#i definitely tagged it as bones and jim the first time lol.
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trade-baby-blues ¡ 7 years ago
Lost and Found
Pairing: Bones x Reader 
Word Count: 2240
Warnings: Drama! Suspense! Mystery! (There's only some swears and some puking)
A/N: Requested by anon. I took a few liberties but I like the way it turned out! Hopefully you do too! I tried something new with the way I write so if you hate it please let me know and I’ll never do it again, lol. Also completely not proofread except for when I skimmed through it just now!! 
You fell to your knees on the sidewalk outside of Starfleet, the warm concrete feeling foreign against your skin and lips as you kissed it. “Earth,” you cried. “Earth, sweet Earth!”
Bones snorted behind you, holding his hand out to haul you back to your feet. “Quit being so dramatic.”
“I’m only saying what you're thinking,” you said, pulling Bones’ arm down until you could reach his lips with your own. “You sure you don't wanna come out with me tonight?”
“Sugar, I’d rather spend another year in space than have to leave my room for the next three days.”
“All right, grandpa,” you chuckled.
It took you almost three hours to get ready. The feel of warm water sliding down your back and the sweet scent of citrus conditioner felt like a dream after your long run on the Enterprise. You relished it, taking your time to lotion up and comb your hair out before putting on your makeup. It had been so long since you’d done it that your eyeliner came out a little wavy, but you figured no one would notice in the dimly lit bar. When you were finally ready you snapped a picture of yourself to send to Bones and threw your phone on your bed to put on your shoes. With one last glance at your makeup, you were ready for a night of drinking and irresponsibility.
Bones, on the other hand, was neck deep in a bubble bath. Though he’d never admit it, being CMO had taken its toll on his body. Every joint hurt, a deep ache that had settled into his bones no matter how many hypos he gave himself or how many massages you gave him. Finally, he found some relief in the warm water and bath bath salts he'd mixed in. The smell of cobbler wafted through the bathroom from the candle you bought him at the last shore leave in Yorktown.
He grumbled when his phone went off, reaching lazily from the tub to reach for it. Your picture lit up his screen and, for a moment, he regretted not going out with you, but the warm waters called him home and he sunk deeper into them, holding out his phone to snap a picture of himself in the water. Bones set his phone back on the lid of the toilet and allowed his eyes to fall shut.
Normally, you weren't a club person. It was all too noisy and crowded. After the quiet solitude of the Enterprise, broken only by the monotonous him of the oxygen pipes, the club was exactly where you wanted to be. You were already four shots deep grinding on your friends on the dance floor. You were all laughing. At what, none of you could say. Maybe it was the feeble pick-up lines guys were feeding you. Maybe it was the horrible classical music the club was playing. Maybe it was just because you were young and you were free again. You allowed yourself to enjoy it. Until a stranger puked on you anyway.
It started the worst chain reaction you’d seen in your years of science labs. One after the other people on the dance floor started retching. You grabbed your friends and ran (stumbled) as quick as you could outside. You were all still laughing as your heels hit the pavement, clack clack clack. You clung to each other in the cold, swaying. Clack clack clack. You didn't know where you were going, but it didn't matter as long as you with your friends. Clack clack clack. It certainly didn't matter that there was a man following you from the bar, watching your bare legs as your heels hit the concrete clack clack clack.
Bones woke with a start, splashing water over the edge of the tub. It felt like ice on his skin now and he cursed quietly to himself as he hauled his pruney body up and out of the water. He wrapped himself in the fluffiest robe he owned - a soft pink number he'd stolen from you - and grabbed his phone to check the time.
“Shit,” he mumbled, realizing he was late to pick you up from the bar. He called you as he pulled on a pair of jeans and an old sweater you’d bought him a few Christmases ago. It was dark blue with a faded Georgia peach on it, “Georgia on my mind” emblazoned down the sleeves of the left arm. He dropped the phone as he pulled the sweater over his head and cursed under his breath again, scrambling to pick it up only to be greeted by your voicemail.
“I’m on my way, darlin. I’m sorry I…” Bones let his thought trail off, imagining you laughing and calling him grandpa again. He cleared his throat, “I’m on my way. Call ya when I’m out front.”
Bones tapped his thumbs against the steering wheel in time to the song on the radio. He hummed to himself while he waited for you to finally emerge, checking his phone periodically for any update. After 10 minutes he called you again. After 20 minutes he decided “to hell with it” and went inside, surprised to see the bar almost empty until he saw the bartenders scrubbing vomit off the dance floor. He cleared his throat softly and one of the bartenders looked up at him.
“Sorry to bother y’all, but I was wondering if you’d seen this girl.” Bones didn't even have a chance to get his phone out before the bartender scoffed.
“Do you know how many girls I see a day, buddy? Unless she tips well or took her top off on the dance floor, I’m not gonna remember her.”
“Will you just look at the damn picture?” Bones’ voice was equal parts commanding and concerned, but it was impossible to tell which swayed the bartender more.
He sighed and threw his rag onto the floor, pulling the latex gloves off his hands with a pop and taking Bones’ phone. He studied the picture of you carefully, finding nothing to separate you from the other faces that melted together in his day. “I'm sorry, man, but I have no idea. My guess is she got trashed and left with someone.”
Bones muttered a thanks before walking out, careful to let the door slam loudly behind him. The rattle in the window panes mimicked the rattle in his jaw as he ground his teeth together in worry. With a sigh, he got back in his car, calling you four more times before throwing his phone at the passenger seat. The leather steering wheel cover creaked as Leonard tightened his hands around it, pulling in a deep breath before feeling around for his phone in the dark to call Jim.
It was a quick call and Leonard was soon on the road, cruising down the street to look for any sign of you while Jim checked your room to see if you’d gotten a cab home and forgotten to mention it. Leonard scanned the streets with the same pinpoint precision that led to his promotion as CMO. All the poise left him when he saw your jacket strewn across a bench, illuminated as if by a spotlight under the San Francisco street lamps.
Leonard pulled his car into park and let it idle in the middle of the road, not caring if anyone hit it or stole it. The only thing on his mind was your name. He remembered the first time you said it to him and how lovingly he’d said it back to you since then. Never lovingly enough.
The jacket was still smelled like you, so it couldn't have been too long since you’d been here. Leonard buried his face in the coat, breathing in as much of the scent as he could. As if you were both just animals and he could track you by scent alone. Maybe he were. He’d loved you since the first time he smelled you, after all. Like fresh fruit and linen. It was just like those summer days when his ma hung the laundry out to dry in the sun. He’d run around the yard with his cousins and his friends. Would he ever get to run around with you again?
Leonard jumped ten feet in the air when his phone went off. He dropped it in the scramble to get it out of his pocket and swore to himself and to whatever gods were listening before picking it up and answering breathlessly, hoping beyond anything that your voice would greet him.
“She’s not here,” Jim said solemnly. “She left her phone on the bed.” There was silence on the other line, broken only by the rustling of clothes and a hard grunt as Leonard dropped onto the closest bench. Jim waited, biting his lip to preoccupy himself until he couldn't take the silence anymore. “Do you want me to come help look for her?”
Leonard didn't say anything, simply hung up the phone. He stared vacantly outward, not seeing the car or the road or the sidewalks before him - only your face, your body in the dress you wore out tonight. Wondering if that’s the picture the police would ask for when they found your body washed up in the bay.
Get ahold of yourself. You've faced worse on the Enterprise and come back in one piece. She’s probably just with one of her friends.
Leonard looked down at the jacket in his hands, and prayed for the first time in a very long time. He walked back to his car and parked it at a restaurant nearby, figuring it would be easier to find some trace of where you went on foot. Jim called a few times, threatening to call the police if Leonard didn't pick up. When he finally did it was to assure Jim that he had a handle on everything. Leonard wasn't sure if he’d ever told a lie bigger than that.
Walking around looking for clues seemed like a good idea until Bones realized he didn't know where he was going. His mind was lost in thoughts of you, remembering your first date, your first kiss, the way you snort softly when you laugh. Dread crept in his stomach with ever step Leonard took, writhing and twisting like a nest of snakes.
Leonard didn't know how long or how far he’d walked until he passed the diner where he’d asked you on your first date. You laughed at him then, saying you thought you were already on a date. He fumbled out some kind of apology, wondering how you made his usually steady hands so shaky and knowing then and there you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It was embarrassing how quickly and deeply he loved you, doodling your name with his on a spare notepad on his desk after only a few dates. Mrs.
“Leonard McCoy.” Bones whipped around as his thought came to life, though slurred and distant. “Leeeeeee you have to come in! You won't guess who we ran into!”
Bones looked at you like he’d been lost in the desert and you were water, like a pious man at the foot of a god. Then he ran to you. You giggled as he lifted you off your feet, burying his face against your shoulder before setting you down and kissing you like it was his last breath.
You only managed a few seconds before you burst into giggles again, arms slung around Bones’ shoulders as you stared up at him. “I’m happy to see you too, pumpkin.” You brushed your nose against his.
“Why didn't you take your phone,” Bones asked as all the adrenaline left his body. His voice quivered and tears burned at his eyes harsher than the wind that picked up.
“My phone?” You furrowed your brow, trying to get your thoughts in some semblance of an order but the alcohol stopped you. “I’m sorry, babydoll. I thought I had it. Must’ve been too excited to go out. Did you call me?”
“At least ten times,” Bones snapped back. He pinched his eyes shut, knowing it would do no good to get mad at you while you were drunk. “I was supposed to pick you up at the bar.”
“Shit. Shit. I forgot. I’m sorry, peaches, I ran into an old friend and I totally forgot.” Bones couldn't help the twinge of a smile at your ridiculous nicknames for him. “God, I’m useless when I'm drunk,” you laughed.
“Well, how ‘bout I take you home and sober you up with some movies and popcorn and then you can make it up to me?”
You giggled again, feeling like a schoolgirl hearing the word “penis” for the first time. Practically skipping to your friends’ table as Bones hovered in the doorway. You kissed each of them goodbye and grabbed your purse. “Thanks for returning this Phillip! We’ll have to catch up another time or Mr. Grumps over there might kill me.” You winked clumsily at Bones before stumbling up to him and throwing an arm around his waist. “Ready to go, Lenny Benny?”
Bones couldn't stop the laugh that left him. Nothing put him at ease like having you back in his arms. Well, except maybe having you in his bed but that would come later. 
@daybreak96 @8bit-arc-reactor @jimtkirkisabitch @sjlovestory @outside-the-government @martinawalker @thevalesofanduin @goingknowherewastaken @yourtropegirl @mysteriously-lost-forever @feelmyroarrrr @yukki-art @atari-writes @pabegay1 @bolontiku  @brooke-taylor0323 @anotherotter
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lesbiansaaviik ¡ 4 years ago
2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 13? :)) sorry if thats a lot hshsjdj
Yay thank you for the ask!
2. Favourite First Officer?
Definitely Spock! He’s probably my favourite all around character so that’s an easy answer. I do love Kira but like the autism coding and gay coding and spirk is really cool. That’s a terrible description of why I like Spock but I may elaborate later lol
3. Favourite Chief Engineer?
Going to have to go with another tos-er and say Scotty! Miles is probably my least favourite of the ds9 crew unfortunately, and Scotty is pretty great.
4. Favourite Doctor?
Okay this time I’ll say Bashir. I love him seriously a lot, he’s the first Star Trek character that I really fell for so he has a special place in my heart. Fun story I questioned whether or not I was really a lesbian because I loved him so much, turns out I definitely am I’m just neurodivegent lol. Also I know Bones is mostly joking when he says rude things to Spock but it doesn’t sit right with me that whenever Jim’s lost or whatever and Spock’s in command Bones always questions Spock’s decisions especially when they’re about saving Jim. Kind of a rant I may make another post about that too haha
7. Episode you could watch over and over?
I think I’ll have to go with City on the Edge of Forever. I had such a great time watching it for the first time because I had no expectations, and I was wonderfully surprised by how good it was. As long time followers will know I also misheard a line so I thought she said ‘even when he doesn’t say it, he does’ instead of ‘captain’ at the start and I made the obvious conclusion she meant ‘I love you’ which I then freaked out about until I scrolled the tag and realised what it actually was. I am constantly amazed at how gay it is despite Kirk falling in love with Edith, and it’s so funny as well as meaningful so that’s quite an easy choice. Honourable mention to Amok Time and also Mirror, Mirror which I rewatched recently and very much enjoyed.
10. When did you become a Star Trek fan?
Quite recently actually, although it feels like my whole life! My friend whose special interest is also Star Trek showed me some of the last season of ds9 about two years ago, but since I didn’t know any of the characters or context I was mostly just confused. She convinced me to try from the beginning, and I also wanted to watch it as it’s well known for being like a nerdy classic so I wanted to experience it too. I watched all of ds9 in a month in August, then one episode of tos a day approximately until two weeks ago, and then I finished the tos and aos movies over last week.
13. Favourite Captain?
Hmmm, I’ll have to go with Sisko! I love Kirk a lot because I must say I like tos more than ds9, and also spirk but Sisko is such a great character and brilliant in terms of representation and healthy masculinity and fatherhood. It really makes me happy to think about the dinners he hosted with all the crew and him and Jake and Kassidy.
Thanks for the ask Jules :)
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missantichrist ¡ 6 years ago
i wanna feel you in my bones
Sojourn!Michael x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Smutty Smut you know how it is
Note: I kind of deviated from what actually happened in Sojourn, I know Madelyn only had Michael over for like one night before she drove him to Jeff and Mutt’s but I thought this would be an interesting storyline so here you go. Also sorry if this is unreadable I wrote it because I was procrastinating something else at 2:30 in the morning lol
You were staying at your aunt Madelyn’s house for a little while, and while you didn’t mind your aunt you thought she was fucking crazy. She worshipped Satan and she had told you about times that she’d gone to black mass and even sacrificed innocent people to Satan. Of course, you didn’t believe her stories, or any of that Satan and God bullshit, until she brought home the literal antichrist.
When he first arrived he was dirty as hell and smelled like pine, blood and dog shit. You questioned your aunt’s sanity even further that night than you had before. Bringing home a dirty, broken man who definitely had blood on his clothes. A man from the church of Satan! How could she be so stupid? Not only was she putting herself at risk, but you at risk as well. That same night he revealed himself as the antichrist. Your aunt was basically kissing his shoes, doing anything and everything for him. Meanwhile, you hid in your room, hoping he hadn’t noticed your presence.
You couldn’t hide in your room forever though, and throughout the weeks that your aunt housed him, you got to know him very well. He cleaned up nicely at least. You might have even found him attractive if you didn’t hate him so much. He took up so much time with your aunt that you felt like a character in the background of your own movie. God, he was so damn needy. And whiny. You couldn’t stand him.
So that’s how you found yourself straddled over his hips in the middle of the night, pressing a knife to his throat as he held his hands to yours.
Pressing the knife further into his neck, drawing blood, you rasped, “I’m going to fucking kill you Michael Langdon.” He just chuckled, the bobbing of his adam’s apple causing the knife to draw even more blood.
“Oh please Y/N, I could end your life with a snap of my fingers. I’m just letting you play because it’s entertaining. Give in to your hatred. Do it. Kill me.” You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but your vision was starting to blur because his grip on your neck was so tight, you didn’t even hesitate. You slit his throat in one fluid motion, the arterial spray from his carotid artery covering your body. You got up and started to walk out of the room but just before you went to open the door you froze. You couldn’t move. You tried, but your feet were firmly planted on the ground where you stood. Panic settled in. What the fuck.
And that’s when you heard him. His stupid laugh. “I’m impressed, Y/N. I didn’t know you had it in you,” he said, lifting himself off of the bed and walking over to you, “but you’re going to pay for that one.”
How was he still alive? You just slit his throat down to the bone. Any normal person would be dead right now. Right. But he’s the antichrist.
“Fuck you,” you seethed.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” He said, his lips brushing against yours.
You chuckled, “I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last man on Earth.”
“Really...” His gaze travelled down to your exposed underwear. “Because your soaked panties are telling me a different story.”
You felt yourself turn beet red, whether it was from embarrassment or anger you weren’t sure. Your own body had betrayed you and you couldn’t even try to hide it. Your instinct to rub your legs together to numb the growing heat between them was completely in vain because Michael had your body completely frozen. You looked up at him and saw that his blue eyes were blown with lust. He wanted you. Watching the literal son of Satan thirst after you made you want him too.
As if he could read your mind, you body came unfrozen and you crashed your lips to his, you both let out small moans of pleasure at the sudden contact, not seeming to get enough of eachother. You could feel his hard member pulsing against your thigh, his precum leaking through his boxers.
His hands travelled up your body and he began to massage your breasts through the fabric of your bra as his soft lips suckled and nipped at your neck, licking his blood off your body. You ground against his hard member, eliciting a loud groan from him.
“Not yet,” he growled as he tossed you onto the bed and pushed your soaking panties aside so he could start teasing your clit with his fingers. You squirmed under his touch, egging him on. He abruptly slid two fingers between your folds and began pumping them in and out at a rapid pace, curling them inside you each time causing you to let out needy little whimpers. When Michael couldn’t take it anymore he removed his boxers, revealing his massive length. “Take off your panties.” He demanded. You obliged and slipped them off your legs. Michael took his leaking cock in his hands and pumped it a few times.
“What do you want Y/N?” He groaned as he continued to pump his cock.
“I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me so hard I feel you in my bones, and then I want to kill you. Again,” You breathed, your head clouded with anger and desire.
With your vulgar words Michael pushed himself into you, a low growl ripping from his chest. “Mmn, fuck,” he groaned, “you’re so tight.” He took no time letting you adjust to his size and immediately started fucking into you at a rapid pace. “You know,” he said between thrusts, “you’re exactly the kind of person I’m looking for to rebuild this world in my father’s image.”
“What do you mean?” you breathed as he continued to rapidly fuck into you. “Fuck, harder,” you gasped as he brushed up against that spot inside of you that made you see stars. “Michael fuck me until I’m bruised,” you moaned. With that he picked up his pace, thrusting even deeper and even harder inside you, groaning animalistically. The sound of his cock sloshing in and out of your dripping cunt and the groans and expletives spilling from his mouth sent you over the edge. Your orgasm ripped through you suddenly and violently. “Oh fuck, Michael!” you moaned loudly, clenching your walls around his cock. You felt him twitch inside you and his thrusts started to stutter.
“Mmmn,” he moaned as he released his hot load into you and stilled. “I mean, you unapologetically give into your sins, your anger, your hatred. I think we could work together,” he said as he pulled out of you and collapsed next to you on the bed.
You scoffed, “You want me...to work with you.”
Michael shrugged, “it’s your decision. But I see a fire inside of you, and I think I could help you unleash it. Think about it.”
“Alright, I won’t kill you. For now,” you said as got up off the bed and slipped your panties back on.
Michael just smiled, “You can’t kill me, I’m the antichrist.” You turned to go back to your own room and thought to yourself, maybe working with the antichrist to bring about the end of the world would be fun. You always did thrive in chaos.
As you walked out the door you heard Michael say, “I look forward to working with you, Y/N.”
Feel free to send me Michael Langdon/Duncan Shepherd/Jim Mason x Reader requests! Can be smutty, fluffy or angsty.
Tagging my inspos & favs:
@ccodyfern @yourkingcodyfern @icylangdon @katiekitty261 @wroteclassicaly @langdonfern @ritualmichael @lvngdvns @langdonsrapture @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @xlangdons-evilbabygirlx @xtheinevitableprophecyx @michael-lngdon @lovelykhaleesiii  @nightlylangdon @queencocoakimmie @sojournmichael @sassylangdon @xlangdons-evilbabygirlx @duncvn
Lmk if ya’ll want a pt 2
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trade-baby-blues ¡ 8 years ago
The Zoo
Pairing: Bones x Reader
Word Count: 1584
Warnings: secondhand embarrassment, some swearing
A/N: This is loosely based on a true story from my own childhood. When I was like...10? Maybe? We went to the zoo in Nebraska and they have this koi pond near the entrance. My 3 year old cousin wasn’t paying attention and just ran straight into it, but it’s chill because I’m a natural sprinter and tugged him out before anything bad could happen. Also I definitely took the nickname J for Jim from someone?? I think it was kaitymccoy123 from the Lost Days series (which I desperately need to catch up on lol)?? Either way, I 100% love that nickname for Jim.
In theory, you really should've expected this. It was Jim after all. Why else would your brother invite you to go to the zoo with him and Bones knowing full well how hopelessly in love with Leonard you were. The only person you could blame was yourself, but that didn't stop you from blaming Jim anyway.
“Pick up your goddamn comm,” you muttered as you called Jim for the third time in a row. After another two rings, he picked up.
“Morning sunshine,” he said. You could hear that smug grin through the phone.
“Don't ‘morning sunshine’ me, J. You're late.”
“Late to what, my dear sister?” He was teasing you. Typical.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, trying not to make a scene in front of Bones and his daughter. “You complete and total douche yacht. This was your plan all along wasn't it?”
Jim laughed at your weak insult. “Douche yacht?”
“Yeah like a douche canoe but bigger.” You heard the comm drop as Jim laughed harder. “This isn't funny Jim! What the hell am I supposed to do alone with Bones at the zoo?!”
Jim scrambled to pick up the phone before replying, still laughing, “As if you've been thinking about anything but what you’d do when you got Bones alone.”
“Well it's not like I can just jump his bones in front of his daughter!! What the hell do I even do with a kid!”
“Y/N,” a small voice beside you said, “what does ‘jump his bones’ mean?”
You froze, and you heard Jim cackling louder than ever over the comm. “You're a dead man, J,” you whispered before hanging up the phone. You took a breath to collect yourself before crouching to face Joanna. “Well, Jo, it means...It means I want your daddy to, uh…give me a piggy back ride is all.”
“Hm, okay!.” Joanna smiled and hugged your leg. You relaxed a little, glad something was at least going your way. Now, you just had to figure out how to swear her to secrecy.
You were devising a plan that involved a lot of ice cream, when Joanna bounded back to her father. “Daddy, daddy. Auntie Y/N said she wants a piggyback ride.” Oh God, you thought desperately.
Bones crouched down in front of his daughter, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “I don’t know, Jo. I think Y/N’s a little old for piggyback rides.”
Joanna shook her head, hair swinging in waves around her. “She said so, Daddy, she said so! She wants to jump your bones.” You were frozen mid-step, hoping to cut Joanna off before she could say anything. A few passersby turned to look at the three of you as Joanna’s voice carried. It felt like all the blood in your body got a one way ticket right to your cheeks. At this point, best case scenario for you was falling into the wolf pit and getting eaten. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Bones, but out of the corner of your eye you could see him smirking.
“Well, Jo-bear, Y/N’s piggyback ride’ll have to wait, ‘cause this back is reserved for my princess today,” Bones said, ruffling Joanna’s hair. She giggled and swatted his hand away before he picked her up, carrying her on his hip. “Oh, and Jo.”
“Yes, Daddy,” she said, still working on straightening the bows in her hair. “Let’s not say, ‘jump your bones’ again, okay, sweetheart? Ain’t lady-like,” Bones directed the last part of the sentence to you, with a wink. Yeah, definitely time to throw yourself to the wolves.
With your embarrassment soon forgotten by all but you, the rest of the trip was pretty enjoyable. Once you got down to it, it was surprisingly easy to talk to Joanna. She kept asking you questions about Leonard and life on the Enterprise, the two things you were most passionate about. Right now, she was propped up on your shoulders, braiding your hair as you walked and talking about her own dreams to join Starfleet and become a medic like her dad. Bones couldn’t help but smile at the two of you.
He looked at his watch with a sigh, really not wanting the day to end: “Well, ladies. I think it’s time we hit the road.”
Joanna slumped over your head dramatically. “But daaaaddy, I haven’t finished braiding Y/N’s hair, and we haven’t even been to the reptile house. I wanna see the Filian pythons!”
Bones reached out for Joanna, pulling her off your back and setting her on the ground. He knelt in front of her, straightening out her jacket and smoothing her hair down. “I know, sugar, but the animals have to sleep too. You can finish braiding Y/N’s hair in the car, okay, pumpkin? Don’t you have your spare bows in there?”
“Plus, I think there might be a Filian python in the gift shop with your name on it,” you said, dropping to Joanna’s level and throwing her a wink. She immediately brightened, throwing her arms around your neck and knocking you backwards.
You barely managed to catch your balance before Jo was tugging on your and Leonard’s hands, pulling you towards the gift shop. “Come on, come on! Why are grown up so slow?” She stopped for a moment, staring at the two of you in horror. “Am I gonna be that slow when I grow up?” You and Leonard laughed.
“You can run on ahead,” Leonard replied, “just stay close, and be careful.”
“Thanks, daddy,” Joanna said, hugging Leonard’s leg. “Will you guard this for me Auntie Y/N?” Jo handed you her backpack, not giving you time to answer before skipping off ahead.
“So,” Bones started, still staring straight ahead at his daughter, “‘bout earlier.”
“Hm,” you hummed, eyes still trained on Joanna. You shifted her backpack higher onto your shoulder. Leonard took your hand in his, gently tugging you to a stop. Your breath caught, eyes dropping first to your hands entwined and then looking to his face. The smug bastard had that eyebrow raised again and you were sure you’d melt on the spot.
“You really gonna pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about?” Leonard ran his hand up from yours to your elbow, pulling you closer to him. His other hand brushed your cheek, and then back into your hair, running his fingers over the braid Joanna had put in.  
“I dunno. I don’t think my brain’s getting enough oxygen right now. Maybe I need a little mouth-to-mouth to kickstart my memory.”
Bones laughed. “I hope you know more about xenolinguistics than you do about medicine, or our ship’s doomed.”
“Oh, trust me. I’m very skilled with my tongue.” You slipped a hand around the back of Leonard’s neck, pulling him towards you. You could smell his cologne already and the thought of his stubble brushing against your cheeks was making you a little lightheaded. Your lips brushed together, and you were expecting fireworks. There was a scream instead.
You whipped your head to the right, eyes immediately going for Joanna. You heard a splash of water and before your brain processed what happened you were already sprinting to the pond. You pulled the backpack off as you went, dropping it by the side of the pond before tumbling in arms first, not wanting to hit Joanna. You reached blindly, hitting a koi fish before grasping the front of Joanna’s jacket. You quickly stood, hoisting Jo over your head and putting her on the rocks at the edge of the pond. She was soaked but seemed to be in otherwise good condition.
Leonard was there in a heartbeat, fussing over her. He insisted on pulling out the tricorder he’d put in Joanna’s backpack and scanning the both of you twice. When the scans came up clear, he pulled both of you against his chest, kissing the tops of your heads. He hoisted Jo up, cradling her in his arms, trying to calm himself down more than her.
“Uh, Bones,” you said, still lying on your back at the edge of the pond, “I appreciate your concern and all but maybe we could go? I’m kind of freezing here.” A small breeze hit you, making a shiver run through your body as if on cue.
“Jesus, yes, of course. I’m so sorry.” Bones reached his free hand towards you, pulling you up against his chest. He held you there for a second, pressing another kiss to the top of your head. “Thank you,” he mumbled. Joanna giggled.
“Daddy likes Y/N!” She gasped as a thought struck her. “Does that mean Y/N’s gonna be my mommy too?”
“It’d be an honor to be such a beautiful little girl’s mommy,” you said, reaching out to Jo. She jumped from Leonard’s arms to yours, but you caught her easily. “I think that’s a decision your daddy and I are going to have to make later, though, okay, sweetie?”
“Yeah, okay. I forgot grown ups are slow.” You chuckled again as Joanna snuggled up against your shoulder. She was asleep by the time you reached the car, so you carefully climbed into the backseat, not wanting to wake her. Bones chanced a glance at the two of you before pulling out of the parking lot, only to find you curled around Joanna, the two of you sleeping soundly. The smile didn’t leave his lips the whole ride home.
As always, let me know if you want tagged or if you want not tagged!
@jimtkirkisabitch @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @outside-the-government
@martinawalker @thevalesofanduin @goingknowherewastaken @daybreak96
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