#i did my best to stay true to your prompt but i have some trouble with people being mean for the sake of being mean when i'm writing?
cinnamonroll-anon · 2 months
lmk request!
wukong and mac (separate) had a nightmare and s/o came to comfort?
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a/n: thank you both for the request! Since you both had the same prompt i decided to just put the two together! Sorry for my long absence have some comfort for your heart!
Terrible Visions: Sun Wukong x Reader, Macaque x Reader (Separate)
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Warnings: angst to fluff, comfort (giving), mentions of violence and mentions of death. SEASON 5 SPOILERS! (not much but will brush up on events that take place!)
Sun wukong:
Honestly, what hasn't come back to haunt the infamous monkey king? Behind his usual suave facade, he was constantly stuck in his own head, thinking about his past and what problems could await on the roads ahead. If we're being honest here, he's stressed of having to save the world or having to face his own mistakes and shortcomings. He can never live down his own choices, not entirely at least. There would always be a whisper of doubt breathing down his neck, it would never fail to make him feel ashamed of himself. Luckily for him, he can play things off perfectly and no one would know any better from his usual laid back attitude. He wouldn't allow anyone to see the burden on his shoulders, or see how weary he's grown over these recent months. Well, everyone else except you.
You have been with Wukong for a while, so you're no stranger to his attempts at keeping you at an arm's length. It was a prominent problem in your relationship. He simply wouldn't tell you what was bothering him, even if it was something so miniscule that you could stop doing. Nowadays, he tries to open up to you and to express himself to the best of his ability. It was a promise you both made to each other as your relationship continued to flourish. He'd communicate with you and you'd understand him and try to meet him in the middle. It was a fair compromise that has saved your relationship on multiple occasions.
It took a great level of trust for him to feel like he could share his worries with you, he didn't want to trouble you... At least it was partially true, especially with all the guilt that's been dying to swallow him whole. He felt as though he had dragged you down into a mess like he did with MK, and that he was the one to blame for all of his suffering, as well as yours. Another part of him wouldn't allow him to love or care as deeply as he used to. Not again because, he knows what love really leads to... To pain. He had promised himself once in the past to not let his heart suffer again, to never go through another heartbreak. It was that promise kept getting in the way with his new ambitions and his heart's desire. To be with you.
Unfortunately as all things do, these emotions build up, and when they resurface, they present themselves to the great sage as he finds enough tranquility to sleep at night. He could only keep his thoughts to himself until they started pouring into his subconscious. The nightmares weren't as frequent but they'd manifest horrors that would leave him restless and fearful. Even in his slumber, he couldn't find rest.
Maybe he would be trapped in the mountain with no one to talk to, feeling condemned, forgotten, unloved and lonely. He'd stay there, unmoving and vulnerable for eternity. Perhaps it would be all the splitting headaches with his circlet, punishing and agonizing. No matter how much he begged for it to simply disappear, the torment would only continue. He would dig his nails into the groud, clawing into his head in desperation, howling in pain and sobbing for anything to stop it. He'd never find that solace here.
Maybe it was the day he struck Macaque. It would always be the same outcome, no matter how hard he tried to fight it. To change it. His body would move without his permission, his mind torn in-between this urge to kill him and hopelessly trying to stop himself. He saw his old friend laying beaten down, he watched as Macaque tried to move to get away from him helplessly. Was that fear or hatred he saw in his eyes? He couldn't tell before he felt the way his staff punctured through his eye, cracking entirely past his skull. No matter how many times he'd watch the scene unfold, it never ceased to be any less gut wrenching when he drew the final blow. It was all worse when he could smell his blood, practically taste the hot irony liquid in his tongue.
Sometimes it was failing MK. Failing him as his mentor. He knew he wasn't the best at teaching, honestly it had stung him when MK searched for guidance in Macaque. It just didn't help ease his nerves or reassured him that he was doing the right thing. He's put the kid through so much, yet he always kept his distance from him. He couldn't afford for him to get close, not again, not after everything he's been through. MK sacrificing himself was painful to watch, and luckily for him, he'd get to relive that moment. One second he was contemplating losing his Immortality and his life, and the next that familiar excruciating pain would crush his head again. He couldn't't move to save him, to sacrifice himself instead. The worst part was seeing that look on MK's face through his tears and screams. He almost lost him, but in his dreams he wouldn't come back, and in his eyes his world would still remain shattered.
The lady bone demon's control was the worst dream he could ever be faced with, because instead of any other circumstances hurting his friends, he was killing them all... One by one. A ruthless frenzy and an unstoppable slaughter, all for her destiny. Her voice would pound against his head and her command over him was absolute. He couldn't even cry if he wanted to.
He'd wake up in cold sweat, lunging to sit up and gasp for air. He had startled you awake, promoting you to wearily sit up with him.
"Wukong? What's the matter?"
He gripped his heart feeling it's frantic palpitations as he took harsh breaths. Maybe, the worst nightmare of all... Was losing you. He condemned his head for getting so creative with ways he could lose you. Meanwhile, you observed him, trying to read his expression. You sat there for a minute before you gently placed your hand ontop of his own.
"P-peaches, hey y-yeah, sorry about that! Just ah, y'know ehe thought i lost my streak. And to Macaque no less!" He answered with a strained smile, you could see a him covered in sweat.
"Uh-huh, so you're expecting me to believe that you're this worked up... About your videogame?" You deadpanned as you were fighting to keep your eyes open. With or without them open you can hear how shaken up he was.
He stumbled over his words and another half assed excuse before taking a deep breath and looking down at his hands.
"You're right- It, It wasn't about videogames... I had another nightmare."
You noticed how fragile his voice sounded, that and how ashamed of himself he looked. Was it his pride or perhaps it was the horrible attempt to brush you off? It didn't matter to you in the moment as you gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Honey, that's awful. Do you want to talk about it? Or maybe cuddle-"
Before you could finish your sentence, he quickly pulled you into a tight embrace. You gradually hugged him back, wrapping your arms around him, gently rubbing his back in a comforting manner. You could feel his racing heartbeat against you, how ragged his breathing was before they began to even out. Much of your relief, he was slowly calming down. His tail wrapped around your waist, giving it a tight squeeze, trying to ground himself in the present.
"It's okay Wukong, you're safe. I'm here for you, thank you for telling me. I want to help you with things like these, okay?"
"Even if i wake you up in the dead of night?" He spoke through a chocked sob, he was trying really hard not to cry, but it was so hard when you were so willing to sacrifice sleep and time just to help him. He tightened his hold on you, burying his face against your shoulder, either for comfort or to hide his face from your view, you didn't bring it up as you placed a kiss to his head.
"Yes Wukong, even if you woke me up at four in the morning," You replied with a chuckle. "I'd rather have missed a little time asleep than having you dealing with a nightmare all alone. Especially if I'm already here for you."
He shook his head as he let out a heavy sigh, you could feel your shoulder getting wet by his tears. After his initial fear had finally passed, he began to move again. He first placed his hand behind your head before he hesitantly pushed you away, only enough to look into your eyes. He mused to himself how sleepy you looked, before remembering he was the reason you were so worried about him now and awake.
"I'm sorry... you shouldn't be up at this hour Peach, i didn't mean to-"
"It was a nightmare Wukong, you didn't exactly plan it." You interrupted him as you delicately held his face in your hands, "Besides I already told you I'm not going anywhere. Im sticking with you no matter what, be it sickness, a nightmare or the world ending, again... I'm with you Wukong."
He swore he could barely blink back the tears in his eyes threatening to pour again. Despite it all you, were still here. You stayed by his side. You were still kind and loving to him, even if he wasn't always as vulnerable or open with you. You were more than willing to help him through it, to save your relationship... to save him. That was so brave of you, he hoped you knew that. He wished he could tell you, but he wouldn't say it... not today at least or now. He smiled warmly before laying back down, pulling you into his arms as you laid your head on his chest. He held you close as he felt himself become more tired, but before he could close his eyes again you pressed a lazy kiss against his lips.
"I love you Wukong, goodnight my love." What wonderful words to hear, he thought to himself, before finally letting his muscles relax and his jaw unclench. He finally felt safe and loved... all in his beloveds arms. He truly felt like everything would be okay. He looked down at your already sleeping form, god, you must've been truly exhausted he thought to himself. He waited a bit until he knew you were sound asleep, not taking any chances to wake you again, before he placed a loving kiss against your forehead.
"I love you too Peaches, if you only knew how much you mean to me... Goodnight love, see you in the morning."
He's more open to you about his nightmares. You've been with him for this long, so he trusts you're not going to hurt him when he lets down his guard. You've proven yourself to him time and time again that you won't take advantage of him or harm him. On the contrary, you treat him with compassion and respect, even when he has felt undeserving of your grace and patience. Youve always so considerate and understanding to him. He swears he doesn't deserve you, he knows he's definitely not the best guy around, but if you stayed this long and showed him you're not going anywhere, then he'll be damned if he doesn't try his hardest to appreciate you and show you how much he cares about you too.
But his nightmares are a sore spot for him, especially telling you what happens in them. He'd rather forget they happened at all, but those images in his mind refuse to leave him. Why must he be reminded of how much he suffered now that he's living a better life? He's gotten close to wukong again, albeit the two still bicker, but he knows now that wukong trusts him. It's a work in progress, but their relationship was mending slowly, it all starts with a little bit of trust. And then there's you.
He'll admit that he wasn't planning on ever having a partner, with all his issues, he considered himself the least qualified in the romance department. And yet there he was, spending his days with you happily. You had even stayed with him while he was on flower fruit mountain, you would enjoy the cuddle sessions the little monkeys had with Macaque. Even if he wasn't all too thrilled with the arrangement but, he couldn't deny how adorable you looked with the little ones clinging to you.
It's been a little over a day or two since the pillar of heaven was restored, you and Macaque having been enjoying some down time from the world's end. It was such a shame that in these peaceful moments his mind would still be plagued with these horrible nightmares. Even before he met you they were quite common, it made his lifestyle change as he avoided sleep, staying up throughout the night until eventual exhaustion would overtake him. If he pushed his body to the limit the chances of having a nightmare would decrease. Not the healthiest choice on his part, but the one that has worked for him over time.
But that all changed with you. You have given him a safe space, a home he could call his own. He trusted you and he let himself relax around you, and this would cause him to fall asleep at a more reasonable hour. He was still a night owl but it was harder for him to stay awake when you were so close to him, so warm and peacefully asleep. He couldn't overcome the temptation of resting alongside you. Although that peace would be short-lived.
Every bad experience he's had gets relived and reimagined in each nightmare. The most common type is getting betrayed. It ranges from getting abandoned and feeling worthless to being used for someone else's benefit. If he's had a nightmare of you betraying him, he would be a bit distant. Luckily he was willing to talk with you about it, in which you reassured him that you just wanted to be with him because you loved him. You weren't going to leave him or cheat on him.
Another common nightmare he's had was recollecting the day Sun Wukong not only turned on him, but killed him. It was always a brutal but hopeless cause. His heart was heavy with how wukong so easily sidelined him, how everything they had been through meant nothing. That he no longer meant anything to his friend. This dream was too realistic, he could feel every strike and how tired he was becoming. Nothing he could do was enough. Not against a force like wukong. The most horrid part was when he finally looked up at wukong in defeat only to be met with an agonizing pain to his eye. This nightmare would cause him to wake up yelling and holding his eye, feeling the phantom pain the dream left behind.
The least common dreams he had that would leave him mortified were the ones of the Lady Bone Demon. Being forced to do her will or have his life taken away from him again. He thought he was clever losing the key, but somehow she always escaped. Having the slow threat of her crystals on his body being a horrifying experience, especially the days in which he would become paralyzed in fear, going stiff in his sleep. Sometimes she would make him kill Sun Wukong and MK and there wasn't any fire of Samadhi to save him from being entirely consumed by her will. The worst one of all was when she found out about you, sending macaque to kill you, her champion didn't need any distractions after all. No insignificant mortal will stand in the way of his destiny.
Macaque would jolt awake, taking in gasping breaths before looking around the room. Hed sigh in relief, he was home, he was safe, just another stupid dream. He'd stay awake in bed, looking up at the ceiling in hope's of falling asleep. He couldn't shake the vivid images from his mind and he felt agitated and restless, he couldn't sleep again. He then looked over at you and the sight warmed his heart a little. You were peacefully asleep, it was a miracle his sudden movement didn't wake you, but he was silently grateful. Hed hate to wake you up since you looked oh so blissfully asleep. He couldn't do that, not to you. So he decided to discreetly get out of bed before using a shadow portal to drop himself into the couch. It was a better option than having to maneuver himself quietly through the room with you soundly asleep. Waking you up was simply a chance he didn't want to take.
He would sit in silence on the couch simply trying not to think about whatever dream plagued his mind. At first the silence was normal but he quickly found out how not wanting to think of something made you think of it more. The silence would become unbearable so he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. He opted to mindlessly watch tv, turning the volume down to the lowest possible. It was the perks of having six ears.
You woke up, having stirred from your rest at the lack of his presence. You drowsily felt his side of the bed. It was empty, so you sluggishly got out of bed to look for him. He could hear you coming towards hims, yet his entire focus was on the nonsensical noises of the TV, he couldn't bother to pay attention to what was happening. You eventually made your way over to him and plopped yourself down on the couch next to him. You leaned against him, laying your head on his shoulder. He went tense at the sudden contact, not like he wasn't already stiff as a board as he tried to force his attention away from his own thoughts.
"Hey Honey, what's got you up so early?" He asked casually as if he also wasn't up at four in the morning.
"I didn't feel you in bed with me anymore... Are you okay Macaque?" You fought off the drowsiness in your eyes, but leaning against him and feeling his warmth was lulling you back to sleep. No, you had to make sure he was alright, sleep can wait. You slowly were able to get your hazy mind working before you felt how stiff he was against you. He usually eased up to your touch by now, even when he was caught by surprise.
He notices your discomfort before he wraps an arm around you, slowly relaxing against you. He gave you a soft smile as he took in your sleep ridden state. It was heartening to him that you missed his presence, even when you were asleep. But he wasn't exactly thrilled that he still somehow woke you up, but having you with him did relieve him of his worries.
"Sweetheart, listen... I'm sorry for leaving you alone but i just... Had a nightmare and i didn't want to wake you up about it. But i still did." His answer was honest but filled with disappointment in himself. He really wanted to handle it by himself, but a part of him knew he could never ease his mind the way you could. Having heard his explanation you leaned into him, giving him a tender hug. He's still for a moment before he finally wraps his arms around you tightly, allowing himself to be comforted by you. You gently ran your finger through his fur, it was like your every caress alleviated his aching heart and it wasn't long enough until he began to quietly cry against your chest.
"I-I didn't want any of this to happen... I didn't want to go through with it, I had to-" He murmured against you. You could tell it had been a horrible nightmare, especially if it broke him down like this
"I know baby, but you're not there anymore. You haven't done anything, you're at home... It was only a dream, you're safe... I'll keep you safe." You quietly reassured him, calming his anguish and placing kisses where his tears ran, gently wiping them away with your thumbs as you held his face. It was when you held him so close that you noticed it. His glamour was off. You could see his six ears, all the scars on his face and his eye, you wondered how you didn't notice it before. Then again being awake at four wasn't exactly peak conscious behavior and it was still dark, the only light being the dim glow of the TV.
Macaque felt safe in your embrace, enjoying the sound of your voice. He would normally be uneasy listening with all of his ears, but your voice was like a serene river to him, calming and comforting. He would gladly listen to you talk for hours about anything, but when you directed it at him and used it to ease his pains, it was simply heavenly.
After a while of hugging he thinks you might've dosed off then and there.
"Hey darling, are you still with me?" He asked quietly as he gave you a soft shake. The only response you gave him was a low, albeit late, hum of acknowledgment.
"Yeah, yeah, wide awake." Which ears a soft chuckle out of him before makes sure you're secure in his hold. Before you can ask if he wanted to head back to bed, you feel a swoosh before having landed on the soft and familiar mattress. You weren't even going to lie, his shadow portals were convenient. You probably wouldn't have made it back to the room with how tired you felt.
"A heads up would've been nice." You mumbled against him.
"Nah, I'm sure you could've handed it." You could practically hear his signature smirk in his tone.
"What if i couldn't and it scared me?" You joked as you pushed yourself away from him, earning you the sight of his handsome grin and un-glamored glory.
"Come on sugar, you're telling me you're scared of a little gravity. You'd think you'd be used to it by now." He chuckled as he patted your head before ruffling your hair.
"Hey! My hair, you're messing it up!"
"You have the wildest bed-head baby, you should be thanking me."
"Oh, I'll give you a thank you, alright. Keep this up and I'll smother you entirely." You challenged him with your own mischievous grin. He didn't believe your little threat for one second.
"Oh really? I'd like to see you try~" You then held the sides of his face before pulling him into a barrage of kisses. He's caught by surprise, unable to get away from your devoted kisses. He nuzzles against you trying to fight off his embarrassment, but you're so cute and oh lord, he feels like he's malfunctioning. Even after all this time he wasn't immune to being overwhelmed by your affections, having gone most of his life without them. Eventually you slow down your kisses, instead you poured out adoring words about every feature you love about him before giving it a kiss. You took your time, letting him know how much you loved him with each soft murmur and soft peck. That you loved him dearly and found him captivating, even with his glamor off.
"I think the scar makes you look hot" you ended off on, trying to brighten up how he might've felt about his appearance.
"Oh really? Is that so?" He smirked before finally wrapping his arms around you, pulling you against him to cuddle. You soon felt the familiar sensation of his tail curling around you protectively. You both held each other tenderly and you leaned closer to leading him into a slow kiss. Your lips molded into each other lovingly, parting to look into each other's eyes with nothing but adoration. You trailed your hands through his hair until you reached his ears, gently scratching the back of them and caressing them. He let out a content huff before resting his head against your chest, closing his eyes, allowing himself to be lulled back to sleep by your warmth and the steady rhythm of your heartbeat. You place a final kiss against his forehead.
"I love you Macaque, I hope you only have sweet dreams tonight." He didn't need to when his time awake with you was his greatest dream come true.
"I'll always love you, thank you my love." That was all he said before pleasantly falling asleep, safe and loved in your embrace.
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Santi saying “Right there, huh? That’s the spot?”🥵😢
Thank Me Later: Santiago “Pope” Garcia x fem!reader
Rating: EXPLICIT. 18+ ONLY. Do not read further or engage unless you are over 18. ⚠️
Summary: your friend knew exactly what she was doing seating you next to this guy called “Pope” at her wedding. He’s ever so clearly trouble. However, given you’re in the mood to be trouble right back, you can’t stay mad at your friend for long.
Genre: smutty!
Warnings: finger-banging, mainly. Alcohol consumption. Restroom at a wedding deviance. Reader has a brother - but no descriptions.
GIF: by @uomo-accattivante (pls tell me if you’d like me to remove this!)
Author’s note: this is a rather quick one, written in snippets over my work breaks. Honestly, I’ve been getting too in my head about writing (or at least posting) any smut lately, so I hope you enjoy this! (Anon, I hope I did this glorious prompt justice! Thanks for sending it to me! 🧡)
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You quaff some more of the table fizz, despite the fact you succumb to a grimace of distaste every time you take a sip. It’s so vile you swear it’s an outright act of evil that your friend - the bride - chose this concoction for her special day.
“Not hitting the spot, huh?”
You blink at the handsome man seated to your left, cursing your friend all over again for this seating arrangement. Now that -and you’re counting- is the second direct act of evil committed by her today. Oh, she for sure knew exactly what she was doing when she seated you next to him.
He - Pope, his name is - looks so good in his midnight blue suit that you could believe that he was created for the sole purpose of attending weddings and copping-off with the sexy maid of honour. (That’s you.)
Your friend could even have saved herself a few bucks and plated you up as dessert, you think, since you’ve already turned to jelly under his attentions.
“No it is not. It’s disgusting. It’s practically an act of outright warfare.” His delicious lips twitch around a smile as you continue to rant on the injustice of it all, and -damn him- he continues to listen attentively.
It’s true, that despite your best efforts to ignore him - and his blatant aura of trouble - you’d each relegated the bores seated to your respective left and right to the No Talking Zone. And, in fact, you and he may as well have been seated at a table for two, given you’ve spent the whole three course meal getting to know each other better. Getting, also, to dream up a new position you’d enjoy him taking you in with every passing moment. As you dream up yet another, deliciously sordid images multiplying in your head, a blanketing heat flushes your skin. And, in your attempts to cool off you forget, taking another swig of your damned “drink”, resulting in you grimacing all over again. “But then - she never did have any taste. Look at that complete douche she’s married.”
He looks at your mouth. His gaze briefly dips to your cleavage. His corded throat bobs with warm, roughly hewn laughter. “Isn’t that douche your brother?”
“Uh huh.” That was your friend’s original sin.
Pope eyes you with amusement as you drain your glass, suddenly feeling like you need the courage just to survive him looking directly at you like that.
His flirting -not that you’re complaining- is becoming increasingly brazen. He’s a confident one, this dude. He knows he’s pretty. And, his flirting combined with your gradually depleting better judgement, is a dangerous combination. Almost as dangerous a concoction as this god awful fucking wine.
You skim back over the interaction so far, attempting to consolidate your position. You suddenly think - with horror - back to the moment he’d commented good-naturedly on your evident disdain for the entire institution of marriage. You’d blurted out “Marriage? I’d be grateful just to get laid, honestly. Let’s start there.”
You recall how his gaze had become positively pornographic - his smirk devilish - when he’d responded to your assertion. “Okay. I can definitely work with that.”
He brushes your forearm with his fingers, and his touch crackles along your skin like a lit fuse. It snaps you back to the present moment, your desire urgent and running out of line.
“Well,” he purrs next, continuing his advances. Leaning closer toward you and sending a pleasant shiver shimmying down your spine as his warm breath contacts the shell of your ear. As his fingers skim sensually down your bare arm. “Since the drink’s not working out? I bet I could hit the spot for you.” Pope draws back ever so slightly, allowing you to see the flash of wanton desire sparking in his lust-blown umber eyes.
Christ. He smells good. Smells an awful lot like cologne you’ll be reluctant to shower from your skin later tonight. Smells like someone you’re very much about to fuck in some cramped wedding venue bathroom.
You blink at him wordlessly for a moment as his hand slides on to your thigh, a swallow sinking down your neck. The warmth of him bleeds through your thin, silky dress, his palm easily slipping further up and up without resistance - from you or the fabric. Your mouth drops open with a breathy, eager sigh, and you hate your friend juuuust a little more for getting you into this terrible mess.
“What do you think?” he intones, his voice thick and packed like crushed velvet. “Wanna find some place a little more quiet?”
“You’re s-serious.” Your voice is full of telltale tremors already, and he’s barely even touched you.
“Oh yeah.” He looks so very pleased with himself already. Doesn’t he? “You’re the most miserable bridesmaid I’ve ever met. Wanna see if I can turn things around for you.” He plays it straight, but you can’t help but note the more gentle, more sincere dose of mirth dancing in his molten eyes - and so, you finally crack your first smile of the entire dinner service. Entirely at his expense.
After all. He might be trouble, but why on earth has he got it in his head that you’re a good idea? “I take it you like a challenge then?” You’re hardly known for your sunny disposition. You’re notoriously hard to please.
Unphased, however, Pope takes your hand in his and, in a gentlemanly fashion, politely raises you to standing. He leans close once again, winding his arm around your middle. “Hermosa.” The sound is abrasive and delicious, almost like rough fingers grazing your skin. It makes you tingle everywhere. “Maybe I just know what’s good for you.”
Well that’s an assertion you’d like to see him back up, and so, you hook your arm in his and pace out - to find somewhere a little more… quiet.
Your friend -traitor- sees you leave arm in arm with him, causing her face to shine with an absurd level of directional glee, her eyebrows reaching towards her hairline first in shock, then pumping suggestively.
Oh, she knew exactly what she was doing alright.
She clearly knows your every weakness, as well as the fact this man is the embodiment of every single one of them. A silver-haired, brown-eyed fox, packaged in a sexy, tailored suit? You were done for the moment you sat down, weren’t you?
Even so, despite your friend’s evident glee at your imminent hook-up, you scowl, shooting her the middle finger as you pass the top table. “Don’t even.”
Hey. You can thank her later; if - and only if- this guy lives up to his own hype.
That’s how it happened.
That’s how you had found yourself here like this, pushed up against the tight restroom wall, your right leg hitched up and hooked over Pope’s hip. His corresponding forearm slid along the length of your thigh and his palm curling underneath your ass cheek to support your position.
It’s his other hand though, which has you in all sorts of trouble. It’s his other hand which is sunk knuckle-deep inside you, curling into every sweet spot and dragging delicious, deep, electrifying friction over your walls.
Your arms brace over his shoulders to keep you upright, the leg supporting your weight growing increasingly shaky. Your fingers skim over the soft but crisp cotton of Pope’s shirt, his suit jacket now hung neatly on the peg of the bolted rest room door, and his right-arm shirt sleeve rolled up to his elbow, the veins and muscles in his tan forearm popping as he works himself into you - first with one thick finger, then two.
“Pope,” you protest weakly as he ravages you beyond expectation or comprehension. “There are gonna be after dinner photos. I’m gonna look… fucked.”
“Mmm. Better make it worth it then, huh?” He kisses along your jaw where your head is tipped back against the wall in ecstasy, his stubble leaving a pleasant burning scrape in its wake. His rich, layered scent rubbing off onto your skin.
His mouth latches eagerly over yours and he tongues you with relish, a gruff moan blooming from his throat into the cave of you. He seems to be enjoying you. Enjoying the way his fingers are making you wet enough that he can hear that obscene squelch sound with every pump of his hand. You drink his sounds down, moaning right back into him, your palms slipping down his shirted, shapely chest in almost complete surrender. His impossible jaw working his lips against yours with vigour.
“You gonna get there?” he enquires gently. “Feel good?”
You have no doubt that you’re going to gush all over his practised hand within moments, but you don’t want to give it up quite so easy - if you can help it. “You expect me to be able to cum in this horrible, pokey bathroom?”
“Look at me,” he grits, his deep, dark, brown eyes latched on to yours. He practically growls. Nips your bottom lip in between his teeth until you lightly yowl in protest. “That’s exactly what I expect.” He looks you directly in the eye as his fingers stretch you open, his thumb meticulously nudging and massaging your clit in time with his languid, rhythmic strokes.
It’s good.
God, it’s good.
But now you’re getting too in your head.
What if someone knocks? Hears? What if Auntie Edna need the restroom and- “I can’t!” you protest breathily - in frustration- even as you writhe yourself on his hand, bucking into every long, thick, curling stoke he delivers you, his fingers precise and consistent.
“Fuck. Princesa. Do you ever stop complaining?”
And with that, he thrusts a third finger into you, adding a far more insistent pressure against your giving, welcoming walls.
“Mmmmpppphhh,” you muffle then into the junction of his neck, your head falling forward as you give in and succumb to all the sensations he’s bestowing upon you. You bask solely in the steadily building and electric pleasure sparking out from your core. Reaching out to cling to every extremity.
You moan into his neck, huffing hot, grateful breaths against his skin. Licking over each crevice and contour of his throat with the flat of your tongue and press of your lips. Tasting the buzz of his cologne on your tongue.
“Pope,” you plead, though you know not yet quite what you are begging for. You are confident enough now that he will know just what to give you.
Luckily, indeed, Pope truly does seem to know what’s good for you, what you need, and the precise pads of his fingers and the drag of his clumsy knuckles hit a spot inside you which sends white hot sensations blooming out from your middle. The sudden, warm expansion of this pleasure compresses everything else in you, punching an abrupt, abortive moan from your lungs, which dies on your opened lips.
“There you go,” Pope purrs, even more pleased with himself now, his voice all smug honey flecked with grit. Reading you keenly, his fingers repeat their motion, moulding to you just how you need. “Right there, huh? That’s the spot.”
Your eyes roll back in your head as he hits exactly where you want him, rubbing over your swollen arousal; but still, for some reason, you refuse to give him the satisfaction - even if your breathy, undone voice gives it away for free. “Sure. If you say so.”
He grins, still cock-sure of himself, and he bucks the sizeable, straining mass beneath his suit pants zipper up against your thigh for good measure too. You almost clench around his hand from the thought of that -what else he has to offer- alone. Could almost get off just from his big dick energy, which alone feels like it could penetrate you deep enough to count. “Don’t know why you’re fighting it, hermosa. Told you I know what’s good for you.”
He kisses you then; your mouth, your jaw, your neck, your shoulder. The sound is percussive and sweet and slick and in time with the wet, messy noises between your legs, your arousal now dripping down his fingers and pooling in his broad palm, inching down and over his hand.
He groans in disbelief at the feel of you -perhaps at the thought of burying himself in you for some relief of his own- and he hitches your leg a little higher on his hip, hooking your knee over the meat of his pert, ample ass. He braces his sturdy legs slightly, and it marginally adjusts the angle at which he can fuck his fingers up into you.
The slight adjustment is pure bliss, and God. You don’t want him to ever stop touching you like this.
“If you don’t want it, Princesa…” he slowly drags his fingers from your heat, withdrawing this heaven from you only to tease, and in desperation you clamp your hand down on to his veined, sturdy forearm, keeping him in place.
“No! No,” you protest, voice barely above a whisper but no less robust with conviction as you writhe your core on him. “Don’t stop. Right there. Please.”
With a smug, lopsided smirk Pope redoubles his efforts, surging back into your heat, scissoring his fingers slightly to increase the swell and pressure of him inside you. A moan unspools itself from deep within your chest and you bite down on your lip to quell it, your breathing ragged. Mingling with Pope’s own panting - his torn, shredded breaths. Satisfied now, however, that he’s very much about to prove his point, Pope continues where he left off, his fingers delving into you and squeezing your sweet nectar out from around them, filling you up with his girth.
“Uh huh,” you whine and he must feel you tighten around him. Must know how close you are.
“Show me,” he encourages, his voice the stiff rod to your molten core, the only thing keeping you upright; and barely. “Show me how good it feels.”Indeed, you slide all silken - down the wall, down his hand, and it pushes him even deeper.
“Yes.” Your eyes flutter closed. Screw shut. Your moans become unfettered. You let yourself go. “Like that. God. Pope.”
He maintains his pace and his pressure; thank goodness. He does not race you towards an end, but he does guides you there with a gentle, supple hand. And, when his voice comes next, it is to deliver a delicate red ribbon of a phrase, the words unravelling into the shell of your ear and snaking straight down into the depths of you. “Gonna look so good when you cum for me, aren’t you, Princesa? Gonna cum so hard on my fingers?”
You do.
You do.
You implode with pleasure, clamping down around his hand in slow, deep waves, undulating on him until you drag every last vestige of pleasure that you can from out of his touch. You cling on to him for dear life, and he practically has to keep you pinned to the wall with his body to keep you from waning. Wilting.
You drink him in as you convulse, his dark eyes locked on yours, lust-hooded and encouraging. Full of safety. You drink in the sound of him. The moans of his satisfaction at seeing you come apart for him. The mingled scents of cologne and sex and laundry powder - the smell of that crisp white fucking shirt adorning his hot body.
He holds you, making you feel safe and sure as you come down in his arms, still throbbing pleasantly between your legs. Your mouth stays slack with disbelief as he slips his fingers out of your heat, bringing his fingers up to his lips and tasting you with relish as he shoves his own fingers over his supple pink tongue.
“Well done, cariño,” he praises gently before kissing you, slipping the taste of your own juices into your mouth as he tongues you, and the unexpected tenderness of it causes your eyes to brim with emotion. Emotion which you are quick to blink away - hastily, before it can be detected.
You’re sated. Plenty sated. But you already feel to the depths of you that you are not done with this man. You want to taste him too. Satisfy him. Have him take you. Learn him. Hold him.
“D-do you want…?”
You angle your hips towards the substantial bulge at his crotch, and yet his gaze is sincere and gentle all over again. Hosting something deeper than an urgent, consuming hunger.
Gingerly, he hooks your chin with his (oh so talented) forefinger. Flashes you a lopsided smile. “Hermosa. You can thank me later.” He nods over and down - out of the small, square window which peeks out on to the lawn one level below. “I think you’re already late enough for the after dinner photos.”
“Oh shit!”
Pope’s mouth bends with amusement as you scramble to fix yourself up. He unspools some toilet roll and hands it to you so you can clean yourself up, swiping your juices away from between your thighs. He moves ever so seamlessly and calmly around you as you smooth your rumpled dress and hurriedly unsmudge your make-up. And, for his part, he washes up his hands and calmly slips his pristine suit jacket back onto his pleasing form, instantly looking as though nothing at all went down.
You meanwhile, are a dead giveaway. “Uggghhhhhh. Who the fuck has photos after dinner, anyway?” you gripe, and a laugh bobs in Pope’s throat.
“There you go again. Always complaining.”
“Oh shut up,” you snip, already far too fondly. Then, you grab him by the lapels, dragging this delicious man on to your lips. “All that matters, is that I’m going to be very grateful later.”
Your hungry kiss, as well as the clear suggestion in your eyes, leaves Pope stupefied for just a moment. Long enough for you to dash out towards the lawn, at least. Scrambling to take your place.
You are the last out of the wedding party to arrive at the designated spot, but you manage to slot in next to the bride just in time for the photographer to capture you in all your post-orgasm glory.
Of course, as you sidle up to her, though, your friend raises an all too knowing eyebrow. “What took you so long?”
You’d be mad with her blatant scheming, but, given the result, you can’t help the broad grin which erupts over your face. You bump her hip with yours. “Bitch,” you chide, and she emits a wicked chuckle.
“Hussy,” she bites around a mirthful smile. “So. Tell me everything. How did you enjoy your seating arrangement?”
You re-pose as the photographer directs the party, subtly shifting position. “Hmm. Yeah,” you respond mysteriously, knowing it will drive her wild not to have the full story. “Almost enough to make up for the shit wine.”
“That good, huh?”
You erupt into giggles again, this time chaotic enough that you are reprimanded by the photographer. “I love you, bitch,” you whisper to the glowing bride.
“Love you too.”
And, meanwhile, entirely unbeknownst to you, Pope looks on, pleased to see you smiling. He’d even like to think he played a small part in turning that around.
You look beautiful, he thinks. And God. He can’t wait for you to repay the favour.
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love-imagineitall · 8 months
Taylor Swift Prompt List
Hello all! I have been severely lacking inspiration, but after listening to Taylor Swift for a while, I wanted to create a prompt list with some Taylor Swift songs.
So please request away! And if there are other taylor swift songs that are not on this list please feel free!
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Tim McGraw: "When you think Tim McGraw I hope you think of me"
Picture To Burn: "As far as I'm concerned, you're just another picture to burn"
Should've Said No: "You should've said no, you should've gone home You should've thought twice 'fore you let it all go You should've known that word 'Bout what you did with her'd get back to me (Get back to me)"
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Fearless: " You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless And I don't know why but with you, I'd dance In a storm in my best dress, fearless"
Love Story: "Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes""
Hey Stephen: "Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you Can't help it if there's no one else Mmm, I can't help myself"
You Belong with Me: "If you could see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me, you belong with me"
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Speak Now
Mine: "You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter You are the best thing that's ever been mine"
Back To December: "So this is me swallowing my pride Standin' in front of you sayin', "I'm sorry for that night""
The Story Of Us: " Now, I'm standin' alone in a crowded room And we're not speakin' And I'm dyin' to know Is it killin' you like it's killin' me?"
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I Knew You Were Trouble: "Cause I knew you werе trouble when you walked in So shamе on me now"
All Too Well: "And you call me up again Just to break me like a promise So casually cruel in the name of being honest"
We Are Never Getting Back Together: "We are never, evеr, ever gettin' back togеther"
I Bet You Think About Me: "I bet you couldn't believe When you realized I'm harder to forget than I was to leave And I bet you think about me"
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Style: "Say you'll remember me Standin' in a nice dress Starin' at the sunset, babe Red lips and rosy cheeks Say you'll see me again Even if it's just in your Wildest dreams"
Now That We Don't Talk: "I call my mom, she said that it was for the best Remind myself, the morе I gave, you'd want me less I cannot bе your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost And what it cost, now that we don't talk"
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End Game: "I wanna be your end game (End game) I wanna be your first string (First string) I wanna be your A-Team (A-Team) I wanna be your end game, end game"
Don't Blame Me: "Don't blame me, love made me crazy If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right"
Delicate: "My reputation's never been worse, so You must like me for me (Yeah, I want you) We can't make Any promises now, can we, babe? But you can make me a drink"
Gorgeous: "You're so gorgeous I can't say anything to your face 'Cause look at your face (Gorgeous) And I'm so furious At you for makin' me feel this way But what can I say? You're gorgeous"
Dress: "Only bought this dress so you could take it off"
New Year's Day: "Don’t read the last page But I stay when it's hard or it's wrong or we're makin’ mistakes I want your midnights But I'll be cleanin' up bottles with you on New Year's Day"
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I Forgot That You Existed: "I forgot that you existed And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn't"
Lover: "I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue All's well that ends well to end up with you Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover"
Paper Rings: "I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings"
Cornelia Street: "And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends I'd never walk Cornelia Street again That's the kinda heartbreak time could never mend I'd never walk Cornelia Street again"
Daylight: "I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you I've been sleepin' so long in a twenty-year dark night And now I see daylight, I only see daylight"
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The 1: "But it would've been fun If you would've been the one"
Peace: "All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?"
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Tolerate It: "If it's all in my head, tell me now Tell me I've got it wrong somehow I know my love should be celebrated But you tolerate it"
Happiness: "There'll be happiness after you But there was happiness because of you Both of these things can be true There is happiness"
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Midnight Rain: "He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain He wanted a bride, I was making my own name Chasing that fame, he stayed the same All of me changed like midnight"
Bejeweled: "Best believe I'm still bejeweled When I walk in the room I can still make the whole place shimmer"
Mastermind: "What if I told you none of it was accidental? And the first night that you saw me Nothing was gonna stop me"
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not-krys · 1 year
Fictober 2023: The Traveling Adventures of Mr. Fox and Miss Mouse Part 2
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Prompt #4: Do You Even Know What This Means?
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Rating: Teen
Characters: Mitsuhide Akechi, 'Miss Mouse' (Fem!Reader Insert using a moniker)
Summary: Detective Mitsuhide is given the task of returning a runaway bride to her husband back East. Miss Mouse, as she's calling herself, refuses to return.
Notes: 1880s America / Historical Travel AU, Fem Reader Insert, so feminine terms will be used to refer to the reader (lady, miss, missy, girl, wife, etc), Mitsuhide also being a manipulative lil shit but what else is new?
Had brainworms for this AU back in February of this year and have now decided to expand upon it for this year's Fictober entry. For the first part of the story, check this link!
Also up on ao3!
And thanks to @bluetri4ngles and @drachonia for beta reading this for me! And I know @lorei-writes was excited about the first part, so here's a part 2, love!
WC: 2487
He had only closed his eyes for a minute. Mitsuhide had sworn it had only been a minute, but it seemed a minute too long for his liking. Maybe it was the swaying of the train, maybe it was his own fatigue catching up to him–he didn't know what would have caused him to be so unaware–but in the next moment, the sun had dipped behind the flying tree line, the lands out the window seemingly flatter and grassier than when he had departed. He was still sitting in the booth he had sat at with the lady in the purple dress, the girl he was supposed to be bringing back home, but there was no sign of his companion, not even a lingering scent of the lavender she had in her hat.
Well, this wasn't good.
She did have the good grace to cover his food with a napkin (untouched), and a little note thanking him again for the help earlier and letting him know that she was retiring to her cabin for the evening. Even had the audacity to sign it as Miss Mouse with a cute doodle of a mouse in a bustle dress next to her signature. Mitsuhide sighed.
He thought of returning to his own car for the evening, following suit of the lady, but he was stopped by a passing steward who handed him a note. A telegram, rather, with a hushed message.
"201." he said simply, his face strangely stiff, even for a railroad steward.
Mitsuhide raised an eyebrow as the man walked away, pushing up his glasses, seemingly. With a defeated shrug, Mitsuhide looked over the telegram, his white brow now furrowing.
"Husband growing impatient. Bring girl home. Threats of bankruptcy and setting building on fire. Doing best to stall. Please hurry. KB."
"Kyubei," Mitsuhide crumpled the paper in his hand, looking back out at the orange and purple tinged scenery.
"Doing things thousands of miles away is easier said than done, my friend." Mitsuhide closed his eyes and stood up, going back to his cabin to think. He was in for a long ride and Miss Mouse would surely hate him when she learned of his true intentions. A sad thought, to be sure, but there was a reason mice and foxes weren't the best of friends, after all.
Miss Mouse, rather you, had retired for the evening after leaving your savior, Mr. Fox, behind in the dining car. As much as you had enjoyed his company and that he had saved you from some rough gentlemen that seemed hell-bent on harassing you, you couldn't stay with the dashing Mr. Fox.
Or rather, Mr. Akechi, you thought with a sigh, remembering the sight of his bellflower-stitched holster.
Yes, even word of the white-haired detective had reached your noble circles. A tall man with a deep voice and a grin that was just asking for trouble. You almost couldn't believe that Mr. Akechi, the famous detective, had boarded on a train, the very same train that you were on.
Being rescued by him certainly did a number on your heart, but the reality of the situation soon sank in after you'd had a minute to think.
Mr. Akechi likely wasn't here for a leisurely train ride through the countryside. In all likelihood, he was probably paid to bring you back home, back to that disgusting pig of a man that had swindled you out of your family and their money. You felt your blood boiling at the thought of that man's hands touching yours, and your stomach churning as he smiled a lecherous grin at you.
No, it wouldn't do you any good to waste another thought on the man. You needed to think of a plan, to find some way to escape a detective like Mr. Akechi. It was your only hope if you wanted to keep your freedom.
You sat in the comfy chair in your room, contemplating what to do next. A planned stop was coming within a day or so, you thought. You could slip into the crowd and sneak aboard another train. Although the possibility of getting caught made your heart stutter and cower out in the end.
You could also sneak into the crowd and wait for the train to leave, then just explain to the staff that you had simply missed your train and would wait for the next one. A simple enough excuse and a believable one. You could get lost in the town nearby, say you lost track of the time, and just wait in town for the next available train to take you to California. Mr. Oda would understand, wouldn't he? People get lost traveling by trains all the time, surely?
Although, it would look suspicious if you took your trunk with you into the rail station as if you meant to stay longer and not get back on the train. Would you be willing to risk leaving your belongings to elude the detective? You had heard stories of people losing their way with no belongings and dying out in the great unknown.
Maybe, you thought, perhaps you could buy more supplies in the rail town without it looking suspicious and just leave your original belongings on purpose? People lost luggage all the time anyways, right?
You sighed. Who knew starting your new life in the West was going to require this much of a daring escapade to elude both your suitor and a suave detective?
No, he wasn't that suave. He was here (possibly) to whisk you back home! That took down his handsomeness some. No amount of charm he could exude would persuade you into going back. Not ever.
You looked over at your hat, little lavender springs already starting to wilt. You frowned and stood up, taking the hat into your hands and pulled the sprigs out, setting them aside to press later.
You sat the hat back onto the table and prepared for bed, stripping the purple overdress and petticoats from your body, breathing in deeply.
Rocked by the swaying of the train, you laid in the provided bed, pulling the feathered blanket over your head, hoping to come up with a more solid plan in the morning, and a stronger hope of not seeing a certain white-haired Mr. Fox in the dining car again. Your rescuer could easily transform into your kidnapper and you sincerely hoped that wouldn't be the case. His kindness and wit had warmed you, but warmth had a habit of dissipating if there was a stiff breeze present.
You closed your eyes, hoping against hope that Mr. Fox was just here for a leisurely train ride and nothing more.
The early morning sun and rumbling stomachs roused the passengers of the westward bound train. Mitsuhide brushed his hair back as he replaced his hat, noting the lessened dark circles around his eyes. Who knew that following a girl across the country would do wonders for his sleep habits?
With a yawn while buttoning up his waistcoat, he headed back to the dining car with a flourish of his jacket, finding you once again, enjoying a light breakfast and, thankfully, no unscrupulous gentlemen around to ruin your meal time.
Well, save for one unscrupulous gentleman, he thought sadly.
You jumped a little as your sudden guest seated himself, golden eyes training on you like a fox that had trapped a little mouse under his paw.
"Good morning, Miss Mouse." Mitsuhide said as he sat across from you, his dangerous grin lighting his face.
"G-good morning, Mr. Fox." you returned, cutting up your eggs with a frown, "I see you are in better spirits than yesterday. Did you have a good sleep?"
"I did, thank you for asking." he said a touch thinly, remembering the state she had left him in yesterday. "I'm heartbroken, however."
"You left your dear husband to fend for himself in the cold dining car all night. And after such a gallant rescue yesterday, too."
You froze.
"I never said you were my husband. That was you fibbing to make those other gentlem-"
"Yet rumors are already spreading that we are arguing and you sent me here in your anger."
"…Beg your pardon?"
"You left me in the dining car when you were angry with me. The staff and a few married couples looked on in pity. It was quite embarrassing."
"Wait, you really did sleep here all night?" You asked, worriedly.
"Feel my hands, dear, and see how cold they are."
You stared at him, trying to decide if he was telling the truth. You then looked down at his hands, frowning.
"You're wearing gloves."
"Yes, I am. So are you. Quite a mind for detail, Miss."
"Your hands wouldn't be cold if you were wearing gloves." You said, "plus, the passenger cars are all heated through steam. You wouldn't be cold at all."
Mitsuhide smirked.
"Then, perhaps, you could rub my back? The chairs here are quite comfortable for sitting in, but sleeping in them certainly isn't the best idea."
You frowned deeper.
"Teasing, Mouse." he said, "I was only teasing you. I went back to my cabin and slept quite deeply."
You returned to your eggs with a pout.
"Well, Mr. Fox, some of us don't need or appreciate being riled up like that first thing in the morning."
"I was being serious about the rumors, however."
"You and I are not married."
"No, but I did put on such a spectacular show yesterday, so much so that seeing us apart has made others curious."
"Then quell those rumors." You said firmly.
His sly smile made you pause.
"I'm afraid It would be in your best interest if I didn't."
"And why, pray tell, is that?"
"A young, unmarried woman traveling alone is just asking for trouble," Mitsuhide explained. "A married woman traveling with her husband at least has him around to protect her."
"And you're offering to be my husband for my protection?" 
"Why? Why do you want to protect me so badly?"
Mitsuhide paused, seeming caught for a brief moment. His placid look soon returned, however.
"It's in my nature to protect young ladies in distress such as yourself."
You huffed. So, this was how it was going to be?
"I was doing fine."
"Yesterday proved otherwise."
"I was going to ask for help from the steward and have them confined until we get to the next stop. That is, until you intervened."
"And if they escape their confinement after the train reaches the next stop, what then? They could kidnap and have their way with you, whatever their perverted minds were thinking of doing to you once you were alone."
You paused, now the one trapped in the logic trap. You had only wanted to escape that horrible match and now… You were alone against a fox dead set on trapping you, the fox not even being the worst of the dangers in front of you, you were beginning to realize.
"Though your bravery in striking out on your own was admirable, you must also understand the world we're in, Miss Mouse." Mitsuhide said. "A woman without a man to support her won't last very long, especially out here in the unknown."
He rested his chin in his palm.
"What I'm offering is protection, so that what happened yesterday won't happen again. Better yet, a worse outcome won't come to pass so long as I'm here."
You looked at him, studying him.
"And if I refuse your protection? If I escape at the next station and flee without you by carriage? By stagecoach? Even by a horse?"
"Trouble much worse than yesterday will find you." Mitsuhide frowned, not the least bit thrilled at the idea of physically chasing you across the vast countryside aside from the comfort of the train. "Even fleeing by your own two legs would leave you at the mercy of the elements along with the evil men trying to catch your tail."
You looked away, not hungry anymore.
"Do you know what all this means, Mouse?"
"I know what it means." You bit back. "And I hate that you're right."
"Hate it and me as much as you want, Miss Mouse. So long as you agree to lie about us being married. It's for your protection, after all."
You sighed in defeat.
"I have half a mind to make you sleep in the dining car again, Mr. Fox."
Mitsuhide chuckled, pushing your plate back towards you.
"So long as you keep being my wife, Miss Mouse. I'll even sleep on the roof if you tell me to."
Much as you didn’t like him in this moment, you still had your standards.
"No, don't sleep on the roof, please. However, as your wife," you shoved the plate towards him this time, "I want you to eat."
Mitsuhide blinked in surprise.
"You didn't finish your dinner yesterday because you were helping me. The steward told me when I arrived here this morning."
"And I remember telling you I lost my sense of taste ages ago."
"Your belly doesn't care about your lack of taste." You pointed your fork at him. "Besides, I can't have my ‘husband’ collapsing from hunger if he's supposed to be protecting me from all the nasty villains that are coming after me. It's the least I can do as your ‘wife’. That’s what you wanted, correct?"
Mitsuhide chuckled after a moment.
"You're kinder than I deserve, little wife."
"I'm not your wife.” you repeated. “I pity the poor waif that takes your hand someday."
"You and me both." He never pictured himself getting married, however nice a thought it was. He couldn't put someone through his life guilt-free, wouldn’t dream of putting someone through his life, not even his worst of enemies.
Instead, he took his pleasure in eating off your plate, ignoring your pointed scowl as he snatched your fork when your back was turned to order more food. The small domestic atmosphere, though with many more strings running underneath it like the tracks beneath them, it made him smile genuinely inwardly, having the taste of a humble life he would never know otherwise, he felt. 
He had been surprised that you remembered him not eating the previous evening and had thought to remedy that, despite knowing who he was, evidently, based on the change in demeanor this morning. You truly were too kind to him, at least suspecting his true intentions and yet still thinking after him enough to remind him to eat.
His true heartbreak would come when he had to take her back home, he thought with a sigh, forced to feed this kind little mouse to a much more despicable creature than him, the thought causing more displeasure and annoyance than it should have. 
What was this little mouse doing to him, causing such troublesome thoughts in him?
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cerine0357 · 11 months
hi hi aurelia!! literally first time requesting this, but can i have a drabble with reo, rikurou, yuxing, xinyue, osamu, rosealine, solielin, emilianna and izana (separated) where their s/o’s love language is physical touch and they’re always touchy or clingy with them. like, they’d always touch hands or hugs or kiss, those kinds of things!! but yeah, that’s it, so if you do my request, then thank you <3
oc: Elentia Acurion, Shimizu family, MorningStar Court:-
. Reo, Rikurou, Yuxing, Xinyue, Osamu, Rosealine, Solielin, Emilianna, Izana X Reader
┚Summary: They say physical touch is one of the sweetest ways people initiate their love, and it's definitely true for you...Isn't it?
┚Fluff|| Established relationship|| warnings: || Headcanons, drabble?|| The MorningStars are only best friends with their usual S/O in this world|| Normal versions of OCs
┚Author's note: This is my love and I love doing my characters and thank you for choosing such a diversity of my OCs, I'm so happy to write this, love you Ely!!! Oh people of MorningStar court aren't married, you know the drill....Also you were in a long distance relationship with Xinyue..Scenarios may not be similar to the prompt or request, but I'm using this post as a way to practice my scenario writing! Could not write for Izana...sorry!
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Pearl of love~
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Reo Takahashi
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┠ Reo is not one to kiss or hug in public, but he's quite affectionate in private..Though his main love languages are gift giving and acts of services...He is always willing to give and receive affection!!
┠ Reo did grew up deprived of love, affection and everything else...but after taking over the family business, having being reunited with his father, brother and sister, Reo started receiving affection by them on a more regular basis, though he still isn't VERY used to it!!
┠ Having a affectionate S/O was very much welcomed by him, he loves to have hugs, kisses, or simply hold hands!! He doesn't mind even in public, though kisses are a bit avoided in public due to well unspoken rules of LingDesu...He will definitely hug and hold your hand in public, so don't worry!!
┠ He's sometimes gets very flustered at affection and he'll be all giddy, which is quite funny seeing a 6'2 mafia boss shaking his legs like a little girl while squealing because you kissed his cheek or hugged him tightly...It's also very cute to say the least!!
┠ Reo has a routine when he is sure he will receive all your affection, whether it be during meetings, during nighttime, during early morning, during naps, during eating, during whatever you do! He will make sure he receives your love and he gives it all back twice the amount!!!
┠ He loves kisses, whether it be on his hand, his neck, his chest, his arms, his thighs, his bobas, his cheeks, his lips...he loves them, because he loves your lips and your kisses, he just always desperate to have them and wants to keep them all for himself!!
┠ Oh my god!! Is he a sucker for sleepy affection; in his opinion, it's the best when you're both tired, trying not to fall asleep as you kissed his lips and cheek and neck with desperation to stay awake to listen to him talk about his day, you didn't want him to feel ignore...IT's fine, go to sleep dear...Reo promises he's not sad you're not listening to him, quite the opposite actually,
┠ Reo just doesn't want to share his affection of yours with the world; he knows he's selfish but please, how can you deny your darling boyfriend? He's hurt and you won't even keep some affection locked up for him?....Please, just once again let him be selfish?
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┠ Reo sighing as he looked through the meeting hoping to just zone out and wishing his brother or sister or father will take the responsibility...and if it wasn't for the ball of warmth on his lap, he would have surely just pushed his chair away and left the room, an hour ago, when the meeting had just started...
Sitting on his lap and scrolling through your phone while wearing headphones, so you don't trouble them..You kept your hand on his cheek as you kissed his lips on occasion when you felt like it... You were sometimes very quietly humming to a song, while Reo boredly bounced the leg you were setting your thighs on kind of to annoy you and because he likes the way you huff in annoyance at times, and then he would gently kiss you and ask you to handle it for a while because it's so horrible being in the meeting and you'd blush form his deep voice and go back to your phone...
Reo only set his face in your nape, kissing it as he listened and nod to whatever the other people were saying and even adding input wherever it was necessary as he hummed and kissed you after every time he was asked to put in input or asked for suggestion and after he was done speaking a little kiss was placed on your nape...
Soon the meeting was finally coming to an end, as everyone bowed and left, you and Reo also stood up and bowed before Reo flopped down on the seat again... Finally alone, you pulled one of the seats someone was previously sitting in and just as you were about to sit, you felt a hand pulling you into them as you again fell on Reo's lap and Reo only whined and shook his head whining like a child...
You sighed with a smile as you rubbed his head and kissed his cheek as he began ranting on how everything was stupid and how everyone is stupid except you and how everyone should die...all while you were kissing him in the middle and yet that didn't stop him from talking with you in the tiny kisses...
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Rikurou Takahashi
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☢ Rikurou is also a affectionate person, more passionate and more provocative one as compared to Reo that is...He will kiss you and even leave hickeys in public if he can get away with it...don't worry, I'm sure you won't even feel him, thinking he's only kissing..
☢ Rikurou's main love languge is also physical touch, but it's also giving hickeys in various forms...he once left hickeys on your stomach in the shape of 'R.T'....you had to hide at the training session and had to change at the last...it was quite embarrassing and you knew Rikurou was very much proud of it....
☢ Rikurou the moment enters the home expects you to be in his grip in a koala-type of hug, with your leg around his waist and you and him kissing...of-course he gets a bit cranky when it doesn't happen...but kiss him and he'll stop being his pissy self!!
☢ Rikurou finds physical affection by a trusted one to be the purest thing ever, he loves to kiss you and hug, find time to hold his sister's hand as she shops, pat his brother's head while his brother plays games or sleeps and cuddle with his father as they both sleep in the afternoons with everyone!
☢ Rikurou really likes to hold your hand and makes sure he's holding your hand literally all the time he can...during meetings he has you on his lap and no one can really say anything because despite not being the boss he's elder than Reo and Reo doesn't really care and Rikurou is known for being very cruel around!!
☢ Rikurou might also like to do self-care with you, and kiss you gently after each step was done, having a small make-out session...and at the end, you were definitely pulled into a steamy make-out, leaving you red, lips red and swollen and neck covered in hickeys...
☢ Rikurou always gets shy for some reason after a kiss, hug or any type of slight affection, only with you though!...You and he have no idea why, but he still do and you find it endearing..the way his ears gets red, he can't help it and his face warms up yet the tip of his nose gets cold...you find it so cute!!
☢ Rikurou gets so shy and he feels shy at it as I stated, but when he's in public, all that shyness seems to disappear, he has no idea why if he's shy with you uin private with affection, he should be even more shy in public, right? No...He gets more confident with your affection in public
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☢ Rikurou continued to pop some popcorn in his mouth as he watched something on his laptop in the slight darkness with slightly glowing green light, you on the other hand were on the bed-side vanity doing your skin-care routine as you looked at Rikurou smiling and eating popcorns...
Finally putting a sheet-mask, you got up and crawled over to Rikurou with a sage, mint, lavender and tulsi (holy basil) one, you looked over to see him watching a k-drama...you ripped open the packet, and pulled out the sheet-mask which was slightly green, and tapped Rikurou's shoulder and asked him to face you...
"Baby, you look here..." Rikurou only hummed and didn't move his face, "Later darling..I'll do whatever you want later.." Rikurou hummed and you asked three or four times and Rikurou seemed too fixated on the screen and didn't even answer.. Annoyed, you put the sheet back in the open packet and put it aside for a while and decided to so something...so you did what you do best, be affectionate and trouble Rikurou... :>
You slammed shut the laptop and crawled on his lap, pushing him back on the bed as you now straddled his hips, Rikurou angrily looking up at you started to say something but was cut off, "HEY! I was watc-!" you slammed your lips on his, pulling slightly on the band in his long black hair and pulled out the ponytail, making his relatively long hair mess up and you lifted his face in your hands kissing him and rubbed your hands through his hair...
Rikurou was though rough in the start, started to calm down a bit, though he pinched you gently on your thigh before kissing you softly, occasionally pulling away for milliseconds and going back to kiss your lips as his tongue traced your lip before you gently let your tongue enter his...feeling a bit annoyed he wasn't giving you attention, yes you deserved attention, you were his darling, no? Why wasn't he giving you attention...Of-course you forgive him, cause he was kissing you, BUT STILL!
Finally pulling away as you got up, pulling him with you to make him si up... "Ready to pay attention to me?" You asked sweetly cupping his cheeks, as Rikurou only shyly nodded, his cheeks slightly flushed, his ears very red...You picked up the sheet-mask and pulled it out and put it on Rikurou's face, Rikurou finally sighing as the cold sheet touched his warm face and cooled it down a bit, as you apologized for slamming his laptop and opened the laptop back to the K-drama and started watching it with him, the mask on your faces and occasional kisses in between...
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Yuxing Shimizu
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❀ Yuxing is also one with having physical affection as his main love language, does not leave you in anyway possible, his hands always have to be on you in some way or shape, does not matter!! If you don't , it's all hell breaks loose...
❀ Yuxing love kisses and does not care what anyone thinks,he will kiss you public, not like make-out, cause he don't wanna be yelled for traumatizing kids but a little peck on your lips or cheek..
❀ He plays this game, where he can see how any times he can annoy Azuki, every time he wins a point, he gets to make-out with you for a while!! Of-course, you don't mind, it's your fav game too..when Azuki wins a point, he doesn't get anything!!!
❀ Yuxing likes to make sure you get all his attention and that you don't stray away from being so affectionate to him, his parents enjoy seeing him being a bit too whipped for you as you give him love, affection or attention! They would be walking hand in hand through the hallway and see you hugging Yuxing across against the wall, Yuxing hates hugs....They only laugh as Reo gets deja vu about how he was also like this to Kaiyo when he was a mafia and she was a assassin and she would sneak into his office to annoy him or give him attention or get attention or just be affectionate....
❀ Oh and his siblings though get annoyed at him being lovey-dovey in front of them while he insults them in front of you subtly, you can't even do anything cause he does this so often!!
❀ He loves to receive affection from you, he can't get enough of it no matter what he does...he always has a feeling now that he needs to solve by getting some affection, love and attention from you..He feels cold and then he will dramatically be upset until you give him attention..
❀ Yuxing has a habit of kissing his S/O's scars, freckles, moles and everything birth mark or place you're insecure about, he kisses it multiple times while praising you for a few minutes until he's satisfied..making sure you're smiling at the end of it..
❀ Has a habit of running and smooching your cheeks before running away, leaving you clueless! It's kind of funny to the onlookers, but really flusters Yuxing to the point he can't speak properly and you'd think he was having a heart attack from the way his face was red...
❀ Yuxing finds it so cute whenever you come running to him for a hug, a kiss, a peck, a chance to hold his hand or simply because you want his attention, don't worry pretty baby, you're cute, he'll let this cuteness slide...
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❀ "....We were playing in the sand and you found a little band~" the voice of Yuxing was felt as the radio provided tune along with his skilled fingers on the ukulele and the ocean's waves crashing on shore...
"..You told me you fell in love with it, this hadn't gone as I planned..." Yuxing's words picked up by his brothers and fathers sitting beside him in silence as they all did their own thing...
"...When you had to bid adieu~" as Yuxing played the instrument with the cloudly winds, the scratchy old radio and shore's sound when water came into contact with it...
"Said you'd never love anew....I wondered if I could hold it....And fall in love with it too..." As Yuxing sang, his younger brother hummed with him....as the sounds of his elder brothers joined a minute later...
"You told me to buy a pony...But all I wanted was you.." ..You...the words seemed the emphasize Yuxing's feelings he had for you...You stood there, nearby his mother as you showed her some sea-shells you collected with your gorgeous smile...your didn't know it did you?
Yuxing's hums of singing and the music with the radio scratching over the singing and humming with the sound of the ocean...gave Reo a reminder of past..maybe it was fate, maybe something else? But..it was definitely beautiful as Reo's deep voice hummed along Yuxing's and his elder brother's..As Yuxing only dragged his fingers across the strings..making the sound jingle through the atmosphere...
"...Darling!" Your voice called out sweetly..making Yuxing drop his ukulele on Ayano as he hopped off the railing of the tiny shed fence walking over to you...But you ran to him until his arms caught you and hugged you tightly in his arms, closer, as you kissed him... Kaiyo walked over to the shed a she held Reo's hand and looked back at you and Yuxing...She also caught up on it..din't she?...You were..them, just in different forms...And it was his fate..
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Xinyue Shimizu
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◈ Xinyue, despite being quite a confident person is a pretty shy person, but worry not, he will LOVE your affections just as much as a gamer loves their electronic!
◈ He would love to hold hands, kiss you or hug you, but he really can't at times cause he gets a tad bit too shy at times, so it would DEFINITELY be better..cause he would only get twitchy and go red and who knows what else could happen?
◈ Xinyue's main love languages is acts of services and spending time..But having someone like you who comes at random times to give affection, it helps him remind himself to take breaks from his gaming and anime shit...Don't worry, he will get all of you snacks!!
◈He would not mind getting random hugs or kisses at random times, excpet unless he gets it during games, he dens't mind, but when he loses he gets a bit pouty and whiny and you need to kiss all his pouts and whines away!
◈ Xinyue wouldn't mind PDA, honestly he would be proud to do it, but then again, doing it in front of people in their world is quite awkward...but then again he will make sure you're doing well!!
◈When he's exercising, he will do that thing where when he does a push up, he will lean down to kiss you! He HATES push-ups and his elder brothers and father know it, so they asked you to help him by doing this cause they figured it's a cute couple thing and Xinyue would be a fan of it!!
◈ Xinyue has amazing reflexes, I MEAN IT! he can catch a fly out of thin space, so whenever you try to sneak up on him to spook him, he will only reach his arm out at the last moment and hug you tightly before picking you up and if you're lucky by him being confident, he just might kiss your lips~
◈ Xinyue loves to walk around by lacing his hands with yours, it's subtle and most people won't even care or even notice, but it makes him feel very giddy inside and happy and he gets excited like a child receiving a room filled with their favourite candy!! Yes, THAT EXCITED!
◈ His player two gets what they want, if it's his affection, they will give it to him,....even if he might faint through the process....Don't worry, your online boyfriend will try his best to not be awkward, even though he's failing miserably!
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◈ "..Hey Y/N?" Xinyue started as he looked back at Ayano, Luixian, Dejiyo giving him a thumbs up and Dejino giving him a middle finger
"Y/N...ha..Y/N...Haha" Xinyue only chuckled awkwardly when he felt a hit from Dejiyo, "..You said their name already idiot!" Dejiyo whispered to him as Ayano sighed holding the flower and spreading it's petals gently
"Sorry about him Y/N, he's a lost cause.." Ayano whispered
"I can hear your, you know?" Xinyue looked back angrily as Dejiyo sighed and muttered, "Are you talking to us? Or Y/N?"
"..RIGHT!...so uh..Y/N.." Xinyue
"....Uhm, you're...looking good..and..."
"So I look ugly every other day?", "...NO! I mean ...Uhm..Not like you look ugly everyday...but it's just that you.." Xinyue tried speaking as his face, neck and ears flushed red, as Xinyue only sighed and continued,
"..I'm pretty sure you called me saying you've come to visit, cause you...well have a mouth, and I HAVE A MOUTH AS WELL!! Hahahah..."
"...Seriously...god, that's embarrassing..." Ayano whispered as he cut off the branch to his flowers in a way to make sure his bouquet was perfect for Xinyue's first meeting with you...
He was in a long distance relationship with you for a long time, tonight was your first meeting with him as you met him again!
"..Of-course they has a mouth dumbass...and of-course they SAID IT..", Dejino yelled as Liuxian patted his head while Dejiyo tried to answer, "..Just try to charm them... will you?"
Ayano only shook his head in amusement seeing his elder brother be a dumbass while try to greet his lover..Actually he always acted like a fool except most of the time he didn't make it this obvious.
"right- right my bad my bad" Xinyue shook his head, "...Okay...Y/N!"
"..Yes Xinyue..?~ What's the matter?~"
"...I missed you, my love...You're looking great today and...I planned a date for us~" Xinyue said smiling smugly trying to be charming like Dejiyo said
"I mean cause like I could go with anyone but I thought that I'd give you the first chance of going with me!" Xinyue quickly rambled and then flicked his hair "so what do you say?"
Liuxian, Ayano only snickered trying to hide their laughs while Dejiyo groaned and Dejino only rubbed his nose bridged and mumbled out curses under his breathe..
"....I've been trying to be your S/O for a while now, and it's only getting embarrassing..." Il-seong said as he took of the wig, this only made Xinyue sigh and bang his head repeatedly against the table as Il-seong turned to Dejiyo "...Jiyo...he's a lost cause!"
"..It wasn't as bad....was it?" Xinyue asked cringing at himself
"IT WAS HORRIBLE!" his siblings yelled at him in unison especially Il-seong who was honestly tried of wearing the wig and being you for the 17th time before Liuxian sighed and smiled apologetically..
"..Just try to be NORMAL AND ASK HER NORMALLY...she's already your lover!" Dejino asked angrily, as Ayano only patted him, "..Dejino is right..you better do this...before she gets unimpressed and regrets coming here..."
"....You mean...she won't like being with me..?" Xinyue asked suddenly feeling scared, "..I mean if you haven't noticed, she only had a internet connection with you, if you want her to have a real life connection, you need to be normal..." Il-seong pointed out as he took the wig off and placed it on the table beside them
"...Hey now! Let's try again!!" Luixian said as he forced the wig back on Il-seong's hair, Il-seong's blonde-white hair poking out from under the wig as Il-seong crossed his arms angrily..
"..WHY ME?!" Il-seong asked angrily
"..Dejino, be nice! Anyways, 1, 2, 3!" Dejiyo hollered stopping her twin from attacking someone,
"..Last time!...actually you know what?....Let's just do the real thing.." Dejiyo said changing her mind at the last time as everyone except Xinyue nodded tiredly, "..WHAT, NO!?"
"..Listen..we're getting tired now, we all helped, ALL OF US, Mom, dad, Jingyin, Soweong, and every other siblings we have was here...!....but we started at 10 in the morning, it's 10 in the night now!....let's just take a break.." Ayano said as he reminded Xinyue as they nodded, finally convincing Xinyue to take a break as they all walked towards their bedrooms...
The bustling of people and their shoes clacking on the marble airport floor, as Xinyue tapped his foot on the floor in anxiety, "..Hey, you'll be fine..I believe in you!" Liuxian said smiling gently as he fixed Dejino's blonde hair, "..Well I don't.." Dejino snickers as Xinyue gave him a glare, "..What, I'm being honest..."
"..Hey!...Just say hi, give a few compliments and everything! and then bring her over to us to introduce her to us and we'll take somethings off your back from there!" Ayano says as Dejiyo nodded while fixing Ayano's hair.
"..Oh..What compliments?" Xinyue asked getting more and more stressed by the minute, "..I don't know, just some compliments, like they look pretty even if they have a bed-head, or that you missed them..." Il-seong said as he looked for you in the crowd of the people coming off from the plane, until his eyes fell on you, alerting Xinyue and the others immediately...
Catching Xinyue's eyes, you ran towards him so fast, dropping your bag as soon as you were close enough to the family and tackling him to floor, kissing him everywhere, as Dejiyo giggled happily as Luixian and Ayano smiled at the scene..
Xinyue on the other hand was having a panic attack, he was VERY HAPPY, don't get me wrong, but you kissed him straight up, did you like that much?! Kissing his cheeks, nose, eyes and everywhere else before finally kissing his lips...
Xinyue immediately froze before awkwardly and gently kissing back, but you pulled away standing up and introducing yourself to his parents first, ".I'm so sorry, I got a bit too excited! I'm Y/N, Xinyue's online and now well, offline S/O!" You say extending your hand while you bowed to his parents.
Kaiyo immediately giggled as she shook your hand and pulled you into a hug, "..Hello Y/N! We've heard a lot about you!" she said as Reo nodded smiling gently, you heard Xinyue's father doesn't show a lot of emotion, so you were happy and more comfortable when you saw him smile...as you and the family turned back to look Xinyue, all you saw was Xinyue fainted on the floor, his face red and overheated... of-course you panicked, but everyone else in the family onl either had to hold thir laughs or sighs of disappointments...
Little by little as you got into their limo, you got introduced to everyone in the family; Izumi, Azuki, Ayako, Ayano, Osana, Osamu, Hyuna, Hyunizo, Dejiyo, Dejino, Oshinyu, Oshinuza, Haoyu, Yuxing, Il-seong, Xangmin, Liuxian, Soweong, Jingyin and Xinya and the parents; Kaiyo and Reo!
but your hand held Xinyue's all the way back..luckily you were affectionate enough and even though he was fainted, you were happy this way!
"..Oh dear..what will our son do when he's actually kissing or on a date with with them, hmm?" Kaiyo asked her husband as Reo only shook his head, "..He'll learn.." sadly all that preparation yesterday was gone to waste cause Xinyue didn't even need to say anything!...
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Osamu Shimizu
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⋢ Osamu doesn't really have one, he can settle for all five love languages, he does not care what love language you have, he will lovingly take all with a soft blush on his cheek and a pretty smile on his lips while he looks at you with love-filled eyes~
⋢ Osamu though is a relatively shy person in his family, so he gets shy with affection quite easily, don't mind that, he loves it!! he finds it to be so sweet, even though it feels as though his skin is burning up..
⋢ He often turns red with his affection, so he tries to show affection as much as he can through other ways, mostly designing clothes for you in your favourite colour, styles and everything which will make you feel confident or taking you on a trip to his private beach or buy a tar and name it after you? Or maybe buy you a life-time supply of something you want to buy but you find it too expensive, or take you a dazzling trip with his family...
⋢ If you're wanting his attention late at night, he will carry you from his room to downstairs to the kitchen and make you food late at nights while he's carrying you koala style or he places you on the counter, does not matter the weight, he's strong enough!!
⋢ He will either always have a hand around your waist, around your shoulder, holding your hand on when sitting on you thigh or simply holding your hand...He finds it a subtle way and luckily it stops him from going red...
⋢ When he's feeling especially affectionate and needy, he will come and kiss your lips multiple tips in a ways that's kind of ticklish before moving to your neck
⋢ You know that romantic thing where people zip up their S/O's dress? Boys can wear dress too, don't worry, so when he kind of zips up your dress, he'll kiss your bare back before zipping it up fully and will again kiss your nape...
⋢ He will take you to the beach and will help you put sunscreen on you and whenever you kiss him or demand affection, he will do whatever you want cause during those times when he's at the private beach is only when's actually confident and his touches are more full of desires and lingering touches!
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⋢ The blazing sun mixed with the salty breeze is one thing that calms Osamu down more quickly than anything, not more than you being happy in your new clothes or being confident in your outfit.
You and Osamu sat under the large umbrella covering you both completely as you modeled the swimsuit he designed for you in confidence; in your favourite colour, a pretty netting chain which had real seashells and pearls stitched on it around your waist.
As Osamu smiled up art you, you sat beside him starting to put the sunscreen on your hastily to get into the water quickly to cool off nicely, the ocean was very clear and very clean..but it was the Shimizu family's private beach...As you quickly rubbed the the cream on your arms, but it was done too harshly in Osamu's mind as he gently held your wrist,
"..Hey be gentle..You're gonna make your skin turn rough.." Osamu said smiling as he looked at you rubbing your sunscreen on with a love-filled smile..
He took some in his palms and rubbed some on himself before helping you for fun! Finally done, you sighed out of dramatic tiredness and laid yourself over him from behind, making Osamu giggle as he tried to reach you to grab your hand but stopped as his shoulder ached after a few seconds...
He continued to giggle while you enacted out a weird scene from who-knows-what 1950s show from your brain, Osamu giggled as you did so...Occasionally you'd both stop to give each other a kiss before continuing to be dramatic and laughing at each other, as the sun shone beautifully over the beach and the golden day!
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Rosealine MorningStar
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♢ Rosealine is often too busy on her laptop, but she doesn't mind anyone's affection...even though after a while, if you keep troubling her and doing things to her laptop, she will get mad..
♢ Not to worry, she is also quite a affectionate person. likes holdings people's hands, or running a hand through their hair as they sleep, walk around holding pinkies with someone, patting people or hugging them tightly!
♢ She would love to hold your hands or have you on her lap or you can have her on your lap; she doesn't care while she games or teaches you how to play a certain game! And she will award you kisses after every time you win!
♢ Rosealine would always hold your hands during classes at Xiokor, some people have taken photos and it is very much trending!!! Like even the royals are having a banter on it...don't worry, Lucifer always wins at it and Raemous ended up feeding some of his home-cooked food with Mammon....don't ask..
♢ She would always share some earbuds with you, and hold your hand during breaks and she will give you a kiss every time when a class starts or ends and it doesn't even matter if you're having same classes at Xiokor or not...because she will still kiss you!!
♢ She loves to hold you close to her when she sleeps, it's a habit she will slip her hand up your shirt and will slightly caress your under boob/pecs gently, it's in her way to say she loves you sweetly!
♢ When she's creating her potions she labels everything on how you perceive them...does not matter if you think the toad's eyes looks like edible blinking bish...she will name it that and so when Satan once came, he was confused why the things were labelled in such a way....it's a way to make sure she keeps your thoughts in her minds as well!
♢ She will definitely does not mind any hugs or cuddles, she ADORES THEM! She will always have her arms open for you! She is always welcoming of your affection!
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♢ "OH YOU GOT I!!!" Rosealine nearly screamed in happiness, "Hey, shhh...." You motioned for her to lower her voice as it was in the middle of night, as she nods and Rosealine smiled at you brightly as she kissed your lips, "..See? I knew it, you were good at it!"
"..Rose...I only passed level 1...."
"You're still very good at it!" Rosealine said as you went to level 2 which you again easily beat.. "YES! You're great!" she said as she kissed your lips yet again, as you went to level 3, it was a bit different, "..Use the boost cards and then go to the lobby and hit those freaks!" Rosealine said as you confusedly did what she said, of-course you failed because you didn't understand shit, but Rosealine seemed to think it was the other team's fault as she turned on her mic of her headphones, she had been wearing...
You have never thought to call Lucifer faster than now.....it was scary seeing her curse so much, you were lucky it wasn't directed at you...as you pulle the headphones off her head and turned off the mic before shutting the PC..
"..Oh my god..You didn't need to do that!" You said as you rubbed your nose, while Rosealine only pouted and looked off to the side...You got off the PC, feeling tired now, and pulled Rosealine with you into her large sea-shell shaped bed...You pulled her close to you, the AC in her room making the room nicely cool, but the inside of the blanket felt better...She pulled your head on her chest as she moved her hand under your shirt to caress the bottom of your chest
It was normal for her to do that, and it felt comforting in a way... Rosealine kissed you on your lips which lasted for a few seconds before she laid her head on her large pillow...she was quickly drifting asleep, you smiled and hummed kissing her forehead, "Good night my love..."
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Solielin MorningStar
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♣ Solielin is quite a fun and sunny person, she is also very much giving of affection and loves receiving affection as well! Her main love-language has to be gift giving though, but she is very affectionate!!
♣ Solielin often uses her magic to give you gifts and in return she expects a lot of KISSES AND HUGS!! You're all hers ad she's all yours!!! Mwahahah, okay, it makes Odelia cringe a bit on how stupidly cute and fluffily disgusting you both are!....It's fine...
♣ She holds your hands whenever she's making some type of potion or writing some homework... She will even draw imaginary things on your palm or the back of your hand with her fingers or maybe some pen...it's a good way to make sure she's showing attention to you!
♣ Solielin always shares her jacket with you and kisses you whenever she's bored or has free time or is just randomly feeling the urge to, it's a thing she does!
♣ Solielin surprisingly has more muscle strength then people expect, so she is able to have you sit on her lap! she is also one of the tallest royals! Like she is nearly somewhere around 5'11..yeah....
♣ Solielin always makes sure to kiss you every time she sees you, doesn't matter if it's in the corridors, or in front of friends or in front of royals! Though she would love to kiss you in front of bitchy idiots you try to annoy or put you down, she would rather leave hickeys and then hex them using some type of spell...
♣ She is quite a workaholic and so she needs to be reminded to take breaks, so maybe just scooch in her lap or like lift her up or kiss her randomly will do the trick, since she pops out of the stupid workaholic bubble she creates and you can help her take breaks!!
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♣ "SOLIELIN!!!" you called for god knows what time... you were needing help with making dinner cause a few of the royal...okay not a few..LITERALLY ALL THE ROYALS were coming over...and obviously you won't be able to prepare such a large batch of food without her help...but for some reason she wasn't responding or listening, sighing you turned off the stove and walked up to her room..
As you walked up to her room, you knocked a few times, but in turn no rustling of her feet to her door, so you knocked again and called out "Solielin, babe!!" and of-course...nothing, so you huffed and pushed open the door to find it open..
You entered to find Solielin's back faced towards you, and she WASN'T EVEN LISTENING TO ANYTHING THROUGH EARPHONES!!
You called her name in the room, in disbelief to the fact she still didn't hear you...Of-course you walked over to her, to see her writing like thousands of words on a parchment, her index finger, her thumb and her middle finger all red from the thousands of words she had been writing, you again called her, "...Solielin...Babe??"
Again nothing, even though you were right beside her ear, you tapped on her shoulder, knowing she always got like, her ears and eyes and awareness would shut off from the world when she as doing some work, worrying and concerning people..
"..Oh..Babe!! Hey!" Solielin said turning around in her swinging chair and pulling you towards her by your waist and kissing your lips...of-course you sighed and kissed her back, realizing she didn't even notice you this whole time..
"..So what happened??" Solielin asked as she pulled awy from your lips, your lips having a bit of her drool, since she always used her tongue..Solielin picked up a claw clip and put her hair into a bun, her hair falling on her face..
"..I need your help in nmaking dinner for the royals..."
"..Oh but..I have to complete.." Of-course she said that, you isghed as she rubbed your face with your hands..making her smile sheepishly, "...Alright, when is this due??"
"...The Tuesday after this one!"...." WHAT."
"..NAH.....You're helping me do this...I don't care, you have the whole two weeks for it, it's Tuesday TODAY!!" You remind her pointing towards the glowing calendar which showed, the date, month, year, time, in hours, minutes, seconds, nano-seconds, quarter seconds as well!!!
"...But-" "..NO BUTS!" You says pulling her up shutting her pen and closing her notebook.... before pulling her downstairs as sitting her on the couch and giving her a large pots of blood peas to peels...
"...You worked a bit TOO hard tonight...Try doing this and take a break..afterwards I'll give you more work.." You say going back to the stove and turning it on...as Solielin sat there... of-course she didn't want to do this...and you of-course knew this..so you decided to let the cooking be done along side the royals..a good way to exchange gossips.
You shut the stove yet again and went to sit beside her kissing the shell of her ear, as you picked up a bunch and started peeling them, Solielin stopped before pulling you on her lap and kissing your cheeks..as you both peeled the blood peas with comforting silence..
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☁ Izana is not a very affectionate person, but his students definitely are and he can tell...cause they all very often ask him to cuddle with them or simply walk with them and they end up holding hands..It's quite a common sign...So maybe having a affectionate person won't be too much of a thing!
☁ Izana doesn't really mind having a affectionate S/O, though it might get a bit annoying at times, but affection is another one of the softest way to make him smile or be happy!! He will be with Willowette doing art, maybe just get clingy and affectionate with him and his art will turn out better than Willowette expected!!!
☁ Izana likes to hold hands under the desk during lunch breaks when he's being a gossip queen or therapist or drug dealer for his students, teachers friends, etc. People will surely tease him if they find ou he is holding your hand, cause he acts like he hates affection!
☁ Speaking of him hating affection, he will act SO HARD to act like he hates it...but he secretly can never get enough of it, makes him feel special!! He is very much demanding of it!!
☁ Izana also likes to nap in his large sky blue sleeping bag during free periods of class behind the desk, the students don't really bother and have learned to shut themselves up because Izana would beat them up and yell at them and give them detention and take away house points!
☁ He will cuddle with you in the darkness of his sleeping bag with a portable fireless fire, to give some tiny glow!! He is literally so warm, but his hands are perfectly cool along with his feet for some reason...so it makes you fell all the more happy!!
☁ Izana would always have you on his lap in his room while he corrects their notebooks, homeworks or exams or random things they write for him and gives remarks and he will kiss your cheek every time he finishes one, seems like a reward!!
☁ Oh and after he finishes any tedious works in his opinion, its deserving of a reward so make out-sessions!!! SO MANY OF THEM!! In his room, in the bed-swing, in the empty staff room, in empty classroom, anywhere he can get his hands on you!!!
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© All three characters belong to me, Lxdymoon, Aurelia, Moon, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for ready and if you like this check out my blog!
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@macrylys @histxricaldrama @nyrwve @dxmoness @bertry3 @lombxrdi @achy-boo @honeyandbiscuitandtea-cafe love you all!!!
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angsthology · 9 months
reality club lyrics as prompts
swapped excitement for some comfort
bound by jewels, your happiness
living with these mini-monuments of your love
strangers to a miracle
i mistake intent for better days, while you misled me in different ways
in love not because i want to
where did you go? who are you now?
four summers were never enough to keep us together
you know you’re my pain reliever
i really wanna see you again, i really wanna be your best friend
we shared our youth together, heard now you’re doing better
lately it’s been crazy ‘cause we won’t take it slow
laughing at yourself and so is everybody else
dancing in the breeze alone
when you can’t drive your car anymore
for lack of a better word, i say that i love you but know that it’s not completely true
through his eyes i will hide my fear
life seems to hand out troubles on a tray
do you regret the path you chose with me?
living an illusion, oh but we’re so compatible
beginning of another end
talking to yourself “was she meant for someone else?”
living on imagination that you’d hold her
you start to syncronize your meals
they say she paints with only red, i’d like to show her all the colors
looking for you silently, i know you’re not the kind of girl who stays
some might say the road to hell is paved with good intentions
wide awake while you’re asleep
wasting my time by leaving you behind
the last thing i knew, this isn’t what you’d do
forget goodbyes, we never kept the promises of yesterday
maybe it’s for the better, but someday i’m going back to you
is it too late to say that i wanted to stay until the end?
you take me way too high just to shun me far away
elastic hearts, you bend but you don't break
i got songs to sing to you, if you’d listen
don’t want you to forget my face
no need for warmth when you wanna be cold with me
how can i remember the things that i don’t know
i wander all around, trying to retrace your steps
spilling all my secrets on the dance floor
and i swear it’s the last time you bring me down again
she wondered when the raindrops fell, she wondered why her cheeks were wet
she entrusted a secret that i could not have kept
the sorrowful reunion was inevitable
forget what you said just to make me smile
now it’s much too late, took the car and left
the labyrinth i thought i knew rearranged to shape anew
i fell in love with ____ even though i barely met her
even though we’d break our hearts, before we’d even start
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jamiewintons · 1 year
Told You So (Ariel Conroy/F!Reader)
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Summary: Ariel has always told you that he keeps you locked up for your own protection; and one day when you happen to find your way outside, he is proven right.
Tags/Warnings: Smut (18+ ONLY). Mildly Dead Dove. Somewhat Dubious Consent. Kidnapping (Past mentioned and also attempted in-story). Emotional Manipulation. Bondage (using duct tape). Spanking. Edging/Orgasm Denial. Choking. Unprotected Sex. Brief Oral Sex (M!Receiving). Ariel is mostly mean but a bit soft sometimes??
A/N: Another prompt fill for my request event! This time, the prompts were "Ariel Conroy + Protective!Character + Possessive/Jealous Sex". This one's a bit rough so if there's anything in the tags that's going to upset/trigger you, please give this one a miss! Other than that, I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 3058
Ariel Taglist: @pink-booty-butts, @demontoucansam, @glow-inthe-darkstarz, @definetlynotasmutaccount, @thingses-and-stuffses, @jamiewintonmybeloved, @bluedenimbabe, @notwhateveriwasbefore, @multisexyhoez20 (Please fill this form out if you want to be added!).
“Well, I hate to say that I told you so, pet… but I did tell you so.” Ariel’s words aren’t quite as soothing as the tone of his voice, nor the warmth of his body pressed against yours as he holds you tightly. One of his arms is firmly wrapped about your waist, while his other hand cradles the back of your head, your face buried in his shoulder, quiet sobs muffled by the fabric of his shirt. “How many times have I told you that it’s not safe for you out there on your own?”
Ariel hears you say something, but can’t quite hear what it was. So he brings your head away from his shoulder, gripping your chin and forcing you to look at him. Through your blurry vision you can almost make out something sympathetic behind his eyes as he looks at your tear stained face. “What was that?”
“E-enough times for me to know better…” you choke out, trying to avert your eyes thanks to the guilt you feel at defying him, especially when doing so has got you into so much trouble.
It had all started when Ariel happened to leave the door to your room — well, calling it a ‘room’ was quite generous, really it was just his basement, though he had made an effort to make it look nice for you — slightly ajar. It was strange, because he was usually so meticulous about keeping doors closed and locked when he’s not in the room with you. You didn’t know what came over you, but it was like your body was moving on its own. You climbed the staircase and hurried to the front door, checking if Ariel was in the vicinity before turning the handle and escaping outside.
You’d barely cleared the front gate before your worst fears had come true. You felt a hand grab your wrist and when you turned with a start, you saw the face of an unfamiliar man leering at you. You’d not interacted with another human being besides Ariel for months now, so your social skills were pretty rusty. He smirked in a way that made your skin crawl and then said something, but your pure terror had overtaken your sense of hearing, so you had no clue what it was. Before you knew it he was grabbing you by the waist and trying to pull you away, and then you were screaming out for Ariel.
Why you were screaming out for the man who had previously kidnapped you to save you from another potential kidnapper was quite beyond you, but you hadn’t known what else to do. At least with Ariel, you knew him. You knew that in some deeply fucked up way, he cared about you, and didn’t want to see you come to any harm. This other man, however, was a completely unknown factor. Who knows what he wanted to do with you? Maybe he’d kill you, or treat you far, far worse than Ariel ever had.
Perhaps that’s why you screamed, because you understood that it’s best to stay with the devil you know rather than take your chances with one you didn’t. Thankfully Ariel arrived to rescue you quickly and the entire thing was a blur, but before you knew it the other man was gone and you were instead being held tightly in the arms of your captor/lover. Whispering softly to you, he lead you back inside and into the basement, which had always seemed like a prison to you. Now that you knew what could happen outside of it, it seemed warm and comforting, and you were actually happy to be back there.
And now here you are, sitting on your bed while Ariel soothes you, stroking your hair and letting you cry into his shirt.
“I’m glad that you can admit when you’ve been bad, pet. If you couldn’t, this conversation might have gone very differently.” Ariel brushes some hair from your face and presses a tender, lingering kiss to your forehead. “But you understand I’ll still need to punish you, don’t you?”
You nod wordlessly, and Ariel can’t help but grin at your compliance. Even if it took a traumatic event, he loves that you’re finally obeying his orders without question. Your tear-filled, submissive eyes stir something inside of him that makes him want to devour you. But as he said, you need to be punished, so he’d have to leave that until later. “Take your clothes off for me, love,” he tells you gently, before standing up from the bed and rifling through a draw. You do as you were told, but keep your eyes on Ariel, wondering what he’s doing.
When Ariel turns back, he smiles at the sight of your body, completely bare. Immediately you see that he had found what he was looking for; a roll of duct tape. Great. Out of all the things he could pick to bind you with, why did it have to be the duct tape? You weren’t the biggest fan of being bound in the first place, but at least the handcuffs or the silk ropes didn’t rip the hair off your arms when Ariel took them off of you. But you want to stay on Ariel’s good side, so before he’s even returned to the bed, you get on your knees and hold your arms out in front of you, wrists touching.
“Good girl,” he says, the praise sounding genuine, as he comes back and sits down beside you. He rips the end from the roll of duct tape, circling your wrists with it as carefully as he can, making sure not to cut off the blood circulation. He stares at your lips for a second, and you’re not sure whether he’s thinking about kissing you or putting some tape over your mouth as well. Whichever option it was, he seems to decide against it, because once he’s torn the tape from the roll, he puts it aside on the nightstand.
You watch as Ariel’s hands move to the button on his jeans. He moves slowly, unbuttoning them and then unzipping the fly, almost as if he’s teasing you. Once he’s done, he pulls off his jeans, and you can see that he’s already hard through his boxers. You don’t quite understand why, because you hadn’t touched him, besides when you were crying on his shoulder, and there’s no way that turned him on, right?
There isn’t much time to question it, because all thoughts leave your head when you feel Ariel’s calloused hands trailing up your legs, from your ankles up to your thighs. Still, he’s moving so slow, making you shiver and squirm at the feeling. When he reaches the top of your thighs, he skips past your pussy, and his hands are on your breasts now, groping them roughly and reveling in how soft they feel.
“Now, pet, you know what you need to do.” Taking his hands off you, Ariel sits on the edge of the bed and waits for you to make your move. You crawl over to him – which is very difficult without being able to use your hands or arms – and lay face down across his lap. You can feel his clothed erection pressing right against your pussy, thanks to how you’re positioned. Ariel’s hand comes to touch your ass, massaging one cheek before his hand moves away.
You let out a loud yelp when suddenly he brings that same hand back down, smacking against your ass sharply. He caresses the sore spot, which you could only imagine had turned bright red. “You know I don’t like doing this, love. It hurts me more than it hurts you.”
You highly doubt that, considering the fact you’re lying across his lap with only his boxers separating you, you felt the way that his cock twitched beneath you when you cried out. But you know that you have to get through this, so you say nothing against him.
“You’ve already been through a lot today, so it’s only going to be ten, okay?” he asks gently, as if he’s going to give you a choice, but you nod and make an affirmative humming sound. You don’t see it, but Ariel smiles, just before he brings his hand down the second time. And then the third. And then the fourth. Then he continues until he’s done it a total of ten times, and you’ve got tears in your eyes and your backside is stinging.
You make a noise somewhere between a whimper and a contented sigh when you feel his hand softly running over the area he’s hit, soothing the pain a little. Ariel’s cock has gotten even harder somehow, and you can feel the wet patch on his boxers from his leaking precum. “Lay down now,” he tells you, his voice sounding strained, and you once again struggle to follow his orders.
It takes a couple of minutes, but soon enough you’re laying down on your back, bound wrists resting near your cunt. Ariel moves so he’s kneeling in front of you, pushing your arms up above your head and prying your legs apart. He smirks as his eyes fall between your thighs, not even needing to look closer to see how absolutely soaked you are. But he does so anyway, smugly relishing in the effect that he has on you.
“You were whining and crying while I was spanking you, but look at how wet it made you,” Ariel says, swiping two fingers between your folds and making you gasp. He holds the fingers close to your face so you can see the evidence of your arousal glistening on them. “You weren’t that wet before that, were you?”
“No, Ariel,” you reply in a whisper, not sure whether you’re telling the truth or not. Ariel’s grin widens, and his eyes rake down your body appreciatively, taking in everything. Every single part of you belongs to him, and after today, you’re going to know it.
Ariel pulls his t-shirt over his head, revealing his thin but very attractive torso to your eyes. Next comes his boxers, he pulls them down and frees his cock, hard and leaking against his stomach. You push your thighs together, trying to relieve some of the tension you were feeling, but before you can get too far Ariel pries them apart again.
His hand moves to your pussy, roughly rubbing your clit with his thumb, already at a rapid pace. You let out a shamefully loud moan, bucking your hips up against him. He laughs almost mockingly, loving that he can have you such a mess underneath him without even doing that much. “Remember the rules, love. No coming without permission or I’ll have to punish you again.”
You manage a nod, but after that, you can hardly do anything but moan and thrash. You have to use all of your focus and willpower to keep yourself from coming, no matter how difficult Ariel is making it for you. Ten spanks already have your ass sore enough, and you don’t want to know how many more you’d get if you defy him again.
Ariel seems to get some kind of sick sense of amusement from playing with you like this. Making you squirm and whine with pleasure while you have to bite your lip so hard that it’s nearly bleeding to stop yourself from falling over the edge. He’ll get you to the point where you’re sure that you can’t hold out anymore, taking his hand away and giving you a few seconds of respite, then starting back up again at the same pace. It’s like torture, nearly driving you insane, and Ariel loves every second of it.
Eventually, Ariel takes his hand away, and though you brace yourself for him to start again, he doesn’t. You open your bleary eyes after a few seconds, hearing some quiet moans coming from him. The first thing you see is him pumping his cock in his hand, using your copious arousal as lubricant, and a wave of horror washes over you. He’s not going to get you that worked up, then make you watch him get himself off without even an orgasm for yourself, is he? You know you did the wrong thing, but that seems far too cruel a punishment.
You’re just about to consider begging for your release when you feel Ariel move on the bed, tilting your hips upwards and positioning himself at your needy entrance. He slowly pushes the head in, convincing you that maybe he’d be nice this time, before sharply slamming the rest inside and tearing a shriek from you. No matter how wet you are, that’s just too much for you to take so quickly.
Ariel takes you roughly right from the start, just as he usually does. He grips your thighs so hard that there’s definitely going to be bruises there later, as he drives himself inside your cunt, hips colliding with you somewhat painfully. His thick cock stretches you out and it hurts, but there’s also a good deal of pleasure threatening to overtake it that you have to stave off. You’re struggling already, thanks to how long he’d been edging you before, and how his cock always manages to hit the perfect spots inside of you.
“Can’t believe you thought you could leave me.” His statement is punctuated by a loud moan, as he pushes your leg up, allowing him to reach even further inside of you. “You know I’ve ruined you for anyone else. No one would ever be able to make you feel like I do.”
The sweet Ariel from before –  the one who insisted that he had to do just this one little thing before he could forgive you – was gone, and had been replaced with another Ariel who was genuinely mad at you, using all of his anger and frustration to fuck you harder and harder. You felt like crying, and not just because of the painful pleasure he was assaulting your body with.
“I go to all the trouble of making this place nice for you, of taking care of you, and you try to leave me?” You feel Ariel’s hand come to your neck and you wince before he even begins to press down, restricting your airway enough for it to have you gasping but not enough that you’ll pass out. “Your lack of gratitude disgusts me.”
“I’m sorry, Ariel,” you pant out, such a short sentence taking you longer than usual since you are struggling to breathe. “I’m so sorry!”
“So you should be.” He takes his hand away from your throat now, and you inhale sharply a few times, wanting to take in as much oxygen as possible. All of his focus goes back to fucking you now, and all of yours goes back to trying to keep yourself from coming.
You make a concerted effort, considering how rough he’s being with you. But you’re getting to the point where you can no longer possible hold back, and you need his permission. “P-please, Ariel, I can’t take it anymore!” you sob, tears making your vision blurry so you can’t see Ariel’s expression.
At first you think he’s ignoring you, that you’re just going to have to deal with it or take the punishment, but after what seems like an eternity, he speaks up again. “Say it,” he hisses, whether from anger or from the pleasure you’re unsure, “Say that you’re not going to try and leave again. Say that you belong to me.”
You say it too quickly. Considering that it was something that you could never take back, the way that the words just come out of your mouth without any thought, was humiliating. But you really couldn’t handle it anymore. “I-I won’t leave you! I’ll stay forever, promise!” Another sudden inhale. “I belong to you, Ariel!”
With those last words, Ariel’s thumb is rubbing your clit again, and in only a few seconds you’re practically screaming, shaking violently under his touch as you soak his cock. You’re so caught up in probably the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had that you don’t even notice that Ariel doesn’t come too. Once you’ve gone limp, Ariel’s hips and hand cease, and he pulls his still-hard cock out of your sore, sensitive pussy.
“We’re not quite done yet, love,” he informs you, and when you don’t move or respond, he pulls you up and lays you down on your stomach, positioning your mouth over his cock. Ariel gives you a few moments before pushing his dick into your mouth, making you taste your own wetness and his precum on it. You’re far too exhausted, but try to move your tongue in a way that’ll be pleasing to him, though it doesn’t really matter much because it's only a couple of seconds before he comes.
You manage to swallow everything Ariel gives you, knowing how much he hates a mess. Once your mouth is free, you do your best to breathe, but between the pleasure and the crying and the abuse to your throat, it’s difficult. Before you know it, he’s pulled you on top of him, holding your head to his bare chest and allowing you to feel his heartbeat as it slows to a more normal rate.
Ariel strokes your hair, and you try to keep yourself from crying, though a few tears definitely fall onto his chest. “I’m really sorry, Ariel…” you repeat, your voice hoarse and strained. “I-I’m never going to leave you, I don’t know what came over me. Please forgive me.”
“I know that, pet. You did very well taking your punishment. I forgive you.” He leans down to kiss your forehead, and for some reason, you smile knowing that you've made him happy. You nuzzle into his neck, and Ariel feels his heart warm at the affectionate gesture being initiated by you. This time, he felt like you truly meant it when you said that you belong to him. Everything is the way that it’s supposed to be.
Perhaps his plan to let you get outside and hiring that man to instill fear into you was cruel, but if it had this effect, Ariel had to admit that it was entirely worth it.
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ladylilithprime · 7 months
Luck And Marriage Are What You Make Of Them
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Word Count: 5204
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel), background Donna Hanscum/Amelia Novak, background Kevin Tran/Channing Ngo
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Selkie Jack Kline, Sam Winchester Is Jack Kline's Adopted Father, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, References to Past Events, Autistic Cas and Jimmy, V-Shaped Polyamorous Wedding, Trans Woman Amelia, Selkie Donna Hanscum, Oh Gods The Tags On This Fic Are Insane
Summary: A V-shaped polyamorous wedding was bound to have some quirks and peculiarities to it. This is even more true when two of the three are magically created twins and their soon-to-be husband is a prince of one Realm and a king of another. They've got this, though-- not even rain can slow them down.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 26: Rain
Read on AO3
ISN'T IT A bad omen to have rain on your wedding day?" Charlene Novak asked nervously, glancing out at where the curtain of gray drizzle was coming down beyond the edges of the pavilion. The fact that there even was a pavilion felt like a stroke of luck considering the wedding was being held outside on a beach and the venue hadn't changed despite the weather forecast.
"Considering the season, the location, and the guest list, Mom, the rain was explicitly planned for," Jimmy told her with a wry little smile for her and Michael. He was apparently the twin designated to meet them, as he was wearing board shorts and a Hawaiian shirt that Charlene had never seen before and Cas was nowhere to be seen. As if somehow reading her mind, he added, "Cas is in the dressing room tent helping Sam with his hair. Charlie's supposed to come get me when they're done and it's time to get dressed."
"Oh, is Charlie your Best Man?" Charlene asked, trying not to think too closely about the bad luck associated with seeing your bride before the wedding. None of them were brides, after all, and that was honestly the part Charlene was having the easiest time wrapping her head around about it all.
"She's certainly our best something," Jimmy said after a moment's hesitation. Right, Charlie was the name of their female coworker. "I'll make sure to introduce you when she comes out. She'll be able to help you navigate the rest of the guests. Nobody should start anything, but we've got a lot of powerful people and volatile personalities under one waterproofed canvas roof."
"And a promise to behave and keep any extra-familial drama to themselves is only gonna last until an hour into the reception," a slender redhead in a pale blue wrap dress said as she seemed to materialize at Jimmy's elbow. Charlene jumped, but Jimmy didn't even seem fazed. "I heard my name. Hi, I'm Charlie Bradbury, human hacker and barista extraordinaire."
"Michael Novak, and my wife, Charlene," Michael spoke up on automatic as he usually did when they attended events together. Charlene noticed the way Charlie narrowed her eyes, but Michael was apparently distracted by-- "Would you be the one to ask about the... car?"
"That's Sam's niece, Baby," Charlie said, which didn't make a whole lot of sense. The car was the faerie's niece? Surely she meant the car belonged to his niece, not-- "Yes, she's a sentient car, it's a long story, and she's very nice to people who treat her like a person despite her shape. She's actually one of the reasons the wedding is being held outside since she's the flower girl and DJ." While Charlene was attempting to process that, Charlie turned to Jimmy. "Cas is just about done and wants your help with the ribbons, and then you both need to get gowned up."
"Going," Jimmy nodded, then looked back at Charlene. "Stay close to Charlie, keep Dad out of trouble, and Cas and I will both come say hi afterwards."
And then he was gone, leaving Charlene blinking and Michael humphing quietly. Charlie just smiled brightly and gestured around the pavilion interior at the slowly assembling guests. "Anyone in particular you'd like to be introduced to or would you rather find your seats and save introductions for the reception?"
"How about just giving us an overview of who's who for the time being?" Charlene suggested when Michael kept silent.
"As you like," Charlie chirped, rocking on her heels in the sand. She spun around slowly, eyes tracking over the crowd, then nodded to herself and began pointing out different people. "Well, Baby's Dad is Sam's older brother, he goes by Dean these days and is acting as Sam's Best Man." The man she pointed to was dressed in jeans and a blue button down shirt under a leather jacket. He might have looked completely normal if not for the pointed ears and long blonde hair that had been braided back into something resembling a mohawk. Next to him was another pointy-eared blonde man wearing a cloak in a darker blue, and a blonde woman with long blonde curls wearing a silver and blue diadem. "He's talking to their younger brother, who goes by Adam, and their mother, the Cerulean Princess... she'll probably say to call her Mary, but it's best to wait for her to tell you which of her nicknames to use."
"Princess?" Charlene repeated faintly, scrambling to remember if Jimmy or Cas had said anything about that in their phone calls or letters and coming up blank. "Does that make Sam and his brothers princes?"
"It does, and Sam will be wearing his official circlet for the wedding, but none of them really like to draw attention to their rank here in the mortal realm," Charlie told her with a shrug. She swiveled and pointed to a serious-looking dark-haired man who might have been normal except that he was dressed a lot like the faerie princess. "That's Sam's dad, the Cerulean Knight, also known as Saint John the Divine. Yeah, that John. He's human but left the mortal realms with Mary after his bestie was killed for political reasons and earned his immortality in the fae realms. And the guy he's talking to is the current reincarnation of that bestie. I think he said his name this time around is Chuck, and he really does prefer that to the whole 'Christ' thing."
"You're kidding," Charlene said weakly, staring at the nervous-looking man with curly hair wearing jeans and a tie-dye t-shirt under what looked like a borrowed royal blue and white choir stole. He looked more like somebody's stoner cousin than Christ the Lord returned to Earth.
"Nnnope," Charlie said, sounding far more gleeful than Charlene felt was warranted. "And lookee there, that's the Archangel Gabriel joining them... but I understand you've met him once before already."
"Never seen any of them before," Michael grunted from beside Charlene.
She managed something vaguely strangled in response, too preoccupied with seeing the angel from the church casually walking up to her sons' fiance's father and his friend and joining the conversation. Whatever he said had the... Christ... smacking his forehead with an exasperated expression as the serious expression on Sam's father's face split into a mischievous smirk that made him look a lot like his eldest son despite the human ears.
"Looks like Gabe just told Chuck that Lucy's arrived," Charlene heard Charlie say as if from a distance. "That's Lucifer, by the way, but his reputation is heavily exaggerated, and he's perfectly charming but he likes to make bets and he's almost worse about contracts than Sam's Unseelie cousins. Oh, if you see a faerie girl who looks like she's part plant, that's Bloddewyn, she brought all the flowers. If she talks to you, just be polite and don't use her name." There was a pause, and then Charlie added in a sympathetic tone, "Too much? Want me to show you to your seats?"
"That might be best," Charlene said faintly. It was too late to turn around and run away, she reminded herself. And she wasn't going to let the upending of her faith or the presence of the literal Devil keep her from seeing her little boys get married.
"This way, then," Charlie said. Charlene fumbled for Michael's arm, feeling a wave of relief when he caught her hand and wrapped it around his bicep before leading her to follow Charlie over to a couple of chairs on the right side of the flower-and-ribbon decorated platform at one end of the pavilion. "You're seated next to Kevin Tran and his wife Channing. They're dragons."
WAS IT REALLY wise to leave our parents with Charlie?" Cas asked Jimmy when he stepped into the tent, letting the flap fall closed behind him.
"Eh, probably not," Jimmy admitted with a shrug. "She won't traumatize them too much, though. We made her promise to back off if she noticed Mom dissociating."
"Hard to believe all those years of us being visibly autistic and we never noticed Mom's symptoms," Cas shook his head and beckoned Jimmy over. "Here, help me pin this evenly."
"If she hasn't figured it out by now, it probably won't make a difference for her to know," Sam murmured, holding still as Jimmy and Cas carefully fitted the pins through metal, hair and cloth on either side of his head. "Aside from possibly making her feel worse for what happened when you were four."
Jimmy had to admit that was the more likely outcome. Given the research he and Cas had been doing, they knew that a lot of women from previous generations never got officially diagnosed even after they realized it because the default standard for diagnosis was young boys. Jimmy didn't know exactly how his Irish Catholic mother was raised by their grandparents given that she wasn't on speaking terms with them, but it was entirely likely that it had never even occurred to her that she might be autistic at all, even when struggling to figure out how to help her sons manage their own sensory overloads.
"Charlie was going to put them over by Kevin and Channing, right?" Cas confirmed, glancing up at Jimmy. "If they can get over them being dragons, then those two will probably be the safest people on our side of the aisle. Especially if they're the only ones of the family who came."
"Cousin Anna's out there," Jimmy said with a half-shoulder shrug. "I saw her talking to Donna and Amelia."
That had certainly been an unexpected romance at the time, even if it made perfect sense now. Sheriff Donna Hanscum had stepped up to be foster mom to ten-year-old Matt Pike when he was rescued from his real estate developer father, but she wasn't keen on being a single parent. Amelia, meanwhile, wasn't exactly naturally maternal for all she was willing to give birth now that Sam's magic had given her the right parts, but with Donna there to pick up the maternal slack Amelia was able to relax and just enjoy being able to rub it in the faces of her old bullies that they couldn't say she wasn't a real woman.
A minor commotion from beyond the tent flaps made all three of them start, but only Cas and Jimmy turned when the flap lifted and a brunette woman with black eyes and small curling horns nestled in her hair poked her head in. "Lucy's here."
"Thanks, Ruby," Sam sighed, closing his eyes. "Keep an eye on things and let me know if it looks like I need to remind him that he promised not to start shit with Chuck or Gabe until the reception is well underway."
"Will do, boss," the she-demon saluted and ducked back out.
"We'd better get dressed now so there's less time for Lucifer to forget his promise," Jimmy sighed, letting his hands drop from where he had been absently stimming on one of Sam's small silver-wrapped braids and stepping back to admire his and Cas's soon-to-be husband.
Sam had let most of his glamours drop for the occasion, aside from adjusting the length of his hair to be down to his knees. Cas had done an amazing job styling the chestnut brown waves with braids and beads and silver wires and chains and blue ribbons while still letting most of it hang free beneath the sheer fabric of the veil pinned at two points to the ends of the delicate silver filigree circlet set with blue opals that Sam wore to denote his princely status. In contrast to the marvel of his hair, his wedding outfit was almost plain in comparison, having chosen to wear the white ruffled blouse he had bought on impulse months before with a set of black slit-sided silk harem pants with silver-embroidered cuffs and a blue and silver scarf tied around his waist like a belt. The lack of glamours meant that the expansive array of tattoos and runic wards were on display, visible as shadows beneath the white fabric and clearly defined by the open V of his shirt and peeking out from the slit sides in his pants that ran from ankle to waist. He looked understated but royal and thoroughly edible, making Jimmy think briefly of their plans for after the wedding reception.
"Getting dressed will happen faster without staring at our gorgeous husband-to-be," Cas pointed out, tossing a pile of white cotton jersey knit fabric at Jimmy, snapping him out of his daydream. He stuck his tongue out at his brother as Sam laughed softly, shaking the white cloth out to reveal part one of his own wedding attire.
The white V-necked maxi dress with the ankle length full skirt was not what most people would think of when they thought "wedding dress", but it was soft and light and sleeveless, which made it the perfect garment to go beneath the custom-tailored blue and silver alicorn hide jackets that Sam had gifted them the night they had gotten engaged. Jimmy shrugged out of the shirt he'd been wearing to greet their parents and pulled the dress over his head, then shimmied out of his shorts and tossed them towards the duffel bag in the corner. "Hair?"
"Grab some mousse and tousel it," Cas directed, half-muffled by his own dress. "We've got circlets of our own to put on during the ceremony, so we don't want to be too pristine."
"Got it." Jimmy accepted the spray bottle of mousse Sam passed him, passing it to Cas when he had a decent peak on his fingers, and working it through his hair before fluffing it up a bit. Sam passed him a wet wipe to clean the product off his hands, then helped him into his jacket before turning and helping Cas as well.
"You both look wonderful," he said, looking back and forth between them with a soft smile that didn't even try to disguise the banked heat in his eyes. "If I wasn't so eager to finally be able to call you my husbands, I'd be stealing you away to the Summer Palace already."
"Wedding and reception first--" Cas started, lips twitching upwards in a tiny smirk.
"Honeymoon after," Jimmy finished with a matching smirk. "Now let's go get married."
THE CHATTER AROUND the pavilion quieted when the pristinely polished glossy black 1967 Chevy Impala with a bouquet of blue roses and gardenias tied to her front grill with blue and silver ribbons revved her engine pointedly. The radio dial swiveled and then the volume rose, fading in to the soft chimes and flowing winds and strings of Holst's "Venus, the Bringer of Peace". Anyone not already in their seats or equivalent positions quickly found their way to them, and Chuck took his place at the front on the platform festooned in English ivy, white honeysuckle, and wisteria. Gone for the moment was the nervousness and uncertainty, a calm settling over him that made it far easier to believe he was Christ returned to Earth. He extended his hands, and the gathered wedding guests turned to look down the aisle.
With Baby already in position at the front on the left, the first one down the aisle was a spotted seal in a blue satin bowtie, the compromise for Jack not having to wear a suit like a human. He carried two black velvet drawstring bags in his mouth as he made his way through the sand and up the shallow ramp to the right of the platform until he could sit up, head high and eyes bright and attentive. A couple of cameras clicked, but he politely pretended not to notice as he kept his eyes fixed on the tent. Dean and Charlie came next, Charlie walking calmly and gracefully through the sand on Dean's arm. They stopped at the front of the platform and faced each other, performed a complicated ritual handshake, and separated to their respective sides with appropriately attentive expressions.
The next to make their way down the aisle, coming from the back of either side among the guests, were a tall man with carefully styled dark hair in a black suit with a dark blue silk button down shirt and the top two buttons left undone coming from the left, and from the right a well-muscled man in leather armor embellished with gold knotwork motifs with his blonde hair and beard braided and ornamented, a metal hammer hung from his belt. They stared at each other for a moment, and then the blonde man offered his arm and the brunette accepted with a playful smirk that seemed to bode trouble. Whatever mischief was thought up, nothing happened in the walk down the aisle under Chuck's slightly wary gaze, and they separated at the front with polite bows before taking their places, the brunette next to a studiously blank-faced Dean, the blonde next to a quietly snickering Charlie.
Eyes swiveled back to the rear as the tent flap opened and Sam emerged, drawing a few soft gasps from the people who had never seen him so unglamoured before. The intricate warding runes tattooed across his skin in blue had been accented with black to make them stand out all the more in the brief flashes of skin as he glided over the sand down the aisle. The sheer blue and silver fabric pinned drapingly over his long and elaborately braided hair was the wrong color for a traditionally Western human bridal veil, but the symbolism was there. He even carried a bouquet of blue irises, white chrysanthemums, myrtle, alyssum maritimum, and fern. He did not ascend the platform like the others, stopping at the base and turning to look back the way he had come.
Like magnets, the eyes of the assembled guests followed his lead and the tent flap lifted again to allow Cas and Jimmy to emerge together. With their identical clothes and matching solemn expressions it was nearly impossible to tell the twins apart, the hands closest to each other hidden by the bouquet of gloxinias, orange blossoms, forget-me-nots, blue violets, and ivy. Hardly any skin could be seen beneath the white dresses and blue and silver jackets, but it hardly needed to be as their skirts flowed and swished against their legs as they walked. Several people murmured in awe as they recognized the materials or motifs of the jackets, and when they reached the platform they halted as one beside Sam, who turned with them to face Chuck.
To the far left, Baby turned the volume of the music slowly down until her radio clicked off, leaving only the sounds of the rain, the crashing waves, and the calls of the sea birds and nearby kelpies in the wetlands. With all eyes on him now, Chuck cleared his throat and looked out at the assembled guests.
"Gathered friends and family," he said, his clear tenor voice carrying to all corners of the pavilion. "We come together to celebrate the joining of these three true hearts in marriage most eternal." A few people chuckled at the emphasis, and he paused to let them get it out before continuing, "Who stands as family of heart and home?"
"I, Cer of the Summer Court, stand for Seren, as his brother by blood," Dean announced. "By the grace of our shared father and mother, he is my family of heart and home."
"Do you give your brother to be married to his chosen partners?" Chuck asked.
"I do," Dean nodded shortly.
"I, Thor of Asgard, stand for John Castiel and James Constantine, as their brother by choice," the blonde man in armor intoned, drawing a few gasps from the right side of the assembly. "By the grace of the apples of Idunn's garden, they are my family of heart and home."
"Do you give your brothers to be married to their chosen partner?" Chuck asked him, receiving a beaming smile along with Thor's nod and "I do". "And who stands as family of blood and battle?"
"I, Lucifer Morningstar, stand for Samael, as his brother in rulership," the dark-haired man drawled, smirking slightly when Chuck shot him a look. "By the blood and battle through which he claimed his throne of one of the Nine Realms of Tartarus, so do I claim him as my family."
"Do you give him to be married to his chosen partners?" Chuck asked, just a little warily.
"Oh yes, I very much do," Lucifer purred. Guests nearest the platform caught Sam rolling his eyes, and Chuck looked very much like he wanted to do the same.
Luckily, Charlie took her cue to speak. "I, Charlie Bradbury, stand for Cas and Jimmy, as their sister in service. Through the blood and burns and the battles against awful customers, they are my brothers."
"Do you give your brothers to be married to their chosen partner?" Chuck asked her, flinching slightly when she grinned toothily.
"Absofuckinglutely I do!"
More laughter and some further eyerolls, but everyone seemed to have been prepared by Lucifer's deviation and settled down quickly.
"Seren, Samael, Sam Winchester," Chuck intoned, settling the crowd further to pay attention, "do you come of your own free will to be married?"
"I do," Sam said firmly and promptly.
"Whom do you come to marry?"
"These men beside me."
"John Castiel and James Constantine, Cas and Jimmy, do you come of your own free will to be married?"
"We do," the twins chorused in perfect unison.
"Whom do you come to marry?"
"This man beside us."
"Sam, Cas, Jimmy, please ascend and take your places before me," Chuck invited.
The three of them stepped up onto the platform, revealing that all three were barefoot. Sam crossed left and handed off his bouquet to Dean, who made a face at him but took it with a surprising amount of care and delicacy... until one noticed the way he glanced surreptitiously towards the watching guests, particularly one woman with long golden hair that seemed threaded with vines. Meanwhile, Cas and Jimmy handed their bouquet off to Charlie, revealing the silver spinning dragon ring on Jimmy's left thumb and a flash of black tooled and braided leather around Cas's right wrist. Those hands found each other and clasped tight as they turned to face Sam before Chuck.
"Sam, Cas, Jimmy," Chuck began, looking between them. "You come before this assembly, before your families and friends, to join yourselves to each other and unite your families into one. Have you prepared your vows?"
"We have," the three of them said.
To the audible surprise around the pavilion, Cas and Jimmy promptly turned to each other and, their hands still clasped, raised their free hands in fists and bounced them three times before Jimmy's hand went flat while Cas threw out a sideways V. They high-fived over their clasped hands as their guests laughed, then turned back to face a grinning Sam.
"Sam," Cas croaked, then cleared his throat and began again more strongly. "Sam. I looked into your eyes and the world opened before me. I took your hand and gave over my heart. You warmed a chill in my soul that I was unaware of, and every day with you renews that warmth more effectively even than your Dragon's Breath Chai." Several people laughed, Charlie the loudest from that reminder of their first meeting. "I cannot give you my heart, because you already have it and I know it is safe in your care. Instead, I give you the rest of my life, however long that may be, in hopes that I will bring you love and happiness. I promise to support you in your troubles, rejoice with you in your joys, comfort you in your sorrows. Your family will be my family, your children will be my children. From this day forward until we cease to exist, I am yours, and I accept you as mine."
"Way to be a hard act to follow, bro," Jimmy muttered deliberately loudly to the added laughter of the guests, surreptitiously squeezing his twin's hand.
"John Castiel Novak," Sam stated, smiling as his tone softened. "Cas. The first time I heard you speak, I knew what a gift your every word would be. You knew what I was and you were unafraid. You gave me your name and trusted that I would not misuse that knowledge. You took my hand and I felt the light of your soul. I knew then that I would willingly give you anything you asked of me that was within my power to give, and that has only become more true the longer I have known you. Your kindness and compassion, your strength and determination, your bravery and resilience... all of this and more makes loving you more than just easy. It was inevitable. And it doesn't hurt that you have a way with my hair that would take me magic to replicate," he added with a wink and an illustrative toss of his head, making Cas laugh almost too softly to be heard beneath the laughter from the guests. "I will be your sword and your shield. I will be your guide, your friend, your partner, and your lover. Every day I will strive to accept and embrace you exactly as you are. From this day forward until we cease to exist, I am yours, and I accept you as mine."
"My turn to take a swing at this now, no pressure," Jimmy joked, winking at Sam when he laughed along with the crowd. "Sam, Seren, my shining North Star... when I first met you, all I was looking for was a chance to keep my brother safe. I knew that chance wouldn't come without a price and I thought I was ready to pay it, even with my own life." He looked up, meeting Sam's eyes as he said, "Then we found you, and you showed me that my life wasn't a price to pay, but a gift to give, and it's a gift I will always choose to give to you. I will support you as your partner as I have served you as your employee. I will listen to you, offering advice when asked and accepting advice when given. I will tend your wounds, from iron to alicorns, and always kiss them better. I will provide for you and all of our children, current and future, to the best of my ability. I will remind you that your life, too, is a gift to be treasured, and I will accept that gift every day. From this day forward until we cease to exist, I am yours, and I accept you as mine."
"Dayum," someone, probably Gabriel, muttered, prompting a small smattering of laughter as Sam surreptitiously lifted a hand to swipe at his eyes.
"Pretty sure you knocked it out of the park," he said, voice thick with emotion. He swallowed, cleared his throat, and swallowed again. "Jimmy... James Constantine Novak... even before I first held your hand and felt the light of your soul touch mine, I knew your determination and drive to protect those most precious to you. You were afraid and you still bravely stood your ground, keeping up a smile the whole time... despite provocation."
"I said I was sorry!" Charlie huffed in mock-annoyance, prompting more laughter.
"And I forgave you," Jimmy teased back.
"More quickly than many would in your place," Sam chuckled. His laughter faded as he went on, "It made me wonder how such a brave, bright soul could so readily see himself as an imperfect shadow. Jimmy, it was so very easy to fall in love with you, your adaptability, wisdom, and wit... the same compassion and resilience in your twin applied in your own way. Convincing you that I love you was less easy, even knowing I can't lie. Fortunately for me, you were willing to be persuaded," he smirked as Jimmy ducked his head with a blush. "You deserve to be treasured for yourself, and I promise to not only treasure you for all our days and nights, but to remind you when times get hard that you are worth whatever effort is involved. I will stand at your side to protect you and your loved ones, care for your illnesses and injuries, and hold you through joys and sorrows, big and small. From this day forward until we cease to exist, I am yours, and I accept you as mine."
"Good thing I skipped the eyeliner," Jimmy chuckled, taking his own turn to wipe his eyes with the back of his free hand.
"Sam, Cas, Jimmy?" Chuck broke in gently. "Do you three accept the vows which have been given to you?"
"We do," they answered, not quite in perfect unison. No one seemed surprised or inclined to call them on it, and Chuck turned to beckon Jack forward.
"Sam, as a prince of the Summer Court and a King of one of the Nine Realms of Tartarus, your spouses will be your royal consorts," Chuck said as Jack scooted forward and stretched up to pass over the velvet bags in his mouth. "Cas, Jimmy, do you accept these roles?"
"We do," the twins nodded, kneeling at Chuck's direction, Cas going down to his right knee, Jimmy to his left.
"Cas, Jimmy... receive these crowns of mithril silver and Tartaran obsidian as symbols of your places at my side," Sam intoned, drawing both intricately twisted silver and black circlets from their bags. He fumbled his grip a little until he held one in each hand, carefully lowering them onto the twin heads of dark curls. "I crown you both as my consorts at the same time, so that it will be known that you are equal in my heart and you both stand as my partners in all things, from here unto the end of our days."
"Clasp hands with your husbands and accept the bond between your souls as you have accepted the bond between your hearts," Chuck directed him, and Sam eagerly reached out, his left hand to Jimmy and his right hand to Cas. Golden ribbons of light sprang up around their hands, drawing surprised noises from the various humans in the crowd, before settling into a ring of golden runes around their respective wrists that slowly faded into black. Sam helped Cas and Jimmy to their feet, beaming happily as Chuck pronounced, "Bonded together in marriage of sound minds, loving hearts, and immortal souls, from this day forward are your lives entwined together. By Lady Magic and the Light of the Universe... I pronounce you husbands." He pressed his hands together and bowed. "Namasté."
Baby honked her horn happily as Jack barked in joy. The radio crackled until the triumphant strains of Freddy Mercury singing the chorus to "We Are The Champions" rolled out over the cheering assembly as Sam, Cas, and Jimmy came together in a threeway embrace. If this was the rest of their lives, it was off to a fantastic start.
Sam's bouquet:
Iris (faith, hope, wisdom, valor)
White chrysanthemum (truth)
Myrtle (love, Hebrew emblem of marriage)
Alyssum maritimum (immortal love)
Fern (magic, fascination, confidence and shelter)
Cas and Jimmy's bouquets:
Gloxinia (love at first sight)
Orange blossoms (innocence, eternal love, marriage, and fruitfulness)
Blue violets (faithfulness)
Forget-Me-Nots (true love, memories)
Ivy (wedded love, fidelity)
Baby's bouquet:
Blue roses (attaining the impossible, mystery)
Gardenia (good luck)
Lily-of-the-valley (sweetness, humility, returning happiness)
Ivy (fidelity, endurance)
Platform decoration:
Ivy (wedded love, fidelity)
Honeysuckle (devoted affection, bonds of love)
Wisteria (welcoming)
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rosenallies · 1 year
Since we were talking about it, would you write Nali visiting Rosie at work and overhearing one of the office bros making a rude remark? Protective daddy Rosie 🥰🥰🥰🥰
another old prompt yes 😭 why did I lowkey miss out on sum pretty good prompts <3
“Oh my god, thank fuck you’re here, I can’t believe I forgot my laptop,” Rosé exasperated as Denali walked into his office, his laptop pressed tightly against him. He crossed the room, placing a kiss on Denali’s cheek and taking his computer, setting it on his desk.
“Do you want to stay and hang out for a bit, babe? Or do you wanna go home?”
Denali shuffled his feet and shrugged. “Can I borrow your jacket?”
Rosé cocked his head to the side, brows furrowed in confusion. “Are you cold, baby? It’s been really warm out lately.”
“I’m just-I’m cold,” he insisted, eyes glued to the floor.
“Baby,” Rosé said, lifting Denali’s chin up to meet his gaze, “what’s the matter? Tell daddy what’s going on.”
Tears filled Denali’s eyes and his stomach churned with embarrassment. He tucked himself against Rosé, sniffling against his chest. “I heard someone in the lobby when I was walking in say something mean about my outfit and and how I walked.”
Rosé sighed sympathetically. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I think you look adorable, that dress is really pretty on you,” he cooed, “but that’s absolutely not okay. Can you show me who said it?”
Denali shook his head. “I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.”
“Baby, look at me, nobody should be saying mean things about you, especially not here when everyone in this building works for me. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let someone insult my sweet boy? I want you to tell daddy who it was so I can take care of it, okay?”
“Okay,” Denali sniffled, letting Rosé take him by the hand and lead him to the doorway where he pointed to one of the new finance managers.
“Hmm,” Rosé hummed, “I didn’t get the best vibes from him. You stay here, baby, daddy’s gonna take care of this.”
Denali lingered by the doorway as Rosé stomped toward the man’s desk. He couldn’t help but giggle to himself when he saw the look on his face as he followed Rosé back to his office.
“Nali, love, will you have a seat on the couch, please?”
He did as he was told, smiling politely and folding his hands in his lap, settling in for the show.
“So do you know why I called you into my office today?” Rosé asked.
The man shook his head. “No, sir.”
“Hm, well, I think my boyfriend over there might say something different.”
“B-boyfriend-?” He stuttered nervously.
“Yes, boyfriend. He says you had some interesting things to say about him. Is that true?”
“Well, I mean-it was just a joke! He’s just-he’s not something you see everyday!”
Rosé shrugged casually. “Well, if that’s how you treat someone who’s a different from you then I can’t see you having much of a future at this company. We don’t tolerate any bigotry here.”
“I don’t want to hear it,” he said, standing up, “please,pack your things and see yourself out. Your final paycheck will be in the mail.”
“Sir, please,” he tried, Rosé waving him off.
“You’re fired. Please see yourself out immediately, if you fail to do so and I have to call security to escort your pathetic ass out, I will personally make sure you never get hired anywhere ever again.”
“Yes, sir,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the floor as he escorted himself out, ignoring the smug little look on Denali’s face as he slammed the door.
“Come here, baby.”
Denali crossed the room, straddling Rosé’s lap in his desk chair, kissing him right below his earlobe, nipping slightly at the skin there. “Thank you, daddy.”
“Anytime, baby. I’m so sorry you had to hear those things. You know that I love you, right? I love everything about you.”
“I know,” Denali sighed dreamily, settling against his chest, “I love you too.”
“How about we blow this place off and I take you shopping and to a nice lunch, hmm?”
Rosé chuckled. “Of course, baby, you deserve a little something special.”
Denali leaned up to kiss him, throwing his arms around his neck, whispering in his ear when they pulled apart. “You’ll get a little something special when we’re all done too, daddy.”
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
21.holding hands while one is balancing on a small wall [Ves & Constantin]
(Another prompt @captainofthefallen sent me a while ago, the muses finally spoke up. Hopefully this will scratch the Greedfall itch) ----
Vesper was accustomed to wrangling Constantin’s shenanigans(too much so, some might argue), but this was pushing it even for him.
What are you doing?!” she hissed, arms crossed and stern look aimed at her cousin as he sat waist-deep in water, droplets glittering on his eyelashes.
“Celebrating my survival to manhood, of course!” Constantin answered with a too-loud laugh, splashing a hand down in the water.
“And a drunken swim in our neighbor’s fountain seemed the best way to do that?!” Vesper pressed.
“Oh, don’t glare so, Ves.” He rolled his eyes and flicked an arc of water at her. “‘M not drunk.”
She dodged the spray and sighed as she held out one hand. “Tipsy at least, then.” It was his first time drinking, it wouldn’t surprise her if it was further than that. “And I’m not glaring. Yet.” 
Constantin grinned at the threat in her voice and lounged back in the fountain. He didn’t even have the decency to look contrite. “So, are you my duly appointed killjoy with brave Kurt off on Coin Guard business?”
“No, I noticed what you were doing and investigated on my own..” Vesper wiggled her fingers. “Come on.” Mischief danced in his eyes and she felt obligated to warn, “Constantin D’Orsay, pull me in and I tell your father what you got up to on your visit to Al Saad last month.”
His grin went wider as he took her hand. “Blackmail, dear cousin? You’ll make a politician yet.”
She ignored the jibe, bracing herself to haul him up. But he didn’t climb all the way out of the fountain, instead finding his balance on the low wall containing it and starting to walk the curve. His hand stayed linked with Vesper’s, pulling her along as water poured off him and plastered his shirt to his frame. Her lips twitched toward a smile as she obliged.
“Constantin, our parents are at a luncheon,” she tried again. Her sleeve was starting to get wet. “They don’t even know where we are-”
He gave her a vaguely owlish look. “So you’re a self-appointed killjoy instead of being royally commissioned?”
“Constantin.” Vesper rolled her eyes, tightened her grip as one of his stockinged feet slipped and he teetered. “More... concerned with keeping out of trouble, dear cousin. If we hurry back, they may be none the wiser to this escapade.”
Constantin snorted, his smile going sullen. “Ah, yes, heavens forbid my father learn what I’ve been up to.” He spread his arms as an exhibit, still dripping.  “Perhaps I should have done my celebratory swim in the harbor, saved everyone the bother of my presence by getting crushed against one of those massive boats.” He gestured so broadly he almost fell back in.
“Don’t be like that,” Vesper chided. She tugged his hand enough to help him balance but let him keep walking the low wall. “You’d be missed-”
“By who?!” Constantin snorted. “My father, who can’t decide if I’m a diamond in the rough, just needing a bit of polish to be worthwhile, or a horrid failure he should write off while he has the chance?”
She half-shrugged, not particularly keen to revisit that long-standing sore spot.  “My mother, for one. You know she has a soft spot for you. Me, for another, my dear cousin. And Kurt would likely be bored with only one of us t-”
“He likes you better anyway,” Constantin deadpanned, sullenness starting to give way to a smile as he teetered again.
“Assuming that’s even true, it would only be because I pay attention,” Vesper said fondly. This time she pulled him down from the fountain rim toward her. “If you did the same, we’d be on equal footing in no time.” 
“But that’s much less fun.” He was grinning roguishly again now, dark mood passed as quickly as it had struck.
“Have it your way,” she sighed in mock-resignation, linking her arm gingerly with his to head for the palace. “Y’know, if we go sit on my balcony, there’s enough sun there you should dry out in short order.”
Constantin smiled fondly back, weaving slightly. “My savior once again. What would I do without you, noble cousin?”
Vesper shot him a teasing grin. “I shudder to think.”
He hugged her for that, and despite her indignant squawk and quick shove, still managed to get her wet enough they’d be drying out together.
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mightyflamethrower · 11 months
So now cocaine is legal in Oregon, but straws aren’t. That must be frustrating.
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• Still trying to get my head around the fact that ‘Take Out’ can mean food, dating, or murder. • Threw out my back sleeping, and tweaked my neck sneezing so I’m probably just one strong fart away from complete paralysis. •Dear paranoid people who check behind their shower curtains for murderers. If you do find one, what’s your plan? •The older I get, the more I understand why roosters just scream to start their day. •Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the ‘cool table’ in the cafeteria of a mental hospital. •You know you’re over 50 when you have ‘upstairs ibuprofen’ and ‘downstairs ibuprofen’. How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life, when….the rabbit is always jumping but only lives for around two year, and…the turtle that doesn’t exercise at all, lives over 200 years. So, rest, chill, eat, drink, and enjoy life! •I too was once a male trapped in a female body…but then my mother gave birth. •If only vegetables smelled as good as bacon. •When I lost the fingers on my right hand in a freak accident, I asked the doctor if I would still be able to write with it. He said, “Probably, but I wouldn’t count on it. •I woke up this morning determined to drink less, eat right, and exercise. But that was four hours ago when I was younger and full of hope. •Anyone who says their wedding was the best day of their life has clearly never had two candy bars fall down at once from a vending machine. •We live in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended •The biggest joke on mankind is that computers have begun asking humans to prove they aren’t a robot •When a kid says “Daddy, I want mommy” that’s the kid version of “I’d like to speak to your supervisor”. •It’s weird being the same age as old people. •Just once, I want a username and password prompt to say CLOSE ENOUGH •Last night the internet stopped working so I spent a few hours with my family. They seem like good people. •If Adam and Eve were Cajuns they would have eaten the snake instead of the apple and saved us all a lot of trouble. •We celebrated last night with a couple of adult beverages …… Metamucil and Ensure. •You know you are getting old when friends with benefits means having someone who can drive at night. •Weight loss goal: To be able to clip my toenails and breathe at the same time. •After watching how some people wore their masks, I understand why contraception fails. •Some of my friends exercise every day. Meanwhile I am watching a show I don’t like because the remote fell on the floor. •For those of you that don’t want Alexa or Siri listening in on your conversation, they are making a male version…it doesn’t listen to anything. •I just got a present labeled, ‘From Mom and Dad’, and I know darn well Dad has no idea what’s inside. •Now that Covid has everyone washing their hands correctly…next week…Turn Signals. •Someone said, “Nothing rhymes with orange.” I said, “No, it doesn’t.” • The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The realist adjusts his sails. •There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people will find this funny. •Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. •I have many hidden talents. I just wish I could remember where I hid them. •My idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself. •Apparently exercise helps you with decision-making. It’s true. I went for a run this morning and decided I’m never going again.
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
“ what do you say? wanna spend the rest of our lives together? “ for the classic Victoria and Yasuno!
[ FIREWORKS ] : fireworks go off overhead as sender proposes to receiver. For Ellis and Fennec!
[ KISS ] : sender pulls receiver into a long, heartfelt kiss right before they propose. For Stella and Louis!
I hope these aren’t too many! Thank you so much!
Proposal Prompts (Btw I chosen to swap some things around to fit some characters more)
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Around being down with his work the Reaper huffed proudly at what he accomplished... despite being linked to death to create such a lively flower field for such a long while was something hard to accomplish but it had a purpose... quite a big one... around the morning being almost over he woke up Victoria, after graduation she did accept being with him even if she often pretends she only does this so he won't cause trouble but in actuality as couple they were quite close, she just didn't want to accept it.... seeing her get ready to go out for something to buy he stopped her in her tracks.
"I have something to show you, my dearest queen."
"It better not be one of your tricks again... fine I give you this chance."
As he brought her to the flower field she was confused at first... sure it was her favourite type of flower but why was it arranged in such odd Shapes.
"You should have just made it one field really, it would have looked far more pretty."
"Oh but you didn't even see the purpose of it, lets go up that hill and then you will see why."
She looked at him sceptical but endured his smug aura a bit longer... and as she turned around looking at that flower field she suddenly covered her mouth in shock... it spelled "Marry me?"
"You sly-"
With a smirk he placed a kiss on her placing a ring into her hands... it was like a black rose design with some skulls on the side.
“What do you say? Wanna spend the rest of our lives together? “
She lightly punched his arm but her look at him, he knew she actually liked this.
"Fine but.... only cause you put so much effort in it, Reaper."
"I wonder if at least at the altar you call me by name."
"You have to earn that first."
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As Fennec return from his long adventure,Ellis hardly recognized him... the gruff look, the muscles... yet as she talked with him for longer she still knew he was the same little boy she fell for... and it was probably the best to keep him before he was on his adventures again... so that night as she invited him to the fireworks festival in town she wanted to seal the deal and ask him to stay as proposal...
Both sat down into the calming gras and looked at the stars shining bright, as many prepared the whole show she smiled sweetly at him.
"Say Fen, You said you found your brother, right? So basically you don't have any responsiblities anymore?"
"That is true, El... I am free to stay as long as I like."
"But... what if you stay forever... that you will find your happy ever after here."
She wanted to raise her voice to directly ask him.
"I wanted to ask you... if you want to marry m-"
Before she could finish her sentence the sound of a rocket drowned out her words... and even at the second attempt, she still wasn't hurt and got frustrated at the sound, before suddenly he picked her up in his arms and placed that same ring onto her hand he held onto for so long, the other ring his brother usually kept.
"I promised... once I return... this one would fully belong to you... you may have given it back to me but I wanted you to keep it... cause I wanted you to be my wife one day."
"So you wanted to ask as well."
He gave a nod and placed a kiss on her cheek.
"If I found my princess of my dreams I won't let her go right?"
"Then this will be our happily ever after. I am so excited... I can't wait to plan the whole thing and-"
He had to listen to her ideas for a while throughout the show, sometimes her voice being drowned out by the noise but... at least he was happy to see her smile like this again... he really missed it over the years... and he looked forward to seeing it each day.
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Louis was surprised to be invited that late by Stella to follow him outside... but seeing the stars and the pretty Pavillion she found to watch them it was worth loosing some sleep over... he actually had taken something with him that he planned to give to her but was unsure how to approach it, keeping it in his pocket as she spoke up.
"Louis, do you remember when I asked you some weeks ago about your dearest wish.... and I said I want you to write it down."
"Yes, I do... did you read it?"
"Not in particular... I wanted to see if I could guess it on my own."
She held out her hand to him and smiled.
"Would you grant me a small dance, to see if I can figure it out?"
"Without music? If that is your wish."
Waltzing among the stars he grew a bit nervous seeing her eyes gaze on him, like she wanted to read his thoughts.
"At first I thought you might wish for something like, your sister to return or... to grant Kimon happiness... you are a person that always thinks of others more than yourself... but seeing your eyes like this... I think its moreso a wish this time of what you desire."
"Stella I-"
She put a finger on his mouth to shut him up and leaned her arms over his shoulders drawing closer.
"How about we speak our thoughts out together?"
A sweet but long kiss let them shortly stop their sway, the moonlight shining on them as they embraced another.... before both could remove their lips to speak again.
"Will you marry me?"
Both chuckled, given they said it at the same time, but Louis was quick to hand her the small box he kept in his pocket. It was a simple ring but the star shape made her the more happier.
"I hope you like it."
"I will cherish it... I hope we can stay forever like this... I knew from your eyes that this lonelyness I first saw in your eyes when we met is gone... and given I shared it as well... lets keep each other not lonely anymore."
He kneeled down and took her hand.
"I promise I will do anything to keep you save, my dear Starlight."
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auxiliarydetective · 1 year
OC Pride Challenge: Day 12
You can find the challenge here
We're currently in LGBTQIA+ Tropes week and for today's prompt I decided to use...
Mentor in Queerness for Raevyn Maumahara
I've always seen Raevyn's species, the Tehiko, as a species that has a very special relationship with gender and even though Raevyn is cis and traditionally feminine, she would have those same beliefs. I also always wanted her to have a special relationship with Topa and so spun my own headcanons about Topa's gender long before it was actually addressed. You can imagine my excitement when I watched A Tale of Two Topas. But this fic doesn't take place then, it takes place around the episode Sanctuary.
“Thank you for watching over Topa again, Commander,” Bortus said.
“Oh, it’s really no big deal,” Raevyn replied with a smile. “Topa and I get along well. Don’t we, Topa?”
Topa only gave a weak smile. This confirmed Raevyn’s suspicion. The Moclan mind was hard to read, but she knew Topa well enough from many hours of babysitting to notice when something was wrong.
“Don’t you have better things to do than watch our child?” Klyden asked.
Raevyn knew that way of speaking too. But she overlooked his hostility and just said: “I think getting to spend time with Topa is one of the best ways I could spend my free time.”
Kill ‘em with kindness.
“We must go now,” Bortus declared, “or we will miss our gathering. Come, Klyden. - Be good, Topa.”
“Yes, papa,” Topa said quietly.
With that, Klyden and Bortus left and Raevyn stayed behind with Topa. Immediately, Topa moved over to the sofa and picked up his puzzle cube. Raevyn sighed and sat down next to him, watching him for a while.
“What’s wrong?” she finally asked. “Are you having trouble with your parents?”
“You could say that,” Topa said.
“It happens to everyone. You know, as we get older, we start to notice little things that never bothered us before and then when we talk about them, sometimes our parents won’t understand because they’ve been doing it this way since - well, since we were born - and they’re not gonna change that just because some inexperienced little rascal said so. Or they don’t like the person we’re becoming because we’re not growing up the way they expected. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just life. Part of growing up is forging your own path and bickering with your parents as you do.”
“Hmm,” Topa mumbled and stopped fidgeting with his cube. He looked up at Raevyn and put it down. “Papa has been telling me that women are inferior.”
Raevyn couldn’t help an ironic smile. It had to happen sooner or later. Klyden was… well, he was a very conservative Moclan. It was common knowledge that, unlike Bortus, he had little understanding and respect for women in higher ranks - or women in general -, especially women like Raevyn.
“But I don’t believe that,” Topa continued.
“Oh boy, am I glad,” Raevyn chuckled.
“Commander Grayson and Doctor Finn are both very capable.”
“They are.”
“And you… you are a hero!”
“Oh gosh.”
“You are! And a true warrior! Papa doesn’t think so. He says a man wouldn’t have gotten captured and injured like you.”
Raevyn scoffed. She looked at her right hand which was now made of shimmering metal. She would’ve loved to see Klyden endure torture and high-voltage currents, watching his body break before his eyes. Was that too sadistic? Maybe she did hate him. But she had to try to at least stay on neutral ground with him or he wouldn’t let her see Topa anymore.
“My parents had a bad fight over you a few days ago,” Topa said. “Papa said he doesn’t want me spending time with a crippled female.”
Raevyn felt rage cooking up inside of her but she swallowed it down. Crippled female. Was that all he thought she was?
“Ouch,” she finally got out. “... And what did Bortus say?”
“He defended you. He said you were a great warrior and a great Chief of Security. To him, you are a good influence to me and an example to look up to.”
Raevyn smiled. “And what do you think? Do you think I’m crippled?”
“No. Your endurance is admirable and… I actually think your prosthetics are fascinating.”
“Do you wanna touch them?”
“Can I?”
Raevyn took off her uniform jacket and lay it on the sofa next to her, then she offered both her arms. Whereas her left hand had only gotten its fingers and palm replaced, her right arm was metal up to its elbow. Her neck was metal too, a fusion of Tehiko and Kaylon engineering, as were her feet. The battle had really taken its toll on her and it had taken time for her to adjust to her new limbs. But if she could use them now to entertain a child… Topa carefully touched the metal surface of her hand, looking at the different components of sleek design. Isaac and the others had really outdone themselves to make it remember her flesh hand.
“Can you feel this?” Topa asked, poking the middle of her palm, causing her fingers to slightly curl inwards.
“I can feel everything like Isaac can. It’s the same technology.”
“So you can feel hot and cold too?”
“Hot and cold too. Except my prosthetics can’t freeze or get burned, thank god.”
For another minute or two, Topa eyed Raevyn’s hands. Then, his eyes wandered to her neck. With an amused smile, Raevyn leaned back and let him touch the different metal platings.
“Did you know my voice is simulated?”
“It is?”
“Yeah, like a simulator character. A bit freaky to think about, to be honest.”
Topa nodded. Then, his eyes sank and he pulled his hand back, pondering something.
“Raevyn,” he finally said, “why does papa hate you? Is it just because you are female?”
Raevyn sighed and fully leaned back on the sofa, looking at the ceiling for a second. Then, she looked at Topa again.
“It’s complicated. Your father is a very conservative man. He believes in traditional Moclan morals and all that. Well, traditionally, Moclans and Tehiko don’t get along. There’s some things our cultures have in common, like our focus on the military and strength, but some things are wildly different and don’t really mix well. My homeworld used to be a matriarchal society, meaning women were the ones in power. We’ve moved past it now, but we used to be the polar opposite to your people.”
“Yeah, but there’s another thing he probably hates even more: Since ancient times, we Tehiko have always had a very special relationship with gender identity.”
Topa furrowed his brows. “What do you mean? What is ‘gender identity’?”
“Oh, your father never taught you that, did he?” Raevyn gasped. Immediately, she started to feel a little nauseous inside.
“No, but I want to know. Please, tell me about what your people believe!”
Could she really tell him? A Moclan child? What would Klyden do if he found out? Then again, for the same reason that she maybe shouldn’t tell him, she simply had to, especially considering who Topa was and what had happened to him shortly after his birth. If she wasn’t going to tell him, who would?
“Alright,” she sighed. “But you have to promise not to tell your papa, okay? This is our little secret.”
Topa nodded eagerly and looked up at her with big eyes. So, Raevyn started explaining:
“Well, your papa probably told you that there’s only male or female, right? Nothing in-between. That’s already medically incorrect, but that’s not what we’re gonna talk about. What your dad tried to tell you about is someone’s sex. Their biological sex, what they were assigned at birth. Now, you were assigned…”
“Correct. But what matters is how you feel. That is your gender.”
“So…” Topa said slowly. “Someone could be male and feel like they are female?”
“Would they still be male?”
“No, they’d be female, according to my people’s beliefs, because their feelings are what matters. My people believe someone’s body to only be a hull, so someone’s sex is only secondary to someone’s true gender. Besides, with today’s medicine, you can change it at will anyways to match how you feel.”
“And people can’t just feel male or female either. They can feel like neither or both or somewhere in-between or outside of those norms.”
“Someone can be neither?”
“That’s right.”
“What would you call that?”
“Non-binary… And if someone feels like a gender that isn’t their assigned sex?”
“That’s what we call trans.”
Topa looked baffled. Hopefully, it was the good kind of baffled. It seemed like he was catching on, at least. Hopefully, he wouldn’t spill anything at the dinner table and get in trouble with Klyden. But it was too late to back-pedal now.
“I should probably say that believing in someone’s gender is common sense among most Union cultures,” Raevyn continued. “But my species is especially open about it because we’ve had concepts like that firmly established in our society and culture for much longer than other species. Other cultures still have the gender binary pretty cemented, even today, and switching between or blending genders isn’t as common. We think of gender as something fluid - humans would say it’s a spectrum.”
Topa’s eyes were widened with excitement. He looked up at Raevyn and smiled. Then, his smile faded a little.
“Why do I have to keep this a secret?” Topa asked. “It is beautiful.”
Raevyn smiled, but she felt bad inside. She was proud of Topa, she really was. As if he were her child.
“You see, Topa,” she sighed, “if things went by me, you wouldn’t have to. But your papa… How do I say this…? Klyden wouldn’t be happy to hear you talk about it. He’d get very angry at you and me and I don’t want you to get in trouble with your papa because of me. He’s just not ready to hear it yet. Maybe, one day, he will be.”
They sat in silence for a second. There was something else that needed to be said.
“Of course, if you feel like you might not be male,” Raevyn continued, fighting with herself not to spill the secret she, too, had to guard, “you can’t go around hiding it. No one should have to hide who they really are. If that happens, you come talk to me again and we’ll figure something out.”
Silence again. But it was a comfortable silence. Topa smiled and nodded. Raevyn finally felt like she had said what needed to be said and had given Topa something to fall back on once he inevitably found out about his past. Or maybe he would never need this advice. But just in case he did, she would be there. Klyden would be their biggest issue, but she would find a way to deal with him. Besides, Bortus was there, too, and he would most likely be on their side if push came to shove. But that wasn’t something they had to worry about right now.
“Can I see your homeworld?” Topa asked sweetly.
“I’d love to show you,” Raevyn said, “but it’s a Saturday night. I bet all the simulators are taken.”
“But we can look at pictures if you’d like.”
“I would love that.”
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drebur123 · 2 years
Promptober Day: 12
Pumpkin Carving | Jacksepticeye X Reader
Prompt: "Pumpkin Carving"
This is pretty much the sequel to "Pumpkin Picking", so you may want to read that one first.
(wc: 681)
" That's how you want to carve your pumpkin?" Sean chuckles pointing at the huge circular eyes with no pupils. "What? You don't like it?" I ask nudging his arm with my elbow. "Yours isn't much better." 
I decided to go with round eyes and a smile, and Sean did a friendly looking ghost to go with the color of the pumpkin. "True," he replies, handing me the knife. "Your turn to cut it out." 
He did his while I was still designing mine. I take it from Sean and plunge it in the top of the gourd. Sean and I decided to carve them at my house. "Can you promise me that Anti won't pop up? Everyone who's carved a pumpkin on your channel meets Anti." I speak. 
"I'll try my best to make sure that doesn't happen." Sean places an assuring hand on my shoulder as I pop the top off the pumpkin off. The first eye came out without fighting me. Which is nice. I've never been very good with a knife. 
"Do you have a candle?" Sean asks. "Yeah. I think I put the package on the top shelf in my bedroom. You can go get it if you want." He nods, disappearing into my house. I hum a little tune underneath my breath as I work on the second eye. 
This one's giving me trouble. There's a bruise in the path of the knife, making it difficult to cut. After fighting with it for a bit I skip that and move onto the lima bean shaped mouth. Sean returns with the package of apple pie scented tealights I bought yesterday. 
"Found them," he says throwing them on the table. It surprisingly didn't mess me up. We're working on one of those white plastic "Lifetime" tables. You know, the one's you find at every garage sale.   
"Cool," I respond, popping out the mouth. "Sean?" He turns his attention to me. "Can you help me? I can't seem to get this to come out." He takes the blade from my hands and gets to work. 
"There," he says just as the second circle falls out.   
Sean and I finish up the video, turning off the camera. Between the two of us the mess is quickly cleaned up, leaving only the pumpkins on the table. 
"Let's go inside," I say. "It's cold." Sean nods, following close behind as we make our way into the house. The sun is still trying to set, so we decide to wait to take some pictures in the dark. "Are you going to stay over?" I ask, sitting on the couch. 
"Probably not. I think I'll head home to go to bed," Sean replies, sitting next to me. "Ok. What do you want to do while we wait?" Sean shrugs. "We could watch a movie," he suggests. "Which one?" 
We ended up watching his favorite movie. It wasn't too bad. About thirty minutes in, we got the pictures for Instagram and returned to our spots right next to each other on the couch. Sean's head lightly rests on shoulder, mine on top of his. 
The ending credits start rolling down the screen, signifying the movie's over. I lift my head quickly noting that the Irishman isn't doing the same. "Jack," I whisper, muting the tv. He doesn't respond. I assume he's asleep.
Pondering waking him up, I finally decide upon just let him stay here. After turning the tv all way off, I adjust our position, making more comfortable for the both of us.
I rest my head on the top corner of the back cushion with Sean leaning on me more than before. He's warm compared to the air circulating throughout the house as of right now. I may have forgot to turn on the heater.
My eyelids slowly start to get heavier by the moment. I glance over at Sean —who's sleeping surprisingly peacefully— before drifting off myself.
Not proofread, sorry.
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hekate1308 · 2 years
Fictober 2022, #12
Prompt: “You’re making my head hurt“
Fandom: Supernatural 
Rating: G
Pairings: Destiel
“Cas” Dean says, bringing his hand up to squeeze the bridge of his nose, "You're making my head hurt."
It’s not that he’s not happy Cas has decided to stay with them at the bunker for the foreseeable future instead of fluttering off to Heaven or wherever he used to go when he flew off. He is. For several reasons, some of which he is even ready to acknowledge, like the fact that he’s now living with his two best friends.
But the fact is, sometimes this leads to situations that are just… ever so slightly bizarre, and this is definitely one of them.
“But Papa Smurf would have to have known Granny Smurf, since she and Grandpa Smurf appear to be close, so it makes no sense that he would ask to be introduced –“
“Cas, I am not discussing the genealogy of the freaking Smurfs with you.”
“But it makes no sense –“
“It’s a kids’ show, I don’t think they cared enough to think all of that through.”
Cas frowns. “It seems to me that one should care more about what one allows children to watch than when the intended audience consist of adults…”
“That may be true, but that’s not how it works.”
Cas thinks about it for a moment, then says, “I think there are a lot of things I do not yet understand, despite having known you and your brother for over a decade.”
Dean laughs; he can’t help it. “Cas, you’ve been around for millennia. You can’t tell me that me and Sammy are a more important blip on your radar than freaking Moses or any of those other guys and gals.”
Cas is silent for a heartbeat or two, then he slowly but surely backs away, leaving the room altogether, and Dean has no idea what he’s done now. It’s only too natural to think that he is at fault, only he really can’t say what exactly he did, but well, this is dean we’re talking about, so of course he did something.
Thing is, he doesn’t think he was wrong. Sure, Cas is a pretty big thing for him… and Sam (although in very different ways, and such as he will never divulge to another being if he can help it) but why should he feel the same way? Guy was around when the freaking Tower of Babel was built, and for what it’s worth, no matter what they’ve been through, Dean still thinks that’s more important than their troubles.
Should he apologize? In the end, he just shrugs and goes to blow off some steam in the kitchen. That usually works for him, and it’s a hell of a lot healthier than drinking, which he has been doing a lot less of ever since Cas moved in, now that he thinks about it.
When Sam enters the room, he assumes he’s going to chew him out for upsetting Cas, but somehow his brother mostly looks… sad? It’s somewhat confusing, seeing as he’s usually pissed at Dean when he puts his foot in.
“Hey, Sammy. Care for a beer?”
Soe he cracked a cold one open after all. It’s just one drink, he can deal.
“Cas is upset.”
“Before you say anything, this actually started because of the freaking smurfs” he tells him, keeping his eyes on the scrambled eggs he’s making.
“Yes, he told me.”
“Sorry if me not caring made him angry, but…”
“Dean, he’s upset because you doubt that you are the most important thing in his life.”
Scratch. Freeze frame. Or whatever the kids are saying, these days.
What the hell?
He takes a deep breath. “Calm down there, Sammy. You make it sound as if…”
“Dean, it’s okay. It’s not as if I don’t know.”
What? “Don’t know what?”
“Come on. You’ve been spending how much time in your room lately?”
That’s true, but – “Dude, we’ve been watching movies and stuff!” Hence their ill-fated Smurf binge.
“I know. I just meant that… if… that is…”
Isn’t this awkward.
Then, to make it even worse, Sam says, “You know I wouldn’t mind –“
“Goddamn it Sam, he’s an angel. He’s got better options.”
Another pause. Then, “You didn’t say that you aren’t –“
“Come off it Sam, of course I am. But that’s not the point.”
“Dean… you do realize Cas thinks it is?”
Wait a moment. “Are you saying that you think that –“
“Dean, I know. Dude can only stare at you for so long before even I get a hint.”
He takes another deep breath. “So you really –“
“Yes, Dean, really. So can you just go and talk to him? Please?”
He comes to a decision and cleans his hands. “Can you take over for me?”
Of course Sam agrees.
He turns back around at the door. “Oh, and if this goes right… don’t wait for me with dinner.”
His brother’s bitchfae is more than worth it, especially because he and Cas only re-emerge from their room the next morning.
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May I request an imagine for a Hufflepuff reader who goes to the yule ball with a Durmstrang student but at some point during the night he humiliates her so she runs out crying and Fred Weasley follows her? He actually has feelings for her but in fear of ruining their friendship he kept quiet until he saw her upset and he blurts it out out of anger at the other guy for doing what he did.
Hey nonnie! Thanks for being so patient. I did deviate a little bit, but I hope you still like it! 
y/n Your name
y/e/c your eye color
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You’d liked Fred for a while. Exactly how long was hard to figure out, it had all happened so gradually that you didn’t really notice until you noticed. When the Yule Ball came around you were pretty excited, the Hufflepuff tower became a hub of dresses and gossip and teaching one another makeup tips and looks. It was nice. You didn’t try to let on very often, but you were quite obsessed with pretty things. Not vain, but flipping through fashion magazines was quite a hobby of yours. You’d even tried your hand at sewing. 
So this ball was a dream come true. 
You’d thought about asking Fred. Well actually, you were going to ask Fred. There’d been a whole plan, you’d do your typical late night snack run with him and ask him to the Ball. In the glow of the moonlight you would tell him how you felt and he would say he felt the same and you’d kiss before he’d ask you to be his girlfriend. 
You’d strode up to him in the Great Hall with a large grin, “Hey Fred! How’s it going?” 
“Oh good! Me ‘n Angie are going to the Yule Ball together.” 
Y/E/C eyes went wide in surprise and a single word ran through your head. 
The Ball had been rapidly approaching, and you’d been talking to one of the Durmstrang boys, Rolf, about your plans. Not going as Fred’s date was a bummer, but dammit you were still going to have fun. With a smile he’d gently placed his hand on yours, “I was wondering Y/N, would you like to go with me?” 
You stared at him in surprise, “What?” 
“I wanted to go with you on a date to the Ball.” he laughed a bit, “Would you like to go?” 
Rolf was very sweet. You’d enjoyed getting to know him these past few months, but you hadn’t really thought of him that way. But hell, he was pretty attractive, fun to talk too, and your friend. 
This could be a lot of fun. 
“I’d love to, Rolf.” 
Who knew? You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t noticed he was handsome. Maybe this could turn into a proper relationship. 
Besides, what was the point in chasing a boy who was already taken?
It had hurt a bit, seeing Fred have so much fun with Angelina. You couldn’t help it. You were only human after all. What had hurt more, was the fact that your date kept looking around everywhere but you. Seemingly distracted by something you didn’t know. 
“Is everything alright?” nervously, you flattened your dress’ bodice with the palms of your hand, sighing as the black silk passed smoothly underneath your skin. 
He shook his head, “Everything is fine, Y/N. I’m a bit tired is all.” 
You frowned, you two had only danced for two songs. “Are you sick?” 
“No– why don’t you go dance with your friend and I’ll catch up with you?” 
You placed a gentle hand on Rolf’s shoulder, trying to offer a bit of comfort. Even if he said he wasn’t sick, he seemed offput by something. You allowed your hand to brush against his jacket before striding over to where Fred was, seemingly winded as well. 
Though, you’d seen Fred dance. Two songs like that would knock the wind out of anyone. “Are you having fun?”
Fred grinned up at you, “Well hello there beautiful!” He popped up from where he stood before taking your hand and gently leading it over your head, “Gimme a twirl? You kept talking about this bloody dress, I’d like to see it in action.” 
You laughed and twirled underneath his hand, “Do you like it? I was so excited when I found it!” 
“It’s beautiful. You look simply ravishing, Y/N. Where’s your date? If I were him I wouldn’t let you out of my sight!”
“Ah– he’s tired. Or that’s what he said. He seemed a bit worried about something.” 
Fred frowned and looked around, “Who’d you go with again?”
“Rolf, my friend from Durmstrang.” 
The twin rolled his eyes, feeling a surge of jealousy. Of course it’d been Rolf. The prat. 
Granted, he’d never actually met the guy, but Fred still wasn’t a fan. 
“Are you having fun with Angie, Fred?” 
That snapped him back to attention, “Huh? Yeah I am– I think she’s off talking with the girls.” 
“Shouldn’t you be with her?” 
“Nah we just came as friends, I can reconnect with her in a little while.” 
You paused, as you looked up at Fred. “You went as friends?” 
“Yeah. We basically came as a big group– George is with Katie and Lee’s with Alicia…” 
You still could have asked him out. The corner of your mouth twitched, as you tried to keep from swearing out loud or looking too perturbed. “Well that’s– that’s wonderful–” there was a hitch in your voice. 
Really, you tried to be a positive person. You tried really hard. Your friends always commended you on your optimistic outlook and assumed that it came naturally you. They were wrong. You worked hard to be like this. What sort of insane person didn’t think of the bad side of things? Didn’t think of negative outcomes? But you would be damned if you’d let those sorts of things weigh you down. You could do better than that. 
But damn, this hurt. You’d spent weeks jealous of Angelina who’d done really nothing wrong and annoyed at Fred and feeling guilty for both of these things and it all could have been solved if you’d asked. 
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and you could feel your voice crack before you heard it come out of your voice, “I’m gonna-- I’m gonna go back to my date.” 
“Y/N?” Fred looked concerned as you spun away and fled towards where you’d left Rolf, leaving only the clacking of heels in your wake. He dashed behind you, an easy feat with his long legs and stopped when you ground to a halt before what appeared to be a Durmstrang student snogging some Ravenclaw in a dark corner. 
You hadn’t quite formed a crush on Rolf. But you’d been a bit curious. He’d seemed to have liked you, and been interested. At the very least you considered him a good friend. So even if you didn’t quite ‘like him’ yet, you’d expected that at the very least he’d have the common courtesy to not snog anyone else on what was supposed to be a romantic date. “Rolf?” 
“Oh-- Y/N...” he seemed to falter for his words, as the girl in his arms looked between Rolf and you in confusion. It seemed that she wasn’t aware he’d been on a date. “This is Katelyn, I ah-- I was going to ask her to the Ball, but she said she couldn’t go...”
Your eyebrows furrowed, as you bit back the bile rising in your throat. Unfortunately, your voice came out much more fragile than you’d hoped it would. “I was your backup?”
Rolf seemed to be fumbling for what to say, but before he could you strode away, your head held high and your chin up. Your lower lip wobbled, but you would be damned if you would let yourself cry like this. Not in such a pretty room. Not when you’d spent so much time and had been so happy with how everything had turned out. 
You burst out of the Hall and grabbed your dress’ skirt so you could walk faster, taking in deep breaths of air. You felt something wet on your cheeks and let out a sob as you realized you were already crying. 
“Y/N! Hold on!” Fred jogged up to your side, looking down at you in worry. He wasn’t sure what to say. The past few weeks had been torture for him really. You’d been talking all about your dress and your plans and how excited you were to get dolled up. 
Angelina had said it’d be fine if he went with you instead, she knew that he’d liked your for at least a year at that point, but the day she’d brought that up was the day he’d found out that you’d gotten yourself a date. So he’d watched his angel get dolled up for another man, and tried to stifle his complaints the best he could. 
He hadn’t asked you out. He’d had a date. This wasn’t anyone’s fault but his own. 
And now you were crying, and desperately trying to wipe away the tears before they made your makeup trail down your face. At this point it wasn’t even to keep yourself looking nice, it was a matter of dignity. Fred fished his handkerchief out of his pocket, a rather aged looking lacy thing that his mother had given him a while back. Gently, he turned up your chin so he could dab at the streaks of black on your face. His voice betrayed an anger that his actions didn’t show. “He shouldn’t have done that to you.” 
You let out a sniffle. Obviously you agreed. “I’d’ve understood if he’d told me from the beginning... that he couldn’t get the date he wanted, I was in the same boat.” 
Fred stared at you for a moment, using the kerchief to dab away the last streak of mascara. The date you wanted? Was there another guy mixed up in all of this? 
“I fancy you.” Your eyes went wide and Fred took in every last detail of them as he spoke. “I have for about a year now, I reckon. Drove me crazy seeing you get so excited to go out with another guy.” 
There was a pause, as now Fred began to fumble for his words, “Not that that’s your fault-- I didn’t ask you out but still--” 
You reached out and grabbed Fred’s collar to bring him down into a kiss, one that Fred quickly reciprocated, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in close. The music was drifting in from the Great Hall, and as you two finally pulled away Fred gave you a smile, “Why don’t we go back in? I’d like to dance.”
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