#i did my time on spnblr i deserve this
rocals · 2 years
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happy la5 fimmf (fingers in my mouth friday) to all who celebrate
(gerard and ray hands by camryn montebruno; frank and mikey hands by bella peterson)
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scoobydoodean · 9 months
links to all the crit dramas? plz? pretty pretty plz? with plzes on top?
Bestie that is a BIG ask and I did not keep up with all the links for all of these (nor would it be feasible to link all of the wank that happened in some cases, and I think in other cases, it would be poor form). But here’s a rundown in (to the best of my memory) chronological order.
Poor wet cat failed pacifists Cas
I think this one may have more context than I know—it's a fairly common motif anyway and has been for years. But the disk horse was reignited at some point because Courtney Queermania said that Dean is, in fact, willing to be inconvenienced by Cas. This did not sit well with anti-dean destiels, who went on the post to tell Courtney they are wrong about everything because *looks at notes* Cas was dedicated to pacifism and Dean forced him to be an evil killer or some other made up nonsense. Dean also forced Cas to fall from heaven and poor bumbling billion year old baby Cas can't even take a shit without Dean's say so, so everything is always Dean's fault and he can't even be grateful and is mean and evil and probably abusive too etc etc. Funny stuff from people who ship Dean and Cas. Btw. Elements of this camp had been sending Courtney hate mail for months before this for daring to post a poll featuring canonical events that occur in the actual show.
Deangirl Uquiz
In April, I made a 50-question True/False uquiz called "How sus do you look to a deanfan (me)?" and said you were sus if you got anything less than like an 80 or something. It was supposed to be a silly, tongue-in-cheek shitpost. I did most of my fandom interaction over on @i-make-fun-of-spn-characters at the time, but intentionally did NOT post this uquiz over there (to a much larger audience) because the uquiz I'd made was meant for a small group of like-minded mutuals and followers who would actually understand the context and find it amusing.
Well. It ended up spreading.
Deancrits got ahold of it and were very very mad that I dared to say things like, "Dean is not largely responsible for Sam and Cas's issues" and "People should have laughed at Dean's jokes more" and "Sam and Cas didn't actually deserve Dean's trust in season 4/6 because they were gaslight gatekeep girlbossing and could not be trusted". They grabbed my uquiz to use like a fleshlight, then discarded it on the ground and cried that it was too big around to suit their tiny wieners.
Deancrits drove their followers to brigade my post and my page. I received hate mail. People spewed venom at me directly. Worst of all, someone I don't give a damn about told me I am not funny. :(((( People pushed and made uquizes to "combat" mine. I spawned countless vagues all over spnblr--some supportive, some spewing venom about deanfans violent hatred (???) for Sam and Cas. Whole mutualships were lost between people I didn't even know over this uquiz. It was nuts out there.
I sexily evaded deancrits with my sexy ways while they chased me through the town square, trying to wrestle me into a hair shirt. I edited the uquiz with some more snark since deancrits made it all about them anyway, and changed my icon to flaming Elmo and probably changed my header to say "@ Deancrits Suck my Ass" or something I don't remember. I think I became genuinely angry at one point for about 5 minutes. After that, I remembered a deancrit casgirl took my 50 question uquiz several times in a row, shitting out their insides with rage the entire time, then posted the screenshot of their 0% to all of their followers like the trophy head of some vanquished beast, letting out a warrior howl of victory. To this day, I could not tell you why they thought this would stick it to me. However, this was so incredibly funny that to this day I still risk pissing myself laughing when I think about it. To get that 0, they also had to call Dean their poor little meow meow btw.
Vegan Sam
Every few years deancrit samgirls start this really funny disk horse about how Dean is an evil food tamperer who doesn’t respect that Sam is a vegan. This, of course, is also a violation of Sam's bodily autonomy (see section below). Victoria Angelsdean dared to make an original post stating that Sam is not, in fact, a vegan and never ever has been one. This made vegan Sam truthers really mad, and it was really funny.
Later on, because Courtney Queermania had been receiving a continuous stream of hate mail from deancrits since February, I had lodged a threat (blackmail) to make a second uquiz of evil and villainy in retaliation should any more hate mail be sent to Courtney. During the "Sam’s Super Special Most Violated Autonomy Stolen Valor" disk horse, I made good on this threat, and featured a question about whether or not Sam is a vegan, which made them mad yet again.
Also this post was fun.
Back in April, tumblr user christ-figure-bracket took it upon themselves to create a poll tournament to determine the ultimate christ figure in fiction. Samgirls have long enjoyed paralleling Sam with Jesus, and nominated him for the tournament. In the first round, Sam was put up against Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia—literal lion Jesus. Samgirls were determined to bring Sam victory. Much of SPNblr endeavored to assist because it would be funny if Sam won. I was a stick in the mud about it, and gave this as my reasoning:
#i’m sorry I know Sam beating Aslan would be funny but I can’t stand the sam = jesus take #worst thing sam girls ever came up with #and that’s a large hurdle to clear #not even because i have a problem with people wanting to read into things and explore symbolism #it’s because some of them get gigantic heads about it and then act like they’re being persecuted for their beliefs
Lo and behold—they proceeded to prove me right.
Very early on, some samgirls started telling people who voted against Sam to kill themselves, and complaining openly by name about fellow samgirls who didn't support their plight. However, the real trouble started when christ-figure-bracket made it clear in a humorous manner that they would prefer not to have wincest shippers in their notes. Enraged, angry wincest shippers began sending christ-figure-bracket hate mail, and adding wincest fic and art to their posts and sending it in DMs, and saying they were being persecuted for their beliefs. christ-figure-bracket could barely block them fast enough. Samgirls cleverly recollected—from a few hours before—that Sam had been placed against literal lion Jesus in the very first round. This and the wincest shipper blocking clearly implied christ-figure-bracket's barely-concealed hatred for samgirls. They were no impartial moderator—no! They intended to skew the poll to destroy Sam!
Anyway, christ-figure-bracket removed Sam from the entire tournament as a punishment. Sonic the Hedgehog ended up winning the whole thing, btw. Also I thought it was funny that Sam got kicked out so I said so in some tags. I got some absolutely batshit mail about my "unfandom behavior" and how I place myself as some "sane anti bully saint" and then the person pinned a vaguepost on their page about me choosing who to bully and who to baby for like a month.
Jesus!Sam disk horse returned for a part 2 when Courtney Queermania said something like, "Making a t-shape with your arms should be called 'Sammying'" and got this shit in their inbox:
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Dean winning the best tits poll
People got really mad that Sam didn't win this. There was also a lot of arguing about "tits" versus "pecs" and whether Sam has good tits or good pecs.
Sam’s Super Special Most Violated Autonomy Stolen Valor
One day, Courtney Queermania dared to say on their own blog, that they were considering whether Sam’s autonomy actually gets violated anymore than anyone else’s, and weren't sure that it does.
This suggestion resulted in a firehose of anonymous hate mail on Courtney's blog, about what a terrible evil person Courtney is for daring to think this, about how Sam is the specialist most autonomy-less adult baby ever to exist, and how deangirls daring to possibly deny this truth or suggest anyone else ever experienced a violation of their autonomy is a violation of samgirls bodily autonomy in of itself.
To be clear, NOT ONCE did any of us go on any samgirl's page to interact with ANY of them in any negative way. And yet, samgirls fully treated all of us as absolutely evil horrible insensitive people who were actually harming them irl by posting things on our own blogs. While their friends spewed absolutely vile hate messages at Courtney, samgirl blogs were making posts about OUR cruelty and how any of us daring to find humor within the onslaught was deeply evil and insensitive toward them. It was literally argued that Samgirls themselves are all super special victims of abuse who all of us (who clearly have never been through anything bad ever) were being insensitive toward. So of course that mode of thinking within the samgirl community encouraged the hate bombing to continue as some justified form of "retaliation" against our cruelty.
Genuinely I think the hate mail on this went on for like 1-2 months. Some really really ugly vile shit was sent mixed in with some really funny shit. Questions were pondered such as, "Wait a minute—how is everyone defining autonomy???" "Is a demon tricking Sam a violation of Sam's autonomy?"" "Do Deangirls just want to give all of Sam's Super Special Traumas to Dean, who has never been through anything, ever?" "How many incidents can PK come up with where Sam violated Dean's autonomy within 3 minutes?" I posted the aforementioned blackmail uquiz, and Courtney gave all of us this incredible baby Sam image that shall live on in infamy (and haunt all of our dreams).
Psychic!Dean or: Sam's stolen valor part 2
I believe it all started when Laura ilarual made a post talking about a funny headcanon they came up with in a discord server, wherein Dean managing to predict the future fairly frequently is actually a display of latent psychic abilities Dean isn't aware he has. Courtney Queermania also joked about it, which is a crime punishable by death, because Courtney (a completely normal, nice person) is actually the devil incarnate according to a variety of hate anons who have targeted them nonstop since February 2023 for literally no fucking reason.
This resulted in this hate mail, and also blended with the general autonomy disk horse that was still going on in Courtney's inbox at the time.
I think what was funny to everyone about Psychic!Dean was how spitting mad it made people for absolutely no reason other than it was somehow perceived as "stolen valor" by samgirls. I started shitposting after that about how Dean can sense hidden rooms. Psychic!Dean has become one of my favorite headcanons since—we're all rather fond of it now.
Gun Safety: A Commentary on pillows and black store clerks
This is two different diskhorses in a trenchcoat that happened with deancrit destiels/casgirls. Once again—me and my friends never went on anyone's page to interact with anyone in a negative way.
This disk horse had two related flavors: is Dean bad and evil and the devil incarnate for 1) sleeping with a gun under his pillow and/or 2) Shooting Jack in the back to get his attention and keep him from strangling a black store clerk to death? Also, are either or both of these things abusive because of... the lack of gun safety?
I suppose you can guess what side deancrit casgirls landed on regarding both of these issues. It was suggested that the sheer possibility that Dean might hurt poor white baby Jack's feefees should trump the life of the innocent black store clerk he was strangling to death in a rage. Naturally.
Regarding the former vein of discourse: Someone got really really mad at Victoria angelsdean and me for making posts on our own blogs that didn't frame Dean as the source of all evil in the world for having a gun under his pillow, and started going through our blogs reblogging things and being an insufferably condescending asshat in tags with a very transparent goal. Among their complaints, were that "The Prisoner" is an incidence of "domestic violence" against Cas, and that Cas shoving his hand into a child's chest to feel for his soul causing him excruciating pain is perfectly fine, but Dean sleeping with a gun under his pillow is *looks at notes* abusive to Jack. Also they thought it was very important to remind all of us that their dad was in the army for some reason.
I was completely unable to take any of this seriously. If you haven't been on my page long, you might not be very familiar with my potty mouth, but it's important here. I've been here a long enough time that I've seen countless kind people get hate bombed by ugly disgusting assholes in this fandom, and this year I simply had enough. Somewhere around the 20th time I saw fellow deangirls get absolutely vile messages from deancrits or obnoxiously condescending reblogs full of nonsense in the year of our lord 2023, I started endeavoring to embarrass them. One way I did this was by equating deancrits who come onto deangirls blogs to police their posts and act like insufferable condescending assholes... with a dude who walks into a men's locker room and immediately whips his dick out. Everyone else is clothed, but this one dude starts running around naked, showing everyone his cock and going "LOOK HOW BIG MY COCK IS. SUCK ON IT" and not only is he being annoying and weird and harassing people—his dick is actually tiny. Basically I began saying, "Stop whipping your dick out on everybody else's blogs, acting like your cock is big and huge and bulging and I need to get down on my knees and suck it. No one is going to suck you tiny cock just because you decided to whip it out."
I used this metaphor with the person who was being a condescending ass on my blog. I promptly got accused of making "violent sexual threats" by one of their friends, and then another one showed up to tell me, "If internet cancellation were real, you would be so cancelled for this." I changed my header to say, “Cancelled by Ligma Balls” and blocked like 6 people and my blog has been blessedly free of deancrit casgirls throwing tantrums and trying to hit me with their babyhands since.
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billiewena · 2 years
hello! I've been on-and-off with spnblr all summer and missed a lot. with my bday this month, I figured what better time to do a content creator event and catch up than now? presenting:
billiewena birthday boost bash... 2!
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DATES: Thursday, Sept 29th - Sunday, Oct 2nd
WHERE: @billiewena and my sam sideblog @alivegirlsam
PART 1 - BOOST BASH: I’m making what was a very last-minute idea last year a tradition! Instead of new content, I want you to RE-SHARE any content you’ve made in the past that didn't get the love as it deserved the first time! ALL CONTENT TYPES WELCOME. feel free to share a multiple posts or even other bloggers’ posts! this is NOT the time to be humble. it was really fun last year and I made some beloved mutuals through it 💕
to “boost” a post, you can either 1) tag me in the comments / reblog or 2) send the post over DM or ask.
PART 2 - PROMPTS (OPTIONAL): I also have 🎉 actual prompts 🎉 this year for anyone who wants to make new content, too! Was saving these for a follower celebration but life stuff happened and I forgot. if any of the extremely specific things below inspire you, feel free to participate:
One-Episode Icons (aka characters who only appeared once)
Reapers (and Death the Horseman)
Bestiesnatural (examples)
Celestial Horror (examples)
👏 Let 👏 Women 👏 Be 👏 Evil 👏
🍯 bonus prompt for amv editors: Honeypie, but for any other fandom you’re in (i.e. a Cousin Greg Honeypie AMV) 🍯
for these, you can tag me in the post/reblog OR use the tag #bwboostbash2
open to anyone!
....EXCEPT for proshipper blogs and no, not just the w*ncest/w*nkline ones (though "f*ck you" and "how did you find me" especially to those)
if it’s sam-related, will reblog on my sam blog @alivegirlsam too! (alternatively if any samblr mutuals only want to be reblogged there lemme know!)
any content is allowed! (art, fic, video, poem, playlist, web weave, powerpoint, meta, whatever)
no NSFW and please tag any explicit fic as ‘minors DNI’
boost bash content doesn’t have to fit the prompts, it can be literally anything you’ve done in the past!
in addition to the obvious (see #2) I am also requesting no angel/angel, sam/lucifer, baby!jack, and no dreamh*nter or kaia content pls
if you don’t see your post reblogged that means I might not have gotten the notification, so message me! I'll like the posts from my main @homosexualslug to show when I queued posts as well
otherwise, pretty limitless and most of y’all know I'm a big multi-shipper (see my bio for all the non-desitel ones) who also enjoys almost every spn character under the sun (unless you're making, idk, like KFC Demon content but who would do that willingly?)
if you have a question, feel free to send an ask or DM!
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shivroyslut · 3 years
Spill the tea on jack being used as a festival accessory and the infantilizing a grown man sis
I was contemplating answering this, cause idk if we should bring this back, but well. Just stating that everything here is my own opinion and based on things I have personally seen. So this isn't "tea" or a "callout" post. I'm just saying that it's a topic that can and has made people uncomfortable. And it would be good if spnblr can appropriately tag our baby!jack content. Below cut
I'm assuming festival means destiel. There are a lot of content out there about destiel having a baby. And baby AUs are fun, but when Jack is made into the baby, his entire character is just ends up being reduced to an accessory for destiel. Of course, I do think there are destiel scenarios where baby!jack works well. For instance let's take a drive by sobsicles where the characters mourn adult Jack when he gets turned into a baby, and the whole story was talking about how it sucks how Jack had to be turned into a baby for Dean to get his shit together, cause it was something that really did not have to happen. Additionally canon compliant content that explores storylines where Jack gets born as a baby and how the characters navigate this. There are more scenarios where baby!jack isn't so bad (my opinion), but I just hate it when the story would still remain completely the same if a random baby replaces baby!Jack. Also I hate content where Jack's free will gets taken away and all the characters are just fine with it, as if they didn't just lose a family member.
And the infantilising. This has been especially an issue ever since AlCal confirmed that Jack was autistic. Many times when people talk about him as if he's a baby, they end up baby-fying autistic traits. Also people have straight up just called him a toddler. Yes Jack is three, but he is also a full grown adult/teenager who has his own free will and agency. The characters treat him as an adult/teenager and we probably should too. Jack is young and inexperienced but he is not a baby. How would you feel if you were a nineteen year old and everyone kept on talking about you as if you are a baby incapable of being responsible for your own decisions?
I'll be frank, I have participated in the above baby!jack content in the past, but taking off the destiel goggles and listening to autistic people's perspectives, showed me how such content can be harmful to both Jacks characterisation (which I know its just a tv show and not really a big deal) and to actual autistic people.
I love Jack and he deserves to be loved for the character he was, independent of destiel.
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StackedNatural Day 27: 8x03, 15x02
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
October 17, 2012
8x03: Heartache
Written by: Buckleming
Directed by: Jensen Ackles
Original air date: October 17, 2012
Plot Synopsis:
While trying to track down Kevin, Sam and Dean get sidetracked by a series of murders where the victims have gotten their hearts ripped out.
Missing hearts, haunted organ transplants, an immortal being in love with a mortal, the boys argue over whether or not to continue hunting after closing the gates of hell.
My Thoughts:
I fully forgot how season 8 continued to be the destiel season even in episodes where Cas is not present or even mentioned by name.
Somehow, despite this episode being written by my arch nemeses Buckleming, this episode is coherent, entertaining on the surface, and has meaningful and relevant subtext.
So anyways, there’s this ancient, incredibly powerful being that falls in love with a mortal and finds himself intrinsically and irrevocably changed, to the point where he can’t imagine his life without this other person. The ancient being dies due to their love of the mortal. The mortal is bereft. Sound familiar?
I remember a lot of spnblr losing our minds over this episode when it first aired, and it’s become even more relevant post-confession, when the back half of that recap came true for Cas and Dean. 
When they get the truth out of Betsy, right as she says “you can’t imagine the burden of it all”, the camera cut right to Dean’s face as he nodded understandingly. It’s worth pointing out here that Jensen directed this episode. And then his heart almost gets pulled right out of his body. Absolutely wild.
Notable/Kickass Lines:
“By that time, Brick himself had changed... inside. He wasn't just the warrior whose only reason for living was combat. He – we were deeply, deeply in love.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 8.5
IMdB Rating: 7.7
15x02: Raising Hell
Written by: Buckleming
Directed by: Robert Singer
Original air date: October 17, 2019
Plot Synopsis:
Dean, Castiel and Sam call on Rowena to help keep the evil souls at bay and get an unexpected assist by Ketch.
The barrier begins to weaken, Ghost union, Rowena arrives, Ketch tries to assassinate Belphegor, Kevin’s ghost deserved better, Chuck wants Amara’s help.
My Thoughts:
I hate this episode so much and I just saw it recently when I caught up on Supernatural. Not to complain on every post but I’m soo tired and I do not want to continue watching. But I made a commitment, goddamn it, and I am going to follow through.
Imo this arc did to ghosts in like 2 episodes what several seasons did to demons. That is to say, removed any element of mystique and danger from them and made them into just Some Guys who hate the Winchesters, 
Ghosts are supposed to be the miserable, desperate impressions of the souls they were in life, and now they have a fucking union.
Rowena’s presence improves the ep slightly but then she spends most of it making eyes at fucking Ketch so her scenes stop being fun for me.
There is the one good Destiel scene sandwiched in there that prepares us for the divorce arc, and I am grateful for that. The Chuck scenes are fine too, I like Rob Benedict and he’s always fun to watch.
Notable/Kickass Lines:
“Can't believe I've teamed up with a demon again. Think I'd know better by now.”
“Dean. You asked, "What about all of this is real?" We are.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 2.6
IMdB Rating: 7.5
In Conclusion: I don’t have any more weddings in the near future messing up my stacked schedule so I’m praying things calm down this week.
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