#i cant show anyone else besides the friend i talked about it with when i made it
cerealmonster15 · 1 year
literally how i feel when im trying to make a shred of sense on artfight talking about the aus and how all the characters connect to each other
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at least. on yale’s profile  l o l
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Cant Stop Thinking...
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Tw : Noncon, Bullying, Yandere Themes, use the word 'fat', Dark themes, Male masturbations, Dacryphilia, Virginity-take, mentions of blood, force-realtionship, Chubby Reader Fics with no Skintone of Reader mentioned.
Dead Dove Do Not Eat.
💭🥛🍓 cant stop thinking about men who loves to bully you. men who said to his other friends that you're nothing but a bunny who fawnings all over him, saying that you're pathetic and fat. men who acts disgusted around you, when the reality is -- he was more than ready to sacrifice his own friends, if its enough for him just so he can see your chubby cheeks lifted into a smile. men who jerks off the thoughts about you. feeling pathetic with his own self because he should be just pinned you beneath him and fucked you to death! men who really wants to ruin that bright smile of yours. he should be the one who deserve to seeing it, not them!. men who pathetically hiding his jealousy when he sees you talk to your other friends, and showing your bright smile at them. men who cant hold it anymore, as he placed his hands over your mouth just so you cant scream. while his other hands grabbing both of your chubby hands and hold you within it. while his cock pounding your back, shushing your muffled screams and cry, and oh.. if only he can be honest, he must say you looked so pretty with tears rolling down into your cheeks. and he also enjoy the sight of your bloodied pussy. guess he's your first isnt it? men who force you to accept him as your new boyfriend. you dont need anyone else darling, just come to his lap and tell him what you want, he would gave it to you within minutes! although he wont gave you a freedom. besides, he's your first one isnt it? so he should be the one who deserve to claim you as his. its just a matter of time before he finally tried to court you into his wife, i hope you're ready to kiss goodbye at your normal life style because later on, you wont be seeing anyone else besides him, Ever Again.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ The Men that i'm Talking about Are ;
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Sasori, TSUKISHIMA KEI, Sasuke, SCARAMOUCHE, Childe, Kyoutani, Kuroo Tetsuro, MIYA TWINS, ALEC, Naoya Zenin, Toji Fushiguro, Sanzu, HAITANI TWINS, Douma, Sanemi, ITOSHI BROTHERS, Sukuna, Eren, Hidan, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Suna rintaro.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Did i forget anyone? Insert your favs!
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I cant believe i just write this -- i am going to hell...
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ruewrote · 1 year
𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑.
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PAIRING: jj maybank x fem!reader WARNINGS: none GENRE: fluff, f2? SONG INSPIRATION: just cant get enough by black eyed peas WORD COUNT: 868
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you never had much money. living as a pogue proved that, but you didn't care.
you didn't keep up with the latest cosmopolitan since you were out surfing instead.
getting dirty looks from kooks as they judged your worn-out tops to your ripped vans, but you had no shame about it. holding your head high as they whispered behind you.
from time to time you wondered how it'd be to live big and fancy, but wouldn't trade what you had with your friends for anything else.
from the lazy hangouts at the chateau to the risky adventures, the bond that pogues had was unmatched. they were your family.
so when you started your new job working at the kooks country club you wanted to show your gratitude and bought each of them small gifts.
a golden turtle broch for kiera, an expensive pair of trainers for pope, and so on and so forth.
everyone was hyped about their gifts, you received many hugs and thanks but not jj. he sat on the sofa, rolling the black marble ring that you had gotten for him between his fingers.
an appreciative smile displayed on your lips, standing up and walking over to you, interrupting the conversation that you were having with sarah. giving you a knowing nod, she sat on john b's lap across the room, her arm around his neck, his hand on her waist.
"is everything okay?" concerned as jj sat beside you, his knee knocking into your own whilst doing so.
"i cant accept this." that made you frown and your brow furrow.
"of course you can, i wanted to spoil you a little. it's well overdue from all of the times that you've either paid for my food or i've stolen yours." playfully nudging his arm with yours, jj still didn't look convinced.
"you deserve this. as much as you're talking yourself out of it, it's true. its about time you got some well-deserved appreciation." you persisted, nudging the ring gently back to his chest.
still looks doubtful you made a promise.
"okay fine if you take this, this one time, no more expensive presents. only because i have one to match." lifting your hand gesturing to your pinky, slipping his on, and wrapping his finger around your own.
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you stuck to what you said to jj, you hadn't bought him a single expensive item, maybe treated him to dinner from time only after arguing back and forth about it, it ending in him giving in.
you had also made it your life's goal to make him gifts, whether it be finding pretty shells on the beach or decorated notes of appreciation.
yeah, it might've been insignificant to anyone else, but you felt a sense of pride when you watched his face light up at the silly little homemade trinkets.
from then on it just became a random thing you did for him even if you didn't get the others anything.
both of you agreed for him to sleep at your house since his dad was not having a... particularly good day and obviously not wanting him to be at the receiving end of it, he crashed at yours. this happened often enough that your parents let him stay over as long as the door was open.
so now you stood over the stove, stirring the pasta that was bubbling for the mac and cheese that you were making. jj making it ten times harder as he started doing stuff to distract you like eating the pre-grated cheese.
your hand slapping his wrist as he yet again went to reach his fingers into the bowl.
"i swear to god if i have to tell you again jay!" he giggled and ran out of the kitchen as you grabbed the cloth off of the side, following not far behind him.
after a while of chasing each other around the house, you finally cornered him in the living room, trying to whip the material.
unfortunately for you, he managed to snatch it out of your hands, wrapping his arms around your body and falling onto the couch on top of you so you couldn't do anything.
"let go of me!" wriggling around to find a way out.
"why would i do that when i know what the outcome will be? hey im dumb but im not that dumb."
letting out a huff, you relaxed into his arms knowing there wouldn't be any way of getting him to budge. he overpowered you every time.
"ugh fuck you dude!"
"you wish sweetheart!" jj winked at you, it wasn't until then that you realized the position you two were in.
he laid on top of you, in between your legs. faces two inches apart. your mouth went dry, looking at him was an even bigger mistake because when his eyes flickered from your lips to your eyes... you melted.
jj leaned in closer, your lips nearly touching when the smoke alarm goes off.
"shit the food!" you both dashed to the kitchen, turning off the fire, and making sure everything was fine. it was. laughing relieved.
you both wished deep down that the alarm had never gone off.
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© ruewrote.
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zynart · 2 months
the picture of aubrey dorian grayham
i havent seen anyone else say it yet, but i've often felt like drake had the vibe of a real-life dorian gray, even for years before this and even aside from all the allegations. and if today felt like a slashed painting, let's cover what i mean
it's about an almost 40 year old whose entire online presence for years has been culture curation and memes and celebrity shit and partying and womanizing and more partying on instagram and plastic surgery and trendsetting trend following and making music to make tiktok money and memeing with celebrities for instagram
a slightly dorky looking guy who seemed like a somewhat self-aware and kinda soulful enough dude in his early 20s, who got famous making music about love and emotions or heartbreak or whatever that even got him the "sensitive rapper" moniker (whether the image was real or fake all along, what i mean in how he came across in public) who has now spent a decade as this giant star where i cant remember the last time i've seen him do anything that looked like it showed an actual emotion beyond insecurity and pettiness and self-aggrandizement in all that time, especially about love
guy made songs like marvin's room but when's the last time he seems to have had any actual emotions about any women besides just chasing an endless list of women as status symbols and feeling wronged or slighted or threatened by women over petty shit. guy got famous off a song like best i ever had, made "sweatpants, hair tied, chilling with no make-up / that's when you're the prettiest" into a catchphrase people referenced for years. i dont know what his true self was but just like in the story, we're not arguing about whether dorian was rotten from the start, just talking about how it seems
haven't seen him show genuine emotion in years aside from trolling. flaunting wealth, trying to take taken women getting off on the concept of dominance play over other men. it's like someone who cared so much about looking hard and chasing pleasures that, because they thought real love and heartbreak looked weak, decided it was better to lose the capability at all
"enthralled by the hedonistic worldview that sensual fulfillment is the only thing worth pursuing in life... dorian expresses the desire to sell his soul. the wish is granted, and dorian pursues a libertine life of varied amoral experiences while staying young..."
someone whose entire life is vacationing with drinks beautiful settings or clubs or mansions or posing with celebrity women or trolling for memes, shown no actual emotions except pettiness and resentment in years. plastic surgery to look fitter and younger. life that's not lived as much as meticulously crafted and curated for instagram
circling back and seeing its a reverse dorian gray situation. one might think that instagram is the real-life painting, but the drake that we see and know is the drake on instagram, the carefully curated hedonistic party animal billionaire with a parade of celebrity friends and women, ab etchings and pout and photo filters and vacation settings for a look curated to be unchanging, constant, the biggest star on the planet. the drake we dont see, the drake in the attic, is the real drake. the person behind the curation
tbh maybe it's not that deep, it's just. a certain dorian gray feeling is something i've always gotten. this drake is something that in theory can't last, you would've expected any given billionaire playboy to have wound down and found love and settled by this age, there's only so long you can stave off time until you're actually old without a family around you, unless you're dorian gray and you can just keep going. but at some point someone's still stabbing that painting
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marvelita85 · 10 months
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The gift was overwelming.. it was true your uncle was your first choise... your only one but the animocity between your mothers made it almost imposible for you to talk with your mother in favour of her own brother
You grab the box and walked around the corridora of the home which seen you grow up together and be best friends of a time and then everything was different but her heart never changed
- hi.... - you found him in the library and rise his face from the book looking at you
- hi... y/n...I didnt expected to see you today...
- I come to thank you for your gift...- you put the box beside the book he left on the table...- Although very generous of you uncle I can't accept it
-why not?...- he rise from his chair trying to get closer to you...
- you shouldnt ask that question after your espectacle at dinner yesterday night...- he tried to talk but you raised your hand signaling you havent finished - you called my brothers bastards yesterday and that is something I cant allowed for whoever become my husband, your part of the family is a priority for you Aemond... well mine is for me and I chose Jace and Luke and Joffrey over you or anyone else...
- it wasnt intended that way...I just said they were strong boys what is wrong with that
- everything when your own mother and grandfather has been spreading vile rumors about Ser Harwin Strong and my mother... you even insulted my mother your own sister how can I chose you as my intended when you hold no love for the people I love...
- you think I have no motive to feel nothing but hate for the person responsable for this - he took his eyepatch showing you a beautiful sapphire in place of his left eye...
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- I'm so sorry for your eye Aemond I really am... my brother should have been punished that night but he was just a kid
- I was too...
- yes... we all were...- you turn around and left the library leaving an enraged Aemond... he felt rejected again for the last person who expected and that was you
He got out of the library walking in a different direction he saw you turn the corner... his primary goal was to find his mother who was with Rhaenyra, aparently their relationship was mending
- oh Aemond... - Alicent saw her son looking at Rhaenyra...
- I better go to find the children..
- I need to talk with both of you..- he finally said and Rhaenyra looked at her half brother and then to Alicent
You found your brothers who were playing with Helaena's children and you smile sitting beside your aunt - children...- you said refering to Jace and Luke who were playing as kids would do...
- my brother sometimes plays like that with the twins...ans soon he will with your own...- you turn looking at her... your aunt sometime talkes in riddles it was something you never understood but it was somethinf that didnt bother you either
- princess I'm sorry your mother and the queen are requesting your presence in the parlor...
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The first one you saw was your mother talking with the queen as you entered the parlor you saw Aemond beside his mother who rised at the look of you
- what is going on?
- y/n darling... come sit down with us... you turn to your mother and sit beside her...
- y/n I learn that Aemond gave you a gift and you refuse it
- you are for real involved the queen and my mother in this...
- y/n!! - Rhaenyra exclaimed
- is true... is because I say no to you favoring my brothers you have to run to your mother ans mine to see if you can win either way
- is not that at all and you know it... you have always been the one I've chosen to be my wife... when your mother anounced you were going to started looking for suitors I wanted to put myself there is not about winning
- then what is it?
- I love you...- the gasp around the table as Alicent and Rhaenyra were still there listening - I've always loved you... and I dont want you to leave ever again not to Dragonstone or anyother place with anyone else... I want to be your husband and you my wife because I can't bare the thought of you leaving again - your eyes soften conciderably as Alicent hold her breath... Rhaenyra still had her doubts to give her only daughter to the greens but she couldn't deny her brother being sincere woth his feelings... - you don't need to say it back.. just don't leave me again
- Aem....- you couldn't even talk... and he got the gift out of one poket opening it up
- with our mothers as witnesses please accept this gift... - accept me you almost heard he really said
- your marriage signified the union of our family... and I believe is due time for that... I refused that posibility once... now things could be so different..
- is alright... our children can be very happy but is still y/n choise...- you looked at your mother, the queen and then to Aemond and you smile holding your hand to him, Aemond had a playfull smirk in his lips taking the ring and place it in your finger
- congratulations to both of you! - you grab into his hand and Aemond smile the first real one you've seen and you realise there was no other choise for you than him
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angelst4re · 1 year
Would you be able to do a fluff with Jamie where he has a panic attack and his friends try to calm him down but the reader is the only one who he’ll let near him?
of course love!! i'm sorry this took so long to write, it's been in my drafts for a while but i've been so busy i haven't had the time to post anything!! :(
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Breathe... - Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
summary: jamie has to be on stage soon, but his anxiety thinks otherwise.
warnings: none! <3
notes: i have quite a few fics written in my drafts right now ready to post... :)
“Jamie, c’mon man, we’ve got to be on stage in less than ten minutes.” 
“I cant fucking do it. I’m sorry, I-“ He ran his fingers through his hair, stressed out and slightly shaky. 
“What do you mean you can’t do it?” Roland scoffed, it was their last show of the tour and Jamie was refusing to go out, “is everything okay, mate?” 
“No. It’s fucking not. This is the biggest crowd we’ve ever played to, what if something goes wrong? What if they don’t like us? What if-“ 
“Five minutes, J.” Sam quickly popped his head round the door, expecting to see his brother ready to go out and play for the crowd, not expecting to see him breaking down. “Shit, is everything okay?” 
Before Jamie could answer him, Roland began talking. 
“He’s refusing to go out there, I don’t know what we can do. We can’t just not perform, and no one else can sing.” 
“Say there’s been an emergency!” Jamie announced, “call it off. Or I’ll do it myself.” 
“Jamie, we can’t do that-“ 
“Who are you calling?” Jamie questioned as Sam raised his phone to his ear. 
“Y/n. If anyone can talk him out of this it’ll be- hi, y/n, where are you right now?… ah, great! Do you think you could come backstage quickly? Jamie’s on the verge of a panic attack- it’s a long story- just get here as soon as you can, thank you so much! See you soon.”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
After getting the call from Sam, you left your things with his girlfriend Venus and rushed backstage. Jamie was telling you the night before that he was nervous about today, and you managed to reassure him, telling him that everything will be okay, that he has nothing to worry about, which calmed him enough so that he could fall asleep, but now it’s clearly escalated. 
When you spotted your boyfriend, he was sat with his elbows on his knees, his face buried in his hands, so very stressed. 
“Could you give us a moment?” You asked Sam and Roland gently, and they nodded, leaving you with Jamie. 
“I don’t want to do it, I can’t do it! But they’re all out there waiting for us… Fuck, they’re going to be so disappointed, aren’t they?” 
“What do you mean?” You asked softly, sitting beside your boyfriend, putting an arm around his shoulder as you pulled him closer to you. 
“Everyone, the fans, the guys… I don’t want to disappoint them, darling. But I can’t go out there.” 
“Oh, love,” you sighed, “they will be upset if you don’t go out, they love you, Jamie. They’re here to support you, to see their idol, their hero. Remember that feeling when you’re on stage, when you feel unstoppable, when all the adrenaline takes over. If you don’t go out, I’m certain you’ll regret it, you’ll get upset over it, like you are now. I hate to see you like this, Jamie, I really do, but I know once you get out there, once you see everyone and they’re so excited to see their favourite band, this feeling will pass. They love you, almost as much as I do.” You smiled, and he sat back, turning to look at you. 
“I don’t know if I can do it. I’m just… I’m having a bad day, darling. I don’t want to let the anxiety win, but I can’t do it.” 
You frowned, seeing him upset really broke your heart. You noticed a tear had rolled down his cheek and you quickly used your thumb to wipe it off. 
“Breathe, love.” You told him, and he took in a deep breath, holding it for a moment before exhaling, and then repeating. “You’ve got this, okay? I’ll be watching with Venus from the side of the stage, if I could go on stage with you to support you, I would,” you giggled, running your fingers through his hair, “but you’re going to go out there and give those people the performance of a lifetime, baby.”
You noticed a slight change in the way Jamie was sitting, he straightened himself up a little and nodded his head. 
“You’re right, sweetheart. You’re always right,” he said, his voice no more than a whisper as he leaned over and placed a kiss on your forehead, “how much time have we got?” 
“Not long.” 
Jamie stood up, and reached his hand out to help you up. He snaked his arm around you as you walked out, side by side. 
“Oh, y/n, you’re an angel!” Sam grinned, “ready, J?” 
“Ready as ever.” He said with a smile, before leaning down to capture your lips in a kiss once more. He struggled to pull away from you as the other guys began to walk out onto the stage, but once he was out there, performing on stage, every worry he had disappeared. He even began to question why he was anxious in the first place.
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bridgyrose · 4 months
🏠 casual roommate/prudish roommate
Ruby and Cinder, which is which is up to you 😌
(Well, since you were so nice)
“And how do you know you wont like it if you dont try it?” Cinder asked with a smirk. 
Ruby blushed as she rolled her eyes, doing her best to keep from watching Cinder strip in front of her. It hadnt been the first time that Cinder had stripped during a hot, summer day, but the idea of being naked around others still didnt feel right with Ruby, especially around Cinder. The older huntress had been a mentor to her at Beacon, almost like an older sister to her, and the idea of moving in with her felt more like a dream for further training. Instead, she had spent most of the last year watching Cinder walk around naked, play strip poker with a few of her friends, and even try to talk Ruby into getting naked. “I’m not… exactly comfortable with, you know, stripping like that.” 
“Why not? You wont be harming anyone and even you said that its still too hot in here even with the little you’re already wearing? What’s removing just a few more pieces of clothing?” 
“Because its indecent!” Ruby paused for a moment as she swore she sounded like Weiss for a moment. “I still want to keep at least a little modesty.” 
Cinder grinned and gestured towards Ruby. “And you think that’s modest right now?” 
Ruby looked down at herself, looking over the tank top and shorts she’d decided to wear. Her tank top left very little to the imagination, clinging to her braless chest as sweat dripped down. Even her shorts seemed to hug her hips tightly, a tad bit small on her after years of training. “This… this is different.” 
“And how is this different?” Cinder asked as she sat down. “You’re practically exposed right now and you’re worried about showing off a bit more skin? Hell, I’ve seen you go to a pool in a bikini. Its not like you have anything no one else has seen.” 
Ruby blushed a bit more as she felt herself get eyed by Cinder, unable to argue that she was wrong. Her hands went down to her shorts as she felt the fabric, the thought of removing them along with her tank top ran through her mind. “Neo… Neo is coming over, isnt she? O-or what if we get called for a mission-” 
“Neo wont mind and will probably get naked herself, and if we get called on a mission, then we’ll deal with that. Besides, Ozpin told you to take some time off, right? You’ve been on mission after mission for months, why not just relax?” 
Ruby quietly sighed and gripped the side of her shorts. Cinder had made a compelling argument and the summer heat wasnt going to leave any time soon. Still, the idea of getting naked in front of her or even around someone else still felt… wrong. Getting naked still felt like too intimate of an activity to her, especially since most shows gave the impression that getting naked with someone would lead to sex. And that was something she was not up for. “I… I cant…” 
Cinder shrugged. “Suit yourself.” 
Ruby quickly went back to her room, closing the door loudly. The air in her room seemed warmer than the rest of the apartment even though her window was open to allow air to circulate and blackout curtains to keep the sun from shining into her room. Still, nothing seemed to help much. In a moment of desperation, she slowly started to strip herself, first by taking off her shorts and relaxing a bit when it did feel better. Though, it wasnt long before she put her bikini bottoms on to feel a bit less naked. Then, she looked down at her sweat soaked tank top, quickly removing it and replacing that with her bikini top as well. She winced as she struggled to get the bikini top to stay on right, not realizing how small it had gotten on her. 
With a heavy sigh, she tossed it away while she dug through her things for something else that’d work. She tossed away a few bras, taking a couple of them and looking in the mirror before throwing them away when she realized just how little most of them actually covered her. Not that she was surprised, after all, she did prefer the feel of lace on her skin and most of the stores she shopped at did put lace underwear on the gothic end. Finally, she settled on a sports bra and put it on, taking a quick look at herself in the mirror. A blush crossed her cheeks when she saw just how much skin she was showing, only embarrassed with the prospect of Cinder seeing her and telling her she might as well just strip. 
Ruby flinched as she heard a knock on the door echo through the apartment, quickly putting her clothes away and grabbing her shorts to pull them back up. Her heart raced for a moment as she moved closer to her bedroom door to make sure it wasnt her own that was knocked on, practically pressing her ear against it. When she was sure that no one was looking for her, she opened up her door a crack to see Neo walking into the apartment, following Cinder. She relaxed and closed the bedroom door, letting out a sigh. 
“Rubes, Neo’s here!” Cinder called out. “We’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.” 
Ruby nearly froze up and opened the door slightly, peeking out before calling back to Cinder. “Wait, you’re going to be in the kitchen?” 
“Its colder in there than anywhere else in our apartment.” Cinder answered back. “Besides, There isnt a better place to play a few games. We still have a spot open for poker.” 
Ruby could practically hear the grin that Cinder had on her face, knowing full well what she was doing, yet, she couldnt call her out for it. And Cinder was still her mentor, and it was hard to go against anything that she said. Finally, Ruby let out a soft sigh. “Fine, I’ll join you.” 
“Great! We’ll give you a bit of room.” There was a pause. “Oh, and come out naked. We have a different kind of poker in mind.” 
Ruby sighed and stripped down, blush burning her cheeks as she looked herself over trying to rethink everything she was just about to do. After a few, quiet moments of looking herself over and trying to find an excuse to stay in her room, she finally made her way out to the kitchen.
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singto-prachaya · 2 years
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Y-So finally I got time to talk about the DMD announcement. We will start with the announced series and then some other stuff.
Bed Friend
That teaser! I am super excited. I hope the script and the acting is good.
Middleman’s Love & First Love (K-BL)
I like to hope that they just didn’t have enough footage for a teaser yet because the teaser was a bit messy. But either way will watch since TutorYim. I wonder how many people will skip Bed Friend and this because Cheewin is producing this (War Of Y, Secret Crush On You, Y-Destiny YYY). Also anyone who’s now hating on this show now because Mii2 is longer in it can fuck off. They can go cry me a river!.
Seems the K-BL of TutorYim is called First Love and it’s by the same company as Peach Of Time. I really liked that one so I will probably watch this one.
Cutie Pie 2 You special
I will watch the NuerSin parts and that’s it. Don’t care about the rest.
Naughty Baby & 2 Worlds
There’s no poster for 2 Worlds so I will just put it together with Naughty Baby since both are MaxNat anyway. I have always been uncomfortable with MaxNat so I will not watch these. As far as 2 Worlds I already was like “no way in hell” when this series was announced and read the sympnopsis. So no matter who would star in this I would have passed on it anyways.
Love Upon A Time
Seems to be a reincarnation type of story so for now no. I just don’t like those. I will just wait for the final trailer before making a final decision.
The Next Prince
Just like I get uncomfortable with MaxNat I also do with ZeeNew so I will pass.
Punk Spy
I was already going to watch this and I still will. I just hope Thomas won’t get any hate thrown forwards him for being Jimmy’s replacement. Toxic fans can go somewhere else.
I find zombies boring. Watched a Korean zombie movie once and it was a waste of time. Also don’t care for zombie horror games while I love horror games so I’ll pass.
Your Sky and Fan Boy
These will be the shows for the new gen! We don’t really know much besides that Fan Boy will be an original script. I will keep my eyes for the trailers and then make a decision. I do want to support the new gen tho.
DMD Boyband
WHO THE HELL ASKED FOR THIS??? Yes this whole segment will be in bold because I have nothing good to say about this. I know Aof has talked a couple of times about this before and every time I was like hell no. And who will be in this? A tweet said “DMD Boyband will definitely happen, but cant be hurry b'cs need to practice untill they're ready. And hv to qait & c, who ll b qualified”. Well then they can wait for ages because they don’t have any actors who can both sing and dance. Unless the whole new gen turns out be good singers and dancers. What’s the point in creating a mediocore BL boyband? Is Aof just hoping people will eat it up? The only good BL boyband we have is Trinity. SBFIVE was mediocore, Tempt wasn’t good at all, no BL boyband was more tragic then NKO and they are basicly dead now. They got new members earlier this year but there’s only 2 left now. Then we saw the debut of XI earlier this year and at first I didn’t even know it was a BL boyband. But they will star in boyband the series. Anyway no effort being made with this boyband either. And then there’s Element. Element could be worse but also better. They don’t even sing live. Even Proxie who aren’t know for the best vocalist sing live.
And last but not least. Why where the Aholic guys even there? They are not appearing in anything.
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imagine-workshop · 1 year
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Imagine #16
Year made in?:2023
A/N:Angel’s head is rot with Viktor Krum and Johnny Vincent from bully so deal with Angel’s brain rot :] also these ‘ ‘ mean speaking in Bulgarian as I do not speak Bulgarian and I am not from Bulgaria and these “ “ mean English. Hermione is replaced with an oc as Angel wanted to make a safe romance in this so Viktor will be in love with an oc as Hermione was 15 and he was 18 but I am not sure if 15 and 18 is illegal for a relationship but just for safety!
Extended version:Ever since you two were young Viktor would cling onto you, he only called you dad and not your parents. He called your parents ma’am and sir as did you as they weren’t very present in your life. You acted more like a dad to him and even wrote a book titled [Im my brother’s dad] while raising him but your book became famous so you became famous while your brother became a famous Quidditch player. You remember the first he won a trophy. He was smiling widely and ran to you, he stopped in front of you and jumped up and down very happy. ‘Dad look! I won it! Are you proud of me?’ You smiled at your brother while nodding your head. ‘Of course I am, I’m so proud of you. How about I make your favorite?’ ‘Yes thank you!’
You were older by a year so you two were in the same grade at Drumstrang, just like your little brother you also were amazing at Quidditch but writing books was your preference. He was learning English but as he spoke you didn’t expect to hear him in English. “Hogwarts is cool dad!” “Mhm it looks very cool, anyone seem like someone you’d become friends with?” Your English was better for meet and greats. He blushed a bit as he mumbled ‘the boy with the blonde boy and bob hair cut girl’ you were smirking as he seemed very flustered but you secretly looked at the boy. He seemed nice and looks about 16-17 so he’s one or two years younger the. Viktor. ‘You like him don’t ya?’ He blushed more but nodded.
You and the boy or Harvey talked a lot. You two were reading together. “Can I ask a question Y/N?” “Ask away” “Why does Viktor call you dad even though your his brother? I do not wish to be rude I am just wondering” “I’ve just been his father figure the whole time we live or uh as we grew up” “Ah okay…I’m guessing you know English better for your meet and greets?” “Mhm” soon Viktor sat beside you two, he smiled and laid his head on your lap closing his eyes. He didn’t notice Hermione and spoke. “My heart has fallen” “Ah, who have you fallen for” “Harvey, he is smart and kind. He makes me flustered” “Heh is that so? You wanna open your eyes and look beside me?” He opened his eyes confused until he looked at Harvey, he blushed very red making you and Harvey chuckle.
“DAD!” You laughed a lot, it’s rare to seem him flustered. “What? Not my fault you didn’t see your crush” ‘IVE MADE A FOOL OF MYSELF IN FRONT OF HIM! I CANT SHOW MY FACE NOW!’ You nudge him a bit but Harvey was laughing on the ground. ‘Stop being dramatic and tell him the truth and ask him to the Yule ball before someone else takes him away!’ ‘Okay…thank you dad’ ‘yes yes now do it!’ He sighed and took a couple of deep breaths. “Harvey, I know my love was just confessed but..I love you and wish to take you to the Yule ball…do you a-“ “Yes silly, I’ll be your date plus your cute when your flustered” ‘YEAH THATS MY BABY BROTHER!’ Viktor smiled at you still blushing.
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hostelsbigbro · 2 years
my opinion on the lookism characters expect i am brutally honest bc these are just little fictional characters !! pixels !! deadass !! do you need to agree? no !! it will not change anything, i am open to hearing your opinions as well !!
daniel most realistic personality wise and i slowly forget more and more about him because we are straying away from the main topic
zack best boy, he might not be everyones favourite but he has always been doing his best to emotionally become more intelligent and aware, he has so much potential and is the most loyal friend ever, i really hate how ptj dumbs him down bc lookism fans obviously go 'oh haha he is dumb!' bitch no he goes out of his way to love people and no one really seems to love him the same way give him a fucking break
vasco i really loved him but the more they show him the more unbearable he becomes like bro the FUCK they make him boring and cold for? dude is on the road of slowly becoming what he hates the most in this world, a bully.. like i know he is dumb but that much? bro
jace he used to be so smart and so sexy and honest to his mistakes but now he is an irritating jay park look alike that pretends he knows what he is talking about !!! he isnt a genius everyone around him is just dumb as hell
mira does she have a personality besides weak, controlling and easy to make sulky if things aren't exactly how she wants them to be?? no?? i thought so
zoe literally best girl she has grown so much as a person i am so proud of her i would kill logan for her <3
mary not gonna lie i dont remember much about her personality besides anger issues, cursing and insecure but she is beautiful and honestly whoever puts up with vinjin for years without going insane deserves a praise i am convinced she is incredibly patient
jerry does this bitch have a personality outside of jake, i wanted to like him but i fr cant whenever he comes in frame it will always turn into a dramatic soap opera about his love for jake and promises
jake actually the funniest AND kindest person bc how does anyone know Jiho and still try to see the good in him? he is better than me for sure because he can see the good in everyone no matter how irritating the person is
samuel my one and only precious lovely diamond baby <333 did it make sense? no ! however i would protect this wounded person with my heart no one ever seems to treat him nicely expect eugene who is a literal monster
johan this is my child and i am convinced he has never done anything wrong not once in his life time every crime he commited was justified, he is just a baby who has been alone for too long !! imagine trying to figure out how to be an adult from age 12 bro that is exhausting he needs a break
eugene a fucking bastard however.. he could manipulate you to love him !!! bro got shipped with his own brother i feel like this fandom is going to hell bc they did the same with jake and samuel anyway eugene is a bitch but one that will make you question yourself
vinjin i want to like him but then he opens his mouth
sally i love her !!! she has so much potential but lately ptj makes her be nothing else other than a weak crying brat!!! i wish they would just make her strong, smart and emotionally intelligent just like when she got introduced!!! still funny tho 10/10
heather fuck this r*pist! I have no sympathy for her
yenna best baby, bet she is kind
eli i want to write a book about my love for him
i got tired tbh thats it
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blessedshortcake · 3 months
Hi chat im here to bitch and whine give my 2 cents on the new movie even tho im like. A little late. Obligatory read more
I havent seen anyone talk about this yet so im starting with it but... why did they rename Minion? I am not Too bothered by it, i mean a little but thats probably just me im just mostly confused? Is it because of the Minions stuff? So hes more uniqe? Augh my poor boy they did him so dirty
Point 2. Roxanne. What. Just what. Why did they make her like that? I loved how she had different clothes for (probably) every scene, that she wasnt just a generic cartoon character wearing the same outfit for the whole 90 something minutes and yet they just... put her in an (in my opinion) ugly dress and made her hate her job?
She seemed happy in the first movie for the most part. She wrote her own speech in the first scene of it!! I get that things are different now that Megamind is a hero but ITS BEEN 2 DAYS!! Unless her aspirations changed in the first movie and im just too tired to remember then its a huge change. Besides that she was.... okay i guess? Shrug i liked the original more
Oh right! Their relationship or lack there of with Megamind! I was never a huge shipper of them but i didnt mind. I find it sweet at most since they can be silly together but only if given more time and fleshed out more. Im more interested in seeing their progression, learning about each other, adressing past stuff (like how Megamind was hiding as Bernard for god knows how long i am so tired i cant remember this move killed my brain) and i dont care if theyre a couple or just friends or something in between for all of that
But...... seeing as (and i can only assume) the first movies last scene of him accepting the new museum that was rebuilt for his image happened months after the Titan thing and they literally Kissed and whatever id ASSUME there is something between them to kiss like that IN A PUBLIC EVENT IN FRONT OF THE CITY?
And yes i love my platonic kisses but lets be real. This was made by a Company and this is a het couple theres no way they would let them kiss as just friends. Like id be the happiest mf on earth if they did but from previous movie track records i dont think thats the case
If the movie was like set between the Titan thing and the reopen of the museum id understand. Then yeah, things are complicated between them. But we SEE the museum like at least once so??? Ugh i dont know why im so caught up on everything this movie was full of contradictions
Before i go to the main issue (the whole movie is the issue but i digress) i wanna talk about the world itself.
Where did the smart phone come from?????? Hello??? Movie 1 had flip phones at best + whatever Megamind made but hes like a genius so like that doesnt quite fall into public tech stuff. Why did they nerf the dehydration gun? That was instant or near instant before why did it take seconds now?? Megamind has a whole new lair AFTER 2 DAYS-
Why is everyone so stupid and disrespectful? The whole key ceremony was 100% unneeded if hes already an esteemed hero? Whatever.
Now the main bone i have to pick. MEGAMIND.
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He could not be more OOC. I cant belive this was an actual movie not like some fan project. God
They already had a whole thing in the first movie how he needs Minion more and he needs to listen to him and how he appreciates him. Why did we go back to ground 0?
If they REALLY needed a conflict where Minion wanted to be a sidekick and Megamind didnt want that to happen (which... i dont even know why they needed that? Perhaps with Minion away from the lair when the DS showed up the issue dragged on much longer? Shrug) THEN THEY COULD HAVE DONE AAAANYTHING ELSE!!!
Might i remind the creators that in the highpoint of the first movie, when Minion used the disguise watch and helped Roxanne escape so Megamind can defeat Titan as a fake Metro Man he got (kinda) hurt? Like his tank shattered and he was drying out. Sure he was fine but THAT already couldve been a better motivator!!
Megamind being scared to let Minion be his sidekick because he has been with him for all of his life, his first and best friend in the whole galaxy, his caretaker since he was a baby, his last connection to his home planet even, got hurt and could have easily died. I mean they pretty much killed like 3 people if not more in this movie so its not far fetched but like-
The conflict being Megamind grapping with his concience (spelling??) of wanting to make Minion happy and letting him express himself more, and his terror of the possibility of losing him. Like if thats too heavy they can make it more lighthearted and jokey there are Definitely ways to do that but that already is a better conflict oh my GOD.
Also DS couldve been soloed with the dehydratuion gun if it wasnt nerfed. He just walks behind them and bam. Problem solved. What the hell
HES SUPPOSED TO BE A GENIUS!! Sure Minion takes care of him since he can get too in his head with his ideas as we see. Multiple times. But hes not an idiot. He would know how a toaster WORKS HES NOT XBDNSN MAIMS!!
I finished the movie like an hour ago but i already forgot that little girls name oops. She was... weird. I wasnt too annoyed about her more so confused? Since shes the only person with a smart phone? And she had half a million followers for her Megamind blog? IN 2 DAYS? Right. Felt very forced to put her into any and all of the scenes
Back to our massacared blue hero. He would NEVER be like that. More specifically with the DS. One of the main parts of him is that he was lonely!! He never had friends!! He is sooo socially stunted he doesnt know many many basic concepts as an adult!! Like how phones work or views or i cant remember anything else what a disgrace but like!!
He would never go to evil school. Why would there be an evil school also?? But he never had anyone but Minion!! He was sooo lonely without Metroman he had to DIY a new dude!! He became a villian because people kept bullying him for being different and weird and so he decided to become what they make him out to be! If he had friends like how the DS makes it out to be, hell, like how the movie makes it out to be then he would never abandon them like that. He would NEVER
Also him the leader?? Are you kidding me?? Where was Minion during all that? And even then why didnt they just use the original DS material? I was hoping to see the fire lady where did she go :( (i cant remember any names tonight huh)
Everyone is so dumb in this movie it hurts. 0 spacial awareness, the conversations dont feel like they fit together, some scenes they literally repeat stuff that was either said already or just dont relate at all. I dont know why that is but it bothered me a lot
The DS looked and acted dumb, they were the most generic ass villains like... WHY DIDNT YOU USE THE ORIGINAL- whatever im. Sigh. But really it was so weird???? If Megamind was supposed to be their LEADER why were they so disrespectful to him? He feared them plenty and yeah sure its because he lied to them but leaders usually are respected. They treated him like shit and didnt listen to him once. Rushed him the whole time and kept making him do things like....... girl... thats your LEADER. Ex leader at worst. Maybe dont throw a party in his HOUSE without even asking or warning him and tell him to not be a party pooper when he demands you to stop it. I have a headache now
The ending was....... interesting. Roxanne becoming mayor feels unrealistic and rushed but alas it fits to the theme of the movie because of that (aka being rushed and unrealistic). The M signal is. Laughable. Silly at the very best. It got a laugh out of me but its just.... unneeded. I dont know i dont get why they had to add it you know. Also obligatory Minion out of the tank moment oh wow woo yippe Why
Overall? There were like 3 jokes at best that i liked + the dance off scene was nice. Funny and kinda in character even. The rest? I will be mad about it forever. 1.5/10
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
basically rewriting my own tags here but. AU where The Joker is Wild is a more serious character exploration of BJ set in season 4
this got quite away from me and also long so. under the cut to save ur dashes
the point of the episode here would be to establish BJ more as his own character early on, by directly dealing with the idea of him being jealous of Trapper, and resentful of being compared to him. it also makes for an isolated sort of feel with him- he hasn't built these connections with the rest of the cast yet, and this is a cast who knew Trapper and so far dont really know him. by taking this more seriously it allows for some exploration of BJ's character, some room for him to grow, an opportunity for him and Hawkeye to strengthen their bond, and even some room to drop hints for the anger the bubbles underneath the surface for him
it starts off fairly similarly- BJ pranking Hawkeye and Hawkeye not being particularly impressed, leading to him launching into reminiscing about the "golden days" of him and Trapper's schemes. its implied here that this is something Hawkeye does often; comparing BJ to Trapper, often unfavourably, often bringing up how Trapper did things better and how he misses that. Hawkeye doesnt mean any harm here, he's just trying to reminisce and handling his best friend's departure as best he can, but this understandably still gets under BJ's skin. BJ, clearly unhappy, promises to show Hawkeye he's just as good as Trapper was, maybe even better. Hawkeye, not seeing that BJ is legitimately upset here, doesnt take it too seriously and just wishes him luck
no bet element. nobody else is in on it. BJ is still new to the 4077 and hasn't quite found his footing yet, further cementing his insecurities related to where he stands with everyone. he starts off small, simple, harmless. gag cigars, swapping the salt and the sugar and the like. Hawkeye continues to be unimpressed, goading BJ on, not realizing BJ is genuinely getting more and more upset and therefore not taking him seriously. until finally BJ starts to get outright mean, lashing out more obviously, and Hawkeye realizes something might actually be wrong. still, he doesnt think much of it- he doesnt know BJ, he doesnt know him angry, and he decides to wait until he's cooled down to talk to him about it and see what's up
well, that doesnt happen. Potter sits BJ down in his office at one point and tells him he needs to knock off the childish tantrum and speak up if something's upsetting him. he points out BJ's been lashing out at everyone, acting uncharacteristically mean, and watching Hawkeye be bombarded with a bunch of pranks is exhausting. he warns BJ to stop now before he goes too far. BJ agrees, but then typical sort of TV show dialogue moment- leaves the office and says to himself "after I get him with this one"
one last prank and then he's done. its all harmless, after all, he'll just get this last one out of his system and then this all becomes a funny memory. except that's not what happens. something goes wrong. it was supposed to be harmless, of course it was supposed to be harmless, but something goes wrong and Hawkeye ends up hurt. he was told to stop, he didnt listen, and now his best friend is hurt and its all his fault. nobody will even let him help, and he cant even blame them
once things settle, thats when they lay into him. Potter is the most livid anyone's ever seen him, nearly rips his damn head off because he fucking told him so. Margaret is furious, demanding what the hell's wrong with him, and Mulcahy's right beside her. even Klinger and Radar look ready to kill, Klinger holding Radar by the shoulders while Radar demands how anyone could do something like that to someone like Hawkeye. and BJ's feeling so horrible, so guilty, so angry at himself, it all just rushes out of him. he's so sick of being compared to Trapper, so sick of everyone treating him like he's just Trapper's replacement, all he wanted was to show them that he isn't just a sub-par replacement. he just wanted to be respected as his own person, he just wanted the comparisons to stop, he just wanted to stop being stuck in the shadow of someone he never even met. at this point BJ storms off before they can say anything else, goes to the only place he can go; the Swamp
that doesnt make it right, of course. but that forces some reflection. it makes a bit more sense, now. and the others can reflect on that- its implied they've been doing it, too. comparing BJ to Trapper. they comment on it a bit- Margaret saying she sometimes does it without thinking in OR, Klinger agreeing that he's brought it up when BJ reacts to one of his outfits differently than Trapper did, etc. Potter understands BJ's anger, having struggled with slotting in himself, especially seeing as he's replacing a dead man. everyone's anger softens a bit
meanwhile, BJ finds Frank in the Swamp, the only one that didnt tear him a new one. Frank, for his part, is completely unbothered. says he's on BJ's side, actually. says Hawkeye needed to be humbled. BJ snaps back that that wasn't the point, and Frank asks him what the point of it all was, then. and BJ starts to explain like he did to the others, but it starts to fall apart. and he admits that maybe it became about just taking his anger out on Hawkeye, because he didnt want to talk about it, didnt want to admit how much it hurt. he knows Hawkeye misses Trapper, and he's not mad at him for that, he just wishes Hawkeye would see him for him, see him for a real friend, not just a cookie cutter replacement. Frank makes a remark about how he definitely did their friendship no favours by putting him in the infirmary. BJ, wallowing in his guilt, agrees and makes his exit. one of those instances where frank is unintentionally and obliviously kinda deep?
bit of a time jump. its been a few days. Hawkeye's fine, recovering without a problem- it wasn't anything serious. BJ hasn't gone by, though. things are tense between him and the others, and he feels way too guilty to see Hawkeye. finally, he's eating his lunch in the Swamp, really just avoiding everyone, when Hawkeye comes in with his own tray. he parks himself right beside BJ and asks if he plans on talking to him about it, or just avoiding him forever. BJ tries to say there's nothing to talk about, but Hawkeye doesnt let him off the hook
so, they have a heart to heart. BJ opens up, admits how he hates how much he's compared to Trapper, admits he feels this ridiculous jealousy towards him. explains that he just wants Hawkeye to see him as his own person, as a friend, but he feels like every time Hawkeye looks at him he's just seeing Trapper in his place. he says he's done a lousy job at being the friend he wants to be seen as, and that he's been fucking stupid, and apologizes
Hawkeye, for his part, agrees that BJ's acted stupid. but he goes on to say that he himself was acting stupid, because he didnt see how much he was hurting BJ by constantly comparing him to Trapper. he admits he's struggling with Trapper's departure, and that he misses him a lot, but he also knows thats no excuse for the comparisons. he apologizes for making BJ feel like he was nothing more than Trapper's replacement, and tells him in no uncertain terms that he does like him a lot for who he really is, and values him as a friend. he promises to stop comparing BJ to Trapper, so long as BJ promises to stop with the pranks- at least, the pranks on him. BJ agrees, and they shake on it, both of them smiling now
an undetermined amount of time later, Frank is the victim of a devastating prank by the both of them. while he rages on, Hawkeye and BJ fall into each other laughing hysterically. their friendship has come out of this stronger than ever, and we end on an optimistic note
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simons-sweater-town · 5 months
Dead silence.
…Is she not going to say anything? Is your sister not going to rebuke you? Is she not going to yell or cry or…anything?
…No, she poses a simple, curious question.
*simon still doesnt look at her. he cant do it yet. cant bring himself to see her expression.*
...honestly? i was curious. a friend of mine who liked to mess around with technology and vr games and whatever reached out to me to tell me that hed found something weird and wanted me to check it out. it wasnt long before i realized that he had found some weird digital world somewhat similar to ours. i wanted to see what it was about, wanted to see what it was like in there. i built a headset for every person who worked on it with me. built each one by myself. had a friend who worked on the coding of the headsets, had another who figured out how to keep our bodies here while our minds were in there. two others who didnt do much except volunteer to test it.
*he goes quiet, opening his eyes to stare at the sky above through the tree branches before continuing.*
they both lost their memories. we pulled the headsets off when we realized that, but they didnt know anything about who we were, about who they were. they ran from us, terrified. i havent seen either of them since.
*he lets that hang between them for a long time before he continues in a small whisper. theres pain and guilt in his voice, and for the first time in a long, long time, he lets himself cry.*
the others wanted to keep going. keep working on it. fix that flaw so we wouldnt lose our memories. i told them no. it was too dangerous, and besides, we didnt have anyone else to test it on. they still wouldnt listen to me, so i... i moved everything up to the radio tower. without their knowledge.
*theres so much guilt in his eyes, it hurts to look at.*
i lost their friendship. they didnt know where it was, but they knew i had taken it, and they stopped talking to me. this whole time, you three had no idea. i just said i was hanging out with friends. i had wanted to show you all, before i realized the danger.
*he closes his eyes. his tears flow silently, glistening on his cheeks.*
i moved it to the radio tower because i knew it could be safe there. at least from you three. steven was a coward. he had no idea how to fight. he was terrified of that place. you and octavia were always so busy with your magical girl stuff that i assumed youd have no reason to go sniffing around there.
*he opens his eyes and finally looks at katrina, guilt and pain and hurt that had been hidden for months glistening in his gaze.*
and then steven disappeared, and octavia overheard me talking to myself after id seen him in there from the screen, and so she left without a word and after a week of praying she knew what she was doing, i had to follow. i wrote that note and put it on my desk and left you behind, too absorbed in my guilt to realize that i was leaving you to fend for yourself.
*its clear from his heavy sigh at the end that this is something that has been weighing him down for a long time.*
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yelenghs · 1 year
to be honest im glad he's gone. he had a lot of red flags i shouldve recognized from the beginning. he started chasing after me when i was 15, he was 18 pushing 19. me and him got together when he was 19 and i was still 15. i shouldve seen it. when i refused to do anything sexual with him he kept on forcing it and forcing it until i couldnt take it anymore. everyday he'd go further and further, he never took my virginity, though :/ he said 'that's what makes you so innocent' and that he loves how 'pure' i am. he made me do such weird things. he loved when i acted childish, he loved when i called him names like 'daddy' or 'master'. it was so weird. he found out that i smoke weed and do nic, and he was furious. he wasnt mad that it could effect my health, no, he was mad because it ruined my 'angelic image' and that it made me look like a whore. he was obsessed with making me as childish and girly as possible. when i asked him about it he said 'i just have a type'. i asked what his type was and he said 'i love girls who are short and innocent. the kind who have to be told what to do and have decisions made for them'. so i acted like that to please him :/ i made myself into the pinnacle of fucking loli bait. i acted as if i knew nothing about sex, nothing about drugs or smoking, and nothing about the real world. i wore skirts every day and fit into his taste the best i could. and i cant believe, i still didnt suspect anything. im so fucking stupid, how could i not see it? i want nothing more than to go back in time and tell my past self to ghost him and RUN😭 he left me once my mental illnesses started showing, and i became more open. i became more independent because of it, i wanted to take care of myself because i didnt trust anyone else to. he clearly didnt get that, and he kept on bugging me about it when i wanted space. i snapped at him and told him to fuck off, i didnt need his help. i couldve done it all on my own. and besides, his way of 'helping me' was treating me like a toddler, and then coercing me into sucking his dick and letting him fuck my ass till he came. after that he'd leave me laying there on his bed while he played video games and talked shit about me to his friends. that fucking cunt. i want to shove glass down my throat and up my ass. i hate him so much. he always said 'im just taking care of you' and 'just let me do this once, okay?' just once my ass. it was multiple times, every fucking day. i hope he burns in hell but even the devil himself wouldnt want him. i heard he's trying to get with a freshman now. creep. i'd also like to mention, when we broke up he also said that im 'too old' for him now. that was the day after my birthday, when i turned 16. that fucking bitch, that bastard, that cunt, fucking asshole, im gonna put fiberglass up his dick hole. i'll shove dynamite so far up his ass it explodes in his stomach.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
I've read one of your match-up asks for jujutsu kaisen and thought "ooh they're so on point! I should ask one as well!" So if you're willing and have the time setting me up with one of the bois ~ ^^
How should I start this.. (honestly first time asking anything lol),oh well:
Im 24 y/o gal, gemini sun (libra moon and rising if it means anything), and an INFJ. Apearance wise im an averege height and weight, green eyes~ hair changing all the time cause I love coloring it lol. I love animals, learn and experience new things, and the color pink :p
Used to be super shy and quiet and some people would say I still am, but I've become much more social thru the years. I'm very curious about people and.. anything really- I believe the more you study the world and talk to more people the closer you are to what we call "god" (So I'll be glad if we could become friends too lol). So its not a surprise that i dvelve pretty deep in conversations and subjects- if something peeks my interest I'm obsessed with it for a loooong time.
As a partner I usually pretty affectionate,light hearted (unless I'm in a bad mood), love to surprise and just vibe with whatever feels like it in the moment.
Umm.. wellp idk what else to add. Dont wanna write a whole autobiography here.
Cant wait to see who u picked to be my boo~♡ lol
And thank you in advence ofc 💕
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
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You wrote that you used to be shy, but now you are more and more open. Well, with him you can say it's the other way around.
He's not shy. More mysterious and sometimes eerie. That would be a good term.
He likes to spend time with people, as long as they are people close to him. People around him must be someone he can trust.
He keeps quiet and ignores strangers. Among friends, he is almost the soul of the party. He talks, he laughs, he'd do the wildest shit there is. Even though he is a more reasonable person. If you look at it another way, he always takes responsibility. He does not blame anyone, but evaluates the situation rationally. If anything has a greater share of his fault, he will take it all upon himself.
Topics that attract and interest him will be explored by him. It doesn't matter what people think about it. The important thing was that it caught his attention and he couldn't look away.
Besides, every theory can be explained. Anything that doesn't make sense to someone else may actually make sense. That's why he always finds solutions. Even if it's to find out the truth or win something through manipulation. But he would never do that to his loved ones.
He cares about someone he cares about, he is kind and affectionate. He shows affection and closeness. He supports at all times and there is no moment when he will not be there. He is always with you, especially when you need him.
• The first encounter is almost terrifying. He saw something intriguing about you. And if you were interested in him too? After all, anyone can meet anyone. What matters is that you both want it.
There are different types of people. You are someone who learns more after each conversation. Guessing the state of a person. Understanding other people's feelings. Perceptiveness to the intentions of others and to lies.
During your first meeting, there was not a very developed conversation. It was more quiet. Your friends may have told you to sit with him until you finally get along. Same with him. A moment longer made you find out that your behaviors are similar.
You learned more about the mysterious man who was just too observant. You found out that you caught his eye 😉
• Finding answers to all your questions. It's something that connects you. Even though he finds the answer often by accident.
The more you talked, the more you found answers and learned more and more about him. Making it always nice to surprise him and making him smile.
• The most carefree, calm and minutes when you are alone at home. Where you can be together and just cuddle. He would let you do anything. He pampers you. You get everything you want. And he does all this just so he can always see your smile on your face.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
If no one's done it for the ask meme yet, can I get a Sumitaba please?
HEH. GORLS. when i saw this ask before i went to sleep i had almost no thoughts on them but then i thought about them. and had thoughts. and then i slept so lets see if i remember the thoughts. automatically going under a readmore bc its abt p5 so i will probably talk for paragraphs
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
i dont think theres much to it besides. futaba is a phantom thief and sumi goes *wakes up* oh fuck i need to be polite to my senpais *runs out into Wait i cant finish that joke. anyway* and futaba goes please for the love of God you don’t need to do that. im not even much older than you. lets be casual and sumi goes Of course futaba-senpai so sorry. I think that’s about it
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
i think all of my thoughts on sumi & the other thieves are always gonna have an element of “and here’s how they can help sumi gain confidence and express individuality”. i think futaba would be incredibly good for bringing out the Weird Girl in sumire. sumi is a 15 year old girl she’s weird by default but she’s also weird in her own unique way (see: the outfit from the start of that one rank of her confidant) but has not had chances to recognize that and show that. and here’s futaba whos the Weirdest Girl in also her own special specific way, and like, knows nothing But expressing that. futaba has never Suppressed Her Weird Behavior not necessarily as a move of Self-Confidence and Self-Acceptance, she’s been made fun of for being her and she’s still upset about that, but just… this is how she is and she doesn’t know any other way to be. anyway sumire can watch the futaba-machine in action and go Oh maybe sometimes you are just you and you don’t need to act a certain way for the people around you *becomes a creature*
also “they’re the same age” is not, like, automatically a basis for a relationship, but like. they’re the youngest in the group it’s nice for them to be The Same Age. 15 is a bit beyond the phase of life where a 1 year difference is like, a giant gulf, but its still good to have Someone Your Same Exact Age among. all the 16-17 year olds who have adopted them as the collective little sisters.
final notes: whenever i think of them i think about the comic thats them going “im depressed with suicidal tendencies” “IM depressed with suicidal tendencies!!”. also they’re the kind of pair where i like them Romantically as a Ship and also like them as Friends Who Hang Out. both are good. no major preference.
all this is different from canon bc sumi has almost no relationships or dynamics with anyone in canon </3 atlus please let her out
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
i like the above ramble i went on bc i like Weird People and i like Self Acceptance. i like them in general bc they’re both awesome and i love them so u put them in a room together and its like omg TWO little sisters for the price of one!!! also their color schemes & designs look really nice next to each other they look like wonderful candies. so.
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
futaba is Working On Intending To Go To School but they haven’t, like. Begun Attending Yet. so the amount of people their age they know is Not A Ton. them having more friends is always a plus. a Peer! someone Their Age! also probably nice to have someone else in the “met futaba outside of the context of their palace” group. having all your trauma and issues put in a nice little showcase gets that part of introductions out of the way neatly but also again would be like. a lot
as for sumi. again. its just The Power Of Self Expression <3 and ALSO having A Friend, A Peer, Someone Your Age.
favorite interaction they have in canon
UMMM i cant think of any interactions they have outside of the stuff i described for their Canon Relationship 😔
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
they play video games together. futaba shows sumi their favorite games and they play together, or futaba plays and sumi watches, or sumi plays and futaba watches, or futaba does a let’s play commentary track over the game for just the two of them, or they each hold one side of the same controller and try to play a single player game together.
also im bringing morgana into this equation you know the post abt the couple with a cat but they talk about the cat in very different ways one of them is like “STINKY BASTARD MAN!!!” and the other one goes “NO MEAN TO HIM D:” thats futaba & sumire about morgana
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