#i definitely miswrote half of that baina praktika behar dut 😔
guillemelgat · 3 years
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Egin zaitez artzain, ez ertzain // “Become a shepherd, not a policeman”
Ernai taldeko eranskailuatik, postera nahi nuen eta hau egin dut. Jesus Maria Arzuagakoa da argazkia, Oñatiko artzaina, bere txakurra eta ardiak. Mesedez erabili eta banatu ezazu irudi hau!
From a sticker by Ernai (Basque leftist group), I wanted a poster and I made this. The photo is by Jesus Maria Arzuaga, of a shepherd, his dog, and sheep in Oñati. Please use and share this picture!
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