#i did care for prompts huehuehue
frankenjoly · 2 months
Hi! Care for some requests? :3
"Haven't you seen enough blood for one night?" + Yosano & any other character of your choice
"Why is your house so big?" + Mushitarô & Poe
yosano & kyôka + “haven’t you seen enough blood for one night?”
“Haven’t you seen enough blood for one night?” Yosano asked when the girl didn’t leave. Quite the opposite, since Kyôka had only not moved but also seemed very adamant in offering more help. “I can handle this myself, don’t worry.”
“Haven’t you too, Yosano-sensei?” Was the answer she got, and Kyôka’s default serious tone didn’t hide some concern behind it.
“Honestly? Good point, you’re right.” She replied back, handing Kyôka a pair of latex gloves; they were going to be a bit big on her, but Akiko couldn’t offer much more. In fact, when all of that was over, one of the first things in her list was a very necessary run to restock supplies. Sooner than that, even, in the case everything didn’t last till then. “We only have to finish clean-up and such, but I’d put them on anyway just in case.” After all, the operation table had been receiving three different people, and despite how Yosano had wiped everything out in-between each, one could never be too cautious. 
Sure, infections weren’t a problem when she could simply use her ability, but it was better to take precautions first.
“Alright.” Kyôka simply said, doing as she had been suggested. “And I think we should eat when we finish.” Such a comment didn’t surprise Akiko; in a line of work like theirs, one ended up being used to the sight of blood and injuries enough not to interfere with their appetite. Less people like her and Kyôka, with the background they carried.
“Cool, what do you want?” Options there weren’t exactly unlimited, but there still were some available choices, so…
“I wouldn’t mind a burger.” The girl said, and Yosano smiled.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
mushitarô & poe + “why is your house so big?”
“Holy– wow…” That might have been Mushitarô’s first moment of awe, just right upon entering the place, but wouldn’t be his last. “Damn, Poe-kun, why is your house so big?”
“Oh, I was lucky.” Poe simply said, closing the door after getting inside too and slightly crouching to let Karl drop to the floor more easily. “Well, lucky to find it, you know money isn’t a problem for me.” Yes, he was incredibly aware of that, something which would never stop making him jealous… nor he had any problem in expressing it either but quite the opposite; Mushitarô did it on the regular and that time wasn’t going to be an exception.
“Listen, I’ve never been short on money, but I’m not kidding when I say you’re living my dream either.”
Poe stared at him for a brief second, then looked down and focused on taking off his jacket with maybe too much concentration. Was that last iteration one too many, maybe? He would deny being nervous if asked, but hell if second thoughts weren’t catching up to him right then.
“You know you can come over anytime, right? And stay as much as you want too, I have more than enough spare rooms.” Oh.
So Poe wasn’t bothered in the slightest, then.
“I mean, I wouldn’t want to take more advantage of your hospitality than it’s polite, you know.” But Mushitarô also wouldn’t say no to the writer’s offer either, of course minding his manners to be a good guest. He may have not many qualms in acting spoiled, but using up the Rats’ resources was vastly different from screwing over a friend.
“It’s fine, don’t worry.” Poe added, finishing up with his jacket and placing it on a nearby hanger. “Also, Ranpo-kun also comes by whenever, so I’m used to having visits now.”
“I mean, he definitely takes more advantage of your hospitality than it’s polite.”
“No, seriously. It’s fine.” Upon hearing that, Mushitarô’s first thought was commenting on how Poe was too lenient with Ranpo. But discarded it for a very simple reason: he complained, sure, but was becoming a bit like that too.
(Also on ao3.)
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lovelynim · 1 year
First things first- congratulations on reaching 400 followers!! I’m so happy for you! 🎉💕
I’ve been meaning to send this in since I saw the post but I’ve been so busy orz if you’re still taking prompts, may I request some Shizaya? I’m so starved for content I’d take anything with them really adhsjksj but I think something with one of them being drunk or a little too tipsy would be interesting ~ whatever you wanna do though! I just love Them™️ :,)
Eheheh, thank youu ~
Omg this is actually such a fun prompt, because we can literally go down either with them huehuehue. Hope you enjoy this, dear, and let's hope the public make a wise choice once again!
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Shizuo looked to the man sitting next to him with the corner of his eyes. The sight was so interesting that he forgot his own drink, simply holding it still a few inches from his lips, as if he had become a statue.
Izaya, the known information broker, chugging one bottle after the other, nearly comically falling off his seat as he turned his head back to make sure every little drop of alcohol fell into his mouth. Since when the flea was this much of a drinker?
The blonde sighed, shaking his head in disapproval as he decided it would be best to just let him be and mind his own businesses. Finally sipping from his cup, Shizuo frowned when he noticed the beer had already become warm. 
“You need to… learn how to enjoy those, Shi-zu-chan.”
The debt collector turned his head to the side as Izaya’s voice reached his ears, his words were lazily spoken, almost dragged out of his lips. His cheeks, ears and neck tainted with a shameless shade of red. He was wasted, Shizuo thought.
However, after taking a second look at him, Shizuo felt that something was off or, rather, missing. Almost sure it was because of the drinks he had, but Izaya didn’t seem as quick-witted as he usually was, neither sassy, mouthy, teasy and… not as annoying. Shizuo raised an eyebrow, curious about this new side of the flea.
“Huh,” he chuckled, placing his cup down, “maybe you should learn the time to stop, flea,” he said in mockery, testing out some of his theories.
“Meanie,” Izaya whined, pouting as he rested his head on his hands, trying to sound mad, “you should… be nice to me, you know?”
The blonde couldn’t hold back his grin at that answer. The alcohol really had the best of Izaya and, now, all that was left was that mess of a man sitting next to him.
“Aight, aight, I apologize, but you should really call it a day,” Shizuo chuckled softly, placing his hand over Izaya’s and stopping him from taking the cup to his lips. “You’ll have a hangover tomorrow at this rate,” he tried to reason as if Izaya wasn’t already completely wasted.
But, to his surprise, Izaya didn’t say anything this time, just turned his eyes to him, giving Shizuo an angry look as he pouted. “I don’t… hic care, you… dumb Shizu-chan,” he muttered, weakly - and awfully slowly - jerking his hand away from the blonde’s grip and taking the cup to his mouth.
As much as he found it quite cute, truth to be told, Shizuo sighed as he felt some sense of responsibility over that scene. It was his idea that he and Izaya went out for a few drinks, but he didn’t expect things to turn out like that. Izaya did seem to be enjoying himself and, maybe, he was just starting to be a little overprotective.
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beevean · 1 year
What are things you like and dislike about the ShTH morality system and 10 potential endings that come from them? On the one hand I myself like the fact you at least get to explore the various ways the people around Shadow impact him and his actions, but on the other hand, it feels a bit... cheap(?) that canonically the True Hero ending is canon and that is that. There's far too many interesting things Shadow learns about in other stories that do not get brought up in that specific ending, as far as I am aware, but you know more about the game than I do, so what is your opinion on it?🍀
I like the sheer replay value that ShTH has. You can play the game in 326 different ways, and have slightly different experiences every time! That is a big number - I'm not even up to 140 paths played! It's a very cool idea :D a massive improvement over Heroes.
I also find fun to come up with stories for each plot! Like there are 3 paths where you help all of the Chaotix. There are 3 paths where Black Doom takes Shadow to the Black Comet without Shadow having helped him once, which I find hilarious. You can play a path where you help Eggman as many times as you can. You can write a scenario where Shadow rebels against Black Doom's manipulation (The Doom Neutral) to backstab him in the end out of retailation (GUN Fortress Hero) - I had a WIP based on this concept. You can make Shadamy canon :P
The Dark path is a genuinely good story that shows Shadow's tragic corruption at the hands of the player, in my opinion lost among the general ridiculousness of the writing.
I don't like how you have to start from Westopolis again every time. I wish you could select where to branch off. The paths overall are fairly short, depending on the mission they take me around an hour each, but still.
I also don't like how the game never reflects your choices. When you help Black Doom in Lethal Highway and Death Ruins, and he still sics the Black Bull on you, "immersion killing" doesn't begin to describe it. And need I say anything about Shadow suddenly deciding he's n android after Air Fleet Hero and Space Gadget Dark, where he never learns about Shadow Androids? Imagine if Black Doom lost patience with you ask you keep acting heroic, imagine Sonic or Rouge being wary around you if you keep acting evil. If I could remake this game, this would be one of my priorities, along with fixing the enemies' AI so that they only attack you if you deliberately oppose them.
I'm torn on the canonicity of the True Ending. I see the point that it makes the whole game kind of pointless because it basically means none of what you played actually happened (not unlike '06 erasing its own events lol)... but I kinda like it? It's like. a fanfic simulator lmao 😂 yes, Shadow would never go evil again... but what if he did? What events would lead him to that? What if Shadow exiled himself on the ARK, why would he do that? And then you ask yourself, what then? What would happen if Shadow deluded himself into believing he's an android? Those are prompts! We are sitting on a treasure trove of fanfiction but no one cares because huehuehue stupid game with guns!
Anyway, that's the short of it. It's a flawed execution, for sure, but I find it fascinating and perfect for Shadow in particular :)
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wxnnabe · 6 years
number 50 w mista? im just a simple gay,
Why did this take so long??? I’m really sorry, but I hope this makes up for the wait!
“I swear, you’ve got to stop giving Mista that forlorn look and ask him out,” Trish groans, addressing you with a look of disdain, looking up from her magazine as Mista leaves the hideout. She tosses it aside, and gives you a pointed look. You probably looked like a deer in headlights-hell, you sure as hell felt like one right now.
“Buh?” Was all you could manage, and she rolled her eyes at you.
“I’ve only been here a week and I can barely get your attention when he’s in the room! I’m sure the others have given up on you entirely,” she sighs, and flips the magazine shut as she gets up from the couch.
“I know…but I just-Mista’s so…” Trish gives you a knowing look.
“He’s more gay than he looks,” you almost spit out the water you were sipping.
“Not that! I mean,he’s sort of cool? Untouchable seems more the word,” She raises her eyebrow at you, and you know she’s going to say that your imagining things. And she’s right, to be very quite honest. The only thing that was stopping you from confessing was your own fears. If he rejected your feelings, working with him would be a whole lot more awkward, even if you were in different factions of Passione. And if you could barely string together enough words to have a decent conversation with him…
“Look. You seem to talk with everyone else fine enough. Just imagine him with no-oh, hell, probably more like…”
“Like a big piece of stinking cheese! It’s Mista we’re talking about, right?” Narancia pops his head in suddenly, and somehow, the only two people who you’ve confessed your feelings for the gunman to are in the same room as you. Great. You addressed the boy before Trish got a chance to continue the conversation.
“Narancia! That was a quick trip. Did Fugo get what he needed?” Narancia sighed.
“Ugh, yeah. Dunno why he had to drag me into it though,” Trish seems to ignore your plans to derail the conversation, much to your distaste.
“Mista will get the wrong idea if you aren’t going to confess soon,” Narancia perked up at this, and you let out a defeated groan. God, looks like you really were going to confess.
“Ooh, is that what’s happening? Yeah, you should do it when Mista gets back!” Trish smiles at Narancia’s suggestion, and turns to you.
“The rest of us were planning on going out, so you’d have the whole hideout to yourselves, so I don’t see why not. You might want to wait until he has a shower first though,” Trish adds, handing you the magazine she was reading.
“And we have a while to prepare you! Don’t worry, we’ll have you talking to him in no time!”
You appreciated their efforts, really-but they each had their own brand of the same lesson-be confident, but yourself. It didn’t really help when being yourself around Mista had turned you into a blubbering, flustered mess every time he talked to you. There was no way he could ever like someone that, half the time, didn’t even have the words to say what they meant.
“Okay, be the confident version of yourself…” You had no idea how to channel that side of you, unless alcohol was a part of the equation. You, however, had enough pride to want to do this sober. You were also out of liquor. And, alas, as the door opened and you heard the exaggerated sigh that could only be Mista’s as he stumbled into the hideout, closing the door behind him, you were nowhere near the confidence you needed to be at to chat with him. As he entered the dining room, seeing only you at the table, he gave you a wave and leaned into the chair with a groan.
“Man, I can’t believe they went out without us! I mean, I know you’re not really a part of our team…but, y'know, it’s just poor form!” You nodded in agreement. The only noise that came out of your mouth was a high pitched hum, and you quickly re-acquainted yourself with Trish’s magazine before Mista made eye contact with you. So much for confidence. If you could slap yourself into talking, you’d do it now.
After a few more moments of silence (apart from the rocking of Mista’s chair and Mista letting out a few angry murmurs at his pistol-he’s talking to his Stand again, and shit, even that’s cute to you) he suddenly lunges forward in his chair, pulling the magazine down from your face and giving you a cocky grin.
“We should hang out instead. Hell, we don’t need that rowdy bunch to have a good time!” Your screaming at yourself to answer, to come up with a witty comeback, but all you can think of is how drop dead gorgeous he looks with that grin…
“Er…yeah,” you managed to breath out, a small smile on your lips. Mista frowns at you, and gingerly touches your forehead.
“Hey, are you-are you sick or something? That didn’t sound as enthusiastic as I’d hoped,” he muttered the last bit out to himself (did that mean you might have a chance with him? You’ll keep that in the back of your mind for now), and you hurried to correct him, grabbing his hand to get his attention.
“N-No, I’m not sick! It’s just that you-” are so fucking hot. Why can’t you just tell him you want to date him? You resigned it to your fear stopping you from confessing, and looked away. Regardless, your last words piqued his interest, and suddenly he’s leaning in to get a closer look at you.
“I…?” He trailed, and you sigh and let go of his hand. You bring the magazine back up to your face.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry. You could probably still catch up with them now if you want.” Mista pulls the magazine down again, this time with a little more force. He seems sort of annoyed, and you swallow. There was no way you were gonna weasel your way out of this, it seemed. Mista wanted an answer for your behaviour around him. An explanation. And to be frank, you were scared shitless.
“It’s rude to leave me hanging like that, y’know. What about me? Is there…fuck it, why don’t you just let go around me like everyone else? Are you scared or something?” Or something. You inhale through your nose, and dare to look into his eyes. You can feel your palms sweat, and pat them on your pants to try and get rid of the feeling.
“I’m not…scared…I-I just. Really like you. Like, I’d wanna date you, but you seem so cool I couldn’t actually confront you about it. It’s alright to…shoot me down,” It’s like someone’s lifted a great weight off your shoulders, the moment you do confess. You feel a lot more calmer, and your lips widen to a smile. Mista is shocked, that much is clear. His mouth is hanging open, slightly, and though you want to lean in to close it, laugh at him playfully and tease him about how cute he looks-you know what he’s about to say.
What you didn’t expect was for him to laugh. How…how cruel is he? Your smile drops into a frown, but before you can slap him, yell at him, stand up and storm out to call Trish and get so smashed you forget everything that had just happened, he grabs your hands and dips his head down to give them a quick kiss.
“Haha, that’s all? Seriously? Thank god, I was starting to think I was coming on too strong!” Wait. What did he mean, coming on too strong? He continues, getting out of his chair and gesturing for you to do the same. You reluctantly stand, and he envelops you into a hug. You let out a nervous laugh yourself, and answer.
“Coming on?” He deadpans at you as he pulls back.
“You seriously didn’t catch all those times I was asking you out?” He groans, and you can’t help but let out a laugh.
“Sorry, I just! I guess I was caught up thinking you wouldn’t go out with me if I get so…nervous by how…by you,” The more you stare the more you realise how close you two were. He noticed you tensing and pulled back, until he felt you muscles relax again.
“Hey, don’t worry so much! I’ll take it slow if you’re a little overwhelmed by it all, heh,” He chuckles a bit, and gives your waist a squeeze. He’s gazing at you with a curious glint in his eyes as he continues.
“Only if you promise something though,” You raise your eyebrow.
“What?” For a moment, his smile fades into a very serious look.
“Be you. No one else can. I mean, I’m interested in you, right? So show me you, and I’ll do the same. Don’t be so scared of could’s and might’s, if it’s meant to happen it’ll happen!” You smile at him, and nod. He smiles again, and pulls you into a sweet kiss. He laughs at your flustered state, and shoots you a smug grin.
“Hey, it’s kinda an ego boost, really! I didn’t think you’d get so flustered over me,” You roll your eyes, but there’s a grin on your flushed cheeks that says your not bothered in the slightest.
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yarnnerdally · 2 years
Hello again, Ally! 🥰 Here to request more Clavis 'Lulu' Lelouch content 🙈 May I pretty please with the sweetest of cherries on top request: 15 + Clavis + sfw? I'm really curious as to how he'd react to finding a lost child. I wonder how good he's with children 🤔 Thank you so much, cutie pie! I'll be back for more great content from you muahahaha 😈
Huehuehue I love this stupid prompt. I also love how this prompt made it into the IkeVamp story event recently for Arthur. It melted my hearttttttt.
BUT. Now on to Clavis.
Now he shall melt your heart. And mine T.T
Title: Tenderhearted
Pairing: Clavis/MC
Rating: SFW, T (for general plotting of shenanigans)
Prompt: Literally finding a child.
Tags: lost child, impromptu child care, crying child, comfort, soft!Clavis is !soft, sweet fluff
     It was a sound he’d heard, of course, though he wasn’t sure the last time he heard it at the palace and in the gardens, no less. He could hear a small child crying. A tug pulled in his chest and against his better judgement, Clavis was walking straight towards the crying. He groaned internally as he simultaneously shoved the small... presents... he had for Sariel into one of the interior pockets of his coat. Pranking would have to wait, as much as it pained him to do so. He came into a small clearing within a cluster of pink rose bushes and saw the little boy there and his internal monologue contradicted his every movement. “Hey, little one. Where did you come from, hm?” He did his best to put on a calming, genuine smile to soothe the toddler, if Clavis was to guess his age. No more than five by the looks of it. The little boy began to cry less and stared up at the third prince, hiccuping slightly.
     “I-I los’ mama!” As soon as the words left his lips, the boy began to cry more earnestly, rubbing at the tears that streamed from his eyes. Gods, he was going to regret this if anyone saw. Clavis hushed him quietly and reached out to hold a little hand.
     “Well. It just so happens that I’m one of the princes here. And did you know that all of the Princes of Rhodolite are very good mama finders?” He asked gently, smiling without realizing it as the boy began to calm down again. “I’ll help you find your mama, little one. What’s your name?” 
     “E-Ezra,” he answered, coughing and sniffling as he wiped his nose on the sleeve of his other arm. “You’re really gonna help me find mama?” Clavis grinned and nodded, standing next to him. He was quite glad Ezra was able to reach his hand as well. No stooping today. His smile faltered as he saw someone who, by the looks of it, had seen far too much of this interaction.
     She looked as shocked as he did, thankfully. Though it wasn’t long before she began to grin and Clavis thought to himself that maybe being... regrettably a little soft wasn’t the worst thing in the world. “Ah! And over here, we have our darling Emma. I’m most certain that if we ask her nicely that she’d be willing to help us.” A small laugh came from Emma as she approached them finally; Clavis could see a million questions swirling behind her eyes. Ezra’s eyes went wide as he saw her and gasped a little, quickly looking to Clavis and tugging on his arm. Clavis made a small noise before looking down to him again.
     “I bet she can! She looks kinda like mama! Her hair is the same!” Ezra half-shouted excitedly, almost all traces of a meltdown gone barring the dried tear tracks on his face. Clavis grinned and looked to Emma who seemingly could see what was about to spring forth from his lips.
     “Ah. More beautiful than any rose in all of Rhodolite, then. Good. We have something to start with,” his grin grew wickedly as Emma began to blush. He offered his elbow to her and she raised a brow. “Come now, Emma. We must find Ezra’s mama. It’s of the utmost importance.” Relenting, Emma nodded. 
     “I was actually out here looking for Ezra,” she said lightly, smiling down at the little boy as they began to walk back to the palace. “I’d heard from the maids that the young Marquise de Paradis’ son had gotten lost on the way to tea.” Ezra looked a little embarrassed but Emma smiled. “But. We’ve found him and his mama, I know, is missing him terribly.” He looked up to her with shining eyes before grinning.
     “Well. That settles it! We simply must press on. My little gift for Sariel can wait until tomorrow!” Emma blinked and looked to Clavis, a slow realization coming to her face. She was about to speak but bit her tongue as she remembered their company.
     “ ‘S that the scary guy with glasses?” Ezra asked, looking confused as Clavis started laughing. Oh this was good. This was almost too good. 
     “It is, it is! Ah, well. I suppose him witnessing this won’t be the worst travesty I’ve ever witnessed.” ‘I may never live it down. But... its worth it,’ he trailed off in thought, keenly aware of the softer look Emma was giving him now. “Anyways. Time to find mama!” Ezra cheered and Emma laughed a little, her grip on his arm barely tightening. Clavis’ heart clamored in his chest (it had a bad habit of doing that whenever Emma was around) as they continued on. 
     ‘I suppose there are worse things. That smile isn’t one of them, thats for sure.’
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whumpwillow · 3 years
I would kill for more of your villain whumper turned whumpee prompts. I just read some in your tags and *chefs kiss*
huehuehue ask and you shall receive~ whumper turned whumpee my beloved 🖤🖤
a whumperee being in a desperate situation--injured, needing to hide, needing water / food--where they have to beg their former whumpee for help and are like, “fuck, I’m so humiliated,” but still do it 
a whumperee trying to hurt the whumpee and realizing that what they were trying to do doesn't work...then the whumpee escapes their binds to do to the whumper exactly what they were going to do to them
a whumperee hurt by external forces not connected to whumpee and realizes the amount pain they’ve caused others without ever knowing it themselves
conversely, a whumperee who was tortured before as some sort of “test” to see if they could handle what they would be doing to others 
a whumperee going about their normal life after whumpee escaped, but then whumpee’s caretaker tracks them down and wrecks their shit for what they did to whumpee 
a whumperee rescued by someone who doesn’t know them or what they’ve done, and this person is so kind to them after they’ve been hurt that the whumperee keeps their past a secret...but then their caretaker finds out and is horrified by what they’ve done
or...the whumperee tries to keep their past a secret because they don’t want to be abandoned by the only person who’s ever been kind to them even if they know they don’t deserve it 
a whumperee captured by their former whumpee’s team and begging not to be hurt, knowing how much they hurt the team and seeing the malice in their eyes, the opportunity for them to take revenge
a whumperee who loses their memories and is taken in by their former enemies—do they take care of the whumperee or take advantage of their lack of knowledge and understanding?
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Prompt ideas: Damian and Colin stalking Timkon on a date? Autistic!Hummingbird cuddles? Super angsty lonely Tim thinking he's been abandoned for any reason? Kori and Artemis of Bana-Mighdall bonding over how high-maintenance Jason is?
I do love some good Tim angst huehuehue
For Write 365 Day 353!
Tim coughed and fought back another vicious shiver that wracked his form. The corner of the cell he was curled up in was damp and dark. He was glad his wrist computer still had the bare minimum functions because he didn’t have a window wherever he was being kept and would have no sense of time without his clock.
His meals couldn’t even really be called meals. Most of what he got was a bottle of water and a small chunk of bread. Sometimes that came three times a day, sometimes it came once. He’d yet to go an entire day without any food or water and hoped that meant they at least had an intention of keeping him alive.
The first three days had left Tim with the hope that someone would be right behind him. And if they weren’t that they’d soon enough notice he wasn’t around. He did have a tendency to throw himself into work and not see people for a couple days but if he wasn’t patrolling, that would have to set off an alarm bell that would cause someone to look for him.
Once night approached of the fourth day, Tim fought to come up with a reason as to why no one had come for him yet. He made up stories about them frantically searching for him and struggling to find a lead, but he comforted himself with the idea they were still looking.
He’d tried sending out a signal, but he was 75% certain his computer wasn’t working properly and had gotten smashed when he was pulled from the roof and slammed into the side of the brick building.
After the first week of captivity, Tim’s hopes were practically nonexistent. The voice in the back of his head that was trying to make him doubt his sanity and everything around him had come to the forefront and was ruling every thought.
No one was going to come for him. He was going to die in whatever hell he’d been trapped in and his captors were probably going to be able to have their way with him.
Tim wasn’t even sure if he cared what they did anymore. If they didn’t even bring him food it didn’t seem like that big of a deal. He was numb to most things now. The only thing that was really getting to him was the cold that never seemed to leave his bones.
The metal door keeping him imprisoned groaned and squeaked harshly in the silence as it was pulled open. Tim squinted against the light that flooded the room and didn’t even bother lifting his head with the familiar sound of a water bottle hitting the concrete floor met his ears. A softer thump came a second later from the bread as it landed.
The door squeaked and groaned again before the light was cut off and he was plunged back into darkness.
Tim wiggled a hand underneath his chest and pushed against the floor, arms shaking as he sat up. He rolled onto his hands and knees and crawled towards the food and water. His limbs were heavy as he forced them to move and if he wasn’t thirsty, he wouldn’t even bother to get up because of how much he ached.
He settled into a cross-legged position and picked up the water, weakly turning the cap until it came off, fingers fumbling more than once with the small piece of plastic. He took slow sips, wanting nothing more than to get some sleep and forget that he ever thought he had a family who cared about him.
He knew Bruce didn’t always give much thought to them since he was so focused on Gotham and the multiples cases he always seemed to be working on, but he would’ve thought Dick or even Alfred would’ve noticed his absence. And even Damian would complain of him being lazy so it was brought to everyone’s attention. He didn’t have much faith in Jason since he was probably glad not to see him around so much.
Tim sniffed and swiped at the skin below the tattered edges of his domino that was miraculously hanging on after the rough treatment he’d had.
He should’ve expected better. No one really cared to have him around and they were probably glad that he was gone and out of their hair for the moment.
Tim braced a hand against the floor and slowly lowered himself to the ground, curling up on his side. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and let his eyes slide shut, wishing he could lose himself to sleep, but even that had lost its ability to comfort him over the past few weeks.
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moonchildhcs · 6 years
parkchan hcs
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hi kids uwu
in retaliation to miss parker dae’s decision to write some persimin im writing some parkchan so bring it on, bitch boy
how do yall meet ?? its because u were both at the park uwu
u and persi were playing on the swings and oru boy bang chan arrived with his kids and !! he might be the leader but he Wants The Swings !!! but persi is in their own world so you, being a Kind Person (not because hes super cute or anything) gave up ur swing for him and decided to play on the monkey bars instead
and it goes like this for a few hours !! its u, persi, and the boys playing around the park and having the time of ur lives !!! but then the ice cream truck comes and chan, not forgetting that you gave up ur prized swing for him, went over and bought u both some !!! and its the expensive soft serve ice cream too and ur like BITCH WAIT LEMME PAY U BACK
and hes like no !! u gave up ur swing for me !! im repaying u for ur kindness
persi and the kids in the background: huehuehue lovebirds
anyways u two playfully bicker about who owes who (chan insists ur both equal but u insist u owe him) before it gets really,,,, really dark our and u all have to head home and chan, smooth as hecking EVER, says he needs ur number so yall can settle this matter later and who are u to deny this hot guy with a cute accent ??? so u give him ur number and ur like “i WILL repay u”
and he gives u the cutest grin and is like “sure you will ! its a date” and he leaves and u fucking SCREAM
and he keeps u to it yall go on an ice cream date later and u treat this time !! tho he did try to sneakily pay when u left for the bathroom but you caught him in the act and he just,,, walks back to his seat and ur like :^) before paying for the two of you !!
also yall take some cute pics but he insists on having his mask on (you think its for the fashion but its bc he doesnt want to get caught by dispatch oopsies)
and this becomes a monthly thing !! you guys go out to a new ice cream place and try different flavors and stuff once a month as a date but also yall enjoy going on different kinds of dates as well :^)
such as exploring !!! chan told you his job sometimes forces him to stay up rlly late and ur like :( oh no bb but then hes like BUT LETS GO ON A NIGHT ADVENTURE and ur like oh HECK yeah !!! and you guys explore the city at night
also u both speak english and korean so sometimes yall just,, randomly switch between the two in the middle of ur sentences ! anyways uwu
this is maybe three months?? after yall started going on dates and yall are stargazing from the rooftop of the tallest building there is in the area and ur eyes are sparkling, looking at the sky as some soft music plays from ur playlist
and chan just blurts out an “i love you” and you whip your head because !!! holy shit !! and hes like “please, please be my girlfriend” and ur like omg YES !!!
and thats how yall start dating !! but he feels guilty bc hes assumed that u dont know that hes an idol and he calls you and hes like “ive been keeping a secret from you” and ur like “ur an idol? dw i been knew but ur a person before u r an idol !! it changes nothing between us” and his heart hecking BURSTS with his love for you bc !! u dont care abt his career u care about him primarily and he just LOVES YOU
anyways now that yall are an Established Couple lets explore the dynamics shall we?
tbh yall are just big hecking softies !!! yall love to stay in and cuddle because chan is a busybody and can be,, tired especially with promotions so sometimes yall just put on a nice movie or some cool tunes and,, cuddle with a bunch of blankets and stuff
and its rlly cute and wholesome and just,,, uwu
as mentioned yalls continue your ice cream dates !! its a tradition and even if he goes overseas yall just facetime each other and go out to an ice cream place and c o n s u m e !!!! its rlly cute actually and after a while yall settle on One ice cream place that not only has really good ice cream but is also not that busy so chan doesnt have to wear his mask inside !!!
hes five inches taller than you which is Optimal for forehead kisses !!! he just Smooch you all the time !! also loves smooching ur nose he thinks u have a v cute boopable nose !!! he just rlly loves showering u with affection
also he loves to be big spoon !!! he just likes emphasizing that he is bigger than you its fun and to him its very cute, especially when u get frustrated and ur like “IM NOT SHORT” and hes like aha, tell that to our height difference :)
also yall have made eachother so many playlists before and sometimes its a lil bit spicy to indicate that yall find each other Hot but mostly its just rlly cute, meaningful playlists that have made eachother cry
also you BETTER believe this sappy boy has made you more than one song !!! he just lovessss you and he subtly mentions u with nicknames and variations of spider man and ur like (O//W//O) bc thats so hecking cute and meaningful !!
also he better believe ur his number one supporter !! uve got all the merch (but also eventually he finds out that despite being ur bf ur bias is hyunjin and he pouts for a week straight lol)
also u steal so much of his clothing that at one point hes like “parker.. please return my shirts i have nothing but pants to wear” and ur like “oh my god bet?” jokes jokes but im sure the view would be nice oopsies
u dont say it but u love his accent a lot u think its rlly cute (and a lil hot) and he doesnt notice it at first but eventually he notices the dreamy look on ur face when he speaks english and hes like oh? is that what i think it is? and he goes out of his way to speak english from then on and ur like BITCH but also KEEP TALKING
u guys have some lowkey couples clothing but the most blatant is a matching necklace !! it has a sunflower charm on it and its rlly cute :)
anyways bitch lets get onto that hecking SPICEEEEE
u saw the babygirl broadcast. the og broadcast with the pic. and once that live was over u texted him like :^) babygirl huh?
and hes like,,,, oops !
but this prompted a discussion abt kinks between yall and he was like ,, i cant call u babygirl because imma have to call my fans that now to cover for myself but,,, a daddy kink,,, whew chile !
later that day he comes over to ur house and fucks you into the mattress as u scream daddy into the pillow! and dont worry; he calls u princess instead :)
he likes tying you up with these rlly nice silk ribbons !! especially these baby pink ones he thinks u look rlly cute with baby pink :^)
hes not into ageplay of course he thinks thats fucking weird but he likes being called daddy and sometimes when u want to be a brat ull lean into him in public and call him daddy and hes like Wait Till We Get Home and ur rlly in for it with then bc then ur getting it especially rough that day he doesnt give a FUCK
but semi-public spaces are a no go hes got an image to maintain and a career at risk so its strictly at ur place but the absolute tension between yall as yall approach ur place is palpable like... hes rlly intense
also sometimes hes rlly into producing music so sometimes ull be in his Producing Room with him and ur just,, rlly horny but hes like Im Sorry I Have To Work so u get off by riding his thigh and ur like NICE but hes like,,, fuck thats hot and so he takes a break from producing and instead fucks you in the recording room since its soundproof :^)
anyways yall are spicy oof the flavor !
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l-x-ie · 7 years
1-40 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1) Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
mmm I’d say romance I guess, I like having an undertone in my fics even if it isn’t the main thing.
2) Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Soulmates :3
3) Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
idk man, like… idk
4) How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
oh ho, oh HO, OH HO! Boooiiiiii 14 at least wait… 15 mmmmmMMMMMMM, which one, which one, I guess I’m most excited about the soulmate au :>
5) Share one of your strengths.
I’m very good at foreshadowing and little hints left in my fics if they need it.
6) Share one of your weaknesses.
Describing feelings, they seem very 2-D to me for some reason
7) Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“Despite what he imagined he’d do if Keith ever came crawling back to his life, he never actually expected it. Which is why, when he answered the door he expected Hunk or Pidge, maybe even Shiro, Allura, or Coran. Never did he ever think that it would be Keith Kogane staring at him through too long bangs.
His heart stuttered to a stop and he’s ninety percent sure when he opened the door Keith punched him in the solar plexus because he didn’t have air. And his chest hurt. Just from seeing him in his damn doorway six months of work just flew out the damn window.
He did what he always fantasized.
He slammed the door in his goddamned face.”
Granted I do really like the first beginning of this fic but like, I think this sums it up well. Also, SCIENCE!! I’m proud of the research man.
8) Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
”“—eith! –eith! –o! –an’t do thi–!” A hand touched his shoulder and he screamed, hoarse and raw. Instantly the hand left but two cupped his face, bringing it up to see a familiar one. “What did you do! You’re the Meister! It’s my job to protect you! It’s my job to protect you!”
….I just like the line
9) Which fic has been the hardest to write?
…..the fic that shall not be named petal soft but it’s untagged, only on tumblr so no one can freaking find it again!!
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Toss up between Meister of One and Tom Cruisin’
10) Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
I’d say both. it’s a fun hobby that i do and relaxes me most of the time but it is  passion because I love it.
11) Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Just the whole of season 3 fam
12) What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
fudge I don’t know, all of them have points that are valid??? The only tag I really have is writing reference and I think they have valid points.
13) What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
fudgenuggets I don’t know
14) If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Considering one of them is based on a film…. but other than that one I think Meister of One would be super cool to film because of the way I set up the transitions.
15) If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
That’s seriously a no brainer, that’s all I ever really write hehehe
16) Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? 
Start to finish but if I come up with something good I write it down for later
17) Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
18) Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
…..he had a man in the basement???
Uh, not really
19) Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Physically alone, mid-afternoon, sunny but shaded, inside at a table with snacks and water nearby with NOTHING TO DO BUT WRITE.
20) How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Once or twice through before I say fuck it.
21) Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
*inhales* I think my old writing style for voltron is pretty close to the same but then I’d have to go get my old fics and I don’t really wanna look at that trash.
*looks* uuuggghhhhhh, yeah, I’m not touching that with a ten foot pole.
22) If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
All of them
23) Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
Yes, It was very petty. I deleted my friend’s bedtime story because another friend said I wouldn’t.
24) What do you look for in a beta?
Someone who looks for the quality of content I suppose and tells it to you in a respectful but truthful manner but still affirms your faith in yourself as a writer.
25) Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
I guess? I like doing it but I’m not “officially” and if I was see above.
26) How do you feel about collaborations?
27) Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Uuggghhh witty_name, Zizzani, Mytay, I guess they all have excellent writing quality, the characters are in character for their particular situations, they’re amusing and balanced with the seriousness, and what parts are meant to be funny are, excellent plots, they’re just really good.
28) If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there notwritten by yourself, which would you choose?
Not gonna lie I would do more of a companion fic to Lonely Will Wait by ciuucalata (when she’s done ofc)
29) Do you accept prompts?
yeet! It’s easier writing for people, most of my fics are because they’re for my friends.
30) Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I love being canon compliant but sometimes I feel that you need to take some liberties because they would be in a completely different situation and environment.
31) How do you feel about smut?
Read it, enjoyed some, there are really good fics out there with smut or just smut, have not written any though.
32) How do you feel about crack?
………I don’t wanna talk about it…33) What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
Eeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no to non-con but if it turns out to be consensual in the end of a dub-con because it was consensual in the first place but needed to be dub-con for the somewhat plot then yeet.
34) Would you ever kill off a canon character?
…I… do not know ….maybe?
35) Which is your favorite site to post fic?
36) Talk about your current wips.
Currently written written and published, Altea High, Klance Sky High AU, currently on Ch. 7 a third through Ch. 8 (which is gonna be a big ch. btw) slowburn, briefly has Nyma and Lance but endgame is klance, uh, keith has firepowers, Lance has ice powers, there’s Shay and Plaxum and they become friends with someone and helps with their development.
Others are not published so I won’t speak of those, shhhh
37) Talk about a review that made your day.
How do I choose just one??  
”Hi! I love what you’ve written so far it’s amazing and I love your writing style!!! Keep up the good work!!! Do you know how many chapters you have planned by any chance? No matter what I will enjoy every one so great job!” From AceStuckInSpace
”This was fantastic! I enjoyed the flashback bits that showed how their meister/weapon relationship progressed. I now have an urge to rewatch Soul Eater, aha. Loved this a lot =)” from xLindziex
“Well.Im.FCK off. …. Bye…. Nice writing btw” from @bleusarcelle huehuehue
And, like, a WHOLE bunch of others.
38) Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I haven’t gotten any rude reviews actually.
39) Write an alternative ending to Paper Cranes and Paper Friends (or just the summary of one).
Footsteps approach his seat, he starts to get up, to get out of the way, but a tanned hand lies on his forearm.
”Uhm, excuse me, but, I noticed that you were just sitting here.” A young man with a warm smile and blue, crystalline ocean blue, eyes and rich brown skin fidgeting next to him. He licked his lips and offered another smile. “Do you, uh, have a pen? Maybe?”
“Uhm, sure,” Keith rummaged through his bag and handed him a simple ballpoint. 
The man looked at the pen in his hand blankly for a second. Blinked. “Great! Uh, do you have any paper?”
Keith looked through his bag again and shook his head. “Sorry, no paper.”
The man with the blue eyes looked pointedly at the paper cranes scattered about Keith’s person. He flushed and handed him a larger crane. “If this would work?”
He merely took the crane with a smile, effortlessly unwrapping it and scribbling something before folding it again and handing Keith both the crane and the pen. “If you feel like talking more about origami, Keith.”
With that he smiled and waved before jogging from sight.
Keith looked at the newly folded crane in his hand, the black numbers wrapped around in rounded script, and smiled.
…….I think I’m missing one…
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GlowingCloud!AU Snippets
Y’all can all thank  the prompt: everything’s-the-same-but-Reborn-and-Skull-switch-places by @not-so-varia-quality for the influx of berserker plotbunnies and brain juice flood.
I dropped everything I was doing and wrote this. And now I ship SR.
Skull the Overlord of Supreme Chaos and Number One Hitman looks to the groaning teenager on the ground.
He has to cackle mentally- this is going to be great!
Oodako pouts. He likes the boy! Don’t break him!
Oh, I won’t.
Oodako is not impressed.
Fine, a little. Or a bit more.
Renato is done with this shit. Pray tell him- how did he land into this mess again?
Oh right, Immortal Stuntman accepted a masked stranger’s offer. Bad.
Met a group of crime syndicate members and bonded with them over how fun it is to screw with people’s head. Good, probably.
Get betrayed by someone- he trusted with his life how could she- and got turned into a mafia baby. Horrible.
But maybe it already started earlier? Maybe when they- he- he had to do something he couldn’t just stand there-
Leon turns into a fan and smacks him on the head.
Thank you, Leon, he smiles softly.
No problem, my favorite human.
Sawada Tsunayoshi stares blankly at the ceiling, too… shocked of the recent events and made up of aching muscles to fall asleep.
A purple hitman baby and his pet octopus became his tutors.
He’s trained to become a mafia boss- courtesy of said purple hitman baby, with the octopus as moral support. (He likes and is grateful to the octopus, and HE DOESN’T WANT TO BECOME A MAFIA BOSS!)
He died via gunshot, again due to the purple hitman baby, but didn’t die. He instead turned into a raging, freakishly strong pervert.
He humiliated himself in front of Kyoko-chan. (He HUMILATED himself in front of KYOKO-CHAN!)
And then he got challenged to a duel, and he won. (He won at something. He wasn’t a complete failure.)
Thanks to the purple hitman baby and his pet octopus with his weird bullet. The ones that caused the whole trouble in the first place. Deathperation Bullet, right?
He sighs. Without warning and self-introduction, they just crashed into his life and-
Without self-introduction.
A piercing scream of humiliation and indignant fury echoed throughout the town of Namimori.
(When the same voice roared “REBORN! GOING TO APOLOGIZE FOR DISTURBING THE PEACE AND COMPENSATE WITH MY DYING WILL!” and the owner of that same voice bore the arm band of a Disciplinary Committee Member the next morning, well…
Let’s say it was for the sake of extra training.)
(Oodako and Tsuna will groan and tell you otherwise, though. With Skull cackling madly in the background.
“Wait, you still haven’t introduced yourselves yet.”
“Oh, look at the time! Nighty-night!” and Skull is out like a light.
“…must. Not. Anger. Hibari-san. Again. Must. Not. Anger.” The teen murmured the mantra through gritted teeth till he fell asleep.
Oodako sighed. The shit he had to put up with, really. Not that he would be anywhere else of course, someone had to keep his human in check.
Skull grins in his sleeps and rolls over, smacking Tsuna in the face, and jolting Oodako from his dozing.
Well, he wouldn’t mind impromptu vacations now and then, or paybacks.)
Renato smiles with grudging fondness at the letter and sighs. “That ridiculous ass…”
He has a ridiculously fine ass, yes. Astounding observation: wow. Would have never guessed that. Leon teased.
He stares flatly at his chameleon partner, ignoring the faint blush on his cheeks. “Hahaha… Very funny.”
Leon winks at him. Cheeky.
“What the absolutely fucking hell are you doing.”
Skull winces at the more-a-statement-than-a-question. “Uh… I can explain-”
“Fedora Incident.”
Skull wisely shuts up.
“Now you’ve got me interested… Huehuehue…” Tsuna cackles under his breath, later he will realize how scarily similar- no, terrifyingly identical even- it is to Skull’s.
“Oho?” Renato purrs with a glint in his eye. “Care to share… your side? And some stories?”
Tsuna smiles, full of affection and hint of a certain purple lover’s demise via humiliation, and grabs his outstretched hand softly- but also firmly like a newborn would grip the finger of his father.
Skull is not feeling sappy warmth spreading throughout his chest at a certain image and fighting a dope-y grin. He’s not. Also like he is not planning extra tortur-tutoring sessions for acting so familiar with Renato.
Okay, he totally is. (It’s a creepy sight.)
Leon grins. As much as a chameleon can grin. He is so winning the best winganimal-slash-matchmaker award at the newest club meeting.
Oodako facepalms. Quite audibly, since he has eight arms and all that. (‘If I were human,’ he tells himself, ‘I would have become an alcoholic a long, long time ago.’)
Byakuran smiles and extends his hand. “Won’t you join my game, Renato?”
Renato looks at the teen-almost-adult’s tattoo. Gesso. (It promises success. It murmurs about power. “Come to my side, even though I don’t have cookies. Do you like marshmallows, though?”
Most important of all, it guarantees revenge at… her.)
Renato stares at the beaming smile, and closes his eyes for a second.
In that second, he thinks of Leon’s club meetings, the rainbow mafia baby bonds, Tsuna, Checkerface, Her Before The Betrayal, Her daughter’s and granddaughter’s sad, knowing eyes, Leon, and Skull.
(Oodako’s facepalms, pats on the back, the first contact he had with Tsunayoshi- bonding over Skull’s ridiculous drama, accepting the offer, “Would you like a cup of coffee?”, “I’m sorry.”, Leon. Skull.
Skull. The ridiculous ass.)
“I don’t like marshmallows.” He responds evenly.
As he walks away, he turned and met (not-Skull’s-shade-of purple) deceptively amiable eyes.
“And it’s Reborn to you.”
“Reborn?” he cocks his head, wearing the same smile he had worn at the offer.
“Yes, ciao.”
Byakuran smiled. A cruel one this time. “Ciao.”
A gunshot rang through the air, and the Sun Arcobaleno fell.
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