#i check back and 5 other shrimp are eating and i dont see her
antinomian · 2 years
so convenient that the shrimp i am most concerned about and want to check on most often is the least visible color
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thoughtslikeocean · 3 years
New Orleans
June 23
-This was Rhyann’s last day with me. His flight left Phoenix at 1 PM. We spent the morning together and then I brought him to the airport. I came back home, packed, cleaned up a bit and then head out to catch my flight. Traveling was long. My flight was delayed and also I had a lay over in Las Vegas. Which feel very senseless when you’re traveling to New Orleans. Anyway, I arrive in New Orleans around midnight. Britt picks me up from the airport. Traveling is smooth because I decided I didn’t need to check a bag. I packed two and a half outfits and went on about my way.
June 24
-Britt woke up this morning to go to brunch with her friends. She invited me but I was way to exhausted to go so she let me sleep in for a little while longer. Our plan was to hangout and then meet Jarvis later which is pretty much what happened. Brittany had to bring her friend’s dog to the boarding place which was an entire event honestly. Anyway , we picked up some crawfish and po boys and then head to Jarvis new apartment. It’s super cute and in a great location. He’s spending hella money for it but its a cute little bachelor pad though. It’s nice for the season he’s in. Later on Jarvis’s friend Chad comes to join us. I’ve heard about Chad numerous and times and has talked to him over the phone but this is my first time meeting him. This dude is 45 and looks 25. Legit get like Pharell. It was astonishing to see. We all drank wine and chat for a bit before deciding to head to the roof top. There is when I noticed there was a full moon. I immediately sat down and started to pray and manifest that I have a weekend filled with divine meetings and appointments. I didn’t necessarily have a frame work of what thats supposed to look like but I knew I wanted everything to be intentional this weekend. After that, we all attempted to find a spot to eat but that fell through so Britt Jarvis and I ended up picking up insomnia and then Britt and I headed back to her place.
June 25
-For this morning the plan was to meet Jarvis, Chad and Shay for brunch. We got a bit of a late start but we ended up making it happen. We ate a spot in the French quarter called Stanley’s. Their food was pretty good and it was a cute atmosphere. Shay and the kids dipped once they were done eating and Britt needed to make it back home os she could hang out with her friends later. Me, Chad and Jarvis were left so we went somewhere else to grab a drink This is when Chad and I start hitting it off and I realize this is someone who is going to be very helpful in making sure than I am successful if I decide to set up a practice in New Orleans. It literally felt like a divine appointment. It was solicited when he asked me if I knew Dr. Turshá! I was like uhhhh yeaaaaa duhhhh!!! Apparently they went to high school together! All in all, it was an unspoken agreement that we were meant to meet at exactly this moment in time for a reason. Chad had to leave for work so I asked Jarvis to bring me by my grandparents house so I can spend a little time with them. Jarvis had a therapy appointment so I he did that while I was on Belfast and came back when it was over. Grandpa really just wanted to talk about Lazarus and all the BS but I wasn’t about to do that. I had a little liquor courage of course and I was able to just speak candidly on how I felt about the situation. I wasn’t disrespectful at all but I was really tired of him stressing over this Lazarus situation when this boy is gone be just fine. He just wants other people to stress out with him. Anyway so we leave there and head over to this place called “The Wrong Iron” to meet Greg and his friends. We get there and its such a cute backyard ducked off spot. Nice drinks and cool people. I met Kevin, Gabriel and Justin. All seemingly good people. I order a drink called Strawberry Frozé not realizing that it’s made with Rosé. I Got halfway though the glass and my stomach was hurting so bad. So we all made the move to get wings from a place that I cant figure out the name. But the wings were really good. While we were in there waiting for our food, I caught a timely video of Greg falling through a door but picking himself back up mid air. It was classic. Literally just happened to be recording at exactly the right time. We left there and Jarvis drops me off at Greg’s place. Me, Greg and Justin chill for a minute, take shots, listen to music, smoke a bit before heading back out. Arial worked today but said she would come to NO so we can hang out. So by this time she’s here and I figured I would run into her at some point. Of course once we parked and walked not even two blocks, we happen to be right around the corner from where she was already sitting down having drinks. She came with her girlfriend Payton and friend John (JT). We ate another cute outdoor place called The Yard. Took a few shots, danced and ate fried pickles. We then walk over to a place called Dragon’s Den. It was cool but it was still early in the night os still a bit slow. We left after about 10 minutes and drive to this place that we saw on the way there. It was also outside but a little more (lot more) hood. It looked like it was jumping though. So we get out and somehow just walk in without standing in the line. This tends to happen very often when I’m out with Arial lol So we waltz on in. Music is BLASTING. They playing good stuff though. We head to the bar to grab shots. Arial decides she’s gonna find some weed. Greg goes “no way you’ll be able to do that in here”. Of course she comes back within 10 minutes with weed lol Again, not surprised…it’s Arial. They smoke a bit and I dance a lot. Having a great time! We leave there after maybe an hour and decide to drive back to Dragon’s Den. A parking spot opened up for us in the strangest way. Which you know tryna park in the streets of New Orleans can be real difficult. But we didnt have any problems tonight. Everything worked out just fine. Side Note: We were freestyling in the car which is something I only ever do when im at camp with kids. I forgot how much joy
that brings hahah
So anyway we make out way back into Dragon’s Den, which is popping at this point. Good music, got some drinks in our system. Its all well. I even see Terri and a couple other people form XU in there. Arial and Payton end up dipping out at some point during that time. Eventually Greg, JT, Justin and I dip as well. We bring JT to his car and then the three off us decide we’re hungry again! We hit a place that has good fish, shrimp and grits. We were the only ones in there. It was freakin delicious. Two funny moments happened in there. 1. We were so thirsty so we asked if we could all get water. We’d been drinking all night so thats definitely what we needed. I guess the man was trying to be nice ad gave us all free sprites. You want to be grateful but at the same time we def dont need sprites. We laughed about that for like 30 minutes. Cause of course we never went back and asked for the water. 2. Three young white boys walk in. By young, I mean no more then 14 years old trying so hard to act cool. Young dude walk up to our table to tell her, unprovoked, that hes been smoking since he was 12 and some other BS that none us cared about. All three of those kids were weird. Also it was like 4 AM so who’s idea it was to take mom’s car and head out in the middle of the night I have no clue.
At any rate, we leave there and head home. It was 5 am by the time I showered and laid down. WHAT A NIGHT!
June 26
-At some point throughout the night we’d decided to do brunch this morning. I knew Justin wasn’t going to be able to make it because he said he had a funeral to attend. We woke up, sat on the porch and smoked a bit before getting dressed. It was a beautiful morning. We got dressed to a little praise through the speakers and decided on Ruby Slipper. Arial made it there first and called to let us know that the wait was 3 hours so of course thats a no. She then tells us to head to a place called Bear Cat. We didnt realize that there were two different Bear Cats so we ended up at two opposite ones. We decided that it wasn’t going to work. We missed the window of opportunity. So Greg and I put our names on the waiting list for the Bear cat we’re at and there’s a 90 minute wait. While we’re waiting we decide to kill time at this near by restaurant and get some drinks. Once we sit down there and look at the menu, we decided to order food. I ordered shrimp and grits and he chicken and waffles. Before we got our food, out waiter comes to tell us that its restaurant week and that our food is going to be 20 dollars. LIKE WHATTTTT?!?!? We ate, drank, vibes to the music and then stopped by my grandfather afterwards to say hello. Then we back to the house to chill for a minute. Jarvis came back cause I left my card with him and Justin cam back as well. We started nerding out on space/history/physics before heading out to get snowballs and zoom to the airport. I got a cotton candle snowball from plum st. Made it to the airport 30 minutes before the plan was to take off and still got a great seat. I sat next to two women who were on their way to Vegas for a girls trip. One of them had never flown before. She actually did pretty well. A few jumps and yelps but for the most part she did okay. The last sitting right next to me was very nice and passed on some words of wisdom on staying prayerful and focused. Alex picked me up from the airport and I came home only to be craving crab legs. I picked those up, came home and talk to bae while I ate them. He went to bed and I went soon after him.
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Do you ever feel like... Things are so great but theres this one part of your life you wish you could change so that you could be more confident in yourself? Fair warning: If you're my sister this might hurt you. So read at your own risk. I do. Its like this small splinter that I just can't block out anymore. When I was younger, I had none of my mother's attention. I was basically an outcast in my own family. There was even a time where my own sister called me a "mistake" which my mother quickly rejected the thought. Getting upset at my sister who said it. But Deep inside I was hurt, because I even thought of that. But I couldn't tell my mom that at the time. I was so quiet, I never asked for money to go to sports events. Even though I wanted to. I always did most of the chores, and sometimes ended up staying home alone. Because my sister... Well she had depression and she was trying to recover. Me on the other hand, I was the completely stable kid. Only slight behavioral issues. Some lying and some defiance, but in the end I was still a good kid. I usually confided in my mom's fiancee, who I considered my dad. I trusted him and he made good out of that trust. Teaching me about life and such. I felt like I belonged, but it was still hurting. I wanted my mom back in my life, but it was always about my big sister... I get my sister has issues, but now I'm scared to even do anything. On my sister's graduation, I decided to tell my sister what sort of dress I wanted to wear. It was the cutest thing, and I loved it. I felt excited! I was going to be feminine for once! nope. My sister convinces me to be matching with her, and we get one pieces. Along with sunflower bracelets. I'm standing there accepting it, looking in the mirror. I looked good, but I was hurt. My heart was hurting because I voiced it. I said what I wanted to wear, but I couldn't push back to say. HEY! I wanna do this! Now I'm just a confused gal trying to making past the next marker and survive. Yeah, I don't have depression. But I have anxiety in a different form. I don't have panic attacks, I just randomly start biting my nails or I start to pick my face. If theres a pimple, I pop it. I try to stop myself, and recently I've been able to avoid overall my face. My nails however... Theres been alot of people telling me to get a nail polish for it, but thats not the solution I want. I want to feel like I dont need to bite my nails, I want to feel comfortable. But I'm still nervous. My sister's left the house, but there are times where I'm scared that my mother. Who I have an amazing relationship with now, will leave me again. Then run off and push her own body to satisfy my sister's wants. Again, I said "Wants". Everything's been about what my sister wants. She doesn't want to do anything. I have to do everything. Chores are too much for her, I have to do them all. There was even a point in time where I was in my room, peacefully resting. Suddenly my dad bursts into the door, telling me the floors flooded with water. I yell back that my sister had done the dishes today(for once). She had forgotten to turn the water off afterwards. After that incident, I usually did the dishes. I had to make sure I get them done in the mornings before I went to school too. And to do that I woke up at 5-6 am. Got ready, all dressed and packed up. Then I went onto the bus at 7-7:30. I was a tired kid, but I managed to get pretty good grades in all my classes. But for some reason, my sister didn't get very good grades. Which confused me, what was she spending all her time on? Oh. Friends. That's what. So I was mostly on my own since I never felt like I belonged in a certain group. So I just... Walked away, Idk why im saying all this in a tumblr post. Maybe its because I secretly want my sister to see how bad I was hurt. How badly I was affected... I have a part of me that blames her for alot of things. Small little splinters that slowly sunk in. My discomfort for the color yellowish-green. (it was a nice shirt too... Ended up giving it
to her.) My concern over money. (She'd always end up going everywhere and I got concerned if my mom could afford it, so I just didn't go.) My fear of being hurt by people. (She'd say things like this person has a bad aura, when in reality this person just looked suspicious.) The fact that I don't have much hobbies since me and her had similar interests. (I always felt like I was her shadow, and when I started to get into things, she just went like "Oh... ok bye!") The sheer lack of attention I got. She was always hogging my mom's attention. Leaving me all alone and I barely knew anything about my mom. At one point my dad told me to go get a gift for my mom. I didn't know what to get. I was crying so hard because this wasn't my fault. After that, my dad apologized to me. Same with my mom, they both apologized. Then alot of crazy stuff happened including her moving out. (the moving out part I want to keep seperate.) I learned about my mom, about everything she likes. She saw how little she knew about me as well, and pretty soon she felt guilt as well. How could she tell me to get her something, when she knew nothing about me. For my 12th birthday I asked for rollerskates. We went to ripleys aquarium, and I was throughly enjoying myself. We saw the shrimp and the jellyfish. All the creatures in the sea was so fun to see... But then.... On my birthday- My sister suddenly says that she's anxious. (too many people around for her). Of course, I'm considerate but sometimes I wish I just put my foot down and said **"No! I wanna stay longer!"** But of course, I was the good kid. So hey! Yeah, I felt all this. So a part of me hates you, but I still care about you. You're my sister, but did you ever really... Love me? Thats my question for you. Instead of crying, I want you to really think. Whenever you gave me something, was it really something that made me happy? Or was it something that made only you happy? Because the more I think of the past, the more I remember the times when I fake smiled. Following in your footsteps because you were always talking about your own issues when in reality you should've only spoken to a therapist like I did. When shit got rough in school, I saw a therapist. I talked about my issues, there were even times when I just asked if I could have a nap or eat some lunch. It was the best place to just unwind. -AH! another thing that confused the fuck outta me. A really fricking nice teacher spent lots of money on you, gave you a place to hang out at during lunchtime. Was supportive even outside of school. Then suddenly you say "No I didn't like them.." **WHAT? THEY HELPED SO MUCH AND YOU SAY THAT?? IM SO CONFUSED?** I loved that teacher btw, they were very supportive and always set up academic bowl and were really supportive. There was this one time I got sick on a trip, then when I finally got home. I got much better. But that teacher kept checking on me, and making sure I had some food into me as I shivered from my illness. That teacher was the best, and they were always really huggy and comfortable. They are a taurus so it makes sense they had this motherly feel around them. Anyways- thats my piece for today. I just really needed to let this out.
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itdisneymatter · 7 years
Day 02 - Epcot
TLDR: Epcot. A slightly later start today though a pretty full and non stop day once we began. Spaceship Earth up first, squeezed into the Ellen's Energy Adventure, then Test Track with a touch of competitive spirit. Living with the Land, Circle of Life and then Soarin’ in quick succession. Finished off with the new ride - Frozen Ever After and decided to skip out on World Showcase in favour of heading straight to Miller's Alehouse for my first proper meal of the trip. Walmart, then home, early (earlier).
The future is what you make it!
Sooo Robert had been unimpressed by the shops we had visited to far, mainly because they didn’t stock Pokemon cards. With the thunderstorms last night, we promised we visit Walmart first thing, which we did prior to picking up my Mum & Dad for Epcot. That meant skipping breakfast. Again. Picked up a wee rucksack so we could carry around all our rain jackets and little extras. Robert got his Pokemon cards and Gracie managed to find yet another collectable in the form of Hatchimal miniatures. Patrick and I had been speaking prior to the holiday about another card collection called Magic: The Gathering, but neither me nor him knew much about them. He picked up a starter pack to have a look. As someone who like his RPG and Fantasy things, I was a little intrigued. I dont think it will take Patrick long to become an expert.
Swung back around to pick up my Mum and Dad who were waiting for us at their Hotel with coffee in hand - result! The other party (which I'll cover in just a sec), were heading to Mass first and planned to catch us up at Epcot when they were done. So let me backtrack a little and explain who is actually all here as I havent yet done so and were already two days in - thats just impolite, so sorry.
Fifeteen of us in total. First off we have our wee family of five, Me, Ann, Patrick, Robert & Grace - Ive went on at length about all of us at some point in the past - yeah, you know who we are. Then its my mum and dad, Sadie & Wullie, Orlando veterans and all round great parents. My brother Michael is up next, with Sarah Jane, Corrie, Alessio and their wee baby who recently had her first birthday - Isabella. And finally we have my sister Pauline with Kevin & Emily. Both Emily and Isabella are first timers to Orlando and all things Disney, so makes it an extra special visit. Ourselves and my parents share the first car, My brother, sister and their families share the second. I'll refer to the latter as 'the other party' at times but this is entirely for brevity. Now, back to the story...
We ended up getting to Epcot around 10:30 which was right in time for our first Fast Pass - Spaceship Earth. A big slow moving train through the anals of Civilization, located in the big multi-faceted ball that Epcot is renowned for. Y'know its a fairly simple ride and I've done this it a fair few times now, but this like many others, never ceases to amaze me. If you've ever seen Inside Out, I imagine this whole place to be a core memory and have its own wee island somewhere in the depths of my brain, churning out little orbs of Joy. If you haven't seen Inside Out, then all of what I've just said will sound really really weird, but trust me - go watch it. Good start to the day!
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Hey You Guys! 
Next we checked out Test Track but it was down for some unknown reason, so grabbed some coffee and pastries will we waited for the other party (that being, oh wait right we did that already, didn't we?). By the wonders of Whatsapp and Feel at Home from Three (shameless plug), Kev let us know that they'd arrived and we arranged to met them back at the entrance. We'd coordinated our t-shirts today, those being our new Celtic Champions 6-in-a-row tee :) which made it real easy to spot them. On the subject of attire, zipped pockets - how amazing are they? I know I sound like I'm getting old, but they're definitely the way to go if you're on holiday!
Ann really hurt her eye over the course of the morning and it was progressively getting worse as time went on. I suggested that she patch over her eye to give it a rest, however this led me to call her One Eyed Willie, which didnt go down to well, so stopped in fear of my life (or having to walk the plank - right, sorry Ann, that was the last one, promise ;) x )
Next we headed to Ellen's Energy Adventure, a big moving cinema all about th wonders of energy hosted by the hilarious Ellen DeGeneres & Bill Nye, the science guy. Funny as well as factual too, couldnt go wrong.
Now came Test track, a ride where family loyalty went out the window as we went head to head to design the most efficient car. Super fast, fun ride and good to see the competitive spirit from everyone - even Gracie was doing a little trash talking (well she was in my team, otherwise I wouldn't have encouraged it ; ). In the end, we failed to hit top spot, but our car was easily the best looking one out the lot (all designed by my lovely co-pilot Gracie).
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Scores on the doors were as follows:
Ann, Kevin & Pauline - 208 Michael, SJ & Emily- 205 Me, Dad & Grace - 204 Patrick, Robert & Corrie - 156 (who intially claimed 226 - what a bunch 'a chancers!)
All  in all great fun and everyone loved it (especially Gracie who wanted go back on it straight away).
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Living With The Land Fast Pass (on the other side of the park) up next, which we made it with 5 minutes to spare. Nice boat ride about farming and such (seriously) with Patrick even enquiring about the Behind The Scenes tour (or Behind The Seeds as they called it) - he just loves learning new things! He also managed to spot 2 hidden Mickeys on the ride (thats disguised Mickey symbols all over the Disney parks) -  so well done PG!
Quick stop at The Circle Of life, a wee environmental film featuring The Lion King's Simba, Timon & Pumba, which began with the song of the same name. That song gives me goosebumps every single time! *shudder*
After that was Soarin', which we had passes for, but everyone wanted to ride so meant we had to split up into two groups, one to watch Isabella while the other went on the ride. While we were waiting to ride (with views of an cool looking India Jones-esque style journey being mapped out on the screen before us), Robert asked the attendant out of the blue if we could get in the first row - good ole Ro! :)
This ride was Epic - its the only word to describe it. Flying through the air, over different landmarks of the world aking in hugs vistas, they even had different smells. Everyone loved it and even my Dad rearked it was the best ride yet as we walked off the ride.
Do you wanna build a snowman?
During the wait and switch-over of groups we came to the decision that the five of us and my mum and dad would head home after the last ride and try getting a proper bite to eat when it was a little quieter, whilst, Pauline, Michael & Co would remain in the park and finish off the remaining rides.
So onward it was to Frozen Ever After, Epcot's newest ride based on the extremely popular Disney movie and set in Norway (well Epcot's mini representation of Norway on their World Showcase). On our way, we bumped into Pluto (the dog, not the planet-oid-y thing), so used the opportunity to grab our first character autograph! Kids were really excited! There was a Disney Photo-pass photographer there too so managed to get some nice groups shots (except for ours, so had to use one of my own photos here as a backup).
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The ride was a great little boat trip through the Kingdom of Arendelle with Anna and Elsa (who is my favourite princess without red hair, ok ok, she isnt really a princess, yeah I know, but still). Even the Snow-gies made an appearance! And with the ride came another ride photo from the Memory Maker - excellent! :D The kids loved it and Emily was skipping out of the ride singing Let It Go at the top of her voice! :)
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So we said our goodbyes and left the other party then, who planned to continue their travels around the World Showcase and possibly grab Spaceship Earth, which they missed, on the way out. The World Showcase is an awesome thing, but I think the allure of a hearty meal after a long day was far too tempting for us.
We headed straight to Miller's Alehouse from the park in an attempt to avoid the queues and wait times... which we did! However once we were seated and after a quick scan of the menu - the Snow Crab that Gracie had set her heart on to share with me was no longer on the menu - she was more gutted than me! :( In its place I opted for a nice wee Flat Iron Steak & Coconut Shrimp combo, which was awesome. Grace and Ann chose to share the 35 Shrimp menu item (which was 35 shrimps funnily enough) and Grace inhaled about 18 of them. Man, that girl loves her seafood! The Nacho starter that Ann thought she might need however was an absolute mountain and in the end, defeated all of us (its really big enough for two peeps to share as a main meal if Im being honest). The food and menu options in the place are second to none so were definitely planning a return visit in the next few days with our entire group!
A second trip to Walmart rounded off the day in order that we could take a slightly more relaxed look at what they had to offer. The last time I was here I picked up some amazing Cinnamon Pecan coffee, but alas they appeared to no longer stock it or any equivalent. The boys picked up more trading cards, Grace picked up more Hatchimals and we got a variety of non-essential items including a Star Wars decal for the car, a Pecan pie (obviously I have a thing for Pecans) and some Harley Quinn Comics (and I have a thing for her too ; ). Had a look at the laptops too, which were ridiculously cheap, so toying with the idea of picking one up, but Ill need to do some in-depth investigations first.
Rest day on the cards for tomorrow with shopping planned in the am, so should a relatively quiet one. I'm kinda looking forward to it in all honesty, following the two successful but extremely packed days we've all had.
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Type: One Shot | Imagine About Brad Rating: PG Word Count: 2,646 Enjoy! The way he looked at her was the way I wanted someone to look at me. Sitting back against the cold bench as I watched the couple from a distant. I took out my notebook and started to write things down. I could never imagine love that was so intense. I looked up at the clouds, the sky so blue but so cold. The wind started to pick up, pulling my jacket together to keep warm. I looked around as I took in the beautiful scenery. My eyes wandered over to another couple with their baby. I smiled to myself as I watched him pick the child up. The smiles on their faces, that love once again. I pulled out my laptop from my bag as I turned my attention to it. I pulled up my writing app as I started to feel inspired. Once the sun started to sit, I packed my things up and headed away from the park. I held my bag close to me as I walked down the street. Making my way to my favorite cafe, the warmth rushed around me as I walked in. I looked up at the menus as I stood in line, trying to figure out what I wanted. By the time I got to the counter they knew what I wanted. Guess that's what always happens when I come in here. I paid in cash and decided to sit down as I waited for my drink. Soon my drink was ready, I made my way to the counter picking it up. I took a sip as I started to walk out of the cafe, I looked down at the cup. "Beautiful" was written where my name should of been. I looked back at the cashier, our eyes meet and it was like it was just us in the room. I crashed into the door as I drank spilled all over me, guess that's what happens when I don't pay attention. "Are you ok?" he asked as he walked towards me. "Yeah​, maybe my ego is bruised" I said. "Let's clean you up, " he grabbed my arm. I followed him into the back room. I took my jacket off as he grabbed some tissues. I tried to clean myself up as much as possible, but coffee does stain. My favorite jacket was stained with coffee as well as my jeans. I sighed as I looked at my jacket. I knew it would be impossible to get those stains out, I would be in a need of a new jacket. I looked up at him as he was trying to help. Our eyes meet once again and everything seemed to erase. I never experienced this feeling before. It was like we knew each other, but just meet, it was crazy, but it had me wondering. "Sorry I never caught your name" I spoke softly. "I'm Brad" He smiled. "Well, you know my name, of course, why did you replace it with beautiful?" I asked. "Because you are beautiful, I see you come in here all the time" he looked at me. "Why have you never said anything before?" I questioned. "Guess I was too shy until today, " he said. "Thank you, " I nodded. "No problem, beautiful, " he smiled. "You can stop now" I started to blush. "Can I ask you out on a date?" he asked. "Maybe, " I bite my lip as I looked at him. "Will you have dinner with me?" he asked. "Yeah​ I would like that, " I said. We exchanged numbers before I left the cafe. I walked back to my apartment with a smile on my face. I never noticed him before at the cafe. It seemed like now I couldn't get him off my mind, but I didn't want to write about him. I didn't like writing about my life, but maybe he could make an appearance in my writing. I slipped my shoes off at the front door. Closing it behind me before making my way upstairs, I sat on my bed. I leaned back against the pillows as my mind was rushing. Being a writer already, I couldn't shut it off, but now all my thoughts were about him. I turned off the nightstand light as I laid back in the bed. Closing my eyes as I started to drift off, before I knew it the sun was rising again. I had Serval messages on my phone when I looked at it. I answered the most important ones before getting to my personal messages. Of course I had messages from Brad wishing me a good morning. I rolled my eyes as I laughed slightly, just sitting in bed as I started to text him. I finally pulled myself away from my phone and my bed. Making my way downstairs as I started my coffee marker, sitting down at the kitchen table. I looked out of the window as I saw the sun starting to come up. As soon as the coffee marker went off I finished making my cup of coffee. Sitting back down at the table as I held the cup in my hand. I took a small sip as I looked back outside. "So beautiful, and peaceful" I said to myself. I turned my attention to my phone as it lit up with another message. I smiled to myself when I realized who it was. It was Brad asking me out to dinner tonight. Of course I replied quickly with the answer. Guess I was going out to dinner with Brad tonight. I soon realized I did have a deadline for an article that I haven't even started yet. I sighed as I opened my laptop, it was something that I was dreading. I started to write and as always I lost track of time. I sat back in the chair as I finally finished the article. I looked down at my phone and realize I only had 10 minutes to meet Brad for dinner. I rushed upstairs turning the shower on as I ran to the closet. Picking out a simple but cute outfit before getting into the shower. I finally finished getting ready but soon realized that I would be late. I had only 5 minutes to get to the restaurant and it was over 15 minutes away. I sent him a quick text as I made my way out of my apartment. I started to head downtown, it seemed like every stop light stopped me. I finally made it to the restaurant and saw Brad waiting out front. I parked my car and started to walk towards him. I saw a smile grow on his face as he saw me. "Sorry Im late" I said. "You are right on time, they just called my name" he said. "Oh" I nodded as he opened the door for me. We finally made our way to the table as we sat down. I took my jacket off as I grabbed the menu. I never had been here before so I didn't know what to order. "What's good here?" I asked. "I always get the shrimp dish" he answered. "I think ill get the chicken" I looked over at him. "That's goo too" he smiled. We ordered our food and our drinks as well. Once the waitress was gone we started to talk. More like asking each other questions back and forth. Getting to know each other was easy, it was like we had always know each other. The conversation died as the food came to the table, that was the only time things were quiet. We finally finished eating and waited for the check. "You want anything else?" he asked. "No, I can't eat anymore" I looked at him. "Alright, just want to make sure" he grabbed the check. He got up and paid for everything before we both left. He opened the door once again as I walked through it. He walked me back to my car. I leaned back against my car as I looked at him, somehow I didn't want this night to end. "I really enjoyed tonight" I said. "I have to, " he smiled. "So when is our next date?" I asked. "When do you want to see me again?" he asked. "Well to be honest, I don't want tonight to end" I looked up at him. "It doesn't have to" He moved closer to me. "Whoa, I don't do that on the first date" I said. "I didn't mean it like that, we could go back to my place and watch movies" he said. "Movies?" I asked. "Just normal movies, " he looked at me. "I guess I'll follow you, " I said. I got into my car as he walked to his. I followed him to his apartment and realized that he only lived across the street. I parked my car in my normal parking spot and just walked across the street. I waited for him to get out of the car. "Why you park over there?" he asked. "I live across the street" I nodded. "Oh destiny is true, " he said. "Destiny?" I looked at him. "Our paths were meant to cross, " he opened the door. "I guess so, " I said as I walked into his apartment. He walked in, closing the door behind him. I sat down on the couch as I didn't know where we would watch movies. He grabbed my hand helping me back up as he lead me to the den. He turned on the fireplace as he watched me sit onto the couch. I got to choose the movie, he put it on before sitting beside me. Once again, I took off my jacket as I sat back against the couch. I slipped off my shoes as I started to get more comfortable. He placed his arm around me, pulling me close to him. I leaned towards him as I rested my head against his shoulder. After the second movie I started to get tired. He put on another movie and came back cuddling close to me. I soon fell asleep against him. He placed a blanket over us as he kept me close to him. I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I sat up on the couch as I realized that I spent the night. I gabbed my phone, jacket and shoes as I walked out of the den. I saw him in the kitchen making breakfast. "Morning Beautiful" he said. "Did we?" I asked. "You weren't drunk so you decided that answer" he said. "Just movies?" I asked. "Yes, you fell asleep" he looked at me. "Alright, I should go" I said. "Im making breakfast" he said. "For you" I nodded. "For us" he responded. "You dont have too" I said. "I wanted to, so lets have breakfast together" he said. I nodded as I put my stuff down sitting at the kitchen table. He placed the food in front of me as he sat down as well. I left shortly after we finished breakfast and walked across the street. I made my way in closing the door behind me. I walked to the kitchen grabbing my laptop before making my way upstairs. I turned my laptop on placing it in the sink as I started the shower. I knew my review of my article would be posted today, but I was nervous to even look. I got into the shower, washing the night off as the water ran down my body. I closed my eyes as I tried to clear my mind. I turned off the shower, grabbing the towel wrapping it around me. I grabbed my laptop as I walked to the bedroom. I pulled my hair up into a bun, putting an over-sized shirt on white panties. I sat on the bed, pulling my laptop for me. I finally got enough courage to look at the review and I was surprised that it was good. Over the next few months Brad and I kept going on dates. We made it official after the 5th date, he asked me to be his girlfriend. With each date we grew closer to each other. He soon turned into my best friend that I was falling in love with. It was crazy that within a day I had someone looking at me the same as the guy in the park. With one simple word twisted our lives together. Time seemed to melt off the clock when I was with him. Before we knew it five years had gone by, our love for each other grew over those years. There were ups and down but the love always seemed to remain the same. I finally completed that book that I was working on. It was a best seller and it seemed like I was never home, that was one thing we fought about. The book tour was stopped in New York for the weekend, I was homesick and missing Brad. I was laying back on the couch on the bus just wishing the time would go by. One of my team members passed me a note. I flipped it open and all it said was "meet me at time square". "Who's is this from?" I asked. "We cant tell you" my manager said. "Is it safe?" I asked. "Of course it is" my manager nodded. I wasn't able to go to time square until after the book signing. The sun started to sit as I pulled my jacket closer to me. I was walking downtown to time square, I was kind of lost. I managed to find time square but didn't see anyone I knew. I stood in the middle of time square looking around as I started to feel like it was a joke. Right when I turned to leave thats when I saw Brad. "Brad" I walked towards him hugging him. "Hey" he smiled. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Wanted to see you" he said. "I missed you" I kept him close to me. "And Ive missed you" He said. "I would of been home next week" I whispered into his ear. "I know, but I wanted today to be special, " he said. "Why?" I questioned as I looked at him. "Today, 6 years ago we meet and changed our lives" he said. "Yeah​ for the better" I smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning towards me. Our lips meet as I placed my hand on his cheek. I just wanted this moment to last forever. It was just us and time square, how else could it get better. "I know we didn't get to go out to dinner, or a movie, but I want to ask you something" he looked at me. "And what would that be?" I asked. "You stole my heart from the moment I saw you, I always knew that we would make it and that our love would be strong, you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with" he said as he got down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" he asked as he pulled out a ring. I cover my mouth with my hands as I looked down at him. The tears building in my eyes as one slipped out onto my cheek. I couldn't seem to find the words to say so I nodded a quick yes. He smiled as he slipped the ring onto my finger getting up. He pulled me closer to him as I held onto him. I guess that was a way to end of the book tour, our lives would forever be tangled up. With just one simple word in the center of our world……. Beautiful.
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