#i debated between melee and ranged but at the end of the day i prefer ranged for every game except terraria so
luckycharms1701 · 6 months
@fuckedupcleric and @thejudiciousneurotic did a picrew and moral alignment chart and we all know i’m a slut for quizzes and dress up so i did it too!
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this was a lot of fun!!
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sidereal-fantasies · 5 years
Mayhem Nights [Ateez Witch Hunter AU]
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Character(s): Reader, OC, Ateez
Category: Supernatural AU
Genre: Fantasy, Horror
Warning(s): None that exactly stood out to me. Oh wait, there’s a lot of talking. Development reasons.
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It shouldn’t be like this.
[Name]’s eyes flickered left and right, soaking in the details of the corridors and corners as Yeri and her trailed behind the ever so silent Yeosang. Everything about the hallways were just like that bedroom; completely and utterly normal to the point one would overlook even the smallest peculiarity, perhaps, if there were any lingering at all. Her wound still felt tender to the touch, but she didn’t dare say anything to Yeri or Yeosang as she just wanted to sleep off all the information that was overwhelming her thoughts like a tidal wave currently. That, and the peculiar off-putting feeling she sensed from Yeosang placed her in a position too wary to give her trust away at times.
“How long has this been a thing?” Yeri suddenly spoke as the trio neared a staircase.
Yeosang hummed in response as he scratched the back of his neck. “Would you believe if I said it’s been almost a year since the entire group decided to work together?”
[Name] arched her eyebrows as she had assumed that the group had been witch hunting for many more years than just that.
“Okay then, what about you? How did you end up in… all of this?”
Yeosang halted midway up the stairs. His once stoic eyes were now a cold blue gaze that scrutinized every inch of [Name] as his knuckles began to turn white from his iron grip on the metal railing.
“You’re a bold one,” Yeosang started as his eyes bore into [Name]. His tone was even, calm, yet it still pierced [Name] somewhere within her, like she had struck a wrong cord and sent herself spiraling down into a trap she couldn’t escape from. Her throat ran dry as her own hands, slick with cold sweat, tightened and pulled Yeri closer to her for comfort.
“Another day. It’s a very long story, I’m afraid,” Yeosang finally answered with an angelic smile that graced his soft features.
He resumed his way up the stairs with Yeri and [Name] trailing behind stiffly. Had [Name] pressed on, she surely would have regretted it and wished the odd witch from earlier had finished her off in her own home.
The lounge was closed during daytime hours as [Name] had found out, leaving the unbelievably enormous entertainment room to just eight boys. A bar laid quietly in one corner, counter shined to perfection and illuminated by the dim lights above. Tables and booths ran along the walls with the exception of another corner being lined with two large red couches, covered in plush pillows that obviously been tossed there from a recent pillow fight.
Yeri left [Name] momentarily after she had found her phone in her pocket. She had her family which she frequently keeps in touch with; with all the chaos that resulted from one risky choice, [Name] knew Yeri needed that kind of reassurance more than a simple phrase from the girl that nearly got herself killed. With Yeri off to the side, [Name] was able to observe the other members running about. Yeosang had joined a tall blonde whom she assumed to be Seonghwa from her faint memory before she had lost consciousness. As noted, they were most likely the more quiet members who preferred to stay on the sidelines unless needed. Near the red couches were Yunho, Mingi, and one other male with brown hair. The three seem to be joking about something with the slightly shorter brunette simply watching the chaos ensue. As she continue to scan the room, Hongjoong was nowhere in sight.
“There you are!” A bright voice called out.
A duo approached [Name]. One donned lavender colored hair and the other sported dark hair with red streaks peeking out on the front. Both had the look of a sharpshooter locking in on their target, however, and that alone set something off within [Name]’s mind.
“I’m Wooyoung and this is San,” Wooyoung introduced himself while he motioned towards the ‘San’ individual.
“We’ve heard a bit about you, already,” San chirped.
[Name]’s eyes widen. “Y-you have?”
The slight curl to San’s lips sent shivers running down [Name]’s spine. She could have swore she saw a mischievous glint flicker in San’s eyes for a split second. The dark haired male only quirked an eyebrow at her shocked expression, prompting her to defend herself while she had the chance.
“Look, I just want to get this mess sorted out and get back to a normal life,” [Name] stated plainly.
“You will!” Wooyoung reassured her with a cheeky grin. “I’m not sure about the normal life part. This is some dark business stuff.”
The corners of [Name]’s mouth turned downwards into a frown.
“Leave her alone, guys. She woke up only a few hours ago. She’s probably still feeling the effect of the poison.”
[Name] turned on her heel and was met with the familiar face of Hongjoong.
“Hongjoong! I, er, I should really thank you and a few others for the help. Really, I probably would have been a goner even with Yeri watching my back,” [Name] stuttered slightly.
“It’s nothing. We’re all just glad that you’ve made it,” Hongjoong replied with a gentle smile.
Like their first encounter, the lack of sleep slowly seeped into Hongjoong’s features. Whether it was the setting or his tiredness, it brought a more approachable touch to Hongjoong’s rather fiery presence. The man was certainly a leader, yet, [Name] could tell there was some wall that stood between the two; never ending and always looming over the opposer that stood in front of him. Thickness of said wall seemed to vary as far as she assumed.
“No, really, I caused a lot of trouble already. I need to repay you in some kind of way.”
The all-too sly grin made it’s way to Hongjoong’s lips as well as he observed [Name]’s slight movements silently. He crossed his arms over his chest and thought for moment, humming quietly as he contemplated over [Name]’s repayment.
“Well, you could join us. Or at least help out with a little dilemma we’ve been dealing with lately,” Hongjoong offered.
[Name]’s jaw nearly dropped. She hasn’t expect any kind of solution like that. Her gaze traveled elsewhere for a few moments, catching the stares of the other members in the room. They all had planned this the moment she woke up.
“If that’s the case…” she trailed off.
A room just off to the left side sported large windows that featured various equipment inside ranging from long melee weapons to short throwing knives caught her attention. The floor inside was lined with mats up until a small shooting range in the back with a few benches pressing against the walls and resting near a couple of drinking stations. [Name] raised an eyebrow before she threw a quick glance over her shoulder at a fidgety Yeri.
“Show me what some of you guys can do and then I’ll consider handing the book over to you,” [Name] declared.
Hongjoong’s lips curled into a smirk as he clapped his hands together. “No problem!” He responded without hesitation.
“Tomorrow. We’ll have Mingi and Jongho spar a little bit and maybe San show off the weaponry. For now, you continue to rest and we’ll have your friend get the book for you.”
[Name] peered over at the three men sitting nearby. She recognized Mingi instantly before her eyes trailed over to the young brunette who simply nodded his head in response. She assumed that he must have been Jongho. Her gaze then shifted to San who stood just behind her, the same grin still plastered to his lips.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Hongjoong stopped [Name] from trailing back to the bedrooms.
“Look, I really value my team here and will do anything to keep them out of harm’s way. With that stunt you pulled a few nights ago, we’re gonna have to talk a little more about this… book once it’s here.”
All [Name] could do was agree. For she knew, she had fallen and tangled herself into a series of unforeseen consequences.
Yeri unlocked the front door to her apartment and quietly slipped in before she gently closed the door. A soft sigh escaped her as she lingered at the door just for a little longer, hand grasping the cold metal knob as if she was debating on running away from her unknown worries.
“You’re back. Did the protection charm work?”
Yeri jumped at the sound of the voice and whipped around to find the source. In her living room sat a young woman with ombré hair, jet black fading into a dull silver that matched her clouded eyes. Yeri glanced over her shoulder as she fumbled for the herb infused pendant in her pocket. She nodded her head before she tossed it over to the woman who caught it with ease and slid it back into her own pocket.
“I just met that group your coven talked about a few days ago. Ateez, was it? They honestly don’t seem like trouble.” Beads of sweat formed just at her hairline as her muddled thoughts clashed and crashed within her mind. Yeri only fiddled with the ends of her sleeves as she inched into the kitchen, bemused as to what to do with the new guest in her house. “Where’s—“
“He serves under me. I wanted to know the information personally. Just girl-to-girl talk,” the witch interrupted.
Yeri swallowed a hard lump as she carefully watch the young woman saunter into the kitchen afterwards. With the warlock, she was able to freely hand over whatever information she was able to gather while her sister received the treatment she needed to get over the curse. It was a guaranteed deal. The witch, on the other hand, immediately suffocated Yeri with her powerful aura. The ravenette could tell right off the bat that she wasn’t just any member of her coven. Hell, Yeri thought, she might just be the head of these operations. Had she screwed up somewhere?
“You didn’t answer my other question yet.”
A simper made its way to the witch’s lips. “They are very troublesome,” she remarked. “They’re little demons once you give them proper weapons and a perfect moment to strike. Sparks that need to be smothered to oblivion before the flame grows too big.”
“If so, why do you need me? You seem powerful enough to take them out whenever you want to,” Yeri snapped.
“It’s obvious, isn’t, sweet child?” The witch questioned as she cocked an eyebrow.
“I need to stop Ateez’s next move and eliminate them. In order to do that, I need an insider. That’s you. You, however, need me to cure your little sister and keep her safe from all the scary left-handed witches that might hex her again if she got too curious.”
Yeri slowly moved out of the kitchen, gaze trailing back and forth between the door and the witch. “I know that, but why them specifically? There’s a bunch of witch hunters out there far worse than them.”
The witch paused for a moment. Her red painted nails drummed against the countertop as she stared down at the ravenette before she began to move over to where she stood.
“Not all of us are black and white. I need you because I have a personal vendetta against one of Ateez’s members. Because of him, I have watched many of my brothers and sisters die at the hands of their kind— mostly your kind— and frankly, you’re quite easy to manipulate,” she hissed.
Yeri pressed her lips together, forming a thin line. The witch handed the book over to Yeri and motioned her to the front door. “Go give it to them. I need to pay a visit to your sister,” she spat.
Yeri’s fingers gently ran over the cover of the book. A sudden inclination had her thumbing the pages. It had occurred to her that since [Name] had shown her the book, neither of them bothered to open it to find out why the content inside was so valuable to others. It tempted her as she stopped, finger lingering on a random spot, and tried to guess what could exactly be hidden amongst decades of family secrets.
“You know the saying ‘curiosity killed the cat?’” The witch spoke again as she placed a cold hand over Yeri’s own. “The next time we meet may not be in the way you want it.”
The curl of her lips was enough to send Yeri scrambling out of her own apartment, heart beating and lungs heaving as she sprinted away from the familiar cackles.
“Farewell, my little black cat.”
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kalliejupiter · 6 years
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Some LEWKS from fashion illustration, or rather a fall capsule collection that I would wear myself if I were an intergalactic space provocateur (thus the inclusion of pants and a sensible heel). My partner and I debated the practicality of a drop-crotch pant I. The cockpit of a spacecraft—I and my instructor agree that the drop-crotch is totally fine, and fabulous. Besides, I’m not taking design advice from a guy who still dresses like he’s in junior high (JK, I ❤️ my partner). I tend to write long posts, and I like talking about and documenting ideation. So, I headlined each segment for easier navigation. Just some details on concepts, design process, and such. I will post more sketches, line drawings, fabric swatches, and maybe color comps later. The Assignment: Create a ten piece collection. Decide the season, demographic, include at least five different types of garments (trousers, dresses, at least one coat, etc. I also had to draw out the flats and include swatches and stuff. In the end I had to edit down from at least 20 initial sketches. Designing wearable sci-fi LEWKS comes easy to me, but self-editing does not. Take note toxic masculinity in geek culture, a girl can still be sexy in pants and a sensible heel and drawing something from the female gaze doesn’t mean a dude can’t appreciate it... I used my sensibilities as a starting point—although, in the end the collection skews a little younger than my demographic (I can get away with it as a woman of color because a WOC could be anywhere between the ages of 25 and 45 without a stranger being able to tell the difference. I’m still a little punk rock at my age, but if I had more time, I would create a companion collection that’s a little more stately and tailored for a more professional lady in my demographic (while maintaining the visual cohesion with the collection I eventually made). The instructor initially thought I was joking, because I actually submitted a market plan that said my target demographic was an intergalactic space nomad, political double-agent, listed the median income in space credits, and made several references to lasers and cyborgs. Spoiler alert, I got an ‘A’ on the final. I prefer fall to any other season, so too is my collection for fall. Fall, as a whole, has a wide range of potential garments, mostly because fall weather is so drastically varied (in spite of this, it is usually the BEST weather of any given place, IMHO). I also like fall color palettes best (as a suburban teen I spent my adolescence wearing all black, listening to Morresey, and writing really terrible poetry, like every other suburbanite teenager). Dark colors are slimming and hide a myriad of sins, accidents, and the bloodstains of your slain enemies. I wanted to include both a short and long coat/jacket, day wear, one formal piece, a jumpsuit of some kind, a mini and maxi silhouette, a work outfit, something to work as loungewear, something to work as activewear, and something that would look cool on a robot. I also wanted to strike a balance between bodycon silhouettes and easy to wear volume—which is probably why the collection ballooned into something as large as this one did—there were so many variations of single pieces that it was hard to choose which of them to include. The piece variations themselves were compelling on their own and also in comparison to its counterpart that it became more interesting to present looks as side-by-side options. Each look was multilayered, highly detailed, and designed to be physically adaptable/changeable anyway, so assigning a single croquis to a look seemed like a wasted opportunity. References and Ideation: I got the ideas for the collection from real life. One of the weird things I picked up from the military was from Basic, and it’s the idea that you are issued all of these pieces with utilitarian properties at first that encapsulates everything you’d ever need, apparel-wise (from underwear to formal wear, and for all weather and situations) and all of it can fit in a single seabag. It was fun trying to imagine what shenanigans one could experience as an intergalactic scene-girl, and what kind of clothes she might want. The concept of a sea bag (or “space bag,” in this case) jives with the idea of a capsule collection (stylish staple pieces that can be worn over many seasons with smaller, less expensive pieces that can be altered or replaced by trendier items as the seasons progress). All the pieces can be mix-and-matched and are adaptable in many ways—there is something gender neutral about a lot of it (I wish I designed the bodysuits with more variation in the briefs: make some with compression shorts, leggings, and such—I didn’t really consider these separate LEWKS, per se, but layering pieces, because some part of my underpants are always showing under my garments, and if you are going to have exposed bra straps, make it look like you did it on purpose). Also, the tailored structure and details of military clothing are really are really cool design elements to explore. I also used Middle Eastern references to balance out the designs—mostly because I thought it would be thematically appropriate/ironic to combine the two style sensibilities (non-Western cultures have so many more interesting silhouettes in any case—it might be appropriation, but in the neutral sense of the term). The concept of armor and utility informs every piece. Those concepts also the reason I referenced (or resurrected) less common clothing items and styles. For example, the quilted leather snood, a pleated leather bolero, spats over the boots, and a molded, hooded, cuirass (leather is a good material, it adapts to the wearer like a second skin and because of that, the material plays into the theme of personalizing a basic uniform to make it one’s own—90% of the swatches for the collection are organic or natural fibers because I would think the artificial environments and materials of space might make one long for something more “natural,” especially with something as intimate as the clothing that separates a persons skin from everything else. It’s also luxe and sometime more durable). Aesthetically, details like cording, high waisted pants, draped tops, high necklines, and asymmetrical hemlines reoccur as a design through line in the collection. Utilitarian features, like zippers and velcro closures, do double duty as both functional and aesthetic elements. A practical zipper on a detachable long sleeve becomes the decorative beam on the short sleeved version. Velcro tans on an exaggerated drop-crotch pant transform the garment from a maxi silhouette into short and leggings combo. I admit, this comes from my unironic love of those weird convertible bridesmaids dresses that people always end up lazily tying around their neck. Look Details (the Coverall): That’s why there is a “fashion coverall” in this collection—I know from experience that those are the comfiest work pajamas, ever, and even though this collection is supposed to exist a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I did want to reference some contemporary trends and needed a non-catsuit jumpsuit, and tailored coveralls seem very classic in a way that could be stylish beyond the current moment. I wanted to use design to solve actual practical problems. For example, instead of the traditional buttoned cuffs and collar, I chose to use a ribbed knit on both the neck and 3/4 sleeves. It is more comfortable and easy to wear, works just as well in a hot engineering space or in the colder climate controlled server spaces and Officer decks of a ship, and prevents the clothing from getting caught on equipment and becoming a liability on trouble calls or planet-side laser melee. The knees have built-in padding, and Velcro patch details, so our girl can switch allegiances fairly easily. The only thing is the lack of pockets. A cargo short is an amazing idea. In the abstract. I have never seen one in public that did not look like an Eldrich Abomination. If someone needs to Cary so much stuff in their pockets that their pants look like they are hiding the legs of Yogsheggoth, perhaps it’s time to consider carrying a bag. I’m looking at you, Dudes. Also, the belts and harnesses of the collection were designed with detachable pockets and specialized equipment in mind. I kind of wish I designed the piece with a jodhpur or cigarette leg silhouette instead of a boot cut. Both the jodhpurs and cigarette leg would have been more interesting, especially if I had also designed a short, romper version of the piece. Final Thoughts (for now...): I don’t expect anyone to have read all the way through this, and if you have, thanks! Feel free to contact me with any questions, requests, random musings, like, share and follow. I’ll try to be less wordy in the future. A Word of Thanks to the Fashion Illustration Class: I really enjoyed that class. Everyone of my classmates had different skills, experience, and came from a lot of different disciplines (for example, I make comics and work in advertising, some were animators, some fashion students, and one was an editorial photographer who didn’t draw well in the conventional sense of it, but drew croquis that had the character of a Mondiglioni and could convey not only the sense of the garments, but the personality of the girl who wore them). We talked about everything, asked a lot of good questions, and hyped each other up for fashion in general. I will say that out of the many years of studying various art disciplines in various classrooms and open critiques, this was the first time I experienced colleagues as open and giving as these classmates were. I’m used to a lot of pushback and blank stares during critiques (especially when I give them—I obviously talk a lot, and connect ideas to a lot of obscure references—“consider the jodhpurs,” “you seem really into minimal geometric patterning—write down ‘Ainu’ and look up their textiles and mouth tattoos,” “there is something very vaporwave about this non-binary collection, I see a lot of pastels and navy,” “I know exactly who the girl is that wears this collection—she converted an Arizona ranch into a minimal art gallery in the middle of nowhere, collects antiques from the late 1950’s and Kieth Harring prints, and makes excellent margheritas...”—and then they would use my suggestions by the next critique! WHAT!!?!), but people really listened and we all tried to understand each others point of view and encourage one another. I loved that class.
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inquisitorhotpants · 7 years
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Overview The Imperial Guard is the elite of the already-formidable Imperial military, a highly trained legion of non-Force sensitives, capable of subduing or destroying all manner of enemies, including Jedi and Sith.  Entrance into this venerated order requires personal selection by your commander and a lengthy, grueling training and trial period (most details of which are kept shrouded in mystery).
Personnel selected for training must already be at the top of their rank, the top of their MOS, an example for others to follow.  Their military personnel record (MPR) must be without blemish, and they must have already proved themselves in battle, preferably against Force users.
It is imperative you understand that only the best of the best, the Empire’s finest, will become Imperial Guards.  The current attrition rate as of 1342 Imperial is 70%, and has reached as high as 85%.
Qualification Personnel submitted for consideration must pass the following:
Initial questionnaire detailing your loyalties and your accomplishments 
Commanders who put up plainly unqualified candidates open themselves up to disciplinary action.  While a selected Imperial Guard can raise a unit’s estimation, attempting to game this system has the opposite effect.
If you are weak but not outright disqualified in this portion, only an exceptional MPR (military personnel record) in a field of already exceptional MPRs can overcome your score.  “Weak but still qualified” is an extremely rare category, one only arrived at if someone’s score is too close to call, and only after debate by the leadership of the Guard.
30% of washouts will occur here, not passing initial scrutiny
Initial Guard physical fitness test, which is much more rigorous than the usual Imperial PFT and includes a duel with an instructor at the end.
Contrary to the fanciful rumors that are ever-present among the uninformed, you will not duel to the death, though if you fail you will go home beaten and bloody.  
5% of washouts will occur during the IGPFT.
If you pass both the initial examination and the initial physical qualification, you are a Guard Candidate.  You will leave your family and your unit, and proceed to the intake facility on Dromund Kaas for your initial issue and to await your assignment to a training class.  While there, you will conduct general training days, consisting of a mix of both physical and intellectual improvement.
Upon your assignment to a training class, you will move into the phases of training.
Phase I (7 weeks): Physical Prowess
This phase will push you to your physical limits.  You will learn to use all manner of arms, both ranged and melee.  You will be given instruction in martial arts combat styles.  You will put yourself through more grueling physical training than you ever have in your career.  When you are finished, you will be a weapon of the Empire.
50% of washouts will occur during this phase.
Phase II (7 weeks): Strategy and Tactical Acumen
This phase will expand the way you view and assess battlefields, from classic strategy passed down through the centuries to new tactics being developed today.  You will learn the intricacies of mission planning, how to adapt when the plan must inevitably change, and more, augmenting your physical skill with equally important mental skill.  All periods of instruction are taught by Advanced War College instructors, all of whom are experts in their field.
2% of washouts will occur during this phase.
Phase III (7 weeks): All-Weather Conditioning
The Empire is home to no small number of worlds with brutal climates, and the Imperial Guard must function at peak performance on all of them.  You will travel to a number of these worlds and learn to survive in the extremes the galaxy has to offer.
8% of washouts will occur during this phase.
Phase IV (3 weeks): Operational Trials
You and your fire team will be given a number of trials which will require you to work as a flawless unit, putting into practice all the skills you have learned over the past three months.  If you cannot pass as a team, you will be cycled back into the upcoming class.  If you cannot pass that second time, you are expelled.
4% of washouts will occur during this phase.
Phase V (1 week): Personal Trials
This is your final test.  You will face current Guards, Force users, single combatants, multiple enemies.  You will prove that you deserve to wear the scarlet robes of the Guard.
1% of washouts will wash out here, defeated in what should have been their finest moment.
If you graduate, you will become a full member of the Guard.  You will be assigned the secondary MOS of the Guard, and receive a duty station somewhere within the Empire.  Unlike the rest of the military, the Guard falls strictly under the purview of the Sphere of Defense of the Empire; our duty is to protect our home, to stand as a bulwark against traitors from within and murderers from without.
Occasionally, the Guard will be called to defend active military installations, often when the majority of personnel are required for frontline missions.  A recent example of this was our presence on Ilum, while base personnel conducted raids first against the Republic, and then against Malgus the Betrayer.
Know that if you prove you are worthy of ascending to our ranks, you are joining a band of Imperials whose talent, bravery, and devotion are unsurpassed.
General A. H. Hesker Commander, Imperial Guard
An update to the Guard manual, made by Darth Marr, Councilor of the Sphere of the Defense of the Empire, 9 Sadow, 1334: The Imperial Guard are loyal to the Empire, because our duty is to the Empire.  This must not be forgotten.
(Internal memos between Darth Marr and Lord Lana Beniko, dated both during and after the final confrontation with Revan on Yavin 4, detail the thorough and deliberate culling of Imperial Guards who were more loyal to Vitiate than they were to the Empire as a whole.  The remaining, and the ones who carried out said culling, hew closely to Darth Marr’s vision of loyalty to the state, not to one person.
More recent memos between Darth Marr and the former Lord Beniko, now Darth Tenere, discuss the need to reconstitute the ranks of the Guard, given the Empire’s expansion.  Darth Atroxa is added on later memos, and a plan is approved to begin a widespread but rigorous selection process, though standards will not be relaxed.)
Author’s notes: Let’s see.  I don’t think I have many?
1.  Yes, I did away with that stupid 80% fatality rate mentioned in SoR because that’s stupid as hell.  Killing off your best people is fucking dumb.  Send them home with broken bones or on a stretcher, but stop hobbling your own damn fighting force.  So yeah, that’s gone.
2. Yes, the attrition rate for the Guard is actually better than the SEAL attrition rate, because the Imperial Guard already draws from a smaller selection pool, allowing for more qualified people from the jump while still having a high attrition rate because this shit is hard.
3. Of course they were going to have zealots.  And in the Krynverse, they got culled.  No sitting around hoping they change their minds.  The loyal ones prove their loyalty by culling the ones who forgot where their loyalties should be.  It is still the Empire.
4.  As always, this is just my worldbuilding take on it after being kind of unimpressed with what was there.  If you like it, awesome.  If you don’t, that’s fine, too.  The fun of worldbuilding your own details is accepting what you like and ignoring what you don’t.
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