#i could use a full body rub down if im being honest rn
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#spent too long sitting on my living room floor hunched over organizing my seed collection#like some sort of gremlin.#so now im sore af 💀#i could use a full body rub down if im being honest rn
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vice (c.h.) part 3!!

summary- (y/n) has another #breakdown but like ACTUALLY this time she goes home just read it
part 1 part 2 part 4
word count- 3.6k+
a/n- im terrible at summaries i figure if ur reading this far you don’t care you just wanna know what happens ya dig? also i appreciate all the love and support for this fic so much?? because i really thought this would flop but im so happy people are enjoying it. vice is literally my baby rn and i’ve put a lot of effort into it, and to see it pay off is grand ok goodbye. “fuck yeah,” i slurred, holding up my red cup in triumph. “midterms are hashtag over.” i slumped into britt, and she groaned, trying to push me off of her.
“you’re too drunk,” she yelled over the thumping music. “your flights early tomorrow.”
“don’t care,” i smiled, dancing again. but britt’s word cut through my drunk thoughts moments later, and traveled straight to the gut. i might as well have doubled over because of the sinking feeling in my stomach. i had to go home the next day, and i didn’t want to in the slightest. the remix playing was drowned out as i stopped dancing abruptly, and got stuck in my head. the dark cloud that was rarely over my head anymore came crashing back, and i didn’t have calum to distract me. i had pushed the idea of me leaving college a semester early to kick start my life the back of my head, letting myself get lost in my studies for once, and calum. the second one was really the kicker. i pushed my way through the crowd, suddenly feeling very queasy. i stumbled throughout the unfamiliar house. miraculously i found a bathroom, and practically threw myself into it. i locked the door behind me, and fell to the floor. the cool tile soothed my burning skin, and i felt like i was human again. i crawled over the the toilet, head spinning.
as i gripped the disgusting bowl and willed myself to throw up, i couldn’t help but let a few tears fall. but that was only the calm before the storm, because soon enough the dark cloud above my head stormed onto me. i cried so hard i gagged, and couldn’t catch my breath. my heart felt shriveled up and small and dead.
i had never been the drunk girl to have a complete meltdown, but i couldn’t stop the emotions from shooting out of every pore in my body. i felt like i was one big sad blob, and i physically couldn’t stop myself from getting drenched in the waters from my dark cloud.
my crisis was interrupted by a knock at the door, i prayed it was a nice drunk girl that would braid my hair and tell me i’m pretty so i’d stop crying. but when i unlocked the door, calum’s eyes met mine and i cried even harder. i leaned against the cabinets, face in my hands, not wanting calum to see me at all, i wanted to disappear.
it was funny, in the moments i wanted to be alone with my thoughts the most, calum always seemed to show up.
“no, no, no,” calum’s words came out frantic, as he kneeled down in front of me and pulled my hands away from my face. the look of panic on his face sent my head spinning.
“what’s wrong, pretty girl?” his nickname pulled at my heart strings and only made the knot in my stomach grown tighter.
i couldn’t catch my breath enough to get any words out, so i sat there blubbering like a toddler, looking down, only for calum to tilt my head back up.
“hey,” he cooed, shutting and locking the bathroom door once again, this time not leaving me alone. he sat against the door, and pulled me to his lap. “let’s just calm down and then we can talk, ok?” he said softly into my hair. i nodded against his leather jacket, trying to take deep breaths. even though i hated being so broken in front of calum, i couldn’t help but cling onto him like my life depended on it. the contact between us grounded me.
every once in a while a sob would break through my breathing, causing calum to tense up and hold me tighter for a second, before going back to rubbing slow circles on my back.
once i brought myself back down to earth, i pulled away from his chest, the world around me tilted in all directions. “i don’t wanna go home,” i cried, my words making tears well back up in my eyes. calum’s face was full of guilt as he stared into my bloodshot eyes.
“hey,” he shushed me, wiping under my eyes. he’d need a whole box of tissues to dry my cheeks, “it’s ok, just go slow.”
“i wanna fall in love, cal.” i admitted, not being able to control the thoughts involuntarily pouring out of my mouth. “i want it all-but i cant have it. they took it from me. i don’t wanna go back.” a lump in my throat sprouted from deep within me, threatening to send me into another crying fit.
i could see his eyes go glassy, “no,” i begged, “don’t cry.”
“m’ sorry,” he chuckled weakly, reaching up to wipe his own eyes. “going soft, sorry, continue.” another sob wracked through my chest at his state. i leaned my forehead against his chest, letting another cry out.
“i’m hurting everyone around me,” i said sadly, “i don’t wanna hurt you anymore.” it became crystal clear that everyone was only calum.
“but it’s so worth it, doll.” he whispered sweetly, smoothing the hairs around my ear. “you’re my sunshine, at the same time. what a contradiction you’ve proven to be.” it almost didn’t make sense.
i settled against his chest, finally feeling a bit calmer. “an’ i know you’re really drunk right now, so i doubt you’ll remember most of this,” he starts, breath ghosting over my neck. “but, i accidentally let you in and i can feel myself falling for you. and it sucks because you’ll never be mine, fully at least, and you’re one of the only people i’ve let in so close to my heart.”
“stop,” i pleaded, “i don’t wanna know,”
“it’s not a bad thing, pretty girl.” he reassured me, “teaching me that it might be worth it, to let someone in, to enjoy someone’s company beyond sex.”
“i wish it didn’t have to be like this.” i mumbled, feeling very tired.
“let’s get you home,”
i woke up the next day, to my blaring alarm clock. my head pounded as i flailed my hand around to turn off the terrible noise. it was the day of my flight and i couldn’t have felt any worse. eyes almost glued shut because of how puffy they were, traveled to see i was in the same clothes i was wearing the night prior. i felt like i’d been kicked in the face. clearly i had cried the night before. oh, the night before.
i remembered almost everything, the crying, calum, more crying. it only made my headache worse. i showered to try and make myself feel less gross, but it only washed away the physical layer of grime. the emotional dirtiness would stay forever.
i shrugged calum’s shirt over my head, it was dark blue, with maine written in bold white letters. it was probably my favorite shirt on him, so he insisted i have it. it was probably a bad idea to be reminded of calum while i went home, but it made me feel happy, and i could’ve used some light in my life. i pulled on a beanie and my long winter jacket, before grabbing my bags and heading towards the door. my roommates were still passed out from the night before, pillows over both of their heads.
“bye, guys.” i muttered, before swinging the door open. “jesus, calum.” i breathed, clutching my chest, my heart almost stopping at the sight of him.
“hey, sunshine.” he smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. the nickname launched me into the events of the night before and i willed myself not to break.
“hi,” i breathed, biting the inside of my lip. “thank you, for last night.”
“anytime,” he replied, “nice shirt.” this time his eyes sparkled a bit, before his face fell.
“what’s up?” i questioned, not understanding why he was standing outside my dorm at almost eight in the morning.
“i wanted to say bye to you before you left,” he rocked back and forth on his heels, hands shoved in his pockets. he looked small, and tucked into himself, “feels like i’m losing you.” he mumbled the last part, almost low enough for me to miss it completely.
“please don’t say that,” i shut my eyes, forcing the tears to stay inside of me. he shrugged weakly.
“i guess this is goodbye,” he smiled at me, brown eyes shining. my stomach sank and i reached towards him and engulfed him in the biggest hug i could muster. i wanted to keep him with me forever.
“promise me you’ll see me when i get back,” i begged him, clutching onto him for dear life. his tight grasp around my waist indicated he was doing the same.
“i promise,” his words were muffled by my shoulders, where his perfect face was squished. he pulled away, painfully, almost making me whine at the loss of contact. “goodbye, (y/n).”
“bye, calum.” i breathed, standing on my toes to press a gentle kiss to his cheek. “i’ll see you when i get back-when i get home.” it was honest, being with calum felt more like a home than my own childhood house did.
“i’ll see you then,” he gulped, and he watched me walk away. the entire trip back to my hometown, i spent on the verge of tears and a nervous breakdown.
[11:34 am] me: i can’t do this
[11:35 am] calum: cant do what sunshine?
[11:35 am] me: my plane just landed.
[11:36 am] calum: you can get thru this pretty girl
[11:36 am] me: you have way too much faith in me
[11:38 am] calum: (:
calum’s lightheartedness made me feel a bit better as i gathered my luggage painfully quick. near the baggage claim, my parents were waiting eagerly for me.
“(y/n)!” my mom exclaimed, in a much different tone than she’d had the last time we spoke. it almost made me throw up at how sweet she was acting when the last time she made an effort to talk to me was to try and get me to drop out of school.
“hey guys,” i plastered on a fake smile, bringing both of my parents in for a hug. “how are you?”
“wonderful, now that you’re back!” my dad said, rubbing my shoulder. “how about we head back to the house and have some lunch, i’m sure you’re starving.”
“i am!” i lied, i wasn’t. not in the slightest, my stomach was twisted and the idea of food made me want to yakk on the spot. my appetite had disappeared the second i turned around to see calum’s pained expression as i walked away. the drive home was tense, calling for awkward small talk and bad jokes.
when we walked in the front door, i was greeted by a very happy david. my mouth fell open as i was halfway through kicking off my shoes. i felt like my body had been frozen solid.
“i thought you didn’t get back for another day,” i deadpanned, not being able to hide my emotions. the whole trip was already emotionally heavy, and seeing david so soon only added another layer overbearing feelings.
“i wanted to surprise you!” david pulled me in for a lingering hug, he was too keen on surprises for my liking. i hugged him back, and our bodies didn’t mold together like calum and i’s did. i felt no fire, i felt no excitement, i felt nothing except for a heavy emptiness settling in my chest.
my little sister, maya, bounded down the entryway. “(y/n)!” she yelled, and i ripped myself away from david to embrace her.
“hey, lil’ one.” i said, smiling for real. i pulled away, looking at her. “not so little anymore,” she was taller than i was now, towering over me by a few inches.
“how’s junior year?”
“rough,” she rolled her eyes, “how’s college.”
“great.” i smiled widely, catching david’s eye, “i love it, you know that.” it was the in small victories.
“stressful, though!” david cut in,
“a good kind of stress,” i snapped back, turning my eyes back to maya slowly, boxing david out of the conversation. “i’ve met a lot of great people.”
“who’s shirt is that?” she asked suddenly, gripping the dark blue fabric. her eyebrows furrowed together at the sight of the unfamiliar shirt.
“just a friend’s,” i smiled, my mouth doing dry. maya wiggled her eyebrows at me, and i hit her arm. i wasn’t really lying, calum and i weren’t together, so that left us as friends, although friends weren’t necessarily supposed to act like we did.
the air that hung around us was dense and suffocating, so i saw myself to the kitchen, where an array of food was laid out in front of my parents, and david’s.
“hey honey,” david’s mom smiled at me, pulling me in for a hung. she kept an arm wound around my waist as david’s dad caught my attention.
“how ya’ feelin, kid?” he asked, grinning widely.
i gave him a gentle smile back, “i’m great,” i breathed, trying to grip onto the last of my sanity that would make my statement at least a little true. we spent the eve of christmas eve making small conversation, settling into the way things had always been, and will always be.
i ended up sprawled out on my little sisters bed, late that night, face down. everyone had left, and i could finally feel my shoulders relax.
“so...” maya sat next to me, causing me to roll onto my side. “you seeing anyone?” she mused, poking my shoulder.
i sighed, “you know i shouldn’t.” i put simply, trying the avoid the thought and conversation.
“when has that stopped you?” she challenged, “i know you don’t really love david,” she added quietly, looking at me with caring eyes.
“even if i was...” i started, “it can’t be a good idea, it’ll only hurt more people in the end.”
maya frowned, “you deserve to be happy, (y/n).”
“i know,” i pulled my lips into a straight line, “i can make it work, i still have you.”
“you won’t be fully happy,” she fretted, her tone more upset than it was before.
“maybe no ones ever fully happy,” i shrugged, “maybe i’ll just be a little less happy, i’ll survive.”
maya chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment, “do you think they’ll make me marry someone i don’t like too?” i sat up, and tucked a piece of her hair behind her hair. she seemed like a little girl again, and it broke my heart.
“you were always more stubborn than i was,” i whispered, smoothing her hair down, “they can’t hold you down, lil’ one.” she smiled, “goodnight, maya.” the topic became too much to stomach.
“night, (y/n).” i made my way out of maya’s room, padding down to my old bedroom. it was almost exactly the same, just a bit staler, from the lack of movement. the bed was freshly made, and i climbed into it, feeling drained from the day.
i woke up christmas eve morning, and fell into the bustling nature of the day ahead. i was helping cook and clean and prepare for everyone to come over. that night we’d have cousins and david’s family and david’s cousins over, and we’d all have one big painful night.
when i was younger, christmas eve couldn’t come quick enough, and maya and i would spend the whole day waiting for the evening. but, as an adult, the festivities proved to be more annoying than joyful and the night rolled around too quick. my late afternoon nap was interrupted by my mother shaking me awake, informing me of the arrival of our relatives.
i sleepily greeted everyone as they got to the house, stopping for a long conversation with my grandfather. i had never been more grateful for his ability to digress into the longest conversations ever, when i saw david and his family walk through the door. i focused on my grandfather, listening to whatever he was speaking about.
“that’s really interesting,” i said, “tell me more.” i practically begged, and my grandpa almost passed out at the excitement of someone wanting to listen to him.
“hey, (y/n).” david piped up, his blonde hair was littered with snow flakes from being outside.
“one second, david. my grandpas just telling me a story-“ i was cut off,
“that’s fine, sweetheart.” my grandpa said, his smile fading a bit. “go on.” i gave him a sad grin, and hugged him briefly before david pulled me towards the living room.
“i was having a conversation,” i crossed my arms in front of david, pushing him out.
he rolled his eyes, “i know you hate those conversations,”
“that one was really immersing me!” i shot back, stomping my foot. he gripped my forearm, pulling me closer, “don’t throw a fit,” he grumbled, running a hand through his hair.
“whatever,” i brushed it off, knowing i wouldn’t get my way. “what’s up?” “i just wanted to talk to you,” he answered, “i hadn’t seen you since i visited you and we hardly spoke yesterday.”
“m’ just tired,” i rubbed my eyes for effect,
“we’ve barely spoken on the phone either,” he sneered, his face almost as flushed as his pink shirt.
“two way street, david.” i said, my face straight and unmoving.
“you know i love you, (y/n).” david sighed, reaching out for my hand. it was cold and uninviting, unlike calum’s warm embrace. “i just get busy, and distracted. i could use something to pull me out of it.”
“i get busy too,” i stated, my hand stiff in his, and i wondered if this was his idea of love.
“with that major...” he muttered under his breath, and i almost didn’t hear him. “i just want us to be on good terms.”
“we are.” as good as we could get, it wasn’t saying much, but it was something. he smiled.
“good.” and then i walked away, excusing myself to the restroom. i stood in front of the mirror, hands gripping the sink so hard my knuckles went white. i let myself breath for a second, feeling i’d lose control if i didn’t. i pulled my phone out quickly, typing a text to calum.
[7:27 pm] me: merry christmas eve
[7:30 pm] calum: merry christmas to you, pretty girl
[7:30 pm] calum: how are you?
[7:31 pm] me: surviving
“(y/n)?” a knock cut through my trance and i jumped, going to open the door.
“hi,” i caught my breath, looking at my mom.
“dinners ready,” she stated, “you alright?”
“yes.” i nodded, following her to the dining room. david took a seat next to me, uncomfortably gripping my thigh throughout the night. his touch wasn’t reassuring or nice, it was repulsive and empty.
after dinner, we all sat in the living room, gathered around the tree, giving our cousins gifts and opening them early. it was a family tradition to open gifts from extended family christmas eve, and david’s family had intertwined with ours, making it like a huge pre-christmas. once all the little cousins finished opening toys and sharing with one another we all started to fall into our own conversations.
“i actually have one more gift,” david’s voice bellowed, it was loud and dripping with confidence.
oh no.
“it’s for (y/n),” he said, shifting his weight to one of his knees.
oh no.
“(y/n),” he started, grabbing both of my hands and the attention of everyone around us. i felt maya’s eyes shoot to mine, wide and worried. i felt sick to my stomach, “i love you, you know that.” my whole body was lit aflame and not in any desirable way, i felt too hot and crowded and my tongue felt like heavy sandpaper in my mouth.
i couldn’t do anything but sit there, mouth hung open, heart pumping wildly. i watched his mouth move but i didn’t hear any noise come out, my ears rung loudly.
“will you marry me?” i didn’t answer, i couldn’t answer.
“of course she will!” my mother shrilled loudly, clutching her chest.
my eyes were dull with loss, the sharp edges of my memories with calum slicing at my heart as he slid the ring on my finger. i felt like i didn’t have myself anymore, or even know who i was. i didn’t know. i didn’t care.
david pulled me in for a hug, as our family clapped loudly around us. it was all real and i couldn’t stop it.
i looked calm, up until i finally shut my bedroom door behind me. all at once my tears flowed out, the dark cloud above my head had once again stormed on me, leaving me soaked to the core. i dragged myself to my bed, not bothering to change out of the clothes i’d wore that night. i felt hopeless as sobs ran through my body, shaking every part of me. my room was miserable and cold, and the only sound piercing the silence was my occasional cries i couldn’t keep quiet.
i cried for me, i cried for my future kids, i cried for calum.
. i wanted to tell him, i wanted to hear his voice and i wanted him to tell me it was going to be ok, but it wasn’t and not even he could change that. but i longed to feel him, and the brightness he elicited by only giving me a look. my heart ached as i fell asleep, my future dragging me closer and closer.
a/n: ok drama lmk what ya think even if its me being stupid and spelling something wrong but feedback is appreciated! thank u for reading!! part 4 should be up tomorrow or in the next couple of days. ALSO im gonna fosho gonna write more after this is done so if you have an requests pls message me i would love 2 write what yall want ok goodbye love u
tags: (lmk if u wanna be added for part 4/any other shit i write) @rexorangecouny
#5sos#5 seconds of summer#5sosfam#5sos fam#5sos writing#5sos fic#5sos imagine#calum hood#calum 5sos#calum 5 seconds of summer#calum imagine#calum blurb#calum hood imagine#calum hood blurb#calum thomas hood#calum hood fic#luke hemmings#luke 5sos#luke hemmings imagine#luke hemmings blurb#michael clifford#michael 5sos#ashton irwin#ashton 5sos#ashton 5 seconds of summer#ashton irwin imagine#ashton irwin fic#ashton irwin blurb
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Hi cass! I know ur busy rn with exams and work but i realllly want to read a blurb where youre giving harry a blow job and making him lose his fucking minddd where hes moaning so much and writhing and cant think straight UGH god please i havent been able to find one oddly enough
i technically finished this on thursday but i edited it tonight and i gotta say, im pretty happy with the finished result! i hope u are too, love :’) here’s my inbox (if u wanna leave me some feedback, it means the absolute world) and if u like this, here’s my masterlist !
also, this is considered a blurb even tho it’s actually 2.8k words but...the more the merrier! pure smut and a tiny bit of fluff bc who doesn’t love that. enjoy!
You’re in a mood.
It’s not a bad mood, per say.
It’s the kind of mood where you’re feeling overwhelmed. Where you’ve been thinking about Harry, and how sexy and mysterious and dumb and goofy he is, and you’ve been hit by the urge to love on him. The kind of mood where your heart is just so full of affection, and you know that you’re not able to use words to properly convey the sentiment.
You don’t know what Harry’s doing right now. Probably downing the last of the holiday eggnog, if your guess is correct. Your finger hovers over the call button on the screen of your phone as you debate whether or not this excuse is tangible enough to get him over to your place. Eventually, the ache in your chest (and between your legs) wins out.
“Hello, darlin’,” he picks up on the third ring. You smile unthinkingly–you could listen to the slow drawl of his voice for eons.
“Hi,” you say, “Are you busy?”
“Jus’ finishin’ up some leftovers,” he replies, and you chuckle quietly. You know him well.
“Do you wanna come over?” you ask, holding your breath.
“Sure,” he says immediately, and your cheeks hurt because of the size of your grin. You play with the hem of the pink knit sweater adorning your body (it’s a size too big, and Harry loves the way the sleeves of the fabric drape down your arms. “Y’got little sweater paws!” he usually coos before kissing you sweetly.)
“Why?” Harry’s voice pulls you from your thoughts, “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” you shrug, “I’m just…in a mood.”
“Oh?” his voice rises an octave, and you can nearly feel his cheeky smirk through the phone. You roll your eyes, even though his assumption–as naughty as it is–is entirely correct.
But he doesn’t know that.
“Shut up, you pervert,” you shoot him down, and he lets out an affronted squawk. The sound makes you laugh, and you sit your phone a bit more securely against your ear before speaking again. “Okay. So I’ll see you in twenty?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” he quips happily. You bid your goodbyes before hanging up. As soon as the call is over, you’re rushing into the nearest washroom to make sure that there’s nothing in your teeth and that every hair on your head is set perfectly in place.
When Harry knocks on your door twenty minutes later, you have to remind yourself not to rush towards the sound. You wait a whopping five seconds before your hand is closing around the knob and you’re welcoming him inside.
He looks really fucking cute. He’s wearing those Vans that he’s been enjoying as of late, and a pair of grey sweatpants. Your eyes drift up to his torso, taking in the black sweater with pink print over the breast, and you have to stifle a giggle–of course he’d be wearing his own merchandise.
“Hello, darlin’,” he smiles at you, cheekily repeating the same greeting that he had uttered over the phone. You step closer to him as he toes off his sneakers, leaning up and trying to sneak in a kiss. Except he’s not anticipating the action, so your lips end up bumping against his chin instead.
“Sorry,” you snort, and he chuckles quietly. His right hand curves around the nape of your neck, and he guides you up for a proper kiss.
“So,” he mumbles against your mouth, smirking at you when you finally pull away, “Why did yeh need me to come over, hmm?”
You correct him. “I didn’t need you to come over. I just asked if you wanted to hang out.”
“Please,” Harry says, rolling his eyes teasingly, “Practically begged me, you did. ‘Harry, can you come keep me company? I’m so lonely without you!’”
His voice rises an octave as he mimics you, and you shove gently at his chest, your jaw dropping. “You know what, I changed my mind. You can leave.”
“Fine,” he shrugs, grinning devilishly. A moment later, he’s slipping his feet back into his shoes and beginning to turn back towards the door. He’s stopped when you reach for the sleeve of his sweater, tugging on the fabric lightly and ushering him closer to you.
“No,” you say, a coy smile playing on your lips. You’ve abandoned your little performance, because seeing his devious smile is enough to remind you of why you’d called him over in the first place. “C’mon. Stay. Like I said: I’m in a mood.”
“I dunno, love,” Harry pretends to think about his options and tries to conceal a smirk, “Y’were awfully rude.”
In response, you simply lean up and reattach your lips, catching his bottom one between your teeth and nipping on it softly. Harry makes a surprised rumble in the back of his throat, but the sound eventually melts into something similar to a sigh. Your hands find their way to his chest, balling up the material of his crewneck and holding him close to you. Once you’re sure that you’ve successfully kissed the banter out of him, you pull back with tinted lips and a sultry expression on your face.
Harry’s mouth is still puckered slightly, his eyes clouded with awe. You take a step back, and he follows you with a step forward, his hand shooting out reflexively to clamp around your waist and keep you close. The action makes you giggle.
“You’re–,” Harry’s breathless from the kiss, his lips parting as he finally understands the reason you’d called him over, “–You’re in a mood.”
“Mm-hm,” you nod, your fingers finding the nape of his neck and playing with the small curls that are trying their best to grow out. You give him an innocent flick of your eyes, and before you can register what’s happening, he’s got one hand in your hair and another down your pants.
“Jesus!” You gasp when his fingers find your budding clit with little to no preamble. Harry knows your body quite well, considering that the pair of you have only been together for a few months (five months and sixteen days, actually, but you’re not keeping track).
Harry shakes his head, tilting your chin up so that he can lick and kiss at the skin of your throat. “’S not my name, love.”
“Shut up,” you choke out, your eyes fluttering shut as he rubs tight circles against your clit through your underwear. Your knees are quivering, and you feel as though they’ll give out on you any second now, but Harry’s got you pinned to the wall with his hips, and you can feel a slight bulge in his jeans pressing against your upper thigh. The sensation reminds you of why you wanted him here in the first place.
“No,” you mumble, your hands finding his shoulders and giving him a light push. Harry makes a noise of surprise, stepping back and gazing at you with confused eyes.
“Wanna suck you,” you tell him before he has the chance to question you. His breath hitches in his throat, and he squeezes his eyes shut as a pained groan falls from his lips. You swear he would have doubled over if not for your arms snaking around his waist.
“Fuck…really?” he asks, running his fingers through his hair and tugging at the roots. You whimper in affirmation.
You don’t suck him off too often. His cock is quite big, and you can only go a few minutes before your jaw starts to ache. Tears always end up spilling from your eyes, and your voice is always guttural and hoarse the next day. Because of this, blowjobs are an activity that is reserved only for special occasions. Harry doesn’t really mind, though. If he’s being honest with himself, he much prefers being between your legs instead.
“Okay,” Harry opens his eyes, throwing a thumb over his shoulder, “Couch?”
“Yeah,” you agree, your stomach churning with glee.
Seconds later, you’ve got him sprawled out on the sofa, his legs spread wide and his sweatpants pooling at his ankles. You can see the defined outline of his cock curving to the side in his boxers, and his sweater is rucked up a bit to show the ferns inked into his hips. You press a kiss to the matching tattoos, peeking up at him and reveling in the way he gulps.
“Wanted you since I woke up,” you mumble, and Harry’s pupils seem to dilate even further than they already had.
“Yeah?” he grunts. His right hand reaches out to cup your cheek, stroking your face gently as he gazes at you with adoration and lust swirling in his eyes. “Wanted me t’stretch those pretty lips?”
“Uh-huh,” you nod, shuddering at his words. Harry smirks down at you, opening his mouth again.
“Y’like it when I talk to you like that, hmm? Like t’be dirty.”
“A bit, yeah,” you say meekly, hooking your fingers into the elastic waistband of his briefs. Harry hisses when you slowly pull them down, exposing his cock to the cool air of the room. You wrestle with the fabric for a few seconds, satisfied only once his underwear have finally joined his sweatpants. You then look back up at where his cock is laying against the exposed skin of his stomach. Harry sighs when you run your fingers along the sensitive parts of his inner thighs.
“Can I?” you ask, even though you know the answer that he’s going to give.
“Fuck,” Harry curses, because the way you ask for permission never fails to make him throb, “Yeah, yeah, love. Go on an’ get it.”
That’s enough for you to grasp his cock daintily, angling the tip so that you can dip your head down and give a long, broad lick over the head. Harry’s hands fly to your hair, a strangled groan falling from his lips as the first taste of precum bursts onto your tongue.
The sound only encourages you, and you wrap your lips around his tip, running your tongue over the tight, red skin. Harry sighs, his fists clenching in your hair as you move down and steadily take more into your mouth. You haven’t been able to take him all the way yet (at least, not without gagging), but it’s something that you’ve vowed to work on whenever you decide to treat him.
(And in your weaker moments, you may or may not have practiced on a banana a few times, but honestly, that’s something that he doesn’t need to know.)
And honestly…how could you not? He looks so damn cute, with his sweater laying crookedly across his abdomen and his cheeks flushed a faint shade of pink. His lips are parted in awe as he watches you hollow your cheeks and give a few gentle sucks, easing your way into far more intense territory.
“Fuckin’ love this mouth, y’know that?” Harry whines, a hand slipping down from your hair and cupping your jaw. “Always so good t’me, pet...always do me over so well.”
His thumb rubs at the corner of your lips tenderly, and you angle his cock in your mouth so that he can feel the tip pressing against your cheek.
“Bloody minx,” he gasps, the muscles in his stomach clenching as though he’s just been shot, “Gonna be the death o’ me.”
You whine at his words, sending vibrations through his dick, and Harry swears that he can feel them resonating across his entire body, seeping into his bones. His toes curl in his socks, and you pop off of his cock, holding it upright and licking a fat stripe up his shaft.
“Jesus,” Harry whispers to himself, trying to keep his eyelids from drifting shut. You smile and gaze up at him with twinkling eyes, your mouth quirking to the side teasingly.
“Not my name,” you quip, repeating his previous words. Harry chuckles breathlessly, shaking his head at your antics. His low laugh quickly melts into a moan, though, when you let your tongue trace over his balls gently. He throws his head back against the couch with a loud thump, and you detach yourself for a moment to check on him.
“You okay?” you ask, genuine concern laced through your voice. Harry groans, nodding his head quickly and peering down at you. The sight that greets him nearly has him in tears.
Your eyes are hooded and hazy, hair falling into your face. Your lips are puffy and darker than normal, and there’s a thin strand of saliva still connecting your mouth to his cock. Harry whimpers painfully, and your eyes widen when you feel his cock actually jerk in your grip.
“Fuck, you’re–you really want it, huh?” There’s surprise and awe woven in between your words.
“You’ve no idea,” Harry’s voice is high-pitched and reedy, and he honestly thinks that he’s going to start sobbing if you don’t get back on him soon. “Please, love, please just–’m so hard, need yeh to just–that’s it, there we go…”
He sighs in relief when the head of his cock disappears past your lips once more. You’re sucking with fervour now, determined to get him to cum. You’ve had a taste of him–of the way his abdomen clenches spasmodically, of the pleading words dripping from his mouth like hot syrup, of the heady and salty liquid that bubbles at the tip of his dick. All of it spurs you on, encourages you to take him further into your mouth until he’s brushing the back of your throat and you’re desperately breathing through your nose to avoid choking.
“Fuck!” Harry yells the word brokenly, and then you’re nearly gagging when you taste the first spurt of his cum. You stroke a particularly prominent vein with your tongue, feeling it throb lightly as Harry empties his load inside of your mouth. He’s looking down at you, your gazes locked as you take it all (just how he likes it), with watery eyes and a spit-slicked mouth and a sore throat as proof.
You continue to swirl your tongue around his shaft as you feel him begin to soften, before tilting his cock to the side so it rests against the inside of your cheek. Harry watches with wide, fucked-out eyes as your throat bobs, indicating that you’ve swallowed.
“Fuckin’ amazing, you are,” he babbles out the praise, staring down at you and running his hands over every inch of you that he can reach. His fingers weave through your hair, then rub against your temples, then your cheeks, then the corners of your lips.
He watches as his cock slowly slides from your mouth. You press a kiss to the shiny head, and Harry sobs from the sensitivity. The sound makes you giggle as you begin to pull his boxers back up his legs, setting his softening cock down against his right thigh.
“C’mon, handsome, help me out,” you murmur when Harry refuses to lift his hips and allow you to slide his underwear back into their rightful place. He lets out a moan of complaint, covering his face with his hands and lethargically shaking his head.
“Can’t move,” he whines, “Sucked the fuckin’ life outta me, pet.”
You snort, abandoning your efforts in favour of scrambling up and straddling his waist. You reach for his wrists, tugging on them gently so that his hands are no longer shielding his eyes. Harry slowly maneuvers your fingers, intertwining them with his and pressing soft, lingering kisses to the back of your hand.
“You’re incredible, y’know that?”
“Am I, now?” you tease, smirking at him. Harry nods, his eyelids fluttering slightly, and you can’t help but to feel a warm flood of pride wash over you. You’d made him lose his damn mind, made him cum so hard that he was about to fall asleep right in front of you.
“Yeah,” Harry sighs, snapping you from your thoughts, “Incredible, amazing, unreal…all o’ that stuff.”
“That’s very sweet,” you tell him, stroking his jawline tenderly and beaming down at him. “Thank you.”
Harry returns your smile (albeit, his is a bit more sleepy) before melting a bit further into the cushions of the sofa. “Can we jus’…stay like this fo’ a bit? Please? I’ll fuck you afterwards. Promise yeh.”
You have to stop yourself from laughing, gnawing on your lip to keep the sound inside. “Sure, Har.”
“You’re the best,” he mumbles, his head tilting to the side as he drifts further and further away from consciousness. You watch him lovingly, pursing your lips as you try to hold back a smile. His eyes are shut, nostrils flaring as his breathing begins to even out. The last thing he mutters to you makes you giggle quietly into your palm and wonder how you ended up with someone who is just so damn cute.
“Tha’ was…was much better than leftovers.”
#anon#answered#harry styles smut#harry styles one shot#harry styles blurb#harry styles imagine#harry styles drabble#harry styles fanfiction#there i hope u guys liked this!!! and hopefully this'll get me out of my writing rut :D#harry writing
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