#i could have kept going but i didnt want to lose my train of thought or have my message get lost in translation bc i
kalijhomentethi · 4 months
Headcanons: Akali Tropes I Hate
Really strong title right off the bat but there’s really no way to sugarcoat it. To be clear: My aim here isn’t to attack anyone. I got inspired by people posting headcanons in my dash and since it’s been a while since I’ve done one, I figured I’d throw my hat in the ring too! The tropes I’ll be tackling here are people’s perceptions of Akali that I’ve gathered over the years, and I just can’t stand it when I encounter them in any shape or form. They’ll mostly be about Popstar Akali because it’s what most people are interested in out of all her skins/verses since the K/DA boom. I'll also be using this post to talk about how I portray and understand Akali!
The most popular tropes I’ve seen are the following:
Stupid Akali
Fuckboy Akali
Nothing but baby Akali (derived from her being the maknae/youngest in the group)
The worst trope I've seen for her is when people portray her as an idiotic person with 1 or no braincells at all 24/7. I don't know how this became such a common characterization for her, but I hate it this pops up. It's one thing for her to be silly at times (anyone can be, really) but it's another thing entirely to constantly see her as straight up stupid. I draw the line at seeing Akali as inefficient, irresponsible, and wholly incapable of doing anything.
Akali can be silly enough to put on a shirt backwards and then take it off when she realizes. She can be silly enough to offer up an improbably idea or suggestion while being fully aware of the implications of it. She can be silly enough to distract a reporter on purpose so she can get away from an interview while grinning mischievously to herself all the while.
She’s not stupid to the point that she can’t understand basic instructions/information. She’s not stupid to the point that other people have to speak for her. She’s not stupid to the point that she’s slow to process anything. She’s not stupid to the point that others have to physically steer her from place to place. She’s not stupid to the point that she can’t do the most basic calculations in her head.
I write her doing pranks sometimes on even the most serious characters but not because she can’t realize that pissing them off would mean trouble. I write her making “corny” jokes sometimes but not because she can’t read the room. I write her stumbling over her words or even herself sometimes but not because she can't express herself and not because she's a clumsy mess.
She can be reckless when she decides to spraypaint something while knowing the cops could chase her down any moment. But whenever she wants to go out spraypainting, she's always dressed up to prevent anyone from recognizing her, she has her entry and exit points mapped out, she has it planned. So, if she does all these preparations beforehand, does she really not exercise caution? Akali knows her own limits. She also knows the streets like the back of her hand. With her being incredibly athletic, she can and will outrun and outmaneuver anyone that wanted to track her down. She does it for the thrill and refuses to let anyone restrict her creative spirit. In fact, the risk of being discovered while vandalizing property tends to be low because she's either done before anyone is tipped off or she's using an abandoned location as her canvas.
She can be overconfident when it comes to doing things she loves and knows she's good at. It won't matter if she's seen as an underdog, she's going to prove every single person that expected her to fail wrong. There's flair in everything she does because of her pride in herself. Breakdancing, rapping, art, fighting, you name it. This attitude of hers backfired many times in her life but if her pride takes a beating, she's not going to stay on the ground. If she's going up against a reigning champion, then she's going into the ring swinging. If she's in a rap battle, she won't be afraid to turn up the heat (it's how she got popular in the Music universe after all). She even makes her own diss tracks aimed at people who do her dirty.
She can be chaotic. She can come up with all sorts of crazy ideas because she thinks it'd be fun, she can write songs in not one clear-cut way and as a result have lots of scratch paper on her desk or incomplete beats/documents in her computer, and she can get side-tracked even when she was previously focusing on one task. But she is not messy to the point that her can't even organize her things, to the point that objects are strewn about everywhere. She can take care of herself.
She's not negligent. This woman can keep track of so many things at once. It's canon in the Music universe that she's still capable of wielding her weapons and you can bet she regularly and properly maintains them. Her lyrics are rewritten and polished multiple times before she thinks they're good enough. She has important dates saved in her calendar to make sure she won't forget to treat her loved ones. Whether she regularly interacts with someone or not, she still checks on them to make sure they're doing okay. She can be methodical in her approaches to some things because she puts great care into them. Her loved ones are important to her, and her weapons, lyrics, etc. are extensions of herself and are a window to her soul.
She's not tactless when she refuses to play along with an interviewer. She's just not one to stir up drama for the sake of it. She's not afraid to openly cold-shoulder someone riling her up especially when her reaction is being broadcasted live. She'll tell a reporter to back off when she doesn't like the questions she's being asked. Does she come off as rude? Yes, to those who thrive off juicy gossip. But she also has a reputation of being a no-nonsense person despite that. She shuts down anyone who insults her or anyone she's close to.
In line with this, not only can she walk the walk, but she can also talk the talk when it's worth it. She can be a smooth talker if she wants to be. She's not always the quiet type. In the ALL OUT interview, Akali was very lively while explaining how they came up with the EP and even joked around about True Damage being the reason for her "leaving" K/DA.
Although I don't completely see the ALL OUT interview as canon. Riot had to call on Shannon Arrum Williams, the voice actress of Jett from VALORANT, since she can speak both Korean and English. I don't know if that's the only reason why they didn't choose Krizia Bajos (Base Akali VA), but I want to say that although Akali and Jett are similar personality-wise, Jett comes off as more playful in contrast to Akali being more aggressive/sarcastic. Akali's songs paint her as an untouchable badass with Soyeon sounding close to Krizia, but Jett's VA just does better voicing a generally more upbeat character and I believe that played a part in how Akali was done in that interview.
Akali can be talkative and cute and excited—with the right people. Not just a random interviewer. I'm just saying that Akali's lines in the interview have been delivered a bit differently. In K/DA's interview with PopRox, Akali never willingly offers up information herself until she's prompted. She sounds much cooler and composed. In fact, Akali has the least number of lines in the article. In both the article and the All Out video though, we figure out that she's much more open to talking about her creative process.
The second worst trope for me is when people see her as a fuckboy. This commonly appears in settings where she has a complicated relationship with another person or if she has recently broken up with them. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth when this plot in general is used, not even just for Akali specifically.
There's nothing wrong with a character being sexually active. My problem is when people use this trope to portray Akali as someone who treats others with little respect, only going after them for the sake of satisfying herself/her curiosity. The pride of being able to get anyone she wants is conveniently amplified in the Popstar universe because she's rich and popular, therefore making the process easier. And this whole "get anyone she wants" thing is what's supposed to bring her a false sense of comfort or at least distract her from whatever problem she's going through. Honestly, I think a part of why this trope is so popular is because it's supposed to make Akali more attractive or charming* by building her up more as the "bad boy/girl" type.
But a character can be the "bad boy/girl" type without being in everyone's pants.
With that, I don't think Akali would be the type of person to sleep around for the sake of it. A character as standoffish as Akali wouldn't so readily take the closest person to her to the nearest bedroom, even with no strings attached. Her sense of independence is a core part of her character, it would take her forever to genuinely warm up to someone, much less come to terms with her wanting their company. And it's also how she protects herself. K/DA Akali is mellower (mainly because of the setting) compared to her Classic counterpart but even when someone is upfront with what they want with her, Akali will not shy away from shutting them down without mincing her words. I pretend this scene from the Zed comic doesn't actually exist because I write Akali as a lesbian but for this part of my post, it's a good example of being direct. She takes her vibe checks seriously. She may flirt with women she finds interesting or talk to them in a way that makes her sound like she's flirting, but it doesn't necessarily mean that she'll follow through. She can also be tough when she doesn't really want anything to do with someone but needs to talk to them. She'd be up in their face while clearly wanting to be anywhere else but there.
*I get the idea that a person that sleeps with a lot of people is someone that must be charming. Typically. But Akali can be charming without catering to the fuckboy trope. Because here's the thing: my ship partners, since the start of this blog, are all hard-to-get muses. What's hotter than a bad girl type girlfriend that only has eyes for you? A partner whose walls were broken down by one specific person? Akali knows she's a hotshot and handsome as hell, but she only wants her partner. It's a huge deal for her to be in a relationship and she won't entertain others while she's busy showering her partner with love and affection. Not to mention that she won't appreciate other people trying to get her partner's attention. Akali is protective of her loved ones, and her possessiveness can show by keeping her partner close, especially when said partner has shown disinterest in everyone else.
Credit also would have to be given to her partner because it means they showed Akali that it's worthwhile for her to stay and emotionally invest in a proper relationship.
I had some difficulty describing this without making it sound similar to the first trope. The best way I can differentiate the two is that Stupid Akali downplays her intelligence as a whole and Baby Akali downplays her maturity.
As I stated in the start of this post, this trope typically comes from Akali being the maknae of K/DA, but Akali's role in the Classic/Runeterra universe also plays a part in it. Because of her also being the youngest out of all the known Kinkou champions and her leaving Shen's tutelage, she's seen as a brat. People can't stand her indignance at Shen's teachings and they always downplay her actions as her "not knowing any better." She fights for what she believes in and if it ends up with her not quite making as big of an impact as she hoped, then people roll their eyes at her.
Maybe people are expecting her to be an anime MC or something since she's already a ninja complete with an arsenal of weapons and the N.aruto run, but the point of her character is that she's been forced to stick to the shadows and watch as everything is taken from her and everyone around her. She is tired of doing nothing when she can help. She may not always know the best solution to every single problem, but that doesn't change the fact that she wants to do something. Serial killer Jhin is right in front of her after she was held hostage by him? Time to punch him in the face, beat him to the ground, and shoot him with his own gun. Giant tree guardian uproots itself with the aim to kill a Noxian kid? Her principles pull her into attacking the guardian even when she herself was going to teach the Noxian a lesson prior to finding out he was a kid. Undead behemoth 4x her size leading an army to rampage across Ionia? You can bet Akali's going headfirst into the fight and making sure Sion gets a taste of her steel.
Now you may be thinking, why does Akali tend to default to violent solutions? Because she refuses to fall back into the trap of passiveness disguised as something good for the sake of balance. She doesn't go for violent solutions because she's a bloodthirsty brute.
"It's not the killing I'm about — it's the cause." - Akali, long move in game.
Her line of thinking does not always work in her favor because the very land she lives in operates under that same concept of balance she walked away from. If it's not other people that are getting in her way of doing things (e.g. Shen and Zed when she wanted to kill Jhin in the Zed comics), then Ionia will force her into the back foot, evident in the way she handled the Tree Guardian in the LoR cinematic. Now, I'm not saying the people that tend to this balance, such as Shen, have no wisdom. It's just that Akali has been exposed to the horrible effects of having to enforce that balance, as stated in her biography. And it doesn't help that the ones that could've helped her deal with these feelings are either missing/probably dead (her father), busy at times (Shen and Kennen), or clearly don't like her (her mother).
But Akali’s soul was restless, and her eyes were open. Though the Kinkou and the Order of Shadow had come to an uneasy accord in the wake of the Noxian invasion of Ionia, she saw that her homeland continued to suffer. She questioned whether they were truly fulfilling their purpose. Pruning the Tree was meant to eliminate those who threatened the sacred balance... yet Shen would always urge restraint. - Excerpt from Akali's champion biography.
In the LoR cinematic, when Shen tells her how to calm the Tree Guardian down, her first instinct isn't to figure out how balance can be restored. No, her first course of action is to throw herself into danger, insisting that saving a person's life is more important than upholding the rules that govern the land.
"Can't we just bend the rules? He's a kid!" - Akali, in reply to Shen in the LoR cinematic.
She has strong complicated feelings about Ionia's balance. Hearing her in-game voicelines, it's obvious that she's fueled by this sense of justice, hellbent on avenging those she failed to protect, and wanting nothing to do with the Kinkou. She even goes as far as outright mocking the fundamental principles of the Kinkou. Except you can also look at this voiceline beyond something as simple as showing disagreement with the Kinkou. What was the reason for Akali turning rogue again? She saw countless Ionians fall to the Noxians. Why can't the Ionians be the people still living and breathing after the invasion? She is not willing to let go of what she endured during her time with the Kinkou.
"You're dead, I'm alive. See? Balance!" - Akali, killing a champion in game.
Akali being so happy at the end of the cinematic is so bittersweet because in this instance of restoring balance, nobody had to die. One life was saved (the kid's), and another was made better (Shen casting a spell on the shrine protector that turned it into a bigger tree), for the lack of a better term. Of course, one can argue that technically the lives of the trees the kid cut down were still lost. The important thing in this cinematic is that Akali knows she did everything in her power to prevent casualties.
K/DA Akali with the Baby Akali trope is treated with more "affection" but in such a way that's essentially exaggerated babying to the point that some people border on infantilizing her. I say "affection" because I get that people want cute scenarios where other characters spoil Akali but sometimes it's overdone and paints a picture of a useless Akali. And to clarify, I'm not against muses spoiling or being affectionate with Akali. I'm pointing out here that this trope stems from how people overemphasize the babying and then it would seem that Akali relies on being treated like a child. Of course, this trope can pop up even without the active enabling from other characters. She is not a ramyun guzzling gamer with a horrible sleep schedule. She is not a gremlin that hides in her room while her bandmates stock her up with her daily dose of ramyun.
She has her likes and dislikes like any other person, but I hate it when people condense a character into a fragment of what they really are because they choose to only emphasize certain likes and dislikes. I'm sure she does love playing video games and I see it as a way for her to bond with friends, who may or may not be good in the same games as her. She does love spicy ramyun, as stated in the 8 facts part of her profile, but that is not her entire personality.
In a way, this trope loosely connected to the Stupid Akali trope. This trope doesn't appear as often as the first two but it's still annoying when I do see it. It's honestly insane how the same trope can have such contrasting perceptions on the same person, just in different settings.
I think Akali's main character traits make these tropes nonsensical. She's quick-witted, independent, and strong-willed. Not to mention that the tropes come from people overdoing something until it turns into a tasteless characterization of Akali.
After all this though, I'm not saying that my portrayal of Akali is perfect. There are times when I'm indecisive with how I want certain things to happen or when I'm unsure with how I want Akali to talk back to someone. I suppose aside from taking the opportunity to talk about how Akali can be mischaracterized and how I write her, another point I wanted to make through this post is that I hope people don't come to my Akali talking in a way that's influenced by perceptions such as the ones stated above.
I hold Akali dear to me, having written her for years already. I do not appreciate it when her character is misconstrued, and an interaction is based on an out-of-scope idea (not related to lore, existing headcanons, relevant plot, and the like). Fictional character or not, we're all on this platform roleplaying for a reason.
And that's all for this post! :) Thank you for reading all the way through, I hope everyone has a nice day ❤️
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anastasiahere · 2 months
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➵ Confession..
Here, Mc (y/n) and sylus have known each other for 6 years and she had finally decided to tell him she loves him (or maybe he confesses? 🖤)
Type: fluff ♡
-Author note: English isn't my first language please excuse me if there are any mistakes. All my work is for 15 and above.
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I had finally returned back to linkon city after I had to go to another city to fight wanderers there. I missed everything here. But what I actually did miss more is that bastard's face..
Who knew he was very good at comforting people. He had been more gentler to me when I was stressed about some of the wanderer fights and how I couldn't get enough sleep. He even said he would visit me but he knew he can't be seen with you. He doesn't care if he is seen but it's for my safety and job. He told me to sleep and he'll take care of the wanderers and surprisingly he did.
Every time I told myself I won't fall for him but I fricking tripped over a non-ending stair. (She kept falling forever for him, that's the meaning I want to say.)
As soon as I got off the train, linkon city's breeze hit my face. It was refreshing. As I walked to a coffee shop to get a drink for my before going home I saw a familiar face.
"Oh hello kitten." He smiled in his usual cocky face.
He was paying for some drinks but why did he have 2 cups? Is he going to drink that alone?
"Stop staring at the cups. One is for you." He said as he gave a cup to me. His long fingers touch my seemingly smaller ones as he gave the cup to me. I couldn't help the slight blush that formed on my cheek. I'm sure sylus noticed but didn't say anything about it.
"Wait how did you know I was coming back today?" I suddenly said as I remember how weird our situation is right now.
He just smirks at me before humming in response. As I try to move my hand away from his I suddenly realize something. Our evols acted up again.
"Not again.."
"What? I thought you liked it since it recently when it does this the duration is longer."
"Shut up."
I'm pretty sure my face is almost burning right now..
"Now I have to stay at your place. I wanted to go back and relax" I whined.
"I can help you relax in many ways sweetie. One of them is my bed." He said as his face went closer to mine.
I didn't even notice that I was holding my breath until he backed away again.
I couldn't help the way my eyes hovered away from him to try to cool this burning feeling in my heart.
——————。 ゚꒰ঌ ✦໒꒱ ༘*.゚———————
As we sat on his bed silently as he was watching auctions on his phone, our hands still linked I couldn't help but have an idea. I wanted to try to prank him I was bored anyway. It wouldn't hurt right?
I began gradually breathing heavily. As if something was wrong with me. I tried so hard not to laugh and ruin my work.
"You alright sweetie? You are breathing heavily." He said, in a playful tone at first. But as she didn't reply and breathed even heavily, he frowns.
"Hey slow down your breathing." He said as I felt his hand on my back soothing me. My mind was going hazy, from him and from actually how I was heavily breathing. Maybe it was a bad idea-
Before I can tell him it's a prank I feel my self lifted off and on his lap. His hand surprisingly gentle as he guided my head to rest on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. It was kind of fast but I did actually slow down on my breathing involuntarily. How could I not when he is doing this?
Although my breathing slowed down, my heart did not. It almost felt as if drums were played in a rock concert. Everything around me went quiet. All my senses focused on him.
"Don't breath so heavily like that. I don't want to lose you again." He breathed against my neck. My body shivered as I felt his breath, I didnt know if I should tell him to give me some space or stay like this. But I'm sure my body wants him close. Our evol linkage seemed to glow more but both of us didn't care about it now.
"What do you mean lose me again?" I whispered. Since I felt the tension was so low I felt the need to talk in a low tone.
"Don't..mind it. Just stay quiet." He whispered back. His hand rubbed my back in a soothing matter that I felt so sleepy.
And eventually I did sleep in his arms. I have never felt this safe and comforted in a long while..
"I love you." I suddenly had the courage to tell him. I didn't think that there would be any good situation other than this to tell him.
His arms hugged me tightly.
"I love you always and forever, Y/n."
———————。 ゚ ꒰ঌ ✦໒꒱ ༘*.゚——————
Thanks for reading :D
Please like if you liked this ^^
*Do not repost on any other place without credit.*
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bridgyrose · 4 months
Ruby took a few deep breaths as she tried to focus on her comic book, a blush crossing her cheeks as she started to lose a bit of focus. She glanced over towards Weiss and Blake, still not sure what about them kept drawing her to look at them. Her heart fluttered for a brief moment as she looked away, no longer able to focus like before. 
“Everything okay, Ruby?” Weiss asked as she looked over. “You’ve been a lot quieter than normal.” 
“I-I’m fine,” Ruby said, her voice cracking as she spoke. “I think I’m getting a bit sick.” 
“Then maybe I can help-” 
“I’m fine!” Ruby quickly got up and made her way to the door. “I’ll be back once I’ve gotten checked.” 
“Oh, well, dont be out for too long.” 
Ruby nodded and started to make her way down the hall, heart still fluttering as she thought about Weiss and Blake with each step. They way they moved anytime they fought in training, the way their eyes almost seemed to glisten in the light mimicking precious stones and colored glass, and then there was the way they felt when her hands brushed up against their soft hands… 
She shook her head to try to get the thoughts out of her head. She needed to focus on class, not on her teammates. And yet, no matter how much she tried, she couldnt get Weiss and Blake out of her head. It was enough to make her fall behind on her studies and struggle with her own training, though she was sure that if she had brought it up to Yang, she’d be told she should have boys on her mind instead. 
Instead of making her way to the nurse, Ruby made her way to the training hall to clear her head in the only way she knew how. Training until she could forget about Weiss and Blake no matter how long it took. 
“Ruby, where are you going?” Coco asked as she saw Ruby in the halls. “Shouldnt you be studying?” 
“I couldnt focus,” Ruby answered as she continued to walk. “So I’m going to clear my head.” 
Coco nodded and started to follow Ruby. “Then maybe I can come with you and you can tell me what’s going on.” 
“Its nothing-” 
“Doesnt sound like nothing to me. I’ve watched you since your initiation, so I can tell when something’s up with you.” 
“Its Weiss and Blake.” Ruby paused in her step for a moment as a blush ran over her cheeks. Once again, her teammates filled her mind when she’d prefer they didnt. “I… I cant stop thinking about them. I know we’re all teammates and we need to think about each other, but this feels excessive. I cant focus on school work or training, my grades are starting to suffer and when Weiss brings it up, I cant help but feel terrible for letting her down.” 
Coco smiled a bit. “Sounds like you love them.” 
Ruby froze at the thought. Loving Weiss and Blake? No, that couldnt be it. Love wasnt an emotion she felt, at least not for people the way others did. She loved weapons, Crescent Rose in particular, the taste of strawberries and cookies, fighting grimm to be a hero like her mother. But to love someone, to love an actual person…
“I-I dont think its anything like that,” Ruby said quietly as she forced the words out as her voice cracked and her heart raced in her chest. The mere thought of Blake and Weiss made her legs feel like jelly and gave her a warmth in her chest that nothing else seemed to. “We’re just good friends, nothing more. Teammates, partners… that sort of thing.” 
“Then if that’s the case, you should be able to focus long enough to have a competition with me, right?” Coco asked with a smirk. “If you can destroy more targets than I can, I’ll believe you. If not, then you and I are going to have a long talk.” 
“Fine. But I dont see why you’re so interested.” 
“Because you remind me of how I am with Velvet. And I dont want to see you make the same mistakes that I’ve been making.” 
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People don't talk enough about how grief feels like a freight train running through your chest. There is no definitive conclusion on when it will end nor fade. Some days you feel kinda normal and you wonder why your friends treat you like glass. Other days you feel like even a pin drop could cause you to break down. This post is very personal so don't read ahead if you don't feel up to it.
I was reading texts that were from my dad, whom I lost 2 years ago, and I've been crying. It feels like needles of torture, but somehow worse than that would be to forget and ignore, because it feels like that's what everyone is already doing. It feels like my lungs fill up with fluid and I wanna cry out with animalistic wails as I grieve. Boy do I grieve. Grief is used too sparingly for a word that takes a bite out of your world.
My dad died when I was 19 (going on 20) I'm the most painful way possible for me. He had been sick on and off for months. He promised he would go to the doctor if he wasn't feeling well. He didn't and I ended up finding him dead. I had to tell my family he died. When I found him I didn't even know, I couldn't tell. He looked peaceful, like he was sleeping, but he was on the floor. I called my mom to come up from the car as they were divorced. Not long later she told me to look away and thats when I knew. I don't even remember what the cops asked me when they arrived. I just kept looking to where my mom covered him in a blanket. I couldn't breathe. I still don't think I can breathe sometimes.
5 months later my oldest brother died. His mom and stepfather had always been alcoholics and always peer pressured him into drinking. My dad definitely didn't love it but it was hard to beat a guy who was literally a multimillionaire. My brother became an alcoholic as he grew up. He always thought he could just have a drink on the weekends after he got out of rehab. A month after my dad died he almost died from liver failure and didn't tell us. He just told me he was in the hospital. So he kept getting mad as I nagged him. I was so worried. Foe good reason as I would soon find out. His doctor gave him maybe 5 years to live if he stopped drinking. Maybe a year otherwise. He told us on canada day. I held his hand as he died in the hospital barely 2 weeks later during covid restrictions, which meant only 2 people could be there. Only me and his girlfriend were there. His mom was too scared to see him die. His body was so thin and his hands so swollen. They couldn't give him anymore blood cause he kept bleeding out. He actually died with a liquor bottle in his arms. While i didnt love it, it was his last wish, it was the last thing i could help do for him. Before I met my brothers mom and stepdad, I never knew I could truly hate someone. Her and her husband are people I truly hate and will never forgive. Their daughter died this year from an overdose 2 days after I saw her. They only have 1 kid now.
I've never been able to find a therapist that works for me. Like there have been some okay ones but when it comes down to it, it seems that according to them veryone and clearly it hasn't been working for me. Since all this happened it's not unlike chidis reference to the ocean, thats how my grief feels and I want it to just go back to the ocean, but at the same time, much like Eleanor, im so scared I'm gonna somehow lose along the way. It's been 2 years.
I'm 22. I wanna be normal. I want my dad and brother here so badly. I wish I had been by my dads side earlier and helped him. I have so many regrets but I feel like I can't let them go.
Anyways back to our regular scheduled programming.
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kalluzeb4later · 2 years
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I posted 150 times in 2022
That's 150 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (4%)
144 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 147 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#alexsandr kallus - 82 posts
#kalluzeb - 68 posts
#art - 53 posts
#garazeb orrelios - 52 posts
#fic - 40 posts
#fanart - 35 posts
#kallus - 34 posts
#fanfic - 30 posts
#fan art - 30 posts
#rebel kallus - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#he came to the conclusion that he is and shortly began plotting his betrayal to the empire or something idk i didnt watch season 3 ♥
My Top Posts in 2022:
Soulmate au snippet
Inspired by “He Will Always Say the Words” by MommyMayI on AO3 (specifically chp 3. Im gonna make things just a bit worse for Kallus. Why is he just so… whumpable?)
“That doesn’t mean anything.” Zeb was getting angry.
“Come on open your eyes and let’s show ‘em.” Zeb cajoled him.
Kallus kept his eyes firmly shut.
“Just open them and we can show them they are wrong.” Zeb roared.
Kallus would have jumped from his seat if he wasn’t bound to it. Despite his best efforts his body was now shaking.
His limbs felt like ice, the sensation creeping towards his center, before a sudden lurching pain from deep within caused him to vomit.
Kallus had just enough sense to turn his head towards the side before the burning bile in his throat could spill on himself.
He could vaguely hear the sounds of panic from the rebels ,as they no doubt flinched back in disgust, over the horrid sensations wracking his body currently. Every muscle in his was contracted, held taut, and beginning to burn with strain as the vomit just KEPT COMING. He’d had horrible hangovers and thought times from his ISB training with different substances but this was something else. Something deeper, more painful, and terrifyingly cold. It felt like something important was being expelled with each retch, something vital that he was sorry to lose.
He couldn’t help opening his eyes and saw that whatever was spilling out of him was not food, bile, or blood that he suspected. Whatever it was was black.
He couldn’t focus on everything the rebels were saying as their voices climbed in pitch with their panic. He could only make out the Jedi screaming “soul sickness” before losing his breath and consciousness. His eyes rolled back and faded to black just as he felt the lasat’s hand catch his face to try and turn him to face him.
3 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
I understand why if you drew Kallus as a lasat you would keep him blonde/yellow to match his human hair
I want to go on record and say that I think if Kallus was to be true to lasat color tones (which appear to be gem tones) …
He would be pink
7 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Fic idea
Swap/dimension hop au
(Non-con elements)
Kallus and Zeb (and maybe some other rebels) from the canon dimension end up in an alternate universe where Kallus was always a rebel and Zeb was an Imperial lasat. One of FEW Xenos in the Imperial Navy due to his battle prowess (similar to Thrawn)
Kallus and Zeb are on the run from the Empire when Kallus is tripped up and falls behind. He combats with the Imperial Lasat thinking maybe this is the one from Onderon who ended up here instead of with Saw Gerrera
Kallus loses and is at the lasats mercy when the Lasat removes his helmet and it’s an alternate Zeb.
Kallus is devastated to see it.
Things get worse when Kallus notices how the Imperial Zeb is looking at him. Zeb from his dimension never looked at him that hungrily or cruelly.
He quickly forms a desperate plan. A way to live a little longer and distract from his allies’ escape. He thinks he knows what this Lasat likes and subtly ups his vulnerability and plays the right body language to entice without being too obvious.
The Imperial Zeb takes the bait and his prize. Kallus plays into it and dissociates: imaging HIS Zeb despite nothing ever happening between them or any sign of mutual attraction (as far as he knows) in their own dimension.
He imagines/laments another time and another place and does what his dimension taught him: hope
( it would probably just be a smutty snippet for no reason other than I saw the fan art of an Imperial Zeb and this idea wouldn’t leave me alone. Kallus will do anything at his own expense for the rebellion)
14 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
47 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Found a fic and a fanart match up. I thought I reblogged the fic but couldn’t find it again so I’m posting it here with another artists Instagram art I found to match the story
74 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
Hey, could I maybe request Soft Yandere Bakugou with an obedient/accepting crush? Like he kidnaps them and theyre just "whoa okay calm down bby you just had to ask"
Yandere! Bakugo x accepting darling
Thanks for requesting! I didn't know if you wanted headcanons or a scenario, so I went with the latter option. Hope you like it! :)
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere! Bakugo:
You woke up with a massive headache. Your eyes were still trying to adjust to the bright lights in the room as you tried to recall what happened last night.
You had went out drinking with Mina, Kirishima, Sero and Bakugo. All you remembered was talking with Mina about your love life and hero work before taking your leave. Although it was late, you weren't that drunk so you deemed yourself okay to walk home alone. But on the way, somethin- no, someone hit your head, knocking you out. Oh god. Did I just get kidnapped? Oh shit. What do I do? WHAT DO I DO? Getting out of bed would be a good place to start. Except you couldn't. Not when there was quirk cancelling cuff around your right ankle.
As you tried to get the cuff off you, you started thinking why someone would kidnap you of all people? You weren't rich, you weren't even a top hero. Your quirk wasn't that strong either. Is it for some disgusting purpose? Are they going to take advantage of you? Sell you? You were brought out of your train of thoughts by the sound of the door knob unlocking. This is it, you realised. This is how I'm going to die.
The door opened to reveal...Bakugo? Oh he's here to save me! "Bakugo! Oh thank god you found me. Quick. Get this cuff off of me! We need to get out of here right now!"you said to him as you motioned to your cuff. But he didn't move to help you. Instead he just stood there, with his usual pissed off expression. "Bakugo what are you waiting f-" Thats when it dawned on you. He did this. He knocked you out. But why? "Why would you do this? Are you jealous of me? Did I do something wrong? Look I was just kidding when I said that you and Izuku would make a cute couple-" "ITS NOT THAT!"He replied back, cheeks turning pink. "Then why am I here?"you asked him.
He walked towards you but still maintained his distance. "I- I love you." He mumbled as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "What?" "I love you" Bakugo repeated, this time a bit louder. "No I got that part. What I don't understand is why I'm here." He sat on the bed, near your foot, playing with the cuff as he replied, "well because... you said to Mina last night that you were in love with someone. And that you were going to confess to him. And-and I didn't like that. No stupid extra deserves you! No one! Look, I know this isn't exactly normal but I really do love you. I have ever since you came to UA. " You looked at him blankly before your face turned red and you lunged at him, taking him by surprise. "(Y/n) what-" you cut him off by punching his nose. "You love me!? And you thought that the best way to convey your feelings would be KNOCKING ME OUT?!?!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR STUPID ASS!! YOU COULDNT HAVE JUST ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE?! FOR SOMEONE WHO CLAIMS THEY'RE THE SMARTEST, YOU SURE ARE PEA-BRAINED!" You yelled at him as you kept punching him. Finally, Bakugo caught your both of your wrists in one hand before flipping you guys over, this time you under him as he straddled you. "But you said you were already in love with someone-" "YEAH, YOU!" Your words shocked Bakugo, causing his grip on your wrists to loosen up a bit. "Wait, so you love me too-" Bakugo's words were cut off again as you punched him again. He quickly gathered your wrists again "WILL YOU STOP THAT!" He yelled angrily, leaning down until his face was an inch away from yours. You kept on trying to move your arms but he pushed your wrists above your head, not relenting until you had worn yourself out.
"So you're really in love with me?" He asked softly. You were tired but still furious so you just turned your head to the side. Bakugo smiled. Even when you are mad, you're still so adorable. Bakugo caressed your cheek softly, slowly turning your head towards him. "Do you...still love me?"he asked, referring to the incident that occurred last night. You sighed before replying "of course I still love you. I know you were dropped on your head as a kid but I still love you. A whole lot less now though" Bakugo breathed a sigh a relief, before kissing your cheek and nuzzling his nose with yours. "I'm sorry for that. Although I didn't really hit you that hard-" you head bumped him hard causing him to lose balance and fall off of you. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?! YOU DIDNT HIT HARD?! I PROBABLY HAVE A FUXKING CONCUSSION! AND THEN YOU HAD ME FUXKING CHAINED TO THE BED! AND WHERE WERE YOU WHILE I WAS IN HERE HAVING A GOD DAMN HEART ATTACK?!!" And although Bakugo loved it when you got mad, he was getting a bit concerned for your vocal cords and your blood pressure. He got up, picked your struggling body up and placed you in his lap before shoving your face into his chest. He started to rub your back, trying to calm you down. "You're right. I am sorry. I did hit you hard. And I'm very sorry for that. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. I'm sorry for all of it. But I really do love you, princess. Will you forgive me?" He asked you, your mind a whole lot calm now. "Dumb ass" you mumbled before snuggling in to his chest more. Some part of you always knew that Bakugo liked you and although the way things turned out wasn't exactly normal, you were okay with that. Bakugo chuckled before kissing the crown of your head, his heart at ease after knowing your feelings were mutual.
Poor Bakugo had to spent a whole week apologising and kissing up to you. He knew you were mad at him but he also knew you were still in love with him. And thank the stars for that because he did not want to go to plan B.
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Hope you enjoyed this! Requests are open! :)
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jassackles · 2 years
I thought you never would… - Chapter 2
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Chapter two
Word count: 1,261 words
Warning: language
For the next few weeks we played together had a lot of laughs, like really a log. I really liked playing with those two guys I haven't had so much fun with people from my town. 
Since I haven't had many friends to hang out with my time mostly consisted out of staying at home and going on walks with my dog, Balou, which I mostly calls bubby. Sometimes I would meet up with people, but those weren't really friend you know? Defining a friend, means a person who'd be there for you no matter what, made sure you were alright and always listened to you. But me? I never had a person like that which sucked most of the time, luckily I could talk to my mom about everything. 
There were just things you couldn't talk to your mom about since she was an adult and you were a teenager. There were things she just wouldn't understand and you actually preferred talking to people your age about various situations. 
So there you were kinda losing interest in playing video, sometimes you had those times not wanting to play and just chill out watching Netflix or reading books.
Since COVID hit you started reading again and realized how much you missed reading and imagining things. So you also kinda lost contact with them, not really you just didnt join their invitations and kept making up stupid excuses so you wouldn't have to join. 
So you haven't had much contact with them for about 5 months, which is kinda absurd, but it just was like it was. 
Anyways one day in November Ryan texted you and asked you, if you're still there and up to play and you texted back, sure. 
You joined their voice chat that night and Dean seemed kinda pissed when you joined, which you could understand I mean you disappeared for months and didn't text them or said you're just not in the mood. 
"So y/n where have you been all those months?" Dean asked curiously but also kinda pissed, because he was the one who mostly invited you to join. 
"You know I've been just busy, that's all." You said softly as Ryan sighed. "You know Dean was so pissed at you that you didnt join or texted anything." He said. "I know and I'm sorry, probably wasn't my best move." You said genuinely. "Yup definitely wasn't." Dean said and you nodded to yourself. 
"So how have you've been?" You asked curiously with a smile in your voice. Dean kinda liked your voice, you were so friendly and it made him smile. "I started a vocational training to become a chef." Dean said proudly and smiled. "Oh that's cool, my dad's a chef." You told him with a smile. "Really? At what kind of restaurant does he work at?" Dean asked. "My dad has a Spanish restaurant, since his dad is from Spain, I mean my grandpa." You kinda rambled, making Ryan and Dean laugh. You blushed slightly and didn't say anything else.
"Sound interesting tho. So not Mexican but Spanish right?" Ryan asked. "Yeah." You said with a nod. "So how come you started the training?" You asked curiously. There was a silence for a moment which made you frown and you thought you said something wrong. "My grandma has a bar which also is a restaurant." He said. You nodded, "that's cool." 
You didn't know why he was so weird about it, there probably was something about it you just didn't know. "Ugh Dean are playing again?" You heard a girl say in the background and a the headset thrown on the table. "Dean and his girlfriend aren't in a good place right now." Ryan said and you nodded. "Oh okay."
In fact Dean had thought about breaking up with his girlfriend, Kira, since they were fighting most of the time and she was being lazy. He worked and brought the money home. He's just 19 and lives alone since he's 18, for the reason that his mom threw him out, because he was causing too much trouble she could've handled. There was just something about Kira that didn't let him go off her probably, since she was his first love and the first girl he had all his experiences with. No question they were toxic for each other. 
"Sorry, guys." Dean said with a sigh as he took his headset on again after having a fight with Kira. "It's fine." You said. "Wanna play something funny?" Ryan asked trying to cheer Dean up since he knows how tired Dean is of his girlfriend Kira. 
"Yeah let's play GTA V, if you want to." You suggested and Dean smiled a bit. "Sounds like a great idea." Dean said. "Alright GTA it is." Ryan said as you turned GTA on. You guys played for the next few hours before ending the game. "Guys, I'm heading to bed." You said. "But you're not gonna disappear for another 5 months will ya?" Ryan joked and you laughed. "No, imma be online right in the morning waiting for you guys." You said playfully. "You better be not joking." Dean said playfully strict, making you laugh. "Alright, good night." You said before leaving the voice chat. 
"She's really cool." Ryan said with a smile. "Yeah, she is. She's also really friendly and mice." Dean answered. "I'm kinda curious how she looks tho." Ryan said. "Me too." 
"You and Kira okay?" Ryan asked and Dean sighed rubbing his face checking if Kira was asleep before actually answering. "I don't know man, she's tiring me out and waisting the little money I have for stupid shit i don't even need or she." He said with an annoyed sigh. Ryan rolled his eyes since he never like Kira, so did his family. Kira was a total bitch towards him and his family, always thinking about herself. 
Dean almost broke up with her once, because she's crazy like for real. One time she made him so horny, even though she wasn't on birth control, they had sex, without a condom. The next morning Dean was panicking and asking her to take the Plan B pill, since he didn't want to impregnate her. He just couldn't help it the night before, she worked him up so much, that he had to fuck her. 
When he asked her to take the pill after, she said why would she, making Dean frown. He didn't how she could be so reckless and careless about getting pregnant. She even said, if she'd be pregnant, she didn't get rid of the baby, that's something they didn't do in her family. Dean was so overwhelmed and panicking, he eventually called his dad and stepmom. 
They eventually talked some sense into this crazy girl and made her take the Plan B pill. After that his dad, stepmom and stepsister told him, that she's crazy, but Dean loved her, he couldn't let go of her, how could he? 
"Dude, she's just not...the girl for you." Ryan said probably for the 100th time, making Dean sigh. "There are millions of other girls in this world why are you sticking to that crazy and psychotic girl, who tires you out, and almost caused you burnout." Ryan said with a sigh as Dean rubbed his temple. "I know, maybe you're right." Dean said completely surprising Ryan since Dean always brushed him off about Kira. 
"Imma talk to her tomorrow." Dean added a moment later. "What? Really?" Ryan asked shocked and Dean nodded. "Yeah, really."
Read next part here! :)
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bloodycassian · 3 years
A FEAST - Azriel x readder. Prompt - Reader is injured and knocked out for days. Cassian gets him to finally leave your side for one meal and Nyx brings a guest with him...
"The Dragons Song is the best one, hands down." Nesta argued, hacking through the brush.  "That one is full of the same scenes every time." You judged, pushing a branch out of the way. The jungle was a mess of twists and turns to work through, but thankfully one of the fishermen on the dock had sold you a compass at a descent price. "A little more right for a few more miles and we'll be there." You steered her on course.  "At least it dosent say 'honeydew' every scene." She made a fake gagging noise and you laughed. The sound was muffled in the crowded forest. She hacked her way through the brush, one vine at a time. Until you finally reached the clearing. It was hot in the direct sun, a few degrees different than what the shade of the forest had been. You paced the perimiter, meeting her at the other side. "You mean Cassian dosen't like honeydew?" You wiggled your eyebrows at her.  "Az does?" She challenged, earning a laugh from you. "The ones that you like are predictable beyond measure." You countered, earning a quick smile before your attention snapped across the meadow. To a giant hog serpent with venomous tusks that gleamed with their clear liquid. You swore and you and Nesta both drew swords at the same time.  + Nesta ended the hog, but not before it had the chance for those razor sharp tusks to marr your legs with deep wounds. The venom stung, flowing into your bloodstream and paralyzing you slowly. You gasped at the sheer blinding pain it brought. "Nes-" You choked out between sobs. "Tell Az... Tell Az I love him." You smiled to her, putting a hand on her cheek. "No, no way. You're gonna tell him yourself. Stay awake. We're on the way." She reached deep to that bond to Cassian, and a flare of alertness greeted her. Then, a thrill of fire. "On the way. Rhys will be there in a few. Are you okay?" "Fine, she's delirious. She needs a healer and a detox for the venom." She thought back, sighing when she felt Rhys' presence. "Wheres Az?" You managed out of your chattering teeth. You were losing the fight against the venom quickly. It would have you under in a few minutes if Rhys didn't hurry to a healer. He placed a hand on you and darkness surrounded.  "Cassian will-" He started to Nesta, "I know, get her safe." She rushed, urging him to winnow you already. When Cassian saw the amount of blood spilled, he cursed.  "Most of it was the beast." Nesta cleaned her sword on an overgrown leaf that jutted down into the meadow.  Her hands shook when she sheathed it. "Nes." He stopped her when she turned. "Nes..." He repeated, giving her a long look. She tried to hide her face, the terror there. "Lets go." He pulled her to his side and took off, holding her close to him. He said nothing about the tears that flowed to his shoulder. He just gripped her tighter.   + Azriel had nearly broken the door when he stormed in. And he hadn't left your side since. Nesta stayed when she could, letting Azriel relax enough to sleep now and again. He trusted her to wake him if anything changed in your status.  When he woke, he heard his brother's voice first. Quiet an hurried in tone, him and Nesta argued by the door. "He wont leave. You've already tried, just leave him alone." Nesta was scolding. Cassian gripped her hands, then whipped his head over to his brother when he saw him stretching on the bench.  "Hey Az-" Cassian smiled, bounding over to his brother like a puppy. "You remmeber Madja saying it may take up to a week, right? How about you come to dinner up at the house with us."  "I dont want to miss if she-" "Come on, Nyx will be there. Mor's coming back from the continent tonight too." Cassian tempted, poking at the old flame Azriel carried for the female. She was still incredible, and one of Azriels best friends, but he no longer felt that flame towards her. You had come along and crushed it with a bat of your eyelashes and a few quick witted insults at Cas. Nesta started pulling him away, giving you an apologetic smile. "It would be nice for you to be there is all he means." She began pushing him out the door, despite his protests.  "Think about it! She wouldn't want you to be mourning while she's alive!" Cassian shouted, earning a smack from Nesta. Azriel smiled despite the dark nature of the situation. He pulled a chair up beside your resting body. It had been three days. How would he know if you were awake or not? He tugged on that dark link you shared together, and came up with the same unresponsiveness as before. He sighed, but took your hand anyway, falling asleep again to the sound of your soft breathing. + He decided to stay for just an hour. He would spare his family that much. He kissed you goodbye and tried his best to ignore the guilt he felt for leaving you behind. But Cassian was right. He knew that when you woke up you'd be upset about him not going. So he put on his brave face and flew up to the house of wind, to the joy of everyone. They clapped upon his arrival, making his cheeks burn. Mor gave him a hug and promised to catch up. But she hovered around a fae you hadn't met yet. A female that she watched with wide sparkling eyes. Azriel's chest bloomed with pride at the sight of them being so close, so full of life for each other.  He looked away from the two, and sent his shadows out to Rhys. And found what he was seeking. He darted over to the end of the table where the high lord and lady sat across from each other. The head table was empty, and filthy. "That's a small monster if I've ever seen one." He bent and scooped Nyx up from under the table. He wriggled and laughed.  "No monster Azzy." Nyx babbled, pulling on his uncle's hair.  "No pulling hair!" Rhys scolded, making Nyx laugh even more. Feyre sighed. "You're just having fun. How about we go for a fly down to-" "Don't say it, Az." Rhy's tone went from scolding to pleading. Even though the baby couldn't fly yet, it was one of his favorite things to do. He could see how Rhys' son would be skilled at flying with just the way he angled his head when accompanying. Az poked at Nyx's belly and they fought like that for a few moments, Nyx eventually winnowing away with the joy only a child could have.  Azriel froze, looking to the high lord and lady for comfort. Having a baby disappear in your arms was strange, even for Fae babies. "When'd he start doing that?" "Four days ago." Feyre sighed. She looked utterly exhausted. "We've been having to take turns staying up with him." Rhys held her hand across the table, they shared a sweet look together then they both whipped their heads to Nyx in unison. "Dont-" Feyre warned, giving her son a stern look as he pulled at the tablecloth. Amren gave the boy a look of discouragement as well when he looked around for someone to be laughing with him. He stopped after those silver eyes met his.  Nesta gave Az a smile from across the room where she and Cassian welcomed the toddoling boy. "Let's start training, Nyxie. Come on, show me what you got." Cassian got on his knees to the floor and the two began wrestling together. Azriel took a seat beside Rhys, picking at the crackers and cheese platter before him.  "When were we planning on going back to the Island?" Rhys asked, voice low. Cassian rolled with Nyx on the ground, making Nesta laugh when the boy pulled at Cas' hair. "I'm not going until my mate is healed. Maybe you should send them, see how much trouble they can get in."  Az asked, trying to keep the hinting out of his voice. He wanted to go take care of it on his own. The mission on the Island was not complete and he didn't want to risk anyone again. He'd rather do it and make sure it was a finished job. He couldn't bare to see you be hurt over a fellow Valkyrie getting hurt either. "You know they would kill each other.... or themselves trying to protect the other." Feyre smiled despite herself. She knew it was the truth. Her sister being happy for once was a joy like no other.  "Mom and Dad need to eat, Az you too." Cassian ordered. He bounced the boy on his legs, making him pretend fly. Azriel picked at the plate that appeared before him. The warm meat and stew looked incredible, but he couldn't bring himself to eat. The guilt was the only thing that weighed in his stomach. "I should go check on-" He began to say, folding his napkin back on the table. "How is she?" Cassian interrupted from the floor. Nesta was playing with Nyx now, rattling a toy around for him. Azriel kept his calm mask on, trying to fight the urge to check on you. The black haired boy looked to her with upset eyes. "Auntie?" He said, voice a bit whiny.  "Auntie is napping, she'll be back in a little while." Nes assured. Azriel's heart squeezed at the love Nyx showed. Then, the boy was gone.  The parents were digging into their plates. It was likely the only meal they'd shared together in the four days of taking turns watching Nyx. "Rhys-" Az began, terror sweeping his gut. Nyx was no where in sight. Nesta and Cassian both shot to their feet when they didn't spot him.  Then, the plates in front of Azriel clattered and shot food everywhere. Mor and her date yelped and fled their chairs, mor pushing the other female behind her. Azriel's shadows coiled, siphons glared ready to fight.  And Rhys didnt move as he observed the waking fae before him. The tug on Azriel's bond went taut. "Auntie here!" Nyx celebrated, patting your chest. You groaned and cracked open your eyes to see Azriel's shadows swirling about you. "Are you okay?!" Azriel gripped your shoulders,  his warm hands seeping into your thin shirt. The sweats you wore were now stained with whatever food had been on the table. Rhys put down his fork slowly. "I wasn't expecting to be this kind of snack Az..." You said softly. Rhy's cheeks went red. Mor laughed first, her date looked to her with bewilderment and worry. Cassian rushed over and picked Nyx up from your stomach. "I think there's a fork in my back." You said, voice gruff.  A hysterical laugh bubbled from Azriel, then the rest of them were cracking up. "Nyx... Thanks." Azriel breathed, and the boy began clapping.  + Once you were back on your feet and Madja had given you the go ahead to take it easy, you asked Azriel to go on a walk with you. The stretch of your legs was sore, but the good kind of sore that left you feeling better and better with each step. The cool wind from the Sidra whipped around you. He wrapped a wing around both of you as you reached the apex of a bridge.  "I owe that baby everything." He laughed, squeezing your hand tighter. The city was quiet, only soft music coming from the Rainbow and the calm trickle of the Sidra sounding out. "Nyx the Valkyrie deliverer."  You laughed together, leaning against the railing on the bridge. The streetlights above cast a wonderful color over you, illuminating you both in a silvery shade that matched the moonlight. "I love you." You said, resting your head against his shoulder. It had been a long night, and who knew how long of sleeping... but you were tired.  "Love you." He nudged you away so he could hook his finger under your chin and angle you up to kiss him. You wrapped your arms around him and compiled, letting the bond hum through you like a song.
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heymommy · 2 years
Inoske smut
Warnings/breeding,degrating,mentions of slut, reader has a crush on Inoske,Inoske pinning Y/n
This is my first smut if you have any advice please tell me :).Also i dont know much bout the lore.
I really liked inoske. His blue eyes and green gorgues eyes and that torse, it made you blush everytime you saw him train , the sweat runing down his gorgues body the concentration on his eyes and those hands, everytime you thought about him you mind went wild and you thought such dirty things about him.
You thought about how he was strong and you were weak and you both knew each other and you hated him for that but still you couldn’t help it. The way he held himself so effortlessly as he moved around and you couldn’t help but wonder if he could feel what you felt.
He was walking towards the gym when your eyes made contact and he smirked realizing that you were staring at him the entire time.Trying to play it off by pretending you were late for your traning you ran off.
Time skip
2 weeks later
It was a week before your traning exams so you decided to take advantage of being home alone, you were training for your first exams so it was perfect timing. You had finished your mission last night which meant you now needed some peace. You walked over to the living room where a blanket laid out on the couch. On top of the blanket lay Inoske and you had no idea how he got there.
“Inoske? What are you doing here?” you ask not thinking much of it. “I came home from a mission whats it look like? And besides your place was the closest.”he said sounding a bit annoyed.
There was something else, even though you didnt know Inoske had a crush on you, you never thought he would i mean he did sound extra annoyed when talking to you but you wont back down.This was the perfect moment to tell him your crush on him. You hadnt seen him shirtless enought to not have dirty thought. The thought of his lips on yours and his hand fingering your neddy cunt and not to mention his d-
Trying to calm down you grab a first aid kit provoited to you by Shinobu and bandage him. By bandaging him i mean staring at his body. Trying your hardest not to stare too much.
“How are you feeling?” you ask trying to sound normal.
“Better than ever.”he says sarcastically, not looking at you as he sits up and stretches.
“So why did you come over?”you say ignoring his sarcasm.
“Oh, well I just wanted to make sure you were okay after that last mission…”inoske pauses looking at you.
What?! He was worried! Thats adorable!
“Thanks Inoske I think im fine I promise.”
“Good.”he says with a nod.
You sit there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
“Well im going to go get ready, we should train.”he says standing up.
Your face flushes red.Train?
He walks away to the bathroom and closes the door behind him. He's always been hot in combat, its hard to imagine someone more attractive.
Once he was done getting dressed you both train.Since you didnt have a place to train in your home or in your small sized yard you guys decided to do hand-to-hand combat. You were trying to get to his weak spots but he kept blocking your attacks, crush on him or not you were not trying to lose. Something Inoske liked in you was that you were competetive and didnt like to lose. So you pushed yourself to get as close to him as possible without him actually hitting you.
After a while you got frustrated and ended up throwing your fist directly in his face.You didn't realize that you hit him and he stumbled backwards almost falling off edge."Didn't know you had in you Y/N" he said smirking at you caused his lip to bleed but he licked the blood sudectecly. You felt an the wetness already forming in your panties and if he kept this up you woud absoloutly lose it.
The next thing you knew you were pinned against the floor, your wrists trapped in his grasp.
"Y/N" he whispered and looked into your eyes.You were speechlesss but that may have been beacuse of his beauty but no it was because he was rolling his hips slowly onto your cunt." Think i haven't been noticing how your looking at me" You were shooked i mean , yea you looked at him alot but it wasn't that obvious right?" I-I dont know what your talking about"you said hoping he didnt notice the stain of you wetness on you pants. You were so embarrassed you could cry and scream but you knew that that would ruin everything you worked so hard for.
'You're gonna need some luck to beat me" he says laughing. You were confused and he rolled his hips again, the blood dripping from his lips.
You were shocked by what was happening you didn't know what was going on. "Oh and would you look at that innocent Y/N so wet shes practicly dripping".Oh no he knew. But the thing that Y/N was to distracted by Inoskes movements that she couldnt even say anything.He was kissing your neck softly and you closed your eyes and tried not to moan.
After a few minutes of making out you felt inoske lifting you up.He grabed you by your beautiful thighs and carried you to your room, he opened the door and dropped you on the bed.
He stripped himself and threw your clothes on the floor. His erection stood proudly, he grabbed your thigh and started to stroke you. He kissed your neck and sucked on it causing you to squirm a little.You werent used to this kind of action he was making you feel all tingly and wet and he knew it.His hand rubbed your clit softly and you moaned loudly."What a slut you're practicly cumming on me already" he laughed pulling back from you and looking at you in awe. "I guess I'm gonna fuck that sweet pussy and i don't care if the whole neighborhood knows".
All that you could hear was him breathing heavily and saying all these dirty things to you and you felt all tingly. You wanted to touch him and kiss him all at once and it made you crazy but you stayed silent not wanting to disappoint him.
He pulled you back into a kiss but instead of moving slow this time he moved quickly thrusting deep inside you. Your head was thrown back and you moaned his name. This felt so good Inoske was so big you had tears comming town your face."Your pussy is practicly milking me already"He said groaning and grabbing your waist, slamming into you hard and fast and rough and you were so close you didnt even know you could go this far and he didnt stop until you were both shaking and panting.
He grabbed you by your hair and slammed you back on the bed. He started sucking on your neck again making you scream and you heard him laugh.He fucked you roughly and you moaned his name. He stopped moving but you kept screaming, you were begging for more then a few seconds.
"Say my name."he said his voice filled with lust,you pleaded and started kissing and biting his neck, not stopping until you heard him gasp and pull back."Now what is it, I wanna see you beg." he teased you."Please I want you to fuck me" you begged.He groaned.
"Please."you begged again.
"Fine then" he growled. He started slowly moving his dick inside you.Even thought it still felt good you wanted him to go harder and faster "Harder Inoske" you said betwen moans.
As if he was suprised by your statement he slowly leaned in and said" Oh i'll show you harder" and with that he pulled almost all the way out and slammed back in to you in a rough pace, you moaned and started metting his thrust.Your walls were clenching him making Inoske groan loudly." Gonna cum in your pretty pussy yeah baby?"he said as he neared his orgasm." Yes want your cum Inoske" you said imediatly."Gonna make you so full of my cum yeah thats what you want dont you baby".Its when he said that the ropes snapped inside of you making you cum.But he wasnt stopping, being sensitive from that orgasm you were feling more pleasure than before.At this point you where a moaning mess, blabering and whining Inoskes name, at this point your neighbours where gonna have a sleepless night.Feling your orgams rising again you came on his cock, at this point he was moaning from the pleasure, murmuring something about you having his kid and thats when he squirted his hot cum in you stomach just the thought of you being filled with his cum made him see stars as he rode out his orgasm he pulled out, but then he saw that his cum was leaking a bit out of you.Getting two of his fingers he pushed them inside your pussy making you moan softly. Laying down on your bed he said "Such a cute girl"he said before cuddeling you to sleep.
A/n hope yall enjoy girls
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honeypirate · 4 years
Take the Step
Tendou x Fem!Reader
Tendou ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes fixed on you. You were laughing at something thing your friends had said, the sound reaching his ears had made him stop in the middle of his sentence to look, his eyes scanning the cafeteria until they landed on you, smiling and saying something back to your friend, your head shaking a little as the sunlight from the window behind you casting a glow over you. Properly angelic he thought. 
He adored you. Your beautiful hair and eyes, the way you looked at him like you knew everything in his soul. Every time he was blessed to be in the same friend group as you he felt like the luckiest man on the earth to just be around you. Sure you have talked before at parties or dances, occasionally chatting when you were by each other and really connecting, but he couldn't seem to take the next step. 
He gasps when your eyes flick up, immediately making eye contact with him. Your initial worry, when you feel someone’s eyes intensely on you, washes away when you realize it’s him. Your mouth changes to form an amused grin before softening into a sweet smile as you raise your hand, waving at him with your fingers. 
He feels his face flush and he chuckles under his breath before raising his fingers and waving back. You give him a sweet closed eyes smile before your friend is grabbing your arm and getting your attention. 
The sounds of the cafeteria and his friends around him finds his ears again, the moment with you broken and over with, but the trace of your warmth still evident in his heart. 
“Tendou” Ushijima’s voice floats into his brain and he sighs, turning his head to look at his friend he grins goofily “what’s up?” Ushi raises an eyebrow “you stopped in the middle of your sentence again” Tendou runs his fingers through his hair, fighting the urge to look at you again he laughs awkwardly “really? Sorry Ushi, what was I saying?” He doesn’t know, he can’t remember what he was even saying before he hears your laugh. 
“What was that? The third time today? I think he likes you” your friend whispers into your ear making you chuckle “oh hush. He’s just being nice” your cheeks gave you away though, you really hope he does like you. 
on the walk home with your friends something stops you, you have to find Tendou, you have to do something to find out if he likes you or not. so you decided to just simply ask him. “oh shoot  I forgot my jacket” you turn back towards the school “I’ll just see you guys tomorrow! Be safe!” You don’t even catch their goodbyes, your mind on one thing alone. “She didnt have a jacket” one of them points out as you rush away.
“Hey Ushijima” you say and bow slightly, their practice was over but Tendou was nowhere in sight “hello y/n do you need something?” He smiles softly and it makes you a little relieved, you haven’t talked directly to him before but you have almost the same friend group so you know how kind he is, that doesnt stop you from being a little bit intimidated. “Yes I wondering, do you know where I can find Tendou?” 
“She’s looking for me?” He gasps, a grin slowly taking over his face “she’s waiting in the gym” Tendou goes to run out the door but Ushijima stops him “maybe get dressed first” Tendou looks down at himself, shirt thrown on his still wet body and a towel around his waist from his shower and he flushes “you’re right” he shoots him a finger gun and turns back, rushing to dress to go talk to you. 
He's stumbling as he runs out the locker room door, hopping as he pulls on his last shoe. You chuckle and his eyes find you, a blush covering his cheeks as he pops up and tries to play it cool as he walks over to you “you uh, you wanted to talk to me?” He laughs awkwardly and you smile “I did. I wanted to talk about how many times I caught you looking at me today” you reach out, unbuttoning the three wrongly placed buttons on his shirt, straightening his shirt and then buttoning it correctly for him as he stumbles over his words. “Do you want to go out with me?” He asks, his hand coming behind his head as his eyebrows furrow. You chuckle softly, making goose bumps rise on his neck “yes. I’d love to. Do you wanna walk me home?” You lean closer and your eyes twinkle, man this boy would do anything for you. He nods excitedly and tugs on his backpack straps, his cheeks flushed pink. 
You sigh softly, happily as you look up into his eyes, you reach out, slipping your hand into his softly and giving it a light squeeze as you begin to walk out of the school, him following you with a dopy love struck smile on his lips. 
“You like me?” He whispers, finally finding his voice when you reach the train station you chuckle and drop his hand, deciding to turn and wrap your arms lose around his middle, placing your chin against his chest smiling up at him. “yes” his breath hitches and you reach up, brushing his cheek softly you feel him shudder as he leans into your hand, his eyes fluttering closed.  
“You like me?” You ask and he nods gently before his eyes open, a smile on his lips. He reaches up and cups both of your cheeks “Very much” he whispers and you beam up at him, making his heart race. He leans down and presses his forehead to yours “I think you’re beautiful” you whisper and he gasps. “Beautiful?” He questions and pulls back, the sound of the train coming in the distance. “Yes” you say with a nod, your hands cupping his cheeks and running your thumbs over his eyebrows, you lean up, kissing beneath both of his eyes gently. When you meet his eyes again his cheeks are flushed and his eyes full of many emotions you cannot read. The train wooshed in beside you, blowing your hair behind you and the sound loud in your ears along with your quick beating heart. He watched your lips as the sound of your words is drowned out from the screech of the stopping train “beautiful” you mouthed and he smiled, a soft chuckle falling from his lips as the train stops completely, the sound of the doors opening making you turn from him grabbing his hand and pulling him with you into the train. 
His hand kept a comfortable hold on yours as you walked to your house together, he always had something to talk about and you loved it, it made you feel comfortable to not have to worry about feeling awkward. “I actually live near here” he says “just a few streets away” you smile up at him “so that means we could hang out all the time if you want” you chuckle at the blush that dusts his cheeks, making him look angelic in the golden hour. “You can’t get away from me that easily. You’re stuck with me now” he laughs, trying to hide that he was slightly afraid you’d tell him this was all a joke. You stop and grab his other hand at the bottom of your drive, smiling up at him, “and you’re stuck with me” you say with a smirk and he gives you a goofy smile “so you want to go out tomorrow night?” He asks, his hands a little clammy and nervous even though you were the one who approached him first. “Yes. I was thinking after school and practice we could skate around and get some dinner or maybe see a movie. Late night picnic under the stars at the park maybe. I don’t care” you shrug “I just wanna spend time with you” you smile sweetly up at him and he sighs, a soft sound of peace and luck finding it’s way to his heart, oh how he knows he’s going to love you, it’s inevitable. He reaches up, his hands still and confident, no longer clammy as he cups you cheeks, smooshing them a little as he leans down, pressing his lips to yours as a small whimper leaves his throat. 
Your mother is at the window of your door, aggressively flashing the outside light at you as she watches with a frown. You pull away and laugh before the look in his eyes makes you go silent. You brush his messy hair off his forehead and sigh softly “you’re so beautiful,” you hand travels down to rest over his heart “inside and out” you finish and he kisses you again before hugging you tight “thank you” he whispers, his voice cracking softly, the sound of tears in his throat. you’ve said that more times tonight than he has ever heard before, he couldn’t quite understand how you saw him like that, but he felt so soft every time. 
He pulls back and wipes his eyes and nose, sniffing and trying to play it off. You give him a gentle look and he laughs “I’m okay. I promise.” he kisses the top of your head as your mom sticks her head out the door and yells at you to come inside. You smile softly and stand on your tippy toes “kiss me again before my mom comes out here with the broom” he laughs and then kisses your lips four times in rapid succession, causing you to giggle before cupping his cheek and pulling him down, kissing him soft and slow, conveying how pleased and happy you are to be in this moment with him.
 The moment you close your bedroom door your phone is ringing, making your stomach fill with butterflies as you laughed “can’t get enough of me huh?” his beautiful laughter fills your ears and you smile as you shed your backpack and set down your shoes “That would be impossible. I just wanted to talk to you more, I wasn’t ready to stop” you laugh and sit down on the end your bed “I wasn't either” you whisper, his giddy laugh coming through the phone before he launches into one of his conspiracy theories about the lunch ladies being mass murders, making you laugh at his absurdity and ultimately fall more for the quirky redhead. 
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bridgyrose · 2 years
More Two Vampires And A Huntress Au PLz?
Ruby stared at the text on her scroll as she impatiently tapped her foot against the table of the cafe. It had been usual for Weiss to suggest meeting up somewhere so far away from her apartment, much less somewhere as public as this. She glanced at the time on her scroll and let out a sigh. “This isnt like her, she’s never late…” 
Her ears nearly perked up as she heard the sound of the cafe door open, followed by the familiar clicking of Weiss’s heels on tile. A smile crossed her lips as she looked up, only to fade as quickly as it came once she saw Weiss. The girl was wearing her hunting gear instead of the civilian clothes she normally wore on these outings. Leather armor stained in white and blue rested across body, a silver cross hung from her neck, silver chains lined her sleeves, and a noticeable wooden stake was tucked away under her jacket. 
“Ruby,” Weiss said as she sat down, her voice rough as she spoke. “You came.” 
“Of course I did, I’d never miss a meeting with you.” Ruby kept her eyes trained on Weiss, finally getting a look at her eyes, red outlining her blue irises. “What’s with the gear? Going hunting soon?” 
“I was hoping you could join me. There’s a few grimm outside Vale giving issues and as much as I’d love to do it alone, it’ll be helpful to have someone else along with me.” 
“I thought you had a partner already. Penny, right?” 
“She had a family matter to attend to back in Atlas. And since I’m out of a partner, and you know how to hold your own, I thought it’d be nice for us to go on a hunt together.” 
“A hunt… together…” The hair on the back of her neck stood up at the words she had listened to Weiss tell her. With a quick nod, Ruby slowly got up and put on a smile. “Y-yeah, I can keep you safe while you’re out there.” 
“Great!” Weiss took hold of Ruby’s wrist and started to pull her out into the setting sun. “Then we’ll want to hurry so we dont lose track of them.” 
Ruby winced as Weiss’s hand gripped tightly around her wrist. The red in Weiss’s eyes, the grip, asking to go on a hunt… none of this was anything Weiss had had before, and she knew something was wrong. And even as she was pulled into the outskirts of the city, she had to keep close to Weiss to find out what was going on. 
The outskirts of the city turned into the forest that lay outside, the sky nearly vanishing as the two entered into the thick trees. Ruby kept her breathing calm as she pulled deeper into the forest by Weiss, only stopping once she had let go. 
“We’re here,” Weiss said with a smile as she rushed off into the trees, nearly dissolving into the mist as she ran. “Try to keep up!” 
“Weiss!” Ruby let out a sigh and chased after Weiss, losing her the moment the fog thickened. She rushed through the trees as she tried to follow the quickly fading footprints until she lost the trail. With a quick stop, her face paled as she heard Weiss giggle, followed by the all too familiar voice of Cinder. 
“You really dont know what you lost, did you?” 
“Give her back!” Ruby yelled out into the trees. “We agreed she was off limits!” 
“No, I agreed to leave her alone if you drink from her first. You didnt.” 
Ruby took a step back as she watched Cinder and Weiss walk out of the fog, Weiss nearly clutching to Cinder as her eyes started to redden and fangs became more visible. Before she could move any further, Cinder slammed her into a tree. 
“You’d be surprised on the kind of power Schnee blood will give you,” Cinder said with a grin as she dragged a nail down Ruby’s cheek. “Though, she doesnt need you-” 
“She’s supposed to protect me,” Weiss interrupted. 
Cinder paused and pulled back. “Well, since my pet wants you for protection, you’ll have to stay. But under my watch.” 
Ruby winced as Cinder took her wrist and started to burn a mark onto her arm. She dropped once Cinder pulled away as the mark finished burning into her skin, holding tightly to it. 
Cinder smiled and made her way to Weiss, gently pulling her close. “I told you you were nothing compared to me.”
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vore-scientist · 3 years
Return of the Dragon King pt 1: Prison Break
[A non-sexual high fantasy GT/vore story with both hard/fatal+ other fantasy violence and safe/soft]
This story is a prose adaptation of an RP between @vixen525 and I. It takes place in one of her worlds and features mostly her characters.
Summary/Pitch: Separated from Sophia by the evil (and illegitimate) Prince Nero, Yonah must rescue his princess from Nero's devious clutches. With a collection of quirky fantasy characters as allies, Yonah aims to bring an end to Nero's reign and return the rightful heir to the throne.
But before that, he must escape from one of Nero’s prisons.
Story General Warnings: Return of the Dragon King overall will contain hard/fatal vore (in an intense fantasy violence style) along with soft/safe (the good stuff). Themes of abuse and torture as well. (There may be one instance of soft fatal that if I ever get that far I’ll warn for that specifically but it’s so far off from this it may never get written down)
Chapter Specific Warnings: This chapter contains all the story general warnings. This is NOT the chapter with soft/fatal. It’s hard only. It very much treads the line between hard vore and just standard fantasy violence. This part contains a very brief mention of attempted (and failed) sexual assault.
Onto the story:
For the 20th night in a row Yonah was replaying the moment in his mind, and like the 19 times before, this time was slightly worse than before.
It started with merriment, feasting, dancing, joking. Then transitioned to screaming, to blood, to Sophia being dragged away and him unable to stop it. And finally ended with waking up here, on a hard stone floor, in a room with no windows, with cold metal around his ankles and a chain attached to a back corner. With a terrible pounding in his head and an indescribable weight upon his core.
While he wondered why it had happened. Why this diplomatic mission to another world had been under false pretenses, however it wasn’t really worth dwelling on. He wasn't going to get answers here. All that he knew was he had failed. He had failed to protect Sophia. His charge. His friend. His princess. She was taken and he had let it happen!
After his 5th day in the prison cell he had given up trying to escape. Whatever that pressure was, pushing on his core, it stopped his magic. He had woken up without his robe, staff, and hat. For a normal wizard that would be a problem, but Yonah HaEsh was half FireWitch in addition to half giant. He had his own natural magic! Surely he could melt the cuffs and bars.
Nope. He could see the air shimmer with heat around his hands. He was generating magic, but it seemed to be… negated as soon as he tried to release it. All it succeeded in doing was make him tired. And hungry.
He was so hungry. The prison guards were giving him just enough food and water to stay alive for reasons that were beyond him. So he spent most of his time laying on the floor. Conserving his energy. For what purpose? For what event? None at all. He just hoped. And cried. Or at least tried to. His tears had long since dried up.
The screech of the prison bars sliding open grated upon his ears and he drew a harsh breath but did not give the guards the satisfaction of interacting with him. He had tried to rush at them a few times, just to have a little fun. But the chains weren’t long enough to let him reach the bars. All his antics got him was humiliation.
“Oy! Halfbreed Thing, you’re in luck,” came the voice of a nameless guard, “the warden decided to give you a treat tonight!”
Yonah didn’t respond. It was clearly sarcasm.
“He also said if you don’t eat up, you get nothing for a week!” And the door was closed again.
He still did not look. He had decided he wasn’t going to even touch what they had assumedly given him. It was probably poisoned, or drugged. Or both. He drew another breath.
That smell.
He finally looked. His heart racing. They wouldn’t… would they?
Standing with her back against the bars was a young woman with straight black hair, wearing a similar tattered outfit as himself. She must have been cold, and scared, but she was not shaking. Instead she stared right into his eyes. The fear in them was evident.
Now that his ears were no longer ringing he could hear her breathing. She was trying to calm down.
Apparently she succeeded. As she talked first.
"So... I guess they put you in here because you use magic too?" her voice was weak, and her accent thick upon his ears but he understood her well enough.
Yonah did not respond right away. Carefully he sat up, leaning against the back wall where his chains were connected, rattling them as they piled up.
“Well they certainly didn’t throw you in here so you could be my pet.” he snorted steam with his words, happy he could still do that much, and pleased him to see her concern at this display. So perhaps he could have some fun, even as her scent started to permeate his cell, leading his thoughts in another direction.
“No…” she answered, not moving any closer. “I doubt they’ve been feeding you well. I suspect they threw me in here in hope that you’d eat me.”
Yeah no shit. Had she heard the guard? Or was she too scared to listen. He had listened, even if he pretended otherwise.
“Being tossed a person to eat. How barbaric. Do they think I am some sort of feral animal?” His voice was hoarse with dehydration, and conflict. For he was considering eating her. Yonah HaEsh, despite being half giant, was not above eating smallfolk, if necessary. And she certainly smelled…delectable.
She shook her head “Many giants wouldn't hesitate if hungry enough… They may be normally polite to smaller folk but when half starved? All bets are off”
Yonah nodded, “I suppose so… Though I am only half giant.” He couldn't do more than suppose, as he did not know anything about giants of this world, though he remembered seeing one at Prince Nero’s castle. A little less than twice as tall as his own mother, and his mother was over 40ft tall! What he did know was that giants in his world would be tempted just like him, and while they were also normally polite… ish… their own survival was more important than the life of someone they did not know.
So why was he holding back? Well for one thing, she was out of reach. For another… He did not like the idea of being fed a person, it was insulting. The idea was nearly offensive enough to scare his hunger away. Nearly.
“Why you?” he hissed. Trying to chase away the remaining offensive thoughts. The mental images of grabbing her, sinking his fangs into her soft tasty flesh, and using his jaws and hands to rip her apart. The thoughts of how delicious it would be to finally satiate his hunger properly for the first time in weeks.
It took her a long minute to answer “I… keep escaping. I got out the door this time, nearly made it to the outer wall.”
“Ohhhh, curious” he breathed out, glad his ‘treat’ turned out to be interesting enough to distract his thoughts with. “You do not look like an escape artist. Or are you of hidden talents?”
She shook her head “The magic they use to… nullify the magic of others… doesn’t work on me. And my own magic doesnt like that im captive and kept… helping me escape”
Ohhhhh fascinating. He did not say out loud this time. “Sounds like you are a handful. Though perhaps you are rather, a mouthful. Or two in my case.” he smiled with all his fangs.
She swallowed nervously “Y-yes”
“Why don’t they just kill you? Are you important?”
She shook her head again “They are waiting for the execution order. That’s… why I’m here.”
“What do you mean by that?”
She took a breath. “If another prisoner kills me… they don’t lose their capital funding for executing a prisoner without the proper paperwork…”
“That’s where I come in” and he snarled “I don’t like being used as a tool. And I don't really want to eat you”
She nodded “That’s… good”
“But I am hungry.”
“Why are you in this prison?”
She looked away. “I… killed someone. With magic.”
More fascinating by the second. “Why, would you do that.”
It was an obvious struggle for her to answer “It wasn’t… it wasn’t intentional. He pinned me up against a wall and started tearing off my clothes. My magic just... reacted. The next thing I knew he was dead”
Yonah snorted again “Should have been intentional!”
“I haven't had any formal training! My magic just happens!”
“Shame” he sighed. “Do you know why I am here?” he asked, changing the subject.
“You’re… a mage. A rogue one. Like I am.”
That was new to him, “A rogue mage?”
“Practicing magic is highly regulated, don’t you know?”
“No.” Yonah saw that made her very confused “I am not of this world”
She seemed to accept this easily. This world seemed to be more comfortable with the idea of other worlds than his own, which had only started to make contact with new realities. He had also decided she didnt need to know his story yet. For he had not made up his mind on keeping her alive, or eating her. If he ate her, then it would have been a waste of breath to tell his own tale of woe.
He tugged on his chains to pile them up and keep them from getting tangled. And for the next few minutes he occupied himself with this task.
“They stop-”
Yonah looked at her so fast his neck cricked. She started again.
“They stopped using shackles on me because the chains kept breaking. Perhaps I could” she took a single step forward, and seeing that Yonah did not react, took another. “I’m sure you would appreciate more freedom of movement.” She took another step.
“Well not all of us are so damn talented now are we?!” he growled. She took two steps back.
“Im trying to help you! Maybe I can figure out how to get it to work on you too!”
“A self proclaimed untrained mage!” he spat “and why would you help a monster like me?”
For as much as he wanted to be civil, he was also a monster. And as much as he tried to fight the temptation to be monstrous, he did not know if he could succeed.
“It wasn’t being a monster that got you in trouble! It was magic.”
She sounded very sure of that.
Yonah snorted “That is your own assumption”, and turned around to lay his head on the chains, facing the corner.
After a few minutes he heard her soft footsteps, and he craned his neck to look. She had gotten a lot closer than he expected and was reaching for his chains. She was clearly in the mood to help him. Unfortunately he was in a mood to play with his would be treat instead, and he did not have any confidence that she could help, so why not have fun.
“Are you sure that’s wise little morsel?” he sighed with a fanged smile.
Amazingly she did not back up but touched chains by his ankles.
“No. But sooner or later they will get the execution order signed. So my odds of survival are shit. But they are better if I free you.”
Yonah made his eyes glow with what fire he had left “Are they better? You said you were untrained.”
She looked embarrassed, “I’m hoping I can practice on these chains of yours. My magic does disable the nullification. We can work together to get out.”
“Untested magic is dangerous” yonah growled “Maybe I should just eat you!” he snapped his teeth.
Still she did not leave. Instead she stood up and glared at him “So what? I die and you survive another week until the next council meeting and your execution is approved?”
Yonah narrowed his eyes “Maybe I dont care about that anymore.” but he does not move either. “You dont know why im truly here. Maybe I deserve this!”
His fiery eyes still on hers, she retaliated “I dont care if you do! I need to get free, and I cant on my own. You want to be free to dont you? If I can use my magic, I can break these chains, disable the anti-magic on this room, save us both!”
Yonah rolled his eyes, losing their staring contest. He did not stop her from continuing her investigations of the chains. But his mind wandered, until he exclaimed.
“Maybe you’re a plant! Instead of using me to kill you, you’re here to kill me!” he jerked the chains away from her.
“I’m unarmed!” she insisted and scrambled forwards to maintain contact with the metal.
“You said they cannot chain you, that their anti-magic shit doesnt work on you, so yours does work, and it’s killed someone before!” He knew that this new panic was not helping him in the slightest, and yet he did not care.
“Most of my magic isn’t working! I just somehow break chains and disable the magic nullification! I don’t know how it works or how to activate it! But the fact I can means they want me dead so they stop having to catch me! And magic isn’t allowed and I definitely don’t have the indicator that I have special permission, those are super obvious.”
Yonah blinked “Could be lies! You could be spitting lies! Permission to use magic. How ridiculous”
“Everyone knows that the few legal mages have face tattoos to make them obvious”
Yonah breathed steam again and finally she backed away from the painful heat. “I dont! I don’t know anything about this world! You could say anything and I wouldn’t know if it was truth or lies!”
“Oh… right” she looked at her feet “You aren't from this world. That must suck as much as my own problems with my memory…”
She rambled a little more about how she was definitely a prisoner, it was obvious from her malnutrition, and that despite not being able to be kept in chains she had marks on her wrists and ankles from the failed attempts.
But Yonah was not listening anymore. Once again he turned away and was trying to cry himself to sleep.
So she took the opportunity to touch the chains near his ankles again.
“Careful now!” he hissed without looking at her. “You don’t want to get burned” Hearing her yelp as she touched the chains, which he had put his mind to pumping his fire into. Maybe he couldn’t melt them, but he could make them painful to touch.
He heard her curse, and then the chains rustled again as she grit her teeth and grasped the half giant sized links, whining in pain and holding back tears. 3 seconds were all she could manage before she had to stumble back, sitting on the ground and blowing on her burnt hands.
Yonah sat up and looked at the chains. He did not let his face show any surprise as he found rust and cracks that had not been there before.
“Wow. It didnt work. Big fucking surprise, some help you were, but I guess you were telling the truth about being being put here for me to eat.” he lay back down. “Maybe I’ll do that in the morning.”
Suddenly the pain in her hands was not as important as what the half giant had said.
“It started to work! But I couldnt hold on long enough!” she wailed, “I tried! I really tried, to help you’re sorry ass!”
“And you FAILED” he snorted back.
“Only temporarily!” she insisted
“And look where it got me. Nowhere. I’m going to sleep”
“If the chains were just a little cooler! Then maybe-”
“I told you to be careful. You have only yourself to blame for your failures and your injuries” he stated, fully aware it was his fault. And that he was sabotaging himself. And yet he couldn't stop himself.
“I was trying to help you. You don’t have to be so rude. We are stuck in the same situation and I am trying to make a difference.”
“I dont have to be polite either. Now you’re the one being rude, keeping me awake”
She crossed her arms in defiance of her own fear “You’re kind of an asshole. I thought maybe we could work together to escape but apparently you’d rather stay and be executed.” She stood up, glancing at her hands, “Guess I’ll just try to figure out how to disable the nullification and escape without you if you really are that opposed to working together.” She turned and walked back to the cell bars before sitting down again.
Yonah looked away, no longer amused by her company, for he was too tired, and too hungry, too angry. Mostly at himself for heating up the chains.
Of course, he couldn't sleep, even though he wanted to do so. After about 10 minutes he glanced at the human, who was making hand motions at the bars. He could just barely feel the sparks of magic failing to become embers at her will.
That got boring really quickly, and he noticed that, unlike earlier, she was shivering. Not with fear…
“You’re wasting your time, little one”
She gasped and jumped from her sitting position, nearly toppling over. He was not asleep like she had assumed. And now he was staring at her with those glowing eyes again, full of fire and hunger.
“I am not giving up” she yawned and shook even worse, “I have no desire to be executed, not by the prince, and not by you!”
Yonah’s eyes dimmed with compassion, “You can try again in the morning. You keep this up and you’re going to freeze to death”
To his surprise she snarled at him, “What do you care!? You obviously arent worried about execution, and I dont have much else to do at the moment!”
Yonah rolled his eyes “Do you want a warm place to sleep or not? I’m only offering once. Can’t imagine you’ve had a warm bed in a while”
“I- what?” she paused, processing what he said, “Warmth… sounds wonderful… But you talked about eating me in the morning!” so she did not step near him.
“I said maybe. So you don't have to worry about it until then” He considers for a moment “I’m still making up my mind. I dont want to be used as an execution method, but I am starving. However” he yawned, his fangs looking larger than before, “I promise not to eat you tonight, and I am very warm if you want to sleep in my arms.”
“This room is absolutely freezing…” she admitted, “But I dont like the idea of you waking up before me to have a snack!”
She still looked hesitant so he added “Tiddles won’t be able to bring anything with you still visibly uneaten”
Now her fear was replaced almost entirely with confusion “Tiddles?”
“One of the little guards who did this to us. Sneaks me food most nights. If he comes tonight, I promise that I will let you try again, in the morning, to break the chains, before I resume considering whether or not to eat you. How does that sound?”
“How… likely is this Tiddles to show up?”
“He appears most nights, but not the last, and he never skips more than one night in a row.”
“How about you promise to let me try again, regardless of if Tiddles shows up!” she was not about to take such a chance.
Yonah scrunched up his face “Fine.”
“Alright, that’s much better.” she took a step towards him again “It means you have to let me go, and you wont think about eating me until after I get to genuinely try to free us”
“If you’re not tucked out of sight soon, I dont get fed, and I’ll have have a much harder time not thinking about it” he threatened “Tiddles can’t claim he thought I ate you if you’re standing alive at the front of the cage!”
A few more steps, she was almost within reach… “Fine… I guess… I just want to try a couple more times, it will be quick”
His patience waring thin he made his eyes flash “but I want to sleep, and to get fed”
“It will only take a moment!” she stopped just out of reach.
“Tiddles often manages to get me an entire barrel of crap! I’ll be willing to share” his mind now on the food, he couldnt think of much else.
“Im starting to figure it out though”
Why was she so insistent! This was not the time! “You’re tired, and cold, and hungry. You try any more magic and you’ll just pass out.”
He had gotten to his knees but he deflated a bit, lowering down into a position not unlike a crouching dragon “So I offer one more time than I said I would. A warm place to sleep. A proper meal. Or you refuse, and I get angrier, I get hungrier, and you stay cold and my only option for dinner”
She hesitated and finally sighs, “You are probably right... I just got so close to escaping today... I was gonna use a wind spell to blast open all the doors when one of them tackled me...” She took the step forward that got her within reach, and Yonah slowly reached around her, stopping her rambles. “But maybe after a rest I’ll have better success”
Having held back long enough, yonah scooped her up and returned to his corner to curl around his new teddy bear, thin and cold as it was. In contrast, his own embrace is soft, pillow-like even. And warm. So very very warm. She tensed in his grip for only a moment before calming down and closing her eyes with a deep sigh.
“By the way, I didnt introduce myself. My name is Savina”
Not resisting the urge, Yonah nuzzled her with his face, his normally neatly trimed facial hair overgrown and tangled and in need of a wash. He was drinking in her scent, even if he was resisting getting a taste, “I didn’t introduce myself either. Now shut up or I’ll put your head in my mouth to shut you up. I hear Tiddles”
As he was facing the back wall, it appeared as if he was alone in his cell, as the footsteps got closer, along with scraping noise and soon, a jingling of keys. Unlike earlier, the screech of the door opening was not so bad, knowing what it meant.
“You awake big guy? Damn this thing is so heavy… I managed to get a lot of scraps so it’s not mostly water this time! Probably tastes just as bad as all the rest, worse since I couldn’t sneak any salt in... but better than nothing right?”
The only response Tiddles got was a slight movement of Yonah’s head. His bushy mane of unkempt black hair shifting. Then two orange lights appeared. The giant's eyes locked on him with anticipation and hatred.
The guard, Tiddles, who couldn't have been older than 20, dragged a barrel within reach of Yonah, though the prisoner did not make any move.
“The others were laughing earlier about how you got a decent meal tonight… but I dont see any plate. Not surprised it was a lie. Im sorry again that this is not seasoned. But…” He left and returned before Yonah could investigate the food. Holding a large sack, the smell coming from which made yonah take a very intense breath.
“I did bring these… They were going to be used to torture other prisoners. Tested them on me. Just one bite and I thought my tongue would burn up in my own mouth, I drank so much water I thought I would throw up. But maybe it’s not as intense for giants!”
Through his dehydration Yonah started to drool, the spicy smell of the hot peppers filling his half FireWitch brain.
The display of hunger caused Tiddles to freeze up a moment “Um… I’ll take that as a yes to these. Great Goddess they make my eyes water!” he set the sack down and went to the other back corner where an empty barrel was on it’s side.
“I’ll take this one, yes?” Tiddles didn’t wait for an answer but said “you’re… not as talkative tonight. Usually you threaten-joke about eating me along with the slop. You alright?”
As soon as Tiddles had moved away from the full Barrel and sack of peppers, Yonah Sat up and scooted over with one hand. Revealing the reason he was not talking. Savina was tucked into his elbow, having fallen asleep.
Tiddles seemed briefly transfixed by the woman. If yonah had to describe the expression the closest would be reverence. Before cringing away.
“That’s what they meant by a good meal!?” He shook off his surprise “what a load of dragon crap. You’re not some feral animal”
Yonah didnt respond to this continued attempt to bond with him as he dragged the barrel back to his corner and stuck his finger in, building up his fire to warm up the cold scraps and water. Tiddles made no more small talk and left him to his pitiful “meal”.
Once the contents of the barrel started to steam, Yonah nudged Savina awake. She was not happy about that.
“I was actually sleeping well, what the fuck”
Yonah set her on his lap, the barrel in front of them both. “If you dont eat some of this now, I’ll eat all of it. You wont get a single drop, but if you eat now, you wont make a dent in it noticeable to me”
She nodded, understanding, and put her hands into the barrel. Yelping in pain as the hot slop made contact with her burnt hands.
Grumbling about how she was an idiot, yonah rummaged around in his chain pile for a flat piece of metal. It was a band from a previous barrel that he had broken. That was the only time he had gotten an earful from Tiddles about how if he continued to do that, Tiddles wouldnt be able to sneak him more food. He was able, with some effort, to heat it, pinch it, and bite it into a sort of ladle, which he used to scoop up the scrap soup and hold it to Savina who was very grateful.
Even with his encouragement she ate very little. Yonah had no idea how long she’d been here, but it was likely longer than himself, and it was very probable that her stomach had shrunken, so he eventually gave into his own hunger and stopped trying to get her to eat more and let her slump against his middle and fall back to sleep.
But before he ate any of it he took the peppers out of the sack and crushed them into the prison soup. It took all his self control not to just eat the peppers straight up. So he rewarded himself by licking the juice from his fingers.
He would have downed the contents of the barrel like a shot but resisted as it would have wasted all his patience preparing it for better taste. And even if it was literal scraps in unsalted water, hunger was the best seasoning. And the peppers, made this the best thing he’d tasted in the time since he woke up in this cell.
It made it much easier to not think about eating the woman in his lap as he too lay down to fall asleep.
He woke first, and during the hours of the night his stomach had become rather empty again. Though he kept his promise and resisted thinking about eating her. He did not, however, resist tasting her; he never made a promise involving tasting.
“NO!” she yelped and sputtered as he licked her face like a very large dog waking up it’s owner, clearly convinced he was going to eat her, panicking.
He stopped licking her, But he was not listening to her protests. The moment she yelled the world felt lighter. He felt… no, no time to dwell. He tossed Savina aside and focused on generating a lot of fire into his ankle cuffs. It wasnt enough to melt them, but it was enough to make them soft. Soft enough that he could pull and stretch them and get free.
And then the feeling was gone. Back to that soul crushing feeling that had been ever present, as if it was never gone.
“What did you DO?” he snarled as he rubbed his freed ankles, which were red and raw from the previously tight metal cuffs.
Savina got up, looking frazzled with one side of her hair sticking up and out at odd angles due to half-giant spit. “What I was trying to do last night! Hey!”
Yonah crawled to her and picked her up, putting his face close to hers to demand, rather loudly “Do it AGAIN”
Defiantly she took his gaze and his rank breath “I wish I could! Like I said before, and like you just saw, I can’t do this on purpose! It just happens!”
In a rage his eyes flash and he bares his teeth “Fucking useless!”. His urge to throw her against the wall lost out to his being touch starved and instead he sat back down to hold her just a little too tight.
He did not fail to notice that a small hint of the relief of pressure occurred when she gasped at his moment of rage.
“So. Did that count as your morning try? Should I start considering whether or not to eat you again?”
She stiffened in his grasp “that wasn’t intentional! But doesn’t it prove what I was saying, that I am too useful to consider eating, that with practice I can succeed?”
“I already got my legs free. I can reach the bars now. Reckon i can try smashing them… and if I eat you i may have the strength to do it” he huffed. With a small amount of food and a night’s sleep, what he had was the energy to be a massive dickhead again. “So you would be helping me.”
“Those bars are heavily reinforced with the prison magic! They’ve kept giants bigger than you in this prison!”
“I’d still like to try, so you’re lucky I want company more than a proper meal right now,” he chuckled against her. She was so skinny she wouldn't even be a proper meal, maybe half of one.
“Please let me try again later to disable the nullification. Then we can both get out and get decent food” she sounded both desperate and angry.
“I know exactly what I’m eating if I get out” his eyes flashed again and he licked his lips.
Savina shuddered but did not sound disgusted when she said “i think i have an idea of what… or who… that might be”
“So, are you going to try again or what?” Yonah was getting impatient.
“Will you be ready to break down the bars when the magic reinforcement is gone?” she asked.
Yonah backed up against the wall, bracing himself so he could charge. If she succeeded.
Savina went to the front of the cell, grasped the bars and closed her eyes, muttering. Occasionally she let go and made hand gestures.
Maybe she needed encouragement. Yonah growled at her. Low and threatening. Savina stiffened and he felt the pressure lift, very slightly, very briefly.
“Get on with it!” he hissed.
“I’m trying!” she shot back, walking to the center of the cell, it didnt seem to matter where she was.
Then she screamed, her whole body hitting the ground as suddenly Yonah was on top of her, having pinned her under a hand. He snarled in her face “Maybe I should just eat you then! At least my last meal will be a tasty one!”
This succeeded in having the desired effect. Whatever the nullification was, it lifted. However he could feel it coming back.
“NO! I’m trying, give me one more chance, I know I can do it!”
He was not listening to her. He had confirmed his theory. Without hesitation he took her left arm in his jaws. She started crying and screaming, Pushing at his face to pull away. “Stop Stop! You’re hurting me!” Her voice was shrill.
/That’s the idea/ he thought.
With a sickening CRUNCH and a shriek, it was Yonah’s turn to be thrown, against the wall.
Not that he cared. Not one bit.
The magical nullification was gone.
From the entire prison. With no signs of coming back.
Keeping his promise not to eat her, and extending that promise to any part of her, Yonah crawled over to Savina and opened his jaws to release the nearly severed arm, along with at least a gallon of bloody drool. Savina just sobbed. Hmmm she could bleed out. That would also be counter to his promise, in spirit, if not in word. He rubbed a thumb and finger together until they were red hot and pressed the tip of the finger to her shoulder.
The scent of burning flesh filled the air as he cauterized her wound. But there were more important things to take care of now.
Fueled by adrenaline, hunger, and literal fire in his veins, yonah gripped his prison bars, making them red hot. In a few moments he wrenched them apart and he was out. He barely noticed the flash of light behind him as he stepped out of his cage.
The alarms hadn't even started ringing by the time he ran into the first unfortunate guard.
It was the alarm bells that brought Savina back to earth. She sat up, and blanched as a sticky arm rolled off her chest and into her lap. She was still covered in blood but the wound had sealed. For all her lost memory she did recall something very important. She should keep her arm. Holding it kept her from trying to touch her shoulder. She had never experienced anything so painful in her life-
No… wait. She had experienced something more painful… Now her head throbbed too! Nevermind any of this! She had to find the half giant mage, he was her ticket out. Even with the magic nullification gone, she wouldn’t get far drained of her own magic and severely injured.
It wasn’t hard to find him. All she had to do was follow the trail of carnage and busted cell doors.
The first guard she found had no head, and a chunk of a shoulder missing. Blood pooled on the ground from the massive bite. Hmmmm. He had a nice sword. Putting her arm down momentarily, She took the sword and a belt to sheath it. It was a bit tricky to get the belt off the person and onto herself but she managed. Before she took her arm off the ground and continued on, not caring to avoid stepping in the blood. .
More dead guards lined the halls as she progressed. Most of them were missing their heads, some of them burned to a crisp. But many were only missing their limbs, or had a bite taken out of the side. Some of those were still living. One in particular had been bitten from the hips down, their guts spilling out onto the floor. She decided not to use her sword to put them out of their misery. Her excuse being that it would be too much effort to put her arm down every time.
Finally she caught up to the large mage. He was in one of the storage rooms where the more dangerous items confiscated from mages were kept. He was ransacking it, shoveling items into something, but finished as she entered and stood up, putting a hat on his head. If he wasn’t so large and didn’t have such a distinct physique, she might not have recognized him.
Dressed in a stunning outfit of mostly blues and golds, with a massive wide brimmed pointed hat to match, his hair now shining and tied back in a segmented pony tail, standing up to his full height and holding a majestic wooden staff, the once brutish creature from the cell was looking more like a person. Except for the fire in his eyes and blood and viscera hanging from his jaws.
With misplaced confidence she walked right up to Yonah and holding the shoulder end of the severed arm she swung to smack him in the ankle. He had on boots now and she wasnt sure he felt that until he looked down at her.
“You FUCKING ASSHOLE!” She bellowed “You TORE my arm off! Why would you do that?!”
He looked at her angry and quizzically “The anti-magic field is gone. It worked.”
She did not back away from his gaze, since he was not currently trying to eat her she figured he wasn’t going to. Clearly he had not hesitated with the guards. She waved the arm around in frustration "you didnt have to BITE IT OFF"
Yonah crouched down to snarl “Clearly I did. You weren’t in enough… danger to disable the field. I’m rather clever you know.” Without asking he scooped her up to hold her up to his face with a cheeky, blood stained grin, “After you told the story of your assault, I started to put the pieces together. Mortal peril seems to do the trick nicely”
“I still dont think you needed TO BITE MY ARM OFF,” she repeated.
Once again she used the severed arm to slap him, now in the face.
He blinked in a kind of shock and then bared his teeth “I think you’ve lost your arm privileges”
His first instinct was to get the wrist between his teeth and gulp the arm down. But… he still felt like he should keep his promise. And now that his belly was half filled with chunks of prison guard he could think clearer.
Savina shrieked as the giant man pinched her arm, the severed arm, plucking it from her weak grasp. His eyes flashed and it was lit up like a match.
Lost for words she watched as her arm burned into ash before her very eyes, the giant man grinning once again.
Now she was shaking with rage “I COULD HAVE RE-ATTACHED THAT”
His grin became a scowl “How in this reality was I supposed to know that?”
“Weren't you listening, you didnt even need to bite it off in the first place! My magic was starting to work!”
He talked as he placed her onto his shoulder, securing her to the harness he had found with his belongings.
“Didn’t I? We dont know that. Guess we will have to experiment later” he smiled wickedly, marching out of the room “But right now, I’m still hungry and there’s still more guards left alive.”
As he said this a guard rushed around the corner with a crossbow and fired. Yonah, having heard the footsteps just jerked his staff and the bolt exploded. He snatched up the guard, put the poor fucker’s head in his mouth and bit down, while pulling the body away. The sound was similar to when he’d bitten her arm, and blood spurted from the neck onto his face, and Savina’s entire person.
Yonah swallowed the head and tossed the body aside “I can’t eat them all at my size even if I only eat pieces. I can burn them, or crush them” he explained as yet another guard appeared which he simply squashed by slamming his staff down upon, “but I think we need some help. The human prisoners do not seem so eager to get back at their tormentors as I had thought.”
“They are running away from you. If you weren’t on a massacre they would probably be taking the advantage to riot and get revenge.”
“So we need more monsters.”
As he continued through the prison he broke every occupied cell, letting the prisoners run, and killing every guard with an intense savagery. But the most horrific thing, in Savina’s opinion, was when he picked up whole and alive guards and tossed them into his hat.
Eventually he broke into a cell and the prisoner inside did not immediately cower or run, but stood up, eyes reflecting in the darkness. A tall pale man with dark hair smiled with sharp fangs.
“That’s a vampire!” Savina informed him. The vampire bowed.
“A very blood starved vampire, and I could smell the flood coming from the other side of the prison, yet I was too weak to break myself free once I felt the magic nullification just, go away. Was that you?” he stared at Savina, not Yonah.
Savina gingerly touched the raw, burned flesh of her shoulder and looked very annoyed, “Yes. it was me.”
“I’m going to feast now, as I see you have been doing, mysteriously small giant”
“Don’t fill up on the ones I’ve killed, take out the ones still alive” Yonah instructed.
“Wise words,” said the vampire, “though I will take a little of this one, just to gain back my strength.”
Before leaving yonah sniffed at the vampire. Then reached up into his hat and pulled out a fancy, though sadly wrinkled and dirtied, suit. And tossed it at the vampire.
“Smells like you”
The vampire stood up from taking a drink of blood from the guard who Yonah had decided to merely kick against a wall.
“My clothes! You are a gentleman monster!” And with a snap of his fingers swapped out his prison outfit for his old one. “I feel more like myself already!”
Done with the small talk, Yonah moved on. It was time to get out of this place, with hopefully minimal distractions. He would still make a snack, a charred corpse, or a bloody pulp out of any guard he came across.
But it was only a few cells later that again, the prisoner did not immediately scream or flee. Yonah could sense a very eerie magical aura from her, she was pale like the vampire but he suspected she was not one. She smiled at him like the vampire but her teeth were flat.
“My dear emancipator, did you come across a spider necklace during your rampage? I would very much like to have it back.”
That was odd enough that Yonah decided not to ignore it and instead reach into his hat. He did not recall a spider necklace so he could only think the words. An object indeed fell into his hand. Which he tossed to the woman who squealed like a giddy teenager as she caught it.
Putting it on she rubbed the shining black thorax of the obsidian spider inlaid on the silver medallion.
That eerie aura from before increased 100 fold, followed by the chittering, skittering, buzzing of millions of tiny legs and wings. Unlike Yonah’s cell, this woman’s had a window. And through it marched or flew an unimaginable number of insects and arachnids.
Yonah took a step back. But the plaque of bugs was swarming into the prison from every window, every crevice, every crack in the wall, every broken pipe.
“My children will clean out this place” she giggled, though it was closer to a witch’s cackle.
Yonah backed away from her. Deciding that it was now time to leave this wretched place, confident the bugs could take care of the rest. It was by her merciful magic that the bugs avoided him entirely, and seemed to be able to scramble away from his footsteps even as he started down the corridor.
Ah, another guard, coming out of a nearby door, a good distraction from the creepy crawlies. He rushed and shoved the guard up to their torso into his mouth and got ready to bite down. As the ribs started to crack between his teeth the taste of this guard matched up to a familiar smell.
Releasing his jaws he held a gasping, screaming Tiddles.
“If you dont want that one, my babies will happily take him!” The bug witch called from behind him.
Ignoring the creepy aura yonah wheeled around snarling “He’s MINE” and he secured the flailing young man to his shoulder.
“Suit yourself” said the witch, “but he seems to not like you very much, and I am not overly fond of him myself”
Tiddles was indeed trying to free himself, earning him a swift flick to the head. “Probably hurts with those broken ribs to struggle like that, little one. I will keep you safe.”
Without another word Yonah turned back. Enough of this. He pointed his staff at the wall and blasted a hole through, stepping outside. Still in the walled compound he did not take a fresh breath of freedom just yet. He ran for the walls.
Arrows and crossbow bolts rained down at him. Fine. It was time for some big magic. Yonah stopped and took his staff, raising it into the air he found in it the perfect spell. He swirled it around and chanted. The morning sky, which was clear, crackled, and a swirling storm cloud gathered overhead.
The guards on the ramparts screamed as bolts of lightning struck them, leaving Yonah free to take down a section of wall and flee into the forested mountains.
It was after he had been half running half jogging for 15 minutes that he stopped and sat down against a cool boulder shaded by the trees. Or rather he nearly collapsed. One big gorey feast after weeks of starvation would not immediately restore him. That would take time. He had been running on the reserves of his magic, adrenaline, and a bloodlust.
The moment he closed his eyes to rest however, he felt Tiddles renew his struggling.
“Why do you keep this up” Yonah mumbled, not looking at Tiddles, but feeling him freeze.
“I dont want to die!” the young man squeaked. “I saw you eat the other guards!”
“Well then aren’t you in luck that I filled up on them? I had enough to be satisfied for a while.”
That did not calm Tiddles down any more, the struggling was back “You kept me as leftovers!” he shrieked.
“Naw” Yonah said and reached into his hat to draw out an intact, but dead, guard, “I already did that.”
He felt Tiddles faint at that declaration. This did not bring Yonah any joy, as Tiddles’ terror had done before. Being so full Yonah just returned the corpse to the pocket space that was his wizard hat.
“So, where to now?” Savina said after five minutes “We need to get going, surely someone will try to follow! There is more than one shift of guards and they will be looking for all the escaped prisoners, especially you, who was responsible!”
“I think the bug witch will make sure no one does” yonah said, though it was more likely that at least one idiot would manage to slip away. “But I am tired, We need to find a cave or something to hide out in to recoup my… I mean our strength”
“I can help with that”
As if on cue the bug witch stepped out from behind a tree. Yonah eyed her suspiciously. Savina was too hurt and too exhausted to do the same.
“Oh really? And why would you?”
She just laughed “You saved me? And you returned my amulet to me! I owe you big time. By the way, you look just awful. Would you like my children to clean you up?”
“What do you mean?”
Before she answered there was more buzzing in the air as wasps swarmed around her “these little gals are very efficient! I promise they will not sting”
“They cannot hurt my humans either!” he said, nervous about what was about to happen.
“Of course”
He still held his breath as the wasped charged at him and his companions. Savina screamed as well before she smartly held her breath too. Tiddles was the luckiest, unconscious for the whole thing.
It was over in just a minute, thank the gods, as Yonah would have to take a breath. Still, he sneezed and a few bugs flew out. Savina was breathing heavily.
“So, bug witch,”
“Cait… What’s a nearby place for a big monster to get some rest?”
The woman considered “Hmm… The woods that way are decent. Bears will be scared off by you. Humans should leave you alone. There’s a cave in those woods if you want extra shelter. I want to get back to my home but I can have one of my babies guide you there”
“That would be much appreciated” Yonah focused and gathered up more strength to stand up. And then froze in place as the largest drider he had ever seen came into sight.
“Babe!” he called, ignoring yonah and scooping up the witch into a hug that transitioned into messy kisses.
“I got out of the prison!” she declared, “this nice big fellow helped me! Got my amulet!”
The Drider was a full head taller than Yonah and eyed him over with all 8 eyes before nodding. From between all of his feet a smaller, but large dog sized tarantula, scampered up to Yonah.
“Charlie here will lead you to shelter!” said Cait, “Now I haven't been home in a long time”
And with that, the witch and the drider left.
Charlie made a hissing sound while scraping her feet on a rock to get Yonah’s attention. She led Yonah to a large rocky incline and eventually to the mouth of a cave.It was large enough that if he crawled, he could get in. Which he did without hesitating.
The cave was larger in the inside and he probably could have stood up but he stayed sitting.
The spider stayed at the entrance of the cave, made a little dance, and then disappeared.
“Seems safe enough…” Yonah said. He unharnessed Savina so she could sit in his lap. “Guess what, I was lucid enough during my rampage that I picked up food that wasn’t dead guards!” and from his hat he got out some bread and cheese, and even a barrel of water.
“Um… no thanks” she said.
“You must eat, Savina”
“Im too nauseated from the pain.”
She did look a little green now that she said it.
“I have a healing potion… it should numb the pain a bit.” This he took from a sleeve. A small vial. Just a single ounce. It was like a grain of rice in his palm “It will even help with your shoulder, to at least regrow the flesh around it and stop infection”
She took it, and still looking like putting anything in her mouth would make her vomit, she downed it like a shot.
30 seconds later she felt much better. Or at least, felt less pain… She still felt like complete shit. But took the food with her good arm and started eating.
“I dont know why you brought him along…” she said, referring to Tiddles through a mouthful of bread.
“I doubt someone as kind as him works at an evil prison if he has a happy home to return to. Plus if i had let him go.. The other prisoners might not have been so kind to him. He was still a guard.” Yonah yawned, “Fuck. Im tired. Didnt we just wake up like, an hour ago?” he asked.
“Sure but you just broke a prison” Savina pointed out.
“I did… didn’t I…” Yonah tried to lay down but found that didn’t work with Tiddles on his shoulder. So he resigned himself to sleeping upright for now.
Still half starved, Savina did not manage to eat much. So yonah put the food back. He found a outcrop of rock that he could lean against and put an arm protectively in front of Savina. She put her own remaining arm over his. And they both fell asleep at the same time.
Even through the exhaustion of his over half a month in prison, and the torpor his kind got from a full belly, Yonah HaEsh heard the quiet footsteps of someone entering the cave.
Yet his brain was still slow to react. He opened his eyes and stared down.
Kneeling in his lap, holding Savina’s arm to his fanged mouth, moments away from biting down, was the vampire.
UHHHH thanks for reading. If you liked this please let me know. If this fits your blog theme please reblog it!
I hope you enjoyed this. and I hope to have more of it for you in the future. lots more adventure to come!
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peach-pops · 4 years
Kuroo’s Secret Relationship
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Request: hello👉🏻👈🏻 i had a vision and i cant tell if this is dumb or cute but IMAGINE kuroo and his karasuno manager gf at training camp but nobody knows theyre datin so they just keep it a secret so during the camp they try to find time to meet but if one of them is free the other one is busy. so during sleepy time she gets up to like poo or sumn and kuroo suprises her but she didnt know it was him so she punches him but then she feels bad and the next day everyone thinks he got in a fight I LOV U❤️
Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting!!! I am a total simp for Kuroo idk if you guys can tell. This is just a cute little scenario and honestly, I’d let Kuroo punch ME but that’s none of my business. ALSO requests are still open, I’ll close them once I reach a certain amount. 
Kuroo watched from afar as you talked amongst some of his teammates that were practically drooling at the pools of your feet. He knew he wasn’t being subtle at all as his eyes raked up your figure but he didn’t know how much more of this he could take. 
You two had been dating for a while but you both thought it would be important to keep your relationship a secret for the time being. Kuroo didn’t want to make it seem like he would be putting volleyball as a second priority to his team and you didn’t want it to look like you were fooling around with one of Karasuno’s “enemies”. 
It was fun sneaking off behind corners for private makeout sessions and sharing secret glances towards each other but as Kuroo watched you get blatantly hit on in front of him, he felt like he was losing his cool. 
The worst part was that since the training camp started, the two of you had no alone time and it was eating away at the both of you. You felt like you couldn’t even smile at Kuroo when he did really well against your own Karasuno without exposing your relationship and frankly, the two of you were both at your wits end. 
“ You’re making it obvious,” Kuroo turned around and looked down at Kenma, who’s attention was on his gaming console,” just go over there.”
Okay, Kuroo wasn’t supposed to tell anyone but Kenma was an exception. The two had been friends for so long and Kuroo trusted him with his life, plus Kenma was never the type to gossip. 
“ Are you seeing this? They’re practically undressing her with their eyes! I can tell from here that Lev is into her just from the way he’s standing,” Kuroo kept his gaze on you as you let out a laugh and even though Kuroo didn’t hear the joke, he knew your laugh wasn’t even genuine,” I might actually kill them, would you help me bury the body?”
Kenma sighed as he continued to keep his attention to his game,” You’re hopeless.”
“ We would need to dig a bigger hole, Lev has a pretty big head,” Kuroo mumbled as you excused yourself to step away. 
As soon as you turned away from the boys, your smile dropped and Kuroo could visibly see how annoyed you were with the conversation. 
It made Kuroo feel better that you didn’t like getting hit on but it wasn’t like you could stop them, they all thought you were single. If they would’ve known you were dating the captain of Nekoma, their advances would stop but that wasn’t an option at the moment. 
You looked over at Kuroo and your whole demeanor shifted. You gave him a big smile before you looked away and pulled out your phone to text him. 
Y/N: pls tell me you saw that- i couldn’t wait for that conversation to be over, lev and yamamoto are going to be the death of me 
Tetsuro: trust me, they’ll wish they were dead once im done with them
Tetsuro: r u free rn? I checked this morning and the janitors closet is unlocked maybe we can sneak off to have some alone time ;)
You looked up from your phone and up towards Kuroo who had the biggest smirk on his face. Before you could text back, Nekoma’s manager announced that Nekoma was next up to play for court two. 
Kuroo groaned out loud, of course the universe was against him. 
Tetsuro: im sorry baby, maybe later tonight then? 
Y/N: that’s fine - good luck!
You watched as Kuroo put his phone away and sent you a quick wink before heading over to the empty court. 
For the rest of the day, you two hardly even had the chance to share a glance between each other. Whenever he was playing on a court, Karasuno had their own match and whenever he was free, you had manager duties with the other girls. 
Even during dinner, you were so busy running around doing last-minute tasks before bed that Kuroo never got to say goodnight to you. By the time you finished, Kuroo was already in bed snoring away with his teammates. 
In the middle of the night, you woke up to Tanaka kicking you in his sleep and in retaliation, you grabbed your pillow and swung it over his face. 
Tanaka only grumbled and flipped to face the other way, still in deep sleep whereas you were now wide awake. You rubbed your tired eyes but as you tried to fall back asleep, all you could think about was how dry your mouth was. 
You contemplated on getting water before you sat up from your sleeping bag and walked out of the room silently, trying your best not to step on any of the sleeping boys. Once you shut the door behind you, you made your way down the hallway to the water fountain in a tired manner. 
You weren’t terrified of the dark but the thought of going down a dark hallway at a school you weren’t familiar with was unsettling to say the least and you wish you brought your phone for some light. 
When you reach the water fountain, you bent down and as you started to drink the water, you felt like something was off. Before you could turn around, you felt something touch your waist and every hair on the back of your neck stood up. 
You whipped around and when you saw a tall and dark figure, your first instinct was to scream and swing your arm out to defend yourself. You made contact with the figure and once you heard the groan, you knew exactly who it was. 
“ Tetsuro! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, you scared me! Are you okay!” You said as Kuroo held his cheek in pain. 
He couldn’t believe you had actually punched him but he was even more surprised you landed a good punch in the dark,” See baby, I told you taking those boxing lessons would pay off but damn, you punch hard.”
“ You know you can’t sneak up on me like that, I’m jumpy!” You sighed as you squinted to see Kuroo’s face in the dark,” what are you doing up this late?”
Kuroo kept one hand on his throbbing cheek as the other reached down to pull out his phone,” I texted you to meet me in front of the janitors closet cause I wanted to have some quality time with my beautiful, sweet, girlfriend who I thought would never hurt me but instead of kisses, I got socked in the face!” 
You knew Kuroo was only teasing you but you felt so guilty. You wrapped your arms around his large frame and pressed your face into his chest and apologized in a muffled tone,” I’m the worst girlfriend ever.” 
Kuroo let out a laugh as he weaved his fingers through your bedhead and planted a kiss on the top of your head,” Don’t say that. If it makes you feel any better, you could always just knock out guys who try to hit on you now.”
You smiled up at your boyfriend as he took the chance to lean down and kiss you softly, his hands wrapped around your waist to pull you closer to him. 
Kuroo smirked against your lips as you moved your hands up to lightly tug on his hair,” You know, the janitors closet locks from the inside.”
“ Are you suggesting we have sex in a dirty closet? What if someone walks by and hears us?”
“ Get your head out of the gutter, I never said anything about sex,” Kuroo acted shocked as he tucked a strand of hair before leaning down to whisper in your ear,” unless you think you can be quiet for me.” 
You rolled your eyes as you grabbed Kuroo’s hand and led him into the janitors closet right beside the restrooms,” Whatever, we both know you’re the loud one.” 
“ We’ll see about that kitten.” 
The next morning, Kuroo went to practice normally but not without weird murmurs from his teammates. At first, he thought his secret was out and maybe you had left hickeys across his neck but it was an entirely different mark that he had forgotten about. 
“ Woah, buddy, did you get into a fight? I’m pretty blind but I’m pretty sure you didn’t have that bruise at dinner yesterday,” Bokuto said in awe as he tried to touch the large bruise that was on Kuroo’s cheek,” that is a bruise! Akaashi, come look at this!”
Kuroo swatted his hand away and used his phone camera to get a better look at his face. Turns out, you had punched him way harder than he had initially thought. 
Kuroo couldn’t even think of a lie in time so he tried to reveal as little as possible,” Who am I going to fight around here?” 
“ I don’t know...has anyone seen Lev?” Akaashi asked right as Karasuno entered through the gym doors. 
“Kuroo! Did you kill Lev? You can be honest with me I wouldn’t tell a soul!” Bokuto shouted loudly as a few heads turned in their direction. 
Your ears perked up once you heard Kuroo’s name and as you turned to look over at the boys, your heart immediately dropped when you saw the bruise you had left Kuroo. 
Without thinking, you dug into one of the coolers and pulled out an icepack, even though it was a little too late to ice it down. 
You rushed over to Kuroo, not caring that some people had their attention on you as you pressed it against his face,” That looks really bad, I’m so- um what happened?” 
“ Kuroo killed Lev!” Bokuto teased as Akaashi gave him a stern look that quickly shut him up. 
You sighed as you looked up at Kuroo and bit the inside of your cheek before whispering  softly,” I think we should tell everyone before you get in trouble. You know Nekoma has a no-tolerance policy for fighting and I don’t want it to be a rumor that you got into a fight with someone.” 
“ I know, you’re right but can we wait until the rest of my teammates get here?” Kuroo asked as you gave him a confused look,” I want them to be jealous just for a bit.”
You shook your head with a smile as Kuroo placed his hand over yours that was holding up the icepack,” Okay, just for a bit.”
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
Future Hope - chapter 1.5 - Practice Makes Perfect
Our heroes didnt get their powers and knew from night to day how to manage them, especially those who had physical changes to their body. Our soon-to-be heroes were all reunited in Maria's house, they had planed to spend the afternoon practing and exploring their new limits and abilities, all helping eitch other.
They decided since Griff had the biggest change, they would focus on him first. At the moment they were out in backyard, eitch one giving suggestions on what to begin first.
"Pick us all up at once with your new muscles!" Said Muffin excitedly. "That's still too light! Pick us all up plus Maria's car" Said Spike, chewing once again on a bubblegum.
"You all leave Hellride out of this!" Maria responded angrily. "That car was expensive as fuck and I refuse to go back to a life of Ubers!" She crossed her arms, indignified.
"You named your car?" Kip answered from high up a tree branch, as cats do. "I name all my belongings, what of it?" Maria answered. "And they're all cool names, too".
"Hellride? Really?" Spiked scoffed. "Because she rides fast as Hell! Look can we get back on track and find something for Griff to test his strenght?!" Maria answered nervously with a touch of embarrassment.
"Unless we find an Indiana Jones boulder for him to spin on his finger like a damn basketball we arent gonna get any damn progress!" Spike shouted back.
Maria sighed and shook her head. "I hate it when you have a point.." Griff nervously scratched the back of his head. "There must be something we can do.." He quietly mumbled out.
"I got it!" Muffin shouted, they all turned to face her. "I forgot Im a fairy! I can just poof something up!" She said excitedly. Everyone stared at her with either a confused or shocked look.
"..How... Do you FORGET that you're a fairy?!" Spike blurted out nervously. "You have fucking wings! How does one forget they have huge pink glittery wings?!"
Muffin just shrugged.
Maria smiled wide. "OK Muffin, give us something huge and heavy for Griff to use!" Muffin nodded and grabbed her wand which had a muffin on the tip. "Wand cook, beat and bake! Give us a big large and tasty cupcake!" She waved her wand and out appeared from a bunch of pink glittery smoke, a nearly two-story house tall chocolate cupcake.
"... Why a cupcake..?" Blink asked as she peeked behind her mask, in slight awe and wanting to secretly a bite out of it. "I can only make sweets!" Muffin said with a shy tone. "Im not a fighter like you guys, I only want to make people happy and eat candy!"
"That is certainly the biggest pastry I've ever seen! So large and beautiful, I bet tasty as well!" "Not to mention DIABETIC AS HELL!!! We could die from a heart attack eating that! Or worse, we could get fat! Even fatter! And become even uglier then we already are! This is too overwealming I need a nap!"
Rooko and Rooki suddenly spoke, almost taking everyone off guard on how their friend Rook is suddenly two split personalities now based on the Youtube character ENA, one is always happy while the other is always sad, and depending on the situation they can go Manic or Miserable.
"OK Griff, show us what you can do!" Maria shouted excitedly. Without missing a second, Griff bent over and gripped the edge of the massive cupcake, after struggling a bit he slowly but surely, lifted the entire thing over his head, smiling proudly.
His friends cheered and applauded proudly. Feeling satisfied, he dropped the cupcake and dusted the chocolate crumbs off his hands and fur. "Yokusei!" He shouted, and with a naruto-like smoke poof, he turned back to his human self. Maria ran and hugged him tightly, which Griff embraced and hugged back with a slight twirl.
"Griff you were amazing!!" Maria said with a proud tone, Griff slightly blushed pink at the small punk girl and her excitement. "Oh shucks, it was nothing.." He said with a shy tone.
"Well, and seems we concluded Griffin's training." Togekiss said as they took a sip of tea. "He jump twice as high as a two-story house, his punches and kicks can knock down brick walls and possibly more if we werent limited on objects to test it with, he can hear twice as much then a dog could with his ears, and his sense of smell is impecable. Truly Griff is a strong asset to our team."
"I can only train my powers at night.." Said Spooks, holding an umbrella to protect her from the sun, now that it injures her. "Muffin's power is only sweet making. Togekiss has exceptional I.Q and can see simulations in the future like Garnet in Steven Universe, along with their strong telekenisis, and Kip simply draws whatever she desires, whether alive or not and it becomes a reality... That means it's Rook's turn to show us what she can do" She finished.
"Wonderful! It's our time to shine!" "I-I-I not ready! Everyone's gonna laugh at us! I-I might piss myself in fear!" "Oh pull yourself together dear! Our friends wont laugh at us!" "How do we know that?! They're just waiting to correct us on a dumb mistake!!!"
Rook's body shook and twitched as her eyes turned to static, suddenly her entire eyes turned black with a blue iris, she turned Miserable.
"They're gonna laugh and point at our foolish selves, we're gonna be so embarrassed that we'll wish that the Earth will swallow us whole and just fucking kill us now!! Go ahead! Laugh at us and our misfortune!!!"
"ooh shit" Maria said. "can someone calm her down?"
Rook's eyes change to regular as her Miserable side went away. "No need my good Queen! We are completly fine! Now prepare to be dazzled as we show you all what we can do!" q
Rook pulled out a harry potter-like wooden wand, waved it around. "Bloom and Blossom and protect who I love! Rise my pretties, rise high and above!" Rooki shot an orange light at the grass, which made dozens of flowers bloom and grow around Spike and Blink.
"This is only one of my tricks! It's a shield that protects them from almost anything! My main weakness is fire, because while plants are beautiful, they are also sadly very, very flammable"
"Cool." Said Spike before using his bat to aggressivly hit the flowers and the vines aside so he and Blink could leave.
"M-M-My turn I guess!" Rook took hold of the wand and waved it in circles. "Razzle Dazzle Shine and Show, make their body move it low!" Rooko shot a blue light at Spooks, which made unwillingly and uncontrolably start dancing and as the spell said, make her go low.
"O-OH GOD SOMEONE MAKE IT STOP I DONT LIKE HOW MY BUTT IS MOVING THIS MUCH!!" She shouted in desperation as she made a split and moved it even lower.
"M-My deal is with music! I-It works as a way of distraction o-or hypnosis and it lasts for 30 minutes un-le-less I say otherwise! I-I know it's a sucky power!"
"OK COOL CAN I STOP DANCING PLEASE IM GETTING A CRAMP!!!" Yelled Spooks, practically begging. Rooko flicked her wand and Spooks fell on the ground, panting. "OH MY POOR HAMSTRINGS THEY ACHE!!" She yelled in utter pain, meanwhile Maria and Spike were absolutely losing it.
"O-OH GOD MY STOMACH HURTS-" Said Spike in between laughter.
"OK you guys cool it" Said Blink. "It's our turn to practice now. We're the only ones who use regular weapons." She said drawing her sword and positioning her mask back in place.
"O-OK! OK!" Maria said getting up, she pulled out a small staff and whipped it, making it stretch out wide into a full, large red and black scythe, with a rose print on the blade. Spike spun his bat and spat his gum out.
"So. Who's ass Im kicking first?" Said Spike. "Wait on second thought this might be unfair." Said Blink. "Me and Maria had blades while Spike has a bat, maybe we should-"
Before she could finish, Spike swung his bat and hit Blink sword, knocking it out of her hand before kicking her back at the ground. Blink fell back hard before she could even process what happen, dumbfounded but angry, she snarled. "Oh it's on now Motherfucker." She extended her hand and the sword flew back to her hand, as she charged towards Spike, who moved out of the way as soon as Blink swung her sword, which if he hadnt been for Maria's scythe, would have sliced her right up.
"Dude! Chill! This is a pratice!" Maria spoke as both of their blades were against eitch other. Blink hopped and flipped over her and landed on a tree branch, croutching like a ninja. She put her hands together and in a small puff of smoke and disappeared. Spike and Maria were back to back, ready to counterattack Blink, what they didnt expect was for her to attack from underground.
Buring up from the dirt, she got both of them off their feet and charged after Spike, who barely managed to regain his balance before his using bat his block Blink's sword. A back and forth of clash-clings-and-clangs between metal begun, one attacking the other but eitch blocking every attack again and again.
Spike ducked a sword slash and roundhouse kick Blink's leg, which was effective since she's practically a ninja. She backflipped back on her feet and kept attacking swiftly. But a sudden scythe blade cut in between them, stopping the fight.
"That's enough!!!" Maria shouted. "You both are gonna end up hurting yourselves or eitch other! im ending it now!!"
"Oh what the hell dude?!" Blink shouted indignified. "I was about to beat him!!" "Oh please." Answered Spike. "Was that the best you could do? Sakura could do a better job kicking my ass" He scoffed. They began to argue loudly, genuinely angry at eitch other.
"THAT"S ENOUGH!!!!" Maria shouted, making them, and everyone else look at her.
"It doesnt matter would win that fight! This was a practice and not a competition!! The point of us being a team and getting powers in the first place was for all of us to make the world a better place, but the only way that can happen is if all of us work together!! As a team!!!"
They stood in silence, listening to her talk and set them straight.
"As cheesy as that sounds, it's true!! We shouldnt fight eitch other like this, you're not just my friends, we're all friends with eitch other! We all go along well and we know that, that's why I got you all together, because no one can bond better in a team then all of us together!!!"
"... She's right." Togekiss added, walking towards them. "We all started as simple individuals with free time on a website, but we all shared common interests, we grew closer.. And suddenly like that, we all became friends.. A family, if you will."
"We take care of eitch other and look out for one another." Said Spooks.
"Just like how you all did for me.. When I almost died. Almost died because of the shit and violent world we live in." Maria said.. With a slight crack in her voice.
"You're bringing in the same violence that almost killed me.. So please.. Please stop fighting.. We're all in this together.. Right..?"
Spike and Blink dropped their weapons and hugged Maria, and everyone else joined in as well.
"You're right, we're sorry Queen." Said Spike. "We got overwhealmed and we didnt mean it. We wont fight again, because you're right." Added Blink.
"We only have eitch other in this world, and if we want to change it we have to stick together, just like you said." Spike said one more time.
"And we wont let you down.. We promise.." Griff finished, with everyone agreeing with what he said.
And so they stayed for a moment, embraced within eitch other in a group hug. A family isnt perfect, there will be disagreements, but a good bond will always overcome those disagreements, and that's what they had, a good bond.
A bond that's practically unbreakable and untaintable. A bond that will soon be ready, and fight together to make the world a better place.
A bond that will the world's Future Hope..
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roseworth · 3 years
pls tell us more about fitzmom! i want to know her like you do 💛
i am SO glad u asked 🥰 strap in i wrote so much more than i thought i would
(disclaimer these are obviously all headcanons bc fitzmom has no canon personality so every hc i have for her comes from the love in my heart)
so first of all i like the name Celeste for her, i’ve heard a lot of different names for her but i use celeste (mostly because of the word “celestial” bc,,, moon lol)
some quick little things about her before i get into A Lot:
-she’s very sarcastic/snarky (like eugene 😌) but not because she’s a mean person, just bc she thinks it’s funny. she’s very confident and determined (stubborn) because if she knows what she wants, she’s not going to let anyone get in her way. this can often become a fault because she unintentionally steps on others or ignores their wishes if she thinks she’s right.
-she also wants to get along with everybody, and she’s a little rapunzel-ish in the way that if she doesnt get along with someone she’s Stresses Out and needs to make them like her
-also she’s bi. no reason other than that there’s no way i can look at her and think “straight woman”
i’m gonna put the rest of this under a cut bc it got,,, a lot longer than i expected sorry 😳 i just care very deeply about her
she wasn’t born into royalty. she grew up in the Dark Kingdom and lived there for years, but she was just a normal person for most of her life. her dad left when she was young so she was raised by her mom. when she was in her early 20s, her mom died and that was what pushed her to leave the dark kingdom for a bit. for the next few years she journeyed around the world and visited other kingdoms just to see what it was like, but the dark kingdom was always her home. she was in her late 20s when she came back to the dk
when she came back home, she expected to just settle back into a normal life, but she ended up meeting a dude that just happened to be the king. she didn’t even realize that he was the king at first bc she didnt bother paying much attention to what the royalty was up to. but one day someone says “so i saw you’ve been spending a lot of time with the king ;)” and she just says “haha what? that’s not the king that’s just ed.” and they have to tell her that he’s actually the king. when she asks why he never told her, he just said that he assumed she knew and didn’t care (and he was right, she didn’t care, but she at least would’ve liked to know 😔)
the two of them get closer. she thinks that he’s the weirdest person she’s ever met (in a good way) and he gets all flustered around her whenever she smiles. nerd.
she also cares a lot about the kingdom. it’s her home and she grew up with lots of the people in it, so she wants to protect all the citizens even before she becomes queen. she also is used to the Moonstone causing problems and wants to find a way to stop it just as much as anyone. she reads a lot about the history of the Moonstone and the different research that’s been conducted on it to see if there’s a connection she can find or a way to stop it. she doesn’t find anything, but she doesn’t like giving up.
edmund proposes to her, ofc she says yes bc she loves that nerd and wants to spend her life with him. technically there are rules against royalty marrying commoners but a) he’s the king so he does what he wants, b) she knows what she wants and won’t take no for an answer, and c) she knows almost the entire kingdom and everyone loves her so no one cares that they’re breaking one dumb rule
she tries to bond with the brotherhood and she soon finds out that they’re all just as weird as edmund and she LOVES it. she bonds with quirin and hector pretty much instantly. when she finds out quirin knows a little bit about farming (he farms as a hobby on the side. what a loser) she asks him to teach her everything bc she loves nature and likes to learn how to grow things. since she’s traveled a lot, she can connect with hector since he has random animals that he’s just kind of collected from places he’s been. he has a rhino that he just… brought home one day. she thinks that’s the coolest thing ever
but she has a bit of trouble making friends with adira since adiras really closed off and likes to keep herself distant. that doesn’t stop celeste from trying. she offers to help with adiras training. even though adira is stronger than her, she assumes she could hold her own for long enough in a sparring match. it doesn’t go well, so she tries a different tactic.
they end up comparing research on the Moonstone, and adira tells her about her Sundrop theory. they go on a little quest to see if they can find anything about the Sundrop. they don’t find anything, but after adventuring together for days, they finally feel Connected to each other. adiras never had a girl friend since most of the people she spends time with are the brotherhood. so she thinks it’s nice that she has someone that is willing to spar with her and go searching for long lost magical artifacts #justgirlythings
celeste always wanted a big family. she has so much love to give to everyone and she just always imagined having children. when she first got pregnant she was ECSTATIC. she found a way to mention it in every conversation she had, no matter who it was with
but as it got closer to her delivery date, she was starting to get scared. she didn’t want to screw it up, and she wanted her kid to feel happy and loved all the time. she felt like it was so much pressure to have this kid that she had to raise to be happy and okay and make sure that the child was ready for the world. then she started stressing out over every little choice she made as if getting the wrong crib meant the world was going to explode
edmund talked to her about it and assured her that they were in this TOGETHER and no matter what happened, they would love their child. sometimes things were out of their hands, but they would make sure that that child had all the love in the world :’) that reassured her a bit, and she tried to work on letting go of control.
but then the Moonstone started getting worse than usual. now she not only wanted to protect her kingdom, but make the best life for her kid. it started up about a month before she gave birth, and she was getting nervous about what was going to happen.
after she gave birth to a lovely little boy, she kept an eye on the Moonstone. it was only getting worse, and she didn’t want her son to have to deal with it. she tried to stay away from it but she couldn’t ignore it.
when her son is about a month old, she tries to destroy the Moonstone. it doesn’t work. it shoots up a rock and kills her.
edmund is with her in her last moments. she knows she’s about to die and she feels like she failed. she couldn’t save her kingdom or her son. she tries to apologize to her husband because she was dying and she didn’t even get to destroy the moonstone. she just wanted to keep everyone safe and she failed. edmund promises her that he will make sure everyone is safe. that makes her feel better
she tells him that she loves him. she asks him to keep their son protected and happy. then she dies in his arms.
her death impacted everyone in and out of the kingdom. people everywhere were mourning the loss of the queen of the dark kingdom.
everyone in the brotherhood became more closed off after that. after her death, quirin swore to not get any more loved ones involved in the Moonstone if he could avoid it. he knows how dangerous it is and won’t lose anyone else he cares about to it. hector acts like he doesnt care as much as he does and tries to cover up the issue with anger. he knows that she was looking for the Sundrop with adira, and he wonders if that research is what made the Moonstone angry. he decides that if moonstone=bad and sundrop=moonstone, then sundrop=bad. adira is also extremely hurt, because she barely takes her walls down to form connections with people. so then one of the only times she allows herself to get close to someone, she ends up getting hurt. so she puts her walls back up and refuses to make more close relationships out of fear that it will hurt more when she loses them.
so basically no one is dealing with their loss in a healthy way
edmund is definitely not dealing with it well. he loved her with all his heart and doesn’t know how to go on without her. he realized that his son was in danger the longer he stayed in the dark kingdom, and so were the rest of the citizens. so he literally pushes everyone away and makes them leave. he doesn’t want his son to be constantly weighed down by the threat of the Moonstone, and he wanted to keep everyone safe the way he should’ve done for her. so he sends everyone away and pretty much spends the next 25 years wallowing in guilt. he never got the chance to process the grief because everyone was sent away so abruptly. in the empty castle, at first he to her every day and over time he just naturally starts voicing all of his thoughts to fill the silence
anyways years and years later, after the series, eugene wants to learn more about his mom but no one likes talking about her (bc no one ever bothered processing their grief so they just ignore it now) so he goes through old dk files and records by himself and tries to find anything about her. he finds the pages and pages of research she did about the moonstone but can’t really find much about who she was as a person
eventually he asks adira about the research they did together to try to learn more about her. adira tells him about their time researching together, and eventually tells him about her. adira says that ever since the forest of no return, she had her suspicions that eugene was Horace just because he reminded her SO MUCH of celeste that she wondered if they were related.
eugene is happy to know that he’s so much like his mom, since he spent his entire life imagining what she was like without knowing who she was. eventually he gets his dad to talk about her, and edmund realized he felt better about it when he could tell stories about the happy parts of their life together instead of replaying her death over and over in his head
okay i think that’s all i have for now i’m sorry i wrote so much i just Love this character whose personality i completely made up
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Obi Wan x Padawan Reader Never Lie to Me
Pairing: Sith Obi Wan Kenobi x padawan reader
Summary : Reader misplaces something important and tries to find it before her Master can find out.
Warnings: language, sexual themes, *slight smut*
Hello my loves! Ok so I absolutely love Sith obi wan but for some reason I struggle to write him. I tried something and hopefully it's not complete trash like I think it is lol anywaaaaaaays enjoy😚
18+ readers only!
Oh this was bad...this was very very bad....
Okay y/n don't freak out, you can hide this! You can totally hide this!!
Fuck no you couldn't
You groaned sliding down the wall of your chambers. How could you be so stupid?! Losing your lightsaber like that?! Did you have a death wish?!
You could only imagine how enraged your master would be.. you shook your head violently dissipating the horrible thoughts.
No no no, it would not come to that becasue you would find it. It probably fell somewhere by your speeder. Yeah it's there for sure.....probably.....
Sighing you stood up and grabbed a cloak to cover your hip and the usual missing weapon spot that hung there.
You couldn't help but imagine all the horrible scenarios that ran through your mind if Master kenobi found out.
One included merciless unending training, not letting you rest for even a moment.
Another image had you bent over his knee whilst he.... ughhh you could already feel the sting.
Your master and you had a...unique relationship to say the least... he was your master in the ways of the dark side, so you had a strict student master dynamic during training.
He took your training very seriously, leaving little room for error. But as some point his punishments got more....creative..
You couldn't help but feel your face heat up remembering that time you screwed up a mission and he saw to your reprimanding. From then on your relationship became more....personal.
He didnt give you any special treatment, and didnt allow any distractions during training. But the times after training...when he would call you to his chambers and.....
You couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat, or two, or twenty, and you couldn't help but to recall those moments..
That scent...
Those whispers..
His fingers.....
"What are you thinking about?" A smooth voice cut through your indecent thoughts like butter. You whipped around startled that the man in question was now standing right behind you.
Quickly you made sure your shields were up, something you had made sure to refine. You didnt want him hearing all your dirty thoughts during training...
"I-I was just thinking about the mission.." you took a step back trying to regain your composure. Why did you always manage to act like a floundering idiot when he was around?!
"Hmm, is it really the mission that has you so flustered?" He mused stepping closer.
"Or something else?"he smirked knowingly.
Bastard, he must've read my thoughts before I realized he was here...
"It's-" you attempted to change the subject before he cut you off.
"And I know you know better than to lie to me don't you?" He said slightly more serious. A familiar dark edge to his voice.
You gulped, "Yes master..."
"I was thinking of other things..." you trail off averting your gaze hoping he wouldnt make you say it out loud.
Although he'd technically seen you naked quite a few times now, you still felt so embarrassed regarding anything or your "intimate moments". This was due mostly to the many embarrassing things he made you do....well ok to be fair you didnt REALLY try to stop him...but the second those moments were over you could barely look him in the eyes.
You felt those familiar warm finger gently lift your chin. You met his deep gaze,
"Speaking of other things...you did rather well on the mission, we were able to conquer the planet thanks to your efforts, so I suppose a reward is in order...dont you agree darling?" He whispered the last part in your ear making you shiver slightly.
Oh how you enjoyed those rewards of his...quite possibly the only time he would treat you gently. Well there were those times he wasnt so gentle either...actually maybe you liked those more...
You place you hands on his chest and gently push.
"A-actually master I wondered if I might have your permission to leave the ship I..wanted too...look around a bit more before we have to leave!" You hurriedly came up with an excuse.
He stepped back, eyeing you for a moment before nodding his approval, "Alright, be back before nightfall" he warned and continued walking down the hall.
As soon as he was out of sight you let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully he bought that story. You quickly made your way to the ship's exit and onto the lush planet known as Misano.
Normally you would've liked a chance to explore and maybe even sneak some souvenirs back. But you had no time for that now. If you didnt find that saber soon you were toast. And it didnt help that Misano turned from a tropical paradise to a frozen tundra trap by nightfall. It was truly a unique planet.
But you could admire it another time, preferably when your life wasn't on the line...
You looked up at the setting sky as dread washed over you. You had scoured and searched for your blasted saber for hours but it was no use. You had retraced your steps multiple times and even question some of the citizens to see if they knew anything.
You didnt want to even humor the idea but now it was the most likely truth. Some lowlife had probably picked it up and would soon be rolling in credits.
You pulled your cloak tighter around you as the wind started to pick up. You knew you should start to head back before it got too cold but honestly freezing to death sounded better than whatever punishment you master would enforce...
You were now full on shivering as you made your way back to the ship. The sun had set long ago and you now knew why everyone kept warning you to get inside. Your boots the only reason you could trudge through the many layers of snow.
You must've questioned every suspicious looking citizen however no luck. Your saber was probably gone forever and on top of that punishment you were sure your master was going to be angry that you disobeyed and stayed out later than he permissed.
Ughh I should just let myself freeze over...
Another half an hour later you finally made it back to the ship. Immediately you dragged yourself through the halls to your room and ordered your droid servant to run a hot bath. You were extremely lucky that master kenobi hadn't spotted you yet.
You could barely feel anything and felt horribly tired. Even the steam rising from afar felt like heaven as it reached your frost bitten skin.
You removed your practically stiff cloak but had no energy for the rest so you plopped fully clothed into the steaming water, immediately sighing in relief as you slowly felt feeling returning to all parts of your body.
You rested your head back and took a deep breath, inhaling the warm air.
*achoo* fuck...
you could already feel your nose becoming stuffed and there was a slight scratch in your throat. Perfect, getting sick was just what you needed.
After you were fully warmed up, you drained the water and lazily wrapped a fluffy towel around you. You felt the exhaustion of the mission plus everything afterwards tenfold as soon as your body hit the mattress.
You spread out lazily letting the cool sheets relax your now warmed body, covers discarded on the floor.
Your eyes drooped slowly closed once, focused on the space by the end of your bed, you tried to fight off sleep but it was proving difficult,
You opened them but slowly they drooped closed again,
The third time however you saw a blurry outline of a man.
"M-master!" Like a rocket you sat up, heart beating out of your chest. You quickly pulled up the towel over your chest.
"Y-you scared me..." You placed a hand over your beating chest trying to catch your breath. You had been too tired to even sense him coming.
He stood with his arms crossed, an unreadable expression on his face. "I distinctly remember telling you to be back before dark did I not?" He stepped closer until he was right at the end of the bed.
Oh Crap hes mad.... you sat up a little straighter trying to ignore the fact you were practically naked in front of him.
"I'm sorry master, the time got away from me..." your mouth feeling unnaturally dry as the lie left your lips.
You hated lying to him. Well you hated what usually happened when you lied to him and he found out....
He eyed you silently before leaning over the bed intimidatingly close. He leaned next to your ear before speaking,
"You're lying" a dangerous edge to his voice now
You felt your heart stop and a rush of panic fill you. Fuck fuck fuck.
Slowly he came back into view.
His eyes were a threatning color now. A silent deadly warning to choose your next words carefully. You had just broken his one rule. And he knew...
You felt a million emotions running through you. Fear, for getting caught breaking his most important rule. Shame for being stupid enough to lose something so important. And Guilt for lying to the one person you never ever wanted to lie too...
"Ah I-I'm Sorry!!" You blurted out suddenly. "I-I didn't mean too! But so much was going on with the mission!! A-and I must've been distracted and I swear I tried master I really did! B-but no one knew anything and then it started getting dark and cold a-and I didnt know what to do so I came back, but I didnt want you to be disappointed or mad so I didnt tell you the truth and I'm so so so sorry!!" You bowed your head breathing heavily, hardly realizing that your explanation made no sense. Your eyes shut tightly shielding you from his whatever horrible expression he surely had on his face.
A few moments of dreadful silence passed before you felt him shift.
"Look at me" you barely felt the ghostly touch of his fingers guide your chin up.
You sucked in a nervous breathe when you realized you were only inches from his face. His eyes were dark and penetrating. Whenever he looked at you like this you felt completely exposed. Like he could see right through your soul.
"Now calm down and tell me the truth little one" he said dangerously calm. Sometimes that was even scarier then when he yelled...
Taking a deep breathe you gathered your wits and with a deeply ashamed tone you confessed, "I lost my lightsaber.." you could feel burning at the corner of your eyes but you continued through it, "I looked for it everywhere but..." you looked down again dejectedly. What a dumb apprentice I am.. hes probably so disappointed in me.. "I'm sorry Master.."
You waited for what felt like hours until he spoke, "I know" he said in an even tone.
Your eyes shot open in surprise, "w-what?"
"How many times must I remind you nothing happens without me knowing about it."
"So then..." he knew you were lying all along...
"Yes my apprentice" he grasped your chin slightly harder now but still somehow gentle, "When will you learn..." he slowly ran his thumb over your bottom lip, dragging it down, "that you can't hide anything from me.." he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I know..I'm sorry, I was just afrai-" he cut you off with a sharp slap to your thigh.
"What have I told you about lying to me?" he caressed your bare thigh making it harder for you to focus.
"That-that I am never to lie to you...no matter what..." your breath hitched as his hand inched closer across your thigh and to your most sensitive area. However just when he was inches away he abruptly removed all contact.
You immediately felt sad at the loss.
"Exactly, and yet you did exactly that" he nodded his head, "I'm disappointed little one, especially since if you had told the truth..." he reached behind him grabbing something and bringing it forward, "you could've saved yourself alot of trouble"
You let out a gasp, "My saber!!" He let you take it from his grasp, you beamed finally feeling whole again.
"But how did you..?" You asked confused where and how he had found it.
"It fell when you jumped on your speeder during the battle" he explained nodding slightly in exasperation.
So this whole time he had it?! And that means he knew all day that you.....
"I shouldnt have lied" you apologized sincerely. "I just didn't want to disappoint you..especially since I did so well on the mission..." you mustered the best regretful expression you could. "Are you angry with me...?" You couldn't help but ask.
After a moment he smiled slightly, resting his rough palm on your cheek, "No..well not anymore, I was more upset that you risked your health by staying out too long, however I do sense your deep regret, so this time I'll let it slide"
Whoa did I hear that correctly, hes going to let it slide?? My master?? Had he hit his head during battle??
"Thank you Master, I promise it won't happen again" you meant it this time.
"Oh I know it wont pet" you shivered at the pet name he called you. He suddenly force pulled you closer until you were basically straddling him. You let out a shriek.
"Because this time.." he placed a firm hand on the back of your neck pulling you in for a possessive kiss.
He pulled away slightly and you felt his hot breathe by your ear, "I'll make sure you remember what happens when you don't." Suddenly you were on you back, towel thrown across the room.
"Whaa what?! I thought you said I was off the hook?!" You blushed fiercely as he force held your hands and legs to each corner and stood back to admire your helpless form.
He smirked wickedly, "I said you were off the hook for staying out too late.. however..." you gasped as you felt invisible fingers begin to tease your most sensitive area.
"For lying to me.." he eyed you with a gaze now hooded with lust and a dangerous glint, "You will be punished until I am certain you've learned your lesson my darling..."
***************************************************Thanks for reading!! I had alot of trouble writing sith obi wan but I tried my best. Let me know if you guys liked this enough and want to see similar Sith obi wan x apprentice fics. Alsoooo 👀if enough people want a mini 18+ continuation of the *cough* punishment.....lemme know🙈
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