#i could go on and on about this FOR DAYYSS
blinkvlink · 1 year
the detective gets turned into a vampire by the ub when they are about to die but it goes wrong (in nearly every way you could imagine)
no because i was literally thinking about this the other day and had a brain rot over it so fuck it im writing an entire essay about it.
also thank you @wayhavenots for inspiring me with that reblog
i will warn that this might get dark a little. Also long. LONG LONG
there are so many ways this could go:
The detective is extremely sensitive to everything around them (like Mason/Morgan but if you want extra angst make it even worse) from the moment they wake up: The lights, the way the sheets feel, the smell, everything is so sharp and there that it hurts and they are so over whelmed that they can't even form a thought. they can hear every single muscle shift, feel every single pore when someone touches them. imagine the way the LI tries to touch them, or talk to them to try and comfort them but they can't because even the slightest touch or word makes them so uncomfortable that they can't move. And maybe it doesn't go away. Maybe it's just stays and they have to live in a way that is limited. An endless life with never ending discomfort.
Imagine Morgan/Mason as they especially understand what the detective is going through but there is nothing they can do. they just have to watch be there in a way that doesn't make the detective disappear. think about how much they would just want to hug the detective because they were never really that good with words but they can't. and they can't tell that it gets better because they kind of know that it won't. they themselves grieve the one person they could touch and feel better, because the detective was the only one who helped them tune out the rest of the world. imagine how they would blame themselves for making them feel the things they feel every single day.
The detective especially didn't want to become a vampire but with UB not thinking right in the moment, being scared out of their mind because they were about to lose the love of their life, the detective turns immortal without their consent: if your detective doesn't think positively or just straight up doesn't want to become a vampire, imagine them waking up to a life that will never end . they see their LI, feeling everything they possibly could. Relief because they get more days with them, grief over their past life and the people they will lose to time in the following years, anger because their choice was taken from them, fear because they don't know how to live for years and years; it's just not something they can comprehend. they refuse to drink blood for days and days until they have to because otherwise they will die and the moment they swallow it's back in their mouth. they just can't do it, neither their mind or their body can accept it and they never get used to it even after all the years.
I haven't finished their route yet but as far as I've heard Nate/Nat were also turned without their consent. Imagine how guilty they would feel because they know what it's like: to have your choice taken away. the amount of regret and guilt they would feel because they did the exact thing that was done to them (in a way) and the shame they would feel because in the end they are still grateful the detective is there with them.
The detective turns but the power of their blood stays the same so they are now hunted for the rest of their immortal life (OR WORSE THEIR BLOOD GETS EVEN MORE POWERFUL SO NOW THEY ARE WANTED EVEN MORE): One fight after another, never knowing what might be next. Always looking over their shoulder because they just don't know who might be coming after them. not even being able to celebrate defeating a foe because they know another is somewhere out there, on the horizon. or someone somehow gets ahold of their blood and hurts people that are innocent, hurts people that they care about. their life just turns into surviving rather than living. and so they slowly start to lose sight of who they are. because they are tired. they are just so tired of fighting and sometimes they just wish they were dead because they knew it would be easier for everyone, safer for the world. so they slowy lose their identity, lose their little quirks and become a shell of a human/vampire being. (TW: SUICIDE if you want to get real dark, imagine they just take their own life at some point because they just can't do it anymore)
Imagine Ava/Adam, (who was always worried for the detective because they were human and while they could protect themselves, they could never do it in a way that would guarentee it) seeing the detective gaining the powers A themselves have always seen as superiority now have those advantages but still fear for their life every single day. Imagine them seeing the way the detective gets stronger and stronger but lose everything else they had that made them fall in love with them. them seeing the immortality they used to assure themselves with destroy the detective because now they are basically nothing but a never dying being with a target on their back. and they try to deny to themselves that it would be much more merciful if the detective was just dead.
Also Farah/Felix, seeing the love of their love lose the spark in their eyes, seeing the detective not responding to their jokes and quips the same way, the way they lose the joy or the will to live. Farah/Felix also losing themselves because it just hurts to see the person they were in love with not being themselves anymore. Imagine how much they would blame themselves because they took that from the detective. They pushed them to a road of never ending misery.
the detective loses control because of extreme thirst: the detective lashing out violently, not being able to stand around people because the scent of blood is too much, too overwhelming and inviting. they lose control, blacking out and hurting someone innocent, someone they love or worse they kill them without wanting to because they are slipping. and can't see anything else other than a monster when they catch a glimpse of themselves in any reflection.
(sorry im doing two for A and N but these just fit so well)
Adam/Ava (who viewed themselves as a monster, couldn't drink in front of the detective because they feared how they saw them) watching as the detective descends further and further down madness without wanting to. them seeing the detective crying and keep repeating that they are a monster. the fears of A become the detective's reality, knowing this happened because of their choice.
N still loving but struggling to be around the detective because they can't recognize them anymore. N who was in love with the detective's humanity slowly seeing the way they lose it and turn into something else entirely. how scared they would be of them, secretly. But they can't bring themselves to leave because in the end, the detective is their responsibilty. because (again) N choose this for them and they are willing to stick around until the end, no matter how much all of it kills them slowly.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg
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