#i cannot find a more fitting word in eng for what i feel aside from sorrow
snakeguy999 · 1 month
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Lucien’s R&S - The victim who disappeared (Eng Translation)
🍒This R&S (消失的遇难者) was part of the Dream Heart Lake event which will unlikely come to EN🍒
Angst warning!
More Lucien R&S from this event:
> regarding what books don’t say (important to read this first!)
> my love rival older brother
> the victim who disappeared ♡
> since that rainy night
[ Chapter One ]
Recently, the girls in the precinct have been addicted to a variety program called “Miracle Finder”. When it’s time for lunch, there’d be a bunch of them piling in front of the computer screen, watching and exclaiming.
Filled with curiosity, I lean over to take a look. The girls immediately stop me, recommending it fervently.
“Captain Fan, do you watch this program too?”
“This week’s guest is Professor Lucien. He looks so handsome!”
I shake my head in resignation. “You girls only know how to look at appearances the whole day.”
“Captain Fan, you can’t say that! Our Professor Lucien became a neurologist at a very young age.”
“Exactly, exactly! He’s also a guest professor at Loveland University!”
“Sigh. If I had such a handsome teacher back then, I’d have definitely worked hard.”
Watching the girls chat, I can’t help but tease them. “Don’t all of you have an even more handsome-looking superior? It isn’t too late to start working now.”
The moment I finish speaking, their exclamations completely cover my words. Seems like the young and gifted “Professor Lucien” they’ve been talking about has appeared on the screen. Seeing his refined manner and gentle appearance, I actually feel a sense of familiarity.
“Hurry and look! Even Captain Fan is dazed!”
“We were right, weren’t we? Doesn’t he have an especially good temperament!”
The crinkled and smiling eyes of that boy in my memories overlap with the person on screen. That unresolved case which almost disappeared finally has a favourable turn after so many years. Even though I know that the chances are slim, I still wish to grasp this new lead.
“What’s his name again?”
“Oh? Wasn’t Captain Fan completely uninterested just now?” The girls notice the change in my attitude, becoming enthusiastic in an instant. They start introducing him, their words pouring out in an unceasing torrent. “His name is Lucien, a neurologist who returned after studying abroad. I heard that the thesis he released at twenty was published in an internationally renowned science magazine...”
“Isn’t he just as intelligent as that boy?” I mutter softly, the hope in my heart brightening by a few notches.
Although the name doesn’t fit, if that child managed to survive after that incident 19 years ago, it feels as though he would have gone down such a life path.
“Uncle has worked very hard. Kid, have you been doing your best over the years too?”
Even though I’m unable to find concrete evidence to make public the incident 19 years ago, the least I could do is to shed some light on the truth concerning that kid and his family. 
In the midst of a cruel reality mixed with tears and blood, and the truth which cannot be found, the me of the past finally decided to step out of the days of living in a wasteland, plunging deeper into a depthless pool of truth.
[ Chapter Two ]
At night, I dreamt of that day yet again.
It was that boy’s 7th birthday.
Early in the morning on that day, he had headed out with his parents. Before he left, he specially gave me an invitation card to his birthday party in the evening.
He rarely revealed the innocent smile a kid should have. Instead, his mouth remained merciless, saying something unadorable. “I’ve already spoken with my dad. Tonight, he can tell you how to play chess. If you don't improve in your chess skills, I won’t know how to play with you anymore.”
I snatched the invitation card in his hand in an impolite manner, deliberately provoking him. “You’ll have to make do with it, little genius. I’m the only one who’s willing to play with you.”
In a huff, he ran over to where his parents were waiting for him not afar off. Taking their hands, they left while talking and laughing.
I rarely saw this busy couple accompanying their child outside over the weekend. They must have taken a day off from work specially for his birthday.
“Kid, have fun!”
“Also, happy birthday!”
“Thank you, Brother Fan.”
His parents and him turned around to wave goodbye at me, the three of their smiles under the sunlight, sparkling and bright.
On hindsight, I should have given him his present then.
It was a sci-fi novel which was popular amongst kids, and I’d frequently see children gathered in the yard discussing it together. Although I didn’t know if that kid liked reading other books aside from those profound science materials, I felt it wouldn’t hurt for him to engage with things people his age liked.
He was still a child. From the bottom of my heart, I hoped that he could live a little more like a child.
However, this wish that I never said aloud was completely shattered by that car accident.
That evening, which should have filled with presents, cake, and the sound of birthday songs, only welcomed pattering and whistling rain, as well as blood stains on the asphalt road which couldn’t be washed off even with a scrub.
Sirens from the ambulance and police cars intertwined. Mixed with the sharp cries of passers-by, they composed the saddest and shrillest background music.
[ Chapter Three ]
“Oh my goodness, that’s so horrifying! Those two people are covered in blood!”
“Let’s leave, it’s too pitiful.”
The crowd in the surroundings remarked in soft voices, showing sympathy towards the victims they weren’t acquainted with.
The incident happened on the road outside our estate. After receiving the task, I rushed over to the scene. When I saw the names of the casualties, I was both shocked and had a flicker of hope in my heart, praying that they were people who happened to share the same names. However, after confirming the identities of the two bodies underneath the white cloth, coldness rushed through my body--
Those were the parents of the little genius.
In just the blink of an eye, the couple who had greeted me with warm smiles had turned ice cold, lying in a pool of blood. I didn’t dare to imagine how such a young kid would be able to face such a cruel reality, and my insuppressible tears, along with the rain, drenched my face.
The captain came over to pat me on the shoulder, consoling me with a lowered voice. “Settle your emotions, and do a proper investigation.”
I nodded my head silently, lifting my hand to wipe my tears away. After that, I started taking down records of what the witness had to say.
The witness was a boss of a news-stand nearby, around 45 years of age. He was in a state of fright, hugging his elbows and shivering.
I asked if he needed a rest before supplementing the record, but he shook his head repeatedly, saying that it’d be better to record it early, since he wouldn’t want to recollect such a horrifying image afterwards.
According to his description, the cause of the accident was a large truck which had lost control. It was yet to be confirmed whether the reason for the loss of control was due to a human error, or the slippery road.  
After realising that there was an issue with the truck, the driver had frantically tried to turn. But in the end, it still ended up hitting the family of three who were walking on the zebra crossing.
The three of them were sent flying a great distance. The places where they fell turned into pools of blood not long after.
As for what happened after, the boss of the news-stand expressed that he didn’t pay attention due to fright.
After handing him over to the medical personnel to console his emotions, I continued making notes for the next witness.
The images described by all the witnesses were virtually the same. From the various indications of the scene, this tragedy could have been a normal traffic accident.
When I finished making the records, the scene was more or less cleaned up. After wrapping up my work, I inquired about which hospital the boy was taken to. But I was notified that no injured child was found on the scene.
“How’s that impossible! That sketchbook over there belongs to him! That boy suffered such grave injuries - where else could he have gone!”
Agitatedly, I pointed at the exhibits collected, one of them a sketchbook coated in blood. At a glance, I recognised it as the book that boy would carry with him all day. That’s because the flower garland on the cover was a work he was proud of, and it was exactly the same as the one drawn on his birthday invitation card this morning.
He was definitely at the scene when the accident happened. Also, he definitely couldn’t have left on his own.
“Has the scene been investigated? Are there any other suspicious areas or areas we’ve overlooked?”
"Didn’t all the witnesses say there was a family of three at the scene? There’s definitely one more kid!”
“How much time passed after the incident before the scene was cordoned off? Could the kid have been taken away before that?”
I tossed out points of contention in succession, but the expressions of my colleagues remained confused and blank. In a moment of anxiousness, I burned with impatience and went to check the surveillance tape on my own. However, I didn’t notice any suspicious people entering or exiting the scene before or after the incident.
I didn’t have a single clue regarding his whereabouts, and could only hold onto hope as I contacted his relatives one by one.
They were generally not from the city. Most of them didn’t even know that the family had met with an accident, much less the whereabouts of the boy. After consoling their emotions, I hang up dejectedly, turning back to the scene of the incident.
The police cars stationed around earlier had long since left, and traces left on the asphalt road had been washed clean by the rain. Everything returned to peace and quiet, as though nothing had happened. Only the lingering grief served as a reminder that it wasn’t over yet--
The sudden car accident, the missing child, the ignorant relatives - all of these seemed to remind me that this wasn’t a simple traffic incident.
Without any orderliness, I started investigating the vicinity, imagining countless times for that smart fellow to suddenly lunge out from a dark corner, telling me that this whole thing was just a prank he pulled.
However, that didn’t happen. Even after checking every corner of the large streets and small alleys, I ended up empty-handed.
In the end, I sat down tiredly along the side of the road, looking at the pitch-black sky as it started turning into a grey dawn.
Although it was dawn, the truth of the matter would forever be hidden in that dark night.
All my hopes and hopelessness fell into pieces, leaving behind a maze of doubts, akin to a dense fog.
[ Chapter Four ]
On the morning of the second day, without even washing my face, I headed to the news-stand to buy various newspapers, looking through them seriously to search for any reports on the matter.
As it was temporarily classified as a normal traffic accident, the length of all the articles were very short. Also, they were placed in nondescript corners.
I closed the final set of newspapers, realising in disappointment that none of them mentioned the missing child.
It’s as though he had evaporated from the world. Aside from me, no one else remembered his existence. 
I couldn't stand for the case to be closed just like this, and finally understood the anxiety family members felt when they asked for our help in conducting investigations. As long as it was related to a living person, there wasn’t anything not worth investigating.
With a determination to investigate the matter and leave no stone unturned, I once again returned to the scene of the accident. I asked around the small shops along the roadside, hoping to obtain just a tiny hint.
Heaven will not disappoint the person who tries. From the lips of an owner of the shop facing the zebra crossing, I received an important lead which wasn’t brought up before - a black car.
“When the accident occurred, I was busy, and even had a scare when I heard the truck braking. By the time I set down my stuff to watch, the police cars and ambulance weren’t here yet. But a black car was stationed here for quite some time.”
Regarding this lead, I first expressed shock. Then, I had doubts.
Based on the surveillance tape I watched on the day of the incident, no suspicious cars appeared. If this person deliberately toggled with the surveillance footage to capture the kid, the remaining investigations would likely be a bitter struggle.
“Why did he take the kid away?”
“Could there be a conspiracy behind this?”
That black car had taken both the truth and that boy, disappearing into thin air.
The scene I had witnessed, the images depicted by the witnesses, the true footage of that surveillance tape, pieces of evidence which weren’t able to fit together, created paradoxes. The entire incident was akin to a vicious cycle, tangled and complicated, twisting and turning, unable to grasp a hint of it, and left one spinning around on a superficial level.
In the end, the police classified this matter as a normal traffic incident. And I could only continue investigating in the dark.
[ Chapter Five ]
Many years passed. From a small police officer who had accomplished nothing, I struggled and worked hard, becoming a captain who solved countless cases.
Even so, the unresolved case concerning that boy hasn’t had a breakthrough.
Over ten years, I found some leads, but they would ultimately be flawed fragments. And along with the passage of time, they’ve eroded even more.
This time, the person called “Lucien” was probably the finally hope of this case.
I visit Loveland University over the weekend, asking the kids about this “Professor Lucien”, but receive scant results even after a long while. He’s indeed very popular amongst students. But regarding his personal life, everyone expressed that they weren’t clear about it.
“Then again, which student would be so free to ask about a teacher’s personal life?” With a wry smile, I take a seat at the resting area of the math building. Without realising it, someone sits beside me. While feeling puzzled over why someone would choose to sit next to a middle-aged uncle when there are so many other empty chairs around, I see the face of the person I was looking for.
“I heard from the students that you were asking about me. So I thought, why not let you ask me in person directly?” His tone is as calm as what I saw in the program, but I can vaguely sense a hint of irritation.
“Please don’t get the wrong idea. I didn’t mean to offend you.” I find an excuse on the fly. “It’s just that after watching your program, there were some issues I didn’t quite understand, and wanted to consult you.”
He listens patiently to the many unorganised questions I have, and explains them thoroughly. That look of concentration makes me think about the boy again.
Finally, I can no longer contain myself. When I’m about to bid farewell to him, I ask, “It might be a little presumptuous of me, but could I ask if you’ve always been living abroad since young?”
There doesn’t seem to be much change in his expression, but he raises his eyebrows slightly.
“In that case, could I be also be presumptuous and ask why you have such a question?
Since things have already reached this stage, I decide that there’s no longer a need to conceal anything. So I tell him the honest truth. “You kind of resemble a kid I used to know, but he’s gone missing.”
Upon hearing this, a sadness dyes his eyes in an instant. He lowers his eyes, his expression sad, as though he had also once known that pitiful child. “I feel deeply sorry for that child... but it’s a shame that I’m not the person you’re looking for. From the moment I could remember, I’ve been living in an orphanage.
“Ah... sorry about that.” I feel uncomfortable knowing that I’ve rubbed someone else’s sore spot. As though he’s talking about matters pertaining to somebody else, he says relaxedly, “It’s all right. I hope you can find that child soon.”
His eyes really do resemble the boy. It’s just that he’s much more modest in how he conducts himself. I increasingly hope that if the boy were still living on this earth, he must definitely be a person who is just as well-liked.
“Many years have passed. To tell you the truth, I think whether or not I find him isn’t that important.” I look into the distance, making a wish from the bottom of my heart. “I just hope that in a corner of the world, he’s living happily and well.”
After Lucien hears this, he chuckles lightly. “I’m almost envious of that boy - that he was able to meet a kind-hearted person who would think of him even after such a long time.”
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