#i could talk more about my reasoning on the give sam a jewish necklace point but i think im going a little off the rails so short version
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this-is-z-art-blog · 2 months ago
any good recommend for Jewish fashion for Sam?
Howdy, I've been letting this one percolate for a bit, hence the delay. It's an interesting question! Short answer is unfortunately no, I don't have a specific 'Jewish fashion' trend or subculture to recommend.
Longer answer, Jewish folks live in dozens of countries and we've been around for thousands of years. While Torah and halacha (Jewish law) covers many aspects of day-to-day living as well as holidays and more special occasions, it doesn't say a lot about how to dress for the common person (vs how it's pretty specific about holy day garb for cohanim). In Orthodox circles it's a matter of religious and cultural significance to dress modestly (though as with most Jewish laws and customs, the definitions of these things vary community to community) and while there's exceptions (Hasidics notably), most Jewish communities dress largely in line with the custom of where they're living (eg Orthodox women in the US typically wear long sleeves and full skirts, but in a Western style).
That said, Sam and her family don't seem to be Orthodox, and could be interpreted easily as Conservative or Reform (to be clear, the Jewish Conservative denomination has nothing to do with political conservatism, and tends towards progressive and egalitarian ideals; I grew up in a conservative synagogue and girls read torah, led services, etc), so even a lot of distinctive Jewish dress I could talk about isn't super relevant to her because those movements don't have a lot of the same customs around clothing.
Jewelry is more common as an expression of Jewish identity and culture than specific clothing, especially featuring a Star of David/Magen David, hamsa, ayin hara, or an emblem of a torah or mezzuzah, on necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, in a variety of styles from intricately ornamented to quite simple. And even that is a matter of personal preference by and large; one person might wear a magen david necklace every day, another only on special occasions or when they feel like it, another never, and none of those is 'more' or 'less' Jewish. That said, I do think Sam would be interested in that kind of Jewish visibility, which is part of why I often depict her with a Star of David charm on her necklace.
Here's a little intro on myjewishlearning that expands on some of what I've talked about here, and is also a decent site for poking around in general. That said I know doing research can be daunting, it's hard to know what's fact vs custom vs opinion, what the context of information is, what questions to even be asking, and also that it's often just more fun and engaging to ask questions directly. I'm not always fast but my askbox and messages are open!
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supernatural-firstwatch · 7 years ago
Season 3 Episode 8: A Very Supernatural Christmas
I didn’t get to watch any episodes yesterday due to my D&D session. Where my character died. But I’m in the process of creating a cat race(Tabaxi) monk warlock character who will be attacking in a cloud of darkness and possibly screaming “BECAUSE I’M BATMAN!” as he beats the shit using Flurry Fists. As soon as I figure out how to even properly play a monk-warlock. I’m relatively new at D&D (though at this point I have played a Human Rogue/Fighter (the newly deceased), a Half-Elf Bard (campaign was cancelled), and a Tiefling Fighter/Sorceress, so it’s not a bad mix of characters for someone who’s been playing for about a year). 
Sadly I don’t see either Sam or Dean getting into D&D, which is a pity. :P
ON WARDS TO THE NEXT EPISODE! I hope it’s a silly one with a name like that. Reminds me of all the Psych X-Mas/Holiday themed episodes.
- Grampa Santa just ate it up the chimney. Also, that title sequence is hilarious! With the hat and the snow. LOL!
- Man, Jared is SO MUCH TALLER than Jensen. I know it’s really only 4-5 inches, but it looks like so much more on screen!
- WHAT? DEAN! DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO MARY POPPINS IS?? God, your cultural references that do not involve ghost movies or rock bands is awful. LOL! “Actually, I have an idea. It’s going to sound crazy.” ‘Oh yeah? What could you possibly tell me that would sound crazy?” ‘Er... Evil Santa.” *pause* “Yeah, that’s crazy.”
- Dean ruined Christmas for Sam and told him there was no Santa. Dean is like my middle brother. He did the same thing when I was 6 and got excited about getting a Barbie house. Told me my parents had dragged it around in the trunk of the car all the way to where we vacationing. Mind you, my family is Jewish. :P
- BWAHAHAHA!!!! Boston Market for X-Mas. Oh man, I remember all the Boston Market when I was a kid. I loved the cream of spinach and the corn bread. 
- Well then. Sam and Dean have VERY different feelings about their childhood Christmases... I hope they elaborate on this because I live for Weechester knowledge!
- YES! FLASHBACK TO 1991!!! When Sam was 8 and Dean was 12! Oh Sam. 20 questions. “Nobody ever tells me anything.” “Then quit asking.” Have I mentioned Dean is my middle brother? Woah. Dean. That... is not the way to talk to your brother about Mary. And then he bails out and leaves Sam alone. That’s a great memory...
- Sam, no! “He’s just kidding. We only came here to watch.” That just makes it worse! You creep! 
- NO!!! LOOOOOL!!!!! DEAN SINGING SILENT NIGHT!!!!! AND THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW ANYTHING EXCEPT THE FIRST LINE!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! It’s a good thing that wanna be Santa is high and drunk AF. 
- Uh huh... Is the kid going to be a casualty this time around? It’s been adults up until now... Nope... Evil Santa is going to the kid’s parents’ room. And taking the dad. In a red bag. Kid, how about you move your ass and call the goddamn cops instead of just standing there and letting your dad be kidnapped/killed! 
- LOL! Sam giving a Christmas history about how it’s really a pagan holiday and NOT Jesus’s birthday! As a matter of fact Dean, the Easter Bunny is ALSO Pagan! Also, Sam knows that because he paid attention in school. 
- Sam is getting all flak about loving Christmas and being picky about it when he actually really fucking hates the holiday. LOL! I wonder how that went with Jessica and whether they celebrated it at all. 
- Sam, it’s Dean’s “last” Christmas before his soul gets reaped to Hell! Of course he wants to celebrate it and make it special! AWH! SAM! Dean wants to celebrate it because it’s his last Christmas and Sam doesn’t want to for the exact same reasons, because next year he’ll be alone...
- BACK TO 1991!!!! And Sam finds out that monsters are real by snooping around and reading things he shouldn’t. Dean is the best. Also, is that the same actor that played Dean in the Shtriga episode? It looks like it. Awh, poor Sam is now petrified for John, Dean, and him. If only he knew that he’s already been killed at least almost twice by the monsters.
- Ok, so, like, Mrs. Carrigan and her husband are way too Stepford Wives for that to be real. Dean reaching for the peanut brittle, LOL! that mand is ALWAYS eating! Glad to see Sam thought they were way too weird too! 
- If they’re so into Pagan stuff, why is their entire house decorated in Santa Clauses? Like, it’s like X-mas threw up all over their house. Oh well, NEVERMIND! That basement is just WRONG! Well, there are the boots. And the bag. And pieces of humans? 
- OH! DEAN JUST GOT HIS HEAD BASHED AGAINST THE WALL! And Sam is being held up by the old lady! Clearly a disguise. Oh gross WTF! The flashlight over their faces!! And Sam just got his head bashed in too. 
- HAHA!!! “Or what? You’ll eat us?” Sam the sasser. 
- OMG! I am LOVING these two gGds. Fucking hilarious! Dean should say “Quiznak” instead of fudge. “You quiznak come near me again, I’ll quizanking kil you!” #voltronreference!  
- I wonder if the fact that Sam has demon blood in him will make a difference to these two Gods. 
- Also, there’s no actual cut in Dean’s skin as she is cutting his arm. Ooops! AH! AAAAAH!!! WHAT IS HE DOING TO SAM’S FINGER??? ARGH THAT’S SO GROSS OMG HE’S RIPPING OFF HIS FINGERNAILS OMG THAT’S SO NASTY I CAN’T WATCH!!!!!!! AND HE’S RIPPING OUT DEAN’S TOOTH!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK SAVED BY THE FUCKING BELL, DEAN!!! Is it Bobby? Nope, just a random neighbor.
- HAH! The boys slipped their ropes. And now they’re getting their asses kicked by the Gods. Good job, Sam! And Dean! 
- Back to 1991!!!! Dean, you’re such a liar. It wasn’t John. It was you. You brought in that crappy tree and strung up the lights. John was never there. He was never back from the hunt. GOD, DEAN! YOU KILL ME!! YOU ARE SUCH A CINNAMON ROLL!!!! OMG! DEAN! DID YOU JUST STEAL A RANDOM GIFT FROM UNDERNEATH A TREE??? AWH! Sam worked it out. Sammy, it’s the thought that counts! He just tried to give you a Christmas... 
- LOOOL!!!!! Skin mags and shaving cream from Dean. Fucking brilliant. And a candy bar and oil from Sam. “Food for me and food for my baby.” #heartbreak
- Sam is trying so hard not to cry! And look! It’s snowing again! 
Awh... This episode was both really funny and cute and HEARTBREAKING at the same time. These boys. *sniff*
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