#i can't believe i've posted like 4 times today it's insane
unized-3 · 1 year
paramore need to do a cover of teddy picker by arctic monkeys don't even try to deny it
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verosvault · 10 months
Dimension20 "Burrow's End"
Episode 8
Timestamp: 1:30:19
Video Length: 3min. & 47sec.
1st Tape: [Wenabocker] "I've actually never used one of these before. How does it- just gotta- Hello, my name is Robert Wenabocker. I'm the lead engineer here at Warren Peace Memorial Nuclear Power Plant. Hey guys, give me five minutes. I just got to log it. The time is currently 18:48, and at approximately 5:17 today, this facility registered a Loss of Coolant Accident in Reactor Charlie. At 11:20, all plant personnel were notified via intercom, and of course- (tape clicks)
2nd Tape: [Wenabocker] Hello, this is Dr. Wenabocker. It is 4/21/62 at 8:11. (repeating alarm sounding) The LOC logged on the 18th has proven difficult. Our structural engineers have noted significant integrity loss surrounding Reactor Charlie. Now, this integrity loss may result in repeated incidents of increased severity if left untreated. We are not doing that. We are handling things now with the repair materials on hand, and we should have this remedied within the we-. (tape clicks)
3rd Tape: [Wenabocker] (alarm continues, even louder) I don't care, I want two teams down there right now! Following on the official urgent materials request submitted. All signs, all signs are pointing to sabotage. This is a matter of national security! If we can't fix this- (tape clicks)
4th tape: [Wenabocker] It is 2:22, two hours post order of a full evacuation of Peace Plant by Director Simms. I stayed behind, since I'd already been um...I stayed in hopes we'd get a call from the outside with some idea on how to avoid a full core meltdown. But the cables on our comms are destroyed. Chewed through. You know, earlier this week, my team joked that evil spirits were behind all of this. As a man of science, you know, I...Hello? (creatures chittering) The facility has been evacuated. You need to- (tape clicks)
5th tape: [Wenabocker] (Wenabocker hyperventilating) (creatures chittering) There are five weasels. I don't know how they're doing it. I don't know what's happening. (glass breaking) No! No! (creatures chittering) (flesh tearing) (Wenabocker wheezing) (Wenabocker gasping for air) They're all so sneaky...
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Continuation of the previous post about SOTE adventures from today! (More like the end)
1) So, after finally trying to fight on Torrent and beating Tree Sentinel very quickly without even getting hit myself, I've gotten a BRILLIANT IDEA to try and battle Gaius like this too. That was really pointless. In fact, I just spent the next hour pushing for it and not getting further than reducing his HP to like 60%... Because you know, doing the same thing over and over and OVER hoping that this time the result will be different is definition of insanity. XD
2) Eventually I gave up and tried something else. In this case, to relocate my stats; I have 80 Int as sorcery user, but here it was useless, so I relocated these stats and some extra in those I needed more.
So, uh... Good news: turned out that Int reduces magic damage, so my 80 Int was crucial for surviving his attacks. Bad news: I wasted 2 Larval Tears to learn this lesson. 🤡🤡🤡
3) I tried to do more stuff and the very last thing I tried was to give Mimic Tear Morgott's blade to spam fire attacks, while I have shield and stab him with Scarlet Rot. I've already noticed that fire was dealing much more damage, but by that time @jarognieva whom I asked for help answered me!! So, we cooperated!
4) .....
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Turned out that she forgot to change her name from МАМКА ТВОЯ)))0)0)0)0) АХАХПЖПЛАОП
(It says 'your mum' XDDDD)
5) Jara also confirmed that this boss WAS weak to fire and holy, so that sealed the deal with Morgott's blade! I legit didn't have a better fire skill weapon on hands.
6) We made a great attempt at first, she is very strong with holy attacks! We only lost because earlier I relocated all flasks to Crimson, so I ran out of skill and could not use it again because I didn't have any Cerulean (🤡🤡🤡)
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(Damn, how does Messmer keep attracting so many friends? I read it as both them being cursed and being close with THE war person (Radahn) were important here)
(Also it was the second time we started to aggressively smash jump button after beating the boss XD It should become the running gag now! Or should I say..... the jumping gag? *gets shot*)
8) I was ready to go for the day since it is late and I need to cherish what little sleep I can have, so for the last instance I decided to go and check new stuff at Enia's!
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Not much to add here, though seems like it would be a good spell for my random surprise Faith build moments! Though two overlapping stalks repeating the Erdtree pattern did remind me of that overlapping serpents symbol from previous post.
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I was JUST questioning what weapon would actually WORK while I am fighting on Torrent! Thank you king xd
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So he invented that cool sorcery while trying to prove Radahn that he was a better sorcerer!
9) Interestingly enough, first at Enia's I only could find Gaius head, chest and arm pieces but not the leg one!
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I wondered if something was wrong with that! The description did mention that he was one with his boar after all! My assumption was that simply his set was not going to have the legs piece, but... it did!
10) So, outside of the area where we battled him, surprisingly there was an ALBINAURIC WOMAN! Just a normal one, riding a wolf and all!
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And she dropped... this:
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Ohhhh boy. So Albinaurics can't wear boots and pants, now? Oh boy. Well, I told that Loretta was likely not an Albinauric, but the girls didn't believe me. 🌛 This feels like it confirms this! Like I said, she is oddly similar to Dung Eater in cosplaying the species she is protecting vghhggh What a realization....
11) So Albinaurics were pretty much servants for Carians (like Pidiya), and Rykard straight up tortured them, so that makes the fact that one was like an older brother for Radahn interesting..? Perhaps, a glimpse on the "kinder former self" of Radahn that presumably was "lost" to war-mongering (if not some corruption due to wrestling with the Stars)? If Miquella yearning for younger version of Radahn (as far as I got spoilered) is any indication?
12) Another one for that type of talismans is also found nearby:
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13) The reward at the end was 5 Scadutree Fragments! Yaaay!!! All scattered near 'Scadutree Chalice'. What an object 🤔
So yeah, a lot of optional stuff was tackled today! It is so satisfying to finally adapt to a hard boss and defeat them, really. For real, Soulsborne games do not need difficulty selection.
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ambersweets134 · 2 months
Omg I'm posting a short story for the first time
I wrote it around 4 in the morning so it might be a bit bad but oh well
Comfort in your arms
Perekoo fanfic
*some spoilers*
Alma had just got back to the building where her wards and her were supposed to be settled it, Isabel having fixed them space to stay there. She tried not to think much of Jacob or her children, knowing that wherever they were, she hoped they were alright.
Alma was already late to the meeting she was supposed to host, her mind too stuck on so many situations and issues that could occur with her wards loose in America. For birds sake, there was already warnings of a war possibly occurring.
Her cane echoed in the dark hallway of the building, her limp seeming worse today than the past few weeks. The older woman felt her heart racing, too much on her mind. Despite being asleep for so long that morning, she still felt so incredibly tired and she felt guilty for being so. Her wards were lost- possibly even trapped somewhere- and here she was feeling tired.
With a huff, she leaned against the wall, leaning down and slowly sitting down on the floor of the dark office. A dull pain in her ankle began and spread up her leg, the ymbryne feeling even worse about herself when she felt tears return to her eyes. She's been trying so so hard to keep her wards safe. Jacob was there and with him being Abe's grandson, she needed his help, but like this? The last thing she wanted was them to be running birds knows where and that's exactly what they did. During a possible war. In America.The press was awful with questioning them all, on top of that there were still people who could cause them harm and it drove Miss Peregrine insane that she wasn't there to stop them. To protect them. She failed her main duty as a ymbryne: to keep her children safe. Now they were gone. She didn't know whether they would return or not. All because she slept longer than she should have.
The woman snapped out of her thoughts and finally felt the tears that ran down her cheeks freely. It didn't take her long to recognize the owner of the voice, immediately seeing the silver glint of their hair and she felt some relief it wasn't a different person.
Isabel walked over, slowly kneeling down and looked over her, the younger ymbryne looking down at the floor to hide her tears. The older woman didn't need to ask her what was wrong, she already knew well what it was. She noticed how stressed and on edge she was during that whole meeting and just seeing her now she realized how tired she was.
"Fay, you can talk to me." Isabel says, her gaze gentle and loving, gently wiping away her tears and Alma just shook her head, annoyed with herself for acting this way. "I'm not one to judge, you know that." She mentions and the younger woman nodded with a small sniffle.
"I know it's been stressful, I truly do. There's no denying that there is a potential war happening and your wards haven't been heard from yet, but I can assure you Jacob will keep them all safe." The cuckoo says, her tone firm but understanding. "After all, Abe was his grandfather." She adds, managing a small smile which Alma tried returning, but she couldn't. Instead she looked back down at the floor, Isabel feeling her jaw clench against her hand that was still resting against her cheek.
"It's alright, Alma." Isabel says. The younger woman didn't even mind when she brought her close in her arms, needing the contact as she felt her heart racing so incredibly fast.
"I can't believe I slept in, I shouldn't have, I didn't need to. I've been staying up perfectly fine and then suddenly, the day I somehow sleep, this all happened." Alma says, annoyed with herself and it clearly showed in her voice. "I'd go after them if I could, if it wasn't for my stupid cane!" She snaps, her talons digging into the older ymbrynes sleeves for a moment as she shoved the buried anger down even further. "I don't even know where I would start." She whispers.
"As sad as it is, you wouldn't be able to leave the council to find them, Alma. I know that's upsetting, I truly understand, but there's nothing we can do." Isabel says quietly, gently running her talons over her back. "The only thing we can do is wait for their return. Jacob may be hot headed at times and short tempered, but that boy has his grandfather's instincts. Whether he knows it or not." The ymbryne assures, Alma feeling slightly better. "And please don't talk yourself down like you do. It upsets me more than it does to you." She says softly, the younger woman leaning further against her as she felt her heart slow.
"I'm sorry, Izzy." Alma says softly against the woman's suit, her arms wrapped around her waist as she leaned against her, her cane long forgotten in the corner of the room.
"It's alright, Fay." Isabel replies, tightening her hold on the woman.
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blackknightax · 5 months
Who's your favorite video game villain?
There are so many good video game villains and so many different kinds of video game villain. I feel like I don't have one single favorite. But I can name a few I really like and why I like them.
Let's start with Handsome Jack the Villain of Borderlands 2. He's a man where his every interaction is just OOZING with charisma and hilarity, until about 2/3rds of the way through the game, then he changes into a scorned man who hates your very soul. He's the epitome of what makes a good video game villain in a mostly comedic game. You don't want to hate him but you also do, he's just so callous and nonchalant about who and what he is, but he still sees himself as the hero of this world, because this world is bat shit insane. He thinks, genuinely the best course of action is a global reset.
Second I'll add Diablo from the Diablo games. I'll admit, darkness and demons are a bit of an aesthetic of mine. So obviously the big demon guy is a favorite of mine. Diablo might be half the reason I come to those games, even thought I've only ever reached him in Diablo 3 (don't know if he's in 4, don't spoil it, but I assume not). Diablo was my main in Heroes of the Storm, him and Rexxar. I don't think there is a specific reason I like Diablo, I think I just, do.
Of course I love Bowser, Bowser is just a great character. He has one schtick, and we love that schtick. But he's so charming about it in a weird way.
On topic but not, I love villains who are evil just for the sake of being evil. It isn't relatable or realistic, but I'm not here for realism, I come to video games for fantastical worlds where I can be something I cannot be in real life. But Evil just for the sake of it are entertaining. Like, I won't complain about a backstory or anything or even a very valid reason but evil for just for the sake of it has it's place in my eyes.
I am also gonna mention Dr Wily and Eggman at the same time. Both are great villains for similar and different reasons. Both are unspeakably evil when you look at their actions and apply them to real life, but within their own universes, they seem like bumbling fools who just happen to have PHDs it's great. And I'd believe you if you told me Eggman doesn't have one, he just calls himself doctor.
I give one more megaman villain a mention. Dr. Wile. That man, is just, look at the list of his atrocities and think, there can't be a single good quality to this man. And that's what makes him such a good villain, you hate his every moment on screen, he mocks you for existing, his every breath makes you hate him more and more. This type of villain makes it 1000 times more satisfying when you somehow overcome him.
I'm not gonna do a smash post today because... Time escaped me. I think tomorrow I'm gonna do research for my "Nintendo Deep cuts" category by watching a full playthrough of the game I've chosen for this role
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kormenhq · 2 years
Have some fic dialogue prompts
All of these prompts are from Pinterest and other tumblr posts. If you want to use any of these in your requests, just tell me which section and what number it is!
1. "I think I might be falling in love with you."
2. "Your lips are so soft. I could kiss them all day."
3. "Mmm... You're warm."
4. "You're so cute when you're half asleep like this."
5. "I've had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with."
6. "No, you can't get up! You're my prisoner for today."
7. “Your hair is really soft after you wash it.”
8. “Shh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
9. “You smell really nice.”
10. “Would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
11. “If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.”
12. “Here, let’s share the blanket.”
13. “You are my new pillow.”
14. “But I want to hear you sing.”
15. “We can talk over dinner.”
16. “Star-gazing was a good idea.”
17. “I think I love you.”
18. “It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
19. “Shush and go back to bed.”
20. “How about a kiss?”
21. “I’ve missed this.”
22. “It’s too cold! Come back!”
23. “No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.”
24. “C’mere, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working.”
25. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
26. "I wanted to see you again."
27. "I thought 'If I just follow the rules, everything's gonna be fine.' And then you came along and pushed me off that path."
28. "You never cease to amaze me."
29. "I have to hand it to you, you certainly know how to make a statement."
30. "I plan to get to know you."
31. "You have something in your hair, umm... Do you want me to get it out?"
32. "No, like... It's just, I can't believe you're actually wearing my clothes."
33. "Would it be too cliche if we matched clothes a little?"
34. "I really love holding you, darling."
35. "Wanna, like- I mean, if you're not busy... We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don't have a lot of time?"
1. “Where are you going?” “Hell, most likely.”
2. “Where’s your crazy boyfriend?” “Probably doing crazy things.”
3. “I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you!” “And I’m trying to subtly avoid it!”
4. “Are you decent?” “Not morally, but I’m wearing pants, if that’s what you’re asking.”
5. “Why aren’t you dating him?” “Because I’d destroy him.” “He’d be into that.”
6. “Are you SURE I can’t punch him in the face?” “Yes.” “What if I just break his nose a little?”
7. “This is why we can’t have nice things.”
8. “You’ve thought about this, haven’t you?”
9. “Are you drunk?”
10. “Excuse me for freaking out, I only thought you were dead!”
11. “You’re gonna have to limp faster than that…”
12. “You whine about scratches but you don’t let out a peep when you’ve got a gaping wound! The hell is wrong with you?”
13. “I wouldn’t have done that if I knew you were hurt!”
14. “Is the fever getting to you or what?”
15. “Surprise! I’m back from the dead! Isn’t that exciting?”
16. “Can you hold this for me?” “No, I can’t. In case you didn’t know, not everybody has super strength.”
17. “I can’t believe you dragged me into this.”
18. “You think I’m dumb enough to fall for that stupid move?”
19. “It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion.”
20. “Go buy a personality.”
21. “Go to Hell.” “And leave you here all alone?”
22. “Are you sober?” “I’m moderately functional.” “I’ll take that as a no.”
23. “What do you know about it?” “More than you, apparently.”
24. “You’re not my favorite person today.” “I’m not your favorite person on any day.”
25. “You’re insane!” “I know! Isn’t it great?”
26. “Is it still murder if I give them a heads up?” “That’s called a threat.” “Damn.”
27. “You interrupt my reading once more, and this book will become a lethal weapon.”
28. “Kiss me, you twat.”
29. “Take my hand.” “No!” “Look, I’m not trying to ask you to marry me, I’m trying to save your life!”
30. “Just pretend to be my date.”
31. “They did it.” “No, they did.”
32. “It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
33. “Shit, we’re gonna die.” “Now, I don’t wanna hear that negative attitude. Look on the bright side!” “Yay, we’re gonna die! Wooo!”
34. “If you do that again, I’ll throw you out that fucking window you- what are you doing?” “Checking how high the drop is, see if it’s worth it.”
35. "It's cute that you tried to protect me and all, but you're like a foot shorter than me, you know?"
36. "You can touch my hair, but don't mess it up!"
1. "Look, I know we don't know each other that well, but I'm still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone."
2. "If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars."
3. "It's not bad to cry. In fact, I think it makes a person stronger."
4. "Shhh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream, okay? None of it was real."
5. “You know I’m/we’re always here for you, right?”
6. “Please talk to me about it.”
7. “Do the universe a favor: don’t hide your magic.”
8. “You’re trembling.”
9. “You’ve got to calm down before I can fix you up, okay?”
10. “I don’t know what’s wrong, okay? I’m just… really tired.”
11. “Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.”
12. “No, no - it’s alright, come here.”
13. “I’m not going to leave you. You’re never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise.”
14. "There's nothing to be ashamed of."
15. "May I? Free of charge."
16. "If anything were to happen to you..."
17. "I thought I'd see how you were doing."
18. "I'll leave if you ask me to."
19. "You watch the people you care about age and die."
20. "When things get crazy, don't push me away."
21. "No, don't do that it's not safe."
22. "You're scared of that, aren't you?"
23. "I will always step in between you and something like that."
24. "Why? Because I don't want you to get hurt, that's why!"
25. "You can tell me whatever you want... Even if you don't have a reason to."
26. "Please stay. I'd like some company."
27. "Would you pet my hair?"
28. "I just want to be close to someone for a little bit. Is that okay?"
29. "Can I lay my head in your lap?"
30. "Here, lay down in my lap."
31. "You can't keep it all inside, you know? Bottling it up won't do any good."
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Tanghulu Niuniu - New Year's JZEU Series (2)
Hello to the single most popular figure* in the Junzhe fan fig world!
Here we have Zhang Zhehan as Duke Su Xu Jin from The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion.
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His Excellency has both hands full of this delicious sugary treat, and is looking as cute as can be.
This fig looks cute in pictures, but it has to be seen to be actually believed. It is completely, insanely ADORABLE. No wonder Xu Jin is nicknamed niuniu (an affectionate name for a cute little girl)!
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This little man is absolute perfection. I can't emphasize enough how much cuter he is in person. He is so popular that when the fig maker reopened the second run of sales for him, he sold out in seconds. The fig maker added more...which also sold out immediately. As I mentioned in the last post, the fig maker was kind enough to open an international link for him, so us slow, disadvantaged international buyers had a chance at snapping him up.
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I'm so happy to finally have him! He was selling for a fortune on Xianyu before the seller opened up the second run. Which was good, because I was about to break down and buy him.
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He's so rosy cheeked and sweet looking.
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I've moved The Blooms at Ruyi Palace to the top of my to-watch list, but I haven't actually watched it yet! Maybe over the holidays.
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A close up of his carefully coifed hair and his fancy guan. I can tell he's Xu Jin because of the side part in his hair.
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An extreme closeup of his outfit (and his beautiful face).
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The beautiful box card. I like how this series has the inspiration for the fig right on the box card.
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The box card - Niuniu with his tanghulu in a busy market street.
*I say this fig is the single most popular fig in the fandom because this fig is so cute, it is heavily featured in fan photos/fig story sets. He is all over the place, and in way cleverer and prettier photos than mine will ever be! Here's an example...with credit to 櫻葉_六角星 (translations courtesy Google Translate):
Niu Niu is Riding in an RV (The Third Part of Niu Niu's Adventures)
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Brother Yeye: Niuniu, the weather is pleasant today, brother will take you to ride a horse!
Niuniu: Don't want to!
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Niuniu: Niuniu is going to take a big car today!
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Niuniu: Brother Ye, I'm going to play! Bye!
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Niuniu: Next time I want to take a car ride with brother Yeye...
Poor Hanye! The shot of him riding away with a broken emoji heart and pool of tears always makes me laugh. I'm ready for Part 4 of his adventures -I also want to see Niuniu take a car ride with Brother Yeye!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 156
Diorama Count: 9
Snowglobe Count: 1
Rating: Sweet as sugar
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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snow-and-saltea · 2 years
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I posted 8,493 times in 2022
That's 5,858 more posts than 2021! (this is not an improvement!! but its okay!)
25 posts created (0%)
i dont even make original posts bc i am too opinionated and i cant be bothered to say it to people i dont already talk to it about (aka not gonna talk about it to ppl i dont care about sorry FJSKFJS)
8,468 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@paleasamoon (🤠🐢!!!!)
@fflewddurfflam7 (🦊🐢!!!!)
@thecookiemonster77 (🍪🐢!!!)
I tagged 3,811 of my posts in 2022
#hey cookie - 598 posts (HI COOKIE 💛💛💛💛💛🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢💛💛💛🐢🐢🐢🐢 certified cookieposting on main!!!!!!!!! tagging each other in cats and poetry, so true)
#vid - 388 posts
#cats are valid - 354 posts (real... im kinda embarrassed w my cat tag and i wanna change it to smth else but the archival consequences.... the horrors....)
#arts and smarts - 325 posts (fucken love art babey!!!!!!)
#fave - 157 posts
#vyn richter - 138 posts (cant believe i vynpost so much.... need 2 fix that next year)
#genshin impact - 117 posts
#i create as i speak - 116 posts
#*bookmark - 106 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#im happy he made it and that everyone was cheering for him and one of them was ready to help him out dghjgjhjhk that's so cute 🤧🤧🤧🤧
from this vid i rb'd!!! it didn't keep the caps though!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
went a little insane while showering today thinking of miss medea and psyche from hit webtoon series your throne
8 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
for the chara ask.. rosa 👀? and i also cannot resist putting marius in here too
rosa, tot:
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
literally where do i even start. i love her so much that she's legit like, one of my fave fictional female charas!!! i love how sensible and logical she is, and how kind and sensitive she is too. those two sounds like opposites of each other but she balances having both traits so well. i just think she is such a great otome protagonist and if any company wants to try and write a good "self insertable" protag who is both convincing and cute they should look to her. loml 🧎
marius von hagen
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead (his mom) | alive (him) | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
he's a funny funky guy!!! he's my blorbo in law cus both you and angel (my other friend) like him. so i kind of get appreciation through osmosis. tbh i dont have a lot to say about him bc i think his character as a standalone is simple, but when he's in a group setting? i think that shines the most. i actually talked w angel a bit about this but we were discussing how vyn is afraid of losing rosa emotionally while marius is afraid of losing rosa physically. i read his personal card where he gets a panic attack after rosa gets kidnapped and that ending was literally..... the most poetic shit i've ever read. LIKE. his personal story and card just super appeals to the poet / artist in me bc the twist in words, the symbolism, the rose and the snake that takes turns to guard each other.... im screaming and wailing and throwing up. vyn could NEVER tbh, he's very deliberate and his acts of affection still has an underlying feeling of wanting to impress rosa at all times and to show his heart to her, but w marirosa it literally feels like they're romantic soulmates bc of the writing. does that make sense? like it feels so organic and romantic in a way vyn's measured actions and words can't replicate. i went feral at this part
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9 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
for the character asks vyn diluc lumine and kaeya!!
HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE thank you for giving me the chance to talk about my blorbos!!!
vyn richter:
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
yeah i bolded the who? one don't worry about it!! /j anyways yeah i Like this man a normal amount its not like ive written sm threads on him already yeah. i'm completely normal
except i'm NOT
i started out thinking my fave would be artem cus vyn seemed too pretentious for me at first and i still have trauma from the last time i liked a white haired and golden eyed guy in otome cus that bitch disappointed me so much i literally can't even look at him without going >:T
he's such a cool character to me, i love how contradictory he is while being completely consistent characterization wise. by contradictory i don't mean that he doesn't say what he mean or doesn't mean what he says, but the way he views himself vs how he views rosa vs how he views other people (derogatory) is quite ironic. i love how he loves rosa because she's beautiful both inside and out, in the sense that she is straight laced, honest and not mired with existential or moral complexities that stop her from being kind, realistic and faithful to her values. (in fact, when facing those moral complexities, her true character shines more because of the way she isn't stagnated by indecision or analysis-paralysis. but that's another talk for another day i could literally go on and on about her)
i like it a lot because he's both a bit of rosa in him and a bit of the cynical jadedness he dislikes in other people. as a doctor, he wants to cure his patients, and he secretly harbours some hope, at the back of his mind, that people are better than he thinks they are, that when presented the opportunity for change and growth they'll choose it— which is why i think he "tests'" rosa in his stories so much. cus he wants to see a diff outcome come from her!! to him, i feel like there's a bit of him idealism projected onto her, smth like saying: "i tried and failed, but i want to see how you do it, and what new thing you'll show me with your way of doing things." in ideals and visions, he relates to rosa.
however, in many ssr stories, and even one sr (the iconic false tears story) he shows the pettiest and most spiteful parts of himself that he's tried to keep hidden from rosa, where he indulges his egocentric beliefs that makes him feel like the things he's doing are justified, as long as the end goal is a positive net of "justice" in the world. he also sometimes shows how incredibly judgemental and harsh he can be, because he always thinks he knows better and is more objective / morally superior than other people he dislikes. in practice and methodology, he relates to the people he dislikes. it's like a mirror that shows the ugliest parts of himself. if he dislikes them like any other normal person would dislike an asshole and then move on with their life, why would that be such a big psychological trigger for him? it clearly means more to him than he tries to hide, so he tries to make a clear line separating his own "cruelty" and other people's "cruelty" and how he's better than them cus he had the right intentions in mind.
(that's not how it works btw babygirl. but issokay ur kinda fucked up i'd like to put u under a microscope)
i like how he slowly comes to realise that contradiction, too. not verbally said, but i interpret his recent growth in stories as someone who knows he's "ugly" inside and filled contempt for everyone—although sometimes he dresses his actions in a more gentlemanly or "fair" so that it's still TECHNICALLY the right thing to do even if the way he did it was unethical. at first their relationship progression was "i want her to see the most impressive parts of me" > "i want her to rely on and be influenced by me" > "i want her to know my feelings but only the ones that are peer reviewed to be palatable" > "i want her to see me for who i am and accept me, even if i can't accept the entire truth of myself". and i think that fuckign ROCKS
concluding statement: if the road to hell was paved with good intentions vyn is building a freeway. but rosa is changing his lanes!!! she changed my lanes too if u know what i mean wink wink nudge nudge
anyways yeah im mentally sound and in perfect health about vynrosa why do you ask
diluc ragnvindr:
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
i like him!!! iirc he was my second 5* after jean? and then i used him as a dps for a while! i wish they gave him fluffier or longer hair. i think in game diluc doesn't really do enough justice to his characterization or lore bc i feel like he looks a bit "bland" in story execution compared to the other charas. oh well, virtues and vices of being an early game chara! i like him best when he's in big brother mode and i cannot thank fanartists enough who portray him being a good big bro to the kids like klee, diona, bennett, fischl and razor. i love it!!!
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
she's so goddamn FUNNY and cute?????? i like the progression of her character and her growing into her own personality in the recent quests, i think they wrote it really well. have you listened to her voice lines where she talks w paimon? they show sm of her personality and she's just so... witty and dry and sarcastic but her voice is so soft that it makes u double-back and go, "sorry, run that by me again?" i love her sm. although, i don't really interact w the fandom a lot because they're very noisy in hating her for some reason. and it gets tiring to hear TwT i get my lumine food from anng rt'ing stuff on twt or on tumblr! consuming fandom the exact way it was intended: i only see what my friends will share w me!!!
kaeya alberich:
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
another case of sadly being an early game chara so his execution was a bit sloppy TwT his lore is so funkin cool and his personal story and how he got his vision was, imo, the coolest and most emotionally impactful out of everyone else? ofc he and shenhe shares similar patterns in their history and how they were treated, but i think it hits harder for me bc like. GOD. overridden by guilt for the death of diluc's dad, he confronts him and tells him the truth of who he is. and at the emotional height of his life where diluc turns to fight him, he's given a vision if only to protect himself and his heart so that he can still go on and fulfill whatever "destiny" his dad had marked out for him, if he chooses that as his right.
i still think its meaningful bc even in game diluc never shows any signs that he genuinely, truthfully, dislikes kaeya. so while they still have this unspoken history between them that neither of them seem willing to talk about, there's a nostalgic and sad feeling of people who drifted apart brushing by each other time and again, and silently forgiving the other but not making it known at all. i can't find it rn but there's sm diluc and kaeya comics where its all about sibling hurt / comfort and reconciliation and making it known that they care about each other verbally, instead of accepting it as is in actions, bc they're hesitant to break the ice. GOD
14 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
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saw this post and immediately my purpose in life for the next 37 minutes was crystal clear to me
couldn't have done this without my fellow vyn and marius dunker, @00uroboros
23 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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fuckign losing it rn
38 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Yee Haw! thats it babey!!!
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therealraeweber · 2 years
So, what have I been up to since I took a Tumblr Break?
I used to use Tumblr almost like a journal, and I really miss that. So here's a little entry about what I've got up to since I took a break.
MARCH: March was pretty much as uneventful as January and February. I was still in school and still depressed. This is when my work load started to get kind of crazy so I stopped posting on social media all together. The one exciting (like... super exciting) thing that I did in March was start a club! I started a cosplay club at my university, which currently has almost 70 members. I still find that so absolutely insane. In just under 2 months we've managed to grow such an amazing community of people, and I'm so proud of it. I was really struggling to make friends on campus, so I decided to see if I could find some fellow nerds out there. And I did!
APRIL: This is when my life finally started happening again after the pandemic. I made some new friends, had meetings with the cosplay club, got my full driver's license, and finally, I managed to LARP. I've posted before about how important LARP is to me, so to finally be able to do it was a dream come true. In September I identified my "Big 4", which are the 4 things that I am completely obsessed with, spend countless hours consuming content about on YouTube, and have based my whole personality around, but had not done. The fact that I hadn't had the opportunity to do any of these things yet made me super sad, but also brought me a lot of shame, feeling like a poser for saying I enjoy these things. Anyways, those 4 things were DND, LARP, Comic Con, and Ren Faire. My goal I set out in September was to do at least 2 of them one year from then, and with going larping in April I met that goal (in addition to my DND campaign from my first semester). So that left me with 2/4 to do.
My first LARP experience was absolutely amazing. My character Allora got to meet so many amazing characters, explore a new town, investigate a monster sighting, and play cards with the king. I had such an amazing time and I can not wait to go back. Also in April I had 2 different meetups with the cosplay club, one being a club meeting to discuss where we want the club to go in the future, and the other was a fun photoshoot. Here are some pictures from both of those:
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MAY: Here we are in May already! April just flew by because I was finally starting to do things that make me happy after so long. It's only been a week but I've already managed to cross off another bucket list item for me, and I went to my first Comic Con! Now I only have 1/4 of my "Big 4" left, and that brings me so much joy. I took the cosplay club on a group road trip to Curious Comicon in Nanaimo, and we had such a blast. Not only was this my first con, but I also entered my first cosplay contest... AND I WON! I still can't believe it. I don't have any of the professional photos from that yet, but I'm going to go crazy when I do.
Well. That's all for me today. This post was mostly just for me, but if anyone else read the whole thing, thanks for being interested, I guess. I'm so excited for all the stuff I have coming up this summer. I'm so excited that life is finally starting.
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woozi · 3 years
i agree how you described twt, sometimes everyone's just ready to fight it seems, i've genuinely had fun on both platforms at different times but now it's just too much on stan twt (no space for difference of opinion djsjdjj) it's good to know you're having fun as well :3 & omg i've seen few of my moots starting to give svt their attention after fallin flower dropped, everything abt it is <3333 the song, mv, choreo i love it.
hdjdjddkdjdj " virgos 😐 " also me in next breath "happy birthday mark :D i love you so much 🥺💕💗" any virgos reading this i really hope you enjoy your month to the fullest djjdjd <3. righttt?? you're correct abt mark's temper being very virgo djdjdkd.
your line screams hard-working people <3 jihoon, jaebeom, jeonghan the 3Js <3. isn't jaebeom also an infj? (i don't take mbtis seriously but at the same time it also makes me happy if it ends up matching someone i like djdjjd) chan & yugs 🥺 these two imo have the sweetest personality, like the one which makes you feel welcomed & they also have the cutest laugh 🥺.
i love jus2 <3 focus on me is one of my favorite kpop mvs of all time & also drunk on you??? i love this song so much, very sexy of them. the vibes, style and everything w/ their album, i want more songs like that. and for when i am feeling melancholy i need more songs like jjp's verse 2 😭💔 but i am also okay if they don't want to go back to these units bcoz everything so far they've been giving is just as great <33 ( maybe in future we'll get blessed w/ features 🥺)
honestly g7 as grp and individually have won me over with their music style, even if i don't like full album ik there will be 3-4 songs which will be exactly what i like to listen to, all of the music they've released individually i've liked it so much. there is this song of youngjae's, titled "i'm all ears" i had no idea of its existence until it popped up in my spotify i'm so glad it did, it's been in my playlist ever since. there was also a time when i was obsessed with jackson's 'on the rocks' djdjdk.
aww <3 the live performance video of 1° has mark as thumbnail so for long time i used to associate this song with him jdjddk. i think the only j*pe thing i'd miss is got7 studio live sessions 🥺. RIGHTJDKSKS aju nice's mv is very cute djjddk I love it, in reality its reverse tho, i see them and boom! 💖💛💗🤍💕💙
it was the year they won first bb*as award so that gave them the exposure, and no i don't follow them anymore. mixed feelings abt them, very negative feelings abt f*ndom fjdjdjd. i do miss what it used to feel like liking them sometimes. at that time i never thought i'll willingly drop them from my interest (i've stanned zayn since 2012 first him as grp member then solo. sometimes thinking abt it gives me a whiplash hddjks it's been 9 years, really thought it would be same with them too but it didn't happen)
i've had falling in love by yugs and in to you by jaebs on loop for days djdkdk i really love these two songs and also air by bammie <3 (i'm slow jams kinda person djdjdk :3)
(bam released the most fun album & title this year idc abt others, ribbon is one of the soty) also special mention of look so fine & running through the rain. yes! you do make sense they feel organic & very them.
exactly 😭 it's more believable when they drop stuff out of nowhere like encore 😭😭. the way youngjae posted his letter on twt too ddjjdkssk the announcement & release of encore is such a 'you just had to be there' situation the excitement, nervousness, confusion and everything 😭 sometimes i can't with them. also is the bibi with mark on ost, the same one you mentioned in last ask? the ost is really good <3, it must've been fun to see it happen (if its same bibi).
making a whole ass playlist just for me???? 😭😭😭🥺💗 yza you're so sweet nooooo 💖
and don't worry abt replying late jdjdkdjd i mean it, sometimes my friends text me after weeks and i'm am the same. it's really okay <3. i hope this week is treating you kindly, take care yza - 🪂
p.s ( just saw last post djjej) - it was me who manifested more bunny dino <3 manifesting even more <33
i was on stan twt during my younger years too and it was v fun and memorable to me ngl <3 idk what happened though.. it's evolved to be.. Something Else.. i still see a lot of good people there though 😭 and now that i'm in my Hag Era... idk it's just too fast for me now 😭 it's still my go-to place for updates though nothing can top twitter on that dept
and ms fallin flower.... i feel like everyone was blown away by it (based off of what i see carats when talk about it) and rightly so!! she SERVED. the looks too oh my god. it's another factor i look forward to and enjoy so much when i watch their performances!!
u know what? virgos 😐 indeed KJJKDFJKFDJKFDKJ i want to slander virgos today because it's their season and no one slanders them that often so <3 ABOUT MARK'S VIRGO TEMPER THOUGH... i know i've said i enjoy seeing it sm but whenever i think abt it i cant help but say that.. I Love His Temper <3 he doesn't get pissed off in a scary and douchebag-y way it seems so... contained?? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT he punched an a/c though so that might not be the perfect word to describe him lmaoo <3
THE J TRINITY HFDJFJDJHDF BESTIE UR MIND IS SO!!!!!!!!!!! honestly... maybe it's the acts of service for me <3 JKDFKJFDKJFJKD i think this is just my eldest sister and savior syndrome speaking though kfjkdkjf ALSO OH MY GOD THE WAY U NOTICE THESE THINGS <3 THAT'S SO SEXIE OF U!!! and yes he used to be an infj!! there was an interview that's more recent wherein he mentioned that he's now an enfj though but i cant rmb which interview it's from :/ ALSO MOOD FKJJKGJGKF i dont believe in mbtis too but im just... a little obsessed w it for the fun of it all <3 and the way u described them </3 what if i tear up a little </3 I LOVE CHAN'S LAUGH SO MUCH BUT IM SO SOS O GLAD U BROUGHT UP YUGYEOM'S LAUGH??????????? IT'S NOT TALKED ABT ENOUGH LIKE...... HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! one of my bird moots said he sounded like a schoolboy in choir 😭😭😭😭😭😭
GOD UR TASTE!!!!!!! what if i start falling in l*ve a little :/ what then :/ focus on me was ahead of it's time and people fucking slept on THEM i cannot fucking believe this. this has to be some kind of sick joke 😭 ALSO HAVE U SEEN THE CHOREO FOR SENSES!!!!!!1 INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!! holy fuck!!!!!! sorry for the expletives but like.... holy SHIT they did THAT!!!!!!!! ALSO UR SO RIGHT </3 jjp verse 3 when... ALSO did u know i let go of the jjprojects url... thats the worst mistake of my life KDKJDSKJDSJK also agree wholeheartedly <3 i think they're all trying to find their footing this time around as soloists and im so proud of them for that!! i'll stand by my jus2 agenda though bc they're almost in the same company so maybe.. i might have hope left 😭
SO TRUE BESTIE!!! the same principle goes w svt for me as well <3 got7's such a flavorful group musically like... all of them have the capacity to go solo and they're still considered flops.. waht the fuck <3 ALSO OMG FJDKJFKFJD YOU'VE HEARD The Song!!!!!!!! maybe he'll be releasing something along those lines <3 esp now that he's supposedly coming w an album KJSJKDJSK on a similar note.. do u also listen to jamie (the other artist on the song) <3 NOO SHUT UP THIS CANNOT BE FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i was obsessed w on the rocks too 😭😭😭😭😭😭 IT WAS MY FAVORITE ON THE MIRRORS ALBUM HELLO??????????????????????????? im proposing to u rn
ok now i have to watch all the live vids again JKDSJKSJDKDSKJ ik keep saying 'ur so right', 'i agree', and 'so true bestie' but im gonna have to say this again bc i LOVE LOVE LOVE live sessions sm no matter the artist. i also just am a little partial to live bands in performances like that in general so JDJKKDSJDS
the way you're saying these cute things abt the svteenies.. </3 giving me heartache!!! i'd bully them though i can't coddle them anymore <3
not the fandom JKFDKJFDKJFDKJFKJF ok but i think it's mostly their younger fans tbh. it wasn't this bad before.. i also really liked bts during their debut days. their songs were really good!! i kind of lost interest though and couldn't really get into them although their songs slapped lol. my irls are still into them though so i still hear about them. 9 YEARS............................... wait oh my god it HAS BEEN a little over a decade since 1d was The Thing huh 😭 now i feel kinda old lmao. and i totally get that feeling </3 it really do be like that sometimes JKFDJKJKFD
you really ARE keeping up w the sevens oh my god how are you doing it!!!!!!!!!!! it's like getting svt content now at this point but more complicated bc u need to get the updates from different sources JDKJSDKJJSKD love ur song choices too <3
ALSO FULLY RELATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i saw bam's teasers... the aes was my cup of tea and THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't fucking get it out of my mind it's objectively one of the best things i've seen from kpop in 2021. i'm super impressed <3 love how abyss really supported bambam on this. they really went all in for him!!
I KNOW GKJDFJDK I GOT SUPER ???????/// DURING THE TIME EVERYONE THOUGHT THEY WERE DISBANDING LMAOOOO they pulled a move that's so unheard of though no one really expected That. i respect jaebeom so much for handling all the paperwork and shit behind the scenes it must've been HELL!! ALSO IT MEANT I CRIED FOR NOTHING THEN 😭😭😭 AND YES OH MY GOD IT'S THE SAME BIBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SHOCK I HAD WHEN I SAW THE LIST????????????????????????? thought i was gonna black out like,,, mark,,, AND BIBI??????????????? she's fucking phenomenal how is she just a YEAR older than me.. INSANE!!! ... and i also thought jackson was gonna have an ost for this movie.. idk why it wasn't released though i didnt look into it :/
i had a rough few days so i'm not yet finished with the playlist (my laptop's Dead i am still trying to revive her and uni's starting soon 😭) but for the mean time, here's another one that some people from caratblr previously asked for JDSJKSDJ these are mostly english songs though its not my k-playlist KJDSKJSDJK
i do hope this week gets better!!! and i hope that you'll have a fun one too <3 thank u for being so patient w me 🥺 i just get so many messages and find the need to recharge FDKJDFJK
ALSO I FELT LIKE IT WAS U!!!!!! OH MY GOD, i even searched my blog for the word manifest but for some reason your ask didn't come up in the search so i didnt mention u in the tags so i wont misattribute if it ends up not being u 😭 thank u for manifesting this chan for me he's my little... hop hop now ig... 😭
0 notes
deprssivewriter · 4 years
Errors in general and Nye in particular
Thanks to the best bro for motivation (even though you did it unconsciously).
It’s time to talk about concept and characters, yeah. Although today I will pay attention to the most unprocessed of them.
A brief digression: once upon a time there was a boy of fourteen years old and he wanted characters with angel wings. But he not only had given up on the wings, and he'd given the race the stupid name "Errors," and by the time he was twenty, he hadn't come up with anything better. So, in addition to the wings, Errors each have their own curse (there are only a few types, but more on that later). Accordingly, when they are severely or mortally wounded, the curse consumes them (who understood thay understood, who did not understand they will understand). However, even after the resurrection, the curse does not immediately go away, it torments the wearer for another couple of days (depending on the circumstances), while the body slowly recovers. Errors are born rarely from ordinary people, parents see the wings from birth, even though they are like in a hidden state. By the age of 3-4, Errors awaken their first powers, including their wings, and they can no longer keep them hidden, so for the next few years everyone can see their wings until they learn to control them. We continue to develop my insanity, Errors are immortal. You can kill them only by pulling out their wings, all other methods of killing lead only to rebirth. By the way, the Error itself can not pull out the wings, either, they will grow back in this case. It seems that all the most important things are indicated.
Let's go back to the one I originally wanted to write about. Nye. Initially, he was envisioned as a completely neutral character, but quickly enough something went wrong, and he became an asshole, which probably difficult to find. But a recent conversation with bro made me think about him. I really wanted to write something, and I asked her if she wanted to see something from the life of a certain character. She also said that she wanted Nye and Jack(another Error) to meet for the first time, and I was a little upset. It was in my mind in general terms, but I never thought about this moment in detail, however, as well as about Nye. Among all my characters, he is the only one who does not have a prototype from real life. Somehow, he just happens to exist on its own. Among other things, somehow it turned out that he was fucking special. In theory, the first Error appeared due to a freaking major failure in genetics, according to the theory, all the genes there should have been recessive (I'm not a biologist, so I don't quite understand what I'm saying, I warn you right away). Nye, in turn, was born an albino, which is also a fucking glitch in genetics, and with it came a new curse that no one had before. Nye is currently the only carrier of it (and probably the only one, I don't think that he wants to have a child). So, when I thought about him, I tried to put aside all my negative attitude towards him, and realized that in fact he is very strong, and it is quite possible that he was so twisted because of life. He had to deal with all this shit himself (Errpr’s powers, I mean). And even when he was able to find some information, he still had his curse, which no one had ever seen before. And I will remind you that he is an albino, so he periodically got severe sunburn. I also remind you that the curse begins to work when the wearer is seriously injured. His curse is carnivorous butterflies (yes, what will you do to me). They eat away at the place where the wound is, which is accompanied by hellish pain and not the most pleasant sight, in the case of death, the butterflies eat him completely, while he remains conscious for as long as possible (when I imagine what pain he is experiencing, I already wince). And to avoid suffering, he was able to subdue his own curse, which also happened for the first time in the history of Errors.
Nye has learned to spray his body on butterflies and thus travel long distances in a very short time, he has to wear a black cloak so that the sun can not burn him, and in case of which people do not see his rotten, butterfly-eaten flesh. Also, since some butterflies are extremely good at mimicry, he has learned to use them to turn into any person, which is also a great achievement. Let's go back almost to the beginning of the post, where I mentioned Jack. Nye took him away from his family around the age of 7 to take care of him, so that he would not face the same difficulties as Nye himself. Only Jack's family was good, they loved their son, even too much, perhaps even considered it a blessing that their son was an "angel". But Nye took him anyway. My main character, has a theory that maybe Jack's parents were part of a cult that hunted her once (ugh, in short, Error’s feathers are important shit and that very sect catches them as children until they can't control their wings), or at least were going to give it to them, and all their love is ostentatious, so that Jack does not master the ability to hide his wings for as long as possible. Given that I still haven't refuted this theory, it's possible that this is true, and Nye actually saved him (let's skip the point that after a dozen years, he began to treat him). I'm all for what, maybe Nye is just broken, like almost all of my characters. Yes, compared to someone else (I'm talking about the main OC, yes, her name is Tie), his suffering and pain are not so large-scale, but we all have a different psyche, none of us consists of iron or something harder. In addition, in the end, after almost a decade from the main events, Nye still comes to his senses and realizes that he behaved like an asshole.
Up to this point, I have not had any sketches with Nye, except for some very short snatches from the plot, because it is very difficult. It is extremely difficult for me to think like Nye from events of present, he is extremely adept at mixing lies with the truth, so that in the end you involuntarily begin to believe him.
"You know, I almost feel sorry for her. She has everything and nothing — no friends, no homeland, no family… She is a proud person, she never gives up, but her very contempt for death speaks volumes. She has nothing to lose, and she wants nothing but her own death, and she won't get it. Tie is smart enough to understand this and more… She hates us, fights with us, but even so, she understands that the truth is on our side. By blood, she is a person, but by birth she is tied to Errors and **. ***, Yuzuru, and even ****** can be forgiven and accepted. Tie — no, because the hatred of the traitor and betrayal is stronger than the arguments of reason… She knows how to show that she does not care, but she is a living being. She proved to everyone that she was ready to be the best, but it wouldn't change anything… She will live her life with the stamp, so she does not fall in love. Whatever she is, she is afraid that her children will turn out to be Error and live the same life. That they'll live in hell... "The good has sharp fangs" ... that's what Tie once said. Her drinking with *******, her friendship with demons, her lack of fear… God, everyone is afraid, even me, but Tie is not… She seeks her own death, and finds someone else's, " Nye said softly.
I'm sorry, some of the words are censored (?), because I'm not ready to talk about someone’s names yet. Let's go back to the other one. Will you be able to figure out where the lies are and where the truth is, without knowing anything about Tie?
While the real Nye is hard for me, I have a good understanding of the Nye of the future and, as it turned out, of the past. And all this demagoguery I spread only for the sake of the second.
When the curse first consumed me, I didn't immediately understand what was happening. Gradually, the white butterflies of “death" were killing me. I knew I was turning into food for them, but I couldn't help it. I just lay there helplessly, watching as they gradually absorbed my flesh and reached my bones. Everything happened very slowly, and I was conscious until they got to my heart.
But even after the rebirth, they have not disappeared. I didn't want to go through that excruciating pain again, I didn't want to be [eaten] again.
I tried not to get hurt, but it's very difficult, so I started wearing a black raincoat in all weathers to keep the burns to a minimum. That's something.
But in battle, it is more difficult to avoid a blow or even death. In one of these I do not know how, but just for a couple of seconds, I turned into a flock of butterflies, with the help of which I was able to avoid a blow. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, but it struck me. And ever since, I've been haunted by the thought that it's Me who can control my curse, not it.
With small steps, I began to master it, first scattering the individual parts of the body, getting used to the sensations and control over each of the butterflies. Then it was more difficult, it was necessary to learn not only to scatter the whole body, but also to spend as much time as necessary in this state. It's very energy-intensive, but I'm sure it will pay off for me.
Maybe with this ability, I can become something special, something more…
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gamegrumpiess · 6 years
I was listening to Sleepwalk by Renee Olstead, and I had this idea.
Grump: Danny (from now on, most will be Danny. Unless you request someone else, which I will be happy to do!)
Btw! I'm this plot, Renee didn't write the lyrics. You did! She isn't even a singer in this universe. Just a heads up.
Y/n's POV
I can't sleep tonight. It's been a month since me and Danny broke up, but I can't help but still mourn our relationship. It was mutual, at least that's what he thinks. I would've never called it off. I was so in love with him. I still am. We told the fans, and they were pretty supportive in what we did. A lot of them were really sad, as was I. Danny is a singer just like me. I do silly songs just like him. But he encouraged me to do a cover album or a cover song. I did one album, Cover Me Up was the name. It got a lot of love, which I am very proud of.
I turn on my phone to check the time. 4:23 am. The bold numbers shine at me in front of Danny's face. I couldn't bring it to myself to change my screensaver. It's not like anyone's gonna see. I miss him a lot, every night gets harder than the last. He was my world. I've known him since senior year of high school, he was a huge part of my life. And now... That's no more. He's probably living his best life. Being Danny Sexbang and all. He probably has girls flying at his feet, throwing him their panties and offering 'the night of his life'. I understand I might be over thinking, but I can't help it. He was mine, and now he's out there doing who knows what. I let a few stray tears fall down ontou pillow. It's so lonely here at night now. I love what I do, singing, dancing, having fun. It was just so much more amazing when I had someone to share it with.
I lay my head back a stare at the ceiling. I need to distract myself, so I reach for my headphones and plug them in, looking for my Oldies playlist. I click on it and the song that comes on is Sleepwalk by Santo and Johnny. Listening to the slow beat and light guitar, I cry even more. Just my luck, huh? I can't just lay here, I really should get up and something. Writing usually helps me calm down. That's when I get an idea for a song, it's a bit sad and people will know exactly who its about. But maybe that's what needs to happen. My feelings should be out there. And if something goes wrong, I'll accept the outcomes.
I pull up my pen and notebook and just start writing.
"Sleepwalk, instead of dreamin' I
Cause' I lost you and now, what am I to do?
Can't believe that we're through.
Sleep talk. Cause' I miss you, I sleep talk.
While the memories of you wither like a soul.
Darling I was so low.
The night fills me with blame. I see your face, tears through my brain.
I know I miss you so. I still love you, drives me insane.
Sleepwalk. Every night I just sleepwalk. Please come back, and when you walk inside the door, I will sleepwalk no more."
I immediately went to my computer set up and staring out my own little version of Sleepwalk. More of like a piano and violin cover, rather than guitar and drum. Once I had it to where I wanted the beat and rhythm, I pulled up my microphone and started singing away.
Danny's POV
This morning was the worst. I couldn't sleep at all, I've been up since 3:30 am. I guess I haven't really gotten used to sleeping by myself. Without y/n's body near mine, it's hard to even get tired. I do miss her. A lot actually. I know it was my idea to call off the relationship, but I was scared of what would happen if I didn't have enough time for her. I have game grumps, starbomb, and ninja sex party. She deserves someone who has all the time in the world to give her all the attention she deserves. When we told the fans, I didn't expect them to be so sad. I even lost a handful of fans because of it. She agreed, but I knew her better. She was on the verge of tears when she left. She was trying to be strong so I wouldn't see that side of her, but I know better than that. When she left I broke down. Gripped and clawed at my hair, cried on the edge of the bed, wondering if I had made the right choice. I big-huge part of me was telling myself I didn't.
My phone buzzes, and I see its a text from Arin.
When you get here I need to show you something.
Oh what fresh hell does he have to subject my eyes to. Last time he said that, I had to watch 12 Days Of Elves... Don't ask.
I finally arrived at the Grump Space. I see everyone in their usual area. Ryan and Matt at the computers, Ross and Barry in the kitchen making coffee, and the only other people here this early is Arin and me. Everyone else usually is a little late. "Thank god you're finally here. You haven't felt your phone buzzing?" I give him a confused look. "Other than you texting me, no. You know I have notifications turned off for my social media. What's going on?" He turns on the computer in front of us. "You should hear this before anything. I promise you, it's important." I roll my eyes. "This better not be some stupid shit, Arin!" I say with a light laugh. He shook his head, and I knew from the look in his eyes that this was in fact important.
Once the computer was fully on, he went to YouTube. Looking up y/n's name, I felt my stomach turn. Did she have a new boyfriend? Was she sick? Did she die?! I understand that last one is a bit of a long shot, but I tend to over think a lot.
A video was uploaded at 7:00 am this morning? "' sleepwalk? ' isn't that an old song?" I say confused. But I'm not all that surprised. She always did love the oldies. He nods his head. "She added her own lyrics and tune to it. And I think you should hear it." I nodded and put on some earphones, pushing play on the video. Her voices comes on, and it feels so amazing to hear her voice again. Even if it is just an intro in a YouTube video.
"Hello everyone. I had this idea for a song at like 3 in the morning. I couldn't sleep, so I made this. I hope you like it..."
The video fades to black and then it shows her at her little office space she has in her room. The music starts up, and at this point I notice her eyes. They're a little red and slightly puffy. She did a good job covering it up, but I've known her since senior year. She can't hide that from me.
She sings softly yet with so much passion and emotion. The lyrics sink in, and I know why Arin wanted to hear this. Its about me. I scroll down to look at the description and comments, and they all say things along the lines of 'I fucken sad now.' 'Wow, Danny really did a number on her' 'DANNY YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS SHIT!' 'This makes me so sad because she literally couldn't sleep thinking about him... Danny get your girl back!' 'Damn that made me tear up... '
After the video ended, I look at my phone. Y/n's face still smiles at me from behind the screen. I didn't want to change it, I couldn't do it. I felt several tears hit my leg, I didn't even realize i was crying. "Hey Dan, are you okay?" Arin puts his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "No... I'm not at all." I open up Twitter and see thousands of notifications to nsp and game grumps. All of which telling me to see what I just saw. I stood up slowly, feeling a little disappointed in myself. How could I let her walk out of my life so easily...?
Y/n's POV
After I posted the video, I decided I should really try to get some sleep. Especially since thousands of people will blow up my phone later on. Once in bed again, I tried to think of all the possibilities and outcomes of this. It could either go really well, or go really horribly bad. I guess we'll just have to see.
I wake up several hours later to my phone ringing. The sky is still a little bright to I assume it's not that late. 'Suzy <3' shines up at me. I smile, me and her always stayed quite close. "Hello?" I try to run the sleep out of my eyes. "Hey, are feeling okay? I heard your song, and I know it's about Dan. How are you, hun?"
It means a lot that she's not just calling about GET HIM BACK! She just wants to know if I'm okay. "Honestly? I feel so empty. Luckily today is just a lazy day so I don't have to adult today. But still.... I feel lost." I hear her sigh, "I know, y/n. It sucks. But you have me! And I'm way better than Danny!" She says jokingly. "Damn right you are! I'll call you a bit later when I'm more awake, okay?" We say our goodbyes and I sit up more in bed. I take a quick look at my notification bar and just as I expected, its blowin up. 'When will I stop being a pussy?' My thoughts we're interrupted by several rings of my doorbell.
Without looking through the peephole I open the door, only to see a certain curly haired man standing on my doorstep. "Danny? What are you doing here?" His eyes are glazed over and puffy as if he had just finished crying. He looked down. "I.... I heard your song. Was it... Was it about me? I'm sorry, I just need to know. I couldn't focus at all today during work. And on my way home, I just couldn't take it anymore. I have to know." My anxiety goes up a long shot. My eyes looking at everyone but him. "Y/n... I need to know." I slowly nod my head, still avoiding his eyes. "May I come in? I think we should talk.." I scoot to the side to let him in. "I'm sorry if I caused a lot of drama. I just thought... It would be better if I just made it into a song rather than.. Just telling you." I confessed. He grabbed my shoulders. "Don't be sorry, y/n. When we broke up, and you left. I broke down. I couldn't handle the fact that I just let you go.. I'm sorry."
"Then why did you do it? Why wait so fucking long to come to my house?! Why hurt me this bad, leaving me all alone when all I wanted was you! I hated knowing that YOU let me just walk out. And you looked like you... Like you didn't even give a shit..." I couldn't help it. I let all my emotions explode on him. "Why do you think I did?! Y/n, you deserve someone who has the time for you, who will give you all the attention in the world. Someone who will GIVE you the world! I want nothing more than to have you back again, but you don't deserve someone like me! I love with all my soul, hell, I'd give up everything for your dumbass! I didn't say anything till now because I thought you'd be mad, and I thought you'd moved on, hated me even!" He was standing pretty close to me by now. "Well no shit I'd be mad! You think I don't deserve you? Bullshit! You've already given me the world and more! Don't think that I don't understand about your job because I do the same fucking thing!!! I know it's hard, but I was willing to work even harder because I love you more than life itself! I deserve you just like you deserve me!" He rolled his eyes. "You're fucking gorgeous! You can have any man you want! What the hell is so special about me?" I got in his face once again, "because you are so much better than any other man I've met! We've known each other for YEARS and you think I'd just give all that up?! What kinda drugs are you on, Dan? Do you think I'm that fucken dumb? I haven't slept in weeks because it feels so horrible not having you next to me. That's some bullshit to say that I can have any man I want. I want YOU, dipshit!" I couldn't help it, I fell to my knees, shaking from trying to hold back tears. How he say that I didn't deserve him? He was my world, he still is my world. Nothing will change that.
He walks to me, and sits on the floor with me. I feel his arms wrap around me, and I lean into his chest. "I'm sorry.. I loved you more than anything. I still do. Can you please give me another chance..? Now, I won't ever think you don't deserve me. I won't think anything like that. You mean the world to me, y/n. Please don't forget that." I look up at him, seeing his eyes filled with new tears. "Well duh, how can i say no to this face?" I grab his cheeks and smush them together and laugh. "I love you too, Danny." He smiled and leaned in and gave me a much needed kiss.
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