#i def loaded this up asdfg
dxefillz · 2 years
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—— now joining the infinite k-tour is NAHM ‘DAY’ DAE ! the 25 year old is onboard as the DRUMMER of the group, TIDAL. she is known to be very MELLOW but secretly DISORGANIZED. also, doesn’t she kind of look like JUNG WHEEIN ?
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whats poppin’ new fam. i’m olive, but oli will do just fine! ✦ here is my new muse, day! now, im not gonna hold you, i actually can’t read and i literally type like a crunchy wrinkly GRANNY so please have some patience with me. lmao // i run on central time, i’ll mostly be online to do replies at night cause i work on a tv set (that i should be done with in may). but, i should be around to plot most of the time !! most of my links aren’t updated on my STATS page yet- but it should all be ready to snoop on by the end of the week!!
tw: mention of drugs !
✦ a lil’ backstory //
dae was born from a set of adults who were unstable, flakey and heavy users. around the age of five, she was dropped off at her grandparent's house one afternoon and hadn't seen her mother or father since. her uncle took her into his care since then.  
from there, she grew up in between two small neighborhoods in ulsan, and daejeon. under her uncle's care, she grew up to be a tomboy- or gamine-like child in nature since he never knew how to raise a lady. so, although she looked like a girl, most treated her like a boy; but more so because of her energy. this is where her aggressive and rebellious habits stemmed from.
throughout all of her schooling dae was often the child that came home with cuts and bruises because she didn't tolerate sticks and stones. this sentiment is kind of the base of who dae is today. however, that mentality wasn't as heroic when she'd started to make friends in crowds that were bad business. from middle school on dae, kind of fell into the shadow of her mother with no one's help but her own.
it took too many parent-teacher conferences for her uncle and grandfather to take it upon themselves to get dae into hobbies that helped blow off steam. first it was music. her grandfather taught her guitar, and her uncle the drums when she got tired of her fingers feeling like leather. once she got too big to sit on their lap they'd made her learn a cover to a whole song in one sitting as a punishment every time she'd come back home to the auto shop with more battle scars and a lie to pair with it.
it wasn't really an effective punishment in hindsight, because she feels the most at peace with a pair of drumsticks in her hand.    
dae fought often in high school as well, mostly for the sake of others- or whenever she was jumped at school; that was the least of her worries though. around that time, dae became friends with a bunch of kids who felt like they meant well, but had questionable actions. they lied about their age to sneak into places, stole from stores- stayed out all night... did drugs just because. she felt alive, but also dead for a while but it made her turmoil with herself seem nonexistent for a moment. until there was trouble in paradise.
her friend group had a giant falling out that led for her to have to remove herself, and within that time she'd started a youtube page that kind of acted as a diary. she'd anonymously post drum covers, under the english word 'day' until eventually, her page got unexpected attention. that hit got her an offer to be a trainee for the band infinite wanted to put together her junior year.
her uncle and grandfather convinced her to go for it, since she hadn't expressed any plans on what to do with her life other than staying to live at the auto shop and collect old rock vinyls.
✦ her impact & history in tidal
dae started tidal with a very rocky start. she’s had more than a few disagreements with almost all of the members. and her aggressive and tough disposition got in the way of properly meshing well with the group for a long time. dae probably didn’t mellow out until a few years into debut truthfully. dae’s knowledge of how a band line up works and all it’s moving pieces was the sole reason she was appointed the leader when not being the oldest. back then, it was safe to call dae the weakest link.
to netizens, because of dae’s ‘tomboyish’ personality and branding, it’s common they would describe her as their girl crush. she’s also known to be one of the most laid back and forgetful of the group. / ‘day’ is probably most known or remembered for being a cisfemale drummer that started from posting covers on social media. / it’s common knowledge that she excels with her drumming skills, and slightly lacks with her dancing skills. it wasn’t until she was put in a sub-unit, v!olet, did dae’s vocals get utilized. 
✦ personality & unnecessary facts //
exudes more ‘masculine’ energy than she does feminine. probably cause she was raised by her uncle and she just kind of took his mannerisms as her own. i like to think of dae to radiate the energy of a more feminine seeming boy? think, like how dudes into rock and and alternative music tend to have long hair, painted nails, chiseled features and chronically tired eyes but in girl form? wheein doesn’t quite give me that energy, but she fits the look and has enough recourses to use. so, help me and play pretend if she starts seeming too feminine to feel like dae.
day is hella unorganized, which leads to her also being forgetful. so sticky notes are her best friend. her band members probably have to peel off a couple a day from the practice rooms. (& lowkey they probably can barely read her handwriting cause homegirl is dyslexic like her mun. spelling errors and backwards sentences all around.)
can be very defensive when her patience is heavily tested. she looks passive, and pretty mellow but she’ll say shit that just might hit your insecurities with a lil’ grin on her face with no regrets. 
dae sometimes craves reverting back to who she once was when around things she quit using. she tries not to drink often, and feels fairly uncomfortable around needles and drugs in general. in the past year, she’s just allowed herself to start smoking weed again. 
hates mushy emotional stuff- she will walk tf away if you start with her. all that i love you stuff, and crying???- CUT IT OUT please, cause TRUST / she will panic trying to help. (god forbid her feeling some sappy shit herself.)
has tattoo’s all over her arms and a few on each hand & insists on leaving her hair messy. her aesthetic really reminds me of marceline sometimes. 
probably has more black leather jackets than she has underwear.
✦ fun little quirks & habits // 
can’t sleep without there being SOME type of sound. usually she sleeps with music on.
is a bit of an adrenaline junkie sometimes, whenever she gets a chance to ride her motorcycle, she’s gone with the wind like ghost rider. (she loves that movie) and me too
day is very sensitive to smells. potent stuff like pickle & olive juice, or overly sweet smells like vanilla make her super nauseous.
because she used to help out at a sketchy music pawn shop while being a proud collector of vinyl's, she knows quite a lot about older music, and vinyl's in general- even ones from genre’s she doesn’t even listen to.
actually had a minor, almost major, addiction to cigarettes and other things before her debut. 
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tddtrnr · 5 years
todd turner.  twenty-four.  he/them. 
–– mad hallucinations while tripping on acid, veiny hands, sitting in a full bathtub with all your clothes on, floral shirts and flared pants, falling asleep over a cheap zombie movie, never raising your voice above a certain volume.
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- theodore turner is the actual name. goes by todd since pretty much always. - born and raised in yorkshire, england. lived in driffield for a while with his parents, but they divorced when he was small. his dad quickly re-married to a nice woman from leeds who had a one year old daughter. - todd moved with his father to leeds where he went to school. still visited mom on weekends and just.. whenever he had the chance, really. - he was dragged along to the states at the age of thirteen. didn’t wanna go, as england is his city, but his mom was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (ms) and decided she wouldn’t be able to take care of him. so, rhode island it was. - there, his dad and step-mom started their business. they opened a hotel on some insurance money and became pretty rich p quick.  - todd didn’t find himself in america at all. in high school he kinda fell into the wrong circle of friends. started doing some heavy narcotics at a pretty young age. his habit continued for ten months before his step mom caught him and he was sent into a rehab of a sort. - after that, he was sober for a while!! - he graduated high school and went to uni in manhattan, majoring in computer science which meant he was now gonna live on his own. he started reaching for drugs once again. - at this point he’s basically p brain-fried. not stupid, but very much disconnected and doesn’t fully know what’s going on, ever. - struggles a lot with his feelings. goes between feeling nothing at all and then suddenly feeling all too much. however, he bottles it all up. hasn’t cried since he was like eighteen. convinces himself everything’s fine all the time. - can’t tell what’s real?? he’s in haze p much all the time, despite not necessarily being always high. think 2d from the gorillaz. - is in a band. they’ve got that kinda alt-j vibe going on. plays the keyboard. goes to music festivals a lot, has all these types of bracelets all over his wrists. - got a bunch of random, almost out of place tattoos.  - despite his genuinely confused and chill persona, he lowkey gets attached to ppl a lot !! someone’s nice to him? BAM he’ll make a mixtape !! because of this he’s had some troubles finding a girl-boy-friend-whatever-partner thing, ‘cause uh he kinda just starts writing them songs n poems and that usually . scares any possible love interest away ?? - quite book-smart which def helps him get by. - is actually working on graduating uni. works as a barista on the side, does gigs with his band pals and occasionally models.  - doesn’t really identify as anything. completely neutral, but goes by any pronoun.  - looks ill all the time. skinny child. gets frequent nosebleeds. - has almost overdosed twice. on what?? well the first time he was told it was mdma, but .. you never know. the second was a bad mixture of pills and alcohol, however not meant to be an attempt of any sort, just a thoughtless action rly.  - his step sister is now 17. they get along just fine. he talks her through boi troubles and she makes sure he doesn’t die on the way to the shop.  - is very much into human contact. all for cuddling with ppl, having someone play with his awkwardly long fingers, touch his hair, etc etc. also hooks up with people a L OT . enjoys the idea of being loved though doesn’t seem to quite get the concept ??  - very harmless. such a ragdoll. u can do with him whatever the heck u please basically. - is very good at getting himself into strange or dangerous situations simply bc he just goes with the flow a lot?? if u tell him to get into the car with that shady stranger behind target, he won’t even question it !!  - is renting an apartment with two lovely girls.  - not a bad housemate, but causes loads of inconveniences. lets the bath overflow bc he forgot and went for a walk. leaves the pot on the stove, starts almost fires. but HE MEANS WELL.  - wanders off on his own, a lot. like, sometimes he’ll just disappear and the next thing u know he’s having a ciggie under an oak tree while petting three cats at the same time.  - has been hanging around the factory quite a bit. def one of his new fav hang-out spots. 
wcs:  give me all of it !! friends, enemies, hook-ups, close friends, ppl who get him into ominous situations, ppl who get him out of ominous situations, a BABYSITTER (pls i need someone to watch over him??), hook-ups, housemates (tho i’ll prob put out a wc for that asdfg), more hook-ups, exes, crushes, H OOOK UPs, ,,, just. ALL!! 
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