#i chit chat with old ladies for a few hours while helping them decorate and cook.
fishtank32 · 1 year
Being the vaguely unemployed friend who still ~technically~ has a job is so funny. I'm always working when my friends least expect it, and I'm always doing the most hyper specific, weird things.
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isaiah-lee · 3 years
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'I am nearby! Where are you?' The woman's voice across the phone put his heart to be delighting, successfully inviting smile, drawing itself on his lips. Yet, it is not a secret that his life has remained dark and strict. Every day has always been all about Hiram and his obsession. But, of course, being the firstborn of Lee means carrying the responsibilities, and he tends to do whatever his father asked him to do.
However, there is a part of him that he shall reveal.
The love life.
Her name is Anastasia Young. Her existence is indeed a clear explanation of every life lesson that he never gets from his family or even every living substance around him. But, to his dull life, her presence seemed to be a relief in the atmosphere. Any woman has never stirred his heart but her.
He walked closer, "I am here."
She seemed to inhale a relief breath. "Oh, God. Thank you."
It took Anastasia the whole day to persuade Isaiah at this point━to give her company. To be involved in a crowd was never his forte.
"I promise, I promise, it won't take long. Two shops then dinner. All done."
“Okay.” He understood with a slight nod of his head.
Like most girls, Sabai just finds herself fond to shop, especially in her early years of working as a flight attendant. The system of laying over surely gives every crew time to at least spend the glamorous life. May be some people were born to love sport, some others were born to love music. Meanwhile Sabai, everyone, she was probably born to shop. One of the life goal that she would achieve when she aimed to be a stewardess. As the sector of the flight today is New York, Sabai won't waste any chance. After two hours of doing the post-flight, checking each of the seat in the cabin, heading straight to the hotel, Sabai is all ready to do her 'retail marathon'. The shopping mall in NYC is just like any other state or city. They have Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Armani, Chanel, DKNY, and many other world brands.
Chanel has always been Sabai's favorite ever since she had her eyes on such taste. Sabai strolls, but her eyes direct to the store she badly wants to go in. It turns out that Chanel has just put her SALE on the website.
Few people come in, Sabai is much more attracted!
The flight attendant who is now wearing no uniform but a denim skirt and sky blue silky blouse enters the building. It is decorated elegantly in black and white. All the products are all shown with the price tag can be known only if you are asking the keeper. Jet lag and lack of sleep often make Sabai becomes more delirious. But especially today, a black dress with signature suit from Chanel has completely stole the lady's attention.
ㅤㅤ"Oh." ㅤㅤ"Sooo pretty!!!"
Sabai claimed, falling in love at her own first sight.
Isaiah might seem old-fashioned, and everything within his life was all about serving the name of Lee to reach its peak. However, even since he was little, he was destined to be the key person of The Lee Entertainment. So, whether he wanted it or not, fashion sense is one of the soft skills he had to master within the industry. And Anastasia contributes to that point very well.
"See? I told you, I have a very good reason why your father let me out with you. He doesn't seems that tough like how you told me." A thin chuckles let out of his lips. Because, of course, in a blink of an eye, a powerful person like Hiram Lee must be seen as a good person. "You don't even take a look to magazines I sent to you. So, while I am doing my part, you do your part." A light pat is given to his chest. Her part means she does the shopping while he does the research.
They entered a famous store, Chanel. Once they went in, it doesn't take too long for them to get separated. He took a slow step while his eyes wandering to all the products the company served.
On the other side, Sabai walks closer to the mannequin and caresses the fabric on the dress. Her eyes itself scan closer into the details.
ㅤㅤ'Damn, beautiful.'
She claimed, while her mind is capturing herself wearing it. While she is into admiring the black dress in front of her eyes, a keeper comes to wake her up from the dreamy mind.
'A 70% discount, Ma'am.' 'Are you sure to skip it?' 'I don't think it's a good idea.'
A 70% discount? Sabai is screaming inside her head! They are almost giving them away, aren't they? Her eyes are sparkling, Sabai is more and more wanting it to be in her wardrobe.
'Perhaps, do you want to give it a try?'
Chanel's keepers are mostly this well-trained to persuade their buyers. Sabai is the living proof of how easy she is persuaded to nod her head for the offer.
Or is it just her, though?
ㅤㅤ"Yes, please?"
The keeper smiled in his victory. Right? He wins.
'Alright.' 'Please wait for a while.' 'I will take a new one for you to try.'
Sabai nodded and the keeper walked to do his part. In no time, he is back with the same black dress just like on the display. The eyes are sparkling the same like before, the spark of having the dress on the body is nearly there. Sabai can't wait!
'Here is for you, Ma'am,' he handed it. 'Shall we go straight to the fitting room or do you want to check for the other?'
No. She claims that she can't wait.
ㅤㅤ"I will give this one a shoot."
'Okay.' 'Please?', the keeper then escorted Sabai to a fitting room inside the store. She stepped in bringing the dress and now it is the time for her to see if she would buy it or not. What will be her choice?
Even though Anastasia and Isaiah were separated, he followed Anastasia's steps to enter the women's section. However, his woman must be somewhere at the store.
"Is there anything I can help, Sir?" A woman's voice reached to his auditory receptors.
"This one." His finger touched one of the bag collections. Before the keeper opened her mouth to explain further. Isaiah cut her off. "The classic black quilted calfskin... 'Packaged Meat' Handbag from Fall/Winter 2014 Collection."
"You're right, Sir. You seems familiar with these items. Your girlfriend must be lucky to have you." The man refused to answer. Instead, a thin smile stretched over his features. He knew every collection to this store's products. Hiram pushed him so hard to dig deeper about how every world's major fashion houses work. One part that he hates the most during his study. Without the help of Anastasia, he might never be able to master it all. However, Isaiah being skeptical of the compliment given because he knew that service quality is one of the most important value propositions for the store, so it has to be stand out among the competitors.
Just like how a woman who sits just a few steps in front of him. She got the service and a glass of wine plus unnecessary chit-chat. Then take a look at this keeper. She will compliment others with the same tone like she did to him. Knowing that fact, no matter how the girl tried, it doesn't feel special to him.
"Please have a seat while I take care of this for you." "Nevermind, I want to look around for a while." "Alright, Sir. I will be near if you need something else."
Isaiah took another stroll to look around the store. His eyes wandering to every product they served. The company's brand resonance reflected a strong brand loyalty. The classy and timeless design is all over the store.
Another lesson to learn.
With the black dress she got on her hand, Sabai entered a fitting room. A cubical with a curtain that the fabric might be more expensive than your gadget.
The smile couldn't leave her visage, she couldn't wait to try it on.
Once she stepped in, she claimed once again that she HAS TO own it. Actually, it was funny that 'I have to have it', 'I must have it', 'I need to have it' had come to mean the same for Sabai now. As she recalled her old days in university, they all meant different based on the needs she got.
Sabai started to take everything off her body, her blouse and her skirt obviously. But she left the bracelet, necklace, were on its place. Carefully she tried on the dress by unzipping the back first. Damn, its fabric itself was as smooth as a cotton candy. People could even tell the price by just watching it.
It's true that they said Chanel sells class.
Sabai could see her reflection on the standing mirror. It was almost looking perfect.
Almost until she realized she was unable to unzip the back because the fabric was stuck on his necklace. Or whatever you just named it, it was dangerous enough if she forced to pull the dress down. Might as well leaving scratch on that expensive dress.
ㅤㅤ"OMG," Sabai was shocked.
She could do nothing but needed a help. Shop assistant, yes, she needed him. Or her.
So Sabai with the hand tried to hold the back dress, she stepped out the fitting room. But why couldn't she find anyone around?
Only a man that strolled around, she guessed. This wouldn't be weird to ask for a help, right? Just a simple help.
ㅤㅤ"Excuse me," Sabai greeted. ㅤㅤ"Would you help me, please?"
Sabai didn't want to take any risk, not that she didn't own the money but it would much better to shop for more items than the damaged one?
She hoped that the man would gladly help her.
"Excuse me,"
"Would you help me, please?"
The woman voice diverts his attention from one of its product, the store. He was certain no one around at the moment. Later he turned his head to look around to make sure no one, not even the keeper, but him. So, was it aimed at him?
The woman behind the curtain was wearing a beautiful dress, a strike for wearing one. Not to mention, judging by her figures, her conditioned body, slender midsection and immaculate skin will be sizzling on-screen, the public will love it.
"What can I do for you?"
Meanwhile, in another place, Anastasia happily bought a pair of dress. The woman was so immersed in her shopping session that she didn't feel like leaving Isaiah anywhere else. After getting the shopping bag, she hastily looked for Isaiah with elated footsteps.
Panic. She needs the man. No, she needs his help. So when he aims himself, Sabai quickly nods her head.
ㅤㅤ"Yes." ㅤㅤ"Please?" ㅤㅤ"I have something stuck on my back."
At this moment, Sabai doesn't want to look like as someone who sets a scam only to get advantage. She turns around, shows him off her upper bare back and the zipper which stuck on her necklace.
Please. Please. She desperately needs help for this one.
Sabai doesn't even pay attention on how good looking the man is. She shall have been paying her eyes to, but his help comes first.
Will he mind helping her?
"I have something stuck on my back."
The man took a peek behind her shoulder, but Isaiah can see nothing clearly which part of her dress that is stuck. Later he decided to enter the fitting room, and the curtain closed after him.
He stood up behind her, parting the woman's hair to the side so he could further notice her stuck dress. The back zipper of her dress jammed onto the necklace she wears. Fortunately, she didn't force them to remove, or else the dress would rip off.
It doesn't take too long for him to help her unstuck the dress, but he pushed too hard until the dress opened to the point he reveals her bare back.
"Uh, I am.. sorry." He tried to zip her dress back, but someone pushes open the curtain and stops him from doing his way. It happens to be Anastasia who stood there.
THANK GOD! The help just comes right when she desperately needs it. She quickly stands up properly back to face the mirror and the guy followed after. In a fitting room like that, that would be weird to see a man and a woman inside at a time right?
Yet again, screw it!
They won't take long, it will be finished at a moment. He just needs to help fixing the zipper and they will finish it at a moment, not even a minute?
'Uh, I am sorry...'
Wait. The guy just unzips it lower so Sabai's bare back is exposed. That surprised the woman and she can't help but jaw-dropping. And that's even not stopping just like that. Sabai sees the mirror and her eyes are widen seeing that the curtain is opened by someone, by another woman that Sabai doesn't even expect this will happen.
The view of a woman shows her bare back to a man inside a fitting room, isn't it mindblowing to some? Really, Sabai lost her words. She doesn't even know that woman but she can feel the vibe. Some possible scenarios are popping up inside her mind.
ㅤㅤ'What if...' ㅤㅤ'What if...' ㅤㅤ'What......'
"This is not like how you see, Anna."
"What am I seeing?"
Anastasia left the fitting room, later he followed her but stopped for a moment to look at the woman he helped a while ago. "Everything settled, right?" Even though she had not given a response yet, he ran to catch his significant other right away, but then a keeper restrained his step.
"The bag is ready, Sir."
"Wait, I-"
It seemed that Anastasia listens to their conversation. The situation started to look even more suspicious to her. But she doesn't want to render hustle inside, then dragged Isaiah out of the store.
"I am helping her, the zipper was tucked to her necklace."
"But, you don't have to zip it open down to her back."
"I didn't do it on purpose."
"And the bag?"
"For you, of course."
For the first time in forever, this is their very first fight. Within a relationship, Isaiah faces so many drastic sentiments that he barely feels before. From falling in love to this point, he was confused about what to do and explain. But, he knew that Anastasia was misunderstood to read the situation. The tendency to leave her was so strong because eyes are everywhere. His father would be furious to the death if this problem reached him. But then he stayed.
He fights; for the love of his life, he fights.
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luisisthatchiu · 8 years
Day 2
 Woke up around 8:20 which is unusual since I usually wake up around noon or so, especially during school days, I freshened up because I had an occasion to attend, a fellowship, Angela, my classmate was the one who invited Me, Shammel and Stephen. I actually finished writing the first out of six days diary and it actually felt pretty therapeutic, to be honest, didn’t expect it would be that long. I was shy and at the same time excited to show it to Kate. So I sent it to her at the same time greeting her a good morning like I promised last night.
 Just as planned the three of us went to the venue which is ironically right beside “Maximus” which is a gay bar, anyway we went up the stairs and we were immediately greeted by of course Angela. The whole fellowship was what I would think just the usual stuff you would see, praise and worship, reading some verses and games with your group. So we ended around 12 pm then we walked to Business Inn to wait for Kitam to arrive and pick us up. Kitam picked us up together with my mom then we went home for lunch, while we were having lunch, Kate and I were chatting a bit about our day, what we were up to, stuff like that. There I was eating when Le’Ann sent me a snap featuring Kate and herself with this cute puffy cheek filter when I saw Kate with the filter on which made her even much much more cute, so cute that I chuckled and smiled so hard that I had trouble eating. Oh, how I wish I could just pinch those cute little cheeks of hers. 
 Afterward, Stephen and Shammel went home to prepare for the debut later that night. So I just decided to write a draft for this but after 30 mins or so my mom told me that she was headed to the salon to get her hair done and I told her that I wanted to drive her there. En route to the salon, we somehow got to the subject of how things are at school that I don’t really like the curriculum implemented by Dep-Ed but what really got me upset is that the school that I currently go to, follows everything to a T also knowing that schools with “good” academic reputations have their students so lax all the time nevertheless I can’t do anything about it (so yeah). My mom even agreed to what I said to some extent so right after I dropped her off I still had to cool my head off a bit thus I decided just like the good old days. I release my stress by hitting the road the feeling of driving at high speeds, the smell of heat coming from the tires and the engine, the smooth cruising on asphalt.
 I drove for an hour or even more, from Lacson St. to San Dionisio Subd. where Shammel lives, while I was driving Brice texted me if I could pick him up and if we could go to the debut together. So I drove to his house which is located somewhere in Bata (I don’t know the exact name of the area he lives in). I also took it as an opportunity to drive some more, cruising around 80-100 kph is such a good feeling, it’s dangerous, though. So, I picked him up then proceeded to Overaux where Shammel and Stephen were waiting, who were all dressed up and ready for the debut. Meanwhile, I was still wearing my hoodie and jeans as it is my daily casual attire (lol). When I got home I obviously tidied up and changed for the debut, By 6:30 PM, Shammel went on ahead as Allijah called him earlier asking him if he could swing by her house and help her get dressed (don’t ask me why). A few minutes after Shammel left, Me, Stephen and Brice took off for the venue of the party which was I assume Lois’ church also it was just a simple party prepared by her family and friends yet a touching one.
 We got there perhaps around 7:10 PM, as we entered the place though it was small, it was decorated simply at the same time it was pretty. The room filled with decor and painted with different shades of blue with white accents. Most of the guests were already there, some of our batchmates were already there; the ladies were the ones doing the debutante’s make up, while the men were finishing up the music selections for the 18 roses dance basically they were the production crew. Not long after that everyone arrived including Allijah and Shammel, then the party officially started as Lois walked towards the seat prepared for her with decor surrounding it. Lois also wore a cute blue dress (I’m thinking blue is her favorite color by this point). It was just a simple celebration but the best part for me was the 18 roses dance especially her last dance with Bryan, I owe a lot to Lois she’s one of my closest friends as well as my ABM buddy (lol).
 It was 9:15 PM when the party ended, Angela and Faith wanted to chill at someplace before they go home. So they asked us (Me, Bryan, Shammel and Allijah) to join them, we had nothing to do but go home so sure why not? I said. We went to “Marketplace” but we were just there for 30 minutes or so because they had do go home early and they don’t drink (alcohol). We just looked for a place where we could chat a bit and sit down have soda or whatever’s on the menu. After they were picked up by their parents, we stayed there until 11 PM yet we still didn’t drink since I wasn’t feeling up to it that moment. I dropped Allijah at her house, since only Brice and Shammel were sleeping over because we had something to discuss.
 As soon as I arrived I had coffee prepared for the three of us, then we went outside and had a wholehearted talk together, I asked Brice something I have been curious about him for a while now but I won’t write it down here as it’s a secret. Now I talked about what made me upset earlier, which was about education as I previously mentioned to gather the opinions of my fellow senior high students. And both of them also agreed and shared what they think about the current situation, I also talked about my social anxiety on how it’s better that I’m glad that meeting them both helped me in a current predicament that I’m in right now. I also shared that even though my social anxiety is getting better each day it’s still there and I’m afraid that soon maybe I’ll experience a setback of some sort. Shammel also shared what he’s going through right now as well as what a certain someone said behind my back that wounded my heart as soon as he said that I became quite emotional it honestly felt I went from 0-100. Before we went upstairs I shared something that occurred Thursday (February 23) on how I was amazed by that and I was heartened over what happened that day. During our talk, I texted Kate that I would be video calling her right after.
 So, as soon as I went upstairs without changing my clothes or even my contact lenses, I immediately called Kate and to my surprise, I realized I wasn’t only talking to her but also her cousins. My timidness got the better of me during that time yet I found her cousins to be fun and that’s an understatement. We talked for a bit as well as to her cousins and Lele of course, even though it wasn’t as intimate than our call last night, the sight of her and hearing her sweet voice especially when she’s speaking in Tagalog which I find extremely adorable is more than enough for me. Also, I got to know her cousins a bit even if it wasn’t in person. I talked to her about what got me emotional earlier and a few chit-chat here and there. We didn’t talk any longer than that though as of course, she isn’t in manila to be with her family over there most of the time, they kindly requested if I could give them a little space to enjoy their short time together. I obviously understood what they wanted and even though I yearned to be with her just a bit more, I was already contented with our short fun video call together.
 Afterward, I just spent the rest of the night fooling around with my friends and thinking of how much I miss her yet I’m happy to see her earlier that she was truly enjoying her time there and to be with her cousins.
 “It was a good day”
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