#i did notice that there were a few beloved mutuals who booped me that i didn't boop back bc i didn't see
nylarac · 6 months
while it is sad that booping is gone now i am glad the notifications are still here it's fun going through and checking out everyone's blogs
a lot of them are mutuals whose blogs i probably haven't been on directly since i originally followed or ppl who booped me randomly who i now follow <3
i really liked booping not only for the reasons everyone says (low stakes way to interact, watch number go up, etc) but bc it gave me a reason to go to ppl's blogs and read their little bios and it's like. wrow that's a whole live person who interacted w me
which maybe is weird to say but i follow literal thousands of ppl and since a lot of them mostly just reblog posts and rarely make personal ones/talk in the tags (which is a fine way to use the site btw not knocking this) a lot of the time it feels more like the posts just kind of appear on my dash and i kind of forget there's an actual person behind all of them
there are ofc plenty of mutuals/long time followers who stood out beforehand whether bc we have exchanged messages before or bc i just see them in my notifications a lot but like considering the sheer amount of ppl i follow there are a ton where this is the most we've interacted outside of reblogging lol
booping just felt like more of a community and it was really nice and fun i will miss it
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hi!can I request a matchup for iksen? I'm 164 cm a little chubby/ curvy black Pixie short wavy hair and brown eyes. A typical Capricorn which means I'm hardworking, Sarcastic (to a point where I'm plain rude but only with those who piss me off) and straight forward. I like being cheerful and easily excitable around the people I'm comfortable with but around strangers,im shy as hell and usually need a LOT of nudging to express myself or even talk. Part 1
Most of the time i'm pretty chill and laid back but i take no shit and know how to stand up for things i believe in.i have some childish quirks as well &can be really expressive.My feelings show on my face which I don't like bc i'm terrible at lying or acting and get embarrased easily (basically a tsundere)but when we are good friends i can be very patient ,caring and talkative! Part 2 thanks a lot!"
Hi hi, love! ❤Thank you so much for the request! I hope you didn't have to wait too long!😱🙈 Hehe, I hope you enjoy and I hope you have the best day! ❤🔥🌻
I match you with............. Shingen
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The first time you meet this hunk of a man, was when Yuki had saved your life. You had jumped away from Yuki when you realized just how close you were to him, only to fall back into the arms of yet another man. He was handsome and as big as a bear. His honeyed brown eyes seemed to stare into the depths of your soul, and his charming smile was enough to make your shy blush spread to the tips of your ears. Thank goodness for Sasuke speaking up, and pulling you aside to tell you just what had happened to you that night. You felt Shingen’s gaze on you as you talked to Sasuke and you couldn’t help but feel super embarrassed. Shingen for one couldn’t look away from you, there was just something about you. He found the clothes you were wearing most unusual, and he felt this overwhelming need to get to know you a bit better. Before he could finish that thought, the sound of hooves came descending upon them, as the One-eyed dragon had come to retrieve the saviour of their lord’s life. He scooped you up without a second thought and plonked you down on his horse. You looked back only to see Sasuke and the rest of his companions gone without a trace.
You now stood before Nobunaga in the audience hall, as he insisted on rewarding you for saving his life. He named you as Oda princess, but you were not satisfied with that. You believed in earning your keep, and if you were to stay in the castle, you were going to at least work for the things you got in life. This belief prompted you to speak up and request a job, Nobunaga simply smirked at you, “Very well then, I shall then name you as, the princess chatelaine.” You gave him a small nod in satisfaction, and so your new life has begun.
You worked incredibly hard, and you did all your tasks diligently, going up and beyond what was assigned to you. You kept mainly to yourself, as you found it most difficult to open up to the people around you because you were so shy. The price for working so hard, unfortunately, was that you started to burn out quickly, something which the mother hen of the castle quickly took notice of. He came to your room that evening and apologized for suspecting you of being a spy. He then handed you a hefty bag of coins and told you that you had the next day off. And that the only task you had to complete was, to go to the markets and not come back until you have treated yourself to something nice, for all your hard work.
You wandered around the markets aimlessly, when your stomach gave off a big growl. You then followed the scent of freshly baked bread to an incredibly packed teahouse. You looked around for an open seat when all of a sudden, a familiar face flagged you down, “The seat beside me is open my angel.” You couldn’t help but blush slightly at that comment, he definitely was a major flirt, that’s for sure. You ordered some tea and sweet buns and sat in silence nibbling on them. The man beside you seemed to have taken a big liking to you, as he was now talking non-stop to you, spewing out the cheesiest of pick up lines. Honestly, you couldn’t help but laugh at a few of them, and wonder if they had actually worked for him in picking up women. You simply responded to him by giving him a few head nods and shy smile, although you smiled more at the fact that in your head you were giving him the most hilariously sarcastic comebacks. But alas you were way too shy to actually say any of them out loud. 
As the day progressed, you noticed that the teahouse had started emptying out and soon you and the gorgeous man were the only ones left, at this point you had actually slowly started dropping your guard. You now responded to him with a few words, which brought the most radiant smile to his face. By the end of the day, the two of you parted ways, he walked you back to the main road and bid you farewell with a very flirty kiss on the knuckles. You couldn’t help but think of the mysterious flirt on your walk back home, and if you would ever meet him again.
As if the universe heard your thoughts, the very next day you had run into Shingen, and then the day after that, and then believe it or not every time you stepped your foot into the market place, sure as rain Shingen was there, “I see the universe has answered my prayers and yet again graced me with the blessings of being able to see my goddess.”
From all your run-ins with Shingen you slowly but surely started to open up more and more. He was definitely a stubborn and persistent man, and with enough nudging, he finally got to see your real personality shine through. The two of you had made it somewhat an unspoken tradition that, whenever you would run into each other, you would go to your favourite tea house and share some sweet buns. Through all the time spent together, Shingen couldn’t help but fall in love with you. Underneath that shy exterior, he found an incredibly excitable, cheerful, and talkative angel. He loved how excited you would get over the smallest things, and he lived to see that bright smile grace your lips. He would often opt to surprise you with small gifts just to see that excited glint in your eyes.
What Shingen also really loved about you was that there were just so many layers to your personality. Not only were you super excitable and cheerful, but he loved how laid back you were. So imagine his surprise when he got to see yet another side of you, your sarcastic straight forward side. 
The two of you were enjoying a pleasant stroll through the countryside when you heard screaming and shouting. Both of you looked at each other and then slowly made your way towards the commotion. You came across a group of men terrorizing one of Mitsunari’s vassals. You knew this man was slightly more feminine, and like Mitsunari, he was incredibly smart. The men were jealous of the fact that he had raised through the ranks so quickly. You stormed your way up to the group and stood in front of the man protectively. The men had recognized you as the Oda princess and continued to insult the poor man behind you. You were honestly getting super annoyed, so you started spewing out your own sarcastic comments. Shingen had to chuckle, as he loved seeing new sides of his beloved goddess, but the second those men drew their swords intending to cut you and Mitsunari’s vassal down, he knew he had to intervene. By the end of it, you and Shingen had saved the poor vassal and taught the other men a lesson in manners they will never forget.
The two of you were now standing in the middle of the main road, and both of you knew it was time to part. You honestly didn’t want to go back to the castle yet, as you loved spending time with Singen. You weren’t ready to part just yet. One thing you loved about Shingen was his ability to almost read you every thought, probably cause your expressive face just gave it all away. Shingen wordlessly cupped your cheeks and leaned in close to your face, “Run away with me, my love, I need to return home soon, and I can’t stand the thought of being away from my angel.” Shingen knew you were basically a tsundere, so no words were needed to know what you were feeling. He simply smiled back at you and kissed you. That kiss had conveyed so much emotion of untold feelings and love. Shingen then smiled a bright smile at you and booped your nose, “I will see you tomorrow, my sweet goddess.” 
You walked back to the castle as red as a beet, but you were on cloud nine. You had long ago fallen for Shingen and to have found out that the feelings were mutual made you so happy. You then started to construct a plan to get your bothers’ permission to allow you to go with Shinegn to Kasugayama.
The two of you were now in Kasugayama Castle, starting your new life together. It took some convincing to get the Oda forces to let you go, but in the end, they all agreed that your happiness was the most important.
Shingen loved and adored you, from your kind caring personality to your bouts of sarcasm and dark jokes. He loved how strong and patient you were, always standing up for your beliefs no matter what. He especially loved your childish quirks and the cute way you would express yourself.
He vowed to spend the rest of his life loving and adoring you. He would shower you in affection and love from the moment you woke up to the moment you went to bed. 
Often you could be found trapped in his warm, strong arms, cheerfully talking his ears off. Be warned this sneaky tiger will definitely shower you with kisses every moment he can get. If the two of you aren’t together sipping tea in the garden. You are snuggled up in Shingen’s arms, as the two of you spend the whole day just lazing around the castle enjoying each other presence.
Other potential matches.......... Hideyoshi 
I hope you enjoyed this love and I hope you have a good day! ❤❤🔥
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