#i can't believe this is a canon convo between them lmao
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pheracy · 5 days ago
Violet: What are you, six? Louis: Seven, thank you.
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jusst-you-race · 4 months ago
convos between lando and charles if car lando was canon? thank u and congrats!!
here you go! i had fun with this one if you can't tell lmao... thank you anon! for the ccc snippet prompts
Charles image.png 
These are your boxers, non?
Lando uhhh wtf? 
wierd that u think their mine?
Charles Lando I bought them for you as a joke present for your birthday 
Lando oh 
haha wild where did u find those
Charles Under our couch
Why are your boxers under our couch?
Lando thats crazy i have no idea 
must be like 
magic or something 
Charles When were you getting naked in my apartment?
Lando dude its not just urs dont say it like that it makes it wierd 
Charles Oh so you were getting naked in Carlos’s apartment then 
Are you two fucking?
Lando gjhljksfif
wtf charles 
thats so stupid 
carlos is gross 
i would never 
Charles How long have you been fucking?
How come you did not tell me?
How come Carlos did not tell me?
Lando what i literally just said we arent 
Charles Yes and it was sooo convincing 
I can’t believe the two of you would keep this from me 
Lando we arent!
its just that its 
kinda new 
Charles How new?
Lando like 
tqwo months?
Charles Two months?!
That is not new! 
I cannot believe this 
You are both dead to me 
And you fucked on my couch
I have the worst friends 
Lando sorry?
Charles I am going to yell at Carlos later 
I hate you both
Congratulations though! 
Lando uh... thanks...?
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Shuichi & Kaito's fall-out post-game
So Kai talking about his hc is what lead to this
Kai: every once in a while i think about what if Kaito realized he has no actual fucking clue who Shuichi really is. like he considers him his friend and insists he knows alot about him, but one day he realizes that a large chunk of what he "knows" about Shuichi is either assumptions he came up with and forgot were assumptions, or are things Shuichi masks with and aren't really true about him. i just love the idea of Kaito suddenly getting his whole view on Shuichi shattered and having to totally reevaluate how to be his friend
Hina: Kaito isn't a bad friend but man sjsksksk
in my heart of hearts (in which Kaito goes to hell no matter what) he is tho, I think he'd get in denial about it instead [the convo has been going in the direction of Kaito trying to get to know him for real & prove himself as a friend], and most likely try to instill in Shuichi and everyone that he knows better and Shuichi is the person he made up in his head, just like he did with Maki right after meeting her, with the whole trying to force her to be the girly girl he thinks she should be in canon. Like, Kaito at his core is an only child who was spoiled by his grandparents and never told no, he thinks the world spins which way he'll wish it to
Hina: I think Kaito is a bad friend in canon, 100% but for me personally, I usually pick and choose what parts of Kaito I like to keep lmao This is a postgame headcanon, but after the game I'd like to think he's one of Kokichis biggest advocates, even more so than Shuichi There's a small difference between the moment where Kaito says he's not sure if Kokichi was lying and postgame And it's Kaito actively dying for the rest of the class It's one thing to say you're dying to save everyone, it's another thing to actually commit and do it I think in a postgame scenario, where Kaito actually has had to confront those final moments before his death and realize exactly what a "heroic sacrifice" means, it changes his opinion completely He might not agree with the actions Kokichi took to get there, but the fact that given the choice, he chose to lay down his life to put a stop to the game. He wants to believe that's for everyone else. He can't fathom the idea that anyone who does that could possibly be selfish
oh, if it's post-game it's worse on Shuichi angle tho, I get that he [Kaito] could change his mind about Kokichi after this (he'd have trouble admitting it tho), but for Shuichi it means that the mess of 4th trial and what followed happened between them
you can't tell me he wasn't impacted long-term after, actually they both should feel betrayed, Kaito did openly show that to him this was Shuichi turning against him and was ready to cut him off and lead the group against him, but Shuichi crawled back to him like the wet dog he is, I want post-game Shuichi hesitate before disagreeing with Kaito on something minor and then let himself finally feel hurt over this
when it hits him that he can't pretend it's all fine because they made up and that he has outgrown the need for hero-Kaito and is now letting him stifle him because he got used to being under his shoulder
Sini: Yeah, Kaito did him dirty. I get that Kaito felt betrayed, but Kaito was so pissed at him and for what? For arguing against him when he turned out right? For accusing Gonta even though it was a class trial? Or… Given that Kaito admitted to being jealous of Shuichi…. Was it all because of jealousy? Is he still jealous even now? Kaito apologized yet Shuichi is still playing the sidekick to Kaito’s hero as if everything is still the same
I want the realization that they're not fine to hurt him like a bitch, I want him to be just trying to wish it away, asking for it to go back to the way it was at the start, because he still hates confrontation and is more tired than ever and is still scared of not having a hero, doubting himself per usual, he still needs Kaito, doesn't he? (all he needs is a friend)
Ves: shuuichi just wants ONE thing to stay stable but alas
Sini: He is both angry and wants to lash out yet wants to keep things as is. He’s mad at Kaito but also wants him to still be his friend
and I think Kaito would only double down on being a hero post-game, because surely everyone needs one right now, somebody to still put on the cheerful act and give them something to look forward (he refuses to notice how denying equal ground & mutual support is fucking up everyone in the training trio and honestly anyone who cares about him)
also if he just believes strongly enough he'll be fine eventually
and there's parallel to Kokichi probably also doubling down on his act, hoping they'll leave him to rot (think "I'm damaged, far too damaged"/lyrics)
Ves: the idea of kokichi doubling down on his act postgame makes me ILL get up boy i am outside your door w hot cocoa and a therapy dog
(thinking back to Barely a Planet, Barely Pluto) he can get the dog, but you're not entering his isolation tower, this poisoning attempt has been thwarted
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biskael · 3 years ago
holds hand out. how do u. think the quincy feel about witches and Wing Bind vs shinigami and fullbringers
*reaches for your hand* now THIS is a very good question ! finally , some BURN THE WITCH convos in my house ! while it's been a while since i've read through the comic , i certainly do have some thoughts on the matter .
personally , i believed that ... each region of the world , more or less , have their own sort of ... *gestures* supernatural defense department thing going on . and i found it rather interesting that kubo actually confirmed that , with wing bind fighting against dragons ( and by that extent , top of horns enacting almost as a one-to-one for gotei 13 ) . it's interesting to my brain as a concept !
as for quincy as a whole , i can't speak on behalf of all them . i don't kow how that would ... somewhat play out canonically , due to the balancing of powers & elements between the worlds . i'm no expert in bleach lore lmao . but , seeing as quincy do make use of the german language , and have some members with german-inspired names , so i associate them with that region of the world . and as far as i know , some probably think of wing bind as something of . . . a rival sports team .
it's quilge . he thinks of them as a rival sports team .
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