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sciderman · 5 months ago
what's a lesser known spider-man related thing that you don't see enough people talk about? (for me although its not lesser known, more like forgotten, only two people (you included) have recongnized my pfp)
weird al yankovic song
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fishoutofcamelot · 5 years ago
(for the ask thing) any book/tv show/movie/song recommendations?
BRO! I heckin got you man! Now, I’m gonna skip the song and book recommendation bit because that sorta thing isn’t really my scene. BUT! In terms of TV? My rec list is like a mile long. I’m gonna include a read-more line, actually. 
BBC Merlin: You know I had to put this on the list. But the fact that you’re on my blog means you’ve probably watched this one, so I won’t go into detail about it. Available on Netflix
Mob Psycho 100: Just a cute, sweet story about a bunch of psychic kids trying to kill each other. A story with this much fighting has no right to be so wholesome. Mob is just a good boy, he doesn’t deserve all this! Fair warning, its messages about identity, self love, and growth WILL make you feel Emotions. Available on various anime pirating websites
Red vs Blue: The found family game is SO strong in this one. By far the best found family plot/dynamic I have ever and will ever experience. The characters are all so solid, yknow? Like it took me three rewatches to understand the plot, but I didn’t even care because I loved the characters SO MUCH. It’s also really, really funny (although some of the jokes have aged a bit poorly tbh). Basically about a bunch of space marines who goof off and accidentally dismantle corrupt governments along the way. Available on Youtube
Supernatural: Is it cringey? Yeah. Does the fandom suck? Also yeah. Is Destiel overrated? BIG yeah. But it’s got monsters, magic, family, and a plot that doesn’t revolve around romance - and really, what more could you ask for? And sure, a lot of people don’t really like the later seasons, but idk I actually prefer them. Season 15 has me THRIVING. I mean come on - character vs author?! Fighting the guy who literally wrote you into existence because he doesn’t want to give your story a happy ending?! Say what you will about Supernatural, but it’s one of the most imaginative shows I’ve ever seen. Available on Netflix
Avatar the Last Airbender: You like stellar animation, intricate worldbuilding/magicbuilding, and a perspective on war that is surprisingly mature for a kids show? Check it out. This show is without a doubt one of the best animated series of all time. Go on. Watch it. It’ll change your life. Available on Netflix
The Umbrella Academy: Time-travelling assassins. Superheroes. Ghosts. Talking monkeys. Murder mysteries. Baller soundtracks. This show will never give you what you expect. I don’t even think I could properly describe it to you. Available on Netflix
Detective Conan: An anime. It’s about a teen detective - think Nancy Drew but bloodier - who witnesses a crime and is fed an experimental poison in order to keep him from telling anyone. But instead of killing him, the poison turns him into a 6-year-old. So now he’s got to solve crimes and take down a criminal organization while in the body of a child. Naturally, shenanigans ensue. Fair warning, the main character becomes a bit of a Mary Sue in later episodes, but the first 300 or so are pretty fun. A few episodes are available on Netflix, but not any of the good ones. You’ll need an anime pirating website for that
Knives Out: My favourite movie ever, of all time. It’s a murder mystery that both subverts and pays homage to its parent genre in all the right places. It’s funny, it’s intelligent, and has a spectacular ending! Although I do wish the fandom would stop being so horny for Ransom, I mean he’s literally racist...No clue where you can find this tbh, I saw it in theatres
Derry Girls: Now I’m not normally a big fan of realistic fiction/sitcom stuff. Despite how funny they are, I’ve not even watched The Office or Parks and Rec because that normal daily life stuff just doesn’t peak my interest. And yet, somehow this story about a group of Irish high schoolers just has me enthralled. Very funny, very well-written, give it a watch. Available on Netflix
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Another anime. Phenomenal animation? Check. Fascinating plot and characters? Check. Detailed magic system that gets my lore-obsessed heart fluttering? Big heckin check. So basically two kids try to use Fantasy Science to bring their mom back to life, only the experiment fails and has some pretty nasty consequences - one boy loses his arm and leg, while the other loses his entire body and has his soul bound to a suit of armour. Now they gotta go through government conspiracies, ethical dilemmas, and Daddy Issues to try and get their bodies back. Available on Netflix
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K: Yet another anime. I know, I know, I’m a nerd, get over it. This show doesn’t have a complex plot or even complex characters, tbh, but what it does have is some amazing humour. It’s extremely funny, and it’s also just a nice show to kick back and relax to. Basically this guy who’s so op that he could rewrite the laws of reality on a whim is stuck dealing with relationship drama in high school despite being very, very asexual and very, very tired. Mostly he just uses his powers to avoid people and eat junk food, which is honestly a mood. Available on Netflix
Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated: Honestly I’d recommend almost anything that’s Scooby Doo-related because that was my childhood obsession. I used to have like 20 of the movies on DVD before my mom gave them all away. To this day I still love Scooby Doo, and watch it whenever I get the chance. But if you ask any SD fan, they’ll probably tell you that Mystery Incorporated is the best, most intelligent, most creative installment in the franchise. And they’re right (although I do wish there was less relationship drama...) Available on Netflix
Evil Genius: This is a documentary series about the Collar Bomb Robbery. Now, despite what the above list might indicate, I actually watch a LOT of documentaries, and if I were here to recommend all of them then we would be here all day. Not really ‘funny’ like the other entries on this list, it’s actually rather tragic, but definitely a cerebral viewing experience. Available on Netflix
Screwball: Now this is a documentary that IS funny. It’s about drug scandals in baseball. But the dramatic scene re-enactments are done with child actors that are all wearing fake beards and pretending to be drug dealers. It’s not only a fascinating subject, but it’s got amazing editing and visuals that have me in awe. Available on Netflix
Behind the Curve: Yet another documentary. This one’s about the rise of the Flat Earth movement. You’ll spend most of the time on the verge of having a stroke because of how stupid it all is. Available on Netflix
The Movies That Made Us: Okay okay okay last documentary on the list I swear. This one’s exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a series talking about the behind-the-scenes production of iconic movies like Home Alone and Ghostbusters. I eagerly await the second season. Available on Netflix
Monster Factory: If you’re familiar with the McElroy brothers and their brand of humour, you’ll love this. Griffin and Justin team up to make the most disturbing avatars they can create using video game character creators. The origins of the Final Pam meme. If I had a shirt with a quote from Monster Factory on it, I’d die a happy man. Available on Youtube
Baman Piderman: The dumbest show I have ever watched, but it’s so adorable and stupid and I love it so much. It doesn’t really have a plot, but later episodes allude to the presence of one and I’m upset because there are so many mysteries/questions hinted at and we’ll never get answers because it’s been abandoned. PLEASE watch it. Available on Youtube
Stranger Things: Okay, season 2 was a bit of a let-down imo, but season 1 was ICONIC and the Scoops Troop subplot in season 3 deserved its own freakin spinoff. I’m not joking. I didn’t even like s3 all that much, but the only reason it’s my favourite is because the Scoops Troop plot was so great. People call this show ‘horror’ but I don’t think it’s scary enough for that, although it is admittedly kinda spooky. If you like 80s nostalgia and the horror aesthetic, then I’d give it a watch (Do it for Scoops Troop. Do it for Robin). Available on Netflix
Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart: Despite my overwhelming love for this film, I’ll be the first to admit it’s kinda mediocre. The plot is weird and the romance feels forced, but despite its flaws it manages to be one of my favourite movies. Mostly I just like it for the unique concept and beautiful ending. Also the music is off the par man. Probably because the writer/producer of the movie was the lead singer for a French band called Dionysus (what? I do my research). Available on Netflix
Wakfu: I haven’t seen past season 3, but so far it’s pretty good. You go in thinking it’s just a wholesome action/adventure show about a kid who can create portals - but then it just. Sucks you in. From its bopping theme song to its fantastic found family to the unique worldbuilding, you very quickly fall in love with it. It’s got a cool plot and also talking dragons, and it doesn’t get better than that. Available on Netflix
Mystery Skulls Animated: Technically not a TV show so much as it is a series of animated music videos with a plot, but I’ll be damned if this isn’t one of the greatest things of all time. It’s basically Scooby Doo but if Shaggy got possessed by a demon and killed Fred, causing Fred to become a ghost hellbent on revenge-killing Shaggy in return. And if Scooby was an ancient Japanese spirit that bit off Shaggy’s arm, forcing him to wear a metal prosthetic. Yeah, MSA is wild. It’s only got three videos out so far, with a fourth one coming out this October, but there’s already so much lore! Available on Youtube
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared: Ah yes, yet another cringey entry on this list. But you know what? Cringe culture is dead!!! And despite its fandom being...like that...DHMIS really is a cool show. Think if Sesame Street was like haunted or something. The episodes about creativity and telling time remain the most unsettling, imo. Definitely worth a watch. Available on Youtube
Inanimate Insanity: Oh boy. Am I seriously recommending you dip your little fingies into the object fandom? Yes. Yes I am. This show is so obscure it makes freakin Detective Conan look popular. At its core it’s a parody of Total Drama Island and Survivor but with anthropomorphized inanimate objects as characters (hence the name). Season 2 is actually really, really good and surprisingly competent. You just gotta get through season 1 first. Available on Youtube
The X-Files: Wow, a live action series on this list? Who woulda thought??? But seriously, this show is really fun. Memes and jokes aside, I love it. Scully and Mulder are fun characters with great chemistry (both platonic and romantic), the Lone Horsemen are hilarious, and every episode is a unique adventure into the most creative acid trips the human mind could conceive of. Phenomenal from start to finish (if you ignore the last season). I have no clue where you would watch this. Pirate it, probably
Buzzfeed Unsolved: Two idiots investigate cold cases and haunted locales while being utter dumbasses about it. You know the “hey demons it’s be ya boi” meme? That came from these guys. Available on Youtube
Kingdom: Ngl, I didn’t go into this expecting zombies. Or for it to take place during Korean feudalism, for that matter. But mediocre dubbing aside, this show has such a clever concept. It takes the zombie apocalypse genre and gives refreshing, unique twists to old tropes that they feel like something new. Seo-bi is my wife and she deserves all the love and appreciation in the world, and those are just Facts. Available on Netflix
My Hero Academia: Superhero high school anime. I personally am not a fan of later episodes/arcs, but the first three seasons are pretty dang good. Diverse, colourful ensemble cast that you easily grow to adore, interesting commentary on disability (although I’m not qualified to give any actual takes on that), and a school curriculum that makes me very, very concerned for the wellbeing of these children. Plus all the superpowers - aka ‘quirks’ - are super imaginative and, well, quirky! I just wish people would stop shipping the main character with his childhood bully...You’ll need to pirate this one too lmao
Danny Phantom: The highlight of this show is its ‘phandom’, because unlike someone (*cough* Butch Hartman), we’re not a bunch of cowards. It’s about a guy who messes around with his parents’ lab stuff and accidentally acquires the ability to die! Well, half-die. He can turn into a ghost and fight other ghosts. Although the show never explores the existential, traumatic fallout of being kinda-sorta-dead, the potential for something deep and emotional is there. Plus there is a LOT of accidental subtext for a Big LGBT+ Metaphor. So much so that the Trans Danny theory is basically canon. Uhhh not available on Netflix anymore so it’s time to whip out your pirate hat, matey
And there you have it! Like I said, I have a lot of TV recommendations. And I just KNOW I’m forgetting a ton, but this is already really long so we’ll have to cut off here. 
Thanks for the ask! <3
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arks-self-ship · 5 years ago
The main Baby Blue Boys!
So I like to jump around AUs with my F/O N//ightcrawler, and with M//arvel’s multiverse that makes it easy! But I do have a few main base versions of my F/O that most of these AUs are built off!
Blue: Blue is the generic 6/16 base, He’s a sweet boy.
Goldy: Ultimates but if ignoring a lot of canon. Super gay and sometimes ends up leaving the x//men with my S/I so he can begin to actually heal from his tramua. I tend to use this one a lot because I like angst. Warning: due to the canon I pull from his behavior can often be considered borderline "yandere" so feel free to avoid that, but he's non violent just very possessive. My S/I knows how to deal with that and is very good at setting boundaries with him.
Three: Three is a version of Ultimates who was in the W//eapon X program much much longer. In canon it was implied he was there for less than a year (Even saying “all these months in this horrible place” and a scientist dude saying something about a few months ago too) but in this AU he was there for almost 3 years and it kind of broke him. He’s a lot tougher, stronger and scarier and often seems to be very distant and grumpy but he does have a huge soft spot for my S/I. Unlike Ulti and canon ultimates he has no problem with killing anymore, but tries to only do it if he has too. He usually has a knife made of mysterious material (not metal, but looks metallic and is as strong as a//damantium) that he’s very attached to and always has on him. The knife was sometimes given to him by my S/I sometimes it was stolen from the person who tormented him at W//eapon X. Very protective of my S/I
Nighty: Kind of a mix of E//volution and a bit of the A//pocalypse movie version. Just a really sweet goof who’s not always sure what he’s doing. Usually already struggling with his sexuality when my S/I shows up. Mischievous baby who just likes to cause (mostly) harmless problems. Very very casual best friend vibes with my S/I until whoops they kiss! (bro...) Still keep things very casual after though. Usually has a secret dating trope thrown in for extra shenanigans. Aged up, usually having just entered or about to start college but has known my S/I for a few years. (Please note I only ship with him because I was the same age as he was in canon when I first started shipping with him and he aged with me. It's the same storyline as back then)
Baddy (under construction, not available for asks): Villian AU and also kinda a Soulmate AU where Kurt works with his parents as part of a family "bussiness" that involves a lot of robberies and theft. When my S/I comes along and they finally meet he brings them into the family bussiness. They're more "be gay do crime" than world domination so it's mostly stuff like stealing from the rich, vandalism and random destruction of property, and just fucking with super heroes at random cause they get bored. They got a particular beef with the X/Men cause they were really shitty to my S/I when they first got there. VERY protective of my S/I
For Hire (Inactive, not available for asks): Kind of another Villain AU that's a combination of Three and Baddy. After escaping W/eapon X and learning it was shut down Kurt was left alone in the world with his only skills being sneaking and killing. In this AU he became a mercenary for hire, killing or stealing so he could have enough money to survive. When my S/I comes along they team up, constantly taking jobs just to meet rent each month and be able to eat. He does all the killings, but they work together for everything else. They're constantly butting heads with the X//men. In some storylines eventually get a redemption arc, joining the X//men but secretly whoever is in charge (be it X/avier, L/ogan or Scott) is having them take people who are to dangerous out (X/Force 2008-2012 style) so they can stay somewhere safe to live and not worry if they're going to be able to eat that night. Very very protective of my S/I, includes a frenzy mode where he sort of loses touch with everything around him and just kills anything that isn't my S/I.
Big Blue: Based on the 2015 X//men inferno S/ecret Wars thing where N/ightcrawler gets his soul ripped out and is turned into a monster by D/arkChild. Slightly different than canon where G/oblin queen doesnt kill off his mind and at some point my S/I is able to use their empath powers to sever the control D/arkchild has over him (although for plot reasons how they break him out of the control varies depending on what I wanna do). Usually involves them helping him find his soul again, and once he gets it his mind is still kind of broken but he’s closer to normal and able to transform back and forth between his beast form and a slightly different version of his normal self (look varies, usually has horns, longer fur on his forearms and claws). But hey hes got a bunch of sweet new powers! And after kind of going feral in his beast form and killing D/arkchild he becomes basically a scabbard for the S/oulsword, which both he and my S/I can wield. Tends to be extremely protective of my S/I and in constant need of attention
Kid: based on the Kid N/ightcrawler from the 2012 X/-treme X/men series, classic kid genius and usually around 14 like canon. Non-Romantic character!!! Usually a little brother figure for my S/I! Unlike in canon he did not die in the X/termination event (only x/avier did), instead having serious injuries and losing his left leg and messing up his ability to teleport to the point even a couple teleports will completely wipe him out. His Earth’s version of my S/I was a huge hero, considered one of the big five (alongside S/piderman, Capt M/arvel, T/hor, and B/lack P/anther) so he’s very star stuck and admires them a lot. Sometimes shows up if my S/I gets knocked out of their dimension and needs to go home, othertimes my S/I is a part of their team with a romantic version of NC on the team too cause I do what I want
Red: A/OA based K//urt D//arkholme, and follows canon up to the point of X/termination, where he also didn’t die but his reality was sealed off and he can’t go home. Due to what happened with X/force he instead takes up the offer to travel with the X/treme x/men and continue to dimension hop and help other realities. Not always romantic (but it depends on the AU) and is instead usually an almost mentor to my S/I. Often also is a mentor to Kid as the two are usually coexisting in whatever AU this is and helps him with his powers. Very stoic and kind of grumpy, but secretly cares a lot about this team.
Band: Kind of a mix of Goldy and Three, having left the X//men to join my S/I’s band, reasons vary depending on what I want to do, usually its due to the severe manipulation of X//avier and just how it was destroying his mental health. Tends to kind of split from here, sometimes he ends up the lead singer with my S/I on guitar, or my S/I as the singer and him as the drummer who likes to not be seen by the audience so his drums are kept in a dark spot of the stage. I generally default to two storylines too, sometimes he stays in his original world and trying to help m//utants as best he can and refusing to talk about his time in the X-men. The other storyline is for whatever reason the band ends up reality hopping, going from multiverse to multiverse and setting up camp for awhile and playing their music there. This is the angstier version and often ends up featuring Nighty or just general E//volution Kurt cause I like angst sometimes. Generally a very casual AU that i just like to think about when listening to music. Band is very much punk/ punk rock.
Real quick, when I talk about a U/ltimate’s universe I mean my own AU of it because what I do is ignore huge parts of canon because I feel the writers were trying to be edgy and tackle a lot of social issues of the time and sadly my baby blue in that got the shit end of the stick on being nice about some stuff because he was religious. I ignore all of that because Its my F/O and I’ll do what I want. I’m honestly not a fan of u/ltimates and just like to snag certain character dynamics, backstory and design and mix it with 6/16
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monkey-network · 8 years ago
Good Stuff: Baman Piderman
WARNING: When making Kool-Aid, buy two packets for better flavor. Thank you, take care out there, and enjoy.
Holy Slamacow, this show is the tops and bottoms
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Before Tumblr became my glory hole for art and visual entertainment, I had more complex sites like Newgrounds, Stickgames, and Youtube before it became a sellout. And in Youtube, there was a channel called Mondo Media that felt like a reject Adult Swim sub-channel. And in that, Mondo had stuff like Dick Figures, Gundarr, and Larva that would produce new episodes by the week and I’d check in every time. Not Happy Tree Friends though, that scared me. But I saw a particular series that I then I unfortunately sweeped under the rug like a pak of gummi blobs. Let me tell you, I was a FOOOOLISH child for thinking this was nothing but nonsense scribble dribble! This was/is the best thing to enter my life, and it deserves all the praise and love and cake and ice cream that one might be able to get. Why I skipped out on such a delight back all those years ago is a certain mystery. Then again...
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Made by Lindsey and Alex Small-Butera, a couple of artists whose fluid yet jittery outlined animation can be recognizable if you’ve seen an Adventure Time or Ed, Edd, n Eddy. Not saying they were involved in the latter, but this show takes the style from the Eds and pictures from the early days of animation reels. And if you haven’t seen Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy as a child, then I feel sorry for you. This was what got me hooked at first, with simple motions the characters look like something from old Fleischer or Disney shorts, but when it needs to pick up the motion can be as smooth and well flowing as a... Ghibli film? No, that’s more grounded. Steven Universe? No, that’s too floaty. I GOT IT! Have you ever heard of The Snowman, a small film about a boy that flies with a snowman he built himself that is just genuine Christmas? Now have you ever heard of this one commercial that parodies that movie where this child and a snowman were flying through the winter air while the child had a Scottish soft drink in hand and the snowman ditched him since he was too spoiled to share? See below, but Baman Piderman is like that with its direction, except it doesn’t have as detailed an art style as the commercial or the film.
it also doesn’t have a punk who REFUSES to spare a sip!
The second, and personal favorite, element of the series are the characters. Admittedly, BP’s first season didn’t do much for me beyond introducing most of the main cast. It’s silly hijinks for a start, but season two certainly picks things up. My favorite character will go to the ghost girl Wanda, not just for her giddy prankster attitude but because her past is very intriguing; originally a haunter in Piderman’s house it changed somehow but more on that LATER! Though, I’ll say the evolving couple of Pumkin and the very big squib are a well featured dynamic, with Pumkin’s laid back charm in contrast with Squib’s enigmatic attitude. Their episode here perfectly captures their gentle and fun togetherness, as well as the central mood for the show, and I hope their kindling relationship blooms like a cloud in the sky.
It’s also the simplicity of it that gets me
This can be a silent film sometimes and there’s a comforting sense of passion that shows how much the creators care about this and you, esp. when some feels step in. So many feels. I highly recommend this to anyone who would just like a nice time passer or a spirit booster when times get tough. As we speak, a new episode of their third season is almost finished (that’s gonna be spoopy), so that can be something out for as well. But that’s all; just wanted to persuade you into checking this. You may continue with your scrolling.
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And I’m off to dream...peace
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minusram · 8 years ago
3, 4, 16
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
oh holy hell. okay.
mp100 (obviously….); i guess if i had to choose i might say the shining star of the 21st C, mr arataka reigen himself. or maybe mob
but… i don’t really identify with characters? they are always entirely separate from myself in my head. i have FAVOURITES, no question, but none of them are really ‘me’. i enjoy them because they aren’t, actually.
when i use fiction as a coping mechanism i just sort of divorce myself from my actual life and inhabit a voyeuristic space where what happens doesn’t touch me except by proxy. i have emotional reactions to their stories because i care about them, not because i see myself in their place.
so i guess if i identify with anyone, it’s ???% (i know, edgy)
but as a consolation prize….. drumroll please….. an incomplete list of faves from some of my many OTHER fandoms…… (see if you can spot any patterns haha)
tmnt;donnie / IZ;dib / baman piderman;pumkin / naruto;sakura or itachi / futurama;kif / discworld;either His Grace the Duke of Ankh or rincewind / nge;kaworu / pmmm;homura / south park;kenny / khr;gokudera / avatar;sokka or katara / oots;vaarsuvius / 3cornetto;hot fuzz / pnf;perry / friends;chandler / lsoh;seymour / cybersix;cybersix / homestuck;karkat / star trek;spock / oofuri;mihashi / 
4. do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
i do really like my name! irl, anyway. but it is extraordinarily gendered, so i don’t really want to use it on the internet, because the name is like… practically the first impression you get online. i am still working on figuring out a name that is not so gendered. but my irl name is great, it’s long so there are lots of ways to turn it into nicknames. i mean if you know my name you can call me that, as long as you do so with the understanding that it refers to a genderless being. but idk, introducing myself that way on here feels ooky
16. if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
not even close, probably. i mean, i suppose some things would be the same, but i’m a big proponent of NURTURE over (nature), although both do have their influence
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