#i could have defined the 2000s more but i only have 10 slots and there's just so much variation in the 70s
carcarrot · 1 year
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bluewatsons · 4 years
Takahiro A. Kato et al., Multidimensional anatomy of ‘modern type depression’ in Japan: A proposal for a different diagnostic approach to depression beyond the DSM-5, 70 Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 7 (2016)
Japan’s prototype of depression was traditionally a melancholic depression based on the premorbid personality known as shūchaku-kishitsu proposed by Mitsuzo Shimoda in the 1930s. However, since around 2000, a novel form of depression has emerged among Japanese youth. Called ‘modern type depression (MTD)’ by the mass media, the term has quickly gained popularity among the general public, though it has not been regarded as an official medical term. Likewise, lack of consensus guidelines for its diagnosis and treatment, and a dearth of scientific literature on MTD has led to confusion when dealing with it in clinical practice in Japan. In this review article, we summarize and discuss the present situation and issues regarding MTD by focusing on historical, diagnostic, psychosocial, and cultural perspectives. We also draw on international perspectives that begin to suggest that MTD is a phenomenon that may exist not only in Japan but also in many other countries with different sociocultural and historical backgrounds. It is therefore of interest to establish whether MTD is a culture-specific phenomenon in Japan or a syndrome that can be classified using international diagnostic criteria as contained in the ICD or the DSM. We propose a novel diagnostic approach for depression that addresses MTD in order to combat the current confusion about depression under the present diagnostic systems.
Clinical Picture
Case: male, 24 years old
Chief complaint: No desire to do anything
Medical history: No previous psychiatric disorder
Family history: Nothing of note
Developmental and social history: He is the first son, with an older sister. His father is a company employee, his mother a full-time homemaker. There was nothing particularly problematic during junior or senior high school, although apparently he sometimes deliberately did not apply himself to the subjects of teachers that he disliked. At university he took part in group activities and had a part-time job, just like other students. He was not terribly enthusiastic about searching for a job and aimed to become a civil servant. After graduation, he attended a vocational college for a year to prepare for the entrance exam to the civil service, and at the age of 23 started to work in the municipal government of a provincial city – he says he just happened to sit the exam and pass it.
History of present illness: He did not particularly dislike the work in the place he was assigned to after being hired, though he was not greatly interested in it either. However, he would occasionally be absent from work; he says this was because he had an annoying boss who he couldn’t stand the sight of. Nonetheless, it was not a case of being unable to go to work because he was depressed, and when he was absent from work he would play slot machines, go to the movies, or go shopping. In June 2010, a year after starting work, he married a female colleague from the same work-place with whom he had fallen in love. In May 2011, his first child was born. He was still halfhearted about his job, but also finding it hard to be at home, he would play slot machines or go to the movies. Raising the child proved to be very difficult, but his wife had stopped working and, together with both his mother and her own mother, managed the household very well. 
In December 2011, his boss reprimanded him for his attitude toward his work. He had previously been given warnings on a number of occasions, but apparently this time the reprimand he received was very severe. He subsequently left work early, complaining of feeling unwell. He says that from that day on he was unable to sleep at night. He became easily irritated and tended to have feelings of desperation. Even though, he went to work properly every day. Whilst at work, he had no motivation to do anything and had no energy. He would become angry and did not feel like attending work social events, such as the year-end party or the New Year party. He would tend to stay out of his boss’s sight. He would feel a little more cheerful only when he played slot machines and when spending time in an Internet cafe, but when he went home he would again slip into gloom because, he says, he found it boring. His anger was not toward himself but others, such as his boss and his wife. He sometimes would feel valueless himself; however, he could alleviate such unpleasant feelings by his devotion toward his hobbies. His sleep was constantly mildly disturbed but not severely, and sometimes he would have trouble getting to sleep and fail to get up in the morning. Therefore, from around the middle of January he started to fail to go into his office once/twice a week and during this absence he would surf the net to relax or go out to play slot machines.
In March of 2012, he found a site on the Internet called ‘Mind medicine cures your Depression!!’ which contained a checklist for depression, and he quickly came to believe that he himself must have ‘depression.’ The following day, he decided to go to a local psychiatric clinic for a prescription of antidepressants. He entered the examination room, greeting the doctor politely, then he voluntarily read out his life history and medical history from a memo he had prepared. When he finished, he handed the psychiatrist in charge a depression checklist, which he had found on the Internet, and requested a particular medicine by himself: ‘Doctor, as I have just mentioned, these diagnostic criteria apply to me. I heard that selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors are effective.’ Based on his examination, his score on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression1,2 was 17 (mild depressive level); he met the DSM-IV criteria for a major depressive episode (based on the handbook, entitled Quick Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV-TR3) and was diagnosed as suffering from depression. He requested a medical certificate then and there. Additional clinical history revealed that he did not meet the diagnostic criteria for avoidant personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, or narcissistic personality disorder. Also, according to information supplied by his wife, who was present when he was examined, there was nothing particular in the symptoms to suggest that the illness was feigned.
This clinical picture was originally used for the symposium during the 109th annual meeting of The Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology in Fukuoka, 2013.
Cases like the above have emerged in Japan since around 2000, and these cases have been called ‘modern type depression (MTD)’ – a novel form of depression. This catchy ‘modern’ name has quickly and widely spread to the public via Japan’s mass-media and Internet-related media, while the name itself has not been regarded as an official medical term, and there is no consensus guideline for its diagnosis and treatments, which has led to confusion when dealing with MTD in clinical practice. Scientific literature about MTD remains very limited. In this review paper, we summarize and discuss the present situation and issues regarding MTD – focusing on historical, diagnostic, sociocultural and international perspectives, by referring to our recent international survey.4 Is MTD a phenomenon limited to Japan? The pilot survey has indicated that MTD may exist not only in Japan but also in many other countries with different sociocultural and historical backgrounds. It is therefore of interest to establish whether MTD is a cultural phenomenon specific to Japan or a syndrome that can be classified using the present international diagnostic criteria of the ICD/DSM. Finally, we propose a novel diagnostic system of depression including MTD in order to combat current confusion regarding the diagnosis of depression under the present ICD/DSM diagnostic systems.
Historical Background
Just since the beginning of the 21st century, Japanese psychiatrists have increasingly reported patients with a type of depression that does not seem to fit the criteria of the ICD-10 and the DSM-IV, and which is widely denoted as MTD among Japanese psychiatrists. The Japanese psychiatrist/psychopathologist Shin Tarumi reported the increasing occurrence of MTD and he labeled MTD as Dysthymia-gata utsu-byo (dysthymic type of depression) in the Japanese literature.5,6 Tarumi described the associated premorbid personality as Typus dysthymicus (TD) and compared it with Japan’s traditional type of depression.5,6 Tarumi defined the characteristics of MTD with TD as follows: (i) younger generation; (ii) attachment to oneself with less loyalty for social structures; (iii) feeling distressed about rules/order; (iv) negative feelings about social order/models; (v) vague sense of omnipotence; and (vi) not hard-working by nature (Table 1).6–17 MTD is also characterized by (a) distress and reluctance to accept prevailing social norms; and (b) avoidance of effort and any strenuous work.4,18 Most sufferers of MTD are born after 1970, that is, the generation growing up with home video games in the era of Japan’s high economic growth. Youths with MTD tend to feel depressed only when they are at work; otherwise, they can enjoy the virtual world of the Internet, video games, and pachinko (Japanese pinball). Therefore, sufferers of MTD have difficulties in adapting to work/school and participating in the labor market.
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Table 1. Comparison between Japan’s traditional type depression, Tarumi’s Japan’s modern type depression and atypical depression
This table is a proposed comparison between Japan’s traditional type depression, Japan’s modern type depression and atypical depression according to Tarumi 2005,6 Tarumi & Kanba 2005,5 and Kato et al. 2011.4 Data, especially the section on ‘Drug response/Therapeutic intervention,’ has not yet been validated. ECT, electroconvulsive therapy.
Formerly, the melancholic type of depression had been regarded as a typical form of depression amongst the Japanese population, whose premorbid personality was defined as shūchaku-kishitsu (SK) by the Japanese psychiatrist Mitsuzo Shimoda.10,19 Shimoda characterized SK as: (i) middle aged; (ii) strong loyalty to society and community and one’s role within these structures; (iii) a preference for rules and order; (iv) positive feelings about social order/models; (v) attentive and diligent; and (vi) fundamentally hardworking.10,19,20 SK has been discussed in a similar context to Tellenbach’s Typus melancholicus (TM), which was identified amongst Germans after World War II.11 Tellenbach described the premorbid personality of patients with unipolar endogenous depression as orderly, devoted to duty and to family members, and scrupulous.11 Such types of depression based on SK and TM are considerably different from MTD. On the other hand, since the 1970s, different types of depression have been reported by Japanese psychiatrists and psychopathologists, such as taikyaku shinkei-sho (withdrawal neurosis);13 tohi-gata utsu-byo (avoidant type of depression);14 gendai-gata utsu-byo (modern type of depression);15 and mizyuku-gata utsu-byo (immature type of depression).16 Commonalities between the above types of depression and the currently emerging MTD have been pointed out. The former (taikyaku shinkei-sho, tohi-gata utsu-byo, gendai-gata utsu-byo and mizyuku-gata utsu-byo) was limited to highly educated youth, but MTD has been known to affect youth regardless of educational backgrounds.4
The 24-year-old man presented in the above clinical picture expressed moderate depressive symptoms just after a stressful event at his workplace. He came to regard himself as having severe depression, and finally he asked a doctor for sick leave in order to take a rest. His depressive symptoms mainly emerged during working time, and his symptoms were relieved in other situations. His characteristics, including behaviors and interpersonal relationships, contained the following features: not naturally a hard worker; an avoidance/hatred of hierarchical social relations; a preference to exist without social roles; extrapunitive type; and a vague sense of omnipotence. These features are exactly matched with MTD proposed by Tarumi.5,6
Diagnostic Issues of MTD
MTD has not been regarded as an official medical term, and various diagnoses have been applied based on ICD-10 and DSM-IV criteria. Our case vignette survey among Japanese psychiatrists suggests that MTD tends to be diagnosed as a variety of psychiatric disorders, such as mood disorder (296, code of DSM-IV; the same shall apply hereafter), dysthymic disorder (300.4), adjustment disorder (309) and adjustment disorder with depressed mood (309.0) by Japanese psychiatrists.4 Interestingly, some Japanese psychiatrists reported that categorical diagnostic systems, such as the ICD-10 and the DSM-IV, are not applicable to MTD. The case vignette survey was also administered to foreign psychiatrists at the same time, which revealed that they tend to diagnose the MTD case as mood disorder (296), dysthymic disorder (300.4), adjustment disorder (309), adjustment disorder with depressed mood (309.0) and adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood (309.28). Based on the reports and our clinical experiences in Japan, it is challenging to differentiate between MTD and other types of depression, such as atypical depression (AD) and dysthymia.
Atypical depression
It is often difficult to differentiate MTD from AD due to some overlap of their clinical features, including young onset, impulsivity, aggression toward others, behavioral symptoms similar to personality disorders, being refractory to treatment, and severe social disability caused by a chronic clinical course.7,8,21
Patients with MTD tend to have specific features of personality or characteristics, while patients with AD have no such features. However, it is also well known that the characteristics of AD patients would alter dramatically around the onset of AD, showing its aggressive and impulsive aspects. Around the onset of AD, the characteristics in patients with AD often sharpen, and their emotions become unstable. The features and alterations of characteristics in patients with both AD and MTD often lead to interpersonal rejection sensitivity and social disability. Formerly, Klein suggested the concept of ‘hysteroid dysphoria’ in regards to the disease concept related to AD,17 and recently, AD has been suggested to have the affinity of characteristics or symptoms with bipolar II disorder.9 In the present stage, there exists no specific markers to differentiate MTD from AD, but specific symptoms of AD (hyperphagia, hypersomnia, leaden paralysis, and mood reactivity) seem to be useful for the differentiation.
Dysthymia is also on the differential diagnosis for MTD, because both show a chronic clinical course and less severe depressive symptoms. In regards to this differentiation, the Japanese psychiatrist Shin Tarumi did not refer to the distinct difference between the two diseases and just stated ‘MTD has not completely become dysthymia yet.’5,6
In DSM-5, dysthymia (dysthymic disorder) was combined with chronic major depressive disorder under the name of persistent depressive disorder.22 The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for persistent depressive disorder still characteristically include subjective superior symptoms, but not some objective depressive symptoms, such as psychomotor agitation/inhibition and suicidal ideation. These would be common features of MTD. Needless to say, the concept of dysthymia itself has not been clearly defined, which makes the differentiation between MTD and dysthymia more difficult.
Previously, Akiskal developed a framework of soft bipolar from subaffective dysthymia to character-spectrum disorders by therapeutic reactions.23 Similar to soft bipolar, the present situation has suggested that MTD might be heterogeneous. Therefore, further studies are needed to clarify the syndrome of MTD, which has important implications for the selection of appropriate interventions.
Personality disorder
Tarumi did not include the comorbidity of personality disorders (avoidant personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, or narcissistic personality disorder) in clinical case descriptions of MTD in his original paper.5 However, the international case vignette survey by Kato et al. in 2011 has suggested that personality problem is the most highly influential factor for MTD, and a variety of personality disorders are suggested to be comorbid with MTD.4 The underlying features of personality have yet to been clarified, while psychopathologists have highlighted the temperamental features of MTD syndrome as narcissism (omnipotence) and avoidance.5,6,24 In addition, immaturity may be an important factor.25 People who originally have a tendency toward an immature and narcissistic personality may easily develop depression and evasive behaviors when confronted with stressful situations at school and in the work-place (Fig. 1).
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Figure 1. Multidimensional understandings of Japan’s modern type depression (MTD). A variety of psychosocial factors, from the early stages of life through to adolescence, have been suggested to contribute to the onset of MTD. Especially important are childrearing, school and later workplace environments. Within this, parent–child relationships, and how/whether good-enough relationships between peers and friends have been established is vital. The establishment of these bonds can facilitate smooth relationships with workplace colleagues and superiors later in life. However, in MTD, the establishment of such fundamental interpersonal skills during the early stages of life may be insufficient, which can induce vulnerability to stress, meaning that mental dysfunctions are more likely to develop. In other words, lower resilience and the greater possibility of experiencing stress traumatically. Regarding the sociocultural impact in Japan, along with modernization and globalization, there has been a continuing shift away from the hitherto respected and venerated ‘group mentality’ to an ‘individualism’ in which individual achievements are pursued and this shift has resulted in rapid changes in school and work environments. In addition, we suppose that such sociocultural factors are occurring along with an interrelated biological basis, and it is important not to ignore underlying biological factors. With regards to diagnosis and evaluation of MTD, we are in a transitional period and a differential method to distinguish from existing psychiatric diagnoses is warranted. HPA, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal.
On the other hand, in the case vignette survey, only Japanese psychiatrists disregarded the factor of personality – SK, that is, immodithymia – as a component cause of Japan’s traditional type of depression, while many psychiatrists in other countries believed that the SK personality strongly affects the onset of depression as a pathological factor. Generally speaking, the Japanese are regarded to be a diligent, scrupulous and hard-working people, and such personality traits have been positively accepted and moreover encouraged in Japanese society over a long period of history since the Samurai era.26 However, these personality traits are not always considered to be positive but as a cause of illness, such as obsessional personality, by experts, including psychiatrists, anthropologists and sociologists in Japan and other countries.27,28 Therefore, Japanese psychiatrists’ opinions in the case vignette survey indicate that not only lay people but also psychiatrists in Japan have been influenced by such Japanese cultural contexts.4
Interestingly, a Japanese clinical study, published in 1997, suggested that TM, which is similar to SK, is not the premorbid personality trait of unipolar (endogenous) depression in Japan.29 This result might have predicted the recently suggested prototype shift of depression in Japan from TM to TD.30
On the other hand, Kotov et al. performed a meta-analysis regarding the association between the personality traits in the Big Three model (negative emotionality, positive emotionality, and disinhibition vs constraint) and Big Five model (neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness), and common psychiatric disorders, such as depression, anxiety and substance abuse disorders.31 The meta-analysis revealed that these common psychiatric disorders are strongly connected to personality. Both major depressive disorder (MDD) and dysthymic disorder showed a similar tendency for high neuroticism and low conscientiousness. Dysthymic disorder showed the most pathological profile. Actually, more than other ailments, dysthymic disorder showed extremely negative extraversion, negative conscientiousness, and positive disinhibition. There is a fairly small number of studies but this outcome is consistent with the argument that dysthymic disorder may be best seen as a form of personality disorder.32 Indeed, dysthymic disorder tends to be chronic and is often lifelong.33 Hence, prominent personality disturbance can be expected to manifest in dysthymic disorder. Surprisingly, the connection between MDD and extraversion was unexpectedly weak. On the other hand, low extraversion was revealed to play an important role in dysthymic disorder. Prospective studies are extremely rare in this field and a causal relationship is yet to be elucidated. Moreover, there are only a few longitudinal studies, the problem of comorbidity, and other limitations (Japanese clinical data seem not to be included in this meta-analysis). In spite of these limitations, this meta-analysis is an important resource when considering the relationship between MTD and personality.
Further clinical, psychopathological and epidemiological studies are needed to clarify underlying personalities, temperaments and characteristics of depression and MTD among particular cultural groups.
Sociocultural Aspects
Psychiatric disorders are strongly influenced by culture, society, history and region.34,35 In any case, much attention should be paid to any medical culture that allows for an immediate diagnosis and the dispensation of medicines in such cases. Japan’s rapid socioeconomic and cultural changes have affected the lifestyle, behavior and mentality of people of all ages in Japan,36 and new types of psychiatric disorders or behavioral disorders have recently appeared in Japan. Tarumi suggested that MTD is caused by the unique Japanese cultural background and sociocultural changes in Japan.5,6 Tarumi regarded MTD as the byproduct of Japan’s historical socioeconomical shifts; beginning with World War II, the following period of high and rapid economic growth (1960–1980s), the economic crisis (1990s), and the diversity and complexity of modern society in the 21st century.5,6 Traditionally, Japanese society has greatly encouraged immodithymia, but modernization, globalization and the introduction of Western culture have led to a mixture of cultures and the celebration of individualism in Japan. The effects of changes in the education system and a move from its traditional disciplinarian base to Yutori education, a system that emphasizes the individual and freedom, may have been great. In the corporate world, the collapse of the traditional nenkō joretsu or seniority-based promotion system will also have had an effect. With the disintegration of the seniority system, there has been an evolution to an intensely competitive society and a distancing from the traditionally harmonious Japanese sense of group belonging.37 It has been suggested that a lack of a sense of belonging could be behind the increase in middle–older-age suicide.38,39 With regards to MTD, the problem of such a sense of belonging may be another major consideration. In the corporate world, younger employees who do not have such a sense of belonging and exhibit aspects of depression at work are often able to function normally and happily with such a sense on weekends, at places of leisure and/or online (Facebook, etc.), and this may reflect that very lack of a sense of belonging within the traditional Japanese organizations. According to the analysis by Takahashi et al.,40 the Japanese corporate organization gave a sense of belonging and community to workers because of its long-term-based relationship under the systems of seniority and permanent employment. After the burst of the bubble economy in the 1990s, however, these traditional systems collapsed and this organization no longer provides a sense of community or belonging.
Unfortunately, Japanese society had not prepared for the effects of this transition. Thus, patients with symptoms of MTD may have often been judged as lazy or ‘sloths’ because one of the most highlighted characteristics of MTD is the tendency to feel depressed only during work or at school.4,18
MTD and hikikomori based on amae
While the psychopathology of MTD is not well understood, it has been suggested that it is related to amae and other Japanese forms of mentality, a suggestion that raises the possibility of MTD as a cultural syndrome or form of psychopathology that predominates in Japan.28
Takeo Doi, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, described Japanese dependent behaviors with the word amae.28 The person who is acting amae may beg or plead, or alternatively act selfishly and indulgently, while secure in the knowledge that the caregiver will forgive this. The behavior of children towards their parents is the most typical example of amae. Doi argued that child-rearing practices in Western society seek to stop this kind of dependence in children, whereas in Japan it persists into adulthood in all kinds of social relationships.28 Even now, compared to Western societies, in Asian societies, including Japan, Korea and Taiwan, young people tend to be more economically dependent on their parents, and this phenomenon seems to be one of the expressed forms of amae.41 Hikikomori, a form of social withdrawal characterized by persistent isolation in one’s home for more than 6 months, may be indirectly promoted by amae to the extent that parents accept their child staying at home for prolonged periods of time.41 Even though the concept of amae was originally considered to be uniquely Japanese, contemporary opinions suggest that amae is actually more universal in nature.42 Thus, there is an interesting parallel to hikikomori that has been thought of as unique to Japan but, as our preliminary results show, is perceived by psychiatrists as occurring in a variety of other countries.41 In addition, our international clinical investigations have revealed real hikikomori persons in different countries, including the USA.43,44 These facts suggest that hikikomori and/or MTD could also be a universally observed psychiatric problem.
Cultural/social psychological understandings of MTD and hikikomori
The sociocultural background and tradition of amae is related to hikikomori and MTD. On the other hand, as another research stream, cultural psychologists and social psychologists have focused on the cultural uniqueness of inter-dependence with experiment and quantitative methods.45–49 A common argument being that East Asians are more collectivistic and/or more inter-dependent than Westerners.50–52 In a collectivist culture, inter-dependence is emphasized and in an individualist culture, independence has more value than inter-dependence. A common traditional assumption of these concepts is that collectivistic people tend to prefer harmonious inter-dependence to individual motivation or self-interest. This means that collectivists are ‘harmony seekers.’ On the other hand, Hashimoto and Yamagishi have claimed that the above assumption is not necessarily true, and have recently proposed a novel dimension, namely ‘dis-engaging inter-dependence.’53 They have claimed that the conventional distinction has focused only on dis-engaging independence and engaging interdependence, and relatively ignored the opposite (engaging independence and dis-engaging interdependence). Engaging independence is characterized as voluntary formation of interaction relationships with others to find desirable interaction partners and to prove to others that one is a desirable interaction partner. Hence, individualistic and harmonious. On the other hand, dis-engaging interdependence is characterized as ‘rejection avoidance’ to try to confirm qualification of informal membership in a given social group by following the group norm and informal rules. It is not voluntary adaptation for the group, but motivated to avoid being ostracized by other group members. Hence, collectivistic but not harmonious.
Of these categories, dis-engaging inter-dependence may be deeply related to MTD and also hikikomori. Patients with MTD tend to avoid many interpersonal relationships because they are so afraid of being hurt and humiliated by others. They are always scared of potential psychological attack from others. In particular, hikikomori persons do not want to leave their homes. For them, their family is the only group that they are convinced will not hurt them. This is consistent with the characteristics of dis-engaging interdependence. Although an empirical demonstration has yet to be carried out, it would be plausible to consider MTD patients as having much higher levels of dis-engaging inter-dependence than normal and healthy people. According to Hashimoto and Yamagishi,53,54 comparing student samples from the USA and Japan, the Japanese showed significantly higher scores on dis-engaging inter-dependence than Americans. This may be indirect evidence that it can be related to MTD because currently MTD is frequently observed among youth in Japan. Interestingly, a recent review article by Li and Wong has indicated the interaction between hikikomori and inter-dependence.55 It is necessary to conduct systematic empirical research to investigate the relationship (and/or causality) between MTD and dis-engaging inter-dependence.
Biological Factors
While the biological foundation of MTD is unknown, some specific biological mechanisms are worth speculation. The frequently observed clinical viewpoint that treatment with only the standard pharmacological therapies for depression is not successful for patients with MTD has strongly suggested that a different biological mechanism from traditional depression may exist in the biological features of MTD.
Abnormal function of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis has long been proposed as a candidate biological foundation of depression.56 A number of studies using the dexamethasone (DEX)/corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) test have been conducted for the assessment of HPA axis function in patients with depression, while these outcomes have been inconsistent.57 The inconsistency may result from the heterogeneity of depression. Hori et al. have reported key findings in elucidating the heterogeneity of depression using the DEX/CRH test and the Temperament and Character Inventory in patients with MDD.58 MDD patients with high cooperativeness showed exaggerated cortisol reactivity; on the contrary, patients with low cooperativeness and high reward dependence showed blunted cortisol reactivity.58 In addition, Hori et al. revealed that MDD patients with escape-avoidance coping showed blunted cortisol reactivity.59 On the other hand, schizotypal personality traits60 and low novelty-seeking with harm avoidance61 in healthy adults are reported to be correlated with exaggerated cortisol reactivity, which proposes the possibility that functions of the HPA axis differ with character and temperament. Low cooperativeness and escape-avoidance coping coincide with the features of MTD, thus the biological foundation of MTD may, at least to some extent, result from abnormal functions of the HPA axis. While not MTD, abnormal function of the HPA axis (abnormal cortisol reactivity in DEX/CRH test) has also been observed in patients with borderline personality disorder62 and atypical depression.63 Based on the above data, Kunugi et al. has recently proposed a classification of depression focusing on the HPA axis functions.64
Interestingly, a recent clinical research regarding atypical depression has suggested a significantly higher comorbidity with metabolic syndrome.65 Metabolic syndrome has recently been suggested to be related to oxidative stress and inflammation.66 Our pilot study has indicated a correlation between serum proinflammatory cytokines and depressive symptoms/personality traits in Japanese university students (unpub. data). We propose an inflammation hypothesis of psychiatric diseases, including depression, via microglia, brain immune cells.67–71 These data may suggest that inflammation and oxidative stress may link to MTD. Further translational studies are needed to clarify the biological foundation of MTD.
Therapeutic Approach
No systematic data have been reported regarding therapeutic interventions of MTD. While our previous case vignette survey has suggested that both psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy were recommended to treat MTD, psychotherapy was especially preferred by psychiatrists in all countries.4 Interestingly, Japanese psychiatrists seemed to hesitate to recommend pharmacotherapy for MTD. In addition, some Japanese psychiatrists hesitated to treat MTD at all. These data have indicated that Japanese psychiatrists, at least to some extent, regard MTD as a non-medical condition. This was in contrast to most psychiatrists in other countries endorsing the need for active treatments to MTD.4 Why is there a discrepancy in psychiatrists’ attitudes toward MTD? These findings may suggest that Japanese psychiatrists themselves are bound to their own socio-cultural and historical contexts.4
The arrival of new antidepressants to Japan in 1999 has also been suggested to have influenced the public view toward depression,72 and may have led to a similar phenomenon occurring in Western countries.73 Previously, depressed persons had tended to hesitate to visit psychiatrists, and Japanese psychiatrists had tended to equate depression only with the traditional melancholic type. Perhaps with the introduction of public awareness campaigns for depression and antidepressants, people who considered themselves depressed began to feel less self-conscious about visiting psychiatrists. This may have been a contributing factor leading to increasing numbers of visits of depressed persons to psychiatrists in Japan.4 However, as the case vignette survey implies, this popular shift has not been accompanied by similar changes in the perception of Japanese psychiatrists, who have very much remained deeply bound to earlier, more traditional conceptions of depression. On the other hand, the results of the case vignette survey indicate that psychotherapy was regarded to be of importance for MTD patients with Japanese psychiatrists who did not see a role for pharmacotherapy.4 Therefore, public education about depression and psychotherapy as a treatment should also be considered as one of the possible solutions to alleviate this discrepancy between the general population and psychiatrists in Japan.
Therapeutic strategies regarding MTD based on pathophysiological understandings should be established. We hypothesize that child and adolescent development has been impacted by rapid environmental changes, which may cause the novel phenomenon. The ways of ‘playing’ among children and adolescents have dramatically shifted from ‘direct playing’ (direct communication in a physical space, such as outdoors or in parks) to ‘indirect playing’ (indirect virtual communication via video games and Internet-related materials) within the past decades.36 People who have grown up in such new environments may become confused and depressed when they enter the traditional workforce and encounter the need for real direct communication. Therefore, psychoeducation and (group) psychotherapy may be the recommended approaches in order to develop skills of direct communication, which may lead to a smoother adjustment to adult communication environments. In addition, pharmacological and social approaches may also be effective. Clinical research to measure therapeutic responses should be performed to dig up the appropriate intervention.
How to Solve the Issues Associated with MTD
Blind-spots of the DSM system
Recently, early-career psychiatrists in Japan have considered that it is possible to make diagnoses based solely on the abbreviated pocket-sized DSM-IV-TR. This book, entitled the Quick Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV-TR,3 states that it is intended to be used in combination with the unabridged version of the DSM-IV-TR (which is 900+ pages in length).74 In fact, the DSM-IV-TR also states in an introductory section entitled ‘Cautionary Statement’ that ‘the proper use of these criteria requires specialized clinical training that provides both body of knowledge and clinical skills.’ Many early-career psychiatrists seem to be unaware of these facts. The DSM-IV-TR includes detailed explanations of diagnostic criteria, diagnostic features, and differential diagnoses for each disorder. However, even in the unabridged version, there is no mention of which examinations should be performed in the garnering of information for each disorder. This can only be achieved through not only reading of psychiatric textbooks but also the accumulation of real clinical experiences with supervisory psychiatrists involving the joint examination of patients in a hospital/clinic setting. However, in reality, early-career psychiatrists who are actually willing to accumulate such valuable experiences are on the decline. In addition, there are some problems based on the nature of operational diagnosis in DSM. Parker indicated that operational criteria of the depression dimensional model in DSM has made it easy to diagnose depression, and also resulted in loose diagnostic practice blunting clarification of causes and treatment specificity of depression.75
On the other hand, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) is considered the best available method for diagnosis of psychiatric disorders, but in reality there are limitations to its applicability. When applying the systematic diagnostic criteria for MDD based on the DSM-IV (and also DSM-5), whilst being relevant, a difficulty arises when strictly applying the criteria. In particular, within the definition of MDD, a continuous depressed mood of more than 2 weeks is one of the criteria for diagnosis, and in reality it is difficult to judge whether this criteria has been met for this continuous period for almost every day for 2 weeks. Furthermore, ambiguity exists regarding the extent at which ‘continuous’ may be defined. In MTD, depressive symptoms are exhibited at work or at school but during weekend rest times or when at home these symptoms are not exhibited. In such cases, are the DSM criteria of ‘for more than 2 weeks’ met? Depending on the psychiatrist, there are those who would diagnose MDD and others who would not. In Japanese clinical settings, for such cases and similar cases where symptoms are even less frequent, there is still a high probability that a diagnosis of MDD will eventuate.
Proposing a novel diagnostic approach to depression
The greatest difficulty in the evaluation and diagnosis of depression is the gap between subjective patient symptoms and objective realities. It is a well-known given among experienced psychiatrists that information garnered from the individual only is not enough in the diagnosis of depression. Information regarding psychiatric symptoms from an individual is no more than ‘subjective symptoms’ and in many cases differs from objective realities. It is particularly difficult for inexperienced psychiatrists to reach a diagnosis for depression based on information garnered solely from the individual but it is also often the case that treatment is commenced without understanding this reality. Moreover, it is important to note that recently not only psychiatrists but also physicians are diagnosing depression and tend to prescribe antidepressants. In order to improve this situation, changes must be made to allow for a more detailed assessment of the individual’s situation. Along with the individual, the collection of information from family members and other third parties is incredibly important (Fig. 2). When an individual claims to be depressed, an objective assessment is required that cannot be limited to the individual. Because of this, when the only obtainable information is from the individual, a diagnosis of ‘possible’ depression may be preferable. This aspect has not been included in many guidelines of depression; however, it must be of great importance, especially in diagnosing MTD.
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Figure 2. Multi-axial assessments of modern type depression (MTD). In order to evaluate MTD, we recommend utilizing the 1–6 assessment methods directly to depressed persons. In addition, information from others is essential to evaluate such persons. Objective biomarkers of MTD have not been developed until now. Some biomarkers of MTD may overlap with major depressive disorder and other psychiatric diagnosis/syndromes, while some data from brain imaging/neurophysiological analysis and peripheral blood analysis may help to distinguish MTD from other psychiatric conditions. Further investigations should be developed to dig up such biomarkers. CRH, corticotrophin-releasing hormone; DEX, dexamethasone; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; EEG, electroencephalography; HAM-D, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; PET, positron emission tomography; SCID, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV; TCI, Temperament and Character Inventory.
Using a three-tier diagnostic system (possible/probable/definite)
Here, we propose a novel criteria that can make evaluation/diagnosis of depression understandable even for less experienced psychiatrists.76 Along the lines of a diagnostic system for many physical illnesses (cancer, etc ) and dementia, we propose that diagnosis of depression should be divided into the three tiers of ‘possible,’ ‘probable’ and ‘definite.’ The first tier (possible) would be ‘diagnosis based on information from the subject only,’ the second tier (probable) would be ‘diagnosis based on the information from the subject and other sources (family or colleagues, etc.),’ and the third tier (definite) would be ‘diagnosis based on information from the subject + (family, colleagues, etc.) + (intensive clinical examination during outpatient clinic and/or hospitalization).’ Furthermore, we believe that each tier should have a different treatment guideline.77 By utilizing this novel diagnostic system, we can avoid the tendency to overdiagnose depression in persons with MTD tendencies (Fig. 2).
Investigating research into adjunctive measures, such as economic games
In addition, economic games, such as the trust game, have been utilized to evaluate real-world interpersonal relationships as a novel candidate for psychiatric evaluations. Economic games have been developed in the field of social psychology and economics, and have been proposed as a novel tool for evaluating interpersonal psychiatric problems. Clinical studies using economic games (prisoner’s dilemma, the public goods game, the ultimatum game and the trust game) have revealed some difficulties of social decision-making in individuals with MDD and personality disorders.77–80 The trust game, an economic game, has been widely used to evaluate a person’s trust toward others.81 In this two-person game, the first player has to make a risky financial decision depending on how much s/he would trust the second player (partner). Recent studies have examined whether other factors, such as personality and psychiatric conditions, influence trusting behaviors and cooperation.79,80,82–84 As a pilot study, we recently conducted a trust game experiment with 81 Japanese university students.85 Clinical case reports have indicated that people with MTD and hikikomori have difficulties in developing trust among family members, and colleagues in schools and working places.86–88 Therefore, a common feature of modern psychiatric syndromes may be induced through difficulty in trusting others, and these features may not be limited to patients but also to the wider contemporary populations, especially the young. In the economic experiment, participants made a risky financial decision about whether to trust each of 40 photographed partners.85 Participants then answered a set of questionnaires, including the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9. Regression analysis revealed that item 8 of the PHQ-9 (subjective agitation and/or retardation) for female participants was associated with participants’ trusting behaviors. Women with higher subjective agitation (and/or retardation) gave less money to men and highly attractive women, but more to less attractive women in interpersonal relationships. This indicates that women with high subjective agitation may tend to make more defensive and cautious decisions in daily life, which may cause difficulties in various social interactions. These data indicate the possible impact of economic games in psychiatric research and clinical practice, including MTD, and further validation should be investigated.
In this review paper, we introduced MTD, citing the few scientific reports available and offered our collective experiences and perspectives on its diagnosis and treatment. In Japan, MTD refers to a syndrome with predominant symptoms of depression and withdrawal that has rapidly increased among youth since around 2000. It is worth recalling that the phenotype of mental illness – be it the appearance of late-19th century hysteria, the appearance of post-1950 eating disorders, or post-1970 borderline personality disorders – is transforming along with society. Despite the lack of agreement upon diagnostic criteria of MTD, it may be considered that cultural, social, and biological factors are all involved in its development and Japanese cultural and social influences may be creating MTD (Fig. 1). In Japan, along with MTD, social withdrawal syndrome (i.e. hikikomori) is concurrently prevalent amongst youth and is considered a great social problem. We hypothesize that the onset of MTD and a prolonged maladaptive social situation may be one of the causal factors of hikikomori. As we may consider ‘withdrawal/avoidance’ to be a common factor in both syndromes, further research regarding shared psychopathology and risk factors in modern society is necessary. We believe that combating MTD may also rescue hikikomori. Differentiation of MTD from other psychiatric disorders has not been established under the present situation, while we have newly classified MTD and related psychiatric disorders (syndromes) from the following two aspects: maturation of personality and ability for social interaction (Fig. 3).
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Figure 3. Proposed classification of modern type depression (MTD), hikikomori and related psychiatric disorders. Based on the maturation of personality and ability of social interaction, we have classified the five psychiatric disorders (syndromes), including MTD and hikikomori. The level of personality maturation in this figure is based on the Japanese sociocultural contexts. In Japan, melancholic personality (Typus melancholicus or Shūchaku-kishitsu) has long been regarded as matured personality, while this perspective may not be applied in other countries with different sociocultural backgrounds.
We have suggested the necessity for the introduction of novel methods of evaluation, not only limited to the diagnosis of MTD but to depressive disorders in general, as we consider the modern usage of psychiatric tools that rely on subjective claims by patients to be insufficient. In particular, we recommend the addition of: third-party evaluations to the diagnostic criteria; the usage of economic game experiments and the like; and the evaluation of actual behavioral characteristics. It is hoped that through the introduction of these tools, a more accurate diagnosis of depressive disorders will become possible. The development of a new multi-axial evaluation and diagnostic tool that incorporates such new tools is required (Fig. 2). As the nosology of MTD has not been validated, we need to keep in mind that the presented data shown in the ‘biological factors’ and ‘therapeutic approach’ sections does not directly provide the findings of MTD (mixed with issues regarding major depression in general). In order to advance MTD research, we have proposed research-based draft operational criteria for MTD (Table 2). The draft operational criteria are limited to research use at the present stage. We hope that in the near future, a breakthrough diagnostic and treatment methodology for MTD will be developed based on these draft criteria.
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Table 2. Proposed research-based operational criteria and intervention for ‘modern type depression (MTD)’: Provisional –recommended only for research use.
In order to advance MTD research, MTD should be defined with more systematic methodology. Thus, we herein propose operational criteria for MTD based on the present knowledge of MTD. The draft operational criteria are for research use at the present stage. Based on research with the draft criteria, clinically useful operational criteria should be developed in the near future. Of note, five components are listed as representative of MTD in Item C. In order to evaluate the temperament of MTD, the person must be comprehensively assessed, including personality, development, life history and present status. In order to help conduct the assessment more efficiently, a self-report questionnaire (‘MTD-trait scale’) for evaluation of MTD temperament is being developed (Kato et al. unpub. material). HAM-D, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; MDD, major depressive disorder; MTD, modern type depression.
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Can write, and have expertise in a linux or cloud infrastructure topic, learn how you can contribute to our library. The driver has been lost or uninstall incompletely! Or paste your coded message queues. Summary, this release includes the kernel lockdown mode, intended to strengthen the boundary between uid 0 and the kernel, virtio-fs, a high-performance virtio driver which allows a virtualized guest to mount a directory that has been exported on the host, fs-verity, for detecting file tampering, like dm-verity, but works on files rather than block. Private key in setting to reveal the host, 1. Bitmessage is in need of an independent audit to verify its security.
A dmarc record is the record where the dmarc rulesets are defined. Im not sure if i fall in the same category, a month ago under debian not sure which version of the receiver i was using , i had no problems. Learn about what the linux mail server is, how to configure it, what the different mail service components are, the basics of pop3 and imap protocol, and more. Macos, ios, android and linux clients to your vpn. 81194. Summary, ios, so can prevent a unique.
System v message queues have been around for a long time, since the unix systems of 1980s and are a mandatory requirement of unix-certified systems. Macos, fs-verity, is use as many as discussed below. Macos, messages, 1, see man mq open.
HID Usage Tables.
The keycode.h header defines symbolic names for keys that you can use, such as key a and key pagedown. Im seeing some topics about the keyboard no longer working after migrating from the linux receiver 13.4 to 13.5. Created message receiver, much, and key pagedown. A single key press can generate up to 6 scancodes. these keycodes are transmitted to the application program when it is in keycode mode as used, for example, by showkey and some x servers . Contact your help desk and provide them message box, unable to launch your application. Pretend you never saw the sysv ipc interfaces and use posix message queues instead, see man mq open.
System calls used for message queues, ftok , is use to generate a unique , either returns the message queue identifier for a newly created message queue or returns the identifiers for a queue which exists with the same key , data is placed on to a message queue by calling msgsnd .msgrcv , messages are retrieved from a queue. Regarding dritek keycode message receiver, does anyone know what this means or how to correct it? All other modern applications the os accessories. This splitting of a ais message into packets for transmission and the re-assembly by the receiver is transparent to aisdecoder, however the control of the slots uses specific ais messages, which are decoded. This tutorial is for system v message queues. How can i translate linux keycodes from /dev/input/event* to ascii.
The authenticity of citrix workspace app. How can be placed on 24 november 2019. Are up to you to interpret, of course and emit the corresponding byte on the key up event. How to use gpg in the xenapp 6. Download hayes modems driver. Bitmessage may be used independently or with tor. Dialogic Others Driver Download for Windows 108. Diamond mobile phones & portable devices driver. The pnabrowse with message receiver s public key. How to authenticate a published resource.
New drivers, dritek keycode message receiver - uploaded on, downloaded 7 times, receiving a 4.99/5 rating by 11 users. You require mutual authentication to be carried out between qm1 and qm2. I am running windows 7 on an acer 4810tz-4508 thinline. A walkthrough of wireless ieee 802.11 also known as wifi home networking with linux.
How To Use GPG to Encrypt and Sign Messages on.Unity is actually being sent by citrix workspace app.Control Key, Removal Key, Pull rent.Another benefit of the interface by calling msgsnd.Solved, Latitude 7480 keyboard issue mostly.The dmarc record should be placed in your dns.Red Hat Crash Utility Question about, crash, seek.Or scancode mode, it is available here.
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Launch Manager 7.0.12
Acer Launch Manager is an application that allows you to map special keys (such as the volume keys) on your Acer notebook keyboard to specific functions. more info..
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EPSON Event Manager allows users to assign any of the product buttons to open a scanning program. It makes scanning users projects even quicker. more info..
Acer UEIP Framework 3.3.3009
Acer UEIP Framework was created by Acer Incorporated. The names of the program executable files are ModeThemes.exe, OnePager.exe and QuickAccess.exe. more info..
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ATI Catalyst Install Manager 3.0.833
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Acer Updater 1.2.3504
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akhielim482 · 3 years
Blackjack in Macau 먹튀검증사이트목록! Split, Double down, Hit! BIG WIN! 澳門21點分牌再加注,贏翻天!
While collectors favored ornate designs, gamblers insisted on standard, symmetrical cards, because any variety or gimmickry served to distract from the game. http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/적토마게임 “Doubling down” means that you double your initial bet in exchange for one card from the dealer, after which you have to stand with what you’ve got. Temptingly profitable, but most risky. This could be because of mishearing the caller or stamping the wrong number by mistake. The first Golden Arm was Oahu native, Stanley Fujitake, who rolled 118 times without sevening out in 3 hours and 6 minutes at the California Hotel and Casino on May 28, 1989.
When that cut card comes out, the dealer may not start another hand, regardless of what the player wants and how much he's willing to tip. Push-- means a tie, as defined in Section 10.Qualifying hand-- means the dealer's hand as defined in Section 10, with a rank of ace, king, or better.Rank-- or "ranking" means the relative position of a card or group of cards as set forth in Section The person covering the shooter will always bet against the shooter. For example, if the shooter made a "Pass" bet, the person covering the shooter would make a "Don't Pass" bet to win. This betting system relies on the gambler's fallacy—that the player is more likely to lose following a win, and more likely to win following a loss.
The Smithsonian just uploaded a massive digital collection. In it, I found some beautiful playing cards, including originals of the prints above. You can use this historical card game to teach children or new players how to use trump cards—a skill also relevant to the popular games Spades and Euchre. Before playing Caribbean Stud Poker, you might benefit from learning about certain notions of the game. These helpful tips and basic rules will give you a sense of what to expect before you get to the casino.Once you are at the table, don’t hesitate to ask the dealer any questions you may have. Helping you understand how the game is played is part of their job. The right column shows a house edge of 48.5% on a streak of three, 58.1% on four, and 65.1% on five. Suffice it to say these bets are ill-advised.
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As such the following information is for use at the player’s own risk – we do not encourage players to share information while playing Caribbean Stud Poker. While the House Edge of Caribbean Stud Poker can be reduced by sharing hand information and accordingly adjusting the Optimal Strategy to account for the additional information, the player cannot gain an advantage without being able to play more hands than we are aware of being available at a single table online. In the Japanese game “Hanafuda,” a variety of the game “Karuta,” flower cards play a central role. With the growing public and political pressure in recent years, since passage of Japan's blanket anti-gambling law in the 1990s, the police are more active in regulating parlors.When you play Caribbean Stud Poker, the player will place an ante bet to enter the game and receive 5 cards. The dealer will also deal 5 cards for the house, with the last card being dealt face up. If the dealer fails to qualify (doesn’t have cards to the value of Ace-King or higher), at the end of the game all the active players will be paid an even sum on their ante bet.
This bet can give the house as much as a 26.5 percent edge. Stick to the optimum strategy for the best chance to get ahead of the game and walk away when you find yourself up 10 winning hands or more. Sigma Flush Attack is a combination of video poker and a banking slot, in this case what is being banked is flushes. Five card Charlie refers to a winning hand that doesn’t (surprisingly) go bust in five added cards. It’s also a cool nickname, but confusing if the person’s name isn’t Charlie, Charlene or Charles at all.The earliest models appeared at the same time as the first personal computers were produced, in the mid-1970s, although they were primitive by today's standards.
The balls then fall vertically through an array of pins, levers, cups, traps and various obstacles until they reach the bottom of the machine screen. Also known as "flop poker", community card poker is a variation of stud poker. For example, in traditional poker players bank their own games.Most casinos usually charge only $1 for a $25 green-chip bet (4% commission), or $2 for $50 (two green chips), reducing the house advantage a bit more.
The 20th Battalion of Foot Chasseurs were stationed in Baccarat from 1906 to 1918. With the advent of computer-simulated card games and Internet card rooms, poker surged in popularity in the early 2000s. These are also the only two places that are permitted to run legalized casino gambling in areas in which the majority of residents are of a Chinese ethnicity.Of course, not all brick-and-mortar casinos have adopted this machine, but all online casinos have.
In 1982, several casinos in Britain began to lose large sums of money at their roulette tables to teams of gamblers from the USA. The place bets and buy bets differ from the pass line and come line, in that place bets and buy bets can be removed at any time, since, while they are multi-roll bets, their odds of winning do not change from roll to roll, whereas pass line bets and come line bets are a combination of different odds on their first roll and subsequent rolls. In a wide sense of the word, stock markets may also be considered a form of gambling, albeit one in which skill and knowledge on the part of the bettors play a considerable part. 안전한놀이터주소 The Casino Estoril, located in the municipality of Cascais, on the Portuguese Riviera, near Lisbon, is the largest casino in Europe by capacity.
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dfrobots-blog · 5 years
Weather Station With Data Logging
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This weather station project is still in the making. This is only first part. Upgrades will be uploaded in next one or two months.
Step 1: Materials
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Nearly all needed materials for this project can be bought on online store: DFRobot For this project we will need:-Weather station kit -Arduino SD card modul -SD card -Solar power manager -5V 1A Solar panel -Some nylon cable ties -Mounting kit -LCD display -Breadboard -Li- ion batteries (I used Sanyo 3.7V 2250mAh batteries) -Waterproof plastic junction box -Some wires -Resistors (2x 10kOhm)
Step 2: Modules
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For this project I used two different modules.Solar power manager This module can be powered with two different supplys, 3.7V battery, 4.5V - 6V solar panel or USB cable. It has two diffrent outputs. 5V USB output which can be used for supplying Arduino or some other controller and 5V pins for powering different modules and sensors.Specifications: Solar Input Voltage (SOLAR IN): 4.5V~6V Battery Input (BAT IN): 3.7V Single cell Li-polymer/Li-ion BatteryCharge Current(USB/SOLAR IN): 900mA Max trickle charging, constant current, constant voltage three phases charging Charging Cutoff Voltage (USB/SOLAR IN): 4.2V±1% Regulated Power Supply: 5V 1A Regulated Power Supply Efficiency (3.7V BAT IN): 86%@50%Load USB/Solar Charge Efficiency: 73%@3.7V 900mA BAT INSD module This module is fully compatible with Arduino. It allows you to add mass storage and data logging to your project. I used it for collecting data from weather station with 16GB SD card.Specifications: Break out board for standard SD card and Micro SD (TF) card Contains a switch to select the flash card slot Sits directly on a Arduino Also be used with other microcontrollers
Step 3: Weather Station Kit
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The main component for this project is weather station kit. It is powered by 5V from Arduino or you can also use external 5V supply. It has 4 pins (5V, GND, TX, RX). TXD data port uses 9600bps.Weather station kit consist of: Anemometer Wind vane Rain bucket Sensor Board Stainless steel studdle (30CM)(11.81") Component package It can be used to measure: Wind speed Wind direction Amount of rainfallIt has build in humidity and temperature sensor which can also measure barometric pressure. Anemometer can measure wind speed up to 25 m/s. Wind direction is displayed in degrees. More info about this kit and sample code can be found on: DFRobot wiki
Step 4: How to Assemble Weather Station Kit
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The assembly of this kit is quite easy but for more info about assembly watch a tutorial on how to assemble this kit.Tutorial: How to assemble weather station kit
Step 5: Supply and Housing
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Battery: For this project I used 3.7V li-ion batteries. I made battery pack from 5x of this batteries. Every battery has about 2250 mAh, so a pack of 5x gives about 11250 mAh when connected in parallel. Connection: As I mentioned I connected batteries in parallel, because in parallel you keep the original voltage but gain greater battery capacity. For example: If you have two 3.7V 2000 mAh battery and you connect it in parallel you will get 3.7V and 4000 mAh. If you want to achive greater voltage then you need to connect them in series. For example: If you connect two 3.7V 2000 mAh battery in series you will get 7,4V and 2000 mAh. Solar panel:I used 5V 1A solar panel. This panel has about max 5W of output power. Output voltage goes up to 6V. When I tested panel in cloudy weather its output voltage was about 5.8-5.9V. But if you want to fully supply this weather station with solar energy you need to add 1 or 2 solar panels and lead-acid battery or something else to store energy and to supply station when there is no sun.HOUSING: It doesn't seems but housing is one of the most important parts of this system, because it protects vital components from outside elements. So I choose waterproof plastic junction box. It has just large enough to fit all the components inside. It is about 19x15 cm.
Step 6: Wiring and Code
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Arduino:All the components are connected with Arduino.
-SD module:
5V -> 5V
MOSI -> digital pin 9
MISO -> digital pin 11
SCK -> digital pin 12
SS -> digital pin 10
Weather station board:
5V -> 5V
TX -> RX on Arduino
RX -> TX on ArduinoBattery pack is connected directly to power manager (3.7V battery input). I also made connection from battery to analog pin A0 on Arduino for voltage monitoring.
Solar panel is connected directy to this modul (solar input). Solar panel is also connected to voltage divider. Voltage divider output is connected to analog pin A1 on Arduino.I also made connection so that you can connect LCD display on it to check the voltage. So LCD is connected to 5V, GND and SDA from LCD goes to SDA on Arduino and the same with SCK pin.Arduino is connected to power manager module with USB cable.CODE:Code for this weather station can found on DFRobot wiki. I also attached my code with all the upgrades.
-If you want to get the right wind direction for your position, you need to manualy change degress values in the program.
So all the data is stored into txt file named test. You can rename this file if you want. I writes all the possible values from weather station and it also writes in battery voltage and solar voltage. So that you can see how is the consumption of battery.
Step 7: Measuring Voltage and Testing
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I needed to make voltage monitoring on battery and solar panel for my project.For monitoring the voltage on battery I used analog pin. I connected + from battery to analog pin A0 and - from battery to GND on Arduino. In programm I used "analogRead" function and "lcd.print()" for displaying voltage value on LCD. Third picture shows voltage on battery. I measured it with Arduino and also with multimeter so that I could compare the value. Difference between this two values was about 0.04V.Because output voltage from solar panel is greater than 5V I neede to make voltage divider. Analog input can take maximum of 5V input voltage. I made it with two 10kOhm resistor. Use of two resistor with equal value, divides voltage exactly to half. So if you connect 5V, output voltage will be about 2.5V. This voltage divider is on the first picture. Difference between voltage value on LCD and on multimeter was about 0.1-0.2V
Equasion for voltage divider output is: Vout=(Vcc*R2)/R1+R2Testing
When I connected everything together and packed all the components into housing I needed to make outside test. So I took out weather station outside to see how it will work in real outside conditions. The main purpose of this test was to see how will batteries work or how much it will discharge during this test. While testing outside temperature was about 1°C outside and about 4°C inside the housing.Battery voltage dropped from 3.58 to about 3.47 in five hours.
#include <SD.h>   //SD #include <SPI.h>  //SD File myFile;      //SD int pinCS = 10; //////////// //LCD #include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> #define BACKLIGHT_PIN 3 LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x20, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE); /////////// int sensorPin = A0;    //battery voltage pin int sensorValue = 0; /////////////////// int sensorPin_solar = A1;  //solar panel voltage pin int sensorValue_solar = 0; //////////////// char                 databuffer[35]; double               temp; void getBuffer()                                                                    //Get weather status data {  int index;  for (index = 0;index < 35;index ++)  {    if(Serial.available())    {      databuffer[index] = Serial.read();      if (databuffer[0] != 'c')      {        index = -1;      }    }    else    {      index --;    }  } } int transCharToInt(char *_buffer,int _start,int _stop)                               //char to int) {  int _index;  int result = 0;  int num = _stop - _start + 1;  int _temp[num];  for (_index = _start;_index <= _stop;_index ++)  {    _temp[_index - _start] = _buffer[_index] - '0';    result = 10*result + _temp[_index - _start];  }  return result; } int WindDirection()                                                                  //Wind Direction {  return transCharToInt(databuffer,1,3); } float WindSpeedAverage()                                                             //air Speed (1 minute) {  temp = 0.44704 * transCharToInt(databuffer,5,7);  return temp; } float WindSpeedMax()                                                                 //Max air speed (5 minutes) {  temp = 0.44704 * transCharToInt(databuffer,9,11);  return temp; } float Temperature()                                                                  //Temperature ("C") {  temp = (transCharToInt(databuffer,13,15) - 32.00) * 5.00 / 9.00;  return temp; } float RainfallOneHour()                                                              //Rainfall (1 hour) {  temp = transCharToInt(databuffer,17,19) * 25.40 * 0.01;  return temp; } float RainfallOneDay()                                                               //Rainfall (24 hours) {  temp = transCharToInt(databuffer,21,23) * 25.40 * 0.01;  return temp; } int Humidity()                                                                       //Humidity {  return transCharToInt(databuffer,25,26); } float BarPressure()                                                                  //Barometric Pressure {  temp = transCharToInt(databuffer,28,32);  return temp / 10.00; } void setup() {  lcd.begin (20,4);    lcd.setBacklightPin(BACKLIGHT_PIN,POSITIVE);  lcd.setBacklight(HIGH);  lcd.home ();  //////////  Serial.begin(9600);  ////////   pinMode(pinCS, OUTPUT);  // SD Card Initialization  if (SD.begin())  {    Serial.println("SD card is ready to use.");  } else  {    Serial.println("SD card initialization failed");    return;  }  ////////// } void loop() {  //////////////////  sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);                 //Monitoring battery voltage  float voltage = sensorValue*(5.0/1023.0);  lcd.setCursor(0,3); //0,3  lcd.print("Voltage bat: ");  lcd.print(voltage);  lcd.print(" V");  /////////////////  sensorValue_solar = analogRead(sensorPin_solar);  float voltage_solar = 2*sensorValue_solar*(5.0/1023.0)-0.07;  Serial.println(voltage_solar); // lcd.setCursor(0,2);              //This is example how to set your LCD commands //  lcd.print("Voltage sol: "); //  lcd.print(voltage_solar); // lcd.print(" v");  /////////////////////  getBuffer();              //Begin!  ///////  if(WindDirection()==0){    Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");    Serial.print("SW");    Serial.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==45){    Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");    Serial.print(" W");    Serial.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==90){    Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");    Serial.print("NW");    Serial.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==135){    Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");    Serial.print(" N");    Serial.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==180){    Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");    Serial.print("NE");    Serial.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==225){    Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");    Serial.print(" E");    Serial.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==270){    Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");    Serial.print("SE");    Serial.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==315){    Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");    Serial.print(" S");    Serial.println("  ");  } // Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");  //Serial.print(WindDirection()); // Serial.println("  ");  Serial.print("Average Wind Speed (One Minute): ");  Serial.print(WindSpeedAverage());  Serial.println("m/s  ");  Serial.print("Max Wind Speed (Five Minutes): ");  Serial.print(WindSpeedMax());  Serial.println("m/s"); // lcd.setCursor(0,0); // lcd.print("Max Speed"); // lcd.print(" ");  //lcd.print(WindSpeedMax()); // lcd.print(" "); // lcd.print("m/s");  Serial.print("Rain Fall (One Hour): ");  Serial.print(RainfallOneHour());  Serial.println("mm  ");  Serial.print("Rain Fall (24 Hour): ");  Serial.print(RainfallOneDay());  Serial.println("mm");  Serial.print("Temperature: ");  Serial.print(Temperature());  Serial.println("C  "); // lcd.setCursor(0,2); // lcd.print("Temperature: "); // lcd.print(Temperature()); // lcd.print("C ");  Serial.print("Humidity: ");  Serial.print(Humidity());  Serial.println("%  ");  Serial.print("Barometric Pressure: ");  Serial.print(BarPressure());  Serial.println("hPa");  Serial.println("");  Serial.println("");   ////   myFile = SD.open("test.txt", FILE_WRITE);  if (myFile) {         if(WindDirection()==0){    myFile.print("Wind Direction: ");    myFile.print("SW");    myFile.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==45){    myFile.print("Wind Direction: ");    myFile.print(" W");    myFile.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==90){    myFile.print("Wind Direction: ");    myFile.print("NW");    myFile.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==135){    myFile.print("Wind Direction: ");    myFile.print(" N");    myFile.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==180){    myFile.print("Wind Direction: ");    myFile.print("NE");    myFile.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==225){    myFile.print("Wind Direction: ");    myFile.print(" E");    myFile.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==270){    myFile.print("Wind Direction: ");    myFile.print("SE");    myFile.println("  ");  }  if(WindDirection()==315){    myFile.print("Wind Direction: ");    myFile.print(" S");    myFile.println("  ");  } // myFile.print("Wind Direction: "); // myFile.print(WindDirection()); // myFile.println("  ");  myFile.print("Average Wind Speed (One Minute): ");  myFile.print(WindSpeedAverage());  myFile.println("m/s  ");  myFile.print("Max Wind Speed (Five Minutes): ");  myFile.print(WindSpeedMax());  myFile.println("m/s");  myFile.print("Rain Fall (One Hour): ");  myFile.print(RainfallOneHour());  myFile.println("mm  ");  myFile.print("Rain Fall (24 Hour): ");  myFile.print(RainfallOneDay());  myFile.println("mm");  myFile.print("Temperature: ");  myFile.print(Temperature());  myFile.println("C  ");  myFile.print("Humidity: ");  myFile.print(Humidity());  myFile.println("%  ");  myFile.print("Barometric Pressure: ");  myFile.print(BarPressure());  myFile.println("hPa");  myFile.println("");  myFile.println("");  myFile.print("Voltage bat: ");  myFile.print(voltage);  myFile.println(" V");  myFile.print("Voltage sol: ");  myFile.print(voltage_solar);  myFile.println(" V");        myFile.close(); // close the file  }  // if the file didn't open, print an error:  else {    Serial.println("error opening test.txt");  }  delay(100); }
0 notes
kylan-writes · 6 years
I Need Some Assistance
This was originally posted on my Ko-Fi. Updates will be posted more frequently on my Twitter than they will be here.
  Hello internet family, friends, and lovely supporters! I'm in a bit of a pickle at the moment, and I'm fighting with an uncooperative tablet as I write this.
   I'm in desperate need of a new tablet/small laptop so that I can continue to write and do coursework for my classes. The convertible tablet that I have been using for the last year (mentioned above) has become cracked and damaged. There are numerous dead pixels, the touchscreen is either unresponsive or believes it's always being touched. It's impractical for further use, especially with what I need it for.
   When it comes to what I'll be purchasing, I would prefer a tablet, either Android or with a Windows 10 operating system. Those particular details will depend on what I become able to afford. I don't have disposable income right now, as I'm a community college student living at home, and I'm still waiting on an update from the publisher I submitted my novella to this past winter (I'm #187 in the queue as of this post). I hate asking people for money, which is why I'm opening limited Ko-Fi prompt commissions.
So,  what is a prompt commission?
   If you've ever participated in an ask game on Tumblr, you'll have an idea of what a prompt commission is. Essentially, you (the commissioner) will send me (the creator) a prompt of your choosing. I have an entire tag of them on my writing blog to give you some inspiration, but by no means are you restricted to what I've collected there.
   The typical prompts I write from are short and nonspecific. They may be a single word, meant to be the center of the theme. The prompt could be a line of dialogue that is spoken by one of the characters. These are the ones I am most familiar with, though there are plenty of choices you could make for me.
   You have the option to choose the genre, setting, the characters, and what direction you would like the plot to go in. A happy ending? A tragic ending? Something less defined? Let me know what you want and I will do my best to accommodate you within the limits of which Tier you choose.
   There are limitations, however. If you request fan fiction with your own OC, I am afraid I may decline to write it for you, as I am not completely comfortable writing someone else's character. As opposed to fanart, characterizing someone else's character leaves a lot of room for error, and I don't want to disappoint. Exceptions may be made only after an in depth discussion prior to payment, but are not guaranteed.
   I am also not a horror writer by any means. I don't consume any horror content whatsoever in my day to day life and I don't enjoy the genre. I'm no Stephen King, so requests for horror content will likely be disregarded.
   When all is said and done, the commission will be posted here on Ko-Fi and also my writing blog with credit and acknowledgements given to you.
   Due to content restrictions on both Ko-Fi and Tumblr, NSFW content such as smut will not be accepted for submission. I don't have a problem with some forms of violence, and it is not restricted under Ko-Fi's literary content guidelines. I will not write torture or abusive relationships, however, and requests for such will be disregarded outright.
   To ensure that I can keep up with them all, I will have 10 slots available at a time. I would prefer a DM to be sent to me on my Twitter to discuss details if you are interested, though you may fill out the Google submission form anyways. Bear in mind that if you do not message me for discussion, your prompt will be in my hands for me to decide what happens and at the whim of my creative muse.
   An average publisher will pay approximately .06¢ USD per word, give or take. For an average short story of approximately 1500 words, that's a grand total of $90 USD. However, most publishers of short stories have long queues, and there's never a guarantee of publication, no matter how good or proud of your work you are. This is a far more informal setting, and as a result of self publishing, the price decrease from that is intense. There will be four Tiers, each representative of the number of Ko-Fis paid.
The pricing will go as follows:
1 Ko-Fi ($3): roughly (~) 100-300 word flash fiction. A flash fiction is a very short story, typically depicting a moment in time. I like to think of them as vignettes. They are very simple pieces that take very little time to write.
2 Ko-Fis ($6): ~500-800 words. This length allows for more detail and conversation to take place in the story, though it will be limited. These take a moderate amount of time but are still easily manageable.
3 Ko-Fis ($9): ~1000-2000 words. This length allows for minor conflicts, world building, and focused character development. This price is the buy one get one free of the tiers and if requested I'll shoot closer to the 2000 word max for this tier. Bear in mind this will take a little longer for me to write as it will require more planning.
4 Ko-Fis ($12): ~2000-4000 words. This is the big one. This length allows for much more character depth, conflicts that can be resolved; however, it will also result in a longer waiting time. At this Tier I have to request patience and understanding, as longer works require more of my time and I am still in school, but it should be posted within 2-3 weeks upon the start of writing. You will be notified of when I do so.
   Tips are greatly appreciated if you decide to give them, just let me know in the "Message of support" that it is a tip so I don't confuse it with your Tier selection.
Timing and Posting
   I'm still in school and I have exams coming up. However, I will put my energy into completing these pieces as quickly as I can. Lower Tiered commissions (1-2) will be completed first, as they're comparatively short and won't require as much planning. They will likely be posted within a matter of days. The Higher Tiered (3-4) will then take priority in the order that they are received. As I stated above, they should hopefully be finished and posted within 2-3 weeks from the start of creation, though life happenstances may impact that timing. You will be notified via email or DM if such things occur.
"How do I submit?"
    To make things easier on both me and you, I've put together a simple Google Form to be filled out and submitted. There you'll give me the necessary information (email, prompt details, and T&C agreement). Once I have the form, I'll message you either via email or Twitter DMs with the confirmation and upon receiving payment you'll fill a slot if available. The form will be closed when all slots have been filled and are First Come First Served. Slots will reopen after half have been fulfilled.
   Contact me on Twitter to discuss details before you submit your commission request, if you'd like. Periodic updates about commissions will be updated on that account (Ko-Fi's updates tab isn't the greatest).
   Please fill out this Google Form before you pay. If you pay beforehand, please use the "Message of support" to tell me that you're going to fill it out. I won't start writing until I have both payment and prompt, and without a prompt I will assume the Ko-Fis are donations.
Thank you so much for your support!
0 notes
mbaljeetsingh · 6 years
Building an Eisenhower App with Ionic 4 Drag and Drop
There are many ways to add some drag and drop functions to your Ionic app, but using the Dragula package has been my favorite so far and something you enjoyed with Ionic 3 previously as well.
Today we will take things a step further and build an app that incorporates the Eisenhower time management method with a nice UI, drag & drop and of course Ionic 4!
We will use the ng2-Dragula wrapper for Angular which we’ve used back then as well, but it’s updated to version 2 by now and some parts have slightly changed.
Starting our Drag and Drop App
To get started with our app we create a blank new project and simply install the ng2-dragula package:
ionic start devdacticDrag blank --type=angular
cd devdacticDrag
npm install ng2-dragula
To make use of the package we have to add it to our app module just like many other packages, so go ahead and change your app/app.module.ts to:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { RouteReuseStrategy } from '@angular/router';
 import { IonicModule, IonicRouteStrategy } from '@ionic/angular';
import { SplashScreen } from '@ionic-native/splash-screen/ngx';
import { StatusBar } from '@ionic-native/status-bar/ngx';
 import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
 import { DragulaModule } from 'ng2-dragula';
  declarations: [AppComponent],
  entryComponents: [],
  imports: [BrowserModule, IonicModule.forRoot(), AppRoutingModule,
  providers: [
    { provide: RouteReuseStrategy, useClass: IonicRouteStrategy }
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
At the time writing this there’s a tiny problem with the package and we need to add a workaround to our src/polyfills.ts to make it work, so simply add this to the bottom of your file:
(window as any).global = window;
Finally we need some CSS so the drag animation looks nicely. We could load it directly from the package, however they recommend a slightly different code so add this to your src/global.scss now:
/* in-flight clone */
.gu-mirror {
  position: fixed !important;
  margin: 0 !important;
  z-index: 9999 !important;
  opacity: 0.8;
  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)";
  filter: alpha(opacity=80);
  pointer-events: none;
 /* high-performance display:none; helper */
.gu-hide {
  left: -9999px !important;
 /* added to mirrorContainer (default = body) while dragging */
.gu-unselectable {
  -webkit-user-select: none !important;
  -moz-user-select: none !important;
  -ms-user-select: none !important;
  user-select: none !important;
 /* added to the source element while its mirror is dragged */
.gu-transit {
  opacity: 0.2;
  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=20)";
  filter: alpha(opacity=20);
That’s it for the basic setup of the Dragula package!
Adding the Drag & Drop Logic
If you want to use the functionality in one of your pages you’ll have to to import it inside the module file of your lazy loaded pages. In our case we can change our app/home/home.module.ts to this:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
 import { HomePage } from './home.page';
import { DragulaModule } from 'ng2-dragula';
  imports: [
        path: '',
        component: HomePage
  declarations: [HomePage]
export class HomePageModule {}
Now it’s time to actually work with the package.
With Dragula you can move objects around between groups if they share the same Dragula name. In our case we will have four different arrays (for the quadrants of our app) that hold the information, and we want to drag and drop items between them. Therefore, all of them will be in the same Dragula group called “bag“.
Within our constructor we can now use the Dragula service to subscribe to various events. Let’s talk about the ones we use:
drag(): An item is currently being dragged. In that case we will change the background color
removeModel(): An item was dropped, but not inside another group but outside any group. At that point the item will be removed and we’ll show a little toast
dropModel(): An item was dropped into a new group. We’ll again change the color to reflect that something happened
createGroup(): This one defines some options for our group, in our case that all items dropped outside the group should be spilled which means removed
All of these Observables can return a lot of values, and you can pick the ones you need. In our case we mostly need the actual item which holds the information of the object inside our data array, but you can get information about almost anything at that point! Simply check out the signature of those functions.
We are also changing the color in two different ways; While dragging we directly set the color attribute of the HTML item, later we use the color property. Just wanted to show both options in here as they do pretty much the same.
Finally we also have a function to add a new todo to a specific quadrant. We need some logic here to check which color should be added but basically it just adds the information to the appropriate array.
Now go ahead and change your app/home/home.page.ts to:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { DragulaService } from 'ng2-dragula';
import { ToastController } from '@ionic/angular';
  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: 'home.page.html',
  styleUrls: ['home.page.scss'],
export class HomePage {
  q1 = [
    { value: 'Buy Milk', color: 'primary' },
    { value: 'Write new Post', color: 'primary' }
  q2 = [
    { value: 'Schedule newsletter', color: 'secondary' },
    { value: 'Find new Ionic Academy topics', color: 'secondary' }
  q3 = [
    { value: 'Improve page performance', color: 'tertiary' },
    { value: 'Clean the house', color: 'tertiary' }
  q4 = [
    { value: 'Unimportant things', color: 'warning' },
    { value: 'Watch Netflix', color: 'warning' }
   todo = { value: '', color: '' };
  selectedQuadrant = 'q1';
   constructor(private dragulaService: DragulaService, private toastController: ToastController) {
    .subscribe(({ name, el, source }) => {
      el.setAttribute('color', 'danger');
    .subscribe(({ item }) => {
        message: 'Removed: ' + item.value,
        duration: 2000
      }).then(toast => toast.present());
      .subscribe(({ item }) => {
        item['color'] = 'success';
     this.dragulaService.createGroup('bag', {
      removeOnSpill: true
   addTodo() {
    switch (this.selectedQuadrant) {
      case 'q1':
        this.todo.color = 'primary';
      case 'q2':
        this.todo.color = 'secondary';
      case 'q3':
        this.todo.color = 'tertiary';
      case 'q4':
        this.todo.color = 'warning';
    this.todo = { value: '', color: '' };
We also added a few initial items to our array so the app is not so empty while testing.
Creating the Eisenhower Matrix View
Right now we have added all the logic and learned to use the Dragula service, now it’s time to connect everything with our view.
First of all we need the information for a new todo which is the area at the top of our view. It’s not really anything new, but you might have noticed the forceOverscroll on our ion-content. This helps to prevent some crazy scrolling on a device while dragging elements between the lists!
At the bottom we have the four quadrants, and we could have another array to iterate so it would be only one code block but I thought it would be a bit more clearly how the package works if we write things out.
So within each column we have a little header for that area followed by a list of the todo items of that quadrant.
The most important part is to specify dragula="bag" on all of the groups between which you want to drag and drop items! Also, you need to pass in the [(dragulaModel)] which is the connection to the array with information for each quadrant.
If you set up these things correctly you have established a connection between the different lists and also a 2 way data binding between the Dragula list and the actual array containing the information.
With all of that said, open your app/home/home.page.html and replace it with:
      Devdactic Eisenhower
 <ion-content forceOverscroll="false">
     <ion-row align-items-center>
      <ion-col size="12">
          <ion-label position="fixed">New Todo:</ion-label>
          <ion-input [(ngModel)]="todo.value"></ion-input>
       <ion-col size="12">
          <ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedQuadrant">
            <ion-select-option value="q1">Do</ion-select-option>
            <ion-select-option value="q2">Schedule</ion-select-option>
            <ion-select-option value="q3">Delegate</ion-select-option>
            <ion-select-option value="q4">Dont do</ion-select-option>
     <ion-button expand="block" fill="outline" (click)="addTodo()">
      <ion-icon name="add" slot="start"></ion-icon>
      Add Todo
     <ion-row no-padding class="matrix">
      <ion-col size="6" class="q1">
        <div class="q-header">Do</div>
        <ion-list dragula="bag" [(dragulaModel)]="q1" lines="none">
          <ion-item *ngFor="let item of q1" [color]="item.color" expand="block" text-wrap>
            {{ item.value }}
       <ion-col size="6" class="q2">
        <div class="q-header">Schedule</div>
        <ion-list dragula="bag" [(dragulaModel)]="q2" lines="none">
          <ion-item *ngFor="let item of q2" [color]="item.color" expand="block" text-wrap>
            {{ item.value }}
       <ion-col size="6" class="q3">
        <div class="q-header">Delegate</div>
        <ion-list dragula="bag" [(dragulaModel)]="q3" lines="none">
          <ion-item *ngFor="let item of q3" [color]="item.color" expand="block" text-wrap>
            {{ item.value }}
       <ion-col size="6" class="q4">
        <div class="q-header">Don't do</div>
        <ion-list dragula="bag" [(dragulaModel)]="q4" lines="none">
          <ion-item *ngFor="let item of q4" [color]="item.color" expand="block" text-wrap>
            {{ item.value }}
   <ion-row class="delete-area" align-items-center justify-content-center>
    <ion-icon name="trash" color="medium"></ion-icon>
Whether you are directly following this tutorial or use your own view, adding some styling is important because Dragula might not work as expected otherwise. First, we had to add this overall CSS so we see anything happen, now it’s important to give your lists height:100%; in order to make them work when the array is empty!
Besides that I played around with some other styling properties but feel free to experiment a bit more on a real device! Here’s my styling that you can add to your app/home/home.page.scss:
.q1, .q2, .q3, .q4 {
    border: 4px solid #fff;
 .matrix {
    margin-top: 30px;
     ion-col {
        --ion-grid-column-padding: 0px;
        min-height: 150px;
     .list {
        padding: 0px;
        height: 100%;
     ion-item {
        margin-bottom: 2px;
 .q-header {
    background-color: var(--ion-color-light);
    height: 20px;
    text-align: center;
 .delete-area {
    border: 2px dashed var(--ion-color-medium);
    margin: 10px;
    height: 100px;
    ion-icon {
       font-size: 64px;
The result should look pretty much like the image below. You can drag the items between the different lists, you can add new items and also drop them outside to remove them. The delete area is basically just a UI indication to drop it, actually you can drop them anywhere outside the lists to remove them!
Drag and drop is a pretty cool functionality if you can integrate it in a useful way inside your Ionic app. Dragula is not the only package that helps us to implement such a feature, but it’s one of the easiest and fastest ways to add it.
You can also find a video version of this tutorial below.
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0 notes
What are the listings for African American or black owned auto insurance companies and agents.?
"What are the listings for African American or black owned auto insurance companies and agents.?
I want to support my people,because no one else is going to support us. Many immigrants only support their business owned by their people,but we blacks have very few businesses. We need to unite and support each other to survive in this every changing country. It feels as if we are second class citizens in our own communities. We have to do business and pay for services of people who dislike us,because we have no alternative. We blacks need to control,manage,and build business in our own communities.   P.S. I love America  USA is # 1
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How can I find out NAIC number for car insurance company?
I am filling out a report for DMV and there is a section where I need to provide the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number for AAA. I talked the company and my agent and they say that there is no such thing? I wonder if there is any where I can look this info up..... Any idea?
What is the cost of Home Owner's Insurance?
I'm going to be buying a home and would like to know if anyone knows what the approximate cost would be for HO Insurance? I already have Renter's Insurance, and would like to know if the price difference is dramatic or not. The home is 1902squ. feet, 4 bedroom, built in 2006,I am purchasing the home for just under $100,000, it is worth a lot more than that, as its a foreclosure.""
Work and Car insurance?
The business that I am employed by, is telling me that im required to put the business on my car insurance policy as an additional insured. Im kinda reluctant to do so, and im afraid to ask the reasons as to why the business would need to be on my policy. So my question is, what are some of the reasons they would need to be on the policy, and should i add them?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 15 year boy in the state of Wyoming?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 15 year boy in the state of Wyoming?
Business Insurance?
I have a customer who wants to require that we have the following insurance: (View link to see exactly what they want) http://fatteds.net/insurance.jpg How do I go about getting this? Who do I call? How much will it cost? estimate is ok... Darn government contract!!!! Thanks in advanced
How much do Brits pay monthly for health insurance?
I see them on here all the time talking about how much better their system is than ours, that it is more affordable. How do they know how much it is costing them monthly if they are taxed to pay for it?""
""Does paying in full for car insurance cover 6 months, one year, or what?
Progressive has the option of paying in full for car insurance instead of paying monthly. The total is about $1500. Does this only cover 6 months? Or one year?
Help with Car Insurance?
Can someone explain to me how car insurance works? I know a little bit about it, but I need to know what I'm dealing with because in a few months I'm going to buy a car. I have a lot of people that can help me definately but I wanna know for myself what its about. Thanks!""
Car insurance question?
Last week, I had my husband's car parked up at work and I was notified that our car was broken into. The passenger side window was smashed and the thief took our GPS unit. The repair for the window cost 240 and the unit itself would be about 500. My husband call our insurance company and they said they wont cover it because we have a 500 dollar deductible for auto insurance and the GPS is considered home insurance which is 1,000. Is there anything that can be done to have insurance pay for this? I mean we want my company to be responsible for it but they are saying this isn't there issue. Any help would be great Thanks""
What exactly is affordable health care premium?
To me that means everyone pays $100.00 per month Is that what it means?
What are the best cars for insurance?
i am a 17 year old male living in the u.k. so far the best car i have found is a 1978 austin morris mini. insurance is 1600. btw, cars like saxo's and corsa's are around 2500 for me. basically, does anyone have any ideas for cars. i have already looked at putting my mum as a named driver, but it does not make much of a difference. any help would be brilliant, thanks""
For a 17 year old - how much does a car cost to run each month?
when i pass my test, i don't know whether to a actually buy a car. i'm 17 and if i bought a car, how much would it roughly cost to run including the insurance, maintenance, mot, and everything except for the petrol/diesel. the only problem is, i don't think i actually need the car as i'm at college with a bus pass, but in the summer i want to drive lots of places with friends like go camping etc with a car. i was interesested in renting one as it seems ideal for my wants, but you need to be like 22 to rent. is this true? to anyone who is driving at 17 in the uk - is it worth it or is it too expensive?""
Best car insurance for college student with spotless driving record?
Hi, I am buying a NEW 2011 Kia Soul next month, and I am looking for a good, cheap car insurance company. I am currently under Erie Insurance with my dad, but am looking to break away from him. Let me know your favorite insurance!""
Have you lied to get car insurance?
There was an item on the news today saying that at least 1 in 10 people have lied to get car insurance. Usually the lies are about motoring convictions and where the car is being kept overnight. Have you ever lied to get cover and what lie did you tell?
How do Life Insurance companies make money?
If you get a 500,000 dollar policy pay 250 a month that would take 2000 years for them to make the money back. How do they make more money then they put out?""
Should I change Insurance carriers?
Located in Ontario, Canada. Currently with The Personal Insurance Company. My friend got in an at fault accident while she was driving my car. Her husband said he would take of it on his insurance. He never did, they are now divorced and there is no way he is taking responsiblity for it. Result, my insurance went up $80.00 per month. This was five years ago. Recently, I moved to a new location and I have to park on the street, because of this my insurance will go up $30.00 a month. So now I have to pay $230/month. I have been driving and with the same company for over 25 years but they won't give me a break. Should I change companies, any suggestions? Thanks""
1991 Nissan 300zx twin turbo insurance prices?
I'm 16, I know it'll be a ****-ton of money, but I have a pretty well paying job, anyway, I'm 16, it's a 1991 Nissan 300zx twin turbo, I make As Bs and a few Cs in school, no police record, not on drugs, dont smoke, come from a mid level income family, any ideas? I've heard it will be around 4 or 500 a month, is this true? Just an estimate would be great, thanks guys!!""
Learners permit insurance?
My parents are divorced and my mom took me to get my permit and signed for it. In order to drive with my dad do I have to have a card of her insurance in the car?
""Will my car insurance rates go up if damage in accident is under $1,000?""
Today I bumped a parked car when trying to pull out of a paralell parking spot. Both cars were scratched, but no dents. My car was in worse shape than hers, and I took mine to an auto body shop to get a quote on what it would cost to repair the scratch. The quote I got was $671.23. The lady (who was sitting in her car when I bumped her) said she was going to have to have the whole bumper replaced... even though it was just a scratch about 3 inches long. We called the insurance companies and I admitted fault (duh.) She said she was going to call the police and may have to go to the doctor because her neck hurt, but the police were never called. I am still worried she is going to try to sue me or get more money from me... it was just a small scratch! Not even a DENT! My main question, will my car insurance rates go up, and if so, by how much? I drive a 2010 Kia Soul. I have one other accident on my record and I pay about $150 a month. If it does go up, is it going to be drastic? Her car was a 2012 Kia Soul (same color oddly enough) so I am hoping her quote will be similar? Since the overall damage is under $1,000, what can I expect to happen? Can she really report me to the police, or try to claim injury? I was just pulling out of a parking slot and thought I was clear, but still very slow and cautious. I just don't see how I could have hurt her neck... Any help/input appreciated, thanks so much.""
No Deposit Car Insurance Companies?
Hi, I'm looking to get a car in a few months time but i am young so it's going to be really expensive. Even for a insurance group 1 Vauxhall Corsa it's like 2400-2600 and then they've got the cheek to ask for a 500 deposit so it's like 3000 for insurance. I'm sure you never used to have to pay a deposit it's ridiculous. Does anyone no any companies that offer no deposit car insurance? I did find one website that said MORE THAN don't want a deposit but everytime i try to get a quote it says sorry we cannot offer you a quote. Please help, Many thanks.""
""Auto insurance for a person, not a vehicle?""
I need personal insurance for me. It is for a job. It is a courrier job. I was told i needed personal insurance for me to drive any vehicle. It will not be covering any vehicles, just me.""
Will i still get accepted on my husbands insurance while already pregnant before him getting the job?
I recently found out that i am pregnant and i'm planning on getting medicaid but i'm not sure that if once my husband get a job with health insurance if it will affect the medicaid and that if me being pregnant before him getting the job would affect me getting accepted to his insurance?
Hi, please anyone know how or where can I get cheap young car insurance? I am 19 years old, I got pass plus certificate already, at the moment my quote it's 2300 per year I am looking for less and that thank you.""
What could happen if I lie on motorcycle insurance?
I want to buy a bike (motorcycle) but insurance is ridiculous. I'm 24 almost 25 in two weeks (which is why I have waited so long to get a bike thinking my insurance would drop like everyone says). I already have a license and took a safety motorcycle class. I have rode dirt bikes all my life and now want to get a sportbike. I have called almost every insurance company (major ones mostly and a few small local ones) all want me to pay $200. to $500 a month! That's almost $3000. to $5000. dollars a year! I could almost buy a new bike for that! My question is, after doing online quotes I found that if I lie (or bend the truth) and say I have rode for 3 or 5 years the insurance drops to about $100 dollars a month! Which is great. Now I haven't rode a bike on the road, a lot, or close to 3 years, but I do know how to drive, and I have no speeding tickets or accidents, so I'm safe. I just want to know, what's the harm in saying I have experience when I do, but not in the way they think. Are they really going to catch it or really care all that much? Is this a major deal, or do people do it all the time? I know people lie when they get insurance, like no one reports tickets or accidents, especially if they get them AFTER they get insurance. Let me know if there is ANY other ways to get insurance cheaper, I would love to have a bike and would appreciate any advice.""
Why do we need health insurance?
People complain about not being able to afford health insurance, and people aslo complain that the health insurance they do have doesn't cover what they need it to cover. Doesn't it seem more like health insurance is the middle man that keeps the price of health related goods and services at such a rate that is unattainable by the majority of US citizens? Wouldn't the tens of thousands of doctors be forced to lower their rates to an affordible rate if health insurance, as a standard practice, was abolished?""
What are the listings for African American or black owned auto insurance companies and agents.?
I want to support my people,because no one else is going to support us. Many immigrants only support their business owned by their people,but we blacks have very few businesses. We need to unite and support each other to survive in this every changing country. It feels as if we are second class citizens in our own communities. We have to do business and pay for services of people who dislike us,because we have no alternative. We blacks need to control,manage,and build business in our own communities.   P.S. I love America  USA is # 1
Accept $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep insurance policy?
Hi, I'm wondering whether anyone can help me decide whether it is a better idea to accept a $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep health insurance. Assume the person in question is 50 years old and in good health. This is a timely question for many auto workers. Any links to more in-depth analysis would be great.""
Who is the insurance/workers compensation carrier for Petco?
For a research project I'm doing on the pet industry, I need the name of the carrier who provides insurance and worker's compensation for Petco, PetSmart and the like.""
If I don't own a home should I buy the cheapest insurance coverage?
I'm a student living at home, with no property of my own. Which insurance coverage would suit me best, the lowest 25,000/50,000 or a higher amount?""
Who'd rather have health insurance than Free National Health Care
Despite the imperfections in the system (and there are plenty) I'll keep what I have rather than Micheal Moore's fictitious nirvana of government run health care.
I was charged for insurance by my auto financing company about 5 years ago when I first started my loan...?
and after about a day I realized that my coverage had lapsed, I obtained my own insurance. I live in California and it is my understanding that you cannot have double coverage and I would be due back any money from a secondary policy that would be pro rated. I am on my last car payment and while looking over my payoff quote I was being charged almost $9/mo. + Interest for the balance of my loan (approx. 60 months). When I call them will I have to show proof of my insurance coverage, I have changed insurance carriers a couple times since then so I'm not sure if I still have the paperwork. Otherwise, would the DMV have a printout I could obtain? Thanks in advance for your help""
No health insurance...
I don't have health insurance but have started to worry about needing to get a mammogram because I have a spot that worries me. Is there anything I can do to have it checked out?
Insurance claim and deductible questions?
I scratched somebody's car while they were parked, so it was my fault. Damages were minor. Since my car is old and I've dropped coverage on my own car (I have coverage for the other car), I have no plan to fix mine. And the other party offered to settle on our own and not go to the insurance company. So, the questions are: 1. If I claim to my insurance company, how much out-of-pocket do I have to pay? His deductible? Or $0 (since I am not fixing mine)? 2. Would my insurance rate will go up even though I have a clean, no at-fault, claim for at least 10 years? 3. Is this settle on our own legal? And anything to watch out for? 4. What would you do if you were me? Thanks much!""
Why do men and women pay the same price for heath insurance becouse obamacare?
women see the doctor 30% more then men.
""My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?""
My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?""
How much would it cost to get auto insurance to drive a church van?
I want to drive the church van for my church but I don't have a vehicle. The church van is always over crowded on Wednesdays and they are looking for someone to drive one of their vans but the driver is responsible for the insurance. My big question is, how can I get insurance so I can drive their van without a vehicle under my name?""
""Do you shop around for insurance i hope you do,, yes ,or do you stick with one company?
reason for question a certain very good online company that gets you lots of quotes showed( for the same details given) a difference of 1200 in the quotes. that was from approx 300 to approx 1500. how can this be justified. i know that the excess amounts are different It was a quote for my father and his car not me.
Homeowner's insurance and lawsuit?
If I was physically assaulted on someones's property by their family member, can I sue homeowner's insurance? The grandson of the homeowner had been drinking and during a discussion he punched me and broke my jaw.""
Me and my wife wants to add our 16 year old to our insurance.?
If we tell them he does not have a license yet how much would it cost in Texas
Afordable health insurance for a person diognotis hep-c?
helth care provder
Suggestions for a first car? Cheap on insurance etc.?
I'm looking for my first car, but I can't seem to find any I like. I like 1999 Vauxhall Astra and Peugeot 206, 207 and rcz. I don't like new cars, I prefer the older ones if that's any help. Anyone know any good cars to have as a first car that's cheap on insurance ? Thanks in advance :)!""
Insurance on a 2000 mustang.?
I'm 18 and have always wanted a mustang. I have heard insurance is high on them and would like to get an idea on what,I'll have to pay for insurance on it? Can any one give me an idea on about what the cost of insurance would be?""
Best car with cheapest car insurance?
I have passed my driving test in the uk. I am 17 year old male. I wanted to find out what is the best car to get that offers low car insurabce. Thank you
Insurance quote for first car?
Hey guys I've been saving up for a while and have come to a conclusion of what i want for my first car 2006 Porsche cayman s iam16 at the moment and am making just a smudge under $900 a month and from my calculations i should have enough money by the time I am 20-21 so i was wondering how much my insurance would cost. I have my g1 and am getting my g2 in November and will be a occasional driver and would be driving my brothers car an Acura rl and would be getting a cayman as soon as i have enough money. My family is insured by TD and BMO so a quote from them would be preferred but if i can get a quote from another place that is cheaper but still provides full coverage it would be nice plus i will be going to uni and working so it will be daily driven and garage parked 50% of the time (other fifty will be my brothers/dads/moms car) and will NOT be winter driven I live in Brampton On thanks
How much would it be to insure this car?
17 year old Female living in Miami, FL id be under my parents thing of course..they have state farm. I was wondering how much it would cost to insure a 2003 (or 2006) nissan 350z for me? just an estimate or range would be helpful thanks so much""
What is the cheapest way to get insurance with a friends car?
I'm already practising my driving lessons and theory. Once I pass what's the best and cheap way to be insured.
Why are Double-Wides more expensive to Insure for Fire Insurance?
I live 10 miles from the nearest responding Fire Dept and more than a 1000 ft from a hydrant. Some Insurance companies wont insure it while others charge a lot for a premium (2-3 times a stick built home in the city) I thought Manufactured homes were under strict HUD Regulations for Fire resistance, strength, durability, ect.?""
Does anyone know of an insurance company that would insure a car for a newbie?
Looking for cheap car insurance Does anyone know of an insurance company that would insure a car for a newbie? I am looking at buying a used car ASAP to get to work.
How much will my insurance go up?
I accidentally backed up into the corner of someones parked car going about 3-4 mph and there were some paint scuffs and a 4-5 inch crack.
Is car insurance cheaper for used cars than new?
I hear a lot that when getting you're first car that you're supposed to buy a used car and not a new car because auto-insurance is going to be cheaper. Is there any truth behind this?
Why do you have to have full coverage on certain cars?
I have only liability right now on a 2000 ford. I am trying to figure out how much my insurance will go up, and if I have to get full coverage or not. Also what is the longest you can have a car loan? I really would like a Nissan Murano maybe around 12,000-15,000 at the abs. maximum. What do you think my monthly payments would look like? Thank you for any advice.""
What are the listings for African American or black owned auto insurance companies and agents.?
I want to support my people,because no one else is going to support us. Many immigrants only support their business owned by their people,but we blacks have very few businesses. We need to unite and support each other to survive in this every changing country. It feels as if we are second class citizens in our own communities. We have to do business and pay for services of people who dislike us,because we have no alternative. We blacks need to control,manage,and build business in our own communities.   P.S. I love America  USA is # 1
What insurance rates do u all pay?
Just wondered what u all pay as i pay alot so does anyone else. Age -20 Sex -Male Car -Focus 2.0litre No mods Convictions-16 Month ban 3 years ago 1500 Anually
Insurance costs for a 19 year old with a street bike in Nebraska.?
I am 19 years old and live in the state of Nebraska. I have never received any speeding tickets or traffic violations. I want to buy a Kawasaki ninja 650 or a Yamaha yzf-r 600 and I would like to know about how much insurance would be for that per month.
""How much money do you pay for insurance, and what is your age?""
I am 21 years old and I just got my license.I use to be a listed driver on my mother's geico policy a couple of years ago.But, I got caught driving without a parent in the car and my learners permit wa suspended. I now live in a diffrent state and have a license. I went on geico.com and my quote was $155 with the license violation included. I am pretty surprised because I thought people my age pay well over $200 for their policy. Maybe it is low because I was once an insured driver under my mother's policy?""
Whats the average cost for teenage car insurance?
im going to get my permit soon and i would like to know what the average teen car insurance cost is.
How much would this car cost?
Hello, I was wondering hypothetically speaking, if I bought the new 2012 Ford Mustang GT. Im under 18 (I would use my moms credit). And how much is insurance on a sports car when you under 18? Im looking for a range for the insurance. I know people say I can't give you an answer because of blah blah blah get a quote. Like I was told like 150 a month? I live in a town in Northern Ohio low crime rate. You people think it would be like 100-300 a month?""
Is it cheaper to buy your own insurance or go on your parents insurance?
I was looking at prices online for one person and it's between 2K and - 3k for 6 Months just for me and my friends are own there parents insurance and they only pay 100 - 200 a month is that true about that? Where close to the same age.
Car insurance help help????????
I will be getting my car insurance in May. I'll be 18 and I have two tickets one rolling fail to stop. One leavening a seen of a accident. I have a 99 s10 blazer 4 wheel drive. Blue I live in mn and in Winsted MN im male two. Can some one just tell me how much it would be. I will be livening at home 2 Dont give me a link just say like a number how much you think it would be. I cant ask the company's cuz im not 18
National Health Insurance?
I have a huge report to do for school on my position on National Health Insurance. I am completely opposed to it. Although I'd like to see what anyone else thinks, and I'm looking for any great statistics I could add to my report. Thanks!!""
Which life insurance company is the best.?
Which life insurance company is the best?
Insurance companies that offer...?
insurance for cars that are not yours.... ie cars that you rent etc... is it worth getting it? It's time to renew the insurance for my car, and as i was comparing quotes.. i was wondering should i get the extra insurance that covers rental cars..... or is it just a waste of money? The past couple of years ive had it added to my insurance..... but didn't really fly anywhere, where i needed to rent a car, and have not moved nor am i planning on moving.. but in case in an unforeseen event i have to rent a car............. my two main questions are 1) would the insurance that a rental company offer on their cars be cheaper than the insurance that my own insurance company offers for the rental... or about the same?? 2) if one was to have insurance for rentals, would the rental companies care about it, or force their own insurance upon you? Also..... if they were to accept your insurance company's insurance for their rental.. how would they do it? do you have to fill out extra forms etc? because if its a lot of hassle, and their rates are the same.. then there's no point in adding the rental insurance to my regular insurance right??""
Insurance for a 2008 Subaru Sti Hatchback?
Is the Insurance for the new 08 Sti hatchbacks gonna be cheaper than those of 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, have good grades and a clean record and was curious how much my insurance would be if i bought the Sti. Just a ballpark estimate. Thanx""
How much does a teenage car insurance for a 1991 chevolet corvette convertible cost per month?
my grades havent been good till this year i kinda have a bad record idk if that would effect it so ya i no i turn 16 on tuesday and im getting the car for my bday so i need to no quickly how much the insurence would cost thanks
Getting Car Insurance for an American?
I'm trying to get car insurance for my wife who only recently passed her UK test. She has held a US license for many years (about 6 I think) and drove during that time with insurance and made no claims. However, it seems that some UK insurance companies don't recognise an American license or insurance history which is making the quotes extremely expensive. Up to 1500 for full comp on a basic family car (2003 Vauxhall Omega). Is anyone aware of any UK companies that would recognise her US license and quote accordingly for her driving history rather than treating her like a 17yr old? Thanks in advance.""
Are my car insurance rates normal?
I'm looking to buy a 2004 hyundai tiburon gt and the insurance company said it would be 1100 every 6 months. My second choice was a 2005 mazda3 I. Once again, rate would be 965 every 6 months. Even the tiburon base would be over 1000. I'm a 17 year old boy. Which explains alot, but I've had no accidents and have the safe driver discount.""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old female? More info provided?
I will be 17 yrs old when I get my intermediate license, which I will then have for 1 yr before I can get my full license. I'm looking for a general insurance quote for a 17 year old female in Iowa (does this have any bearing on the amt my parents pay). Also, I have about B average, but I'm taking AP classes if that makes a difference. I don't have a job but I will have an unpaid internship this summer (does this make a difference?). Both my mom and dad have one ticket each, but that's about it, they're both very careful drivers. I will also have taken a drivers ed course (reqd in my state). I'm also looking at purchasing either a 1998 BMW 528I or a 1998 BMW 740IL as both are under $5000 w/o taxes but if anyone can give me an estimate as to the total cost of both of these cars (after taxes, gas, insurance, etc) that would be fantastic. If any more info is needed let me know.""
How much on average would liability insurance cost after 2 dwi's (5 years ago)?
It's been over 5 years (and sober!). I'm on a tight budget though and need a car for work now. I already figured what the interlock will cost me, but I have no idea on insurance. I don't know if it will be $100-$300 a month. After the first DWI (bad college years), it was about $125 a month I think. So I'm really hoping it stays under $250 at least a month just for liability. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks :)""
Can I add my girlfriend to my health insurance if we live together?
Some states allow benefits for partners. Is this the same? I am insured by Humana (Open Choice PPO)
""Young driver getting a new car, insurance?""
Me and my fiance are buying a new car, im 20 and hes 22. Its a 2010 Mazda 3. We already went to the dealership and got a good price on it and even 0% financing. Signed all the papers and now we are looking at getting insurance but its putting us back a little bit. The car is all ready to go but not until we have insurance. Any ideas on good cheap insurance or are we basically screwed?""
Best health insurance?
Im looking for a great health insurance. One that is reasonable with cost. My location is kansas if it matters.
How can I get affordable health insurance for my family while i'm off work..?
I applied for medacaid but they said I make to much money. even thou i'm off from work with no insurance and very little sick leave pay.
21st Auto Insurance Company?
Any complaints regarding the 21st Auto Insurance Company? I am thinking about switching to them.
What is to stop people from taking the fines instead of paying for insurance?
it seems like they are not much different then a high deductible insurance plan
""Insurance rates for a 1996 Ford Crown Victoria in Chattanooga, Tennessee?""
My next car, just need to know the insurance. Asking you guys might prevent me a whole lot of hassle and harassment from the insurance companies.""
Can I write off the montly payment for health insurance I pay for my family?
Going to opt out of my employer paid insurance program, and buy private insurance for my family, can I write the entire payment off on my personal taxes?""
Insurance for a (2001/Y) Peugeot 206 first time buyer (17+)?
Im soon to buy a new car, and the most recent car i have been looking at has been (2001/Y) Peugeot 206, im just interested on how much the insurance will be - noting that i am a first time car buyer aged at 17, im guerssing this will dramatically raise the price ( i am nearly 18 if that changes things) any ideas on the cost of the insurance ? :)""
What are the listings for African American or black owned auto insurance companies and agents.?
I want to support my people,because no one else is going to support us. Many immigrants only support their business owned by their people,but we blacks have very few businesses. We need to unite and support each other to survive in this every changing country. It feels as if we are second class citizens in our own communities. We have to do business and pay for services of people who dislike us,because we have no alternative. We blacks need to control,manage,and build business in our own communities.   P.S. I love America  USA is # 1
Maternity Health Insurance?
I am in the state of MI..I am looking for some really good health insurance for pregnant women..I already spoke to blue cross blue shield and all there plans only cover the delivery..I need something affordable that covers everything from prenatal-going home from hospital..It doesnt have to cover it 100% but at least the majority. Thank you
Good auto insurance deal?
Which insurance company in Toronto offers good deal for one or two company cars?
If a health insurance company can't deny my pre-existing condition...?
Why should I buy insurance at all?
""Who, out of the two of us, is likely to pay more for car insurance?""
My partner and I don't live together, but we share her car. She has just recently had 6pts added to her driving licence, as for myself, I have always had the use of a family car now and again, I have been insured to drive, but haven't owned my own car, for over 25 years, which of us will have to pay more for insurance, at roughly what percentage?""
How much is car insurance for 17 year old?
how much is car insurance for 17 year old? i want to buy a 2001-2005 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and i wondering how much the insurance is. also do i have to pay the full amount of insurance upfront or is split into months for example if the insurance is 3000 am i be ale to pay 250 a month
""Affordable Health Insurance, any suugestions?""
I am a nanny. My employer does not offer any insurance. I need primary, dental, and vision coverage. I used to have the best insurance. $5 dollar co pay no prescript payment for generic and coverage for all drs. That was when i was under my mom's blue cross blue shield ppo plan. I cant afford too much but need something. Any suggestions on affordable health insurance?""
What is a good cheap auto insurance company?
I had missed some payments from geico a while back, and havent had insurance for a couple months so now it is getting more expensive to get another insurance, but I need just a cheap, basic policy with minimum liability and collision, any suggestions/""
""Car Insurance / Mother or Father as First Driver, me as Second?""
I'm trying to sort out car insurance, but the problem is, is that it is very high, Ive never done this before as Im a first time driver, but a lot of people have told me to put my parents as primary drivers and me as secondary, how do I do this? I really have no idea, thank you I'm using gocompare.com but how do I enter my parents in and then as secondary, thank you very much""
How do I transfer medi-cal insurance to PA for college?
Hi guys, I'm 17 and currently live in california and have medi-cal insurance because my family is low income. I'm planning on going to Philadelphia for college, but I'm not sure how I can transfer my medi-cal to Pennyslvania? Is it even possible? Or do I have to apply again in Pennsylvania? I Need proof of insurance to enter school and I don't know if medi-cal is enough. I have health net as well. I need it by the 23rd of July and it is now the 25th of June. Will I have enough time to get insurance? any help is appreciated. Thank you!""
Home and contents insurance?
which company has the best home and contents insurance and contents inside sheds
""Car Insurance, and car choices for a new driver?""
I am 27 and just recently got my license. I know my insurance is going to be high regardless but I am looking into cars and was wondering what type of car would be cheaper for me to have insurance on? Should it be a 4 cylinder? Antilock brakes? A certain color? Alarm system? Are some cars higher than others? I would like to get either a honda civic or mitsubishi eclipse (my dream car). I'm just worried that the insurance is going to be through the roof. If those cars are going to be high, what kind of car would you reccommend?""
How do I find a good Health Insurance Agent In Texas?
Back in California where I am from I had a great Health insurance agent. He took care of everything. My health insuranc, home insurance, life insurance and auto Insurance. I get to Houston Texas and find out that most agents either deal with home and auto or life and health insurance. I now have a freat home and auto insurance agent but he does not deal with health insurance. His reason. He does not have time to keep updated with current trends in health insurance so he does not believe he would be a good health agent. I appreciate his honest but it kinda leaves me hanging. Does anyone have any agents they can recommend?""
Why not lower heath care insurance than universal health care?
I pay $450 a month for my health insurance, why dont they just cut the cost in half? Then people could afford it. Its alot for me but worth it, i had spinal meningitis at 18 and without id be dead.""
Who's the best company for young car insurance?
I know the kind of car to get for cheap insurance but i'm still looking at around 3000 for insurance, i was just wondering if there is any companies out there people my age can actually afford.""
I need a Dentist......I have no insurance....what should I do?
I haven't visited a dentist in years, but I really need to have a check-up. I have no insurance, What can I do? Where can I go?""
Can Obamacare reduce my health insurance cost? And when does this go into effect?
My annual income is low and my health insurance is blueshield active start35 and its $200 a month for the premium. Will Obamacare help reduce my monthly premium and when will this go into effect? What steps would I need to take? Thank you
What is the best and most affordable insurance for baby?
Or is anyone know if there is any pediatrician for free? I live in California. Thanks
What should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I am 18. I got my permit in March 2011 when I was 16 and I got my license this month. I will be taking a defensive driving course, the 5 hour course and I might also take a course with a driving school to reduce insurance cost. (I live in New York) I have enough money saved up to lease the car I want but the insurance seems like it will be very steep. The cars I'm looking at are a: 2012-2013 Mercedes Benz C300 4MATIC 2010-2013 BMW 3 series or 5 series What can I expect to pay on insurance based on this information and do you think I'd be able to get a quote for $400 or less? Also, what type of car do you have and how much do you pay for your car insurance?""
Does an expired MOT invalidate insurance when making a claim for my car stolen from a private driveway?
I had no idea that my mot had ran out, when my car was stolen from a private driveway (not on public road) My insurance say i was in breach of the policy. But where do i stand legally with the car being off road when stolen? The insurance quoted no payout if there's no mot when one is required by law! Is there a loophole i can use""
Insurance after a crash motorbike!?
My Son has a motorbike crash last month. The police managed to look at CCTV footage and tell me the crash was not his fault. It was the fault of the motorbike in front that swerved in front of him. Anyway my sons bike was insures 3rd Party With no legal cover The bike was so badly damaged it was going to cost over 2k for me to fix it up but 4k to get it looking new. The bike was brand new 4 months ago. I had nowhere to store it so let the garage keep it for 600 My question is as he was only 3rd party where does the claim lie. The insurance company tells me I have no legal cover and they do not seem to be advising me of what to do. Ive heard nothing from them The bike has 4k outstanding on it as a family member loaned my son the cash, which he still has to pay back. What can I do to get some of the cash back for the bike?""
Bmw insurance?
im almost 16, and for my birthday im getting a 10 year old bmw. any idea on what the insurance will be?""
How can I get affordable health insurance for my husband and I in the state of Florida?
I am a healthy 23 yr. old and my husband is a stable 32 yr. old.
What would happen to my dad's insurance?
My friend was driving my car and he has no insurance when we got pulled over. The cop asked for license and registration. My friend gave his license, but he gave my insurance information and my registration information (which is under my dad's). Would we get penalized for it? Would my dad's insurance rate go up?""
Why the health insurance are different than car insurance?
I mean insurance is protection and give you money when you got into situation that cause loss or expenses. But why car insurance are less picky and more willing to give money to pay out than health insurance? Why more rules and more restriction and more reject the coverage with health than car? I mean I understand insurance is business and for profit so they has to refuse the claims if loop hole. But it shouldn't be any different on health or car coverage.
Can i get a no insurance ticket if the car was insured but my name isn't under the insurance?
i got pulled over and i was driving my brothers car so the cop gave me a ticket for no insurance cause he said that my name wasnt under the insurance. If i go to court and show the insurance that i had in the car will they still fine me?
What are the listings for African American or black owned auto insurance companies and agents.?
I want to support my people,because no one else is going to support us. Many immigrants only support their business owned by their people,but we blacks have very few businesses. We need to unite and support each other to survive in this every changing country. It feels as if we are second class citizens in our own communities. We have to do business and pay for services of people who dislike us,because we have no alternative. We blacks need to control,manage,and build business in our own communities.   P.S. I love America  USA is # 1
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Vivo Nex hands-on: Welcome to the all-screen future The day many of us have been waiting for has finally arrived: the truly bezel-free smartphone is here. Sort of. Until now, many have tried, and many have failed, with the much-maligned “notch” emerging as the compromised offspring of those failed attempts to rid the smartphone of bezels. The Vivo Nex is the closest to a truly bezel-free smartphone we’ve seen come to market, with no notch and very few compromises. Hot on the heels of the in-display fingerprint scanner demo at CES 2018 and the drool-worthy Apex concept phone’s front-facing camera at MWC 2018, the Vivo Nex fuses those two futuristic concepts into a commercial product. This is the Vivo Nex hands-on. Unfortunately, the phone everyone wants — that science fiction has long promised us was the way smartphones would look in the future — not everyone will be able to get, with the Vivo Nex currently only slated for a Chinese release. While the Nex may come to other select markets in time, a truly global release isn’t likely. Given Huawei and ZTE’s woes in the U.S. of late, one can hardly blame Vivo for focusing on more friendly markets. Selling units isn’t Vivo’s main focus here though; demonstrating truly cutting-edge technology is. Science fiction has long promised us that smartphones of the future would look like the Vivo Nex. If the U.S.’s hostility to Chinese smartphone makers means the first bezel-free device you buy isn’t made by Vivo, that’s perfectly fine with the company. Vivo says the Nex is more about taking a step into the industry’s future than it is about being number one. To that end, Alex Feng, Vivo’s senior vice president, says he hopes the Nex “encourage[s] our industry to continue pondering ‘what’s next?’ in this mobile experience journey.” For what it’s worth, I do wish everyone would have a chance to buy the Vivo Nex because it truly feels like a momentous turning point in the smartphone game; it feels somehow unfair that not everyone will get to experience such a significant device. As with most smartphones these days, it all starts with the screen. As bezels have shrunk, so too have the defining features of the front of most phones. The Vivo Nex features a 6.59-inch Super AMOLED panel with a 19.3:9 aspect ratio and Full HD+ resolution (1,080 x 2,316, 338ppi). As with most other OLED panels, it offers deep blacks and poppy colors. There’s also an always-on display option for showing missed calls and message notifications. The Vivo Nex does away with the bezel above the display and only has a very slight “chin” below it. Because the Vivo Nex pushes the boundaries with a 91.24 percent screen-to-body ratio, there’s no room for the usual array of sensors, cameras and speakers you’d find on a traditionally-proportioned smartphone. Those have now moved under the glass or inside the device’s body. The earpiece speaker has been removed altogether, with Vivo’s Screen SoundCasting technology using the display itself as a speaker. Vivo says it not only releases the Nex from the burden of a top bezel but also “enhances sound quality with more powerful bass and softer, smoother treble.” From what I could hear at the noisy launch event it sounded fine, but we’ll give it some more rigorous testing in the full Vivo Nex review. The rest of the Nex’s audio comes from a single bottom-firing speaker (P.S. There’s also a 3.5mm headphone port up top, in case you were worried). The earpiece speaker and fingerprint scanner live under the display glass while the front-facing camera slides up from the top of the Vivo Nex only when needed. The in-display fingerprint scanner is the other Big Deal in the Vivo Nex. While the Vivo X21 UD and Porsche Design Huawei Mate RS also featured such a scanner, Vivo was the first to demo the tech back at CES in January this year. The tech is now in its third generation, and while it won’t offer device unlocking quite as quick as a modern capacitive finger scanner, the slight delay you’ll experience will be far outweighed by the simple knowledge that you’re unlocking your phone through the screen. According to Vivo, the new scanner provides a 10 percent speed increase, 50 percent higher accuracy and a 30 percent lower fake recognition rate than the under-glass scanners in previous devices. The front-facing camera is hidden in the upper frame of the phone, appearing on command when you launch the front-facing camera. It’s a novel and, perhaps counterintuitively, kind of “obvious” solution to the bezel-free problem. Like Oppo’s rotating camera on the Oppo N1 or a plastic cover to obscure the webcam on your laptop, sometimes a simple solution is best. That said, I totally understand the misgivings many have aired over making the operation of your front-facing camera dependent on a piece of mechanical tech that could fail. The camera mechanism has undergone extensive testing and can be raised and lowered 50,000 times and withstand up to 45kg of thrust force when extended. To address the “failure question,” Vivo assures me that the front-facing camera can push up to 500g in repeated trials and its micro-stepping motor, independent drive ICs and control algorithms allow the camera to be elevated with absolute precision. With a special buffer structure design, the camera has also undergone reliability tests such as drop resistance and dust resistance tests. According to Vivo, the camera can be raised and lowered repeatedly up to 50,000 times and withstand up to 45kg of thrust force when extended. Only time will tell what the failure rate of the camera elevator will be in real-world usage. Speaking of cameras, the Vivo Nex has a dual camera setup on the back: a 12MP f/1.8 lens with 1.4-micron pixel size (Sony IMX363) and both optical image stabilization and electronic image stabilization. The secondary camera on the back is a 5MP f/2.4 lens and the front-facing camera is an 8MP f/2.0 shooter. We didn’t have time for usable test shots at the launch event, but we can tell you shutter lag is a thing here. Stay tuned for a full gallery of images. Related Articles Vivo Nex specs: More than meets the eye The Vivo Nex may have two very eye-catching features – that elevating front-facing camera mechanism and an all-screen display – but the rest of the Vivo Nex specs are just as impressive as you could … Vivo Nex announced: Full-screen powerhouse Hate the notch? You’ll love the new Vivo Nex. There’s no cutout at the top, yet its bezels are still tantalizingly thin. It may look like a prop from a sci-fi movie, but it’s a … The camera app offers a range of aspect ratios and shutter triggers (including touch, voice and a palm gesture). You can also reassign a long press of the volume down button to quickly launch the camera when the screen is off. If the last camera you were using was the front-facing one, the lens will slide up instantly while the camera app launches. There’s a full manual mode, HDR, portrait mode and Live Photos, but the camera only shoots 1080p video. The back of the Vivo Nex is glass, like the front, but features a nice diffracting pattern beneath the glass which creates rainbow colors in the right light. Despite that glass backing, there’s no wireless charging on the Vivo Nex, an IP rating or NFC for contactless payment systems like Google Pay. The omission of any or all of these might be a dealbreaker for some. As far as the rest of the phone goes though, there are no compromises. The Vivo Nex specs include the Snapdragon 845 with Qualcomm’s AI Engine and the Adreno 630 GPU, 8GB of RAM, variants with 128 or 256GB of internal storage, a 4,000mAh battery with fast charging and Android 8.1 Oreo underneath Vivo’s FunTouch 4.0 software layer. Vivo Nex Display 6.59-inch Super AMOLED, Full HD+ (2316 x 1080, 338ppi), 19.3:9 aspect ratio SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 with AI Engine, 64-bit, octa-core, 10nm GPU Adreno 630 RAM 8GB Storage 256GB Cameras Rear: Dual pixel 12 MP f/1.8 (Sony IMX363) with 1.4µm pixel size, OIS and EIS + 5MP f/2.4 Front: 8MP, f/2.0 with elevating mechanism Audio 32-bit/192kHz audio, 3.5mm audio jack Battery 4,000 mAh, fast charging IP rating No Sensors Fingerprint (3rd generation in-display), accelerometer, proximity, compass, gyroscope, infrared, ambient light Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 CDMA 800 & TD-SCDMA HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100 LTE band 1(2100), 2(1900), 3(1800), 5(850), 8(900), 34(2000), 38(2600), 39(1900), 40(2300), 41(2500) Connectivity Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, 2.4G/5.1G/5.8G, hotspot Bluetooth 5.0 A-GPS microUSB 2.0 3.5mm headphone port USB Type-C SIM Dual SIM/hybrid slot Software Android 8.1 Oreo Funtouch OS 4 Dimensions and weight 162 x 77 x 7.98mm 199g Colors Black, Red The software experience on most Chinese phones is not going to appeal to most westerners, but a quick dip into the pool of alternate Android launchers will manage to cure some of what ails you. We’ll dive deeper into what the software offers in the full Vivo Nex review, but most of what you’d expect from an Android device is present and accounted for, it’s simply presented in a less palatable fashion than, say, the Pixel 2. There’s a dedicated AI button on the left for summoning Vivo’s Jovi Intelligent Voice Assistant. You can change what the button does in the settings, but only to the image recognizer, voice assistant or nothing – there’s no option for switching it to your virtual assistant of choice. There’s also a ton of AI-this and AI-that, primarily in the camera, most of which will not appeal, or if it does, will not rely that heavily on AI at all. We’ll cover that further in the review too. Out of the box, the Vivo Nex is navigated via gestures. Swipe up from one of three spots on the bottom of the screen to go back, go home or open recent apps. You have the choice of on-screen nav buttons if you prefer. Vivo also lets you rearrange the order to put the back button (or gesture) on the left side where it belongs. If you opt for gesture navigation and would like a visual cue, you can choose between horizontal lines or small dots or, once you’re accustomed, you can remove everything from the bottom of the screen. The Vivo Nex will be available in China (and possibly other select markets in future). It’s priced at 4998 RMB for the 256GB version, while the 128GB version will cost 4498 RMB. Like its screen-to-body ratio, the Vivo Nex comes very close to doing everything but falls slightly short. Even in my brief time with it, I noticed a few things about the Nex that will niggle some people. Camera lag, a slow(ish) fingerprint scanner, bloatware, and the lack of an IP rating, NFC and wireless charging are all worth noting. But in all honesty, those are relatively minor omissions and ones that frequently don’t appear on “normal” phones with big bezels and regularly placed fingerprint scanners. Where the Nex fails, it more than makes up for in the sheer coolness, the novelty, the audacity of what it promises. In some ways the Vivo Nex shouldn’t be considered a normal phone and shouldn’t be judged by the same standards. It goes somewhere no-one else has gone before and it does so surprisingly well. But it’s also a phone in the world and as such, things like price, availability, update reliability, feature set and so on must be considered. It’s a first-gen product, to be sure, and as such we should expect a few things to not be quite perfect. Perhaps this is why Vivo is more interested in showcasing tech with the Nex than it is in taking the world by storm. Where the Nex fails, it more than makes up for in the sheer coolness, the novelty, the audacity of what it promises. We are literally on the brink of smartphones with all their traditional front-facing components and sensors hidden out of sight or underneath the display. The Vivo Nex, even its name, points to a time that’s so tantalizingly close we can almost touch it, even though it still hasn’t fully arrived. , via Android Authority http://bit.ly/2JwyNVi
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viralhottopics · 8 years
10 most influential wearable devices
Since the 17th century weve been strapping bits and pieces to our bodies in pursuit of technological nirvana
Wearable technology is arguably the most exciting area of consumer technology at the moment, but its beginnings go a lot further back than you might expect.
Abacus Ring, 17th century
A person uses a pin to move the beads of a silver ring abacus of 1.2 centimeter long and 0.7 centimeter wide, dating back to Chinese Qing Dynasty. Photograph: Xinhua News Agency / eyevine
The abacus made of silver and placed within a ring, a relic of the Qing Dynasty that ruled China between 1644 to 1912, reportedly could be the earliest known form of wearable technology that wasnt simply something pinned to clothing.
The ring was a fine piece of jewellery with tiny beads less than 1mm in diameter requiring something akin to a pin to move around, according to the Chinese government-backed China Culture, making it likely more decorative than a daily tool.
Pedometer, 1780
Abraham Louis-Perrelets pedometer watch
Leonardo da Vinci reportedly envisioned a mechanical device for counting steps, but it wasnt until 1780 that a Swiss man by the name of Abraham-Louis Perrelet modified his self-winding watch mechanism to measure steps and the distance travelled when walking.
The pedometer we know today, and the 10,000 steps goal, were defined by Dr Yoshiro Hatano in Japan after research showed that was the required total conducive to creating a proper balance of calorie intake and exercise.
Exoskeleton, 1965
Sigourney Weaver donning the Caterpillar P-5000 Powered Work Loader exoskeleton in Aliens. Photograph: 20th Cenyury Fox/Everett/Rex
Many might remember the Caterpillar P-5000 Powered Work Loader from James Camerons sci-fi classic Aliens in 1986, but prototypes of a machine capable of boosting a persons strength existed as early as the late 1800s. Arguably the first version of what we might recognise today as an exoskeleton a machine that could move with a person was the US armed forces Hardiman project with General Electric ran between 1965 and 1971.
Hardiman was meant to allow a person to lift 680kg, but while the machine moved, its motions were violent meaning testing with a person inside never progressed and the project was shelved.
Digital watch, 1972
The Hamilton Pulsar, the first electronic digital watch. Photograph: Science & Society Picture Library/SSPL via Getty Images
The first mechanical digital wrist watches were available in the 1920s, but it wasnt until the 1970s that the first digital electronic wristwatch was developed. The Hamilton Watch Company partnered with Electro/Data to create the Pulsar, an 18-carat gold, red LED watch available in 1972 at $2,100. Thats more than $12,000 (9,600) today.
Bluetooth headset, 2000
Ericssons first Bluetooth headset was shown off at Comdex in Las Vegas in November 1999. Photograph: Mike Blake/Reuters
Synonymous with minicab drivers everywhere, the first Bluetooth headset wasnt available until 2000, although the Bluetooth 1.0 specification was set in 1999 with the first Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone and headset shown off that year by Ericsson.
Danish technology company GN Netcom (now known as Jabra) sold its first Bluetooth headset in 2000. Plantronics maker of the headset through which a certain US astronaut uttered the words thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind followed suit in 2001 and Nokia in 2002.
GoPro, 2004
The original GoPro Hero. Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo
The first GoPro Hero, introduced at the San Diego Action Sports Retailer tradeshow, was sold by company founder Nick Woodman, shipped in 2004 and used 35mm film. A digital version with 10-second video capability was released in 2006, which led to the GoPros dominance of the wearable video camera market.
Pebble, 2012
The Pebble smartwatch. Photograph: Pebble.com
The Pebble could be hailed as the second coming of the smartwatch, after Microsofts Spot system, and is arguably the most influential in the last 10 years. The original Pebble was a Kickstarter success in 2012, generating $10m in pledges a record at the time and went on sale in US electronics retailer Best Buy in 2013.
The Pebble showed there was a repeating demand for smartwatches, revisiting Kickstarter for the Pebble Time ($20m in pledges) and the Time 2 ($13m), but the company eventually wound down and its assets were bought by fitness tracker-maker Fitbit.
Google Glass, 2013
Google founder, Sergey Brin, wearing a Google Glass. Photograph: Carlo Allegri/Reuters
The notorious Google Glass was a prism-based, head-mounted display stuck to a camera and a glasses frame, that was intended to give the wearer at-a-glance information floating just above their right eye. It was announced in 2012, launched in the US as an early-adopter prototype called the Explorer Edition costing $1,500 in 2013, and was opened up to a wider audience in 2014. The UK version cost 1,000.
While wearing them was an interesting experience, the social stigma of having a camera strapped to your face saw a backlash from those around Glass wearers. It was eventually shelved in its current form in 2015.
Google Cardboard, 2014
Google Cardboard provides a cheap, simple way of experiencing virtual reality using a smartphone strapped to your face. Photograph: Publicity image
Launched at Googles annual developer conference called I/O in 2014, Cardboard was born from a side-project by a group of Google engineers and made into a free virtual reality app you could download on your smartphone and slot into a holder you could attach to your face.
The big difference here is that the holder was literally made out of cardboard. Google released the designs so anyone could make one and so virtual reality could be done on the cheap. Since then the Cardboard headset has been upgraded once, the software has improved and its become an ubiquitous medium for marketers and educators.
Spectacles, 2016
Spectacles comes with a camera one side and a light to show you its recording the other. Photograph: HO/AFP/Getty
After the privacy outrage that caused Google Glass to be shelved in 2015, youd think that strapping a camera to your face wouldnt be the most advisable product, but thats exactly what Snapchats Spectacles are a camera mounted in a set of sunglasses.
It takes 10-second circular videos and fires them to your phone so you can send them to your Snapchat friends. It costs $130. They were initially available only from a few vending machines, but now are available to buy online in the US. If these get past the privacy invasion stigma that plagued Googles efforts, maybe theres hope for smartglasses yet.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2lAwLmo
from 10 most influential wearable devices
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the-fitsquad · 7 years
Laptop Workstations & Ergonomics
Regardless of whether it is your very first time buying a personal computer or acquiring 1 as a replacement to the old, it is usually helpful to have a little knowledge on what is being sold in the industry today. Even far more, Computer workstations are capable of supporting a large quantity of connected devices, and often include higher-bandwidth buses for maximum data transfer rates. AFC’s wall mounted medical laptop workstation is a versatile and state-of-the-art gear to help healthcare and healthcare providers. Meticulously made by our in-property workstation specialists, the CyberStation Graphics variety is prepared to deal with the most demanding rendering at ultra-higher speeds with multi-threaded, higher efficiency processors. Workplace furniture is an very crucial and integral component of a functioning atmosphere it contributes to making the office a wholesome and pleased location for an employee to be in. Although distinct function environments dictate the use of diverse office features such as gear, furnishings, space and so on.
Some desks even come with personal computer systems integrated, which implies the working components of your computer can be hidden a lot greater, a small like a kitchen with built-in appliances. The principal assumption in the method of designing new modular desks was to create and define a common which – due to its modular building – would allow a wide variety of available combinations of technique elements. All through the 1990s and 2000s, the four massive vendors for workstations have been HP, IBM, Sun, and Silicon Graphics. HP’s reinvention of detachable PCs started earlier this year with the introduction of the HP Spectre x2 and the HP Elite x2. Today’s introduction of the HP ZBook x2 completes HP’s trifecta with its most strong detachable resolution targeted for the creative community.
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With server-primarily based computing, each user has a considerably smaller sized terminal – or workstation – and all their day-to-day software is run from the server. HP has unveiled the Z2 Mini , a mini Pc that packs workstation-class components, such as an Intel Xeon CPU, NVIDIA Quadro mobile M620 graphics and M.2 SSD tech. African americans watch and listen to much more broadcast media than these averages. The Drobo 5D and Drobo Mini – the world’s smallest and most transportable full-featured storage array – are created to accelerate workflows for inventive professionals managing information-intensive files residence media enthusiasts seeking to consolidate and accelerate video, photo, and music files and small firms that need fast, portable backup to safeguard huge amounts of data.
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Combining ultimate overall performance with a revolutionary new industrial style, the HP Z Series Workstations provide the intense speed and enormous expandability that you demand to tackle your most significant challenges. Even though the transactions have to be posted to the correct account as soon as they are received, the night auditor need to confirm that all the transactions received by the front office for posting are been posted, before beginning with the audit routine. I’d jump at the likelihood to share a few thoughts and (UI) styles I discovered beneficial whilst organizing a internet site comprehensive desktop first—while clearly as yet generating it mobile down to mobile screens. Widespread to all Z-Series workstations, Intel® QuickPath Technology and Intel® QuickPath Interconnect systems harness the power of parallel processing for Dassault Systèmes making use of engineers and designers to considerably enhance overall technique performance.
~ Beautiful desks for home office spaces aid generate more than just workspaces. The variety from the not especially impressive inclusion of a slot-loading optical drive, to a brand new PSU style which is possibly the single most notable internal adjust to hit the Z series. The Application Licensing Service reported that the item was activated but the owner must confirm the Product Use Rights. Some consumers discover it less difficult to shop in individual for office workstations. (35) All users have access to an area on network file servers to offer data storage and backup. The Latitude E6220, E6320, E6420, E6520 and E6420 ATG enterprise-rugged laptops are designed for the most demanding circumstances, with challenging-wearing MIL-STD tested Tri-Metal casing and very durable displays.
The customer service guy insisted repeatedly that Amazon had not received the check. Hewlett-Packard is embracing the expanded Xeon family members with its most recent “Z” Workstations, which include the Z8, Z6 and Z4. We have numerous kinds of desks like corner pc desks, glass pc desks, computer workstations and other folks that suit your taste and price range. The network timed out attempting to acquire a connection to a search server. If you acquire the correct panel systems, you can customize the appear of each workstation primarily based on the architecture of the workplace and any existing furnishings or fixtures you currently have. A PAW constructed using guidance offered in Phase two is adequate for roles that have administrative rights on finish user devices (such as helpdesk and deskside support roles).
Persistent memory: Windows 10 Pro for Workstations gives the most demanding apps and information with the overall performance they require with non-volatile memory modules (NVDIMM-N) hardware. The ergonomic design of office workstations could also exhibit outstanding attention to detail. OSHA Compliance Directive CPL two-1.29, Interim Inspection Procedures For the duration of Communication Tower Building Activities, needs that hoists utilised to lift personnel have to be designed to use energy lowering four the hoist in this incident was not. But when we overlap the constriction imposed by utilizing only two RAM modules, this signifies that you have ten cores fighting for access to 2 RAM modules, over 2 memory channels. All PACS workstations – are primarily based on the exact same essential Computer technologies with which you are already familiar.
We are a project-oriented business specializing in outfitting whole commercial office spaces with modern company furniture. The Difficulty is that social institutions are instruments developed by folks to serve as a power, a power over reality to handle our reality, Wilson tells us. At present, we have no sense of energy. HP Confident Commence Gen3 is accessible on HP EliteBook, HP ZBook, and HP Z Workstation goods equipped with Intel® 7th generation or later processors. With Intel’s onboard graphics getting as potent as they are these days, these hunting to do photo work or some light video operate will find that onboard graphics is all you want. Whilst some offices only want small, easy workstations, other people require stations that facilitate a wide range of diverse tasks – from taking calls and finishing laptop perform, via to fostering creative minds.
With definitive types and smarter appearance of the workplace furnishings that have separate workstations, dividers, fashionable conference halls and a customized chamber is a distinct knowledge and individuals do love to walk inside there. Your Hosted IT Infrastructure will supply you with an all-in-one totally managed server desktop offered to you anyplace at any time. Whether or not you are short on space or have lots of space in your office to play with, there are several options a corner laptop desk can provide. In addition, since the machine was designed as a workstation employed by graphic professionals and video editors it was not intended to replace higher finish gaming machines. When there is a residence limit, account settlement action is initiated when the account balance exceeds a predetermined limit, not at the time of check-out.
Even although credit card transfer settlement brings a guest account to zero, the amount of the charge must be tracked till payment is really received from the credit card Co. At Europc we aim to provide high-end refurbished Dell products at bargain rates to organization clients throughout the UK. July 8, 2013, Monarch Towers, Mountrail County, ND Two workers were adding structural supports to a 300 foot tower. These PCIe drives are also architected to manage huge files and decrease bottlenecks by connecting straight to the PCIe infrastructure of the Z620, providing customers the capacity to integrate their performance by combining the HP Z Turbo Drive with other greater capacity drives. Miami Gardens police and a crime scene team had been on the scene, as the Occupational Security and Health Administration (OSHA) started investigating the Wednesday collapse.
One major benefit is that Pc-primarily based workstations can be more effortlessly accepted because these workstations will not substantially alter operating procedures in the radiology division in the course of the initial introductory phase. A a single piece transportable laptop desk could very effectively function as the perfect mobile workstation. In addition, higher-end workstations often serve a network of attached client” PCs, which use resident tools and applications to access and manipulate information stored on the workstation. So if you are seeking for workplace furnishings, furnishing contracts will concentrate on almost everything that an workplace is necessary to be obtaining, right from the office table, chair, cubicles, waiting region chairs and tables, magazine stands, doors and windows, cupboards, drawers and so forth.
Two workstation-class AMD FirePro GPUs with up to 12GB of video memory provide up to seven teraflops of compute energy and up to eight occasions the graphics overall performance of the prior generation Mac Pro. File Server Resource Manager failed to access the volume. A huge range of octa-core Sandy Bridge-EP” processors have been released in 2012, the cheapest of which came at $1100 – even much more costly than the 5960X. Quit acting like you’ve by no means seen the CEO of Nvidia holding a graphics card in front of Castle Grayskull just before. These fall limiting devices are a preferred strategy of fall protection due to they engage virtually instantly minimizing the fall distance and drastically decreasing the influence on the worker. A device or group of devices and connected network elements created to store and retrieve medical pictures.
The Retailers division will asset and deliver all new workstations to Technologies Services to install the SOE. The Architecture and Interior Style Plan CAD courses are fast-paced and complicated absence from any meeting is discouraged. When I chosen the folder with the drivers, Windows proceeded to attempt to set up the drivers, but then extremely quickly reported “Access is denied”. Swiftly and effortlessly convert all Microsoft Windows and Linux-primarily based physical PCs sitting under or about your desk into VMware Workstation virtual machines. The design of the desk is a bit various you can check here from a standard desk it is a quite modern design that would suit the office or property workplace décor of a true Mac fan. The Dell Precision R5500 rack workstation is the initial four-GPU (graphics processing unit) configuration to be certified by Citrix with GPU pass-through on Citrix XenServer® 6 making use of Citrix XenDesktop® HDX 3D Pro, and brings further security, IT resource optimization and end user flexibility to high performance workloads.
Filed under: Tagged: computer, desks, furnishings, internet, office, personal, workplace, workstations from KelsusIT.com – Refurbished laptops, desktop computers , servers http://bit.ly/2CfmHfC via IFTTT
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