#i cried i they got me good liek what the fuck
elle-smells · 8 months
heartstopper really slayed with ´seven´ in that friend group montage
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mondaymelon · 10 months
remember when you told me that kim dojka has childbearing hips
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what... what about it?
are you denying it?
have you i seen his waist. good lord. it's so fucking snatched. what right does he have to make him that attractive. his body just screams homosexual like what are you, as a man, doing having a waist that s c r u m p ti io u s? gay. gay gay homosexual gay you whore <333 33. 3
i love him so much his hips goddamn his hips OH GOOD LORD EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS SO IS SO IS SO IS SO iS SO IS SO COMBUSTS
i dont like children honestly i hate them with like a burning passion 99.9 percent of the time like those hand sanitizers that kill all but .000000001 percent of the germs
LIKE SUUUUURE JOONGDOK IS GREAT AND ALL (please the amount of people i would massacre just to hold kdj's hand. just to see his pathetic sopping wet cat self. just to see him breathe just to see him blink jsust being in his prescence i think id die )
ohh... oh to be .. in a poly... with joongdok.. OH... TO JUST HAVE KDJ LOOK IN MY DIRECTION JUST ONCE>...
sigh.. man. running in front of. atruck seems soooo tempting rn.
oh yeah btw i didnt tell you this i was literally walking and almost got hit by a car <33 in the parking lot lmao
my head is so full of kdj right now. i jut. i just cant . hes so. hes uhg hes so uhgjdfljslkfjk the amount of times ive cried to him during class is probably a cause for concern BUSDIFJOKL THE OFFICIAL ART... OF HIm.. WITH YJH... WHERE hES SMILING AN...D.... HE LOOKS...SO HAPPY... SOBOSBSOBSOBOSBOS
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bad-ads · 25 days
ok like major major major trigger warning for below the cut for suicide and self harm but i liek really need advice
so basically i had a really rough start to college ans on the 18th when my parents left me alone at college i was miserable the whole day bc i couldnt make any friends and felt so alone and as a result i relapsed into self harm and cut myself with a razor.
I regretted it by the next day and that afternoon I had a therapy session over zoom with my therapist and told her. she was proud of me for telling her but she seemed kinda rattled, which i thought was weird bc we’ve talked abt my self harm before. the rest of that day wasnt great, still pretty lonely and i sort of panicked over future jobs and majors
the next day, tuesday the 20th, i started classes and i legitimately met some very nice ppl and enjoyed my classes. but rhen when classes were done i spent more time panicking over jobs and started to have this sinking feeling that i am not capable of the basic taska necessary to live on my own or in the world at all. I went to dinner and couldn’t find anyone to sit with so i ate entirely alone and walked back to my dorm room trying not to cry. i burst into tears as soon as i got in and just spiraled and cried over everything, friends, loneliness, and how i felt i wasnt capable of holding a good job or taking care of myself. at which point i started having a massive nosebleed and alone in my dorm room, with blood all over my face, I decided that i should kill myself. as dumb as it sounds, i started googling methods and decided that hanging was the best option. unfortunately/fortunately, i didnt have rope so i took my belt but i could find a place to hang it from that was stable oelr wasnt obvious (ie over the opposite side door handle) but the article i read said rhat all you really needed to hang yourself was leverage, and that holding the belt end thats pulled far above your head would still work. i did that for about 30 seconds, before the tightening arouns my throat started to kinda panic me and i stopped. i tried again but then about 40 seconds in i remembwred that my school has tuition insurance that allows you to not have to continue to pay tuition if an emergency causes you to drop out and that my parents and i had not bought it and as a result if i did die, my parents would have to continue paying tuition (we split tuition but they are in control of most of the money i’ve made cause tbh thats just way easier). the idea of my parents continuing to have to pay tuition kinda pulled me back to earth and i resolved to call my therapist.
unfortunately, ar like that exact moment, one of my suitemates went into oue shared bathroom (you can heat everything in the suite regardless of where you are, its two rooms connected by a bathroom and the noise travels really far). so then i was feaking out cause i couldnt call her because my suitemates wojld hear. i couldnt go somewhere else to call either bc my face was still covered in blood and puffy and swollen from crying for like an hour straight. so then i started crying more bc i didnt know what to do. also then i looked at the clock i realized i had to go to lipsync practice (its a part of our welcome week) and 9 pm and tbh almost started laughing at the absurdity of having to go to fucking lip sync. i desperately wanted to skip and hide forever but i didnt. I waited for my suitemate yo leave the bathroom cleaned myself up and went to lipsync practice.
i came back home after practice and cried more about everything (i had a ton of trouble falling asleep bc my face hurt so much from crying which then made me cry more etc etc). up until this point i had fully intended to call and tell my therapist, honesty between me, her and my parenrs has been massively helpful in my mental health, but then i started to panic bc i remembered that forced paychiatric holds exist ans i was rwally worries that if i told her, i’d have to go to a psych ward, which would be especially bad cause then we are back to the tuition insurance problem that saved my life a little bit.
i finally managed to sleep eventually and throughout the week i took my meds consistently, i made friends and overall felt a lot better. 2 days ago was rhe 29th and i told my parents over a phone call. Im glad i did, but i havent had a therapy seasion since before the attempt so i hadn’t told my therapist yet, and i told my parents i was worried abt hospitalization and they said they didnt think that would happen, but that it might be good.
Its the 31st now and i have therapy this week. i’ve been up all night panicking that my therapist will have to report it and i’ll get put into in patient treatment. i’ve been researching non stop but i cant find an answer on whether aborted suicide attempts within the last two weeks are grounds for hospitalization. i have not been actively suicidal since the day of my attempt and was only passively suicidal like once in befween then and now (which like i have had on and off passive suicidality throughout highschool, just not really in the past year).
SO BASICALLY! i really just need advice on whether i should tell my therapist, have my parents tell her or keep quite about it? could tell her lead to me being hospitalized or would it be okay bc im not presently a danger to myself and i stopped anyway.
sorry ik this is crazy long and traumadumpy but i cant sleep thinking about it
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joshriku · 2 years
Hello! do you have any cherik fic recs?
i have . so many. (pukes and cries) this is gonna be long but to start off i'm gonna give you my ultimate faves of like. each iteration. so i can be insane. i won't make summaries bc im bad i will just tell you how insane i am.
general thing that none of these have a sad ending or triggering topics bc im. im . I Like Happiness
-curses that can't be lifted by sotano: see. this is about cherik early comics canon right. when they just met in haifa. AND OOOOOOO GH oGH oghghgOGOH I LOVE LEAVING COMMENTS. I LEAVE LONG COMMENTS. I AM VERY ILL IN THE BRAIN WHEN IT COMES TO LEAVING COMMENTS. BUT I LITERALLY STILL CANT FIGURE OUT WHAT TO SAY IN THIS BC I LOVE IT SO MUCH. LIKE ILL COME AROUND EVENTUALLY OF COURSE. BUT IVE READ IT LIKE 50 TIMES AND ITS SO GOOD ITS SO GOOD IT MAKES ME DERANGED i was reading it yesterday again. as i do. and i had to close the tab bc it made me so unwell. i'm so normal
-afterlife by anna: this fic is so good but for my mental health it's in shambles. You don't get it. i'll be pacing around my room thinking back of scenes in this and im like ALRIGHT. PAUSE TO THROW UP AND CRY. EVER SINCE IVE READ THIS I HAVEN'T BEEN THE SAME DO YOU UNDERSTAND. IT'S POST DAYS OF FUTURE PAST AND THAT MAKES ME SO ILLLLLLL I LOVE DOFP SO BAD AND I LOVE CHARLES IN IT AND im like oh man i need something to make me cry and puke and shit myself and cure my depression im gonna read that fic again. And i do it. and i am cured. after i cry myself out to this i am so normal again
-someplace that is green by mugsandpugs: oh my god. Also bad for my mental health like (pucnhign myself) YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. it's technically x-men evolution but if you know cherik you'll understand it either way so. just. wow. erik can fit so much trauma. I can fit so many emotions. i can be so mentally ill. IREAD IT SO MUCH LIEK THE SLOOOOOWWBWBURRNNNNNNNNN AHH AHH AHH (PUKES AND CRIES) AHH WANDA AND PIETRO. AH. DEAR GOD. U DONT GET IT !!!!!! THE WORLDBUILDIGN!! (curls up and cries)
ok yeah. i'll put under the cut all the other recs i have sorry for being unwell
you should read everything by ao3 user sotano btw. not to be demented or deranged. but they never miss. everything they ever write is so . Oh my god. U dont get it. im ill. i will buy them a house
-tabula rasa by o2doko: the telepathy exploration of this goes so fucking hard
-fair verona by ha_neul: i love gender so much you don't ungerstand trans fics are the world to me they really arre
-tesselation by nekosmuse: oh my god. i mean it's a popular fic so it's probably been read. BUT THE SLAY. GOD. THE WRITING. PUKES AND DIES
-no capes by dedkake: this just hits all the spots of needing lighthearted comedy and keeping the magneto / professor x dynamic i so desperately crave. i love when authors play around with their identities while loosely sticking to canon hehe
-all these miles (just to get back home) by isthiswhatiam: you gotta read everything he posts tbh BUT this one is my personal fav i love post dark phoenix u_u
-in dreams begin responsibility by kass: im telling u the pre 2011 fics go so hard. and for what. My god. uim ill it's so good
-sweet by sadbigchungus: its so good. Do u know how fukcing hard it is to get krakoa cherik content. hard. but this hits all the sweet spots i love it so much it's so good
-a good night's sleep by insertsthmeaningful: Can i just say this author writes so much good fic and i am absolutely obsessed. as well as im obsessed w post assassination in xforce cherik like aoghogogjogghOGGH
-the way it travels in and keeps emitting light by populuxe: it's OGHGOGH i love reading this one. it's so hard to find fics that actually talk about disabilities and this one does it SO well and erik is SO perfect in this fic im sick!!
-a nice boy (the family matters edition) by pocky_slash: i don't wanna talk about how hard i cry when i reread this one i might have family issues of sorts.
-a winter's journey by red: i love old cheirk so mcuh it makes me want to eat my ownf oot
-the trouble with trilbies by obstrinatix: I LOVE. OLD MEN. CHERIK
-& other words by questors: this is so good like the worldbuilding genuinely floors and runs me over until im nothing but an useless dough
-necessary downtime by unforgotten: i . old cherik. Ogjjgjkrlgjlslkfd
-the last love song and testament of charles f xavier by midrashic: u know what i said about liking afic so much u cant actually bring urself to properly word the comment so youre just waiting and waiting to properly say smth. Yea thats me w this fic too. why's it so fucking good. how am i meant to word my emotions. but hey if i got around to commenting on Afterlife i will to this
-one second and a million miles by madneto: nothing has ever put me through such a slowburn like this fic like it was so insane and crazy i felt like god was slapping me. PLUS. IRENE AND RAVEN ARE IN IT......SLAY!
-bloodbound by ikeracity: u know i didnt care about vampire fics until THIS ONE. WHERE I WAS LIKE. OH. OKAY. THEYRE GOOD ACTUALLY I SEE THE LIGHT IT MAKES SENSE NOW.
-make me stay by lynds: well. what can i say. who's to say no to a little telepathy play. sorry for liking bottom erik. as if it's my fault
-before you attempt me (fair warning) by kianspo: i read this one time i was really sad and i shouldnt have because i started crying about never being able to find a love like the one in this fic. anyway it's super good
-everything about it is a love song by pocky_slash: its bad for me. old cherik makes me go through itnso much. i cant believe ill never find love like this
-feels like you're mine by annejumps: Sorry for bottom erik enthusiast. AS IF ITS MY FAULTNTO HAVE SUCH GOOD TASTE
-because it's you that sets the test by equestrianstatue: [DERANGED NOISES] IM LIKEBSO CASUAL ABOUT THIS FIC IM NOT EVEN MENTALLH ILL.
-special studies in mutant topics by populuxe: my ao3 bookmark says "filed under fics i read while having a mental breakdown and saved my mental health" you can bet its so good and sexy and Oghgogngntnntnngng i will have to marry this authors writing style. SUBBING TO THIS AUTHOR ISNT ENOUGH I HAVE TO BUY THEM DINNER IDK
but also the sex thing: this fic ruined my ability to watch dofp. no matter how many times i watch it ill be quoting this fic along to it
thats it. for Now. i actually have more but some of them are just the real popular ones so im like. Yeah youve read it. BUT THE REST MIGHT BE FOR NEXT TIME. I GUESS. SORRY. THIS GOT OUT OF HAND
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midoriima · 3 years
RATING ANIME SHOWS I'VE WATCHED pt. 2 with normal ratings (from 0-10) this time (except hxh)
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HUNTER X HUNTER — ♾/10. finished seasons 1-5 in less than a month cos i watched it everyday. took me until december 2021 to finally start the 6th season cos i thought we were traveling back home so i wanted to save it for later 😢 in the end, i wasted my time. i love this show sm tho, especially the fandom and leorio. leorio and menchi have my heart?!?!??? mainly menchi. she can chop me u-
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THE PROMISED NEVERLAND — 9/10. i LOVEDDDDDDD the first season, it was suspenseful and i loved every single child in this show and it was like so fucking good. until season 2 🙁 i heard ppl say it's rushed and all?? even i think that, and also how the animators skipped a lot of important arcs so ig i'll just read the manga later. anyways, i still loved the second season tho? just wished they didnt skip these important arcs so i could see it animated 💔
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ONE PUNCH MAN — 10/10. i love this show sm ❤️ idc what you ppl say and for a fact, SAITAMA IS STRONGER THAN EVERY OTHER OP CHARACTER. anyways it's a fun show, just wished the other characters recognized him more?? idk i love mumen rider, genos, fubuki, and saitama himself <3
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THE ROYAL TUTOR — 10/10. ONE OF THE FUNNIEST SHOWS I'VE EVER WATCHEDDD. almost cried at the end tho, however, it was sooooo good. i love this show sm. these boys became the reason why i love guys with long hair/feminine looking guys
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ZOMBIELAND SAGA — ik i said normal ratings but ♾/10. I WOUKD REWATCH THE WHOLE TWO SEASONS ANYTIMEEE. THE SONGS ARE SO GOOD, AND THE RAP BATTLE BETWEEN SAKURA AND SAKI WAS SO FUNNY 😭😭 anyways, i have a crush on kotaro and yugiri goodbye
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YOWAMUSHI PEDAL — ♾/10. i did stop watching for a while, but i will get back on it cos i still have so many shows to finish. i love that green, long haired guy sm. this show also started my bike loving phase and the show actually got me to learn how to ride a bike which is so crazy?? i'm not lying when i say this but two days after getting a bike, riding with training wheels before trying to practice without them, i suddenly knew how to? like i barely rode my bike when the training wheels were off, and suddenly the next day after watching that episode with them riding up a hill or smth in season 1, i suddenly knew how to??? LIEK WHAT....
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YOUR LIE IN APRIL — 5/10 simply cos kaori pisses me off. i'm sorry but idgaf abt tsubaki not doing shit n stuff idc idc it shouldve been her with kousei 🤬🤬 one of the only few romance shows i've watched.
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KAKEGURUI — 10/10. watched this in front of my parents and sister. no, i was not embarrassed (okay maybe a little). i'm also not kidding... i'm in love with miroslava and ibara cos he reminds me of tendou anyways goodbye. why did i watch this show? cos it was new when i first saw it show up on netflix and kirari was the thumbnail
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FREE — 10/10. in love with this guy. i haven't finished season 2 yet 💔 this show reminded me of when i still did swimming and this was also my motivation to swim again
gunna do another
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Quarantine Series: Silence is Golden?
Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Summary: Tom and Y/N don’t get into a lot of fights, but this one will leave you speechless...literally.
Check the Rest: Burnt Out | A New Look | Secret Cuts & Kisses | Breaking Friendships |The Birthday Week | Movie Night
A/N: Hey! Did you know I created a Masterlist?! You can view here (X)!
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Every couple has their good and bad days. Some people will even say it’s healthy to have a little dispute once and awhile. For Y/N and Tom, the bad days just kept on coming. Maybe it was due to the work piling up on Y/N’s plate lately, or the fact that Tom was stressing about going to Berlin in 2 weeks for his work. Either way, both of them were under pressure, and with everything going on, it’d be no surprise that even the smallest things would irritate them.
“Tom I told you to put your luggage off to the side. One of us is going to trip with all this shit in our room.” Y/N scolded as she pushed the black luggage to the side of wall.
Tom was sitting in bed, rolling his eyes at his fiance’s comment and went back to focusing on his script. “Well, maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal if you just cleaned the room every weekend like you were supposed to do.” He grumbled as he highlighted his lines.
“I was working the entire weekend. I told you I had a huge release to prep for and last time I rememebered I’m your fiance not your maid. It wouldn’t kill if you could just do some of the chores in the house instead of having me, Harry, Harrison, or Tuwaine do it for you.” She argued, glaring down at Tom with her arms crossed. “Just cause your some hot shot celebrity doesn’t mean you can just sit there and do jack shit.”
Tom looked at her with surprise and anger. He just about had it up to here with her nagging. Tom loves Y/N, but sometimes, like tonight, she was really getting on his nerves, and the next few things he says to her were not so pretty. “Can you just shut up?! You’re always telling me what to do, what not to do, to stop doing this and stop doing that, and god the never-ending chatter that comes out of your mouth.” He spits out not even paying attention to how Y/N was reacting. “Some people actually do prefer some peace and quiet. God, I really can’t wait to go to Berlin just so I don’t have to hear that god awful nagging of yours.” Tom shakes his head as he looks back at his script, until he realized what just came out of his mouth...complete and utter bullshit that he didn’t mean.
It was Y/N’s turn to be surprised. In fact she was speechless, not really knowing what to say to his rant. It hurt a lot, as if her heart had just broken in a million pieces. If there was one thing you needed to know about Y/N, it was that she valued everyone’s view and opinion of her. So, you can best believe that if someone had a problem with her, she would not take it lightly. When it comes from the person you love the most...well...one can’t even begin to fathom how much it could hurt.
Tears were forming and streaming down her eyes, as small sniffles start to escape. Her tiny hands balling up into a fist. She wasn’t just upset, she was furious. “Well, if thats how you feel then, I don’t know why you’d want to be with a person that doesn’t shut up...Cause clearly I’m not good enough.”
Tom starts to sit up on the bed and lean towards her, trying to apologize profusely, but it was a lost cause that couldn’t be taken back. She runs out of the room with her stuff as she moves to the guest room to cry herself to sleep. Tom stays in their bedroom as he looks up at the ceiling with a disappointed face. “What have I done?” He whispers to himself, only praying they would be able to make up in the morning.
The next day, Tom wakes up extra early to prepare a ‘Sorry I’m such a div. Please forgive me’ breakfast with chocholate chip pancakes, bluerberry smoothies, and apple turnovers from her favorite coffeshop in London. And if that wasn’t enough...he had also brought her a bouquet of red roses. He awaited for her to come down, with everything set. As the boys came by to eat their share of the breakfast, Y/N comes down to akward silence. Everyone staring at her and Tom standing in the middle smiling with flowers in hand.
“Morning Y/N.” The boys say in unison.
“Morning boys...Tom.” Y/N mumbes the last word as she makes her way. They continue to talk and eat amongst themselves as Y/N looks for a seat to sit at, but sadly the only one available is the one next to Tom. He looks at her with his brown puppy dog eyes, silently pleading for her to sit next to him. Y/N gets the message as she rolls her eyes, and tales the seat. He present her the flowers once again, smiling off his boyish charm. “Darling, Im so sorry for the way I acted I didn’t mean it. Please don’t be mad at me. I love you so much.”
Y/N takes the flowers and nods, as she goes back to her breakfast. She ate rather quickly as to make sure she didnt have to deal with anyone and went straight back to the guest room. Tom slouches in his seat, sighing in defeat. “Great the silent treatment.” He says out loud.
“Damn, Tom you must have really fucked up.” Tuwaine said as he took a bite of his pancakes.
“Yeah mate, what did you do?” Harrison asked, intrigued by his best friend’s dilemma.
“You couldn’t hear them? They fought because Tom couldnt do a simple job and then called Y/N a talkative nagging piece of work” Harry answered him, stifiling a laugh. “Im sure the whole world could have heard him.”
“You also forgot, how he said he’d rather be in Berlin than be here with her.” Tuwain mentioned.
Tom glares at his younger brother and Tuwaine, giving them a good shove on the shoulder. “Hey, don’t be mad at me. I’m not the one that had to get his shit together.” Harry defends taking his last bite.
“What do I do? She wont even talk to me and I went through all this work to apologize to her.” Tom asks as he stares at the floor solemnly. “I don’t want her to be mad at me.”
“I don’t know mate. Maybe just earn her trust again. Im sure youll both work it out...you always do.” Harrison reassures him as he makes his way to wash the dishes.
Later that night, Tom passes by Y/N as she makes her way to the bathroom across their bedroom. Tom tried his best to set up the bed as if she was staying with him, fluffing the pillows, pulking down the comforters, and turning up the AC. As Y/N finishes up, she sees him standing at the edge of the bed, waiting for her to join him. “Please? I cleaned up the room and gave you your favorite pillow because you know you cant sleep without it.” He pleads, pouting with his lower lip sticking up.
Y/N looks at the tidy room and the pillow he left her. She smiles when she takes notice of the the one pillow with flowers and ripped edges. It was her favorite pillow since she was 5 and sworn to everyone that it was the only pillowcase she could ever sleep peacefully in. With the thought and gesture Tom made today, Y/N figured it was the least she could do, though it didn’t mean he was forgiven compeltely yet. Tom smiles at his first victory as he climbs in the bed with her. He tries to snuggle closer and wrap his stron arm across her waist, whispering “I love you and I really am sorry.”
Y/N wasn’t too comfortable getting this close still, and ultimately took his hand that was on her waist and dropped it to his side. Tom, felt a slight hinge of sadness when she did that. She never refused his cuddles and anytime they had a fight they would always make up before rhe end of the day. He sighs loudly in silence. Y/N turns around to face his back, and leans over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, which takes him by surprise. “I love you” she whispers, going back to her side of the bed.
The next day, Tom decides to take a quick trip to his parents house, who greet him with ipen arms. Though, both his parents, Paddy and Sam, notice the distress on his face. “What’s wrong son?” Tom’s mum asked with worry.
“Mum, Dad...I messed up.” He cries. “ I was just really stressed out this past week, with the movie, and the fans, and thinking about how I have to leave Y/N for Berlin...I-I- just said a lot of stupid things to her that I didnt mean.”
Tom’s mom rubs her son’s back as she tries to console him and calm his breathing. “There. There. Its going to be okay. You know Y/N loves you so much. Im sure you’ll both get through this.”
“That’s the thing mum. I don’t know if we can. She won’t even talk to me. I made her breakfast gave her flowers and even cleaned our room liek she asked me too. I don’t know what else to do to show her that I truly sorry.I told her I can’t wait to go to Berlin so I did have to hear her talk, but thats far from the truth. I don’t want to leave her when we’ve had all this time together.”
“Hmm...perhaps you should do the things that she doesn’t ask you to do. You know Y/N is also stressed with her job as well, she might not have time to get around to all the things that need to be done. Also tell her how you really feel besides that you’re sorry and you love her. You know both of you have had a hard week and there’s a lot of feelings bottled up inside. Just be honest with your feelings. I know you didn’t mean it and Im sure she knows too.”
Tom smiles at the last sentence, realizing the two haven’t really committed to the rules they promised each other, be honest and communicate with each other. “You’re right, Mum. I cant even remember the last time we really talked.” Tom got up up quickly whiping away the dry tears. “I’m gonna go make things right with Y/N. Thank you for everything. I love you.” Tom hugs his mother, before he makes his way ready to set things right.
As he pulls up to the house, Tom is ince again by the door with flowers in hand. Y/N sliently looks at him as she tilts her head curious as to why he’s on his toes...and with more flowers in hand. “Look you don’t have to say anything because I’m gonna be doing all the talking right now.”
Y/N looks at him in surprise, intrigued to hear what he has to say this time. “Y/N. Im know. im such a dumbass, clueless, and careless bloke who didn’t stop to think about your feelings and the things you wanted from me. I should have helped around more, I should asked how you were , and I definitely should have pushed my luggage to the side of the wall like you asked me too many times.” He says chuckling nervously. “And I know I fucked up, but Im really going to to try to make it an effort to listen more, and help you as much as I can. And Im so sorry for being so distant, I just I had a lot on my mind and the fact that I have to leave you, in two weeks when this has been the longest we’ve spent time together, it made me more sad.” Y/N looks at him with a sympathetic smile, almost ready to accept his apology. “So look, I know you’re probably still mad and everything, but Im really hoping this makes it up for you because I really do love you. Every single thing about you and theres only two more weeks before I leave and I want to spend every day, hour, minute, and second with you.”
There’s silence in the air as Tom looks into her eyes, trying to find some answer. “Every day, hour, minute, and second?” She questions him smiling. Tom’s face lights up with the brightest smile hes ever out on. He drops the flowers and hugs her even more tightly than he did with his mother, spinning her around. Nothing sounded better than hearing her laugh, it’s been far too long. He cups her face, kissing her passionately only to pull away and move the stray hairs from her face. Taking in every single detail of her face. “Yes. Ever day, hour, minute, and second..so lets not waste anymore time.” He grabs her hand as he rushed her to their room.
“Wait, wait, wait!” She yells with laughter. Tom sulks and groans, “Aw, what now?”
“You didnt even ask if I forgave you, yet?”
“Well...” Tom says pretending to think “Do you forgive me?”
Y/N looks at him, leaving a chaste kiss on his lips. “Of course I do.”
“Good. Now let’s go. Got to show you how much I appreciate and love you.” Tom smiles as he pulls her away.
@hollanddolanfangirl @parkerspillow @joyleenl @kihyunwifes
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Ok ok so a little bit about me that no one asked for.
so when I was little there wasnt any like good superhero movies with decent quality. Yes there was fantastic four, the hulk, wolverine, and some x-men. But the ones that were out at the time were either too dark as in serious, or dark as in lighting *looking at you wolverine * for younger audiences. (I love them now ofc, but I was like 3)
Anyway when the toby maguire spiderman movies came out, I was OBSESSED. I looked up to spiderman so fucking much. I loved him and still do, I will defend him with my life.
As a visual, think of deku with all might. The merch the love the knowledge. Yeah that's me with spiderman.
Little bitty me had spiderman shoes,gloves,several t shirts(my fave was the one with the web armpit things),a sleeping bag yes a spiderman sleeping bag, hat, umbrella, bedsheets, etc. My mom went and got the first spiderman blanket fabric she could find at the time and bought it to make me a blanket. I still have that blanket it's as old as I am.
Now, one of my neighbors that I went to highschool with,who was in theatre with me and now were both members of 2 different dance teams. We were on a class field trip for the 3 day weekend. I packed my spiderman blanket because it's easy to pack its bot to heavy weight y'know, perfect size and comfy on the bus ride. I get on the bus and see my friend wrapped up in the SAME EXACT FUCKING BLANKET!
I thought it was mine, I pulled out mine and was liek" when did you get that??"
"Oh my mom made it for me, back when the first movies came out,wait what the fuck you have the same one?!?"
"Yes! Our moms really thought the same thing for their spiderman obsessed first borns huh?"
Then we both proceeded to bond over spiderman shile wrapped in our matching blankets....we also cried together after infinitely war..as our class made fun of us
I also taught this man how to tap dance because I tapped for 10 years. It ended in many sessions me crying in frustration because he was not a dancer when we first met lmao
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willsimpforazula · 3 years
Sokkla Month Day 27/28: Angst/Fluff
A/N: Song is Oath Sign by LiSA, English translation from Amalee's cover.
PS: Fate has some killer OPs.
PPS: I blame my laziness on being too engrossed in Seiba fanfics.
Anywho...bone apple tea or somthing liek dats
繰り返す世界 何度手を伸ばしたら
Once again I reach my hand into a world, repeating on end
Though it's dark, could my tears carve a path and lead me right into your heart?
Like a rose it blooms and grows inside my chest you're name's all it knows
Is this fate, 'cuz every day I pray that by your side I can stay
The first time they met, it was in an abandoned town in some forgotten corner of the Earth Kingdom. From then on, they sought to find out everything and anything they could on each other.
Every piece of information, every scrap of rumours and sightings was held tightly to their chest, blooming and growing as each of them kept tabs on the other as best they could. When asked, they casually dismissed it as 'research on the enemy', though both of them knew they weren't fooling anyone. After all, research most certainly did not include figuring out each other's likes and dislikes, as if one were to be inviting the other over for some afternoon tea.
堕ちた希望を拾って 明日に繋いでゆけば
I'll gather these fallen flowers, the hope discarded and broken
And join them where they can meet, my wish is to set them free
"Are you sure about this?"
"More than I've ever been."
"What if your sister…"
"If she wanted to, she would have done it a long time ago."
"Regardless, I don't like it one bit. Not after what she did to-to-"
"You were just itching for an excuse to bloodbend me no matter what I said or did, even after helping you track down your mother's killer. But yes, please lecture me on what your brother can and cannot do."
"That was different."
"I fail to see the differences."
"Everyone deserves a second chance. Killing her doesn't solve anything. Or taking her bending away. Your brother is the only one who can get through to her. Not me, not the therapists. I just want her to be whole again, free from Ozai's influences."
"If she ever so much as hurts a hair on him, she is dead, consequences be damned and you won't stop me. Understand?"
"Be my guest."
泣いてる夜抱いたまま 嘆きを叫んで
踏み入れた足を 遠くの理想が そっと癒してゆく
確かな絆を強く握り進もう どこまでも
Holding up the light within and with no hesitation,
To give you a future is all I wanted
Hold me tight through the dark endless nights, as I scream till the morning' s light
All my broken down ideals, I know they will heal
With every step they'll form the future
I'll hold tightly to this special bond we share, I'll follow you anywhere
Carrying onwards bearing this miracle
"Why are you here?"
"I-well, I-"
"Answer me, brother of Katara. Why do you come day after day? Is it because you wish to rub my defeat in my face? Or are you here to make me feel comfortable with my executioner? Answer me."
"It's neither of these."
"I'm not lying, princess."
"Stop it."
"Stop what?"
"This. Pretending to be my friend, offering empty words. I don't need any of these."
"That's where you're wrong. Your brother-"
"Is weak and an imbecile for letting me live."
"Everyone deserves a second chance. Even you."
"If the roles were reversed you would have been executed on the spot, after a long torture session that would make death seem like a release."
"I doubt that."
"What would you know of my methods?"
"Because I know deep down inside there is still that spark inside of you. You are only the way that you are because frankly your parents were shit."
"You know nothing!"
"Maybe. Maybe not." Pulling out a dossier, he slid it across to her.
"What is this?"
"Know thy enemy, know thyself and you will win a hundred battles. Call it a hunch, call it a brother's intuition. Besides, if you really wanted me dead I would have been killed, I don't know, about twenty times over before we got to this point?"
"Fuck off Sokka, I don't want to see your face for the rest of the month."
"Keep telling yourself that missy." he smirked, even as a fireball whizzed dangerously close to his head.
"My my, someone's rusty."
"Fuck you you no good piece of shit savage!" she snarled, even as he moved out of earshot. Sometimes, she thought, it was better to not meet one's idol after all.
創られた想い 触れればなによりも
答えなんて出ないって もう君は知っていたの?
泣いて滲んだ願いは 決して揺るぎはしなくて
Once again I hope I can regain the warmth that's ahead, and I pray these fake feelings will blur
As the world starts to fade away
Even if I lose my grip and set this question free from my lips,
I won't be surprised to know no answer will come from the light
This wish that was born from our tears, I know it'll never waver
I won't forget the pain even as we forge on ahead
"Crown Princess Azula, you are hereby relieved of all titles save your status as a princess and are forbidden from entering Caldera without prior permission from the Fire Lord himself. You are to be placed under house arrest on Ma'inka for the rest of your days. All communication will be vetted and censored and any attempt at inciting rebellion will result in your bending being stripped away as your only warning. The next attempt will result in public capital punishment. Do you understand?"
"I hear and obey."
"One question."
"Go ahead."
"Why spare me? Why let me live with my bending, knowing that it will be more trouble than it's worth?"
"It seems you have an advocate high in the system that petitioned on your behalf. Any more questions?"
"You have twenty four hours to prepare, starting now. I suggest you make full use of this time."
Why did you do it? Sokka you stupid fucking idiot, I'm a fucking liablity here. I really hope you don't regret it, she thought to herself.
Dear Suki,
I know what you're thinking. Believe me, sometimes I wonder if it's easier to just let her die or languish in some asylum for the rest of her days. But, well, I don't think I'll ever sleep easy at night knowing that perhaps I could have done something to save her.
I know with every sentence I write, I'm essentially digging my own grave. And frankly, I don't blame you. After all she did throw you into the Fire Nation's Supermax. I won't pretend her hands are clean, that she didn't know what she was doing but still, I think everyone deserves a second chance.
I'm sorry.
Sorry for leading you on all this while.
Sorry for making you think we had a future together.
Sorry for making you wait so long before I came to save you.
Most of all, sorry for giving what is rightfully yours to someone who probably doesn't deserve it.
I know that you'd most likely hop on the next boat and drag my corpse back to Caldera so you can beat the shit out of me one more time but please, whatever happens, your happiness isn't with me.
PS: Katara was just as livid when I told her about it. Also, I hear Zuko is single and ready to mingle (probably not the latter; spirits know he has the social skills of a turtleduck, which is to say none).
哀しみを知って 喜びを知った 弱さは君を変えて
立ち止まった時 剥がれ すべてを壊した
Only knowing of sadness
Never thought I could feel this
But now I know what is pure happiness
Time stops still, taking your breath away
So rip from weakness and escape
Standing on the bridge, the glowing lights of Caldera grew ever fainter until it was a distant white speck on the horizon, before it finally sank beneath the horizon. Under the light of the stars and moon, the vessel was illuminated by the moonlight and the bioluminescent blue algae crashing against the bow of the ship. It seemed ironic that a vessel that carried her off two years with the promise of greatness and glory would now be carrying her off to obscurity and exile.
"Here, wear this. Wouldn't want you getting a cold now?"
"Why?" she whispered, a stray tear falling from her eyes as she felt a coat placed on her shoulders.
"Why what?"
"Why do all of this? For me? For someone who doesn't deserve this?"
"Because no one stood up for you when they should have."
"You shouldn't have. You deserve your happy ever after with Suki, not a lifetime of pain and regret with me."
"Maybe. Maybe it's all for nothing and I deserve a lifetime of pain and regret for being an idiot. But if I'm being honest, the times I sparred with you were the times I felt most alive. Like as if I finally found what I've been seeking for all this while."
"This is a massive gamble you're taking, betting it all like this."
"What can I say? It almost worked on the Day of the Black Sun. It worked out on the day of Sozin's Comet."
"What makes you think you can save me from myself? More to the point, why do you think I want to be saved to begin with? Until you can give me a satisfactory answer, don't come and look for me." she replied.
Just as she was about to disappear into the ship, she heard him mutter "Because you deserve to be happy too."
届くはずのない言葉を託して 見えた瞳は
何を感じて遠ざけるの? 心隠すように
今ここにいる意味 教えてくれたなら
強くいられる 変わらずいつも
I keep screaming out to you though I may never reach you,
But still I can picture the light in your eyes
Tell me what makes you so afraid that you'd hide your heart away
If only you'd turn to to me and say the words that would give my life meaning
Then I would and will forever be strong enough
Ducking into her room, Azula cried into her pillow, as she asked if this was one of fate's twisted ironies dealing her a hand that seemed too good to be true. Monsters don't need saving, they need to be put down. You don't deserve him.
Shut up!
You know it's true.
What's stopping him from betraying you? Or has your adolescent heart fallen for him that you would excuse any of his actions?
Shut up!
I could go on. Do you want me to?
No, stop please!
Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands embracing her in a tight hug, making her gasp. It was warm, familiar and comforting. At once, the voices in her mind stilled, as the other person called out her name tenderly, like a parent with a lost child. Instinctively she knew it was Sokka, yet she kept her eyes screwed shut lest it all turn out to be a figment of her imagination.
After all, she had once hallucinated her mother talking to her on the day of Sozin's Comet when she was obviously nowhere near her room, much less Caldera or the Palace.
In a small still voice, she asked "Is-is it really you Sokka?", to which she felt a gentle pressure of his lips on her forehead and a response "Can hallucinations do this?"
"I don't know anymore. Please, don't lie to me."
"Open your eyes."
"No, what if it's all just my hallucinations?"
Another kiss.
"Still not convinced?"
Scooping up her hands in his, he pressed it against his chest and cheeks before asking her "Are you convinced now?"
In response, she buried her face in his shoulder, this time sobbing loudly as emotion overtook her senses. Meanwhile, Sokka just held her wordlessly, stroking her hair and back. When she finally stilled, he placed her on the bed and tucked her in. Before he left, she asked "Do you mean it?"
"What you said on the bridge, that I deserve to be happy too, even after all I've done?"
泣いてる夜抱いたまま 嘆きを叫んで
踏み入れた足を 遠くの理想が そっと癒してゆく
確かな絆を強く握り進もう どこまでも
Holding up the light within and with no hesitation,
To give you a future is all I wanted
Hold me tight through the dark endless nights, as I scream till the morning' s light
All my broken down ideals, I know they will heal
With every step they'll form the future
I'll hold tightly to this special bond we share, I'll follow you anywhere
No hesitating I'll open my eyes, though my heart's breaking
I'll reach out my hand and carry onwards
Bearing this miracle
15 years later….
"No no no Sokka you can't do this! You promised!" Azula screamed as she held his battered body in her hands.
"I-I'm sorry, firefly. I guess I was in over my head a little, huh?" he coughed, blood and spit staining the floor and her dress.
"I-we-don't have much time. There's someone else you need to protect."
"You're my only anchor to sanity Sokka! You can't."
Grabbing the nearest sheet of paper, Sokka wrote down a short message, before tearing off his necklace and dipping in it his blood, before pressing it into the paper like a seal.
"T-that should be enough, I think."
"Sokka please stop saying things like these! Our kid needs a father! She needs you! I need you!"
"Then I'm a terrible father if I can't protect those whom I love. Please, go now."
"Remember what I said on the bridge that night we left Caldera?"
"Yes, but don't you deserve happiness too?"
"Being with you these past fifteen years made me happy enough, so please, for the sake of yours and hers, go now while you still have the time."
"You're just one swordsman and a non-bender, how-"
"I have my ways. Seriously please, grab this and go! Every second we argue here is one second less you have to escape!"
"Alright, fine! But I better see you in Caldera, or else! I'll be damned if I let Risa grow up without a father."
"I'll try."
"No 'try', you will. Promise me Sokka."
"As you wish, firefly."
Present day
"Mommy, where are we going?"
"We're going to see daddy, Riri."
"Going to see daddy?"
"Yes, that's right." she replied as she stepped into the small shrine.
Turning her head and looking around, Risa could only see plaques with names and faces, but not a single person. Tugging on her mother's sleeve, she asked "Where's daddy? Why are we here?"
Scooping her up into her arms, she pointed at a plaque that bore his name and face, as well as a jet black sword encased in stone. "That-" she pointed, "is daddy."
At once, things clicked her mind and she asked the obvious "Is-is daddy gone?"
"No, no he isn't. Because he's in you and me. As long as someone remembers him, he will never be gone."
Pulling out a handful of joss sticks, she asked Risa "Could you light this for me?" Nodding, she conjured a small green flame on her fingertips and lit the incense. Handing over three of the six sticks in her hands, both mother and daughter bowed twice, before placing it in the urn. Finally, Azula unwrapped a packet of seal jerky and placed it as an offering on the altar, before bowing again and taking her daughter by the hand to leave the place.
As they did, she could feel a burden being lifted from her shoulders as they crossed the threshold and just for a moment, she thought she could smell the ocean breeze and smoke, twin scents that reminded her so much of the boy, no, man who threw it all aside for her.
"I promise Sokka, I'll make sure Risa here grows up happy and healthy." she whispered to herself.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Hari going after his s/o who initially runs away because they didn’t want to be a bother to him and get in the way of his job, but wind up getting kidnapped by some villains and beaten. Hari has to find his love and protect and save them! :3
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"You mean you let them leave just like that and with this-this-" Hari angrily took off the note out of his hoodie and almost shove it into the guard's face. "This fUCKING BULLSHIT?!"
"Chrono. Sit down." Overhaul's nonchalantly spoke as Hari could only take one breath in and out before sitting on the couch, clenching the letter on his grip as a form to discount all he had been feeling.
By god up above, you were NEVER a bother to him! Why did you have to leave dammit?! His job was demanding, sure, but he thought things were good! Weren't they..? He had been trying so hard to take as many breaks as he could to not make you feel that way.
But Chisaki had been requesting his help with the girl too much... too much to the point he couldn't even spend quality time with you like he promise he would.
Now, him and Kai were discussing the problem right after that he had barged on Chisaki's office, almost begging him for help... but as always, the bastard remained that stoic face and did things calmly.
Suddenly the phone started to ring it and for a miracle Chisaki was the one to answer it. He remained with the same expression before changing a look at Hari, who for some reason didn't like it one bit.
"They got your partner Chrono." His blood ram cold at hearing's his friend words.
"What..?" He breathed out, standing up abruptly.
"No, I don't think I will get on a agreement. Is not any useful this anyway." He spoke numbly and Kurono felt a vein of his almost popping out.
"Overhaul!" He shouted ass Kai hang up the phone with an annoyed sigh. "What the hell?!"
"Those are some enemies of ours. We have to be careful or else is the end for the Hassaikai." He spoke on a manner of fact tone of voice, looking up at the man he interlocked his fingers together. "Your partner maybe get hurt bit they will leave, Mimic is probably-"
"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" The man slammed his hands on Kai's desk, scaring the poor newbie as Kai glared daggers at him.
"Back. Off. From my table, Chrono." He growled th words as Kurono gritted his teeth.
"Listen here you spoiled son of a bastard. I deal with your shit ALL day. I've been your friend for years. I am loyal to the Hassaikai ever since I joined in. I accepted helping you on that plan with the master's granddaughter, but when i need a fucking break or aome help to save the person I love YOU DONT EVEN LIFT A DAMN FINGER?!" He shouted as Kai blinked in amisement at Kurono's outburst.
".. I knew it. This all relationship thing is getting conteol over your emotions." He furrowed his eyebrows in anger and disgust at Hati, who only laughed sarcastically before flipping him off for the first time in many years.
"You wanna know what? This is part of your fault KAI." He used the name Chisaki had abandonent, knwing that this would get to him, especially when he took off his glives while lifying up from his chair in anger. "I dont have time for this. Deal with my disrespect later you fucking traitor." He cursed under his breath before storming out of the room.
"If (Y/n) get hurt I will mever forgive myself for it!" He talked kore to himself as he searched for Irinaka as fast as he could.
"Your boss doesn't seem much found of you." The main head of the gang spoke on a mocking tone as he had a knife on your throat.
You couldn't care less... all that had been passing through your head was Kurono.. the man you loved so much to the point of abandoned him because of his work, how much he was loyal to the Shie Hassaikai... you couldn't just get in his way... especially when you were just a, what Overhaul would say, distraction...
"I wonder what would happen if... had a little fun?" The man spoke wickedly as you scoffed at him.
"Fuck off."
"Oh! A feisty one!" Another voice spoke from behind you before you flinched at those two hands grabbing your shoulders "I like that!"
Before you even could think of asking for help, a gunshoot was hearf by all of the members. You quickly covered your ears and kneenes on the floor before you saw a familiar white arrow cut one of the guys arms.
"Hari..!" you said almost in a whisper and the said saviour jumped from the roof, shootonh everyone with a cold face. One man tried to grab him from behind but Kurono merely lifted his fist up, punching the man from behind by one motion before he looked over his shoulder at the man and tsked in disgust before shooting him merciless.
A man grabbed you and aimed a gun at your head, tremblingly as Chrono stopped on his tracks.
"You're Overhaul's right hand man?! Back the fuck off before I shoot them!"
Chrono merely lifted his chin up with a face of disgust, the action being sexy as hell for you to handle it, before he spoke again.
"Three seconds. Three seconds for you to back off before I do something that you will sirely regret." Hee lifted his hand up, holding three of his fingers. "One."
"Hari!" You whined at feeling the gun being pressed on your temple harder.
"Fuck off dude! Im not jo-" in one quick movement, Hari cut his face with his hair before running after you and holding you close to his chest.
"Three." He growled before he covered your eyes and ahoot the guy more then necessary...
After the loud sounds were done you whimpered his name as he let go of the gun to cup your cheeks.
"Never leave again." He sighed as he touched forehead with you "God I thought I lost you for real (Y/n)..."
"Im so sorry!" You cried, holding his hands as you looked at him "I-I just didn't want to stay in y-your way a-and-" you sobbed as Haro shook his head several times as he cupped your cheek, carresing it with his thumb.
"How can you get in my way if you are my life already dummy?" He asked in a breathless laugh as he peppered your face in kisses.
You giggled at the gesture before freezing at hearing a 'click' and Kurono got tense, immediately craddling you pn his chest and arms.
"Ha..ha!" The bloddied man aimed right at you "The Shie Hassaikai has always been a PAIN on MY ASS!" He laughed maniacly as Kurono cleched his jaw. "Now! Would you look at that! Im about to kill one of the most precious members and their lover! How cute!"
Although when the man put his finger on trigger. the rest of his body exploded almost everywhere in that shed while Kai, with a face of disgust and an outstretched naked hand, stood behind the huddle of what was once a man.
"Chisaki?" He said almost in disbelief as he relaxed his grip on you.
"The things you said back there are still on my mind, just for you know block head." He said nonchantly as he put his glove back on. "We needed to solve this problem with calm and extrategy despite the dangers of it. You were never a pacience one though." He growled as Kurono looked at him and smirked.
"Thanks. Chisaki."
"Don't call me that." He growled and turned around, walking out of that place "You're on cleaning duty tommory... son of a bitch." He laughed at his comment before je called your name at the door frame.
"I'm relieved you're okay." He said uncharacteristically soft as he mad ehis way out and your eyes widened.
"So he doesn't hate me then?" You said almost in disbelief as Hati snorted, still hugging you.
"Guess he is just jealous that i got a beauty liek yourself."
You two walked out of that place, Hari never letting go of you for once.
Version of pregnant S/o:
"Uh... Hari?"
"You read the whole letter?" You asked almost in embarrassment as he mad w a more less signal with his hand. "Then... you know why I have been feeling nauseaus this past few days?"
"Uh. No, actually we should really ho see a doctor and-" he let out a confused noise as you stopped and brought his hand to rest on your belly as you looked up at him with shiny eyes.
"It won't be necessary... daddy." You giggled at his confusion before a few seconds his eyes widened as he looked down at your belly then back at you several times.
"Oh fuck.." he said breathless before starting ti laugh "Oh fuck!" He scooped you up, hand son your waist as he kissed your lips fervently "HOLY SHIT IM A DAD?!"
"Yep!" You giggled as he kissed you more while holding you up before looking at the direction Overhaul left.
"YO! KAI! YOU'RE AN UNCLE NOW! For the second time..."
You laughed as you heard Kai on distance shouting to your boyfriend to "fuck off".
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mrpinchy · 4 years
FINISHED 5.3 MSQ I went in soon as the servers came up and didn’t stop, went in completely blind from start to finish took about 7hrs? I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS 
holy shit jesus christ OKOK
so first of all I cried A LOT like, way more than I expected and NOT JUST CUZ IT’S THE LAST PATCH OF AN EXCELLENT EXPANSION but cuz like, damn it hits hard man lol
so Leon is my WoL but he’s never been leveled/geared enough to do endgame UNTIL YESTERDAY when I caught him up on all the patch content (my main is Sig but he’s not my WoL). it was A LOT OF FUN to go through everything with the “right” character sorta speak, just a lot of really cool stuff idk how to explain it lol
HELPING THE LIL KIDS!!!!!! OH MY HEART also I noticed Tiqi-Rio had sunseeker eyes AND MOONKEEPER FANGS nicenicenicenicenicenice GOOD I WANNA SEE MORE OF THAT
so the FIRST Exarch fakeout death with Elidibus and him at the watchtower LIKE???? WHY YOU WANNA GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK SO EARLY omg but honestly seeing him so crystalized and struggling HURT ME A LOT baby boi BABY BOI NOO
going back to Amaurot so Elidibus can force you to kill the Scions soon as you get there WOW WHAT A DICK MOVE LMAO and then all the other characters they brought back like, even in the background it was really cool to see them in Amaurot????? idk I think some people will call it hammy or too referential? but fuck it I loved it LAY IT ON THICK, YOSHIP god it hurt me to kill Aymeric tho
holy goddamn I was so excited when Y’shtola ripped into Elidibus YEEES GET HIM but wow like, Elidibus is essentially a primal then idk AGAIN WE COME BACK TO THE THEORY THAT WoL IS A PRIMAL anyway
HEROE’S GAUNTLET I went in with Trust so I could take my time and it was the right choice, I LOOOOOOOVED seeing the role quest NPCs helping at the end -- I loved seeing all the NPCs helping you but especially them lol ESPECIALLY GIOTT FUCK YEEEEEEAH
god okay the SECOND Exarch fakeout death when Elidibus is like, hey I need your corpse die lol I WAS READY FOR THE PAIN and then jk jk jk OR IS IT
running up the tower with the Exarch, seeing/hearing how painful it was for him to keep up with his failing body, how he had to send you away without him.. OH MAN i cried YOU COULD FEEL HOW MUCH IT HURT HIM he was so close to having an adventure with WoL ;v; also liek... damn that ESPECIALLY hit, the whole “failing body can’t keep up with my dreams” thing HOOOO I KNOW THAT FEEEEEEEEL
went in completely blind with a random group for the Elidibus fight, I went WHM (im bad but semi-geared) and we only wiped twice!!! figured out we had to use tank LB midway and then healer LB towards the end LOTTA AOE HEALING
Emet-Selch’s shade giving us a boost during the fight, BOY MY GROUP WAS VERY UPSETTI in like a good way CUZ IT WAS VERY UPSETTING in a good way lmao emotionally everyone was just POINTING AND YELLING THERE HE IS!!!!
Exarch using the tower as a big auracite IM SO GLAD that was really cool to see, also like........ god idk but I cried A LOT when Elidibus turned into a little amaurotine kid all scared and alone just playing with the soul crystals and talking to himself, AND CRYING and and MY HEART EXPLODED goddamn i cried. he tried so hard for so long that he forgot what he was doing or why he was doing it, why he was suffering so much, and damn if that didnt hit hard. was Zodiark’s heart just a lonely kid all along
saying goodbye to the Exarch like I KNEW WE”D SEE HIM AGAIN but it still was Emotional, I felt so sad for Lyna especially SHE LOST HER GRANDPAAAA
Alisaie crying after Halric spoke ME TOO ALISAIE 
holy shit Dulia Chaii’s parting words to Alphinaud WOW I CRIED A LOT and when he got choked up?? I CRY god the Chais love that baby boy so much IM SUFFERING
holy shit Seto............. ohhhhhhhh I cried SO MUCH
Thancred saying goodbye to Ryne and telling her how PROUD he is of her like damn that hit me right in the HEART goddamn
finally i must say
that whole cutscene with Alisaie at the table WAS VERY WELL ANIMATED the whole thing was noticably better animated than previous cutscenes I LOVED IT!!! IT WAS VERY GOOD!!!!!! also ALISAIE IS VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!!
ALSO I NOTICE that gwaha’s ears wiggle A LOT MORE im so GLAD thank u yoship
ASAHI?????????????????? OH GOD OH GOD 
no idea who Fandaniel is (henceforth known as Fandango) but I ALREADY LIKE HIM A LOT he’s so animated (also this cutscene was very well animated GOOD JOB FFXIV TEAM YOU’RE DOIN GREAT HONEY) I sort of wondered if maybe part of Emet was like... around...?? cuz he reminded me of Emet with his flair for the dramatic but WOW I WAS NOT EXPECTING ASAHI UNDER THAT HOOD holy shit I yelled
ALAS........... the final chapter......... it sounds like the next expansion is planned to be the FINAL EXPANSION and honestly.. Im so sad but also I Respect that decision. I respect that they want to end things in a good place, they dont want to “live long enough to become the villain” etc. and yeah it means FFXIV WILL DIE eventually but yknow, maybe that’s okay. even knowing the game will end i’m still so excited to play it all the way through, whatever it may be. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT with all my heart and happiness
..im still SO EMOTIONAL lmao
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lascapigliata · 3 years
i have now made my way through a surprising number of oscar noms (for me, i usually spend a ton of time making the lists and then end up watching like 3). here are my opinions. listed in order of number of nominations
mank: waste of my time!! boring as shit!!!! was two+ hours and at one point i was liek god damn how much movie do i have left?? and the answer was an hour and a half. gary oldman is an anti semite abuser who can’t pronounce the word “mishpacha” and i don’t care about old hollywood so that may have biased me. but also i read a piece about how they just like gave up on 4:3 and some lighting technique bc they didn’t feel like figuring out how to use them so like, it was a gimmick they didn’t bother actually seeing through for OVER TWO HOURS. 10 nominations?? FOR THAT?????
minari: MADE ME CRY!!!! i cried!!!!!! so so so so good, a gorgeous movie in acting/writing/filming//// just all around a stellar piece of art. SNUBBBBBBBBED han ye-ri for best actress or supporting actress. plus not one but Two?! incredible kid actors. honestly hope this wins best picture i think. sound of metal was my previous top choice but i think this edges it out by a hair
nomadland: technically very good, good acting, beautifuly filmed, not really my thing. like i found it boring but that’s not bc it was bad, just bc it falls into a category my mom and i call “coffee pouring movies” which i happen to not be into
sound of metal: absolutely. fucking. incredible. riz ahmed is a powerhouse and olivia cooke was snubbed of best supporting actress. chadwick boseman is going to win (see below) and in a way it’s too bad this movie came out this year bc riz ahmed 1000000% deserves awards. amazing sound work, i cried at the end, so so so good watch it asap.
judas and the black messiah: another amazing movie. another best supporting actress snub for dominique fishback. i understand that there are politics & strategies for nominations but both kaluuya and stanfield deserve best actor noms. i’m sure this is mostly getting attention for being Important Right Now but it deserves broader acclaim than that. i can’t say more than reviewers have said. watch it asap.
ma rainey’s black bottom: i watched & loved fences so if you did too you’ll like this as well. it’s too bad they didn’t hire an actually fat actress to play ma rainey but otherwise viola davis obviously did just a fantastic job. and most importantly - like i said chadwick will most likely win because he passed away but he DESERVES the win. just like incredible stuff, obviously august wilson is a great playwright so it had a good foundation but my god. watch this one asap too
one night in miami: of the two movies based on plays, ma rainey was better but this was also very good!!! another like “why supporting?” bc leslie odom jr is very much a main character. it’s a shame kingsley ben-adir didn’t get any because i thought he was amaaaaaaazing. and like queen regina king did a great job directing.
tenet: another complete waste of my time. i did sort of tune out by accident 30 minutes in because i couldn’t understand (1) what anyone was saying (2) what was going on or (3) why i should care about ANyone at all so maybe i missed some nugget of genius but like fuck i don’t think so. sure some of it looked cool but like, nolan really just got too up his own asshole in this one
soul: i am not black but i feel VERY creepy abt a white woman voice actor occupying a black man’s body for a good amt of the film, not even addressing that when he’s not a cat (!!) he’s a blue blob in the afterlife. what i CAN speak to as a professional in the arts is that i got just the nastiest message from this movie about how pursuing your dreams is actually a bad thing to do bc then you’re not appreciating life? which is a terrible message for kids and especially kids in city public schools where arts funding is nonexistent.
colectiv (collective): incredible very good loved it so much. very much all the president’s men (one of my favorite movies) and sort of chernobyl-esque in that i think americans should watch it and take a hard look at ourselves except like it’s a real true story lmfao. plus i actually understood some of it, but that’s really a personal thing lol
love and monsters: cute! dylan o’brien does a good job. i probably should not have watched this movie bc there’s quite a bit i had to look away from bc of 1ns3cts but yk yk what ya gnna do
onward: boring!! !boring!!!! what the fuck is pixar doing lately!!!! obviously visually skilled but boring!!!!!!!
i still want to watch united states v billie holiday, probably the father, and some of the other animated ones but will most assuredly be SKIPPING promising young woman, trial of chicago 7, hillbilly elegy, mulan, pinocchio, the white tiger... unless someone gives me a really compelling suggestion otherwise
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theflowerisblue · 4 years
@evavvillas going live with @viridibabidibu
Alba: send request, okay let’s see if she comes. Oh my god, you guys. This is all super special and super sad. Having this opportunity to properly say goodbye to our characters and all of you is amazing.
Celia: hi, baby!
(Some friend of celia’s: hi! Alba! How are you? Do you remember me? Wait, are you live?) this was weird lol
Celia: hello, Alba! Beautiful.
Alba: how are you?
Celia: I’m really good. And you, baby?
Alba: I’m good too. Alright, I’ll be asking you the same questions I asked everyone else. But first, do you want to say something?
Celia: of course! I want to say that I’m incredibly grateful of having you all and all of the fans. You’re the fucking best! You’ve had a spot in my heart since day one. And besides that, the fans are the best. They’re always sending me messages that I love getting, like I’ve helped you and everything. I love that (you’re welcome celia ily 🥺) and Alba! I love you so much. For real, when I found out I was going live with you, I was so excited! That’s my Alba! Going live with you is so cool because you took me in since day one. This girl right here, guys. This is girl got me from the first moment, she said “this girl has something” and we get along so good. So I love Alba so much.
Alba: me too. The funny thing is that I believe celia and I are super different but at the same time we’re really alike.
Celia: yes, we’re the same.
Alba: okay, celia. What has viri taught you? What have you learned from her?
Celia: from viri? A lot! I’ve learned how to fight, to always push forward and to never give up. Because that girl has such a strength, she’s the best character I could’ve ever played.
Alba: I think she’s the strongest character in all skam.
Celia: she is, exactly. She’s the strongest and the one who keeps pushing forward no matter what because she fucks up! She fucks up so much, she’s even the character who fucks up the most. But she redeems herself! I love you Alba! I miss you!
Alba: me too! We’ll see each other tomorrow!
Celia: we see each other tomorrow! We are all going to meet up to watch the last episode together. I imagine all of the fans also made plans to watch the last episode, otherwise I’ll be extremely disappointed in you.
Alba: I think we have a minute left or something, but we can go for a bit longer. By the way, we haven’t mentioned her yet but we have to tell you about gomi! She’s the girl who’s been in charge of keeping all of the characters’ social media accounts updated, she’s in charge of getting all the content and she’s responsible for creating this whole world yoh get to see. So we’re extremely grateful for her and her team.
Celia: gomi we love you so much. Thanks to gomi we said today we’re going as ourselves, as we are in real life. And this is it! This is how we are! We love each other so much because skam has made us grown so much.
Alba: totally. I’ve got a couple of questions about the accounts and if they’re going to delete them. I don’t think so, no. It’s part of the show, it’ll always be there so that fans can watch it whenever they want. Have you seen the last clip?
Celia: well yeah! Of course I have. My god, how sad! So sad! That day was so hard! I cried so much, I couldn’t stop. It was such an emotional day, between that day and the last day all together at the rooftop, we couldn’t have asked for a better ending. All of us in the islands! That trip was the fucking best! It truly was!
Alba: people are asking if you’re drunk, but that’s because they don’t know you. She’s always liek this.
Celia: what? No, Celia is not drunk. Celia is like this 24/7. My friend over here says she attests to it. I don’t drink!
Alba: that’s true! She doesn’t drink.
Celia goes and talks about the friend that’s with her in the live. It was her bitbirthday and they were celebrating. She’s a secretary in a performing arts school in Madrid. Celia goes there and she jokes about how she’s going to turn into this amazing actress.
Alba: oh! Then give us some advice for people who want to become an actor or actress. I got some questions about that.
Celia: alright. First things first, never give up. It doesn’t matter if you go to a lot of castings and you never get the part, that’s irrelevant. I went to thousands of castings and they would never pick me until skam. In skam they were able to see through me and they knew I had it in me. It’s all up to people being able to see your light. Because I’m sure you’re all full of light. I’ve read so many messages from fans and I can tell you’re full of light and that you know what you’re talking about. You to learn and study and just keep going.
Alba: yea, study and never give up. Read a lot, go to the theatre, go to the movies. But the real advice is to not give up, to keep on trying, keep on being creative. Don’t wait around, be active.
Celia: like I say in the second season “I want, I can, I’m able” I want to see you all standing in front of the mirror repeating those words.
Alba: you’re the best, celia. It’s time to say goodbye, so if you have anything to say about viri you can...oh! No, wait! You have your live now, I have to say goodbye.
Celia: right! I stay with Alvarito! With my huguito! Okay, so I’ll say goodbye to Alba. I’ll see her tomorrow and I’ll keep seeing her for longer though because this relationship won’t end. Skam is not the end, okay guys? I want you to know that. The best part of skam is the people, and Alba is one of those people I’ll have with me for the rest of my life. I love you, Alba!
Alba: I love you too! See you! It’s been a pleasure working with you.
Celia: I’ve learned so much from you! You’re such a talented actress and your values as a person are even better! See you!
Alba: Okay it’s time for me to say goodbye. I leave you with viri. I love you all so much. Skam has been the most beautiful thing that’s happened to me. Thank you for loving it so much, thank you for being there. We’re still going to be here, it’s not the end of the world. Thank you for everything, thank you Eva. Now I have to say goodbye forever and I want to cry. Thank you thank you thank you!
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xllxxrbxg · 3 years
so ayon nga hehe
so ayon nga mga marecakes hehe narrate ko na lang nangyari today.
so i was like chilling today right im all set for school because i did my homeworks naman days before it was needed so i was like, "aight lets get this shit today". tapos karlo message me he wanted cuddles eh i was like hMMM... we just made out the other day eh and its like tuesday palang today !! i told him nalang na make it happen, not rlly thinking he would make it happen. but this mf took it as a challenge and actually made it happen.
before all that tho i was badtrip because ha made a very uncalled for rape joke and it fucked me up in the head, plus the fact na im being taken to someplace unfamiliar. i was very tensed the whole ride there. anw he didnt get the hint na it was THAT awful to me, but its aight we resolvedt it already. i'll keep a tab on this tho. for me that was a red flag.
anyways we made out in this tambayan place their family owns. basically it has a large parking lot and across that space was this little studio type housie house. the place had a large ass gate, wasnt really paying attention to what he was saying about the place because i was still tensed with the bad joke he made. anyways we went in and it was a very nice place. outside the house, it wasnt that obvious, but when you go in, it legit looked like one of those sala sets in malls with the note "thank you for not sitting" typa shit. so yeah it was nice it had same vibes with vista mall maybe because of the ceiling yellow scattered lights and of the fresh ass furniture and the whole place itself. it was a pretty decent size, not too big not too small for at least two people to share in the long run. it also had this aircon i always wanted the expensive ones u see in 5 stars. anyways it was quickly cold. there was also the bathroom that had a shower, then theres this chair where you pull a button and a foot rest will pop up lmfao. there were also two other sofa charis by the window. the window was the type then you push back up, not much windows tbh. but thats aight and reasonable since it has an aircon. i was tensed at first when the room was opened. it was obviously recently used idk maybe by his relative. WAS TENSED BRO same feeling when you enter an empty room newly unlocked by your teacher. THAT. that typa anxiety. anyways eventually joined him to sit by the small bed. was pretty much good for one big ass person to comfortably lie on, but fitted both of us nicely. didn't really bottom at that sesh so i don't really remember if the bed was uratex when weight is applied on me but it probably is AHSHDHASHDHSAHDSAHAH ok mej funny yun goiz liek- HAHA ok serious na nga hmpz. we cuddled first before doing nasty stuff. it was nice. i'd exchange all those laplapan just to wholesomely cuddle in peace and probably have a great nap together. i like the feeling the warm feeling. it was nice. yes. anyways,, yeah it was nice. cant stop talking about how nice it was because it was nice. heck... it was so nice. it was so heart heart. idc about my coochie getting rubbed, CUDDLE ME BITCH. anyways we started kissing and the rest is historyYYYYYY. jk. basically the make out routine starts with cuddling then kissing then he touches me until it reacher the forbidden softie softie, main bec he likes hearing my sexy ass moan. even before in tinder when i vm my boytoys for the first time the first thing they say my voice is smexy. cant blame them i agree. even when im alone and i randomly fake moan gat dam bro i get turned on too LMFAO. so yeah i moaned bec it was music to his ears and turned him on big time. was ngl kinda steamy when we breathe in each others mouth thats one of my favorite parts of it and also when i suck on his tongue. or also when i moan into his mouth. yep. also when he cusses it means im doing a great job. hehe. nice stuff ryt there. we pause sometimes to rest, then go aead again. i got many rounds that day. we did same stuff on the bed several times. then he pulled me so i'd be on top. im such a great top bro he aint know hoe to topppp. then was cuddling on top of him and then accidentally (wink wink) grinded on his rock solid stuff. he was turned on sabi nya shit anuyon sabi ka ah ayaw mo ok BUT THEN he was like gusto ko. tnagina pabebe yarn. anw i started kissing then grinding and he was cussing bec im so good at it. later my pants were off and later his shorts too. so we were underwear-away from grinding on directly. was nice got me tiredt. THEN HAHAH i saw this 5 peso coin by the bed and i was like eto yung token sa rides AHSDHASHDASHDHA WOF YAN TEH? tangina tawang tawa sya gago ang funny ko tlg san ka makakakuha ng kallapan na funny. tas nilagay ko sa gilid nya singko started grinding again. bet u he was grinding too. AND IT WAS SO HARD IT LOWKEY HURT TO GRIND ON. GEEZAS. so basically the whole bed was shaking. and i did my deed as a good girl to keep the music on (aka moaning) because there was no music. felt like
asmr. boring af. unlike when we make out sa car, theres always music. i like making out on the white chev instead of the fortuner BECAUSE THE FORTUNERS WINDOWS AIN TINTED what in the world was i thinking making out inside an untinted car INSIDE A PARK WHERE THERE ARE LOTSA PPL PASSING BY. anyways back to the bed, we paused, cuddled. then i was badtrip again for some reason so i got up to get dressed but we eventually made out again on the sofa hehe. legs spread again bec he liked touching there so i let him. then eventually was begging me to allow him to eat me out but i was like BROOOO NOOOO you gon taste it and it be not groomed yet in anyway but he was alr there begging looool he looked so adorbs but NOOO. i asked wala ka man benefit jan, sabi nya ikaw meron. tas sabi ko why do u wanna do it, he said he wasnted to satify me liek HNGGGGGG ok i would let you but it really not be groomed oakay NEXT TIME for sure. AND HECK the lights were on. it was daylight and the lights were on like hasdhahsdhashdas it feels liek im being eaten out at the home decor station at vista mall U GUYZ. anyways ayon. after non i think he tried carrying me for some reason. and i knew he found me heavy lols. but yeah i was a cute little moment he carried me around the room pretending its a mall and he's touring me and shit, "to your left, is the sala set, to your right is the flat screen tv..." things like that HAHAHA funny cute moment. anw later on we found ourselves sitting on the little bed again i was on top of him. he didnt want to lay down bec he alrady made the bed lol so we started grinding again sitting, me on top doing my best !! giving my all !! bec he also had a finger down there as i grinded on his stuff so it basically felt like a direct grind lols. anyways was nice. then later on we made out standing up. was kinda hard because he was 7 inches taller. OH AKALA NYO TITE SIZE YUNG 7 INCHES NOH. hinde. so ayon we were making out and he was shy to ask for a deep throat HAHSDHAHDHAS HECK NAW BITCH U TOLD ME A RAPE JOKE. so this is the part where i get revenge. he was standing there, and i was teasing him. was acting clueless, but he hinted he wanted his belt off so i took it off. was honestly confused with the belt. lol. anw i got to remove it and said, so ano next? playfully hhehhehehe. anyways ayon nga eventually me teased him everrr soooo slowly his dick went from solid-jelly-solid-jelly. LMFAO omfg will i cause him illness? omg. anwwww ayon. later on i removed his shorts as he asked. then i stepped aaway from him across the room because he was doing the shy type hands while hsis shorts was by his foot. and i LOL'd at him for a good few minutes just clapping my hands out of entertainment HAHSDHAHSDAS. then he asked me to put my hands inside, did it slowly and i told him to smile ka nga muna. AND HA THE MF WAS SHAKING. LOL. my fucking powerrrrrrr. anyways later on i was teasing out the underwear, then later i got my hands in again and then touchedt the dick *YAY* finally we got there!! anw it was only for a few secs and i told him its over HAHAHA. then i put his shorts back up again, but subtly teasing that i would suck. bec the shorts were by his ankles so i had to kneel. did i suck? no. did i make sure he thought i was? YES BITCH. and then he lay down fretting because i didnt suck his dick and then while was laying down i opened his shorts again to pretend that his dick was a computer mouse and told him "lets play solitaire, o kaya counterstrike or maybe purble place. gawa ng cake hehe" lmfao mfer be cry laughing because he dont know what to do bec he was teased. so ayon we ended that way and i thought he was bad trip bec of what i did. but he assured me na di naman like dapat lang duh. anyways ayon hehe.
uwi na kami after nakauwi ako 1. andon kami 10. hehe. hinatid nya man me pauwi. tho yung byahe pauwi di pa kami nakakalayo sa place he pulled over so i was confused bec there were no big vehicles incoming but to my surpris he started kissimg me again lol bro deins ka ba nasasawa. anw yon. was nice naman. making out with a guy from a rich fam is nice bec yall dont need to pay to rent in motels lol but still has pressure, bec if we end on a bad note, i swear most of the blgs here are engineered by his relatives. thats how prominent they are. the place we went to is owned by his uncle, who works at legazpi rn thats why the place was vacant. theyre making a mall i think idk. so thats why his uncle is making another like that na place dun. so he has somewhere to stay. like what in the wealth... its crazy how people have money. and for sure even if the place we stayed in was small, it costs millions fr. anyways ayun yung promised detailed chika ko. hehe ciao. mej pokpok nga me pero look at me suffering the consequences, may sipon na ako aside sa ubo because he had mild sipon. now my sipon is malala compared to his, and he alr is recoveredt tangina unfair. but yesterday he insisted to see me to drop off some meds and he hugeed me and cried. because i asked for a time out the night before. bec i was having a hard time. he allowed it but over thinkedt it so yeah he cried while hugging me tight in the car. and kept on saying sorry mainly bec of the sipon thing. but it was, i felt, directed to the other stuff he had disappointed me with. anyways before that sabi nya ok lang ba sayo mag punta munang emall may bibilhin lang, sabi ko naur im sick. it was bec he wanted to buy me gummy worms lol. cute. u shoulda bought them before going to me, mofo. jk. loveee u penggg.
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annunderground · 4 years
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*x files theme plays*
1000 candles in the wind
2 spooky 5 u
An Actual Serious Page
congradulation, u just played urself
damn daniel
Donald Trump
fuck you
haha wtf
liek if u cri evrytiem
team rocket
the entire bee movie script
what????? u want memes?????
when u run out of ur fav cereal
the entire bee movie script
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway. Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.” SEQ. 75 - “INTRO TO BARRY” INT. BENSON HOUSE - DAY ANGLE ON: Sneakers on the ground. Camera PANS UP to reveal BARRY BENSON’S BEDROOM ANGLE ON: Barry’s hand flipping through different sweaters in his closet. BARRY Yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black...oohh, black and yellow... ANGLE ON: Barry wearing the sweater he picked, looking in the mirror. BARRY (CONT’D) Yeah, let’s shake it up a little. He picks the black and yellow one. He then goes to the sink, takes the top off a CONTAINER OF HONEY, and puts some honey into his hair. He squirts some in his mouth and gargles. Then he takes the lid off the bottle, and rolls some on like deodorant. CUT TO: INT. BENSON HOUSE KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Barry’s mother, JANET BENSON, yells up at Barry. JANET BENSON Barry, breakfast is ready! CUT TO: "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 1. INT. BARRY’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS BARRY Coming! SFX: Phone RINGING. Barry’s antennae vibrate as they RING like a phone. Barry’s hands are wet. He looks around for a towel. BARRY (CONT’D) Hang on a second! He wipes his hands on his sweater, and pulls his antennae down to his ear and mouth. BARRY (CONT'D) Hello? His best friend, ADAM FLAYMAN, is on the other end. ADAM Barry? BARRY Adam? ADAM Can you believe this is happening? BARRY Can’t believe it. I’ll pick you up. Barry sticks his stinger in a sharpener. SFX: BUZZING AS HIS STINGER IS SHARPENED. He tests the sharpness with his finger. SFX: Bing. BARRY (CONT’D) Looking sharp. ANGLE ON: Barry hovering down the hall, sliding down the staircase bannister. Barry’s mother, JANET BENSON, is in the kitchen. JANET BENSON Barry, why don’t you use the stairs? Your father paid good money for those. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 2. BARRY Sorry, I’m excited. Barry’s father, MARTIN BENSON, ENTERS. He’s reading a NEWSPAPER with the HEADLINE, “Queen gives birth to thousandtuplets: Resting Comfortably.” MARTIN BENSON Here���s the graduate. We’re very proud of you, Son. And a perfect report card, all B’s. JANET BENSON (mushing Barry’s hair) Very proud. BARRY Ma! I’ve got a thing going here. Barry re-adjusts his hair, starts to leave. JANET BENSON You’ve got some lint on your fuzz. She picks it off. BARRY Ow, that’s me! MARTIN BENSON Wave to us. We’ll be in row 118,000. Barry zips off. BARRY Bye! JANET BENSON Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! CUT TO: SEQ. 750 - DRIVING TO GRADUATION EXT. BEE SUBURB - MORNING A GARAGE DOOR OPENS. Barry drives out in his CAR. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 3. ANGLE ON: Barry’s friend, ADAM FLAYMAN, standing by the curb. He’s reading a NEWSPAPER with the HEADLINE: “Frisbee Hits Hive: Internet Down. Bee-stander: “I heard a sound, and next thing I knew...wham-o!.” Barry drives up, stops in front of Adam. Adam jumps in. BARRY Hey, Adam. ADAM Hey, Barry. (pointing at Barry’s hair) Is that fuzz gel? BARRY A little. It’s a special day. Finally graduating. ADAM I never thought I’d make it. BARRY Yeah, three days of grade school, three days of high school. ADAM Those were so awkward. BARRY Three days of college. I’m glad I took off one day in the middle and just hitchhiked around the hive. ADAM You did come back different. They drive by a bee who’s jogging. ARTIE Hi Barry! BARRY (to a bee pedestrian) Hey Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. Barry and Adam drive from the suburbs into the city. ADAM Hey, did you hear about Frankie? "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 4. BARRY Yeah. ADAM You going to his funeral? BARRY No, I’m not going to his funeral. Everybody knows you sting someone you die, you don’t waste it on a squirrel. He was such a hot head. ADAM Yeah, I guess he could’ve just gotten out of the way. The DRIVE through a loop de loop. BARRY AND ADAM Whoa...Whooo...wheee!! ADAM I love this incorporating the amusement park right into our regular
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kitty8roses · 4 years
This is what I sent to her lol (under a cut tho bc im not that mean)
Ritsuka quickly realizes that Mafuyu is an exceptionally talented singer, and invites him to join the band. Ritsuka learns that Mafuyu's guitar was previously owned by Yuuki, Mafuyu's childhood friend and boyfriend who died in an apparent suicide. The band begins composing music in advance of a live performance, but Mafuyu is unable to write lyrics for the song.
On the day of the performance, Mafuyu has a breakthrough and sings a powerful song about his feelings of loss over Yuuki. The song prompts Ritsuka to realize his romantic feelings for Mafuyu; he kisses him backstage, and they begin dating shortly thereafter.
The band names itself – "Given", in tribute to the guitar given to Mafuyu by Yuuki – and begin to develop a following after posting a video of their live performance online. Given qualifies for a major amateur music festival, and begin preparing new material. Their efforts are complicated when Akihiko, who Haruki secretly has romantic feelings for, becomes involved with his roommate and ex-boyfriend Ugetsu.
Ok so in the beginning of our show: our first protag mafuyu sato is seen walking to school In the rain (with an umbrella tho lol) he says, as narrator, “mafuyu is not lonely.” And also some other stuff that’s all vibe you know? So THIS is repeated through out the series with him saying that “mafuyu isn’t lonely” especially when something bad happens. The thing is he IS lonely. Why you may ask? Well, his ex boyfriend from middle school killed himself and he thinks it’s his fault and stuff. They had gotten into an argument and he drank himself to death. RIP yuki. The only time where I personally believe this statement of ‘not loneliness’ is true is after Uenoyama (other protagonist and love interest) kisses him. I think that’s very swagger. Right before sed kiss mafuyu sang a song that he wrote at a live performance with da band about his heartbreak with yuki’s death. The person he truly loved. It’s called fuyu no hashi and I recommend you give it a listen it’s really good. Uhm but uhhh he realizes after da kiss that he has a new love ❤️ Ue! Yay canon gay ship time let’s party owah owah
NOW I wanna talk abt the opening and op lyrics. They are SO GOOD. they explain Mafuyu’s situation so we’ll just *mwah*. I think it’s called kizuato. There’s this one part where the singer (which could be interpreted as mafuyu despite it not be8gn his voice) says “Rainy, sunny and cloudy
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. 365 days. You remain in all of them.” When he says the last line “you remain in all of them” we see mafuyu holding his guitar when a pair of arms wraps around him from behind like a hug. He shifts and kind of like compresses himself? Like you know what would happen if you got a hug. These arms are kinda transparent and they disappear before the line and that clip is over. AT FIRST before I knew about yuki and all that I thoguht they were from his late dad but now I believe the arms belong to yuki. Mafuyu’s dad was abusive and hit him when he spoke and I thoguht that would be the part of his trauma the show focused on but it wasn’t, instead they focused on yuki and his death more. Anyways I thoguht that was cool and representative of what happened pretty well.
Part of it also makes me wanna cry tho. It says “Dig them out. Take away these memories. The invisible voices that wouldn't reach. That Make me suffer/ suffocate me. Search deeper and take a look at this pain inside of me.” Specifically the “take away these memories” part just,, damn. And the invisible voices thing is just too fucking relatable. I’m so sorry Mafuyu
Oh god now I’m getting emotional about fictional boys who play guitar in front of my friends. Sorry guys.
Anyways. Main statement of the song time. “Everything you left behind, became my everything.” D a m n. Not only could he be talking about the guitar the he owns that is from Yuki he could also just be talking about the memories. ‘All the memories you left me, became the only thing that brought me comfort’ and that’s just... so sad man. He LOVED this boy. So much :/ It’s equally as sad with the guitar too. Because of how desperately he wanted to learn to play. For yuki’s sake because YUKI loved music. ‘This guitar you (kinda your mom but wtv lol) gave me, became my life” because it DOES become his life. When he finally accepts new love is after singing fuyu no hanashi. He finally lets go of all the pent up grievance and emotions while singing that song.
Now that point flows perfectly into our next one. It’s a possibility This will be the last one so just bear with me, please! So, one of Mafuyu’s main things is that he never knows how to respond or react the “proper” way. First of all!!!! NEURODIVERGENT KING. Second of all!!!! He talks about how he just doesn’t feel emotions as strongly or just the right way as other people. And how he can’t bring himself to cry and can’t cry despite losing his true love. After the kiss, mafuyu cries. A started clapping for him like yay!!! An icon ❤️ not only did he find a new love and move through some trauma but he also experienced a lot of emotions that he struggles to experience! That’s so good for him 💕💕But yeah he’d been talking about in the show how he just couldn’t “cry or laugh as hard as the other people could” which I can understand very well. It can feel dehumanizing at times so I’m really happy for him. One of the main reasons I kin him!
This brings me into a sort of continuation point about how no thought brain empty emotionless kin time. Sorry o just had to write that out Bc my nose started bleeding and I had to go take care of that and also not forget my clause (again). Mafuyu talks to Uenoyama about how everyone thinks that he doesn’t have emotions or doesn’t have thoughts because of how quiet he is and how emotionless he seems. And how he’s come to kind of believe it himself (a sort of ‘am I really thinking ever’ type beat). Ue kinda-over-aggressively is liek “hell no!!!! No way brain not have thought >:(“ like a old you know? And yes KIN TIME. not to make it about me or anything but I’m also constantly told/it’s joked about how I don’t have emotions. I just kinda roll with it tho.
I wanna say one more thing to end off on a note that isn’t about me but I can’t think of one so let me think. So much for that other one being the last shsndujsjjsidj
:OOOOO ok so I’m rewatching given and I just noticed another thing
So in the beginning, the VERY FIRST thing mafuyu talks about is how he keep shaving the same dream over and over again (this is to himself when he’s walking to school). Then, we see a clip of this dream. He is standing in front of someone (but it’s kinda shadowed so I didn’t see the other person the first time) and his eyes go wide and he grips his guitar so hard one of the strings snap.
Not only do I realize that 1) that dream actually happened: hs8 is a scene from when he fo7nd yuki’s body hanging (mafuyu was the one who found him dead). You can tell from the bottles on the ground (yuki got super drunk and then hung himself). this is why mafuyu’s guitar string is broken for Uenoyama to later fix.
I also realize 2) that this dream actually happened. I realized this when watching the show the first time tho lol. Right before the big concert, mafuyu accidentally breaks his guitar string again. And then Ue has to go run to the music store and buy a new one. That’s why there’s a look of desperation on his face when it happens because, Uenoyama brought his hope back by fixing the string the first time but now he messed it up again. Thank the lord for Haruki and reminding them it can be fixed!
Last thing 3) I talked about the hug scene in the last rant right? Well, when mafuyu broke the strings the first time (upon discovering yuki’s body), he mirrored the motions that he made in the hug scene in the opening. I think I described it as him shifting his body and guitar and like compressing himself? Yeah.
I realized one last minuscule thing while writing this but I doubt you care.
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
The Lonely Road
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader
Rating: Teen (for online harassment)
Requested By: None
Word Count: 2,400
Author’s Note: Inspired by the song Outnumbered by Dermot Kennedy, so feel free to give it a listen as you read. Originally this was gonna be a Valentine’s story, but now Valentine’s is over, and so I just took out the brief mentions of it. Also it’s a Gerard story so of course it’s longer than intended so taking parts out probably is for the better 😅 Shout out to my number one @mariawritesfanfic for helping me wrap this story up
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You scrolled through your twitter feed, as hours on the tour bus left you with few other options to pass the time. Your new album had just come out and you wanted to see how people were reacting to it. 
OMG @(YFN)(YLN)’s album is awesome! Everyone check it out now!
The only reason she’s famous is bc of @gerardway
The album is ok if you consider she fucked her way into stardom
I stg if mcr ever breaks up it’s gonna be (YN)'s fault
(YN) should just break up with gee so he can be with frank liek everyone knows he wants to be
You felt sick to your stomach as you read through the messages. Sure there were tweets from fans saying how much they enjoyed the album, and they love Gerard and you together, but those weren’t the ones that stuck out in your mind. It was the negative messages that caught your attention and soured your mood.
As if he was reading your thoughts, a text from Gerard appeared on your screen. “Hey sugar, congrats on the album. It’s amazing and so are you xoxo love you”
You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes at the love and kindness of his message. “Thanks love," you replied before tossing your phone aside. You pulled shut the curtain on your bunk and let the tears fall silently. 
You had met Gerard at an award show. You had always been a fan of his and My Chem, but you were beyond nervous to say anything to him when you saw him across the room. When he approached you and said he actually had been listening to your music and was a fan, you thought you might transcend onto another plane of existence right then and there. You found him to be surprisingly easy to talk to and exchanged phone numbers so you could hang out sometime.
Hanging out sometime turned into hanging out often. Then one night under the stars in his backyard, your casual hanging out turned into sharing your thoughts, hopes, and fears you'd never voiced to anyone. The next day you were worried you'd never see or hear from him again, having revealed too much of your emotional baggage too soon, but that afternoon he called and asked you out on a real date. The date was perfect for two people like you and Gerard, complete with a tender, careful kiss that took your breath away. In an instant, you were falling hard.
After that it really became you and Gerard. When all of your friends found out, they were so happy for both of you, as they could see how happy you made each other. Then one day the rest of the world figured it out as well. Gerard had come to one of your recording sessions and had snapped a picture of you laughing in the recording booth and posted it online with the caption "the most beautiful person making the most beautiful sounds ❤" The fans put it together and a barrage of messages flooded your social media feed. Some people thought it was cute, many were awful, but you let it all roll off your back as you were too in love to care what anyone thought.
Months passed, and now that album was out. You had hoped Gerard would be able to join you on the road, but My Chem was in the studio themselves so he wasn't able to be there. You understood, but being away from him for the first time, while dealing with the stress of releasing an album, your first tour, and his angry fans, it was almost getting to be too much.
You had finally fallen asleep only to be awakened what felt like moments later by your manager Christine's voice.
"Rise and shine rock star, time to charm the lovely people of," she paused and you could hear her flipping through papers, "Fort Wayne, Indiana."
You sighed. You had wanted this for so long, it had been your dream for years. But now you were questioning everything.
"We're joined in studio by (YFN) (YLN), her new album just came out last week and we are loving it here on 106.7 FM," the overly cheerful radio host announced. “You have a lot of fans here in Madison!”
"Thank you," you replied with a tired smile. You hoped your lack of energy wasn't evident by your voice.
"Tell us, how much of an influence was your boyfriend? And for anyone who hasn't heard, (YN) is dating that oh so sexy MCR frontman, Gerard Way."
You had gotten this question at almost every interview, as if you were incapable of creating your own music. "He was there for some of the recording sessions, but a lot of the album was written before we met, so not a huge influence musically."
"What's it like to date someone so famous?"
"I mean, it's not like a topic of conversation for us," you replied sharply. You glanced up and saw the look Christine was giving you. "I mean, we talk about music and our projects and give each other feedback, but that's pretty much it. We're pretty normal weirdos."
After the interview was over and you played a few songs live, and then reboarded the bus.
"What the fuck was that?" Christine asked as the bus rolled down the road.
"What the fuck is with these interviews? It's never about me and my music. It's about Gee or the people on the internet and all the bullshit! That's not why I'm out here! I want to talk about my songs!"
Christine nodded. "Ok, I'm sorry girl. You're right. I'll make sure the next one we keep it focused on the music. We can't have you blowing up on another host."
"I didn't blow up! I snapped at worst," you retorted, rolling your eyes.
"Either way, we're on our way to Iowa now."
"Can't wait," you muttered and crawled into your bunk.
The dark cloud that had settled over you was not going away or getting better. While Christine was doing a better job of reminding the interviewers beforehand to lay off the relationship questions, they still came up, sometimes after the actual interview was over, sometimes they just disregarded your wishes all together to get juicy gossip. You did your best not to appear annoyed, but the longer you were away from Gerard, the harder it got.
She's an ugly, untalented leech! She doesn't love gee or else she would have put a song about him on the album!
He doesnt seem happy like he used to before her
The album jsut sucks. I mean i didnt listen to it, i just assume it does
She should just die
You couldn't take it any longer. The constant, incessant stream of hate coming at you was too much. You dialed Gerard and went into the back of the bus, shutting the door behind you.
"Hey (YN), how is everything goin?"
"I can't do it anymore Gee," you said, trying to keep your voice steady 
"Do what?" He asked, immediately concerned.
"Tour, be a musician, be someone in the public eye, I can't take it!" You sobbed, unable to control your emotions any longer. "I feel like I have no privacy anymore! Everything I do is wrong, everything I don't do is wrong! I just wanna give up! I don't wanna do this anymore!"
"Hey, hey, sugar, it's ok. Did someone say something to you today?"
"It's been every fucking day," you cried. "I wanna come home, I don't wanna do this anymore. I don't want anyone to know who I am anymore."
"Take a deep breath," Gerard said, trying to keep you calm. "Where are you?"
"On the bus."
"Where are you going, or where were you?"
"I don't even know anymore. All I see is fucking corn everywhere."
"Ok, umm, where is Christine?"
"In her bunk," you sniffled.
"Can I talk to her?"
You got up and made your way to the bunks and knocked on the frame surrounding Christine's.
"Yea?" She asked, opening the curtain. "Woah, girl, what's wrong?"
"Gee wants to talk to you," you said holding out your phone.
"Hello? What's going on?" Christine asked Gerard. She listened and nodded and mm hmm'ed along. "She seemed stressed, but not that bad," she said as she watched you sink wearily to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest. "No, I hadn’t heard that… Yea, we're setting out from Omaha now, on our way to Denver," she paused. "Ok... Yea... Sounds good. Yea, we'll get our girl through this."
You looked up at her from your spot on the floor and she smiled down sympathetically and handed the phone back to you.
"Gee?" You said softly, the anger and fear and frustration having quieted.
"Hey sugar, we've got a plan for you, you're gonna be ok. But where are you hearing from the people that are criticizing you?"
"Twitter," you mumbled and you heard Christine mutter "I knew it."
"Delete it, you don't need that in your life. You're too talented and beautiful and wonderful to let anyone make you feel anything less," he said gently. "I love you, (YN) ."
"Love you too," you replied, a smile finally cracking through.
"Get some rest, we'll talk soon."
You had immediately crawled into your bunk and fallen into a deep sleep. The weight of your thoughts no longer weighing you down now that you had shared them with Gerard. When you finally woke up, you were rolling into Denver. You made your way to the front of the bus to find Christine on her phone.
"What's on the schedule today?" You yawned.
"You need a day off. We've been pushing you way too hard, and I just wish I would have realized it sooner. So we moved your interview to tomorrow afternoon and we're staying here overnight."
"Really?" You asked, stunned.
"Yep, we're going to the hotel right now."
It was incredibly refreshing to be in a hotel with a real bed and shower, and everyone was actually thankful for your meltdown that got them this break. 
You took an extra long, hot shower to allow your muscles to relax, and then crawled into bed to call Gerard and give him an update. As his phone rang you heard a knock on your door. Keeping your ear to your phone in case he picked up you answered the door. 
"Gerard!" You squealed as you launched yourself at him and he wrapped you in his arms.
"I missed you so much (YN)," he murmured against your neck. "I couldn't stand to hear the pain in your voice and not be there to make it better.”
"But you hate flying! And your studio time!" You exclaimed as you pulled him into your room and he dropped his bag on the floor.
“We were spinning our wheels and needed a break from recording,” he smiled reassuringly before he leaned in and kissed you with all the longing that had built up over the weeks apart. You ran your hands through his black hair and felt the tears slip down your cheeks. “And I’d fly to the moon if it meant I could spend a minute with you. I just wish I could have been here for you from the beginning, I wish I realized that you were struggling.”
“I didn’t want you to worry about me. I thought I could handle it, but everything kept chipping away at me until I broke down completely.”
“I wanna worry about you, (YN). You’re my girl and I love you, and I wanna be there for you no matter what,” he said softly, wiping away the tears on your cheeks.
“Thank you,” you replied. “It’s just hard when it’s coming at you from every direction.”
“I know,” he said, pulling you back to him in a tight hug. “But for today it’s just you and me. No one else matters.”
You smiled up at him before pulling him into another sweet kiss.
The next morning you woke up with Gerard’s arms wrapped around you, holding you close. It almost felt too good to be true. As he slowly started to wake up, he gave you his lopsided smile and you couldn’t help but grin in return.
“I needed this so much,” you said as you buried your face against his neck.
“I did too,” he said squeezing you tight, his voice still raspy with sleep.
“Thank you for being here. I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he said leaning down to give you a quick kiss. “Wait, I didn’t give you your presents yet.”
“What presents?” You asked sitting up, as he reached over the side of the bed to grab his bag. "I don’t have anything for you!"
"It's nothing, just a couple things I made for you," he said pulling out a large flat envelope and handing it to you.
You carefully pulled out the drawing that was inside. "Oh it's beautiful!”
"It's us the night we watched the stars and talked for hours. That was the night I realized I was falling in love with you. I was so scared you wouldn't even like me like that," he laughed softly.
"It's perfect," you replied. "What's this? ‘Gee+(YN)=gross, a big sappy love mix’" you laughed at scribbled handwriting on the cover of the cd case. Around the words was a big heart and lots of little hearts.
"It’s a mix of songs that remind me of you, and me and you, but Frank decorated the cover. He doesn't really think we're gross, he's just-"
"Frank," you laugh.
"Exactly," Gerard replied. "I was just hoping this would help you get through the last days of your tour."
"It will," you smiled and threw your arms around him. “I think just having you here for a day was enough to get me through. And I know now that I shouldn’t just bottle up what I’m feeling.”
Gerard nodded. “We’re a team, you and me. Let me help you when you’re down and keep you safe from all the bastards and shit talkers.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you smiled as you leaned in and kissed him. “But only if you promise to let me help you do the same.”
“I promise.”
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