#i could also make like a picrew maybe if ya want
midnightmah07 · 5 months
hey quick question, do you have a art-sona? because i wanna make something lol
Low-key my artsona is just me so like. It's just how I look, it also keeps changing bc I cut my hair frequently – the only drawing of myself/my artsona is this one I did for a tiktok when I needed to vent
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FANSERVANT: Caster of Blessings
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(picture created in picrew)
SERVANT CLASS: "Are- are you seriously asking that? Go back up the header and read that again." ALTERNATIVE NAMES: Kat. "Kat for the English speakers. Phonetically sounds like Cat. Yes I'm human, these are just a funny blessing." Neko-chan. "Neko-chan for the Japanese speakers, cuz Neko means Cat, heheh." Emma. "Wait, how the heck do you know that? I mean- it IS my name, and I don't mind you using it, but… that's the name of my Pseudo half… I mean, I guess if you're referring to the very normal human me, then that's fine I guess?"
TRUE NAME: "- woah woah woah hold on a hot minute here, I was gonna do a whole song and dance! Lemme have this!" True Name information presently sealed. "Thank you, dossier."
"Anyway, let's rip the band-aid off now, I'm a Pseudo-Servant. To make an extraordinarily long story short, I was a Master in a Grail War, and Caster was my Servant. A whole buncha buncha stuff happened, and I ended up inheriting her Saint Graph. Obviously, I didn't have the cat-ears or cat-tail prior to inheriting my Saint Graph. Don't worry about them too much."
"Oh- oh right, I should give a long-form description of what my deal is. Anyway, I'm the Caster of Blessings. I was gonna be cagey and tell you to call me Kat, but since the dossier blew my cover yeah you can call me Emma. I'm a hedge mage- was a hedge mage- that got tangled up in a Grail War. I ended up summoning the original Caster of Blessings, the one that wouldn't have been a Pseudo-Servant. We bonded, as people do, and I learned that she… didn't exactly like being the Caster of Blessings. It almost didn't matter, except that it turned out I was also compatible to hold that Saint Graph."
"Anyway, at one point… well, my memories are a jumble. I blame either the Throne or the Kaleidoscope, maybe both, but either she gave it to me after taking a fatal wound to let me keep being in the Grail War because she found my wish beautiful, or I took a fatal wound and she sacrificed her life to infuse me with her Saint Graph so I could survive, or I ended up waking up to my own potential as a Mage and we won the Grail and her half of the wishes on the Grail was to let go of her Saint Graph and it peeled off her and stuck to me… I'm rambling, sorry. Presumably, every path in the Kaleidoscope that lead to me becoming the Pseudo-Servant holding her Saint Graph merged, hence my jumbled memories. Presumably there's also memories in there of me being the Caster of Blessings that I summoned, but I'm thankful to be deprived of those memories in this summoning- I don't need that existential recursive headache, please and thanks."
"As the bearer of her Saint Graph, I incidentally also inherited her memories. And, lemme tell ya, I get why she wanted to leave. How many years, decades, centuries, millennia, do you think you could spend, trying to help people? How long can you work, in- I was gonna say in a Sisyphean effort, but even Sisyphus would object to this. I remembered all of it. All the effort, to try to help Humanity. To fix the mess I made- er, she made. Erm- disregard that."
"Anyway, as the Caster of Blessings, her job was as the name implies. To travel the world, to impart blessings unto humanity. To help fix the problems of the people, then to flee when they learned those problems were, on some level, her fault in the first place. Before you ask, no, her legend will never make mention of any of this, I wouldn't be saying it all if I thought it would."
"Anyway, she traveled, as you do, blessed people, as she could, and learned that… well, it's remarkably difficult to permanently quash the darker natures of humanity. She would say impossible, but I've a pedantic mindset to say it technically isn't impossible. But anyway. To give humans wealth is to invite greed, to give them talent is to rouse envy. Attempting to reconcile conflict only planted grudges to incite further outrage. Perhaps none of those in the moment, but given time, good things seem reluctant to ever last. The apple will always find its way to rot in the end."
"Eventually, she gave up. Because of course she did. Because you can say that, after seeing every attempt to help people crumble and fail, you would still keep trying, but immortality does not typically include immortal determination and willpower. Those are still very mortal, and, trust me, after thousands of years your resolve would also falter."
"One day, though, she met someone. Or, someone met her… the memories are difficult here. That someone didn't want to be remembered, if I had to guess- but anyway. They suggested a simple idea to her. The living person can retire, and her ever unending self-appointed task can be left to her memories. Engrave her existence on the Throne of Heroes."
"… she had the tiniest sliver of resolve left, and it was enough to do this final deed. To leave her task to a Saint Graph. But the Ghost Liner who held that Saint Graph, for a time, was her. Her memories, given form. Still uncontent. Still left to meekly tend the ever-turning nature of humanity."
"And then she was summoned to a silly Grail War by a silly girl with silly aspirations that were barely alive. And that silly girl wanted… so many things. And the Caster of Blessings had one more blessing that she hadn't ever given before, not in this way."
"And so, the original Caster of Blessings took her final retirement, and her erstwhile Master was stepped up to the line. The Pseudo-Servant, Caster of Blessings. That's me."
Strength: E+ "… what's with that look? I'm a Caster. Base STR is what you get." Endurance: D+ "Wow, even as a Caster I have better than base Endurance. Neat." Agility: C+ "I know I have cat motifs going on but I am also a Caster. Be glad you got this." Mana: A+ "Don't be fooled, I can actually blow through my mana supply in a real hurry if I mismanage it." Luck: B- "My luck is actually pretty okay. That malus? I have a faint-but-constant urge to Test My Luck, and you don't need a bad luck streak to get screwed over, you just need one really bad hit." Noble Phantasm: EX "Okay so we can get back to this if I ever I pull out my True Name but even without it, the Noble Phantasm that I DO make regular use of is also still EX rank. It's pretty buckwild."
"Now, disclaimer, I'm not giving you the proper names of my Skills. Those are sealed up along with my True Name. Don't worry, you'll still get an idea of my deal from the listed."
Item Construction (B+ Rank): "My primary Magecraft allows me to command, manipulate, and reinforce thread and fabric essentially at will. You'd be surprised how strong and durable cotton yarn is when reinforced by such high level Magecraft. It's a point of note, I can't just use straight fabric like shirts or jackets, but if I can unravel the yarn from like a scarf, I always have a weapon. And yes, the stuff I make is quantifiably powerful. Cool magic swords and axes, suits of armor? As long as I have enough thread, sure. The original Caster of Blessings was a lot more deft with this, but I'm capable enough in my own right."
Territory Creation (A- Rank): "I'm also able to delineate and define a 'home' territory, making it my Workshop- and it's a pretty ridiculously powerful Workshop at that, Temple-grade. The only issue, aside from the ritual to delineate that Temple, is that I can only denote one 'home' at a time. Make a new one? Old one stops being a Temple. Pretty sure there's some mythology somewhere about cats being protectors of homes. That's my excuse for now, anyway."
Presence Concealment (B+ Rank): "Ever seen a cat get sneaky? Yeah, I can do that pretty good. What's funny is, even if I get into a fight, if I just put a bit of mana into maintaining my concealment, I don't lose ranks after entering combat like standard Presence Concealment! Ever tried fighting someone your mind refuses to stick to? It's buckwild."
Golden Rule (C Rank): "Ah, erm… quick come up with something- right, y'know those Japanese lucky cats? Maneki-Neko? Sure, this is totally based on that. Anyway, it's not that I have cash, it's that I have, let's say, a remarkable talent for falling into wealth as needed."
Natural Body (A Rank): "Neat, huh? I get pluses to my STR, END, and AGI stats cuz of this, and my body is way more fit than it was when I was alive! Bonus, hostile effects that would negatively impact those stats don't work unless they can bypass this skill! No half measures were taken in the creation of the Caster of Blessings, and that sure as heck is reflected in this skill!"
Clairvoyance (A- Rank): "A byproduct of my Noble Phantasm, my eyes can even theoretically perceive the future if I try! The, uh, the minus is because… I'll take the blame on this, pretty sure original Caster never had this problem, but I'm not as good at controlling it. I can restrain it, and I can use Mystic Eye Killers on it to basically turn it off so it isn't quite so distracting, but… I'll be honest, I give full props to all the Servants who can use a skill like this on the fly, no problem. Clairvoyance is not nearly the free win that I used to think it was."
Divinity (B Rank): "Oh if I didn't have this it'd be real freakin' funny when I started passing around blessings like candy. The only reason I'm not A Rank is because my Saint Graph doesn't make it to god level, and both the original and I take serious umbrage with that. I mean, after everything she's done, hasn't she earned the right to return to- ah, sorry, nearly spilled the beans there, eheheh."
Fatal Curiosity: Mystic Eyes of Observation
"Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. That's the whole phrase, by the way. Bet you've only heard the first half, heheh."
"Anyway, my eyes are capable of completely deconstructing the information presented to it in nearly any situation. A single glance and I can fully discern anything about anyone. Presence Concealment, True Name Concealment, Illusions, and similar effects basically mean nothing to me. I can read off nearly everything about any Servant or similar hostile in a matter of seconds. True Name, Parameters, Favorite Ice Cream Flavor, Skills, Fears and Weaknesses, Noble Phantasms, so on and so forth. It's a matter of seconds and not instantly because I need a bit to process and filter out the junk data from the tasty stuff, but the more mana I pump into it the faster the processing goes. At full power, yeah, it's basically instant."
"Speaking of stuff I can process instantly, the moment I see any sort of hostile action- an attack, a directed curse, a trap, or so on, my Mystic Eyes will instantly process and provide autonomous countermeasures. Oh, and bonus? If it's Magecraft, my Eyes will reverse-engineer it basically automatically. As in, if I see Magecraft used, I can use it too. Sadly, I can't take the information from previous summonings, and it's only the information of my Pseudo-Servant self, so I don't have all of humanity's Magecraft at my fingertips, but it's still a whole lotta lot to work with."
"Oh- that all does take a bit of a toll on mana, but even at rest my Eyes are constantly processing information- just at a slower rate than near-instant. At rest I could tell you the weak spots in the local construction or geography, I could autonomously counter minor Magecraft, I can even read minds. Or- rather, I have to. The Eyes never fully power down. It's… rather distracting at times, so I wear the glasses to turn it off when it's not needed."
"No secrets, no deceptions, nothing may be hidden from my eyes. Let us bear witness, together, to what happens next- FATAL CURIOSITY."
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gunsli-01 · 19 days
I was tagged in this by @tired-and-unjellied @rainbowghostcat and @a-star-that-burns-brightly,
cute thing im coming up with this picrew of yourself and your current hyperfixation !!
Thank you all for tagging me I was happy to see it and it made me feel really included! I love being tagged in things generally. So, it really made my day to see these as I was going through my days!
I hope you're all enjoying yourselves and the new timeline information!
Oh, and Rainbow on a milgramblrgram note did you like the long greeting. It's getting great reviews-
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How was the portrayal of Mikoto, I'd like to know your thoughts if you have time to read all that- that is. No pressure if you don't though. It's pretty long.
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To be honest my current hyper is actually just me, myself, and fucking I. Yet, that's not a media and I did just write all that so ya already know I'M- (<- Accurate depiction of the fanbase falling into super hell trial three. I'll be fine though~ Because I was already in hell. So, I'm just going to be going, "Super!")
I've pretty much been embodying this song. To me selfcare is recognizing when I don't want to speak to anyone and not pushing myself to do so out of a misguided fear of missing the opportunity to, or misinterpreted my own feelings and ways of display care and consideration one-sidedly. Ultimately causing a lot of undue stress. That and generally recognizing that no one is ever entitled to the ability to access/communicate with someone else especially if someone is abusing that ability.
This may sound antisocial, maybe on some level it is. Yet, this is actually the most social I've been in a year. It's more just a reminder to myself to just not talk to people who make me feel bad about talking to anyone at all or about my hobbies. Something that some may be able to tell I've been really getting back into.
So another current hyper fixation has been my many ocs. Right now with a big focus on my little sweetie Daniel-
Who also fits that song quite a lot too I'm realizing,
Daniel: Yeah, it’s a real touristy place but a lot of students where I go hangout there due to it. Easy to get lost in a crowd. So, sometimes I just get a ride out there when invited or someone sends a ride to me if they really want me there. Nayo: Sounds fun- though it also sounds like the times you go there are very conditional. Have you ever been there without being invited Daniel: I mean yeah. Why else would I go there? Nayo: Was just curious- since you did just say that you tend to either pay for a ride when you’re invited out or someone sending one to you. For all I know, it could have been specifically to meet up with people. Daniel: Yeah, it was just to meet up with others. Not like that’s a crime though.
"I've gone outside and taken Ubers my friends have made me go."
I've been trying to to plot out the best way to finish his trial. I'm also really into Mugram (Mayumi and Masaru the oops we fucked up at work duo that is if Masaru is running a gambling scam to make quick cash.) and Tsumigram (mostly still really fixated on Toa) still. Plus, I'm interested in seeing a-star-that-burns-brightly opinion on the new timeline today. Sorry about that at first disjointed explaination on the pregnancy entrapment theory by the way I fuck up spelling a lot and sometimes forget connectors are necessary hope the edited version connected things in a more understandable way.
Also more proof for that pregnancy entrapment Yuno theory just dropped thanks to Nott sending me the graffart. Where staff just decides to highlight the red ribbon that's tied to the balloon reflected in Yuno's eyes within Umbilical the one she was aiming seeming just in case her first songs visuals were to subtle about it,
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Since the graffart is directly referencing things in the prisoners first trial songs,
I messed up I found out- Is right!
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Yuno as soon as she found out that was Yellow's baby,
"Oh, please! Gimme that baby and I'd yeet it off a tower."
The fanbase trial three are about to be out here like, "What?!"
Oh damn that's gonna be funny if it's actually the case.
So, yeah I've have a lot things that I've had my eyes on lately. Sorry for the more long response. I just didn't want to just slap all your tags together answer and say nothing else. So I brought up a few things I thought might interest all of you.
Also, go check out @apatchworkstar they put a theme on her blog for desktop that's very cute. Also on that note thanks for the all the help Tired-and-Unjellied I really hope it wasn't too much of a bother.
Oh also I'm tagging Star and @purgemarchlockdown for the tag game. Neither of you have to do it if you don't want to, though.
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Human AU! Picrew
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Alastor! He's a serial killer and cannibal in every AU I make unless otherwise stated. Some AU will include Al being trans, having epilepsy, or severe scarring and sometimes migraines. Eating disorder in the fact he mainly eats humans and starves a lot of the time
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Nifty in every AU will be Alastors little sister, be it through found family or actual adoption. She is also a cannibal and a nurse unless otherwise stated. Every AU she lost her eye while being sex trafficked.
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Rosie and Husk are Always going to be Exes, be it married or dating, but exes. Rosie is a cannibal, Husk isn't he just helps his family hide evidence. In certain AU they're Nifty and or Al's adoptive parents/found family parent's in others they are just older friends who are protective and the mom/dad friend. Rosie is a psychologist and Husk a bartender, most AU they're gonna be ex military
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Angel Dust (Anthony) Husks twink boyfriend he gets after divorcing or breaking up with Rosie. Still a hooker but he and Val have a healthy relationship. Unless I need Val to be nasty for my plot. Ex addict, makes music sometimes, recovering eating disorder
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The Vees! Vox with his heterochromia and I like making him sweaty either an actual problem or he's just sweaty. I also like to give him a stutter in certain AUs. He's German.
Valentino is as always, half blind, and he's a nasty weird tall man with a connective tissue disorder in most AU, he's also Latin and a pretty good friend he's very supportive just bad at it.
Velvet is a weird little chaotic rat but her boys worship her. For some reason I see her as a Floridian military brat idk, fashion designer and influencer in every AU. I ship her with Rosie.
In some AU they're adoptive siblings
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Charlie and Vaggie! Twinning UwU! Vaggie is an ex Catholic cause I think it makes sense and Charlie definitely practices Wicca or something. Charlie actually does own a hotel, it's a rehab her father funded for her because she wants to help nd she has whateva sort of degree would help with that, something with therapy. Vaggie works as a security guard there.
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Vaggie twin sister Lute, she's having a near constant mental breakdown, she's a psycho deep down and is FILLED with religious guilt idk what to tell ya. Killed someone. Her arm is amputated too. She teaches self defense, specialising in helping people with disabilities learn to work around them.
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Charlie cousin Peter. Everyone think he's the "gay" cousin but he's actually straight and VERY comfy in his masculinity, nondenominational. Isn't technically allowed to visit the Morningstar house alone because they're "evil" but they're just spiritual. Broadway!!
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Lute boyfriend, Adam. I could NOT resist making him adorable and precious because you see him and go awww but then he fucking opens his mouth and calls you a slur. Lmao. Questioning his faith. Rock star wanna be, studies music theory or something
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Adams cousins! Big sis Sera is constantly worrying and lil sis Emily is heavily sheltered. Sera is a Sunday School teacher, idk, maybe religious studies? Emily if the AU has her college aged will want to be a nurse (I've been seeing Emily ships everywhere but what if she falls for her fellow nurse who's secretly a psychopath?? Nifty, I mean)
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Cherri! Angels BFF! She's deffo an artist and also a demolition expert or something, and does monster trucking too! She's the best most supportive person, Penti adores her and she's secretly in love too but she's scared of it. Angel keeps mocking her that he's got two guys (Val and Husk) and she won't even take a chance on the dude who would find a way to blow up the sun for her.
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Penti is trans, hjs family is also Muslim but he was disowned when he came out. He has triplet little siblings! Is studying to be or is a physicist. Idk minor speech impediment/lisp!
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Frank is the embodiment of chaos and when he meets Alastor is obsessed with him (crushing on a guy your older brother doesn't like is a right if passage) Chandler and Leslie are his siblings. They we're disowned for supporting Penti and Chandler has refused to wear her veil since. Leslie still upholds their faith but is very supportive.
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Usually Vark will be a dog. But occasionally an AU will call for him to be Vox little brother so here's a design for him!
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It dawned on me earlier this week that I did not do any portraits for the Perfect Sorrows characters the way I did for the Traces ones. Naturally, because I lack any semblance of self-control, I immediately started hunting around for a Picrew that felt like it fit the vibe of the story.
I failed completely at finding said Picrew. Therefore I have instead opted for Door Number Two: try to figure Artbreeder out, with varying degrees of success. I thought about giving each character their own post, then decided that that would get very annoying, so instead, I’m just going to throw them all onto this post, in no particular order and accompanied by a not insignificant amount of commentary, because I can never shut up when given an opportunity to talk about my story-children. I have never used Artbreeder before and I have no idea if any of these are actually, ya know, good. But they do vaguely approach the appearances of the people in my head, so I’m just going to roll with it. Enjoy.
Monsieur Camille Serreau
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Camille’s is probably the portrait I’m least happy with, not just because it was my first one, but because I think I went a little overboard on what I was trying to do. In the book I based this story on, sorciers are able to live for centuries, covering up their true age with magic. Though of course that gets harder to do as time goes on, so I really wanted Camille to look like maybe those centuries are catching up to him. He still looks far younger than he actually is, but the truth is starting to seep through a little. I’m not sure how successful I was. He looks a bit…odd.
Mademoiselle Serreau
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She’ll get a first name eventually, but either way, I’m much happier with her portrait. She looks pretty, but not unrealistic. You could actually meet this girl on the street somewhere…except for the minor fact that I somehow managed to erase most of her pores, and any skin detail at all, really. Oops. I also think her smile is maybe just a touch too mischievous for the demure, sort of subdued Mademoiselle. But still, there’s an element of real-human-ness to her that I like a lot.
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Ondine I am ridiculously pleased with (and not only because she has actual skin detail). The word I used to describe her in the first chapter was “elegant,” and I really think this portrait has a touch of that, but you can also see how her life is wearing on her a bit. She may not be questioning her lot in life the way Sacha is, but it’s still a very difficult life, and this portrait kind of shows how she’s been slowly worn down by it. (Artbreeder also insisted on giving her a slight touch of eyeshadow on her left eye that I could not edit out for the life of me, which is annoying, but not a travesty).
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Hugo’s portrait is probably the closest to the way I see him in my head. It’s the expression that makes it. This man looks like his presence would make you uncomfortable. He looks like he is constantly judging every move you make but will never actually tell you what he thinks about you. He also just looks…butlerish. I cannot explain that further. (As a fun little aside, now that I know what Hugo’s animal is, I do see touches of that in this portrait too, so that’s fun).
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Sacha is maybe not as real-human-ish as some of the others, but I’m okay with that. I like my blorbos to look pretty while I torment them. So I mainly just fiddled with things until I liked what I saw and then very amateurishly edited the scar on. I did want to give him a thin sort of face though, since he presented himself in my head as very tall and thin with angular features. As my sister would put it, he gangles. Which is exactly the opposite of my usual type, but he refused to un-yardstick himself, so that just became his character, and I tried to give the portrait that same kind of leanness.
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Laurent was definitely the hardest of the bunch, simply because I had no mental image of what he looked like, other than a horrible little man who is ugly as sin. It turns out that “ugly” is not all that much to go on, and my first attempt turned out looking like a demented werewolf. So I gave it another go and ended up with this. Maybe not as viscerally unpleasant as I was hoping, but this website does not seem built for making ugly people. And he still looks like someone you absolutely would not want to meet in a dark alley, so I’m calling it good.
And there you have it! As close an approximation of these characters as my limited Artbreeder skills can get. I’ll probably do a Part Two at some point, since we still have more characters to meet.
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prophetparadox · 3 years
DMC OC Week Day 1: Introduction
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(I made this image in a picrew, so it’s not totally accurate to her design but it’s the best I could do with limited options)
It’s officially midnight so fuck it, time to make my first post for this prompt week! I may have just gotten into this series, but I do have an OC and since I plan on writing a fic soon I figured participating in @dmc-oc-week​ was a good way to start! So it’s time to meet my girl Kay! So I’ve filled out an infographic for her, and wrote up a little drabble to go along with this, get ready to learn more about her as the week goes on! Though if you read my stuff on AO3, you’ve probably already seen her a little bit, but let’s get this ball rolling!
Name: Kay [Real Name REDACTED]
Age: Mid-20’s (24-26) (as of DMC5)
DoB: September 26th
Race/Species: Human, mostly...
Height: 5’6”/167 cm
Weight: 117 lbs.
Appearance: Kay has medium length brown hair that goes just above her chest, her left eye is brown but no one knows what her right eye looks like as it’s covered by a dark purple eyepatch and hidden further by her hair covering her right eye. She wears a purple sleeveless top, black capris, a gray hoodie that is usually tied around her waist, light gray boots, and fingerless fishnet gloves.
Personality: Kay is a cheerful albeit socially awkward girl, but she has a stubborn side and isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind. Emotion wise, she wears her heart on her sleeve and isn’t good at hiding how she feels unless she bottles it up. She tends to be optimistic, but there might be something darker lying deeper... She’s very affectionate towards the people she cares about. That being said, Kay is also rather secretive. She doesn’t open up about her past, being vague and only bringing up as little as possible. It’d take a lot of trust for her to open up about such things. Due to being around Dante for so long, she’s developed a bit of a sarcastic attitude.
Quick Facts/Abilities: Kay primarily wields her axe Fenrir, a Devil Arm, in battle, but she does have firearms training courtesy of Lady and carries around a pistol. Despite her right eye being covered up and hidden, she doesn’t seem to be handicapped by this and behaves as if it weren’t hidden at all. She has a good sense of intuition, being able to know if someone is trustworthy or has demonic power. 
It was always strange when the office was quiet. If it wasn’t a song blasting from the jukebox filling the space with noise, it was the chattering of its employees. Even more rare was when the quiet wasn’t because the power had been shut off. But today seemed to be a rare moment where the power was on but not a sound could be heard. But in all honesty, that didn’t really bother the sole occupant of the office at the moment.
Sitting down on the couch with a book in hand was a young woman known simply as Kay. Without any “work” to do, she had time to finish yet another book she’d had on her long pile of things to read. And with the others still asleep, she could enjoy the peace of the lazy April morning. Though admittedly, she was having trouble focusing on the words. Perhaps it was too quiet? Or maybe it was because she hadn’t eaten breakfast yet? She wasn’t sure. All she knew is that the peace and quiet had quickly lost its appeal. Maybe Dante would wake up soon and then they could-
The phone on Dante’s desk began to ring, sounding louder than usual thanks to the deafening quiet. The sudden noise made her nearly fall off the couch. Quickly stuffing her bookmark into the novel, she leapt up from her seat and dashed for the phone. No one else was around to answer, and it might just be a job! She had to take this chance. She picked up the phone, holding on to the possibility that this would be big.
“Devil May Cry!” she answered, as she had many times before. She listened intently to the person on the other end, unable to hide the grin on her face when they gave the password. “Alright, I think we can help you. What’s the issue?” she asked, grabbing a pen and piece of scrap paper so she could write down the details. This was perfect! She could take this job and-
“I’ll be taking that, thank you!” The voice behind her and the sudden stealing of the phone from her hands snapped her out of her good mood. She didn’t even have to guess who it was, she knew that voice all too well.
“Dante, what the hell?!” Kay shouted, turning to face her “boss”. From the looks of it, he’d just tumbled out of bed and was woken up by the phone ringing. He didn’t bother answering her, simply giving a cocky grin in response.
“Sorry about that, mind repeating what you said there?” he said, responding to the client on the phone. Dammit, he was gonna steal the job for himself! She seethed in silence as Dante attentively listened to the client. “Alright then, I’ll be there asap, we’ll discuss payment afterwards,” He put the phone back on the receiver and grabbed Rebellion. “Duty calls, Kay! You know the drill, hold down the fort while I’m gone!”
“Of course you won’t let me come with,” Kay sighed, sitting down in the chair already aware this would be a losing argument. But it was still worth a try, maybe he’d come around for once? “I don’t see why, this assignment isn’t that tricky.”
“Which is why you’re staying here. Besides, someone needs to hold off Lady and Trish if they come knocking! And if there’s anyone I trust the office with, it’s you.”
She knew that was meant to be a compliment, but she’d heard it too many times and was getting tired of it. “Come on, Dante, I’m not a kid! I can handle myself out there, you’ve seen it with your own eyes!” she argued.
“Sorry Kay, but my mind’s made up. This is a one man job, you wouldn’t be able to do much if you came. They’d all be dead before you could swing your axe,” He leaned down to tousle her hair, earning him a groan of annoyance from her. “I’m sorry, but I have my reasons. You’ll understand one of these days. Just trust me, would ya?”
There it was, the excuse he always pulled. He always had his reasons that he never explained and one day she’d totally understand it all. That was usually a sign the conversation was over. “Just go already.” she said with the wave of her hand at the door.
“I’ll make it up to you, kiddo. I’ll treat you to something when I get back!” he said as he walked towards the door, trying to make her feel better. It was hard when by treating her he meant they’d get pizza from a fancier joint than usual and she’d be the one stuck picking it up.
“I’m still not your kid, Dante! I’m a grown woman!” she called out as he made his way out the door. Once again, she was left alone in the office.
Kay stood up and made her way over to the kitchen, unable to ignore her hunger and resigned to eating alone. She was so tired of being left behind with no explanation. She’d been fighting demons long before she met Dante, but he just seemed content to make her watch the office and pick up pizzas or coffee. She was getting tired of this, she wanted to see some action again! Go out in the field and kick demon ass! But noooooo, she was stuck here.
Maybe one day she’d be able to head out there again, prove to Dante that she was just as capable as him or the girls, take down demons like she used to. But clearly that wasn’t today. But soon, something had to happen soon. They’d get a job so big that he couldn’t leave her behind and then he’d see! Or at least that’s what she kept telling herself.
But for some reason, she felt as if that hope would become reality soon enough. She could just be getting her hopes up, but she wanted to believe her intuition was right. If only she could see the future and know for certain… Until then, she’d just stay here and hope that someone would walk through the door or dial their number and change everything.
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adimelymanner · 4 years
Sweetest, Biggest Fan
This will literally waste your time so...you’ve been warned.
Just based off of this picrew (mine is last) because it gave me crazy Bakugou fan vibes. I’m not going to wait because it will end up like the other things and never see the light of day so apologies if there’s editing mishaps. I know it’s Feb but new year new me!
Words: 1.2K
Warnings: This plays with the Yandere theme so keep that in mind. No smut, no “kinks” of mine, just a random post that I already warned you about ,but see you are refusing to listen and need to learn for yourself...
Honestly it’s just me being a menace writing about a menace...Also this didn’t paste how I wanted so... enjoy 😉
Begin Scene 👏🏾
Anyone else would have simply turned off the television. Or maybe pause and squeal with joy that the real life Dynamight was going to be in the same neighborhood at such close vicinity. Hell they might even call up their friends to start planning a meet up at the location. But fuck that - you weren't just anyone. What would be nothing to anyone else sent anger pulsing through your veins, but who could blame you? You were his biggest fan. When you saw the interview with that wretched bakeshop owner a few blocks away on the news stating that Bakugou Katsuki “Lord Undercut” Explosion Murder (and greatest hero in your mind) would be gracing them with his presence you were almost happy. Almost. But that damn woman with her damn rosy cheeked smile seemed soooo thrilled that her rank little shop had been damaged by him during a villain pursuit. So thrilled because the incident caused the agency to force Bakugou to make an appearance once they reopened to get business back up and running. You remember her lips stretching ear to ear sharing that she would make him the best dessert he had ever tasted. 
You scoffed. She was so annoyingly enthusiastic, but he didn't even like sweets! Pathetic. Of course you weren’t surprised, not everyone knew him like you did. The poor girl was just stupid is all but it still pissed you off. You weren’t jealous you just knew he didn't want to subject himself to wasting his time because you knew him. She wasn't even his type! How could she be? She wasn't you. You wanted to wipe that little smile off of her face and knew just the way to do it. It was an efficient way to kill two birds with one stone honestly. Save him from wasting time and save her from the embarrassment. Heh maybe she would be calling you a hero afterwards, but there wouldn’t be a chance for her to get the words out. Unfortunately she wouldn’t have a chance to see him take his first bite.
You even got a little cute beforehand juuuust in case you happened to run into him. You were always prepared to see him. A turtle neck here, a pair of ass blessing leggings there and voila! Oh..and your spiked brass knuckles - a cute accessory and essential for handling your business at the bakery. 
It was late - surely no one would hear you. The neighborhood wasn’t that great, so the chances that someone would notice the sound of glass breaking when you took your metal bat to it was little to none. You didn’t mean to make such a rude entrance, it’s that bitch’s fault for locking the door! Honestly you didn’t have time to feel bad. You stepped into the shop, music still playing probably because she was either too excited to remember or she was still oddly in the shop. You didn’t care. You hopped over the counter, not even caring about the cupcake display you knocked over, it was probably stale anyway. If she was really a fan she would have made a fresh display for him, but no she didn’t and that’s why you couldn’t allow him to waste time on scrubs like her. Honestly the things you do for that man.
You made your way to the kitchen where you couldn't decide if it was heaven or hell. All of those (albeit delicious) delicacies on any other day would have called your name, but today you only thought about how people would be lining up in a matter of hours to have the chance to see him - YOUR idol dammit. The thought made you grab the nearest tart and  throw it against the wall. Ooh - that was therapeutic. You ripped the plastic off of the tray of cupcakes grasping one in each hand as you closed them within your fist feeling the cream filled dessert squish between your fingers. “Red velvet” you questioned as you sniffed the air - not bad. You slammed down palms first onto the table flattening two more as a jelly bursted out onto the table meeting their doom. Taking hold of a few cookies you crushed them together and twisted, making them crumble in your hand. The cakes at the other end? They tasted the ground as you swiped your arm shoving each one off the surface. The last thing it saw was the bottom of your boot as your shoe came down, filling the grooves of your sole with fudge icing and cake. After a quick game of hopscotch you took a break from stomping all over her precious time and continued your search.
There was a door in the back that was slightly cracked. That has to be it! You printed the floor with your icing covered footsteps, closer and closer until you reached the room and slowly pushed the door open further. 
You just knew the precious little thing wouldn’t leave the bakery. Back in the corner, sweating alllll that time before you figured out the hiding spot. Little shit probably knew what was coming. You were staring directly into the very thing that would cause your precious Dynamight so much trouble tomorrow.You were quick in getting close landing a nice swift kick from the side; you couldn’t wait to knock that bitch off the pedestal the media had delicately given up. You didn’t want to stop kicking but you wanted to get more personal. You looked down and took it all in, broken, leaking red on the floor admiring your work before you got on your knees and put those brass knuckles to use. It was almost too easy the way the spikes punctured through causing the dark rouge color to splatter all over your face. It was cold once it hit your face and dripped down your cheek. “Take that” as you landed another spiked smash. 
You were breathing heavily reviewing your work. Shattered and painting the walls it looked so pretty, so...tasty. You knew you had to leave soon but couldn’t help yourself as you took two fingers and swiped them across the red liquid bringing it to your tongue letting your taste buds relish in the moment. “Mmmmm”, tangy yet sweet, a delicious mixture of flavors coming from the cherry filling even after being battered into almost nothing. You almost felt bad for what you did - it wasn’t too sweet, he actually might’ve liked it. Still, you got up and made your way back to the front of the store reviewing your work as you strutted towards the window. People would surely be showing up early to see him, so you had to run home to make sure you were ready. He’s going to be so relieved! Maybe he’ll take you on a private trip to show his gratitude. You had saved him. You felt the crunch of the glass and looked back one more time. What would she think? Poor girl just had her bakery repaired... “Oh well”, you thought, “sorry it didn’t work out it’s just...I’m his biggest fan ya know? No hard feelings.” A toothy grin consumed your face as you hopped outside and waltzed your way home licking the cherry goodness off your lips wishing it was caramel instead.
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ghostofcitrus · 3 years
more gender crisis bc i need somewhere to document this shit and also if u wanna read and say smth that’s cool too 🥺 fair warning it’s kinda longgg. but there’s a tl;dr and i tried to make the paragraphs short so it’s easy to read and i sorted the thoughts by paragraphs
ok so when i see a girl or group of girls or smth i, for the most part, am like yeah same. i have the same lived experience and like yeah u look cool and i relate in a lot of ways.
but like i also feel the same w non-binary ppl. i see agender ppl and i’m like oh nice that sounds like how i want to live MY life!! i get jelous. i saw a gender ambiguous person the other day and i thouvht i was going to lose my mind i was like AKSJSHJSJSNS Y O U. I WANT TO BE YOU. i talked to them i was like 😭😭i love your hair😭😭 and it was so compelling just seeing them i got my hair cut later that week. i like it.
and i cut my hair and i’m like y e s. and i’ve always wanted a very small/flat chest and have planned on getting a breast reduction (meaning i want basically no tits. i’m like a DDD rn. and i’m short and have a baby face so that’s like. very noticeable. pain.) ASAP. but i like dress and being seen as a girl? but i also want to be non binary, but it feels like something im striving for. i don’t feel like i’m there. i feel like i WANT to be there but i just keep hitting roadblocks.
when i think about OTHER girls, i’m like yeah. i relate to that. but when i think about myself. fully isolated. i want to present like a feminine agender person. i am connected to my girlhood. girl, sister, girlfriend, daughter... all of them accurately describe me. but i also like person, sibling, partner, child.
i like femininity. i like being seen like that. and being seen as a girl is cool and fine. but i don’t feel like it accurately describes all of me. but i’m like scared??
i want to be a “girl” in the way that when u look at me ur like ... is that a girl? my face i like lmao. it’s round and feminine. cool lol. my body.... i wish with like all my heart i woke up one day w/o titties or major curves. but i’ve literally work so hard to accept and like myself in my body. YEARS of forcing myself to look in the mirror and compliment myself. deconstructing fatphobia was a big part of it. but in my head. with no mirrors around. i think of myself as less curvy. a small fame, but not really curvy. much more neutral features. i forget what i actually look like. but when i do look in the mirror now i’m like she’s pretty. i like how she looks. nice. but it doesn’t really feel like me. but i feel cool. it’s like nice makeup that’s someone else chose for u and never comes off. like yes. that’s nice. but... it’s not like “me”. i feel like that about most of my features. but i’ve grown up in them. i don’t hate them. i think they look pretty and i feel confident enough like this. and after all the work i’ve done to get to this mindset... it’s just not what i want.
i think part of what’s messing with me is i’m automatically more comfortable with other girls/afabs, like we just share experiences and i can generally understand how they socialize. guys like,.. not so much. but most of my actual friends have ended up being guys. but im naturally wary of guys. and most around me end up being fucking republicans anyways. and another part of what’s getting to me is when i’m going about my life, i enjoy being stereotypically feminine. like i like to be taken care of, feel small , that bs. maybe it’s internalized misogyny that i feel like the only way i can be that is as a girl.
i also think i just have no idea what it would really feel like to go about the world non-binary. like i just want to keep blending into the background. i don’t want to be that noticeably different, i’m already autistic.
i think it’s also weird bc since middle school have been having periodic gender crisises but they always end in me just getting embarrassed, finding transmeds on the internet and also getting embarresed, not wanting to stop being feminine, or deciding it’s just not worth it.
and i think another thing is, i’ve always felt more connected to girls, but always on the outskirts of that, but that might just be because i’m autistic. but like i’m feminine in the sense that i like dresses. and being taken care of that and that shit. girls tend to really fucking irk me a lot of the times. i don’t really feel “connected” to them, more like “stuck” with them but making the best of it. some are pretty cool :) tbh it’s mostly just other autistic or queer girls i vibe with. other than that.. i struggle a lot to feel connected.
speaking of being autistic.... i’m realizing a lot of what i’m feeling is similar to how i felt when i first started to consider that i was autistic. when i was alone or in a space i was totally comfy in, i felt very confident that i was autistic. but when i was around people, i was like no i’m definitely not. and even now. i know i mask whenever i’m not alone. but i’m literally so fucking used to it it’s not hard at all. it hardly feels like a mask. just a different version of me. not the most authentic, but it’s how i operate around others. so whatever. not what i like per say. but in most cases, i can deal with it and still be perfectly happy (ish). this is exactly how i feel about all of this gender shit.
but i think part of my hesitancy to identify like this is i’ve never met ppl irl who identify as non-binary. that wouldn’t be a group for me to find and relate to and be comfortable with, i’d just be the different one. and i’m already different. and people don’t really get neopronouns and that shit.
ok and i’m anxious about my boyfriend as well. he’s a straight guy, idk how he’d feel about me being non binary. but i don’t want to sacrifice our relationship, so it’d be fine, because i also like my name and pronouns now. i like the shortened version of my name better tbh but i think my name sounds cool. mostly because saying it is a vocal stim for me, same with my partners name fore some reason. i just think they’re good names. they feel good to hear and say. and i’ve always been described that way and i’m like yeah that’s me.
i like dresses. feminine clothes? yes pleaseee. i like how girl are generally the ones who get taken care of. i like feeling small and dainty. i like being silly and cute. but like ... silly and cute arent like “girl things”?? but idk.
but i like “girl”. not “ladies” or “woman”. that feels too much like “female” and the only time i feel like i relate to that at all is in very specific situations. i’m feminine. i like that. i wish i could be feminine in an androgynous way tho????????
TL;DR: closing thoughts. if i were the only person on earth and i could do whatever i wanted like magically. i would change my appearance to look like my picrew... but like for an ex think Crona from Soul Eater of Ed from Cowboy Bebop. both of them are androgynous but when i see both of them i’m like they’re kinda feminine too! like that’s what i want to look like. i’d probably go by Citrus and neopronouns and maybe she/her (they’re fine but i feel like i’m lying about being non binary when i use them). ya know. how i want to be. but in reality. i am scared of that. it sounds like a lot of work and a big change that i could probably never really achieve. i also hate change. and constantly explaining shit.
also do cis people PINE over this shit the way i am? i’ve done this multiple times for years. not consistently bc tbh i have other shit i need to spend energy on but when i’m not pouring energy into somewhere else i tend to circle back to this. maybe that’s a sign that i’m right.
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degenerate-yandere · 5 years
Yandere Original Characters
Oh you best be sure I used picrews for this, ya girl can’t draw to save her life. Picrews used: (Ray), (Damon).
Anyway, people seemed sort of interested in my ocs so (⺣◡⺣)♡* here they are. Hope y’all like my boys.
Also special thanks to @darlingyanderez​ for inspiring me with her wonderful OCs.
Feel free to ask me anything about them if you’re interested! Please ask I have a lot of cute information for them. 
Also the names are just placeholders at the moment, I’m terrible at naming.
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Name: Ray
Height: 183 cm (6′0)
Age: 19
Bio: A reserved, introverted college student with a dream of becoming a renown manga artist - a dream that he hopes will come to fruition from the inspiration his beautiful little muse instills. Suffice to say, he’s utterly obsessive. Skillfully drawn panels litter the walls of his bedroom, each depicting a character that bears a striking resemblance to his darling. Ray draws himself taking them on dates, embracing while they watch the fireworks, exchanging tender kisses; fulfilling every sappy shojo trope his little heart desires. Then, of course, there’s his private collection - the pieces he frantically drew as a wild blush bloomed across his face. Every perverse, deviant fantasy is drawn in intricate detail. He’d love to show them to you, one day.
Ray’s a terribly shy man, so he’s not one to outwardly approach his darling. Instead he opts to watch them from afar. He simply wishes to know everything about them! The route they take home, what their apartment looks like, the kind of clothes they like to wear, what time they to go to sleep... He has a list of ‘reference notes’, a compilation of all their information. Ray just wants to make sure he remains true to the source material. Pictures of his darling line his walls, his favorite one taking permanent residence within his wallet. He could stare at them for hours.
Ray’s apologetic, soft-spoken and nervous, even as he ties his darling to the post of his bed. He’s submissive in that regard; wishing only to dote on his beloved, to take the utmost care of them. He loves to drag them onto his lap as he plays his video games, gush about how cute they, tell them again and again how much he loves them. This man is a tad touch-starved, so he’s very handsy - but any ounce of reciprocation will leave him in absolute bliss. He’ll keep them safe, but more importantly, he’ll keep them his. Ray is gentle, completely adverse to any physical discipline. But he’ll do what’s necessary to keep his inspiration by his side, where they belong.
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Name: Damon
Height: 197 cm (6′6)
Age: 22 
Bio: A thug with a troubled past of delinquency which, when coupled with his imposing stature and strong physique, make him quite the intimidating figure. Usually, seeing the fear upon peoples faces while in his presence instills him with a sense of pride. But if his darling avoids him, or flinches away whenever he walks near them, his heart shatters. That dread-filled expression that paints across their beautiful features makes his protective instincts kick into overdrive. Damon wants to keep them safe; to wrap them in his muscled arms and hold them as tightly as possible so that nothing can hurt them. He wants them to see him as their protector, and he’s quick to anger if they don’t.
Romantic rivalry is sure to bring out Damon’s sadistic side - he takes wicked glee in reducing anyone he deems a threat into an unrecognizable pulp. He thinks about showing you all his hard work, maybe you’d be proud of him. He’s quick to grow insufferably jealous, you are his after all. He’s possessive, sure, but what’s to be expected from a man so used to simply taking what he wants?
Damon is not a man of eloquence - he’s gruff and calloused. His actions speak volumes over his grumbled words. He’ll snatch their hand in his larger one, mumbling something about walking them home. Any protests will be outright ignored. He makes it clear how much bigger and stronger he is than you - if he wants something from you, he’s not adverse to simply taking it.
When Damon finally has them all to himself, he’ll be demanding and stern. He makes it clear that they are expected to crawl onto his lap whenever necessary, they are to kiss him and tell him just how grateful they are that he’s protecting them. His punishments are painful and ruthless. He’ll feign apprehension, but there’s a subtle, maniacal glee that he gets from putting them in their place. Just be good for him, and he can make all that pain go away.
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wheresthemuffinman · 4 years
So I've been really into interactive fiction for a long while and I've finally decided to showcase my various MC(s) over different IFs.
(Who I may have incorporated from my OCs from a series (or at least a universe) I'm working on😌)
Picture made by Picrew (https://picrew.me/image_maker/625951)
This MC is based in Triaina Academy by @leo-interactive-fiction
WARNING: This post is long and doesn't have proper capitalisation at times
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*looks at the camera* "This is boring, can I please do something else?"
File: #01 : Triaina Academy
Date of recording:*Data Corrupted*
Interviewee: Melody "Mai" Razor
Appearance: Hazel eyes that look like topaz in bright light and black hair that reach her shoulders. Wears a pair of red glasses and has a mole below her left eye.
Power: Blood manipulation
Description: Seemingly obedient as first, she'll roll along to anything that happens until it starts to inconvenience her or she gets bored. After that it'll be a 50/50 chance she'll start to mess around or just deviate and do something else entirely.
Doesn't trust easily, but loves to mess around with people by teasing them playfully after warming up to them.
Likes to act like she's running on a single brain cell 24/7, has a habit of running around aimlessly and just exploring places that seem interesting.
She took on the name of "Mai" to abandon her past and start anew. She'll grow to letting go of her abandonment issues and let extremely close friends of use her actual name after a long while.
---------------------VIDEO CUTS---------------------
*The following words appear on the screen: "What do you think about..."*
Emil Dobry
"Em's like the little bro I never had. Though, he tends to be a tad bit too naive for my comfort. We're kinda in troublesome times with cutthroats everywhere and I'm kinda worried he might not be able to make the right call when the going gets tough and I'm not there, you know?"
Notes: Her time as the eldest among her fellow sea urchins when young carried over to the present. She feels responsible for Emil and his happiness. Gets him little trinkets she finds from time to time and he is one of the few people she'll happily do favors for, no questions asked. (The other being a baker who gave her bread occasionally in the past)
Robin Vallenford
"Birdie? He seems alright, can't say much from him at first glance, just know he's hiding something. His fights with Em are a great source of entertainment at times, downright childish on others. On hindsight though, he does bring colour to the whole dorm."
*She tilts a head to the side, leaning back and kicking her feet up midair, grinning slyly*
"I think we'll get along juuust fine."
Notes: She seems to be respectful of Robin and interested in knowning him better. Would gladly play a round of cards with him even if she knew she was going to lose.
Vin Wolfe
*She frowns slightly* "I'm gonna be honest, I didn't think much of Sunshine back in the arena. But when he pulled that gun out I think I nearly lost 10 years of my life. But,"
*She stares at the ceiling thoughtfully*
"He doesn't seem to mean any harm, maybe he just has a few things to work off." *Mumbling* "Bet his aim's really good too, might want to see if he'll teach me."
Notes: She doesn't know what to fully make out of Vin, she's a little put off by the commander title (she's not used to commanding other people at all. She's prefers to operate independently). More than happy to teach him what she knows about academics. Notes to herself to keep an eye out for his sake.
Calls Vin "Sunshine" (at least in her head).
Leah Scio
*Her eyes light up* "Bluejay? She's really pretty and nice, quiet though. She's also pretty much the only other person I know that wears glasses and I think she reads alot! I'd really like to see her collection sometime. She's like Em, but doesn't appear to be naive. Actually, now that I think about it, I can't really compare those two. It's like oranges and pears you'know? She's definitely smarter, and less emotional when there's thinking to be done."
Notes: She enjoys Leah's company and wants to learn from her. One of the very few people she cares about that she goes easy on when fighting (she feels really bad hurting them). Calls her "Bluejay".
---------------------VIDEO CUTS---------------------
*Reading through a folder that has the word "CONFIDENTIAL" on its front* "Ooooo"
*A rough voice can be heard from behind the camera* "Woi, who gave that to 'er? Someone take it away!"
*The folder gets swipped out of her hands from a passer-by* "Wha-Hey! What gives-oh"
*she glances behind the camera and readjusts her voice, flashing a sheepish grin*
"Sorry, got a little distracted there, shall we continue?"
Pierce Crater
"Firecracker? Well I don't really have much to say about him that he himself isn't already making obvious."
*She brings a hand up to her chin, posing in mock contemplation*
"He swears alot, jumps to conclusions, and is really prone to resorting to violence to solve his problems. He would honestly make a terrible diplomat."
*She pauses for a few moments, her eyes go distant*
"Though he does seem to put his best into the many things I've seen him do. His position as a representative might be saying something about his leadership...and he is really easy to embarrass...wonder how he fights...?"
Notes: Her attitude towards Pierce seems to change to somewhat more reasonable and surprisingly more careful, a stark contrast to her more playful and nonchalant interactions to her own dormmates. She doesn't seem to trust him much, but she also doesn't realise herself hanging around him more.
Unfortunately for Pierce (or "Firecracker") , she also seems to be increasingly curious about him after this interview. Granted, this was bound to happen sooner than later.
Matthew Crater
*She squints, a faraway look in her eyes*
"Snowflake's a strange one, never really met anyone who passes out so frequently. He's a cute one though, gonna be honest. Friendly too, other than that though, don't really know much else."
Notes: Amicable with Matthew (Nicknamed: "Snowflake"), she doesn't seem to understand much about his...suggestions to wake up. Most likely will nap with him if she catches his sleeping during a break.
*Her posture tenses slightly, before quickly relaxing*
"Bubbles'...alright. Honestly I'm more surprised by myself for not getting more freaked out. She unpredictable, and smarter than she lets on."
*She shrugs*
"Needs to calm the homocidal vibes though, I'd be more worried about Em when he's around her."
Notes: Slightly unsettled by Raven's (Nickname: "Bubbles") clinginess to her. She is curious on Raven's interest in her, but also slightly wary of what she could do.
Snipper of Scorpion’s Den
*Her smile grows into a wide Chesire-like grin*
"Ah, finally! Snip's unlike the other lot in the academy. Just met 'er and I already love 'er to bits. Not one to detect social cues though, and is a little too loud at times."
*she winks at the camera* "Trust me when I tell ya that if you were to leave us alone for even 2 seconds, and we'll paint the town red."
Notes: She'll never admit it, but Snipper reminds her a little like her old friends on the street, before she found a roof over her head. She misses them, the people who shaped her and that she'll never see again, making the times she and Snipper hang out sometimes slightly more melancholic.
Outside that though, she's more than willing to watch Snipper testing on something or just working on Sandy.
Fray De Forêt
*She bites her lip, giving a wistful smile*
"Liliac's alright, I don't hate her, she's just a little bit of a snob. Then again, I've never really talked to nobility before, so maybe I should save the judgement for later."
*She stops and smiles slightly at the ceiling*
"Though, she does have a certain respect for nature. I can understand that. The forests hide so many secrets and animals, what's not to love about it?"
Note: She's doesn't really have many feelings towards Fray( Nicknamed: "Liliac"), though she respects her power. She'll listen to her demands and maaaybe oblige them, but she'll be damned if she gives Fray full control over her.
-------------Video freezes, a static of the TV hums, before the screen cuts off into darkness------------
---------------------VIDEO ENDS---------------------
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hazel-writes · 4 years
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Summary: You begin your first official day of work and meet your new coworkers, who turn out to be full of surprises.
Word Count: 2,300
Notes: This chapter is a bit slow, but I'm excited to introduce you to some new characters! If you want to see Picrew face-claims for these characters, look here. Otherwise, imagine them to look however you want!
Warnings: brief mentions of violence
I'm trying hard to hide
Keep the sun out of my eyes
Close them tight
And now I'm waiting for the moon to rise
Belle and Sebastian ~ Waiting for the Moon
You walked through the door, nervously wringing your hands, despite your best efforts not to. Your eyes scanned the room, eventually landing on a large, grey reception desk. Sitting behind the desk was none other than Ms. Stoney, the uptight woman who had “welcomed” you onto the ship the day before.
You took a deep breath before walking over to her, waiting patiently for her to look up and address you — but she didn’t. You tried subtly clearing your throat, shifting your feet from side to side, and moving into her line of sight, but nothing seemed to grab her attention. Eventually you forced out a meek, “Hi, there!” to which she responded with an annoyed glance in your direction.
“Oh, it’s you again,” she grumbled with a mix of tiredness and disappointment.
“Uh, yeah, it is,” you smiled back, which you could tell bothered her. “I’m looking for the artist workspace? I know it’s somewhere within this department, but I wasn’t sure where exactly…”
“Artist?” she questioned, eyebrow raised.
“Yeah! Ya know, an individual who… does art?” Your attempt at an explanation was met by silence. “Umm… they’re usually covered in some sort of paint or clay, might dress a little funny, are often a little angsty, possibly tormented by some aspect of their past?” More silence. You give a strained smile; you really shouldn’t keep trying to talk over awkward silences. “Not ringing a bell, huh?”
Through clenched teeth she replied,“I believe the people you are looking for are through those doors on the left.”
She said the word people like it left a bad taste in her mouth. She obviously didn’t think too kindly of them.
“Great, thanks,” you replied, heading to the door she indicated.
You opened it, and to your surprise you saw no canvases, paint splatters, tin cans, or haphazard brushes littering the room. The walls and floors were a spotless white. A large, circular table was positioned in the center of the room, surrounded by sleek modern chairs and data pads on tripods. This didn’t look like your dad’s studio back home; a place where the remnants of unfinished projects were put on display for everyone to see and learn from. Here, you could already tell: making mistakes wasn’t an option. There was no room for error.
You returned your attention to what was in front of you, only to have three pairs of eyes meet yours.
The first pair belonged to a girl of medium height. She had long, slightly frazzled, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that contrasted her pale skin. She jumped when you walked in, her face immediately lighting up when she saw you. The second pair belonged to a taller girl. She had warm, chestnut eyes that complemented her dark, sepia skin. Her hair framed her face in a fan of tight curls. She seemed to examine you carefully, squinting slightly, before turning back to her work. The final pair belonged to a boy of medium height. He had shaggy light brown hair and a tanned, terracotta complexion. He looked at you with curious hazel eyes, smirking ever so slightly.
The three of them looked to be about your age, somewhere in their 20's.
The blonde-haired girl ran over to you, pulling you away from your observations. “You must be the new girl!” she exclaimed. “I’m Rilea, your new best friend.”
You were taken aback by her enthusiastic and cheerful attitude; it wasn’t something you encountered very often on the Finalizer. You laughed nervously. “Oh, uhh… cool?”
The boy with the disheveled hair spoke up from the back of the room. “Don’t mind her, she has a new best friend each week.” He smirked at Rilea and she threw a box of tissues at him playfully.
“While that may be true,” she continued, turning to face you, “I can tell that you are going to be my favorite best friend.”
“That’s literally what you say to every single new person you meet,” the boy piped up again.
“For star's sake, Takoda, why do you have to be such a mudcrutch?!” Rilea shouted at him, frustrated.
You continued to observe in silence, still adjusting to the rapid shift of atmosphere in this room compared to the rest of the Finalizer.
You moved to go sit, finding an open seat next to the quiet, curly-haired girl. You gave her a small smile when you sat down, and she returned the favor, scooting her chair over to give you more room. Rilea, and the boy whose name apparently was Takoda, continued to argue like a couple of four year olds.
“Are they always like this?” you asked the girl seated next to you.
“Yup, pretty much,” she replied. “That is, of course, in between the times when they aren’t getting any work done… and the times when they still aren’t getting any work done.”
You laughed. “Well, at least one person here seems to have a level-head.”
“Make that two,” she said, giving you a smile. “My name is Akilah. What’s yours?”
You told her your full name before giving her your nickname, Wren, as well.
“Wren…” she pondered. “Not as in Kylo Ren, right?”
“No, no, no, stars, no,” you emphasized. “It’s the name of a- ” You paused, reconsidering. “I actually don’t know where it comes from, my friends just started calling me by it one day...”
Akilah stared at you intently for a few moments before Takoda shouted over at the two of you.
“Hey, you two aren’t gossiping about us now, are ya?”
You sighed, “Nope, just getting to know Akilah here.”
Rilea poked her head out from behind Takoda, “She's my best friend too!”
You mentally face-palmed and turned to fully face the group.
“So, this is the artist workspace?” you questioned, skeptically.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, I wouldn’t go that far as to say we are artists,” said Takoda.
You were confused. “But I thought-”
“You thought wrong. Here, you just follow the rules and instructions laid out for you. We are given colors, words, and images, and it’s simply our job to assemble it all into a neat poster or flyer for distribution.”
“Oh…” you replied, disappointed.
“I’m not even an artist,” he continued. “They just stuck me here after I was medically discharged from the trooper program. For the most part, everyone in this sector just got placed here because there was nothing else they could do”
“So why did they bother hiring me then?” you questioned. “If I’m gonna be honest, I’m used to a little more creative freedom back home. They could’ve chosen anyone for this job.”
“I don’t know,” Takoda replied. “Maybe they want their propaganda to look good for a change.” He smirked.
“Where did you say you were from again, bestie?” Rilea asked.
“Oh, I didn’t,” you replied. “I’m from Lothal.”
Immediately, each member of the team looked at each other, worried.
“Lothal…” Rilea repeated. “That’s one of the Order's targeted planets right now. I have a feeling that pretty soon we'll be distributing posters there. Maybe Hux thinks you can help reason with the people there?”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Akilah added. “First Order propaganda would be a lot easier to accept coming from a fellow citizen.”
You pondered their words. What they were saying was probably true: you were simply a tool to be used by the First Order. They didn’t care about your talent or passion; they just needed your image.
“Well, I don't know how helpful I'd be on that front,” you sighed, pausing. “So what is the project you are working on now?”
“We’ll know soon enough,” said Takoda. “Our fourth member should be returning soon with our new assignment.”
“Fourth member?” you questioned.
At that moment, the door swung open with a dramatic bang, revealing a tall, lanky boy with jet black hair and evergreen eyes. He was pale with light freckles speckling his face and arms. His eyes narrowed when they met yours, scrutinizing your presence.
“Look, here he is, ‘fun-sized Kylo’ himself,” Takoda quipped.
Rilea leaned towards you. “He claims that he adopted the whole ‘tormented soul, dramatic hair’ look before Ren even thought of it,” she snickered.
You were confused, but luckily Akilah came to your rescue.
“This is Soren,” she explained. “Our fourth member… Well, fifth, now.”
“Oh!” you replied, stretching out your hand for him to shake. “It’s nice to meet you I’m -”
“Irrelevant,” he interrupted bluntly, briskly brushing past you to sit at the back of the room.
You stood there, hand still outstretched, looking to the others for guidance.
Takoda spoke first, turning to face Soren. “Hey, laser brain, why don’t ya try being a little nicer to our newest member.”
“This is our newest member?” he responded, disapprovingly. “She doesn’t look like the First Order’s finest.”
“That’s because I’m not,” you interjected, defensive. “I’m from Lothal originally. Today is technically my first day with the Order.”
At the mention of your home planet, Soren visibly tensed, his fingers curling into tight fists. The other three looked nervously at each other; they knew something you didn’t.
Akilah, again, interrupted the tense silence. “We should probably get to work… What’s the new assignment Sor?”
Hearing her voice, he seemed to relax a little, pulling out a few papers with various sketches and color swatches.
“They want us to design posters directed at the people of Dantooine. The First Order is currently working to establish a blockade on the planet. It is our job to convince the natives to submit, while also showing them that they have the ability to contribute their own assets to our cause.”
You frowned, unsure of a few posters' ability to do such a thing. You were familiar with Dantooine; its history was deeply rooted in rebel allegiance. You doubted that a few pieces of paper could somehow shift the ingrained attitudes of thousands of people. But then again, you were an artist. And as an artist, it was your job to put blind faith into your work, simply hoping that others could see what you saw in it.
“How successful has this First Order propaganda been in the past?” you asked, genuinely curious.
Takoda laughed. “Not very. Usually, it just makes the citizens more angry. But that kind of works in favor of the Order: as soon as the rebels and their sympathizers become violent, whatever happens to them at the hands of the Order is then justified, so to speak.”
“What would happen if we tried to mix things up a bit? Like attempting a different style, color scheme, or whatever it may be, to make the posters more effective?” you suggested.
Suddenly serious, Takoda spoke. “No. We don’t do anything without the Order’s permission. Never. That’s our number one rule. We can mess around and make jokes all we want in here, but whatever finished product leaves this room has to be exactly what was requested of us.”
Something in Takoda’s voice made it seem like there was history behind this rule — history that didn't conclude with a happy ending. Looking around the room, you knew you were right. Everyone, except for Soren, was avoiding your gaze, choosing to stare at their shoes or the floor. Soren continued to bore into you with a death-glare, but your instincts told you he was like this with everyone and not to take it too personally.
“Yeah, I get it,” you responded. Soren looked at you sceptically. “Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. I’m on my last warning with General Hux — another mistake will pretty much guarantee my head a new home in the trash compactor.”
“Speaking of Hux, we are to report to him tomorrow with drafts,” Soren finally spoke up.
“Tomorrow?!” Rilea exclaimed.
“Yup,” Soren replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Of course he would pull something like this, giving us less than 24 hours notice...” Rilea muttered, irritated.
“Stars, I swear that man is 90% petulant child, 7% attempted scariness, and 3% toupee,” you responded.
This earned a chuckle from the group. Even Soren managed a smirk.
“Yeah, well, sadly, that petulant child has a big red button sitting under his bony finger that can destroy entire planets in the blink of an eye,” said Akilah, quietly. “So, we should probably get to work.”
“She’s right,” you say, desperate to end any talk of Hux. “Let’s start.”
And with that, the five of you began work on what was your first official project on the Finalizer. Akilah showed you how to accurately read the diagrams that the Order had provided. Rilea and Takoda attempted to work for a few minutes before devolving into yet another tissue paper fight. Soren sat quietly in the corner, working on the new project, glancing up every now and then at you and Akilah.
Despite the hectic menagerie of personalities that surrounded you, you were glad that you weren't stuck working with cold, robotic First Order employees like Ms. Stoney. You desperately wanted to ask your new friends about their backstories and how they came to be “artists” on the Finalizer, but Takoda and Rilea were busy stuffing tissues in each other’s ears, and Akilah and Soren seemed like the ‘work in silence’ types. You decided to settle with your own thoughts for now; it wasn’t as if you were lacking them.
It occurred to you that tomorrow you would have to face Hux again, the memory of what he sneered at you in the hallway this morning still fresh in your mind: Strike two.
You didn’t know what strike three would involve, but you definitely didn’t want to find out.
Unfortunately, you didn't get that lucky.
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