#i can't help but keep thinking about winter bucky
quinn-joseph · 8 months
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
Hello lovely,
I saw your post that your requests are open, so I will give it a try =)
Imagine Bucky and reader are best friends but they have a huge argument and now they don't talk to each other for days. She's feeling really bad, missing him. He is her most important person and now without interacting with him for days, she's feeling lost and lonely and heartbroken. Maybe she has not a super power and is only a normal human, helping the Avengers with IT or something. Due to the argument with her best friend and not talking to Bucky (Bucky ignores her completely) she begins to feel it not only mental but also physically. She can't eat probably and at the end falls deathly sick.... With a fluffy happy ending and a worried and protective Bucky
Please. That would be nice.
Take care honey
oh my goodness— my heart 😭❤️ the angst is gonna hurt, but i’m such a sucker for it. i had so much fun writing this one, thank you for requesting and i hope you like it🥰
Love Hurts
♡ Pairing: Beefy!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: You and Bucky get into a heated argument, things are said and done and now he won’t speak to you. You don’t think you can handle him ignoring your existence.
♡ Warnings: language, mentions of bucky’s trauma, heavy angst, malnourishment, depression, anxiety/panic attacks, minor injuries, hospitalization, suicidal ideation, self hate, literally hurt just writing this
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Your nails bit into your palm, denting the flesh— threatening to pierce the delicate skin. It was all to hold yourself back, distract you from the words that wanted to burst out.
It was becoming a sickening routine, Bucky was reckless and had yet another near death experience on his recent mission. The anxiety and the nerves stopping your body from functioning— the dreaded wait for his jet to arrive back at the compound. You shouldn’t have to be used of receiving the call that he had yet again made a reckless move— but you were starting to discover a pattern.
It did nothing to ease the panic that swirled in your chest every time he left for missions. You’d sob, throwing up everything you had eaten that day— unable to stomach anything with the idea that Bucky was on a mission. You never found your anxiety to be so severe— but when Bucky was even mentioned about going on a mission… it spiked.
That’s where you found yourself in his room, watching him pace the space— avoiding your frustrated stare. You weren’t angry at him per say— you were angry that he didn’t value his life.
“Seriously (Y/n)— you get so worked up over nothing. I’m here and alive— isn’t that enough?” He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in frustration.
You pressed your nails tighter to your palm, yet the pain couldn’t stop your thundering thoughts.
“You’re here and alive now, until you do some stupid shit like this again and are dead!” You hissed, trying to keep your voice low but you didn’t know how much longer you could control yourself.
He glared at you, squinting his eyes in anger and then rolling his eyes.
“Oh for fucks sake— can you stop fucking babying me? I can handle myself!” He raised his voice, his metal arm whirring.
“I’m not babying you— I’m just scared you’re gonna get yourself killed. Do you care about your life at all?” You asked him aggressively, your voice raising just a tad.
He took a long pause, staring at you with his face void of emotion— only annoyance.
“Not really.” He admitted.
You were taken back, although you had these conversations with him a time or twenty. It was an ongoing process to get him to slowly love himself— his past as The Winter Soldier torturing his soul. He was so convinced he wasn’t deserving of anything, not even a roof over his head. It was a struggle to help him, but you weren’t going to give up on him.
“You realize if anything ever happened to you I—” Your voice broke, needing a breath, “Buck I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.”
You thought you saw his eyes flash with guilt, but before you could linger on the look for too long— his face was hardening again.
“That doesn’t sound like my problem.” He mumbled out, making your eyes widen.
You were extremely taken back from those words, your chest aching painfully— him not knowing what effect those words had on you.
“Are you fucking serious?” You asked him, your face morphing into a hurt expression, mixed with anger. “Can you just do your job without trying to kill yourself?”
His face grew red with rage and he was stomping up towards you— his face inches from yours.
“I am doing my job— very well in fact. Unlike you who just fucking sits here doing nothing!” He defended himself, his breath hitting your face in warm pants.
“Doing nothing? Buck— why are you like this?” You puffed your chest, not backing down from his towering form.
But your words seemed to have hit a nerve, as he shrunk back slightly, narrowing his gaze at you.
“Like what?”
You furrowed your brows, slowing your racing heart from the shouting— you weren’t sure you had said anything bad. Did you?
“What?” You squeaked out, nervous now.
“You said, why am I like this… like what?” He pushed, stepping closer to you now, his face still red with anger but you could see the hurt in his eyes.
You swallowed and wondered how to convince him you didn’t mean anything bad by what you said. But you were almost positive it would be an impossible task to get Bucky to listen.
“Buck, I didn’t mean anythin—”
“What— you think I’m not capable of doing my job? You think I’m still the monster hydra made me?” He spat, his chest rising and falling quicker.
“No, no Buck listen—”
That was definitely not what you meant, you could tell he was spiraling and you were still confused as to why. You would never make him think that.
“After 70 fucking years I finally have a job that I like— that I enjoy doing— I fucking help people! I’m finally doing some good and now you’re telling me I’m not capable of doing it?” He boomed, his chest puffing into yours and your stumbled back slightly. “You think I’m only capable of being a monster? Huh? Is that what you fucking think?”
You were growing scared now, the look in his eyes wild with something and you didn’t like how close he was to you— you knew he’d never hurt you but your fear overwhelmed your senses.
“Friday— call Steve and Sam in here now!” You shouted into the room, and Bucky’s eyes squinted painfully— his metal arm whirring again.
Bucky only saw one thing— you didn’t reassure him that he was thinking irrationally. You didn’t correct him that he wasn’t the monster. Instead you called for help, that you were clearly scared— because you thought he was a monster.
He was at a loss for words and just stared at you, almost through you— as his breathing was only getting heavier at the sight of your fearful eyes.
Not even minutes later, Steve and Sam were busting through the door, taking in the scene and separated you and Bucky.
“Hey— what’s going on?” Steve asked in between the two of you. “Buck, what’s wrong man?”
You couldn’t seem to find the words and just stood speechless as well— the fight startling you. This was one of the worst ones, and it was also one that still left you confused. You cursed yourself for not being careful enough with your words— but it was almost impossible to get through to him when he was on the brink of having an episode.
Sam walked closer to you, his facing morphing into concern as he took in your shocked expression.
“(Y/n)? You okay? Did he hurt you?” Sam whispered, keeping his words only between you two.
You slowly shook your head but still didn’t respond verbally.
“Okay, okay that’s good. You wanna go get a drink from downstairs? Why don’t we take a breather okay?” Sam suggested softly, big brother mode kicking in at the sight of your frazzled state.
Without another word, you left the room with Sam— missing the devastated look from Bucky.
Steve waited until the door shut, then his attention was back on Bucky.
“Buck, you gotta talk to me man— what happened?” He asked softly, watching his friend slowly relax, but it wasn’t from being in a relaxing mood— his body and mind were just exhausted from the argument.
“I fucked everything up. That’s what happened.” He mumbled, turning away from Steve to sit on the edge of his bed.
Steve followed behind but stood in front of him, shaking his head— ready to argue.
“You didn’t mess anything up, arguments happen. You guys will work it out. I know how much you mean to each other.” Steve pointed out, watching Bucky’s face unchanging.
“You didn’t see the way she looked at me— she’s scared of me I—” He shuttered, his breath shaky as he remembered your look, “I fucking scared her.”
Steve’s chest ached, the state of his friend breaking his heart. He knew Bucky meant no harm, and he almost for a fact knew that you knew that too. But Bucky for sure didn’t believe that himself.
“I didn’t see what you saw, but I can guarantee you that she’s not afraid of you. This is (Y/n) we are talking about. You are her world Buck.” Steve tried to convince him.
Bucky shook his head, running his flesh hand through his hair.
“I think I just need to stay away from her for awhile.” Bucky came up with instead.
Steve immediately started shaking his head, knowing that was the last thing he needed.
“Bucky I—”
“Please Steve… I just need some space.” Bucky pleaded, his body sagging in exhaustion.
Steve couldn’t find it in himself to argue with him anymore about this. Maybe he did need some time to himself, to cool down and gather his thoughts. Also Steve wasn’t going to force him to anything ever. After the years his pal went through— he would never make him do anything. He had enough things decided for him, and Steve wasn’t about to stoop to hydra’s level.
Meanwhile down in the kitchen, Sam was getting you a glass of water— standing across from your seated form at the island. He slid the cup across, sending a worried glance at you.
“(Y/n)?” Sam snapped his fingers getting your attention.
You were shaken from your state of staring, but even snapped out of the trance— the anxieties still swirled within you.
“Yeah sorry… I’m here.” You whispered, grabbing the glass and taking a tiny sip.
Sam gave you a quizzical expression, watching you start to slip back into a mindless stare— so he spoke up.
“You wanna tell me what happened?” He asked, genuinely curious what had went down.
He knew— hell everyone knew you and Bucky were extremely close. Best of friends, always there for one another— dancing on the line of strictly friends to lovers. Truthfully, Sam found it completely obnoxious and just wanted you two together already.
“I don’t really know… I think I said the wrong thing— I didn’t mean to make him upset.” You confessed, keeping your eyes on the countertop, not risking a glance to Sam.
“Hey, don’t beat yourself up— mistakes happen. I’m sure he’ll forgive you.” Sam told you.
You shook your head, gripping the cup tighter.
“God I hope so… I don’t know what I’d do without him.” You whispered pathetically, tears welling in your eyes.
Sam reached out to rub your arm comfortingly, trying to relax you so you didn’t start crying. He hated to see you cry— made his heart hurt.
“It’s been a long day for everyone, why don’t you go head upstairs and get some sleep. I’m sure things will have blown over by tomorrow.” He suggested and you finally met his gaze, smiling weakly and nodding.
Without saying goodbye, you stood up and headed to your room. Taking Sam’s words and playing them on repeat in your head.
Tomorrow is another day, tomorrow would be better.
God had you hoped that was the case— it only was the beginning on the torment.
You had slept in longer than usual, but overall felt refreshed. The first thing that came to mind when fully waking up was Bucky. Immediately you headed downstairs to find him— needing to talk with him— apologize.
Making it down to the kitchen, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in at the sight of him sitting at the island— sipping at his coffee. You furrowed your brows, thinking he'd be done with his coffee by now, since you had slept in. Your chest ached with guilt with the possibility that he didn't sleep well.
You took a deep breath before making yourself known, although you were sure be could sense you in the room— considering he was a super soldier.
"Morning Buck." You announced, walking around the island so you could face him.
He kept his gaze down at his coffee, finding the cup more interesting than you.
Okay, that’s fair. You thought, you most probably deserved that reaction.
“You sleep okay?” You asked again, picking at the skin on your nails nervously.
Again— he didn’t even lift his head. In fact, he wasn’t even acknowledging you. You waited several minutes for a response, the silence becoming thick with tension and you couldn’t stand it.
“Bucky?” You tried, and this time he lifted his head.
Your heart twinged in your chest at his bloodshot eyes, clear evidence that he hadn’t gotten good sleep. You hated yourself for causing him the stress, especially knowing he was just starting to actually get hours of sleep. It was huge progress compared to his nights either screaming awake or just staring at the walls. But now you had to go and ruin all that progress. You felt sick to your stomach— disgusted with yourself.
“I’m really sorry about last night… I didn’t like how ugly it got and I’m sorry if I said something to upset you— you know I’d never intentionally hurt you.” You told him, picking more aggressively at your nails, causing to nail beds to bleed.
You swallowed nervously when he didn’t answer right away, instead staring at you with… what was that? Disgust? You didn’t know, but you hated the look altogether.
“Bucky, please say something.” You pleaded.
Bucky lowered his gaze to his coffee again, taking a minute before he stood up and looked your way.
“I just need some space.” He told you quietly.
You were relived to have him finally talk to you, but to hear him suggest space between you two— you could almost feel the knife digging into your chest. You tried to keep a neutral expression but otherwise felt your bottom lip quiver.
Without giving you time to respond, Bucky was walking out of the room— leaving you standing there speechless, lungs begging for air. You didn’t want your mind to go immediately to that thought, but you couldn’t ignore it either— he hated you.
“Hey babe, I need you to help me out in the lab tod—” Tony came busting into the room, but immediately shut up once he saw your broken expression. “Honey, what’s wrong? You alright?”
You nodded your head, lying to him and yourself and started waving him off with the fakest smile.
“Yeah— yeah I’m good. Just need to uh— need to get some things done.” You told him, your eyes darting all around the room, the familiar feeling of panic seeping into your being.
Tony gave you a ‘really?’ look and stepped closer to you.
“(Y/n) I’m not blind— I can see you’re upset. Talk to m—”
“Seriously Tony— I’m fine! Just leave it alone!” You told him a little too aggressively.
His face was taken back and you felt guilty immediately, cursing yourself for hurting everyone.
Why are you such a fucking issue? Your mind screamed at you.
You didn’t waste another second and sped walked out of the room, needing to calm yourself down before you ran into any one else. You were spiraling and you needed to just relax— take a deep breath. Maybe you just needed one more day and things would be back to normal.
Yeah… just one more day.
You had hoped that was the case as well… but as always— things only got worse.
Bucky refused to talk to you or even look at you. He’d given you the cold shoulder for almost two weeks now. He would get up and leave the second you entered the room. He couldn’t stand you it seemed.
You couldn’t keep hiding your hurt. At first, you had done a good job at hiding how you were really feeling. Saving the sobbing and attacks for when you were alone in your room. As the days lingered on, you found yourself weak and drained— you didn’t have enough energy to put up a charade anymore.
The whole team were sending you worried looks, and attempted to talk with you. But the second they’d try— you’d bolt. The subject was too sensitive, too raw. You didn’t want to talk to anyone but Bucky— and he hated you.
You had missed so many meals, forgetting to eat with your mental struggles throughout the days. You had been getting no more than two hours of sleep. You were so stressed, so stuck in your own mind that you couldn’t function. Even when you had managed to remember to eat, your stomach would knot up to the point that you were throwing everything up. You were gaunt, basically a real life zombie. You needed help— but you needed Bucky more.
You were laying in bed staring unknowingly into space, it had been hard to focus with no food or sleep in your system— so you had only managed to lay here. Even that was exhausting, no matter how much you laid around— your mind wouldn’t stop the assault. Your anxiety had never been this bad, you were a prisoner to it.
Knocking at your door had you jumping, your heart racing— and for a moment you forgot where you were.
You’re in the compound… yeah that’s right.
You slowed your breathing and swung your legs sluggishly over the edge of the bed to answer it. You weren’t prepared for the sudden dizzy spell, your vision spotting with black and white specks. You tried to blink it off, but suddenly you were toppling to the ground.
You fell to the floor with a loud thump, luckily landing on your front, your hands somehow catching most of your fall— you could already feel the throbbing in your palms.
You didn’t hear the persistent knocking, or the door open. You didn’t even hear the voice speaking from the doorway. It was when a hand landed on your shoulder that you were gasping, forgetting your surroundings once again.
Your eyes met Steve’s and you swore your heart was about to beat out of your chest.
“(Y/n) are you alright?” He asked you, hovering his hands over you— not sure what you had hurt.
You furrowed your brows, looking him over.
“Steve what are… what are you doing here?” You asked genuinely confused.
You watched Steve’s eyes widen and he swallowed nervously— his expression growing more concerned.
“(Y/n) it’s okay… I’ve got you.” Steve hushed, and he was pulling you into his chest, hugging you protectively.
You were still confused but then you tasted one of your stray tears, and you immediately came to your senses. You were crying in Steve’s arms… but why? You were having gaps of time missing from you, this wasn’t the first time this had happened— you just didn’t seem to care.
“Steve… my head hurts.” You slurred into his chest, sagging against him.
You were grateful that he was here, you desperately needed someone around. You were just hoping that someone would’ve been Bucky.
“Okay, let’s get you to Helen. She’s gonna take care of you, okay?” Steve asked you, and you could only give a weak nod.
He knew there was no way you were walking there, so he hoisted you up into his arms, and cradled your head as he started to the med bay.
You just stared blankly at his chest, not really caring if Steve were to throw you off the roof of the building. You just didn’t care.
Steve had gotten you down to her, and she checked you out. Alerting Steve that you were extremely malnourished, dehydrated— an insomniac. She kept listing off all the things Steve was afraid to hear. The whole time he was sure you didn’t hear a thing, although you were in the room— you were just checked out.
Helen eventually left, and Steve took his opportunity to speak with you. He pulled up a chair next to the hospital bed and grabbed your hand.
“(Y/n), what’s going on? You can talk to me— you can’t keep doing this to yourself. Please… just talk to me.” Steve whispered, pleading with you that you would stop torturing yourself.
“He hates me.” You mumbled.
Steve’s eyes widened and he frowned, knowing what you meant. He knew he let this go on for too long.
“(Y/n) he doesn’t hate you. He just needed time to himself, so he co—”
“I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings, I don’t even know what I said to hurt him but I—” You rushed out, the heart monitor beeping frantically, “I’m a horrible person, I didn’t mean to— I didn’t mean to!”
You wheezed out, clutching your chest as you couldn’t catch your breath. Your cheeks glistened with a steady stream of tears, your wheezing only growing by the second.
“Okay, okay (Y/n)— I need you to slow your breathing. You’re okay, he doesn’t hate you. Just take deep breaths okay— even if you can’t just try. I’m here.” He tried to coach you, but this wasn’t his thing.
Now he was starting to get mad at his friend, Bucky shouldn’t of let this go on for this long.
You followed his chest rising and falling, staring at him as he tried to calm you down. Your breaths were heavy and painful sounding. Steve was about to say something but stopped himself when he saw your eyes look behind him.
He turned and saw Bucky standing in the doorway— his face paled. Truthfully, he looked like he was going to be sick.
“(Y/n)?” He whispered, his heart breaking at your state.
He had ran into Helen in the kitchen and was informed of your condition— he didn’t believe it and had to see for himself. He was shocked to find you like this.
Your tears only edged on from his appearance and you shook your head in shame.
“I’m sorry Bucky! Whatever I did, I’m sorry!” You sobbed and Bucky ran to the bed, kneeling down and taking your hands into his.
“Doll it’s okay, you’re okay. I’m here— I’m here. I’m not gonna leave you… I’m sorry.” He rushed out, shushing your cries, watching you slow your breathing at his words. “There we go, just keep breathing with me. I’m here, you’re okay.”
He kept repeating himself, making sure you knew he wasn’t going anywhere.
Steve knew you were in good hands and slowly snuck out of the room— knowing you two needed to talk.
Bucky tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear, letting his fingers trail down your cheek to your jaw. You couldn’t help the way your face leaned into his touch, it felt like it had been forever since the last one.
Your breathing had slowed down, and now you just stared up at him— eyes glossy with more tears. You felt so many emotions. You felt relived, but also angry and hurt. Above all— you needed to know what you did to upset him. The guilt still ate away at your heart, and even just the memory of the argument had your chest aching.
“What did I do?” You whispered, making his eyes shoot up to yours, concern painting his face.
“You didn’t do anything.” He told you, and you furrowed your brows.
You were still anxious— he hadn’t answered your question. Even more so— if you didn’t do anything then why did he ignore you?
“Then why?”
“Why what (Y/n)?” He dared to ask, and you scoffed— ripping your hands out of his.
The anger was approaching.
“Why did you shut me out?” You wondered, and he only let his eyes cast down to the bed— making you angrier. “You ignored me for two weeks! Two fucking weeks you just acted as if I didn’t exist! Do you know how much that fucking hurts?”
You were breathing heavy again, but this time it wasn’t from panic— it was the full force of all your anger bursting out.
He lifted his eyes to you, and you saw how broken he looked. How your state had affected him.
“I could never do that to you Buck— I would never do that to you! You’re my everything! I don’t trust anyone as much as I trust you!” You raised your voice, while he stayed silent. “If I didn’t do anything then why would you— why—”
You broke out into a sob, covering your face with your hands. You felt good getting all the built up anger out— but now you felt extremely guilty. The pitiful face of Bucky staring at you, causing your heart to hurt all over again. It didn’t matter what happened, you always ended up hurting others.
“(Y/n) I’m so sorry I— god I fucked up. I didn’t ever mean to hurt you, please know that. You’re my other half, and no one has ever been there for me like you have.” He spoke through a tight throat, swelling with emotion.
You uncovered your face and just stared at him a little longer, still incredibly hurt from his actions— but you knew you couldn’t stay mad at him. You so badly wanted to forgive and forget— and just wrap him in your arms like you both needed.
“It’s hard to explain what’s wrong with me to someone when I don’t even understand what’s wrong with me— I just know I’m fucked up. I’m broken beyond repair.” His voice broke, his own eyes welling with tears.
You didn’t have it in you to keep up an angry facade, and so you reached out and took his hand in yours. His face almost immediately lit up, his breathing slowing at your touch.
“Try me.” You whispered, watching Bucky take a deep breath before he spoke again.
“The night of our fight…” He started, and you swallowed in having to remember that night. “I had never seen you look at me like that.”
You stayed silent, afraid to open your mouth and have a sob escape. You could feel it bubbling up— the memory playing back through your mind.
“You looked at me like you were scared. You looked at me like I was a monster.” He confessed and it all made sense to you now.
It wasn’t about what you said, it was your reaction that disturbed him to no ends. Even if you couldn’t control your reaction in the moment— you still felt guilty for causing him pain of remembering the hydra days.
“Oh Buck…” You whimpered, trying to pull him close— but he pulled away before he could reach your embrace.
“No— you don’t get to be nice to me after what I did. I promised I would never hurt you and I did— you’re in here because of me! I don’t deserve your forgiveness!” He raised his voice, and you weren’t scared of him— just concerned.
“I wasn’t scared of you Bucky, you just caught me off guard. Things were heated— I’m not afraid of you and I most definitely don’t think you’re a monster.” You tried to convince him.
“I really hope you’re not lying because if you were afraid of me… god I don’t know what I’d do. If you never wanted to see me again— that’s fine. Whatever you want, but I can’t live knowing you’re afraid of me.” He whimpered out.
“I wouldn’t lie to you.”
He nodded his head, knowing damn well you’d never lie. That was one thing he loved about you— you were so honest. Keeping it real with him, even if he didn’t wanna hear it. He could count on you for the truth.
“I still don’t deserve your forgiveness.” He argued.
“Well too bad, I’m forgiving you anyway.” You finally told him and he felt his chest expand.
Like he could finally breath.
“Why?” He wondered.
You knew it was the line you two had been dancing on forever— but you knew if there was ever a time to say it. It was now.
“Because I love you.” You admitted quietly.
His eyes widened just slightly, and his breath stuttered. He had always had a feeling what you two had was more than friends, he just never spoke up about it. Of course he loves you too— god he loves you so much. That’s why the thought of you being scared of him was enough to pull him away. He couldn’t bear being around you if you were frightened by him. He couldn’t live with himself. More importantly he now discovered, he really couldn’t live without you.
“I love you so much.” He confessed back as your tears leaked down your cheeks.
You pulled his arm, and he let you pull him to the bed— close enough where you could cup both his cheeks.
“Don’t ever do that to me again, please. I need you Bucky— life is not livable without you.” You cried, kissing his forehead to which he leaned into your lips.
“Never again— I promise.”
This time, he wouldn’t break it.
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TAGLIST: @engie115 @kmc1989 @ghostofwinter @silverfire13 @goldylions @potatothots @billy-reads @hanihoney88 @skittle479 @hereticdance @mentalidrainedfangirl @natashassandwich @marvelogic @soul-system @alinasmcu @almosttoopizza @lilbabygirll @sebastiansstanswhore @yujyujj @jasminocano
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buckyalpine · 10 months
Could U PLZZZ name the Reader Isabel!! plz some smut, bucky barnes, choking kink, kinda innocent... mainly winter solider look!
PRETTY plz it would mean SO muchhhh
Okay but imagine you have an up and coming mission which requires you to take on a new identity. Isabel Rosa, the young daughter of a business man, looking to buy art in the black market. You're to attend a gala hosted by an investor so you can get some intel on the target but you're nervous because you've never done this before.
To make sure everything goes well, you're given a "bodyguard" to ensure no one messes with you or tries anything when you attend that night.
And the plan works perfectly because no one dares look at you twice when you stroll into the event dressed in your pretty pink dress with the 6ft+ winter soldier attached to your arm. There isn't a soul in the room who doesn't know who that is. Dressed head to toe in an all black suit, his dark chestnut hair framing his face, piercing blue eyes enough to make everyone look away. He wears his mask as he escorts you and you can feel all the weapons he has strapped to him when he puts his arm around your waist.
"Relax bunny" He whispers when you shiver nervously, plucking a flute of champagne for you. "it's gonna be fine. No one can touch you as long as I'm here"
You silently nod, taking a small sip while he scans the room, guiding you to the target so you can get closer. He knows his job is to focus on keeping you out of harms way and he does that with ease but he can't help get a little distracted each time you nuzzle further into his side. He loves the way you tightly cling onto him each time you introduce yourself to someone. Its hard to ignore the way you make his pants feel too tight and his composure starts to falter when you both go to an office room to grab a flash drive.
He locked the door behind him while you crack open a safe, pocketing all the contents inside. You gasped, suddenly feeling him right behind you, his tall form towering over you.
"Isabel" He purrs into your ear while you bite your lip nervously, his gravelly muffled voice making your heart race. "Such a pretty name, bunny, y'know that"
"James, we have to go" You squeak, ignoring the throb between your legs while he shakes his head, grabbing you and plopping you onto a large wooden desk.
"Shhh" The rough, hard material of his mask brushes against your shoulder as he continues to whisper, "Don't think I can't smell you bunny"
He gathers the skirt of you dress up, shamelessly shoving his hand into your panties, letting his fingers gather your slick before playing with your sensitive clit.
"Look at you Isabel" He teases, pushing a finger in without warning making you cry out. As soon as a sound slips out, his metal hand grabs your throat, softly squeezing the sides. "Quiet, before all your little investors hear what a whore you are"
You instantly shut up while he continues his slow torture, loving the way you whine and whimper for more.
"What's wrong love" He cooes at your glassy eyes, pressing his erection against your dripping cunt.
"Please soldier" You quietly beg and who is he to say no to such a perfect doll asking for his cock. He legs go of you for a second to undo his pants and pull his length out, pumping it while you gape at the size.
"Never seen a cock before, bunny?" Bucky smirks, using the head to flick at your button a few times, guiding you to look down at the way his pink tip leaks, making your clit sticky with his arousal. "Gonna fill you right up, doll, don't worry"
He hasn't forgotten the mission, his eyes still glancing at the door, ears still sharp for footsteps but he's not about to let this opportunity go. He slides in, shoving his cock in all at once, grasping your neck again before you could scream. He starts to pound relentlessly while your arms and legs cling onto his body, silently sobbing from pleasure.
He growls feeling your cunt squeeze him making his cock throb, smacking your thigh when he feels you clench. He knows you want to scream so bad, the quiver of your lip driving him insane. He takes his mask off, shoving it in your mouth.
"We're gonna be here a while Isabel, better he quiet"
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1800jjbarnes · 8 months
𝐉𝐉'𝐬 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐭.𝟏
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Updated : 15th Jan 2024 | Fic Counter : 39
Mature [M] Fluff [F] Romance/Slice of Life [R] Comedy [C] Gore/Thriller [G] Horror [H] Supernatural/Fantasy [S] Others [O]
Masterlist Navigator
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You're My Prey | Wolf Au [R/G/S]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Bunnies shouldn't be wondering on their own. A big bad wolf is stalking the forest, and he will do anything to protect what is his.
Fallen Angel | Demon Au [M/F/S/R]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : James wants to taint you. Bend you. Change you. Until you're nothing but putty in his hands.
Don't | Dom!Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Rule number one, do not tease your super soldier boyfriend. Rule number two, break rule number one.
Erratic Dreams | Insomnia Trope [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : James can't handle another sleepless night, especially when he has you sleeping so beautifully next to him.
Late Night | Avenger!Bucky [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : When James comes home all wet, you can't help but become wet yourself.
I Need You | Forced Proximity Au [F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Turns out being snowed in with your crush was a blessing in disguise.
Long Night | Dilf!Neighbour!Bucky [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : If their was one thing James loved more. It was watching you squirm in pleasure under his touch.
Awake | Wolf Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Bucky's brain can't seem to go to sleep, and what's worse, are cute little noises you keep whimpering in your sleep, keeping him wide awake.
Stay Home | Wolf Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Tonight was supposed to be filled with laughter and memories, but two nobodies had to turn the night upside-down.
Nothing But Disrespect | Wolf Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You and Bucky have a huge fight just before your heat starts. Now you have to choose; lose the argument and apologise or be a brat and see what happens.
You Only Live Once | Bestfriends Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : He wants to tip you over the edge to finally see if you liked him back. But neither of you could have guessed this would be the outcome.
Act Like It | Dom Bf Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Maybe you shouldn't have flited with his friends. But then again, you couldn't ask for a better outcome.
Safe | Wolf Au [G/A/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : A rat in the pack left the world coming to a stretching halt. And now you have to live another's mark on your skin…
3am Thoughts | Roommate Au [F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Late night baking leads to popping open some wine and spilling secrets you thought you would take to the grave.
I'll Fuck Away The Pain | Bestfriend Au [M/A/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Bucky is sick and tired of you coming to him in tears every time your boyfriend hurts you. His anger has gotten to him so worked up that he wants, No, he needs to prove that all you need is him and him alone.
Yes Sir | Mafia Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Don't piss Bucky off… You might like it too much.
Capability High | Mafia Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : What was one way to prove to your father you weren't a little innocent girl anymore? How about sleep with the enemy?
солдат | Winter Solider Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : He was your families enemy and an enmey of the state, but yet you can't help but melt when his ice-cold metal hand touches you in just the right places.
Lonely King | Royal Au [M/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were the youngest of three princesses, and your parents were being paid off from another kingdom in order to marry the cruel, cold king. But the upside, he doesn't seem so cruel…ish
Stalemate | Pirate Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You spent months proving who was better on the vast seas. But what neither of you suspected was falling in love at the same time.
One More Time | Boyfriend Au [M]
【Synopsis】 : You let Bucky edge you until you can't take it anymore.
Doomed | Forbidden Love Au [A/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your lives were completely different. Your families hated one another, but you two couldn’t stay away from each other, no matter how hard you tried.
I Think Ive Fallen For You | Mafia Au [M/A/G]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Having a father that's a leader in the mafia leads to an arranged marriage that just might have saved you.
Enchanted Pt.1 | Fantasy Au [M/F/G/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : One day, when a far away kingdom gets attacked, a lone brave knight fights to save his homeland. But what happens when death comes knocking and only a small fae could save him.
A Moment To Last Forever | Soft Au [M/F/R]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : When Bucky comes from a long and stressful day, he only wants one thing. You bent over
Dimly Lit Bathroom | Drunk Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Bucky couldn't keep his hands off you on a regular basis. But when he sees you in such a sexy outfit, he has no choice but to drag you to the nearest bathroom.
Whoops | Mafia Au [G/M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You wanted to show your hot-headed lover that you could protect yourself. And what better way than to go looking for his number on rival….
Pure Relaxation | Bf Au [M/F/R]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Bucky kept getting lost over and over again. Becoming increasingly more frustrated with the technology in front of him as time passes, it's a good thing you are here to help him cool off.
Pretty Boy | Sub Bucky Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : it's Bucky's turn to know what it feels like to have rope pull and tug on his beautiful skin, and he can't help but whimper at the sheer idea of it.
A ride to last a lifetime | Biker au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Bucky had begged for weeks for you to go for a ride with him. Caving in, you finally realise how pleasurable it is to ride his bike.
Make You Mine | CEO Au [M/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Bucky can't help but send death glares to any man who tried to have your attention for too long. Too bad you don't belong to him… yet.
God Isn't Here | Bad Boy Au [M/R/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Bad Boy Bucky wanted to change for you. Be the better man you deserved, but what if you ended up changing more than him?
Love Lust Has No Bounds | Siren Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were in love with the enemy, and oh, how it was it exciting.
Out Of This World | Avengers Au [M/A/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were gifted an Asgardian plant from Thor since he knew you loved greenery. Little did anyone know the pollen had some weird side effects when inhaled.
Goddess Among Commoners | Mafia Au [S/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Overhearing for so-called friends make fun of your "failures" in life made your loving mobboss boyfriend very unhappy. No one makes his Doll cry.
Planet 3564AB | Alien Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You're a mercenary, searching for your next job in the galaxy. Little did you know, being stuck in a wasteland planet was about to gift you more than just galactic credits.
My everything | Monster au [M/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Rain was pouring, and your heart was aching. You didn't care what the villagers nor that priest thought about him. You love him, and you were going to prove it.
Let me help | Wolf au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You didn't know what it meant to be on heat, let alone know you could even have one since you weren't a wolf. But here you were, and Bucky was going to help you through it.
Creamy | Mob/Daddy Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】: After disappointing your totally not possessive boyfriend. You try your hardest to get forgiveness out of him
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© 1800JJBarnes. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape, or form.
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scar-lie · 5 months
Hellooo~ may I know if you will make a part 2 for your story 'Their First Love'?
Their First Love Pt. 2 [Natasha]
Summary : The talk Natasha has been looking for, to apologize and to finally talk to you
Pairing : Natasha Romanoff x Fem ! Reader
Warningv: Crying
Word Count : 2,876
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know
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It's been weeks since you two broke up—well, not actually since you two aren't a couple—let's just say “since she busted you,” and it still bothers you.
Did you accept her decision? Yes, and you respect it, but did you move on or stop wondering about things? No, definitely not. The thoughts and questions keep you awake every night and mostly distract you from your work.
You kept asking yourself why she chose him. Am I not enough? Or am I doing too much that drives her away? Is there something wrong with me? Or maybe I did something wrong?
The questions keep coming, but there's only one that's imprinted in your head, and it never leaves your mind since you realize it. It's her hair.
You once asked her, "Why do you keep your hair red? You're a spy; you should be undercover, not seen.” At that time, all she said to me was, “Because I wanted my loved ones to always locate me and remember me in the event that they did forget me or split up with me, as winter always follows autumn.
That's when you realize that you're not hers; Bucky is and will always be the winter that always follows Autumn, and you feel such a fool believing that you could replace or at least be enough to be at Bucky's level in her heart.
But at least you try and come close, or at least you thought, but the thing is, what matters is what makes her happy, and she is happy with him; that is what matters to you, right?
“Hey, hey, earth, to Y/N, are you there? ”You snap out of your thoughts when Jess taps your right check, so you look at her with a confused look.
“What? ....sorry what were you saying? ”You asked, gathering yourself and coughing to cover your embarrassment in front of Jess.
“I said, get back to her.” You frown at her, and she giggles, laying her upper body on the couch back while you're in your swivel chair and big table in your office.
“I don't get it,” you mumble, enough for her to hear, and she shakes her head and rolls her eyes with an amusing smile, then puts her iced coffee down.
“Oh my god, Y/N, you're so easy to read, or at least on my side... You're thinking, and I know it involves ‘Natasha’ so just pick up your phone, dial her number and call her, or text her,” Jess said, throwing you your phone. She's been playing some games. You thankfully catch it because if you didn't, hell, you're going to kill Jess if that happens.
“No, she chose him, Jess, not me, so I’m not going to call or text her like a puppy hot on her tail.” You put your phone in your pocket, standing up, seeing it's already 10 and the wedding will start in an hour, and you can't be late.
“Now shut up, and we need to go because we will be late,” she scoffs, rolling her eyes at you, but reciprocates and follows down the garage, getting in your own car, and so does she, and starts the 40-minute drive to the venue.
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On the other side, Natasha has been sulking in her bed for weeks now; she has no energy to do anything, and the only thing that keeps her away from bed is going to the bathroom, bar, or club. Other than that, she's locked up in her room; even Bucky can't even enter.
Since Natasha saw you that day, she can't help but stalk you. When you go to a cafe with her, when you go shopping with her, when you stroll with her, everywhere you go, she's there, getting jealous and feeling regret seeing you with her, and she wishes it was her who's by your side at those moments and not her until she saw you with her at the jewelry shop and decided to approach you or just eavesdrop.
But once she came close, she stopped dead in her tracks. Hearing those words coming out of your mouth, “This is perfect for a wedding band," she quickly turned around and left the mall. You're buying a wedding band with her; were you getting married with her that fast? She questions herself when she locks herself in her room, crying. 
And Bucky heard her crying, and since then, he's been worrying about Nat. As much as he wants to help her and be by her side, he knows forcing her to do something or just go against her will be no better for the both of them, so he constantly knocks on her door, asking if she's okay, even asking F.R.I.D.A.Y. about her, leaving food and a note in front of her door.
But today, he had enough, and he knows the only person who can help Natasha, so he's on his way to have a little talk with you.
And when he gets the information that you're on your way to the wedding, he quickly flies off, overspeeding, and goes to a different route to catch up with you, and when he does, he quickly drifts to block your car with his
But you almost hit him if you didn't hit the break quickly. You scoff and get out of the car when you see Bucky getting out of his car.
“Long time, no see, Mr. Barnes,” you sass at him, folding your arm in front of you and letting him approach you.
“You need to come with me,” he's in his stoic expression, and he proceeds to grab your arm, but you back away and swat his hand, and that's when Jess got to you, worried in her eyes.
“Oh my god, hey, watch where you're going; you can't just stop people like that,” Jess shouts at him, but you stop her with your hand when she's going to attack him.
“Get in your car and go to the venue; I’ll be there in a few.” She wanted to argue, but you glared at her, so she nodded.
“Be careful.” With that, she drives off, leaving you and Bucky alone on the side of the road, and thankfully, there's not much of a car passing by.
“What do you need, Barnes? ”You stand tall, seeing him searching for the right word.
“I—you need to come with me; I wanted to show you something,” he said calmly, but you raised your one eyebrow at him.
“And why would I need to come with you? I barely know you; I don't know your intention; you could kill me or something if I come with you.” Bucky sighs, closing his eyes, then looks back at you, and you see the desperation in his eyes.
“If you're that desperate for me to come with you, why not tell me the reason? Cause I have somewhere to be.” Bucky is annoyed, yes, but he stays calm for Natasha's sake.
“It's Nat; she needs you. I know it sounds crazy, but you're the one she wants, the one she loved and still loves. She needs you, Y/N.” You stay motionless and emotionless; you just scoff at him and roll your eyes at him.
“That's funny, Barnes; she doesn't need me; she has you; you're the one she loves, not me; she chose you. Remember? ”You unfold your arms and take a step towards him, and you give him a sarcastic smile.
“You won Barnes; she's all yours, so whatever shit what's happening to the both of you, I don't care, so don't drag me into your shits,” you said, and you turned around to your car so you could arrive at the wedding just in time, but before you could reach your car handle, he took your arm and turned you around.
“She really needs you, ok... Yes, maybe I’m the one she chose before, but that doesn't mean I still have her heart.” Bucky sighs, not wanting to be the one saying this to you, but he guesses he doesn't have any choice.
“Natasha suffers enough; she gets confused when it comes to these feelings, making her go back and choose the things she’s familiar with, meaning getting back to me. She longs for the short times she has before, where our love gets ripped away by the organization we're in, making her choose the wrong decision.” It hurts him to admit that the love of his life doesn't love her anymore, but he knows that seeing her happy in your arms is better than seeing her forcing herself to be happy with him.
“She loves you so much, Y/N. She may have confused her emotions, but her love for you is already carved in her heart.” Then suddenly his phone vibrated, and seeing that it's an emergency mission, he smiled at you and reached for his back pocket.
“She’s you're Y/N; she always had been.” Then he took your hand and put the key in it.
"It's her key…..she really needs you.” He gives you a small, sad smile, then turns around and gets in his car, then drives off.
“You just roll your eyes and get in your car, hooking the key he gave you in the rearview mirror, and drive off.
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Natasha sighs and sits up on the bed, realizing that sulking, being lazy, and sleeping with strangers will get her nowhere, so she stands up and takes a shower, leaving the man still sleeping on her bed. He was supposed to leave hours ago, but Natasha doesn't know what happened to her when she let him sleep here on her bed. All she knows is that his hold feels like your arms, or maybe she just thought about it.
Showers were taken longer than they usually are, but she did have a decent shower and change into fresh, comfy clothes, a loose shirt, and sweatpants, putting on a little makeup so her face wasn't as pale as it looked, and that's when she heard a knock on her door, so she groans and goes out of the bathroom, seeing the man in her bed is already awake.
“Go get dressed and get outta here,” she said, emotionless, and another knock again.
“I’m ok, Bucky, you don't have.” She stopped when the person knocked, got in, and looked around until her eyes landed on Natasha and the man who's getting dressed.
And Natasha is shocked to see the one person she least expects to knock on her door and come in, but when she pinches her arm and it hurts, she knows it's real. It's you, standing in your white, above-the-knee-fitted formal dress.
Her heart fluttered, and the butterflies were dancing around her stomach. Her joy was on top of the mountain. She saw you again, and you're the one who came to her.
"Guess, I came here for nothing. Sorry for interrupting. Have a good day.” With that, you quickly shut the door shut, scoffing at yourself, thinking you shouldn't have listened to Bucky. 
On the other hand, Natasha was confused, but when she realized what was happening, she quickly looked at the man who's putting his pants on and looked at herself in the mirror, a hickey on her neck and wet hair.
“Shit shit shit,” she cursed and quickly ran behind you to explain.
"Y/N, wait, please, let me explain.” She then took your arm, stopping you and turning you around.
“Explain to me that you're doing fine and fucking other people because you and Bucky didn't work out? Don't worry, I get it. I shouldn't have listened to your ex. Now I have wasted my time. I should probably go so you two can continue and I can catch up to the wedding. Have a good day, okay? ”Natasha was confused, and she didn't catch up with what you said, and whatever was on her mind was only Bucky, listen, continue, and Wedding, ‘Were you marrying her today? ’
“Wait what? No, no, no, wait, hold on,” she said, then again stopped you and blocked your way to the elevator.
"First, what Bucky told you; second, that man meant nothing, I swear; and third, the wedding? At what wedding were you getting married? Now? With her? ”You roll your eyes at her, then the man gets out of her room and walks past you two, and he kisses her on the head, making Natasha cringe and try to pat off the kiss he gave her.
“Last night was amazing; maybe we could go out sometimes.” This makes Natasha feel disgusted, and of course you heard it, so you roll your eyes and go around Natasha.
“Get a room, for god sake,” you say, then stand tall, waiting for the elevator after you press down.
“You're just jealous,” he spat back, and Natasha slapped him hard.
“Trust me, I’m not, and please make sure your dick is properly placed in those pants, and please wear underwear for god sake.” Then Natasha pushed him to the stairs, just to get him out of here.
“Leave now or else,” she said with gritted teeth, motioning her thumb from her left neck to her right, and he gulped, knowing she's capable of killing him without hesitation, and that's when the elevator door opened with a ding.
"Well, nice seeing you.” You enter the elevator, and Natasha quickly stops the elevator door and gets in. She was supposed to drag you out so you two could properly talk, but the door closed before she could walk out with you.
“Ok, ok,” Natasha sighs, and she turns around to look at you, where she finds you looking down on your phone, texting someone.
"Hey,” she tried to get your attention, but you didn't budge, so she took your phone and turned it off.
“What! ”You sigh with annoyance, looking up at her.
“Can you listen to me, please? ”Natasha begs, and you pinch the bridge of your nose and press the open door button, but Natasha unpresses it and stops the elevator, putting it into emergency
“You listen whether you like it or not.” You then press your back against the wall. Not much of a choice, you just stayed silent, your hand inside your pocket. 
“Thank you,” Natasha then sighs, getting nervous, and this is not what she imagines getting nervous for the first time.
“Ok, first, I’ll tell the truth. Yes, we had sex last night, and yes, he slept the night in my room, and yes, I’ve slept with a couple strangers the past few days or weeks, but I swear it means nothing.” You then cross your arm in front and look at her in the eyes; that made her feel so small.
“It's a one-night stand, nothing else, and for Bucky, well, he broke up with me. Why? Well, he said that my heart doesn't belong to him anymore; it belongs to someone; that someone's you, and he's right.” Natasha wants to take your hand, but it's hidden, so she rests her right hand on your arm.
“When he left, that's when I realized that I want you, that I love you, that when I’m looking for the future, you're there, you're always on my plan, on my dreams in every single one of them, and I also realized that I was being unfair to you when I just dropped you out and to Bucky when I’m still clinging to my past, where I’m too familiar and afraid to enter something new again, something I’m not familiar with, something I’m not good at, and I’m sorry for that.” tears running down her cheeks while she bites her bottom lips to suppress her subs, then she kneels before you, clinging to your right leg.
“Please forgive me. I-I’m so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.” Natasha can't help but sob and cry on your thigh.
“Please believe me, I tried to contact you, or... or co-come see you... I tried.” Natasha keeps repeating the same word over and over again.
“Get up,” but Natasha didn't; her knees were weak.
"Romanoff, get the fuck up; you're making yourself look foolish.” You nudge her gently, but she shakes her head.
“Forgive me, please forgive me, please come back.” You sigh and palm your forehead, careful not to ruin your makeup.
“I don't know, Ok, I am moving forward, so, I don't know it, Romanoff, so get up and fix yourself; I need to go and catch up on a wedding.” Then you simply get away from her and pull off the emergency button and help Natasha on her feet, then wipe her tear with your handkerchief, making Natasha lean on your touch.
“I’ll contact you,” you whisper, and then the door opens, so you exit the elevator, go out to take your car, and drive to the venue.
As much as you want to be hard and cold to Natasha, there's always part of you that makes you weaker around her; she always makes your guard down and makes you vulnerable; you feel safe around her, the feeling you've been craving since you were little, and it took every willpower you have to be tough and cold-hearted towards her.
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oneofstarkskids · 6 months
don't say that (part 2)
part 1
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
genre: angst angst angst!!
warnings: cheating, lying, !TOXIC RELATIONSHIP!
summary: based on taylor swift's song question
*not my gif*
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You had decided to stay with Bucky, if only to keep him from damaging himself.
Even if it meant you were being broken down in the process.
He kept true to his promises, insisting that he break up with her. It should've made you feel better, but it didn't.
Seeing how much pain she was in only made you feel worse.
It didn't help that you'd lost sight of who you were and now your whole world seemed to revolve around him.
Neither of you were fit to love one another. It was as if you were pieces of broken glass and your shattered edges didn't match up.
You hated the whole fucking situation.
And given the circumstances, how could you really be happy?
You'd thought that you'd made it obvious that you didn't want your friends to know about the relationship just yet.
His break up was fairly recent still and you didn't want them to think badly of you.
Bucky had even agreed, but somewhere along the line he'd told Sam and Sam told everyone else. Natasha hadn't spoken to you in weeks.
A part of you wanted to be upset with Bucky, but the other part just blamed it on miscommunication.
You didn't need an explanation.
It was late and Bucky had just had a long day of assignments. His arm was draped over your side and his cold nose was pressed against your neck.
He was already half asleep, but you were staring into the darkness of your bedroom, wide-awake.
"Can I ask you a question?" You whispered.
He hummed sleepily.
The words rolled over in your mind for a moment. You didn't want to upset him, but you thought you'd made your stance clear. What he did today proved otherwise.
You were hanging out with the team. Steve had just gotten back from his solo mission and wanted to tell everyone about it.
Bucky walked in and saw you sitting on the couch. Natasha was standing against the wall watching him.
Bucky leaned down and kissed you in front of everyone. It was so sudden and you didn't know how to react.
At first, the team was shocked. They'd heard the dating rumors, but they didn't expect this level of public affection from the former Winter Soldier.
After a few seconds though, Clint started slow clapping. "Real cute, now get a room." Clint Barton, always the sarcastic jackass.
You turned your head away from Bucky and focused on what Steve was saying. However, Natasha's disapproving expression didn't go unnoticed by you.
"Why did you do that today?" You asked quietly.
Bucky still had his eyes closed. "Do what?" He asked in a sleepy voice.
"Kiss me in front of everyone like that."
"Because I love you," he kissed your shoulder.
"I know, but I thought we agreed to keep the relationship thing a little private," you said with a sigh.
Now Bucky was awake.
"Why does it matter? Everyone already knows," he said in defense.
You sat up, annoyed by his careless attitude, "It matters because we agreed! Did you see Natasha's face?"
Bucky sat up too and pulled you onto his lap. He rubbed your back as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I didn't want to hurt her, Bucky," you said guilty.
He kissed your temple, "I know, doll."
You got up and went into the bathroom, needing time away from Bucky. Every second you spent in his arms made you feel worse and worse.
Of course, he got up and started knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"
When he didn't get a response, he opened the door anyway.
You were sitting on the edge of the tub with your head in your hands. You were regretting everything.
He stood in front of you not knowing what to do, "C'mon babe, can we please go back to bed. We can figure this out tomorrow."
You shook your head and ignored his pleas, "It's all too much."
"What's too much? I'm here. Tell me. I'll fix it," he crouched down to your level and held your hands in his.
"No, Bucky. You can't fix it. I just...I need to be alone tonight," you told him with tears in your eyes. "Please."
His jaw twitched, but after a long moment he got up without a word and went into the bedroom. You came out a few minutes later to see him, fully dressed, and grabbing his keys.
He walked out before you could say another word, making sure to slam the door as he left. He hadn't even put up a fight.
The only sound left in your apartment was the soft shuttering breath of your sobs.
tags for those who asked in part 1:
@immyowndefender @ozwriterchick @vicmc624 @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer
thanks for reading, guys! <3
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jpmarvel90 · 1 year
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Masterlist Nat Masterlist
Relationship: Natasha x Reader
Summary: A girl with no memories but her time as a prisoner at Hydra, is found by the Avengers. Natasha instantly wants to help the girl to recover and enjoy a normal life.
Word Count: 6396
Nat's POV:
Another day, another Hydra base. This one was the home of their super solider programme. It's where the Winter Soldier was created. So, this base was personal. Steve had initially wanted Bucky to stay behind on this one, but he was determined to come and take down the base which had destroyed his life.
Whilst Steve and Bucky worked their way through the building to plant the explosives, Tony and I were exploring to get as much intel as possible. Tony had found their offices and was downloading as many of the files as he could whilst also collecting anything that looked of value.
I meanwhile had stumbled across what I can only describe as a hospital from a horror movie. I can see rooms with hospital beds, but they all had straps on them, medical tools filling trays alongside the beds. I try not to think about what had gone on here. I eventually reach what looks like a prison. There are a number of cells, but they are all empty. Well, I thought they were until I reach one in the farthest corner of the room.
I had to do a double take when I saw a young woman huddled in the corner of her cell. Her eyes were filled with absolute terror. I manage to unlock the door and slowly make my way towards her, but she shrinks back further, trying to get as far away from me as possible but the wall is preventing. "P-please. No. I-I can't take anymore." She begs, tears filling her eyes. My heart breaks for her. Looking at her body, I can see dark bruising and some lacerations. "It's ok. I'm not here to hurt you." I try to reassure her, keeping my distance so she can see that I'm not a threat.
"I'm here to help you. To get you to safety." I try once again, hoping that she can see that I only want to help. "Bombs are planted." Steve confirms through the comms. "I've got everything I can. Nat are you done?" Tony asks, but I ignore it, not wanting to scare the girl more. I felt like I had to help her. I have to save her. "My name is Natasha. What's yours?" She asks me. I activate my comms so the others can hear. That way they'll know I'm safe and that I can't talk.
"I. I don't know. I don't remember." She starts to cry at that and all I want to do is wrap my arms around her and protect her. "That's ok. We can help you with that. Can you come with me, and we can protect you. Make sure you're safe." I ask her, reaching out my hand to her, but keeping my voice as soft as possible. She looks between my hand and my eyes. The pain and fear are swirling through her blue eyes. "I promise we won't hurt you. Me and my friends are the good guys. We just want to help." I say with a smile, hoping to put her at some ease.
She goes to reach out, but she hesitates. "It's ok. You're safe now." I promise her. I can see those words have an effect on her and she reaches out her trembling hand to take mine. I slowly stand up and use my other hand to help her to her feet. She stumbles and I can see how weak she is. When was the last time she had a good meal or saw the sun?
"I've got you. You're ok." I continue to reassure her as we make our way slowly out of the base. As soon as we reach the outside, she holds her hand up to cover her eyes as she squints at the bright light. But I notice that she takes a deep breath too, as if she is savouring this moment. She surely can't have been kept in that cell the whole time, could she?
We get closer to the jet and her body tenses as she sees the three men waiting for us. "It's ok. They are my friends. They won't hurt you." I encourage her to carry on walking. Her grip on my hand tightens, but she trusts me enough to follow me onto the jet. Sensing her fear, all three of the men keep their distance. Even Tony is being considerate. I see her eyes go wide as we board the back of the jet. "Wow." She whispers as her eyes take it all in. "It's pretty cool huh. This is our quinjet. It's going to take us back to our home where we can get you checked out and looked after." I tell her.
She looks exhausted but I can tell that she's too scared to even attempt to sleep. I guide her to a chair and strap her in. I then grab a bottle of water and take it over to her. I had noticed how chapped her lips were, suggesting that she is dehydrated. "Here, drink this. We'll get you some nice food when we get home. I just need to go and talk to my friends. But I'll just be over there. You'll still be able to see me ok." I tell her with a soft smile. Her panicked eyes dart between me and the three men waiting for an explanation. But she nods, slowly bringing the bottle up to her lips. A relieved sigh escaping as she swallows the cool liquid.
I stand up and make my way over to the others. "Who's that?" Tony asks straight away. "I don't know. I found her alone locked in one of the cells in what seemed to be a medical area. She doesn't remember her name and she's clearly been mistreated for a long time." I explain. I can see pain on Bucky's face as he observes the young woman. "Do you recognise her?" I ask but he shakes his head. "No. But I know that they did some pretty horrible things to people in that place. She's probably been through hell and back." He says, pain radiating from his eyes.
"I'll start going through all the files we have to see if I can find anything on her whilst we head back. I'll also get Cho and Bruce ready for the new arrival. She'll need a full medical. Just from observation she's severely malnourished and has had some injuries." Tony offers up, heading to the other end of the jet, knowing that she needed space right now.
I slowly make my way towards her and take the seat next to her. "How are you feeling?" I ask her, but internally scold myself at such a stupid question. "Who are you?" She answers my question with one of her own. "We're the Avengers. We try to stop the bad guys." I explain loosely. "What are you going to do with me?" Her voice is so timid as she talks, her tone laced with fear. "We just want to help you. We'll help you heal and start a new happier life. No more being locked away or fearing for your life." I tell her with a wide smile.
She doesn't speak again, lost in her thoughts. But I can see that she is completely aware of her surroundings. At any noise, her eyes flick to the source, a small flinch appearing. I stay sat next to her as Steve flies us home. I want her to feel some comfort and know that we're not going to hurt her.
After a couple of hours, we start to descend into the compound. Her whole body tenses as we touch down and the door slowly begins to open. Wanda and Yelena are both waiting like they always do when I return from a mission. But they can instantly see to keep their distance at the added presence of our new guest. "The red head is my best friend Wanda, and the blonde is my sister Yelena." I explain to the girl as I help her out of her seat, showing that they are not a threat to her.
She nods slowly, but her gaze is searching every new thing that she sees. She was exhausted when we found her, I can't believe that her body is still functioning now when she's been so alert for the entire flight. Her body is in flight or fight and I can tell it's taking every ounce of her to be aware in case she needs to protect herself.
I guide her to the medbay where Bruce and Cho are waiting. I can feel that Wanda and Yelena are following behind, but the others have left to give us space. Thankfully, they don't follow us into the bay, choosing to observe from outside. "This is Bruce and Dr Cho. They are here to help you. They won't do anything to hurt you. I promise." I reassure her, directing her to the bed in the middle of the room. But her breathing is becoming ragged, and her eyes are frantic, full of fear.
"Hey, look at me. You're ok. You're safe. They won't hurt you." I reiterate, cupping her cheeks so her gaze is focused on me. "I'll be here every step of the way. Ok." I smile and she nods slowly. "Hi, Dr Cho is going to examine you if that's ok. We can get an understanding of your physical condition and how we can help you." Bruce explains, his soft voice seeming to calm the girl slightly.
Bruce leaves the room, pulling the curtain to give us privacy as Dr Cho begins her examination. I have to fight off a gasp when the girl's shirt is removed, and I see that her torso is covered in scars and new wounds. "Did they do this to you?" I ask her, an anger bubbling inside of me. Her gaze drops to her hands as she nods. I look at Cho who's got a look of sorrow on her face.
She carries out the rest of her examination and we both help her into a clean pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I take the girls hand and give it a squeeze. "You're doing great. You're being very brave." I comfort her and I swear I see her lips turn up ever so slightly. I look through the window and see Cho and Bruce talking before they both re-enter. "Ok. We just need to do some blood tests and then we'll clean up your wounds." Bruce explains, turning to get a needle.
But as soon as the girl gets a glimpse of it in his hands, she starts to panic. "N-no. No. You said you wouldn't hurt me." She cries, looking between me and the needle in Bruce's hand. "He's not going to hurt you. He just needs to take some bloody to make sure you're not sick." I try to explain in an attempt to calm her down, but she continues to shake her head. "No. No more needles." She states at whisper. I look to Bruce who is unsure how to proceed. But we're interrupted by Tony entering.
"Wait." He says and we all turn towards him. Bruce places the needle back down on the tray and I feel the girls body relax. "I found your file." Her says looking directly to the trembling girl with a warm smile. "Your name is Y/n. Do you remember that?" He asks softly. She thinks for a moment but shakes her head. "That's ok. At least we know what to call you now. Are you ok if I share what I have here?" He asks her and she slowly nods.
"Y/n here is 22. She was taken by Hydra when she was 12." He explains to us, and I let out a small gasp. She's been in that hell hole for 10 years?! "She was a subject in their medical testing. Though it doesn't go into too much detail as to why. It just states that they were successful in removing all memory of her past." I feel such a sadness for Y/n. For her only memories to be of that base, being tested on daily. "They tested serums." Y/n's voice breaks the temporary silence, making us all look to her.
"Go on." Tony encourages. I've never seen him like this. He's so paternal towards her. It's warming to see. "There was a group of us. They tested the serums they wanted to use on their super soldiers. The serums I was given were meant to induce self-healing." She continues to explain, her gaze firmly fixed on her feet. There's a shocked silence to hear that. She was there purely as a test subject, presumably only there until they had succeeded, or she died.
"That's how you got these injuries? They were testing to see if it worked?" I ask when it finally dawns on me why she has so many injuries. We all watch as her head slowly moves in a nod. "After each test they would burn, cut and bruise me to see if it would generate any healing." She explains. I feel like I could cry. She was tortured for ten years. It's a miracle that she is even here with us today. Her body must have taken a hell of beating.
There is complete silence in the room as we take in what she just told us. We've seen horrible things in our time, but never seen one person go through so much for so long. Tony clears his throat and takes a careful step forward. "Y/n. I can promise you that we will never hurt you. We just want to help you, but we need to make sure you are healthy. If they injected you with a serum, the only way for us to ensure you're ok is to take some blood. I know you have had enough of needles, but once this is done, we'll take you to your new room." She speaks calmly and clearly which works.
"Ok." She agrees quietly. "I can stay with you if you like?" I offer. I want to be here for her. I want to help her heal, to protect her and never let her go through anything like this again in her life. "Please." Another whispered reply. I take her hand once again and give it a squeeze. "Keep your focus on me. Ignore what Bruce is doing. When we're done here, I can show you your new room and you can have a shower if you'd like?" I offer, trying to distract her. It only partial works as her eyes scrunch up as Bruce puts the needling into her arm. "You're doing great. Y/n." I tell her, squeezing her hand to offer her some comfort.
Once Bruce is all done, he cleans up Y/n's wounds and clears her to go to her room. She'll have to come back daily to get her dressings changed and her injuries checked and cleaned, but otherwise she was free. Something that obviously was alien to Y/n. "Come. Let me show you to your room." I tell her, standing up and waiting for her to follow. She does so slowly, her body clearly starting to shut down without her consent.
Thankfully, it's not far to her room. "Here it is." I say, opening the door for her. "My room is next door and Wanda's is across the hall." I point to the doors so she can see. I then step inside the room but she doesn't follow. "You can enter Y/n. You are free to come and go as you please. This is your home, not a prison." I explain to her, realising that she probably has no memory of her own room. Assuming she ever had one in her childhood. "There are some clothes in the wardrobe and draws, but we can go shopping to get you something you like in the coming days." I explain, opening the doors and draws to show her.
"This is your own bathroom. There is shower gel, hair wash, a toothbrush and toothpaste." I point out and then show her how to work the shower. I'll leave you to get cleaned up. But I can come back to get you for some dinner later this evening if you'd like. Though you are free to leave the room before hand if you want to." I say, trying to make it clear that she doesn't have to wait for command here. "Thank you, Natasha." She gives me the faintest of smiles and I find myself getting a little lost. She really is beautiful. "Please, call me Nat. All my friends do." I tell her and her smile grows slightly.
After leaving Y/n, Wanda and Yelena are quick to question me on the new addition to the compound. I struggle a little to hold back the emotion when telling them how I found her and what she's gone through. What has she done to me? I normally have complete control of my emotions, but when it comes to her, my feelings are so much stronger.
They both promise to support Y/n as much as they can without overwhelming her. Wanda is probably best placed to help her. She's been through something similar, although not to the same extent. I hope that in a few days when Y/n has settled more, that she might be comfortable to talk to her.
I speak with Tony, and we agree that it is probably best that we don't throw her in the deep end with a team dinner. Instead, we keep it to just four of us. Tony and I, who's she's familiar with, and Yelena and Wanda, who we want her to feel comfortable with. As she is so malnourished, Bruce has given us some indication on the foods and portions she should have over the coming weeks until she's able to regain her body weight. Wanda takes this as her mission to cook her the tastiest of meals with the limited ingredients.
Y/n is very quiet during dinner. Only talking if directly asked a question and only moving or doing anything if she is given approval. It's going to take time for her to realise that she doesn't need to have permission to do anything here. That she isn't confined to her room until someone tells her she can leave, or that she can't eat until she is given permission. But I know that I want to be there for her through every step of the way. Supporting her as best I can.
Y/n has been here for a little of three weeks now. She's starting to look a bit healthier. Her wounds are healing nicely, she's putting weight on and she's getting colour back to her face. She loves spending time outside, basking in the sunshine. I guess if you've not seen it for 10 years, you don't want to miss out. She's slowly becoming more comfortable with the team. Everyone is great with her, not pushing her and understanding her boundaries.
She's probably closest with Tony, Wanda, and myself at the moment. But she's getting better with Yelena and Bucky. She still won't do much of her own accord. We make sure that she's not cooped up in her room or missing meals because she's waiting for someone to say it's ok for her to do so.
One night, I'm not able to sleep. My mind is lost in thought of Y/n. She fills most of my thoughts each day. We're getting glimpses of her true personality and I love it. She has a quick wit, though I can tell she is hesitant to use it. Scared of any repercussion. But it's becoming more apparent as the days go by. She's also extremely kind. She's so thoughtful of others. She's making such an effort to learn about everyone on the team.
Wanda and Yelena tease me. It's very clear that I like her. I tried to hide it after the first week, but it's no use. Wanda can literally read my mind and Yelena knows me better than anyone. Besides, I don't want to hide those feelings. Not from them anyway. I think it's far too early to even broach that topic with Y/n. At the moment, I want to be the best friend to her that I can be. We have time.
Whilst my mind is replaying Y/n's laugh on loop, I hear a muffled cry. I focus on the sound and notice it's coming from Y/n's room. I jump up and make my way next door. I knock on her door but get no response. "Y/n, it's Nat. Are you ok?" I question. Again, I don't get a response, but I can hear muttering and crying. Worry taking over, I open the door to be greeted by an empty room. The bed perfectly made.
I rush through the room to check the bathroom, but as I pass the bed, I hear her voice. My head turns and I see Y/n lying on the floor with a thin blanket draped over her. She's having a nightmare. I kneel down next to her and carefully place my hands on her shoulders. "Y/n. It's Nat. You're ok. You're just having a nightmare. Come back to me." I say as calmly as possible. Which is hard when I'm seeing her in such a panicked state. Not a split second later, her body shoots up and she starts to gasp for air, her eyes flicking around the room, trying to find something to ground her.
"Hey, Y/n. Look at me. Focus on me." I tell her, cupping her face so her eyes land on me. "You're safe." I remind her. "Try and take a deep breath with me." I instruct her, doing exaggerated breathing myself to guide her. It takes a while, but eventually she's able to copy and her breathing become less ragged. I slowly run my thumb over her cheek to help calm her as her eyes flick over her room once again. "The bed too soft?" I question and she nods, looking at her hands in shame.
I place my finger under her chin and raise it. "Don't be ashamed. I was the same after I got out of the red room. Took me a few months to get used to sleeping in a bed. I always felt like it was suffocating me." I share. She's listening to me intently as I speak. "I feel the same. I'm used to the hard floor." She mumbles. "How about this. Why don't we lie together in the bed. You don't have to sleep. We can just talk." I suggest. This helped me when Clint would sit and talk with me.
She nods and I help her to her feet. I then move to the bed and pull the duvet off. I grab the blanket and lie on the bed and tap the space next to me. I know the quilt will be too much to start of with, but she needs to keep warm. She takes the spot next to me and I hesitantly place my arm around her shoulders. I smile to myself when I feel her relax into my hold. I lay the blanket over us both and we spend the rest of the night just talking. It was probably the most I've heard her talk. She would ask questions about how I adapted after the red room, and I would offer tips on what might also help her.
After that night, our relationship only grew. She still slept on the floor at night, but I would always go to bed with her, and we'd lie in the bed until she was feeling like she was drifting off. I would leave and she would get comfortable on the floor. As time went by, she started to sleep a little. I was so proud of the progress she was making. "It's ok Nat. You can go to your own room tonight. I need to start doing things myself and it's not fair to keep you from your own room." She tells me which makes me frown. "But I like this time with you Y/n." I admit easily.
She smiles widely at that. "I do too Natasha, but you're not always going to be here. I need to get used to doing this on my own." She makes sense but I still pout at her. "Doesn't mean we can't still cuddle." She says shyly. "One more night?" I request and she sighs. "Ok." She chuckles, opening her door for me.
I'm loving the person that Y/n is becoming. Or returning to be, I guess. She's finding herself and it's a journey I'm proud to be a part of. Her and Wanda have grown close. They have a sisterly relationship. Wanda has helped her come to terms with what happened to her whilst she washeld captive by Hydra. They have a shared experience and I'm glad she's got someone that she can share that with.
She's grown more confident, and I was so proud of her when she started doing things of her own accord. We were sat watching TV and I noticed Y/n's gaze kept going towards the kitchen. I paused the movie and look to Y/n. "Everything ok?" I question and she quickly nods, returning her gaze to the TV. "You can tell me." I assure her and she huffs. "I uh. I want a snack." She admits as if she's just admitted to a felony.
"The kitchen is there, and Tony did the shopping this morning so there is plenty on offer." I encourage her, trying to motivate her, not giving her the go ahead to do it. This was the first time she shared a want, and I was keen for her to take it without needing permission.
I watch as she hesitates, Wanda and Yelena's gaze also on her. Slowly, she pushes up off the sofa and makes her way into the kitchen. She's in there for about 10 minutes before she comes out with a small KitKat bar in her hand. I was so proud as I watch her eat the chocolate bar. When she was done, I wrapped my arm around her and held her close. "You never have to ask to get food." I remind her and she slowly nods before resting her head on my shoulder.
It's been three months since Y/n joined us and it has genuinely been the best three months. She's a completely different person to the one that arrived with us. She's still shy, but she understands her freedom and she is finding her footing. She spends a lot of time with Tony in his lab. Turns out she's got a technical brain and loves working on his gadgets. The whole team have fallen in love with her. She's like our own personal ray of sunshine. Which, considering how she was when she arrived, is a miracle.
I think it is safe to say that I am in love with her. I want to spend all my time with her. She's the last thing I think of before I go to sleep and the first thing in the morning. I'm infected by Y/n, and I love it. I just don't know how to approach her about it. I don't want to scare her away. But I'm like 90% sure she likes me too. We've had a couple of moments where we've almost kissed, but it's never resulted in anything, and I never want to pressurise her to do anything.
Our little bubble is burst though when I'm sent on a week long mission. I've been away for day missions, but nothing longer. I've always been home by the evening, having a snuggle with Y/n before bed. I'm going to miss being with her and I can tell that there is an anxiety for her too. But maybe this will be good. It'll give me time to think clearly about how I'm going to approach this whole situation.
Y/n's POV:
The first couple of days of Nat not being here were hell. I realised that she was my security blanket. I knew I was safe if she was around. Don't get me wrong, I know none of the others would hurt me, but with Nat, I feel completely safe and protected.
It's been a bit of a whirlwind three months. I never knew that life could be like this. All I knew was the darkness of the place I was held. The pain and fear that I lived in constantly. I don't know why I kept fighting to stay alive. The easier option was to let go. But I didn't. Now I think it's because deep down, I knew I hadn't met Nat yet and she was meant to change my life.
She has been so patient with me, helping me acclimatise to being 'normal'. She's always there to support me, allowing me to find my way in my own time. In the odd moments that I'm not with her, I crave to be with her. It's a feeling I'm not familiar with. I don't have it with anyone else here. Yet I like all of them. They have become a family, something I didn't know about. Or at least didn't remember. But with Nat it's different. It's like everything I do is for her.
Seeing her smile and laugh is my favourite thing. To most people she has this tough exterior, but I've never seen that directed at me. I've never felt anything but kindness from her. She's a big softy towards me. Though I've learnt not to say that to her. Sam made a joke about it and he was swiftly on his ass. Much to everyone else's amusement.
After Nat had been away for a couple of days, I decided that I couldn't mope around without her. She wouldn't want that. Instead, I spent time with Wanda and Yelena. They both had become like sisters to me. Both protective, but also quick to make fun of me in a light-hearted way. I love the relationship that I have with them, and it's them that keep me sane for the rest of the week.
It's Friday and we've been notified that Nat and Steve are returning from their mission. I jump off the sofa and run towards the Quinjet landing pad. But as I get closer, I see Bruce and Cho waiting. "What's wrong?" I ask Tony who's just joined us. "Nat's hurt." Is all he says. I feel like someone has just kicked me in my stomach, making all the air leave my lungs.
I just stand there as I watch the jet land and Nat be rushed off the jet on a gurney. As she passes me, I rush to keep up, not wanting to be far from her. She looks in a bad way. There is so much blood. Too much blood. I watch as Bruce and Cho rush around trying to fix her. I can see from the machines that her heart rate is becoming thready.
I step forward and hold her hand, feeling her cold skin which sends a wave of panic through me. "Please don't leave me." I beg her as tears start to fall. "Y/n, we need you to stand back." Bruce asks quietly, but I don't want to let her go. I can't lose her. He asks again and I know I need to let him do his job. My mind is focusing on her being with me, alive and healthy. She has to survive. I go to drop her hand but there is a soft glow which makes Bruce and Cho stop in their tracks. "Y/n what's going on?" Tony asks me with a panicked voice. "I-I don't know." I respond, fear washing over me.
"Oh my God look." Tony points out towards Nat. I turn to see what he's pointing too, but I start to feel lightheaded. My sight starts to blur and all the sound around me becomes muffled and the next thing I know, I'm surrounded by darkness.
"Please wake up." I hear a distant, pleading voice. But I still only see darkness. "You told me not to leave. I'm asking you the same thing." The voice begs. Is that Nat? Is she ok? Confusion washes over me as I try to figure out what's going on. Sounds become more prominent, and I can hear the slow beeping of a machine. "Y/n?" The comforting voice calls. "Her heart rate is changing." I hear a male voice now speak. "Is that a good thing?" Nat questions. Why can't I see anything? "Yes, very good. It's getting stronger." The other voice confirms.
I start to feel a pain in my head, and I squint my eyes to stop the pain. "She moved." Nat points out. Slowly, my eyes start to open, but the bright light only aggravates the pain in my head. "The lights. Dim them." A third voice says. As the glare of the light reduces, I open my eyes further and they land on Nat. I quickly sit up, shocked that she's beside me, conscious. "Whoa! Stay down Y/n." She tells me, gently pushing on my shoulders. "You're alive." I whisper and she nods. "I am. But you need to take it easy." She tells me in a warning voice.
I look around me and see that there are wires attached to a drip and a heart monitor. I then meet the concerned gazes of Tony, Wanda, and Yelena. "What happened? Last I remember you were the one in the medbay." I say, trying to sit up. "You healed me." Nat says with a look of disbelief on her own face. "Excuse me? I what?" I question, not sure that I heard her properly. "You healed me. But it drained you and you passed out. You've been unconscious for two days, your heart barely beating." She explains.
"How are you feeling?" Bruce asks, stepping forward. "My head hurts, but other than that ok." I admit and he nods. "It seems like one of the serums they injected you with enabled you to heal others. They were so focused on self-healing, that they didn't even think to check for that." Tony says. "I healed you?" I turn back to Nat asking for clarification. "Yeah. Not even a scar left on me." She says holding up her shirt to show where two bullet wounds once were. I reach out and run my fingers over her abs in disbelief.
"I thought I lost you." I agonised, remembering the fear I felt that she was slipping away. "I can't live without you." I admit through tears. "And you don't have to. I'm here. Safe and sound because of you Y/n. You saved me." Nat says taking my hand. I hadn't noticed that everyone else had left and it was just the two of us now. "I owed you after you saved my life." I tell her through a watery chuckle. "I would save you ten times over Y/n. You have changed my life. When I woke up and I saw you on the bed next to me barely clinging to life yourself, my heart broke." She expresses, her own eyes glossing over.
"Y/n, you mean so much to me. You have changed my life since you came into it. I can't hide my feelings from you anymore. I love you. I'm in love with you. I know you might not feel the same, but I have to tell you. I can't bare the thought of something happening to one of us and you not knowing the depth of my feelings." I'm in shock as I listen to her speak.
Is this what I've been feeling for her too? Love? I can see pain start to grow in her eyes as I don't respond, the shock almost incapacitating. Tears fall down her cheeks as she goes to leave, but thankfully, my body reacts, grabbing her hand and pull her back. Before she can even say anything, I cup her face and bring her towards me so I can connect our lips.
The sensation is electric as if the world had disappeared and it was just the two of us in this moment. Our lips move in perfect harmony. Nat's hands rest on my hips, giving them a gentle squeeze. My whole body feels a warmth rush over it, butterflies erupting in my stomach as our lips dance together, sharing every feeling we need to share in this moment. As our movements stop, I rest my forehead against hers. "I think I love you too. I've had this feeling I've not been able to understand for a while. But that kiss just explained everything." I say with a laugh as Nat's smile grows.
She leans in and kisses me once again, this one more hungry as my back hits the hospital bed. She deepens the kiss, our tongues exploring each other's mouths, as the passion and desire between us intensified.  I let a small moan out into the kiss as she presses her body against mine. That noise causes her to pull back slightly, and I let out a little whine. "Patience my love. This is all new for you and I want to do this properly." She tells me, which causes me to raise an eyebrow at her in confusion. "I want to go on a date with you." She smirks.
Thank God, she made me watch endless rom coms these last few months or I'd have no clue how this whole thing was meant to go. But over time we grew together, not rushing our relationship. It was perfect to me. When I looked in her eyes, all I saw was pure love and I hope she saw the same in return.
She made me unbelievably happy. There was a time that I never thought I wouldn't get a happy ending. A time when I questioned my purpose. But now, led here in Nat's arms, feeling safe, protected, and loved. I finally understood why I had to keep fighting. I needed to get to her and live our lives together in happiness. 
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eunoiaastralwings · 5 months
Fragments of Blue
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featuring Bucky x reader
fandom mcu- pre catcw
a/n based on my idea here - here part one (can be read alone too - I think LMAO).
warnings running away ? - idk if there was anything else tell me otherwise
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You were simply lying on the on the couch bored when he came in again – with presuming a packet of bread in his hands.
You momentarily looked over the man that was once the deadly assassin – the one who had been assigned to bring you back to your father and his Hydra, every time you tried to escape or occasionally protect you.
He was always so anxious and nervous now – now you saw the real man being the Winter Soldier, trapped underneath Hydra’s torture who was finally free.
But the world didn’t see it like that however – the world still saw him as a murder and a true weapon of evil and you could almost see he saw himself like that too now.
Like he was signing the picture the outside world painted him as.
You always wondered why he came back for you – you were Alexander Pierce’s daughter after all. You were once even called as Hydra’s daughter by your father’s men.
But unlike your father you didn't want to be part of Hydra – but you were forced to know Hydra, including the Winter Soldier.
Little did you know, the blue-eyed man before you remembered as the Winter Soldier, he told to watch over you and made sure you didn't escape from Hydra like you tried countless times.
It was like you were something constant – something different than the usual assassinations he was tasked with.
You father was dead – yet you weren’t sure how to feel about that, he was your only family after all – though he did put Hydra above you.
Once the man was freed from the mind control and for whatever reason he had broken into your father’s house helped her escape and went on the run together.
You had known the moment he stepped in – he wasn’t Blue anymore.
He was the man behind those blue eyes again – still he seemed to be refusing to tell you his real name.
“So. . . you going to tell me your real name or do I keep calling you, Blue?” She asked – as he places the packet of bread on the small table in tiny rundown apartment you were sharing.
You had hated always calling him Soldat or the Winter Soldier, like your father and Hydra did - so you always stuck with calling him Blue, because of his blue eyes. He didn’t remember his own name - and no one would tell him or you either. . .and you wanted to make him feel just a little human. . .
He looked up giving you a once over – as if still debating inside him whether to trust you or not.
To be honest the only reason you were was because of him anyways.
You were almost certain he was going to brush you off again.
But then you heard a small mutter.
“Bucky. . .”
You disguised yourself the best you could, wearing one of Bucky’s baseball caps – as you looked around the market stalls, trying to follow him.
You were always annoying him – that’s for sure. He had specifically instructed you to stay at the apartment but you clearly hadn't.
“Y/N you shouldn't be here. You’re not supposed to be out without my permission.”
He sounds annoyed.
“I deserve to at least see the sun, Bucky!”
You scowled at his behavior.
“I get it. . . But we can't let anyone find the either of us!”
He sighs.
“The only reason you’re not in the base is because it's me babysitting you.”
He mutters.
“You’re not babysi-“
You tripped over something because of your vintage heeled boots as you tried to follow – needing to hold onto Bucky in case you fell face flat on the ground.
You sighed – knowing he was gonna be mad.
“I told you not to wear those heels!”
He glared – now mad with you.
“Oh, I’m sorry – I didn’t exactly get to stop by at home to grab shoes before going on the run!”
You answered sarcastically.
“Don’t talk back to me. I’m only looking out for you. You really need to take more precautions!”
He warned.
You knew he was mad.
“I cannot go bare feet!”
You still stubbornly scowled –  knowing what he was picking at how you failed to escape multiple times during their time in Hydra and how he as the Winter Soldier always dragged her back kicking and screaming.
“Well, at the light’s still there, princess!
He grumbles and grabs you by the wrist. He pulls her along with a grumpy looking glare.
“We don’t have time for this. I have to keep you safe!”
He mutters, that was something he always said – but Bucky himself didn’t know why he was keeping you safe.
He didn’t know he came running to you – when he was freed from the mind control.
But here you were now.
You simply rolled your eyes and followed him to a farmers’ market.
He glances over at you.
“Why can’t you just listen to me for a change!”
Bucky sounded exhausted and anxious – he walks fast with you still holding your hand and you were trying to keep up with his pace.
Once again – stubborn as ever you didn't answer. The farmers’ market was large, with lots of stands and stalls, some selling fruit, spices/herbs, meat, or vegetables, others selling handmade crafts.
You easily got distracted with handmade crafts and toys.
Bucky looked – noticing how you got easily distracted, he just sighs an tries to not get annoyed.
He notices as your eyes were filled wonder, even glancing at your hair too.
You seem to have a soft, sweet face with the eyes of an angel.
“Why cant you just stay focused for once Y/N. . .”
He said – being a hypocrite as he found himself, getting distracted by you.
Before his eyes dart around nervously as they search for any threats. He seems on edge – always looking around as he looks for Hydra members or even agents.
He then went over to the fruit vendors – still keeping a close eye on you while spoke in Romanian trying buy a few plums for you and him.
You then picked up a little wooden carved wolf smiling at it as Bucky looks at the fruits.
Bucky glares at you – you smile and your beauty makes him stop and stare for a few moments.
“Y/N, put that down. We don't have time for that.”
He said – now coming back over to you.
“I told you we're on the run and we can’t risk letting the enemy find either of us.”
He whispers – now close enough only you could hear him.
You sighed, a small pout on your lips as you put back the carved wolf.
Then spots a grumpy unhappy looking plushie bear.
“Oh look! It's you!”
You said – picking up the blue grumpy looking plushie bear.
“Put that down you brat! We don’t have time for this!”
He looks at you – there was a look of annoyance and frustration.
Bucky was also nervous as he looks for any signs of a threat – and he glances at the plushie.
He thinks of it as a waste of time.
“I’m buying it!”
You said to Bucky.
“No, you aren't. Put it down. It’s a waste of good money!”
He tries to reach for the plushie to take it from you.
“It’s not wasting if I love it!”
You said – cradling it protectively close.
“It is also wasting since we’re on the run and it’s not the time for toys!”
He seems annoyed as he tries and snatch the plushie bear away from her.
 “Ooo, ok blue bear, I’m gonna call you Bucky!"
You hugged the plushie bear.
“Stop it you brat! You are so annoying!”
Bucky said annoyed – but he thinks you looked adorable.
Though it made him roll his eyes – when she insisted call a plushie by his name.
You just held it protectively close.
“Give it to me!”
Bucky tried to forcefully take it from you.
You held it protectively – “no!”
You scowled.
Bucky tried to take the plushie away, he grabs the plushie’s arm as he tries to force it away from you as you tried to protect it.
 “Give it here kid!”
“I’m 25, not a kid!”
You argued – though it seemed hilarious right now.
“You are acting like one.”
He glares at you – still holding onto the plushie’s arm as he refuses to give it to you.
You said again.
It was then Bucky spots a few familiar looking agents up ahead behind her.
Bucky seems to pause – then glances again over at the agents, who are still unaware of their presence.
He looks back at you.
“We need to get out of here!”
He tries to move you in a direction, but you were still holding onto the stupid plushie.
You frowned looking behind yourself – your eyes widened and she froze seeing the familiar Hydra general blending in with the crowd in casual clothes as he and his men were seemingly looking for them.
Bucky grabs the plushie, tossing it aside – then grabs your hand and pulls you in a different direction.
He is now trying to act fast as he leads you away from the general and agents. He seems to be on edge as he eyes dart back and forth quickly trying to find a safe place.
You looked around then at Bucky – if the acted casual too blending in with the crowd, they wouldn’t be spotted.
"Blue, put your arm around me and pretend to laugh at something I said!"
You say seeing more agents – the former nickname you had for him slipping out in the mist of the situation.
Bucky has an annoyed look on his face – but he still decides to follow your plan for the moment – seeing how it made sense.
So he puts his arm around you and pretend to laugh at something you said.
“Heh. . .Heh, Heh heheh. . . Very funny. . .”
He said – and you almost had to stop from laughing out loudly yourself at how horrible that sounded.
So you simply rolled her eyes amused – seemingly their role-playing worked as the agents paid them no attention and walked past without noticing either of them.
“You need to work for on your acting skills though!”
You said – once they passed.
“I’m not an actor. I'm a super soldier, princess. . .”
He mutters – annoyed by your comment as he seems to be on edge – always looking around nervously.
“We’re still not safe. . .”
You rolled your eyes again at his former words – “anyways let’s go!”
Bucky was still seemingly on edge as he follows you.
He keeps looking behind him to see if they are still being followed.
His blue eyes were darting around nervously.
You had almost tripped onto the escalators – again because of your heeled boots.
Bucky scowling seeing almost trip again – but he still tries not to yell at you as he glares and sighs, shaking his head.
“You really need to get some new shoes, doll. . .”
He keeps his eyes darting around as he follows you.
You were going to answer – but her eyes widened as you saw a few agents taking the opposite side of the escalator – but you were crowded in you and couldn't move.
Bucky stops and freezes as he spots them too.
“Crap. . . We have to go.”
He tries pull you away in a different direction – his eyes dart around nervously as he looks for any escape routes.
The escalators were too close – you’d be spotted.
You looked around then suddenly said to Bucky – “kiss me!”
Bucky pauses and his eyes dart to you as he looks at you in disbelief.
He blinks in surprise.
He says confused – nervous, an unsure of what to do.
He says, seeming a bit skeptical of your plan.
“Physical displays of affection make people uncomfortable!”
You said blurt out – knowing the agents will look away seeing a couple kiss.
Bucky still seems unsure of it but he looks at you with the most serious expression.
He sighs and thinks about it for a second as he makes a hard decision.
“. . . Okay. . .”
He says as he slowly leans towards you to kiss you – he still has a annoyed look on his face but tries to relax.
He kisses you softly and he sighs.
He still feels annoyed about your plan – but he seems a bit relieved that they didn't get caught by the agents as he looks at you.
He’s still not sure if he likes you or not– j but he still seems to really enjoy the kiss.
You both then slowly pull away the moment the agents were out of sight.
But stops kissing you – the look of annoyance reappearing.
“You’re crazy.”
He sighs and rubs his face – “. . .I can’t believe I kissed you. . .”
“Oh please, it’s not I like just kissed Richard Madden or something!”
You grumbled sarcastically – as you reached the floor.
He looked at you with the same serious expression – but it quickly changes into a pissed off expression.
“. . .What? Richard, who?”
Bucky sounds agitated as he looks at you.
He’s not only annoyed by what you said – but the kiss. He tries to put the kiss out of his mind.
“Richard Madden. . .? The British actor. . .?” You said “You know the guy who played in Bodyguard or even prince charming in the live action Cinderella!”
“I don't care about no British actor we just kissed!”
He scoffs as he glances away angrily.
“. . .And?”
You ask – raising an eyebrow.
Bucky was shocked by your response as he looks at you in disbelief.
“You’re. . . You’re not embarrassed?”
He asks.
“Well. . . yes. . . but hey, it got us out of there!”
You said.
“. . .Right.”
He grumbles looks away as is pissed. He rubs his face in annoyance again and he just tries to forget about it.
You ask – seeing the annoyed grumpy expression on his face.
“Nothing. . . Nothing at all. Just shut up and stop talking about Ricker Maddened.”
He grumbles – getting you both back out into streets again.
“Richard Madden.”
You corrected him.
“And – I don’t care.”
He grumbles under his breath.
You just rolled your eyes as he quickly pulled you back into the apartment – that kiss continuously replaying his mind. . .
He’d be lying if he said – the warmth of your lips against his didn’t feel good or made his heart race. . .
Perhaps, there was a reason why he came for you. . .
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tagging everyone who was interested in the first part ( One more part then the story will be finished ):
@kiekiekiki @ijustneedpopcorn @geminigengar @batsyforyou </3
And yes - I used references from catws xD
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
Oooooo yes. Oki it's a bucky/reader
Reader was an asset at the same time as bucky and her orders were to keep him safe at all costs, so even if it ends with her taking a bullet. So they've had an intense relationship and hydra being hydra uses it against both of them.
Fast forward to the snap, she doesn't get dusted and manages to escape hydra. She meets nat who helps with her trigger words. They don't fix her since shuri is gone but ends up tweaking it so she's really only listening to her handler- nat or bucky as that's a default lol.
Come to the blip and her and bucky reunite and he has some lingering winter solider tendencies when it comes to her and being protective af. So Sam being sam notices it and gives bucky shit. He snaps and essentially says that she reminds him of hydra and can't stand her.
So typical angst troupe. She avoids him until they get put on a mission and she gets triggered. So bucky ends up taking care of her. Can be smutty lol. Like any part of this can be used. Doesn't have to be the whole thing lol
a/n: Hope you don't mind I simplified it cus I think I'd need more than one part to write all of this properly!!!
Hope you enjoy reading this I put all of the angst into it 😅😅
Sorry this is so long 😅😅😅
To forgive
pairing: bucky x exhydrasoldier!reader
summary: tension between you and Bucky is unbearable and when a misson goes wrong apologies are in order
warnings: f word couple of times / angst a lot of it
Sam actually doesn't know how he managed to get stuck with not one but two super soldiers who have a staring problem but this is his reality right now.
Recently you and Bucky have been staying with Sam since you two could not live with each other alone anymore.
Bucky became your roommate after everyone came back after the snap.
At that point you were 5 years free of Hydra and mostly recovered, you had been found by Natasha and she had helped you a lot and so has Steve. Steve already had experience watching his friend struggle with what had Hydra done and his heart ached seeing his friend in you. The same lost and broken expression made him sad.
They did everything they could, Natasha and Steve even bought you to Wakanda but without Shuri the progress was slow but it was still progres.
Steve before leaving talked to both you and Bucky and suggested you two could help each other out since there was no one else who could understand more what you two had lived through.
It had been good in theory but in practice it was not.
Buckys' recovery was way past yours, and it frustrated you, you were angry especially because you still had this need to protect Bucky at all times.
Being Hydras punching bag was not fun, you didn't blame Bucky it wasn't easy for him either but he was so precious to them that they needed someone to protect the most important asset. It wasn't like you were the only one, you just survived the longest. There had been many before you, who had been removed or just killed in a mission to protect The Winter Soldier.
To Bucky, you were just a reminder of the torture he had survived. Some nights neither of you slept because the same nightmares haunted you, and yet you didn't talk to each other.
You both remember very little about each other from your time in Hydra, the pain is the only thing you both remember so clearly.
It had become impossible to stay together the night when Bucky had a nightmare and you had tried to help, it was awful. That night when Bucky woke up he had thought he was back at Hydra because he saw you. He yelled and screamed and even attacked you, telling you to let him go, and you didn't even defend yourself immediately going back to your training with Hydra.
"Protect the asset no matter what. your life is not important, the winter soldier must be saved. Do not hurt the asset or you will be punished."
That night had changed everything. The weak friendship that you've had with Bucky vanished and all you ever did was fight.
"The dishes aren't washed princess."
"Can the Winter Soldier throw out the trash sometimes?
"Does princess need to be reminded to not use all the hot water."
Oh but the missions are the worst for everyone.
Sam started to bring a spray with him whenever you and Bucky even try to speak to each other because sometimes it is so unbearable that it could ruin the mission.
Sometimes against your wish you jump in to protect Bucky, the Hydra training instincts rooted deep inside you.
"You don't have to protect me!"
"I don't have a choice here asshole! If it were up to me I wouldn't care less if something happened to you!"
But when Bucky had jumped from an airplane without a parachute your heart had dropped. And it was not because your instincts had kicked in, you had watched the man you've been protecting many decades jump from an airplane that was like 30000ft in the air!
You put a parachute on you and brought one with you and jumped after him.
"Dumbass you forgot something!" you had yelled over the wind catching up to Bucky.
He'd ignored the parachute you tried to give him and left you to just watch him descend.
You have no idea how he survived but you were pissed off and were ready to kill him yourself.
You had pushed him hard enough so he stumbled a bit but that's only because he didn't expect it. Bucky had also received a slap to the face which Sam might have enjoyed way too much. It had caused an actual fight between two of you and it took Sam 30 minutes to separate you. By the time you had to fight people you had come to fight in the first place you and Bucky already had battle wounds.
Tonight you're in Madripoor and the plan was that Bucky pretends to be The Winter Soldier, it made you nervous.
Sharon had give you a dress and some flat boots in case you needed to run, Bucky and Sam had received some very nice suits.
When you saw Bucky in a suit your heart flipped at the sight of him. You've never seen him in a suit before and you weren't sure how to feel about it. He looked handsome, it's not the first time you had that thought but usually there was annoyance clouding any other thoughts about Bucky.
When Bucky looked at you as you exited the room you were changing in his brain and heart malfunctioned. He'd never seen you in a dress before, you preferred clothes that covered your body completely - the scars on your body made you feel very insecure - Bucky was the same the more his body is cover the less attention he has on himself.
But God, have you taken his breath away. It isn't like he thinks you're ugly, you're gorgeous, and if you had known each other back when he was himself and before you had been brainwashed to protect him he would've loved to have taken you to a dance. Unfortunately your situation was too complicated and it had made it impossible for you two to have any kind of relationship not only romantic.
Bucky and you have a very awkward moment where you made eye contact and then quickly looked away. The tension in the room grew to a 100 real fast.
"So ugh about the plan." Sam coughs to fix the awkward vibe that has enveloped the room.
While Sam is explaining the plan you and Bucky glance at each other when the other isn't looking and Sam pretends not to notice.
The club is crowded and the atmosphere changes when people start to notice The Winter Soldier.
You're on edge the entire time.
Suddenly a fight begins but all you hear are the trigger words which do not affect Bucky but you're entirely a different story.
As Bucky was about to get punched you had jumped in front of him stopping the hit with your hands. You break the the guys hand and turn around to hit another big guy.
"Get out of here I will take care of this."
"No you won't."
And when you don't Bucky pulls you by your hand and you have no choice but to run with him.
When you finally arrive at a safe destination away from everyone who's trying to kill you Bucky turns to you.
You only stare back at him not even blinking.
"Bucky stop she's not okay can't you see?" Sam puts a hand on Buckys shoulder backing him away from you.
"She fucked up she wasn't supposed to engage."
"Bucky look at her."
That's when Bucky notices that you're not looking at him you're looking at the floor, your hands behind you as if waiting for punishment.
And suddenly it clicks, your trigger words. Some of them were the same as his.
"I'm so sorry. I- I didn't notice I'm so sorry."
You stay in your place not moving an inch.
Bucky tries to touch you and at first you flinch, he doesn't know what to do - he hugs you, surpsing himself.
He stands there his arms tightly around you.
When you finally come back you start sobbing and Buckys heart breaks. He was supposed to know better.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I should've known I should've said it was a bad idea I'm sorry."
You're shaking in his arms and his heart breaks a little more with every whine.
It takes you 45 minutes to stop crying and that's only because you've exhausted yourself with crying.
Bucky carries you to a dodgy motel that him and Sam found. Your limp body in his arms makes him feel incredibly guilty. He feels awful, he'd been awful to you for months and you're right he's been selfish. Bucky can only hope you can forgive him.
You wake up with a headache the light coming through the window indicates that it's for sure not early morning. The sun is gentle and you can tell that sun is about to be gone. To the right of you there's a night stand and to the left is Bucky sleeping on a chair, sitting up.
You notice that you're in Buckys shirt and your pyjama pants.
You turn at Buckys voice.
"I'm sorry about last night I was out of line. I've been out of line for a while. And I'm really sorry I've put you in danger-"
"No I need to say this, please."
you nodd.
"There's so much I regret but I regret putting you in danger and giving you shit the most. I've done nothing to make your life easier I've only made it worse. And you were right I was selfish. I was in my head too much and you're the only person who completely understands what I've been through. Last night shouldn't have happened but I was stupid. I hope you can forgive me and I'll do everything in power for the rest of my life to make it up to you."
"Bucky... I-... What happened to us is not fair and we both did stuff we regret, I also wasn't fair to you. I'm not okay. I haven't been a while and last night wasn't your fault. I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for calling you The Winter Soldier and for hurting you purposely. And you have nothing to make up for nothing that happend is your fault."
Bucky and you stand in silence for a while each trying to process words and the situation you're in right now.
"Fucking Hydra."
Bucky breaks the ice with that statement and you both laugh.
"Bucky, could I ask you for a favour?"
"I haven't been well for a while and last night only showed how much I need help. I'd like to go to Wakanda so they get me in cryo to fix my brain. Please be there for me when they put me under and when they wake me up."
"I promise."
True to his word Bucky is there when they're preparing you for cryo.
"It's going to be okay. These people are the best they know what they're doing. Besides they had their experiment animal way before you!"
"Oh shut up..... Thank you Bucky. I'll see you when I wake up?"
He smiles and gives you a tender hug full of emotions but mostly love.
"I promise."
The last thing you see are Buckys blue eyes looking at you softly he doesn't let himself cry.
The next time you see Bucky is when your new life begins.
This is gigantic udhdhdudud I'm not sure If I should've written so much but it was fun?
Likes reblogs and Comments are appreciated <3
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[giving them a panicked hug] "no, no, no, no!" OR "shit, no, that's not what i meant." (if one of them inspires you dear 🥰)
After a week spent hiking, it's their turn! Modern AU, not Such Stuff related 🥰🏔️
John has been acting weird for weeks, and for the life of him Gale can't understand why.
For starters, he personally suggested the location for their holiday, a task that usually Gale takes on; one day he came home to a depliant of a quaint camping site in the mountains, amidst the nature, with suggestions on several hiking trails. It's not the first holiday they've spent hiking, they both like to stay outside and breath fresh air when they're not in the office and they're both in good enough shape to take on even steeper trails if the view is worth it, and it seemed like this particular place meant a lot to John so Gale had agreed to his plan, secretly pleased that he was the one taking the initiative for once.
That was only the first weirdness, though.
Since then, John keeps acting like he's hiding something and he's such a terrible liar that Gale knows something is going on, he just knows it.
He packed his own suitcase without accepting any help from Gale, and he triple checked everything before leaving when he's usually one to shrug and say he'll deal with it even if he forgets to pack something crucial like a clean pair of pants or a toothbrush. If it were winter Gale would think John's hiding his birthday present; but it's fucking July, their anniversary is not coming for two more months, and Gale cannot think about another date worth celebrating.
The strangest thing though happened just this morning, when they were getting ready for the hike and John dressed all in blue – an extremely sober choice for him that usually wears clashing colors like a hot pink tank top with yellow shorts and neon green socks. “Are you feeling alright?” Gale ventured to ask him, genuinely worried.
“Yeah of course Buck, why?” Was John's answer, with a hint of hysterics in his voice, so Gale decided to not push him; whatever is going on with him, sooner or later Bucky will tell him.
The hike he's chosen for today is splendid: a narrow dirt track amongst tall trees whose shadow provide a welcome respite from the summer heat, the air filled with the fragrant smell of resin and dirt. John told him there's a lake waiting for them at the end of the trail, with several bits of sandy shore all around where they can lie their picnic blanket and rest after the long walk.
“It's pear shaped, you know Buck? The lake I mean,” John tells him, his rambling never stopping even when he'd need to save his breath. “It's great, you're gonna love it. The water's a bit cold but no worse than Lake Michigan.”
“You came here with your family, right?”
“Yup, for three summers when I was a kid. I've always wanted to come back and I thought, what better chance to do it than, ah, with you, my love,” John answers, clearly almost giving up his secret. Gale feels his gaze on him, nervous, and he smiles back at him, grabbing his hand. He's not usually the type for PDA, but they're alone in a forest and John seems to be needing it, so Gale weaves their fingers together and they keep walking like that for a while, careful not to jostle each other on the uneven ground.
“I'm happy you decided to bring me here,” Gale says after a while. “Thank you for always sharing these things with me, John. It means a whole lot.”
John pulls him closer for a kiss, then stares seriously in his eyes. “I'll always share everything with you Buck, I promise,” he tells him. Gale hesitates, wondering if that's John way of suggesting him to ask about whatever he's hiding right now, but then John's focus shifts back to the trail and he decides to drop the subject.
After an hour or so they reach the last part of the trail, the hardest one: a steep staircase carved into the side of the mountain, more or less thirty steps to reach the other side before climbing down to the lake's shore.
“Once we're up there we'll be able to see the lake!” John exclaims, his childish enthusiasm making him all the more jittery, a smile on his face wider than any Gale has seen before.
Gale goes first, eager to catch a glimpse on the view. The sun beats down on him, unforgiving, and he feels beads of sweat forming along his hairline, his t-shirt progressively more and more stuck to his back. There are more step than John remembered, bordering on sixty, but once Gale reaches the top he immediately forgives him for his inaccuracy because the view is truly breathtaking: the lake is blue, the deepest blue Gale has ever seen in his life, and the light hits it just right so that parts of its surface look like they're made of shimmering diamonds. All around the shore there are more tall trees, their bright green in contrast with the sapphire hue of the water and the turquoise of the sky, dotted here and there with fluffy white clouds.
Gale leans back against the rock wall, breathless and mesmerized. He hears John reaching the peak after him but doesn't turn too him, too entranced by the view. “John. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,” he says, voice shaky with wonder.
“I know, right?” John says, and by the mirth in his voice Gale knows that he's looking at him and not at the view. He turns to him, ready to affectionately scold him, and he finds him down on one knee with a small box in hand.
His brain short-circuits.
How did he not think about it? Every single one of John's weirdnesses of the past few months suddenly makes sense: he chose a place that meant a lot to him, dressed all nice for Gale, and waited for the best possible moment to propose. He can't believe it. It was so obvious, so-
It's only when he notices that John has gone pale, his eyes wide with confusion and heartbreak, that he realizes he's spoken out loud. John got down on one knee to propose, and he shouted no at him.
“No?" John asks, little more than a whimper.
"Shit, no, that's not what I meant!” Gale says, frantically trying to make up for his mistake. “It was a no to me, not to you! Because I've been trying to understand what was going on with you for weeks and now that I know it was so obvious, I can't believe I couldn't see it!”
“...so?” John asks, still on one knee.
“Ask the question. I promise I'm not gonna say no.”
“You promise?”
Gale nods, and John takes a deep breath. “Buck, my love, will you marry me?”
“Yes!” Gale shouts, louder than the no he spoke before, and throws himself at John when the other rises back on his feet, kissing him with all the passion and joy he can muster.
“Buck, the ring!” John tells him between kisses, and Gale reluctantly lets him go; there are tears on John's face and in his eyes, but Gale hopes they're of happiness just like the ones he feels wet on his cheeks.
The ring is beautiful, a simple silver band with a B engraved on the inside. “It's perfect, John” Gale tells him, beaming.
John gives him a kiss on the tip of the nose. “Never do something like that again,” he half threatens, half pleads. “I was about to throw myself in the lake from here.”
“I promise. I'll make it up to you.”
“Your wedding vows better be fucking fire, Buck.”
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bensonoliviasstuff · 5 months
“Turning Page”
Chapter One! “ ‘I'll never leave’, never mind”
Masterlist for “Turning Page”
Bucky Barnes x fem! Reader
Summary: Once Bucky regained consciousness and was no longer the Winter Soldier, all he missed from the 40s was his wife. But maybe she's closer than he thought.
Warnings: English is NOT my first language, so I'm sorry if there are too many errors. Futhermore i don't think there are many warnings, a little bit of angst, memory loss, betrayal, trauma, Insecurities and other things that you will discover throughout the story. And the best part: Thanos doesn't exist here
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The infirmary doors were opened in an angry shove, making a loud noise as the metal of the door met the wall. A nervous Bucky walked past with hurried steps.
“Bucky, Wait!” Steve shouted trying to keep up with his friend's steps. “No one can enter the room yet, they are carrying out tests”
“I need to see, Steve!” He shouted in a broken voice as he continued his way through the corridors of the compound's medical wing. “I need to see with my own eyes...”
The sentence died down when he stopped walking, facing the glass window of the hospital room.
It was you.
Bucky had the image of you memorized perfectly in his head, he could describe everything that had changed since 1940 with just one look, your hair was a few inches longer, there were a few small scars on your face. But it was still you.
He felt like his heart had stopped beating for a few moments.
He ran a metal hand over his face, holding back the sob that threatened to escape his throat. “It’s her Steve” Bucky placed a hand on the glass, almost as if he could feel it.
“It's her, Bucky” Steve said cautiously “But... We don't know what happened to her this whole time, we'll only know how she is when she wakes up.”
That's when realization hit Bucky, his fist closed against the glass, about to punch the wall.
“I’m going to kill those bastards” Bucky said, unable to calm the anger he felt towards those men, what if you went through everything he went through? All the torture he had to endure for years and years? The thought of you suffering like he did made Bucky's heart sink towards his stomach.
“Natasha is interrogating the man who told us she was there” Steve said “She’s waiting for us.”
“I was waiting for you” your voice echoed through the room before Bucky took you by the waist and gave you a kiss full of love. “Sergeant Barnes now then?”
You pulled away to take a good look at your husband, he was wearing the brown suit of a WWII soldier.
“For you it’s always ‘my love’, doll” Bucky said taking you in his arms, this was something you loved about your relationship, even after so long together you still acted like teenagers who had just started a fiery passion.
But Bucky didn’t fail to notice when you lowered your head to hide your teary eyes.
“Hey, doll, what’s wrong?” He already knew the answer, he knew it and it left him almost inconsolable before going to sleep.
“I’m afraid Bucky, what if you don’t come back?” Her voice became lower and lower as the doubt became more terrifying in her mind.
“I will come back doll, I promise you, not in a million years i'm leaving you alone” He placed a hand on your neck, forcing you to look at him.
“You can’t promise that” You said unsurely. “You don’t know if you’re really going to come back. ”
“Then you can marry Steve” He tried to joke to lighten up, and you couldn’t help but let out a tearful laugh, punching him in the shoulder.
“This isn't funny, you know?” You said wiping away your tears. “I know, I know” he apologized pulling you into a tight hug. “I will never leave you doll, that's the only thing I'll keep in mind while I fight: I can't leave my princess behind.”
“How did you know Y/N Barnes was alive?” Natasha asked the man chained in front of her, Bucky and Steve were on the other side of the mirrored glass.
“She was never dead, Hydra has been with her since Steve Rogers was presumed dead” Steve looked down, he still blamed himself for that, for leaving you alone even after you losing your husband.
“What did Hydra wanted with her?” Natasha asked coldly, leaning over the table. “Why did they taked her?”
“Even after we erased the Winter Soldier's memory, he always ended up remembering her at some point, we wanted to create an advantage in this regard, if he decided he was no longer on our side, we would threaten to kill her”
Bucky kicked the nearest chair, cowering in rage. He was ready to go into that room and kill that man in the most violent way ever recorded. “And why didn’t they do that when he disappeared?”
“He was already gone, we couldn't find him, but she didn't lose her usefulness, during the time she was at the base, she made a lot of noise after finding out that James Barnes was alive, sometimes she could spend an entire day screaming for her husband, it was irritating, so we decided to erase her memory, it became much easier to experiment on her after that.” The man was dismissive, he had nothing left to lose, he was already sentenced to prison, now he just wanted to see Sergeant Barnes suffer.
“Still, she always remembered him eventually, we also used it to test the soldier's memory, every time after we erased his memory, we took him to her, only to see he didn't recognize her, she would cry for days.”
At this point, Bucky was curled up in the corner of the wall, holding his head as the tears fell. You called out to him, you spent days screaming for him, you were in the same place as him all the time and he was never even able to recognize you.
It was tearing him apart, it was breaking everything inside him. He was about to leave, unable to listen any longer, when Natasha's question reached his ears.
“Experiments? So she has the super soldier serum?” Bucky turned around, waiting for the answer “No, but we trained her, she was very good at carrying out the missions she was sent, Y/N Barnes killed a lot of people”
That was the final straw for Bucky, they made his precious sweet girl spill blood.
He walked into the room, ignoring Steve's comments about calming down. He grabbed the man by the collar of his clothes and pushed him violently against the wall, starting to throw punches with his metal arm, he could spend hours beating and it still wouldn't be enough, but Steve ripped him off before the man's face was deformed.
“Never put her name in your mouth again! Your bastard! I'll kill you!" Bucky screamed trying to free himself from Steve, Natasha got in front of Bucky and ordered Steve to get him out of there.
Steve left dragging a nervous Bucky. “Look, I have the same desire as you, I wanted to go in there and finish him off, but that’s not how you solve things Bucky!”
Bucky sat on the chair he had kicked minutes ago, putting his head in his hands, everything in him was shaking, a mixture of hatred, anguish and guilt. “They put her through hell, Steve!” He stood up abruptly, putting his hand over his mouth. “All this because I left her alone, I forgot about her! I promised I would always be there for her and I just forgot about her!”
Steve looked at his friend with a very strong tightness in his chest, this whole situation hurt him in a way he couldn't even explain, imagine how much it was hurting Bucky? How much did it hurt you, going through all of this alone?
He still remembered when he had to break the news to you.
“Steve!” You said happily after opening the door to the apartment you and Bucky shared. “Oh, I'm so happy to see you! I still haven't gotten used to the fact that you're taller than me now” You walked forward giving Steve a hug, noticing that his face wasn't looking good but you wanted to ignore all the crazy theories in your head. “Where is my husband? Why didn't he come with you? I already said you can't steal it from me” You joked, despairing when Steve didn't laugh.
“I'm so sorry Y/n... Bucky...” Steve started to speak but you interrupted before he could finish his line of reasoning. "No! Don’t say that Steve, it’s not true, it can’t be true, don't you dare to lie to me!” You said taking steps back, with your hand on your stomach, feeling like you were going to throw up.
“He promised... He told me he would come back!” You started to cry as Steve walked over pulling you into a hug.
Your legs no longer had the strength to keep you standing when you started crying and sobbing in Steve's arms. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry” Steve kept repeating, even though his heart was breaking more and more.
“He promised me Steve! He has to come back” You repeated between sobs, Steve didn’t know what to say when your pain seemed to be consuming you.
That day, he laid you in bed, made you some tea and sat next to you until you Say a sentence that ended that super soldier.
“The worst lie I’ve ever heard: ‘I’ll never leave.’” You sighed with heavy eyes “Never mind”
After saying that you fell asleep, Steve couldn't put into words how painful it was to see your red and swollen face sleeping.
“I promise to take care of you Y/n, I won’t leave you alone, for Bucky”
Even so many years later Steve's heart hurts knowing that if he hadn't left, maybe you wouldn't have been alone, and now he feels even more guilty knowing that if he had been around, Hydra wouldn't have taken you.
He felt like it was his fault, even if it wasn't.
Steve's thoughts were interrupted by the door opening.
“Sergeant, Captain” Tony appeared in the room, a curious and relieved look on his face “She woke up”
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buckyarchives · 2 years
Metal arms and short skirts | Bucky Barnes. {4.}
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summary: waltzing in as the new head of the Avenger's medical division, impressing everyone, and... scaring Bucky with your incredibly short skirts. while Bucky's having a hard time looking at his arm as anything other than a deadly weapon, and you're more than happy to help him.
word count: 7.4k
author note: the way this chapter originally was 11k words… i had to cut it down a little and also kinda end it mid chapter and pick up next update? so it may seem like it ends weird? idk. also unfortunately Vivienne Westwood’s death was recently so i thought of to use her dress in the chapter to honor her :) enjoy reading. not beta’d (please i needs a beta reader) important! opening my inbox for drabble request since this series is coming to an end soon
warning: bucky’s self loathing (like usual tbh.), people being mean to bucky (making remarks about his trauma, specifically brain damage), creepy and annoying men.
outfit reference here
read on AO3 | masterlist
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Bucky is convinced his life is just one sick joke, and whoever finds this funny— deserves death. his legs bounced wildly, eyes frantically checking the watch on his wrist. it was Steve’s, very expensive, not Bucky's type. the ticking was starting to annoy him, bucky wanted to smash it, then he wouldn't know how late you are.
the navy blue suit, Steve gave him that too, said it brings out his eyes. god- bucky was practically sweating through it, the night hasn’t started yet and he feels like he needs to change. he was overthinking, everyone keeps telling him. but there was a plan, 5 pm and after work, the common room down the hall to your lab. maybe it was just nerves, but it still didn’t excuse the impending doom settling in the bottom of bucky's stomach.
“James, it’s been 10 minutes,” Natasha spoke, dressed in a long black dress. she sat on the floor before a couch, wanda held a curling wand in Natasha's hair as she sat above her. bucky had tried to distract himself by watching the curls form, it was quite fascinating if he wasn’t so distant.
“she is probably just fashionably late, it would make sense,” Wanda said— which felt true. but you’ve never once been late because of your appearance before, bucky can't even think of a time you’ve been late for any reason.
frustrated, Bucky abruptly got up and ran a hand through his hair, beginning to pace. “hey! I am not going to reapply all the gel!” Wanda shouts and bucky's flinches, putting both of his hands to his side like a child obeying their mother.
“what if she doesn't want to be seen with me, you know- like, like that? what if after yesterday she changed her mind, oh my god. Nat, I can't do this.” Bucky rattled on. Natasha rolled her eyes to the back of her head.
“Stop with the what if” Natasha groaned, “she is not even that late.”
“Have you even tried to text her?” Wanda mentions.
Bucky stops pacing.
“you haven’t even called her?'' Natasha looks at Bucky like he's stupid, he feels stupid. “do you know who you are? what if something happened to her that would make her late?”
Bucky's face dropped, oh my god, what if something happened? Bucky doesn't feel stupid, he is stupid. he is the fucking winter soldier, and you’ve been out with him, something could totally happen to you. Bucky's breath hitched before he felt like he was choking on it, was this a panic attack? he can’t call you while having a panic attack, but you could be in danger.
Almost instantly, Bucky grabs his phone on the coffee table. his fingers stumble as he looks for your number, but just as his fingers hover over your name. a loud, annoying ring comes from Natasha’s phone. Bucky's head perks up so do all the heads in the room.
Natasha's eyebrows furrow, looking down at her phone. Wanda follows suit as she looks over her shoulder. “it’s Y/N?”
“pick up!” Wanda shouts.
Natasha taps on the phone, “hey, you oka-“
“no!” you shout from the other line, a matching panic in your voice. “no, I am not! I’ve cycled through like 12 dresses and I have like 3 more but I swear, I’m going to go to Versace or Mytheresa— I will fucking call Valentino right now if I have to.”
faintly, everyone heard the sound of fabric rustling, your heels echoing as you paced through your room, and your heavy breathing. panicking about your outfit.
“Hey, hey, y/n calm down.'' Natasha hushed, your faint rattling didn't stop as you continued on talking about some black dress that made you look bloated. “you don’t need to impulse spend 8k on a dress, don’t make a big deal out of this, you’ll look perfect.”
“But Bucky! What if he doesn't like it, or thinks I look fat, or if I'm trying too hard! or too little? ugh!” you groaned, screamed, and rattled. Bucky had half the mind to shout through the phone that he’d think you're perfect however you showed up. but Natasha knew him well and sent a glare that told him not to.
“I just- just, Natasha… I really like him, I don't want to mess this up.” you sighed in defeat. Bucky's heart surged out of his chest, his face felt hot. He just wanted to cradle you close and tell you everything was okay.
“y/n.” Natasha started, her voice stern. “what are you doing right now.”
the other line went silent for a moment. bucky can imagine your thinking face, eyes narrowed, and tugging your lip under your teeth. a sigh escapes your mouth. “I'm on the floor in my closet, trying not to back out or cry.”
“Just don’t back out, okay? I'll be over to help you, sounds good?”
a small sniffle that broke bucky’s heart, “yes.”
“Okay, don’t die of panicking.” Natasha finished, hanging up the phone with a sigh.
Bucky sank down onto the couch, raking his hand through his hair again despite Wanda's protest. letting out a heavy exhale.
you were safe, that’s really what matters. but you were also on the brink of crying, probably tearing through your closet like a mad woman just to appease bucky’s opinions. He felt like a dick.
Natasha sat still, staring at Bucky like she knew more, knew better. Bucky couldn’t read her.
“Are you going?” he said weakly.
“No,” Natasha said plainly, making her way towards Bucky and dragging him to his feet by his suit— before straightening Bucky out. from his suit to his hair, even smoothing the small nervous wrinkles on his forehead.
Natasha always felt like a sister to Bucky in this way. helping him, worrying for him, supporting him, and seemingly reluctantly saving him with Steve couldn't. They shared many painful experiences that brought them close. Natasha was always there for bucky.
“you are.”
Bucky stood dumbfounded, “you’re going to go over there. get her out of her head, pick a dress that makes her look like a fucking goddess, maybe one that matches yours. and make her feel beautiful.”
“I can’t-“
“Shut up, Barnes,” Wanda interjects, the same determination on her face as Natasha's. there was no way he was getting out of this. “go, or I'll make you.”
Bucky watched as Wanda conjured up the red ball of pure power in her hands, an empty threat; they already talked about using her powers for this reason. but enough to scare the shit out of Bucky and make him nod violently. almost to convince himself that he could go.
“go get your girl.” Natasha encouraged.
Somewhere between throwing dresses around and banging your head on your walk-in closet walls, you decided that it didn't matter that you weren't mid-age yet, this was a mid-life crisis. Never in your life have you second-guessed your judgment on what to wear, not even in the eyes of the greatest designers the world knows.
But here you sat, verge of tear on your floor. Piles building up around you of dresses, shoes, tights, et cetera, et cetera. You were practically drowning in silk, crepe, and chiffon. Moments ago you really had a dress, it fit perfectly and made your complexion glow, but then the thought of what Bucky would think made you spiral.
Honestly, you knew deep, deep down that he wouldn't care. A day ago he saw you covered in Sam Wilson's blood, so there was really only going up from there. You knew he was a good guy, not one to point out fat rolls on your back or if your stomach was bloated. But the female experience constantly sabotaged those positive thoughts and brought out the ‘what ifs’.
Natasha wasn't much help on the phone. She just spared you from spending your paycheck on another Valentino dress and told you to calm down. She'd be over in a few, you trusted her taste enough, at least you'd have a second opinion. she always looked good, but it was easy for her.
You didn’t think of yourself as an envious person, especially the looks or body category but it was hard in this fragile state of mind to not long for a widows physic.
The loud and echoing noise of your doorbell shook you from your thoughts, you had been spacing out. Throwing on the first piece of fabric you saw on the floor, a large dress shit? Sure, whatever, it was just Natasha. Another loud ring.
“Gimme a moment, Nat!” you shouted, seeing a flash of yourself in a full-sized mirror. you look pathetic, with black tights, a dress shirt, and hair lazily put in a claw. You were already late, how worse could it get?
Spoiler. Much worse. very, very worse.
Opening your front door abruptly, a spew of apologies and worries left your mouth before you could notice the lack of red hair. Eyes wide and mouth gaped, Bucky stood before you. And like the fucking pathetic idiot you are, before Bucky could get a word out, you slammed the door in his face with a high-pitched yelp. A hand flew to cover your mouth, to contain the groans and curse words directed at Natasha. Because of-fucking-course she’d do this.
A wave of guilt and mostly embarrassment washed over you before you could kick yourself more - you opened the door, again.
“I'm so sorry, bucky! I didn't mean to do that– you just surprised me.” the words stumbled over themself, a stuttering mess. You were an udder wreck, this is so embarrassing, you thought. Your voice rose a few octaves, almost certain your makeup had smudged off by now. “Wha- what are you doing here?”
“Nat sent me,” he spoke plainly, standing dumbfounded in your apartment hallway.
“Of course she did.” you cursed and gritted under your breath, words coming out harsher than intended. An unsure face washed over Bucky and he took a tiny step back.
“I can go if you’re uncomfortable.'' Bucky sounded small, it broke your heart.
“No! Please don’t, I'm just freaking out right now– not sure why.” you definitely knew why. Stopping in the middle of your sentence once you notice Bucky's attire. Experiencing whiplash at the sight of the slick, noticeably expensive navy suit he wore. You practically did a double take, blinking like an idiot as you looked him up and down. “Wow! You look great, like really great.”
“And you look…” Bucky's eye trailed up your body, his eyes landing on your face. “Perfect, as always.”
Maybe it was the stress, or nerves, but you were a flustered mess. Complements, embarrassment, running around crying– you shouldn't even try to imagine what you looked like.
“I just threw this on, I…” you noticed the way Bucky began fidgeting and shifting his feet, standing awkwardly with his gaze finding the apartment behind you. “I'm sorry! Come in, come in.”
Moving out of the way for Bucky and letting him in, his eyes travel to every corner, eyes wide in awe. Your apartment was more of the ‘rich, new york snob, with high ceilings and large windows.’ but it was still you and Bucky was taking it in.
Bucky hummed, finishing his look over of the front room and turning back to face you. Fuck, he looked so good, from head to toe, his hair was a little messy and you could see gel residue that made you want to pounce and fix it.
And you were so– a mess.
“I'm sorry for my appearance, I've been panicking and I'm so late, I didn't mean to make you late or worry. Gosh, my makeup is probably messy and–”
Bucky found himself right in front of you, tearing you from your rambling as he grabbed your face. Cradling your jaw in his palms as your eyes met his, wide and frantic. “Doll, stop apologizing, please. You'd done nothing wrong, you look perfect. Everything’s okay.'' Bucky spoke slowly, sure of himself and successfully bringing you back down. You breathed and nodded.
“Now, let me help you get dressed.”
You could kiss him right now if you had a slight nerve. Where did your confidence go all of a sudden?
Bucky must have read your mind, slightly. Pressing a kiss to your crown that made you lean into his hands, worries slowly leaving and almost forgetting about that stupid dress and gala.
Grabbing Bucky's hand with a giddy smile, pulling him into your room slash tornado mess of fabrics. And it showed on Bucky's face, a large huff left his mouth as he stopped in your doorway, eyes exaggeratedly wide..
Maybe it was just growing up in the depression era, and also being just straight-up poor, but the amount of fabric on the floor felt infinite and slightly unnecessary to Bucky. He knew you were a science prodigy and had been paid highly for your research and machines, even more, evident after seeing your place. He's never known luxury and pleasure like this.
“Why do you have so many dresses?”
Shrugging, “fashion is like art to me, and so in some ways, i'm just collecting art. I also have a horrible spending problem, but that's a conversation for another time I think.”
“What are the options?” Bucky asked.
“Uhh,” you stumbled around your room and threw a few dressed around. “Versace, very nice. Christian Dior, is expensive, also nice. Dolce and Gabbana…”
Bucky lazily caught the very expensive dresses you threw around like nothing, peaking into your large walk-in closet. As if your personality summed up into a room, colorful and expensive textiles piled up. Bucky was positive the room was usually clean and organized to the tee. You kept yelling out random French or Italian names Bucky had no knowledge of.
“Okay, slow down. I can speak like twenty-two languages but high fashion is not one of them.” Bucky stopped your rambling, pulling up a long, blood-red gown to your body. “What's wrong with this one, this is pretty.”
You looked at Bucky as if he grew three heads, “way too long, I’d trip over myself all night, and if I’m going with you– red and blue? I know your cap's best friend but come on now, Buck.”
“Okay.” Bucky sighed, picking up a black slim dress. Even imagining you in this one made a pink tint rise to his face. “And this one?”
“Makes me look like a bloated ballon,” you said plainly.
Now Bucky was looking at you like an idiot. “Stop it with that, you’re perfect.”
“Gee thanks, but that doesn't help right now.” you snapped, instantly recoiling at your harsh tone. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
Bucky just smiled, his charming and stupidly sweet smile that makes your knees weak. Wrapping his hands gently around your shoulder and staring intently into your eyes. “Baby, calm down.”
You breathed, tried to at least. The sweet name also made you choke but besides that, Bucky's smooth voice distracted you. “I’m calm.”
“Good.” Bucky nodded, his eyes glancing to the far corner of your closet. A certain light in his eyes showed before his gaze came back to your face. “What about that one?”
Bucky pointed to a certain very special, navy blue dress. Your eyes were wide as you looked between Bucky and the dress. As the silky fabric hung from the hanger, you only took it out of the “vault” to look at it, and didn't even think to try it on. Just wanted to relish in the beauty of it.
“I- no, I can't wear that.” you studdered.
Bucky knew nothing of fashion. What looked good, what was in season, or what was acceptable in the fashion industry. All he knew was the dress looked expensive, matching his and even the thought of you in it made bucky want to fall to his knees. He wasn't leaving this apartment without you in it, to hell any stupid excuse you gave.
“Why not?” he said, stepping carefully over the clothes littered beneath him and picking up the dress. Putting it up to your body, it looked perfect.
“James Buchanan. This was personally gifted to me by Vivienne Westwood. I can’t just wear this.” you shouted.
“I don't know who that is or what that means, put it on.” he shoved the dress in your hands.
“Please, for me?”
Blinking like an idiot in front of Bucky. You couldn't protest anymore, Bucky was more stubborn than you, and you soon realized he probably wasn’t gonna let you out door without at least seeing it on. You held the dress in your hands, running the fabric under your fingers, huffing dramatically. “Fine, I’ll be in the bathroom, wait here”
Your steps cascaded as you left for the bathroom connected to your room, Bucky awkwardly settled himself on the edge of your bed. Beginning to fidget with the hem of his coat jacket as he waited nervously.
Meanwhile, cursing to yourself in the bathroom as you slipped the dress on it. This dress was gravely special to you, because on your off times and not nose deep in the labs, you'd spent them at fashion events and runways.
Meeting Vivienne was one of the best memories of your life, (next to offering Bucky a new arm) and you'd almost dropped dead when a box decked with the familiar orb logo showed up in front of your door. You had only worn it twice - in your bedroom, too scared and almost feeling unworthy to wear such a thing.
Bucky Barnes sure was special for getting you to go to a stark party with it on.
grunts came from the bathroom as you struggled to slip it on, the zipper reached your middle back and out of reach. Slowly unlocking the door, Bucky's head whipped in your direction. And god, suddenly he couldn't breathe. Even as you clumsily shimmied toward Bucky with your arms awkwardly holding the back up, he thought you looked like the most beautiful girl in the world.
“Buck, can you? The zipper, please?” you turned around and showed the back. Bucky couldn't move for a moment, utterly stunned by your presence. You whispered his name again to catch his attention. Then he stumbled to his feet like a flustered 15-year-old boy. He sure felt like one.
“Yeah. sorry, doll. I got it,” he spoke. You tensed up when Bucky's warm hands touched your bare shoulders. His hands held you like you were glass, slowly zipping the dress up fully. But you didn’t turn around yet, facing him now just felt wrong. You could feel Bucky's breath as his hand trailed across your shoulder blades, Bucky felt goosebumps slowly rise to your skin, and all self-control was gone.
Bucky leaned down and placed a small peck on the crook of your neck, he didn’t even know what he was doing but you practically shuddered under his touch. A chill shot through you and your knees went weak. And then another kiss, and another, and another. His lips slowly made their way up your neck, and one of his hands rested on your waist now.
“You're breathtaking, doll. I’m serious, I've never seen someone so beautiful in my life.” bucky whispered close to your ear, hot breath on your skin that made you ache. His featherlike kisses made you ache, he was so gentle and careful like you’d break under him. You ached for more.
Ever so swiftly, you turned to face bucky. Your hands latched to his neck, “kiss me like you mean it, Barnes.”
In a single instant, bucky’s lips crashed to yours as if his life depended on it, like he couldn't breathe without you. Your back arches into him as he pulled you closer, tongue swiping across his as he let you in. bodies pressed against each other, clinging, aching. More, more, more.
“Bucky…” you wined against his lips, and Bucky quickly pondered if this gala was even worth it. You both were already late, anyways. He hummed sweetly against your lips, your knees hit the edge of your bed and with a surprised yelp, bucky fell atop you on the bed. Kiss unbroken, but you smiled and felt bucky smile into the kiss, following him.
Your hand tangled in his long hair, successfully messing it up farther than it was before. Buckys pulled away just enough to look you in the eye, adoration you found and almost melted. The ends of bucky’s lip quirked up into his infamous dorky smile you only saw on a few special occasions.
“We’re already late…” he whispers so softly.
“Yeah.” you can only mutter out in a daze, falling surrender under bucky’s gaze. Your fingers still tangled in bucky’s brunette hair, getting your nails deep and scratching at his scalp. A quiet pleasured groan escapes his lips. “I messed up your hair.”
Bucky chuckles, “it's okay.”
Tugging your lower lip under your teeth, smiling widely as an idea pops into your head. “Get up, come with me.”
you usher him off you, playfully grabbing at his hands and stumbling over your clothes with bucky following close behind you. leading him into your bathroom and in front of the mirror.
Bucky stood much taller than you, especially without heels. Bucky chuckled as you dragged a small step stool and stepped up behind him. He speaks through a grin, “What are you doing?”
“I messed up your hair, but to be honest– whoever did it added too much gel so I’m going to fix it,” you spoke, grabbing a brush and spray bottle and beginning to spritz his hair in the water. Bucky seemed more than content with your hands raking through his locks.
First parting his hair in half, pulling the top half into a bun, and let the rest fall down. Cocking your head at the sight, he always looked good but not this hairstyle for a gala. Bucky's face crunched up too and you took that as a big no. you just left the hair to fall down naturally, being so used to the regular middle part, you thought to grab the comb and give him a side part.
“What do you think about this?” you asked, brushing the hair out.
Bucky hummed, “Different.”
“Bad or…?”
“No.” bucky smiles, then you realize he's not even looking at himself, his eyes are trained on you. “I like it.”
Leaning down to kiss the top of his head, bucky grew flustered. Jumping down from your stool and kicking it away. Grumbling under your breath, “I gotta get my height back.”
And with that, you grabbed a pair of black heels and before you could go to slip them on, bucky swiped them from your hands and wordlessly knelt down and grabbed your leg. Halfway convinced you were dead and gone to heaven before going along and letting bucky slip the heels on your feet.
Bucky’s eyes gaze slowly up your legs, and body and found your eyes. Your breath hitched as his hand begin to slowly travel up your calve, thigh, and waist. Not taking a moment before his lips were on yours again, the kiss was sweeter now, so sweet you felt your teeth rot.
But then it grew wild, and needy when bucky’s hand squeezed at your waist and thigh. Pushing yourself against his body like a puzzle piece, kissing him was so natural to you, like a motion you were meant to do your whole life. Nipping at Bucky’s lower lip, earning a hungry groan from the soldier.
Both his hands found themselves on your thighs, catching you by surprise when he lifts you up to sit on the counter. Giving himself a better angle to push you flush against him, feeling pleasure shoot through you when your hips met his waist. you knew where this would go if you even got a taste though– and you both were already incredibly late. At this point, you wondered if you'd even go.
“Bucky, I'm serious, we gotta go…” you wine against his lips, Bucky chased after your touch but you pulled away.
A dramatic groan escaped his lips, his head falling in the nook of your shoulder. “I know, I know.”
You hopped off the counter, half mindedly grabbing a Vivienne Westwood pearls to finish the look, because god forbid your outfit to be boring. Bucky watched you with adoration as you both walked hand in hand, leading him out of your apartment. One last glance was spared at your mess of a bedroom, you sighed and told yourself you'd clean it later.
Bucky called over a cab and you two headed off to the Stark tower. One quiet and comfortable ride, bucky’s hand stayed placed on your thigh, your head fell onto his shoulder as your gaze landed on the passing new york streets. A small hum escaped your lips, Bucky squeezed your thigh gently and soon enough you were in front of the huge and practically sparkling tower.
The press and flashing paparazzi that found word of the gala yet were not invited littered around, most were gone as you were at least 40 minutes late. Sometimes you forgot these people you worked with were essentially celebrities in the public eye, they had PR teams and brand deals. You'd see tabloids with iron man's names or magazines in the streets talking about Captain America’s new love interest.
And apparently, Bucky Barnes was no different.
“Bucky Barnes! Winter soldier sir! Is this your new girlfriend!” a young man shouted from behind the barricade, a couple of flashes of cameras. You’d expect your pictures on some website with some arbitrary statement about you and Bucky soon. Even so, this man seemed much nicer than the overbearing fangirls of Steve or scum of the earth reporters yelling bottom-line misogynist comments towards Natasha or Wanda.
Bucky kept his head down as you wrapped an arm around his shoulder and forearm, he wasn't one for crowds or simply people who only knew him for what the media portrayed him as.
“You’re okay.” was all you spoke into his ear as you made your way into the doors, being hit with the cool air of the building. Your arms loosened around Bucky now you were in the somewhat safe zone, but his arm snaked around your waist as you walked into the more crowded area.
“Holy shit, I don't know which one to call the arm candy.” Sam's voice yelled from behind you. Being met with Sam in a nice black suit, along with Wanda in a sparkly red dress and Clint in an all-black suit as well.
Everyone looked amazing, it was rare to see them out of kevlar and super suits, or raggedy clothes thrown on after feeling like shit from tough missions.
“And Sam, wow! You clean up nice!” you complimented him.
“You look good, man.” Bucky said, a small smile on his face.
“You too, buck,” Sam said, nodding towards his new hair. “I like the hair, suits you, I still think you need to shave your beard.”
Bucky rolled his eyes, along with a small quirk at the end of his lips as he playfully smacked his shoulder. “Whatever.”
The small chatter continued, a glimpse of the inside of the loud ballroom as guests came and went. Bucky seemed to warm up to everyone more, a smile gracing his lips that made him look at least two decades younger. Soon a smooth and low voice was heard behind you.
“Sometimes I wonder if you are in the wrong profession, you know?” Natasha said, her vibrant red hair pinned up and wearing a beautiful black, slim dress, with two small cutouts on by her waist. You couldn't help but think it was a nod to looking more like the iconic widow hourglass she wore on her belt.
Your eyebrows furrowed slightly, “really?”
“Look at yourself, model material in front of me.” Natasha's eyes scanned up your body, a small smirk on your lips.
“You should thank Bucky.” you smiled, eyes glancing towards the man as he conversed with Sam and Steve. He looked genuinely happy and comfortable, a part of you swelled with pride for him. “He convinced me to wear this.”
“And thank god for that.” she laughed. “Also, I think Tony and Bruce were looking for you.”
It took just that for you to excuse yourself from the group, and give Bucky a comforting squeeze as your heels echoed and left the small gathering of avengers. Going to search for Bruce and Tony, apparently to speak about some new projects and talk with some foreign scientists looking for collaborations.
Meanwhile, the cap quartet was left sitting lazily around hallway couches and successfully avoiding the overbearing and bluntly disrespectful politicians and reporters, fans even. Natasha snuck close to Bucky and next to Sam as they spoke about nonsense or missions.
“You make her feel beautiful?” Natasha spoke, nursing a drink in her hands despite the fact she had only taken 2 sips in the past 20 minutes.
Bucky's mind went back to the bathroom counter or the edge of your bed, the way his heart raced and cock twitched as his hands roamed your body. when your breath hitched as he bent down before you and trailed his palms up your legs, and pressed himself against your core. Bucky hummed, trying to cover up the pink-tinted ears at the more than erotic memory,
“yeah, yeah, I think so.”
“I’m really glad this collaboration is going through, I’m hoping we get some really good things done soon.” Miles franco's upbeat and excited voice spoke.
your heels echoed in the hallway, just leaving a semi-empty meeting room with Bruce, Tony, and Pepper. Miles was a scientist and developer with new ideas and resources for some big projects Tony’s been wanting to start. He spoke kindly and had confidence in him that made you feel secure in working with him.
After a text from Bucky that the group had gone into the ballroom to actually do what they were there for, you excused yourself while Bruce continued to look over the contract you’d be signing in a few days, and Tony and Pepper went off to… you’d rather not think about it. Miles kindly offered to walk you back, as long as you introduced him to Natasha. with a smile and laugh you began to walk back.
“I am too, I’m also just glad to be back and working in one place.” you laughed, referring to your last few years of constant traveling, researching, and volunteering. meeting as many high-level and reputable people to kick start a better career. “Tony’s been very good to be over the past month.”
Miles clicked this tongue, making a tsk sound as his steps faltered. He wore a smirk that didn’t match his friendly smile from earlier, like something hidden beneath his conventionally attractive smile and dimples. Once you stopped, he began to close the gap between the two of you, shaking his head.
“You know, you don’t need Tony.” Miles' voice sounded coy, cocky. As if he knew better and had to teach you some lesson.
he chuckled, “you're smart, sexy, young, and know your way around a room. in a few years you’ll be running laps around both Tony and Bruce, they’re holding you back by making you work under them.”
you blinked, almost flinching from the sudden change in tone. “they aren’t making me do anything, and we’re partners if anything”
Miles flashed his smile again as he stepped closer and tried to reach for your hand, you smoothly avoided his touch, but he was practically in your face now.
“you know what I mean.” he sighed, “you could be so much more, making millions and having anything your heart desires. make a deal with me, I can give that to you.”
“I’m content with what I have now, thank you. and I’m definitely not making a deal with someone who insults my colleagues— my friends.” you snarled, trying to remain as professional as you could. not wanting to drag out any hostility from the man before you, the hallway was far away from the main ballroom and empty.
you were mentally done with the conversation, wanting away from Mile’s hot breath and uncomfortable stares (you were sure he was staring down your dress as he crept closer). Turning your back on the man, steps speeding up from before as you fumed with anger.
a low chuckle was heard from behind you, making your skin crawl. “fuck, that man really has you dickmatized or something.”
okay, what the fuck?
stopping dead in your tracks, gasping under your breath as your whipped your head back around. face scrunched in anger— stop, you have to tell yourself. He’s trying to make you mad, calm down.
“Excuse me, what now?”
“Barnes. You don’t think everyone knows by now? I’m positive he’s the only reason you're still at that shitty compound, working with those super freaks. you could be so much more if it wasn’t for him.”
Breathe in— breathe out.
trying to settle the rage settling low in your stomach, slowly rising to your chest. trying not to make your voice shake as you responded. “Bucky has absolutely nothing to do with my job.”
another low laugh. God, this man was fucking evil.
“Come on! you’re fucking amazing and potentially one of the smartest people on earth, that guy doesn’t deserve you! I’m sure with the amount of brain damage the commies gave him he can’t even count to 10.” Miles frustrated, closing the gap once again, you felt stuck in place. “face it, he’s a fucking nut who only knows how to handle a gun like a mad man, a ticking time bomb.”
your fist clenched until your nails dug into your palm, blood trickling down your hand. Your breath was unsteady with rage, but you couldn’t move— you felt frozen under his disgusting gaze. Mile's hand moved to grab at your waist and pull you close, you jerked back.
heavy exhales, your voice raised slightly - keep it professional - you must have been shaking. “don’t insult my- my boyfriend’s intelligence, you are not even an ounce of the man he is. and do not even try to touch me again.”
Miles rolled his eyes, trying to step closer again if possible. “come one, don’t be like that babe-“
“and consider your part in this collaboration gone. you will not be making any more money or deals with Stark industries from now on.” your voice settled, you sounded stern and strong. holding your head high as you held back from screaming in his face.
Mile’s features dropped, the cocky smirk faded and he looked weak – desperate and small. “you don’t have the right to do that.”
now, you got in his face. “yes, Miles. yes, I do.”
he genuinely looked scared and pride warmed in your chest. getting one last ‘fuck you’ in as you very harshly slammed your heel on his foot. he groaned and curled into himself, you hoped to draw blood there. you were wearing stilettos.
picking up your pace as you fled from him, head still held high but you felt shaky. this wasn’t the first time you’d experienced sexual harassment or insults and you were sure it wasn’t going to be the last but the meer mention of Bucky shook you, the insult towards Bruce and Tony. the way he felt like he held something over your head and felt obligated to touch you. your skin crawled.
you were left in a daze, finding your way back to the ballroom, warm lights and loud chatter everywhere. instantly hiding from the crowded areas and searching for Bucky. you edged with anxiety.
Breathe in— breathe out.
Bucky stood near the bar, nursing a drink that probably had zero effect on him. you sped over to him and pushed out a smile.
“Buck! sorry, I got caught up!” you spoke as you approached him. Bucky’s eyes lit up lighter than any light in the room, making you feel warm and comfortable again.
“Hey, doll.” Bucky smiled, reaching to wrap his arm around your waist. “don’t worry, how’d the talk go?”
you opened your mouth to speak of the contract and project, finding a way to leave the hallway interaction out. but Bucky interrupted you abruptly, worry fell onto his features as he brought your hand into his.
“Sweetheart, what is this? are you okay?” he looked down at your bleeding palm, small cuts the size of your nails and the tips and cuticle of your nails stained red.
“It's nothing.” you shrugged it off and slipped your hand away from his grasp.
“No.” Bucky spoke, stern and clear. Grabbing your hand back and running his fingers along the small cuts. “It's not. What happened?”
You sighed heavily, avoiding eye contact but Bucky knew much better. He grabbed your chin between his thumb and index, your eyes still gazed down.
“Baby.” bucky whispered.
“Seriously, Bucky, it's nothing. I just had a frustrating person in that meeting, didn’t even realize I was doing it.” you rattled, grasping for an excuse without having to lie to the man.
Bucky sighed, pulling you away to the side with no word. Wetting an entirely too expensive Stark napkin with alcohol and wiping at your plams, stinging slightly. Bucky worked so gently, his hand wrapped around your forearm made you feel warm.
“I've seen you handle Stark at his lowest moment, bark off assholes like it's nothing. It is obviously not nothing, doll”
You wouldn't win this, not with the most stubborn man in front of you. You watched as he smoothed his thumb over your hand.
“this guy…” Bucky listened intently, his full attention on you and adoration yet, worry dripped from his features. “The collaborator from France, he said some rude things about Tony, Bruce and, uh… you. He tried to sweet talk me into leaving Stark industrie. Kept calling me all these objectifying names, he’s a dick I can’t believe I was excited about this project.”
Bucky's back straightened and his jaw clenched. He looked around the room, almost to find the man responsible. It was Bucky's turn to clench his first, knuckles turning white.
“and you?” was all Bucky could manage to mumbled out.
“I told him off and smashed his foot with my heel, and I'm making Tony diminish the contract.” you replied.
“Good.” Bucky nodded, snarling under his breath. “deserves a lot more than that.”
“I’m okay, seriously. just shook me up for a moment.” you reassure the man, because there was no way he was letting go of this. you took Bucky’s hand and dragged him towards the dance floor. “now dance with me, sergeant.”
the bright, boyish smile reluctantly returned to his face. hands almost instantly falling at your side and pulling you flush again this chest. you chased into the touch, grinning.
And that's how you and Bucky spent the next few moments, soft live music played in the background, other couples and friends swayed around you two. Bucky would quietly hum along to the music sometimes, your head rested on his chest and you'd feel the soft vibrations from him. You'd never understand how safe and secure you could feel in someone's arms, the idea sounded so out of reach and impossible only a few months ago. God knows you had never even thought to make time to explore that idea, but here it was, coming to you without even realizing it. It felt so natural now.
Bucky's hand smoothed on the exposed skin on your back and arms, he breathed freely, not feeling tense or on edge like most of his life. And for the first time since the alps, Bucky felt soft inside– in a sense. Bucky didn't feel dangerous, like he would break the person that he held in his arms. He didn't feel like an animal, a machine, or a murderer. Bucky smelled the lavender conditioner in your hair, the expensive smelling perfume on you. Bucky felt like a man in love with a girl, he is one.
Oh god, Bucky Barnes is in love. A feeling he has not felt since maybe 1942? when he took that red headed girl to coney island, but even that could never compare to the feelings swelling in his chest now. Being in love was scary– so, so scary. But with you warm and smiling in his arms, it was hard for Bucky to think of anything else.
“Bucky.” you wined, Bucky pulled away just enough to see your face. Your eyelids flutter in tiredness, a haze filtered across your eyeballs. “Are you obliged to stay for anything?”
“Not that I know of, doll. You want to get out of here?” Bucky spoke so smoothly, so flirtatious. He felt younger and more confident.
You nodded lazily, and Bucky looked around to see the crowd had begun to disperse. People hung round and talked, most were slightly tipsy. The craze of politicians and reporters settled. Bucky's hand smooth from your shoulder to your hand, ready to pull you into him and guide you home.
But his hands grazed the small cuts on your palm, he tensed. Gladly, you didn't notice. Bucky had one more thing to do before he left.
“Sweetheart, I have to go ask Steve something real quick, meet me in the lobby and i'll take you home?”
“Everything okay?” you asked, Bucky hoped you didn’t pick up on his… scheming. Flashing a smile, “of course, I’ll be quick.”
Nodding again, your heels echoed away from Bucky, the dress train cascading behind you beautifully. You reminded Bucky of some sort of angel.
A slight scowl fell upon Bucky's face as his blue eyes searched the ground, he found Steve with ease. Bucky had some sort of sixth sense when it came to finding Steve, ever since they were just two pre-teens getting lost in the city, Bucky was always the one having to search and rescue him from large crowds. The added height now just made it even easier.
His steps were heavy and with purpose, finally approaching the blonde. Standing close to Sam, Bruce and Clint. Good.
“Hey, buck. Where did your girl go?” Steve asked, all eyes now on him as he joined the small circle. Bucky's ears tinted pink towards the mention of you being his - he hoped you'd want that.
“We’re about to leave, she's getting tired.” Bucky replied. Steve opened his mouth to respond, small talk maybe, or a short goodbye and a pat on the back but Bucky was already onto other things.
Bucky turned to the timid scientist, getting Bruce’s attention. “Hey, banner! Who was the guy that y/n was with earlier? Looked french.”
Somewhat of a rhetorical question, Bucky kinda knew of the guy, he knew enough from what he heard from you. Steve was watching from the side with realization soon growing on his face, but he didn't speak a word.
“He's a scientist that Tony and I were wanting to collaborate with, I think he is still here if you're looking for him. At the bar I think.” Bruce replied.
“Great, thank you.” Bucky forced out a half hearted smile and began to turn away from the group. Steve grabbed onto his shoulder before he could heave.
“What are you doing?” Steve asked, he knew Bucky better than most and recognized the off look in his eyes. Steve grew concerned.
Bucky looked at the others in the group, pulling Steve close and hoped none of them picked up the words he whispered into his ear. “Some punk tried to come onto her like a creeper, shook her up real good, talked badly about the team and kept trying to come onto her.”
“And you plan to do what?” Steve knew the answer to his own question.
Bucky gave Steve a knowing look. Bucky was clearly growing annoyed and Steve could tell when he started talking like it was the 40s again, strong Brooklyn accent coming out with it. “Gonna teach the fella’ a lesson.”
Steve exhaled, slowly letting go of Bucky's shoulder. his eyes fell onto the bar as he found the man. steve didn’t object.
It’ll be okay if he is a little late, right?
tag list: @matchat3a @sebsgirl71479 @heavenswrld @ivywasmaroon @nt-multi-fandom @michaefuckinglangdon @fand0mskullfa1ry @lilliarussell @athenabarnes @almosttoopizza @genlovesdcb @i-l-y-3000 @timotheesrealgf
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anonymityisfunwriter · 6 months
Meeting The Parents (Part 2)
Pairing: Grumpy!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Reader Part 1
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You stand side by side, watching him carefully. You've known Bucky a long time, you've spent a long time loving him, and yet, you've never seen him like this. Quiet and pensive in a different way than his normal stoicism.
This was the man from the 1940's, the boy from Brooklyn, the son that woke from his time as the Winter Soldier to find his parents and sister buried.
There's been nothing but silence since Bucky first pulled into the cemetery on this warm, sunny day. His jaw is tense, his eyes fixed on the spot where his mother is buried. "Are you alright?"
"I don't come here very often," Bucky speaks softly. He shakes his head with a shaky exhale, "This part doesn't ever get any easier. Knowing my mom is here, my sister, my dad..."
"You don't talk about him much."
"My father..." Bucky sighs. "He was - it was complicated, you know? He was a hard-ass, he had one hell of a temper, but he loved my Ma, he took care of us, and he - he was my dad."
You squeeze his hand, "I understand."
"They would have loved you."
You smile up at him, "Thanks."
"I left the flowers in the car, I'll go grab them," you tell him after a long moment of pensive, thick silence.
Both you and Bucky know it's less about grabbing flowers than it is you giving him a moment alone with his parents. You squeeze his hand one last time before you walk off.
"Hey, Ma." Bucky speaks, but only after he's watched you walk out of earshot. He smiles down at his mother's gravestone. He reaches down into his pocket, pulling out the small ring box to show her. "I, uh, I managed to track down your rings. Sam helped me out. Steve, well, you know Steve. It's been 70 years and he still can't keep a secret. I haven't told him yet, probably won't until after I've popped the question. You'd love her. She's perfect. Let's just hope she says yes."
Only moments later, you return with three bouquets, one for each of headstone. "Thank you for bringing me here, for trusting me with this."
"I think you're one of the only people that I trust with this," he confesses, his voice thick with grief. He wasn't sure that there would ever be a time that he would stop grieving the loss of his family. All he could really do was turn to the family he'd built in this time. "It makes me nervous, you know? With everything, that's - that's why I don't come here very often. I feel terrible, but I know I'd feel worse if people came here, if they-"
He doesn't have to finish his sentence. You know what he means. Bucky Barnes is a man that appreciates his privacy, not by choice, but to protect himself. The public perception of him improved day by day, but you know there's people out there that would come here only to hurt Bucky.
"You've never told me that before."
"Maybe I'm just paranoid."
Though you believed in the good of people, you understood why he didn't. You'd seen firsthand the visceral reactions people had to him. It wasn't fair to him in the slightest.
You squeeze his hand. "I understand. I don't think you're paranoid. You just... want to protect them."
It chokes him up. You're right. He wants to protect them. He wants to protect them the way he couldn't when they were still alive. Though the rational part of him knew it wasn't his fault, he'd always blamed himself for not being there for them.
He clears his throat. "I'm just - I'm gonna go talk to the groundskeeper real quick."
It's his way of telling you that he needs a minute. You nod, giving his hand an extra squeeze before you let go. "Okay."
You watch as he walks away with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
"Um...Mrs. Barnes?" you hesitantly speak to the headstone. "I know you don't know me, but I sorta feel like I know you. James still talks about you all the time. And I guess, I just - I wanted you to know that your son means the world to me. And I'll spend the rest of my life taking care of him. You raised a good man. You raised my person, and I'll never be able to say thank you enough for that."
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Grumpy Sunshine Series
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes@beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064
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dearanakin · 1 year
Break Free - Bucky Barnes x f!Reader / Part 2
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Summary: You were an infiltrated nurse working for HYDRA and takes care of Bucky Barnes, who's still triggered and being used as The Winter Soldier.
Part One
Warnings: blood and some kind of violence, fluff
Word count: 2.2k
You definitely shouldn't have taken Barnes to your apartment, and you shouldn't have definitely lied to HYDRA when you told Pierce you had a family emergency. But that was the first thing that came to your mind when you saw the Winter Soldier looking miserably lost when he woke up in the alley, after you knocked him out accidentally.
As you closed your door, you made sure it was locked. It's not like being digital would decrease your chances to be assassinated by anyone.
You looked over your shoulder as James was still confused, trying to keep cool and not freak out, when inside his brain all he wanted to do was ask what the fuck was wrong with him.
He sat on the couch, and you grabbed a glass of water, trying to provide him some comfort. You were as confused as he was, but obviously, it was just like he wasn't triggered anymore.
You both just didn't know it could ever happen so soon. And then it hit you. He was trying to kill you, or at least that's what you thought.
"James, why were you after me?", you asked, giving him some space on your couch as you weren't sure how to approach the man. After drinking the water with just one sip, he didn't look at you. He stared into the window and sighed heavily. He knew why.
He was working on his mind to clarify himself what he was doing. It felt like an eternity when he didn't respond. Some string of hair were falling over his face, hiding his expression, but it was still there.
"They made you my-", he stuttered, he couldn't say that out loud now. His brain was malfunctioning, he was horribly trying to avoid that part in his mind that made him a killer. You saw him make a fist with his metal hand, backing up a few inches from him.
"You were my mission. They know something about you", the last part made you numb for the second time that day.
Of course they would, you were only doing it for a private journalism company, and it's not like they wouldn't know about that. HYDRA just makes everyone's lives miserable, an actual hell. And there you were, standing next to a killing machine who was triggered to kill you.
Maybe you just were too lucky you knocked his head and he was himself again. But for how long? Your eyes became foggy, and you were short of breath, trying to focus on what your next step would be. You just had made yourself a living death.
"I'm sorry, I- They just have to say the damn words. I can't control it", he looked at you with pleading eyes, he was trapped inside his brain, killing every person without his own consent. "I need to stay away from you".
Barnes got up from his seat and stumbled on his feet while you helped him up. He literally had his brain wiped, and then you hit his head on a wall, the man would be lucky if he didn't have a concussion by now.
"I think it's best if you stay in. If we both stayed in", you said. Your breath hit his right ear, and it felt like a lullaby somehow. Something he's never experienced before becoming the Winter Soldier.
James was looking over your window behind the curtain, not too certain HYDRA was figuring out something might have happened since both of you were MIA. He asked Steve Rogers for help, and he told his long-lost friend to stay low.
Of course you would, but how about the man standing next to you? He would probably be the first one to storm out of there and find HYDRA to blow them all. The more you looked at him, the more you could see how broken he was, how emotionally unstable he was after all he's been trough and done.
You were in the kitchen making something for dinner, you've spent a long stressful and uneventful day. As you were preparing the table, Barnes kept staring at you from across the room, realizing you got yourself and himself out of a tragedy.
Even in such a traumatizing event, he couldn't shake the feeling in his guts that he needed to protect you, and how grateful he was of you for taking care of him even when trapped in his own mind.
"James, I'm sorry if that sounds very nosy. But how did you end up like this?", you were both sitting on the table trying to enjoy the meal you made. You were in complete silence, but it's not like it was uncomfortable. You just didn't want to bother him, but you felt like you needed to know about his past.
"I was a soldier. Last thing I remember about that time was I was in a train with Steve. He tried to save me from falling, and I lost my grip", the was some bitterness in his voice, you felt. But you also learned they knew about each other's existence, specially because Barnes also tried to kill him once.
"And you can call me Bucky, that's how I go for".
You saw a slight grim on his face before facing down your plate. You, somehow, have always been fond of his sweet side. Obviously, he was always impersonating an assassin, but even in his most sensitive moments, like from last night, you would notice it.
"HYDRA took me with them before that, and I was a prisoner in 1943 when they used me and other soldiers as test subjects in Zola's quest to recreate the serum. Two years later, Rogers and I led an attack on the HYDRA train that was transporting Zola to another base. That was when I fell. I only survived because of it, losing my left arm", he explained.
You watched as he looked to his shiny arm, letting a sigh escape. If he could, he would've chosen to die. Bucky would never be that type of man, he would never wish to be in that position, even if it meant he would live decades.
You only knew the smallest part of him, besides the brainwashing, you knew he was capable of doing things any normal person wouldn't.
Right after dinner, he helped you clean the dishes, and you could feel the warmth surrounding you because he was too close. You were just enjoying each other's company there, the TV was on and had a low volume. Bucky exhaled almost loudly a few times and you looked from the corner of your eye, checking on him.
You didn't notice he was having an anxiety attack until you saw his hands trembling after grabbing a fork.
You tried to keep your distance and let him deal with that himself, but the object fell on the floor, and you realized he was having trouble breathing.
"Hey, Bucky. Hey, look at me", you gripped his face as you placed one hand on his chin while the other held one of his hands. Barnes was panting, sweat streaming down his cheeks, and his hair was glued on his forehead.
You looked at him, making him follow you with some breathing exercises. You weren't sure it would help, but you're a nurse, and you learned a lot from health care. He tried to block a panic attack he felt coming, but his hands started to shake even more, and you were losing his grip as his palms were also sweaty.
"Bucky, look at me. Just try to breathe in and out, okay?", you were starting to feel stressed seeing him like that. But the soldier had trouble trying to find pace and started gasping for air.
Things were getting out of hand, Bucky was leaning on the sink and pulling all the air he could inside his lungs, but his brain was working against him. As you tried to help him, you heard him groan aloud.
"Fuck", he complained. "I can't do it". He looked at you, his eyes were watery, and you noticed he was having a hard time with himself. He was still trying to breathe, his chest pounding fast and he was all sweaty.
He still had those same pleading eyes from earlier. The eyes of someone who couldn't understand the things that were happening to him all at once. You had compassion for him again.
You weren't sure if that was clinically effective, but you got closer to him. You were almost also having a panic attack yourself, but you decided to give it a shot when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
Barnes looked sort of confused when he looked at you while you were too close, and he didn't have time to realize you were doing it to help stop the attack.
You brushed your lips against his, feeling his breath shaky. Steady, you held him tighter and kept your mouth shut, still glued to his. Bucky used his metal arm to wrap your wrist, as he used his flesh one to cup your chin.
It took you minutes to finally breathe after you were both in the same position, and he wasn't panicking anymore. His breathing was regular, his chest stopped pounding, and he wasn't sweating anymore.
Somehow, he didn't want to let go of you, finding himself in a warm environment, which made him forget, just for that moment, about everything else.
"I thought this would help stop your panic attack", you said under your breath, your mouth still brushing his. You both let out a small laugh, before he rested his forehead against yours.
"It was certainly useful", James affirmed. You were still holding each other when the door was smashed, and you saw Alexander Pierce across the room, looking quite amused by the scene. You felt the metal hand squeeze your skin before the soldier threw your table against the enemies with the same hand.
Bucky made you jump out your window with him. You were so glad he used his metal hand to slip through the wall. It felt like he was spider-man, but when you stood on your feet, you knew it would he much harder to run away from Pierce.
The soldier looked for an attempt to escape, knocking down a man from his bicycle, hoping on it, waiting for you. Shit, this was going to be a wild ride with him. There were cars everywhere, you even saw some helicopters flying around following you two.
You were tensing while holding his abs as he was speeding, passing through dozens of vehicles in a matter of seconds.
You didn't have Steve's number. Hell, you didn't have anybody's phone number and you couldn't call anyone else. While you were figuring a way out of this, you tried to tell him to go underground. A motorcycle would fit into, but not the cars and certainly not even the helicopters.
HYDRA was always one step ahead of their sights, so when Bucky drove past the stairs into the subway station, you nearly hit your head on the floor when he lost his grip from the bike's handlebars.
The last thing you saw was Rumlow snapping his hand across your face before blacking out. You woke up to the sound of footsteps and tried to clear your eyes, before realizing you were trapped in a room inside HYDRA's building.
Your stomach flinched at the thought of Barnes, you knew they were probably going to kill him. Either that or they're going to trigger him again. And you couldn't help but think this time you wouldn't be able to hit his head against a wall only to see Bucky and not the Winter Soldier.
You heard loud screams next to your room and you realized it was him. You didn't know what they were doing, but it was obviously painful.
"I give you a mission and you disappear. When I go after you, you're all lovey-dovey with her?", you heard Alexander ask. And then he laughed. "Are you out of your fucking mind?".
He was yelling and torturing Barnes at the same time. How were you going to help him now you were trapped there? You were probably dying soon anyway.
"That bitch is your fucking mission. Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you, either. You're a lousy soldier", Pierce snapped. Bucky screamed again.
It was when you heard the first words coming out of Pierce's mouth, you knew you were about to become a mission again. “Longing, rusted, seventeen".
"Stop!", he yelled. You could sense he was forcing himself to not get triggered again. But he was trapped inside the room with the others.
"Daybreak, furnace, nine". You heard yourself telling them to stop. One of the guards showed up in front of your cell, holding a gun at you and told you to shut up.
"No!", Barnes said. He was trying to fight it, he was too strong and still couldn't get himself out. "I'm not your pet anymore".
"You keep telling yourself that. Benign, homecoming, one, freight car", each word he pronounced, you could hear Barnes trying to rip free from his restraints.
A deathly silence surrounded the space around you. You could hear your heart pumping in your ears.
"Soldier?", Alexander asked. Bucky had a dark frown on his face.
"Ready to comply". He was there again. Only this time he was just triggered which made him stronger, more powerful and carrying a death stare in his eyes. Which meant you were not going to be able to save him from himself right away.
When you saw his footsteps approaching your cell, you flinched by his gaze and tried to not look afraid of him.
"Bucky, it's me". You said. You couldn't almost be heard, you were just hoping he could recognize you in the back of his mind.
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Back to Home | Chapter Three: Impossible
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Summary: While on Earth 717, they start to plan an operation to get you back; on Earth 616, everyone want to know who you are but, you just want to go home and for this, you'll have to ask the help of one of the last person you want to see right now.
Pairing in this chapter: Natasha Romanoff x Teen!Reader; Avenger x Teen!Reader; Doctor Strange x Teen!Reader; America Chavez x Teen!Reader; Peter Parker x Teen!Reader; (variant)WandaNat & family
chapter two | serie masterlist | chapter four
Okay it was the only thing you did want to deal with. You just looked at them for a moment, you needed to think about a name right now. "Uh...Scarlet." you replied more like a question. They clearly doubted that but it's not like you could tell them who you were. Right now you just needed to not bring more questions and quickly came back in the future.
At your reply, Natasha scoffed and you looked at her with a sad look. The last argument you had with your moms was still recent in your mind but she didn't have to know that, at least not yet.
"Scarlet hum? Like the Scarlet Wi-" Sam tried to ask but you cut him off.
"No, definitely no. It's Scarlet like Scarlet Widow." you said proudly and everyone looked at you confused.
"Widow? Like the Black Widow?" Bucky asked and you sighed.
"No. Like the Scarlet Widow." you reply harshly.
"Okay, okay. Miss, Scarlet what do you want?" Strange asked, visibly annoyed by your interaction with the two men.
"I want to go back home." you replied.
"And where are you from?" he asked.
"Really far from here." Nobody seemed convinced.
"And where did you find this?" Natasha spoke for the first time and showed you your widow's bites.
"Oh thank God, you found them. Morgan would kill me if I lost them." you replied and the two teens chuckled at your attitude.
"You know it's not something a kid should have." Tony said and you rolled your eyes.
"I'm 18, so, technically I'm not a kid anymore and I have used this for nearly three years now so yeah how dangerous they could be." you said looking at the red headed when you finished your sentence.
"But they didn't work." Natasha said
"Yeah I know that's why I'm here. I need to repair them even if I don't really know how. I need to send a signal to the....to my team and to let them know I'm alright." you said and tried to be the most convincing possible.
"But we have some questions before." Steve said and you rolled your eyes.
"Birthday?" the Russian asked but you didn't reply. You can't tell them you were technically born aly six years ago. "Okay you don't want to reply." she sighed. "Parent's name?" she asked. You just stare at her but you didn't said anything. "Okay, another question. Why do you have the same power as Wanda Maximoff?" she asked.
You played with your fingers and when they think you'll finally reply you wiped their hope. "Can I talk to my lawyer?" you asked and they all exchanged a look.
Tony grabbed a phone and looked at you "Who are they?" he asked and you bit your cheek.
"Clint Barton." you replied and they were all confused. "You know Hawkeye, the Avengers" you added and that didn't make disappear their surprise.
Okay even in your univers Clint didn't really learnt anything about laws but if there is one person you wanted to confess anything it was him. Morgan is only 6 years old in 2024; your aunts are very good friends but you knew they couldn't really keep this to themself and for your uncle it's sure he could talk with your mom so he was the safe option.
Natasha just glared at you, it was clear that she couldn't trust you; she didn't say anything and just left quickly followed by the winter soldier. "Did I say something wrong?" you asked Peter.
"Honestly I don't know. She seems a little upset but I think she will call him." he replied. 
"Oh okay, but why did the Snowman soldier follow her?" you asked and Amercia chuckled at the shity nickname.
"I'm not sure but everyone says there is something between them." Peter whispered and you frowned your eyebrows. Yeah of course your mom is good friends with Bucky but she's married to a certain Sokovian witch, right? The boy noticed your face and added in a whisper "You know they are a thing. Like they date each other." 
"What??!" you yelled and the adults stopped their conversation to look at you. "No it's impossible. Are you sure about that?" you asked a little quietly.
"Yeah it's like everywhere on the internet." he replied casually.
"But it's impossible I need to...I mean I ship her with Wanda." you corrected yourself and ignored America who raised her eyebrows to you. 
"Sorry not sorry. I think you missed a lot of things because right now I don't think it could have anything between her and Wanda." he said and when you wanted to ask why Natasha came back. 
Everyone looked at her but she focused her gaze on you and it remembered you all the time she was about to ground you. "He will be here tomorrow." she informed you and you nodded. "We will let see you tomorrow. Steve will bring you your lunch later." she said and left.
“So I think we can go back from where we came too.” Strange added.
“No!” you stopped him. “Actually I’ll need your help to go back to my home.” you informed him.
“And what makes you think I will want to help a perfect stranger who I don’t know her name?” he asked you.
“Because…you’re an avenger and the Avengers help the ones who need it.” you said. “And also because you’re one of the most powerful users of magic here, and I’m pretty sure my problem needs magic.” you added.
“I’m the supreme sorcerer, I’m not ‘one of the most powerful magic users here’. I’m the most powerful.” he explained and you rolled your eyes.
“Okay if you want but I think you forgot Wanda. She can alternate reality and she’s like the most powerful witch in this world, even if I’m the second one.” you said and America flinched a little. The action was unnoticed by everyone in the room except you but you didn’t find the need to ask her about that.
“Yeah, but I don’t think she would be able to help you for a moment.” the sorcerer said before leaving with the two teens before you could reply.
In the afternoon Steve came back to the kitchen with an empty plate. "She didn't say anything, I think she doesn't want to talk to anyone except Clint." he said and Natasha just nodded.
"Do you think it's a good idea to let her speak with Clint? She didn't look like someone we can trust." Sam asked.
"I don't trust her." the Russian said and Bucky looked at her confused. "I don't know why she wants to talk to Clint but she's silly if she thinks he will not tell me what she wants to keep hidden from us." she explained.
Tony came just after and throw your widow's bite on the redhead's laps she looked confused. "Look at them" she looked at them and then at the billionaire again. "More carefully." he said and she inspected them. She was about to give up until she found it, a little 'Stark Industrie' logo.
"But how?" she asked and Tony took back the weapons.
"I don't know but I think it's not the last secret this little thing hides." he said and went back to his lab.
[Earth 717 - the Tower] 
Tony was zoning out in the kitchen with a coffee cup in his hand, neither him or his daughter had a proper night. He was too far in his mind to hear the footsteps, he came back to reality when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey Tony, are you alright?" Steve asked.
The billionaire placed the cup on the kitchen counter, "Honestly no" he admitted "I don't know what to do. We try anything Steve, we search in the multiverse. We used the power of America to help us but nothing worked." he said.
"I think you should try to sleep, after a good nap you will try again and we will help you." the super soldier saif and gave him a reassuring smile and led him in a bedroom.
In your tower’s bedroom Morgan was here with Ava, your other best friend, she told her everything.
"Wait hold on, you are telling me that the most reckless person we know is lost somewhere in the multiverse?" Ava asked and Morgan nodded, "wow, it's the most Y/n-ish thing she ever did" she joked and the little Stark laughed. "But how are you? You don't look good so I think you stayed up all night with your dad to find a soluce."
"Yeah but it's more complicated than we thought."
"I don't even want to try to imagine all you did."
"We did a lot of things but it doesn't really matter we didn't find her."
"Hey don't say that you'll find her, like you always did. And she can't miss the gender reveal party, I'm sure she'll come back soon."
"Talking about that, how is my little buddy?"
"They are pretty good but I think I'm not ready for the next few months." 
"Don't worry we will be here, like always."
'Ava was in front of your door, she was nervous but after five more minutes she knocked on the door. She didn't have to wait too long before Wanda opened the door.
"Hey Ava how are you?" she asked and your best friend almost cried at the question.
"Very good and you aunty Wanda?" she replied and even if your mom sensed it was a lie she didn't push her.
"Very well thank you. Y/n and Morgan are in her bedroom." she said and took a step aside to let the teenager in. Ava thanks her and after quickly greeting Natasha she rushed to your bedroom; she didn't knock and just enter and close the door quickly behind her.
You were playing Mario Kart with Morgan, you sprained your ankle at your last mission so you can't really go out. Your other best friend sat on the bed and you paused the game to look at her; she texted you two hours earlier to let you know she had to talk to you and Morgan and that's why everyone was there.
"Girls I fucked up" she started and the two of you exchange a concern look.
"Did you crash your mom's car? Don't worry my dad can get you a new." Morgan said but the other girl shook her head.
"Did you burn your house? It's okay, I'm sure my mama can reverse the thing." you said but she shook her head again.
"Okay now you start to worry us. What's happen?" Morgan asked. Ava took a deep breath and tears almost fell on her cheeks.
"Guys, I'm pregnant." she announced and she would look at your two faces if she was not too anxious about the news.
"You're WHAT?" you both yelled, in the living room Natasha looked at Wanda a little confused, her wife sensed you were shocked, happy and worried at the same time but she didn't know why. "From who? Since when? And most importantly does your mom know?" you asked her together.
"From Marcus of course, you know I'd never cheat on him. I've known about it since yesterday. And yes my mom knows, she's actually the one who encouraged me to tell you." she replied and you smiled.
"It's awesome Ava you always wanted to be a mom." you said and you hugged her tightly but you pulled back she was crying.
"Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" Morgan asked her.
"My mom was happy, she said she will help me. But him..." she couldn't finish her answer before she cried again.
"What did he say?" Morgan asked.
"He said he doesn't want to have a kid now and he broke up with me." she said.
"Honestly I understand him." You said "It's not easy to raise a child even more when we are only 18 but don't worry we will be here with you and I'm sure my moms would be more than happy to help you." you explained and she finally smiled.
You came back from Ava's first echography. The three of you were excited when you opened the door of your home. You quickly went to the kitchen with your friend where your moms were.
"Hi moms" you said and they looked at you.
"Hi girls, you seemed excited" Wanda said and Ava nodded.  
"Mama, do you still have the book on pregnancy?" you asked and Natasha choked on her coffee. "That's not for me." you reassured them.
The Russian scanned your friend and lent her gaze on Ava who just waved shyly. "Wait no. Not you." Natasha said and Wanda looked at your friend confused.
"Yes it's me. I'm pregnant" she said and your moms started to cry and gave her a group hug.
"But how? I remember the first time Y/n brought you here after school. You were so tiny, you were a baby and now…" Wanda said and Morgan and you laughed at her attitude. Your moms cried, they saw Ava like her daughter too like Morgan or your cousin Luna.
"Time flies aunty Wanda" she replied and everybody laughed.'
Morgan yawned and Ava brought back to reality, "You need to sleep, I'll be here with you don't worry." she said and the young Stark nodded before she laid on your bed and started to sleep.
[Earth 616 - Tower, the next day]
"Miss Scarlet, Mr, Barton is here." Friday said. You were watching a series after you convinced Tony to let you have a Netflix account. When you turned your head you saw Clint and Natasha, they both had a silent discussion before the man looked at you. He didn't make you wait and open the door to enter, the redhead was just behind him.
He sat in front of you and you just looked at Nat to wait until she left but she didn't. Fortunately for you the archer seemed to understand. "I think I heard Tiny said he would need your help with something" he said to his best friend and she finally seemed to notice and leave. "So, hi, I'm CLint but it seems you already know that." he said and you nodded. "So who are you?" 
You took a deep breath and looked at him. "Okay, I know what I'm about to say would be weird but I need you to trust me." you said and he frowned his eyebrows. "You're the only one who can help me and keep my secret safe until I'm back home."
"And what tell you I would not tell you anything?" he asked. 
"Because you're Clint Barton, I know exactly what you're capable of and I know you'll never tell what I'll tell you." you replied.
"You seem to trust me a lot but I don't know you."
"That's because my moms do."
"Your moms?"
"Yeah, you're the first who trusted them and allowed them to try to have a better life and change who they were." you declared but he didn't reply. "Okay, I'm Y/n Maximoff-Romanoff, and my moms are Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff." you said and his jaw dropped.
"But how can you? Natasha..."
"Can't have babies, I know. It's Wanda who carried me." you explained.
"But why do you tell me this? Why not Natasha or Wanda?" he asked.
"Oh I don't know because it seems a little weird to appear from nowhere and suddenly say 'Hey, I'm your daughter from the future. I don't know why I'm here but I can't go back home. Oh and I love your hair cut by the way.' See, it seems weird." you explained.  
"Wait, you're from the future?" he asked.
"Yes, how do you think I could be so old when my mom only met 12 years ago?" you replied.
"You really talk like a Romanoff." he said and you smiled.
"Thanks, I think it's one of the best things someone said to me." you replied honestly.
"But now I start to think, how could I help you?"
"I just need you to fix my widow's bite and send a signal to Morgan." you replied.
"I stop you kid, I'm not the best with technology. And wait Nat let you use widow's bite?" he asked, visibly shocked.
"Technically, she didn't let me but I'm the scarlet widow and a widow without a widow's bite it's weird." you replied.
"Scarlet Widow?" he raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah because of my magic" you replied.
"Not because of something else?" 
"Why do everyone think I chose this because of my mom?" 
“Because you have the same habit of playing with your hands when you’re nervous,” he pointed at your hands. Honestly you didn’t realize you were nervous until her said it. “But what tell you Natasha didn’t put a mic on me?” he asked.
“Would you let her if she asked you?” he seemed to think about it before he shook his head. “See? Now I need your help, I’ll explain what to do.” you started but he cut you off.
“Sorry but you know that they can record us with Friday?” he asked but you smirked
“I’m the best friend of the little genius Morgan Stark, I know how to hack Friday easily.” you said proudly.
“Okay you’re really Nat’s daughter.” he said and you laughed. After twenty big minutes he finally accepted to keep your secret and help but with the condition to tell him all you know about the future partners of Lila, just to be prepared.
But when he made his way to the lab he was greeted by the last person who could possibly be there. “Oh Wanda, it’s a surprise to see you here.” he said. The Sokovian turned around at his voice, she seemed very tired and sad but she was like that since the incident with America.
“Hi Clint, uh- yeah, Fury sent me someone to tell me that the Avenger wanted to talk with me.” she said but didn’t make eye contact with the archer.
“It’s…nice to see you again…I suppose.” he said, clearly unsure if that was a good or a bad news.
“Oh you don’t have to act like this, I’ll just talk with them and go away as soon as possible.”
“Uh, I think you should be stay a little I mean you should have a lot to say with anyone…I really want to stay but I have something to do so, see you later.” he said and run in the lab before she could reply
In the Lab Clint saw Natasha and Tony, they were talking about something and he wasn’t focus on the conversation when he saw this. Your widow’s bites were on the table in front of the duo and according to the billionaire's face, it was something that even him couldn’t understand.
“Does anyone know why Wanda is here?” Barton said and gained the attention of his two teammates.
“Steve wants to recruit her back and according to Fury, I’m not qualified enough to oppose. And that even if that means to let a woman who attempted to kill a little girl in my tower.” he explained and the Russian sighed.
“Don’t listen to him; she’s here because we need her for any potential new menace.” she replied.
“You act like that because you don’t have children, Romanoff, but I’m pretty excited to know how you’ll act when she would harm your little copycat. Talking about her, what did she tell you?” 
“She just said she needs our help to go back to her home. I think we can try to help her, she didn’t look like a threat or anything.” Clint explained and Natasha looked at him suspiciously. “And what is it?” he asked, pointing the device on the table.
“A little from our little guest.” Tony said, and Nat rolled her eyes. “I don’t know who did this but it’s a genius. There are a lot of gadgets in only one.” he added.
“Can I see it?” the archer said and took them before they could reply. He examined the thing while remembering what you said about how to send a signal discreetly. “And what is this button?” he asked, pushing it.
“I don’t know but it seems that nothing works.” Natasha said and her best friend hummed before he put your weapons down and took a step away.
[Earth 717]
Wanda was sitting on the couch in the living room, she stared at the window. The sun started to set again and you were not here. She came out for her trance when she heard footsteps behind her, she turned round to meet the green eyes she loved so much. Natasha didn’t say anything, she just sat beside her wife and took her in her arms. It was always like this, when the Sokovian felt sad, empty or both; her wife would just hold her tight to remind her that she was not alone. They never end this habit even after your birth and when you were the reason she felt like this.
There was a comfy silence until Morgan entered the room visibly in a rush. “We have a signal.” she said and your moms didn’t wait before following her in her lab. “It’s not a big one so we think she sent it in a while now.” the young Stark explained when they were in the Lab with everyone.
“Like we excepted the signal don’t come from anywhere in our universe, but I traced it and I found the location.” Tony said while the screen showed a lot of earth planets until it stopped on one of them, he zoomed and a signal appeared on the screen. “Universe 616, I’ll do some research to know where exactly it’s from.” 
The room was drowned in the silence and noise of the keyboard until they stopped. “Got this.” he said and everyone looked at the screen. “New York, from what seems to be the rest of an Avengers’ tower.” he explained.
“I can go now.” America said.
“No, we come with you.” Wanda said.
“Wanda, you retired from a while now you should let them go.” Tony said but the Sokovian didn’t change her mind.
“It’s my baby so, of course we come. I don’t want to hear anything, I should be there to protect her the first time.” she said and nobody wanted to argue. After she materialized her and Nat's suit, America opened a portal and they crossed it. 
[Earth 616, 2036]
On the other side of the portal, the three were ready to fight anyone who would face them but fortunately or unfortunately, there was nobody. 
“Are you sure we’re in the right place Amrica, because it doesn’t seem to have a soul?” Natasha said while looking everywhere for a sign of you.
“Yeah, I came here a while ago but it was a decade prior.” she said and the woman nodded.
“I think we should split up to find her.” the red head proposed but she was quickly stopped by her wife.
“No, it’s not right.” Wanda said and the two other women looked at her.
“What’s happening Wanda?” the younger asked.
“She’s not here.” your mama whispered. “I can’t feel her, she’s not here.” she repeated louder.
“Hey honey, it’s okay, maybe it’s just because we’re in another universe so your powers don’t work.” Natasha tried to reassure her wife (or herself). “Let’s try to search a little.” she proposed and even if Wanda didn’t think it was a good idea she couldn't say ‘no’ when her wife looked so desperate.
Unfortunately for them after three hours of research and a world tour for Wanda in this universers they couldn’t find you. “I think we should go back now. We will tell Morgan to affinate her research the next time.” America proposed and even if they didn’t want to, your moms just nodded and after crossing another portal they were back home.
[Earth 717] 
When they came back everyone was expecting to see you but when they saw their faces, they knew.
“It’s impossible.” Morgan said before felling apart. You were not back, not yet.
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imawreck · 2 months
Dinner Date
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x Original Character
Summary: Bucky and Snow finish up their date with dinner.
Warnings: Mean people being mean, mentions of Bucky’s past
Word Count: 5,086
Introducing Snow to roller coasters was the worst idea ever. Once we had ridden The Bullet, she was hooked on them like a drug. We rode every. Single. One. I could feel my stomach protesting the whole time to stay upright on the ground. Don't get me wrong, watching her face light up and hear her perfect laugh was unforgettable and the highlight of the night so far, but I was going to lose the funnel cake we had if I had to ride another one.
I caught her eyeing another roller coaster just down the path and groaned, tugging against her hand. "I can't take another roller coaster Snow, have mercy."
She threw me a pout from over her shoulder, pausing in her march towards it. "Awe, who's afraid now?"
I scowled at her, nudging her with my shoulder as I matched her pace. "I'm not afraid, I'd just like to keep my food down while I'm on a date with a pretty girl."
Snow didn't have a retort for that, instead choosing to tug me along further into the carnival like she had done it a million times over. "How about something more relaxed? Maybe that?" Her dainty hand directed my attention to the large Ferris Wheel looming in the distance.
"I think that's a great idea, the view will be amazing." This time it was me who tugged her down the path, weaving through the groups of people chatting loudly about school or who is who in a comic book.
The line was relatively short due to most of the carnival goers lured by the more exciting rides littered around the grounds. Most of those who stood in line were obviously in romantic pairs. Some of them were holding hands much like Snow and I, causing my attention to narrow on the softness of her cool fingers pressed against my knuckles as we stood.
We boarded one of the larger cars with an umbrella shooting up from the center. Snow sat near the railing, peering out as we lifted from the ground and the city became smaller and vaster the higher we got. I wanted to burn the memory of her smile and the way the lights illuminated the contrasts of her face in my mind forever. She was the most beautiful think I’d seen in a long time.
I carefully maneuvered myself opposite of her and watched as we rose higher. Snow leaned against the railing to get a better look at the world below and I joined her, gripping the metal bars for support like she had. Our hands were mere centimeters apart.
Snow's voice broke the silence, "Thank you for bringing me here. It's the most fun I've ever had." She reached up and tugged at her cap before shooting me a blinding smile, "You are an exceptional date. Definitely going to be hard to beat this." She nodded as if confirming her own statement and I couldn't help but chuckle at her.
Our shoulders bumped together as the car rocked, adjusting to the movement of the ferris wheel. Snow's hand brushed mine against the bar and our eyes caught each other. I was frozen under her blue gaze, completely enraptured by her. I was vaguely aware of the cool air whipping around us, but it was muted. Like a blanket had been thrown over the two of us and we were the only people left. Her eyes flickered to my lips once, twice, before they looked at me with a certain vulnerability swimming behind them. There was a tension nearly palpable forming between us as the silence engulfed us. I found myself moving towards her, barely noticeable until I felt her warm breath fan over my face. She smelled of mint and lavender.
I wasn't sure where it would have gone if the car hadn't jolted.
Our bodies were jerked apart as it lurched violently to the right, pulling us with it. The bar we had both been resting on groaned under our grip, snapping right off the car as we both regained our balance. We held it between us, each of our hands gripping a crumpled end of metal.
Snow's wide eyes found mine, flickering between the metal bar and my face before she released it with a shove in my direction. She laughed then, loud and tinkling. "You broke the rail!"
I gawked at her, "You broke the rail! I was just holding onto it!"
Her nose scrunched up and momentarily stole my breath. "You're the one holding it. I had nothing to do with this destruction of public property. I am completely innocent." Her head tilted up defiantly and she tried to pull the bill of her cap over her face to hide her grin.
Both of us burst out laughing, falling back on the booth seats and slapping our hands against the cracked leather. This was the most bizarre date I had ever had. When we went to get off the ride, I was forced to hand the broken railing over to the attendant by a certain white haired delinquent who couldn't help but laugh at my poor apology. The poor woman just blinked at me in confusion as Snow snatched my hand and hauled me off in the opposite direction before she started asking for our contact information.
We walked back towards the edge of the carnival. I had told her I wanted to try one more game before we had to leave for dinner so she and I walked along the edge where we had first played. I scoured the fenceline trying to find a game that I was certain I could win. I wanted to get her something, win her a prize like she had done for me.
Suddenly, Snow halted. For just a moment I thought something was wrong before my eyes found her face. She was staring at a booth just ahead of us, little trinkets like scarves or keychains hung on the tarp wall, with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Her hand tightened around mine as she made sure steps towards the stand. I followed her, taking in the darts laid out on the table and the small targets littering the back wall.
I could do darts. It was a lot like throwing knives but with less rotation. Snow smiled up at me, "Think you can win at darts?"
I gave her a look of offense, "Are you questioning my skills?"
She shrugged, "Well you couldn't prove much at Ducky Pond..." I gave her a rough nudge on the shoulder, souring at her words.
I tugged at the sleeves of my jacket, "'Course I can win at darts." She sure knew how to get a rise out of me. I stalked up to the booth and flashed her my orange band, snatching up the darts and readying to throw. Before I could, there was a soft tap on my shoulder. I looked down, eyeing Snow with a brow raised.
"Come here," she waved her hand in a downward motion, "you can't see a thing behind that hair."
I bent at my waist to allow her to reach. Her fingers were cold and gentle as she pulled the stray hairs around my face towards the back of my head. She moved around me as she did so, brushing my hair through her hands as she gathered it in the back. I heard the faint snapping of an elastic hair tie being set into place and her fingers adjust her work. "There, all set."
My face was ablaze under my skin as I stood back up, "Thank you."
Snow rested her hands on her hips in a proud stance, grinning up at me with her pointed smile. The way she stood further accentuated her curves, hip jutted to the side with one leg resting a little farther forward than the other. Everything about her shot alarm bells off in my head. I tore my eyes from her frame and refocused on the task at hand; Hit the bullseye, win the girl a prize.
I reared my forearm back and released the first dart. It plunked into the red center of the first target. Snow whistled besides me as I tossed the second one, sinking it right next to the first. I felt pride swell in my chest at her praise, dropping the darts and turning back to her with a shit eating grin. "I told you."
"Never doubted you once." She sniggered and looped her arm through mine. "Now you get to pick your prize. What'll it be, Sergeant?" I caught her eyes flicking over to the prizes hung on the wall.
The attendant stepped up and waited patiently for me to decide. I shrugged, trying to figure out what it was that she wanted so badly. "You pick, doll."
She quirked her lip at my statement, not batting an eye as she told the attendant what she wanted. "Jean ball cap in the back. Red star on the side."
I tilted my head, "Why that one?"
When the attendant handed the hat to Snow, she pulled off the puffy hat and slid on the ball cap, stuffing the other deep into her coat pocket. Her white hair brushed her eyebrows and stuck out near her ears in a wild sort of way as she smiled at me. Her hand came up to brush against my left arm, just at my shoulder, "Now we match." Snow took the same hand and pointed to the red leather patch sewn haphazardly into the cap.
I shook my head at her, chuckling as I did. "I guess you're right." I pulled my phone out of my pocket, flashing the screen once to check the time. "We should head to dinner. Tony would be livid if we missed it."
Snow nodded, adjusting her hat once more before lacing our fingers together. My skin burned where she touched it, lit ablaze by the unfamiliar gesture. I was beginning to think that Snow was an affectionate person at heart, buried beneath all of her strength and sarcastic exterior.
I lead her back to the car where the two of us sat with Tony's wretched music playing in the background. Snow bobbed her head to it just as before, reveling in the odd tune and even humming the chorus after a while. When we pulled up to the building, a valet in a suit came to collect the keys. He was short with his hair greased back and he gazed at Snow's backside with unguarded eyes as she stepped from the vehicle.
I slid in front of his view, pouring all the wrath I could into it. Disgust slithered in my stomach at the sight of him. His form practically crumbled away as he slipped behind me and dug the key into the ignition. I bent low, peering into the window and placing my left hand on the car door. His wide eyes stared back at me as I gave him a blank smile and repeated Tony's words to me, "Not a scratch."
The man nodded, visibly shaking as he pulled off. Snow was waiting for me on the sidewalk with her hands crossed politely in front of her. Her eyes followed me as I made my way up, "Is something wrong? You seem awfully worked up."
I shook my head, "No, just want to make sure Tony won't kill me. Just told him not to scratch the car." I took her arm in mine and watched as she took in the restaurant.
It was old fashioned and made of tan cement, like we had walked back in time a few decades. There was a little red carpet rolled out from the double doors and had a tower that rose into the sky with the name of the restaurant blinking in red lights. It was definitely a Tony style restaurant. Immediately after we walked through the doors, we were met by two employees dressed in a near complete suit and the soft ebb and flow of classical music playing in the distance.
"May I take your coats?" The woman, no taller than Snow, held out her hands for them. I shrugged mine off along with my gloves, suddenly a bit nervous about my appearance. I was beginning to think I was just a tad bit underdressed for this kind of dinner. Snow followed my actions, slipping off her coat and looping it over the woman's hand with a polite smile and a quick 'thank you'.
The man besides the woman had a dark pointed mustache and a tablet held in the crook of his arm, "What is the name for your reservation sir?" His French accent was heavy.
"Barnes." I had never reserved a place like this before. Hell, I'd never made a reservation anywhere before.
The man slid his finger over the tablet before stopping on what I assumed was my name and nodding. He slipped the device back into his arm before gesturing widely with his free hand. "Your table is this way, Monsieur."
We followed the stout man through rows of tables, seemingly walking through an endless room before he stopped at the farthest table in the entire restaurant. I mentally thanked Tony for reserving us a seat away from the rush of most of the people. I pulled out a chair for Snow, waiting until she had tucked her legs under the table before I eased her chair a comfortable distance from the edge. After I took my seat a waitress met us with a polite wave, "Good evening, can I help you to some appetizers? Wine?"
Snow grabbed the leather menu placed on the tablecloth in front of her and expertly flicked through the laminated pages as she scanned through it. I nodded up at the woman, "I think we will need a minute to look over the menu, but we'd like some wine."
Snow's voice rose from behind the menu as she bobbed her head innocently, "Red please, and sweet."
The waitress took a glance at her pad and scribbled something down, "Will that be all for you?"
Both of us nodded and she left us alone at the table once more. I picked up my own menu and began to thumb through it too, glancing up at Snow from the edge of it. She had taken off her hat when we had entered but refused to let the woman who asked for our coats take it with her, opting to hang it on the back of her chair instead.
Our waitress returned with our wine and poured us both a glass. We ordered our food, and she hurried off. In less than twenty minutes she returned once more with a large tray carrying our dinners. It was the fastest I had ever been served. Snow and I thanked her and dug in, talking about ridiculous things like the weather or Tony's drinking habits between sips of wine and bites of food.
The lights were dim, and majority of the tables were lit by a single large candle sitting in the center. It illuminated her face with an orange hue, giving her hair a golden glint when she moved. The music had gotten louder as the man had showed us to our seats and I had located its source before we had gotten comfortable. Just to the right of us was a large set of wooden doors carved with intricate designs around the edges. I watched as a man and woman both slipped behind it and happened to catch a glance at pairs of people dancing around the floor.
I thought about what it would be like to dance again. I hadn't in so long that I feared that maybe I was a little rusty. I wondered if Snow even knew how to dance. A smile slipped on my face at the thought of someone so elegant and surefooted as her stumbling around trying to learn the steps.
Snow sipped her wine as she looked up from her meal, catching my stare. "What are you all smiley about, Mr. Barnes?" The way she said my name sent a shiver down my spine.
I shook my head while holding her eyes, "Nothin' doll, just looking at you."
I was certain I saw her face darkened a shade as she scoffed, finally setting her cup back on the table. She opened her mouth to speak but something else had drawn my attention from her.
A pair of women seated a few tables from us were whispering to each other and the words 'Winter Soldier' had dropped into their conversation.
They continued to talk. "Surely that isn't him, the government wouldn't let him out of the tower, right?" The brunette wasn't as quietly spoken as her friend was.
I kept my eyes down as they talked, pretending to push food around my plate. "He was pardoned, they said he was under someone else's influence. Brainwashed, I think."
The brunette blinked in horror, and I balled my fists. "But he killed people! Like, hundreds of people! How could they let a murderer like him walk around with the rest of us, let alone with no security?"
Her friend nodded solemnly, and her eyes loitered on Snow seated across from me. "I wonder if that poor girl knows who she's eating with. A man like him doesn't deserve happiness after what he did."
My heart dropped to the pit in my stomach. It was like a wall came down around me after that and I noticed just how many eyes had been watching me. Everywhere I looked I caught someone staring, whispering, pulling their loved ones by the hand and leaving the restaurant as fast as they could without stirring up a fuss. I blinked hard, desperately trying not to listen to the names they spoke to each other. Murderer, Killer, Winter Soldier, all of which were true in a sense. I did kill people. I killed a lot of people. Maybe those women were right, I didn't deserve to be sitting here on a mundane date with a woman who was probably just humoring me out of pity.
Who was I to think that I could try to be happy? Who was I to think that I deserved someone who cared about me after all the pain I have caused?
I jolted in my seat. Snow was staring me down from across the table, her hands planted on both sides of it in a way that made me think she was about to launch herself across the table if I hadn't heard her. She relaxed just a little and spoke so softly to me. "What's going on?"
I shook my head, once again looking back around the building. Looking at the eyes. "I shouldn't be here with you."
She frowned, wrinkling her brow. "What?"
I closed my eyes, clenching my teeth together. "I don't deserve to be here with you. I don't deserve to be happy after-"
"Shut up." I snapped my lids open, staring at her. Snow hadn't said it harshly, or with any negativity. Her eyes weren't on me, rather on her food. She moved her plate to the side as well as her glass, clearing the table in front of her. She tugged my plate forward and placed it aside with hers. When she was done, she sat her palms up on the table and reached out to me. "Give me your hands." I stared at her, watching her face harden when I didn't do as she said. "Give me your hands, Bucky."
I raised my right hand slowly, placing it in lightly against her cold skin. Her fingers folded over my own firmly and she pushed her other elbow further across the table. "Both of them."
I pursed my lips, raising my metal palm to hover over hers. I contemplated just getting up and leaving but she snatched it with equal firmness like the other. Her blue eyes bored into my own. "I want you to listen to every word I have to say to you. Do not interrupt me." She waited for me to nod before she went on, making sure not to let my hands slip an inch away from hers. "Your life was stolen from you along with your own mind. Your actions after that were not your own. I know that you blame yourself for what happened, and I know that you're haunted by your time as the Winter Soldier, but that wasn't you, Bucky. That was something that Hydra had crammed into your head to do their dirty work and command on their own accord. Hydra is to blame, Bucky, not you. Never you.
"I haven't known the real you for very long, but I am certain that you aren't to blame for everything that has happened. You are worth so much more than you tell yourself. So, I don't want to hear you say you don't deserve to do normal things, or that you don't deserve to be happy because that's exactly what you deserve. You are not a monster. You deserve to live out the life you have always wanted without the worry that someone might come out and steal it from under your nose." She squeezed my hands, "And I'm going to tell you that until you believe it. I want you to be happy, Bucky, and I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen."
The sincerity in her voice struck me hard, and her eyes never left mine as she spoke to me. I could hardly believe a woman like her, beautiful and strong, would sit there and tell me that I had worth, that I wasn't the monster Hydra had made me into. My eyes burned with tears, but I refused to cry in front of her.
Snow let her head fall to the side a little bit, a lock of white hair drooping between her eyes. "Come dance with me?" Her thumb brushed over my knuckles, running over the grooves of my metal hand and the scarred skin stretched over the opposite. Equally.
I nodded after a beat, raising from my seat. She kept her hand firmly around mine as she let me lead her to the wooden doors. I held it for her as she slipped inside, tossing a coy smile over her shoulder. The dance floor was almost like a ballroom, bearing an arched ceiling and a monstrous glass chandelier. The floor was marbled with emerald hints scattered over it.
I faltered once more, taking in the men scattered around in expensive suits and bright smiles. I didn't belong here.
Snow sent a pulse through my hand, catching me with her eyes. "Breathe."
I drew a breath and expelled it slowly, letting her pull me onto the floor. Her delicate hands wrapped around my neck as we eased into the smooth rhythm of the piano. Snow was noticeably shorter than I was, and her arms rested against my shoulders as we swayed.
She pulled in closer, playing with the hair at the nape of my neck or the little tail poking out from the bun she had tied at the carnival. Her smile was small and sincere as she followed my steps. After a while, she spoke up, "What upset you so much?"
My first response to these kinds of questions is to clam up and stay quiet. I hardly ever spoke about my feelings with Steve, and I had known him much longer than Snow. Feelings weren't something I was very good at. I barely knew what I was feeling half the time, and the more complicated things got the more frustrated I would become. I didn't understand how to talk about them. However, something was different when Snow was involved. She knew what I had been through, understood it better than anyone else could. From what I could tell, she didn't pity me, and she definitely didn't treat me any differently than the others at the compound. I wanted to be able to talk to her.
"They were talking about me, the people in there, about what I did as the soldier. They called me a killer and said I shouldn't be allowed out in the open like this." I couldn't look her in the eye. "They wondered if you knew what I did and who I was."
"Of course I do. That is exactly why I agreed to come out with you tonight. I know who you are, Bucky, and you are not a killer or a danger. You're just a man who likes extra syrup on his pancakes with a funky metal prosthetic." Snow shrugged, as if what she had said wasn’t a big deal.
A smile broke onto my face at her statement, "I do like syrup. But Snow, my past is-"
"It's exactly that," She interrupted, "Your past. You aren't like that anymore. You save lives every day with the world's greatest superheroes." She had said it so simply, like it wasn't anything short of the truth. "You shouldn't doubt yourself so much. You are a good man, I have seen it with my own eyes."
My heart ached in my chest as her words resonated in my soul. I pulled her up against my chest, lifting her feet off the ground and holding her against me in a tight embrace, "Thank you."
"You're welcome." She tightened her own arms around my neck, her breath fanning against my cheek as we swayed to the gentle music. Snow hummed the melody quietly in my ear and I was thrown into a memory.
My hands clutched a palm much smaller than mine as a brush was dragged through the wet strands of my hair. The fingers laced between my own tapped a steady beat against my knuckles as a hum filtered into the quiet. I didn't know the song, or if she was even humming a song at all. I felt at ease with her, calm and quiet inside. The anxiety of the generals and the missions dissipated in the presence of this woman as she threaded her fingers through my hair and soothed the knots in my shoulders.
We danced for hours, I never once let her feet touch the ground and she didn't complain. She simply played with my hair and let me sway her to the beat as she hummed along. I realized that I loved her voice and that I wanted to keep it locked away and never forget the way it sounded. Eventually the night had to come to an end and we collected our coats and left a tip. I drove her home in a comfortable silence with her hand in mine. Nothing was awkward with her around. She just let it be.
When we got to the compound I walked her to her door like last time, only she let me keep her hand laced with mine all the way up to the door. Snow turned to me with a little smile, "Well, I'd say that was the best date I have ever had. You are quite the catch, Barnes."
I laughed, "You aren't so bad yourself. Thank you for coming."
"Anytime." Her face lit up once more as if suddenly remembering something, "I have something to tell you." I raised my eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.
"Well, you'll understand it. With the cold coming, I figured I would tell you something important to me. A memory I cherish." Her shoulders pulled in like she was suddenly nervous. "A long time ago, you and I went on a mission together. It was much colder than this and it was snowing a lot. You had to leave our camp to scout the city about a mile or so down the mountain. It was night time and darker than anything, there wasn't a moon out."
A flicker of an image flashed behind my eyes. A streetlight next to a storefront littered with posters of women in the newest fashion trends.
She went on, "You were gone a while longer than you usually took, but when you came back you had a smile on your face. You rarely ever smiled back then." Snow fidgeted with her fingers, "You had seen something while you were on your patrol and you came back with something for me. Do you remember what it was?"
Another flash of memory, the women in the window. One in particular caught my eye. She had gentle features and a soft slope in her nose. Her eyes were bright and the deepest shade of blue. The woman's hair was blonde, but that wasn't what had made me stop. The poster shared such similar traits to my partner that I could hardly tell the difference if it wasn't for the color of her hair. Written in bright bold red letters above her was the name Maxine.
I blinked away the memory, staring at Snow with wide eyes. "A name. I came back with a name."
Snow gave me a bashful grin, nodding her head. "You gave me a name that day. I hadn't been named as a child and Hydra wasn't much for that kind of thing, so it means a lot with me and I only share it with the people I trust. Maxine is a little dated for this day and age, so Max will do just fine. I don't mind if the others find out, I just wanted you to remember it first."
I couldn't do much else but look at her in awe, outstretching my hand. "It's nice to meet you Max, I'm James. James Buchanan Barnes." I felt it was only fair if she knew my real name too.
Her face lit up and she reached out with her own, taking my hand and giving it a firm shake. "It's so good to meet you." She laughed and my heart pounded in my ears. "We should probably turn in for the night, it's getting pretty late. Thank you again for the date, it was wonderful."
I nodded, taking a step back from her door. "It really was. I'll see you tomorrow, Max."
"I'll see you tomorrow, James. Goodnight." She eased inside her room, giving me a little wave from the gap.
"Goodnight." I felt like I was floating that night, and not one nightmare woke me.
@cjand10 / @blackbirdwitch22 / @imdoingathingmom
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