#i couldn't think of a title so i went with fruit store
bluewindfall · 5 months
fruit store
He finishes his mission early in the afternoon. It’s only one thirty. When he crosses the street, he can feel the heat of the car engines lined up at the intersection.
Rin sent him a photo of spicy noodles from a Chinese restaurant that Konekomaru and Ryuuji bought him for lunch. Everyone keeps bringing him food. At least, he appears to be doing reasonably well. 
Rin has been reading the notes Father wrote on another investigation that could be related to Ishikawa’s case. The question is, how does that relate to the distortion? Why is Mephisto so adamant that he focuses on Ishikawa’s case at this time?
A taxi honks when it turns. As Yukio waits at the intersection, he receives a call. It’s from Shura. 
“Hey. I’m having lunch at headquarters. There’s some punk sitting out here in the front. You’re free, aren’t you?”
Yukio steps under the awning of a convenience store. The air conditioning is pleasantly cold, ruffling his hair when the automatic doors open. “Not necessarily.” He grabs a basket, looking over a pile of discount items. 
“Well, he said something about a missing person, but they kicked him out because he kept swearing.” Someone else’s voice filters through, not quite clear enough for him to decipher. “He’s been here all morning.” 
Yukio holds his phone with his shoulder as he sets three bottles of green tea into his basket. There are several guards in the confinement tower where Rin is being held. Since he’s been visiting often, it’s better to bring something. “Why can’t you talk to him?” 
“Huh? Delinquents love you. Also, you’re just a junior inspector. I outrank you.” 
Yukio’s eyelid twitches. “I’m not good with delinquents.” He doesn’t manage to smile as politely as he’d like when the cashier bags his tea and sodas. 
“That’s too bad. I’m busy chasing the airport demon. It’s a huge pain.” 
“Really?” Yukio shifts his phone to his other shoulder as he leaves the convenience store. “I thought its leg was injured.” 
“Yeah, but it’s still fast. We don’t know what it wants, so we’re just chasing it around the city.” 
“That sounds unfortunate.”
“So, anyway, go talk to that delinquent. Mina at the front desk said he shouted something about the airport. He probably doesn’t know anything, but you might as well go scare some respect into him.” 
Yukio sighs when she hangs up. 
The streets are full of people near the shopping center. He picks up his pace as he heads down a set of stairs beneath a flowering wisteria tree. Its pale blossoms have scattered along the cracks in the cement, fluttering when he passes by. 
Only a day has passed. A demon that strong shouldn’t be capable of leaving this town once it’s inside. True Cross had its wards checked only a month ago. There should be no weak points. 
The question is, how did it enter undetected in the first place? 
To keep reading on AO3 (: (this is chapter 3)
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isa-beenme · 1 year
single mom with Cassian?
I can totally imagine myself trying to run away from him because he's handsomely intimidating
Someone made the request, and then I scrolled down through Cassian Appreciation Week and BOOM idea
"6. Day Six: Lord of Bloodshed X Cassian is one of the most powerful Illyrians in history. How do you think he earns - and continues to earn - his unofficial title?"
Answering now: he has his fandom, every famous person has one, it wouldn't be different for him
Idk if the time is over for this prompt, but in my time zone there's still one hour left so
Kiss The Girl
As a single mom, you had always been supportive of your daughter's interests, even when it came to her fascination with the General of the Night Court. Despite the warnings from her classmates and teachers at school, she was determined to prove that he was awesome and cool. Since the first time her grandmother (your mom) told her about the day the General saved her life during the attack against Velaris, your daughter has been obsessed with him.
From wearing something red in every outfit (her dress, her lipstick, her shoes, her ribbon, her socks, or anything like that) to reading every single book of history she could find in the public library that told some tale about her. And then she would tell you over and over again during dinner.
She was his biggest fan (or smallest, if we are talking about height), how couldn't she be? He was the greatest warrior in all of Prythian, the best General in the history of the Night Court, the best Illyrian male, the Lord of Bloodshed, the Prince of Bastards. Oh my, and wasn't he the strongest and bravest soldier in history?
Your daughter kept rambling about it over and over again as you walked through Velaris, buying food and some other supplies for the dresses you had to make during the week. Eloise loved this type of walk since she was always excited with the possibility of finding the General somewhere. As you chose some strawberries and raspberries for a future cake she suddenly started to shake your hand and jump up and down.
-Mom! Can I walk alone? I saw something I like - She started tugging the hand you held her, quite stronger than usual if you could say.
-Let me just pay for the fruits and we can go together, love - You drop her hand to grab money, counting the coins you had.
-No, mom! It needs to be now! Pretty please? - She sounded almost desperate, making you laugh a bit, but one look at her pleading eyes you could only smile and nod, dreading the power she held over you.
-Alright you can go, but be careful, sweetie - To your surprise, instead of walking to a store close to where you were she started to scream with joy and run though the streets, leaving you behind in one of the fruit tents - Eloise, wait! - You called after her, your heart already pounding with worry.
She bolted towards an aleatory spot while you tried to see where exactly she was going to follow her after you finish you payment, since you don't want to steal everything in your bag (although from the laugh the tent owner was holding you don't think he would care that much if you ran behind her too). What you didn't see was the glimpse she got of Cassian walking down the street, two siphons around his hands shining bright red, just as her dress.
The General was just a few streets away trying to look for the art supplies Feyre told him to get when he spotted a little red thing running towards him. It took him some seconds to identify the red running thing as a mini fae and he immediately crouched down, trying not to look intimidating when he confirmed that she was indeed going toward his direction. But your daughter was the most fearless child you ever met. She went straight up to him and wrapped her tiny arms around one of his arms, her tiny frame not even rounding one big muscled arm.
-Well, hello there, little one. Is everything alright with you? - He said as he smiled wide and tapped her back.
-Yes! I just wanted to say that you're the best, General Cassian! I love everything about you! - She jumped up and down on his arms as small tears started to form in her eyes.
-Oh, do you now? That's very kind of you to say - He quickly dried the droplets that threatened to get out of her eyes, the bag with requests from Feyre long forgotten on the ground.
-No, really! I want to be just like you when I grow up. Can you teach me to fight and be a general too? - She let go of his arm to look at him from the front view, but never let go of him, fearing he might disappear.
-What's your name, small thing? - He played with some strands of her hair, making her even more excited with the situation.
-I'm Eloise, sir - She said confidently, straighten up the posture and all.
-Well, little one, being a general takes a lot of hard work and hundreds of years of pure training. But I'm honored that you look up to me. Maybe one day we can talk about it - Eloise's eyes sparkled with admiration, and she continued to pour her heart out to him, sharing all the reasons why she thought he was incredible. Cassian listened attentively, his heart melting at her genuine affection.
-You are my favorite person in the whole wide world, Cassian! I mean… after my mommy and my granny, but then you are my favorite - She said convincingly, making the General throw his head back in laughter, adoring the attention.
-Thank you so much, Eloise. This makes me happier than you can imagine. I'm glad to know I have such a brave and wonderful fan like you - She squealed in happiness as she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him as tight as she could ‐ I believe you're not here alone, right?
-Of course not! Mommy is here with me… somewhere - She said sheepishly, almost if she just remembered about her mother.
-Hold on tight, little warrior - Cassian said before lifting her up with one of his arms, letting her rest on his waist - Let's go find your mom, shall we? Can't have her worrying about you.
Meanwhile, you finally caught up to them, slightly out of breath from the chase after running around the blocks searching for your daughter. You were both relieved and a bit mad, but it all disappeared in amusement after seeing Eloise fearlessly chatting with Cassian. And oh my, wasn't he as amazing as your daughter mentioned.
-Eloise, there you are! I was worried about you. Don't ever run away from me like that again - You said as you tried to make sense of your surroundings and not keep looking at the General like a crazy person.
-Mommy, look, it's General Cassian! Isn't he amazing? - She said pointing at him, he turned at you with such a big and radiant and beautiful smile that almost made you weak on your knees. Almost.
-Yes, he is, sweetie - His smile got even bigger if that was possible, he seemed to enjoy the attention, and you kind of felt inclined to give it to him every day of your life.
-You have an incredible daughter. She made my day with the amount of praises, it's hard for me to get those.
-Really? How so? You're so amazing and look so good that… - You seem to catch your train of thought as you laugh nervously, almost making a fool of yourself - I mean, that's what Eloise always says, so… I would imagine that is a routine for you to be… praised? - You smile as best as you can and take your daughter back, trying your best to not touch any part of that very well toned and built muscles - Anyway, thank you for taking her. She really adores you.
-I think I adore her too. She's quite… remarkable - Cassian's eyes met yours, and there was an instant connection. He seemed to look at you as if the rest of the world didn't matter, in a way that your late husband never looked at you.
Cassian couldn't help but search for an engagement ring on your hand, but as he found none he felt a mixture of relief wash over him that almost made him feel sorry for himself. Meanwhile, you couldn't help but notice how tall, big, and undeniably handsome he was, which definitely made you feel a little intimidated. Feeling ridiculously overwhelmed by his attractiveness, you decided to take your daughter away, practically running from him.
-Come on, sweetie, let's get going! - You said quickly as none of you seemed inclined to look away from each other - Thank you very much for talking with her. It was nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you, General Cassian - Your daughter practically screamed as you took her away, scared that he might scent the interest you took on him.
-It was nice to meet you too, little warrior - Cassian, however, was determined to win you over, just as he had already conquered your daughter's heart.
Days went by and you couldn't get Cassian out of your mind. You even started to pay a lot of attention to your daughter's tales about him, making her more excited to tell you over and over again. You worked quietly every day in your sewing shop thinking every single detail Eloise told you about the General while you made the dresses to sell, it didn't took you long to realize good part of your drawings and works were coming out red, you let out a laugh when you noticed the amount of red dresses you had around.
Your late husband wasn't exactly the love of your life, you could say. He was a nice gentleman that took responsibility for your daughter once you found out that you were pregnant after one good night with him. There wasn't desire between you two, there was love, but more like friendly love. And when he died in the war against Hybern you mourned him like a friend. It was always you, your mother and your daughter, there was no space for love or anything else. And you were still young, once Eloise would grow up you could find a love for you to settle for and finally relax. So it was hard to understand whatever you were feeling for the General, why your thoughts went to him all the time even if you barely talked to him that day.
As you continued to work in your studio, you were completely surprised when Cassian suddenly appeared in the store. His tall form almost touched the ceiling as he looked around as if searching for something. Or someone.
-Hello there. May I help you? - You blushed slightly at his presence, feeling uncertain yet intrigued by his sudden approach.
-Your daughter told me you had this store and I wanted to check it out by myself - He said it as if he wasn't certain of any of his words, smiling nervously at you.
-She really told you? Why? - He took time to think, you could almost see the parts of his brain trying to come up with an answer until he sighs and gives up.
-Okay, I lied, she didn't tell me about the store. I don't even know why I tried to lie. I think I'm nervous, sorry - He started to rumble a lot and you tried to make sense of his talk, at the same time as you tried to calm down your heart at the mere sight of him - Hm… I asked Azriel- do you know Azriel? Spymaster and stuff? Yeah, I asked him to find you for me and we found out you worked as a seamstress, which made the opportunity to talk to you fall like a glove since Feyre- you know, the High Lady? She's looking for someone to make some dresses for Nyx's birthday and I thought "uh, I can ask you if you can do it and then I can talk to you like I've been wanting to since the day we met" and here I am.
-Wait, wait, wait. Calm down - Your mind was turning over and over as you processed the whole situation - Yes, I can make a dress, but… you were searching for me?
-Yeah, I actually promised a good amount of food and wine to Az for him to find you.
-Why? - The question left your mouth as if you were asking yourself, not him.
-Hm… so, about that. You daughter, Eloise, right? - You only nodded your head, still confused about everything - So, she mentioned she wanted to train. And I can do it, you know? I have a lot of experiences with kids, they love me.
-You have a lot of experience training kids?
-Yes! It's more like the basic, only self defense and basic knowledge on punches and kicks. I am in charge of training Nyx, actually - He said convincingly, trying his best to keep the smile on his face.
-You are in charge of training a barely two years old kid?
-Yes… when he grow up - You couldn't help but laugh at him, his face seemed to chill once you smiled at him - I must admit, your daughter's energy and spirit impressed me. I believe I could help her practice her skills, if you'd allow me, obviously.
While you felt drawn to his charisma, you couldn't shake off the feeling of intimidation caused by his undeniable attractiveness. People simply shouldn't be allowed to look so good. However, the thought of your daughter spending time with someone she admired excited you, and you kind of wanted her to get to know him better.
-Well, I suppose... Maybe we could have dinner together someday, my mom needs to know you too, since you will be taking her granddaughter to kick and punch. That way, Eloise can decide if she wants to train with you - Cassian's face lit up with delight, clearly pleased with the invitation.
-That sounds wonderful! I promise I'll behave, and we'll have a lovely evening. If Eloise agrees we can discuss what exactly I can do.
-And the dress for the High Lady? - He looked at me like he completely forgot about that, the nervous smile coming back to his face.
-She will come by to talk about that - And so, you set a time for dinner at your home.
You were never the best cook in your family, far from that. But you had your skills to be proud of. Your nervousness made you spend hours preparing a delicious meal while your mother laughed at you for feeling like that for a male, a mix of anticipation and fear rising in you as the evening approached. When Cassian arrived, he was the epitome of charm and warmth, making your daughter feel excited right away and your mom turning to you and raising a thumbs up.
-Wow, you're even cooler when you wear normal clothes! Can you really teach me how to fight? Mommy said you wanted to - She pointed at you, who was still helping to set up the table.
-Of course, little warrior. I'll teach you everything you need to know - He even had the audacity to blink at you! Your cheeks burned as if fire was rising inside of you.
Throughout the night, Cassian regaled your small family with tales of his adventures before becoming the General, the ones that weren't written in the books, and your daughter hung onto every word, captivated by his bravery and humor. As the time went on, your initial uncertainties began to fade, replaced by the genuine connection and shared laughter as he made all of you feel at ease.
In the following weeks, Cassian kept his promise and started training your daughter in combat and self defense. It turned out he actually didn't have much experience with kids, but his genuine passion for teaching and caring nature won your daughter's heart even more. As time passed, you found yourself not only appreciating the mentorship he provided to Eloise but also enjoying his company more and more.
He grew closer as a family, helping your mother with her garden by bringing new seeds from every Court and asking tips for Elain or always taking your daughter to eat some sweets after training and always making sure to give her some red gift (her obsession with the color never fading), or even stopping by your store to leave something to eat or taking and fetching Eloise at school so you or your mother wouldn't have to stop working. And easy like that your feelings of intimidation were replaced by a deep admiration for the kind, caring, and honorable male Cassian truly was.
In the end, it was clear that Cassian wasn't just a charming and handsome general; he was also a genuinely good person who cared deeply for the ones he loved. The once-feared general of the Night Court had found a special place in your heart. Not that Cassian's compliments about your looks or scent always helped you ease your growing feelings for him, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to deny the attraction you felt.
One day, as your daughter caught her breath on the ground after a particularly intense training session, Cassian turned to you with that all-too-familiar mischievous grin he wears everytime you stay longer to watch their sparring.
-You know, I can't help but notice how your eyes sparkle when you're watching. It's rather enchanting - Your face flushed deep, not knowing how to react once his tall form reached the bench you were sitting on, you quickly rose from your position to look at him from a better view - I always try to know if it is because of Eloise improvement or if it's just you really happy to see me - Before you could respond, your daughter chimed in, playfully teasing the both of you.
-Come on, kiss the girl already so I can call you my dad! - She said breathlessly but with a smile that reached both sides of her face.
You and Cassian exchanged surprised glances, both of you slightly caught off guard by her remark. However, her words seemed to break the tension that always formed when he flirted, and you decide to take a leap of faith. You leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on Cassian's cheek, despite feeling like your face was on fire from blushing. He looked at you even more surprised as a smile started to play on his lips.
-Well, I don't know about calling you dad just yet, but I can't deny my daughter's wishes, you know? - Cassian's eyes sparkled with delight, and he chuckled warmly.
-I couldn't agree more. How about we have that dinner we talked about last week? Just the two of us? - He pulled you closer by the waist, your hands resting on his chest.
-Yes, I'd like that - With that, he leaned in, and this time, he gave you a soft, lingering kiss, your daughter's squeals making you smile during the kiss, feeling as happy as she was.
As the days turned into weeks, your relationship grew stronger, both of you falling into an easy routine. Your daughter's admiration for Cassian only deepened as she saw how much he cared for her family, and in time, she called him "dad" without hesitation.
In the end, this unexpected journey brought love, happiness, and a newfound sense of belonging to your heart. And it all started with your daughter's innocent fascination with the once-feared Lord of Bloodshed, also known as your husband (and Eloise's favorite daddy).
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dorothygale · 2 years
anyway i have been brainstorming activities i could do on the evenings/weekends when i am working remote so i don't go stir crazy. we will have to see what my energy level is bc i don't think i will ever be an extensive Activities person. also i am getting a raise so i will have to evaluate the budget situation but i am excited to maybe be able to do some stuff that i could not afford to do consistently
i already have a weekly facetime night with my parents where we watch blorbos from shows
do hot yoga again 😍😍😍 i went in high school and i loved it omg i normally hate being all hot and sweaty but it's somehow better when it's on purpose? also there is a gym suuuuper close to me so i am meaning to check out their programming
volunteer at the animal shelter which i also did in high school. i believe my title was Feline Friend which just meant i would socialize the cats. idk if i would want to do that now though bc i have my own cats now so i don't want to possibly take home diseases to them?
get my nails done!!! i would get my nails done soooo often if i had the money. i plan to go to a cosmetology school salon so it's cheaper plus i get to help people learn! and if i'm working remote who cares if it doesn't look good lol (it couldn't possibly be worse than when i do it myself)
designated grocery store day (another goal is to eat a more balanced diet with more fruits/vegetables so that would be helpful)
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professor-vanad · 4 years
Alright, I've made you a guide for having the old guy over. Its relatively lengthy though so I've posted it too my blog under the title "old man porygon care guide" with some pokemon and porygon tags if you need to search for it. So check that out and save it to your blog for later.
As for your question, I did get in contact with silphco when I was doing my whole tedious detective work adventure (and Gordon is asking I let you know that he's making fun of me for "asking silphco" ending up being like step 14 in my figure out porygons past and why he's acting like an old man research quest despite it being the most obvious first step to take)
But they were less than helpful, saying how a lot of the stuff surrounding porygon and how to make them are some sort of company secret not available to the public.
(And from the way you're talking, it sounds like they might not be being completely transparent with researchers either so oof.)
And when I talked about stuff like health concerns for old dude, I couldn't seem to get anyone to even consider them being a beta porygon at all, instead only working under the assumption that he's another failed modders attempt at a porygon evolution like the original context of the dubious disk.
Even after I went through all that effort of tracking down machines able to read information stored in pokeballs that typically isn't displayed publicly when viewing them in a pc, but is instead usually used by law enforcement for returning lost pokemon, which put his first date of capture a good time before porygon were released to the public.
So it would be a heck of a task to pull off a bootleg of something that wasn't publicly available yet.
And I was able to track down and talk too previous owners dating back too 19 years ago, and none of them were particularly tech savvy either.
So that still brought up some worrying stuff that if his weirdness is a mix of being really old AS WELL as from being modded, then he would have been living with the mods for a minimum of 19 years, and still wouldn't have made him NOT a pre-release beta porygon, which was a lingering issue with attempts to talk too silphco people and them not taking me seriously.
They also offered for me to send them the old guy to attempt to repair him, but pretty heavily implied I wouldn't be getting him back if I gave him up, presumably as a way of discouraging irresponsible modding of porygon.
So that's hella suspicious, and I'm not gonna be doing that.
As for proof of chansey eggs improving general porygon quality of life?
I literally only have the few years I've spent with old man porygon for reference, who's apparently super weird for a porygon anyway, so I'm probably the wrong person to figure out that sort of thing. I just know he became a lot less spacy and tired all the time when I switched him too eggs, and later too berrys/pokebeans that are still on the tree/vine once I was able to start growing those myself and the sanctuary pokemon were able to help themselves instead of me buying fruit from the market (though pretty sure that was more an improvement of getting them reasons to go outside on their own regularly instead of napping indoors. Since it wasn't as dramatic a change as the chansey eggs).
But when it comes to fixing him, I guess if it comes to it, and all that can really be done is essentially build a new porygon out of the corpse of the old one, well.... I'm usually all about pokemon being able to learn enough to make their own decisions, but I'm not quite sure that's a concept the old man would really be able to comprehend in his current state.
Regardless though, the obligation would still be to try and have him understand as much as he can and see what they want based on their options.
Although if they imply something like " I want to go home" don't be jumping to conclusions about them asking to die with dignity at home.
He is not very smart and is terrible at euphemisms, so chances are what he would actually mean is "I would rather do difficult thinking on my pillow in the living room at home".
Trust me, I've been burned by their thought process before.
Don't jump to conclusions that they have things figured out or that they understood you unless it's a very simple statement you can get immediate results from like saying "come here" or "do you want food option A or B".
And it wouldn't surprise me if what it took to actually get their consent to such a thing, would be to literally have you travel to the sanctuary and have you sit there with porygon in the houses living room, drawing on whiteboards and using videos and explaining it over and over in slightly different ways until it clicks with him and he gives a straight answer.
I mean I've gotten used to having to go out of my way to find ways to deal with his senility, but that would be a hell of a rigmarole to rope some stranger into.
Heck, I've already gone and frightened my employee Gordon about the possibility of a long and tedious porygon detective adventure part 2 just talking about this stuff.
That post was brilliant! Thank you. I may have a few follow-up questions down the line but this is a great start.
Woof. I... you know, I’ve had multiple run-ins with Silph that have left me uneasy. i can empathise with wanting to “crack-down” on modding for the Porygons’ sake, they’ve had people come to them to fix their lousy mods since the first generation. So, I mean it is a problem of sorts but not as widespread as that attitude would have you believe. Being that blatant is surprising. That’s not to say I don’t believe you, I absolutely do, but I’m surprised that they were that dismissive off the bat. I think you were right to trust your gut there.
There’s a lot about your case that isn’t adding up with what I know, which is only a problem because it’s likely we won’t have a previous case to work off of. 19 years and at least two trainers who, I’m guessing, didn’t really notice anything unusual about Old Dude apart from his size and catch record prior to Porygon’s official release is the most complete dead end I can think of. I reckon I’ll be able to find some information when I take a look at his programming. Though, that will depend on how willing he is to co-operate there.
Which brings me to the possible “fix”. Rest assured, I have no intention of doing anything that Old Dude is uncertain about or uncomfortable with. It’s still only a possibility rather than a certainty and if it came to it, I’d be able to give you both more detailed information. My warning was as much for you because I don’t doubt I’m going to need your help, especially when it comes to communication. Whatever it takes to help him understand, I’m happy to do it. The ‘rigmarole’ is part of the job. He’s no hassle. Even if he was, Arceus knows I have practice. Four of them.
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mileycfan4eva33 · 4 years
Fandom: SVU
Title: Covenant From The Heart
Chapter 1: Violent Moment
P O V: Amanda Rollins
(A/N: Noah, Jessie, Billie do not exist in this fic. I own nothing except my ideas and original characters. All others belong to Wolf Entertainment and NBC.)
Saturday, June 2020
Christopher Street, New York, NY
"I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
how wonderful life is while you're in this world."
The radio plays as I sit inside the back of the Covenant House Van across from my Captain Olivia Benson, along with two trained Crisis Counselors from Covenant House, New York. Andrea O'Sullivan and Robert "Bobby J" Rodriquez. "Thanks for coming again with me, Amanda."
My smile is tight as I look back at Olivia there is a sadness in her eyes as we turn towards each other. "You're welcome, Liv, did Kat give any reason as to why she couldn't make it tonight?" "her mom has to work a double, and they couldn't find a babysitter last minute on a Saturday."
"Yeah, I hear that could be hard." Olivia sips her coffee, trying to keep warm. "I never mind helping Captain. Covenant House is such an amazing place Olivia, I'm always happy to volunteer for whatever they need."
"Thank you, detective Rollins we try. It isn't easy when we have 20,494 youth who are homeless." Andy's statement sends tremors down my spine. I try to hide the fact that I am shivering, as a cop, I knew those statistics. The number of homeless children in the United States is at its highest in more than a decade.
I can even break down the statistics that roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States that's 2,000 kids who go missing every day in the USA. There are 115 child stranger abduction cases, LGBTQ youth represent as much as 40% of the homeless youth population. Between 1.6-2.8 million youth runaway each year in the United States. Children can begin running as young as ages 10-14. The youngest are the most at-risk for the dangers of street life.
Too many people take the attitude of Children who runaway make their own decisions to go. Let them be, they've made their personal choice and must deal with the consequences. If they want to come home, they will. That is so wrong because once these kids hit the streets, they have hours of reaching an inner-city before they become targets for these pimps. Once the pimps get their hands on these kids, they no longer have a choice. They are property of those pimps, and these monsters would take a bullet before they lose their 'product.' It is estimated that many young people, especially girls, begin engaging in survival sex within 48 hours of leaving home. Sex for food and a place to stay can quickly escalate into formalized prostitution.
I've seen what happens to those kids after becoming branded; they learn quickly to harden themselves and trust no one. The treacherous environment in which they must learn to survive is heartbreaking. They do not always outwardly present as sympathetic victims. They also frequently suffer from short–term and long–term psychological effects such as depression, self-hatred, and feelings of hopelessness. These child victims also need specialized services that are not widely available given they often have illnesses, drug addictions, physical and sexual trauma, lack of viable family and community ties, and total dependence—physical and psychological—on their abusers.
"Amanda, do you want some coffee?" "no, thanks, Liv, I'm good." "Sure you are; that's why I can see those goosebumps on your arms, Rollins." Olivia's left-hand grazes across my left arm, which she has now caused to go stiff in fear. Olivia's touch, smile Liv has no idea how she effects me.
Every hair is standing at attention, my heart racing, face flushed. My brain stutters to find words to respond to Olivia. It should be simple to say those words to tell Olivia how I feel; this is 2020, not 1990. I shouldn't be afraid of rejection to tell someone I have a deep crush on that I have a crush. I've told more than a half of a dozen women in my past that I liked them. I am not ashamed to identify as a lesbian.
Which brings me to question why I haven't confided in anyone I have worked with over the past nine years. Swallow Amanda, just swallow and relax. Olivia has no idea how you feel; she isn't asking you to spill how you feel. She's asking you for a drink stop freaking out you'll look like a fool.
"No, I'm good save the coffee for the kids, they need it more than I do. I'm okay."
"Detective Rollins we have more than enough." that's a lie I know before it even escapes Andy's lips she's just being nice to us since it's rare for cops to volunteer to do ride a long's, the department does not sanction them. 1PP truthfully goes out of their way to discourage us from doing them because they are so dangerous because these pimps could recognize one of us and blow our covers in the future. Sometimes I think they fear we will become too sympathetic with a homeless kid because God forbid NYPD cops be human and understand what life on the streets is actually like; we might let these kids go when indeed we are forced to pick them up for simply trying to stay alive.
Saturday nights are one of the busiest nights in New York City, especially for the homeless population in our impact zones. Turning down Bleeker Street, which is alive with nightclubs blaring music. Flashing neon signs obnoxiously calling out $2 dance bars—other signs signaling their bars, clubs, stores. Panhandlers line every corner, many with bloodshot eyes, sniffling noses, and scanning the crowd from our blackened windows. I can see swindlers working in pairs trying to rob the tourists who unsuspectingly stroll among them the glittering, neon buildings. Many are walking with cell phones out, looking for directions.
Olivia and I both exchange a look knowing half of them will be robbed. There's so much we both want to say but don't. Drug deals go down in plain sight to the untrained eye. It would be easily missed, in between the blaring lights and smells of Colombian bakeries, beauty salons, Mexican restaurants, and bars like the Gentlemen's Club advertising beautiful female dancers. People along this stretch of road hand out business cards emblazoned with half-naked women or fruits and flowers all that advertise "Free Delivery" and typically list the hours of operation between 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. It's a cover, of course, the cards are marketing tools of brothels that have set up shop inside private homes and apartments.
As the hour is growing later, the tourists are fading away; the clubs are starting to shut down, and the other Christopher Street, the one never mentioned in magazines, or featured on the nightly news and morning talk shows comes alive. This is our Christopher Street teens strutted past in the dark, often stopping to air kiss, catcall, or sometimes brawl.
Young LGBTQ youth in platform thigh-high boots, buttocks-revealing denim shorts, red-pleather boleros with matching caps and tops of the backless, sleeveless, or even frontless variety, those on the nightly parade here do anything but hide. They compete for best outfit, /best moves in nightly dance battles that rage beside the Hudson River to the sound of a boombox on the pier at the end of the street.
The teens are beautiful, but the night-life here is ugly, violent, and scary; the teens themselves often fight turning violent. Customers drunk throw glasses, bottles, or try to take the girls, ripping hair out, beating them. Not every person working is trying to cause problems; of course, there are many just trying to get by to pay rent that now topples over $3,000. I can barely afford my apartment in Brooklyn with my salary.
Cops are lining every street, but we are not here as cops Olivia and I are riding with the covenant house team to help them reach the kids whoa re too afraid to find Covenant House or don't know that help exists. We are reaching to find kids who need food, warmth, and shelter. We provide sandwiches, beverages, ears to the kids if they are ready to tell their stories.
In the van we provide education about sex, pregnancies, STD prevention, we give them condoms. We let them cry, scream, ask questions, or sit in silence; we let the kids choose what they need when they need it. Many have never been given a choice of anything in their lives. We gain the kids' trust and, when ready, we will get them to our crisis shelters, where they're given love and support to permanently stay off the streets. Some stay only a few days and decide they aren't ready to give up the life they know. They have to be willing to be drug-free and make other commitments to stay at Covenant House. Some, however, remain with Covenant House and complete the whole program.
Frequently it takes multiple interactions before the kids will trust those of us on the outreach team enough to accept our offers of help they've simply been burned by adults too many times in their lives.
"So Captain Benson, my boss tells me you've been coming on these rides along's since you joined SVU in 1999. Any specific reasons?"
Andy's question perks my interests in the nine years I have known Olivia; I have never known the answer to this question myself. For the first six years, when I went on these outreach trips, I never knew she went along. I only found out three years ago when we were paired together by accident on a night when they had more volunteers than vans. I never asked myself for fear of having to answer the same question back; it's a part of my past. I have kept hidden for many years. I have no intention of starting to share that story now.
"I was on the job about two months with Special Vics when we came across the case of a fourteen-year-old girl who we had to arrest for selling drugs to her classmates, sometimes in exchange for sexual favors. The whole Squad called her Spoiled Sally because she came from the upper west side, went to a private school. She had all the advantages of a rich kid, yet she chose to squander her life by selling drugs."
"You thought there was more to her story though, Olivia, didn't you?"
"You know me well, Amanda." Olivia has no idea how well I know her how I have spent my whole adult life, and most of my teens years studying her career trying to be half the cop she is. Olivia has no idea that I listen to every conversation hoping to gather a new detail I didn't know already. I know her favorite, color, movie, TV show, her worst fears, her dreams. I know which ice cream flavor she likes best, her favorite spot for ice cream, who her favorite baseball team is, and which sport she hates the most. I know Olivia uses vanilla body lotion but hates vanilla ice cream.
My body shivers despite being June. The temperature is dropping fast the later it gets. "I did think there was more, so I started investigating further. Interviewing her friends, teachers, classmates. Came to learn Sally transferred schools six times over the last year, she had moved from city to city since she was six years old."
Olivia bites her lower lip as she laughs slightly "Amanda you'll love this part, my boss told me to drop it, or he would transfer me, I couldn't drop it, I defied his orders and kept digging. I matched her picture into enhanced facial recognizing came to discover our Spoiled little Sally was Marcella Marginals, a kidnapped girl from Mexico who vanished at age six when her family was on vacation over there. They let go of her hands for two minutes, and she was snatched. Marcella was smuggled into different cities by different men. Who caged her up like an animal beat her raped her, sold her from family to family."
"This last family was an elderly couple who never had kids of their own; the man who sold her to them kept weekly checks on her forced her to sell drugs for him. Raped her weekly to keep her in-line raped the wife weekly to keep the parents quite. When we went to collect Marcella, the bastard was there raping the wife, the husband an 82-year-old man who could barely move was tied to the chair. A battle broke out between the police and the pimp, Marcella was shot in the battle, by my gun. I was devastated. I felt as if it was my fault if I had left it alone, as my boss told me. Marcella would be alive no matter how hard her life was, at least she drew breath. Because of me, that sweet girl was dead."
"All my co-workers kept telling me it wasn't my fault; it was just part of the job. I had to accept it as God's plan. I couldn't though, I mean, how did God see that to be fair? How could any God justify a fourteen-year-old girl being raped, beaten suffering every day as okay?"
"So I headed to my favorite bar to get there I had to pass the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, I wasn't raised in any dominant religion growing up, but I felt drawn to it. I felt like I needed to talk to God, to let him know how angry I was at him."
"At first, all I could do was sit there, staring at the candles, the altar, tears running down my face. I have no idea how long I sat there for; till I felt the gentle touch of Sister Mary Rose McGeady, she sat by me and listened to me. Then she said something to me that has stayed with me my whole life; she replied ours is not to ask God why; ours is simply to close our eyes and listen to our hearts, and believe God always has a reason why. It's hard at times, but I made a promise to God to listen; he has to lead me to my calling to help kids on the street, his kids."
"As you know at the time, Sister McGeady was the president of Covenant House from 1990-2003. She took me to the house and showed me the center; I spoke to counselors, volunteers, and the kids themselves. I fell in love with the mission, with the kids the staff. I knew I had to try to make a difference."
"I started doing the outreach van around 12 years ago, at first, it was just because it was always so short-staffed, not many people volunteer to do something so dangerous. Then it became another passion for me."
I reach over and take Olivia's hand "you know Marcella's death wasn't your fault, Liv. No more than Easter's was mine."
"I know Amanda, up here, I know that." She points to her head, "But in here." Olivia's hand moves to her heart. "that takes reminding I am sorry I couldn't comfort you after telling you about Easter, I should have held you talked to you instead of getting up and walking away. The memories of that day hit me so hard; I think I am moving on, and then I am hit with a wave of guilt so intense it takes my breath away."
"Liv, it's okay. I needed my Captain than you did what I needed. You gave me time to cry, scream you stayed in the room, so I knew you were there, but you gave me privacy. No one can take someone else to pain away. But having you in that room brought me comfort."
Olivia smiles at me as Bobby J speaks "You two should come Tuesday for our annual Sleep-out for Covenant House, we have a line-up of stars who are performing and over 1,000 people who have signed up to raise money for our kids by sleeping out."
"Yeah, sounds good, Amanda?" "I'm in for sure."
"So Miss southern sweet tea, what is your story? I know you got one." My body tenses at his suggestion I feel all eyes on me my heart races as my stomach twists. How am I suppose to get out of this one? "Don't be bashful to spill your game." Bobby J nudges me as I fight to keep my nausea from spilling out onto the van's floor. If Olivia knew the truth, she would never look at me the same ever again.
"Help me!" Loud, intense screams ricochet off the buildings in the side-street where we are parked; a young girl comes racing out of the cover of darkness shadow. So fast her legs stumble, but she doesn't allow herself to fall; she can't she's running for her life. Those skinny legs barely hold her body up, yet she hurls herself forward, never glancing back. I can hear her heavy breathing as she approaches "not here." she points to two streets over. Eyes glance at us. I see the pain and fear "My man he's watching he'll see me get in, I'm dead then, he'll know where to find me."
She's gone in a flash, hurling her skinny body down the side streets in a race for her life, dodging into different avenues. The van squeals to life as our driver Michelle steps on the gas, the girl's arms pump flying as she dodges cars, people she isn't quitting or playing. It's pitch black out here now except the glow of a few broken street lights.
Michelle flips off our headlights as we reach the street the girl wanted us to, we sit in silence the radio shut off now. Our heartbeats are the only sounds slowly. I get out my legs a little shaky from being crouched in a van for hours. Olivia follows me closely behind as seconds tick into minutes both of us praying her man as she called him didn't find her, which we know damn well means her pimp. Rustling has us both turning around I spot her first she comes running full speed towards us, fooling her pimp she had run around the block twice; New York blocks ain't no joke either, they are long.
This girl is in eight-inch heels her feet must hurt so bad I feel tears well up I can barely walk in those types of heels nerve mind run. The girl is only twenty- yards away from us. I can see the depth of fear in her cyan blue eyes. An ocean deep of pain she is so close to safety just within feet of being saved Olivia and I are both tense ready to grab her up. The squeals of tires alert us to a sense of danger; I don't think twice I take off "Rollins!" Olivia yells as I pump my legs harder than they have ever been pumped before. Hoping that this girl can see it in my eyes that she can trust me, she can reach better days if she reaches out, allows me to take her hands. Gets in this van with me, I can help her find the sunshine behind these rainy days. Sometimes one person can make a difference. I close my eyes every day I pray I can be that person.
My hands reach the girl at the very last second my lungs are screaming in pain, I can barely breathe my muscles are straining with every-step. "Grab my hands, don't let go no matter what I got you." My arms wrap around the girl's frail body as my feet make a sudden turn burning my heels. I pull her body racing to the van as doors fly open. "Rollins, get down!" Olivia screams as a hail of bullets rain down on us I push the girl into the van slam the door and bang on it. Michelle takes off my legs give out as I crash to the ground Olivia is returning fire. I can't breathe or think my legs are twitching in pain I can feel my blood filling my mouth as I start to cough.
I can't seem to focus on anything. Every breath is harder to inhale and exhale. "Amanda, it's Olivia we've got to move, they took off, but they'll be back we just cost them a major investment. Can you move at all?"
Olivia's arms lift me pain stabs me at every angle it's mild though so after a few breaths I can put pressure on my legs she doesn't let go of my arm though pulling me along with her as we race to meet the van a few blocks over. Sweat pours down my body as my stomach cramps I feel flushed. I'm losing blood I can feel how weak I am, but I have no idea where or how serious it is. "Amanda that was stupid as hell, we are off-duty you know the department does not cover any injury you get, any action you take as a citizen which means you face the same charges they face. No union rep to cover for you."
"Yeah, I know Liv, and it also means I don't have to play by the rules."
"Amanda, it doesn't mean you get to risk your life."
"It's mine to risk Olivia, and if you ain't willing to risk your life, why are you out here?"
"Uh! Why are all the bad-asses so damn stubborn!"
"That's what makes us hot."
"Yeah, I know that's why the bad-asses like you are always the one who looks the most fuckable."
My ears ring did Olivia Benson just say she wanted to what with me? I stop moving physically, yet my Vertigo didn't get the message. I can't speak all I can do is stare at Olivia, watch her long legs so muscular her statuesque frame so lean and beautiful, long dark hair loosely held back with a decorative clip. Her appearance takes my breath away. She smiles as she slowly moves us towards the van.
All I can do is picture her lying on top of me on her bed as she places her mouth over my clit. A direct hit, her gorgeous lips closing around it and lapping at it with her tongue. Her hands hold my hips as I try to buck against her face; she is a master at getting me off like this. I can feel an orgasm building in my walls, I can feel the heat rising as I writhe under her face, and just as she is about to push me over the edge, she inserts a single slender finger inside as she does I feel the first wave of fire rising and spreading through me. I come hard onto her hand as she rapidly pumps two fingers in and out while she sucks on my clit.
"Amanda, move!" My head peaks up from the daydream of Olivia, and I making love seconds too late as the car comes speeding towards us headlights as bright as the Georgia summer sun. Michelle rushes towards us, Andy and Bobby J throw open the doors. "Get in!" Olivia's hands push my body into the van's. I feel Andy and Bobby grab me pulling my limp body up as Olivia screams at Michelle. to"Go."
Wait, where is Olivia going? Why didn't she get in with me? Gunfire fills the air as I try to stand but am thrown back against the wall hard as Michelle takes off, tires squealing. "Calvin!" I hear Olivia's scream as my head slams into the floor, sending me crashing into a world of blackness. All I can do is pray; God keep Olivia safe.
A/N: For More information on how you can help Covenant House and Homeless Youth visit their website
Our Youth deserve a kinder, better world than the one we have today. Let us commit to building this world together. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13643440/1/Covenant-From-The-Heart
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thewanderlees · 5 years
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Tambon Hua Hin, Chang Wat Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
We decided to move to Hua Hin for our time here from May 5th to June 5th. When we left the Khon Kaen condo it kind of felt like we were leaving home after being there for 2 months. Our friends (The Sims) who live in a house across the street, own a songthaew truck and kindly drove us and our 16 bags to the train station. We had 4 more bags than since we've arrived but we brought all the house hold supplies we purchased, like broom, dustpan, frying pan, etc incase we needed it at the town house we are moving to. The day we checked out, our train didn't leave until 8pm so we packed sandwiches and spent most of the day at the pool. The 3 older girls went to the Sims house to play board games and bake cookies with their friends Hannah age 12, and Ahleah age 11, for part of the afternoon. We managed to get some takeout food for supper from the Indian restaurant at the pool(after lots of confusion and charades to explain the order) and the Sims invited us to their place to eat it together in the A/C. They dropped us off at the train at 7pm. We enjoyed getting to know the Sims, there were some tears as they left. The train was running half an hour late. Unfortunately it was very hot this particular evening at 38 degrees in the dark. We bought some refrigerated wet face cloths to try and help feel cool (but it didn't really help). A few tourist police came over to us to see if we needed help and asked us to take a photo with them. Whenever any Thai people ask where we are from and we say Canada they love saying " oh......Canadian..... " in a tone that sounds very envious", and it seems like they just like saying the word Canadian for some reason, lol. When we were at the train station a monk came up to me and the girls and was having fun using the little English he knew to say "Miss Canada!" He said it a few times with different names after, which we assumed were names of women who must have won the title in different years. It was a little bizarre....
We had to take two trains to get to Hua Hin. The first train was 10 hours to Bangkok. It had air conditioning which was good but it wasn't exactly what we were expecting as far as "niceness". It was old looking, kinda vintage I guess. We thought there would be a dining car from reviews we had read about train travel but were told just before boarding by a man who was translating for the police that there wasn't. He also said I should run and take Hailey to the bathroom before getting onboard as it wasn't easy to use on the train. Erik told him we were going by train as an adventure and he laughed and said " well......It will be an interesting....experience for you..." That was our first tip that we were in for an experience that might not be as comfortable as we had thought. He did say though that there are way more bus accidents than train accidents so it was safer travel in that aspect. Once on board it didn't take long to discover that there was in fact no bathroom in our rail car! And that to get to the next car we would have to walk outside while the train was moving and cross/step over to the next car! Yikes! Thank goodness we took Hailey before getting on and the rest of us were able to hold it till morning. We arrived at the Bangkok station at 5:30am. Here's a little tidbit of info for you too. Most public places in Thailand have people who sit outside at a table blocking the entrance to the bathroom and kind of lay claim to it, so they can charge you 3-5 baht in order to enter, and most bathrooms have no toilet paper so you have to make sure to remember to have your own with you. We found a cafe that was open in the station and were able to get some ham buns for breakfast and refill our water bottles. Erik purchased our tickets for the next train from Bangkok to Hua Hin with no interpreter around to help this time. He did get the correct location and departure time, but unfortunately he was unable to get them to sell him seats in the air conditioned rail car! This leg of the journey to Hua Hin is 4.5 hours, and by the time we arrived at the Hua Hin station it was 41 degrees outside.
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Let's just say.... that train ride was the longest trip of my life!......We went through various stages of uncomfortable.
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It didn't help either that we had dressed in warm clothes for the journey thinking both trains would be A/C, and when the Thai use A/C they have it cranked to the max like an ice cooler. Just unreal cold, which is....weird. Some of us had swim bottoms that we were able to find in our bags and managed to change into them out of our pants on the train, not an easy task! And yes we got some looks... Like these white people had noooo idea what they were getting into, lol.
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We arrived in Hua Hin at 11am. Erik and the 3 older girls left Hailey and I at the station and took some of the bags with them to find the town house a few blocks away. They found it after some confusion as the addresses here aren't much help at all. The numbers on the houses are all out of order with no apparent rhyme or reason. It didn't help that they were very hot and having trouble thinking too. Thankfully the owner had emailed Erik a photo of the exterior gate and they were able to find it with that.
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The owner was there and graciously offered to come pick up Hailey and I with the rest of our bags on their two scooters. Erik was telling them no no, we won't fit the bags but they laughed and insisted. I went on a scooter with the older lady with Hailey sandwiched between us. Erik went on the scooter with the son, who put two large bags in front of him between his legs and Erik had to hold onto 2 large suitcases, one in each hand on each side of the scooter and manage to hold on to the back of the seat behind the driver with his thighs! When we arrived at the house he said those bags were so heavy and was thankful he's been lifting weights at the gym the past couple months! We were extremely impressed with our new accommodations. This town house couldn't be anymore perfect. It's beautifully decorated, and is completely equipped like our home. Wonderfully soft luxurious beds, super clean, and I have yet to find an insect of any kind! Yippee! Also this town house is located in between several others and none of the windows face the sun so it stays a nice temperature inside without having to run the a/c like crazy or live in the darkness durning the day with all the drapes closed. That was one draw back of the Khon Kaen condo. Our unit there was located on a corner of the building that had all windows facing the scorching sun 10am until 7pm. The electric bill for our second month was $400! With temps in the 40's it was unavoidable there. We got settled in our new place today and explored a couple of the streets to find ourselves some lunch, chicken and rice $1.50 each meal and for supper salads $2.50 each. The salads were a bit of an oops as we bought them at the Tesco grocery store and didn't realize the amount they charged per 100grams is twice the cost as buying at the local outdoor market. Oh well not too costly a mistake and that's how you learn when you can't read or speak the language. We also found a couple ladies that have a couple tables set up in a vacant lot one street over that sell fruit. We bought 4 water melons for $1each, 7 mangos for 50 cents each, and a banana bunch for $2. Well it's 9:45pm here, I am going to finish up this blog post, everyone else is watching Captain America, streamed from Erik's iPhone onto the TV in the living room. Goodnight
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