#i cant draw so here’s an aesthetic/moodboard instead
More about my OC’s #1: Charlie Finch
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For those who don’t know, Charlie is the character I created for the Monster of The Week one of my cousin’s friends are running (who I’ve now met and we get on like a house on fire like my cousin predicted we would, apparently we’re very much alike in personality, I don’t see it though) and although we haven’t started playing I’ve started developing my character with a backstory for the campaign. I thought I’d dive a bit more into the backstory from the previous post I did (which also included a awful drawing of Charlie because I can’t draw).
Detailed backstory:
Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Finch was born 16 years ago to two loving (and young) parents in Greenwich, London. Her parents were often busy with what she assumed was work (and she was technically right, her parents were working but for a coven of monster hunters that included my cousin’s character) but they were a happy small family who never missed an opportunity to spend time together. When Charlie was five, however things started to change, she started having horrendous nightmares and visions of monsters and the future, of course her parents were concerned about her and took her to a doctor who determined nothing was wrong and that she was just being a typical kid, and her mum kind of just brushed her nightmares off but her father didn’t. Her dad believed her every word but told her to keep her nightmares a secret between, due to it freaking people out and he promised to figure out what was wrong with her. One night, she had a nightmare that staged her dad being attacked by something unseen which scared her more than anything had before, her dad calmed her down and promised he wasn’t going anywhere.
A year later, when she was six, the worst happened, her dream became true. Whilst her mum and dad were out hunting a pack of werewolves for the coven and she was staying at her grandparent’s house, her dad was attacked by one of them and scratched across his face, passing on the Lycanthropy to him. Terrified of putting his daughter in danger, he left both his wife and daughter that night never to be seen again. To protect her from the truth, his wife told their daughter that he had been killed and that the killer had disappeared (A* parenting from her mum there) which the six year old accepted, heartbroken and was left feeling like it was all her fault.
Her mum then pulled out of monster hunting and continued with her teaching degree that she had started before she quit university, and worked her way up to becoming a headteacher by the time Charlie was twelve. By this time Charlie was a lot more withdrawn preferring to spend time in her room, reading and escaping to fantasy worlds within her books than spending time with her mum, and because she was often caught up in the grief and guilt for her dad she only had a few friends at school and was bullied for being weird.
By the time she meets my cousin’s currently unnamed professional character, she’s sixteen and is increasingly getting more aware that her dreams about monsters are becoming reality although she doesn’t believe that monsters and the supernatural are actually real. She has also developed social anxiety, which is going to be interesting when she actively accepts her role destiny as the chosen one and has to make speeches (it’s actually the in world reason for my real life inability to explain things or give speeches without stumbling or appearing extremely nervous or talking more than two sentences without stumbling over myself) although she’ll probably get more confident as the storyline progresses because character development.
Extra facts about Charlie:
She’s based off the characters of Hermione Granger and Percy Jackson with a sprinkle of Chidi from The Good Place and Cather Avery from Fangirl (great book by the way and would 100% recommend)
She’s also heavily based off how I was at age 16 😂
Her full name is Charlotte Willow Ophelia Finch (although I’m keeping her middle names a secret from the rest of the group as she’s extraordinarily embarrassed about the Ophelia part of her name)
She sounds like Emma Watson.
she has a small group of friends from school (like 1 or 2) but that’s it.
Her special weapon is a Scythe (that may or may not be magical, I haven’t decided on the specifics yet). This came about because I was watching Adventure Zone: Balance arc videos on YouTube and I love Kravitz (my favourite NPC from that arc although Angus is a very close second) and I thought hey, I want to play a character with a Scythe so I gave her a Scythe.
I don’t know how she got said Scythe yet, I think that’s going to be told during the MOW campaign storyline.
She found out about her fate through vision and nightmares, and her heroic tags tied to her fate are ‘true love’ (totally a 16 year old priority 😂) and ‘a normal life’ and her doom tags are ‘you can’t save everyone’ and ‘no normal life’
She doesn’t know monsters exist or that she is the chosen one.
She has a typical teen relationship with her mum but it is a little more strained after she finds out her mum is lying to her.
Her childhood hero is her dad
My cousin’s unnamed character (who’s a vampire witch btw I forgot to mention that part 😂) is going to be the mentor figure and probable mother-figure to Charlie.
She will really want to find her dad if she ever finds out the truth about his disappearance and assumed murder.
Depending on which part of London the campaign is set, she probably moved house at some point, most likely after her dad’s ‘death’ (unless it is actually set in Greenwich in which case she didn’t but I don’t know because our Keeper is obviously keeping all the details to himself before we start playing)
The details to her backstory might have to change depending on what our keeper allows but I like creating detailed backstories anyway.
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