#i can't thank you all enough for sticking around!<33333
johnsbleu · 2 years
Hii, hope you're having a good day! I'm just dropping some numbers for the questions thing: 3,4 and 9💞
hi! i'm hope you're doing well!
Ooooh this is gonna be fun and hard lmao
3: favorite line of narration? this is so hard!!! hmh is genuinely so freaking long and i obviously remember stuff from way back but i think i'll go with someone more recent and that was in the chapter where reader has her baby blues and we shift to john's POV (chapter 131)
Seeing her face light up, that dimple deepen in her cheek when she grins at me, hearing her sweet laugh, it all ignites something deep inside of me and gives me life like nothing ever has before. 
i just love how much he loves her and finally getting to be in his head and see the way he feels about her was something i wanted to do for a while, and i had so much fun writing it. the whole part just brings tears to my eyes (ik that's lame) i just love how much he loves her and i love that he's so proud to be her husband and how they've helped each other grow as people
4. favorite line of dialogue? i was actually thinking about this the other day, like if hmh was a romance novel what would be the quote that everyone screamed over or something, you know? and honestly idk. the one that always sticks out to me is from chapter 49 (lmaoooo so long ago) and it's after jimmy and tess get married. tess is eating cereal in their kitchen and john and reader have just come inside from having sex in his car lmao. tess notices john's scars bc he's shirtless and asks where he got them and he points to reader and says "ask my map" idk why i just love that line. i think it goes to show how honest he is with her and how they've stayed up late and talked about each scar and where he got them. it's just an intimate thing. he's so vulnerable with reader and so open with her. he never lies about his past (yes he leaves out details every now and then) but he does tell her. there are plenty of scars that he has that she doesn't know anything about but he'll tell her eventually (aka when jw4 comes out and we see how he gets them and i can write about it lmaooo) i probably have some other lines of dialogue that i love but i'm having a hard time focusing lmao
9. were there any alternate versions of this fic? Yes! i actually wrote one where they met because jimmy and tess were already dating. jimmy was going to set them up on a double date and they were going to meet at jimmy's apartment. john was going to drive her home (she was still going to live across the street i believe or live in an apartment in oyster bay) and then ask her out on a one on one date. i was originally going to end hmh like after john met reader's mom for christmas. i was gonna have reader get taken by someone from john's past, then i was like nah i feel like that's been done before. and when i started writing hmh i didn't want them to have kids but now i can't imagine them without ronan. there was also another one where she was gonna meet john at the bookshop and immediately know who he was but i knew i wanted her to not know who john was bc she's not from new york. but in the end i love how hmh started!
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