#i can't believe i have an actual tag for a cursed object
tempenensis · 2 years
Akutami Gege-sensei talking about Prison Realm Boundary!
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(Bonus of JUMP GIGA 2023 Early Spring, translated below)
“Prison Realm Boundary” is a special-grade cursed object that Kenjaku prepared to seal the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the current era, Gojou Satoru. Kenjaku uses the body of Getou to successfully seal Gojou.
Q1: Kenjaku has said that Prison Realm Boundary is “the remains of the living barrier Genshin”, did Genshin create it? A: Genshin sealed numerous curses inside his body using his barrier technique. After he died, (his remains) became a cursed object. (img point: Prison Realm Boundary holds great capacity in sealing. Genshin must had been a considerably talented person)
Q2: In the history so far, was there anyone trapped inside Prison Realm Boundary? A: There was. Basically, it only has capacity of one person, it can’t be used again unless the person trapped inside committed suicide, or the gate open and they got out. (img point: Because Gojou is sealed inside, the Prison Realm Boundary can’t seal anyone else)
Q3: Time doesn’t pass inside Prison Realm Boundary, does the person inside don’t feel hungry? How about going to the toilet? A: Because time doesn’t flow inside it, they won’t feel the need to eat or defecate. I haven’t had the chance to include it in the main story, but when a jujutsu sorcerer goes to a long mission where eating and defecating might be difficult, they will put a special “insect” inside their stomach.
Q4: What are Gojou doing inside Prison Realm Boundary? A: Because if he thinks too much he might be going crazy, I think he’ll just be as absent-minded as he can.
Q5: Jougo has said that he wanted to “add Prison Realm Boundary to the collection”, what does Akutami-sensei think about the “collection of things” that it was added to? A: It’s (collection of) huge one-of-a-kind stuff that can seal anyone as long as the conditions are met (with the backside looking like a freebie).
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livelaughlovesubs · 26 days
Heeeeya, Nini! How's it going? I can't believe its already been a year! I've been here since before that time you accidentally deleted your blog XD. Congrats! you've dominated the sub! bsd tag for forever and I'm living for it XD. For the event, can I please request Fyodor (bsd) with the prompt, 'Keeping their hands bound to make basic tasks difficult or impossible. Bonus: punish them for failing or making a mess'. Bro, I have an inability to be all that sadistic, even in fiction TwT, so for the punishment part, can I request something like tickling? Is that allowed?! LMAO- As always, feel free to delete/decline this if it makes you uncomfy, and have an awesome day. And again, congrats on one year!
AHHHHH DONT REMIND ME OF THAT TIME can’t believe how dumb I was 🥲 but thank you for being a long time follower hehe, the idea with tickling is very cute I love it
Dom!reader x sub!fyodor - reader is gn
Warning: humiliation, teasing, a tiny bit of degrading, tickling >:)
Anniversary event
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Thud thud thud
Someone was hammering on your door in the middle of the night, and they just didn’t stop. You’ve been trying to ignore it for the past minutes, but the sound only got louder.
Thud thud thud
“Ahhhh which fucker is it?!” In the end, you gave in and cursed, stomping to the front door before opening a small crack. “What is-” to your surprise you knew the person behind the door, it was fyodor, your boyfriend. “Huh?? Fedya? Why didn’t you use the bell?” You immediately swung the door open and invited him in, he gave you a bashful smile before entering. Then you shut the door behind him.
“You see…” he said, while he let his coat slip from his shoulders, revealing his hands which were bound tightly behind his back. “It proved to be pretty difficult to ring the bell three times, so I thought kicking the door would suffice.” That was the secret code you two agreed on, so that you’d know if it was him who’s standing on your doorway. “Ah…” you stared at his restricted limps, then at him, giving him a questioning glance. He didn’t provide any explanation or answers.
The male turned around to face you, who were still standing next to the door. “Well? Aren’t you going to help me?” He rushed you, but kept his soft smile. “Actually no, not yet.” You replied, crossing your arms in font of your chest. That attitude, were you mad with him? “…y/n, what do you want.” Finally he dropped the good-guy act, seemingly irritated by your behaviour. Normally you’d help without being this difficult, except when you aren’t in a good mood, something that seems to be the case here.
You walked past him and sat down on the couch, making yourself comfortable before saying, “bring me the remote.” Fyodor looked a tad baffled, though he didn’t think too much about it and walked to the shelf to the left of you, pondering for a moment on how to grab it, before using his mouth to bite the object. Then he brought it to you like an obedient puppy, right into your hand and cheeks flushed a bright shade of red. “Good job.” You praised him, scratching the underside of his chin a bit, intensifying his blush.
“Now bring me a scissor to cut those ropes. You can find it in the kitchen.” He glared at you when you didn’t stop ordering him around, especially since he found his actions pretty shameful. Nevertheless, he bit back his complains and went to the other room to get whatever you wanted. Once he found the scissor, he bit the handle of the tool, and carefully got back to your side. “That took you a while.” You chuckled, to which he scoffed, “are you done with the games now?” How furious he sounded, he wasn’t having half the fun you had huh?
You tilted your head to the side, acting like you were thinking about it, then said, “one last thing.” Before giving him a big smile. The male rolled his eyes at that, at least internally. “Bring me a glass of water, that’s my last request, promise.” After you finished your sentence, you raised your pinky finger, then said, “ah silly me, you can’t reciprocate it after all.” Fyodor mumbled, “you are unbelievable.” Then he made his way back to the kitchen. What else was he supposed to do, he needed your help.
Through much resilience and great efforts, he managed to get a cup out of your shelves. And he even managed to fill it with tap water! Afterwards he bit the handle of the cup, finding that to be the easiest course of action, and slowly walked over to you. This was now his third time running a stupid errand for you, and he really hoped this would be the last. On his way back, he accidentally spilled the water in the cup all over himself and the floor, causing him to yelp a little, “hmmm..!”
You turned your head to the source of the noise, giggling at the sight but not helping him. His blush darkened even more, and he closed the last bit of distance between you two. Without any commentary, you took the cup and put it on the table, grabbing the scissors and cutting through his binds. He didn’t expect you to not make fun of him, so consider him grateful.
Though after you were done, you got up from your seat, grabbing his shoulders as you sneered, “gosh, fyodor, you couldn’t even bring me a glass of water?” Guess he jinxed it. Even though considering the circumstances he was in, failing his task was a very possible outcome, he still felt humiliated by your words, or at least embarrassed. He wanted to argue, to try and keep some shreds of dignity when you bested him to it, saying, “shouldn’t you get a punishment for that?”
“A punishment?” As soon as these words left his mouth, you pushed him into the couch and tickled him. Attacking his stomach while responding through a huge grin, “yep! A punishment you can’t evade!” “What- ha- ahaha.. no, wait haha…! Stop!” He laughed involuntarily, kicking his legs around and trying to peel your hands off his body. “Haha.. s-stop, hahh.. really, hahaha~ I can’t-!!” Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes already, his clothes and hair all disheveled. “Hehe.. alright, the punishment is over.” You eventually said, reaching out to his face to wipe his tears away.
As if hit by the realisation, he abruptly stopped smiling, still blushing furiously as he gasped for air. When he breathing calmed down, he pouted, then wrapped his arms around your neck as he gave you a quick kiss on the lips, “you-… you better make it up to me for being mean.”
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moonlitinks · 1 year
Writer Q&A Tag Game
Thank you to bestie @writingbyricochet for tagging me! CAN WE JUST START OFF WITH THAT LITTLE WRITING SNIPPET (AND THE KISS SCENE) THAT HAD ME SQUEALING??? I AM SO, SO EXCITED FOR PARADISE LIVED AND DIED. for anyone interested in this amazing writer, her answers are linked here!
1) What motivates you to write?
Whenever I sit there and read a good book in one sitting for hours. The magic. The characters. The romance. The ACTION. It just makes me realize that I want to ignite this same feeling to others, and I want to make my book feel like a second home for them to escape to <3
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This is my most recent writing snippet that I'm just SO HAPPY TO WRITE I DON'T KNOW WHY
“Well, I think you’re a selfish—” Rip. The sound of her skirt tearing caused her to pause, and the magpie picked and picked at the edges of her dress. What was it doing? Bari grabbed at the remaining pieces before she exposed herself and got kicked out due to indecency. He stared at her with indifference, scowling like he could not take her at all. “There,” he said. “Now you have no reason to cling to me.” He snatched the magpie from the air and Bari cried out in alarm. Even the bird seemed to sense the dangerous aura that the he emitted, pecking at the space in between them. Altair paused at where the magpie pecked, and his gaze slipped for a second, enough to Bari to snatch her bird back, and the lantern in the other.  She really did need to get rid of the lantern, but it wouldn’t move because, apparently, even an enchanted object believed that she didn’t know what she wanted. “Tell me to take a voice.”
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Altair, because he's so complex. I always love a character that is more mysterious and has a lot of history to unpack behind them because of all the awful things they've done, but a lot of guilt and regret following them, too. Seeing their transformation arc is BEAUTIFUL.
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Drafting and creating plot twists! And brainstorming / daydreaming about ideas. If you can't tell, I'm not much of a plotter haha.
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Inner dialogue! And I think I really like getting in depth with characters, so you really know them.
6) What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I think I love it because we're all honest about the writing process. Writing is really lonely and it actually can really drain you mentally without the right mindset. Personally, I have a lot of anxiety, so seeing people that understand me really makes me feel like I can write and simply enjoy it. It also makes me feel less alone.
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Scrivener, my love. I also love watching author interviews like Chloe Gong and Stephanie Garber and just seeing what their drafting and publishing journey has been like, and it inspires me to write! Pinterest is also great for aesthetics, and Spotify is the best for playlists <3
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
I love the Enchanted Kingdom (soon to be named...) I've built so far. It's filled with curses that have been unresolved in the first lives that these gods have lived, and now have reappeared to kinda ruin the Kingdom. My world is very fairytale slash studio ghibli esque, so I'm having so fun with the tidbits now!
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Oh, God. DO I KNOW THIS PERSONALLY. I swear my rough patch hasn't ended... writing after nearly not writing for a good two years really does something to you.
Writing is all about mindset. It doesn't matter how much of an oddball idea you have. If you don't believe in it, it'll never get finished. Every time I doubted myself, my anxiety got so bad I shut down immediately. And I was so worried about what other people would think when reading my books, that I stopped myself from writing the books I want to write in the first place. Whether you have people around you discouraging to write, or can't believe in yourself, at the end of the day, it's just you and your book. And what's the point of writing if you're just following a trend? Or slugging yourself to finish a book you can't even connect with? Each book is a piece of yourself, and I think the greatest realization I had is to write the story you want to read. And it doesn't matter if it's about some girl who makes a deal with a god to save her sister, or about some alien on a spaceship, or about carnivals! Writing is so amazing because you can connect with readers who enjoy the same things you do, but it all starts with believing in yourself first.
When you get stuck, don't panic. If you haven't read an article about how Boredom Leads to Creativity, maybe take a quick break about writing that first! Writing isn't about who finishes the book first, but it's about quality and a game of luck. Maybe you need a break away from writing. Maybe you need to reconnect with your characters. Maybe you're just tired of toiling over and over again on this plot line.
There is no set method to returning to your project. But what has helped me is learning why I want to write. It doesn't matter how much I return to my world, or try to force my characters into more trauma if there's no reason why I'm writing this. Like, is it to enjoy it? Is it to have people experience these feelings I've felt months ago, and hold importance to me? Even the simplest reasons are the deepest ones. <3
And finally (sorry this advice is literally a hundred pages long, can you tell I'm procrastinating right now?), writing is meant to be serious, but it's also meant to be fun. The draft is simply just that: a draft. You can get ideas from random lines you wrote, or even take out characters to write a different book about! Don't ruin the one thing you've learned to love. Personally, writing in fun / ugly fonts: Arial, Comic Sans, etc., has really helped me focus on what I want to say instead of whether this book will ever get queried or not. Set a routine. Write everyday, or don't if you're more of a mood writer. The instant you feel the itch to write, JUST FUCKING DO IT, OKAY. THIS IS A SIGN. It doesn't matter if it's a scene in the third act and you're only on chapter 1. It's a sign that the story wants you, and only you to write it.
FINALLY FINALLY, I swear this is my last piece of advice, and the shortest: Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Writing is hard, but rewarding. I believe in you. <3
wowooww that was long, tagging @orphicpoieses @macabremoons @halfbit @leisoree @sleepysuiteheart @the-chaotic-writer @heymacareyna @hallwriteblr @sculpture-in-a-period-drama @pixelw0rds @thetruearchmagos + other mutuals and anyone who wants to participate! i would love to hear your responses, PLEASE.
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tsukimefuku · 7 months
❅ Sand and Snow | Chapter 5
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In the city of Odate, Akita, there have been multiple deaths in the past few weeks. The first-grade sorcerer Nanami Kento is sent out to investigate the snowy city, not knowing that it would be his last mission as a Jujutsu High student.
Why Nanami left Jujutsu High to become a 9/5 corporate slave.
Tags: Murder/mystery, canon typical violence, POV Nanami, Post Star-plasma Vessel Arc, Canon compliant, Angst but I'm not Gege
Gojo Satoru is a little shit. OC's are a dynamic duo as well. We meet the last targets and find out more about the cursed objects.
WC: 3.75K | on AO3 here.
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"Shit, what the hell?" Shiori said, as she fell ass-first on the snow for the tenth time. "How are you so goddamn fast?" She had barely been able to reinforce her arms with cursed energy before he threw a high kick at her, knocking her off her feet and onto the ground. Gojo had briefly explained his techniques, but never mentioned it made him move at the speed of light or anything of the sort.
It was early in the morning. They were outside, Nanami was sitting down on the porch sipping tea peacefully, watching the whole scene, as Gojo trained Shiori on the basics in protecting herself from strikes using cursed energy. She had already demonstrated her innate cursed technique, but it was clear she had no fine control over the specifics of it — if it always had the corrosive element or not, how much cursed energy was spent, how long it took for exploding, and how strong each grenade would be. This was unexpected, considering she had a pretty good grasp on cursed energy manipulation for defending herself or even imbuing objects.
"Well, you've got a defense, and you can actually take a hit. That's good." He said, putting his hands on his waist and tilting his head to the side. "But do you know how to hit someone?"
"Not much, that was my brother's strong suit, not mine." She admitted, starting to worry if she'd survive this "training" session. Shiori wondered if he was just looking for an excuse to kick her ass for calling him 'pretty boy' earlier.
"So, let's try that. Come, hit me." He said. "Come on... Here. Here. Hit here." He pointed at his hand stretched forward, like he was talking to a five-year-old.
This dude can't be for real, Shiori thought, as she got up and punched his hand. It was a terrible, limp and poorly executed punch overall.
"I meant with cursed energy, though I don't think cursed energy could've saved whatever that was."
"Well, why didn't you say so!?" She started pouting. "Your teaching skills are terrible."
"Speaking of which, surprise quiz time!" He said. She started asking herself if it was really worth the trouble. "Question number one, what do we have for breakfast today?"
"Eh?!" She couldn't believe that. "Are you serious?!"
"Terribly." He replied.
"Well, nothing. There is nothing anymore." She said, sighing deeply.
"Precisely! And why is that?" Gojo asked, putting on a 'very serious teacher' voice.
"Because you ate everything!"
"No, wrong answer! Because you have no money for groceries and still refuse to work as a jujutsu high employee with us!"
She threw a better punch imbued with cursed energy directly at his face, hitting the infinity. "I'm poor, leave me alone!"
"Well, that's a little more like it!" Gojo said, smiling lively. "But your attacks are still half-assed as hell. You should focus on defense for now." He cleared his throat. "You know, about the food, people need potions if they want to have MANA!"
"Fine, let's go to town and buy something to eat!" She yelled, walking away, cursing Gojo under her breath.
"Why are you insisting she goes to Jujutsu High, even though her family and the institution have a terrible relationship, and after she explicitly told you she doesn't want to?" Nanami asked, putting his tea cup away.
"Well, I have a dream, and to fulfill it, I'm going to need good allies." He pointed in her direction. "Her combat skills are awful, but she's got potential as a healer. I'd like to see if she can learn reverse cursed technique from Shoko. This apparently is something that occurred more frequently in her clan, according to Ijichi's findings."
Nanami could see Gojo was brewing something. He definitely wasn't the same Satoru Gojo that failed Riko Amanai years ago — Gojo was growing into a fine sorcerer. Maybe Nanami could respect him a little, after all.
"Now, let's go, Nanamin! Did you know that pastry making is more suited for cold weather? Yes! That is why-" Gojo started blabbing about food and customs to each location, and what he wanted to eat before they left Odate. Nanami sighed as he changed his mind.
"Please, could you do it?" Shiori asked.
"No." Nanami replied.
"Please? Even if I promise I'll stop calling you a stalker?" She said, trying to convince him.
They were outside Odate Ryokan, and Shiori's phone was dead. She didn't want to go in to ask for Yoko to lend her some money, wanting to avoid encountering Yoko's grandmother. Nanami thought that was foolish and refused to help. Gojo was behind a wall of girls fawning over him and heard nothing of the conversation.
"I'm listening." He said.
"You just have to go inside and let her know 'her friend' is outsi-"
The hotel's door opened, and Yoko came out. "Shiori! I thought I heard your voice!" She said, as she hugged her friend.
"Yoko! Hi! I need to borrow some money!" She exclaimed, hugging Yoko back.
"Again?! And also, you're terrible, at least ask me how I'm doing first!" Yoko replied, somewhat offended.
"I'll pay you back, I promise!" Shiori said, with a wide smile on her face.
"Oh, I have heard that so many times before..." Yoko replied. She finally noticed Nanami was there. "Oh, hey! I'm so sorry for what happened here at the hotel."
"I have recovered fully." He answered.
"Well... Where are you staying?! We can pay for any hotel in the area. Please, accept it as our apology."
Nanami pointed at Shiori. "At her house."
"What?!" Yoko said, incredulous, as she thought he would only be getting treatment for his wounds and wait for his colleague there. She then turned her face into a mischievous smile and approached Shiori. "So, he is sleeping at your house?"
"I'll slap you." Shiori retorted, annoyed.
Yoko chuckled. "Just teasing you." She gave Shiori a little forehead flick. 
"Hey, how about you pay me for his stay at my house?"
"Never gonna happen." Yoko said. Shiori had no talent for money making. "Uh, and what about him?" Yoko said, pointing to Gojo, that was still getting fawned over. The girl screaming around was loud.
"Hey, pretty boy, come over!" Shiori yelled. "Let's go grab something to eat."
Satoru waved, as if he was saying goodbye to his loyal fans, and moved over to meet them. The group of girls left disappointed. "So, what are we eating? I'm starving!"
"Well, there is a great bakery just around the corner that serves amazing options for breakfast!" Yoko replied. "Should we go there?"
"About that..." Shiori replied, grabbing her empty wallet.
Yoko sighed. "Fine, I'm paying for you. But only you!"
"It's ok! Pretty boy and stalker guy can foot their own bill!" Shiori said smiling, while pointing to Gojo and Nanami.
"Please, stop calling me that." Nanami said.
"Stalker?" Yoko asked, puzzled.
"Well, I can start calling you 'side bangs' if you would prefer." Shiori retorted jokingly.
"I would not." Nanami responded, irritated.
"So 'stalker' it is!" She concluded, grinning widely.
Gojo and Yoko were at a loss for what was happening.
They made their way into another restaurant, which had similar features as the previous one Shiori and Nanami had been at. They all sat at the table and placed their orders.
"So, are you two private investigators?" Yoko asked.
"Yes, they are." Shiori replied.
Yoko looked at Nanami, seemingly puzzled. "Aren't you a little too young to be investigating people dying? Also, I thought these people died because they were bitten by a venomous animal. What is the investigation?" Yoko was a very curious person, and never really thought much before speaking. It was a family trait.
"He's... The intern." Shiori answered.
"That's right! He's my promising intern looking for a position at my private investigation business." Gojo answered, putting his arm over Nanami's shoulders with a smirk on his face. Nanami sighed.
"Oh, I see." Yoko answered. "But why are private investigators looking into this, anyway?"
"One of the deceased's widowers asked us to see if there was any foul play." Nanami promptly made up on the spot. Gojo and Shiori were impressed.
"Oh. And there was?"
"We unfortunately can't disclose that information." He answered.
"Hey, Yoko, stop interrogating them." Shiori said, smiling uncomfortably. "Their work seems so stressful already, how about we talk about something else, shall we?"
Yoko was disappointed, but nodded. "It's just that nothing interesting ever happens here!"
"Yoko, 9 people died." Shiori said, stunned.
"That wasn't interesting, that was terrifying. Having private investigators around, however, is something interesting." Yoko started pouting.
"Yoko, nothing interesting happens to you because you're still in Odate working for your family with that old hag on your case." Shiori said as their food arrived. Yoko was frowning and seemed slightly offended, but knew her friend was right.
Gojo had ordered an assortment of sweets, meanwhile Nanami ordered his classic deli sandwich. Shiori and Yoko both ordered a bread basket with different types of toppings to put on. Shiori did her previous 'mix absolutely everything you can', taking a spoonful out of each topping, putting it over some toasts in a profane way and began eating the desecrated bread, eliciting the same appalled look from everyone at the table. How can she taste anything?
With her mouth full, Shiori started speaking again. "And Odate is boring, anyway. After Shiro is back, I'm going to travel. I've never been to the beach!"
"What? Noshiro is very close, like an hour and a half away from here." Gojo replied, a little incredulous.
"I know! It's just that..." Shiori sighed, embarrassed. "I'm always broke." She smiled as Yoko facepalmed.
"Shiori, why are you still in Odate?" Yoko asked. "Anyway, at least something exciting happened to you! You're fostering two good-looking men in your house."
Shiori nearly gagged. "Yoko, what the hell?!" Gojo was very pleased with himself behind his glasses, and Nanami awkwardly moved around in his seat while looking away, nearly blushing. She really had no filter.
"What?!" Yoko protested.
Shiori sighed. "Yoko, it’s not appropriate to comment on someone’s appearance to their face." She replied.
“I see no problem if it’s a compliment.” Yoko retorted, crossing her arms and lifting an eyebrow as she looked at the guys. Gojo was even more pleased, and Nanami felt even more embarrassed.
Shiori sighed yet again, and decided not to address that. "And I'm only waiting for Shiro to come back. I know he will."
Yoko looked at her with a hint of concern in her face as they all started to eat.
"So, what do you think we should say? The truth?" Shiori asked, as she accompanied Gojo to Ayako's house. Nanami went to see how the situation was at Miyuki's house. They got a call from Ijichi shortly after breakfast, who gave them their locations.
"Whatever will make her let us in and help." He responded. "Don't you know these people?"
"I had so many relatives. These two particularly, I don't remember, since I was very young when I stopped having any relationship with the family. My brother and I just received some financial aid from an aunt that died around 2 years ago. They might know who I am, though." She shrugged. "Even if we don't get to do anything, I believe we should tell them they're in danger and that they should go to the police for protection or something."
"Maybe, maybe not." Gojo replied.
"Why is that?" Shiori asked.
"The curse user. He's killing these people and clearly doesn't have much of an issue invading enclosed spaces. He might even be using his shikigami for that."
"I see. What do we do, then?"
"We kick his ass and take him to Jujutsu High. Or kill him." He answered. Gojo had that same menacing aura as he said that, even though his face was covered with a frivolous smile. This guy must be monstrously powerful, Shiori thought.
"And about the cursed object thing..." He started saying.
"Rescue ladies first. Find my brother second. Every information you could hope for third." She replied, fearing for her physical integrity as she did. The world was definitely lucky this guy wasn't a genocidal maniac.
He just sighed and answered "Fine." Gojo thought for a moment. "That girl, Yoko, is she a close friend?"
"Yes. She's actually my best and only friend." Shiori responded. "We've been friends since middle school, when kids used to bully me and my brother because of my family. Yoko stood up for me." She said, smiling to herself.
"I see." He answered, reminiscing his own school life and most recent events for a moment. Satoru sighed silently.
"She has a lifelong crush on my brother, even if her comments about you and Nanami didn't make it seem like it." Shiori chuckled. "Those two are really something."
Gojo laughed softly. "Your friend is definitely a little loony." He then changed his tone to something more serious. "Shiori, what will you do if your brother never comes back?" Gojo asked, looking at her directly.
"He will come back." She answered straight-up. Even if Shiori was saying that, though, she had said that so many times it started to sound fake.
"You don't know that. What if you're stuck here forever, always holding onto people who left, when you could be doing something better with your life and your abilities?" 
Shiori was silent. She knew exactly why she never left Odate, or her parents' house, for that matter, even when all of her uncles, aunts, cousins and such were going away to live their lives in other places all throughout Japan.
As they got to the door to knock, they saw the lock was bust open.
"Shit!" Shiori exclaimed. 
They both bolted inside, and saw a woman with long black hair lying on the ground over a puddle of blood. Beside her, was the already familiar wooden box, completely empty. Shiori crouched beside her to check her pulse. There were cursed energy remains all over, and some holes in the walls around, covered with a thick black corrosive substance — the same type Shiori's grenades would leave behind.
"Gojo, she's still alive!" 
When she rolled the woman's body, it was possible to see that Ayako had no bite marks on either wrist, but a deep cut in her torso area, which had just barely missed her internal organs. Shiori turned her with the stomach area up, so the blood would stop leaking to the floor, and started trying to wake her up. The woman wasn't moving.
"You, go after the one who did this!" She shouted. "I'll take care of her and call an ambulance. Go!"
Satoru ran outside and focused on trying to find someone, but the surrounding area was already empty. Nothing, not even cursed energy traces for him to follow. Given how they found Ayako, the curse user didn't use his technique this time around. He went back inside the woman's house, and saw that Shiori had already packed her wounds with some gauze she found. She was applying pressure and had the woman's blood all over her coat. 
The lady started to wake up, just barely.
"Ms. Ayako, stay with me. Stay awake!" Shiori shouted.
"Hm... Who, Itsuki?" Ayako was slowly coming back to her senses.
"No, it's Shiori."
"You... Itsuki's daughter?"
"Yes! Good to see you're awake. Stay with me." Shiori was still keeping pressure on the wounds.
"Who did this?" Shiori asked.
"Sh… Shogo…"
Shiori tensed up immediately. "Shit." She looked at Gojo. "Call Nanami."
Nanami knocked on Miyuki's door, and the woman promptly answered. Shiori had instructed him to use her parents' name if necessary, or even her own, to gain the woman's trust in order to help her.
"Hello, how can I help you?" she asked.
"Hello, Ms. Miyuki. My name is Nanami Kento, and I'd like to talk to you about something regarding Yamada Itsuki."
She got visibly tense and stared at him for a few moments.
"Her daughter, Shiori, asked me to come and see if you were fine." He replied. "And you might be in danger. You probably know about the recent deaths occurring in Odate." 
She was still very unsure about opening her door and letting him in.
Nanami's phone rang. He answered, it was Gojo.
"Gojo, I just got here at Ms. Miyuki's house."
"Tell her she is in danger, and that the culprit's name is Yamada Shogo. Ayako was hurt pretty badly and was nearly dead when we arrived here." He replied.
Nanami stared at Ms. Miyuki. "Do you know an individual by the name Yamada Shogo?"
She widened her eyes. "Yes, I do."
"Apparently, he just attacked Yamada Ayako. Do you know her?"
Miyuki's face was hard to read, but she seemed to be... angry? "Yes, I do." She inhaled deeply and closed the door. Nanami called out to her, and she simply screamed from inside the house for him to leave her alone. He sighed.
"Gojo, please ask Shiori to come." Nanami said on the phone.
"She is holding the woman in one piece here." Gojo replied.
"Hey, you just have to apply pressure. Come here!" Shiori yelled at Gojo. She grabbed the phone and started talking. "Tell me, what is going on there? Is everything ok?"
"For now, yes, but she didn't let me in. I believe it would be better if you sorted this out with your relative."
"Ok, I'll be there soon." She replied.
"What? What do I do here then?!" Gojo asked on the other side. 
"Just keep applying pressure until the ambulance arrives so she doesn't bleed out! Have you never had any basic first aid training in your life, and you're a jujutsu sorcerer?!" Shiori yelled, incredulous.
"I've never had to learn that! That is not what I do, I fight and use reverse cursed technique on myself!" Said the most powerful jujutsu sorcerer of our era.
"Well, just do something about it! Nanami, I'm on my way right now." She said as she hung up the phone. Shiori then removed her coat and left it covering Ayako's legs, trying to provide some warmth. "You will be fine, okay? I'm leaving now, but I already called an ambulance." Shiori said beside Ayako.
As she was getting up, Ayako grabbed the end of Shiori's sleeve. "You're... Itsuki's daughter?"
"Yes, I am."
"Be... careful." Ayako said.
Shiori and Gojo looked at each other, and she seemed concerned. Ayako was drifting in and out of consciousness. Shiori finally made her way out of the door.
"Well, this is bad." Miyuki said as she lit up a cigarette. She opened the door as soon as Shiori got there and told her everything Nanami said was true.
"You're really in danger, Miyuki." Shiori said. "We need to get you out of here as soon as possible."
Miyuki was a woman in her early 40s, with the same black hair and green eyes that Shiori had — there was a clear family resemblance. She got up, went inside her bedroom, and came out holding the same wooden box the other Yamadas had. She handed it to Shiori. "Please, take this and leave."
"Miyuki, you're not listening. If you stay, you will die, having this around or not!"
"I have my unresolved business with Shogo, though." She answered, furious. "How does he know all that, anyway? Everyone that he has to go after?"
"I don't know, but I don't think it matters." Shiori replied. "What unresolved business?"
"Do you know why he was cast out from the family?" Miyuki asked.
"Well, then. Let me tell you." She inhaled deeply. "Well, the Yamada family and the Jujutsu Society run by Tengen are not on good terms. That is because a member of the golden clans got our family's leader killed centuries ago, and Tengen thought it'd be better to just let it go instead of taking action and punishing someone. So you can imagine the disappointment we felt when Shogo was working alongside them. Worse, retrieving our cursed objects for them, right under our noses!"
Shiori and Nanami were silent, taking in the relevance of all that just had been said.
"Well, that's not all of it, though. He relayed the information about the veil realm to those little shits. So, we cast him out and had to disband the entire family." Miyuki looked at Shiori and sighed. "I never got the chance to tell you, but I'm truly sorry for your parents leaving."
"Veil realm?" Nanami asked.
Shiori was taken aback. Clearly, her parents left to protect her and her brother, as well the cursed object Miyuki had just mentioned. She took a few moments to ground herself back to the conversation after hearing everything Miyuki told them. "Yes." Shiori said. There was not much of a leverage anymore. "Veil realm."
Miyuki started explaining. "It's a special grade object that has infinite space for storage of curses and cursed objects once you open it, but, to open it, you need 15 different keys. We have been passing them down generation after generation." She pointed to the box. "Mine is in there. We all take a binding vow to give them to our first child as soon as they are born, just to be sure it is kept within the family."
"I know." Shiori answered. She pulled her own key from inside her clothing. "I keep mine with me all the time."
"Where?" Miyuki asked.
Shiori blushed. "None of your business." She sighed. "And there is no changing your mind?"
"Unfortunately, no."
"We can use this to our advantage, then." Nanami said. Shiori looked at him, incredulous, as she realized what he meant by that.
"You can't possibly be suggesting using her as bait!" Shiori said angrily, looking at him.
"That is not a bad idea, actually." Miyuki said. "And I can hold my own pretty well. I have our inherited cursed technique, melt grenade."
" Me too." Shiori answered. "But this is still a bad idea."
"Ms. Miyuki, we're in the middle of a residential area. You can't use that very effectively to defend yourself without collateral damage or attracting too much attention." Nanami replied. Ayako clearly had tried and failed miserably.
"Oh, true." She replied. "What do you suggest, then?"
"Just come to my house. We can sort this out there. And when he comes, we will be ready." Shiori said. She looked at Nanami. "What do you think?"
"It's a plan." He replied.
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End notes:
To avoid postponing posting this one, I just decided to not proofread it to exhaustion. It is written, it is here, and if it has anything poorly written, I'm sorry, but I won't be going back to fix it anytime soon 😅
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lmelodie · 1 year
Lucy Headcanons
Because I can and because she's a peach
She has a million and one nonsense bumper/car stickers, ranging from cute to cursed.
For one Halloween she couldn't decide between being all three Mario princesses at once. Charlie had to be the one to choose for her and she went as Peach.
Her Favorite type of french fry is the potato smiles! The ones shaped like little happy faces.
She really likes romance/drama tv shows. ESPECIALLY the hospital romance ones. Medical dramas with romantic overtones between two pining doctors have her in a CHOKE HOLD.
If Steven Universe collects mom figures, Lucy Miller collects uncle figures. An disgruntled, emotionally constipated older man anywhere in her vicinity is just an uncle she hasn't met yet.
She loves novelty shaped bags! Backpacks or purses that are shaped like lemons or ghosts is her whole vibe. She loves a quirky bag and owns many that are shaped like different objects. She probably has one for every possible occasion/season/holiday.
She's very creeped out by centipedes. Can't stand how many legs those things have and thinks it was gods mistake for them to exists like that.
Genuinely cannot decide what her favorite season is. She sees and apricates the merit of all four and doesn't think any of them are better than the other. Jack has tried convincing her to root for team winter, but it hasn't worked so far.
She's a big fan of novelty flavors for food also. The stuff that's real gimmicky to sell a quick buck for the strangeness of it, but she tries just about any weird, flavored thing for the experience.
She likes the sheer number of different KitKat flavors they got in Japan; she's tasted a lot of different cereals over the years, and she's actually a pretty big fan of sugar cookie popcorn.
(She would've been ALL OVER the Starbucks unicorn frappuccino thing that happened.)
She ends up going into the psychology field as an adult. She finds people very interesting and likes getting inside their heads to see how they work. Neil is very happy about this, and Laura and Charlie are only a little put off by being psychoanalyzed from two angles now.
She is a SELF CARE QUEEN! Will advocate for self-care until the day she dies! She recognizes that it doesn't solve all your problems but is a die-hard believer in the power of a warm drink and an even warmer bath.
Some other hobbies that she will eventually grow into are as follows:
She gets into yoga when she's older. Does Tai Chi with Mother Nature on occasion.
Learned the basics of archery from Cupid at some point and has kept up with the skill after he pointed out that she should learn to use and actual weapon instead of using the nearest object to bludgeon someone with.
She has matching star shaped sunglasses with Jack. Hers are pink and yellow and his are blue.
After she moves out, she gets takes a gap year and travels the world. Goes to a few different places in Europe.
When she ends up getting her own home, she puts a hammock both inside and outside. Jack has claimed both of them as his own.
Her star sign is Cancer :)
Her favorite Ghibli movie is The Secret World of Arrietty.
Adamantly watches Bee and Puppycat.
She has an account for just about every social media app, including Tumblr. She has a specific tag for things that remind her of Jack (#popsicleman)
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about-faces · 1 year
I honestly wouldn't bother watching gotham knights for any reason, i'm caught up but i'm also doing a watch party where we pirate it and we just make up jokes from it. tho you /have/ missed the show making harvey cuck lincoln march (...ok on the real never thought i'd type that out and now im laughing at the absurdity of it) and him going "actually yeah joe chill is right i think he's innocent" because for some??? reason??? joe chill never pulled the trigger and the gunshots came behind him????? to which harv deduces that sounds?? forensically correct??? also stephanie loves her dad???? and he's not abusive?????
this show is slowly melting my brain i swear to god. between 'joe chill is innocent', 'harvey does a cucking' and 'talon is stopped by mahogany doors' i honestly could make a game where i make things up from this show and STILL have all the answers actually be correct.
Normally I would heed this advice, but unfortunately, I am burdened by blorbo compulsions to seek out anything related to Harvey. If I couldn't avoid sitting through the Long Halloween movie, I'm not gonna be able to avoid this. As annoying as I find all the above you mention, I can deal with most it by skimming through the non-Harvey parts.
(That said, I don't know if I'll ever understand why Steph is such a beloved character, but even on principle, WTF? Making Arthur a good dad is so fundamentally against the core of her character. It's like how they made Jesse Custer's dad a religious asshole in the Preacher show, it's just such a wrong choice that completely breaks and betrays the fundamental spirit of the source material)
Also, I'll be honest, I hate the Court of Owls so much for several reasons, so I find the prospect of making them ridiculous to be VERY appealing. Seriously, mahogany is their weakness? That's objectively hilarious. I love that. It's one step closer to my ultimate wish to see the Court revealed to be a bunch of rich, stupid, loser weenies who have only gotten as far as they have on good PR.
But at the end of the day, I need to see it for Harvey. And based on the three episodes I've seen, this isn't even CLOSE to being the worst take on Harvey Dent I've encountered. There's enough here for me to chew on, even if/when it's bad. Like the cucking, sure, okay, we're doing that, okay.
(Note: based on the reactions in the GK tag, I had been misled to initially believe that Harvey fucked Lincoln March's MOM, not his wife. I am very, VERY disappointed that wasn't the case.)
On top of all this, the inclusion of Harvey's dad is too personally relevant to me to avoid. Removing (?) the alcoholism but keeping the mental illness and the fears of inheriting mental illness is a problematic choice, but it sounds potentially closer to what I've needed to see from Harvey's dad than most stories, which just have him as a physically abusive alcoholic. I've needed to write about Christopher Dent for ages, tying in my own personal experiences, and this (likely bad!) use of him is something I'm going to want to take into consideration. I can't NOT see it.
This is my gift curse. This is my curse. It's a double-curse. Which tracks.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
my thoughts after watching The Eclipse episode 11. i don't want to put it in the main tag (at least not yet) because it's just confused ramblings, so it's below a cut so y'all can avoid spoilers.
hmm. I'm not sure what I thought of this episode. I mean, I had many thoughts, but they are contradictory and confused. There were many individual moments that I loved, particularly the ones between Akk and Ayan. After finishing the whole think I still think it felt rushed and crammed in. I think that I will have to watch the next, final episode before I'm really able to evaluate it, episode eleven really doesn't feel like it stands on it's own. Threads seem to be tied up, but not actually, other completely new threads are introduced (the creation of a BL drama).
Thua. I am most confused about my feelings about what happened with Thua this episode. I can't decide if his actions make sense to me and feel true to his character. Part of that is I'm not sure if a) continuing to act as the curse is at all a logical way to get the truth behind the curse revealed, and more importantly b) that I think that's something that Thua would have believed.
My initial reaction was that it felt totally out of character for Thua to do this, but now I think that maybe it fit. The whole time he's been show to be... not calculating exactly, but calm and observant and thoughtful. He's shy and quiet, so I think we in the fandom (and maybe his friends too?) have gotten this idea of him as a poor little meow meow, but looking back, that's not actually who he's been shown to be. I don't know, I really have to think on it more.
I do wish the show had spent more time dealing with the emotional repercussions of all these revelations instead of moving right on to making the movie. That's a big thing that felt rushed and deflated the energy for me. These five boys all discovered that someone they were close to was lying about something huge! That's going to shake their relationships in a way that won't get fixed by a quick conversation. Kan and Thua in particular - they went back to being at ease together way too quickly for me.
As for the making of a BL film - my initial reaction was oh no! not another self-referential BL show within a show. But I'm starting to like the idea because it's not just about making a BL, it's about making political stories. It was the line about BL being Thailand's soft power that got me to think maybe Golf et al. were going somewhere interesting with this, that's its not just about BLs themselves, but about the influence they hold and what can be done (what Golf et al. are doing) with that. Wat leading them to do intimacy exercises while the camera was rolling was a little odd, but he's an untrained teenaged filmmaker so the oddness kind of made sense.
And while I'm generally not a fan of characters re-enacting scenes from their lives, Akk and Ayan's conversation afterword was so cute that I can't object. Them! The way they look at each other! How much Akk loves being teased by Aye!
I haven't watched the "coming next week" part yet, so I don't know what's planned, but I hope the stuff with the Suppalo and the protesters haven't been dropped, that this was just an oddly paced interlude. Because it really feels incomplete and like it needs to be dealt with. And in such a political show I can't imagine that it won't somehow be dealt with. And I'm less hopeful that this will happen, but I would really like for their to be some emotional fall out to all the lies and betrayals that were revealed. I'm not saying the characters wouldn't be friends again, I think they would! But the shift back into normalcy feels unfounded.
Thoughts on Chadok and Dika. I think I liked it. I think it felt mostly right. It was just another thing that felt too rushed too be as effective as I wanted it to be. It was too much of an outline of a story rather than a story itself, and it needed more substance to carry the weight of Dika's suicide. I don't know what I wanted more of in particular, but I felt like I needed more of something. But now it makes sense why the notebook was so poorly hidden under his desk; Chadok didn't hide it there at all, Thua just slipped it in (and I still don't really understand what he thought that in particular would do? The only reason that makes sense is he was acting out of anger toward Aye, but if so that needed to be addressed in some way). And congratulations to the brilliant minds who saw the Dika-Chadok romance coming. (And the geniuses who predicted that Thua would be the one carrying on the curse.)
What else is on my mind? Kan publicly proclaiming Thua has his boyfriend. Again, I think I liked the scene for itself - Kan having come so far that he's ready to do this, the echo of him taking Thua's hand but this time holding on, their joy in being able to publicly claim each other. But again I was distracted by the fact that Kan and Thua never dealt with Thua being the curse and hiding it. It made it hard to feel the joy with them that I wanted too. And I'm not sure what I think about all the surrounding students seeming to be happy for them. On the one hand, that's so wonderful! On the other hand, Suppalo students have been explicitly shown being homophobic, so what's changed? I'm not saying that that change is unlikely, just that I want to see what happened to believe and understand it.
The Eclipse as a metaphor - the whole thing with the principal being beholden to the investors and the way money ultimately is the real power. I have thoughts, but I don't feel like writing them now. And honestly, there was a lot less of a focus on that this episode than I was expecting. Again, hopefully we get more of this in the final episode.
Akk and Aye moments I loved: all of them! everything with the pin, the way they looked at each other during the ceremony, all of Aye's support and the way he kept reinforcing that he loved Akk no matter what. This is a couple that I truly believe love each other, in a way that I don't always with onscreen couples. I have vague plans to write a post about that eventually. I just love them so much!
I still love this show! I'm confused about this episode, but i'm withholding judgment until the end so I can see how it fits into the series as a whole. And probably until after I re watch it. I focused mainly on the negatives here because that's what I needed to work through in my mind, the positives don't require thought.
Ok, that's all my thoughts for now. I probably repeat myself a lot and this may not make any sense, but I'm not going to even re-read it let alone edit it.
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doofnoof · 2 years
Hey Bug I read your tag response to the oc post and I have a question you’re not obligated to answer!
Pronouns and gender interest me, especially when people use ones that aren’t the same as/associated with their sex, and I’m curious if there’s a reason why you use both it/its and they/them?
It/its is commonly used to refer to objects, and I’m wondering if you use those pronouns because of that (the association of something outside the binary) or because it’s just gender neutral.
This is very random and I hope I worded it okay :)
I was writing a longer thingie here, but I'm shortening it here because I could talk for Hours about Gender. So. For me, gender was always a prison. I was expected to be a Girl, and as a girl I could really only reach for Second Best most of the time. It sucked.
I finally felt like myself when I made friends (real friends) for the first time in Washington, which was a much more liberal area than where I had been raised. Nobody really bullied me any more, and I finally found someone that made me feel like I didn't have to be afraid to be Myself. Eventually I found out that I liked girls and that it was an okay feeling for someone who was also a girl to have. I made friends with my friend's friends and their younger sibling, who I got along with as a Fellow G1 My Little Pony Fan And Toy Collector.
Something still didn't feel right though. I was finally Myself, but I still woke up every day cursing god that I was a girl and was expected to do and want girl things. It sucked. I didn't wanna be a girl. I didn't wanna be a boy either, I was just trading out glittery pink princess shackles for metallic blue football shackles. Shackles are still Shackles no matter how cool they look, and I'm not one to just go along with what everyone else wants me to do, at the very least I'll fight the whole way.
One day, my friend's younger sibling pipes up in our group chat and says "Hey I'm Nonbinary and use They/Them Pronouns, please call me [Name] instead of [deadname] from here on out." I didn't know what all of these words meant at all. So I messaged them and asked, because what else are ya gonna do?? They filled me in on the whole thing with Gender being a Spectrum, and they were simply choosing No Gender With Left Beef. Once they were done explaining I almost couldn't believe what I'd heard, it was like they'd taken every secret desire in my heart and said "hey this is possible and also super cool and you can do what you want actually." Like it really did just all fit into place for me. A little while later I came out as nonbinary because I didn't wanna steal their thunder but I was 110% ready to be Done with the whole Girl Thing. Didn't decide to go by a different name until I told my mom that I'm nonbinary. She still doesn't get it and won't use the name I've chosen even to this day, but you can't win 'em all, and I'm glad to finally know who I am.
I don't feel a lack of gender though, if anything I feel Almost Too Much Gender. White isn't the absence of color, but it's actually all colors at once. When light shines through a prism, it refracts into a rainbow. That's the closest I can get to explaining my gender. I'm genderfluid, so some days I'm more purple than blue, or more yellow than green, but they're all there in different amounts, you just can't see it unless I shine a light on it, really. They/Them also works because I contain multitudes. It's Great. Gender is a Spectrum and I'm a Rainbow.
Onto the it/it's thing. I've always loved insects and little creatures Too Small and Strange to Put a Gender To, most people can't look at a Roly-Poly and say Oh That's A Girl Insect, they just hold it up on their finger and admire it's cute little antennas. I've Always Fucked Heavily With That. But that's not what fully It/It's'd My Gender. I was at college and having moved to a Much Less Liberal Place Than Washington, there was a group of girls making fun of trans people for Anything They Could Think Of because they're bigoted and slurs are funny or whatever. I mentioned that I'm gay and use they/them pronouns, and cracked a few Tumblr Jokes™ like the good old "I'm about to make your pronouns was/were," and got a few laughs. And then the girl that started this whole mess was uncomfortable that the spotlight wasn't on her anymore and said some unfunny shit like "lol this table's pronouns are it/it's!!! Lmao!!! how ridiculous 😂🤣😂🤣" and I decided then and there that those are gonna be my pronouns. And funny enough, even after I left college, the pronouns stuck, I really like them! They feel comfortable, like the right pronouns for a Bug such as Myself.
My Gender Journey has mostly been stumbling into different Gender Things and trying them on, and if I don't like it then the gender goes back on the rack. If I do I just take it home with me and style it however I please. Gender doesn't have to be a prison!!!! Sometimes it can be your fucking home!!!!!!! It's Great!!!!!!!!
TLDR: friend freed me from gender prison and I found they/them pronouns bc I have lotsa the Gender Fluid in me, someone made fun of it/its pronouns so I decided to make it uncomfortable for them to be transphobic, ended up Liking it/its pronouns.
Can't believe that this is the shortened version of my original post. Thank you for asking Minty!!!!!! This was a fun trip down memory lane :)
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