#i can't believe i watched all 54 episodes in less than a week but on the other hand i can because it's incredibly hard to stop
coquelicoq · 2 years
listen, i'm not saying you have to watch nirvana in fire. i'm not even saying you should watch it. if you don't watch it, you won't regret it because you won't know what you're missing; if you do watch it and ask me why i inflicted such pain upon you, i will deny all responsibility. that said, it is one of the best shows i have ever seen. do with that what you will.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
I didn't realise that viewers actually rotated!
So, in respect of Walker, are the 70 year olds watching it 70 year olds who watched SPN or has Jared not got a "follow on" of 1m from SPN and these are people who either like it because it's vanilla or have nothing else to watch?
What does that say about the Prequel, given it won't even star Jared do you think it will have an SPN follow through?
Finally, do you think this will be another attempt to get Gen Padalecki an acting role? I can't believe she'd give up her comfortable job of working on self care to do a full time show but... it's been the pattern to date...
Would you mind analysing the viewers and fandom, because they seem to be very different things.
1 million follow on would be considered generous if you're speaking beyond the first 3-6 episodes, in which time it lost almost a million viewers in a sweep. He may have had an initial following from fandom following but consider that evaporated before the 90 days ran through.
The bulk of Walker's audience simply isn't SPN's. You can look at the sub demo breakdowns by age category of both shows. Walker has a literal fraction of the 18-34 that SPN maintained. SPN S15's finale, which actually skewed old for the show with old fans checking in one last time, clocked a 0.2 in 18-34, 0.3 in 18-49, and then 0.5 in 25-54. It had a 2 share across the board in 18-49 M, F, and Adults 50+. Its 1.379M viewers were worth 0.3, at the median of 18-49 viewership in demo.
Walker's 18-34 is 0.05. On a good day. That means 1/4 as many people in the 18-34 bracket watch it as watched SPN. its 18-49 is 0.11, but that means that 0.06 difference comes from an age bracket of 35-49 year olds. Walker did indeed clock a 0.2 18-34 *when it debuted*, but that as you can see fell through the floor.
Recently, it's audience has deflated, currently at 854K, but back in, say, late May of 2021, it was running that 1M number. Its 18-34 had already dropped to 0.1 and the ratings had hit the 0.16--not quite its closing 0.12 it's rotted at since [from more demo loss]
But at this time, the 25-54 demo was clocking 0.23, which is what offset the 18-34, and betrayed the 35-49 age bracket. But beyond that, where it got its viewers from for that million? 1.6 share in adults 50+. 1.4 W 1.0 M 18-49. Within a few more weeks, that 18-34 slid down further, the ratings went down further, but the old audience stayed.
You'll notice something here. SPN had like 0.3M more audience but the ratings were worth 2-2.5x as much. Why? That subdemo value. The age imbalance. SPN had balanced age demo share. Walker skews dramatically older. Keep in mind those numbers I'm reading is when 18-34 was a 0.1. It's a 0.05 now.
Walker has 0.05 18-34. It has a 1.0 share in 18-49 Women, 0.7 share in 18-49 Men, and a 1.3 share in 50+. What this means is, categorically, more than 2 1/2 of the average TV share of viewership of walker is at least 50+ than 34 or under. Almost twice as much under 49 in general. And that's just shares. older people have larger audience number bc they just leave their TVs on all the time, it happens on every channel. Those shares are basically "market share" of people watching.
See the problem? Nielsen demos further revealed the age skew places the age not just above 50 but yes, average viewer age is at 70. These are literally viewers that put on cw morning news, forgot about it, and let tv make noise in the background to keep them company on their heating pad, at large. Every channel has those.
The reason they have a LARGER share of that than average, however, is different. They marketed specifically towards those audiences on H&G, and Fox News. So yeah, some are actually interested viewers. They're just. all old fucking conservative boomers and older that are tuning in to watch.
Less than 1/4 of walker's demo is even in the right age range to possibly be spn fandom, and that's just assuming a 1:1 on age and overlap rather than a series of more complex demo breakdowns. It's honestly a sliver of that.
As for viewers and fandom, walker barely HAS a fandom. even jpeg's most loyal followers, a lot of them admit they don't like or watch it. There's a cluster of accounts that put on cowboy hats, but unless they're reacting to jpeg livetweeting hoping to get engaged, very few actually post jack shit about the show, they just more pissfight over if anyone doesn't like it and patrol around. It's more of a mascot of being a jpeg fan than being an actual walker fan. Check Ao3, see how slim their content is 2 years in. Try to look for fanart, see how much you find. Check the trend pushes and calculate how much are retweets of jared livetweeting, subtract those, then you'll see how many people are actually tweeting, including charts of the value/weight via repeat tweeters/spammers. Hint: it's not much. It's support for the sake of jpeg, not for the show.
Which is probably why it's streaming numbers are so piss poor too.
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