#i couldnt think of a background and then my thoughts just went to oooo what if darkness with multicolored lights
delightfuldevin · 2 months
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(No lighting version under the cut for easier viewing :3)
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The back of Callie’s jacket says “Dorian’s Sea Star” in seafoam green ink uwu,,
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sentofight · 3 years
[lmao i guess ppl finding this blog is trash they unfollowed or dumblr unfollowed people like always or they were bots to lose 6 followers in a second is funny XD go go get rid of weird bot blogs oooo! if somehow it was not and actually 6ppl decided to unfollow me on the same time weeeell ....... u saved urself. i am serious. im nt like how i used to be always on top of my threads...heho ~ mabufu. anyway the stray cat (flona) went inside and stayed in the house even when i closed the door it was wholesome how she clung to my legs. sobs. cats man. i love cats to death. technically yes because i have allergy but that wont stop me hahahaha. she just went out to poo i think. im thinking about adding more ocs in the future but ...when i am not lazy and dumb at explaining their background stories jhohohohoho. brain telepathy when. ah and reading more manhwa/hua is actually cool because getting ideas. someday will be able to use them ideas when i stop stare at ppl and not actually send them the ideas. i send dumb memes instead xD instgram gives me good videos sometimes and i cant help but share hohoh. sometimes i think too much about my ocs in particular i just dont know how to articulate my thoughts for them. idk why it is not hard for canon muses like chrom and machina but for my ocs i jst .........what if it sounds .....garbage haha. it is garbage. shelf it. anywayx2 i was hoping that my big brothers can make it here but it seems their jobs are getting hectic. it has been what four...more years since we saw them ;u; shakes fist. tbh i want to go back to the u/ae sobs. i miss my friends. even after living here for almost 8 years i only made ONE friend. one friend ... well, there was another friend that until she almost got me into jail hohohohohohoho. ANYWAYX3 i have no idea how this started and why i am rambling but if you made it till the end i will have to give u present. let me know so i can give u present. thinking about persona feels now why. remember when p4 was my favorite one. i do. remember when i couldnt play p3 because i was scardy cat? yes. fstake, fpeace out.
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