#i could say smth abt how my real life would be considered angst yadda yadda processing and talking abt it in a safe way yadda yadda
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dandyshucks · 1 year ago
piplups are typically proud pkmn that are difficult to bond with, so I've been thinking again about what it was like when Junebug first met Henry, their starter 'mon... (cw for vague-ish abuse mentions)
Junebug is incredibly patient and often gives people more grace than should ever be extended to a person (will put up with a lot of incredibly cruel behaviour from others and make excuses for them), so being patient with an initially stand-offish Henry would be not a problem at all. they are also big on researching so they'd have known what they were getting into, even as a young child, when they chose piplup to be their starter.
anyways Junebug quickly realized he didnt like being in a pokeball, so they stopped doing that and put the pokeball up on a high shelf where neither of them could reach it to show they weren't going to use it with him. and he slowly started to trust them more and open up to them more after that - it was a key moment that marked the beginning of Henry considering them to be a potential friend.
when they first received Henry from Rowan (who I imagine travels around the region with a bunch of starters to educate kids about how being a trainer works and get them started on their trainer path), they took him home in the pokeball as one does, and when they let him out once they got up into their room, he refused to even look at them for a good long while. oh the humiliation of being in a pokeball!
but the real bonding finally began once Henry had spent more time around Junebug's parents - they had tried to keep him away from their parents as much as possible to protect him, but ... hard to do when you are a young child living with them sbdjskl. it was a less than ideal way to grow close, but the two of them soon grew inseparable, supporting each other through the rougher times and cheering the other on as they both grew and learned, and covering for the other when someone slipped up. hiding or shredding journals, bandaging scrapes from forbidden ventures off the allowed paths, tucking away ill-gotten bits of food into hiding places, comforting each other after nightmares or after being reprimanded/punished, nudging the other if they're "misbehaving", standing look-out when the other needs to do something against the rules, etc etc etc.
making an intolerable situation somewhat bearable! bonding while stuck in an unsafe environment! growing up together while trapped under an abuser's thumb! the whole works !
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saigebeaumontt · 6 years ago
( danielle rose russell, cisfemale, she/her ) I, FREYA KAVINSKY am a SCHOLARSHIP student and would hereby like to submit my application to Kingswood Boarding School. I am SEVENTEEN years old and will be a JUNIOR. I would describe myself as HEARTFELT and EAGER, but also UNINHIBITED and PIGHEADED which I plan to work on during my time here. This is my request to join the VICTORIA building as a house MEMBER and look forward to hearing back from you.
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im trash ik but here’s a brand new baby to play w!! her pinterest can be found HERE pls ignore the photos of crystal reed, that’s freya’s original fc sdfghj
tw; death, drug/alcohol abuse? w/ implications of self destruction
so first thing’s first, freya was born n raised in chicago alongside her father and her older sister
her mother had died during freya’s birth--though freya doesn’t...blame herself, necessarily, there are days where she imagines what life would’ve been like if her mother was still alive
her dad’s a mechanic and the sole provider for their household, which meant that he was gone more often than not
regardless, he tried to be as active as possible in his children’s lives
her sister always took up the role of..well, mother, in a sense
freya and her are incredibly close b/c of this
even so--her father had wanted them to be as active as possible, as out of the house as he was--so it didn’t seem like he was gone as much as he was
so, with a few strings pulled and familial connections, freya was able to attend ballet lessons at a young age, alongside an instrument of her choosing, at a discounted price
she chose violin btw...very relevant
and like, to everybody’s surprise--she sort of excelled at both--it almost came naturally, though that didn’t mean she hadn’t put in a buncha effort regardless, y’know
practice makes perfect, yadda yadda
took up a few more instruments for fun, such as piano and like...i dunno, guitar of various forms (including bass guitar) though she likes violin the best
that led to her attending a p prestigious performing arts high school in her city--which wasn’t done by pulling strings
her father worked even more shifts, her sister got a job to help pitch in, they took out loans, yadda yadda. anything they could do so she could pursue this...dream
except...ballet and violin has never been freya’s dream--its just something she happens to be good at
everybody just...assumed, that since she was so talented, she had to want to pursue it
not the case at all, really. she loves it, really, but...her passion has always surrounded animals
specifically marine animals, which is odd considering freya had never seen the ocean before
really...marine anything, she loves. maybe it’s because its something she hasn’t experienced , but ykno
she felt sort of...stuck, b/c she never wanted to disappoint her dad or her sister or any of their family friends who were all rootin’ for her
this led to some...rebellion, of sorts, when she was a freshmen
nothing...BAD, per say, but y’know. baseball bats to mailboxes whilst hanging out of the window of a pick-up truck, vandalizing abandoned buildings and historical monuments, shoplifting from convenience stores.
okay so like...a little bad
that was just the crowd she found herself in, y’know, in her teenage angst
has definitely been arrested a few times, but has always managed to get off scotch free ??
it’s luck, im telling u. she only has like..three things on her record rn
ALSO learned how to ride a motorcycle and was in a punk band based in her school n did bass for it, ‘cos that’s what rebellious teenagers do n whatever
and this, well, y’know. did disappoint her father and her sister and all their family friends but at this point freya was like ?? i can’t stop
her boyfriend at the time was a major contributor to her troublemaking tbh
when he transferred to kingswood, freya’s lil 15 yr old heart was broken.
spent her entire sophomore yr working her ass off and getting her shit together so that kingswood would look at her, and pick her, too--
and like...it finally paid off, y’know? her junior year they’d graciously given her a scholarship based off of her music AND academics
so she was absolutely thrilled
granted, she was only able to start attending halfway thru her junior year, at the beginning of the second semester...but she was there, at least, right?
very ecstatic to find her boyfriend and surprise him
they’d been doing long distance, and he had no idea that she had gotten in
found out his dorm number, walked right up to his door--knocked, and he answered with his shirt off n a number of hickeys on his chest
it was a surprise for both of them lmao
obv. freya is not stupid, if not a lil blinded by love at the time. they broke up, she was heartbroken
sorta shut herself in for a few months ‘cos she was so sad abt it
so it’s kinda like she’s still new, tho it’s been a few months since january
but she’s BACK and she’s POPPIN’ and she acts like it still doesn’t bother her !
but like...it does. it rly does. she’s still mcfreakin’ hurt abt it, she’s just handling it in another way
aka, a lil bit of partying...a lil bit of drinking, casual drug use, hooking up, etc. etc. just bein that bitch, y’know?
has always had a lil bit of a tomboy aesthetic ?? despite being a freakin’ ballerina, it just not her aesthetic man
constantly wearin’ dark colors n reds and leather jackets n denim on denim n cuffin’ her pants n whatnot
even brought her motorcycle 2 school w/ her
EXCELS at science, wants to become a marine biologist or smth when she’s older
just...hasn’t told anybody that
she’s not some antisocial punk, okay, she’s not anna
very humble but not in a way where u have to be like ‘ugh u have talent u idiot’ , she just doesn’t like bragging about it ?
even tho her ex is an idiot she’s still glad to be there bc of how prestigious kingswood is
 kinda tries 2 befriend as many ppl as possible ?? she isn’t a people pleaser, though, n it’s sort of like...u get what u get, w/ her
she doesn’t act as if she’s got a whole separate life or nothin’, she balances both her rebellious nature and her talents n w/e
fun fact her mother was a leader of elizabeth but like...does she know? no. does it matter? only to ppl like lilah smh
i’d consider her like....a gryffindor, to sum up her personality ??
very brave, fearless, can be stupidly reckless. gets herself into trouble even now
prolly is a lil bit of a hoe but we love that for her, okay ??
but also ?? will die for her pals ?? n is very true to herself ??
we call her accidentally messy
neutral good tbh ?? very wholesome person
will take care of u if ur sick, is v protective of those she loves
also doesn’t rly....believe in love rn, or is at least very over the concept.
girl next door ?? i dunno
sometimes...she does these bad things...’cos she thinks she deserves it, in a way?
like she’ll drink too much n get a real bad hangover or do a drug when she knows she’ll have a bad trip
so she’s got a lil bit of self loathing
however she knows it’s a problem
she’s just...not willing 2 do much abt it rn
living her best life lmao
ambivert, will go to parties but will also sit in w/ a book gladly
can b v v stubborn, is in debate b/c she loves...to argue, sometimes sksk
m8 i dunno she’s got layers..like an onion
wanted connections
her...ex would be nice, however it’s prolly better suited to send in as a WC unless there’s a dude from chicago out here whose made the mistake of cheatin’
HOWEVER, i would love pals !! friends of any sort !! she’s friendly !! like her !!
ride or die!
unlikely pals!
good influences!
bad influences!
she’s in a band w/ ezra im p sure
i ALSO would like hook ups!
accidental hookups!
casual hookups!
fwbs ?!?
Bad. hookups!
she’s probably accidentally hooked up w/ somebody’s partner so
enemies ! for w/e reason !
fake friends !?
gimme everything !!
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