#i changed the name again... it's called tk archives now...
we have another theme!! mayflower phoenix :3
made in garageband cause i have nothing else
music and art by me!
(this blog is not dead guys)
@dandorime @dopey-dragon :)
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
Februmwhump Day 4: Nightmares
Title: You sleep close to me, but dreaming so far away
Fandom: 9-1-1 Lone Star
Pairing: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand
Characters: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand, the 126 family, Owen Strand
Chapters: 4/?
This story was born for the Febuwhump, so enjoy it.
Summary: The blood running down his face and across his lips woke Carlos up. He coughed from the strong metallic taste running down his throat. He rolled over and then realized he was lying on a road, literally in the middle of nowhere.
It was night and with no city lights, he could see a million stars in the sky. He took a moment to think about everything that had happened in the last few hours. The mission; there were about seventy-five people deployed on all four sides of the city.
They were not going to let the fugitives escape and they had everything under control. So what had gone wrong? They had split them into groups, Carlos working with FBI Agent Terrence, along with eight other police officers from the city.
Carlos was in a coma, that was the only thing the doctors had been able to tell him, and as a paramedic TK understood much more about these things than most people.
"We have induced him into a temporary coma until we see that the skull fracture is healing properly. Right now, the pressure in his brain would be too high to allow him to wake up."
"So all I can do is wait."
"Let's wait a couple of days. The operation went well, now it's up to his body to do the rest of the work."
TK shuddered at the thought that Carlos' life was in the hands of time, that the slightest change could take him away forever without being able to look him in the eyes again.
He nodded. It wasn't the doctors' fault; they had done everything they could to save Carlos' life, but after talking to the police and the doctors and learning the terrible state in which his husband had arrived at the hospital, it almost seemed like a miracle to be told that he ‘just’ had to wait.
"You should go get some rest," Owen told him, though he already knew his son well enough to know that there would be no way to get him out of Carlos's room until he was sure he was going to be okay. "I'll stay with him and tomorrow morning his parents will be here."
"I can't leave him alone."
"Alone? With the time it took to get him to call me Owen instead of Captain Strand, I think we made a great friendship."
TK smiled, remembering the hilarious and ridiculous moments that had been created when Carlos wasn't able to call his father by name because it commanded too much respect.
How he longed to go back to that life, to those simple and easy moments when Carlos's life didn't hang by such an easily severed thread.
"You know what I mean, Dad."
"Of course I do, but listen to me. I know my son, and I know you are capable of exhausting yourself, and I don't want to see you in a bed next to your husband's because you haven't let anyone lend you a hand in the most difficult days of your life."
TK breathed out heavily. The truth was that he was worn out and could barely stand. As soon as he lay down somewhere and closed his eyes he would fall asleep. So yes, Owen knew him all too well.
"Okay, I'm going home, but I'll be back at seven."
"Might as well make it eight or nine, Carlos will still be in the same place." Owen regretted his words too late. "Shit, I'm sorry."
"I know, don't worry about it. I know," TK let out a sigh and looked over at the bed where Carlos slept. He looked calm like that, asleep, peaceful, as if nothing had happened. "Nothing will change in the next few hours, maybe days. I just hate to think about it and not be able to do anything but go home to sleep."
"The important thing is that he sleeps and recovers and that you do the same."
TK nodded.
"Remember to talk to him, please, Dad. You know what they say about people in comas, that they hear everything and hearing a familiar voice helps them recover sooner."
"Remember I talked to you when you were in a coma after you were shot?" TK shook his head. "No, right, because I talked to you about Zoe, about how I was going to introduce you to her when you woke up and I was telling you that Carlos had been there by your side for a whole night. It was pretty weird because that's how I found out there was something going on between you; you in a coma and him after a work shift, sitting there next to you, talking to you about how he'd just found out he felt about you and how he couldn't lose you."
"I wish I remembered that, I think I would have avoided being on the verge of breaking up with him a few days later."
"But you didn't and now you're married."
TK walked over to the bed and leaned over to kiss Carlos, as if they were in a movie and he was going to open his eyes as soon as their lips met. It didn't happen, of course; magic wasn't real and true love’s kisses didn't do their job.
"I'll see you tomorrow, babe. I love you."
He left the room with the regret of knowing that Carlos would miss him. He wouldn't be alone because his father was going to stay with him, but he also knew it wasn't the same.
Carlos was petrified before getting into the patrol car, his phone pressed to his ear, his face pale and his heart on the verge of stopping.
"TK's been shot," he heard Paul's voice say on the other end of the phone. "I think I'm the only one who knows you're together and has heard the news, but you deserved to know so you could come to the hospital."
"What do you mean TK was shot? Who? How? Why?" Carlos stammered, not quite sure what he was saying. "But...he's not a cop, who shoots a firefighter?"
Paul told him the story of the boy who had taken his grandparents' gun and tried to protect them from the would-be intruders. TK had been badly wounded, with a bullet near his heart and a multi-organ failure that had almost killed him before he got to the hospital. That was what had almost caused him to lose his stability and fall to the ground on his knees. TK was in a coma.
TK was in a coma.
They were barely more than friends with benefits, who never talked about a future or a relationship, and now Carlos had to face the possibility of losing the man he was beginning to love...who he loved...who he would be willing to do anything for already.
Mitchell said something to him, but Carlos wasn't able to hear it.
She took him to the hospital without asking questions. That was the good thing about Mitchell; she wasn't a nosy woman, she wasn't one to ask personal questions if the other person wasn't ready to talk about it. So she didn't ask who TK was, or why it was so important—she simply took Carlos to the hospital and left, assuming her partner would be staying for a while.
He felt uncomfortable standing there in front of all the 126 and their stares. As Paul had said, only he knew they were together, only he knew they were more than friends. So it was a general surprise to see him arrive, his eyes shining with tears, trying hard not to cry.
Even worse was entering the room. Captain Strand was sitting next to TK, unsurprisingly... and then he appeared.
However, before he could peek into the room and see the state TK was in, the door slammed shut on him and everything around him went black.
"No. TK... TK!"
He was standing in front of the car again and Paul broke the news to him that someone had shot TK. Again he felt his heart stop, again he felt the fear of losing someone who, two days ago, he wasn't sure he loved.
It was all happening again and again when he got to the room, the door closed on him before he saw his boyfriend.
The patrol car again, all over again, but this time when he got to the hospital, Owen was outside the room and everyone was hugging him, everyone was crying, it wasn't like the first two times, it wasn't the memory he had of that day.
Owen broke away from his team and walked over to him.
"Captain, I heard...TK...how are you?"
"Oh, son. TK... His heart... His heart couldn't take the trauma and...they couldn't resuscitate him."
"What? No... TK didn't... It can't be."
Owen moved a little closer to him, he wanted to hug him, he had understood who he was. He already knew that TK hadn't told anyone about them, because he didn't know how to give a name to who they were and what they had.
Carlos took a step back. He wasn't ready to accept that TK was gone before he could tell him how he felt. Tears stung in his throat and before he could do anything about it he exploded and fell to his knees on the floor, crying.
Owen crouched down beside him and hugged him. This time Carlos didn't stop him. He had lost the man he thought he loved, but Owen had just lost his son. He needed the hug more than Carlos did.
"Carlos, uh, it's Paul. I guess no one told you because no one knows that TK and you... Sorry, I'm rambling, but I'm nervous. The thing is, TK has been shot."
The nightmare began again, always from scratch, always with the same horrible sensations, the same terrible feelings, and in the end an outcome that was getting darker and more unbearable.
"The coma will be permanent," Owen told him the third and fourth times.
"Half of his brain has been paralyzed from lack of oxygen," was his response the next few occasions.
He finally lost count of the number of times something terrible happened to TK, because the worst nightmare he could possibly find himself in had come true and it seemed to have no intention of letting him go.
When, for the thousandth time, the loop started again, he dropped the phone, but Paul's voice rang inside his head. TK...wounded...had been shot...may die....
He took off running in the middle of the night, not knowing where to go, not knowing when to stop or stop what was making him run. He just ran until his lungs turned into a volcano and exploded in his chest, his legs failed him, and he fell to the ground, rolling down the roadway.
He was crying, he didn't know how long he had been there, but his eyes were burning and he could barely see. TK was dead, he knew it, he could feel it, TK had died before he could come clean with him. He had lost him forever, and he already knew he would lose him a few hundred more times until someone decided to get him out of that nightmare.
It took TK quite a while to fall asleep. He had lost the habit of sleeping alone; since his relationship with Carlos had become serious, there were few times when they didn't spend at least five minutes together in bed before one of them started a shift.
Now the bed seemed much bigger and too unwelcoming to sleep in. He should have gotten into bed as soon as he had gotten home, but he had brought Carlos's things, including his blood-stained clothes with him.
It burned his hands. He knew he had to throw it away because blood didn't come out well, and even less so when it had soaked everything so much. He should have thrown away the T-shirt that Carlos had torn to cover his head wound. But he didn't, and instead put all the clothes in the washing machine.
If the blood went away, then that would be the perfect sign that Carlos was going to wake up and everything was going to be okay. Then TK started cleaning. It wasn't his thing, but Carlos didn’t love it either—his thing was cooking and that's not what TK was going to give up by splitting up the chores.
Besides, he wanted Carlos to come home to find the house perfectly clean and tidy, as if nothing had happened. He laughed, thinking that if Carlos saw it too clean, he would certainly realize that something was going on and that TK had been very worried.
Two hours later, he made himself something to eat, sandwiches were his forte and he didn't feel like cooking anyway. Besides, he knew he had to sleep and rest because, between work and being with Carlos, he had a long few days ahead of him.
So, luckily, when he got into bed he was tired enough not to think too much about how much or how little he liked it there, and as soon as he closed his eyes he fell asleep.
It was past midnight when he heard the vibration of the phone he had dropped next to him. It was Carlos's; he had it next to his.
He groaned as he was forced to wake up, then reached out and dazzled his face with the light from the phone. For a second, he feared it was the hospital and that the bad news would come just as he had left.
But no, it wasn't the hospital and that at least put his mind at ease.
The number was unfamiliar and he was tempted not to answer, but it was almost midnight and if someone was calling it would be important. Considering Carlos' situation, he decided to answer.
"Oops, sorry about the time, I didn't calculate the time difference, you're Carlos right?"
"I'm TK, Carlos is my husband, who am I talking to?"
"Shit." The voice, a young woman's voice, burst out laughing with an almost sing-songy tone. "Again, I'm sorry. This is Miranda, from the surrogacy agency. My goodness, how bad that word sounds, they certainly don't know how to market well. Well, the thing is that I've seen your videos, the pictures and the report and, I don't know, you guys are lovely, the perfect couple and on top of that you're a cop and a paramedic. You spend all day helping other people, it's about time someone gave you guys a hand."
"Um." TK sat up in bed.
He'd almost forgotten, what with everything that had happened, and that he'd mentioned it in passing to his parents. But he had forgotten that, until two days ago, becoming parents had been the next goal for the two of them. Carlos was thrilled with the idea of having a little one running around the house, and TK was still getting used to the idea that he would be a good father in spite of all the problems he was carrying around. But, in the end, he was also thrilled with the idea.
They were going to become parents, they were going to have a baby, it wasn't something they needed to think about. The hard part had been deciding which of the two would be the biological father. In the end, a game of Super Mario Karts and a session of intense sex on the couch decided that Carlos would do it.
"TK? Hello, are you still there?"
"Yeah, sorry. Miranda, right? I'll be honest, I had forgotten we were in proceedings with the agency. I didn't expect... It's a horrible time."
"I didn't want to wake you, I imagine with your job it must be a privilege to get enough sleep."
"Yeah, sure."
"Well, look, I'm not going to take up any more of your time so you can sleep. As I was telling you, I want to go on this journey with you. How deep I am sometimes. Come on, in your video you said you were looking forward to expanding your family. Your smiles made me fall in love, what a beautiful baby we are going to make. Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Save my phone number and give it to Carlos so the three of us can stay in touch."
"Sure, I'll give it to him as soon as he wakes up." TK shuddered because Miranda was going to understand that sentence in a different way than he did, but he wasn't going to explain it any further, not to a stranger and certainly not to the woman who had agreed to fulfill his dream of fatherhood with Carlos.
"Perfect. See you tomorrow, TK, hope you get some rest."
When he ended the call he placed the phone on the bedside table and plopped down on the bed. He stared at the ceiling for a moment and then smiled.
"Now you have no excuse not to wake up, babe. We're going to be parents." He burst out laughing nervously, but soon the laughter turned into a ragged sob and he curled up as best he could in bed. "We're going to be parents, remember how long we've been thinking about it? Well, now it's going to be real. But for that I need you to wake up and be okay... But if you don't want us to be parents, maybe now isn't a good time." His sobbing grew louder—that was the good thing about being home alone, he could cry and vent all he wanted without anyone showing up to ask if he was okay or if he needed anything. "I need us to get out of this nightmare, my love, because I'm about to lose my mind and I can’t hold on to the hope that everything will be perfect again like before for much longer."
He closed his eyes, not sure he would be able to sleep, but whether it was from sadness, exhaustion or the unexpected call, it took barely a couple of minutes for him to fall asleep.
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putschki1969 · 5 years
Hikaru x SPICE Broadcast 11/8
As promised, here is a rough translation/detailed summary of Hikaru’s live broadcast from today (Nov 08).
The video is currently available in SPICE’s archive but it will be deleted after one week. For everyone who wants to download the interview, here is a google drive link (all credit goes to my friend @mowskyuu​ who kindly sent me the video). Everyone, ENJOY!
Without further ado, let’s get going. 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ 
We start with Takeshi Kato (TK) introducing himself and his guest Hikaru. TK talks about how this broadcast is going to be about many firsts and about Hikaru‘s upcoming live. Being the nerd she is, Hikaru has prepared a detailed script for herself so she won’t lose track or feel intimidated. Then TK decides to be funny and annoy Hikaru by saying that since they have such a packed schedule he will simply change the entire content of the program so they can talk about anime and games XD
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They invite everyone to use the hashtag #HikaruSPICE生放送 on Twitter to ask questions and write comments. Technically people can also comment on Youtube but it’s preferred that everyone uses Twitter. TK once again jokes about abandoning the script and making last minute-changes to mess with Hikaru a little but then he tells her to just relax and say whatever she feels like saying.
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Hikaru then introduces her new solo project called H-el-ical// which was officially announced yesterday. TK assumes that the tension must have been quite high and that she must still feel super nervous now that she is doing this public live broadcast. Of course Hikaru confirms this. TK explains that they will have some H-el-ical// songs playing in the background and asks Hikaru what made her want to start this solo project. During her “break-period” she has always had a strong wish of wanting to continue singing, nothing ever changed about that but she had to think a lot about how to continue doing music since she didn’t have a clear idea. So for about half a year she thought about what she wanted to do while working part-time and learning some “life-lessons”/doing some “social studying”. During that time she didn’t write any lyrics although she really wanted to try it (it’s something she has always wanted). She talked a lot with her friends and acquaintances about the different possibilities, if she would be able to find someone who would write/compose music for her (the sort of music she had in her mind) so she could create lyrics for those songs. Then she was introduced to a composer and quickly after she decided to give the whole thing a try. This is how H-el-ical// came to life.
In May her first song got released on Youtube. TK points out that that must have been super weird for her since in the past she had never released music like that. It has always been through CDs or at lives. She must have been super nervous. And YES, she really was. Especially since she wasn’t releasing it under her real name but under the name of H-el-ical// so she had no idea how many people would even listen to that song. After all people were clueless about whose work it was. On the other hand, Hikaru really liked the idea of people coming in with a fresh mind, without any influence and having all these pure impressions.
They then start talking about Hikaru’s stage name H-el-ical// in detail. TK notes that Hikaru’s name was also written with a double slash in yesterday’s announcement. He wonders what the meaning is behind all of that. Hikaru explains that she plans to do her solo work as H-el-ical// and in the meantime she would like to refer to herself as Hikaru// but of course just Hikaru is fine too. For example, she was referred to as simply “Hikaru” in today’s announcement regarding the FictionJunction Station Talk&Live Event.
They begin reading some comments and one viewer points out that the second everyone heard the voice in H-el-ical//’s first song, they all knew for sure that it was Hikaru XD Hikaru laughs and agrees that there probably were some people who knew but they were kind enough to not make direct comments about it to her [I think Hikaru underestimated how many people knew]. We continue with our explanation of Hikaru’s stage name. First of all, “helical” as a normal word means spiral, something that’s always spinning upwards. It also represents a DNA structure which for Hikaru entails life, history and activity. These are the two things she thought about when choosing the word “helical”. Then we have the -el- in the middle which is highlighted. It stands for “elevation”, it’s about progress, about becoming more, about rising above. Last but not least there is the double slash (//) which for Hikaru represents some sort of Q.E.D. = an abbreviation which is placed at the end of a philosophical argument to indicate that the proof or the argument is complete. So to speak it is proof of her existence. This is her simply “being”. TK is impressed by all the thought Hikaru put into this, very otaku-like of her. Hikaru admits that it was very troublesome to come up with all of that. The double slash explanation also applies to her name of course. So Hikaru// literally just means “this is proof of Hikaru existing”.
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Hikaru then talks some more about always wanting to sing, that she couldn’t imagine ever stopping. And since this is all so important to her she really wanted her stage name to have a proper meaning behind it. After all, a name is very important. She really put a lot of effort into that.
Back at the time of their first broadcast together Hikaru talked with SPICE and the e plus team because she really wanted to do a live. She told them about the H-el-ical// project, about her collaboration with the composer Gushimiyagi and that she would be joining a new agency. With their help the concert was made possible. SPICE&Co. introduced Hikaru to a couple of people and with just a handful of helpers they managed to make Hikaru’s wish of a concert become reality. Hikaru is still so freaking excited about that.
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Hikaru talks about deciding on a setlist and all the other troubles that are related to organising an event like that. TK recalls that even during Kalafina days it was troublesome for Hikaru to do organising stuff like that so it must be so much worse now. Hikaru agrees that she really got to experience all the hardships that come with such a live production. Back in the day Keiko and Wakana would often take on these duties so she felt really grateful but now she had to do it all by herself.
Next up TK mentions the five songs Hikaru has released so far. TK is sure that most of the viewers have already listened to all of them. Hikaru is a bit hesitant, she thinks there will be lots of people who haven’t seen all the MVs because they were released in a relatively short amount of time. They ask the viewers whether or not the have listened to all the songs yet. And OF COURSE, they have!!
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A few comments and questions are being read. Nothing exciting except for the person who asks what kind of part-time job Hikaru did during her break. As she already alluded to before, she wanted to experience life properly. In the past she had only ever worked at casual restaurants and such. While that gave her some social skills she wanted to try something else. Since she really loves children she decided to work as a nursery teacher. There she took care of toddlers and children up to five years old. She really loves their innocence. TK is surprised that Hikaru managed to be a waitress in the past, judging by her personality, that must have been really hard for her. Yes, Hikaru confirms that it was hard but she also kinda liked it. For example, she really loved recommending the best dishes and such. But yeah, getting to watch over these little kiddies was a completely new and amazing experience for her. She really learned a lot. She is surprised by how different their way of thinking is and how unique they all are, even the very little ones. We interrupt our talk with a bit of tapioca milk tea because what would Hikaru be without her tapioca milk tea??? XD
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Viewers suggest that she should have worked at a tapioca place. Haha, yeah, Hikaru agrees, that would have been amazing. Hikaru then says that they sang a lot at her nursery, that was super fun. And she feels really inspired by that experience. For example, her third song “splendore” was very heavily influenced by the children she worked with. TK thinks it’s interesting that her songs all have a different language title but they will discuss that later. For now they wanna focus on Hikaru’s song writing experience. Hikaru says that it was all about expressing the images and world views that came to mind when she listened to Gushimiyagi’s melodies. She would talk a lot with him and listen to the melody repeatedly to get inspired. TK talks about old Kalafina times, at recordings Hikaru would always dress according to the image she wanted to express, does she still do that? Yes, she does still do that!
Now they focus on the individual songs and have the MVs playing in the background. TK says that her first song “pulsation” had a strong impact on him. Hikaru uses the opportunity to give a shout-out to her amazing artist because her videos are always gorgeous. TK notices that all of her five songs have a completely different atmosphere, they also feel very different to Kalafina’s songs. “pulsation” is about her relationship with music and how her life has been affected (is still being affected) by it. There is a lot of power in the melody, it makes you want to sprint forward so that’s how her lyrics came into existence. It’s about feeling lost and eventually finding your way so you can move on. Hikaru then talks about wanting variety in her songs, she doesn’t want to stick to a single genre, she also likes experimenting with different languages for her titles. She thinks that makes things much more interesting. After all, she has followers from all over the world with so many different interests. It’s in part thanks to all of us that she has made it this far so of course she would want to be versatile and open for everything. This is why she chose the different song titles. Cue to pronunciation guide. How does Hikaru pronounce all of her songs? [it’s kinda funny to see her struggle XD] She goes through all the titles, pronounces them and says what they mean in Japanese.
pulsation => English
Avaricia  => Spanish (Greed) Hikaru says she is always very greedy, in a sense that she can never get enough, she always wants more, she wants to go further.
Splendore => Italian (Sparkling) As she mentioned before, this song was heavily inspired by the children around her. It’s full of child-like wonder and innocence. It has a very fantastical atmosphere.
Amanhecer => Portuguese (Dawn) When she first heard the melody she immediately had to think of quietness and the water surface. There was a sense of love so that’s what she wrote about.
yolcu => Turkish (Traveler) For this song she wanted a very foreign/Middle Eastern/exotic vibe so of course the title had to be a little more exotic as well.
Hikaru hopes that the audience will find something they like among all her songs, everyone has different taste so it’s hard to lke everything but hopefully she can appeal to us with some of her work. These songs are all super special to her and she couldn’t even decide which one she likes most. This is the first time she has ever created something, properly expressed herself, put so much of herself into the music. She is very proud and happy. She is even more happy to hear all the fans saying that they love each and every song and they can’t choose.
One fan asks if Hikaru came up with her logo and yes, she did. But someone else made it a little fancier for her. TK then wants to know whether or not it was hard to record all these songs by herself. Yes, it was!! Some of the songs have different harmonies and she had to sing all of them. She already wonders how she is gonna do it at the live, it’s gonna be super hard to perform some of these songs. Speaking of the live, it’s time to announce the title!! *drumrolls please* The title is => H-el-ical// LIVE 2019  紡 -TSUMUGU- [spinning]
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Some info about the date, the changed time, the venue and 2nd round of ticket application. Apparently Hikaru has tried really hard to talk with the live team to make some more room for the audience. Usually the venue has a capacity for around 2400 people, they are making more room by using space that’s usually reserved for equipment and stuff. Hikaru feels like she might have been a bit of a pain in the ass for the organisers but she just wants as many people as possible to be able to attend the concert. So everyone who is still looking for a ticket, please be sure to apply! Application period ends on November 17. Hikaru won’t just be singing her original songs but also some covers and then some...*hint hint* TK asks about why Hikaru chose that particular title for her concert. Hikaru says that from now onwards she would like to share many things with everyone as H-el-ical// (which as we have already established means “spiral”) so “spinning” seemed very fitting to convey that feeling. Also, who she is right now is spun out of everything she has done in the past ten years - including her acitivities as part of Kalafina. So she is just continuing the spinning so to speak. Hikaru can’t wait to sing all of her songs for us. Then we have some more random comments by fans...
Transition to live goods. TK says that he is already looking forward to Hikaru’s Goods Corner since she always did such a good job at their Kalafina lives. We can expect standard goods and stuff that has been suggested to her on twitter. There will also be one item with visuals, a pamphlet!! YAY! And the most important live good...a limited release of H-el-ical//’s first CD!!! BANZAI! Since it’s only a limited number, the CDs might be sold out quickly but she hopes lots of people can get it. There are 8 songs in total on the CD. She has already published five of them but since she wants to sing a lot of songs at the live, she also recorded three more songs which she put on the CD as well. Fans are saying she will surely sell a ton of CDs, someone suggests she should bring 20,000 copies to the live, Hikaru isn’t really convinced that she could ever sell that amount. She says there will probably be around 2,000 copies for sale. Further infos about live goods and such will be released at a later date. But fans can prepare themselves for about ten different items so everyone should look forward to that. Some fans suspect that the goods corner might take very long with so many goods XD Everyone is also super curious about the CD cover. Hikaru says it will be very simple, typical Hikaru style.
Then some info about Hikaru taking part in the FictionJunction Station Fan Club event. Hikaru is very excited to stand on stage together with the members of FictionJunction. After all at the time of the event it will be two years since she last stood together on stage with Keiko.
TK asks what went through her head during her break. Hikaru was hoping people would not forget about her. And the wish to continue singing kept going through her head. She was very confident about that. She spent a lot of time wondering how to bring her dreams to life. She feels super grateful right now because so much has already been realised. This past year she has learned so much that’s important for her life. Of course she also learned a lot during her Kalafina days but there were just a lot of things she didn’t have time for back then so that one-year-break was a great opportunity to learn many things about herself. She originally started Twitter to give something back to the fans who are loyally waiting for her. She is very happy about that so she just wants to share those feelings with everyone by posting regularly. Hikaru goes on to explain that she went from all her life being about Kalafina to doing pretty much nothing so she had a lot of time to think about everything. This was another reason she started her Twitter account. She wanted to grow as a person and do things she might have not done in the past.
They then read lots of random comments related to Kalafina since there is no denying that Hikaru’s fans are pretty much all from her Kalafina days, Hikaru doesn’t really say much, I guess she doesn’t know what she is supposed to say. It’s slightly awkward but yeah...Someone then asks if Hikaru can do a birthday greeting for all the viewers who are celebrating their b-day today. She does! TK then realises that it’s Hikaru’s twitter anniversary since she started her account last autumn. It’s also slowly time to wrap up the video. TK informs us that the video will be archived for one week and then it will be deleted (after getting a confirmation by Hikaru’s manager in the back). People are asking for Hikaru to sing something but unfortunately, there is no time. We will get lots of her singing at the live XD A fan asks her to come to Toyama to do a live. She REALLY wants to but it’s gonna take a while. There is some talk about when she first started Twitter and no one believed it was her so she had to upload a video to prove her identity.
Hikaru has prepared a final message for the fans. from now on she hopes to create lots of music as H-el-ical// and she wants to share it with all of us. Her first step in this new direction is the live on Dec 1. In the future she would like to create something from that base of H-el-ical//* and continue onwards with everyone [*Note: Hikaru mistakenly says Kalafina here instead of H-el-ical//. Obviously she is still used to saying this sort of stuff with Kalafina in mind XD She is later corrected] She is super embarrassed. OF COURSE she meant H-el-ical//’s base. With 10 years of Kalafina there is no way you can say that’s just a base! 10 years is a lot of baggage after all. She was obviously referring to her first steps as H-el-cal//.
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Meanwhile they are once again promoting Hikaru’s upcoming live and teasing another live in the near future. Hikaru says that her agency might already be planning something *hint hint*
SPICE have prepared a little present for one of the viewers. H-el-ical//’s very first signature. For one lucky winner. Looking something like this but written by Hikaru of course.
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To be eligible for this giveaway you have to follow the @spice_anige account on Twitter. You will be informed via DM if you won. Then some final promo work and a final greeting last by Hikaru.
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