#i cen't get 'miri' as a pet name for Vesemir out of my head
jaskiersvalley · 3 years
I don't know where the Vesemir/Guxart ship came from, is it even a ship? But I'd love to see some content if it's up your alley. I just imagine a keep full of young witchers being a lot for Vesemir and I think he deserves someone to lean on like the others lean on each other.
It took me a little while to get to this and I apologise. But I now bring you some supportive wolf pups and kitten, giving Vesemir and Guxart the happily ever after they deserve. Also, Vesemir/Guxart - Vexart or Guxmir for a ship name? 
The suspicions started out quite early for Lambert. He’d known Aiden for a little while, they fucked before they even knew each other’s names. The acrobatic sex had settled down into something that was more than just burning off energy with someone who didn’t reek of disdain. Loathe the admit it, Lambert would almost call it domestic, as if that term could ever be applied to Witchers. It was small things first like when he got back from a dip in the river and Aiden fixed him with a stern look.
“Did you wash behind the ears?”
“Of course!” It was a lie but Lambert wasn’t going to admit it. “Why do you care? You’re not my mother.”
“Wolves never wash behind their ears,” Aiden replied. “Everyone knows that.”
Which was not quite true because when Lambert asked Coen that winter, he was told that nobody cared about the poor hygiene habits of Witchers as a whole, let alone be worried about different schools’ habits.
When Lambert met up with Aiden again, he told him exactly how full of shit he thought Aiden was. He didn’t expect to be met with an unimpressed stare and a list.
“Wolves don’t like spicy foods, Wolves need cuddles even if they pretend they don’t like them, Wolves are loyal to a fault.”
Sulking, Lambert crossed his arms over his chest and didn’t argue. He did however invited Aiden to Kaer Morhen for the winter. Purely so the others could marvel at the idiocy the Cat spouted. It didn’t quite work out that way. The old keep was already more full of life than it had been for decades. As well as the usual four Wolves there was now a Griffin, a bard, a child surprise, a sorceress and a Nilfgaardian insistent he wasn’t actually Nilfgaardian. Adding a Cat to the mix wasn’t even a blip in the norm. At least, not obviously, not until Lambert started paying attention. It was small things to start with.
“Aiden, I’ve set aside that bowl for you,” Vesemir had nodded at a full bowl as everyone got together for dinner.
Suspicious at first, Aiden sniffed the bowl then his eyes went wide. He didn’t say anything but devoured the food in record time and, when he thought no one was looking, even licked it clean. Half an hour later Lambert was whining up a storm and drinking copious amounts of water, cursing about burning lips. It seemed Vesemir had made an extra spicy bowl of stew just for Aiden.
It didn’t stop there. The hearth in the tallest tower was lit and kept warm. Not that anyone realised to start with but, when Lambert couldn’t find Aiden anywhere for an afternoon nap, it was Vesemir who pointed him in the tower’s direction. Sure enough, Aiden was lounging on the wide windowsill, looking rather pleased at being able to enjoy the afternoon’s sunshine up high.
Then Ciri’s training began to include playing around in the rafters. None of the Wolves were keen on the game but Aiden bundled in without hesitation. It was difficult to tell who was having more fun - him or Ciri. When Lambert asked Vesemir about it, he got a shrug, “I knew a Cat once.”
The mystery thickened and Lambert and Aiden spent hours up, discussing how Vesemir could know so much about Cats. And how Aiden knew so much about Wolves. Not even Letho seemed to know so much despite having travelled with Gaetan a fair amount. At least, he denied knowing such things when confronted in the summer. It had Aiden frowning in contemplation.
“I have an idea. Trust me?”
That winter Lambert brought yet another guest. Another Cat. Guxart seemed reluctant to join them but Aiden wheedled and pestered, eventually winning some complicated sword dancing game which secured his wishes and Guxart travelled to Kaer Morhen with them.
“I don’t know why you’d want me in the Wolves’ stronghold,” he grumbled. “Their pack is very tightknit. They won’t take kindly to an old Cat like me.”
How Guxart knew the Wolves had a tightknit pack was a mystery. Except it really wasn’t. Aiden knew Guxart was the one he learned all he could about Wolves and Vesemir knew a lot about Cats. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. They walked into Kaer Morhen, heads held high.
“New guest, everyone, this is Guxart,” Lambert announced. “Guxart, this is everyone, Mostly.”
A couple of people were missing but most nodded and waved at the newest wintering buddy. The general hubbub died down when there was a gasp from the doorway.
“Gux?” Vesemir’s eyes were wide wide.
Turning slowly, Guxart looked just as hopeful. “Miri?”
Off to the side, Eskel mouthed ‘Miri?’ at Lambert who shrugged. It was all redundant though when, in a blur, Guxart and Vesemir rushed to embrace each other. Vesemir lifted Guxart off the floor in a spin, a disbelieving laugh in his throat that sounded a little wet with tears.
“Please excuse us,” Vesemir said to the room at large, even if his eyes never strayed from Guxart. “We have a lot to catch up on.” Hands linked, he led Guxart out of the room, the Cat all too happy to follow, smiling all the way.
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