#i can't get his face right and fear I'd offend him with a bad attempt 💀 dont ask
kuyatecallate · 5 months
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I shoulda started drawing meme images ages ago, this shits fun.
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And to think these "doodles" all stem from a different sketch that isn't done and deserves more time to bake
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Til death do us part | Helmut Zemo
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Bodyguard AU! 🕶
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
Here's the part where I stir up trouble because it's me and you know this by now.
Warnings: Mentions of threats, death, and suicide. I'm sorry if that's triggering. It's just mentioned.
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 11
You hadn't returned to the Baron again last night, and he hadn't called for you either. You managed to avoid him for the rest of the day.
Today, however, was a new day, and you couldn't keep avoiding him. You put on your stoic face, kept your mind on the job, and made your way up to his office.
At breakfast you had been joined by Natasha and Clint down in the kitchen. It was clear bt the way Clint was looking at you that Natasha had brought him into the loop.
"Why did you tell him?"
"I didn't. He has eyes, too. He can see it just as clearly as anyone," she states.
Clint grins.
You glare at him.
Clint just shrugged and agreed with her. He was the only one to tell you anything alone these lines:
"I think you should open up to him. Sure, you didn't get off on the right foot, but I think he likes you. Really. Maybe give him a chance?"
You chose to ignore that statement and get on with your work. If no one else was going to take their job seriously, then you had to be extra serious for them.
His life was still in danger.
You knock on the door, taking a deep breath as you waited for his reaponce. It cane moments later.
If only his voice didn't send shivers down your spine everytime you heard it.
You enter his office, barely looking at him, and make your way over to where you normally stand. However, you had noticed the way his desk was organised.
Much like yesterday, there was a tea set on a tray. It was a different set to yesterday's. These cups were a pale green and each one a a small pink rose painted on either side of the cup. The teapot had a dozen little roses around the top where the lid sat.
It was a pretty set. Once again, simple, but classy.
He poured two cups again.
"Please, join me," he spoke softly.
You did not want a repeat of yesterday. You remained standing.
Noticing that you hadn't made a move, he gazes up at you with gentle brown eyes. His lips are pulled into a soft smile.
You knew you shouldn't have looked at him, but now it was too late. Those dark eyes are luring you in, and don't forget that smile.
Why did you suddenly want to kiss him?
You swallow thickly, keeping eye contact with him as he continues to look at you with a smile.
The way he speaks is so soft. He very clearly wanted you to join him. You hesitate.
"I'm on duty, sir."
"I want you to join me."
You look at the empty seat across from him. The tea would get cold if you didn't join him. Right, yeah, that's why you're going to sit down with him, you didn't want the tea to get cold.
You move over to the chair and take a seat, not looking at the way he was smiling at you now.
A plate of cupcakes sits between you. He takes one.
You look at the sight. Seeing the Baron with his dainty tea set, a cupcake, and a bright expression on his face, he looked so happy and relaxed.
You rather liked this side to the Baron.
You pick up the cup and sip from it. Another delicious tea from his collection. You won't mention how you knew he had a collection of different flavoured tea in a box downstairs in the kitchen.
You smiled at the thought of it though.
It made you feel like you had discovered something about him. A little thing he likes that he doesn't share with anyone else.
Except you, of course.
"How many tea sets do you have?" You ask, now forgetting all about that professional head you had tried to put on earlier. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to humour him.
He smiles widely at you.
"I have six as it stands. I do like to look at others, but I only get the ones that really catch my eye."
You have no idea what was going on with Helmut. The man was beyond pleased. You had initiated a conversation with him. You wanted to talk to him. He couldn't believe it. Perhaps he hadn't offended you as much as he thought after all.
Now, he just had to keep you talking.
"Six? Goodness. Do you use them all?"
"Yes. I switch between them," he grins.
"I'd like to see the others."
"All in due time."
You smile softly.
His heart could literally beat out of his chest right now. He made you smile, and you weren't even trying to hide it.
Feeling a little more willing to be less... stuck up, you reach out and grab one of the cakes.
This pleases him further.
You both eat the cakes and drink the tea. You let yourself smile openly around him.
You were accept he wanted to spend time with you. You wondered if he would indulge you in some information.
"May I ask you something?"
He looks at you with a big gentle eyes. His lips curl in the smallest of smiles.
"Of course."
You put down your nearly empty tea cup and sit up straighter.
"Will you tell me about the group who are after you?"
His smile fades. He hadn't expected that question. To be honest he wanted to keep them as far from mind as possible, but he supposed he did owe you an explanation after everything you had been through.
"They call themselves The Agent Association. John Walker founded it when I retired from the army. He is part of the reason Sokovia has been suffering, when he brought his little gang here to try and recruit me."
"Recruit you? What did he want you for?"
"I have many skills under my belt. I believe he wanted to use me."
"And you turned him down?"
"Yes. I had just left the military. I was ready to return home and settle down. He didn't like that," Helmut's voice became sad. Something struck you and you realised that this went so much deeper than just that.
"What happened? What did he do?"
Helmut looks at you. During the next few moments of silence he was debating on if he should share everything with you. He trusted you, it more came down to if he could bring himself to tell you what happened.
He wants to tell you. He wants to share what happened to him with you. The reason he had been so cold before you came along.
"There was a woman. She was beautiful. I fell in love rather quickly with her, and she promised to wait for me. He promised I would marry her upon my return and we would live here together. I didn't know she knew Walker. As it turned out, he was in love with her too."
You were suddenly felt with dread.
That was it. That was the first time you had used his name. He stared at you, caught off-guard by the way it sounded from your lips.
You hadn't seemed to notice what you had done. Clearly you had been so comfortable with him, you had just let it slip.
He gathers himself.
"Heike. That was her name. She wasn't here when I got home. Three days and no word. I had feared she had chosen him over me, but it was a week later when I heard what had happened."
You felt uncomfortable.
"Heike had passed away. Her family hadn't known I was home, so that's why I hadn't heard anything yet. I was devastated. Two days of being locked away here in mourning with a broken heart, Walker showed up. He broke down my door, he marched up to my room, and then he proceeded to attempt to kill me."
You stare wide eyed, lips parted, mind blank.
"Walker thought I was fine reason she was dead. That she couldn't take choosing and ended her life. I wanted him to kill me. I wanted to be with her in death. He didn't do it. He dropped me and left. I didn't hear from him in years, but one day he shows up with his agents. He wanted to prove to me he had power and influence. Sokovia began to decline and it was because of him."
Helmut had taken notice of how you were leaning forward, listening intensely.
"He's trying to kill you because he thinks Heike killed herself over you?" You ask, whispering softly.
He nods.
"That's awful."
You get up and walk to his side. You place a hand on his shoulder and let it rest there.
"It wasn't your fault."
He turns his head to where he sees your hand. He looks at it. Your touch feels warm, even through his blazer.
"Wasn't it?"
"Of course it wasn't... or are you saying it was?" You ask, softly.
He shakes his head.
"I don't know. What if she had?"
"Do you want my honest opinion?" You ask, looking at him seriously.
You kneel down beside him, hand still settled on his shoulder. You meet his eyes with your own.
"If she had ended her own life, I don't think it was over you. By the sounds of it, she was in love with you. She promised to wait."
"Then what do you think happened?"
"Walker. He's trying to kill you, very nearly had twice at this point. Maybe this goes deeper than you think. You're taking it from his word and not your own investigation. Considering all that happened, he isn't a wise form of information."
Helmut places a hand over yours and looks you in the eye. He swallows, letting your words sink in. Your kindness toward him is enough to spur enough confidence in him.
He brings your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckle gently.
He doesn't miss the shocked expression on your face. Startled, you take your hand back and stand up, but you don't walk away.
Already, he misses your touch.
He's not sorry for what he did, even if your reaction hurt him a little.
"Walker will not bring you harm. As your bodyguard I vow to protect you and see this through. I will not stop until Walker is stopped too."
Helmut looks at you with so much longing. His heart feels full. He smiles.
And I vow to protect you. I will not let him hurt you too. Walker will not hurt the people I love again.
He just can't bring himself to say it out loud.
Zemo no longer cares if it's your duty to protect him. He will not let you get hurt by the hands of Walker again.
When the time comes, the Baron will rest and the Colonol will come out to play.
I promise.
@thesuitkovian @justfangirlthingies @belle82devart @zemosimp420 @anteroom-of-death @silverlambcaptain @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @lieutenantn @daniielbruhl @awesomesauce-abbie @latenightartist-author @lazygurl05 @rumblelibrary @nonamec0s @shura-gorl @ginger-abreu @caligrl1992 @livvyshmiv @luciadiosa @vverliebt @tatooineisdry @charistory @somethingthatsaysbubbles @apparrio @alex-the-nb @thewrongkhristol @hb8301 @the-chaotic-cow @mssennimatilda @uncomfortablebagel @fictionlandslanddreams
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
"I'm sorry, what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Carly asks and he nods his agreement with the question, confused as well.
"His first allegiance has been you for the entire time I've known him! You call, the second he registers it's you he answers it. No matter what. We could be in a fight and he'd still pause it to answer that call from you. I don't know why, maybe there's something going on there I don't know about, but still. At least now I'm not competing for attention," Sam sadly smiles.
"Redo on the question: what the hell is that supposed to mean?" The blonde asks again, laughing when she figures out what it is she means. "Oh my god, you think we're having an affair! Oh my god! That's- oh my god."
Both of them burst into laughter at the thought of that. "You thought- us?" Jason asks, laughing still in a rare showing of emotion for him.
Confused, Sam takes that as a sign to say that. "Yeah, actually. I don't know, it just seemed like something that would happen between you two. Or that it was happening."
That stops their laughter promptly. "You do know we used to do that, right?" Jason asks her calmly. "Before Michael."
"And then I was in love with him for several years," Carly smiles at him, "and he wouldn't tell me his feelings until after Sonny and I had gotten together the first time. Stubborn goat. I practically told him everytime I saw him but he just smiled and gave me taxi money. Cruel, truly."
"Most of this took place when she was married to AJ," he finishes the version of the story Sam gets today, even though he could've sworn he'd told her before, "with a minor amount of her begging me to flee the country with her and Michael while she was married to Sonny the first time. But since I came back from my great world exploration, we've simply been friends."
"So you two were going to leave the country together, and you used to hook up, and you were in love at one point, and I never learned any of this?" Sam exclaims, angry and kinda hurt as well.
"I just assumed you knew. Honestly, Sam, I'm kinda surprised you didn't. Everyone knows it; we don't try to hide it or act like we weren't. People haven't just brought it up in... God it'd be years by now, but a long time. When you came to town, though, people were still talking about it pretty regularly. No clue why, maybe they found us fascinating or something, but how didn't you know?" A surprised Carly asks her former fellow mob wife.
"No one ever thought to tell me that his best friend was also someone he was in love with! Someone he considered not only leaving the business for, but someone he considered leaving everyone he cared about to protect," Sam exclaims.
"A million years ago," Carly defends him, "and besides, I doubt that ever would've actually happened."
"Mainly because I refused to let it happen," Jason smiles at her. "You were ready to leave the country on the next flight out and never look back, not for anyone or anything."
"Yeah, I guess I should've thought that out, but in my defense, we would've been happy in, say, Switzerland with Michael and very far away from Sonny," she quickly returns his smile, quipping back immediately.
"Switzerland has an extradition treaty," he reminds her. "Vietnam, on the other hand, does not."
"You were prepared to let me just take off to a country with an extradition treaty with my son and you?" Carly asks, mock offended. "That's just mean."
"Never. I would've made sure we went somewhere without one if we went, which we already established wasn't gonna happen," he smiles again, this time noticed by Sam exclusively, as Carly was busy fake pouting and he was trying to hold back a laugh. "Not once have I willingly gone along with a Carly plan and I plan on dying with that."
"Lies. My fake marriage to AJ so that Michael, me, and you could be a family again, legally," the blonde reminds him, smirking. "You went along with that one pretty easily. Granted, it was because you'd get everything back to how it'd been, your comfortable, no changing life."
"So you act like this, reminiscing about a past I found out about five minutes ago, and I'm expected to believe you truly, truly, aren't still feeling feelings for each other?" Sam asks, incredulous.
"Of course we have feelings! Joy, and anger, and fear and sadness and nostalgia all wrapped into one cozy blanket. But that doesn't mean we're cheaters in relationships, doesn't mean that he would cheat on you, that I'd do that to Sonny," Carly exclaims. "Jason is the most loyal man I have ever met. He's broken zero promises to me and believe me I've given him more than enough reason to. But still, he keeps his word. He would never, in a million years, cheat on you."
"Back the hell up, did you just say you've got feelings for him?" Sam asks, angry but unsurprised.
"We're friends, just friends!" Carly fights her.
"Tell me you're not still attracted to him, then, and I'll believe you!" Sam fires back. "Honestly, can you tell me that you have no feelings for him? Can you?'
There's a poignant pause and a shifted dynamic between the three when suddenly, everyone's eyes are on Carly. "I knew it," Sam scoffs. "I knew you were still in love with him, you slut! You say I'm bad, you've been friends with him for longer than I've known he existed and yet you love him, when you're married to someone else!"
Anger and confusion clouds his blue eyes before he says, "Sam! That is completely out of line! Don't you dare accuse her of this when you don't even know what she means yet, or start fighting with her in her restaurant!"
"So that's it? You're mad at me for getting upset with her for having feelings for you all this time? God, you're in love with her too, aren't you? Somewhere, some part of you is still in love with your best friend's wife. This is rich, maybe I should go tell Sonny about this, let him know his wife's a whore and her and you are in love," Sam angrily shouts. "After all, I'm just the baby mama now. Right?"
"Don't say that," he says softly. "I loved you, Sam, with every piece of me and you told me that we were over. That there was no chance of us reuniting. I love you and it kills me, to know you don't feel the same way back."
"You used the past tense. Loved. You corrected it when you noticed. If you're not in love with me, you're in love with her." Sam says calmly, disguising her anger.
"That's not how life works," Carly argues, interrupting whatever Sam's trying to say. "It's not black and white like that, it's covered in shades of grey as well. You, of all people, should know that. Love's complicated. Life's complicated. Don't expect me to be able to answer a question like that easily."
"If some part of your heart didn't belong to him-"
"Some part of it always will. He was my first love, and he's my best friend. He was the first person to show me unconditional love. The very first person to put up with me and treat me the way I never thought I deserved until I met him. So yes, of course I love him. Happy? Satisfied that now you can run back to Sonny and you two can try for baby number two?" Carly asks, the last part coming out as a sarcastic joke.
Jason stands there, stunned but processing it. She's in love with him? That's a shock. Definitely wasn't expecting that when he woke up today.
By the look on her face, Sam wasn't planning on hearing it either. "So you admit you're a whore who used Sonny because you couldn't be with Jason? Is that it? Or is it that you're somehow just coming to this realization now?"
"That's enough!" He says, pulling out of his thoughts. "Where the hell do you get off acting like this? You dumped me, and you're here now it pick a fight with a woman who's my best friend."
"A woman who's in love with you!" Sam says, hurt he's protecting her. "You protect her with everything in you and I can't even get half of your attention. God, I hope you two are happy together. I'm leaving."
No one tries to stop her as she storms off to the elevators.
A slightly embarrassed Carly looks at him. "Look, if I made this weird or anything, I'm sorry. I just- she asked for the truth and I think I needed to get it off my chest. I was planning on taking this to the grave, I swear. You and her are great together, truly, and so I don't want you to feel like you've got any burden to act on what I've told you. We can just forget this ever happened if you want."
"Can we?" He asks, contemplating. "I mean, yeah, I guess we could, but I know you and I know you don't ever give up or hide things. Once your feelings are out in the open, you leave it like that. You are incapable of hiding them."
"I have for this long," she smiles. "So, no pressure, but whatever we do with this knowledge is up to you."
"No pressure? What the hell has happened to you? Are you feeling alright?" He teases, a smirk playing on his lips despite his best attempts to hide it. "I, uh, I guess you're waiting on me to say something?"
"You... It's complicated."
"No shit."
"Do I love you? Yes, of course I do. We're friends and you've been my family for a long time. When I woke up from the accident, you didn't know about it, didn't feel the need to be careful with me or treat me like I was marked fragile. Granted, we were just having no name sex, but still. And when you found out, you didn't care much. You had Michael, and remember how scared you were? That's why I agreed to take you both in, and it turned out to be both one of the best and worst things to happen to me. We fell into a solid friendship and eventually in love. You word blurted every feeling you had and I just didn't tell you how I felt. When I did, you fucked Sonny because of a misunderstanding. That hurt. But I survived. Came back to town and we were best friends again. The feelings never fully died, but I definitely loved Sam too, still love her to an extent. I just, I don't know anymore what to do to cause the least amount of pain."
"That was emotional, Mr. Morgan," the blonde smiles at his friend. "Maybe you're not stone cold anymore."
He just rolls his eyes and smiles at his friend who's distracting herself. "If you can hide a feeling, anything's possible."
"That felt personal," she jokes. "But where does this leave us? I mean, we both have feelings for each other, but I just so happen to be married to your boss and second closest friend. And you just got out of a long term relationship."
"Absolutely no clue. You're with Sonny, I'm single, and Sam's definitely about to tell him what happened here," Jason sighs. "God, our lives are complicated."
"Seems like my sneaking around plan won't work. Damn. How about my better plan, one where we figure out what we are to each other first," she smiles at him.
"That's somehow even more complicated," he sighs.
"Do you want to explain it to Sonny that we're unlabeled or something?" Carly raises an eyebrow at the man she knows so well. "Exactly. You don't. I don't either but I guess we've got to go with my plan."
"The plan that also involved Sam, the scorned woman, not telling him? Good luck with that," he chuckles, thinking deeply.
The only thing that pulls him out of his thoughts is the sudden feeling of her lips on his. They pull away when he registers what's happening and he looks at her, confused. "What the hell just happened?"
"I kissed you, genius," she smiles at him. "And you didn't kiss back."
"I was thinking," he defends himself. She cocks an eyebrow and he rolls his eyes. "Do you want me to kiss you?"
"No need to be so formal," she smirks and they kiss.
Conveniently, Sonny shows up right then.
To be continued
.-. whY-
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XXII)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Worry about you
Hi my friends! Today I want to talk with seriousness about one of the most hilarious episodes from season 6. And because it was written by Ben Edlund, there's juicy Destiel elements there. I will talk too about episode 18 and 19, near to the end, because I will take some points from those too.
I want to give thanks to my friend @agusvedder , she made the gifs for this meta! Love ya girl!
Ok, let's start this volume...
Balthazar calling Cas as Cassie
When 6x15 "The French Mistake" starts, Balthazar appears in Bobby's house, moving fast as Cas did in 6x03, appearing and dissapearing the whole time looking for things to use in a spell... In the middle of that loud scene, this dialogue is developed...
BALTHAZAR: Raphael is after us all. You see, he's consolidated his strength. And now he's on the move.
SAM: And where's Cas?
BALTHAZAR: Oh, Cassie? He is deep, deep underground. So, good old Raffy put out a hit list on every last Samaritan who helped our dear Cas – Including both of you. And so much more importantly, me. See, he wants to draw Cas out in the open.
First of all I want to say, each episode written by Edlund, shows us DEAN AND CAS ARE IN LOVE, each one of them. The man knew what he was doing writing their relationship as romantic. So, I would say... This wasn't the exception... Why Balthazar would name Cas as Cassie (Dean's first love?) Balthazar doesn't know that, but we do, the spectators.
Dean exaggeratedly eye fucking Misha/Cas
One of the most hilarious scenes was this one here ...
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Dean playing to be Jensen playing to be Dean, and the eye fucking. Delightful, just because Dean knows Cas and him do that thing the whole time. So, he plays his role, but because Dean is an awful actor, that's the result.
Pretty interesting Dean is aware of it... Just saying.
Dean starts to worry about Cas
By the end of the episode, Raphael find the boys and Balthazar, but Cas makes his apparition. But why on Earth the camera just took Dean's facial reaction to what Cas was saying and doing?
That's fear and concern in Dean's face... He is maybe seeing things are not good... And he's worry because CAS doesn't tell him the whole thing...
CASTIEL It was Balthazar's plan. I would have done the same thing.
Castiel is in soldier mode these words made Dean be a little mad at him...
DEAN That's not comforting, Cas.
He would expect something different from his friend, like maybe, some kind of protection, and not be used as bait. So here Dean is feeling a little disappointed.
CASTIEL When will I be able to make you understand? If I lose against Raphael, we all lose. Everything.
Edlund is pointing one of the excuses for Castiel taking this kind of decisions and positions. Castiel needs desperately to win against Raphael, and he's willing to everything to fulfill that mission. Even lie to the Winchesters and work with Crowley.
DEAN Yeah, Cas. We know the stakes. That's about all you've told us!
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CASTIEL I'm sorry about all this. I'll explain when I can.
Cas would love to count with them and not lie them, but he's at war.
DEAN Friggin' angels.
Edlund's Dean quote each time an angel surprisingly vanish in front of him 🤣
Jealous!Dean attacks again
In episode 6x17 "My heart will go on"
When Fate is attempting to kill Dean and Sam
In that abbandoned restaurante, i noticed something interesting. Remember I mention the colored codification started in this season? Well... We have another Destiel Coded Colored foreshadow. The burner knobs were colored in BLUE and RED, representing Dean and Cas, but toxic, angry Dean. And the whole place exploded... So... What a big and huge foreshadow for the settlement of the bid Destiel fight and break up in the following episodes, isn't?
But we're here to talk about Jealous! Dean, because we love it.
When Cas saves the boys from that explosion, this was part of the talk...
DEAN So we've pissed fate off personally.
CASTIEL If I know her – and I do – she won't stop until you're dead.
DEAN  Awesome. So what do we do?
CASTIEL Kill her.
SAM Kill fate?
CASTIEL Do you have another suggestion?
SAM No, I'm – I just mean, uh...Can you even do that?
CASTIEL Balthazar has a weapon that will work against her.
DEAN Of course he does. Yeah. Boy, that guy's just got it covered, doesn't he?You need new friends, Cas.
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Do you notice the shade of jealousy here?? And then...
The dialogue between Fate and Cas showed us again how desperately was Castiel to win the war. And Balthazar was working for him. We see more about how CAS is getting into the dark side for the biggest purpose.
But even so, they showed us too, he's worry about Sam and Dean safety.
By the end of the episode, we had another dialogue between Castiel and the boys...
And Cas lies to Dean...
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And then Dean makes a bad joke, and Cas dissapears again.
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DEAN I'll tell you one thing about Cas, he does not appreciate the finer things.
Dean says this because isn't the first time he makes a joke and Cas vanishes. But I wonder if is related to Castiel feeling a little bit offended, and you'll know what I mean in the next point...
Dean mocking CAS, just because he enjoys it
In episode 6x19 "Mommy Dearest" we can see how since this scene happened...
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So, Cas feel offended, and Sammy pointed that to Dean. Dean gets a little surprised, but...I'm sure this was very enjoyable for him, because then he'll mock him again.
Also... I want to mark here something... If Cas was able to dissapeard by flying here, I'm sure he may do it. Because... I recall that scene in the car in season 5 (last episode) when Dean mocked him about not having sense of humor, he vanished then. And the we had the Kate Winslet's breast joke, and now this one... So...
We had this one here...
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Again mentioning babies, because he knows Cas got mad about that, and he repeats the action. He's enjoying it, for sure.
But we will have a sweet Innocent comment, I just wanted to share...
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The thing here is the sexual innuendos in this episode, firs the famous "Cas get out of my ass!" And now this one here, so funny the double meaning... And Dean's gay panic face 🤣🤣🤣😏.
Castiel is worried about Dean
This episode showed us too, Cas in his soldier mode, can see things the boys can't. Like those little kids in that police station.
Castiel and Dean fought because CAS wasn't agreed with them in driving those kids to their home.
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CAS: Dean, Dean. Millions of lives are at stakes here, not just two. Stay focused.
Castiel in soldier mode, trying to make Dean to understand the danger in his decision, but it was late, because Sam and Dean saw in those kids themselves.
DEAN: Are you kidding?
CAS: There's a greater purpose here.
Castiel's excuse to do the things he's doing.
DEAN: You know what, I-I'm getting a little sick and tired of the greater purposes, okay? I think what I'd like to do now is save a couple of kids. If you don't mind. We'll catch up. Okay guys, let's go. C'mon. (Dean walks out. Joe, Ryan and Sam follow.)
Cas and Dean are in different pages, Cas is cold minded, first killing Lenore as it was nothing, then torturing the sheriff, and now... Because he's feeling worry about Sam and Dean...
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But we know he already fix this sending Crowley.
Another thing is, when Eve attacks Dean, the only one calling his name in despair was CAS...
But when he had to heal him, he took his time, studying Eve's dead body on the ground... He was worried there... Because it supposed that monster should be alive to find Purgatory...
But then Sam reminded him Dean was hurt. So he approached him, and the way he heals him caught my attention, he out his hand on Dean's shoulder... As if he wanted to say something... But he didn't. He just healed him. Maybe with a shade of relief Dean was ok...
Just an addition...NUMBER 25
Ok, the number 25 was mentioned a couple of times in this episode. It was the age of the patient that died and the address in which Eve was.
So... What does this number means? It represents the Argonaut in the arcana. The Argonaut is a Greek hero (it could be Cas) but it also represents in numerology the number 7 that means the inner war to choose the right path and the impulsiveness as a dangerous way to make the wrong decisions... It sound familiar, isn't?
To Conclude
Dean was worried about Castiel because he saw how dangerous was Raphael.
Castiel is between his soldier duty and the love he has for the Winchesters. As we will see in the following metas, he's worried about their safety.
Dean enjoys mocking CAS, that's not news...
Jealous!Dean is delightful too...
Castiel lying to their friends for the biggest purpose, as his excuse. And his impulsiveness and desperation to win a war.
I hope you like this meta, I see you in the next Chronicle. 😘💞
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant
If you want to be tagged, please let me know.
If you want to read the previous season 6 metas, here the links...
Buenos Aires, July 31st 2019 9:14 PM
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