing his pace again, until the two reached the orgasm together between moans and low breathless curses.
Tom placed a few kisses on Y/n's neck returning to his senses and Y/n closed her eyes just feeling his touch. He then got off her and lay beside her looking at the ceiling. Catching his breath. After cleaning themselves in silence, the two returned to bed lying side by side.
- You ok? he asked finally breaking the silence looking at her.
-More than ok...- Y/n said lying on his side towards him. -I'm just tired...-she said lazily starting to close her eyes and the last thing she felt before falling asleep was Tom kissing her forehead.
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taglist: @usuck​ @petesrparker​
71 notes · View notes
rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
George Weasley: @meph1stophelian
Things never go as planned: @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @sunshineandshadows @missmulti @accioweaslcy @andreaareynoso @georgeweasley16 @dianarte @skarlettmikaelson
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality
Warnings: language (?) Angst
Prologue: the aftermath
Part I: sleepless nights
Part II: candy floss
Part III: shock therapy
Part VI: wrong name
Part V: the perfect excuse
Part VI: the downfall
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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Since the Amortentia incident, Y/n had barely looked at me; not in the way I had avoided her after New Year, though, this time, it was different. She didn't seem to be doing it accidentally, rather than on purpose; she appeared to be too lost into her turmoil of thoughts to realise what she was doing, which scared me more.
I had figured the Amortentia would have had something to do with it, but it took me two days to pick up on it.
Undoubtedly, Y/n had smelled Fred's scent on it, and it dawned on her how twisted what we were doing was.
I cried myself to sleep the night that my mind stumbled upon that information. I let myself sob violently, pouring out as much pain as I could, wanting to wash away the recurrent thoughts that creeped on my mind, thoughts that were not unfounded.
That was it— I had lost both a friend and the woman I loved.
Once the tears seem to die out, a new thought appeared in my mind; maybe I was meant to be alone. I could barely function alone, how was I supposed to function with another person?
Perhaps I had always be meant to be alone.
I was going to be alone forever.
I was alone.
It took my careless arse a hot minute to be aware of how obvious my emotional rollercoaster was from the outside; George had been getting visibly upset by it —I'd dare to reckon he even cried the past night because of it—, and I had to stop that, but how?
I knew it was always best to tell the truth, but where would that take us? Nowhere good. I couldn't just tell George I was in love with him and expect us not to fall apart even harder.
He would think I'm lying, or that I'm using him as a second option —I couldn't let him think that—, but again, his mind had probably gone to those thoughts due to my radio silence.
I had to tell him the truth, and face the consequences.
The sound of our front door's lock opening snapped me out of my own mind, and even made me jump a bit in the couch I sat. I had been waiting for George to arrive for a good couple of hours, weighing on how I could approach the topic, but I didn't seem to come up with anything remotely good.
He stepped into the flat with his eyes casted down, so it took him a moment to acknowledge my presence. "I—" his now dull eyes observed me with confusion, as if he wasn't expecting to see me in my own flat. "what are you doing awake?"
"Waiting for you." He closed the door, scrutinising me with furrowed brows. "I— well—" I cleared my throat and got up, causing his shoulders to tense up. "I wanted to tell you something."
I thought I would have to fight his childish behavior and convince him not to dodge the subject, but he only leaned on the door, his hands behind his back and his eyes casted down. "I... I wanted to tell you something too."
"You go first." I prompted him, planning on using those extra seconds to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to say —as if I hadn't been trying to mentally prepare myself for two hours already.
He peeked at me and sighed, his eyes coming back to his shoes before speaking. "I don't know how to say this— I" he pursed his lips and I could see the struggle irradiating from him. "I think you should move out." Now I knew why he refused to meet my gaze. "We— we need time away y'know— Fleur offered to help you look for an apartment. I'll go back to the Burrow until you find one— and I'm not firing you but I would appreciate if you didn't attend the clients if I'm there."
I should have spoken first, I scolded myself.
"What why?"
"Why you should've spoken first?"
"I— well, so you see," I tugged on my sleeves; it was my turn to avoid his look. "W-when I spilled the Amortentia— well I— I smelled—"
"I know."
"You... Do?"
"Yeah, that's... That's why I think we need some time away."
I had never in my life had my heart shattered in so many pieces in such a short span of time. The pain was so immense that I wasn't able to shed a single tear. Out of every outcome, this was the least expected.
"O-okay." We kept sneaking glances at each other in a dreadful silence until our eyes accidentally met. "I think—"
"I should—"
Another best of silence fell among us after we simultaneously spoke.
"I should go pick some things up." He muttered, passing by my side as fast as he could.
The next morning I caught him, as I expected, sneaking out of the flat with one of the bags he had carried in months ago.
He was already exiting when I jogged out of my room, managing to catch his hand.
I could see the goosebumps in his arm, and I thanked Merlin he couldn't hear my heart threatening to leaving my chest to go with him.
"I'm really sorry, George." I whispered, squeezing his hand. Although I had a tiny bit of hope that he would change his mind and step back into our home if I said those words, it was more of a goodbye.
He just shook his head, letting me know there was no need for an apology, and squeezed my hand back before pulling away.
His fingers slipping away from mines was such an emptying feeling, as if my connection with him slept away from my grasp forever.
I went to sleep that night hoping George's parting would have been a nightmare, and I cried the morning after when my brain took in that it was, in fact, very much real.
A heavily pregnant Fleur showed up that afternoon; she made me dinner and tried to cheer me up a little before making me get dressed so she could drag me out to look for flats in the Diagon Alley. It was an unsuccessful trip, but the Triwizard Tournament Champion wasn't about to give up so easily, so she came the next day, and the following, and on and on for a week.
As if summoned by the woman's will to find me a new home, we found a cheap, acceptable apartment near the shop.
I purchased it instantly, and soon enough I was moving out my things with Bill's help, to stop his wife from helping me herself.
"That's the last one, right?" Bill questioned, nodding at the bag laying on the couch with a box in his hands.
"Yup." I pulled it up and hung it on my shoulder.
"Need anything else?" I shook my head no. "Alright then I'll leave this at your place and apparate back home." He hesitated for a moment before adding, "I know it's none of my business but... Whatever happened between you two— it's fixable, believe me."
"I really don't think so." I muttered, gripping the bag's strap.
"It is," he repeated, adjusting the box in his arms. "just don't give up." He gave me a small, reassuring smile and disapparated.
Maybe he was right, maybe it was fixable. Taking a look around the now emptier apartment, I thought it surely didn't seem like it, but hope is the last thing you lose, right?
In a final attempt of getting him back, I grabbed a notebook from the bag and teared a page off it; I left the bag besides me as I knelt down and reached for a pencil forgotten over the coffee table.
Three Days Later
I entered the apartment— it was quiet, similar to a cemetery, just like the first time I stepped on the apartment after the war.
This time, it was empty, though.
Y/n didn't rush to the door when I opened it.
She didn't catch me when I fell on my knees and broke down to tears.
I was alone.
After Godric knows how long I managed to get myself back to my feet. I passed Y/n's old room as fast as I had first passed Fred's room months ago.
Once I got to my room and lay down on my bed, my mind cleared up enough for me to realise that I would be seeing Y/n the next day —at least once— at the shop.
"Fuck." I muttered, burying my face on my pillow.
He had asked me not to leave the office while he was in the shop.
He had explicitly asked me not to, but I needed to know if he had read my letter— no, I need to know if I had taken a step in the right direction by writing the letter.
So there I was, descending the stairs in his direction, and taking my time to do so since he was talking with a couple of clients.
"Y/n!" Verity rushed to me with what seemed a defective portable swamp. "I need your help with this," My eyes, still on George, caught the way his head snapped in my direction with sheer fear on it. "I've got a woman there threatening with suing us because the swamp send one of her children to St. Mungo!" The girl managed to get my attention with her anxious rambling.
"She can't do that." George, who had probably caught on Verity's words, spoke before I could. "She agreed on our shop policy." He reminded her, walking to stand by my side.
"I already told her that Mister Weasley, but she said she's 'not taking the words of a pipsqueak'." She replied in a whisper.
"She said what?" George questioned in disbelief.
"I'm gonna shove that lawsuit up her arse." I spoke, spotting the completely out of place middle aged woman who stood in front of Verity's till. "Send her to the office." Verity looked at me and then at George for confirmation, who simply gave her a nod.
Once Verity left, I turned to the ginger, whose warm eyes were already fixed on me. "How are you?" He inquired in a way that let me see it was out of politeness, which made my hopes die a little.
"Been better." I replied, ready to somehow test the waters. "How about you?"
"Same, I suppose." George didn't even try to put on a happy face, and I started to get anxious; there was no way he would have missed the note —I left it on the kitchen table— so that meant he had read it and- "You should go back to the office."
My heart attempted to hold onto the possibility of him not having read the note, but my brain knew better than that. "Alright." I nodded and went back to my workplace; I would deal with that woman and after that, I would prepare a resignation letter.
George was right, we needed to be apart.
It wasn't that bad, I lied to myself, sitting down on the sofa while undoing the tie's knot.
My mind was about to begin the overthinking of Y/n's words when my stomach growled. Without noticing, I had gone without a single meal for the entire day.
I listened to my body and moved to the kitchen to prepare myself something. While the stove heated up, I turned around and took a look at the kitchen; just like the rest of the rooms, it seemed gloomier without Y/n lighting up the apartment.
Stop thinking about her.
My eyes landed on a piece of paper with one of Y/n's rings over it. Before properly realising it, I was sitting down on one of the chairs and reading what had been written in the scrapped page.
Dear George,
I know what happened is on both of us, but I can't help but blame myself, as selfish as it might sound.
You don't know this, but while at Hogwarts, I found you and Fred rather annoying— I didn't understand why everyone seemed to fancy you so much. Then, you hired me to work in this amazing shop, and I understood.
During these past two years I had the pleasure and honour to call you my friend; you made my life much better, I'd like to think I did the same.
I wanted to apologise for everything I've done since New Year. I'm so very sorry for falling in love with you. Though it was something so easy to happen, I never thought it would go this far.
I don't know what is this letter (a proper goodbye? I don't know), but I want need you to know that I never wanted to harm you nor our friendship, and that I'm still going to be here for you, feelings aside.
I re-read the fourth paragraph at least five times before taking it in.
She had fallen in love with me.
That's what she had meant to say when she spoke to me about the Amortentia— that she had smelled my scent— Oh no.
My reply— she probably thought it was unrequited; she probably thought I had kicked her out because she was in love with me and not quite the opposite.
Without thinking twice, I ran down to the office with the letter clutched in my hand; she had to be there, she was always the last one to leave.
She had to be there.
I was so focused on reaching the office on time that I missed Y/b's figure exiting the shop.
I slammed the door open, just to find the table's surface, which used to be full of Y/n's things, clean in its entirety, aside from an envelope which had written on it 'resignation'.
I had just left the small box with my things over the coffee table, and was taking off my shoes when an apparition noise followed by a couple of bangs on my front door made me jolt.
Out of a sad habit I, among the rest of the Order, had gotten during the war, I grabbed my wand and approached the door.
My arm fell limply on my side while I stared into George's eyes, which seemed to hold back a storm of mixed emotions.
"C-can we talk?" My gaze then fell on the paper his hand was gripping, and that I assumed was my resignation.
"George, listen, I can't—"
"I'm in love with you."
Words had stumbled out of his mouth in panic, and the only thing I could reply was, "What?"
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