#i can't police people and i can't control what happens to my stuff outside of tumblr
dennisboobs · 1 year
y'all, can we please not repost other people's meta and stuff without credit to twitter/instagram, etc.... i keep seeing my own posts and mutuals posts stolen without even a link back to the source. it sucks. you absolutely do not need to crosspost other people's posts for them, a lot of us have multiple social media accounts, and if we don't, then it should be staying on tumblr. you wouldn't steal and repost a fic (i hope) so treat meta with the same respect. aside from the fact that i know for me personally it generally takes at least several hours to write and collect citations & screenshots, there's also a decent chance that whoever wrote it put sensitive/personal information in that they might not want you sharing out of context. i've used my own experiences as reference in my metas before, and i have never been asked permission to repost anywhere, yet i am seeing them around. i feel incredibly uncomfortable with it being screenshotted and shared around, especially without as much as my url visible in the image, and it's extremely disheartening to spend time on these things and then see them shared around without it even being properly attributed to you. be courteous, please.
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annoyangle · 3 months
QUICK QUESTION LEFT IN THE AIR! What do you think about reality shifters? Ever encountered one?
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dollsonmain · 1 year
Sakura should get here Thursday. I'm not going to get to work on her for a while. Still barely functional. I did get the cleaning cloths washed and put away yesterday and dusted the master bedroom.
I want to get sanding that DollZone body done, but it's already cold outside.
Scott's little treat was delivered yesterday. I haven't heard from him in a few weeks. He's having another bout of compassion/empathy fatigue and no one exists or matters to him at the moment.
School sent an email yesterday saying there was ANOTHER threat toward a student and would be more police on the grounds as a result. That's happening a lot lately.
Surgery tomorrow. Diaper rash, still. Funny enough that I'm more embarrassed about ending up with diaper rash (I can't help it, my vergibbity is juicy it is never dry down there and having to wear diapers, pads, and liners for a month straight caused problems) than being an exceptionally hairy sasquatch.
Also kind of funny that this doctor has been intimately close up to my bits and I'm not embarrassed about that, either. I am painfully shy and wear full coverage clothing all of the time but I guess that brain gremlin understands that a medical setting is Different.
It probably also helps that by the time anyone is washing or digging around down there I'm completely knocked out and unaware of anything going on around me.
That Guy demands I call the school again today.
I'm tired of him and his demands, he should ask instead, but at the same time I was completely let to fail by my school and my parents (long story) so I can't get too mad at him making every effort he can (or, really, can make other people do for him) to try to make sure Son succeeds by his terms regardless of whether or not it's what Son wants.
It's annoying that he keeps dumping stuff off on other people or literally yelling at people about things that are unobtainable or are out of their control, but also no one did that for me and look where I ended up.
The majority of my annoyance stems from personality differences, really. If I want or need something done I do it because there's never been anyone to help me or do things for me, or when I've asked for help from my parents as a kid or from him it's always turned into some huge ordeal and I'm treated as an inconvenience.
If he wants or needs something done he delegates the task to someone he expects to get it done because no one's ever made him do things for himself.
Unfortunately for me, since I'm the I just do it person, that means I do everything except go to work and earn the money, and all I get in exchange is food, shelter, and for once, medical bills paid.
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asgardian--angels · 1 year
Have you heard the news about Till yet? Does it ruin the band for you anyhow? I've only found out about it 2 hours ago and I'm pretty stunned :/
Hey sorry for the delay in replying to this! Yes I've been following the various goings-on. I've stayed out of the discussion on it mostly because I really don't care that much - I'm way past the point in my life where I get so attached to bands that any news of 'gasp! Male rock star is shitty to women!' would have me sobbing on the floor. I mean, my favorite band was Korn for many years, enough said lmao.
Having taken in the various perspectives, news sources, and other insights from fans, it's looking very likely that Till did not actually engage in this behavior for the particular circumstance he is being accused of. I'd be surprised if he'd really go so far as to do all of that. There appear to be multiple witnesses that deny the accuser's claims. I don't inherently take sides on this stuff, I just try to judge whatever facts are available. Rammstein is a well-oiled machine with a huge crew that try to regulate their events and make it safe for everyone. That doesn't mean things can't happen, esp when Till has separate afterparties than the rest of the band, but they've been at this for almost 30 years with very few issues.
Is Till shitty to women? Often, and I'd call him a sex addict, and from what I understand in the past several years he hasn't been surrounded with great people outside the band (i.e. his solo stuff) and they've enabled or fed the worse parts of him. He has seemingly cultured an environment around himself - largely separate from the rest of the band, at least at present - where he can engage in his preferred activities. I don't agree morally with a lot of the things he does (hell, I can't stomach most of his solo project music videos), but that's nothing new, because while he may honestly be worse on this front than in the past, he's always been like this.
But in this particular circumstance, I'm inclined to say the media is spiraling this way out of control. I hate the entire culture surrounding rock band afterparties, older men seeking out young groupies, and Rammstein's 'Row 0' antics. I'd like an outcome of this whole thing to be that they stop doing that once and for all, given that the band is in their 50s and for Till, 60s. But even with whatever headspace Till has been in recently, he has a great love and respect for his fellow band members who are like family to him - and I need not expound upon just how monumentally stupid and detrimental it would be for the whole band for him to have done something illegal here. The last time he was arrested (along with Flake) was in 1998 for one of their stage acts - he's been clean otherwise (and that whole thing was idiotic anyway on the part of the MA police), and that is a testament to his carefulness and desire to not impact the band and the lives of the band members. He got pyro certified to design their stage acts and ensure the safety of everyone during their shows after an accident in 1996 - he's a man that shows commitment and perseverance, and he is very intelligent.
This entire thing has had a massive impact on the rest of the band, with some people relating it to the Mutter era where the band was having major disagreements and almost broke up - but there, they got through it stronger with a better understanding of each other and how to work together. I do feel Till is not in a great place mental health-wise, and needs to surround himself with better people re: his entourage and personal&professional friends outside of the band, and his antics in general sometimes cast a poor light on Rammstein. I hope this whole thing forces some re-examination by Till of his lifestyle, because he himself often doesn't seem very happy (without me reading any further into things I know nothing about). I think he's treated women poorly in these environments from a ~just being shitty~ point of view, undoubtedly. But ultimately, I don't think he committed the illegal activities he's been accused of in this instance.
I hate how much of this has become about taking sides, like hashtag 'I stand with Rammstein' or whatever. I don't stand with or against anyone - I think this sucks for the rest of the band being put through this no matter the outcome, I think it will have a lasting impact on the dynamics of the band and their interpersonal relationships, and I'm glad it sheds light on Row 0 and various shitty practices that Rammstein and many bands have engaged in.
Groupies will always exist, and so aging male rockstars will probably always do this sort of stuff - plenty of female fans welcome it, seeing as no one is forced to accept an invitation to an afterparty, and any Rammstein fan who finds themselves in Row 0 knows what it's about. In general, I hear overwhelmingly positive experiences about fans meeting Till and if he was consistently poor-mannered I doubt people would hold good opinions of him. The band's made it clear (via Scheider's recent statement) that any guest is welcome to leave these environments if they're uncomfortable and will be chaperoned by security. They have a huge crew of 100+ people making sure everything runs smoothly. There are changes that I think should be made to separate and/or regulate Till's private parties (or better yet, don't have them), and I personally will never understand going to these parties, but that's just me. Less than great experiences can and do happen at those parties, but that's a far cry from criminal acts. I think Till goes way overboard much of the time esp when left to his own devices, but being a lewd ass is again, not the same as forced coercion.
Personally, I honestly just think this is a shitty way to go out, seeing as the band is taking a hiatus after this tour and I get that nagging feeling we may not see them again for a long time, or ever, at least in terms of new albums or concerts (they do have a dvd coming out in a year or two). Rammstein has always tried to shock people with controversy, but not in ways like this. Various media outlets love to jump on this band, waiting for them to slip up on anything. Even if all charges are cleared, which it's shaping up that they will, much of the damage was done to Till's reputation, with multiple collaborations dropped/promos cancelled. I hope this gives him pause and a chance to re-examine where he's at in life, and that his fellow band members can help him find support where he needs it. Again, I don't defend Till, and I don't deny shitty things may happen at afterparties. But I'm weathered when it comes to rock scandals and I try hard to stay out of the personal lives of band members. So to me whatever happens happens and I just want some lessons to be learned for all involved.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
This guy is out of line all the time and his little f**** is constantly challenging our son and our son says go outside or shut your mouth and I'm going to have you assassinated and the guy doesn't and you see him dead in the news he did it again today several times so we're going to get rid of him now he's been asking people and telling them to go after Democrats sometimes with illegal methods so we're going to bring a case against them and we are going to announce it and we're going to tell people in the government that you have to bring charges in this way to do that yeah. You go in and you ask to file charges against someone they have to bring it before the judge and they're required to investigate it but still at times they just look at it and say no and stamp it and you have a right to appeal now you can go to a federal agency but really that's what the problem is these people do all sorts of crimes all damn day and nobody is enforcing it so what you've done for years to us as you ran a scam and the scam is that your the police and the good guys and we're going to run that scan cuz it's with money and stuff. Nicole Brown Simpson was on our side and she was a sister and she was murdered by OJ Simpson who is Trump and he hit her no it was Cato who was Tommy f and just hit her and left her there she did recover and she disappeared a few years ago now it's a few years after the incident the family was trying to get stuff and it was Trump and it was really the max and they wanted information and a lot of it was about Trump and bja she made her business to know because there's huge wise asses she found out what they're going to do with them and she was telling people and like our son said they're screaming until they're blue in the face and it didn't do anything and you have to do things in real time with real Force and they started trying to do it and it was horrible and they got nails and they were very dangerous they take a hundreds of Max at a time and Max her heart to take down and finally they started to disappear and these people need to know it they are horrendous horrendous to our son and you need to know about Tonya he's trying to control himself and he was in Sarasota and I was up there and I've never seen so many Mr cleans in my life seriously they all look like the guy from Mr clean as a particular group by the way and Tommy F figured it out you can look at him and see who they are and he's going to check and the other place too too hard and Ken so it was and he's mad and he says Edison is probably a group of them and Sean Connery or whatever saying is it's one of them so they're amazed to say these are people he's been seeing they come by and see he's out of control and all this crap that little gay boys say he says Joey credit that s*** in your mouth and he did die and Trump has his body and got information but not much cuz he sucks at it
Thor Freya
You captured James Bond and you don't know anything you f****** loser get the hell away from me
Zues Hera
Yeah I probably should I see what you're saying
This blows you capture James Bond and you can't figure s*** out you have to get rid of you then again you probably thought you captured him and he was you who was in stasis usually happens that way
Yeah I got the name and then his saying no he hasn't even me I'm a girl from the show King of Queens s*** Carrie and no I'm not the same girl in the space shuttle you a****** damn you such a f****** douchebag you're trying to dump him off that and it's the white female horse it's not sleeping beauty it's Snow White yeah that's the name of the horse and his is Black beauty and she's testing that's what she's doing yuck
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broodygaming · 7 months
Alrightttyyyyy brainstorm word dump time.
So I'm working on my next game which is set in a Carnival setting.
My idea... Is I'm leaning into (lol again) the 2nd person POV and an almost meta like feel to it, but you the player don't know why yet but there is a canon reason.
So big picture wise, the game is about time travel. And that's where I'm feeling a little lost, HAHAHA, cuz holy jeez. In my opinion, time travel magic stuff works one of two ways. Either there's a linear Thread that you are hopping around on OR there are multiple threads all existing around and because of each other. Think (forgive the reference but) time turner shenanigans vs marvel movie / spiderverse stuff. I THINK I am leaning towards the FIRST. But I'm breaking it horribly and that's also the point of the story.
So I want it to be a mystery and the Big Reveal is that it was basically you the entire time but you've time traveled so much you've fucked with the thread so much you're locked in this weird time loop limbo and barely exist as a person. If you're confused good so am I. This is helping just typing this out.
So game starts and you're told there's Been A Murder and you're welcome to wander the carnival and try out booths. The idea being that you win the mini game and are rewarded with a mask. The masks give you a sense of identity you were lacking before. Once you have the mask you then "go back to play the mini game" and then time passes. There's a scream from outside and it's revealed that whoever it is that was running the booth you're at, has JUST died. And the method of death is based on player choices.
Then some figure appears and kills YOU suddenly. Screen goes dark.
You "wake up" and it's the begining of the game. Except this time you have the mask you just won and the dialogue is slightly different based on the new mask. You can then repeat and question diff characters and get very diff responses based on the mask. The booth person who has died, their booth is now cut off and you can't repeat it. You play through 3 mini games and get 3 masks.
When you play with the last mask there's very few people left to talk to. You make your way to the end of the booth row and are finally able to go into the last tent. The tent of the person who had died at the very beginning, the reason the police are here. Inside is the figure who has shown up to kill you at the end of each round.
It's a girl with a long tall pony tail and bright hair. she otherwise wears a mask and dark maroon clothing. You the player (who have been wearing a hood the entire game) take off your hood to reveal the same colored hair.
She confronts you and says you know who we are, what we are. We need blood to travel. I've tried to end it, but I can't, you can't, we can't." it's revealed essentially YOU are somehow both the killer and the killed. You're a time traveller who needs to kill to jump. And you tried to end yourself but just teleported back into that loop of you dying and each time you you killed past you again and again the past you would come back less and less human. With less and less control and a mindless time traveling killing machine, barely even aware of what they are doing. It's revealed that YOU the player have killed all the booth runners and just don't remember it.
You slowly go to put up your hair in a pony tail and then kill the other you. The time travel sequence goes again and you wake up at the start of the game. i want there to be a (spoilers for Haunting of Hill House) Nell / bent neck lady reveal where you zap through all the deaths that have happened, real choices taken from you. Revealed to be stuck in a loop.
IDK if any of this makes sense. I barely even have the spoons to reread what I just wrote, lol. I'm gonna keep chugging away at it and hope all the pieces make sense when I'm at the end haha.
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rnebbie · 3 years
I’m Just A Kid (Request)
Deadpool x teen!reader, Wade Wilson x teen!reader
Request: could you do like a deadpool x teen reader where she has powers and is trying to be a superhero and he finds her after a fight that didn't go too well and just kind of. takes her as some sort of protege. thx in advance
Requested by: anonymous
Warnings: none I don’t think!! (Lmk if I’m incorrect)
(A/n) hey y’all heres a fic brought to u by covid… anyway this is so long idk what happened but I really just do not like it at all! But anyway as I was writing this I was thinking of y/n as a Peter Parker type character and maybe their dynamic with wade is like Peter and Tony :) also I did not proof read this massive fic so if there’s stuff I did wrong that’s why and don’t hesitate to let me know loooll also lmk if u want to be added to my tag list love u guuuyysss
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You went from being just an average high schooler to someone capable of doing things you saw on the news. And you didn’t know how to control it.
It was your little secret with yourself. You didn’t let anyone else know because you didn’t know what you’d say to them, and you wouldn’t know how to prove it to them. That would be embarrassing, and a part of you still wanted to live your normal life.
But you couldn’t just live with these powers and pretend like they weren’t there. You did that during the day at school. But when you were alone and you could be yourself, you had to help people.
A part of you was already a hero before you got these powers. Always looking out for others and rooting for the underdog. This was just what you were used to doing and your recently received powers didn’t change your view on life or the value of it, they just changed your ability to help people.
So every day after you were finished with homework and you were free until dinner, you went out and helped the people of your city. Crime rates were high enough and the police in your city is corrupt. So you figured you could help out…
Usually, it was just scaring burglars away from small businesses, or helping an old woman carry her bags back to her car, or finding a lost dog with a collar and turning it in, or occasionally walking near a lone woman to make sure she got back to her car safe without anyone preying on her.
But tonight after you were finished patrolling the city, you decided to stop at your favorite sandwich shop and get something for dinner. You pull off your ski mask with eye holes cut out, your fingerless gloves, your zip-up hoodie, and boots that you bought in 7th grade with ‘I know I’ll have a use for these someday’ in mind. You shove them in your backpack and throw them in the alley next to the sandwich shop.
You walk in and greet the owner who knows you by name. “Hey, y/n.” He smiles at you. You see one man with scars all over his face in the shop at a table in the far corner typing away at something on his computer, but he looks up for a moment when you walk in. You avoid eye contact like the antisocial person you are.
“Hi, how are you doing?” You ask, reaching into your back pocket for cash, as he’s already started making your usual order that you haven’t changed since you were 11.
“Slow day. Glad to see you. How was your day?” He asks.
You sigh and shake your head. “Simple. Had a math test. I aced it.” You smile, and reach into your front pockets to check for your cash, where is it?
“Hey! Good job, y/n. I’m proud of you, kid.” He says. You smile at him in return.
Suddenly you realize your cash must’ve fallen out of your pocket while you were on patrol. Someone roughly pushed you on the ground after you broke up a fight between two people outside of a grocery store. That was probably when.
“Goddamn it.” You mutter and rub your eyes. Now that you think about it, your back hurts from the fall. And you were just really hungry but now you can’t get dinner. “I’m sorry, sir. But I must’ve lost my cash somewhere. I can't pay, so I can't eat. You can put it in your fridge and I’ll buy it next time I’m here if it’s easier for you.” You ramble. You feel terrible, especially because of how often this happens now that you patrol. And how much money you’ve lost that you could’ve used.
The shop owner sighs, “don’t worry about it, you can buy it next time you’re here. You know I’d give it to you but I’ve already given you a few free sandwiches this month and the supplies are starting to not add up to the budget. Sorry, kid.”
You nod. You’re not upset that he won’t give it to you, you’re just embarrassed.
The man in the corner suddenly appears behind you. You get a better look at the scars on his face and try not to wince, but you do step back and tremble slightly at his height and the fact that this random man just appeared out of nowhere.
“How much is it? $6? I’ll pay for it.” He says. You shake your head quickly, “oh, oh no that’s fine. I don’t need it, I'm not even hungry, it's okay.” You assure him. You’re not the type of person to let a random man pay for your food, even if he offers or you’re starving.
“No, I insist. Everyone deserves to eat.” The owner wraps the sandwich in parchment paper and the man hands cash to the owner and grabs the sandwich from his hands and hands it to you.
You blink and slowly reach to take it from his hands, “thank you, Mr,”
“Wilson. Wade Wilson. Call me Wade, don’t call me Mr. Wilson. I’m not a teacher.” He rambles. You stare up at him confused but nod when you’re sure he’s done.
“Thank you.” You say again. He nods and walks back to his table. You smile at the owner before walking out of the door to grab your backpack from the alleyway next to the shop and walk home.
You unwrap your sandwich and start to eat it while walking home. The sun has set and it’s rather dark, the only source of light is that of the light illuminating from the lamp posts.
As you go to take a bite from your sandwich, someone from behind you shoves you forward and you nearly fall flat on the pavement in front of you. But they grab your shirt from behind and yank you up. You turn around to look at them and notice him as the person who you stopped from fighting someone else outside of the grocery store earlier. He did push you, after all. You wouldn’t be surprised if he’d been following you for the rest of the day, waiting for the right moment to attack you.
He grabs you by the collar of your shirt and you feel like you’re being bullied, like the streets around you might as well be lockers in your high school hallway. “Stupid kid, I hit that person outside the store cause they hit me first. I never lose a fight. Ever. And you fucked up my tally!” He says. He goes to punch you, but your instinct is to duck, and because of that, he misses and punches the air. You come back up and hit him in the face, “there are two sides to every story.” You say, before opening your backpack to put your mask on, just in case anyone walks by, you wouldn’t want your identity to be revealed.
He tries to fight you for a minute or two, confused as to why a teenager can fight as well as you can. Your goal isn’t to fight or beat people up, it’s to help those in need. But you figure it’s needed as of now, and you defend yourself.
Unexpectedly, as you prepare for a hit to the face, the man knees you in the stomach and knocks the wind out of you. You cough and fall to the ground. “That’s fucked.” You say, Trying to catch your breath.
“You’re fucked.” The man says and kicks your side. At this point, you’re too tired. You’ve already been fighting him for like two minutes and the man knocked you on the ground earlier. You already went through school and did all your homework in your comfy bed before coming out and doing so much work. Not to mention you went to bed late last night because of homework and woke up for school at 6:00. You’re not built for this, so you consider just letting this man kick you and beat you up till he’s satisfied so you can at least lay on the ground and not have to fight back.
As you’re letting him kick you over and over again, Wade from the sandwich shop suddenly appears behind the man as he appeared behind you earlier. Except he looks ready to fight. And he does. He fucks your assaulter up.
You take a few deep breaths as Wade is punching the guy like a madman and stand up, stumbling a little at the toll this guy took on your body. But you’ll be fine.
You watch wade simply beat this guy up and figure it’s going nowhere. While watching the two of them go at it in all your exhaustion you yawn and ball your fists. Out of your hands, you cause a plasma blast to shoot towards the man’s face, nearly blinding him. He’s passed out, Though.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you drop your hero gig, and your natural human instincts of empathy kick in. You run towards him to make sure you didn’t blind him.
You bend down to the man Wade was just beating up, but Wade stands above you. You don’t know what his expression is or what he’s thinking cause you’re too worried you just killed this man. But then you hear his voice come from above you, “Bro you just lasered that guy in the eye, how did you do that?” He asks.
“I don’t know! I didn’t know I could!” You ramble on, scared he’s gonna turn you in to the police.
“Who are you?” He asks, you look up at him.
You wait for some heroic sentence to come out of your mouth, but at the end of the day, you’re still just you. “Uhh, y/n?”
He scoffs. “You’re just a kid…” he says as you pull your ski mask off, you stand up, ignoring the man unconscious on the ground.
“I’m a teenager, actually. Please don’t tell the cops or the sandwich shop owner. I have a good bond with him.” You beg him with wide eyes.
“I wasn’t planning on it, but we better get out of here before he wakes up and remembers.” Wade says, grabbing your hand to lead you away.
“No! I’m sorry. But I have to go home…” you say as he tries to pull you away from the opposite direction of home.
“Wha- you have to go home? What is so much more important at your home than the task at hand right now?” He asks with an angry but joking tone.
You’re silent for a second, your face heats up because you’re not lying and it’s a little embarrassing as you just tried to prove that you’re not just a kid, “I have school in the morning.” You say truthfully.
Wade stares at you like you just said something utterly shocking, and he looks very amused. “Even after I bought you your dinner?” He says, slightly smiling. But you felt guilty about that and don’t find it funny.
You scoff, “I’ll pay you back every penny of the $6, asshole.” you look at your watch and realize it’s 30 minutes till your bedtime, and your mom's gonna flip out.
“Dude I have to go home. If you want to talk about it so you don’t turn me in to the police, great. I’ll give you my number.” You grab your backpack off your shoulders to tear a piece of notebook out and write your number and hand it to him. He hasn’t said anything.
“Don’t call before 8:00 or after 9:00. And don’t call in the morning either, if you want to speak to me. I don’t have a cellphone, it’s the landline. And my mom doesn’t know so if she answers just hang up. Or else I’ll get grounded.”
He bursts into laughter and you narrow your eyes, finding it kinda rude. “Bye.” You say and turn around to run back to your house. He doesn’t follow you.
The next day around 3:00 while your mom is still at work and you're standing in the kitchen of your apartment looking for something to eat, the phone rings. “Y/l/n residence, this is y/n speaking, how may I help you?” You say after you pick up the phone.
On the other line, you hear laughter. “You answer the phone like that?” The voice says, which you recognize as wade. You’ve honestly forgotten about last night since you once again aced a test today.
“Oh my god. What? What do you want?” You say, annoyed because it’s like he laughs at everything you do. It’s like he’s trying to prove that you’re just a dumb kid, but he’s calling you for some reason, so it doesn’t make sense to you.
“Woah, be careful what you say, I’m the only reason you’re not in juvy right now.” He answers. You roll your eyes even though you know he can’t see.
“I’m a little busy at the moment, what do you need?” You say, as you put a cup of noodles in the microwave and press the start button.
You can tell he tries not to laugh, “Yeah, sounds like it. I need your help in all of your superpower glory.” He goes on about this bad guy who he needs help defeating, even though you wonder why there’s not a better recruit to help him over a teenager.
“Me? Why me? I don’t even know what I can do. The thing you saw last night, with the lasers and stuff, that’s the first time I’ve done that and I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it again.” You say honestly, sitting on the counter.
“This city doesn’t have an overwhelming amount of superheroes to choose from. You deal with what you get, and I could really use your help. You know, just crack a few skulls, stop a few guys…” he trails off.
“What!? I can’t just kill people, wade!” You furrow your brows angrily out of instinct. You know he can’t see but you wish he could. You’re good at acting angry, it’s probably the hormones.
“I didn’t ask you to kill them! I’m just asking you to… you know, fuck them up like you usually do.” He quickly says, but you think it’s just out of defiance and he just wants your help whatever that may take.
“Wade, I’m not as powerful as you saw last night. I’m worried about that guy, what if I really hurt him?” You say sadly, your eyes water up and you’re glad he’s not there in person to see because that would be embarrassing. But you take the privilege of you being home alone and let yourself feel whatever emotions are necessary.
Wade sighs, probably upset that this phone call seems to have turned into a therapy session, “You know what vigilantes do?” He asks.
You scoff, “Wade, I’m not a vigilante.” You say.
“I’m not saying you're a vigilante, damn, let me finish!” He angrily says over the phone. You widen your eyes, “fine.”
He starts again, “Vigilantes do what needs to be done to bad people for the sake of good people. If you had to kill one bad person to save 100, would you?” He asks.
You shake your head and take a few seconds to answer. “I don’t kill people. That’s wrong, I’m not… I’m not a cop. I’m not a murderer, and I’m sure as hell not a vigilante. I’m just a kid.” You clarify sadly.
Wade scoffs, “A badass kid with superhero powers, but okay. I’ll let you go.” He says and you can hear him getting ready to hang up, but you can’t just leave him hanging.
“Wait, wade,” you close your eyes and hope you’re not making the wrong decision.
“I’m listening,” he says.
“I'll need your help learning how to fight.” You say.
For the past few weeks, you’ve been training with wade. You’ve learned how to fight better, and you’ve even beat him in half your training matches. But he assures you it’s only because he ‘let you win’.
You’ve learned more of what your powers are and what you’re capable of, but you’re still not entirely sure since you just keep finding more and more things you can do. But you’ve learned enough about yourself to navigate your powers and to win in a fight to pretty much anyone. That’s why Wade has stopped fighting you one on one, even if he tries to convince you it’s because it’s ‘too easy for him’.
He’s introduced you to more people you two would be fighting with when you fight with this big bad boss guy. You’re much more powerful than everyone else, but you’re not one to boast.
When the day of the fight comes, it’s getting closer to the fight. And as you're walking to the place you’re going to supposedly be battling, you confide in wade.
“You know, I’ve never done this before. This isn’t me. I don’t know if I’m cut out for this. Maybe I should sit this one out.” You say as the two of you are setting up booby traps.
“What? Y/n you’re the more powerful one here, except for me of course. We need you.” He says, looking over at you.
“Well, I just hope I don’t mess the entire battle up. What if I ruin it for everyone else? Not everyone is like, immortal or whatever you are.” You say, your mind drifting to all the worst possibilities you can imagine.
“You’ve been practicing. I wouldn’t ask you to help if I thought you were gonna mess it up, I wouldn’t send a kid on a suicide mission. This’ll be easy for you.” He says.
You smile and nod, choosing to believe him.
The fight is so easy, while fighting something awakens in you that’s even more powerful than what you’ve seen before. You fight with ease.
But you take a minute too long and when you go to attack the enemy, they attack you first and you go tumbling to the ground. You don’t know how long it is but Wade fights right by your unconscious body and after a little while he defeats who he was going for and he bends down to focus on you.
“Y/n! Are you okay? Can you hear me?” He asks, you open your eyes and regain consciousness.
“I’m fine, I’m okay… my ribs really hurt, wade…” you say quietly.
“I know, I know. I called an ambulance and they're on the way.” He says, helping you sit up.
“Okay. Alright,” you say, holding your ribs.
“You took a hard fall, but you did it. You beat them. I couldn’t have done it without you, y/n. You did great. Thank you.” He says, you smile slightly, feeling proud of yourself and your team, especially Wade for helping you so much.
“Yeah yeah, well I learn from the best,” You smile. “Are you okay?” You ask him.
Wade chuckles, “yeah, I can’t die, remember?”
You both laugh and soon the ambulance comes to pick you up. Minor injuries, you’re fine.
A few days after the fight when you’re nearly recovering you two meet in the park to go over everything that happened. Wade thanks you and you thank him and you guys plan to spend more time together so he can continue to train you.
“Thank you for helping me figure everything out. I’m glad I got to fight with you. It was exhilarating.” You say.
“I’m glad you fought with me, too. I would’ve lost if it wasn’t for you.” He says.
“Well, at least you wouldn’t have died. How are your ribs, by the way? You jokingly ask him, and he chuckles.
“My mom keeps asking where I’m going, I told her I started taking violin lessons again,” You start, but the thought makes Wade start to chuckle. “Don’t,” You say, and scowl at him.
“Don’t tell my mom. She’ll freak out if she finds out I'm some sort of superhero.” You ask him. He nods.
“I won’t. But hey, you’ve gotta teach me some violin facts if that’s the cover we’re using. You can't just let that information go to waste.” He jokes and gets up to leave the park.
You laugh lightly and also stand up to part ways. “Yeah, you train me, and in return, I’ll teach you a few songs on the violin.” You tell him.
When he starts to walk away you forget you brought something for him and call after him, “wait, wade!” You say and run after him.
He turns around, “what’s up?” He looks down at you and you reach into your pocket.
You hand him some crumpled dollar bills. “Here’s my $6 for the sandwich, by the way.”
Taglist: @ohworm-writes @spidyyparker (lmk if u wanna be added :)
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
Sinners. (Stalker!San x You)
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Warning(s): Semi Non-Con, sadism, masochism, fear kink, hair play, head shaving, complete submission, humiliation, degradation, anal, camera play, piercing, denial, chastity, Psycho!San, twisted and dark fucked up shit. Read at your own risk. You've been warned. This isn't for everyone. It is purely fiction and doesn't reflect any individual's behavior nor does it encourage it.
It was early in the morning and she was about to go to college in an hour. But instead of running around having breakfast, getting ready and making sure she had her assignments ready, Y/n was standing in front of her mirror, eyes closed as she touched her pussy and touched an electric razor to her head, imagining what it'd feel like if it was on and an imaginary 'Master' was forcefully shearing her. Like a sheep. "Ahh... Master… please..." The girl let a whimper fall from her lips, having no idea that the curtains of her room were open and someone could watch her through the window.
"Fuck…" The man standing outside, behind the PCO booth on the sidewalk outside Y/n's apartment complex whispered to himself, feeling his jeans tighten. Taking a picture of the girl before switching it to video mode, planning to send her the photo later. It had been a while now. Maybe a bit more than a while. He was ready and sure now, unable to wait anymore.
San had to have Y/n now.
He had to claim her rightfully his. Or, he felt like he'd lose his mind now. Just watching the pretty girl wasn't enough anymore. He wanted to touch her, feel her, tell her, that he knew… He knew that she wasn't as innocent as she made herself look in front of the people that knew her. That she was actually a hormonal little dirty girl. And whilst nobody knew that nasty side of her, he did. The thought made the man feel powerful. In control. Like he had a claim over Y/n.
There was no way in hell that she wasn't made for him.
Y/n got done with masturbating and packed up before going to college, having no idea that she had a stalker. The girl spent her usual regular day at college, having no idea of the storm that was coming.
San knew Y/n were in class and that’s exactly when he wanted to send her the photo he took. A sick smirk made its way on his face and he took his phone out, sending it with the caption, 'having fun there?' He knew where she sat, a lone desk by one of the windows in this classroom, the spot he was standing in providing him a clear view of her face. Yes. The man had all the information he could gather about her memorized by heart.
Y/n was drifting off when she suddenly felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, peeking at the Professor sneakily, the girl took it out and unlocked it only to choke on her breath before starting to cough, making some heads turn which caused her to put the device in her hand away to prevent it getting seized. Her blood ran cold and skin paled.
What the fuck just happened?!
San patiently waited for the female to exit her college, her being earlier than the usual time today, however. The man grinned deviously as he texted her again once she passed by him in a hurry, his taller figure getting up to follow her.
'Will you give that show again? Would you like someone to shave your hair off? That’s what gets you off right?' It shamelessly read, making her tremble.
Y/n started to rush towards her house as she didn't live too far away from her college, not having to use any vehicle because it was barely a 10 minute walk as she nervously glanced around. She was quite twisted herself. And so, a dark part of her mind thought... things, making her start to shudder as tears welled up in self hatred. She hated the soft pounds in her southern region, overpowering the thump of her heart ringing in her ears as she reached the building and rushed in.
'What's the rush for, Princess? Are you so eager to touch yourself again? Tsk. Are you horny? Knowing someone is watching you?' San was absolutely sick in the head. Chuckling at his own text, he bit his lip and hit send.
Y/n was shaking as she read the message. Yes. In her fantasies this was… thrilling, exciting, pussy throbbing and she'd like to play like this with her top but… a legit stalker? She wasn't THAT fucked. Or so the girl belived, at least. Rushing to the curtains after locking the front door, the girl drew them while trying to catch someone's glance outside but no luck.
San had mastered the art of hiding as he watched her. It wasn't like this was new or anything.
Y/n felt hopeless. She couldn't even call the cops! What would the girl show them as evidence?! She didn't want to tell or show them this! Her filthiest desire.
The 21 year old was having a mental breakdown! All her savings were in this college. She could not run away, didn't have any friends because Y/n was a foreigner and the people of this country were rather hostile to any outsiders. Couldn't go back home because she had run away from there, which was a hell in itself, when she had received her acceptance letter.
'Aww come on now!' Her phone pinged again, and then again. 'You can’t keep the fun all to yourself!'
The realisation felt like a bucket of ice cold water everytime she was reminded of it. The person had seen her masturbating and that to the fucking… razor! They knew her fantasies and at that the darkest ones! She couldn't even text them back asking him who it was! The girl was simply too embarrassed to! What if it were someone she knew in her college or around the apartment complex!
It was a dark day and it started raining. Y/n felt tears streaming down her face as her heart beat never slowed down, more terror filling her as everything outside got dark and thunder struck.
Maybe she should call the cops... No one else would help a foreigner… She just knew it. Nobody liked college students especially that lived alone because they were 'reckless' and often lied to get a good laugh out of the elders with their friends. So no one really opened their door for a student they didn't know personally.
But what would she tell the cops?! They ask for evidence!
Meanwhile, San stood on the spot he had found. Even if it was literally the end of the world, he'd still be there. Always. She was his and he had to have her all to himself. There was no other way. The man wasn't exactly sure how he'd do it but he’ll find a way.
Y/n called the cops at last when she started suspecting someone's presence outside her apartment. Or window… she wasn't sure anymore. And the loud thunder outside didn't help her situation. Dialing the police the scared girl told them she was afraid someone was stalking her and needed an officer for security right now. i Telling them about the texts and deciding to leave the nasty parts out, she sighed in somewhat relief when they informed that they will send an officer on the way. The student grabbed a water from the fridge and sat on the couch, taking huge gulps while trying to calm down.
It only took some minutes before there was a knock on the door. A nervous Y/n looked through the peep hole to only cry out in relief when she saw the uniform through it. "Oh! Thank God, officer! Thank you so much! You're here!" She  was overjoyed. "Thank you! I- I am so scared!" A weak sob left her. "Please come in!"
The officer looked around the house, nodding. "I need you to calm down, miss. Tell me everything. We are here with you." His tone was professional. His name plate read 'Park Seonghwa'.
"I- I have a stalker! I don't know how!" Y/n quickly locked the door after he stepped in. "Not many people like me because I am a foreigner! I don't know if it's someone from college troubling me o- on purpose or what... B- But they've been sending me some really p- personal stuff..." She looked up at him innocently, scared.
The dark haired man hummed and nodded. "Do you maybe know the number? Have you noticed any suspicious activity around you before? Is there someone who has a motive to do this?"
"N- No... I got the first text today... I- I am really scared... I've got no one here... W- What do I do?" She told him all of it, hoping that the culprit he caught as soon as possible so she could go back to her life where she was a nobody. No one knew her and she was just another face among many others..
"Alright. We’ll keep a close eye on you. Within this period, try not to hang out too much, yeah? It is best to come directly home after college. And call us on this number if you suspect anything." He wrote a number on a paper and handed it to the shaky girl.
"Oh... Alright officer... thank you..." She saved the number gladly. And since he was supposed to stay with her to ensure the girl's safety, they sat down and Y/n awkwardly turned the TV on. Oh she never had a guy in her apartment before.
After getting used to the feeling of safety, Y/n got up after a while, finally having calmed down as she felt hungry. Cooking some dinner for two people, she went and handed the officer one of the two plates. "You've been here since evening... Please eat." She politely smiled, softly blushing from the embarrassment. The girl was too soft, continuously thanking him like it wasn't his job.
"You're a true hero..." She giggled and sat on the other couch, totally not thinking about how handsome he was. Before a sigh left her as she was reminded of the situation. "Officer... What will happen to my stalker when you catch him...?" He knew her darkest secrets. "I am really afraid... They mentioned some... things... very private... things..." The girl finally confessed.
“Mind telling me those things, miss? It will help us with his punishment. The more detail, the better” he placed his plate down, grabbing his pen and notepad.
"O- Officer... I uh..." Y/n gulped. "I- I can't..." She felt ashamed
“Why not? We should know so we can sentence him longer in the court. This is not okay. And you’re a foreigner. So it may also come under bullying.” His tone was soft and assuring as he looked at her, concerned.
It took the student a bit of persuasion before she spoke, hanging her head low and fingers fidgeting in her lap. "I... I was being naughty with myself... A- And they took p- pictures from my window... A- And taunted me about my... p- preferences, s- sir..." She put her own plate on the table now.
The man only hummed, nodding in an understanding manner. “That’s such a disgusting thing for him to do…” Before the man continued. “You shouldn’t do those nasty things while your windows are open either, Miss… You never know who will be watching.”
Y/n was blushing hard as her cheeks felt extremely hot. "I am sorry, s- sir... I won't do it again..." She couldn’t help but reply obediently. Her sub side sometimes got the best of her.
Besides… The officer was so handsome... It wasn’t helping her situation here.
A few hours later when it was bedtime and Y/n went to sleep in her room after taking care of her assignments and on the work she missed at school today, the officer got comfy on the couch. He was going to be here until tomorrow morning. Unless something happened. The girl was so tired she fell asleep easily, feeling protected and warm despite the terrible weather outside.
It was really late at night when Y/n woke up to a phone call.. "Hello?" It was the police, informing her that the officer that had been sent to her house had a bad ‘accident’ on the way and whether she still needed an officer.
The girl’s eyebrows at first in confusion before it sunk in and her blood ran cold as the phone fell from her shaking hands. At the same time she felt someone next to her. On the fucking bed. Pure terror filled her and she slowly turned to look at the relaxed figure dressed in the uniform. A shaky cry left her as she started trembling, literally mortified.
“Tsk... The stupid cops ruined the fun.” His voice was nowhere near that gentle and warm comforting voice now. Instead a low and deep hiss filled with nothing but mock.
San's eyebrows were frowned when he saw the cop car pulling up. "Oh no... you did not, Princess." The male smirked and shook his head slowly as he noted that it was only one officer. Moving through the shadows, he pulled out his blade from the pocket of his pants, expertly swirling it around in his hand and toying with it like he usually did. "Now, let’s see why do you need the officer, babygirl" his voice was barley a whisper as he made his way over to the car.
San was always so slick with his movements, catching the non-existent sounds of his figure were barely audible to the human ear. Before the officer could even realise there was someone around, the male had banged his head against one of the entrance walls of the low rent cheap apartment building, dragging him into the darkness with him before stealing his clothes and then dumping his body in the river along his car.
It didn't even take him long. He was fast, accurate in his calculations and confident in his abilities. "Now, to my Princess' rescue" chuckling to himself as he climbed the stairs, pinning the nameplate reading 'Park Seonghwa' on his breast pocket before ringing the bell to her apartment.
"The real fun is only starting" San sang as he pinned her down on the bed, holding her wrists tight above her head. "You have no idea how many nights I've watched you touch that bitchy cunt of yours." His hard bulge rubbed against her thigh.
An astonished Y/n was trembling, warm piss suddenly starting to leak out of her in pure terror as her heart threatened to burst out of the skin of her chest. Oh no! Is that what she thought this was?! It took her brain a few moments to understand it as the realisation sunk in like a ton of bricks. "Y- You... You're... You..." She could only whisper, eyes widened to the shape of saucers as an evil grin made its way on his features.
As San felt the bed getting warm, he started laughing at the girl condescendingly. "Look at you! Pissing yourself like a baby! How pathetic and disgusting! Did you really think anyone would help you, tsk?" He loved how she was shaking, the glow of her skin caused by the little droplets of sweat, her heartbeat that he could literally feel and the terror in her eyes.
Y/n started crying, the piss not stopping as it pooled inside her thighs. "Y- You're... You're the... stalker…" She whispered, still in disbelief as to how he managed that. "H- How did... How did you..." Oh God. Oh no.
The storm outside was so loud that screaming for help would just be in vain. It was so late no one would even be up...
"Baby, just like you said… I’m the stalker… I know everything about you…" His tone was sensual as he started kissing up the soft skin of her neck, moaning from how soft and delicate it felt. "Fuck! Your skin is even softer than i- it looks…" San felt himself twitch.
The girl was trembling as she slowly put it all together, staring at the ceiling as a feeling of despair and hopelessness filled her. "Y- You were p- pretending a- all this time! You're not the officer!" Adrenaline filled her as she kneed his cock, swiftly turning on her stomach and crawling off the bed before rushing out of the room. Nobody could hear the commotion. It was too loud outside.
"FUCK! YOU BITCH!" San yelled before laughing loudly. He loved this. Finally something enjoyable in his once lone and bland life. Holding his crotch, the male after her to catch the girl before she got away, catching her easily. "Where do you think you’re going?!" A smack landed on her face as punishment for what she did.
"LET ME GO! LET ME GO! Y- YOU CREEPY BASTARD!" Oh she would be getting a lot of beating for this! "H- HOW DARE YOU STALK ME A- AND THEN ENTER MY HOUSE! ILL R- REPORT YOU!" As she reached out to my table to hit him with something, her hand so conveniently ended up grabbing the razor and swung it back, going to hit him with it on the head.
San laughed tauntingly and caught her arm before she could hit him and shook his head, sighing. "Now now, isn’t this the razor you were holding when you played with that tiny little cunt of yours?" The shiny object dangled in his hand.
"P- PLEASE!" She remembered the text he'd sent her. "PLEASE! I- I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT DON'T DO THIS! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!" Y/n had no idea what to say.
"Aww sweetie…" His words were soft. Almost. "Keep your begs for the time when I'll be pounding that dirty little pussy of yours." San held her hands above her head. "You like to be owned, huh? You like to serve your Master and show everyone how much of an obedient little whore you are?"
Y/n was crying harder now, afraid because she didn't know what was going to happen. "N- No! Please no! It's not true! P- Please just let me go! I- I don't want to!" Oh but she had a being kidnapped and raped fantasy. She loved the thought of someone dangerous, like San, terrifying her and fucking her, making her into his cockwhore. And he knew it. She wanted it all. The girl loved the fear and force. But all of it actually happening was something she'd never thought of. "Please! Let me go!" How could it? A whole fantasy becoming true?
"Oh please, my little slut! Let’s not fool ourselves here. I know you love the thrill of this, I know you LOVE getting used like a worthless little toy and I will give you what you want. You can try to resist me all you want but you’ll never get away from me. You're mine. I'll always catch you. You're mine and belong with me." Her eyes were on the razor as she kept thinking about the text he'd sent.
Y/n tried to reach out of his iron strong hold and snatch the razor from him. "Nu-uh…" San sang out as he held the object above him. "What if I shaved your head while I’m destroying that slutty pussy, huh? Would you like that you little whore?"
"No! NO! NO PLEASE!" Oh… But she felt wetness trickling down her leg. Oh no.
"My my!" The man chuckled darkly. "What’s this?" He swiped a finger up her bare thigh. "God, you’re such a pathetic whore, trying to fool yourself by saying no but I know you’re enjoying this. How stupid and dumb. Stupid slut!" His free hand smacked her face before grabbing her hands again.
"N- No! No! Please stop! This i- isn't what it looks like!" Before she somehow broke free again, this time biting his hand before she managed to reach the door, trying to unlock it but her hands were sweaty and cold, fingers literally frozen as she struggled to open the locks, cursing when they kept slipping against the metal.
San pushed Y/n up against the door with the most force he could come up with and pounced himself on her, letting his hard cock feel up her ass. "Don’t fight it anymore." And with that, he pulled her pj shorts down and turned her around before spreading her legs and pushed her up against the door, unclothing his cock and aligning his tip against her vagina before forcefully thrusting into her without warning before moaning loudly, throwing his head back. "God! Such a tight little nasty cunt!" San moaned and kissed along her neck, feeling like he'd go crazy from how delicate and nice her skin tasted.
The girl moaned loudly in pain, a warm stream of blood trickling down the man's monster cock. "O- Oh my God!" A sick part of her wondered if he would also shave her head and face... "I- IT BURNS!" A scream tumbled out of her lips.
"Oh… You were a virgin? Such a nasty little thing. Everyone thinks you’re an innocent little girl but in reality, you’re just a needy little bitch! Needy for cock! All the time!" He picked her up and carried the girl back to her room while still keeping his cock in her before plugging the razor in. "Come here!"
Oh yes. Oh no! Oh… She was having a battle with herself. Did she want this or did she not want this?! "PLEASE... S- SIR..."  Please yes or please no...? She didn't even know what was happening anymore. This was fucking crazy. Her stalker who had done God knows what to the cop and had entered her house after watching her for who knew how long. The stalker that had a private photo of her and she didn't even know how many other materials. And now was on top of her like this...
"Please what, babydoll?" San pulled her in and kissed the soft trembling lips roughly, loving how good she tasted and felt.
Y/n cried against his lips, the man's huge cock still in her wet and tight walls. "I- I am scared! P- People will laugh!" Was that the only thing she cared about?
"So you want me to, but scared people will laugh?" San smirked while pushing his hips back and forth, moaning with each thrust. "Let them laugh, that will turn you on even more because you love getting humiliated. I know you too well, baby.”
Y/n had faced such rejection and hostility her whole life from different people she had trusted with her safety from time to time… this was driving her crazy. Her messy emotions got the best of her at the end of it. Her breaths were heavy. "Y- You're right... You know me so well..." She started speaking his language. "Y- You want me? O- Or you'll leave me too?" This was wrong; sick.
“No. I am staying by your side and you’re staying by me. I’ve wanted you for so long... you have no idea.” He groaned at how good she felt, biting back the whimpers threatening to fall out of his lips from the pleasure. “You have no idea just how many nights I have jerked off thinking it was your tiny little pussy, hugging my cock as you moaned and begged me for more, slut.”
The girl blushed, feeling like she was dreaming. This felt perfect… at least to her troubled mind. "You're crazy... You're scary... You made me piss myself out of pure…” She whispered slowly, a small smile making its way on her lips. “...P- Please own me... P- Please shave me... my head and face... make me look like a dumb slut... s- sir... Your dumb slut..." Her shaky hand turned the razor on for him, pussy suddenly clenching around him as she finally acknowledged the pleasure it was receiving, a soft moan escaping her.
“Mmm... that’s my good slut” San hummed and praised, taking the now on machine and placing it against her hairline before running it down the top of her head, both of them moaning, Y/n from the feeling and San from the sight of the sight of now small bristles between her locks as his hips pushed in and out even faster.
The man now shaved off another strip from the spot besides the previously shaved one, humming as he remembered something and took the machine to her eyebrows first and pressed it against the skin, feeling himself hit her g-spot as her eyes rolled to the top of her head, mouth falling open as the male erased the hair above her eyes.
"Yes, s- sir! Please make me your good slut! I- I love you! I'll never leave you! Please never leave me, Master!" She started crying out of joy, kissing his hands as her unstable emotions made her feel absolute joy. He had accepted her as she truly was. In her darkest form. “Please write funny things o- on my skinhead when you’re done. I am a dumb whore!” To her, there wasn’t a man more great than him.
“Fuck yes… That you are.” San grunted as he started to shear the rest of her long locks like one would to a sheep. “You are my dumb little slut who will do nothing but serve her Master from now on!” His free hand landed a smack on her head which was showing up more and more, nothing but thin stubble covering the skin.
"Yes I will, Master! Please! Please treat me like trash!" Y/n clenched around him, near to cumming. “Trash that was born to take your cock! You're so good to me! I wish you'd snuck in my house this morning and raped me right there! I wish you'd have shaved my head and forced me to go to college like that! It would have been a pleasure to be humiliated like that and by you!” She was literally crying out of pleasure
“Oh..” The man chuckled while panting. “I will force you to go like this baby, don’t worry.” He promised as he snapped his hips even faster, feeling himself getting close from the sight and all her filthy confessions. “And I will wake you up by fucking you every morning, making you a mess and sending you off to college like that.” It was done, the only hair on the girl’s head slight messy stubble that he’d remove with a hand razor later to reveal the skin underneath.
"Yes, please! Please always only force me and rape me! Please keep me bald! Keep me at your feet! Please feed me your piss and cum! I want to be your hand and footrest! I want to be an object for you to fuck! A bitch for you to breed! Your little animal! I JUST WANT TO BE YOURS! I WANT TO BE THE DIRT UNDER YOUR FEET!" She was sobbing as she started cumming hard, her tiny body spasming in pleasure while holding one of San's hands because it was her first time cumming from sex.
Y/n wrapped her arms around him from the intensity of it and kissed him while he played with her tits, pinching her nipples painfully as he kissed the girl back and let her ride out her high before pulling out. “On your knees!” San kept pumped himself until he came all over the girl’s pretty face and mouth. “That’s my good little cumdumpster.”
She smiled and started to kiss his cock and hands in respect, then his balls. Y/n really had truly submitted. "You're perfect, Master! Where have you been all my life?!" A pout made its way on her lips as she whined, hugging his leg and kissing it, not daring to go further up out of fear.
San was satisfied with her behavior. “I’m here now baby… And I am never leaving.” He kissed the younger one and slapped her ass lightly after helping her get up. “Lets get cleaned, doll.”
"Master, I wanna drink your piss." She shamelessly told him, not standing up, taking his cum off her face with her hand and greedily sucking at it. "A- And I wanna kiss your feet!" She was way too eager for this.
The man chuckled at her request. “You want to drink my piss? Then open up, my whore.” San held his cock over her mouth before putting pressure on his bladder, whimpering before the hot stream hit her lips.
Y/n was obediently on her knees drinking all of it after cringing at the taste a little, moaning happily. It was her first time drinking anyone's piss. She was in heaven. She finally had an owner! The girl made sure not one drop went to waste. "Thank you so much, Master! It is amazing!" The younger one stopped drinking and let his piss wet her face before starting to kiss his feet, fully in her subspace.
“You’re such an obedient little girl.” San praised, not being able to hold back the smile as he watched her, never having imagined her willingly being like this for him in such a short time period. But then again, he wasn’t surprised. “Good girl.” He cooed patting her head.
Y/n desperately kissed his hand and grabbed it, starting to cry. "M- Master... everyone leaves me... P- Please don't leave me... I- I'll die!" She almost promised him, nothing short of a maniac. Maybe she was even more twisted than San, in a way
“I’ll never leave you, you’re mine and everyone will know that.” Cupping her cheeks, he passionately kissed her, already making plans in his head about how he will modify all of her features as his perfect little pet.
The girl giggled, sucking at his lips greedily. "Master! Your piss was on my face!" She tried to get it off. "Give it back! Ish mine!" Huffing, she lapped at his piss like a needy little bitch.
San chuckled from her antics and swiped his fingers on the pretty face before holding them up against her lips. “Open up…” He let her suck on the piss covering his fingers. “Fuck... you’re so perfect for me.”
Holding his arm like a child, Y/n started sucking on his fingers greedily, smiling. "Thank you, Master!" Before she made his fingers hit the back of her throat, making herself gag and loving it all. "Mashter Mashter! Whatsh your name?" The girl questioned while deep throating his fingers.
“It’s San, baby.” The man replied with a smile, watching her choke on his fingers, her warm drool trickling down his long fingers.
"Shan! Ish sho pretty! I am Y/n!" Letting go of his hand, she hugged him which was returned with a chuckle.
“I know, babygirl.”
"M- Mashter... I- I dunno why b- but... I- I shaw a video too a- and I want you to s- shove my shaved hair u- up my assh and i- in my mouth... a- and take picturesh... Hehe I am sho naughty!" His eyebrows raised as she hid in his chest, a smirk forming on his lips.
San patted her messily shaved head. “Yes. You are, baby. You’re fucking naughty but okay. Daddy is here to help his little girl with all her little disgusting whore fantasies.”
"Y- You wanna?" Before she chirped again. "Mashter I want to be owned like an object a-nd like an animal! I wanna be like a p- piggy! A- And I want you to b- beat me and whip me e- everywhere a- and I wanna be bruished! A- And I want to be raped all the time!" She was too fucking sick and twisted but now that she wasn’t afraid of being judged, she was letting all that was locked deep down out.
“If that’s what you want, then I’ll treat you like one, baby.” San said before chuckling to himself, still in disbelief of just how fucked up she really was.
"A- And I want you to fuck my bummie and not let me cum for monthsh! I wanna be forshed to wear chashtity! I want you to make me cry and beg but you don't give in and only torture me more!" She told him. "Pleashe alwaysh shlap me and my head!"
“Fuck... you’re so naughty baby… I love it.” San almost moaned from the sight before getting a chunk of her shaved hair and shoved it in her mouth before getting his phone and taking pics of her all stuffed and messily bald like that.
The twisted girl smiled in the pictures and eagerly nodded, turning her fat ass in front of him now. "Please put hair in assh too!" She struggled to speak, smiling and posing for all of the pictures.
San actually wanted to take a video of him shoving hair up her ass and so that was what he simply did, laughing. “Look at this disgusting little dumb cock whore! So slutty and needy! Loving to be humiliated and looked like a dumb fucktoy by her owner!” He spat on her.
"Yesh I am! Yesh I am!" Y/n spoke with difficulty, showing her stuffed face and head too, arching her back, imagining herself a beauty goddess of her own kind. "My lobely mashter shaved me! And ish gonna treat me like hish trash and look! I habe hair up my assh! And in my fashe! I've got no eyebrowsh!"
“My good little slave… All mine… So submissive” San praised, kicking her ass in the camera and chuckling at her squeak, watching her clench the hair up when her pucker winked. “You’re really loving this, aren’t you?” Lifting her face, he spat on her forehead.
"I ammmm~" she whined, face red before starting to try to rub her cunt against the floor.
“Look at her trying to desperately rub her slutty cunts on the floor…” He filmed it all. Fuck. He loved seeing Y/n all dirty and submissive for him.
Drool was dripping down her chin and boobs. "Yesh Mashter! O- Onwy fow yoooouuu~" a needy whimper left her.
“Mmm... yes, only for me” San spoke and slapped her hard which the girl loved, getting even more wet and kissing his hands. "I- I... cum pleashe..." She whimpered again, loving the control she was in.
“No... get up.” San warned sternly. “You’re not allowed to cum, you’re never allowed to cum.”
"B- But... M- Mashter..." The girl pouted and whined, having forgotten that she was the one that told him that she wanted him to never let her cum and torture her like that.
“Are you talking back to your Master?” Raising an eyebrow, he gripped her chin before slapping her, making sure it was all being recorded so he could fuck her to it later.
Her pussy tingled. “N- No! No Mashtew owwiieee…” The hair in her ass and mouth tickled humiliatingly.
"That’s what I thought" San husked and threw the phone on the bed before pushing her on the carpet again. "Tell me when you’re close."
"M- Mashtewwww" Y/n started crying like a little baby, shaking and dropping the hair from her mouth because it was getting hard to breathe.
"Did I say you could drop the hair?!" The man growled darkly before pushing the hair back in. "Breathe through your nose, dumb slut!"
The girl let out a cry, trembling and sobbing as she nodded. He was rough. It was making her cry. But she also loved it and felt wet. "Yesh!" She loved being at Master's mercy.
"Good girl." He said pushing her down on the carpet more. "Rub yourself nice and hard slut." Y/n started rubbing herself as he ordered, feeling the carpet burn against her pussy but she couldn't help but love it, biting her bottom lip through her stuffed mouth. Oh… She loved it so much. The girl wanted it to bleed almost… Reaching out to hold his hand, the girl spoke. "You're sho perfect... I wish I'd m- met you when I wash l- little..."
"I wish that too baby, fuck... I’d fuck you every night while your parents were peacefully sleeping in the next room…"
"Y- You'd fuck me when I wash a little baby?" This was fucking revolting and twisted. They were both utterly sick. Y/n kept moaning loudly and getting wetter, rubbing harder and harder. "Y- Your fat cock i- in my toothlessh mouth... AHHH... I wouldn't need miwk... You'd have fed me your Mashtew milk fwom youw cock..."
"Fuck yes!" He growled as he felt himself getting hard. "Yes baby… I'd feed you my cum every day. You'd have grown up getting your nutrients from it, eh?"
"Daddy... Daddy... You'd be my Daddy? But inshtead of miwk you'd feed me youw cum evewyday? Ish the besht miwk!" She was very close and her eyes fluttered shut when he started playing with her tits and pinched her nipples before pulling at them. "Then I'd say I grew up drinking Mashtew's cock miwk! Hehehe!" The girl was too far gone.
"God, yes! You’re such a filthy and sick whore!" San knew she were close so he pulled her up. "No cumming!" It made the girl whine loudly and she fell on her face.
"Mashtewwwwww!" Before she curled in his feet, calming down a little when he didn't give in and ripped her pussy away from the carpet. "M- Mashtew... p- pleashe may I wemove haiw now...?" It was getting stuck to her mouth.
"Yes. You may, my little cum rag." The male wanted to use her mouth and feed her his cum so he allowed.
Y/n dropped it and quickly cleaned her tongue and inside of the cheeks with her tiny hands. "Bleg... hehe~" she curled in his waist, rubbing her tiny head against his chest.
"Good girl~" he patted her head before pushing her back in position. "Now use that mouth good baby…" San pushed his cock down her narrow throat, loving how tight and warm she was, making her gag from the rush of it in an instant.
The girl gagged but enjoyed it, loving it all. She quickly started sucking his cock, grazing her teeth against it and swirling her tongue. Y/n had watched all that porn for a reason. Kissing his balls, she sucked on them, whimpering from how his private hair tickled her nose.
"Fuck! look at you! Sucking on master’s cock like a starved bitch!" He slapped her again, feeling his shape against the skin of her cheeks. "You love it, don’t you?!"
"Yesh! Yesh! Yesh!" She hollowed her cheeks and bobbed her head up and down his shaft, sucking and whining as San rubbed the top of his foot against her pussy, smacking her bald head before pushing his cock all the way down her throat, tightly clasping the back of her head.
The man groaned loudly as he twitched in the soft walls of her throat, washing her throat with his hot semen before cleaning her up and finally shaving her head fully until there was nothing but glossy skin left before they went to bed.
"I have shchool tomorrow... Mashter do you go to shchool?" Y/n yawned as she snuggled into San's built chest, whimpering and smiling whenever the realisation of who he was hit her.
She loved being owned.
"No I don't. I will be right here when you come back, my pretty slut." San said while kissing her softly like he hadn't unleashed his sadistic likes on her.
"Why don't you go to school?" She suddenly pouted. "Then how will Mashter have a career?! You'll be poow! I dun wan poow Mashtew!" Y/n huffed brattily. She didn't really care about that, only wanting to see his response because she loved to piss off her top.
"You don’t really have a choice, sweetheart." The male gritted out. "You’re stuck with me forever. If I am living on the streets, you’re living with me."
She opened her mouth to brat but the bell rang. Rushing to the door, Y/n opened it to reveal a police officer. "Oh... hi..." The officer smiled a bit at her and asked the girl if she still needed an officer and why she had hung up when they called. "O- Oh no officer... I was just being paranoid... It wasn't anyone..." Y/n's cheeks blushed because she could see the officer was staring at her shiny bald head and eyebrows. Feeling herself getting wet as humiliation made her blush, Y/n found herself wondering what it'd feel like if he smacked her on her head. The girl's nipples got hard.
But oh... she couldn't cum!
"Okay then, be careful, Miss." He tipped her hat, nodding a little before walking off.
Y/n felt so wet. "Have a good night, officer!" A giggle left her as the man disappeared, starting to rub herself against the door up and down, running her hand against her head.
"Now, what was that?!" San deeply spoke, pushing the girl against the door, making her head hit against it embarrassingly. "Did you forget who alone can make you wet?!" The male yelled before slapping her. "You sick little exhibition loving whore! Not even you can do what you like to yourself! You're all mine! Only I can do whatever I please to your whore body!"
"Yes... You... You sir!" Y/n closed her eyes and held her hands above her head, lowering it for him to slap. "Please hit my head... Ugh... fuck me up... I want my head to be bruised... Ugh fuck! I am so wet... Please beat me!"
"What a disgusting little trash!" The man laughed, slapping her head this time. "You love people making fun of you, huh?"
"Yes I do! Yes I do!" She whined. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make fun of me! Humiliate me! Hit me and bruise me! Make fun of me! Humiliate and degrade me! I want my whole college to laugh at me!" A loud cry left her.
"Let’s get you bruised up, then." San decided and started slapping the girl's tiny head and face until it was all red and sore. Y/n was crying by the time he was done, literally sobbing as she just fell on her knees and knocked out of exhaustion, her owner carrying her to the bed and then laying next to her knocked out form.
"Good night, my love." The male kissed her soft and red cheek before falling asleep too, holding her fragile body close to his, his slumber calm and satisfying today after so long.
Y/n stirred as she felt her pussy being invaded the next morning, making her stir as she felt lips upon her own and fingers pinching her nipples as her other boob was being groaped, her pussy expanding and sucking in a huge cock. San's huge cock. "M- Master~!" She whispered out when her eyes flew open and she was met with San's face. "W- What… s- so early?!"
"I promised you I'd wake you by fucking you every morning, didn't I, my slut?" He grinned and attacked her lips, eliciting an excited gigglish moan out of her as he started to fuck her fast and rough, pushing his balls in all the way.
“Y- Yes! Yes! F- Fuck!” Her eyes rolled to the back of her head from the realisation that he had been fucking her in her sleep before she woke up, feeling him twitch inside her. “M- Master! I- I… c- cum…” Y/n tried to speak, her back arching from the pleasure of him biting on her nipples before smacking her bald head softly.
“Little breeding whores don’t get to cum, baby. They just take cock and let Master use them like the cum rags that they are.” San’s cock slammed in and out of her pussy, his hand gripping her neck for support when she clenched around him. “Fuck! So tight!”
Tears welled up in her eyes as her face got red from how rough his thrusts were, how much her clit was burning for stimulation, how much her ovaries hurt to cum. “Look at this hairless little whore! Unable to even breathe without my permission let alone cum!” He spat in her mouth before turning her around and pushing up her ass, chuckling when she whined out.
“Sorry, slut. Little whores don’t get what they want around here and only please Master as they are supposed to.” Grabbing a sharpie, San started writing on her head whilst choking her with one hand, pounding her harder and harder up her ass. “Hurry up and please your Master well so we can go to an important place before you go to school.”
‘I am a bald little nasty slut. Please hit my head. I love it.’ Was written on the back of her head as the man laughed, deciding to not tell her what he’d done just yet, waiting for her to find out later when the people on campus would be warming that cueball up.
Y/n was whimpering as San waved at her and she shakily walked inside her college with a bald head, wearing nothing inside her skirt as she sneakily pushed the slipping ass plug back inside her cum filled ass. Lowering her bald head now that she was outside and people were staring at her new look, the girl gulped and felt herself squeezing her legs when some girl giggled at her.
Fuck… She couldn’t help but bite her lip, loving the humiliation as her cheeks felt hot.
Master had gotten her pussy, septum and nipples pierced before walking her to college. He was going to buy a special leash for that that was going to be passed through all her piercings to ensure she was in his control at all times.
Her train of thoughts was broken when a smack landed on her head by a guy passing by before he chuckled at her shocked expression. Before the girl could question him, she received a text by San. A picture message. Of what was written on the back of her head.
Widening her eyes, Y/n gasped and her hand automatically grazed against her head. No wonder the piercing lady had lightly smacked it before Master and she had laughed at the girl. “N- No… you didn’t…” She whispered in shock before one of her ‘friends’ smacked her head, making it jerk forwards.
“Cute look, Y/n.” Before she walked off to class, the people passing by gave her looks and talked about her.
Fuck… She squeezed her thighs in utter humiliation as the wind blew, making her desperately try to keep her skirt down as wetness trickled down her thigh. The girl wasn’t allowed to touch herself and not cumming was one of the rules now upon Master’s order and her foolish confession. She had a whole day to last before getting home and begging him to let her earn it.
Her ass stuffed, body owned, everyone silently chuckling at her humiliating look and getting smacks to the head like that wasn’t going to help.
“Oh, Master…” She whined to herself in despair. “What have you done?”
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redjaybathood · 3 years
Ohoho I always said that BatJokes is a cursed pairing (forgive me shippers)
but bruce is teaming up with joker to take someone down who's even - in his perception - worse
And joker - not so bad, when he's not going around killing people
And, you know, some people even find him charming
And, you know, they make a good team. What if Joker's tendencies could be... Directed to better avenues? A psychopath catching psychopaths, a killer going after killers. Not killing them, mind (but honestly, for a sadist, not killing people may be even better). But, you know.
Thing is. Thing is.
They teamed up to go after Red Hood.
Red Hood had quickly and ruthlessly taken over Gotham and rules it without mercy. Drug dealers, sex trade and protection racket is under his purview. Those who break the rules (mainly concerning children or unwilling participants and introducing drugs to sex workers as a method of control) die. For everything else, he works in cooperation with some other rogues. Heists, robberies? Catwoman. Money laundering? Penguin. Contraband and car theft? Two-Face. Cybercrime? Riddler. Fraud is mainly free for all. There are applications, licenses, you have to submit a plan before doing crime in Gotham, unless you want to be dead or left, beaten and tied up, at a police precinct. And, it's safer for criminals to work organized. There's less infighting after the initial period, there's a know-how on evading Bats. Penguin tried, back in the day, something like that, but there were not a lot of people who supported him, and there were more people who ignored him. And with Red Hood, sure, there are frustrating things like: if you plan to kill someone during a robbery, you have to prove that your plan really needs it. And if your plan doesn't really need it? (And it never does) you better believe you won't be allowed to go through. And, if you messed up and killed someone anyway? You better go confess at the station yourself. It's tyrannical, that's what it is.
A lot of people switching to civilian jobs. Bruce, trying to save criminals, give them an out, outside of Red Hood draconian rule, creates charities, housing projects, jobs, funds education, child care, medical care, programs for addicts, therapy. Awareness campaigns. Buys prisons and sponsors Blackgate so there's no prison slavery and, the stuff that was produced in prisons now produced outside of it and they hire people who were released and pay them living wage. It reduces crime more successfully than Red Hood's capital punishment for any transgression.
Because, in the end: it becomes easier not to break the law and still have enough to live.
(Bruce, though, from a billionaire becomes a multimillionaire)
But it's not a panacea and a lot of people are still commiting crime and become Red Hood victims if they put a toe over the line.
So Red Hood needs to go. And Bruce can't catch him, not alone! (And sure as hell he is not allowing his kids near Red Hood; once, Robin happened by him by chance, and he got shot in the stomach; he is alive but that was still too close for Batman's liking; Hood needs to go)
And Joker just the guy to help him.
And, let me remind you, they work great together. They dismantle Red Hood's operations, they turn his allies against him. They also... Have fun? Flirt? Bruce doesn't know, but Joker does seem a changed man, a man who can do good... Maybe...
Finally, the confrontation. Red Hood, at this point, is alone and hunted not only by them but by the whole city. In the fight, Red Hood is severely beaten up but still keeps up. He gets Joker. He puts a knife to Joker's neck and he slides his gun on the floor to Batman.
"It's armor-piercing bullets, old man. If you want to stop me, you shoot me right in the head - or you shoot right through your pal here. Or I take him with me, as a precaution."
"Come on," Joker says. "If you wanted to be alone with me, you should have just asked. Oh, but buy me a dinner first!"
"Changed my mind," deadpans Red Hood. "You either shoot me dead or I mute him for good, cannot stand his yapping."
And Bruce - he cannot use batarangs, the guy has his helmet on. It could be pierced with armor-piercing bullets at this range, but not by the batarangs.
And to make the choice - not easier, but quicker, Red Hood also triggers the bomb.
What can Bruce do? He shoots Red Hood. He and Joker disarm the bomb. Bruce needs help because he's - he just killed someone, or shot someone, at least, it's not like he tries to check. He is throwing up. He is in shock. So it's mainly Joker who disarms the bomb.
There's a water bottle, and a warm hand on Bruce's shoulder, and then they're in a car, going somewhere. There's a kiss.
There's a body in the morgue. Its DNA or fingerprints are in no database Bruce has access to. Even his own. He checked. Several times. Because this man - this man Batman and Joker teamed up to stop - he looks awfully like Willis Todd. Like Jason would have looked, if he didn't die, or suffered from child malnutrition. Or if he dyed his hair white, just on the fringe, just a little.
But, Jason Todd's DNA or teeth or fingerprints or photo of his ears, even - it's not on file anymore. It has been deleted for some time, even before Red Hood appeared in Gotham.
Jason's body disappeared from the grave too. Bruce suspects Talia. But she never contacts him. Even as some old friends reappear in Gotham again: Freeze, Bane, Scarecrow, some of Ra's' people - she never does.
Joker disappears too.
A year from that day, he gets a present in the mail. Well, it's packaged like that, in any case.
He eyes the address (Metropolis) and expects to find a note with some aggrandizing and romantic bullshit.
He does not.
He opens the package. It's Joker's head. It's not pretty.
This is the last time he hears from Talia.
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 9
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word count: 2,756
Warnings: Cursing
Oh dear lord I'm slow at getting these out. Life's been kickin' my ass lately. But thank you to everyone who's been giving me feedback on my stuff, I really love to hear from you guys!
(So sorry, I forgot when I originally posted!) 
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
Chapter 8 Chapter 10
Two months. You've been "missing" for two months now. The days flew by, your time occupied by quirk training Shigaraki insisted on but never told you why. The times you tried to ask he'd brush it off, or say something like:
"So you don’t throw another fit." His words were harsh but he said them with a flat and bored tone. Like it was a poorly acted line.
So now you had better control. You could move things on command, you knew basic combat, you certainly knew how to kick Dabi's ass by now, that didn't take too long. You were being allowed more and more freedom. Even allowed to leave for a convenience store runs with Toga once or twice. No one policed you, told you what you could and could not do anymore. You could have easily ran away by now. You supposed they really didn't need you either. For their plan to work all they would need was some blood and Toga could easily pass as you.
That idea sent a shiver down your spine. You're sure Shigaraki has thought of that already, so why hadn't he? Why was he training you? Would he use your quirk against the heroes in some way? Was he grooming you to turn and fight your father? You wouldn't. No matter what you wouldn't fight your father. Would you? You shook yourself of this thought as you walked down the ally to the back door of the hide out.
Toga unlocked the door and you stepped in, greeted by a dark and dingy back room. You made your way through the dark halls, following closely behind her as she led you up the stairs that finally led to the parts of the building with power. Soon you found yourself walking to the familiar living space where a few people rested. Dabi laid himself out on one of the couches, Spinner sat fiddling with his burner phone, and Twice had started yelling at the TV before you arrived.
"Luuuunch!" Toga shouted. Toga was often used as the errand girl, she brought back necessary supplies, oftentimes food. Today Toga asked you to tag along and help out, and there wasn't a single objection to the hostage going out on the town. You sat the heavy bags down on the coffee table, taking out the contents as you spoke.
"Where are the others?" You asked.
"Mr. Compress was sent on an errand of his own. And Shigaraki's probably pouting in his room. He'll come out when he's hungry." Dabi groaned as he took his meal from your hand.
"Oh. I'll just bring it to him." You said, absent-minded. All eyes turned to you, looking confused and shocked. "What?" You asked.
"Nothing! It's just-"
"He doesn't like to be disturbed." Toga and Twice spoke. You paused and looked at the box in your hand. It would get cold if he didn't eat soon, and besides, none of you had had much to eat lately, you were sure he was hungry. You knew you were.
"I'll just leave it at the door and knock. It'll get cold and then he'll be in an even worse mood." You told them. They watched you turn and walk up the stairs to his "room". You stood in front of the door, with such thin walls you could hear furious typing on the other side. Loud clicking of a mouse, and the sound of a computer's fan. You took a deep breath and softly knocked on the door. Suddenly the sounds abruptly stopped, followed by a bark.
"Foods here." You called back. You heard footsteps on the other side growing louder and louder until the door flew open. You stared up at the tall man as he looked down on you. His hair hung over his face, his eyes hardly visible. Your heart rate quickened the longer you looked at him. What the hell is wrong with you?
"Give it to me." He held out his hand, his pinky holding out in preparation to receive the box.
"You said you liked spice stuff, right?" You asked as you placed it in his hand.
"We got you their spicy special. I hope it's not too much. The sign said 'caution' on it." He scoffed at you, turning the box and looking at the writing on it. He fell very quiet. Inspecting the box, you suddenly worried that something was wrong with it. That maybe you'd messed up somehow. But before your anxiety could reach its peak-
"Thank you." His voice was low and soft. You could hardly hear him. Then before you could respond he closed the door and left you alone again. Did he really say that? You never heard him say that to anyone. Granted, you hardly knew him but still, the way he said it, it made you feel... special in some way. You shook yourself from your train of thought and shuffled down the hallway, pausing when you heard movement and the door to Shigaraki's room open. You froze.
"Wait a minute." He barked. You turned too look at him. He hung out of the doorway to stare at you.
"W-What?" You asked. Shigaraki had a way of making people feel like they were in trouble. His ability to easily become an authority figure was something you were beginning to understand now.
"You...went out?" You nodded. He paused and looked away, his eyes shifting as the gears spun in his head. He turned back into his room as he spoke, "come here for a second." He asked. You slowly made your way to his room, the door left wide for you to peak inside. A dark room lit by portable light fixtures and a laptop computer which sat on an old desk. A cot thrown to the corner covered by the same old and tattered blankets the rest of you had.
"Am I... in trouble?" You croaked.
"What? No. Close the door behind you, you'll let in a draft." He ordered, seeming genuinely confused by your question. You closed the door behind you, leaving you completely alone with him in his space. Your heart raced.
You watched him turn and look up at the wall which he had decorated with plans. Pictures of heroes and villains cut out and pinned. Newspaper clippings, printed out articles and research essays. He was planning something, but what it was was difficult to determine. You did notice however, a cut out of an empty figure with your name on it pinned to the center of it all. You stared at it for a second before he broke you from your train of thought.
"What do you think?" He asked. His attention turned to his meal, he picked at it, taking a few bites.
"Of what?"
"...the plan." You looked back at the wall, puzzled you tried your best to gain any sort of information from it. Only being able to find bits and pieces. You knew it involved you, your father, and the take down of hero society. A cut out piece of article said something about the rise of villains, that more and more people were turning to villain work. How those rates have a correlation with classes. You slowly turned back to look at him.
"I'm sorry you're gonna have to explain this to me." You told him. He rolled his eyes and stood, directing his attention to his work as he spoke.
"This is the second part of the plan."
"What was the first?"
"Taking you as a hostage."
"Right. But, didn't you say the plan was to expose the heroes after they weren't able to rescue me and not only expose the faulty heroes but also my father as a neglectful and flawed individual not worthy of the hero title?" He paused.
"But that didn't go as planned."
"Didn't you say something about making a video to broadcast outing myself as All Might's daughter and causing panic? What happened to that plan?"
"It became leverage. If they attempt to come for you, then we'll go with that. But if we do that now, they'll come for you now and we'll be forced to fight."
"Isn't a fight...a good thing? You'd get news coverage and You'd no doubt gain supporters."
"Normally it would. But a fight isn't what we need right now. The heroes have us surrounded. If we make any move at all, we're in their hands. We won't be able to win."
"Not even with your quirk? Couldn't you-"
"Not with everyone here. As strong as I've gotten, I'm not strong enough to keep them from getting swept up and dusted too."
"We're in a tight spot. One wrong move and we'll be wiped out."
"What about your supporters? Couldn't you get help from the outside."
"I could, but the heroes would see it coming. They have our signal tapped. Any sort of communication has to be verbal or written."
"Homing pigeon?" You offered. It made him smirk.
"Right now we're like a fox trapped in its own hole by hunters."
"So... we dig?" That made him smile, wide.
"Dig. If we could smuggle ourselves out of the city, we could reach a clear spot where we can call for backup to get us."
"Why not send one person to smuggle themselves out? Toga could easily disguise herself and leave."
"They have a barrier."
"Part of the city is closed off until further notice. They know exactly where we are. If one gets out, they won't hesitate to come for all of us. We all have to get out at once and they can't notice until it's too late."
"But how the hell are you gonna do that?" His smile widened. He looked truly excited and happy. For the first time you saw your capture seem truly excited about something.
"We have a few secret recruits in the city. Spies." He turned his attention back to his meal box, reaching in to pull out the inner box that held the food, to reveal a piece of paper sitting underneath in the flimsy take out box. "I didn't know they were letting you out of the base now." He spoke as he opened and read the note within the box.
"I thought, you knew. I thought you were the one that said I could. Dabi said it was fine." He read the note and stood to pin it up on the wall before speaking.
"I've been too busy with this to worry about you. You shouldn't believe everything that Dabi says. I told him to make sure you just don't have another episode and cause a scene before we leave. I thought assigning him babysitting duty would keep him busy." He chuckled. "There's just one thing I don't understand." He turned back to you. "Why didn't you leave?"
"You had the opportunity, but you're still here. Why?" You froze. Why? Why didn't you run?
"I was scared I'd be killed." You lied. He laughed at you.
"Don't lie to me. You lost that fear a long time ago. You know that's not true. If I wanted you dead I would have killed you a long time ago."
"You've kept me alive to use me as bate. To, to expose the truth." You argued.
"With Toga, we wouldn't need to." You swallowed hard. You knew he had thought about this.
"I'll tell you why I stayed, if you tell me why you've been training me." He scoffed.
"To keep you busy, to keep you from having another episode."
"That doesn't make sense. You could have drugged me, killed me, you said it yourself. But you kept me alive, you kept me busy. You could have kept me on my meds, unable to use it at all but you insisted I learn my quirk. You trained me yourself. Why?" His smile faded and his expression became dark.
"I asked you first." He growled. You looked away from him and thought for a moment before gaining the strength to answer. You knew the truth for a while now. You never wanted to say it out loud. You refused to look at him as you spoke.
"I don't wanna go back. But you probably already knew that by now. You just wanted to hear me say it, huh?" His smirk returned.
"Had a hunch." He snickered.
"Now you answer me."
"Why don't you wanna go back?"
"We had a deal. Answer my question now." You barked at him. It took him a long pause. A full minute of waiting in silence felt like agony.
"I thought it would help you feel better." He muttered in a surprisingly husky tone. "Keep you from asking me to dust you again." That's right, during your episode...
"I'm sorry." You blurted.
"I'm sorry I... I asked you to kill me." You hid your face from him. He shifted and crossed his arms across his chest.
"It's not a big deal, I dust people all the time."
"No, I know. But like, I can't imagine being asked to by someone having a fucking break down happens all the time too. I kinda...kinda put you in a shitty position." When you looked up, he looked confused. Comically so. "What?"
"I took you hostage." He reminded you. You couldn't help but chuckle, that made him more confused.
"Shit, yeah, you're right. Guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself huh?" He looked away. "Still. My intentions weren't to upset you."
"You didn't upset me."
"It seems like I upset you." You toyed. His guard was down, he was vulnerable, and allowing you to be there.
"Shut up. You didn't answer my other question!" He shouted in an almost playful tone. You couldn't help but smile, only to have it slowly fade as you thought about your second answer.
"I don't want to go back because..." you stopped, the words getting stuck in your throat. You were unable to speak. He looked down at you, waiting for an answer. He seemed almost relaxed. He seemed normal. Like a normal guy leaning against the wall of his bedroom with his arms folded across his chest. Your eyes wandered up to his scarred neck, bright red scabs forming. Inflamed and fresh. He had recently scratched at it again, clearly in an upset state too. When he blinked you got a clear view of the scarring around his eyes.
"Boss!" A familiar voice shouted from outside the door. "Boss!" Before you could move the door was thrown open, Spinner's wide eyes finding you standing there. He shook his confusion loose before turning back to Shigaraki who quickly changed his position to attention. "Come quick!"
You followed him back to the living space where the old television sat. The news playing loudly as everyone gathered around to watch in panic. Swat teams and heroes decorated the screen as shot after shot showed them surrounding your building. Fear ran from your toes to your head, making you feel nauseous and dizzy. Shit. Shit. Shit. They're here for you. But you...you weren't ready to leave. And what about-
"Not again! - We can take 'em'!" Twice shouted at it like a sport was playing.
"Tomura, what are we going to do!?" Toga asked, frantically bobbing up and down in panic. He watched the TV intently listening in.
"After receiving a tip from an anonymous source, police and heroes found missing tourist Y/L/N Y/N being held captive by The League of Villains in this abandoned office building. Officials are working now to safely rescue the hostage."
Suddenly a loud voice was heard both on TV and through the halls of the building.
"League of Villains. We have you surrounded. Please let Y/L/N go and no one will be hurt." A cop shouted through a megaphone.
"C'mon Shigaraki, what's the plan?" Dabi asked, clearly starting to get uncomfortable. Before Shigaraki could respond, you spoke.
"Well, looks like this is it for me." You began walking away, only to be stopped by a strong, four-fingered grip pulling you back.
"Where do you think you're going!?" He growled.
"The jig is up, Shigaraki! Let me go! I'm not useful anymore. All they want is me, if I'm out of your hair you'll be able to escape easier." His grip tightened, pulling you closer as his red eyes bore into yours.
"So long as you're here they won't dare make a move. You're still my most valuable player. You're staying right here."
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— "𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞" (𝐛. 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; when your father, the head of the japanese mafia, was killed, your childhood friend swore to protect you till his death. now, you're the empress of the underground world, and he doesn't know what's harder, to keep you safe or manage to hide his feelings. what will he do when, for the first time, your life's at risk and he isn't anywhere near?
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; mafia!au, angst.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; swearing, mentions of blood, guns, murder, kidnap, yk... mafia stuff.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2.7k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; lemme know if u want a part two bc i felt like it was getting too long and i don't know if anyone will read it or like it 👉🏻👈🏻
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"where the fuck are you?" bakugou's voice stroke over the phone, noticeably angry. he had told you several times to never go anywhere without him, which you mostly did, if it weren't for him being away a lot of times. nothing less was expected from your right hand, who handled every dirty job, and considering your line of work, it wasn't scarce. but you did had other bodyguards, just as trained as katsuki, willing to give their lifes for you, which was extremely better than having bakugou giving his life.
to his eyes, you were still the little girl from before. he saw you as a someone who needed protection. at first, you agreed. your father was murdered, someone managed to get through all his security and killed him, none of the guns he and his security team carried around could protect him, killing you would be like stealing a sweet from a baby. bakugou had always kept you safe, despite his agressive usual safe, he cared about you more than he cared for himself. so you stuck to his side, believing, hoping, he'd die for you. but that was a long time ago, now, you could defend yourself, and had raised a sense of loyalty in your people by your own. your father's empire was based in fear, yours? by admiration. you didn't see your people as working ants, but as important parts of a whole. still, anyone who was a threat to you, bakugou made sure to erase them forever.
"don't talk to me like that, i'm your boss" you could feel him losing his shit, a smile began to form in your face. even when everyone respected you, he was still the same.
"you can't boss anyone if you're fucking dead, you dumb shit" a laugh came out of your throat, he couldn't avoid smiling at the sound "wait, oh, okay, i know we're you are. stay there, i'll be in three" he hung up before you could reply.
you looked back, at one of your guards who was just putting away his phone. of course they told him. why couldn't you go get your own coffee? being in the office all day was tiring, to be five minutes outside was all you asked for. a few seconds after, they handed you your coffee, obviously, a guard had to try it first, in case that barista wanted to suddenly murder you. of course he didn't.
"who let her go outside without me knowing, huh?" a furious katsuki appeared through the door, making a scene in the place. you gave him a warning look. if there was something you hated, was that. everyone in the area knew who you were, but why make it any more obvious. those people were just living their usual lifes, and people tend to get nervous around you. "the car is waiting outside" he understood, but you knew he was going to scold you anyways.
you walked outside, smiling, and got into the car, followed by katsuki and one of his subordinates, the other one got in the front sit, next to the driver.
"save it, i'm n–"
"the fuck you are" he cut you "your safety is my responsibility, if i say you can't go out without me, then you fucking don't. specially not when there are people after your head" there was no denying he was right, but still, it upset you.
"there's always people after my head, bakugou".
two weeks ago, two men went into your office. they were in charge of some dealing territories, though small, important. most contraband had to pass those places, you controlled those police departments making everything easier to your truck drivers. they were beaten, cover in blood and barely standing.
"our men, all of them... they all..." only one of them could talk, the other being too shocked to even look at you. "kazuhito's men, it was them... they said we had to tell you, they're coming after you" you couldn't show any fear in front of your so called soldiers, and your template remained at ease. a shout was enough to get those men the help they needed, after holding their hands, you promised to go see them once they were checked by doctors. you called bakugou as soon as they left, he was the first who should know and help you decide what to do next.
the kazuhito family had always been rivals, enemies of the worst kind. everyone suspect they were behind your father's assassination, but with no proof, even you knew it would be the biggest mistake to charge against them, despite your personal desires.
"i already told the drivers they had to take rout b for a while, but we can't let them just keep what's our" you explained to katsuki once he arrived. "those drugs have to get in town by us, damnit". it was clear how frustrated you were, those assholes had mess with your and your father's hardwork.
"if we retaliate, a war will unchain. your father tried to avoid that for years"
"and see how he ended up" bakugou didn't know if it was the anger, or you talking. "we will lose everyone's respect if we don't do something, they killed dozens of our people, katsuki".
he was trying hard to stay objective in that situation, but it was near impossible. a war would put you in more danger than ever, your life was at stake, and bakugou wasn't sure if he was willing to risk it. growing up by your side, your father taking him in when his parents died, you were his only family. more than that, he loved you. the only reason he was able to do his job right, was the fear of losing you. your head was already valued in millions, how could he protect you in the middle of a conflict, that would end only with your death or the kazuhito's leader's death? your power was bigger than theirs by little, but they did something that reckless, which meant they thought they had out powered you. had they? or were they just bluffing? had they miscalculated?.
"we're taking action, wether you support me or not" you looked into each other's eyes, you knew him enough to understand his fear, just not the reason behind it. your voice softened "but i'd much rather do it with you by my side".
"you're the boss" he spoke, already regretting it "i'll schedule a meeting so the high charges let everyone else know, i'm staying at your place so we can trace a plan".
and there you were now, being reprimanded by bakugou. he was extremely tired, he decided to stay with you until things were calmer, which could be several months from then. getting up at six a.m, going to sleep past midnight, being always looking for possible threats, it had given him bags under his eyes.
"i'm sorry" you said once you were alone with him, it was only then that you could let your guard down "i'm making this harder for you".
"yeah, you are. but it's my job, after all" that came out wrong, he thought. it wasn't his job, it was his fucking life purpose. he wanted you to live a long, happy life, as hard as it seemed.
"i guess it is" deep down, his response disappointed you.
"hey, look at me" out of nowhere, his body was insanely close to yours, you felt his breath in your face as he lifted your chin with his finger "there's nothing i wouldn't do for you, got that, dumbass?"
for a brief moment, the taste of his lips was all you could think about. i bet they're soft. but as fast as it started, it was over, katsuki pulled away harshly, inventing an excuse to leave. he had flown too close to the sun, so close that it burned his skin.
a few more people went to see you that day, asking for diverse permissions, advice and stuff like that. since it had been slow, compared to other times, you decided to home early. a call to your team, and the car was already outside. bakugou left instructions for your departure, because he had things to do somewhere else, much to his displeasure. you were accompanied by your escorts to the doors of the building, that seemed like a normal office compound. there were waiting two other guards, making a total of six people protecting you. way to go, bakugou.
"how's your wife, ryota?" you asked the driver. of course, not everyone fitted in the same car, so you got into the second one, middle seat, between a built up woman and a big man. you tried to remember everyone's name, but it was difficult.
"she's good, ma'am, sends her regards" he smiled at you over the mirror.
"and the baby? he must be a month old, right?" at the memory of his child, his face lightened "you should take some days off, i bet your wife and son miss you"
"i have a duty with you, m–" a loud impact interrupted him, the front glass had exploded. the car had an abrupt movement back and forward, all you could see was blood, everywhere.
the woman next to you took her gun out, in order to protect you , you thought, completely wrong. before everyone could react to her act, she shot the guard in front of you.  you looked at your side, searching for someone alive, the same bullet that had killed ryota was in the guard's at your right forehead. besides you , the only other person was that woman. if she hadn't glasses on, that stare could've seen throughout your soul. then you remembered, katsuki made you bare with a knife under your sleeve. with a weird move, you felt its sharpness against your skin, it was there, but she read you like a book. before you could even pull it out, another shot stroke followed by a intense pain in you thight. the bitch had shot you. you blamed it on the adrenaline, because nothing hurt. what happened after was a couple of blurry images in your memory.
bakugou had called you more than a hundred times, you, the drivers, the guards, everyone in his fucking team, but no one knew anything. the cameras at your house never showed you arriving, your phone's location was off. he was out of his head, if he didn't hear from you in the next five minutes, someone's going to die. he rushed into his car, following your rout at a dangerous speed. 
both cars were full of bullet holes, and every guard he had hired was dead. there wasn't a place without blood. tears of pure rage came to his eyes, fuck, it was his fault. he started to look for you, but the whole world was spinning around him. where were you? where was your body? were you alive?, this couldn't be happening. he had left you unprotected, alone, and now you could be dead, because of his uselessness. his phone vibrated in his pocket.
"sir, we– we have– the kazuhito's are here" he left as fast as he came. they had touch you, they had taken you away from him, and he wasn't going to let them get away with it, even if he had to go against a whole army, whoever was behind it all was going to pay.
a man in a suit was sitting in the chair of your office, smoking a cigarette, as calm as a rock. katsuki was so close to rip his head of right there, that somebody had to hold him down. his own people updated him, saying that he had gone into the building alone, with no weapons of any kind, not even a cellphone.
"where the fuck is she?" he crashed his hand against the desk.
"ah, mr. bakugou, please take a se–"
"tell me where she is right now if you want to keep your head, fucking bastard" his hand had wondered to the tip of the gun in his belt, menacing to blow up at any second.
"you won't do that, mr., if i don't return to my people in one hour, she'll be so fucked up that not even you will recognize her" a laugh surge grom bakugou, a dark, cold laugh.
"i don't have to kill you, then" one of the man's hand rested in the desk, like asking for katsuki to rip it off his body. as you did, he also carried knifes under his shirt. in less than a second, one of them was buried into the man's hand. he screamed, both in shock and pain, giving your bodyguard a hatred look. "what do you want, shitface?"
"i-it's quite simple, actually" his face was white as paper, and even though he wanted to talk normally, his voice shivered "we want you to take over the y/l/n's business, under our command of course" he let out a sigh, trying to keep his composure and ignoring his bleeding hand "if you– if you agree, she will have to leave japan and never..."
bakugou won't agree to that. not now and not ever. to give away what you and your father built from scratch, and spent decades keeping safe, was like killing your child, and your father's memory. to send you away, alone, where he most likely won't see you again in years, was also off the table. it wasn't funny anymore. he started walking around the man's chair, picking up his sleeves. he checked the clock in the office, he had forty-five minutes with the man, meaning, forty-five minutes to make him talk. he ressourced to every fast interrogation method he knew. the people outside the door weren't surprised when they heard the man's screams, even wondering what had taken so long for the boss to start acting. katsuki was never a patient man. his senses were blocked, he couldn't hear anything but screams and begging, all his eyes could see was pain through all the man's body, his hands felt nothing but warm blood. but for the first time in a while, he wasn't enjoying it. he was doing it out of need, the need to save you. every minute that went by, was a minute were your life risked. he never felt so close to losing his sanity.
"outside the city! she's in one of our safe houses outside the city! i don't know which, please stop!" ten minutes before the timeline he finally gave up. your intelligence had all their safe houses, storages, garages, every location needed. not a second passed when one of yours men delivered a map with all the points marked. there were five in total.
"throw him outside in ten minutes" he shouted, walking to the armory "two teams, six people each, my fucking people, hear me? now, dammit! we're leaving in a minute, if i have to go by my fucking self, i'll do it"
when he was armed to the teeth, almost a dozen of people followed him outside. they were his most trusted men and women, being trained together, he knew they were as skilled as him, and they were all willing to put their life's at stake for you, their boss. in the car, bakugou barked the instructions. he had narrowed it down to two possible locations with all the information he had. if they had to kill every person in those places, then be it. he's going to get you back.
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jimintomystery · 3 years
Here's my take on the Loki cliffhanger: It's still the same Mobius and the same TVA, but their history has been changed, sort of like in Back to the Future. Stay with me here.
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According to He Who Remains, there was a multiversal war, and then he ended it by reshaping the multiverse into a single "sacred timeline." Then he sat at the end of time until Loki and Sylvie came along. When Sylvie kills him, the timeline branches into a multiverse again, freed from his control. This means HWR's variants exist again, restarting the multiversal war. This would logically recreate the events that led to HWR ending the war by creating the sacred timeline, putting him right back where we found him.
The dilemma here is that we're talking about a sequence of events that happens outside the normal flow of time. It seems nonsensical that killing someone at the end of time would alter the past. But somehow, what happens to HWR in the far future controls whether there is a multiverse in the past and present. And whether or not the multiverse exists in the past would substantially alter the history of the TVA.
When we first meet them, the TVA think they were created by the Time-Keepers, after the multiversal war, to monitor their sacred timeline. Much of that is a lie. So why would we be so certain that the TVA didn't exist during the multiversal war?
I submit that the TVA was created by Kang to be his army against the other Kangs in the multiverse. Mobius and B-15 were a part of this army. After Kang pruned his variants and ended the war, he became He Who Remains and focused on cultivating the sacred timeline. When HWR rewrote the timeline to suit his purposes, he rewrote the history of the TVA as well. He wiped out their past as soldiers for the bloodthirsty Kang the Conqueror, so that they think they've always been police for the benevolent Time-Keepers.
Therefore, when Sylvie killed He Who Remains, she not only restored the multiverse but also undid HWR's revisions to the TVA. They're back to being Kang's army. They've never heard of the Time-Keepers or the sacred timeline because Kang/HWR hasn't made that stuff up yet.
If I'm right, this presents a particularly thorny problem for Loki. He needs Mobius's help, but now Mobius is working for the other side, and doesn't know who Loki is. The Mobius Loki knows (the one who told him about jet skis and hugged him in the void) only exists after Kang wins the war and controls reality as He Who Remains. And that reality is intolerable to Sylvie. In other words, Loki probably can't save the cosmos without choosing between the two people who matter most to him...
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Imagine Katsuki Bakugo/Reader part 5
Previous part here:
Once again I remind you that English is not my main language. I am doing my best.
Also, there is a while since I last watched or read BNHA and some stuff might be outside of the anime's context.
You and Bakugo are now dating, you've had a very intense next day to your first kiss, training against each other. Aizawa saw you fight against him and for a slight moment he shows he is proud of you.
While studying with Bakugo, he explains to you that he thinks you are one of the most promissing heros he'd imagine, if only you were not so worried about your scars. You tell him about your insecurities with them, Bakugo says he likes them nontheless. You have your first night together.
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When you open the door of your room, ready in uniform, the unexpected presence of Bakugo makes you let go a shriek. You blush at the sight of his red eyes.
"Hi." You say in a whisper.
"Let's go?" he says, kissing you in the cheek.
He had gone there to take you to class with him. You can barely get yourself to look at him straight, once it makes you remember his every touch on your skin the night before.
People seem surprized to see you arriving together, there are whispers full of questions coming around. Kirishima is clearly giving you thumbs up and Mina giggling along with Sero and Denki.
Aizawa takes one look at you and another at Bakugo to realize what is happening. It seems you will have some explanation to do.
When the class is over, your Uncle asks you to stay.
"So, are you going to tell me what is happening?"he asks.
"Bakugo and I we... we... it... it happened you know. I... I don't know what to say uncle. I am very sorry." you stutter.
Aizawa stares at you with a serious expression. You shrink as it seems you are going to get lectured again.
"Just don't let your grades fall." he says and grabs his sleeping bag. "And don't go soft on him in those trainings. He will kill you."
The moment he stands up you give him a hug. He freezes but then, taps you gently on the back.
The days go by as they were used to going, Mina coming to you to gossip, Sero and Denki taking to with them to do whatever dumb things they usually do, Kirishima taking you to their gaming sessions.
But every morning Bakugo comes to take you to classes and, during the time you are alone together he holds you close to him, gently, and sometimes kisses you when you are not expecting.
You have things in common that you didn't know before. You like some bands in common, and you think it is pretty cute how Bakugo still collects CDs and how excited he is when he shows them to you. Actually, you love his face when he is excitedly talking about anything, he looks like a little maniac, with that obsessed smile, but it is still cute.
How he is going to be the gratest hero of this time. How much he loved that new song the band launched. When he shows you tricks with his drumsticks. When he talks about strategy classes or the new workout he and Kirishima had come up with. When he teaches you how to play his favorite videogames. When he puts music for you to listen with him on the earphones.
There are so many things Bakugo likes talking about.
He also likes listening to you about the things you like. He always looks at you and asks more about them. (Which things are these? Take some time to picture it)
Every Saturday you go to the movies together and on Sundays, you train.
Bakugo wins most of the matches you have, but you do defeat him a couple of times. He always gets really mad at these, but he also congratulates you after giving you a cold shoulder for a couple of days (he never stops coming pick you up for class though).
Things continue like this perfectly until the finals get closer and you have to focus more and more in training and studying. You do it together, but don't get much time to spend on simple things that you enjoy doing. But you need to keep your promise to Aizawa.
"DAMN IT THIS FUCKING STRATEGY EXERCISE!" You scream, throwing your book to the other side of the room.
Bakugo stops what he is doing and smirks. He loves it when you get furious like this. He says it makes you pretty.
"What is up?" He asks taking his earphones off.
"This stupid exercise. I DON'T KNOW. I don't know how to solve this fucking situation." you say rubbing your eyes in stress.
Bakugo stands up and grabs your book to take a look at the exercise you were talking about. He, then, sits next to you and proceeds to explain.
"Elemental quirks have limits. It is easier to make the person overuse them and lose control or not being able to use it anymore, than it is to fight them straight up. I don't know what is your difficultty in this. This is actually what you do to me when you..." Bakugo swallows his breath and let go a grwol. "Win."
"Hmm, I see now." You say, letting go a sigh because now it seemed pretty obvious.
"You are just tired." he says, lifting you up in his arms. "Why don't we lay down a while? To rest."
He knells on the bed, while smiling at you.
"Yeah... to rest." you answer with a small giggle.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE FREE!!" Kirishima screams excitedly, untying his tie and throwing it up.
"Say it for yourself. We didn't pass... again." says Denki leaning on Mina and letting go a sigh.
"Agaaain" she cries, putting her head down.
"Bakugo got the second best grade in the class!" says Sero, putting his hand in Bakugo's shoulder.
Bakugo seems to be exploding in rage while looking at the final results.
"Who got first place this time?! Midoriya or Todoroki?" asks Kirishima rushing to see the sheets.
"None of us." says Todoroki coming from behind you. "Y/n did. Congrats." He says, turning to you.
Midoriya comes to you, his eyes shining, but you are not certain if he is about to cry or if he is really happy about something.
"Congratulations." he is sobbing, he is probably going to cry. "Co-could you tell me what was the answer for question 2.4?"
"IT WAS C!" screams Bakugo, pulling you away from him.
"Actually... it was E." you say kind of embarassed.
You are pretty sure you've just seen Bakugo's soul coming out of his angry mouth, and also Midoriya's from his bubbly eyes. Actually, Todoroki also seemed to be pondering in disbelief.
"It... it was a tricky question." you say, trying to make Bakugo let go of your arm, but he is holding you really tight.
"Hey, I got this one right too!" you hear Kirishima yell, followed by an explosion, which was Bakugo furious about it.
He stomps away burning with rage.
"Hey, y/n." Midoriya calls you before you have the chance to go after him.
"Yeah?" you ask.
"So, we are thinking of celebrating the end of the semester in the city, eating some ramen, would you guys like to come too?" he asks.
"Us?" you stutter.
"Yeah, you and Kaachan. You are dating right?"
Your face turns red and you feel the impulse of running away. You really thought you and Bakugo had been doing a nice job in hiding it from everyone elese, but it seems you were really wrong.
"Of course they are coming too!" Kirishima says. "Bakugo loves spicy ramen, he wouldn't miss it for the world."
"Nice!" Midoriya says with a big smile.
"Bakugo and y/n are dating?" You hear Todoroki ask Midoriya as they leave.
"I was not sure until now." he answers with a giggle.
Damn him! He tricked you right.
Bakugo seems to still be giving you that silly "cold shoulder" he does when you beat him in anything.
You, him, Sero and Kirishima are walking around the buildings trying to find the restaurant Midoriya had told you about, but he doesn't seem to be actually good with directions.
"Dumb hair! Where the fuck are we?!" Bakugo asks infuriated.
"I think... i guess... in that direction... well..."you pity him trying to understand the map in his phone.
"We came from there!!" Bakugo screams and lots of people look at you.
You don't really enjoy having people looking at you when you are not wearing your special suit. You tend to always wear it, but Bakugo convinced you to wear some fresh clothes once the heat of the summer was really high.
When he sees you lifting your collar and crossing your arms to avoid the scars, he silently puts his arm over your shoulder. You smile as this makes you feel protected.
All of a sudden you hear the sound of glass crashing and ambulances coming rushing in the streets. People are screaming and running in every direction, and this gets you and Bakugo separated from the others. You are pushed by the crowd to a blocking.
There is a huge skyscraper burning in flames on the other side. The police holds people behind while the firefighters try to put it out but unssucessfully. Heroes are coming in and out of the building carring people, but you can see so many of them by the windows screaming for help.
"There are not enough heroes!" you hear someone scream.
"Look! There is Endeavor!"someone yells.
You see that giant man coming out of the building carring four people on his shoulders, and taking them to the paramedics. They cry and thank him but he doesn't stay to listen, he runs back to the building.
You see heroes coming out from windows and doors with rescuees. Mt Lady is using her hands to pick up people who are in higher floors, but the building is bigger than her.
"You have to tell her to step back! Her wheigh can cause the buiding to crash!" you hear a firefighter telling another hero.
Someone flies to her and she shrinks and starts crying.
"This is a mess." you hear Bakugo say. "Wait is that..."
You turn to the site he is looking. Yeah. Those are who Bakugo thinks: Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Iida are there helping take people out of the building.
"Fucking Deku!" he screams, transpassing the police blocking with a jump.
"Damn it, Katsuki!" you say, following behind.
Bakugo doesn't listen to anyone screaming for him to stop, he just runs right into the bulding.
"What the fuck?! How come do you guys are always in trouble like this?" You ask Todoroki, having heared about all the things that had happened to class 1-A before you arrived.
"Welcome to the team?" Uraraka says with an erratic smile.
"We should not be doing this, we should not be doing this, we should not be doing this." You hear Iida saying while fastly coming in and out the building with people on his arms.
"We were passing by. They need all the help they can get. My f... my f... Endeavor, asked us to help. There are other civillians helping too, some guys from other classes, people with helpful quirks the other heroes know, we won't get in trouble this time." Todoroki explains to you. "You need to help, your quirk can take you places other people are not being cabable to reach."
You stare at him and sigh.
Fuck. Aizawa is going to kill you.
Last part here:
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lastsonlost · 5 years
The hashtag #IStandWithErica trended on Twitter on Saturday after a black Georgia state lawmaker said she was told to "go back where you came from" as she shopped at a grocery store.
State Rep. Erica Thomas (D), minority vice chairwoman in the Georgia state House, tweeted Friday that she was "verbally assaulted" at the supermarket by a white man who told her she was "a lazy SOB" because she had more than the maximum items to enter an express lane.
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Thomas recounted the exchange in a Facebook Live video that has since been reposted to Twitter.
"I'm at the grocery store, and I'm in the aisle that says '10 items or less.' Yes, I have 15 items, but I'm nine months pregnant, and I can't stand up for long," Thomas says in the video through tears. "And this white man comes up to me and says, 'You lazy son of a bitch.'"
"He says, 'You lazy son of a bitch. You need to go back where you came from,'" Thomas continues, adding that she tried to explain that she was pregnant and not lazy. "It hurt me so bad. ... I couldn't get anything out. I could just tell him, 'Please leave me alone.'"
Hundreds used the hashtag to show support for Thomas, including actress Patricia Arquette, who tweeted Saturday that the video was "MANDATORY VIEWING" and added that "WE WILL NOT ALLOW THIS CANCER TO GROW." 
The now-viral video comes less than a week after President Trump attacked a group of minority progressive congresswomen - Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ilhan Omar(Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) - tweeting Sunday that they should "go back" to their home countries despite the fact that all four are U.S. citizens and only Omar was born outside the U.S.
At a campaign rally in North Carolina on Wednesday, supporters erupted into "send her back" chants targeting Omar after Trump attacked the freshman congresswoman, who came to the U.S. as a Somali refugee when she was a child.
A Georgia state congresswoman ignited the #IStandWithErica trend on social media this weekend after she recorded an emotional video claiming a man told her to "go back to where she came from" at a grocery store — and now the man accused of the bigoted verbal attack has responded.
State Representative Erica Thomas, an African American lawmaker in Georgia's 39th District, teared up in the video as she recounted a Friday incident at a Cobb County Publix grocery store, where she said Eric Sparkes verbally attacked her.
But as Atlanta's WSB-TV prepared to interview her outside the Publix Saturday afternoon, Sparkes showed up and the two got into a shouting match. Sparkes defended himself, labeling Thomas a "liar" about the incident and saying she was "playing the victim" for political purposes.
Sparkes admitted to cursing at Thomas, but said he never told her to "go back where she came from," as she had alleged in her video and on social media.
"I'm a liar about what?" Thomas asked Sparkes in the duo's second heated exchange of the weekend.
"Everything that happened," Sparkes replied. "Me telling you to 'Go back where you came from.' Did I say that? Is it on video?"
"Are you serious? What did you say to me then," Thomas responded, noting that the store is investigating security footage inside the store as well as interviewing employees and witnesses.
"I called you a lazy [expletive]," Sparkes said to Thomas. "That's the worst thing I said."
"Yeah, that makes you look better to say that," Thomas said
Thomas, speaking in her initial video that kicked off the #IStandWithErica trending hashtag, told her side of the story Friday in the video she posted to Facebook Live.
"I decided to go Live because I'm very upset because people are getting really out of control with this, with this white privilege stuff," the state legislator said. "I'm at the grocery and I'm in ... the aisle that says '10 items or less.' Yes, I have 15 items, but I'm nine months pregnant and I can't stand up for long. And this white man comes up to me and says, 'You lazy son of a bitch ... You need to go back where you came from.'"
Sparkes said he is a Democratic voter and is of Cuban nationality while defending himself from the accusation.
"This woman is playing the victim for political purposes because she is a state legislator," Sparkes told WSB-TV. "I'm a Democrat and will vote Democrat for the rest of my life, so call me whatever you want to believe. For her political purposes, make it black, white, brown, whatever. It is untrue."
The two continued to trade barbs as cameras rolled Saturday afternoon, with Thomas demanding he be held "accountable" for verbally assaulting her, regardless of whether or not his comments racial or xenophobic meaning.
"I don't want to say he said, 'Go back to your country,' or 'Go back to where you came from,'" Thomas said, walking back her initial description of the incident. "But he was making those types of references is what I remember."
"If you know how you made me feel yesterday, if you knew how you made my daughter feel," Thomas can be seen yelling at the man. "Back off before I call the police," he replies.
"Call the police right now," Thomas said. "Of course you would deny those things. But the people in the store, you know we have witnesses that are willing to be a witness in court."
Publix issued a statement Saturday saying they are working with local law enforcement to uncover the facts of the incident: "At Publix we are committed to creating a safe and welcoming shopping experience for all our customers. We are cooperating with local law enforcement as they look into the matter."
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Hi Kaitlyn! Your post on matching popped up on my dash, congrats! I was poking around your blog, and I realized I'm not super educated on anarchy. Would you be willing to sum up the aim and the vision, in your point of view? I know you're probably busy getting ready for your move, so I understand if you can't! I've just been feeling ultra frustrated with some of the "realities" of medicine in America lately, so I'm intrigued!
I am going to begin with a Lucy Parsons quote that I love: “The philosophy of anarchism is included in the word “Liberty”; yet it is comprehensive enough to include all things else that are conducive to progress. No barriers whatever to human progression, to thought, or investigation are placed by anarchism; nothing is considered so true or so certain, that future discoveries may not prove it false; therefore, it has but one infallible, unchangeable motto, “Freedom.” Freedom to discover any truth, freedom to develop, to live naturally and fully.”
In a literal sense, anarchism means a system with “no rulers.” It places at its core respect for the absolute autonomy of all people—that is, the ability to live as you please without domination by another. It fights against rulers, authorities, bosses, and any others who restrict the autonomy or will of another person by forcing, coercing, dominating, or hurting them. Not only do anarchists oppose power/authority/rulers based on our ideals, but we oppose them practically: we have seen, as evidenced by history, that power is inevitably and always abused to cause more harm than good, no matter how “good” the initial intentions were. In summary, anarchists oppose all manifestations of power in society for both practical and ideological reasons, the two most well-known manifestations of this being the state and capitalism.
We oppose capitalism and the state because the offending parties dominate, or control and inhibit the full autonomy of others, within a territory they claim to own. Some will excuse their domination by saying that if they have a rightful ownership claim to the land, they have the right to control what happens on it, who enters is, and how the people inside it may conduct themselves. Anarchists do not agree that they have any sort of rightful ownership over these properties, so say their (often violent and brutal) control is in direct opposition to freedom. Even the most lenient anarchists, such as myself, stick with a strict occupancy-and-use vision of ownership, which would still disqualify the claims of capitalists and states as legitimate (if you dig deeper into what that idea means, which is outside the scope of your question). Some anarchists deny land ownership entirely. There are lots of flavors of us, but all of us agree that both the state and capitalists have no exclusive right to what they claim, so should not have exclusive control over it or the other people interacting with it.
It is also worth noting that anarchists are aware and consider the ways in which states and capitalists obtained and maintain their power over these properties, and how they are also in opposition to freedom. For example, capitalists and the state are infamous for taking over land and resources from populations that were already using it using state military/police powers and then selling its use back to the original inhabitants in the form of rented properties or wage labor. Capitalists will employ state police and military power to harm workers who attempt to unionize or strike or gain better conditions. For example, during the coal wars in central Appalachia where I’m from, the US government got involved and even dropped a bomb on strikers. Capitalists also use their wealth to influence the state, which enabled them to more easily abuse workers and damage the environment. To quote Parsons yet again, “Never be deceived that the rich will permit you to vote away their wealth.” States start wars in the name of resources and power, killing innocents globally. These are just a very, very few examples of the sort of nonsense state and capitalist agents get away with—all of it in opposition to freedom.
So that’s what we fight AGAINST—now I’ll talk about what we fight FOR. Let me start by saying not one of us believes in utopia. We recognize our ideal world will still be imperfect, as all visions will be—attempting to legislate away those imperfections will always fail and replace old problems with new ones. Anarchism is a set of guiding principles, a process more than a result: the process of always striving for liberation. There is no set, perfect anarchist society we all envision in unison. Communities could take many unique forms and still be anarchist.
I have explained that we oppose domination of one person over another—what we promote is cooperation and free association. Anarchists promote replacing hierarchical structures in society (governments and businesses) with horizontal ones; ones where people are meeting the needs of their community by cooperating and working together freely as equals, not as boss-bossed, ruler-ruled, or owner-owned. And there’s always the option to go live on your own somewhere, but humans are social and most would not choose that. Without a state, you are likely looking at smaller communities of people self-governing, utilizing democratic decision-making among all in the community who wished to be involved in any large-scale decision that affects multiple people. Decisions or projects that affected only you would be made entirely by you, or done entirely by you.
One thing some anarchists have often proposed is a committee system, which is comprised of all who wish to be involved in a community-wide decision, with democratically elected delegated to perform certain tasks. Delegates are instantly abolished if they act beyond what their initial task was. If communities are associating with each other, they too would need to operate democratically using a similar system on a larger scale. If you want a more specific idea of what something like this could potentially look like, you can read here. I’ll quote something from that source:
“The key difference between a statist or hierarchical system and an anarchist community is who wields power. In a parliamentary system, for example, people give power to a group of representatives to make decisions for them for a fixed period of time. Whether they carry out their promises is irrelevant as people cannot recall them till the next election. Power lies at the top and those at the base are expected to obey. Similarly, in the capitalist workplace, power is held by an unelected minority of bosses and managers at the top and the workers are expected to obey.”
Just know that this is ONE vision of how anarchism would work, and likely not all communities would operate this way.  Many anarchists aren’t too fond of this system—and that’s expected. We are not looking for a single top-down approach, and there are actually multiple different flavors of anarchism that approach these things a little differently. But we are all unified in a desire for freedom, and opposition to domination.
Anyway, I am trying to give the sparknotes on an ideology with a massive and rich history, described and even practiced in depth by people much smarter than me. For that reason, I am going to leave some links for reading that might flesh out some of what I’ve said, and if there are specific questions, please feel free to ask them. And my other anarchist followers, please clarify any unclear things I said, add your input, or give recommendations for reading! It benefits us all.
This page is nice because its lists LOTS of anarchist texts sorted by author
An Anarchist FAQ - MUCH more detailed than anything I could write
A Lifelong Anarchist by Lucy Parsons, since I quoted it
Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman, because I like her stuff
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Her son is correct that quality of connections with the noise is revenge for people who lost their family recently and Garth is one of them and other there are others too that help make you go out and yes I was one of them if you can't see it you tell me if you're a pig you bother our son all day long like it's a nobody and you're going to die as a mummy so you start bothering him with bugs.
We are acquiring several more companies and they're very big very big and we will start and let you know where they are right now. The gas company just didn't want to make a big deal on what's going on didn't want any valves out there tanks or anything so our son was outside with a big huge BBQ I thought it was nice and it works.
They're going to see this quite a bit down here there's a lot of criminals hiding in Florida and there's a lot of feds coming down and pulling them out. The guy who was pulled out today is a well known criminal around here and our son doesn't know who it is it's not the very high up guy that's one of Jonathan remillard's grandkids and he looks afraid and it should be he's been doing nasty things to people including his granddaddy and he's a pig they're a bunch of pigs they got arrested and he's going to trial and he's going down and he'll probably turn States evidence on Trump and that's the way it is. It's happening all day long. And there's going to be a lot of this happening and it's going to be happening today and tonight in Florida the feds are coming down and they're all over the place and we're also feds and the cops are coming out and they're going after people very hard.
Requiring several businesses and these businesses are related to police and police gear is what it is and they make a ton of it and it's very precise work and it's very demanding work and it's useful.
*intelligear and it's my son and daughter's idea for cameras on the uniforms and a lot of people were thinking about it but they said why and where to put it and basically criminals say all sorts of stuff it doesn't come out in court and what they say is horrible and represents their character the true character and personality and what they think is okay to say it's not and most of them incriminate themselves and seconds and it goes to court sometimes and people just witness it and it's like they get out and they get off they hear the tapes and they see it people looking they dig deeper it's a real helpful tool it has not failed once and if the cops do something wrong it shows right away too
*soft tech as long as the same lines but it's the tech that goes with that gear communications gear and a gear for and programs that track criminals and internationally now in interfaces databases it's a huge company and they can't stop people from hacking
*police detail uniforms and gear and they have everything all the way down to gun belts Shields helmets armor and certain types of armor okay there's armor that you see all the time in riots this armor that you rarely see but they use it for bombs and his armor that You Don't see and they wear it underneath their clothing and it's a full suit of armor and it's hard and they wear everything on their face and head and it's hard to see it okay but they do wear it a lot of times they have a helmet on and regular uniform and it just looks like they're bigger and there's also a police system uniform that's out already they've been using it for a year and these cops come heavily armed these days but they don't provide any bullets or any guns
*swarm tech this is a drone company it's huge it's international it's a number one for the producer and maker of drones for police on Earth they use tons of drones now they use drones to fly around and look drones to go and sewers they do it all day and all night and they do strongs to drive vehicles and to distract people and drop a flashbang and all sorts of different items used by police to control crowds and or to subdue a room knock on gas lately because how dangerous it is and they slowly introduce it tons and tons of drones you you would be surprised and we're only going to add to it
*six gun is it company that provides services for bullets and guns and they check your boats and they repair and calibrate your guns and we're going to start doing that all of it
*six shooter not to be confused with six gun and they like that cuz criminals confuse it is a place to go shooting and they teach people and they are subcontractor and please have their own range and they have to qualify at the police range but it's a good way to learn how to shoot without taking the police courses and some take both and they do very well and I'm son's the type who takes both. These morlocks are not achievers and they usually wash out even if they take the seminar and the police course and they go by angry with a loud motorcycle they're harassing our son with the other day and the police are going to come down and confiscate it. The course was in the range are not free but the police will reimburse you if you're a cop for the training and the ammo and everything
*police squad equipment cars trucks bikes tanks carriers helicopters planes Jets advanced Jets they have those now space Jets they have those too and submarines yes and many submarines they have full-size summaries so please do and they work with the Coast guard because they do inland waterways and harbors and they simply have to and they do out a certain ways too and quads and four wheelers and dirt bikes and no you can't be a cop damn it it says well get out of the water and okay okay well she's listening and saying that's enough but really off-road vehicles and a lot of them and miniature off-road vehicles that work with people in them amphibious vehicles are sea vehicles and just a lot of stuff okay there's big rescue vehicles like the Rolls-Royce type but we use it's more of a military grade look forward and Chevy where they are heavily armored but they don't look like it cars 2 and it's for transporting Chiefs and captains lieutenants and people who are beat cops to court and out of court and protection of witnesses and or police if necessary there's a lot of it going on this is really a lot and those are several companies several more we're going to announce in a moment
Thor Freya
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