#i cringe everytime someone brings up the bird thing
captainmill · 4 months
I love the new episode of Game Changer so much, it's hilarious. I love Ally straight up catfishing as Brennan. I love Brennan meta-catfishing as Rekha.
Do I feel a sense of impending doom? Yes.
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iwadori · 3 years
So I'm reading your works and I love them !! I was thinking of requesting some kind of drabble or whatever you like, about a female reader who has thick thighs and is somewhat plump and is in love with Tsukishima but he makes a comment about the food and she feels bad and when she meets Bokuto in the boot camp Bokuto is too cute and attentive to her asking for her number and a date. If you don't feel comfortable with this, just ignore it and good luck with your blog. Sorry my english is bad<3
When they make you insecure PT 5 (tsukishima,bokuto)
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Part One Part Two  Part Three Part Four  Part Five Part 6
Word Count: 2.6K
Genre: Angst to Fluff
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You and Tsukishima have been dating in your first year (as you both went to the same middle school together.)
You were in love with Tsukishima, you always have been to be honest, but once you became officially boyfriend and girlfriend your feelings amplified.
But recently, Tsukishima hasn’t been so nice.  
“Y/N we’re going on another training camp at Nekoma” Hinata exclaimed running up to you, as you leaning against Tsukishima “and you get to come too this time!”
You recently became the new trainee manager as the third-year manager, Kikyoko, is going to graduate. Tsukishima acted as if you being around all the time in practice was the worst thing in the world, but Yamagucchi always assured you that ‘Tsukki’ was just joking.
“Oh well that’s fun...” you say entertaining Hinata’s excitement. You were kind of excited to go to the training camp too, as it was in Tokyo after all. You were always a big fan of volleyball as your dad used to play for the national team and you were planning to play on the girls team this year but you felt that you didn’t have the body for it (which was obviously not true.)
Hinata kept on rambling on before Tsukishima insulted him. “Gosh Kei, you don’t have to be so rude.” you complained, he slightly nudged you off of him and put on his headphones showing you that he was not in a good mood.
You let the rest of the practice continue, making notes of things and basically being Kiyoko’s shadow. As it ended, you waited outside for Tsukishima to walk home with you, but one of the guys told you he left 5 minutes ago. You knew there was no point of chasing after him so you just walked on your own, making you sigh in defeat.
Tsukishima was what you would describe as hot and cold. Some days he was fine a ‘perfect gentlemen’ but other days, days like this Tsukishima was just Tsukishima.  
When you got home, you decided to watch matches of all the other schools just to get some insight. You were watching a Fukarodani V Nekoma match from a few years ago and something caught your eye, well someone did to be more specific. A beefy, bicolour haired boy who was hooting like an owl was mesmerizing to watch.
You saw that his name was Bokuto Koutarou which triggered your next actions, which were to internet stalk him. You learned that he was the captain of the team and the team’s ace and the 5th ace in the country which piqued your interest in the boy even more.
‘This is going to be an exciting training camp’ you think to yourself before going to sleep.
`Kiyoko gave you an itinerary of all the things you should bring, since you weren’t going to be joining in any of the matches you were reminded to bring things that would keep entertained.  
You get to the bus at the crack of dawn, ready to be driven to Tokyo. Hinata and Kageyama were already arguing (let’s pretend that they didn’t have to do the retakes in the test) Tanaka and Nishinoya were being loud, and the rest of the members were already asleep. You wanted to sit next to Tsukishima but when you were about to sit down, he put his carryon bag in the seat next to him.
The bus ride was around 4-5 hours, and you spent your time reading and sleeping. Daichi got the loudmouths to calm down making the bus ride more tolerable. You suffered from slight motion sickness but you powered through.
When you arrived there, you saw all the other teams and their buses too. You felt a bit overwhelmed, seeing these tall boys just crowd around an entrance way. But too your surprise, noticing your slight anxiousness, Tsukishima grabbed your hand in a hand-hold.  
The Nekoma coach, explained how the day would pan out and where each team would be residing for the week. There was a lot of commotion getting everyone settled, Hinata and Nishinoya were basically bouncing off of the wall commenting on all the people and the place and how they’re going to ‘crush the competition.’  
You could tell that when the other teams were looking at Karasuno they were all staring at Kiyoko. Inquisitive about how there wasn’t only one girl manager but there was two. As you were walking your eyes locked with Bokuto Koutarou’s making yours widen, you blush and turn your head quickly.  
What you didn’t know was, after your small interaction, Bokuto elbowed Akaashi and said “Akaaashi AKKAAASHI, did ya see that? did ya?” he was flying with happiness “That girl from Karasuno smiled at me. She’s really pretty.”
“I think she’s from Karasuno” Akaashi said “So maybe you’ll see her around”
Bokuto stared off in the direction you were walking in “Yeah, hopefully.”
The first day, everyone got settled in and then the teams went straight into games. There were two different gyms and today, in gym 1, you were watching Karasuno V Nekoma. (By the way I literally don’t remember the teams at the training camp besides Nekoma, Karasuno and Fukarodani.) The game was very back a point each team making point after point, you already knew of Nekoma’s captain, Kuroo Testurou and the setter Kenma, you’ve actually played games with Kenma online before so you were fairly acquainted with him already.
The games ended and it was now dinner time, the canteen was packed with all the boys rushing to line up for the food. You waited at the back of the line, not really caring about when you got your food. Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder and you looked over to see Boktuo,  
“Hi.” he said “I’m Bok-”
“Bokuto Koutarou!” You finished “I'm a big fan..” you cringed immediately at your excitement ‘pull it together Y/N’ you scold yourself.
“Oh well hi, I’m glad you know who I am” he said “and may I ask for your name?”  
“Oh I’m Y/N L/N” you say with a slight blush “I'm the trainee manager from Karasuno.”  
“Cool! Well I hope to see you aro-” he starts  
“Y/N, I’ve been looking all over for you, I already got your food for you.” Tsukishima said pulling at your arm a bit harshly, dragging you over to a table with the Karasuno team.
“Gosh Tsukki, no need to be so harsh” you say rubbing at your wrist, he didn’t apologize and just started eating his food.  
You look down at your plate and see the small portion that Tsukki got for you. The Karasuno bunch was being loud, as they usually are, so when you whisper “Tsukki what the fuck is this” whilst nudging him in the side, he didn’t hear you (or atleast he pretended he didn’t.) You tried again but a little louder saying, “Tsukishima what the fuck is this.” you realised you said it a bit too loud as the whole Karasuno table stopped their conversations to look over at the slight commontion you caused.
“What do you mean Y/N?” he said with a slight smirk on his face.
“I mean what’s with the portion size of a bird that you gave me?” you ask getting upset “Do you really think im that big?”
“Well, you could start eating less that’s for sure.” he said earning gasps from you and some of the people sitting at the table “Y/N let's face it, you eat like a pig and you look like an elephant, me making your food portion smaller is the least I could do.”  
By now you had tears in your eyes, Tsukishima was a dick. You knew this, everybody knew this to be honest, yet you still loved him. He wasn’t like this in middle school, yes he was a bit snarky and rude (but wasn’t every middle schooler?) High school Tsukishima was like a completely different person. As much as you wanted to run away and hide, you knew you couldn’t.  
So you stood up and said “Tsukishima, I’ve spent 3 years loving and pining after you, because I thought you were this great guy, but turns out you’re a huge asshole” you start making some of the people listening in smile in laughter “Tsukishima, I’ve hated this past year dating you, you’ve been such a huge dick and I’m finally stopping you. I can’t do this anymore. I won’t.” You start making your way to exit before finally saying “Oh and by the way I’m not the pig here, you are... oh and I’m breaking up with you.” You left, hearing a few laughs and some claps behind you.
You felt relieved, like the massive cloud that’s been over your head is finally gone. You went to the gym since you knew it was empty and picked up a ball to just throw it around a bit. After a while of ‘de-stressing,’ you hear someone else enter the gym.
“Oh I didn’t know you’d be here.” said Bokuto  
“Well here I am,” you say awkwardly “I can leave if you want me too, I know this is for actual volleyball players.”
“No no it’s fine you can definitely stay, in fact do you mind setting for me?” he asks  
“Sure, of course I don’t mind” you reply, excited you get to play with someone.  You haven’t played in ages, you always begged Tsukishima to just throw a ball around with you but he never did.  
You set to Boktuo a lot, with him always asking for ‘another one’ everytime he spiked the ball. Eventually, you were tired of setting and wanted to spike. You originally was a spiker to begin with taking after your dad. Thats why you took a liking to Bokuto in the first place cause he reminded you of the joys you had when watching your father play.
Bokuto set a ball to you and you spiked it with great strength and accuracy smiling at the burning feeling you felt in your palm.  
“Woahh” Bokuto shouted going towards you in amazement “Where did you learn how to spike like that?”
“From my dad, I don’t know if you heard of him before but my dad’s name is D/N L/N...?” you say
“D/N L/N, Y/N he is my idol!” he shouted again “I want to be just like him.”
“I think you can, I see a lot of similarites in the way you both play.” you say
“Really! And you’ve seen me play before..?” he asks
“Yeah, I watched some of your games before coming here... you’re really good” you shyly admit.
You and Bokuto spend the rest of your time, talking about volleyball you’re interests, things you have in common, your likes and dislikes. Talking to Bokuto was refreshing, he didn’t randomly insult you or make snide comments about your weight or your looks. He just genuinely looked happy to be there talking to you, unlike Tsukishima.  
Seeing your change in mood, Bokuto stops talking and asks “are you alright? I forgot to ask earlier, but I saw what happened in the canteen and I hope you’re okay.”  
“Yeah I’m fine, it’s just things with me and Tsukishima reached a breaking point, I guess...” you say sniffling a bit talking about it “But it’s fine now I’ve broken up with him and I feel better already.”
“So you’re saying your single...?” he asked blushing a bit
“Yeah I guess I am...” you smile blushing also.  
“Okay great...well I hope this isn’t too forward after everything happened with Tsukki and all but...” he starts “but would you like to go on a date with me?”
“Who me?” you ask as if you weren’t the only other person in the room
“No the volleyball” he responds sarcastically “Of course you Y/N.”  
“Are you sure, cause to be honest Bokuto you’re a really good-looking guy” you say making him smile widely “so I think you need someone to match your level in attractiveness” you look down and his smile drops.
“What do you mean?” he asks before realising all the stuff Tsukishima said about you “Y/N you’re beautiful, your face, your body just you.” you blush at his words “when I first saw you when you were walking past us in the entrance way the first thing I thought and said about you was “Akaashi who is that girl she’s beautiful.””  
“Really?” you ask with disbelief
“Mhm” he nods excitedly “So will you go on a date with me?”  
“I guess so...” you say a bit unsure
“HEY HEY HEY!” he exclaims “I gotta go tell akaashi!” he runs out of the gym in a hurry making you laugh, but he comes back to give you a quick unexpected kiss on the cheek making you smile.
You checked your phone for the time realising that you’ve been with Bokuto for 3 hours and you knew that everyone would be going to sleep now. As you are the manager you slept seperately from the rest of the team but before you went to your sleeping quaters you went to Karasunos.  
“Y/N where have you been? We’ve been worried about you.” asked yammagucchi  
“It’s fine yams don’t worry about it, guys” you say catching everyones attention “I just wanted to apologise to you for my outburst at dinner, it wasn’t my intention to cause a scence.”
“It’s fine Y/N” said sugawara “He definitely deserved it.”
“Yeah as your marvellous senpai we gave him a good telling off” said Tanaka and Nishinoya  making you chuckle.  
“Okay well thanks guys, I’m going to sleep goodnight.”
“Wait Y/N can I speak with you.” asked Tsukishima gesturing to outside the room
“Umm sure” you respond following him into the corridor.
“I just want to say I’m sorry for the things I’ve said and done over the past year and how I’ve been a terrible boyfriend, you don’t deserve that. So, I’m sorry.”  
“I can’t say I can forgive you yet.” you say making Tsukishima look sad “but maybe with effort from you we can become friends possibly?”  
“Just friends?” he said with hope in voice thinking that you could be something more.
“Just friends.” you repeated and confirmed “Besides I have been asked on a date”  
“With who?”  
“None of your business stingyshima” you mock the nickname that Hinata calls him making him scowl and you smile “Goodnight.”
After Bokuto’s confession and Tsukishima’s apology, the rest of the training camp went off without a hitch. In your breaks and lunchtimes, you got to know more about Bokuto and with Kuroo’s help you even got to sneak out to actually go on your date. You sometimes even went to practice with them getting to show off your skills, with Bokuto cheering you on and complimenting you every single time.  
Tsukishima kept his distance for the most part, and kept the snarky comments about you and Bokuto to himself (even though he was dying to say them.) You eventually fully forgave Tsukishima in your 3rd year but you definitely weren’t as close as you used to be. Tsukishima’s comments and actions did affect you for a while however with the help of your loving boyfriend, you were reminded how beautiful you are no matter what weight, shape or height you were.
You and Bokuto stayed together, you made sure to come to every one of his games and when you introduced him to your dad he fainted on sight. Your dad and Bokuto got along, and became very close friends, Bokuto always came to him for advice (especially volleyball advice.) You loved Bokuto and he definitely loved you too.
AN: I hope you liked it, since I didn’t want to make it too similar too the Atsumu insecure one. And I feel like it dragged out a bit but got rushed in the endd....but oh well...
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syiano · 3 years
How would avengers be with a son
Avengers x Platonic!Male!reader
Avengers x Son!reader
Marvel Preferences: How They Would Be As A Father
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Steve is sweet and loving, and (over)protective of you, and wants to spend every moment of you since he always wanted to have a family. However, he can be strict when he needs to be, showing you discipline and won't hestitate to scold you if you do anything you're not supossed to be doing or if you're rebellious. God help the person who becomes your next  boyfriend
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At first, Bucky was scared because he thought he would end up hurting you. However, over time, the more he saw you, the more you reminded him of something he wants to protect - your childhood, your innocence, your life. He doesn't want any of that taken away from you like how it was taken away from him, and wants to give you everything. He is still a little scared, but he puts that aside for your sake, and does warm up to you, and how you're the one who taught him so many things and a reason to keep going.
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Tony is pretty chill and spoils you, but you'll probably have to drag him out of his lab since he works alot, sometimes leaving you alone. He does apologise that he's not giving you the attention you need, and that he will do better for the both of you.
He's protective of you and shows them some of his inventions and makes an suit for you and will definitely teach you how hack...Which Rhodey claimed was a bad idea.
Rhodey may kick his ass if he makes you upset.
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Sam is pretty chill and jokes around alot. He does take breaks from his hero job to spend time with you and shows you Redwing and teases you about teaching you how to use it in the future. When you were little, he did pick you up and pretend that you were flying, and he calls you his little bird.
He's not afraid to be stern with you if you're put in danger or warning you about your safety.
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You're Cassie's older brother and WOO they  love you so much. You know your dad is away so you normally babysit Cassie, and she just looks up to you and looks to you for comfort as you tell her funny stories about you and Scott.
Of course Scott is exicted to see you both and take you to your favorite places or places you've always wanted to visit to make it up to you. He does admit how proud he is of you for taking care of your little sister and how his world lights up back again whenever he sees you both.
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Peter is sweet and loving with you and just wants to give you the best life that he can and always wanting to be there for you. There would be times where he would tell you that he won't be going anywhere soon, possibly referencing back to how he lost his parents. He tends to keep his whole superhero job a secret because he's scared of getting you involved and hurt.
It hurts him when he has to tell you 'no', knowing he knows that you need to know boundaries, but then ending up giving you what you want later nearly everytime.
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Bruce is a little nervous and doesn't know what to do at first, constantly worrying about you. But overtime, he spends more time with you and he can find himself just fully relaxing with you. As soon as he sees your face, all his anger fades away.
He's constantly checking up on you and it can get annoying sometimes.
BONUS: Yes, you are able to tame Hulk and he calls you 'little Hulk' or 'mini Hulk'.
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Thor is really loving and sweet, and does anything for you, putting your safety and needs before his own. He also completely spoils you. Thor shows them some of the skills he's learned (but he literally gave you a real sword when you were ten years old). Loki and Steve always tell him that there's certain things you can't learn when you're so young which is something Thor doesn't understand.
He loves going exploring with you, and being a little reckless, and then Loki cringes when you might get some of his recklessness from him.
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Loki was both exicted and scared to have a child. Though he was exicted because he finally has someone who he can take care of and love, he is afraid that one day you might see him as a monster and leave him or someone might take you away from him. But you bring out the soft and gentle side of him, though, and you get to see his vulnerable side.
Loki is really protective of you, and anyone who dares to mess with you will...most likely not show up the next day. On the more fun side, the both of you like to prank everyone.
BONUS: When you accidentally see his Jotunn form (frost giant) for the first time, he tries to hide himself from you and wants you to stay away from him because he was scared he might hurt you. However, when you still come closer and tell him that you will love him no matter what form he's in, he ends up crying and just endlessly thanking you, even at the back of the mind he's almost in disbelief.
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Pietro is like that one and cool dad. He's all about having fun and just goes around entertaining you. But he still does act immature sometimes ('cause he's Pietro).
BONUS: He does introduce you to Wanda, and she immediately loves you. She will spend time with you, doing activities that her, Pietro, and her parents had done together, such as cooking her favorite dishes, and singing her favorite songs. She always wants to babysit you when Pietro is away, and she's really protective of you.
Jealous Pietro in the background: "Hey, Y/N...who's cooler? Pfft, I am obviously."
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twowooheart · 3 years
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k.sw - “my heart went oops”
pairing: sunwoo x reader
genre: college au, fluff
warnings: player attitude, strong language, kissing
words: 4,800
„back to my question. where are you hiding from me?“
you wouldn’t say that you were obsessed with him. it was just the inconvenience that you probably have fallen in love with him from afar, without him even knowing you.
once in a while you had a crush. they came and go, nothing too serious. but sunwoo completely messed with your heart and you can’t explain yourself why.
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it all started when you leaned against the tree at your usual spot on the college grounds. it was a nice day. the wind played with the loose strings of your hair while you enjoyed the slight glimpses of sunshine that peeked through the leafs and fell on your face.
your friends and people knew not to interrupt you at this spot. if someone did, you would send them a death glare. you went to a prestigious college and as a member of your faculty and president a lot of work had to be done. this was the only time of the day where you had the chance to relax. it was a calm place where everyone knew not to talk too loud or listen to music. generally, everyone kept quiet.
after all this time of peace and harmony someone had to come to start a war. without opening your eyes you could clearly hear out one particular voice.
eric as in a loud student that often got on your nerves. you weren’t a grumpy cat or something like that. you are very liked by the students and laugh a lot. you like adventures and spending time with your friends. you also don’t mind loud or silent people.
the problem was the place. and that it was eric.
after a good ten minutes you decided to confront that chaotic group. first they didn’t even recognize someone approaching them. you positioned your hands on your hips and sent a death glare into eric‘s direction.
with a light cough finally the group and some girls that accompanied them turned to you.
eric‘s eyes widened and he was quick to get down from his sitting position on the table to salute in front of you. while the others laugh you let out a sigh.
„what could our pretty president want from me? a date?“ by now you’re confused why he would think such a thing and your confidence is slipping away at the compliment he just gave you.
get out of it. he’s a well known flirt.
eric pushes the boy next to him a little bit when kevin bursts out in laughter.
„w-what do you mean with that?“ the girls are giving you nasty glares by now not happy with the attention you’re getting.
„this place is reserved for silent studies and not a chat - “ you can feel your blood freeze in your body when suddenly another boy turns around that has black ruffled hair and round eyes. he’s wearing a mischievous smirk on his face and with a snicker he shushes you to be silent.
„you should be silent then.“
you’re completely astonished. just when you wanted to swoon over the boy and compliment his looks in your head he had the audacity to counter you with your own words. that boy had an attitude and he clearly enjoyed the ‚oh‘s and laughs by his friends.
you were too dumbfounded to utter another single word. usually the students respected you and it wasn’t only you who liked the peace here. you thought about the others that liked to enjoy the nature of this tiny place on the campus.
before you regained yourself the group was already back to their business. with slight embarrassment you trotted back to your spot and gathered your things to go to the library.
the next days weren’t any different. oh, but there were different girls. sitting on their laps and even flirting. the sight was so disgusting to you so there wasn’t any other option than leaving the place for good.
it wasn’t like you gave up without a fight. in your meetings you debated and brought up good arguments for setting up rules but no one seemed to listen to you or being interested in the topic. after asking other students and your friends you realized they were way too insecure to speak up to the popular students.
every time you encountered the boys they gave you funny looks and especially the boy, named sunwoo you learned, even winked at you. he was mocking you. unbeknownst to him and the others your heartbeat quickened it’s pace when he looked at you with those round dark eyes. you hated the feeling at first. but soon, what you hated even more, that you wanted to see him at campus.
was he here all the time?
he even sat in some courses with you. yet, you never managed to acknowledge his existence only until the day he made fun of you.
your slight crush kept only growing and growing until you decided to find out more about the irritating student. kim sunwoo was his full name. he was a soccer player and member of your university team. good grades and many friends. to the last part you internally cringed.
very popular with girls. typical heartthrob.
but one to never be in a relationship. he played and never stayed for too long with a girl.
great! you really fell for a playboy. worse: only by looking and speaking one time to him. you really had to get over with it as soon as possible. even if sunwoo would pay you a little bit more attention like with his other possessions it would soon fade and you would be left heartbroken.
and how to get over a crush and a boy you couldn’t have? have fun with another boy! you only had to find one...
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after a few weeks went by you were on your way to the campus garden where you found your new place of peace. it was even smaller and sometimes you helped the gardener club with their duties. fortunately the smell of roses and herbs did wonders to your mind and soul. you felt refreshed and happy everytime you spend your pause in the garden on a bench or on the fresh grass.
today was also the perfect weather to spend some time in the little paradise. while you joined the queue in the cafeteria to get a little snack you jumped when someone tapped you on your shoulder from behind.
„sunwoo?“ the boy stood tall in front of you hair messed up a little bit making him looking cozy and kinda cute. his heart shaped lips formed into a dazzling smile while you probably ogled him like an owl.
„you know my name.“
„w-what? I mean, yes I do. everyone knows you, right?“ your voice was slight shaky and you just wondered what he could want from you.
„yeah, but you, you know my name!“
„yeah, well... anyways can I help you?“ your body reacted on its own again. your palms became sweaty and you couldn’t look into his eyes longer than a second before finding the ground in front of you interesting again.
„I just wondered where you have been?“
you look up at him puzzled. oh, „you probably mean why I am not lurking around in your kingdom anymore.“ a scoff leaves you and before you register that you just said that out loud a hearty laugh brings you out of your thoughts.
„I didn’t mean that!“
„oh, the way you always look at me tells me you definitely meant it!“ then he notices your disapproval for his flirty looks.
„back to my question. where are you hiding from me?“ you’re nearly ready to order and think about a good answer for that. wait, did he just say you were hiding from him?
„I am not hiding from you! I just - “ the way he emphasized the word made you fuzzy in the head. it sounded like you were his prey or some sort of that. you turn around so he faced your back again and quickly placed your order. before you can finish sunwoo suddenly chimes in and places his wish, too. leaving you dumbfounded because the next thing he fishes out his money to pay for the two of you before you’re able to do so yourself.
you roll with your eyes when he walks behind you. a small ‚thanks‘ leaves your lips and you try to get away from him as fast as possible. you couldn’t think clear when he was around. his intense gaze brought goosebumps over your skin and you knew this wasn’t a good thing.
you can’t have him. he wouldn’t want you anyways so get over it. he was probably just bored and that’s why he wanted to tease you a little bit.
before leaving the cafeteria you turn around to spot the boy but he seems to have vanished out of the scene completely. not even sitting at his usual table with the popular kids.
your lunch was deliciously devoured between some big trees in the garden. you listened to the birds cheeping soft melodies while reading some lecture. unknown to you someone has watched over you for some time now.
chuckling to himself sunwoo leans back letting out a sigh. „so that’s where you are now...“
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a new week starts and while you are gathering your books in the opened corridor you can hear familiar voices nearing your spot. you’re chatting with one of your friends when the group stops in front of you and eric leans against the lockers to give you a flirty look.
„(y/n)...“ he sings your name in a cute voice while the others begin to laugh and you get yourself busy with ushering your friend away before they could annoy her, too.
immediately you spot sunwoo next to eric who sends you an interested look. back to eric you roll with your eyes.
„what do you want?“
„ah, ah! don’t give me an attitude. oh, did someone already tell you that your eyes sparkle in this light?“
„I am not asking again.“ you’re ready to leave before eric stops you by pulling you back with a strong grip on your wrist. your eyes lock on the spot he just touched you and again, you can’t see sunwoo shifting uncomfortably in his position.
„pretty please! can you show the new boy around? I swear he’s well mannered and good looking! an angel!“ ah, that’s why he’s acting like this.
„oh come on, eric. (y/n) probably has better things to do than that. for example arguing with people who enjoy life.“ you’re sending a death glare to sunwoo and your cheeks are growing hot at the laughter that erupts after that.
what an asshole...
„actually, no, I have time. where’s he?“ with that you stop the bickering and sunwoo‘s smile falls. he didn’t want you to show juyeon the university.
the new student came to the front and with a huge smile he introduced himself. what a good looking sexy god look at his arms and his lips and his eyes and his -
everyone was already gone leaving the two of you behind. juyeon fiddles with the hem of his uniform not knowing why you’re standing in front of him with an opened mouth and still, still clinging onto his hand. oh dammit quick react!
„I am (y/n)! (y/l/n) (y/n)!“ you let go of his hand and he sends you a smile that would bring girls to their knees.
„I already know.“
„oh, yes of course! I am sorry... I should show you everything!“ juyeon mutters a ‚cute‘ under his breath when your eyes indeed seem to sparkle when you start to drag him around the campus.
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after five days you were sure, you really liked juyeon. you spent a lot of time together and he was so easy to be around. he was funny, teasing (in a good way), polite, intelligent and when he had the opportunity to part ways with you he didn’t. that’s because he liked you, too.
he was the perfect definition of everything that kim sunwoo wasn’t and especially to you. a friend and a possible lover.
on the other hand he wasn’t fully able to get your mind off sunwoo. that boy seemed to made himself comfortable in a deep deep part of your heart laughing evilly down there.
you want to emphasize the word evil again. after getting closer and closer with juyeon you couldn’t ignore sunwoo‘s hateful gazes anymore. didn’t he like juyeon hanging around with you? you were probably way to much a loser for them and they wanted the good looking guy between their rows.
it couldn’t be helped. one time you even tried to smile at the boy but that only resulted in him turning around to flirt with the new chick of the week. there he was at it again. pinching your heart again. it hurt much more than you wanted it to. but turning in your seat to watch juyeon eating brought happiness to you.
it was already after another few days and a date with juyeon that you two were clear about your relationship. you could never be a couple. you two found each other attractive at first but now you realized you probably just found a best friend in each other. never having one before the two of you also didn’t know how it felt to find your other half but in a platonic way.
you laughed the whole night about your attempt to kiss. there was nothing. no sparks. no everything. juyeon even apologized for not feeling anything. sometimes it turns out like this. luckily you were now inseparable leaving others confused on if you were dating or not.
juyeon literally begged you to not tell anyone and just wait what happens. that boy turned you into a mischievous kitten that agreed to his evil plan. even your friends fall for it at first. in the end some girls can read their girlfriends better than anyone else and they noticed little gestures between you and juyeon that no couple would do.
there’s still one thing you didn’t tell your bestfriend about. your safe space in the beautiful college garden. it wasn’t a problem either but this place was only for you. (and the hardworking gardener club)
something stopped you in your tracks when you were just entering the herb part. kissing sounds could be heard behind a tree. you wanted to lecture the couple who thought it would be a good time and place to fuc-
it was sunwoo.
your eyes widened and your heart sank to the bottom. your mouth still open sunwoo catches your gaze and locks eyes with you. he starts to kiss the girl‘s neck while she whimpers out his name.
you closed your mouth knowing what he was doing. he knew you would come at this hour. he knew you would find him with the girl. he wanted you to find him with... someone that wasn’t you, again.
this time one the other hand you decided to be confident. you coughed out loud gaining that girl‘s attention who let out a little shriek in the process. immediately she put some space between her and sunwoo and started to correct her uniform.
„I will report this if you’re not leaving this instant.“ this was enough to let the girl take a run leaving a pouting sunwoo behind.
you walk up to the boy and sigh out before speaking up.
„I don’t care what or with who you’re doing something, kim sunwoo. I just wonder why you have to do it here, the only place I can relax.“
sunwoo leans against the tree and sends you a bored glare. he lifts one of his eyebrows and you watch his tongue poking his cheek from the inside.
„the university garden doesn’t belong to you.“
you scoff at his words.
„I’ve never said that. I - I just thought... you and your friends already won over my favorite spot on the grounds.“
maybe talking honest with him?
„look, I don’t want any problems with you. of course I won’t report this. I just want to have this little space for myself. could you please not come here again?“ you’re sending him a pleading look and when sunwoo starts to emerge your form with painfully slow steps you can feel your skin burning where his eyes land.
he leans down. so much that your noses are nearly touching. he’s so close you can smell his cologne and his breathing is tickling your face.
„I will come here whenever I want. I will bring here whoever I want. I will fuck here whoever I want. tell me, (y/n), aren’t you doing the same?“
you gulp. without much thought your foot collides with his shinbone. sunwoo cries out and clings to his leg sitting down in the process.
„oh god! I didn’t want to - ah, shit! here, cling onto me, I will bring you to the nurse!“ with a panicked voice you try to help sunwoo and the boy only curses out lowly while you and him slowly limp to the nurse.
„okay, sunwoo, look at me“ the boy is still in a lot of pain laying down in the hospital section bed. his eyes have not left you for once and you feel like the boy is planning on how to kill you in the most brutal way.
you’re nibbling nervously on your fingernails after the x-ray and the moment the doctor is out of sight your hands are on sunwoo‘s puffy cheeks. with a determined look you focus his face into your direction.
„you remember what I told you? I didn’t see anything! so you will say this was an accident, alright?“ his eyes darken at your words.
„why should I do that?“
„because! because I will tell them about you and the girl!“
„you kicking me is definitely worse.“ dammit, he’s right.
„o-okay! you can go to the garden whenever you want! I will not go there anymore!“
sunwoo chuckles at that. „a few minutes ago you lectured me and now you’re giving in again? but... no, that’s not helping you, too.“ out of anger you’re shaking his head by now and you don’t even realize how close you’re again.
the two of you flinch and immediately get away from each other when the doctor is coming back. „well, mr. kim. no game for you this saturday. your leg needs about a week to recover so no running and especially no sports!“ sunwoo‘s eyes open wide and after the two of you are left again you are at the verge of tears.
„oh, (y/l/n) (y/n). how do you want to make up for that?“ you’re now leaning down clinging onto him.
„sunwoo, please!“
„not only will you receive a punishment the whole university will be pissed off. I am an important player in the team.“ no, he was one of the best ones. if he couldn’t play that meant they would probably loose. your head is layed down facewards in the sheets while you rumble incoherent words. sunwoo on the other side has to hide a huge smile that’s growing on his face.
„we could say it was an accident.“ your head peeks up and you watch him with big eyes very interested in his idea.
„yes, I will do everything!“ sunwoo chuckles to himself.
„then be my slave this week.“
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oh wasn’t that wonderful. sunwoo would cling onto you the whole week and by now you felt like his personal butler. of course the team lost so the students were in a bad mindset, too. after telling juyeon about the whole story the boy laughed for almost half an hour. he clearly enjoyed the view and gave you a thumbs up everytime you dragged sunwoo through the corridors or over the campus to his next lecture.
on the other hand... no one found out about what really happened. and as crazy as it sounds the boy smelled so good. you practically hugged him three hours a day. he only killed your joyful thoughts when you had to bring him a bottle of water again or only vanished out of his sight for only a minute to talk with a friend leading into him lecturing you.
you also would have found it cute to feed him but the gazes you received from the crowd in the cafeteria brought heat to your cheeks. sunwoo liked seeing you flustered and shy. he literally drank your reactions. he loved your reactions to every ridiculous thing he did or said to you.
the last day he insisted on you bringing him to the garden to have a picnic.
„I don’t feel good being here with you. the last time I got so mad I kicked you.“ he layed on the grass while you fed him with some grapes like he was a king.
„mh, I like being here with you. but, you’re probably going with lee here a lot anyways.“ you pause at his words. juyeon?
„why would I go here with juyeon?“ sunwoo‘s face turns sour.
„he’s your boyfriend after all.“ the boy locks eyes with you after you burst into laughter.
„what?“ sunwoo leans up on his elbows to get closer to you. „you’re dating him, right?“
„no? we’re friends. really good friends. but never would I date lee juyeon!“ you smile at him laughing again at the thought whereas sunwoo groans out annoyed.
„wait.. what is wrong?“ sunwoo had a weird feeling in his stomach after knowing you were still single. all this time he was so jelous and angered about the thought of you being together with someone else...
„nothing.“ sunwoo didn’t feel like it was the right time to tell you about his feelings. he messed up big. all this time of annoying you and being a dick... he liked you. he wanted to show you and fulfill your every wish before he saw you with juyeon.
it wasn’t a good move but he just turned bitter. he wanted you to recognize him. he couldn’t act different than letting out his frustration. it was just how he coped with things. but it was a mistake. with knowing he only managed to push you further away from him. you probably hated him by now. you would never like him, right?
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you fulfilled your service. and you missed spending time with sunwoo. again please can there be another good looking guy entering your college? but, still you couldn’t hold yourself back to steal glances at the dark haired boy. and everytime you did sunwoo already had his eyes on you. you couldn’t read him at all. there was no bickering anymore and no winking. he just looked deep in thought.
maybe he was not interested in you anymore. in no ways. not even to annoy you. it mad you sad. and that’s how the next two weeks went by with you slowly feeling more insecure.
it was at the next month‘s game that you decided to actually join it with juyeon and some of your friends. you couldn’t believe your bestfriend that dragged you to the lowest row where sunwoo‘s friends and their chicks were also sitting.
the girl next to you was a very beautiful brunette. she cheered so loud for sunwoo and when said boy turned around to glance into her direction with a confident smile your heart sank again. you stopped counting how often that happen by now though.
with an annoyed look you watched the game. when your team goaled the brunette jumped up kicking her drink onto your lap in the process.
„shit!“ while everyone claps and howls you poke juyeon to show him your shirt.
„oh no.“
„yeah, whatever. I am going to wash this out.“ juyeon‘s eyes widen at your words that are spoken loudly over the cheering crowd.
„no! ehm, (y/n), the game is finished in a few seconds you have to wait!“ you roll your eyes at him.
„god juyeon we’ve already won.“ he tries to hold onto your arm but you’re quick to leave the field and vanish into the building where your locker is located to change into another clothing. it takes you a lot of time but you smile when you receive a text of juyeon to come back to the field because they’re waiting for you there.
it was already dark and you wanted to change at home to get ready for the after party tonight in one of the huge mansions of the fraternity. when you emerge the field everything was already dark and you could only see a silhouette standing in the middle of the field.
„juyeon?“ you look around to see if there’s another person but knowing he would never ditch you in the dark you take confident strides to the person.
„juyeon, you know it’s really creepy after the horror movie we watched yesterday - “
suddenly the light is turned on and you shield your eyes with your hands before the person turns around and gets down on one knee in front of you.
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„s-sunwoo?“ you can’t breath. your heart hammers against your chest and you have to cover your shaking lips with your hands to prevent him from seeing your shocked state.
„I actually planned this to turn out different... you know the whole crowd was supposed to be watching.“
„watching w-what?“
he looks to the ground and then into your eyes again. a smile adorns his face and he coughs out to clear his voice.
„(y/l/n) (y/n), I want to tell you that, that... I like you.“ you nearly collapse at his words. was this a dream? was he joking around?
„you’re joking.“
he shakes his head. „I am not. I wanted to do this here on the field so when you’re giving me a corb the whole university would see.“
„that is... sunwoo that doesn’t make any sense?“
„it does. it is my apology to you. for being mean and teasing you endlessly. for taking away your favorite spots. I know you love them so much. I did what I did because of my jelousy. and for being a coward for not telling you about my feelings.“
you think for a few seconds trying to register if this was really happening. your head turns and in the far you can see all your and sunwoo‘s friends. with an unsure gaze your eyes land on juyeon. after the boy‘s stoic expression he sends you an honest smile. and a thumbs up.
you let out a shaky breath and turn to the boy in front of you again.
„this is really... surprising.“
sunwoo sighs taking your hand into his. „it is. so please tell me you’re not feeling the same and I can begin sulking.“
„sunwoo. it doesn’t make any sense because“ you push him up by his hand and look into his dark orbs.
„it’s doesn’t make any sense because I like you, too.“ a sheepish smile escapes the boy.
„ahhh, I wished you would say that.“ you raise one of your eyebrows.
„of course. you’re still a tease. you know, you could just ask me for a date and - “
„do you want to be my girlfriend? I don’t only want a date. I want you.“ you bite your bottom lip at his words. you nod and send him a beautiful smile.
„woah. (y/n), eric‘s right in the end.“
your face turns stoic.
„about what?“ sunwoo smiles at you and circles your waist with his arms. his hand glides up to pushes some strands of your hair out of your face.
„your eyes are sparkling. not only that, you’re really shining. you always have.“ your eyes water at his words because would’ve never imagine the kim sunwoo using them with you.
in the far you can hear shouts of ‚kiss‘ and the loudest are from eric and juyeon. you quickly look to the ground but sunwoo‘s quicker to pull your chin up with his index.
he places the softest kiss on your trembling lips and it is the first time you can fully enjoy the butterflies in your stomach.
why did the two of you needed so much time?
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Will you please tell us how the Underswap, Swapfell, and G bros annoy their brothers? I’ve been dying to know ever since I read the other post. Please tell me Aster capitalizes on G’s spider fear.
How They Annoy Their Bros: Electric Boogaloo
- Can and will yell as loud as he can "I LOVE YOU, MY DEAR BABY BROTHER" that even the residents in hotland can hear it echo.
- While he doesn't coddle his brother, what older sibling doesn't like to tease their lil one at any instance? That being said, Blue made a whole shebang of being intimidating (straw in mouth, weird accent) after the whole superhero act when Chara first came. The kid side eyed Stretch, who, internally died.
- If Stretch is being a butt, Blue will call him by his full name, except.. It changes. No one ever knows what Stretch's last name is and he hates one in particular that is, "Elasticbones" ,you'd think he'd love it for the pun, but nope, he hates it.
- Blue also likes to ironically "be one with the kids", this is effective on both Chara and Stretch and they both hate him for it when he calls memes, " The May-May", only to use a meme correctly when no one is watching just to mess with them even more. "No One Will Ever Believe You."
- So, you know those memes about DN? Yeah, he uses it on Blue everytime, without fail. And proceeds to laugh about it to his brother's face for like five mins straight-
- Stretch is the only person who can tease Blue about his height and get away with it. But stars, Blue will get annoyed when Stretch squats down a little to talk to him sometimes.
- Blue hates anything that looks like it came from uncanny valley. And Stretch utilizes this everytime by buying really old, antique stuff that just looks slightly off. One of his favorites is the cuckoo bird clock, it comes out with a pained squawk every time. He calls it "Maurice", much to Blue's dismay.
- Stretch is incredibly good at using his magic for all the dumb reasons, him and some of the others in the household share this (esp Rus, Red and surprisingly, Papyrus-) he likes to summon little ghouls to mess with Blue, or just casually move his things when he's trying to reach for them.
- If the two are having an argument, he'll use his status to low-key mess with Rus and it works when the younger brother is glaring at him for a while. "Well, As Your Older Brother And Captain, I Order You To Do Your Laundry"
"I'm not even that active in the royal guard-",
" Captain."
- "Baby Brother." , makes Rus want to hide and is low-key sweating the whole time cause it's embarrassinggggg. He can handle being called "little brother" but not the other one, stars no.
- Rus has a lot of embarrassing moments despite being mostly rather shameless, so Black does use it to his advancing when he wants Rus to get out of bed every once in a while.
- Says the absolute, most cringe worthy stuff in front of Milord. And I mean, things that have Milord tell other people that "he doesn't know who that fiend is-"
- Tends to be referred to as the older brother sometimes, and low-key rubs this in his brothers face when Black is bringing particularly bossy that day.
- Uses the height difference, too. Though he gives it a little more ✨ variety ✨ by occasionally draping himself on Black and pretending to be asleep.
"Snrk- Angry Arm-"
"Not. A. Word"
- One worded replies. Drives Black up the wall and the fastest way to get him to go on a hour long rant about how communication is so weak these days-
- No one knows what his actual name is, and his brother has to deal with newbies asking for the same dude with many names. Oh, his personal favorite was, "Gremlin Overlord" yeah, a real winner hsjsjsjsjsnn
- Like Rus, he's also rather embarrassing in public and when he's live streaming, often having his brother sighing in disappointment in the background with all his antics. God, the moment chat sees a spider in the background, "F"s flood the chat for Aster.
- Is a general nuisance when Aster is trying to be Real Smooth™. Stars help that man when he's talking to someone he fancies because G will be in the back with the most outrageous disguise and it's so obvious it's him and Aster knows his date knows and he just wants to be swallowed into a hole.
- G is... Afraid of spiders-and what's a better way to show brotherly love than to use that to Aster's advantage. Aster does this by sometimes leaving around fake spiders and this works when he hears a familiar shrill scream. The others know this too.. Which is why Aster knew he screwed up when he heard Edge scream after grabbing what he thought was a fake spider-
- Also you know those super nerdy math memes that have a secret meaning when it finally clicks? Aster recites them all by heart and G hates it cause he's a visual learner and also omg how is Aster speaking so fast--
- Because Aster handles the kitchen, every so often he'll just mess with the food a little. Not where it's anything dangerous but just... Why does it taste so off? And he lives for the confusion on G's face when he suddenly starts to croak like a frog, bonus if it's during a livestream
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inadaydream99 · 4 years
Hey! Can I request a Juyeon best friends to lovers imagine? They could be in love with each other but are scared to confess to each other so the members help them secretly... I didn't think much about it, I hope this is enough, thanks!
Hi thanks for requesting! I loved writing this and I got a bit carried away so it took a while 😂 I wanted to try and parallel the whole cliché falling in love with your best friend romance film trope with (Y/N). I hope you enjoy!
Lost (and found)
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I was lost until I found you. You wipe the stray tears running down your cheeks. Damn your love for cheesy romcoms and your inability to refrain from crying. The sleeve of your light grey sweater is now darkened and damp as you gently wipe it over your eyes. You want to find an endless love like the couple in the movie. They were best friends, deeply in love with each other from the moment they met. It’s almost scary how relatable you find the whole scenario, being in love with your best friend too. Except, unlike the fictional world of the movie, your love can’t be expressed or reciprocated.
You’d known Juyeon for exactly two years, one month and eighteen days. Not that you’re counting or anything... And you’ve been in love with him for just as long. But everytime you’ve built up enough courage to finally tell him how you feel, something has gotten in the way. Last time the words were right on the tip of your tounge, but at the very second you’d opened your mouth, Juyeon had gotten an important call and had to rush off to work.
Come to think of it, its odd how much this romcom resembles your own life. Just like the female lead you’d had little luck in love. You’d also been mistaken for a couple numerous times when on ‘best friend dates’ with Juyeon and don’t get me started on waking up in the same bed after one drunken night. Though as it turns out nothing happened other than actually sleeping.
The only difference in the movie and reality is that her best friend had also been madly in love with her.
And that’s how you ended up balling your eyes out.
“(Y/N) what’s wrong?” Juyeon rushes over to you the second he finds you crying alone in the darkened room. Worry shoots through him when you fail to respond, the sounds of your blubbering making his heart ache.
Your attempt at explaining anything at all is ruined when you peak up and meet Juyeon’s gaze. It’s so sympathetic and filled with such worry that you can’t bring yourself to say a word. And anyway, how could you tell him the reason for your sadness now? That’d go down as the worst way in history to ever confess how you feel to someone.
“Just the movie.” You manage, bringing your sweater covered hands up to your face and brushing away any tears steaming down your cheeks.
“You had me worried just then!” Juyeon throws his head back, laughing as relief floods him.
“Sorry.” You half heartedly chuckle, feeling embarrassed by the whole situation.
You watch as Juyeon focuses back on you, silence surrounding you both as you stare at each other. You notice how Juyeon’s face becomes deep in thought. It almost feels like his eyes are taking in every part of your face, trying to remeber each feature. Though it’s not uncomfortable in the slightest. It’s how you see him look at the people he admires and that thought alone is enough you make your heart skip a beat.
“I just care about you a lot.” He whispers, his hand carefully reaching out to tuck the few loose strands of hair that have fallen in front of your face back behind your ear. The action carries a level of intimacy that makes you softly gasp. Juyeon’s gaze shifting back to meet yours when he notices your reaction.
There’s a brief moment between you where everything stands still. His hand paused by your ear, mid action. It’s like something changes between you, a spark igniting. But the sound of crashing ruins it all, both of your attentions drawn onto the noise coming from the next room.
“I’m ok!” You hear what sounds like Younghoon call after a few seconds, laughter bubbling up inside of you as you shake your head in disbelief.
“How is he so clumsy?” Juyeon jokes, retracting his hand away from your ear and awkwardly stuffing it into his pocket.
He stands back up from his crouching position, looking down at you with a subtle smile. You can tell he doesn’t want to leave, but he also can’t find an excuse to stay.
“Do you want to join?” You stupidly ask. It’s the only thing you could think of asking even though you’re pretty sure you already know the answer.
“I would but I just got called into practice... maybe next time?” He regretfully informs. You nod, trying to hide you disappointment but Juyeon can read you like a book so it’s not to much use.
“Maybe next time...” You trail off, voice hushed and disheartened as you watch Juyeon grab his bag and leave.
“Everything will go fine, just be confident.” Jacob encourages you, giving you a light nudge in Juyeon’s direction.
You’d roped Jacob into helping you ask Juyeon out because you were freaking out over the idea and needed some guidance and reassurance.
That’s how you’ve ended up purposefully trying to bump into Juyeon so you can causally ask him out.
Admiring from afar, you can’t help but feel flustered by how breathtaking he truly is. He’s engrossed in the books he’s reading, sat outside the small cafe just at the end of the block.
“Ok I’m going...” You cast a quick, unsure gaze behind you towards Jacob as he tries to keep hidden from Juyeon’s view.
“Go!” He whisper shouts through a laugh, finding your shyness incredibly endearing.
You finally take the first step, about to cross the busy road.
“Oh, hey Juyeon!” You smile and send a little wave over to him as you pretend to be surprised to see him.
“(Y/N), I didn’t know you came here?” He returns the warm smile, placing his book down carefully so he doesn’t lose his page.
“Oh yeah, they sell the best coffee here.” You bashfully laugh, trying to hide your nervousness.
“Well, there’s a free seat with me if u want to join?” Juyeon asks, a hopeful glint in his tone as he slightly raises his brow in question.
“Sounds great.” You smile.
“It really wasn’t as bad as you think it was.” Jacob tries and fails to hide his laughter. You cringe at yourself. You’re officially the most awkward person to ever exist.
After accepting Juyeon’s offer to join him for coffee, you’d spend ages talking and laughing together. But you hadn’t managed to ask him out. You were going to, but just as you were about to utter the words the most embarrassing thing happened to you.
“Jacob, a bird literally pooped on me.” You whine, flopping over into the cushions of the sofa. “How could I have possibly redeemed myself after that?” You exasperatedly cry.
“You had a minor set back and didn’t ask him out, so what. There’s always next time.” Jacob tires to console you.
You let out a “pft.” at his statement. Next time, there’ll never be a next time.
“I was just about to ask (Y/N) out and then bird poo splattered right across her clothes.” Juyeon relays the events to Eric, who bursts into uncontrollable laughter at the thought of being pooed on.
Although Juyeon thought it was funny, he could sense your embarrassment at the time and refrained from making any jokes about it. Even now as he watches Eric laugh he doesn’t join in, simply just watching the younger in mild amusement.
“So what do you want me to do about it?” Eric continues to laugh, having caught the giggles badly.
“I need you to help me ask (Y/N) out, where there’s no possibly of something disrupting it.” Juyeon pleas, watching as Eric calms himself down and becomes deep in thought.
“Ok sure, but I’m gonna need a few favours to get this set up.” He devilishly smirks. It’s the expression he always pulls when he has a plan and it always seems to unnerve Juyeon a little.
The plan was all set up and full proof, or according to Eric, poo proof.
You’d received a text from Juyeon to meet him at the dorms urgently, which sent you into a spiral of panic. It’s the quickest you’ve ever managed to get to the Boyz dorms from your apartment, and although you are completely out of breath, you are quite proud of yourself.
The door swings open to reveal Jacob holding a bowl of cereal and staring at you in confusion.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here and why are you so out of breath?” He questions, eyeing you worriedly as you walk into their apartment before turning around to face him again.
“Juyeon said there was an emergency and to get here quick...” you inform, trailing off at the end when you notice Jacob’s suddenly contrasting expression. He’d manage to go from confused to looking like he knows something you don’t in half a second. Almost like he’s had some kind of realisation.
You don’t notice Eric signaling to Jacob from behind you, mouthing and pointing for him to play along and guide you into the living room.
“Oh yeah... in the living room.” You squint your eyes at Jacob, finding his sly behaviour out of character.
“Okay...” you trail off, slowly heading in the direction of the living room.
You gasp when you turn the corner. The room had practically been turned upside down. Instead of the usual sofa and small table, there was now a picnic blanket sprawled out across the floor. Everything had been set up like a typical picnic, just indoors and with a tv.
“Did you do all this?” You gush, your eyes finally landing on Juyeon who has been standing on the opposite side of the room anxiously waiting for you to arrive.
“Yeah...” He awkwardly chuckles, rubbing his hand behind his neck as he shyly smiles at you.
“It’s incredible.” You beam, beginning to walk across the dimly lit room. You can’t help the butterfly’s that flutter in your stomach. Just the thought that Juyeon went to all of this effort for you is so touching you could burst into tears. Happy tears of course.
“So, will you join me?” He musters up the courage to finally ask you. Seeing your overjoyed reaction had given him a little bit of a confidence boost.
“I’d love to.” You giggle, accepting Juyeon’s hand as he offers it for you to take, leading you over towards the blanket and, finally, sitting opposite.
“I wanted to ask you out the other day but I got interrupted.” You both chuckle at reminiscing about the funny turn of events.
“I was actually hoping to do the same... if it wasn’t for that bird.” You joke, heat raising up your face as you become flustered under Juyeon’s affectionate gaze.
“Hey, if that hadn’t of happened we wouldn’t be here right now.” Juyeon states, shrugging his shoulders and grinning cheekily. “And besides, that was kind of like our first date...” He smirks, gradually closing the space between you until your a few inches apart.
You hadn’t initially noticed how close you were sitting, but now, as you look up at Juyeon, you can’t tear your eyes away from his.
“Very true...” You agree, your voice so light you’re sure he can’t of heard you.
Your eyes flutter shut when you feel his hand on your waist, his lips capturing yours in a gentle kiss. As you pull away, grinning at each other like two idiots in love, you know it’s the beginning of a new chapter with Juyeon.
Regardless of all the failed attempts and embrassaing moments, you’re glad it hadn’t stopped Juyeon from making his move. And just like the movie, you realise that you are no longer lost in the world, because your world is sitting right in front of you.
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thedreammweaver · 4 years
With Drooping Wings Ye Cupids Come (Burton-Schumacherverse Riddlebird, Victorian AU, angst, Doctor!Ed, Patient!Oswald)
(A/N: Fuck historical/medical accuracy, this is a vehicle for angst and mutual yearning only)
Warnings: emetophobia tw, respiratory issues, sick pengu, talk of plague, talk of death, survivor’s guilt
“Mr. Cobblepot, please.” The exasperation was apparent in Ed’s voice. That morning Oswald had suffered an intense spell of vomiting up the greenish black bile that seemed to never stop spawning from the recesses of his being. Fortunately after some trial and error Ed had managed to mix up a solution that at least calmed Oswald’s insides enough so that he wouldn’t spend the rest of the day vomiting. The only issue was Oswald absolutely despised the taste.
 “I feel fine now..”
“Last time you said that you were ill for hours. I doubt the taste is so terrible you’d prefer that again.”
“It’s disgusting!”
“Sir, I find the prospect that you love the taste of raw fish yet cringe at citrus, peppermint, and ginger amusing.”
Oswald folded his arms stubbornly “That isn’t all that’s in there..”
Edward rolled his eyes “Ah, yes, there’s also valerian and juice from an apple. Flowers and fruit, how very terrifying. Now are you going to open your mouth or continue acting like a stubborn infant.”
Oswald glared at his live-in physician and finally relented. Ed felt a great deal of satisfaction at winning this battle as he maneuvered the spoonful of solution into the other man’s mouth. Oswald, as expected, recoiled at the taste “It isn’t that bad, sir.” Ed teased as he began clearing his medical things from Oswald’s night table so they could start their day, which usually started with Ed helping his employer dress. Before Ed had moved in this job was left to one of Oswald’s maids but after one occasion where Ed had done it to save time Oswald found he was much more comfortable with the man. It wasn’t that Oswald didn’t enjoy the sight of a woman between his legs lacing up his boots, but rather that he enjoyed the sight of Ed and the feel of his hands quite a bit more. It was more due to Oswald’s impatience at the difficulty his fused fingers caused than the deformed appendages themselves that rendered him unable to dress without his growing frustration interfering with his progress. After he’d procured enough wealth to always have someone there to do up all the buttons and intricate bits for him he definitely took advantage of it. Ed didn’t mind doing it, though he did have to control his blushing as he did up the buttons of Oswald’s trousers, hands brushing against his corpulent form. He struggled to focus as he moved to fastening the buttons of Oswald’s coat. Oswald himself was getting distracted at how the light coming in from the window practically lit up Ed’s ginger locks. He blushed as he caught himself imagining running his hands through them.
Oswald had been reluctant to go on a walk with Ed around the grounds after the heavy breakfast he’d had. As a doctor Ed knew he should probably be making a million changes to Oswald’s diet but as someone who had become completely bewitched by the man he had a conflicting want to see him happy. He supplemented putting a stop to Oswald’s tendency to indulge with making sure the man got exercise. “You know, I think I’d much rather have the plague than whatever this is.” Oswald joked hoarsely, as he stuffed handkerchief he’d just had a coughing fit into back into his pocket. He’d only really started going for walks when Ed showed up and being unused to it was putting strain on his delicate respiratory system. “You shouldn’t joke about that, sir.” Ed scolded as they continued walking, arms linked together, though they’d both insist it was only to keep Oswald steady if his enervated lungs acted up or in general with how unbalanced his walking could be.
“Why? Are you afraid I’ll summon it?” Oswald laughed. “Oh, of course. you had quite the run in with it I imagine, being a doctor and all.”
The plague had made it’s way into Gotham quite late, for a time there was a running joke among citizens that the city was so vile the plague was avoiding it. If only that had been the case. “You don’t want to hear that stor-“
“Who are you to tell me what I do and do not want to hear, Edward?”
“Of course, sir, forgive me.” Ed adjusted his spectacles as he began his tale. “I had just joined the practice when it hit. I couldn’t have been more than nineteen, practically still a child. That was such a hellish time...so much death, especially in a hospital.”
“How did you manage to avoid falling ill yourself?” Oswald inquired curiously, despite being so close with the man, he knew nearly nothing about his life before they’d met.
Ed found a chuckle escaping him despite himself “Oh, I didn’t. Manage to avoid it, I mean.”
That definitely captured Oswald’s attention fully, whether he meant to or not he’d wrapped his arm tighter around Edward’s “My god, however did you survive?”
Ed shrugged “I’m quite certain I have no idea.. The doctor that was meant to be telling me what to do dropped dead  himself, most of the nurses too. Soon it was just me, two other inexperienced doctors, and the one nurse who could still stand so I just..kept working.”
“What was it like...having it?”
“You want a review, do you?” Ed quipped.
Oswald rolled his eyes “Don’t be smart, I’m only curious.”
“..It was hell. For a time even after I recovered I was quite afraid I’d actually died and somehow was unaware.” Ed said grimly before clearing his throat “I still get those worries every now and then, sometimes I even feel as though I should’ve perished with my patients.. Luckily tending to you keeps me sane.” Ed said fondly. Oswald sighed “That’s one good thing to come out of me being ill at least.”
“Yes, I suppose so.” Ed smiled “Tending to patients kept me sane then too. I was moved to the children’s ward after one patient complained that my ‘incessant rambling’ would kill her quicker than the plague could. Anyways, I recall everytime I felt the temptation to find some hole or corner to die in I’d force myself to look at those children and know that if I stopped breathing they most certainly would as well. That made me carry on, they were the only ones who appreciated my riddles anyways I supposed I owed them for that.” He chuckled, a sad note to the noise “There were about twenty or thirty children in that ward, perhaps even forty. I-I’m not certain, it was hard to keep count, it was as many as we could fit I do know that. Only two ever walked out...you’d think that’d be devastating but it was still worth it, even just for those two....” He trailed off, absently fiddling with the buttons on Oswald’s sleeve.
“Hmm..” Oswald hummed thoughtfully “I never figured you for the type to be good with little ones.”
“Neither did I!” Ed laughed “I found them to be great fun actual-“
He was interrupted by Oswald going into another coughing fit, making both of them stop as he once again pressed the handkerchief to his mouth. This time when he withdrew it the all too familiar greenish black was splattered across the white surface of the cloth “Oh dear,” Ed muttered as he looked it over “I’d say it’d be best if you had another dose when we get back, sir.” Oswald whined but before he could protest Ed spoke again “I didn’t survive the plague only to argue with you about taking your medicine.” He joked. Oswald relented “Fine. You’re a real bastard, you know that?”
“Yes, I do, sir.” Ed said cheekily as he and the shorter man began walking back to Cobblepot manor.
   Though Oswald was still dreading his medication, he was much more relaxed this time. When they’d reached the house Oswald felt quite like having a warm milk bath to nurse the pain in his overworked ankles. There were rose petals in the bath as well, Oswald’s fanciful tastes permeating every aspect of his life. Ed came over to the tub, spoonful of medicine in hand once again. Oswald didn’t put up a fuss this time though he still cringed at the taste. Before Ed could finish putting away his medical things Oswald interrupted “Edward?”
“Yes, sir?”
“I have such a terrible ache in my shoulders, I don’t suppose you’d be any good at massaging?”
Ed could feel the blush spreading across his face “I-I could give it a go, I suppose.”
Ed walked back over and knelt at the head of the tub and gingerly placed his hands on Oswald’s shoulders. “Get on with it then.” The shorter man instructed. Ed began slowly massaging Oswald’s shoulders, trying not to think about how soft the man’s bare skin felt, he could feel Oswald almost immediately relax under him. Desperate to distract himself from his own yearning Ed turned to a riddle “I am alive without breath and cold as death. I am never thirsty but always drinking. What am I?”
Oswald scoffed before answering “A fish.”
“Right as always, sir.” Ed didn’t mean to let the disappointment seep into his voice but it must have. “If you don’t want me to solve them you’ll have to stop catering them to me.” Oswald huffed. Ed blushed, he hadn’t realized he’d been choosing ones with answers of things Oswald was fond of. “It’s almost always spirits, birds, or something else you know I love. You really must bring me a stimulating one next time.” Oswald sighed. Ed nodded “I will certainly try.”
     “Edward?” Oswald called out when he heard the floorboards in the hallway creaking. Ed stepped into the doorway and for a moment all Oswald could focus on was how beautiful he looked in the moonlight. “Yes, sir?”
“Why are you stalking about my house in the dead of night like a specter?”
“It’s cold, I was only going to sleep in the sitting room if that’s alright. I’m sorry if I disturbed you, sir.” Ed’s drafty attic room was currently to frigid to sleep in due to the early spring weather. “Oh...alright, carry on then.” Oswald said. Ed was about to do just that when something occurred to Oswald and he found words tumbling from his mouth despite himself “Actually, Edward?” the taller man turned around and tilted his head, waiting for Oswald to continue speaking. Oswald hoped Ed couldn’t see him blushing “It..it’s quite warm over here.” He patted the bed sincerely hoping his boldness wouldn’t put Ed off. Ed looked down at the floor “Would-wouldn’t that be improper?”
Oswald fumbled for an excuse “There’s nothing improper about self preservation. My health depends on you preforming your job well and your performance depends on you getting an adequate amount of rest.” Ed, satisfied with the excuse, walked over to crawl into bed next to Oswald while trying very hard to not appear as giddy as he felt. A few moments passed before Oswald spoke again “You- erm...I figure you would warm up quicker if you were closer to me.” Ed tried to slow his breathing as he shuffled closer to Oswald, pressing his thin lanky frame to his employer’s weighty soft one. “It’s the damndest thing,” Ed whispered “My lips are still quite freezing-“ he was interrupted by a frustrated groan from Oswald.
“To hell with these circumlocutions, you wish for me to kiss you, yes?”
“Uh-..y-yes, sir, I do.” With that confirmation Oswald closed the small distance between them, pressing his lips to Ed’s and finally letting himself bring one of his flippers up to stroke those ginger locks he’d admired for so long. Ed found himself wrapping his arms around Oswald’s ample waist. He was afraid he’d offended the other man as he broke their kiss but his fears were almost immediately put to rest. “If we’re going to be so intimate you really must stop calling me ‘sir’ all the time.” Oswald said, pulling Ed even closer. “Of course, s- I-I mean Oswald.” Ed fumbled. Oswald chuckled at the other man’s stuttering before meeting lips with him once more.
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frosted-night · 5 years
Since this account is new i oughta dump some of my headcanons out here..bc man this fandom is small.
Jack Frost/Nightlight
He is claustrophobic. The phobia developed from all those years he spent imprisoned in Pitch's heart. Along with when he was trapped in that solid lead box in the second box.
Jack has been known to draw now and then. His fern frost patterns are proof of that.
When around Mim, he cant help but baby him sometimes. Even if they aged differently, Jack cant help but still see that young prince sometimes.
He rarely sleeps outside 'The tree of sorrow'. The occassional nightmares can really get to him.
Despite having a staff, he remembers how to swordfight. Tsar Lunaroff trained him himself.
His memories as a Nightlight can come and go. They often get jogged by familiar senses. Katherine made him a journal, that way he could record them in the moment.
Man In The Moon
If he is stumped or feeling lonely, he looks out to the constellation of his parents. Even though they are so far away, its a comforting sight to him.
He is one of the only people who still calls Jack by the nickname "Light." Jack is perfectly fine with it and it can fluster him if Mim does it when other guardians are around.
Nicholas St.North
He can slav squat with ease. Any who think otherwise will sob at his sheer skill.
Krampus is a reoccurring rival for him during the christmas season. However North thinks the Krampus Run in Europe is rather amusing. Everytime he thinks Krampus is faded n gone, humans seem to bring him back somehow.
North can outdrink any guardian. All of them know this and know not to challenge him.
E.Aster Bunnymund
He still needs his glasses if he is reading. North makes a face whenever he sees them, and Bunny gets the urge to punch him.
He prefers not to work with bubblegum candies. One bubblegum filled egg got ruined and stuck in his fur.
If he notices he shedded anywhere, it can easily make him cringe. Unless it's North's Workshop.
She can handle spices the best in the group of Guardians. However she doesnt enjoy insanely spicy things that make her sinuses ache. She mostly prefers mild/traditional spices from her home area.
Tooth likes to drink sugar water from time to time. North jokes about getting a humming bird feeder because she likes it so much.
She hides away when her feathers begin to molt. Its very embarassing for her, but her mini fairies help her through it. They often preen her when the itching gets unbearable.
She loves to brush Katherine's long hair. Or, if someone near her has things stuck in their hair, she cant help but fix it for them. Tooth assumes its a bird preening instinct.
He stargazes when he has a rare moment of freetime. It reminds him of when he piloted shooting stars in the golden age. At least once a year, he stargazes with Mother Nature.
Insomniacs stump him because they have odd resistance to his dreamsand. It makes him sad sometimes when he thinks about them.
Kids and adults who frequently daydream tend to be some of his favorites. The dreamsand that comes from them is the most spontaneous
Pitch Black
If he sees a child's nightmare is about their parents, it can break his heart. He tries to make it so the child can wake up out of the nightmare easier.
If a kid has a futon instead of a bed, he just lingers in the shadows instead of under that "death contraption".
Halloween is a fun time for him. The best time to make young ones regret watching those horror movies~
The Nightmare Before Christmas depiction of him, amuses him greatly. At least until he hears jokes being made about it.
JEEZ THAT TOOK FOREVER FOR ME TO TYPE. But i might offer more if this interests some people :y
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 4 years
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Part 28 (NSFW)
"Absolutely not," Elaine said, folding her arms across her chest and leaning back in her chair. 
"Why not!?" Demie said. He was standing on the threshold to her room, gripping the door frame so that he could lean his head in without stepping foot inside the room. "Marius has an Instagram, I can have one, too. It's not like I'm gonna go around telling the whole world where to find me." 
"How are you even going to use it?" Elaine asked. 
"I can borrow your computer while you're at work." 
"Absolutely not. Besides, you can't even post to Instagram unless you have a phone." 
"So, maybe it's time I get a phone, then." 
Elaine scoffed. "With what money? And we don't even have wifi, we have fucking satellite internet." 
"You can sell some of my dad's vinyls on eBay. And I'll only use it when we go into towns for shows." 
Demie let out a frustrated noise. He'd been a bit excited after talking to Angel about Instagram. He figured it was about time for him to learn how to use the internet, if he was going to be showing up in someone else's pictures. Maybe interacting with people through a screen would give him a chance to get more comfortable with people. It seemed to be working with Angel - they could talk for hours over the phone, and he felt safe in Angel's presence. 
"I can't have fucking anything!" He exclaimed, turning and slamming the side of his fist against the wood paneling of the hallways. 
"Don't you fucking punch my walls!" Elaine shouted after him as he stomped across the living room towards his room. 
"Fucking bitch," he grumbled as he stepped into his room and slammed the door behind him. Not that he was necessarily mad at her. She was right, after all - she worked two jobs just to keep the lights on and food in the fridge, and he knew that she spent most of her budget on food for him and the goats. She said she liked TV dinners and instant noodles, but he also knew how happy she got when she could afford to bring home an expensive steak. 
At least she wasn't arguing that he was irresponsible. Since the festival - which he assumed she believed he went to, primarily because he'd lied and said he'd let Angel keep any photos he would've taken - she had eased up a little on the protectiveness. He could tell that she still worried, but she seemed to be coming around to Angel, little by little. 
Though, he wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that the night of the festival, Marius had called and asked to talk to Elaine. She'd gone into her room and closed the door for their conversation, and when she came out she was in a better mood than Demie had seen in months. 
Speaking of phones…
The handset for the landline was in his room from the last time he'd called Angel. He'd called to celebrate that his pregnant goat had given birth, to a sweet grey kid with black socks. The goatling had been the impetus for him finally asking Elaine about getting Instagram - he'd taken some Polaroids, but had no way to share them with Angel. 
He picked up the phone and dialed Angel's number from memory. Angel picked up before the second ring. 
"Hey, what's up?" Angel asked. He was all bubbly and cheerful, and Demie couldn't help but smile a little. 
"Elaine said no to Instagram," Demie said. 
"Aaaaah no, that sucks," Angel replied. "Did she say why?" 
"She can't afford to get me a phone. And we don't have wireless internet." 
"Shit, that sucks," Angel said. "That's too bad, because those guys finally posted the pictures of you." 
"Yeah, they posted the close-ups of your horns. They got a lot of likes, lots of people asking in the comments where they can buy horns like that," Angel said, then laughed. "There's this one pic that has your eyes in it, and it looks so intense and artistic. Maybe I should see if I can convince these guys to take some pictures of me." 
"Well, uh… the tall one seemed to like you a lot," Demie said. He wasn't really sure what he was saying, the words just sort of tumbled out of his mouth. "Maybe he could, like, be your boyfriend." 
He cringed at the words. Not so much at the idea of two guys dating - once again, he told himself that he wasn't homophobic - but more at the idea of Angel dating… well, anyone. Demie didn't have any real relationship experience, but he definitely felt that if Angel started dating someone, he'd see a lot less of him. Considering that Angel was only the second friend he'd ever had, he didn't really want to compete for his attention. 
"Who, Dylan?" Angel said with a laugh. "Oh, honey, no, Dylan is painfully straight." 
Demie felt like he'd been kicked in the sternum. The wind just all went out of his lungs. He wasn't really sure what he was feeling. He felt a little sick, but also oddly relieved, which made him feel even worse. What did he care that there was no chance Angel would date Dylan? Why did he want to be the only person Angel paid attention to? 
"So, what's up with you? How's the baby goat?" 
"Oh, um," Demie struggled to find his voice again. "He's fine. He's kind of needy, everytime I go outside he screams at me until I pick him up and carry him around." 
"Awwwww. Hey, could I come see him sometime? I would die to pick up a baby goat." 
"Um… yeah. Yeah, sure." 
"Great! I'm doing a Burlesque show at a bar in town on Wednesday, but I could drive out to your place on Thursday afternoon?" 
"Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. I mean, I'm always here." Demie's face went hot at the thought of seeing Angel again. He told himself to calm down, that it was normal for friends to visit. 
But he'd never had friends come visit. That this would be Angel's third time driving all the way out to Billy Brook meant that he actually enjoyed spending time with Demie. 
"Great! You can cook for me again, I can't stop thinking about those tomato things you made last time." 
"Y-yeah. Okay." Demie squirmed, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable as he sat on the bed. 
"Who taught you how to cook, by the way?" 
"M-my grandma." 
"Oh yeah, I could tell. There's just something about grandparents' recipes, like there's all those generations of culture and family and love and stuff… Whenever we visited my grandparents, my grandma would spend all day cooking and--" 
Demie's head was swimming, and he was hardly paying attention to what Angel was saying. He wondered why he was light-headed all of a sudden, when he glanced down at his lap. His dick had slid out of its sheath and was half-hard. 
"Oh, fuck--" He murmured. 
"Hello?" Angel said. "You okay over there?" 
"Yeah-- yeah, I um, I gotta go." 
"Oh. Okay. We're still on for Thursday, right?" 
"Yeah. Yeah, sure. Bye." 
"Byeee--" Angel said, but Demie hung up the phone before Angel could finish the word. 
He flopped down onto his back, breathing heavily. He'd gotten random boners before, but never while talking to a guy. Not like he had a lot of experience talking to guys, outside of his cousins. 
He exhaled through his nose, taking hold of his dick. He closed his eyes and started rubbing himself. It was almost mechanical. He was confused. He was turned on, but couldn't figure out why. This had been happening more and more often. He wondered if this was a part of reaching adulthood for satyrs. After all, myth said his people were extremely sexually active. His parents had both passed away when he was young, without giving him the birds and the bees talk, and Marius had always seemed uncomfortable with talking about sex. So he didn't really have any frame of reference. 
He was in the middle of stroking himself when the door to his room opened. 
"Hey, we need to have a talk about you using the phone all the ti-- JESUS FUCK!" Elaine exclaimed, suddenly drawing back out of the doorway. 
"GODS!" Demie shouted, sitting up and dragging a sheet over his dick. "FUCKING KNOCK!" 
"STOP CALLING YOUR BUTT BUDDY EVERY FUCKING DAY, YOU'RE RACKING UP THE PHONE BILL!" Elaine shouted, her voice getting further away as she was clearly headed back towards her room. 
Demie's breath came out as loud snorts. He had two thoughts in his head: first, that he was still hard despite the interruption; and second, that he had no intention of reducing his calls to Angel, so he probably had to find some way to pay Elaine back for the phone bill.
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skzzthingss · 5 years
Stray Kids Reaction to You Being Afraid of Birds (Requested)
Warnings: none
Request here
Bang Chan
You were both walking near the river, hand in hand when a bird swooped too close for comfort making you shout out in shock and duck in fear.
"Woah! Are you alright? Did it hurt you or something?" Chan immediately asked, crouching beside you and wrapping his arms around you. You were shaken, but overall okay.
"Yea, I'm fine, just not a big fan of birds," you admitted, feeling a little embarrassed.
"You're going to be fine, I'll make sure the birds won't hurt you!" Chan said, raising his fist in the air, "I'll knock 'em out of the sky if i have to!" He said with a loud superhero voice.
"Channie, please, that's not necessary," you say trying to lower his arm, and his voice, noticing the other passersby who were beginning to look at the two of you in both confusion and amusement.
"If it means protecting the love of my life, then yes, Y/N, it's necessary!" He continued in his loud voice, making you grab him by the sleeve and pull him away from the park, deciding an indoor date would be more enjoyable and less embarrassing.
Woojin thought a good date idea was to go to the zoo. He didn't know about your fear of birds as it was never something that came up. You didn't think too much about it as you loved animal, and you didn't birds as long as they were behind some sort of barrier.
He brought you to the aviary of the zoo, and much to your dismay, it was an open exhibition. You two walked in hand in hand, and Woojin noticed you squeezed his hand a little tighter.
"What's wrong?" He turned to you to ask quietly.
"Birds, i don't like them that much, can we go to a different area?" You asked, holding his hand with both of yours.
"You could have just said," Woojiin pecked your forehead, "Let's go look at the other animals."
You always assumed that Minho would make fun of you for being afraid of birds, so you never brought it up, for fear he might do nothing but tease you. But today, he planned a picnic on the beach for a date. You figured, if you just stayed away from and area with too many seagulls, it would be fine. Safe to say, that didn’t happen.
You two set up your picnic near the water, the birds flying overhead. You were doing a good job of hiding it, until a seagull swooped in front of you to grab at some of the food that was laid out. You shouted out along with Minho, who also got startled, but then you started to cry a little. You Still tried to hid it, trying to quickly wipe away any tears before Minho saw, but he did.
“You’re crying? What happened?” He was quick to your side, wrapping his arms around you and wiping your tears.
“I’m scared of birds,” you finally admitted. Minho held you until you were done crying, not saying anything.
“Let’s go somewhere else then, okay?” He said, taking your hand and helping you off the blanket before packing up the picnic stuff. From that day on, he did tease you, but made extra care not to put you in any situations you might not like, even if it meant less dates outdoors.
You and Changbin had been daiting for only a month, and he wants to know as much as he could about you. He observes you in almost every setting but not in a creepy way. He wants to know what makes you smile, laugh, angry, sad, happy, and excited. So when you were at the park together, he noticed everytime you flinched when a bird came too close for comfort.
He took you home, standing on the door step, "just tell me next time, we won't go to the park."
"What do you mean?" You asked, genuinely confused.
"I saw you're afraid of birds," he smiled, "I won't put you in that much stress again."
You giggled, "wow, thanks, I guess."
"No problem," he pecked your lips, "I'll plan an indoor date next time."
Hyunjin was a dramatic scaredy-cat, everyone knew that. You prided yourself on being the opposite. You were rarely startled, and it was hard to shake you. So when you and Hyunjin were ambushed by a flock of birds in the park and you screamed and fell over, Hyunjin took it upon himself to poke a little fun at you.
“So you’re not at tough as you say you are,” he teased, helping you off the ground.
“Shut up, I-I just didn’t see it coming,” you tried to defend yourself.
“Oh, sure,” Hyunjin chuckled, “so birds?”
“No, shut up!” You walked faster. Hyunjin followed you laughing, and still making fun of you a little, saying things like, “hey, watch out, birds might be behind that.”
Once home, he was usually the one to have the cute and cliche end to a date, where the two of you stand on your door step under the light and he kisses you before leaving. This time, the leaned forward, but instead of kissing you, he leaned into your ear and whispered, “caw, caw.”
You slapped him playfully, “just go.”
“Sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you,” he said laughing and pecking your lips for real before walking away.
Jisung has expressed to you before that he would sometimes get insecure about the fact that he was startled easily. He complained that he felt like it took away from his ability to properly protect you. Often it was you who sheilded him, making him feel less manly (not that it mattered), but for him, he felt like he failed you.
Then one day on a walk a bird swooped too close to the two of you, making the two of you scream and try to dodge the bird that was no where near you two. Jisung was used to you not being startled and throwing an arm around him, but when you cowered in fear, he took action. Instead of falling backwards, he leapt to you, shielding you with his body from the bird that was now simply minding its own business on the pavement. As dramatic as it was, Jisung felt quite proud of himself.
“You’re okay, you’re safe with me,” he said as he helped you up, quoting what you would often say to him.
“Birds, I hate them,” you commented, flinching slightly when the bird flew off.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you!” Jisung said proudly. You smiled, glad that he had something to boost his self-confidence.
You and Felix were enjoying a little picnic by a lake. You two had made ramen (Felix’s request) and brought various other foods with you. The two of you ate in a peaceful silence when a bird swooped in, trying to snag of the food you had laid out. In a panic, you leapt off the blanket, bringing your bowl of ramen with you and ran behind Felix. Felix stayed seated and was laughing at you.
“It just wanted some chips, don’t worry, your ramen is safe!” Felix said, laughing. You sheepishly returned to your spot.
“I wasn’t worried about it eating my food,” you quietly admitted.
“What then?” Felix asked, calming his laughter a bit.
“I’m just afraid of birds.”
“Oh, sorry,” Felix tried to stop his giggles, “your reaction was just too funny!” He continued laughing. You smiled, allowing yourself to laugh along with him.
You brought Seungmin to meet you family for the first time, and, honestly, you were more nervous than him. Your mom had a habit of opening up old scrapbooks and photo albums every time you brought someone to your house. It didn’t matter who, you’r mom took full advantage of it and showed them pictures.
One day you brought and acquaintance from school home because you had a project to do, and right when your mother saw a new face, she had the albums out and open before you even entered the house.
You hid in the living room with your dad when dinner was over. Seungmin was trying to make a good impression on your parents, so he stayed behind to help with dishes, which meant your mom was going to want to bond with him. The dishes didn’t take long, and soon your heard your mom talking and laughing with Seungmin as she told him various storied from your childhood, accompanying them with a picture from an album.
On your way home, Seungmin turned to you, “you never told me you had a phobia of birds.”
“I knew my mom was going to tell that story,” you already cringed internally at the memory.
“The picture of you was adorable,” Seungmin giggle. He was talking a bout a picture of you when you were around 12 or 13 years old. Your family had gone to a zoo. They had trainers with birds and one of them let you hold a bird. The picture was of you bawling your eyes out, like face red, eyes puffy, while the bird sat calmly on your arm, you dad holing you still.
Jeongin took you to a beach he loved growing up, wanting to share the memories with you. You two were having fun, splashing each other in the water, and just enjoying the day. On the shore, a vendor had begun to sell ice cream.
“Let’s get some!” You told Jeongin, grabbing his hand and leading him out. You both got cones and sat on the towel that you had laid out earlier. 
You and Jeongin were talking when a seagull swooped in and basically took your whole cone. Not only were you shaken beyond repair, but the damn thing too your ice cream. You weren’t able to control yourself and a few tears left your eyes, not sobbing, but enough to signal Jeongin that you were in distress. Jeongin thought you just loved the ice cream and offered you his.
“You can have mine, please don’t be sad,” he insisted, holding his cone out for you.
“I don’t want it,” you declined, wiping your tears from your eyes.
“What happened, did it hurt you?” Jeongin was trying to examine you for any injuries. 
“I’m really scared of birds, that’s all, it just scared me,” you informed him, reassuring him. 
“So you’re not sad because it took your ice cream?” 
“Ice cream is ice cream, of course I’m sad, but I’ll be fine.”
“Let’s share mine then,” Jeongin smiled, giving you his cone.
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ladybalem · 5 years
Eternity - a Confession about Alex Forbes - part 1 of 2
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A/N: I confess I've got a little bent for the youngsters, lol, and although the character is 17 years old, Eddie was already 24 when he filmed Like Minds, but the baby face of that damn one cheats everyone; then, let's imagine the boy is still a teenager (ay, what a delight), and as if it wasn't enough being a youngster and having this indecent mouth (cause this mouth is indecent, yeah), our little Alex Forbes studies in a school for boys only (imagine it) and he's involved with sorcery (yeah, it isn't only Newt, my people), but here things are heavier... It's black magic, it's devil's thing, look at the size of today's sin! Take your rosaries, your candles and holy water, cause the things here will be, literally, the way the devil like it. Amen. * Grace just moved to a new house, to another country, and she's totally out of place. However, she couldn't imagine she was about to have a wonderful neighbor that, just like her, pursuits the same passion by the witchcraft Grace always had. * THIS IS A REQUEST! Yeah, someone asked me that, and I need to confess: First, I found this request weird. Ouch, I did it, what can I do? I just was here imagining how someone had such idea at their little bedroom, but then I reminded that's about Eddie we were talking about, and then I suddenly comprehended. And, well, the request was about just the shamelessness scene itself, all the rest I added by myself, cause I needed to fasten it a little, and I'm crazy. 😉 And, well, my last confession is that I changed the circumstances of the movie completely. Ah, f*** off, who here watched this, anyway? LOL  PS. DON'T SEND ME ALEX REQUESTS CAUSE I WON'T WRITE ANOTHER THAT SOON. IT'S TOO MUCH DARKNESS. NO. THANKS. * * *          Sat at the swing at the back garden, Grace changed the cellphone to the other ear, carrying on non stop talking:          - Girl, that's weird. It's like I said, I don't know what it is. All I know is that it started as I moved to here - and with a suspicious gaze Grace looked slowly around,  frowning her eyebrows, quite unpleased, and she lowered a little her voice - I think this house is haunted.          From the other side of the Atlantic her friend giggled, and Grace heard her so familiar giggling sound just as like if her was right by her side, and Grace missed her.          - But you say that in your dreams the faceless man fuck you in a fantastic way... I would want some haunting like that in my life - she mocked, saying cheerfully.          - But it's weird - Grace said, cringing herself a little - Although of being good. But it's weird to dream with a man to whom you don't know who it is, doing such things to ourselves... And it's always so REAL. Sometimes I wake up with the feeling that it was true and not only a dream.          - Hey, Grace. You're just impressed: With all of this occultism stuff you like to read about, with your moving, with the new house. For sure it's nothing. And there's more - and suddenly she laughed - Your lacking of having real sex. You just need a boyfriend and you'll see as it all cease.          - Ah, Lizzie, don't be dull! - Grace said angrily, before to take a pause, closing her eyes and softly sighing and slumping - I want so much to move right back - and she opened her eyes again, looking around - I don't like here.          - Leave it! Now I need to end the call, or my parents gonna kill me as they see the long distance call bill.          - No, Lizzie, let's talk a little more! - but at this moment Grace heard a branch at the ground crackling as if it had been trod right ahead, and quickly she turned and raised her face into the way of the sound, pricking up her ears, and she said under a breath - Ok! Talk to you later! Kiss! - and turning off the call, Grace got up from where she was, with a bit of fear spying into the way of the fence of hedges which were the boundary between her house and the neighbor's ahead, and soon she heard the noise of leaves being messed and, raising her voice, with an imperative tone the girl said out loud - Who's there? Show yourself!          The silence around seemed to just grow, and sliding her glance by the dark and compact hedges Grace had a bad presentiment and a shiver, and she slightly cringed her shoulders. And once more raising her voice she said, trying to sound angry:          - Show yourself now! I have no fear of you, and it isn't funny!          And after a second, Grace with a fright saw some branches of the hedges to spread aside, as it appeared towards her the ginger head of a beautiful boy with green eyes, freckled face and enormous mouth, who looked at her with serious and curious features before to tell her:          - I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.          - And who said you scared me?          Lowering his beautiful eyes he smirked slightly, before to spread even more the branches and pass through them, with a little difficulty, then passing his right hand by his clothing as soon as he placed himself on his feet yet at her side of the yard, slightly dusting it off. And having him in front of her Grace descended along him her eyes from head to toes, crossing her arms, taking notice of the black suit he was wearing, the black and green stripped tie hanging from the collar a bit opened of the white shirt he wore, and as he raised his eyes to Grace again and noticed her estranging glance, he told her, simply:          - I just arrived from school. That's my uniform.          - Ah - she said, changing her weight from a leg to the other - I got it - and she looked at him for one more instant before to finally say - Don't you think it's a too much chic wearable to wear while you penetrate into the hedges?          - Well, it's a mean needed to an end - he said, descending his glance to her chest, where Grace was wearing a necklace with a little pentagram medal, and noticing that he was staring at it now, the girl instinctively led a hand to her medal, hiding it from his eyes, who once again raised his eyes to hers.          - And what would this end be?          He softly smiled and, getting some steps closer from her, he stretched her his left hand, to which he kept closed, and slowly opening it, he let her to see the many feathers of feather birds he had there, besides two tiny eggs, and furrowing her brows Grace turned to look at him, don't comprehending a thing, as the boy said, simply:          - I needed feathers and eggs for a ritual, and it's the best hours to find them.          Furrowing ever more as he was carefully closing his long slender fingers again protectively over the results of his hunting, Grace babbled:          - Ritual?          He smiled in an enigmatic way, and he slightly pointed at her chest - I saw your pentagram.          Grace giggled, a little tensely, while doing her little medal to glide between her fingers - It isn't no pentagram. It's a common little star.          Slightly lowering his face and blinking his eyes, he smiled before to turn to speak, with calm voice:          - This, you can say to the others, not for me. You can't cheat me, cause I well know what's it. You study magic, just like me.          - I just... I just like to read about it. I don't practice it.          - And why not?          - Because... - Grace thought for a while, but it wasn't needed to think because she knew she actually had a bit of fear of doing it, but she wouldn't confess such thing to him - I don't know why.          Opening his left hand and with the fingertips of the other one caressing at the white tiny eggs very softly, the unknown boy said lowly:          - I'm sorry, but... I couldn't avoid to hear to your cellphone call - and he looked at her face - You really don't know what's happening to you?          - I, no... - she stammered a little - I mean, I guess, but I don't want to believe it.          - And why?          - Cause I don't think it's possible.          He smiled - You don't think it's possible that an incubus is coming to possess you while you sleep? And why not?          The only thought of that possibility made Grace to have a shiver, while tightening her cell at a hand and her pentagram in the other one. And averting her eyes away from him, she lowered a little her voice:          - Cause it's weird... Well... For having... Well... one need a body, isn't? And the incubus is a spirit. How could this be actually happening if he hasn't a body?          Another time the boy smiled, as if thinking she was naive, closing his fingers around the eggs again and placing his right hand on it, in a protection gesture, and he responded:          - The body is just a part in it. We don't have sex using only our bodies.          Having a shiver, the girl led her free hand to her arm and rubbed it vigorously, with low eyes, feeling weird for being telling that to an unknown boy, and she looked around a little awkwardly and feeling molested. The afternoon was growing to its end and the night was getting closer, bringing along with it a cold breeze, and Grace murmured:          - It's getting cold here.          Ignoring her attempt of changing the subject, he kept saying:          - The sexual energy is one of the most powerful that exists - and he looked her right into her eyes, who without knowing why felt to get red faced - because it's it that creates life - and he motioned into her way with his left hand closed - and, ergo, it's one of the keys and one of the ways to immortality.          Feeling both hands unexplainably to tremble, Grace lowered they both and held her cell  with strength, and noticing her indisposition, he slightly raised his glance to her house towards him as he asked:          - You're the new neighbor, isn't? - Grace looked at him don't comprehending, and he stretched and pointed with his right thumb over his own shoulder, pointing at the house behind the hedge - I live here. We're neighbors now.          - Ah - she did, a bit stunned - Cool.          - By the way - and he stretched her his right hand - I'm Alex. Alex Forbes.          The girl stretched then hers and they shook hands - I'm Grace. Grace Montgomery.        - Nice to meet you, Grace - he smiled in a mysterious way - I think we'll be good friends. *          After that afternoon they two just as like established a bond of friendship, and everytime she saw him to pass by or he saw her, one waved to the other one, and sometimes he used to pass through the hedges to come and have a chat along with her at her backyard garden after school, what was  really good cause Grace was having problems to engage relationships and she wasn't used on talking to no one but him, and normally they used to talk about witchcraft, and it never went far than that. Until that, an afternoon, having passed into her garden to which he by now had cognominated of "secret garden", he asked Grace if she was still having these same dreams, and now because they were a little more bonded between, Grace felt herself at ease to talk about it:          - Less frequently, but it still happens - sitting at the bench aside the swing in where Grace was, he observed her with interest and attention, as she completed - But why did it started as I moved to here? It had never happened before, Alex.          - Well, maybe, it's a sign... That you're about to meet someone important to your life - and he looked her right in her face - or maybe you had already met him  - they looked between in silence for a while, just as if like admiring each other, until Alex to lower his voice tone to say - To an incubus to be searching on you so frequently and so regularly, you must have a very high and powerful sexual energy - he was saying tranquilly, just as if saying something banal and quotidian, but Grace felt slightly shy, and she lowered her chestnut eyes for a second - Maybe you just need to find someone who help you to canalize this - and lifting up his hand he softly touched at the medal at the edge of her long chain necklace, hung between Grace's small breasts, while fixing his glance on it, and he whispered - Nothing comes for hazard, Grace. We met each other for a reason. We having met each other is a mean that for sure leads to an important end.          - And what do you think it can be the reason why, Alex?          Raising his glance from her medal to her face, Alex took off from it his fingers, as he left, she couldn't say if purposely or not, his fingers to softly slip on her left breast as he did it, as he responded:          - For so long I've been wanting to do an specific ritual, to which I need a company, cause it's needed a man and a woman to do it, but I've never found the right girl to do  that - and he took her by a hand, softly sliding his fingers along of her hand palm - Would you... Would you want to take part into this ritual along with me, Grace? (to be continued...) * * * Mmm, name of this thing now is "ritual". Cool. I'm knowing. Lol. ****************************
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