#i caught a fever yesterday because i returned from the protest sit in at 10:30 pm in the middle of a THUNDERSTORM
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enigma-the-mysterious · 6 months ago
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Sandip Ghosh arrested in R G Kar Medical College rape and murder
আন্দোলন দীর্ঘজীবী হক |
Long live the revolution
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leapyearkisses · 6 years ago
Long Ride Home
This is a commission for @vanillaslayer of her awesome twin OCs Edan and Eliott!  I’m really very flattered that she asked me to write about them, omg.  I had an awesome time!  Please go read all her stuff about them, because it’s amazing!
~Please consider commissioning me!  Commissions are OPEN~
“You sure you don’t want to catch a later flight?”  Edan looked up from his phone where he was answering a few business-related emails last-minute.  “Because I think we can still push it back.”  He looked over at Eliott, who was sitting across from him in the uncomfortable airport waiting room chairs, and frowned.  Somehow, even with a sweater and a hoodie on, his brother still looked cold.
Eliott shook his head. “It’s okay.  I mean, we’re already here.  And Mom will worry.”  He sank further down in his seat.  Somewhere down the terminal, the gate attendants were making the final announcements for a flight to Detroit.  Their flight home was supposed to start boarding in ten minutes.  He pressed a sleeve-covered hand over his mouth and tried not to cough.  It was only going to be a few hours in the air, and then he’d be free to crawl into bed and not come out until he felt better.  He just had to hold it together until then.  He’d flown with a cold before; it would be fine.
“I think she’s going to worry anyway.  You look like shit.”  Edan stowed his phone in his backpack.  “And she’s going to give me flak for letting you travel like that.”
“Fuck off,” Eliott mumbled.  “You’re not in charge of me.  I’m not your responsibility.”
Edan pointed a finger at him.  “You wouldn’t let me travel like that.”
“You’d be dying,” Eliott retorted.  “I don’t even have a fever.”  Well. He hadn’t this morning.  He was feeling quite a bit worse now than he had then, but he’d told his brother he’d taken some medicine before they left for the airport.  He hadn’t meant to lie about that… he’d just somehow misplaced the Dayquil, and the pills he’d tried to take instead had just made him gag them back into the sink. He rubbed his eyes.  He was exhausted.  “Sorry.  I just want to get going so I can sleep.”
“Yeah, I know.” Edan checked his boarding pass. “I’ll let you have the window seat. But you’d better not snore.”
Eliott tried to sniff back some of the congestion in his head and closed his eyes.  “No more than you do.”
They were seated back in economy class – the music money wasn’t rolling in in such great amounts that they could splurge on seats – and Eliott tried to suppress a shiver of distaste. He was so gross right now, and there were so many people.  He had to climb over the lap of the woman who had the aisle seat in their row, and he just wanted to apologize for his whole being.  He was sure she could see how red his nose was and hear the rattle in his breath. At least Edan was in the middle seat to act as a bit of a buffer, but Eliott tugged the hood of his sweatshirt close around his face anyway.  He had tissues in his pocket, but he wanted to avoid using them as much as possible. If he could just fall asleep, then he felt he’d be all right.
Unfortunately, his insomnia had, predictably, kicked in when he started feeling under the weather, and he just couldn’t get comfortable.  Edan rubbed his shoulder for a bit, but it didn’t help, and eventually he’d just pushed his brother away.  He wound up slumped in his seat, staring at the dark screen on the back of the chair in front of him, feeling like he’d been hit by a truck.  Then he felt his nose start to itch.
Nooo…  He might have said it out loud, mumbling into the collar of his sweater.  The last thing he needed was to start sneezing.  It just wasn’t going to be pretty.  Still, he could feel the slow shift of congestion in his right nostril, a drip getting ready to fall and stirring up dissent wherever it touched. He scrunched his nose and felt the spill of moisture down his lip.  His face heated and he hurried to pull out a tissue.  He blew his nose gently at first, trying to be quiet, but the soft passage of air bloomed a tickle deep in his nose, and he had to blow harder to try and stave it off.  Despite his best effort, though, he felt his breath catch insistently, and he bent forward into his cupped hands.  “Hh- hhdtzch’ue!”  He caught most of the resulting wet in the tissue, but he could feel he wasn’t done. He pinched his nose.  “Nndztxck!”  Ow…
Edan slapped him on the shoulder.  “Cut it out! That sounds gives me the creeps. Not to mention you’re going to explode your ears.”  He watched Eliott pull out another tissue and try to blow again.  He lowered his voice.  “If you’re worried about her-” he jerked his head to the left toward their row mate “- Don’t.  She’s listening to music so loudly I can tell who the cover artist is.”
Eliott crumpled the used tissues and shoved them into his front pocket, coughing into his sleeve. “It’s not just her,” he said. “Everyone on this plane is going to wonder if they’ll catch this cold.”  He felt small and bothersome.  And chilled.  He thought he might have spiked a fever after all.
“Fuck ‘em,” Edan quipped. He reached under his seat and tugged up his airline-issued blanket.  He slit open the plastic cover and then went about unfolding the blanket on top of Eliott. “You can’t help being sick.”  Even though they were in their early twenties now, he still tucked the corners around Eliott’s shoulders like he’d used to do when they were kids.  “We’ve got another few hours.  You want to watch a movie?”
Eliott shook his head. “I’m just going to chill.” Normally, he would have loved to, but he didn’t want to put on headphones right now and risk letting his sneezes get too loud without him knowing.  He crossed his arms under the blanket and leaned against the wall of the plane.
“If you say so.” Edan didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t push.  He went back to his laptop, doing whatever it was he’d been involved in before.  Probably composing, since he slipped his good headphones on a moment later.  Eliott closed his eyes and tried to zone out, thinking about their next music video.
He must have actually fallen asleep, because when he opened his eyes again, the plane was dark except for isolated pockets where people had their reading lights on.  He didn’t know what time it was or how soon they’d be landing, but he hoped it wasn’t long.  His head had started to ache dully, and he felt sweat pooling under his arms despite feeling frozen even in his layers.  Great.  Might not be just a cold after all, which was the last thing he needed.  He didn’t want to have to spend his visit burritoed on the couch while Edan went out with their parents.  He didn’t even want to stream when he felt like this, even if he could somehow mute every cough or sneeze.
Eliott tried to straighten up, wincing.  Beside him, Edan had also passed out, head tilting and mouth open gently.  Eliott reached over stiffly and closed his laptop. He thought about getting up and trying to find a flight attendant to get some tea, but he didn’t really want to talk to anyone… or move.  And his nose had started to itch again.  He pinched it with a quiet squelch and fumbled for his tissues again, but the first sneeze he ended up catching in his palm.  “Hah- hdztsciueh!”  It was horribly wet, and he felt himself flushing in miserable embarrassment.  He crushed a wad of tissues against his nose for the next one.  “Hh’huhdztschiu!”
Someone in a row behind him uttered a polite blessing, but he could feel he wasn’t done.  The inside of his nostrils felt inflamed and thick, yet sensitive to every fluctuation in his breath.  It was almost as bad as the fall when the ragweed was in full swing.  Even rubbing his nose through the tissues offered little relief, and he moaned helplessly as another sneeze snuck up on him, too quick to try and stifle.  “Huhdztschx!  Ngktdzcht!” His head throbbed.
Beside him, Edan startled awake with a confused sound.  “Huhn?  El?”  He rubbed an eye, then pawed around in his seat-back pocket for his own travel pack of tissues, which he dropped onto Eliott’s thigh.  “Here. Bless you.”  He yawned but tried to hold it back.  “You okay?”
“I’m sick,” mumbled Eliott before blowing his nose.  He didn’t even care about the sound anymore.  He just wanted to be home.  
“No kidding.”  Edan sighed.  “Well, can’t be too much longer now.”  And, as he said it, the seatbelt sign popped on over their heads and the captain’s voice crackled through the cabin.
“Folks, we’re starting our approach now.  It’s about 10:30 PM local time.  We’ll be landing just ahead of schedule.”
“The captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign,” said a flight attendant, coming primly down the aisle.  “Please return to your seats, buckle your seatbelts, and prepare for landing.”
Edan stuck his laptop back into its case in his bag and pushed it under the seat in front of him. “See?” he said, patting Eliott’s shoulder.  “Almost there.”
Their parents were waiting for them at baggage claim, and Edan must have texted them while Eliott was in the bathroom, since they’d brought him a hot cup of tea from Starbucks. He sipped it gratefully and didn’t protest when his dad took his suitcase for him.  He tried not to zone out on the way to the car.  Still, faced now with the familiar sights and sounds of his hometown, he walked mechanically, following Edan without thinking about it.  In the back seat of his dad’s car, he found himself blinking groggily at the surprise of a cool hand on his forehead.
“You’re burning up,” said his mother, sounding fretful.  Her eyebrows were furrowed over gentle brown eyes that matched her sons’.  “I’ll stop by the pharmacy after we get you home. Edan, you should have called.”
“He could have called,” Edan said, getting into the back seat beside his brother, but he sounded concerned, too.  He reached over and made sure Eliott’s seatbelt was buckled.  “He was more or less fine yesterday.  Do you want me to go to the pharmacy instead?  It’s late.  I don’t mind driving.”
“No, no, it’s fine, I’ll do it.  You’re visiting, too.”  Mom got into the passenger seat.  “I’m just not sure if we have something he can take.”
“I might have something in the car, here,” said his dad.  “Could you look?”  He pulled out of the parking garage.  Edan started to rummage in the center console.
Eliott tuned them out. There was no denying he felt awful, but at least he was on the ground now, and he was with his family.  He closed his eyes.  Vaguely he could feel Edan poking him in the shoulder with a medicine bottle, but the sensation was fading away as he slipped back into sleep.
“Why?” Eliott said, waving his phone at Edan from the couch.  The cold cloth on the back of his neck slipped down and he slapped at it. “Why would you do this to me?”
“What?”  Edan chuckled.  “It doesn’t show, like, snot or anything.”  He flopped down in the armchair with a bowl of popcorn.  “I had to let our fans know why I pushed back the video this week.”
“You could have just told them.”  Eliott scowled at the photo Edan had posted to their blog of him, all curled up in bed with a hand over his face.  “I’m going to get you back for this.”
“Relax,” said Edan through a mouthful of butter and salt.  “Are you going to pick the movie, or can I?  Because I’m not going to wait forever.”
“Jerk,” Eliott tossed his phone to the side and grabbed the remote.
He felt a deep satisfaction several months later when he uploaded the video of Edan’s nostril piercing.
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crankpendletonplays-blog · 8 years ago
The Playbook- Jughead Jones
Pairing: Jughead x Reader
Description: Chuck asks Reader to homecoming, Jughead thinks its a bad idea. Turns out, he was right.
Warnings: Swearing, reader has sort of a mild panic attack, but nothing too serious. This was a request from an anon who liked one of the headcanons in the non-asexual Jughead list. Hope you guys like it!!!
I sat at a table in the student lounge by myself, waiting for my best friend Jughead. I had my sketch pad out, messing around and trying to keep myself busy.I didn’t really like sitting alone, because usually Reggie and his gang of man-children would take the attention of the student lounge, and I would be subjected to the torture that is their awful and offensive banter.I glanced around the room, uninterested, until my eyes caught the gaze of another, Chuck Clayton.
Chuck was caption of the football team, formerly co-caption with Jason Blossom before he was killed. I had never heard anything bad about him, and he sat next to me in my math class. I helped him out a bit with his schoolwork once in a while.He was actually a really kind person from what I could tell. Chuck stood up, walking towards me. I froze, wondering why in the hell anybody like Chuck Clayton would give me the time of day.
“Hey, y/n.” Chuck stood in front of me, smiling brightly.
“Uh, hey Chuck, are you having any trouble with the geometry homework?” I asked him, beginning to pull out my textbook from my bag.
“No, uh, I actually wanted to ask you something.” Chuck stopped me.“I was wondering if, maybe you’d like to uh, go to homecoming with me?” I froze again, taken back at his question.
“Me?“I looked around the room as if he may be confusing me with someone else.
"Yeah, you.” Chuck confirmed, chuckling a bit.
“Uh, o-ok, yeah, I’ll go with you.” I blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I didn’t see the harm in saying yes, he was a nice guy, and it wasn’t like anybody else would ever ask me.
“Great! Uh, are you free tomorrow? Maybe we could meet up after school and hang out or something?” Chuck offered.
“Alright, yeah, I can do that.”
“Cool, I’ll see you then.” Chuck grinned, walking back to his group of friends. ——————
“Hey, Juggie.” I smiled warmly at my friend, sliding in to the booth next to him. I laid my head on his shoulder, his screen open as he typed.
“Hey, y/n.” Jughead pressed a quick kiss to the top of my head before returning his attention to his novel.
“How was your day?” I asked him, looping my arm around his and scooting closer to cuddle in to his side.
“Oh, same old same old.Nothing interesting.” Jughead hummed, leaning his head against mine. Jughead wasn’t huge on showing affection in public, but he put up with me always cuddling in to his side.“How was yours?”
"Well, it was…interesting, to say the least."I sighed, taking a sip of the Jughead’s root beer.
"How so?”
“Well, Chuck Clayton asked me to homecoming.”
I felt Jughead tense before looking down at me with a shocked look on his face.
“What did you say?”
“I said sure.” I shrugged, taking another sip of his root beer.
“Are you feeling alright?” Jughead placed his hand over my forehead, as if he was checking to see if I had a fever. I swatted his hands away and slid over to the opposite booth seat.
"Quit it, Jug."I warned.
"This is a big deal!"Jughead fired, his hands waving wildly.
"It’s not!” I shot back.
"It’s the captain of the football team!”
"And?Y/n, he’s only one of the biggest players at our whole school!You know about The Playbook!”
"Jughead, that’s just a silly rumor."I argued.Jughead slammed his laptop shut.
"I can’t believe you’re actually going to go to homecoming with that….that….that imbecile!”
"Jughead!Just because "that imbecile” is on the football team, doesn’t make him a bad person!“ I stood up, grabbing my backpack.
"Wait, y/n."Jughead reached for my wrist but I pulled away.
"I won’t be here tomorrow, I’m seeing Chuck after school.“ I paced out of the diner, ignoring Jughead’s protests. ——————– I hadn’t talk to Jughead all day, or Betty, or Veronica.The girls, Jughead, and Kevin seemed to be on some kind of mission, and I wasn’t going to talk to them anyways. I was sure Jughead told them all about Chuck asking me to homecoming.
When school was over, I waited in the library, where Chuck had texted me, asking me to meet up with him. I sat at a table in the corner, working on a book report until he showed. 10 minutes passed, which turned in to 20, then 30, then an hour, and I soon realized that I had been stood up. I gathered all my stuff and compiled it in to my backpack neatly, before zipping it up and swinging it over my shoulder. I pushed the bridge of my glasses up my nose and began to make my way out of the library. Jughead was going to gloat in all of his glory when I told him about what happened.
As I turned opened the door of the library, cold liquid was thrown in my face, drenching my front from head to toe. I gasped loudly, my eyes burning as I wiped the slush-like substance from my face.
"How’s your slushie, freak?!” I opened my eyes to Reggie holding a slushie cup, with about 5 or 6 guys laughing at m, one of them being Chuck.One of the jocks was holding a phone, recording the whole scene.
“Do you really think Chuck would ever ask a weirdo like you to homecoming?"One of the jocks laughed.
"News flash, nobody would ask you out even if you were the last girl on earth, you frigid bitch.”I looked at Chuck, hurt in my eyes.Chuck just smiled, before opening his mouth.
“Don’t take it too personal, y/n, it’s just-” Chuck kicked off the wall he was leaning against, strolling over to me.He leaned down so he was eye level to me."Nobody would ever waste their time on you.You’re not worth it.”
I shoved past Chuck, tears falling down my face. I ran down the hallways of the school, shoving the front doors open and running home as fast as I could.I swung my front door open, running past my mom and up the stairs.I heard my mother shout for me, but I just wanted to take a shower and crawl in to a hole and die.
I stripped off all my clothes and got in, rinsing the sticky drink out of my hair. After I was finished, I threw on some comfy clothes and wrapped a blanket around me, sitting on the edge of my bed.
“Honey.” My mom knocked on my door, opening it slowly.“You’ve gotta get ready, the football game is soon.” She took one look at me and knew something was wrong, sitting next to me on my bed.“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?"My mom rubbed my back soothingly.I fessed up, telling her everything, from yesterday when Chuck asked me out, to Jughead and I’s fight, to the slushie incident.
"Oh honey, I’m so so sorry."My mom pulled me in to her chest, embracing me tightly."If you don’t wanna go tonight, I completely understand.” My mom ran her fingers through my hair while my tears stained her shirt.
“No, I have to go, I promised Josie I’d sing with her tonight.” I wiped away my tears, taking a deep breath and calming myself down. After a few more minutes and my mom making promises to call the principal and “kick Chuck where the sun don’t shine”, she left my room so I could get ready for tonight.
I threw on the outfit I was wearing tonight and grabbed my coat, setting it on my bed with my purse and doing my hair.I did only a little bit of makeup, enough to cover up the fact that I had cried alone in my room for 3 hours, and then I slipped on my boots and went downstairs.
Archie was sat on my couch, swinging his keys around his finger. I loved on the other side of Betty, so he always offered to drive me to games, since he would be heading there anyways.
“Hey, Arch.” I smiled. Archie looked at me sadly before getting up and hugging me tightly.
“Okay, who died.” I joked, hugging my friend back.
“I know what Chuck did to you.” Archie whispered. My fingers clenched around the fabric of his varsity jacket.
“It’s okay.” I moved away so I could look at Archie.“Arch, it’s ok.”
“It’s not ok, it’s-” Archie began to yell and I caught his face in my hands, turning him to look at me.
“I’m.Ok.See?” I stood back and twirled a bit.“ No bumps, no bruises, just a stupid boy who thought he could get to me.” He had gotten to me, but I wasn’t going to let Archie, or anyone for that matter, know.
“Alright, well, Jughead and Betty are doing stuff for the blue and gold with Veronica and Kevin. They said they would meet us at the game, so…”
“Alright, well let’s get going!” I hugged my mom goodbye before leaving out my front door and climbing in to Mr. Andrews truck. —————– It was the third quarter of the game and the rest of my friends still hadn’t shown up, contrary to what Archie had told me earlier. I had long since performed on stage with Josie and was sitting alone on the bleachers. “Wow, you’re pathetic!” A girl called out to me, laughing with her friend while she pointed at her phone. I saw a video playing of me getting slushied, except on a loop, and Chuck’s words repeating in the background.
“Nobody would ever waste their time on you” “You’re not worth it” “You’re not worth it” “You’re not worth it”
I stood from the bleachers, running down the steps as fast as I could. Apparently, Chuck humiliating me in front of half the football team wasn’t enough?
I started hyperventilating, feeling everybody’s eyes on me as phones started to beep, the same video being sent to the whole school. People started laughing and whispering as they looked at me and I couldn’t stop myself from bursting in to tears.My vision was blurred and I started to feel trapped in a hole that was just getting smaller, and smaller, and smal-
“Y/n!"Somebody gripped my shoulders tightly, and I saw Veronica standing in front of me. she looked at me with concern on her face, her eyebrows raised as if looking for answers.
"Chuck…he…he…oh god, Ronnie, the whole school knows.” I wrapped my arms around her neck, collapsing in to her arms.
“Shhh, I know, I know.” Ronnie hugged me back, running her hand down my hair gently to calm me down as my body racked with sobs.
“We gotta go, ok? I don’t think Kevin can hold off Jughead much longer, and-”
“Wait, what?” I gave her the concerned look this time.
Listen, the reason we’re late is because we found the playbook.Its real, and it’s got almost every girl in it, you and I the newest victims.”
“Who put you in it?"I asked her.
"Chuck and I went on a date last night, and he sticky mapled me."Veronica explained.
"Sticky maple? What’s a sticky Ma-”
“Listen, I can tell you all about it later, but right now w-”
“We gotta go, like, now, Jughead is pissed.” Betty came running up the stairs.“I’ve never seen him like this, like, ever.”I followed Betty and Veronica down the bleachers, to the football fence where Kevin stood, his back facing us and his hands wrapped tightly around Jughead’s shoulders.Jughead himself looked like a raging bull seeing red, his nostrils flaring and his jaw clenched.When he saw me, he shoved Kevin out of the way, jogging towards me.
“Why didn’t you tell me what happened right away?!?!” Jughead cried.His palms went to my cheeks, wiping away the tears still falling down my face.
“I-I don’t know, we had gotten in to a fight, and I had left it off bad, and I-”
“Y/n, it’s ok, it’s ok, alright?I’m always here for you, always, I-”
“Well, well, well, looks like you can’t keep the freaks away from each other.Let me guess, it was you that helped him hide the body, right, weirdo?” Chuck leaned against the fence, helmet resting between his hip and forearm.
Jughead wrapped his hands around my shoulders and moved me gently so I wasn’t in front of him anymore before walking calmly up to Chuck, pulling his arm back, and clocking Chuck right in the jaw. Chuck went tumbling down, falling on his ass.
“Hey, freak show, wanna tussle?” Reggie came marching over, seeing the commotion.
“Listen, we all know you get your sexist views from the 50’s, but can you not use their lingo too? It kinda makes you look like a-"Reggie punched Jughead and I gasped. Jughead wiped the blood now coming from his mouth, spitting the rest at Reggie’s feet.
"A tool.” Jughead finished.
Reggie shoved Jughead and I came running forward, trying to block Reggie from Jughead. Reggie pushed me out of the way and I fell on my back.Jughead was already knocking his fists in to Reggie’s face, Reggie trying to block him. I began to go in again and was lifted in the air by Chuck, being thrown over his shoulder.
“Time to take out the trash!"Chuck laughed, hauling me off.I started screaming and thrashing in his arms, kicking my legs and waving my arms.
"Put her down!” Veronica screamed, shoving Chuck’s chest. Chuck pushed her down and Betty yelped, running over to help Ronnie up.
Archie began pulling Reggie off of Jughead, and he turned around to see me thrown over Chuck’s shoulder.Jug ran towards Chuck, doing anything he could to grab me from his arms.He kicked Chuck in the stomach, which caused him to stumble backward, and took the opportunity to grab me from his arms and pulling me away from Chuck.
“You’re fucking insane!” Chuck screamed.
“Says the one who tried to haul off with y/n!” Betty screamed back. Betty, Jughead, Kevin, and Archie now stood protectively around Veronica and I.
“What the hell is going on?” Principal Weatherbee hollered from the football field gate, Coach Clayton and the Mayor behind him.
“Chuck, you are in serious trouble!” The coach spoke to his son in a loud tone.
“Dad, they were the ones who-”
“Son, I know about the playbook.” The coach interrupted.“ And I’ve seen the video of what you did to that poor girl.Come on!” The coach grabbed Reggie and Chuck by the shoulders, dragging them back inside the football field and towards the school.The mayor and principal Weatherbee followed. —————– After the whole commotion at the game, Archie was benched, because he had a bloody nose after the fight with Reggie. Jughead had it way worse, a black eye now adorning the right side of his face and a swollen lip, as well as a busted nose to match that of his best friends. He had a few cuts and bruises on his upper body, but nothing a little first aid couldn’t help.
Jughead now stood in front of me in his pajamas. Archie had drove everyone back to Betty’s, and I immediately dragged Jughead to my house to clean him up while the girls and Kevin set up an impromptu movie night/sleepover to make up for the shitty events earlier on in the night.
“You’ve been eerily silent."Jughead broke the silence as I wiped the cut on his chin with hydrogen peroxide.Jughead hissed at the discomfort.
"I’m just-” I sighed, setting down the napkin in the counter next to me.“I’m an idiot.”
“Y/n, you’re not an idiot.”
“I should have listened to you though.You were right about Chuck and I still went through with it anyways and-” I trailed off, not wanting to relive this afternoon.
“As much as I love hearing you say I was right.” Jughead smiled proudly. “What you need to know is that, everything Chuck said about you is a lie.”
“It’s wasn’t, Jug, he was right."I shook my head, beginning to cry once more.
"No, y/n, don’t say that.” Jughead rested his hands on the counter by either side of my thighs, capturing me in his lean and firm frame.I looked up at him, my eyes red and puffy.
“Jughead, I’m not worth it. None of this was worth it. You getting a black eye and a busted lip and a bloody nose wasn’t worth it!I’m pathetic! I’m a freak, I’m-” I waved my hands around wildly, and Jughead caught my wrists with my hands, holding on to them firmly but gently.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Jughead spoke softly, yet loud enough to get my attention.I stopped, looking at him.“You are worth it, ok? In my mind, in my..my everything, you’re worth it.You have always been worth it and you always will be worth it.” Jughead’s hands went around my cheeks, his thumbs stroking the sides of my face lovingly.
And then I was kissing Jughead.
My fingers were tangled in his hair, his beanie cap knocked off and long forgotten on the tile floor somewhere, his arms pulling me flush to his body. My legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him even closer, and the only time we stopped was to catch our breath for a second before kissing again.
A muffled shout was heard and I tore away from Jughead, to see the girls standing at Betty’s kitchen window, their phones in hand, taking pictures of us. Archie appeared behind them, two thumbs up being thrown in the air.
“We have an audience.” I hid my face in the crook of his neck, my nervous laughs muffled.
“I noticed.” Jughead flipped them off and they giggled, shutting the curtains quickly.
“When we get over there, they’re in for it.” Jughead mumbled, dipping his head back down to kiss me again.
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